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Latvian electricity producers must apply to the Ministry of Economy for the right to produce electricity. Wind,
biomass and solar energies projects compete in a tender for the government’s capacity targets. Hydro project
developers apply directly to the Ministry of Economy. Successful tenders have the right to produce electricity
for 20 years with feed-in tariffs determined by the government. Regulation Nr. 262 (Regarding the Production
of Electricity Using Renewable Energy Sources and the Procedures for the Determination of the Price) defines
specific methods for the calculation of feed-in tariffs (Republic of Latvia [a], 2010). The Government of Latvia
sets output caps in capacity hours/year. The feed-in tariff led to a massive growth in power plants in some
sectors. For instance, the installed electricity generating capacity of wind power plants grew by almost 112
General Country
Population: 2,025,473
Surface Area: 64,480 km²
Capital City: Riga
GDP (2012): $ 28.3 billion
GDP Per Capita (2012): $ 13,984
WB Ease of Doing Business: 24
Sources: WWEA (2013); EBRD (2009); EurObserv’Er (2013); World Bank (2014); ESHA (2013); EC (2013), Renewable Facts (2013); EIA
(2013); SRS NET & EEE (2008); Hoogwijk and Graus (2008); Hoogwijk (2004); JRC (2011); and UNDP calculations.
R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y S N A P S H O T :
Key information about renewable energy in Latvia
Empowered lives.
Resilient nations.
RE Share
2,609 MW
Total Installed Capacity
Biomass Solar PV Wind Small Hydro
< 1 1.5 68 26
500 59,400 2,000 900
96 MW
Installed RE Capacity
Electricity Generating
Capacity 2012
Installed Renewable Electricity
Capacity 2012 in MW
Technical Potential for Installed
Renewable Electricity Capacity in MW


percent in 2012 alone (WWEA, 2013). According to the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, for-
eign investors invested €17 million in green technologies in 2009. For this reason, the government closed
the feed-in tariff for new submissions and no new electricity licences will be granted until 1 January 2016
(ResLegal, 2013). The World Bank ranks Latvia in its Ease of Doing Business indicator in 24th
spot. The condi-
tions for accessing credit (3rd
position) are particularly favourable (IFC & World Bank, 2014).
EU Directive 2009/28/EC on Renewable Energy required Latvia to develop a national renewable energy action
plan. It sets the mandatory national target of 40 percent share of renewable energy sources in gross final
energy consumption until 2020 (Republic of Latvia [b], 2010). Although the feed-in tariff promoted an in-
crease of renewable energy sources, it is currently on hold and renewable energy producers are not given
priority in grid access. But there are other incentives that make investment in renewable energies attractive.
Electricity produced from renewable sources as well as combined heat and power plants are exempt from
the electricity tax, which currently stands at €1/MW-h. Hydropower plants are exempt from the tax on natural
resources. The Law on State Aid Control (2009) grants state aid for the costs of renewable energy projects
from solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and hydro sources up to 60 percent (ResLegal, 2013).
Legislation and policy
R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y S N A P S H O T :
Organization Responsibility Website
Ministry of Economy - Grants electricity production licences
- Evaluates and decides tenders
- Evaluates and decides about hydro projects
Ministry of Environment
Protection and Regional
- Elaborates and publishes information on all available
climate change financial instruments
- Provides grid access
- Manages and operates the grid
Public Utilities Commission - Determines the methodology for calculating tariffs
- If not explicitly stated in specific laws, the Commis-
sion is also responsible for tariff setting
and Development
Agency of Latvia
- Supports and advices foreign investors in Latvia www.liaa.gov.lv/


Opportunities to finance renewable energy projects in Latvia
Financing organization Details Website
EU Structural Funds The European Regional Development Fund, the Euro-
pean Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund are struc-
tural funds that also support projects enhancing
environmental protection.
Latvian Environment
Investment Fund
Gives loans if the project benefits the environment
and is financially sound.
European Investment
Fund (EIF)
Gives loans to small and medium enterprises via the
CIP and JEREMIE initiatives through intermediate
European Bank
for Reconstruction
and Development (EBRD)
Provides renewable energy developers with equity,
loans and loan guarantees for projects with good
commercial prospects of up to 15 years’duration.
Latvian Guarantee Agency Provides support to Latvian businesses to implement
business ideas with loans and guarantees.
Recent projects
Company Project Status
Nelja Energia (Estonia) Plans to build 200 MW wind farms through investment
of around €500 million.
Under development
Euro Energy (England) Opened an office in Latvia and entered a joint venture
to develop biogas plants. The company currently runs
six biogas plants with around 10 MW installed capacity.
Fortum (Finland) A 23 MWe CHP biomass power plant opened in Sep-
tember 2013 in Jelgava.The heating capacity is 45 MW.


EurObserv’Er, 2013: Photovoltaic Barometer 2013.
Available at: www.energies-renouvelables.org/observ-er
/stat _baro/observ/baro-jdp9.pdf
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD), 2009: Latvia – Country Profile. Available at:
European Commission (EC), 2013: EU Energy in Figures -
Statistical Pocket Book 2013. Available at:
European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA), 2013:
HYDI Database. Available at:
Hoogwijk, M., 2004: On the global and regional
potential of renewable energy sources. Utrecht:
Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Scheikunde. Dissertation.
Available at: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/
Hoogwiijk, M. andW. Graus, 2008: Global Potential of
Renewable Energy Sources: A Literature Assessment.
Available at: www.ecofys.com/files/files
International Finance Corporation (IFC) andWorld Bank,
2014: Doing Business – Measuring Business
Regulations. Available at:
www.doingbusiness.org/ data/exploreeconomies/
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
(JRC), 2011:Technical Assessment of the Renewable
Energy Action Plans. Available at:
Renewable Facts, 2013: Latvia. Available at:
Republic of Latvia (a), 2010: Regulation Nr. 262
Regarding the Production of Electricity Using
Renewable Energy Sources and the Procedures for the
Determination of the Price. Available At:
Republic of Latvia (b), 2010: National Renewable Energy
Action Plan for implementing Directive 2009/28/EC
Scientific Reference System on New Energy
Technologies, Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy
(SRS NET & EEE), 2008:WP3-Technology data - Executive
Summary on Small Hydro. Available at:
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2013:
Levelized Cost of New Generation Resources in the
Annual Energy Outlook 2013. Available at: http://
World Bank, 2014: Data Catalog. Available at:
WorldWind Energy Association (WWEA), 2013: 2012
Annual Report. Available at: www.wwindea.org/

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  • 1. Latvian electricity producers must apply to the Ministry of Economy for the right to produce electricity. Wind, biomass and solar energies projects compete in a tender for the government’s capacity targets. Hydro project developers apply directly to the Ministry of Economy. Successful tenders have the right to produce electricity for 20 years with feed-in tariffs determined by the government. Regulation Nr. 262 (Regarding the Production of Electricity Using Renewable Energy Sources and the Procedures for the Determination of the Price) defines specific methods for the calculation of feed-in tariffs (Republic of Latvia [a], 2010). The Government of Latvia sets output caps in capacity hours/year. The feed-in tariff led to a massive growth in power plants in some sectors. For instance, the installed electricity generating capacity of wind power plants grew by almost 112 Latvia General Country Information Population: 2,025,473 Surface Area: 64,480 km² Capital City: Riga GDP (2012): $ 28.3 billion GDP Per Capita (2012): $ 13,984 WB Ease of Doing Business: 24 Sources: WWEA (2013); EBRD (2009); EurObserv’Er (2013); World Bank (2014); ESHA (2013); EC (2013), Renewable Facts (2013); EIA (2013); SRS NET & EEE (2008); Hoogwijk and Graus (2008); Hoogwijk (2004); JRC (2011); and UNDP calculations. R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y S N A P S H O T : Key information about renewable energy in Latvia Empowered lives. Resilient nations. 3.7% RE Share 2,609 MW Total Installed Capacity Biomass Solar PV Wind Small Hydro < 1 1.5 68 26 500 59,400 2,000 900 96 MW Installed RE Capacity Electricity Generating Capacity 2012 Installed Renewable Electricity Capacity 2012 in MW Technical Potential for Installed Renewable Electricity Capacity in MW
  • 2. percent in 2012 alone (WWEA, 2013). According to the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, for- eign investors invested €17 million in green technologies in 2009. For this reason, the government closed the feed-in tariff for new submissions and no new electricity licences will be granted until 1 January 2016 (ResLegal, 2013). The World Bank ranks Latvia in its Ease of Doing Business indicator in 24th spot. The condi- tions for accessing credit (3rd position) are particularly favourable (IFC & World Bank, 2014). EU Directive 2009/28/EC on Renewable Energy required Latvia to develop a national renewable energy action plan. It sets the mandatory national target of 40 percent share of renewable energy sources in gross final energy consumption until 2020 (Republic of Latvia [b], 2010). Although the feed-in tariff promoted an in- crease of renewable energy sources, it is currently on hold and renewable energy producers are not given priority in grid access. But there are other incentives that make investment in renewable energies attractive. Electricity produced from renewable sources as well as combined heat and power plants are exempt from the electricity tax, which currently stands at €1/MW-h. Hydropower plants are exempt from the tax on natural resources. The Law on State Aid Control (2009) grants state aid for the costs of renewable energy projects from solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and hydro sources up to 60 percent (ResLegal, 2013). Legislation and policy R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y S N A P S H O T : Institutions Organization Responsibility Website Ministry of Economy - Grants electricity production licences - Evaluates and decides tenders - Evaluates and decides about hydro projects www.em.gov.lv/ Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development - Elaborates and publishes information on all available climate change financial instruments www.varam.gov.lv/eng Augstsprieguma tīkls - Provides grid access - Manages and operates the grid www.ast.lv/eng Public Utilities Commission - Determines the methodology for calculating tariffs - If not explicitly stated in specific laws, the Commis- sion is also responsible for tariff setting www.sprk.gov.lv/?setl=2 Investment and Development Agency of Latvia - Supports and advices foreign investors in Latvia www.liaa.gov.lv/
  • 3. Latvia Opportunities to finance renewable energy projects in Latvia Financing organization Details Website EU Structural Funds The European Regional Development Fund, the Euro- pean Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund are struc- tural funds that also support projects enhancing environmental protection. www.esfondi.lv/ Latvian Environment Investment Fund Gives loans if the project benefits the environment and is financially sound. www.lvif.gov.lv European Investment Fund (EIF) Gives loans to small and medium enterprises via the CIP and JEREMIE initiatives through intermediate banks. www.eif.org/what_we_do/where/lv/ European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Provides renewable energy developers with equity, loans and loan guarantees for projects with good commercial prospects of up to 15 years’duration. www.ebrd.com/pages/workingwithus/pro jects.shtml Latvian Guarantee Agency Provides support to Latvian businesses to implement business ideas with loans and guarantees. www.lga.lv/index.php?id=25&L=1 Recent projects Company Project Status Nelja Energia (Estonia) Plans to build 200 MW wind farms through investment of around €500 million. Under development Euro Energy (England) Opened an office in Latvia and entered a joint venture to develop biogas plants. The company currently runs six biogas plants with around 10 MW installed capacity. Commissioned Fortum (Finland) A 23 MWe CHP biomass power plant opened in Sep- tember 2013 in Jelgava.The heating capacity is 45 MW. Commissioned
  • 4. Latvia References EurObserv’Er, 2013: Photovoltaic Barometer 2013. Available at: www.energies-renouvelables.org/observ-er /stat _baro/observ/baro-jdp9.pdf European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 2009: Latvia – Country Profile. Available at: http://ws2-23.myloadspring.com/sites /renew/countries/Latvia/default.aspx European Commission (EC), 2013: EU Energy in Figures - Statistical Pocket Book 2013. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/publications/doc/2013_ pocketbook.pdf European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA), 2013: HYDI Database. Available at: http://streammap.esha.be/ Hoogwijk, M., 2004: On the global and regional potential of renewable energy sources. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Scheikunde. Dissertation. Available at: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/ dissertations/2004-0309-123617/full.pdf Hoogwiijk, M. andW. Graus, 2008: Global Potential of Renewable Energy Sources: A Literature Assessment. Available at: www.ecofys.com/files/files /report_global_potential_of_renewable_energy_sourc es_a_literature_assessment.pdf International Finance Corporation (IFC) andWorld Bank, 2014: Doing Business – Measuring Business Regulations. Available at: www.doingbusiness.org/ data/exploreeconomies/ latvia/ Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), 2011:Technical Assessment of the Renewable Energy Action Plans. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/downloads/jrc_reference _report_2011_reap.pdf Renewable Facts, 2013: Latvia. Available at: www.renewablefacts.com/country/latvia Republic of Latvia (a), 2010: Regulation Nr. 262 Regarding the Production of Electricity Using Renewable Energy Sources and the Procedures for the Determination of the Price. Available At: www.vvc.gov.lv/export/sites/default/docs/LRTA/MK_ Noteikumi/Cab._Reg._No._262_-_Production_of_ Electricity_Using_Renewable_Energy_and_ Determination_of_the_Price.doc Republic of Latvia (b), 2010: National Renewable Energy Action Plan for implementing Directive 2009/28/EC http://ec.europa.eu/energy/renewables/action_ plan_en.htm Scientific Reference System on New Energy Technologies, Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy (SRS NET & EEE), 2008:WP3-Technology data - Executive Summary on Small Hydro. Available at: http://srs.epu.ntua.gr/Portals/SRS/material/ technologyreview/Small%20Hydro.pdf U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2013: Levelized Cost of New Generation Resources in the Annual Energy Outlook 2013. Available at: http:// www.eia.gov/forecasts/aeo/electricity_generation.cfm World Bank, 2014: Data Catalog. Available at: http://datacatalog.worldbank.org/ WorldWind Energy Association (WWEA), 2013: 2012 Annual Report. Available at: www.wwindea.org/ webimages/WorldWindEnergyReport2012_final.pdf