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Leadership Development:
Growing Talent Strategically
Beverly A. Dugan
Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO)
Patrick Gavan O’Shea
Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO)
Copyright February 2014
Society for Human Resource Management and Society for
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
SHRM-SIOP Science of HR White Paper Series
Beverly A. Dugan
Human Resources Research Organization
[email protected]
Beverly Dugan, Ph.D., has more than 25 years of experience in
management, and organizational research and consulting. She
recently retired from
the Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO), where
she was a vice
president and division director. In this position, she managed
talent management
projects and was also responsible for developing and
maintaining the corporate
capability to perform leading-edge talent management research
and development
services for federal agencies, associations and the private
sector. She is currently an
independent consultant and leadership coach. She received her
Ph.D. in experimental
psychology from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and
is a member of the
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP),
the Society of Consulting
Psychology (SCP), the American Psychological Association and
the International Coach
Patrick Gavan O’Shea
Human Resources Research Organization
[email protected]
Gavan O’Shea is the Director of Federal Talent Management at
HumRRO. Gavan’s
specific areas of expertise include leadership assessment and
development, 360-degree
feedback, job analysis and competency modeling, and employee
selection and
promotion. He is an Adjunct Professor within Villanova
University’s Department of
Human Resource Development, and his work has appeared in
outlets including
Leadership, Military Psychology, Group Dynamics, the Journal
of Business and
Psychology, the Journal of Management and the Encyclopedia
of Leadership. Gavan
received his Ph.D. in industrial-organizational psychology from
Virginia Tech.
The Importance of Leadership
The world is changing in countless ways, and the effects are
rippling throughout
our society and our organizations. While
constant, dramatic change has become the
status quo, 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn
65 each day between now and 2030 (Cohn &
Taylor, 2010). The challenges presented by
ongoing change and the loss of wisdom and
experience associated with the aging of the
workforce drive the need for strong leaders.
Recognizing this need, organizations spend
a lot of money on leader development. A
study conducted by Bersin Associates (2009) found that
companies spent an average of
nearly $500,000 on leader development in 2008, with small
companies spending about
$170,000 and large companies spending about $1.3 million. By
fostering strategic
A joint Bersin-Center for Creative
Leadership (CCL) study reported
that 86% of companies with
strategic leadership development
programs were able to respond to
changing business environments
rapidly compared with 52% of
companies with less mature
programs (Martineau, Hoole &
Patterson, 2009).
A key challenge facing organizations today involves developing
their current and aspiring leaders. In
this paper, we highlight a number of strategies to address this
challenge and increase the likelihood
that leader development efforts will yield successful outcomes.
We begin by discussing the
importance of linking leader development efforts to the
organization’s mission and strategy, noting
how these links can clarify leadership performance objectives,
competencies and gaps. We also
highlight critical program design considerations, including how
to maximize learning through
experience, and present issues to consider when selecting leader
development program
participants. Finally, we discuss several emerging leader
development trends and describe a
model for how to conduct comprehensive, informative
evaluations of leader development
leader development, organizations equip themselves to deal with
challenge and
Theories and approaches about leader development abound. An
Internet search
on the term “leadership development” yielded 438,000,000
results. Here, we attempt
to provide an overview of best practices based on relevant
research and practice in the
Before we proceed, we make note of the distinction between
development and leadership development. Leader development
refers to enhancing
the individual’s capability to lead effectively, whereas
leadership development refers to
building the organization’s capability to perform the leadership
tasks required to
accomplish a shared mission (Van Velsor & McCauley, 2004).
Because our focus here is
primarily on exploring training and developmental experiences
offered to individuals,
we use the term leader development. However, since leader and
development blend together when organizations develop talent
management and
succession planning solutions, we chose not to emphasize this
distinction throughout
the paper.
Planning for Leader Development
One of the first tasks when planning for leader development
activities is to
outline the business case for leader development, and ensure the
program is aligned
with corporate strategy, policies and programs. Successful
leader development
programs directly and clearly affect business outcomes.
Defining the objectives of
leader development is an ongoing process that relates objectives
to corporate strategic
imperatives, defines leadership competencies and links those
competencies with
important business outcomes. Before finalizing program
objectives, it is important to
determine what leadership competency gaps exist in the
workforce and ensure that the
objectives address critical competency shortages. Figure 1
depicts key linkages that can
serve as a framework for the business case and input to program
Figure 1. Framework for a Leader Development Program
Business Case
Another important consideration has to do with how and where
to devote
resources. What leadership levels will be included? One option
is to start at the top of
the organization to prepare mid-level managers and junior
executives for more senior-
level positions. Many organizations choose to invest in high-
potential employees only,
at least for the most in-depth leader development offerings. The
central question in
identifying potential is, “Potential for what?” Organizations
experienced in leader
development maintain several different high-potential talent
pools (Henson, 2009;
Silzer & Church, 2009). Multiple potential pools recognize with
some precision the
Leader Development Program Objectives
Leadership Competencies and Gaps
Leadership Performance Objectives
Business Outcomes
Organizational Mission and Strategy
types of talent needed for organizational success. Such pools
might include individuals
with potential to achieve:
Understanding the links among desired leadership attributes and
objectives will help address questions about resource allocation
for development. For
example, a technology-based organization that has fallen behind
its competitors in
bringing new products to market might focus on building
technical leadership to meet
the strategic imperative of developing
competitive, leading-edge technology
products. This strategic imperative requires
a pool of strong technical leaders who will
(a), ensure the technical staff have the skills
and expertise needed to develop cutting-edge products, (b),
create an environment
that supports innovation and creativity, and (c), bring a breadth
and depth of
understanding of emerging technologies and the competitive
Finally, what is required to prepare the organization for a new
(or renewed)
focus on leader development? Obtaining stakeholder
commitment and support may be
a particularly tricky issue in an organization in which leader
development has received
limited attention. In order for leader development to be
successful, senior leaders must
assume visible roles, perhaps as mentors, seminar leaders,
feedback providers and so
Climate survey results, exit
interview data and employee focus
groups can all provide insight into
the climate for development.
on. Senior leaders are key to creating a climate of support (e.g.,
releasing employees
for developmental assignments), tolerance of mistakes (as
developing leaders try out
new approaches) and providing challenging developmental
assignments (Avolio &
Hannah, 2008; McCauley, Ruderman, Ohlott, & Morrow, 1994).
At the systems level, a
review of HR policies and practices will reveal what
accountability systems are in place
or might be needed. For example, are senior leaders held
accountable for identifying
and developing the talent in their workforces? These
considerations will help define
what work the senior management team needs to do in terms of
modeling desired behaviors, and exhibiting commitment and
Choosing Leader Development Program Participants
Organizations rarely have the resources to develop everyone and
thus have to
choose leader development participants. Current job
performance is a convenient
metric for identifying future leaders, but by itself it does not
necessarily predict
effectiveness at higher levels, nor the readiness to develop for
such positions. The
challenge is developing and using data in addition to current job
performance to
determine who is ready for development. It is a good idea to
obtain diverse
perspectives on an individual’s performance over multiple
years. Many organizations
use teams of executives who are trained to evaluate the relevant
characteristics to
review candidate data over several years (Henson, 2009; Mone,
Acritani, & Eisinger,
2009). What might the relevant characteristics be?
Practitioners recommend that three types of individual attributes
be considered
in identifying individuals for development (Silzer & Church,
1. Foundational dimensions are consistent over time and hard to
2. Growth dimensions facilitate or inhibit an individual’s
growth and development
and may be strengthened in a supportive environment or when
an individual has
strong interest in the area of study.
3. Career dimensions are career-specific indicators of probable
success in future
Foundational dimensions include cognitive abilities,
exemplified by the ability to
grasp complicated issues and solve complex problems, and basic
interpersonal skills,
such as responsiveness to the concerns of
others and the ability to work well with others.
Growth dimensions have received
increasing attention of late, though reliable
and valid measures associated with them are
often not available. However, empirical evidence indicates that
certain individuals may
get more out of development programs than others, and the
growth dimensions are
key differentiators. For example, developmental opportunities
often involve challenges
that push people out of their “comfort zone” and expose areas
for growth, which can be
a threatening and anxiety-provoking process. Individuals who
view errors and mistakes
as feedback, define success and failure in learning- rather than
terms, and persist in the face of obstacles have a learning goal
orientation. Several
studies have reported positive links among learning goal
orientation and leader
development and training outcomes (e.g., Brett & VandeWalle,
1999; Day & Sin, 2011).
Aspiring leaders may need to
broaden their idea of what
leadership entails as they gain
increased responsibility.
Studies indicate that motives more directly related to leadership
are also relevant. For
example, the motivation to lead—which typically involves a
preference for leading over
following and a personal identification with the leader role—
predicts observer ratings of
leadership potential (Chan & Drasgow, 2001). It is likely that
individuals with the
motivation to lead have sought opportunities to demonstrate
their leadership
capability. Learning goal orientation and the motivation to lead
are components of a
broader concept that has received considerable attention in
recent years,
developmental readiness. Bruce Avolio (2010) highlights these
concepts when he notes
that in order to be developmentally ready, one must “have some
motivation to lead and
to learn” (p. 19).
Career dimensions refer to aspects in the candidate’s
background that suggest
preparation for higher levels of responsibility. Career
dimensions are exhibited through
attributes such as the demonstrated ability to get things done
through others and a
history of taking on assignments that increase one’s technical
capabilities and/or
exposure to different aspects of the business.
These interrelated dimensions suggest questions, such as those
in Table 1,
should be answered in reviewing candidates for development.
Of course, the
background review will be scaled to fit the level of
development as first-level supervisor will have had different
experiences and
opportunities from candidates for executive development.
Table 1. Sample Candidate Evaluation Questions
Dimensions of Potential Candidate Review: Has the
Foundational dimensions Exhibited the ability to grasp complex
Solved complex problems?
Maintained good working relationships with others?
Growth dimensions Taken steps to learn new skills and/or
develop in new areas?
Accepted and used feedback, both positive and
Exhibited a willingness to accept challenging assignments,
including leadership roles (e.g., task force assignments)?
Career dimensions Held positions that deal with different
aspects of the business?
Kept pace with technical advancements?
Shown the capability to accomplish things through others?
Design Considerations
Well-designed leader development programs often begin with an
component. Such assessments could include 360-degree
feedback surveys, self-reports
of personality traits, interests and motives, or online
simulations that involve role-plays
or solving a variety of supervisory challenges (e.g., prioritizing
issues that appear in a
virtual in-box). Ideally, participants receive a detailed feedback
report that includes
developmental opportunities linked to each competency or work
dimension tapped by
the assessment. Furthermore, a trained feedback facilitator or
coach can work with the
participant to digest the feedback and use it to inform an
individual development plan
(IDP). The IDP then serves as a roadmap that articulates what
competencies and skills
the participant will focus on enhancing during the leader
development program, the
types of learning activities and timeframe associated with each
developmental goal,
and the desired outcomes.
Developmentally challenging experiences tend to involve
several of the
following activities: handling unfamiliar/novel responsibilities,
creating and facilitating
change, working across boundaries (often without direct
authority), managing
diversity, and assuming high levels of responsibilities
(McCauley, Ruderman, Ohlott, &
Morrow, 1994; Ohlott, 2004). However, development is not
guaranteed through simple
exposure to such tasks; indeed, as Day (2010) notes, “learning
from experience is not
easy, especially in achievement-oriented settings in the wild
where high performance is
expected” (p. 43). To facilitate learning from developmental
experiences, individuals
who are experiencing such challenges need regular feedback and
opportunities for
reflection and support. Research indicates that personal
characteristics interact with
such practices to enhance the development process. For
example, managers who have
a base of prior developmental experiences to draw upon and
who are conscientious,
open to new experiences, and emotionally stable are particularly
likely to benefit from
after-event reviews (AERs; DeRue, Nahrgang, Hollenbeck, &
Workman, 2012). While
leadership scholars have long recognized the critical role
reflection plays in the
leadership development process (Bennis, 1989), recent work has
provided suggestions
for how the process might optimally occur. For example, Shamir
and Eilam (2005)
describe a guided question technique that helps executives
frame experiences and
“trigger events” that they encounter during the development
Recognizing that the lessons people draw from experiences play
a central role in
their development, challenging job assignments are a critical
part of many leader
development programs. As McCall (2010) argues, those
for leader development within organizations
must recognize the developmental
opportunities created by the challenges
inherent in today’s turbulent business climate,
and begin “influencing how those challenges are attacked,
keeping developmental
needs in mind when selecting who will be involved, and
providing an opportunity for
reflection during and after the event” (p. 13). These types of
experiences are likely to
stimulate development (Ohlott, 2004). For example, aspiring
leaders frequently
complete cross-functional assignments, which involve working
for a specific period of
time in another organization or discipline. Such programs are
often cohort-based,
where participants come together at regular intervals to discuss
their experiences, hear
topical presentations and share information with other
participants. Finally,
participants may also work with a coach, who can provide
support, accountability,
challenge and encouragement as they complete the assignment.
Emerging Trends
The importance of experience to leader development is clear,
and recently the
definition of what constitutes experience has broadened to
include a way of
experiencing the world called mindfulness. Mindfulness is a
state of heightened
awareness that entails a focus on the present, awareness of
internal (i.e., somatic,
Today’s business environment
creates endless opportunities for
growth as a leader.
emotional and cognitive) and external events, and a
nonjudgmental attentiveness to all
that is in one’s environment (Brown, Ryan & Creswell, 2007;
Lee, 2012). Mindfulness
training has been used by the military to prepare soldiers for
deployment to war zones
(Jha, Stanley, Kiyuonaga, Wong & Gelfand, 2010) and by major
corporations such as
Aetna, General Mills and Google (Gelles, 2012). Mindfulness
training has the potential
to foster enhanced emotional intelligence and learning under
stress, and to reduce
derailment risk. Many major corporations are implementing
yoga, meditation and
other mindfulness practices to promote employee well-being
and improved business
skills (Lee, 2012; Gelles, 2012; Gardiner, 2012). It is thought
that mindfulness could
enhance learning orientation because it produces a
nonjudgmental perspective.
The beneficial outcomes of enhanced mindfulness (such as
awareness, clarity and focus, enhanced learning in challenging
or stressful
circumstances, and improved emotional regulation) are well-
documented, but there
are few guidelines on how to implement mindfulness training
for leader development.
Lee (2012) suggests the following considerations:
development, make sure
it focuses on more than stress reduction. Content should include
development and application of mindfulness in the workplace,
including how
to exercise mindfulness in the face of significant leadership
schedules, permitting, for example, virtual or asynchronous
participation for
part or all of the training?
es: Lee recommends patience, because developing
frequently requires persistence to develop a new approach to
internal and external events. The development of a deep level of
takes time.
Conducting a thorough evaluation of its leader development
efforts can help an
organization clarify the program’s impact and determine where
there is room for
improvement. For example, evaluators could work with
stakeholders to address
questions such as those listed below in Table 2.
Table 2. Potential Evaluation Questions
What goals and expectations does the organization have for the
leader development
How do we expect participants to grow and develop as a result
of their participation
in the program?
How quickly do we expect change to occur?
What impact will participants’ growth and development have on
their work groups
and divisions, as well as the organization as a whole?
When participants complete the leader development program,
how might the
organizational context facilitate or inhibit their ability to apply
what they learned
and continue to grow and learn?
Addressing these and other relevant questions will help an
articulate its “theory of the leader development program”
(Patterson, 2013), thus
clarifying the expected program outcomes at various
organizational levels, as well as
the processes expected to drive those outcomes (e.g., “We
expect the collective
leadership workshop to increase the extent to which managers
share decision-making
responsibilities with employees, which will, in turn, lead to
increased employee
engagement scores in the annual climate survey”).
When designing an evaluation strategy, frameworks from the
training arena
(Kirkpatrick, 1998; Phillips, 2012) may provide helpful insights
because they encourage
evaluators to consider how they expect a leader development
program to drive not only
participant reactions and learning, but also how the participant’s
changed behavior
could create a cascading impact on his or her work units,
divisions and the organization
in general. For example, a development program that focuses on
enhancing leaders’
ability to channel and articulate a compelling vision for their
team or division could lead
to increased engagement among team members, which could
trigger unit-wide
performance improvements. Indeed, articulating the expected
“ripple effects”
(Stawarski & O’Shea, 2013) of a leader development program is
a critical step toward
ensuring a comprehensive and informative evaluation process.
The ROLE Model
(Stawarski & O’Shea, 2013) depicted in Figure 2 includes a
broad array of possible
outcomes of leader development programs, incorporating both
personal and
organizational effects. If used early in the planning process, this
model can elaborate
the business case (by specifying linkages between individual
development and
organizational outcomes) and inform the design and
development process as well as
the evaluation. Once these expected processes and outcomes
have been clarified,
evaluators can work with organizational stakeholders to
determine what type of data
can be collected or obtained to measure such phenomena.
Figure 2. The Return on Learning Experience (ROLE) Model
The key challenge for organizations involves structuring
learning and
development experiences in such a way as to harness the
developmental opportunities
available in their unique environment. The research and practice
literature reviewed
above indicates a few key points to consider as an organization
plans for how to best
design a top-notch leader development program:
imperatives and leadership
leader development:
o Senior leader support, commitment and involvement.
o Alignment with other HR practices.
o Accountability systems to support leader development.
o Leadership development objectives and desired outcomes.
o Critical positions for development (e.g., functional leaders;
organizational leaders).
o Identifying employees for development based on foundational,
and career dimensions.
-based development process:
o Challenging, novel experiences.
o Opportunities for feedback and reflection through assessment,
and mentoring.
o Tolerance of mistakes and failure as participants try out new
-course corrections and
indicate effectiveness
of leader development efforts.
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How to cite this paper:
Dugan, B. A., & O'Shea, P. G. (2014). Leadership development:
Growing talent strategically. Society for
Human Resource Management (SHRM) and Society for
Industrial and Organizational
Psychology (SIOP) Science of HR White Paper Series.
© 2014 Society for Human Resource Management and Society
for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Leadership Development Growing Talent Strategically  .docx

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Leadership Development Growing Talent Strategically .docx

  • 1. Leadership Development: Growing Talent Strategically Beverly A. Dugan Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) Patrick Gavan O’Shea Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) Copyright February 2014 Society for Human Resource Management and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • 2. SHRM-SIOP Science of HR White Paper Series Beverly A. Dugan Human Resources Research Organization [email protected] Beverly Dugan, Ph.D., has more than 25 years of experience in leadership, management, and organizational research and consulting. She recently retired from the Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO), where she was a vice president and division director. In this position, she managed talent management projects and was also responsible for developing and maintaining the corporate capability to perform leading-edge talent management research and development services for federal agencies, associations and the private sector. She is currently an independent consultant and leadership coach. She received her Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and is a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the Society of Consulting Psychology (SCP), the American Psychological Association and the International Coach Federation.
  • 3. Patrick Gavan O’Shea Human Resources Research Organization [email protected] Gavan O’Shea is the Director of Federal Talent Management at HumRRO. Gavan’s specific areas of expertise include leadership assessment and development, 360-degree feedback, job analysis and competency modeling, and employee selection and promotion. He is an Adjunct Professor within Villanova University’s Department of Human Resource Development, and his work has appeared in outlets including Leadership, Military Psychology, Group Dynamics, the Journal of Business and Psychology, the Journal of Management and the Encyclopedia of Leadership. Gavan received his Ph.D. in industrial-organizational psychology from Virginia Tech. 1
  • 4. The Importance of Leadership The world is changing in countless ways, and the effects are rippling throughout our society and our organizations. While constant, dramatic change has become the status quo, 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 each day between now and 2030 (Cohn & Taylor, 2010). The challenges presented by ongoing change and the loss of wisdom and experience associated with the aging of the workforce drive the need for strong leaders. Recognizing this need, organizations spend a lot of money on leader development. A study conducted by Bersin Associates (2009) found that companies spent an average of nearly $500,000 on leader development in 2008, with small companies spending about $170,000 and large companies spending about $1.3 million. By fostering strategic A joint Bersin-Center for Creative
  • 5. Leadership (CCL) study reported that 86% of companies with strategic leadership development programs were able to respond to changing business environments rapidly compared with 52% of companies with less mature programs (Martineau, Hoole & Patterson, 2009). ABSTRACT A key challenge facing organizations today involves developing their current and aspiring leaders. In this paper, we highlight a number of strategies to address this challenge and increase the likelihood that leader development efforts will yield successful outcomes. We begin by discussing the importance of linking leader development efforts to the organization’s mission and strategy, noting how these links can clarify leadership performance objectives, competencies and gaps. We also
  • 6. highlight critical program design considerations, including how to maximize learning through experience, and present issues to consider when selecting leader development program participants. Finally, we discuss several emerging leader development trends and describe a model for how to conduct comprehensive, informative evaluations of leader development programs. 2 leader development, organizations equip themselves to deal with challenge and change. Theories and approaches about leader development abound. An Internet search on the term “leadership development” yielded 438,000,000 results. Here, we attempt to provide an overview of best practices based on relevant research and practice in the area. Before we proceed, we make note of the distinction between
  • 7. leader development and leadership development. Leader development refers to enhancing the individual’s capability to lead effectively, whereas leadership development refers to building the organization’s capability to perform the leadership tasks required to accomplish a shared mission (Van Velsor & McCauley, 2004). Because our focus here is primarily on exploring training and developmental experiences offered to individuals, we use the term leader development. However, since leader and leadership development blend together when organizations develop talent management and succession planning solutions, we chose not to emphasize this distinction throughout the paper. Planning for Leader Development One of the first tasks when planning for leader development activities is to outline the business case for leader development, and ensure the program is aligned
  • 8. with corporate strategy, policies and programs. Successful leader development programs directly and clearly affect business outcomes. Defining the objectives of leader development is an ongoing process that relates objectives to corporate strategic 3 imperatives, defines leadership competencies and links those competencies with important business outcomes. Before finalizing program objectives, it is important to determine what leadership competency gaps exist in the workforce and ensure that the objectives address critical competency shortages. Figure 1 depicts key linkages that can serve as a framework for the business case and input to program design. Figure 1. Framework for a Leader Development Program Business Case Another important consideration has to do with how and where to devote
  • 9. resources. What leadership levels will be included? One option is to start at the top of the organization to prepare mid-level managers and junior executives for more senior- level positions. Many organizations choose to invest in high- potential employees only, at least for the most in-depth leader development offerings. The central question in identifying potential is, “Potential for what?” Organizations experienced in leader development maintain several different high-potential talent pools (Henson, 2009; Silzer & Church, 2009). Multiple potential pools recognize with some precision the Leader Development Program Objectives Leadership Competencies and Gaps Leadership Performance Objectives Business Outcomes Organizational Mission and Strategy 4
  • 10. types of talent needed for organizational success. Such pools might include individuals with potential to achieve: Understanding the links among desired leadership attributes and business objectives will help address questions about resource allocation for development. For example, a technology-based organization that has fallen behind its competitors in bringing new products to market might focus on building technical leadership to meet the strategic imperative of developing competitive, leading-edge technology products. This strategic imperative requires a pool of strong technical leaders who will (a), ensure the technical staff have the skills and expertise needed to develop cutting-edge products, (b), create an environment
  • 11. that supports innovation and creativity, and (c), bring a breadth and depth of understanding of emerging technologies and the competitive market. Finally, what is required to prepare the organization for a new (or renewed) focus on leader development? Obtaining stakeholder commitment and support may be a particularly tricky issue in an organization in which leader development has received limited attention. In order for leader development to be successful, senior leaders must assume visible roles, perhaps as mentors, seminar leaders, feedback providers and so Climate survey results, exit interview data and employee focus groups can all provide insight into the climate for development. 5 on. Senior leaders are key to creating a climate of support (e.g.,
  • 12. releasing employees for developmental assignments), tolerance of mistakes (as developing leaders try out new approaches) and providing challenging developmental assignments (Avolio & Hannah, 2008; McCauley, Ruderman, Ohlott, & Morrow, 1994). At the systems level, a review of HR policies and practices will reveal what accountability systems are in place or might be needed. For example, are senior leaders held accountable for identifying and developing the talent in their workforces? These considerations will help define what work the senior management team needs to do in terms of communication, modeling desired behaviors, and exhibiting commitment and accountability. Choosing Leader Development Program Participants Organizations rarely have the resources to develop everyone and thus have to choose leader development participants. Current job performance is a convenient metric for identifying future leaders, but by itself it does not necessarily predict
  • 13. effectiveness at higher levels, nor the readiness to develop for such positions. The challenge is developing and using data in addition to current job performance to determine who is ready for development. It is a good idea to obtain diverse perspectives on an individual’s performance over multiple years. Many organizations use teams of executives who are trained to evaluate the relevant characteristics to review candidate data over several years (Henson, 2009; Mone, Acritani, & Eisinger, 2009). What might the relevant characteristics be? Practitioners recommend that three types of individual attributes be considered in identifying individuals for development (Silzer & Church, 2009): 6 1. Foundational dimensions are consistent over time and hard to change. 2. Growth dimensions facilitate or inhibit an individual’s
  • 14. growth and development and may be strengthened in a supportive environment or when an individual has strong interest in the area of study. 3. Career dimensions are career-specific indicators of probable success in future positions. Foundational dimensions include cognitive abilities, exemplified by the ability to grasp complicated issues and solve complex problems, and basic interpersonal skills, such as responsiveness to the concerns of others and the ability to work well with others. Growth dimensions have received increasing attention of late, though reliable and valid measures associated with them are often not available. However, empirical evidence indicates that certain individuals may get more out of development programs than others, and the growth dimensions are key differentiators. For example, developmental opportunities often involve challenges
  • 15. that push people out of their “comfort zone” and expose areas for growth, which can be a threatening and anxiety-provoking process. Individuals who view errors and mistakes as feedback, define success and failure in learning- rather than performance-based terms, and persist in the face of obstacles have a learning goal orientation. Several studies have reported positive links among learning goal orientation and leader development and training outcomes (e.g., Brett & VandeWalle, 1999; Day & Sin, 2011). Aspiring leaders may need to broaden their idea of what leadership entails as they gain increased responsibility. 7 Studies indicate that motives more directly related to leadership are also relevant. For example, the motivation to lead—which typically involves a
  • 16. preference for leading over following and a personal identification with the leader role— predicts observer ratings of leadership potential (Chan & Drasgow, 2001). It is likely that individuals with the motivation to lead have sought opportunities to demonstrate their leadership capability. Learning goal orientation and the motivation to lead are components of a broader concept that has received considerable attention in recent years, developmental readiness. Bruce Avolio (2010) highlights these concepts when he notes that in order to be developmentally ready, one must “have some motivation to lead and to learn” (p. 19). Career dimensions refer to aspects in the candidate’s background that suggest preparation for higher levels of responsibility. Career dimensions are exhibited through attributes such as the demonstrated ability to get things done through others and a history of taking on assignments that increase one’s technical capabilities and/or
  • 17. exposure to different aspects of the business. These interrelated dimensions suggest questions, such as those in Table 1, should be answered in reviewing candidates for development. Of course, the background review will be scaled to fit the level of development as first-level supervisor will have had different experiences and opportunities from candidates for executive development. 8 Table 1. Sample Candidate Evaluation Questions Dimensions of Potential Candidate Review: Has the candidate…. Foundational dimensions Exhibited the ability to grasp complex issues? Solved complex problems? Maintained good working relationships with others?
  • 18. Growth dimensions Taken steps to learn new skills and/or develop in new areas? Accepted and used feedback, both positive and developmental? Exhibited a willingness to accept challenging assignments, including leadership roles (e.g., task force assignments)? Career dimensions Held positions that deal with different aspects of the business? Kept pace with technical advancements? Shown the capability to accomplish things through others? Design Considerations Well-designed leader development programs often begin with an assessment component. Such assessments could include 360-degree feedback surveys, self-reports of personality traits, interests and motives, or online simulations that involve role-plays or solving a variety of supervisory challenges (e.g., prioritizing issues that appear in a virtual in-box). Ideally, participants receive a detailed feedback report that includes
  • 19. developmental opportunities linked to each competency or work dimension tapped by the assessment. Furthermore, a trained feedback facilitator or coach can work with the participant to digest the feedback and use it to inform an individual development plan (IDP). The IDP then serves as a roadmap that articulates what competencies and skills 9 the participant will focus on enhancing during the leader development program, the types of learning activities and timeframe associated with each developmental goal, and the desired outcomes. Developmentally challenging experiences tend to involve several of the following activities: handling unfamiliar/novel responsibilities, creating and facilitating change, working across boundaries (often without direct authority), managing diversity, and assuming high levels of responsibilities (McCauley, Ruderman, Ohlott, &
  • 20. Morrow, 1994; Ohlott, 2004). However, development is not guaranteed through simple exposure to such tasks; indeed, as Day (2010) notes, “learning from experience is not easy, especially in achievement-oriented settings in the wild where high performance is expected” (p. 43). To facilitate learning from developmental experiences, individuals who are experiencing such challenges need regular feedback and opportunities for reflection and support. Research indicates that personal characteristics interact with such practices to enhance the development process. For example, managers who have a base of prior developmental experiences to draw upon and who are conscientious, open to new experiences, and emotionally stable are particularly likely to benefit from after-event reviews (AERs; DeRue, Nahrgang, Hollenbeck, & Workman, 2012). While leadership scholars have long recognized the critical role reflection plays in the leadership development process (Bennis, 1989), recent work has provided suggestions
  • 21. for how the process might optimally occur. For example, Shamir and Eilam (2005) describe a guided question technique that helps executives frame experiences and “trigger events” that they encounter during the development process. 10 Recognizing that the lessons people draw from experiences play a central role in their development, challenging job assignments are a critical part of many leader development programs. As McCall (2010) argues, those responsible for leader development within organizations must recognize the developmental opportunities created by the challenges inherent in today’s turbulent business climate, and begin “influencing how those challenges are attacked, keeping developmental needs in mind when selecting who will be involved, and
  • 22. providing an opportunity for reflection during and after the event” (p. 13). These types of experiences are likely to stimulate development (Ohlott, 2004). For example, aspiring leaders frequently complete cross-functional assignments, which involve working for a specific period of time in another organization or discipline. Such programs are often cohort-based, where participants come together at regular intervals to discuss their experiences, hear topical presentations and share information with other participants. Finally, participants may also work with a coach, who can provide support, accountability, challenge and encouragement as they complete the assignment. Emerging Trends The importance of experience to leader development is clear, and recently the definition of what constitutes experience has broadened to include a way of experiencing the world called mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of heightened
  • 23. awareness that entails a focus on the present, awareness of internal (i.e., somatic, Today’s business environment creates endless opportunities for growth as a leader. 11 emotional and cognitive) and external events, and a nonjudgmental attentiveness to all that is in one’s environment (Brown, Ryan & Creswell, 2007; Lee, 2012). Mindfulness training has been used by the military to prepare soldiers for deployment to war zones (Jha, Stanley, Kiyuonaga, Wong & Gelfand, 2010) and by major corporations such as Aetna, General Mills and Google (Gelles, 2012). Mindfulness training has the potential to foster enhanced emotional intelligence and learning under stress, and to reduce derailment risk. Many major corporations are implementing yoga, meditation and other mindfulness practices to promote employee well-being
  • 24. and improved business skills (Lee, 2012; Gelles, 2012; Gardiner, 2012). It is thought that mindfulness could enhance learning orientation because it produces a nonjudgmental perspective. The beneficial outcomes of enhanced mindfulness (such as increased awareness, clarity and focus, enhanced learning in challenging or stressful circumstances, and improved emotional regulation) are well- documented, but there are few guidelines on how to implement mindfulness training for leader development. Lee (2012) suggests the following considerations: development, make sure it focuses on more than stress reduction. Content should include the development and application of mindfulness in the workplace, including how to exercise mindfulness in the face of significant leadership challenges. executive
  • 25. schedules, permitting, for example, virtual or asynchronous participation for part or all of the training? 12 es: Lee recommends patience, because developing mindfulness frequently requires persistence to develop a new approach to perceiving internal and external events. The development of a deep level of mindfulness takes time. Evaluation Conducting a thorough evaluation of its leader development efforts can help an organization clarify the program’s impact and determine where there is room for improvement. For example, evaluators could work with stakeholders to address questions such as those listed below in Table 2. Table 2. Potential Evaluation Questions
  • 26. What goals and expectations does the organization have for the leader development program? How do we expect participants to grow and develop as a result of their participation in the program? How quickly do we expect change to occur? What impact will participants’ growth and development have on their work groups and divisions, as well as the organization as a whole? When participants complete the leader development program, how might the organizational context facilitate or inhibit their ability to apply what they learned and continue to grow and learn? Addressing these and other relevant questions will help an organization articulate its “theory of the leader development program” (Patterson, 2013), thus clarifying the expected program outcomes at various organizational levels, as well as
  • 27. the processes expected to drive those outcomes (e.g., “We expect the collective leadership workshop to increase the extent to which managers share decision-making 13 responsibilities with employees, which will, in turn, lead to increased employee engagement scores in the annual climate survey”). When designing an evaluation strategy, frameworks from the training arena (Kirkpatrick, 1998; Phillips, 2012) may provide helpful insights because they encourage evaluators to consider how they expect a leader development program to drive not only participant reactions and learning, but also how the participant’s changed behavior could create a cascading impact on his or her work units, divisions and the organization in general. For example, a development program that focuses on enhancing leaders’ ability to channel and articulate a compelling vision for their team or division could lead
  • 28. to increased engagement among team members, which could trigger unit-wide performance improvements. Indeed, articulating the expected “ripple effects” (Stawarski & O’Shea, 2013) of a leader development program is a critical step toward ensuring a comprehensive and informative evaluation process. The ROLE Model TM (Stawarski & O’Shea, 2013) depicted in Figure 2 includes a broad array of possible outcomes of leader development programs, incorporating both personal and organizational effects. If used early in the planning process, this model can elaborate the business case (by specifying linkages between individual development and organizational outcomes) and inform the design and development process as well as the evaluation. Once these expected processes and outcomes have been clarified, evaluators can work with organizational stakeholders to determine what type of data
  • 29. can be collected or obtained to measure such phenomena. 14 Figure 2. The Return on Learning Experience (ROLE) Model TM Conclusion The key challenge for organizations involves structuring learning and development experiences in such a way as to harness the developmental opportunities available in their unique environment. The research and practice literature reviewed above indicates a few key points to consider as an organization plans for how to best design a top-notch leader development program: imperatives and leadership requirements. leader development:
  • 30. o Senior leader support, commitment and involvement. o Alignment with other HR practices. 15 o Accountability systems to support leader development. o Leadership development objectives and desired outcomes. o Critical positions for development (e.g., functional leaders; senior organizational leaders). o Identifying employees for development based on foundational, growth and career dimensions. -based development process: o Challenging, novel experiences. o Opportunities for feedback and reflection through assessment, coaching and mentoring. o Tolerance of mistakes and failure as participants try out new approaches.
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