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Lean Analytics
 Bringing Back the
    Book Report

Presented at Singapore Lean Startup Circle
              April 10, 2013
●   Product guy
●   Mix of corp and startup
●   5+ years in SEA
●   Yahoo Product Marketing
●   Pollenizer SEA GM
●   @sonofsarah
Lean Analytics - Bringing Back the Book Report
Lean Analytics - Bringing Back the Book Report
Lean 2.0 - The Growth of a
     Management Science?
                   1980   Toyota

                          Dot Com Boom (1997 - 2000
  Pre History
                   2000   Dot Com Crash (2000 - 2001)

                          Steve Blank - 4 Steps to the Epiphany (2005)

                          Lean Startup "coined" (2008)

Lean Startup 1.0          The Lean Startup (2011)

                          The Lean Startup @ SXSW (2012)
                          The Lean Startup Conference (2012)

                          Lean Analytics (2013)
Lean Startup 2.0
                          Lean UX (2013)
Image Credit - http://brendanmarsh.com/lean/the-lean-startup-validation-board/
Lean Analytics - Bringing Back the Book Report
Lean Analytics in a Slide
                          CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES

                              OMTM                                  Benchmarking
                       Business Model Types                        5 Stage Lifecycle

 Analytics for
                     Cohort Analysis             A/B Testing               Funnel Analysis

Lean Principles   Small Batch Production      Startup Life Cycle         Actionable Metrics
Refresh - Actionable Metrics
                          CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES

                              OMTM                                  Benchmarking
                       Business Model Types                        5 Stage Lifecycle

 Analytics for
                     Cohort Analysis             A/B Testing               Funnel Analysis

Lean Principles   Small Batch Production      Startup Life Cycle         Actionable Metrics
Vanity Metrics                           Actionable Metrics

●   Must go up over time                   ●    Enables comparison
●   NOT comparative                        ●    Often a ratio
●   Often a simple total                   ●    Often cohort based
●   Typically not granular                 ●    Drives decision making
●   Focused on story telling               ●    Can answer the question "did that
●   Not directly tied to biz. health            experiment work"?

               EXAMPLES                                EXAMPLES

●   Total downloads                    ●       Conversion or retention rate
●   FB likes                           ●       Churn rate
●   Registered users                   ●       Shopping cart size
The 6 Startup Business Models
                          CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES

                              OMTM                                  Benchmarking
                       Business Model Types                        5 Stage Lifecycle

 Analytics for
                     Cohort Analysis             A/B Testing               Funnel Analysis

Lean Principles   Small Batch Production      Startup Life Cycle         Actionable Metrics
The 6 Startup Business Models
       E Commerce                     SAAS                   Free App

- CAC                      - CAC                    - CAC
- Conversion rate          - Engagement             - MAU
- Cart size                - Free/paid conversion   - Free/paid conversion
- Return purchase          - Churn                  - Churn
- LTV (or Payback)         - LTV                    - ARPU

           Media                  UGC (Social)              Marketplace

- MAU                      - MAU                    - Inventory (Supply)
- Engagement               - Engagement             - Buyers (Demand)
- PV (or equivalent)       - % Creators             - Search Effectiveness
- CTR                      - CTR                    - Ratings
- CPM                      - CPM

                       Takeaway - Know your funnel!
The Lean Analytics Stages
                          CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES

                              OMTM                                  Benchmarking
                       Business Model Types                        5 Stage Lifecycle

 Analytics for
                     Cohort Analysis             A/B Testing               Funnel Analysis

Lean Principles   Small Batch Production      Startup Life Cycle         Actionable Metrics
The Lean Analytics Stages






Takeaway - Know your stage (but feel free to use other terms)
One Metric That Matters
                          CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES

                              OMTM                                  Benchmarking
                       Business Model Types                        5 Stage Lifecycle

 Analytics for
                     Cohort Analysis             A/B Testing               Funnel Analysis

Lean Principles   Small Batch Production      Startup Life Cycle         Actionable Metrics
One Metric That Matters

● Pick one metric that is critical to biz health
● Focus the team around it (put it on screen!)
● Optimize the hell out of it
● Pick a new metric as biz grows and changes
Case Study - Wooboard OMTM
Case Study - Wooboard OMTM

         PHASE               METRIC TYPE              METRIC

Is there a problem?        User Interest      Company sign ups

Do we have a solution?     Engagement         Woos per user

Is there a market?         Revenue            % of premium

This is a classic SaaS OMTM progression. See also Backupify.

 ●   Phase 1 - site visits
 ●   Phase 2 - trials
 ●   Phase 3 - monthly recurring revenue

      Takeaway - Pick an OMTM (or at least get data focused)
"The core idea behind Lean
Analytics is this: by knowing the
kind of business you are, and the
stage you are at, you can track and
optimize the One Metric that
Matters to your startup right now."
         - B Yoskovitz and A Croll
                          CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES

                              OMTM                                  Benchmarking
                       Business Model Types                        5 Stage Lifecycle

 Analytics for
                     Cohort Analysis             A/B Testing               Funnel Analysis

Lean Principles   Small Batch Production      Startup Life Cycle         Actionable Metrics
Some Benchmarking Examples
       E Commerce                  SAAS                       Free App

Conversion             Free trial - request card     App size
- expect 2%            - 2% try, 50% buy             - stay below 50MB to avoid
- aim for 10%
                                                     download drop off
Cart abandonment       Free trial - no card
- expect 65%!          - 10% try, 25% buy            App CAC
                                                     - Shoot for $.50 to $.75
                       Monthly churn                 - make sure CAC is less than
                       - < 5% for growth             LTV!
                       - < 2% for scale
                       Growth                        - free to aid - 2%
                       - increase customer revenue   - In app purchases - 1.5%
                       by 20% a year
                       - upsell 2% of users/month

     Takeaway - Lines in the sand are key to measuring success
Lean Analytics Truisms
●   Know your funnel!
●   Know where you're at in the lifecycle
●   Establish data focus
●   Set clear success metrics
●   Instrument and track early!
●   Make sure that you are allocating
    resources to test a measurable hypothesis

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Lean Analytics - Bringing Back the Book Report

  • 1. Lean Analytics Bringing Back the Book Report Presented at Singapore Lean Startup Circle April 10, 2013
  • 2. Hello! ● Product guy ● Mix of corp and startup ● 5+ years in SEA ● Yahoo Product Marketing ● Pollenizer SEA GM ● @sonofsarah
  • 5. Lean 2.0 - The Growth of a Management Science? 1980 Toyota ... Dot Com Boom (1997 - 2000 Pre History 2000 Dot Com Crash (2000 - 2001) Steve Blank - 4 Steps to the Epiphany (2005) Lean Startup "coined" (2008) 2010 Lean Startup 1.0 The Lean Startup (2011) The Lean Startup @ SXSW (2012) The Lean Startup Conference (2012) Lean Analytics (2013) Lean Startup 2.0 Lean UX (2013)
  • 6. Image Credit - http://brendanmarsh.com/lean/the-lean-startup-validation-board/
  • 8. Lean Analytics in a Slide CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES OMTM Benchmarking Lean Analytics Business Model Types 5 Stage Lifecycle Analytics for Cohort Analysis A/B Testing Funnel Analysis Lean Lean Principles Small Batch Production Startup Life Cycle Actionable Metrics
  • 9. Refresh - Actionable Metrics CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES OMTM Benchmarking Lean Analytics Business Model Types 5 Stage Lifecycle Analytics for Cohort Analysis A/B Testing Funnel Analysis Lean Lean Principles Small Batch Production Startup Life Cycle Actionable Metrics
  • 10. Vanity Metrics Actionable Metrics ● Must go up over time ● Enables comparison ● NOT comparative ● Often a ratio ● Often a simple total ● Often cohort based ● Typically not granular ● Drives decision making ● Focused on story telling ● Can answer the question "did that ● Not directly tied to biz. health experiment work"? EXAMPLES EXAMPLES ● Total downloads ● Conversion or retention rate ● FB likes ● Churn rate ● Registered users ● Shopping cart size
  • 11. The 6 Startup Business Models CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES OMTM Benchmarking Lean Analytics Business Model Types 5 Stage Lifecycle Analytics for Cohort Analysis A/B Testing Funnel Analysis Lean Lean Principles Small Batch Production Startup Life Cycle Actionable Metrics
  • 12. The 6 Startup Business Models E Commerce SAAS Free App - CAC - CAC - CAC - Conversion rate - Engagement - MAU - Cart size - Free/paid conversion - Free/paid conversion - Return purchase - Churn - Churn - LTV (or Payback) - LTV - ARPU Media UGC (Social) Marketplace - MAU - MAU - Inventory (Supply) - Engagement - Engagement - Buyers (Demand) - PV (or equivalent) - % Creators - Search Effectiveness - CTR - CTR - Ratings - CPM - CPM Takeaway - Know your funnel!
  • 13. The Lean Analytics Stages CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES OMTM Benchmarking Lean Analytics Business Model Types 5 Stage Lifecycle Analytics for Cohort Analysis A/B Testing Funnel Analysis Lean Lean Principles Small Batch Production Startup Life Cycle Actionable Metrics
  • 14. The Lean Analytics Stages SCALE REVENUE VIRALITY STICKINESS EMPATHY Takeaway - Know your stage (but feel free to use other terms)
  • 15. One Metric That Matters CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES OMTM Benchmarking Lean Analytics Business Model Types 5 Stage Lifecycle Analytics for Cohort Analysis A/B Testing Funnel Analysis Lean Lean Principles Small Batch Production Startup Life Cycle Actionable Metrics
  • 16. One Metric That Matters ● Pick one metric that is critical to biz health ● Focus the team around it (put it on screen!) ● Optimize the hell out of it ● Pick a new metric as biz grows and changes
  • 17. Case Study - Wooboard OMTM
  • 18. Case Study - Wooboard OMTM PHASE METRIC TYPE METRIC Is there a problem? User Interest Company sign ups Do we have a solution? Engagement Woos per user Is there a market? Revenue % of premium conversions This is a classic SaaS OMTM progression. See also Backupify. ● Phase 1 - site visits ● Phase 2 - trials ● Phase 3 - monthly recurring revenue Takeaway - Pick an OMTM (or at least get data focused)
  • 19. "The core idea behind Lean Analytics is this: by knowing the kind of business you are, and the stage you are at, you can track and optimize the One Metric that Matters to your startup right now." - B Yoskovitz and A Croll
  • 20. Benchmarking CASE STUDIES and EXAMPLES OMTM Benchmarking Lean Analytics Business Model Types 5 Stage Lifecycle Analytics for Cohort Analysis A/B Testing Funnel Analysis Lean Lean Principles Small Batch Production Startup Life Cycle Actionable Metrics
  • 21. Some Benchmarking Examples E Commerce SAAS Free App Conversion Free trial - request card App size - expect 2% - 2% try, 50% buy - stay below 50MB to avoid - aim for 10% download drop off Cart abandonment Free trial - no card - expect 65%! - 10% try, 25% buy App CAC - Shoot for $.50 to $.75 Monthly churn - make sure CAC is less than - < 5% for growth LTV! - < 2% for scale Conversion Growth - free to aid - 2% - increase customer revenue - In app purchases - 1.5% by 20% a year - upsell 2% of users/month Takeaway - Lines in the sand are key to measuring success
  • 22. Lean Analytics Truisms ● Know your funnel! ● Know where you're at in the lifecycle ● Establish data focus ● Set clear success metrics ● Instrument and track early! ● Make sure that you are allocating resources to test a measurable hypothesis