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Operational Excellence
       Solution Provider

Work for your excellence
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                                                           Work for your excellence

    What we do for your excellence ?

                                     Operational Excellence ( OpEx)

       Lean Transformation                     Manufacturing System Design                Lean Innovative Engineering

Lean Operations Management system              Flexible manufacturing system design &   Design and develop smart solutions for
implementation.                                implementation with tubular system.      montage, poka & yoke and testing
                                                                                        process needs.

Operations Management System Design            Production Cell Design                   Production Machinery Design

•   Assessment of the plant                    •   Work stations                        • Montage process machines
•   Current State / Future state VSM           •   Supermarkets                         • Montage poka & yoke machines
•   Strategic Road Map for improvement         •   Special Trolleys and flow racks      • Test process machines
•   Implement latest lean tools                •   Warehouse Storage systems
•   Change the culture                         •   Visual Inform. & Commu.Boards        • Hot melt machines and applications
•   Develop Lean Leader                        •   Andon Systems

            Productivity                                    Flexibility                             Capability
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                                                    Work for your excellence

Road map for operational excellence….

                                              Lean Transformation

                                                                                            PERF.         LEAN
Assesment          5S            KAIZEN           PULL         QAN             TPM
                                                                                           MNGMTİ         ORG

  VSM                                            FLOW         JIDOKA           QRS          P&L

Road Map       STANDARD                         HEIJUNKA    POKA & YOKE

                                                 SMED          PDCA

                                 Manufacturing System Design

                                                 Special     Visual Inf.
              Work Stations    Supermarkets                                Andon Systems
                                                 Trolleys     Boards

                                                 Lean Innovative Engineering
                                                Montage     Poka & Yoke        Test
                                                Machines     Machines        Machines

                        Operational Excellence & Culture Transformation
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                                          Work for your excellence

1- Lean Transformation

     Lean Ofis implement latest lean tools into your value stream by doing workshop
     applications in GENBA together with know-how transfer in the area of Lean
     Operations Management.

                Operational processs assessment with 17 category
                           Current State Analysis ( Value Stream Mapping)
                           Future State Analysis
                           Kaizen Game plan ( Improvement Road Map)
                Implementation of Lean Tools for operational Excellence
                           Work Place Organizations ( Standard , 5S, Visual Management)
                           Establish continual flow ( Pull system, Kanban, SMED, Supermarket)
                           Implement Quality Assurance Network ( Jidoka, Poka & Yoke)
                           Implement TPM and quick response system for operational
                           Bench marking for operations management
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                           Work for your excellence

1- Lean Transformation

     Lean Ofis perform detailed assessment analysis to understand the operational
     excellence maturity and create strategic improvement plan for development.
     ( Hoshin Plan)
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                            Work for your excellence

1- Lean Transformation

Lean Ofis perform detailed assessment analysis to understand the operational excellence
maturity and create strategic improvement plan for development. ( Hoshin Plan)
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                                    Work for your excellence

  1- Lean Transformation

 Lean Ofis Implement latest lean tools into value stram by doing analyze and application together
 with the Plant Team in order to establish operational standards in all area of the chain.

Pull                                                                                  Stop @
Production                                                                         Abnormality

Single Piece                                              Six
                                  JIT                    Kaizen   Jidoka
Flow                            JIT                      Sigma    Jidoka
Takt Time
Level Loading                                                                      Sequencing
                          Value Stream Map, 5S , Supermarkets , SMED
                            (VSM, 5 S, Standard, Supermarket, SMED)
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                                      Work for your excellence

2- Manufacturing System Design with tubular system

     Lean Ofis design and implement special and flexible smart solutions for the
     production cell. Tubular system (special pipe and connection items) provide flexibility
     for future engineering changes and capacity adjustments.

                Material Handling Systems for material flow and space optimization
                           Flow rack trolleys
                           Warehouse storage
                Process flow configuration system
                           Single Work stations
                           Special tooling's equipped work stations
                           U shape Assembly lines
                Visual management and communication systems for information flow
                           Special design panels and boards included necessary form
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                       Work for your excellence

2- Manufacturing System Design with tubular system


  1                        2

                                5            6
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                          Work for your excellence

2- Manufacturing System Design with tubular system ( samples)

Visual Management                                  Clasical WS      Flow Racks

  Tailor Made WS                               Communication Area   Supermarket
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                              Work for your excellence

3- Lean Innovative Engineering

     Lean Ofis design and implement special smart solutions for your machinery needs
     such as poka&yoke machines, montage machines and test machines.

                Production Cell Machinery design
                           Montage Poka & Yoke machines
                           Test Machines
                           Special needs equipments
                Plant configurations
                           Factory lay-out solutions
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                                       Work for your excellence

3- Lean Innovative Engineering ( Process Flow)

           DESIGN FMEA                                       VERIFY                 LAUNCH

                       Technology                  Phsical       Verification /
 Concept                                                                          Production
                        Selection                  Design        Qualification

 Design Intent

 Customer needs

 Product requirement
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                Work for your excellence

3- Lean Innovative Engineering ( Sample Poka & Yoke Machines)
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                                                                        Work for your excellence

     Lean Ofis
                                          The productivity has never become so important like today.

                                          “More and more with less and less” is the main topic of all companies nowadays. How could that
                                          be achieved? Our answer, as Lean Office, would be “Operational Excellence”.

                                          Increasing competition and recent economical crises in the world make productivity and
                                          efficiency in all business operations a major and critical issue for companies today. To be a good
                                          example not only in its field, but also in general in the business world,

                                            Operational processes and procedures must be designed thoroughly,
                                            Development program for the employees must be followed,
                                            Performance based and Lean management system must be applied,

                                          Lean office has been founded as a “change management and application” consulting company in
Lean Ofis                                 August 2008, Istanbul, Turkey. A consultant who is appreciated in business world, who; Pushes the
LAG Danışmanlık ltd.                      customer towards making progress and motivates them Assumes a leadership role on behalf of the
Beyaz köşk sokak, No:15 / 1               business owner Decreasing dependency of himself in time
34840 Küçükyalı - İstanbul
                                          As a principle in lean office rather than giving advice which is common in general consultancy
                                          practice, we implement the lean concept each and every processes in the operations.
Tel   0 216 366 34 42
Fax: 0 216 366 34 62                      Our mission is; to be a solution partner of our client in its operational excellence journey with
info@leanofis.com                         implementations in the field together with your people, while our Lean Ofis consultants transfer
www.leanofis.com                          their know-how and expertise, they also teach how to gain know-why culture when you are at

                                          Therefore, aiming customer intimacy and operational excellence in its consultancy services, Lean
                                          office is positioned itself much closer to you and your people while striving for the best all the time
Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing
                                                                                                                            Work for your excellence

       Lütfi Apilioğulları
Lütfi Apilioğulları, MBA
Lean Ofis
Funder / Principle Consultant
Operations Management / Lean Six Sigma

Tel     0 216 366 34 42
Fax:    0 216 366 34 62
Mobile 0 532 253 43 36

 Apiliogullari has built a successful career based on his enriched experience gained in automotive, telecommunication and electronics industries
 both in national and international companies. He worked in various positions in these industries as an engineering manager, manufacturing
 manager, operations director, Lean manufacturing coordinator and Plant Manager.

 He worked together with Sensei's in the lean transformation and factory operations management a long time and has hands-on "Lean Six Sigma"
 experience in more than 350 kaizen applications in Turkey and abroad.

 As an expert in the areas of Toyota methodology in plant management, advanced level Lean & Six Sigma applications and change management,
 Apiliogullari wrote a book "Lean Transformation / Code of Productivity" which will be published by Sistem Publications on February 2010.

 He has Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir and Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) from the
 same university. Apiliogullari is married with one children.

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Lean Ofis Presentation

  • 1. Operational Excellence Solution Provider www.leanofis.com Work for your excellence info@.leanofis.com
  • 2. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence What we do for your excellence ? Operational Excellence ( OpEx) Lean Transformation Manufacturing System Design Lean Innovative Engineering Lean Operations Management system Flexible manufacturing system design & Design and develop smart solutions for implementation. implementation with tubular system. montage, poka & yoke and testing process needs. Operations Management System Design Production Cell Design Production Machinery Design • Assessment of the plant • Work stations • Montage process machines • Current State / Future state VSM • Supermarkets • Montage poka & yoke machines • Strategic Road Map for improvement • Special Trolleys and flow racks • Test process machines • Implement latest lean tools • Warehouse Storage systems • Change the culture • Visual Inform. & Commu.Boards • Hot melt machines and applications • Develop Lean Leader • Andon Systems Productivity Flexibility Capability
  • 3. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence Road map for operational excellence…. Lean Transformation PERF. LEAN Assesment 5S KAIZEN PULL QAN TPM MNGMTİ ORG VISUAL VSM FLOW JIDOKA QRS P&L MNGMT Road Map STANDARD HEIJUNKA POKA & YOKE SMED PDCA Manufacturing System Design Special Visual Inf. Work Stations Supermarkets Andon Systems Trolleys Boards Lean Innovative Engineering Montage Poka & Yoke Test Machines Machines Machines Operational Excellence & Culture Transformation
  • 4. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 1- Lean Transformation Lean Ofis implement latest lean tools into your value stream by doing workshop applications in GENBA together with know-how transfer in the area of Lean Operations Management. Operational processs assessment with 17 category processs Current State Analysis ( Value Stream Mapping) Future State Analysis Kaizen Game plan ( Improvement Road Map) Map) Implementation of Lean Tools for operational Excellence Work Place Organizations ( Standard , 5S, Visual Management) Establish continual flow ( Pull system, Kanban, SMED, Supermarket) Kanban, Implement Quality Assurance Network ( Jidoka, Poka & Yoke) Jidoka, Implement TPM and quick response system for operational availability Benc Bench marking for operations management
  • 5. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 1- Lean Transformation Lean Ofis perform detailed assessment analysis to understand the operational excellence maturity and create strategic improvement plan for development. ( Hoshin Plan)
  • 6. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 1- Lean Transformation Lean Ofis perform detailed assessment analysis to understand the operational excellence maturity and create strategic improvement plan for development. ( Hoshin Plan)
  • 7. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 1- Lean Transformation Lean Ofis Implement latest lean tools into value stram by doing analyze and application together with the Plant Team in order to establish operational standards in all area of the chain. LEAN Pull Stop @ Production Abnormality Single Piece Six JIT Kaizen Jidoka Flow JIT Sigma Jidoka Autonomation Takt Time Production Heijunka Heijunka Level Loading Sequencing Value Stream Map, 5S , Supermarkets , SMED Foundation (VSM, 5 S, Standard, Supermarket, SMED)
  • 8. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 2- Manufacturing System Design with tubular system Lean Ofis design and implement special and flexible smart solutions for the production cell. Tubular system (special pipe and connection items) provide flexibility for future engineering changes and capacity adjustments. Material Handling Systems for material flow and space optimization Supermarkets Flow rack trolleys Warehouse storage Process flow configuration system Single Work stations Special tooling's equipped work stations U shape Assembly lines Visual management and communication systems for information flow Special design panels and boards included necessary form
  • 9. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 2- Manufacturing System Design with tubular system 3 mm 30 1 2 5 6 4
  • 10. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 2- Manufacturing System Design with tubular system ( samples) Visual Management Clasical WS Flow Racks Tailor Made WS Communication Area Supermarket
  • 11. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 3- Lean Innovative Engineering Lean Ofis design and implement special smart solutions for your machinery needs such as poka&yoke machines, montage machines and test machines. Production Cell Machinery design Montage Poka & Yoke machines Test Machines Special needs equipments needs Plant configurations Factory lay-out solutions lay-
  • 12. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 3- Lean Innovative Engineering ( Process Flow) DESIGN FMEA VERIFY LAUNCH Technology Phsical Verification / Concept Production Selection Design Qualification Design Intent Customer needs Product requirement
  • 13. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence 3- Lean Innovative Engineering ( Sample Poka & Yoke Machines)
  • 14. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence Lean Ofis The productivity has never become so important like today. “More and more with less and less” is the main topic of all companies nowadays. How could that be achieved? Our answer, as Lean Office, would be “Operational Excellence”. Increasing competition and recent economical crises in the world make productivity and efficiency in all business operations a major and critical issue for companies today. To be a good example not only in its field, but also in general in the business world, Operational processes and procedures must be designed thoroughly, Development program for the employees must be followed, Performance based and Lean management system must be applied, Lean office has been founded as a “change management and application” consulting company in Lean Ofis August 2008, Istanbul, Turkey. A consultant who is appreciated in business world, who; Pushes the LAG Danışmanlık ltd. customer towards making progress and motivates them Assumes a leadership role on behalf of the Beyaz köşk sokak, No:15 / 1 business owner Decreasing dependency of himself in time 34840 Küçükyalı - İstanbul As a principle in lean office rather than giving advice which is common in general consultancy practice, we implement the lean concept each and every processes in the operations. Tel 0 216 366 34 42 Fax: 0 216 366 34 62 Our mission is; to be a solution partner of our client in its operational excellence journey with info@leanofis.com implementations in the field together with your people, while our Lean Ofis consultants transfer www.leanofis.com their know-how and expertise, they also teach how to gain know-why culture when you are at work. Therefore, aiming customer intimacy and operational excellence in its consultancy services, Lean office is positioned itself much closer to you and your people while striving for the best all the time
  • 15. Lean Ofis : Operational Productivty in Manufacturing Work for your excellence Lütfi Apilioğulları Lütfi Apilioğulları, MBA Lean Ofis Funder / Principle Consultant Operations Management / Lean Six Sigma Tel 0 216 366 34 42 Fax: 0 216 366 34 62 Mobile 0 532 253 43 36 lutfi.apiliogullari@leanofis.com www.leanofis.com Apiliogullari has built a successful career based on his enriched experience gained in automotive, telecommunication and electronics industries both in national and international companies. He worked in various positions in these industries as an engineering manager, manufacturing manager, operations director, Lean manufacturing coordinator and Plant Manager. He worked together with Sensei's in the lean transformation and factory operations management a long time and has hands-on "Lean Six Sigma" experience in more than 350 kaizen applications in Turkey and abroad. As an expert in the areas of Toyota methodology in plant management, advanced level Lean & Six Sigma applications and change management, Apiliogullari wrote a book "Lean Transformation / Code of Productivity" which will be published by Sistem Publications on February 2010. He has Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir and Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) from the same university. Apiliogullari is married with one children.