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Transforming Your
Customer Experience:
  Learn the 4 Essential
       Part 2 of 4

                  ©2012 Ernan Roman Direct Marketing
Call Center Moved from Operations to Marketing

• “Cost center” vs. “Profit Center”
• What do you measure today?
• What really counts?

                                  77   Step 1: VoC Research
Call Center Moved from Operations to Marketing

               What does the bottom 10% cost you?

Top 10% of agents: $180 revenue per call
Bottom 10% of agents: $140 revenue per call
Difference: $40/call

If the average agent takes 1,000 calls per month, your bottom
agents are costing you $480k per year!

What are the implications?

                                 78                   Step 1: VoC Research
Call Center Moved from Operations to Marketing

•   What’s a great agent worth?
•   Revised Compensation Plan – “doubling your compensation”
•   Competition and Cooperation
•   Recruiting and training

                                 79                 Step 1: VoC Research
VoC Follow-Up Actions: Next Steps

  Build an online community that
provides an opportunity for sharing.

                Build a bridge to the
                Primary Care Doctor.

                            Customer Portal

                            80                Step 1: VoC Research
Work in progress. . . but seeing a 65%
  VoC Results             increase in returning customers and
Customer retention =     40% increase in revenue per customer.
#1 strategic priority.

VoC helped create
unity of purpose and
vision for the entire
management team.

opportunities across
all functional areas.

                                   81               Step 1: VoC Research
Your Top 3 Takeaways?




               82            Step 1: VoC Research
Step 1: Summary
     Step 1:
      VoC           4 steps in the VoC-driven Customer Engagement
    Research        Marketing Process:
                    1.   Use Voice of Customer Research to Truly Drive
                         Your Engagement Strategies
                    2.   Create Powerful Opt-In Databases to Drive High
How to Use Voice         Impact Personalization Strategies
  of Customer
Research to Drive   3.   Use the 5 Principles of Multichannel Marketing
Your Engagement     4.   Increase the Power of Your Online and Social
   Strategies            Media Marketing.

                                  83                       Step 1: VoC Research
Step 1: Summary
     Step 1:
      VoC           VoC-insights help you transform your marketing
    Research        from “CRM” and “managing” customers to “CMR”
                    and “customer-managed” relationships.

                    Use VoC research to help you understand and pre-test
                    how to change from a relationship based on just
How to Use Voice    transactions to a deeper engagement based on a
  of Customer       broader understanding of customer needs.
Research to Drive
Your Relationship   Use VoC to engage customers to Opt-In and self-profile
   Strategies       their preferences. This information will populate your
                    Opt-In database with uniquely accurate information.

                                  84                      Step 1: VoC Research
Step 2:
   How to Create Powerful Opt-In Databases to
   Drive High Impact Personalization Strategies.
   Drawing for 2 Autographed Books:

                           85            Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Step 2: How to Create Powerful
 Opt-In Databases to Drive High
Impact Personalization Strategies

                          Step 2:

              Step 1:

                  86           Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Traditional “Spray and Pray” Marketing
        Isn’t Working So Well…

                  87          Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Opt-Out is the US Standard
• More than 76% of U.S. adults have registered for the National
  Do-Not-Call (DNC) Registry (Harris Interactive).
  Average Presidential election voter turnout: 50%
• Over 209 million phone numbers listed on the DNC.
  Eight million new numbers registered in 2011.
• The DMAChoice mail opt-out program has served over 12
  million consumers over the past 15 years.
• In the 1st year, 1 million consumers opted out via the
  Digital Advertising Alliance’s AdChoices Icon, on
  behaviorally-targeted ads.
• Pending Canadian law: electronic commercial messages,
  including email, texts, and messages via social media,
  going to, through, from Canada without prior consent,
  could bring severe penalties.
• Italian government banned all unsolicited mail, phone, e-mail,           NY Times 4/29/12
  fax, mobile communications without affirmative consent.

                                               88                  Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
“Do-Not-Track” Legislation is a Hot Topic
Per a NY Times story, Julie Matlin was
tempted by a pair of shoes on
zappos.com. Then the shoes started
showing up in ads on other sites she
It was as if Zappos had unleashed a
persistent salesman who wouldn’t take
no for an answer.
                 “It is a pretty clever
               marketing tool. But it’s
              a little creepy, especially
                   if you don’t know
                   what’s going on.”

                                            89   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Empowered consumers are questioning why the Opt-Out burden is on them...
   versus marketers competing to engage them with value propositions
                      that motivate them to Opt-In

 Unfortunately,                                  Frustration is         House re Verizon;
    Opt-Out           The message:                 growing.                 "While we
marketing policies   If you don’t like                                   understand the
                     these practices           On 8/9/12, the FTC
 are the norm.                                                              benefits of
                        the burden                 fined Google
                         is on you            $22.5 mill. for Safari
    They allow                                                            advertising to
                             to                 privacy violations.
marketers to send                                                        customers, we
                         Opt-Out.                Largest FTC civil
       offers                                                           believe that they
                                               penalty, “…if you’re
 and use on-line                                                           should be in
                                                  going to hold
   information                                                            control of the
                                                  people’s most
  to target their                                                          sharing and
                                                private data, you
    marketing.                                                             disclosure of
                                                 have to …honor
                                                                          their personal
                                                                            through an
                                              Bur. Cons. Protection
                                                                         Opt-In process.”

                                         90                        Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
The Alternative. . .

 Powerful and Socially Responsible Opt-In Relationships

Respect customers and
prospects. Ask them
to define their individual
requirements in response
to meaningful value
As a result, they will
populate your database
with uniquely detailed,
actionable information.

                                   91            Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  Opt-in is not
about passively
  agreeing to
 receive email.

                    It’s about actively opting-in to a
                  relationship and self-profiling your
                       preferences and aversions.
                          92            Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
93   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Complex Privacy Settings

                           94   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
The Ever-Expanding Privacy Policy
In the last five years, Facebook’s privacy policy has grown to 5,830 words
today, from 1,004 in 2005. In addition, Facebook offers an in-depth Privacy
FAQ page, with 45,000 words.

                                       95                       Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
The Opt-In Process
1. VoC learnings drive strategies for        4. Per VoC research, Opt-In is based on
customer engagement so they Opt-In           reciprocity of value:
to a deeper level of engagement.              Recognition by consumers that in order to
                                                receive or access increasingly relevant
2. Customers profile: needs, decision           information, they must share increasing
making process, offer, message,                 amounts of information regarding their
timing and media preferences.                   preferences.
This detailed information builds your         If they trust the marketer and see a useful
uniquely accurate preferences                   value proposition, consumers will opt-in to
database.                                       sharing increasingly detailed personal
                                                preference information in exchange for the
3. Customers are actively engaged in            marketer’s promise to deliver relevant
contributing to, and defining their             information and offers.
relationship with your company.               As a result of these interactions, consumers
                                                are more likely to open, engage with, and
                                                respond to, communications and offers.

                                        96                        Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Consumers Want to Opt-In
Many customers are eager to tell you        Consider the bottom-line results
how they want to be treated.                from using this self-profiled
                                            information to drive how you engage
They will also share whether they
                                            with customers!
                                            The pay-off:
 Proactive users: will engage and
  contribute.                                Consumers receive personalized
                                              communications and offers.
 Passive users: “I want to be
                                             Marketers stop “spray and pray.”
  spoon-fed content.”
Each requires a specific

                                       97                   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Without this preference data, true personalization
The Big Takeaway          driven marketing cannot happen. Traditional
                                transactional data is not enough!
Reciprocity of Value
 Consumers opt-in                                 Profile asks 436 questions.
                        Microsoft’s VoC-driven
to share increasingly   Relationship Marketing
  detailed personal        program (Business
      preference            Resource Center)
   information in         requests answers to
    exchange for         14+ detailed business
 marketer’s promise       questions in order to
 to deliver relevant      deliver targeted and
                         relevant information/
      and offers.

                                      98                 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Keep in Mind. . . This Process Requires:

Operational precision
 in managing offers
and communications
    per individual

 Challenging to

                        99       Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
5 Ways to Earn Consumer Opt-In
Results from 125+ VoC research efforts conducted by ERDM indicate that consumers
have 5 criteria for determining whether to Opt-In to sharing in-depth information:

       • Trust that the company will adequately safeguard their information and use it in a responsible way.
       • “Responsible” = consumers believe that their information will not be rented or sold to third parties.
       • “Honor my preferences” reflects expectation that their “Opt-In” self-profiled preferences will be used to
         drive increasingly targeted communications and offers... and suppress those that are not relevant per
 3.      the preferences of individual customers.

       • The value consumers receive in exchange for providing in-depth information must be obvious and
         compelling. If the value is not obvious, they will assume you betrayed their trust. This expectation of
 4.      relevance applies to online and offline experiences and communications.

       • Consumers must see proof that the company will be able to deliver on requirements 1 through 4,
 5.      not just once, but consistently over time.

                                                       100                           Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Case Study

   VoC-Driven Small Business
Relationship Marketing Program

               101      Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Situation Overview

                        Home-Based   Lower Small       Core Small     Lower                Core
                         Business      Business         Business    Midmarket            Midmarket
                         1+ PC        1-4 PCs          5-24 PCs     25-49PCs             50-249PCs

Total SW Market Spend                           $12BN                                     $10BN
   Ave # of Employees                              9                                       228
   Number of US Firms     14M          3.5M             2.5M          180K                 100K

• The 20+ million Small Midsize Business (SMB) firms represent substantial
  growth opportunity.
• Market and competitive landscape raising stakes to increase need to serve
  the SMB market.

                                                       102                      Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
A majority of Microsoft
product sales in Small and
Medium size business
segments come through a
channel partner (e.g. Value
Added Reseller, Retailer,
Original Equipment

Customers feel they have no
relationship with Microsoft.

SMB customers are mostly
transactional (gather
information, trial, purchase,
and disengage).

Past Small Business Voice of
Customer (VoC) Research
indicated that most
customers would welcome a       Hence the need for a relationship program.
relationship with Microsoft.

                                          103             Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
As a result of the first Small Business VoC,
Microsoft developed the SB+ Relationship Program.

                        6 digit

                                     3.7x more
     SB+ Relationship
     Marketing Opt-Ins
                                      1.3x more

                         20 points

                        104                   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
How to Approach the Diverse SMB Segment?
            Based on the success of SB+, Microsoft wanted to scale
             to midmarket companies (size: 100-150 employees) .

          Key questions                                Program Goals
 Will the online resource appeal to      Increase customer satisfaction
  midmarket IT and business                  scores.
  decision makers? Will they opt-in?
                                          Increase licensing renewal rate.
 What are key enhancements that
  can help deepen customer                Improve customer engagement.
  engagement?                             Deliver the most relevant content
 Can results continue to exceed             and communications.
  results of house file?                  Improve marketing efficiencies.

                                       105                  Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Pillars of the Online
Relationship Program
                                    Customer Satisfaction
                                        Benefits Activation



                                  106                  Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
VoC Helped Answer Key Questions
For 1-500 employees,
what type of training,
support, community and
communication can drive
deeper engagement?

How to improve the
value and usage of
How to improve the
support offerings to
provide greater value.
How customers define a
value-added community.

How the
communications strategy
should be improved.

                                  107        Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
VoC Learnings

Relationship Program Value Must Be Obvious and Differentiated

       Make it easy              Keep it focused           Deliver ‘wins’
      Must provide easy site       Online Resource           Make the initial
           navigation.            Center (ORC) value:     interactions engaging
                                                               by offering a
     Use lay terms and user      One stop, convenient
                                                             ‘quick training.’
     friendly (non-tech) key      resource for SMB
         word searches.               customers.          Help users by providing
                                 Clearly different from   industry, business and
        Provide access to                                    technology info.
         information and            other resources.
        business solutions         Every facet of the        Partner with non-
       from every part of           user experience          Microsoft experts
      Relationship Program.         must prove this.       for valuable content.

                                          108                 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement

   Personalize the Experience Per Business Needs,
       User Level, Size, Industry and Products
Focus on needs                Support              Satisfy Different
 Develop from the        Alleviate pain by using
 user’s perspective,      simple terms as self-    Target content based on
  not Microsoft’s.           help key words.          start-up, segment,
                           Highlight common        business needs and user
Request user feedback
                         problems and provide                level.
 at every touch point.
                            quick access to         Offer ways for three
   Use feedback to             solutions.            different user types
evolve the experience,
                          Leverage peers for       (Learners, Connectors,
   provide relevant
                          additional support.         Collaborators) to

                                  109                  Step 2: Opt-In Engagement

          Tie Training, Support and Community
            Into a Differentiating Relationship
     Training                  Support                 Community
                                                     Peer interaction must
As a key benefit, users   Alleviate pain by using
                                                     be facilitated across a
should be introduced       simple terms as self-
                                                    variety of demographic
 to training early on.        help key words.
                                                      and business areas.
Follow-up training to      Highlight common
                              problems and           Points of interaction:
 encourage the next
  ORC interaction.            provide quick          Level of knowledge.
                           access to solutions.      Common problems.
 Offer user-defined
   categories for          Leverage peers for              Forums.
    easy access.           additional support.        SMEs/Moderators.
    Make training
    easy to share.

                                   110                  Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Launched the Microsoft Business Resource Center

                       111         Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Asked 14 questions,
            The Value of Opt-In                                      such as:
FUTURE: Apply a progressive profiling strategy, reducing
                                                                   Primary role in
the need to ask all questions at once. Keep improving the
                                                                 company (i.e. Sales,
relevance of questions and the value exchange.
                                                                 Marketing, Finance)
                                                                 Microsoft software
                                                                Number of employees
       Opt-In               Value                                      Industry
       Profile            Exchange                                Primary customer
                                                                    business need
   Customers actively engage expecting Opt-in data will help
                                                                 What is the biggest
    something of equal value in return.    achieve greater      challenge facing their
                                        relevance, marketing     organization today?
                                            efficiency, and
                                          increased lifetime        Number of PCs
                                                 value.           Number of servers

                                            112                Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
SMB Relationship Program At-a-Glance
For Customers:                                      For Microsoft:
 Customized                                          Click/usage
 information                                          behavior
                           ship desk
  Ease of use            Tier 1                       Purchase
                         Trigger-based               opportunities
                     database e-marketing

                         Tier 2
                 Web: Business Resource Center

                         Tier 3
                                113              Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Web Resource: Microsoft Business Resource Center Overview
Personalized Experience
                                                                                 Phone #
• Telephone customer service                              Personalization
                                                                                unique for
    (Tier 1 & 2 only)                                                          Tier 1 and 2
•   Support
       Free online chat tech
•   Training                                                            Communities
       Software training and                                          Dynamics, Vista
          computer-based                                  I’m a volume
          training is key                                   customer
•   Community                   I own/use
•   Library (information)       Dynamics,
•   Dashboard
                            Training for
                                                  tips for me.
                                                    OV, APO
                                            114                  Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Customized Communications
Customized communications
based on opt-in data
• Welcome e-mail
• Monthly personalized e-newsletter
• Ongoing e-mails

                                  115   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement


                             Response                            RM         Volume
                                               Receiving                     license
               Open rates       rates            very       customer
Opt-in rates                performing                       volume         revenue
                greater                        positive                   from those
up to 95%                      in the                         license
               than 50%                        customer                   in the VoC-
                              double-                        renewal
                               digits          feedback                      driven
                                                               rate is
                                                            8 points      program is
                                                           higher than    2x greater
                                                             non-RM         than the
                                                           customers         control

                                         116                    Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Benefits of the Value Exchange

     Customer Benefits                    Microsoft Benefits

 Personalized service          Opt-in profile information
                                   drives relevance in web site
 Customized communication
                                   content and communications
  and information
                                Ability to analyze click and
 Ease of use
                                   usage behavior
 Relevance
                                Improved Marketing ROI:
                                   •   Cross-sell/upsell

                             117                  Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Steven Shapiro
                     Director, Global Relationship Marketing

                     Norton is the world’s leading provider of Consumer security software and
                     services, protecting over 135 million users globally. Norton’s core products
                     include Norton AntiVirus, Norton Internet Security, and Norton 360.

                  Steven has over 17 years of diverse experience leading e-commerce, web-
Steven Shapiro
                  based applications, and software-as-a-service solutions for such companies
 Director, Global
                  as Gemstar-TV Guide, UpShot, McAfee, and Symantec.
                  Steven has continually championed improvements through tenacity,
                  passion, innovation, and an unrelenting need to understand.


                                                  118                       Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Case Study

     Today ’s Customers Expect
Preference-based, Personalized, and
       Relevant Experiences

                 119        Step 2: Opt-In Engagement

• Today’s discussion is about:
   – The extra dimension of proactive, relevant, and
     personalized engagement customers want.
   – Customer’s recognition that in order to receive highly
     personalized experiences, they need to provide
     increasingly detailed information to drive the
   – How Norton consumers define the Personal Data
     Reciprocity of Value Equation.
   – Trust as a prerequisite for this level of engagement,
     and how customers today define the elements of

                             120             Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Delivering customer centric engagements

                                                                                                            Two-way and
              marketing performance and customer value


                                                                                        Integrated data,
                                                                                          channels and
                                                                      Target customer
                                                                        groups and
                                                           “Spray &                         Data-Driven

                                                                       sophistication in capabilities               Source: CACI, 2012

© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit                  121                   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
written consent from Symantec
What is the value of permission?

            Over 40% of respondents said they want to be
            rewarded for sharing their personal data

© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit         Source: Aimia Survey, 10/05/2011
written consent from Symantec                                                                               12

                                                                       122      Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
It’s no longer “nice to have”
       Customers expect that you
        will obtain permission
        before you use their
       This expectation is amplified
        if they are paying for the
        product or service.
       We tend to think that we
        have the answers and
        customers naturally want to
        hear what we have to say…
       Are we really listening…or
        just talking?
© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec

                                                                       123   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
About Norton
                                                       Significant number of customer touch points
                                                       135+ million active users
         Norton protects the
          Stuff that matters to                        #1 consumer online backup provider
          consumers, across all                        $2+ Billion in annual revenue
          aspects of their
                                                       Shipping on 60%+ of Windows-based consumer
          digital lives.
         Norton provides a
          range of security
          solutions including
          technologies for PCs
          and mobile devices,
          live tech support
          services and online

© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec

                                                                       124              Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
How do you get customers to opt in?
                                                                             You can’t ask a
                                                                             customer “do you want
                                                                             to receive more

                                                                             And, given that Norton
                                                                             is a provider of pop-up
                                                                             and spam prevention,
                                                                             we can’t annoy, at any
                                                                             Can you?

     We need to listen to the customer to determine requirements.
© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec                                                                          12

                                                                       125      Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Introducing reciprocity of value

                              What is the Reciprocity of Value Equation?
      Recognition by consumers that in order to receive or access
      increasingly relevant info, they must share increasing amounts of
      information regarding their preferences.
     If they trust the marketer and see a useful value proposition,
     consumers will opt-in to sharing increasingly detailed personal
     preference information in exchange for the marketer’s promise to
     deliver relevant information and offers.
     As a result of these interactions, consumers are more likely to open,
     engage with, and respond to, communications and offers.

                                                                             Source: Voice of the Customer Marketing,
                                                                                                        Ernan Roman
© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec

                                                                       126      Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Listening powered by customer signals

                                                                       Outbound                         Inbound
                                                                 •     E-Mail                     •    Support (calls, web, chat)
                                                                 •     Desktop Messaging          •    eCommerce
                                                                 •     In Product Messaging       •    Websites

                                                             •       Upsells / Cross-sells    •   Information / Notifications
                 Strategies                                  •       Delight                  •   Advisory
                                                             •       Education                •   Transactional

                                                             •       Analytics                •   Behavioral inferred preferences
               Customer Signals                              •       Customer volunteered     •   Triggers

© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit                                                                12

written consent from Symantec

                                                                               127                    Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
VoC Research
    Norton approach:
      2 Phases

      Engage in one-on-one in-depth interviews to dive into details

      Run quantitative surveys to identify and fine tune statistical significance

    Phase 1:
      In-depth qualitative interviews
       across segments, (80
    Phase 2:
      Quantitative customer surveys
       (1-2K) across segments

© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec

                                                                       128   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Phase 1 VoC Research Summary
                 Methodology                                                                          Objectives
                                                                                      • How different customer segments define deeper
       • 80 in-depth hour-long interviews across key                                    relationships
         segments, purchase channel, and product value
         (NAV vs. NIS /N360)                                                          • Expectations and requirements to drive willingness
                                                                                        to Opt-In
       • Gain customer-driven understanding of customer
         experience that will be perceived as personal and                            • Self-profile preferences based on expectations of
         relevant                                                                       increasingly relevant communications and offers.

       • Will follow with quantitative survey                                         • Customer receptiveness to proactive personalized

                                                                       Retail               Online

                                         Product value:     Low          Med-Hi       Low       Med-Hi      Total

            Group 1: Constantly Connected                     5             5           5            5       20

            Group 2: Secure and Loyal                         5             5           5            5       20

            Group 3: Tech DIY                                 3             8           2            7       20

            Group 4: Hand Holders                             5             5           5            5       20

            Total                                            18            23          17            22      80
© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec
                                                                                129                         Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
VoC Findings

© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec

                                                                       130   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
A reinforcing cycle built on trust
     Trust is the foundation and basis for obtaining deeper engagement with customers.
     Trust opens customer to Reciprocity of Value: a meaningful exchange
      of value.

     For pertinent value, customers are motivated to
      provide opt-in and a wide range of Preferences
      for receipt and suppression of information.

     These preferences enable Personalization
      that delivers the targeted and relevant
      communications customers requested.

     The improved Customer Experience reinforces
      trust which enhances trust.

     Which will motivate them to provide additional
      information, thereby engaging them in a deeper level of
      Reciprocity . . . and the cycle continues.
© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec

                                                                       131   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  Research identified four
   dimensions of trust that
   build upon each other.
  Key areas to build trust:
          Alleviate privacy concerns by
           explaining the reasons
           behind data requests.
          Multiple assurances of the
           privacy of their data and
           Symantec’s commitment to
           keeping their information
          Receiving only the
           information they are
           interested in, based on their
           specified preferences.
© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec

                                                                         132   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
                                                                                Technology level preference
    In addition to                                    Casual user             Average user
                                                                                                                                      Expert user
     preference”                                                                       Product purchased
       settings,                                     360
                                                                                         Norton      Mobile
                                                                                                                    Anti-Theft   Back-up         Ghost
                                                              Security                   Utilities   Security
   customers had
   had remarkably                                                                      Content preferences
       specific                                      Tips

    preferences…                                                topics     trials       discounts    discounts

                                                                                 Communication preferences
                                                      Email                             Texts         Online chat           Skype           Social Media

                                                                                      Frequency preferences
                                                      Daily          Weekly            Monthly         Quarterly           Annually
© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution
without the explicit written consent from Symantec

                                                                           133                                     Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Other findings
   • Business realities must be
        considered – even when the
        data clearly goes against
        commercial requirements.
   • Must be creative to obtain
   • Sometimes, the right thing
         to do is not possible
   • Use a phased approach
   • Acknowledge that change is
© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit
written consent from Symantec

                                                                       134   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
An integral part of the broader journey
     The learning from the
      VoC is a key component                                                             Customer
      to move away from                                                                   Signals
      transactional                                                                                    Reciprocity of
      communications.                                                  Infrastructure
     Combined with                                                                                       opt-in)
      infrastructure and
      customer signals (the                                                              Relevant,
      triangle), we expect to                                                           Personalized
      deliver on our goals:
             Collect preferences and
             Deploy true personalized


© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit       135
written consent from Symantec
Parting thoughts
  • The three “pillars” are
    integral to delivering
    customer expectations
       – Must be done together to
         achieve trust.
  • Must change thinking
       – From “how does this                                                 Personalization

         benefit us?” to “how does
         this benefit the customer?”

© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit                                                           13
written consent from Symantec

                                                                       136                               Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
4 Actions…

      Customer insights are a privilege, not a right.
      Trust is easily lost, but hard to gain, especially when
       dealing with personal information and relationships.
      Don’t ruin the hard fought gains for short-term
      Remember that customer delight results in
       customer loyalty, advocacy, and bookings.

© 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit                               13
written consent from Symantec

                                                                       137   Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Joe Leader
                     Vice President, Strategic Business Development

                     Joe Leader serves as a Ph.D. level expert on leveraging new business
                     technologies. In 2012, Leader joined PossibleNOW, the top preference
                     management company in the world with over 80 billion customer preferences
                     managed on behalf of over 700 enterprise-level companies.
    Joe Leader
 Vice President,     Previously, Joe led marketing efforts at a technology company ranked #2 on the
Strategic Business   Inc. 500, growing a new division from zero to $150 million in revenue and later
     Solutions       selling the division to a multi-billion dollar company. At a Fortune 1000 high-
  PossibleNOW        tech company, Leader spearheaded worldwide channel marketing bringing a
                     10-times increase in channel revenue. Most recently, Leader marketed air
                     travel technology into one of the largest travel distribution networks in the
                     world creating a $100 million new market.

                     Leader holds both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Emory University, and
                     an MBA in technology management, and completes his business Ph.D. this year
                     with his marketing research focused on accelerating new product adoption.


                                                 138                       Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
Roadmap to Successful
 Preference Marketing
Joe Leader, Ph.D. (ABD)
Vice President of Strategic Business Development

Introduction and Background   Preference Marketing is communicating to customers
                              based on their personal preferences such as product
Roadmap to Preference Mgt     interest, communication channel and frequency.
Customer ROI Proof

Multi-Channel Solution
Preference Center Example                                             Preference
                                                          2000:       Marketing
Case Study Examples                                       Digital
Takeaways and Next Steps                      Direct


Background on PossibleNOW

   Serving 80 Billion       • The #1 preference management company in the United
                              States with over 80 billion customer preferences
 Customer Preferences         managed for over 700 enterprise-level companies.

                            • Manage data accuracy for the U.S. Federal Trade
  Setting the Standard        Commission for the most popular privacy program in
                              history. Compliance is our core value proposition.

                            • The leader in enterprise preference management,
    Expertise Across          direct marketing compliance, regulatory process
      Four Sectors            consulting and marketing data services.

Global Compatibility with   • PossibleNOW provides global compatibility with all
                              solutions meaning that legacy systems will work in
Every Platform & System       every way desired making the impossible possible now.
The Roadmap to Preference Management
●   Maintain compliance by managing opt-
    outs effectively
     –   Centralize all preference data
     –   Maintain compliance reporting and
         research capabilities

●   Aggressively pursue consumer opt-in
     –   Maximize your consumer contacts
     –   Minimize opt-outs

●   Create single view of customer
         Develop a single view of a person, family,
         and household preferences

●   Make preferences actionable
         Provide granular level consumer
         Leverage flexible statusing and
         suppression engines
The Customer Preference ROI Results
Demonstrated by Forrester Research

Technology to Manage Customer Preferences

●    MyPreferences is a SaaS based, multi-channel B2B / B2C preference
     management tool built with Privacy by Design allowing management of:
      –   Privacy preferences
      –   Marketing preferences
      –   Account servicing preferences

●    Collect data from any consumer data touch points to deliver the right
     message at the right time through the right channel

    Customers than engage via multiple
      channels spend 2x to 3x more!
           (IDC Retail Insights, May 2012)

Example Centralized Preference Center

 Login to pull
up your profile



   Interest                                    Marketing

Collect Preferences From Any Consumer Touch Points

Preference Center Solution
Turning Opt-Outs into Opt-Downs
                                              Atomic Opt-Out     Customer Centric
                                                 Marketing     Preference Marketing
●   Fortune 500 B2B and B2C financial
    software company experiencing high
    percentage of opt-outs
●   Marketing universe continues to shrink

●   Offer opt-down option
●   Maintain a targeted relationship

●   Groups campaigns by product line
●   Deployed an opt-down solution with full
    ESP integration in four weeks

●   15% of opt-outs converted to opt-downs

Preference Center Solution
Comply with Mobile Express Consent Requirement
●   FCC TCPA announced Express Consent
    Requirement effective 2013
●   Impacts large percent of Telco’s

●   Start collecting express consent now
●   Minimize marketing impact

●   Identify wireless numbers in real-time
●   Present disclosure and archive consent

●   Preserved 45% of households with no

Customer Preference Center Solution
Launch a Green Initiative
●   Large financial services company wants
    to cut mailing costs and preserve the

●   Convert paper bills and account
    notifications to electronic

●   Deployed an account services preference
●   Marketed electronic communications
    options on web, via emails and US mail

●   Saved $1.2 million of mailing expense
●   Enhanced customer satisfaction

Customer Preference Center Solution
Managing Preferences in an Agent Network
●   Insurance company with large agent
    network struggled to collect and share
    preference data

●   Streamline access to preference data and
    ensure compliance is maintained

●   Deployed QuickCheck so that agents
    could access current preferences and
    collect new ones

●   Simplified marketing process
●   Reduced compliance risk
●   Increased sales by more than 20%

Customer Preference Center Solution
Facebook Monetization
●   Company collects “likes” but can’t
    monetize them

●   Convert “likes” to targeted leads
●   Turn leads into sales
●   Upsell current customers
●   Share promotional activity with friends

●   Integrated a preference center into

●   17% of “likes” convert to preference data
●   Targeted campaign produced $1.7 million
    in additional sales

Key Takeaways
Roadmap Initial Steps to Increase ROI via Preferences

                      • Use marketing research base like VoC to
   Build on Strong      provide strong foundation. Decide upon key
    Foundation          preference actions to maximize customer
                        relationship and tangible ROI results.

    Conduct Initial   • Conduct an initial analysis of preference
                        management structure across organization
   Implementation       and benchmark against your competition.
      Analysis          Use analysis to finalize approach for ROI.

   Go from Pilot      • Create a low cost pilot program that builds on
                        existing technology infrastructure. Aim for 90
 Program to Proven      days to launch, 90 day proof of concept, and
  ROI and Expand        achieve more than 10x initial ROI in pilot.


More Related Content

Learn the 4 Essential Requirements. Part 2 of 4, Slides 77-152

  • 1. Transforming Your Customer Experience: Learn the 4 Essential Requirements Part 2 of 4 ©2012 Ernan Roman Direct Marketing
  • 2. Call Center Moved from Operations to Marketing • “Cost center” vs. “Profit Center” • What do you measure today? • What really counts? 77 Step 1: VoC Research
  • 3. Call Center Moved from Operations to Marketing What does the bottom 10% cost you? Top 10% of agents: $180 revenue per call Bottom 10% of agents: $140 revenue per call Difference: $40/call If the average agent takes 1,000 calls per month, your bottom agents are costing you $480k per year! What are the implications? 78 Step 1: VoC Research
  • 4. Call Center Moved from Operations to Marketing • What’s a great agent worth? • Revised Compensation Plan – “doubling your compensation” • Competition and Cooperation • Recruiting and training 79 Step 1: VoC Research
  • 5. VoC Follow-Up Actions: Next Steps Build an online community that provides an opportunity for sharing. Build a bridge to the Primary Care Doctor. Customer Portal 80 Step 1: VoC Research
  • 6. Work in progress. . . but seeing a 65% VoC Results increase in returning customers and Customer retention = 40% increase in revenue per customer. #1 strategic priority. VoC helped create unity of purpose and vision for the entire management team. Identified opportunities across all functional areas. 81 Step 1: VoC Research
  • 7. Your Top 3 Takeaways? 1. 2. 3. 82 Step 1: VoC Research
  • 8. Step 1: Summary Step 1: VoC 4 steps in the VoC-driven Customer Engagement Research Marketing Process: 1. Use Voice of Customer Research to Truly Drive Your Engagement Strategies 2. Create Powerful Opt-In Databases to Drive High How to Use Voice Impact Personalization Strategies of Customer Research to Drive 3. Use the 5 Principles of Multichannel Marketing Your Engagement 4. Increase the Power of Your Online and Social Strategies Media Marketing. 83 Step 1: VoC Research
  • 9. Step 1: Summary Step 1: VoC VoC-insights help you transform your marketing Research from “CRM” and “managing” customers to “CMR” and “customer-managed” relationships. Use VoC research to help you understand and pre-test how to change from a relationship based on just How to Use Voice transactions to a deeper engagement based on a of Customer broader understanding of customer needs. Research to Drive Your Relationship Use VoC to engage customers to Opt-In and self-profile Strategies their preferences. This information will populate your Opt-In database with uniquely accurate information. 84 Step 1: VoC Research
  • 10. Step 2: How to Create Powerful Opt-In Databases to Drive High Impact Personalization Strategies. Drawing for 2 Autographed Books: 85 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 11. Step 2: How to Create Powerful Opt-In Databases to Drive High Impact Personalization Strategies Step 2: Opt-In Engagement Step 1: VoC Research 86 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 12. Traditional “Spray and Pray” Marketing Isn’t Working So Well… 87 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 13. Opt-Out is the US Standard • More than 76% of U.S. adults have registered for the National Do-Not-Call (DNC) Registry (Harris Interactive). Average Presidential election voter turnout: 50% • Over 209 million phone numbers listed on the DNC. Eight million new numbers registered in 2011. • The DMAChoice mail opt-out program has served over 12 million consumers over the past 15 years. • In the 1st year, 1 million consumers opted out via the Digital Advertising Alliance’s AdChoices Icon, on behaviorally-targeted ads. • Pending Canadian law: electronic commercial messages, including email, texts, and messages via social media, going to, through, from Canada without prior consent, could bring severe penalties. • Italian government banned all unsolicited mail, phone, e-mail, NY Times 4/29/12 fax, mobile communications without affirmative consent. 88 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 14. “Do-Not-Track” Legislation is a Hot Topic Per a NY Times story, Julie Matlin was tempted by a pair of shoes on zappos.com. Then the shoes started showing up in ads on other sites she visited. It was as if Zappos had unleashed a persistent salesman who wouldn’t take no for an answer. “It is a pretty clever marketing tool. But it’s a little creepy, especially if you don’t know what’s going on.” 89 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 15. Empowered consumers are questioning why the Opt-Out burden is on them... versus marketers competing to engage them with value propositions that motivate them to Opt-In Unfortunately, Frustration is House re Verizon; Opt-Out The message: growing. "While we marketing policies If you don’t like understand the these practices On 8/9/12, the FTC are the norm. benefits of the burden fined Google tailoring is on you $22.5 mill. for Safari They allow advertising to to privacy violations. marketers to send customers, we Opt-Out. Largest FTC civil offers believe that they penalty, “…if you’re and use on-line should be in going to hold information control of the people’s most to target their sharing and private data, you marketing. disclosure of have to …honor their personal privacy information commitments” through an Bur. Cons. Protection Opt-In process.” 90 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 16. The Alternative. . . Powerful and Socially Responsible Opt-In Relationships Respect customers and prospects. Ask them to define their individual requirements in response to meaningful value propositions. As a result, they will populate your database with uniquely detailed, actionable information. 91 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 17. Important! Opt-in is not about passively agreeing to receive email. It’s about actively opting-in to a relationship and self-profiling your preferences and aversions. 92 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 18. 93 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 19. Complex Privacy Settings 94 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 20. The Ever-Expanding Privacy Policy In the last five years, Facebook’s privacy policy has grown to 5,830 words today, from 1,004 in 2005. In addition, Facebook offers an in-depth Privacy FAQ page, with 45,000 words. 95 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 21. The Opt-In Process 1. VoC learnings drive strategies for 4. Per VoC research, Opt-In is based on customer engagement so they Opt-In reciprocity of value: to a deeper level of engagement.  Recognition by consumers that in order to receive or access increasingly relevant 2. Customers profile: needs, decision information, they must share increasing making process, offer, message, amounts of information regarding their timing and media preferences. preferences. This detailed information builds your  If they trust the marketer and see a useful uniquely accurate preferences value proposition, consumers will opt-in to database. sharing increasingly detailed personal preference information in exchange for the 3. Customers are actively engaged in marketer’s promise to deliver relevant contributing to, and defining their information and offers. relationship with your company.  As a result of these interactions, consumers are more likely to open, engage with, and respond to, communications and offers. 96 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 22. Consumers Want to Opt-In Many customers are eager to tell you Consider the bottom-line results how they want to be treated. from using this self-profiled information to drive how you engage They will also share whether they with customers! are: The pay-off:  Proactive users: will engage and contribute.  Consumers receive personalized communications and offers.  Passive users: “I want to be  Marketers stop “spray and pray.” spoon-fed content.” Each requires a specific strategy. 97 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 23. Without this preference data, true personalization The Big Takeaway driven marketing cannot happen. Traditional transactional data is not enough! Reciprocity of Value Equation: Consumers opt-in Profile asks 436 questions. Microsoft’s VoC-driven to share increasingly Relationship Marketing detailed personal program (Business preference Resource Center) information in requests answers to exchange for 14+ detailed business marketer’s promise questions in order to to deliver relevant deliver targeted and relevant information/ information education. and offers. 98 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 24. Keep in Mind. . . This Process Requires: Operational precision in managing offers and communications per individual customer requirements. Challenging to implement! 99 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 25. 5 Ways to Earn Consumer Opt-In Results from 125+ VoC research efforts conducted by ERDM indicate that consumers have 5 criteria for determining whether to Opt-In to sharing in-depth information: • Trust that the company will adequately safeguard their information and use it in a responsible way. 1. • “Responsible” = consumers believe that their information will not be rented or sold to third parties. 2. • “Honor my preferences” reflects expectation that their “Opt-In” self-profiled preferences will be used to drive increasingly targeted communications and offers... and suppress those that are not relevant per 3. the preferences of individual customers. • The value consumers receive in exchange for providing in-depth information must be obvious and compelling. If the value is not obvious, they will assume you betrayed their trust. This expectation of 4. relevance applies to online and offline experiences and communications. • Consumers must see proof that the company will be able to deliver on requirements 1 through 4, 5. not just once, but consistently over time. 100 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 26. Case Study VoC-Driven Small Business Relationship Marketing Program 101 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 27. Situation Overview Home-Based Lower Small Core Small Lower Core Business Business Business Midmarket Midmarket 1+ PC 1-4 PCs 5-24 PCs 25-49PCs 50-249PCs Total SW Market Spend $12BN $10BN Ave # of Employees 9 228 Number of US Firms 14M 3.5M 2.5M 180K 100K • The 20+ million Small Midsize Business (SMB) firms represent substantial growth opportunity. • Market and competitive landscape raising stakes to increase need to serve the SMB market. 102 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 28. A majority of Microsoft product sales in Small and Medium size business segments come through a channel partner (e.g. Value Added Reseller, Retailer, Original Equipment Manufacturer). Customers feel they have no relationship with Microsoft. SMB customers are mostly transactional (gather information, trial, purchase, and disengage). Past Small Business Voice of Customer (VoC) Research indicated that most customers would welcome a Hence the need for a relationship program. relationship with Microsoft. 103 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 29. As a result of the first Small Business VoC, Microsoft developed the SB+ Relationship Program. 6 digit membership 3.7x more responsive SB+ Relationship Marketing Opt-Ins 1.3x more revenue 20 points more satisfied 104 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 30. How to Approach the Diverse SMB Segment? Based on the success of SB+, Microsoft wanted to scale to midmarket companies (size: 100-150 employees) . Key questions Program Goals  Will the online resource appeal to  Increase customer satisfaction midmarket IT and business scores. decision makers? Will they opt-in?  Increase licensing renewal rate.  What are key enhancements that can help deepen customer  Improve customer engagement. engagement?  Deliver the most relevant content  Can results continue to exceed and communications. results of house file?  Improve marketing efficiencies. 105 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 31. Pillars of the Online Relationship Program Customer Satisfaction Usage Benefits Activation Implementation Communications Community Relevant Training Support 106 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 32. VoC Helped Answer Key Questions For 1-500 employees, what type of training, support, community and communication can drive deeper engagement? How to improve the value and usage of training. How to improve the support offerings to provide greater value. How customers define a value-added community. How the communications strategy should be improved. 107 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 33. VoC Learnings Relationship Program Value Must Be Obvious and Differentiated Make it easy Keep it focused Deliver ‘wins’ Must provide easy site Online Resource Make the initial navigation. Center (ORC) value: interactions engaging by offering a Use lay terms and user One stop, convenient ‘quick training.’ friendly (non-tech) key resource for SMB word searches. customers. Help users by providing Clearly different from industry, business and Provide access to technology info. information and other resources. business solutions Every facet of the Partner with non- from every part of user experience Microsoft experts Relationship Program. must prove this. for valuable content. 108 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 34. Learnings Personalize the Experience Per Business Needs, User Level, Size, Industry and Products Focus on needs Support Satisfy Different Needs Develop from the Alleviate pain by using user’s perspective, simple terms as self- Target content based on not Microsoft’s. help key words. start-up, segment, Highlight common business needs and user Request user feedback problems and provide level. at every touch point. quick access to Offer ways for three Use feedback to solutions. different user types evolve the experience, Leverage peers for (Learners, Connectors, provide relevant additional support. Collaborators) to content/ engage. communication. 109 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 35. Learnings Tie Training, Support and Community Into a Differentiating Relationship Training Support Community Peer interaction must As a key benefit, users Alleviate pain by using be facilitated across a should be introduced simple terms as self- variety of demographic to training early on. help key words. and business areas. Follow-up training to Highlight common problems and Points of interaction: encourage the next ORC interaction. provide quick Level of knowledge. access to solutions. Common problems. Offer user-defined categories for Leverage peers for Forums. easy access. additional support. SMEs/Moderators. Make training easy to share. 110 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 36. Launched the Microsoft Business Resource Center 111 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 37. Asked 14 questions, The Value of Opt-In such as: Name Email FUTURE: Apply a progressive profiling strategy, reducing Primary role in the need to ask all questions at once. Keep improving the company (i.e. Sales, relevance of questions and the value exchange. Marketing, Finance) Microsoft software usage/ownership Number of employees Opt-In Value Industry Relevance Profile Exchange Primary customer business need Customers actively engage expecting Opt-in data will help What is the biggest something of equal value in return. achieve greater challenge facing their relevance, marketing organization today? efficiency, and increased lifetime Number of PCs value. Number of servers 112 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 38. SMB Relationship Program At-a-Glance For Customers: For Microsoft: Personalized Preferences service Customized Click/usage Relation- information behavior ship desk Ease of use Tier 1 Purchase intent Cross-sell Relevance Trigger-based opportunities database e-marketing Tier 2 Web: Business Resource Center Newsletter Tier 3 113 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 39. Web Resource: Microsoft Business Resource Center Overview Personalized Experience Phone # • Telephone customer service Personalization unique for cue (Tier 1 & 2 only) Tier 1 and 2 • Support  Free online chat tech support • Training Communities recommended,  Software training and Dynamics, Vista computer-based I’m a volume license training is key customer • Community I own/use • Library (information) Dynamics, Office • Dashboard Training for Office Articles, tips for me. OV, APO 114 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 40. Customized Communications Customized communications based on opt-in data • Welcome e-mail • Monthly personalized e-newsletter • Ongoing e-mails 115 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 41. Results RM Response RM Volume Receiving license Open rates rates very customer Opt-in rates performing volume revenue greater positive from those up to 95% in the license than 50% customer in the VoC- double- renewal digits feedback driven rate is 8 points program is higher than 2x greater non-RM than the customers control 116 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 42. Benefits of the Value Exchange Customer Benefits Microsoft Benefits  Personalized service  Opt-in profile information drives relevance in web site  Customized communication content and communications and information  Ability to analyze click and  Ease of use usage behavior  Relevance  Improved Marketing ROI: • Cross-sell/upsell opportunities 117 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 43. Steven Shapiro Director, Global Relationship Marketing Symantec Norton is the world’s leading provider of Consumer security software and services, protecting over 135 million users globally. Norton’s core products include Norton AntiVirus, Norton Internet Security, and Norton 360. Steven has over 17 years of diverse experience leading e-commerce, web- Steven Shapiro based applications, and software-as-a-service solutions for such companies Director, Global as Gemstar-TV Guide, UpShot, McAfee, and Symantec. Relationship Marketing Steven has continually championed improvements through tenacity, Symantec passion, innovation, and an unrelenting need to understand. Steven_Shapiro@symantec.com www.symantec.com 118 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 44. Case Study Today ’s Customers Expect Preference-based, Personalized, and Relevant Experiences 119 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 45. Introduction • Today’s discussion is about: – The extra dimension of proactive, relevant, and personalized engagement customers want. – Customer’s recognition that in order to receive highly personalized experiences, they need to provide increasingly detailed information to drive the personalization. – How Norton consumers define the Personal Data Reciprocity of Value Equation. – Trust as a prerequisite for this level of engagement, and how customers today define the elements of trust. 120 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 46. Delivering customer centric engagements Two-way and marketing performance and customer value cross-channel Integrated data, channels and technology Conversational Target customer groups and personalise “Spray & Data-Driven Pray” Segmented Broadcast sophistication in capabilities Source: CACI, 2012 © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit 121 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement written consent from Symantec
  • 47. What is the value of permission? Over 40% of respondents said they want to be rewarded for sharing their personal data © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit Source: Aimia Survey, 10/05/2011 written consent from Symantec 12 2 122 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 48. It’s no longer “nice to have”  Customers expect that you will obtain permission before you use their information.  This expectation is amplified if they are paying for the product or service.  We tend to think that we have the answers and customers naturally want to hear what we have to say…  Are we really listening…or just talking? © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 123 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 49. About Norton  Significant number of customer touch points  135+ million active users  Norton protects the Stuff that matters to  #1 consumer online backup provider consumers, across all  $2+ Billion in annual revenue aspects of their  Shipping on 60%+ of Windows-based consumer digital lives. PCs  Norton provides a range of security solutions including technologies for PCs and mobile devices, live tech support services and online backup. © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 124 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 50. How do you get customers to opt in? You can’t ask a customer “do you want to receive more emails?” And, given that Norton is a provider of pop-up and spam prevention, we can’t annoy, at any cost. Can you? We need to listen to the customer to determine requirements. © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 12 5 125 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 51. Introducing reciprocity of value What is the Reciprocity of Value Equation? Recognition by consumers that in order to receive or access increasingly relevant info, they must share increasing amounts of information regarding their preferences. If they trust the marketer and see a useful value proposition, consumers will opt-in to sharing increasingly detailed personal preference information in exchange for the marketer’s promise to deliver relevant information and offers. As a result of these interactions, consumers are more likely to open, engage with, and respond to, communications and offers. Source: Voice of the Customer Marketing, Ernan Roman © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 126 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 52. Listening powered by customer signals Outbound Inbound • E-Mail • Support (calls, web, chat) Communications • Desktop Messaging • eCommerce • In Product Messaging • Websites • Upsells / Cross-sells • Information / Notifications Communications Strategies • Delight • Advisory • Education • Transactional • Analytics • Behavioral inferred preferences Customer Signals • Customer volunteered • Triggers preferences © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit 12 written consent from Symantec 7 127 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 53. VoC Research  Norton approach:  2 Phases  Engage in one-on-one in-depth interviews to dive into details  Run quantitative surveys to identify and fine tune statistical significance  Phase 1:  In-depth qualitative interviews across segments, (80 interviews)  Phase 2:  Quantitative customer surveys (1-2K) across segments © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 128 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 54. Phase 1 VoC Research Summary Methodology Objectives • How different customer segments define deeper • 80 in-depth hour-long interviews across key relationships segments, purchase channel, and product value (NAV vs. NIS /N360) • Expectations and requirements to drive willingness to Opt-In • Gain customer-driven understanding of customer experience that will be perceived as personal and • Self-profile preferences based on expectations of relevant increasingly relevant communications and offers. • Will follow with quantitative survey • Customer receptiveness to proactive personalized outreaches Retail Online Product value: Low Med-Hi Low Med-Hi Total Group 1: Constantly Connected 5 5 5 5 20 Group 2: Secure and Loyal 5 5 5 5 20 Group 3: Tech DIY 3 8 2 7 20 Group 4: Hand Holders 5 5 5 5 20 Total 18 23 17 22 80 © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 129 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 55. VoC Findings © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 130 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 56. A reinforcing cycle built on trust  Trust is the foundation and basis for obtaining deeper engagement with customers.  Trust opens customer to Reciprocity of Value: a meaningful exchange of value.  For pertinent value, customers are motivated to provide opt-in and a wide range of Preferences for receipt and suppression of information.  These preferences enable Personalization that delivers the targeted and relevant communications customers requested.  The improved Customer Experience reinforces trust which enhances trust.  Which will motivate them to provide additional information, thereby engaging them in a deeper level of Reciprocity . . . and the cycle continues. © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 131 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 57. Trust  Research identified four dimensions of trust that build upon each other.  Key areas to build trust:  Alleviate privacy concerns by explaining the reasons behind data requests.  Multiple assurances of the privacy of their data and Symantec’s commitment to keeping their information safe.  Receiving only the information they are interested in, based on their specified preferences. © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 132 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 58. Preferences Technology level preference In addition to Casual user Average user Above-average Expert user user “standard preference” Product purchased settings, 360 Internet AntiVirus Norton Mobile Anti-Theft Back-up Ghost Security Utilities Security customers had had remarkably Content preferences specific Tips Security- related New product Product offers/ Partner offers/ E-news- Virus/ security Birthday preferences… topics trials discounts discounts letter alerts message Communication preferences Desktop Email Texts Online chat Skype Social Media messaging Frequency preferences When Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually appropriate © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 133 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 59. Other findings • Business realities must be considered – even when the data clearly goes against commercial requirements. • Must be creative to obtain goals. • Sometimes, the right thing to do is not possible immediately. • Use a phased approach • Acknowledge that change is hard. © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit written consent from Symantec 134 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 60. An integral part of the broader journey  The learning from the VoC is a key component Customer to move away from Signals transactional Reciprocity of communications. Infrastructure Value (acquiring  Combined with opt-in) infrastructure and customer signals (the Relevant, triangle), we expect to Personalized Engagements deliver on our goals:  Collect preferences and permissions  Deploy true personalized communications. 13 5 © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit 135 written consent from Symantec
  • 61. Parting thoughts • The three “pillars” are integral to delivering customer expectations Privacy – Must be done together to achieve trust. • Must change thinking – From “how does this Personalization benefit us?” to “how does this benefit the customer?” Preferences © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit 13 6 written consent from Symantec 136 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 62. 4 Actions…  Customer insights are a privilege, not a right.  Trust is easily lost, but hard to gain, especially when dealing with personal information and relationships.  Don’t ruin the hard fought gains for short-term bookings.  Remember that customer delight results in customer loyalty, advocacy, and bookings. © 2012, No reproduction, reuse, or distribution without the explicit 13 7 written consent from Symantec 137 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 63. Joe Leader Vice President, Strategic Business Development PossibleNOW Joe Leader serves as a Ph.D. level expert on leveraging new business technologies. In 2012, Leader joined PossibleNOW, the top preference management company in the world with over 80 billion customer preferences managed on behalf of over 700 enterprise-level companies. Joe Leader Vice President, Previously, Joe led marketing efforts at a technology company ranked #2 on the Strategic Business Inc. 500, growing a new division from zero to $150 million in revenue and later Solutions selling the division to a multi-billion dollar company. At a Fortune 1000 high- PossibleNOW tech company, Leader spearheaded worldwide channel marketing bringing a 10-times increase in channel revenue. Most recently, Leader marketed air travel technology into one of the largest travel distribution networks in the world creating a $100 million new market. Leader holds both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Emory University, and an MBA in technology management, and completes his business Ph.D. this year with his marketing research focused on accelerating new product adoption. jleader@possiblenow.com www.possiblenow.com 138 Step 2: Opt-In Engagement
  • 64. Roadmap to Successful Preference Marketing Joe Leader, Ph.D. (ABD) Vice President of Strategic Business Development
  • 65. Overview Introduction and Background Preference Marketing is communicating to customers based on their personal preferences such as product Roadmap to Preference Mgt interest, communication channel and frequency. Customer ROI Proof Multi-Channel Solution 2012: Preference Center Example Preference 2000: Marketing Case Study Examples Digital Marketing 1990: Takeaways and Next Steps Direct Marketing 1980: Broadcast Marketing 140
  • 66. Background on PossibleNOW Serving 80 Billion • The #1 preference management company in the United States with over 80 billion customer preferences Customer Preferences managed for over 700 enterprise-level companies. • Manage data accuracy for the U.S. Federal Trade Setting the Standard Commission for the most popular privacy program in history. Compliance is our core value proposition. • The leader in enterprise preference management, Expertise Across direct marketing compliance, regulatory process Four Sectors consulting and marketing data services. Global Compatibility with • PossibleNOW provides global compatibility with all solutions meaning that legacy systems will work in Every Platform & System every way desired making the impossible possible now.
  • 67. The Roadmap to Preference Management ● Maintain compliance by managing opt- outs effectively – Centralize all preference data – Maintain compliance reporting and research capabilities ● Aggressively pursue consumer opt-in preferences – Maximize your consumer contacts – Minimize opt-outs ● Create single view of customer preferences Develop a single view of a person, family, and household preferences ● Make preferences actionable Provide granular level consumer preferences Leverage flexible statusing and suppression engines
  • 68. The Customer Preference ROI Results Demonstrated by Forrester Research 143
  • 69. Technology to Manage Customer Preferences ● MyPreferences is a SaaS based, multi-channel B2B / B2C preference management tool built with Privacy by Design allowing management of: – Privacy preferences – Marketing preferences – Account servicing preferences ● Collect data from any consumer data touch points to deliver the right message at the right time through the right channel Customers than engage via multiple channels spend 2x to 3x more! (IDC Retail Insights, May 2012) 144
  • 70. Example Centralized Preference Center Login to pull up your profile Manage Opt-outs Contact Information Account Preferences Product Interest Marketing Area 145
  • 71. Collect Preferences From Any Consumer Touch Points 146
  • 72. Preference Center Solution Turning Opt-Outs into Opt-Downs Atomic Opt-Out Customer Centric Marketing Preference Marketing Situation ● Fortune 500 B2B and B2C financial software company experiencing high percentage of opt-outs ● Marketing universe continues to shrink Opportunity ● Offer opt-down option ● Maintain a targeted relationship Solution ● Groups campaigns by product line ● Deployed an opt-down solution with full ESP integration in four weeks Results ● 15% of opt-outs converted to opt-downs 147
  • 73. Preference Center Solution Comply with Mobile Express Consent Requirement Situation ● FCC TCPA announced Express Consent Requirement effective 2013 ● Impacts large percent of Telco’s database Opportunity ● Start collecting express consent now ● Minimize marketing impact Solution ● Identify wireless numbers in real-time ● Present disclosure and archive consent Results ● Preserved 45% of households with no landline 148
  • 74. Customer Preference Center Solution Launch a Green Initiative Situation ● Large financial services company wants to cut mailing costs and preserve the environment Opportunity ● Convert paper bills and account notifications to electronic Solution ● Deployed an account services preference center ● Marketed electronic communications options on web, via emails and US mail Results ● Saved $1.2 million of mailing expense ● Enhanced customer satisfaction 149
  • 75. Customer Preference Center Solution Managing Preferences in an Agent Network Situation ● Insurance company with large agent network struggled to collect and share preference data Opportunity ● Streamline access to preference data and ensure compliance is maintained Solution ● Deployed QuickCheck so that agents could access current preferences and collect new ones Results ● Simplified marketing process ● Reduced compliance risk ● Increased sales by more than 20% 150
  • 76. Customer Preference Center Solution Facebook Monetization Situation ● Company collects “likes” but can’t monetize them Opportunity ● Convert “likes” to targeted leads ● Turn leads into sales ● Upsell current customers ● Share promotional activity with friends Solution ● Integrated a preference center into Facebook Results ● 17% of “likes” convert to preference data ● Targeted campaign produced $1.7 million in additional sales 151
  • 77. Key Takeaways Roadmap Initial Steps to Increase ROI via Preferences • Use marketing research base like VoC to Build on Strong provide strong foundation. Decide upon key Foundation preference actions to maximize customer relationship and tangible ROI results. Conduct Initial • Conduct an initial analysis of preference management structure across organization Implementation and benchmark against your competition. Analysis Use analysis to finalize approach for ROI. Go from Pilot • Create a low cost pilot program that builds on existing technology infrastructure. Aim for 90 Program to Proven days to launch, 90 day proof of concept, and ROI and Expand achieve more than 10x initial ROI in pilot. 152

Editor's Notes

  1. Thank you for meeting with us todayIntroductionsRecap prior conversationsUnderstand expectations for meeting
  2. Before we jump into the detail we want to take a minute to explain 4 guiding principals that we ascribe to:You have to be able to manage consumer opt-outs effectively and efficiently so that you can stay in compliance with all the government regulations as well as business policy.It’s key to be able to centralize all your preference data to one location and have reporting and research capabilities so that you can comply with the opt out requirements that are out there.We want to actively move our clients from a defensive posture to an offensive one when it comes to collecting consumer opt ins. It’s a big trend these days for companies to want to understand how consumers want to be communicated to and what they want to be communicated about. This is vital for the success of marketing programs today.The third element is to be able to track preferences at a person level. So you can get a single view of a person and the opt ins and opt outs that they have expressed to your company.The fourth element is to be able to take the preference data and act on it. By that we mean suppression and statusing engines so your databases throughout your corporation can reflect the preferences and when your pulling leads or accessing a customer record you can understand that consumers preferences.
  3. You communicate with your customers in a number of waysSome of these are emerging channels like social and mobileOne question that we’re asked by clients is how we manage 80 billion customer preferences when there are only 7 billion people in the world.Let me give an introduction to answer that questionMarketing started out as one way communications with broadcast media such as TV, Radio and printThen marketers moved to targeted direct mail or email marketing to 35-45 year old males with X income. Today, with the recent explosion of social media and mobile devices, we’ve quickly evolved to a multi-channel world.Google ads, email, mail, text messaging and social media. People are feeling bombarded and overwhelmed.We manage 80 billion preferences because every time an individual opts-in or opts-out from a channel, we track it perfectly and make our clients compliant. In developing a profile for each of those individuals with preferences, we can predictively analyize how to most effectively market to each individual.Q: What marketing channels do you use in you campaigns? Q: How is that working for you?
  4. So here’s a look at what that preference centers could look like ENROLLMENT//SUBSCRIPTION “Milk & Toast” All about opt-in!Authenticate through single sign on (SSO)Multiple contact elementsCan manage very granular preferencesTravel example – firmness of pillow, proximity to elevatorHere’s an example of a persistent preference management web interface.Here’s what American Family is doing…they are allowing consumers to indicate specific product interest and then indicate how they want to be contacted. Not everyone wants to receive a phone call, but email or mail is OK. And how often do you want to hear from us. Let me give you an example, I’ll buy something from overstock.com come and then I’ll be bombarded by irrelevant offers like drapes, blouses every day. I’ll opt out. That’s why it’s so important to enrich your marketing dataso that you can deliver targeted and relevant offers through a channel that your consumers will listen to. And that is unique for everyone.If a tree falls in the forest and no ones there to hear it, did it make a noise? No it did not. Likewise, in marketing, advertising is only relevant if someone is listening.An example of how preference marketing was done well is 800flowers. Last year I bought my wife flowers for our anniversary over the phone. This year they called me and “said Mr. Tejeda, we see that your anniversary is 2 weeks away and I wanted to see if you would like us to send Karen flowers again. We have Roses on special this month.” I was delighted. They gave me what I wanted and made it easy for me.Q – If you had this level of preference data, would you be able to leverage it in your marketing campaigns?
  5. Here are examples of those touch points…Mobile…