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Learning and Teaching
       Digital Literacies
1st June 2012    Catherine Cronin
#EdTech12        @catherinecronin
                                    Image: CC BY-SA 2.0 Ed Yourdon
Image: CC BY-NC 2.0 owaief89
Exploring   part I
Visitors and Residents by David S. White, Alison Le Cornu
                                                                        Image: CC BY-SA 2.0 Gideon Burton
what are digital literacies?
 access                  agency
 skills                       media
              critical thinking
  interpret     create
communicate              fluency
8 essential elements of
                           digital literacies1

               1. Cultural                                  5. Confident
               2. Cognitive                                 6. Creative
               3. Constructive                              7. Critical
               4. Communicative                             8. Civic

1 Definition   by Doug Belshaw
5 categories of digital literacy2

2 Definition   by Ismael Peña-López
digital literacies3

                     Knowledge of digital tools

                     Critical thinking

                   Social engagement

3 Definition   by Tabetha Newman, adapted by Josie Fraser
Exploring   part II
2nd year Professional Skills module
         BSc Computer Science & IT

Research, writing and presentation skills
           & digital literacies

                   Images: CC BY-SA 2.0 rolvr; CC BY-SA 2.0 openDemocracy; CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 inju
Learning and Teaching Digital Literacies
“Students will not
     simply pass
  through a course
      like water
   through a sieve,
  but instead leave
their own imprint on
     the learning
   - Bryn Holmes (2001)

                          Image: CC B
3 tenets of my teaching

openness • social media • student voice/choice
openness • social media • student voice/choice
openness • social media • student voice/choice

              choose openness
     where possible & where appropriate

      USE      open resources

    CREATE create to share, CC-licensed

     SHARE     openly, including my/our own learning
openness • social media • student voice/choice

                Social Media
       enables connection and learning
       across the (artificial) boundaries
              of time and space

    TIME... class time, term time, academic year

    SPACE... classrooms, labs, desks, buildings
“I don’t think
education is about
centralized instruction
anymore; rather,
it is the process [of]
establishing oneself
as a node in a broad
network of distributed
– Joichi Ito

                          Image: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 yobink
digital identity

                   Image: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Frederic Poi
Image: corners311
“In a digital,
networked, open
world people become
less defined by the
institution to which they
belong and more by
the network and online
identity they establish.
- Martin Weller
Forum:     @CT231        CT231 circle

Sharing:   public & dm   public & circles

Tagging:   #ct231        #ct231 + #litet
Learning and Teaching Digital Literacies
Learning and Teaching Digital Literacies
Learning and Teaching Digital Literacies
Learning and Teaching Digital Literacies
openness • social media • student voice/choice
openness • social media • student voice/choice

         Use as many opportunities
         as possible for students to
              Choose & Create.

         TOPICS          ASSESSMENT

          MEDIA            RUBRICS

         TOOLS                 ...
like to create?
Image: CC BY NC-SA 2.0 catherinecronin
Never doubt that a small group of
 thoughtful, committed citizens
     can change the world.
    Indeed it is the only thing
         that ever has.
                  – Margaret Mead
Never doubt that a small group of
 thoughtful, committed citizens
     can change the world.
    Indeed it is the only thing
         that ever has.
                  – Margaret Mead
instructor-led   →        student-led

individual       →       collaborative

in class         →        online, open

 1 classroom     →

                     authentic learning
Exploring   part III
A brief history of digital literacy in the UK and the EU
                     (JISC Digital Literacies programme)

 Liveblog by @drbexl:
Selected JISC resources:
Developing Digital Literacies programme (2012)
Preparing for a Digital Future presentation (2011)
Digital literacies for learners, researchers &
teaching staff, by Helen Beetham, Rhona
Sharpe, Frances Bell, Simranjeet Singh Roud & Col
SLiDA project report (2010)
Supporting learners in a digital age, by Rhona
Sharpe, Greg Benfield, Shalni Gulati & Judy Hardy
LLiDA project report (2009)
Thriving in the 21st century: Learning literacies for
the digital age, by Helen Beetham, Lou McGill & Prof.
Alison Littlejohn
Twitter hashtags:
Twitter gems:
Thank you!
 CC BY_NC 2.0 youngdoo


More Related Content

Learning and Teaching Digital Literacies

  • 1. Learning and Teaching Digital Literacies 1st June 2012 Catherine Cronin #EdTech12 @catherinecronin Image: CC BY-SA 2.0 Ed Yourdon
  • 2. WHY digital literacies?
  • 3. Image: CC BY-NC 2.0 owaief89
  • 5. Exploring part I RESEARCH
  • 6. Visitors and Residents by David S. White, Alison Le Cornu http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/3171 Image: CC BY-SA 2.0 Gideon Burton
  • 7. what are digital literacies? access agency literacy skills media critical thinking social learning interpret create communicate fluency
  • 8. 8 essential elements of digital literacies1 1. Cultural 5. Confident 2. Cognitive 6. Creative 3. Constructive 7. Critical 4. Communicative 8. Civic 1 Definition by Doug Belshaw http://dougbelshaw.com/blog/2012/03/10/tedxwarwick-the-essential-elements-of-digital-literacies/
  • 9. 5 categories of digital literacy2 2 Definition by Ismael Peña-López http://ictlogy.net/bibliography/reports/projects.php?idp=1441
  • 10. digital literacies3 Knowledge of digital tools Critical thinking Social engagement 3 Definition by Tabetha Newman, adapted by Josie Fraser http://fraser.typepad.com/socialtech/2012/03/digital-literacy-practice.html
  • 11. Exploring part II TEACHING & LEARNING
  • 12. 2nd year Professional Skills module BSc Computer Science & IT Research, writing and presentation skills & digital literacies Images: CC BY-SA 2.0 rolvr; CC BY-SA 2.0 openDemocracy; CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 inju
  • 14. “Students will not simply pass through a course like water through a sieve, but instead leave their own imprint on the learning process.” - Bryn Holmes (2001) Image: CC B
  • 15. 3 tenets of my teaching openness • social media • student voice/choice
  • 16. openness • social media • student voice/choice
  • 17. openness • social media • student voice/choice AIM: choose openness where possible & where appropriate USE open resources CREATE create to share, CC-licensed SHARE openly, including my/our own learning
  • 19. openness • social media • student voice/choice Social Media enables connection and learning across the (artificial) boundaries of time and space TIME... class time, term time, academic year SPACE... classrooms, labs, desks, buildings
  • 20. “I don’t think education is about centralized instruction anymore; rather, it is the process [of] establishing oneself as a node in a broad network of distributed creativity.” – Joichi Ito @joi Image: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 yobink
  • 21. digital identity Image: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Frederic Poi
  • 23. “In a digital, networked, open world people become less defined by the institution to which they belong and more by the network and online identity they establish. - Martin Weller
  • 25. Forum: @CT231 CT231 circle Sharing: public & dm public & circles Tagging: #ct231 #ct231 + #litet
  • 30. openness • social media • student voice/choice
  • 31. openness • social media • student voice/choice Use as many opportunities as possible for students to Choose & Create. TOPICS ASSESSMENT MEDIA RUBRICS TOOLS ...
  • 32. WHAT would YOU like to create?
  • 33. Image: CC BY NC-SA 2.0 catherinecronin
  • 34. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead
  • 35. Never doubt that a small group of students thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead
  • 36. instructor-led → student-led individual → collaborative in class → online, open 1 classroom → authentic learning
  • 38. Exploring part III RESOURCES
  • 40. A brief history of digital literacy in the UK and the EU (JISC Digital Literacies programme) Liveblog by @drbexl: http://digital-fingerprint.co.uk/2012/05/jisc-digital-literacies-programme-a-history-of-digital-literacy-in-uk-eu-jiscdiglit/
  • 43. Selected JISC resources: Developing Digital Literacies programme (2012) Preparing for a Digital Future presentation (2011) Digital literacies for learners, researchers & teaching staff, by Helen Beetham, Rhona Sharpe, Frances Bell, Simranjeet Singh Roud & Col Hawksworth SLiDA project report (2010) Supporting learners in a digital age, by Rhona Sharpe, Greg Benfield, Shalni Gulati & Judy Hardy LLiDA project report (2009) Thriving in the 21st century: Learning literacies for the digital age, by Helen Beetham, Lou McGill & Prof. Alison Littlejohn
  • 44. Twitter hashtags: #digilit #jiscdiglit Twitter gems: @helenbeetham @josiefraser @dajbelshaw @fbell @daveowhite @hrheingold @ictlogist @crumphelen @bonstewart @dmlcentral @jiscdigital
  • 45. Thank you! CC BY_NC 2.0 youngdoo @catherinecronin catherine.cronin@nuigalway.ie www.slideshare.net/cicronin

Editor's Notes

  1. Not on curriculum… students not asking for it.
  2. Digital Scholar – Martin WellerGrowing importance of digital/open practices
  3. Imperative to create and share, as well as consume and evaluate.
  4. 4 years ago, I didn’t know what digital literacy was...Today, it is integral to my teaching and my practice, and I believe it is essential for all of our students, at all levels of education.
  5. Term coined by Mark Prensky in 2001... Someone who has grown up with digital tech (1980s) & learns differently.Evidence-based critiques:As much variability within as between generationsQuestions of access, agency & critical thinkingRed herring! Students = all ages, many situations & contexts (Lesley)Separate DIGITAL LITERACY from DIGITAL CULTUREYes... Students may have different expectations, but as for learning differently... NoDave White: Digital Visitors / Digital Residents (web = tool/practice)
  6. Focus on remix... and thus on the person. Cultural - navigating digital cultures and contextsCivic – different contexts, beyond HE
  7. Digital presence...With social media, we have the opportunity to have many identities online, as do our students.When we invite students to participate in online spaces – Twitter, Google+, SL... We must address issues of DI (ourselves & our students)
  8. Huge literature review... (social awareness)Social engagement – enable learners to challenge, change & shape their worlds.
  9. Decisions for educators: #1 Whether to include this in our teaching#2 HOW to include this in our teachingI would like to talk about the GOAL of digital literacy education, but I’ll do so in the context of my own teaching & learning.
  10. MY challenge  Design authentic learning, from a learner perspective for a 2nd year BSc IT module. OLD: research skills / report writing / class presentationNEW: I added digital literacies... Why? Online publishing, producing digital media (not just text), and social media, social networking, social bookmarking are part of landscape.
  11. CT231
  12. I share my teaching philosophy with my students.One of my greatest satisfactions happened last week, when a student quoted this back to me in a course evaluation:“The above quote from Bryn Holmes comes to mind when I reflect on my final project for this module. Overall I’ve learned many new skills in research, writing and presentation which have all proven beneficial both now in doing assignments as part of this module and no doubt into the future when I’m undertaking my final year project for this course. It has been challenging at times (like public speaking for the first time as part of my presentation assignment) but I have overcome it and have hopefully left my own imprint in this module for other students in the future to see and learn from.”
  13. Not connected/limited by geography, space, time... but connected by our own ideas, passion, commitment via social media.
  14. DI = the persona we present across all digital communities It is often said that we leave our "digital footprint" behind as we share and interact online. Elements of our DI include information that we create ourselves -- as well as information about us which is posted by others.In class, we discussed DI:Protect your digital identityProactively choose/create your digital identity  an act of identity construction, “self authoring”
  15. Twitter was clear: either totally public or totally private (DM)Google+ was less clear: either totally public or private to our circle... but private circle posts can be shared. “LEAKY CIRCLES”Twitter was useful for DM’s between students and myself.Twitter was useful for sharing articles, thoughts, quick suggestions.
  16. Constrained at 2nd level!
  17. My compass for these explorations is AUTHENTIC LEARNINGLearn by Doing. In real-world contexts, if possible. facilitate self-directed and independent learning encourage confidence & cultivate skills such as judgement & flexibility (a challenge for most learners!)Authentic learning is often “messy”, as is real-life!
  18. initial resistance from students “unlearning”... secondary assessment = recounting not remixing isolated in the curriculum lack of recognition within department, university fear