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Learning for digital natives
connected to life
By Lukas Ritzel, Luzern, Switzerland, June 27, 2014
Academic References: Grenoble Graduate School of business, Harward extension, Asian
Institute of Technology
Business References: Accenture global consultant
Highlights: Purple Cow award winner, TEDx speaker, management thinking mistakes app
in store .. And a lecture to bright people gathered in mystique Bhutan
3 facts which influence education beyond 2014
• Smart or not so smart machines
• Microworlds of learning
• Augmented learning
Good news!
• Education gets better
• Digital natives know more than their parents
(Don Tapscott)
– “The smartest generation ever”
http://dontapscott.com/tag/digital-natives/ 3
Bad news!
• Nobody can
cooperate with
the speed of
• We get dumb
and dumper by
the day
– Kjell A. Nordström
So how can we prepare our future
thinkers and managers best?
• Don’ learn facts and figures, don’t plan
• Learn how to search and find the answer right
on the spot, right when you need them
• (side effect: more time for other skills to learn)
How to do? Google it
• Today’s students learn quick on how to handle
new information
– Can I re-google it? > Yes > forget it asap
– Can I NOT re-google it? > Store immediate
There is all here what is needed,
Internet gets mobile, right now!
Some countries leapfrog completely
into a mobile hi-speed internet
• This is again
good news
for India and
many other
http://www.jpost.com/Business/Business-News/Indias-leapfrogging-mobile-development-an-opportunity-for-Israeli-companies-326872 8
What about Bhutan?
• Internet enabled since 1999
English is the dominant business language
http://www.forbes.com/sites/dorieclark/2012/10/26/english-the-language-of-global-business/ 10
... again good news for India
http://www.ef.edu/__/~/media/efcom/epi/2014/full-reports/ef-epi-2013-report-master-new.pdf 11
What about Bhutan?
• Still some
space for
http://www.southasianmedia.net/stories/bhutan/english-language-media/bhutanese-students-can-t-speak-english-as-expected-study-shows-story 12
Asking a machine?
Good idea?
• It already once went wrong
in a very famous science
fiction movie:
• HAL 9000 is a fictional
character in Arthur C.
Clarke's Space Odyssey
series. The primary
antagonist of 2001: A Space
Odyssey, HAL (Heuristically
programmed ALgorithmic
computer) is a sentient
computer (or artificial
intelligence) that controls
the systems of the Discovery
One spacecraft and interacts
with the ship's astronaut
How good is Google in giving you the
right answers?
• Not so smart Google Switzerland
What about Google Canada?
.. and more sophisticated search algorithms
• More to come:
which introduces a
new way to get
knowledge and
• not by searching
the web, but by
doing dynamic
based on a vast
collection of built-
in data,
linguistic analysis
and methods.
How influencial is Google?
What if we ask a simple question like
“Switzerland” in the Google image search?
• Hardly any surprise,
landscapes, snow
and blue sky
Guess where is this?
Or this?
Most of you have not been there and
you may never want to go there?
• Partly because of Google
• Because this is
what Google
shows to you for
pages over pages
when you google
Therefore we may ask the question, can we
trust Google, can we trust the machine?
• What will this be for a world if we base our
decision on google-ing for it?
• .. and is it really all there, the big Ocean of
free borderless internet?
Are you aware of the filter bubble?
• There is a famous TEDx video “Beware online
“filter bubbles” with Eli Pariser. He talks about the
fact that we get trapped in a “filter bubble” and
don’t get exposed to information that could
challenge or broaden our worldview.
• Eli Pariser argues powerfully that this will
ultimately prove to be bad for us and bad for
democracy. The main reason for the existence of
this filter bubble is the fact that the algorithms
that are shaping our digital world are too simple-
minded, rather than too smart.
The YOU-Internet distorts and limits
http://www.ghacks.net/2012/10/15/googles-filter-bubble-is-a-scary-thing/ 26
Based on your prior activities, the Web
knows you better and better
Must we complain?
• it's something we exhibit
naturally and encourage.
Indeed, it's just a
demand which is now
meeting new bounties
of supply.
• Knowing that we, as a
species, are inclined this
way, is it any wonder
that the Filter Bubble
exists? Or that it is
becoming more
powerful with each new
app update and data
What to learn?
• Clever (critical) usage of the ‘machine’
• Making students aware of the chances and
the dangers of current powerful search
• Invest in softskills (critical thinking, creativity
& sustainability)
Micro gaming > micro learning
Mobile partners with learning
What to learn?
• Create and collaborate in
mobile learning activities
• Ensure the availability of
micro learning components in
a edutaining way to support
the mindset and interest of
today’s digital natives
• Create the Angry Bird of
But as well advanced technologies themselves
will transform future education
Open up new worlds
• Using visual cues in the
environment, AR uses
mobile devices to overlay
a digital world on top of
the real world.
• Projects like HealthCARe
enable students to gain
contextual information on
health care issues simply
by pointing their phone at
an object or space
Watch for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMWdFadqjg0 36
Augmented Learning
• AR will play an increasing
role in teaching and
learning, as well as in the
way institutions provide
support services and
information to students
and staff. The
interactions between the
physical and virtual
environments of the
student will become
increasingly blurred, as
will the boundaries
between the body and
the device.
Watch AR and Math http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uycBwTXdKM 37
Form Factors
• The emergence of Augmented Reality as a serious mobile
trend for education also marks the growing intimacy between
the device and our bodies. The augmentation of realities will
be mirrored with a augmentation between the device and the
body. Increasingly the ‘form-factors’ we are used to (the
mobile phone, tablet) will gradually be superseded by new
forms: earpieces, glasses and sensors.
What to learn?
• Keep updated on wearable technologies and be
ensured that it will have a huge influence on
education and lead to a more connected learning
for all students of this world
• Same as the internet with tools like Wikipedia has
opened up the libraries and knowledge of the
world to anybody (free, anytime, anywhere)
waerable technologies combined with
augmented reality will bring the whole world to
just everybody (experienceable, interactive)
Lukas Ritzel – connect with me through LinkedIn

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Learning for digital natives connected to life! Kingdom of Bhutan session June 2014. A wake up call for acacemics for by Lukas Ritzel an honorary member of All India Association for Educational Research ( aiaer.net/ )

  • 1. Learning for digital natives connected to life By Lukas Ritzel, Luzern, Switzerland, June 27, 2014 Academic References: Grenoble Graduate School of business, Harward extension, Asian Institute of Technology Business References: Accenture global consultant Highlights: Purple Cow award winner, TEDx speaker, management thinking mistakes app in store .. And a lecture to bright people gathered in mystique Bhutan 1
  • 2. 3 facts which influence education beyond 2014 • Smart or not so smart machines • Microworlds of learning • Augmented learning 2
  • 3. Good news! • Education gets better • Digital natives know more than their parents (Don Tapscott) – “The smartest generation ever” http://dontapscott.com/tag/digital-natives/ 3
  • 4. Bad news! • Nobody can cooperate with the speed of knowledge • We get dumb and dumper by the day – Kjell A. Nordström 4
  • 5. So how can we prepare our future thinkers and managers best? • Don’ learn facts and figures, don’t plan • Learn how to search and find the answer right on the spot, right when you need them • (side effect: more time for other skills to learn) 5
  • 6. How to do? Google it • Today’s students learn quick on how to handle new information – Can I re-google it? > Yes > forget it asap – Can I NOT re-google it? > Store immediate 6
  • 7. There is all here what is needed, Internet gets mobile, right now! 7
  • 8. Some countries leapfrog completely into a mobile hi-speed internet • This is again good news for India and many other countries http://www.jpost.com/Business/Business-News/Indias-leapfrogging-mobile-development-an-opportunity-for-Israeli-companies-326872 8
  • 9. What about Bhutan? • Internet enabled since 1999 9
  • 10. English is the dominant business language http://www.forbes.com/sites/dorieclark/2012/10/26/english-the-language-of-global-business/ 10
  • 11. ... again good news for India http://www.ef.edu/__/~/media/efcom/epi/2014/full-reports/ef-epi-2013-report-master-new.pdf 11
  • 12. What about Bhutan? • Still some space for improvement http://www.southasianmedia.net/stories/bhutan/english-language-media/bhutanese-students-can-t-speak-english-as-expected-study-shows-story 12
  • 13. Asking a machine? Good idea? • It already once went wrong in a very famous science fiction movie: • HAL 9000 is a fictional character in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey series. The primary antagonist of 2001: A Space Odyssey, HAL (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer) is a sentient computer (or artificial intelligence) that controls the systems of the Discovery One spacecraft and interacts with the ship's astronaut crew. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. How good is Google in giving you the right answers? • Not so smart Google Switzerland 15
  • 16. What about Google Canada? .. and more sophisticated search algorithms • More to come: check Wolfram|Alpha which introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers— • not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built- in data, algorithms, linguistic analysis and methods. http://www.wolframalpha.com/about.html 16
  • 17. How influencial is Google? 17
  • 18. What if we ask a simple question like “Switzerland” in the Google image search? • Hardly any surprise, mountains, landscapes, snow and blue sky 18
  • 19. Guess where is this? 19
  • 21. Most of you have not been there and you may never want to go there? • Partly because of Google 21
  • 22. • Because this is what Google shows to you for pages over pages when you google «Iraq» 22
  • 23. Therefore we may ask the question, can we trust Google, can we trust the machine? • What will this be for a world if we base our decision on google-ing for it? • .. and is it really all there, the big Ocean of free borderless internet? 23
  • 24. Are you aware of the filter bubble? 24
  • 25. • There is a famous TEDx video “Beware online “filter bubbles” with Eli Pariser. He talks about the fact that we get trapped in a “filter bubble” and don’t get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. • Eli Pariser argues powerfully that this will ultimately prove to be bad for us and bad for democracy. The main reason for the existence of this filter bubble is the fact that the algorithms that are shaping our digital world are too simple- minded, rather than too smart. 25
  • 26. The YOU-Internet distorts and limits http://www.ghacks.net/2012/10/15/googles-filter-bubble-is-a-scary-thing/ 26
  • 27. Based on your prior activities, the Web knows you better and better http://blog.newswhip.com/index.php/2013/02/are-living-filter-bubble 27
  • 28. Must we complain? • it's something we exhibit naturally and encourage. Indeed, it's just a demand which is now meeting new bounties of supply. • Knowing that we, as a species, are inclined this way, is it any wonder that the Filter Bubble exists? Or that it is becoming more powerful with each new app update and data stream? 28
  • 29. What to learn? • Clever (critical) usage of the ‘machine’ • Making students aware of the chances and the dangers of current powerful search available • Invest in softskills (critical thinking, creativity & sustainability) 29
  • 30. 30
  • 31. Micro gaming > micro learning 31
  • 32. Mobile partners with learning http://conversations.nokia.com/2012/03/30/amazing-new-learning-with-nokia-life-education-partnerships 32
  • 33. 33
  • 34. What to learn? • Create and collaborate in mobile learning activities • Ensure the availability of micro learning components in a edutaining way to support the mindset and interest of today’s digital natives • Create the Angry Bird of learning 34
  • 35. But as well advanced technologies themselves will transform future education 35
  • 36. Open up new worlds • Using visual cues in the environment, AR uses mobile devices to overlay a digital world on top of the real world. • Projects like HealthCARe enable students to gain contextual information on health care issues simply by pointing their phone at an object or space Watch for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMWdFadqjg0 36
  • 37. Augmented Learning • AR will play an increasing role in teaching and learning, as well as in the way institutions provide support services and information to students and staff. The interactions between the physical and virtual environments of the student will become increasingly blurred, as will the boundaries between the body and the device. Watch AR and Math http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uycBwTXdKM 37
  • 38. Form Factors • The emergence of Augmented Reality as a serious mobile trend for education also marks the growing intimacy between the device and our bodies. The augmentation of realities will be mirrored with a augmentation between the device and the body. Increasingly the ‘form-factors’ we are used to (the mobile phone, tablet) will gradually be superseded by new forms: earpieces, glasses and sensors. http://www.glassappsource.com/google-glass/google-glass-can-used-education.html 38
  • 39. What to learn? • Keep updated on wearable technologies and be ensured that it will have a huge influence on education and lead to a more connected learning for all students of this world • Same as the internet with tools like Wikipedia has opened up the libraries and knowledge of the world to anybody (free, anytime, anywhere) waerable technologies combined with augmented reality will bring the whole world to just everybody (experienceable, interactive) 39
  • 40. KAADINCHHEY LA! Lukas Ritzel – connect with me through LinkedIn http://ch.linkedin.com/in/lukasritzel 40

Editor's Notes

  1. Hello to Bhutan and happy to finally be at this mystical place (at least virtually) Some facts Switzerland has as well mountains In 2006, Business Week rated Bhutan as the happiest country in Asia and the eighth happiest country in the world.
  2. I want to speak about 3 mega trends which happen right now and do influence current and future education
  3. First some good news about global education Despite some critical voices on the mindest and capacity of today’s net generation There are some good news A good book from Tapscott
  4. But there are as well bad news We can not cooperate with the speed of knowledge therefore we actually all get dumb and dumper by the day We as Gen X still try desperate to keep updated and read every article on technology and always hope that we no finally know it But the netGen has found other solutions according to cyber guru Kjell Nordström
  5. Positive side effect is that we do actually have time for more essential topics Understanding the logic behind rather than learning by heart Asking the RIGHT questions at the RIGHT time
  6. Kjell Nordström went so far to indicate that students learn a la Google and use their brains in a slightly different way than we did Specially if facing a complex lesson with a professor at the university or school
  7. We are currently at the turn where more Internet is consumed mobile than at the office, home or at starbucks On the go During those short moments between breaks, waiting for the bus, in the public transport For example the swiss will consult their mobile devices even before leaving bed and checking their personal social networks and local news, before the Muesli, Cafe and shower
  8. Specially for some of the lesser developed countries this move is to their advantage Some simply leapfrog completely into a mobile hi-speed internet > India or some countries in Africa where landlines have never been build
  9. Bhutan certainly a late joiner but since then a success story Internet and mobile access steadily on the increase
  10. Fact is we do google, and we google more and more Every question, we google it Fun fact: one of the very common search phrases in Google is: What is the meaning of Life? And as we can see, mobile search is competing strongly and will clearly become the most dominant search channel
  11. But then it is only logic that we must ask ourselves How good is Google in giving you the right answers?
  12. What about Google Canada? A bit better already, Google gives us and answer .. and more sophisticated search algorithms More to come: check Wolfram|Alpha which introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers— not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, linguistic analysis and methods. There is certainly a lot more to be expect if it comes to more clever search algorithms, we are only at the beginning of smart internet and big data mining
  13. Having those stats we must therefore ask ourselves how influencial is Google as an opinion maker for our netGen students, gowing up with it as THEIR daily tool, their personal info trainer? Are we ready, is Google ready and doing a good job in providing our furture decision makers with relvant, ballanced and correct answers to their questions?
  14. What if we ask a simple question like “Switzerland” in the Google image search? Hardly any surprise, mountains, landscapes, snow and blue sky
  15. I have been there, beautiful country, nice people, huge history and many stories to tell
  16. Not much words needed to move on to the next mega trend MOBILE What is different in the (smart) mobile world? Always on Always with us Always connected Highly personalized through personal information and individual apps setup Living in a micro world, mini games, mini tasks, one need = one app for it And this must be considered if we want to profit from this for academics rather new dominant channel for netGen students
  17. Loved from netGen not truly understand by older generations In the mobile world all happens at a micro level there will be an increased blurring of the boundaries between learning, working and living. Mobiles already support skills development in a range of fields including agriculture and healthcare, and provide paying job opportunities for mobile-based ‘microwork’.   MXit is Africa’s largest homegrown mobile social network. With over 50 million users, the South Africa-founded service not only allows its mostly young users to stay in touch by text chatting, it also facilitates live tutoring on maths homework. Dr Maths on MXit has helped 30,000 school-aged children work through maths problems by connecting them with maths tutors for live chat sessions. The service is effective for two reasons: it is cheap – the actual service is free but users pay a minimal data charge to their mobile providers – and it operates in the evenings, when learners need help with homework. For many children in South Africa, this is the most qualified tutor that they will have access to. To make a real impact mobile learning, initiatives must – and do in Africa – cater to the full range of technology contexts and its NOT only for iPhones and Android smart devices but as well for much more simpler phones.
  18. An example is Nokia Life, an information service with over 70 million subscribers in India, China, Indonesia and Nigeria. Popular information channels in Nigeria deliver preparation tips for middle and high school exams, health education aimed at families and English language learning. The service uses SMS, meaning it does not need mobile data coverage that is not as widely implemented in many places. Nokia Life Tools was preceded by a pilot called Mera Nokia, in the state of Maharashtra in India in early 2009. After the successful pilot, a wider commercial deployment of the service under the name Nokia Life Tools began in India in June 2009. The first two supported devices were the Nokia 2323 Classic and Nokia 2330 Classic devices, English and the services in India supported 11 local languages. (Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Bengali, Telugu, Punjabi, Kannada, Malayalam, Assamese and Oriya).   The service has later been expanded to Indonesia in November 2009, China in May 2010 and Nigeria in November 2010. The service has been created from the ground-up, having teams in local markets where they work with government organizations, NGOs, universities and reputed partners and content providers. The educational tools provide simple English and general knowledge courses in local languages, as well as study modules in a variety of state and ICSE board topics, including history, geography, biology, physics and chemistry. In India, it also includes a service that allows students to retrieve their exam results through their NLT app.
  19. Another such valuable mobile learning tool is worldreader Worldreader is a non-profit on a mission to bring digital books to every child and her family, so that they can improve their lives. Sponsor a school and give children all the books they need to learn and change their lives.
  20. Create and collaborate in mobile learning activities Ensure the availability of micro learning components in a edutaining way to support the mindset and interest of today’s digital natives Create the Angry Bird of learning
  21. Last but not least but certainly something whhich will not happen today But tomorrow and once again it will revolutionize not only the way we will make use of the internet BUT as well have a huge impact on edcuation It is simply too good to be not successful And it has to do with Mobile Realities The mobile devices that we have upon us will, increasingly, also be the filters through which we view reality. Augmented Reality (AR) will be the next transformative technology to change the way in which we interact with the world, and our institutions.
  22. Its difficult to explain and therefore i suggest in case you have not yet seen AR in action, just search for it in YouTube and you will find exciting samples of AR linked to almost any situation of life, interest, profession and academics But there is as well a theoretical definition: Using visual cues in the environment, AR uses mobile devices to overlay a digital world on top of the real world. Projects like HealthCARe enable students to gain contextual information on health care issues simply by pointing their phone at an object or space
  23. AR will play an increasing role in teaching and learning, as well as in the way institutions provide support services and information to students and staff. The interactions between the physical and virtual environments of the student will become increasingly blurred, as will the boundaries between the body and the device.
  24. The emergence of Augmented Reality as a serious mobile trend for education also marks the growing intimacy between the device and our bodies. The augmentation of realities will be mirrored with a augmentation between the device and the body. Increasingly the ‘form-factors’ we are used to (the mobile phone, tablet) will gradually be superseded by new forms: earpieces, glasses and sensors. Mobile Forms The history of our recent technologies is one of carefully repackaging the artifacts of our lives in smaller and smaller boxes. The zenith of this miniaturisation is mobile computing. Increasingly, however, these boxes are being unpacked, and the technologies of mobile computing are being reconfigured in new forms. The emergence of Augmented Reality as a serious mobile trend for education also marks the growing intimacy between the device and our bodies. The augmentation of realities will be mirrored with a augmentation between the device and the body. Increasingly the ‘form-factors’ we are used to (the mobile phone, tablet) will gradually be superseded by new forms: earpieces, glasses and sensors. This evolution of form could have some interesting implications for institutions. If BYOD (bring your own device) creates issues for institutions supporting user-owned technologies, then a fragmented, decentralised mobile form could increase those problems of support exponentially. Devices will become hyper-personalised, and this will impact on the experience students will expect from the institutions that deliver their education.
  25. Keep updated on wearable technologies and be ensured that it will have a huge influence on education and lead to a more connected learning for all students of this world Same as the internet with tools like Wikipedia has opened up the libraries and knowledge of the world to anybody (free, anytime, anywhere) waerable technologies combined with augmented reality will bring the whole world to just everybody (experienceable, interactive)