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Topic: Software Engineering 
Topic Number: 3
Key topics / learning outcomes 
of this lecture 
• Software Engineering 
• Agile and Scrum 
What is Software Engineering (SE) ? 
Wikipedia says: 
• "the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable 
approach to the development, operation, and 
maintenance of software". 
• "an engineering discipline that is concerned with all 
aspects of software production“ 
• "the establishment and use of sound engineering 
principles in order to economically obtain software that is 
reliable and works efficiently on real machines" 
Software Engineering 
• Ian Sommerville 
– Software Engineering is concerned with 
method, tools and techniques for developing 
and managing the process of creating and 
evolving software products. 
• Oxford English Dictionary 
– The professional development, production, 
and management of system software. 
Design and Engineering 
• Engineering is 
– the application of scientific principles and methods to the 
construction of useful structures or machines. 
• Design is 
– the essence of any engineering discipline 
– the creative selection of appropriate principles and 
methods to efficiently and effectively transform concept 
into reality 
• A large part of software development is really about 
design in various forms. 
SE Origins 
• The idea and the label are over 40 years old. 
– First used at NATO Conference on Software Engineering, Garmisch- 
Partenkirchen, Germany, 1968 
• "Software Engineering" deliberately chosen as provocative ... an 
– "Expressed a need rather than a reality.“ 
• Serious problems with software development needed to be solved 
scientifically and rigourously. 
– Ironically many of the same problems remain today... 
• By the time of the conference the following year in Rome, the label 
"Software Engineering" had stuck fast even if no one knew how to achieve 
the goals. – still don’t really know. 
Present day reality 
• The reality is mixed 
– Computer Science provides the scientific basis. 
– A growing number of software development approaches 
are recognised as good engineering practice. 
– But many aspects of development are still ad hoc rather 
than good scientific or engineering practice. 
• Software design is still very difficult. 
– Few guiding scientific principles. 
– Few universally applicable methods. 
– Much poor practice. 
– Frequent failures. 
Key Issues 
• Software Engineering principles are particularly relevant to construction 
of large systems. 
– Involving large numbers of people to manage. 
• Mastering complexity. 
– Abstraction, information hiding, separation of concerns. 
• Continual evolution. 
– For improved reliability, fixing errors, incorporation of new features, 
improving other desirable qualities. 
• Efficiency of development. 
– Human-centred tasks are extremely costly. 
• Cooperation of people. 
– Cannot develop a system in isolated pieces. 
• Usability. 
Properties of Good Software 
• Delivers required functionality. 
• Maintainable 
– can evolve to meeting changes in requirements. 
• Dependable 
– Robust, reliable, trustworthy. 
• Efficient 
– Good use of resources: computational, user time, 
development time/cost 
• Usable 
– Usable by the users (or systems) it is designed to 
interact with. 
• Scaling-up does not work reliably 
– too much detail for any one person to deal with 
– communication overhead 
– effect of changes not obvious 
– need for discipline, documentation and 
It is very important that you keep the 
problems of scale and complexity firmly 
in mind throughout the course.
• Numerous examples of failed or seriously 
delayed software development projects. 
– Or fail to deliver full functionality within time and 
– E.g., Pensions system, NHS patient records, Taurus 
(Stock Exchange), Air Traffic Control 
– Disasters: ESA Arianne 5, Patriot Missile System, 
Therac-25 radiation therapy machine 
– Just about every UK government software 
development project... 
By 1995... 
The Chaos Report 2009 
The Solution... 
• Don't know yet. 
– Many unresolved issues. 
– Much active research (e.g., SSE group in CS department) 
• But, building blocks are: 
– Education 
– Professionalism 
– Standards, Quality Assurance 
– Defining sound methodologies and practice 
– Application of scientific techniques 
– Communication 
– Self evaluation 
The Software Development Process 
• Structured set of activities required to develop a 
software system, including: 
– Requirements Gathering 
– Analysis 
– Design 
– Implementation 
– Testing 
– Deployment 
– Maintenance 
• Activities vary depending on organization and type of 
system being developed. 
• Must be modelled in order to be managed. 
Requirements Gathering 
• Aim: a complete description of the problem and 
of the constraints imposed by/on the 
• Description may contain: 
– Functions of the system 
– Future extensions 
– Amount of documentation required 
– Response time and performance 
– Acceptance criteria 
• Result: Requirements Specification 
• Aim: Analyse requirements to create a 
conceptual model of the software system. 
– Data modelling 
– Functional modelling and information/control flow 
– Behavioural modelling and state 
– User interface modelling 
• Result: A set of Analysis Models 
What is a model? A systematic conceptual description of a system, or aspect of a 
system, defining its structure and behaviour. Abstraction and simplification are 
used to constrain the complexity while retaining the essential information.
• Aim: an implementable model of the software system. 
– Sufficient information to allow system to be built. 
• Architecture is defined. 
– The definition of the global architecture of the system is 
• System is decomposed to components within the 
– Definition of component interfaces and functionalities 
• Design decisions dramatically impact system quality. 
– Wrong architecture/design == throw it away. 
• You can’t build a tower block on the foundations for a bungalow. 
• Result: Detailed Design Documentation 
• Aim: implementation of all design elements. 
• Starts from the component specifications 
developed during design. 
– Interfaces defined in the design should be respected 
by the implementation of the component. 
• Code should be well documented and easy to 
read, flexible, correct, reliable AND fully tested. 
• Result: working software. 
• Kinds of testing: 
– Unit testing: Classes/methods. 
– Functional testing: Component implementations against 
their interfaces. 
– Integration testing: Component integration against system 
– System testing: validation of the extent to which the 
requirements specification is fulfilled. 
– Acceptance testing: validation of external behaviour against 
user expectations. 
– Testing and implementation should run in parallel. 
• Result: Fully tested software 
• Package software ready to install on a 
computer system. 
• Actually installing the software. 
• Live testing in real environment. 
• Documentation and manuals. 
• Training. 
• Result: Working software in situ 
• Aim: keeping the system operational after delivery to the customer. 
– Corrective: identification and removal of faults. 
– Adaptive: modifications needed to achieve interoperability 
with other systems and platforms. 
– Perfective: incorporation of new features, improved 
performance and other modifications to increase customer 
– Preventive: modifications to mitigate possible degradation 
of usability, maintainability, etc. 
• The maintenance phase needs to be considered part of the overall development 
– Even though the activities within maintenance are 
requirements analysis, design, implementation and testing. 
– Maintenance is ongoing and expensive. 
Process Model 
• A development process is described in a process model. 
– There are many ways of organising development. 
– There are many process models described in the literature. 
• You need to model the process because: 
– when a team writes down a description of its development process, it 
forms a common understanding of the activities, resources and 
constraints involved in software development.. 
– creating a process model helps the team find inconsistencies, 
redundancies and omissions in the process; as these problems are 
noted and corrected the process becomes more effective. 
Process Model (cont.) 
• You need to model the process because (cont.): 
– the model reflects the goals of development and shows explicitly how 
the product characteristics are to be achieved. 
– each development is different, and a process has to be tailored for 
different situations, and so the model helps people to understand 
these differences. 
Common Software Lifecycle Models 
• Waterfall Development 
– Separate and distinct phases of specification and development. 
• Prototyping 
– Interleaved specification and development. 
• Incremental Development 
– Development of a system in increments. 
• Agile Development 
– Continual availability of a fully tested functioning system, developed 
with minimal organisational overhead. 
• Ad Hoc 
The Waterfall 
• Winston Royce defined the seven-step Waterfall Model in 1970 
– (see “Managing the development of large software systems”, proceedings of 
IEEE Wescon) 
• Widely referenced as the “default process model”. 
• Each step is distinctly different, needing to be planned and resourced 
• Not all is what is seems... 
• Royce actually introduced the Waterfall as a 
‘strawman’ that he argued was flawed. 
• Constrained iteration is needed to make the process 
The problem in practice... 
• The risk is that iteration is not confined to 
successive steps. 
• Flaws are not discovered until after significant work 
has been done, which then has to be revised or 
throw away. 
Spiral Model (Boehm, 1988) 
• Successive repetitions of the same activities. 
• Emphasis on prototyping, well before 
operational software built. 
• Accommodates successive discovery of 
• A better reflection of what designers do. 
• Accepted as an industry standard model. 
– Like the waterfall (ironically). 
V Model 
From Wikipedia 
Relates each phase of the development cycle to an associated testing phase. 
Emphasises different kinds of testing required for each phase.
Iterative Model 
From Wikipedia 
In practice many developers take an iterative approach, often informal 
without a defined process. 
Select a requirement, analyse/design/implement/test, repeat. 
Has advantage of getting a basic version working early and then 
developing it step-by-step, from one working version to the next.
Incremental Model 
deliver 1st 
analysis design code test 
deliver 2nd 
analysis design code test 
analysis design code test 
Essentially an iterative approach but organised to allow increments to be 
developed in parallel. 
Allows multiple teams to develop same system, providing application structure 
can be broken down into relatively independent components/modules. 
Needs a well defined architecture and interfaces between parts.
Exploratory Model 
develop outline 
build software 
use software 
test adequacy 
Incrementally build a system using test/user feedback to guide development. 
Find and refine the real requirements by building versions and getting real 
users to use them.
Prototyping Model 
establish outline 
design and 
implement system 
validate system 
Construct a prototype to determine how to specify and build the real system. 
The prototype implementation should not be used as the real system. 
"Build the system once to find out what it should really be, throw it away and 
build a second system using the knowledge gained."
Agile Development 
From Wikipedia 
eXtreme Programming 
Crystal Clear 
and others 
A rethink of process and values, to address the problems encountered in 
software development. 
Lightweight, highly iterative, short iterations, test-driven, focus on value to 
customer, frequent releases, ability to cope with change.
No Model 
Muddle through and hope for the best...
Unified Software Development Process 
(USDP or just UP) Jacobsen, 1999 
• UP is the development process associated with 
the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 
– It is use-case driven and risk-confronting 
– It is architecture-centric 
– It is iterative and incremental 
– It is free! 
• UP is based on an incremental model. 
• Each iteration delivers a part of the system. 
• Provides a structural framework for a software 
development project. 
Overall Structure of the UP Lifecycle 
Business Modeling 
Analysis & Design 
Process Workflows 
Supporting Workflows 
Configuration Mgmt 
Elaboration Inception Construction Transition 
Adapted from [Jacobson 1999]
UP Lifecycle Phases and Milestones 
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition 
Initial operational 
• Inception Define scope of project and develop business case 
• Elaboration Plan project, specify features and baseline architecture 
• Construction Build product 
• Transition Transition product to its users 
Adapted from [Booch 1999]
UP Milestone Acceptance Criteria 
• Lifecycle objectives: system scope, key requirements, outline 
architecture, risk assessment, business case, feasibility, agreed project 
objectives with stakeholders. 
• Lifecycle architecture: executable architectural baseline, updated risk 
assessment, project plan to support bidding process, business case 
verified against plan, continued stakeholder agreement. 
• Initial operational capability: product ready for beta test in user 
• Product release: completed beta and acceptance tests, defects fixed 
with fixes in the user community. 
UP Iterations 
Business Modeling 
Analysis & Design 
Process Workflows 
Supporting Workflows 
Configuration Mgmt 
Elaboration Inception Construction Transition 
Adapted from [Jacobson 1999] an iteration in the elaboration phase
UP Phases and Iterations 
Iteration is key to UPEach iteration is like 
a mini-project.Results in an increment. 
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition 
... Dev. 
... Trans. 
Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release 
An iteration is a sequence of activities 
with an established plan and evaluation 
criteria, resulting in an executable release 
Adapted from [ Booch 1999]
Iteration Workflows 
Requirements Analysis Design 
UP specifies 5 core workflows 
Planning An iteration 
Each iteration may contain all of 
the core workflows but with 
different emphasis depending on 
where the iteration is in the 
Iterations may overlap 
Iteration 1 
Iteration 2 
Iteration 3 
In order to allow parallel development and 
flexible working in large teams, iterations can, 
and often do, overlap. 
In the example above, Iteration 1 overlaps 
significantly with iteration 2. 
This requires 
UP Increments 
• Each iteration results in the release of various 
artefacts, which together are called a 
• Baselines assist with review and approvals 
• An increment is actually the difference 
between two successive baselines. 
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition 
Preliminary I1 I2 In In+1 In+2 Im Im+1 
Inception - Goals 
• Establish feasibility of the project. 
• Create a business case. 
• Capture key requirements. 
• Scope the system. 
• Identify critical risks. 
• Create proof of concept prototype. 
• Decide whether project is feasible and should 
proceed further. 
Inception - Focus 
• Requirements – establish business case, scope 
and core requirements. 
• Analysis – establish feasibility. 
• Design – design proof of concept or technical 
• Implementation – build the proof of concept 
• Test – not generally applicable. 
– But do want feedback from stakeholders. 
N.B. The bars indicate approximately the relative amount of resource needed
Life Cycle Objectives 
• Conditions of satisfaction: 
– System scope has been defined. 
– Key requirements for the system have been 
captured. These have been defined and agreed with 
the stakeholders. 
– An architectural vision exists. This is just a sketch at 
this stage. 
– A Risk Assessment. 
– A Business Case. 
– Project feasibility is confirmed. 
– The stakeholders agree on the objectives of the 
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition 
Preliminary I1 I2 In In+1 In+2 Im Im+1 
Elaboration - Goals 
• Establish an executable architectural baseline. 
• Refine Risk Assessment. 
• Define quality attributes (defect rates etc.). 
• Capture use-cases around 80% of the functional 
• Create a detailed plan for the construction 
• Formulate a bid which includes resources, time, 
equipment, staff and cost. 
Elaboration - Focus 
• Requirements – refine system scope 
and requirements. 
• Analysis – establish what to build. 
• Design – create a stable architecture. 
• Implementation – build the architectural 
• Test – test the architectural baseline. 
Life Cycle Objectives 
• Conditions of satisfaction: 
– A resilient, robust executable architectural 
baseline has been created. 
– The Risk Assessment has been updated. 
– A project plan has been created to enable a 
realistic bid to be formulated. 
– The business case has been verified against the 
– The stakeholders agree to continue. 
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition 
Preliminary I1 I2 In In+1 In+2 Im Im+1 
Construction - Goals 
• Completing use-case identification, 
description and realisation. 
• Finish analysis, design, implementation and 
• Maintain the integrity of the system 
• Revise the Risk Assessment. 
Construction - Focus 
• Requirements – uncover any requirements 
that had been missed. 
• Analysis – finish the analysis model. 
• Design – finish the design model. 
• Implementation – build the Initial 
Operational Capability. 
• Test – test the Initial Operational Capability. 
Life Cycle Objectives 
• Conditions of satisfaction: 
– The product is ready for beta testing in the user 
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition 
Preliminary I1 I2 In In+1 In+2 Im Im+1 
Transition - Goals 
• Correct defects. 
• Prepare the users site for the new software. 
• Tailor the software to operate at the users site. 
• Modify software if unforeseen problems arise. 
• Create user manuals and other documentation. 
• Provide customer consultancy. 
• Training. 
• Conduct post project review. 
Transition - Focus 
• Requirements – not applicable. 
• Analysis – not applicable. 
• Design – modify the design if problems 
emerge in beta testing. 
• Implementation – tailor the software for the 
users site and correct problems uncovered in 
beta testing. 
• Test – beta testing and acceptance testing at 
the users site. 
Agile Methods 
• Over the past decade there has been much focus on how to 
improve the development process. 
• Agile Methods have emerged as a widely used approach: 
– Focus on short iterations, teamwork, collaboration, and process 
adaptability throughout the life-cycle of the project. 
– Minimal planning and overheads (e.g., short, stand-up meetings). 
• Relies on skilled, professional approach. 
• Minimal != low standards or sloppy work. 
– Code-centred approach. 
• Code embodies the design. 
– Very strong focus on delivering value. 
Key factors...? 
•“Research also indicates that smaller timeframes, with 
delivery of software components early and often, will increase 
the success rate. Shorter time frames result in an iterative 
process ...” 
•“...the approach of full requirements definition followed by a 
long gap before those requirements are delivered is no longer 
appropriate. The high ranking of changing business 
requirements suggests that any assumption that there will be 
little significant change to requirements once they have been 
documented is fundamentally flawed, and that spending 
significant time and effort defining them to the maximum 
level is inappropriate.” 
The cost of defects 
Extreme Programming (Beck 1999) 
• A disciplined, iterative, agile approach to software systems 
• Some key XP practices 
– Test-driven development 
– The tests are the system specification 
– Releases are as small and frequent as possible 
– Pair programming 
– Collective code ownership 
– Coding standards 
– Continuous integration 
– Frequent refactoring of code 
– Onsite customer is a member of the development team 
– 40-hour work week 
When to use XP 
• XP works best when 
– Requirements are changing rapidly 
– Projects are high-risk with new challenges 
– Development can be carried out by small groups 
(2-10 developers) 
– Automated testing is possible 
– Direct customer involvement is possible 
Remember that the process must be matched to the problem! 
• A widely used iterative/incremental method 
used with agile development. 
• The following slides describing Scrum were 
created by Mike Cohn of Mountain Goat 
– Creative Commons License 
• Widely used by the Open Source movement 
Scrum in 100 words 
• Scrum is an agile process that allows us to 
focus on delivering the highest business value in 
the shortest time. 
• It allows us to rapidly and repeatedly inspect 
actual working software (every two weeks to one 
• The business sets the priorities. Teams self-organize 
to determine the best way to deliver 
the highest priority features. 
• Every two weeks to a month anyone can see 
real working software and decide to release it as 
is or continue to enhance it for another sprint.
Scrum origins 
• Jeff Sutherland 
– Initial scrums at Easel Corp in 1993 
– IDX and 500+ people doing Scrum 
• Ken Schwaber 
– ADM 
– Scrum presented at OOPSLA 96 with Sutherland 
– Author of three books on Scrum 
• Mike Beedle 
– Scrum patterns in PLOPD4 
• Ken Schwaber and Mike Cohn 
– Co-founded Scrum Alliance in 2002, initially 
within the Agile Alliance
Scrum has been used by: 
• Microsoft 
• Yahoo 
• Google 
• Electronic Arts 
• IBM 
• Lockheed Martin 
• Philips 
• Siemens 
• Nokia 
• Capital One 
• BBC 
• Intuit 
• Nielsen Media 
• First American Real Estate 
• BMC Software 
• Ipswitch 
• John Deere 
• Lexis Nexis 
• Sabre 
• Salesforce.com 
• Time Warner 
• Turner Broadcasting 
• Oce
Scrum has been used for: 
• Commercial software 
• In-house development 
• Contract development 
• Fixed-price projects 
• Financial applications 
• ISO 9001-certified 
• Embedded systems 
• 24x7 systems with 
99.999% uptime 
• the Joint Strike Fighter 
• Video game development 
• FDA-approved, life-critical 
• Satellite-control software 
• Websites 
• Handheld software 
• Mobile phones 
• Network switching 
• ISV applications 
• Some of the largest 
applications in use
• Self-organizing teams 
• Product progresses in a series of 2-4 week 
• Requirements are captured as items in a list of 
“product backlog” 
• No specific engineering practices prescribed 
• Uses generative rules to create an agile 
environment for delivering projects 
• One of the “agile processes”
The Agile Manifesto–a statement 
of values 
Process and tools 
Individuals and 
Following a plan 
Responding to 
Source: www.agilemanifesto.org 
Working software over 
Contract negotiation 
Sprint goal 
Gift wrap 
Gift Cancel 
wrap Coupons 
2-4 weeks 
Potentially shippable 
product increment 
24 hours
Putting it all together 
Image available at 
• Scrum projects make progress in a series of 
– Analogous to Extreme Programming iterations 
• Typical duration is 2–4 weeks or a calendar 
month at most 
• A constant duration leads to a better rhythm 
• Product is designed, coded, and tested during 
the sprint
Sequential vs. overlapping 
Requirements Design Code Test 
Rather than doing all 
of one thing at a 
time... ...Scrum teams do a 
little of everything all 
the time 
Source: “The New New Product Development Game” by Takeuchi and 
Nonaka. Harvard Business Review, January 1986.
No changes during a sprint 
• Plan sprint durations around how long you 
can commit to keeping change out of the 
Scrum framework 
• Product owner 
•Sprint planning 
•Sprint review 
•Sprint retrospective 
•Daily scrum meeting 
• Product backlog 
•Sprint backlog 
•Burndown charts
Scrum framework 
•Sprint planning 
•Sprint review 
•Sprint retrospective 
•Daily scrum meeting 
• Product backlog 
•Sprint backlog 
•Burndown charts 
• Product owner 
Product owner 
• Define the features of the product 
• Decide on release date and content 
• Be responsible for the profitability of the 
product (ROI) 
• Prioritize features according to market value 
• Adjust features and priority every iteration, as 
• Accept or reject work results
The ScrumMaster 
• Represents management to the project 
• Responsible for enacting Scrum values and 
• Removes impediments 
• Ensure that the team is fully functional and 
• Enable close cooperation across all roles and 
• Shield the team from external interferences
The team 
• Typically 5-9 people 
• Cross-functional: 
– Programmers, testers, user experience designers, 
• Members should be full-time 
• May be exceptions (e.g., database administrator)
The team 
• Teams are self-organizing 
– Ideally, no titles but rarely a possibility 
• Membership should change only between 
Scrum framework 
• Product owner 
•Sprint planning 
•Sprint review 
•Sprint retrospective 
•Daily scrum meeting 
• Product backlog 
•Sprint backlog 
•Burndown charts
Sprint planning 
prioritization • Analyze and evaluate product 
• Select sprint goal 
Sprint planning 
• Decide how to achieve sprint 
goal (design) 
• Create sprint backlog (tasks) 
from product backlog items 
(user stories / features) 
• Estimate sprint backlog in 
Sprint planning 
• Team selects items from the product backlog they 
can commit to completing 
• Sprint backlog is created 
– Tasks are identified and each is estimated (1-16 hours) 
– Collaboratively, not done alone by the ScrumMaster 
• High-level design is considered 
As a vacation 
planner, I want to 
see photos of the 
Code the middle tier (8 
hours)Code the user interface 
(4)Write test fixtures (4)Code 
the foo class (6)Update 
performance tests (4)
The daily scrum 
• Parameters 
– Daily 
– 15-minutes 
– Stand-up 
• Not for problem solving 
– Whole world is invited 
– Only team members, ScrumMaster, product 
owner, can talk 
• Helps avoid other unnecessary meetings
Everyone answers 3 questions 
• These are not status for the ScrumMaster 
– They are commitments in front of peers 
What did you do yesterday? 
What will you do today? 
Is anything in your way? 
The sprint review 
• Team presents what it accomplished during 
the sprint 
• Typically takes the form of a demo of new 
features or underlying architecture 
• Informal 
– 2-hour prep time rule 
– No slides 
• Whole team participates 
• Invite the world
Sprint retrospective 
• Periodically take a look at what is and is not 
• Typically 15–30 minutes 
• Done after every sprint 
• Whole team participates 
– ScrumMaster 
– Product owner 
– Team 
– Possibly customers and others
Sprint retrospective 
• Periodically take a look at what is and is not 
• Typically 15–30 minutes 
• Done after every sprint 
• Whole team participates 
– ScrumMaster 
– Product owner 
– Team 
– Possibly customers and others
Scrum framework 
• Product owner 
•Sprint planning 
•Sprint review 
•Sprint retrospective 
•Daily scrum meeting 
• Product backlog 
•Sprint backlog 
•Burndown charts
Product backlog 
• The requirements 
• A list of all desired work on the project 
• Ideally expressed such that each item has 
value to the users or customers of the product 
• Prioritized by the product owner 
• Reprioritized at the start of each sprint 
This is the 
product backlog
A sample product backlog 
Backlog item Estimate 
Allow a guest to make a reservation 3 
As a guest, I want to cancel a reservation. 5 
As a guest, I want to change the dates of a 
As a hotel employee, I can run RevPAR 
reports (revenue-per-available-room) 
Improve exception handling 8 
... 30 
... 50
The sprint goal 
• A short statement of what the work will be 
focused on during the sprint 
Database Application 
Life Sciences 
Support features necessary for 
population genetics studies. 
Financial services 
Support more technical indicators 
than company ABC with real-time, 
streaming data. 
Make the application run on SQL 
Server in addition to Oracle.
Managing the sprint backlog 
• Individuals sign up for work of their own choosing 
– Work is never assigned 
• Estimated work remaining is updated daily 
• Any team member can add, delete or change the sprint 
• Work for the sprint emerges 
• If work is unclear, define a sprint backlog item with a 
larger amount of time and break it down later 
• Update work remaining as more becomes known
A sprint backlog 
Code the user interface 
Code the middle tier 
Test the middle tier 
Write online help 
Write the foo class 
Wed Thur 
Add error logging 
A sprint burndown chart 
Code the user interface 
Code the middle tier 
Test the middle tier 
Write online help 
Tues Wed Thur Fri 
16 11 
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 
• Typical individual team is 7 ± 2 people 
– Scalability comes from teams of teams 
• Factors in scaling 
– Type of application 
– Team size 
– Team dispersion 
– Project duration 
• Scrum has been used on multiple 500+ person 
Scaling through the Scrum of 
Scrum of scrums of scrums
A Scrum reading list 
• Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide by Craig 
• Agile Estimating and Planning by Mike Cohn 
• Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber 
• Agile Retrospectives by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen 
• Agile Software Development Ecosystems by Jim Highsmith 
• Agile Software Development with Scrum by Ken Schwaber and 
Mike Beedle 
• Scrum and The Enterprise by Ken Schwaber 
• User Stories Applied for Agile Software Development by Mike Cohn 
• Lots of weekly articles at www.scrumalliance.org
Essential work for next week 
• Please consult the OLE for details of: 
– Essential readings* 
– Seminar/workshop preparation work* 
– Recommended further readings 
– Any additional learning 
* Essential readings and preparation work must always be completed in time 
for the next session 
End of presentation 
© Pearson College 2013

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Lecture 3 software_engineering

  • 1. Topic: Software Engineering Topic Number: 3
  • 2. Key topics / learning outcomes of this lecture • Software Engineering • USDP • Agile and Scrum 2
  • 3. What is Software Engineering (SE) ? Wikipedia says: • "the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software". • "an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production“ • "the establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to economically obtain software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines" 3
  • 4. Software Engineering • Ian Sommerville – Software Engineering is concerned with method, tools and techniques for developing and managing the process of creating and evolving software products. • Oxford English Dictionary – The professional development, production, and management of system software. 4
  • 5. Design and Engineering • Engineering is – the application of scientific principles and methods to the construction of useful structures or machines. • Design is – the essence of any engineering discipline – the creative selection of appropriate principles and methods to efficiently and effectively transform concept into reality • A large part of software development is really about design in various forms. 5
  • 6. SE Origins • The idea and the label are over 40 years old. – First used at NATO Conference on Software Engineering, Garmisch- Partenkirchen, Germany, 1968 • "Software Engineering" deliberately chosen as provocative ... an aspiration. – "Expressed a need rather than a reality.“ • Serious problems with software development needed to be solved scientifically and rigourously. – Ironically many of the same problems remain today... • By the time of the conference the following year in Rome, the label "Software Engineering" had stuck fast even if no one knew how to achieve the goals. – still don’t really know. 6
  • 7. Present day reality • The reality is mixed – Computer Science provides the scientific basis. – A growing number of software development approaches are recognised as good engineering practice. – But many aspects of development are still ad hoc rather than good scientific or engineering practice. • Software design is still very difficult. – Few guiding scientific principles. – Few universally applicable methods. – Much poor practice. – Frequent failures. 7
  • 8. Key Issues • Software Engineering principles are particularly relevant to construction of large systems. – Involving large numbers of people to manage. • Mastering complexity. – Abstraction, information hiding, separation of concerns. • Continual evolution. – For improved reliability, fixing errors, incorporation of new features, improving other desirable qualities. • Efficiency of development. – Human-centred tasks are extremely costly. • Cooperation of people. – Cannot develop a system in isolated pieces. • Usability. 8
  • 9. Properties of Good Software • Delivers required functionality. • Maintainable – can evolve to meeting changes in requirements. • Dependable – Robust, reliable, trustworthy. • Efficient – Good use of resources: computational, user time, development time/cost • Usable – Usable by the users (or systems) it is designed to interact with. 9
  • 10. Scale • Scaling-up does not work reliably – too much detail for any one person to deal with – communication overhead – effect of changes not obvious – need for discipline, documentation and management 10 Note: It is very important that you keep the problems of scale and complexity firmly in mind throughout the course.
  • 11. Failure... • Numerous examples of failed or seriously delayed software development projects. – Or fail to deliver full functionality within time and budget. – E.g., Pensions system, NHS patient records, Taurus (Stock Exchange), Air Traffic Control – Disasters: ESA Arianne 5, Patriot Missile System, Therac-25 radiation therapy machine – Just about every UK government software development project... 11
  • 12. 12
  • 14. The Chaos Report 2009 14
  • 15. The Solution... • Don't know yet. – Many unresolved issues. – Much active research (e.g., SSE group in CS department) • But, building blocks are: – Education – Professionalism – Standards, Quality Assurance – Defining sound methodologies and practice – Application of scientific techniques – Communication – Self evaluation 15
  • 16. The Software Development Process • Structured set of activities required to develop a software system, including: – Requirements Gathering – Analysis – Design – Implementation – Testing – Deployment – Maintenance • Activities vary depending on organization and type of system being developed. • Must be modelled in order to be managed. 16
  • 17. Requirements Gathering • Aim: a complete description of the problem and of the constraints imposed by/on the environment • Description may contain: – Functions of the system – Future extensions – Amount of documentation required – Response time and performance – Acceptance criteria • Result: Requirements Specification 17
  • 18. Analysis • Aim: Analyse requirements to create a conceptual model of the software system. – Data modelling – Functional modelling and information/control flow – Behavioural modelling and state – User interface modelling • Result: A set of Analysis Models 18 What is a model? A systematic conceptual description of a system, or aspect of a system, defining its structure and behaviour. Abstraction and simplification are used to constrain the complexity while retaining the essential information.
  • 19. Design • Aim: an implementable model of the software system. – Sufficient information to allow system to be built. • Architecture is defined. – The definition of the global architecture of the system is essential. • System is decomposed to components within the architecture: – Definition of component interfaces and functionalities • Design decisions dramatically impact system quality. – Wrong architecture/design == throw it away. • You can’t build a tower block on the foundations for a bungalow. • Result: Detailed Design Documentation 19
  • 20. Implementation • Aim: implementation of all design elements. • Starts from the component specifications developed during design. – Interfaces defined in the design should be respected by the implementation of the component. • Code should be well documented and easy to read, flexible, correct, reliable AND fully tested. • Result: working software. 20
  • 21. Testing • Kinds of testing: – Unit testing: Classes/methods. – Functional testing: Component implementations against their interfaces. – Integration testing: Component integration against system architecture. – System testing: validation of the extent to which the requirements specification is fulfilled. – Acceptance testing: validation of external behaviour against user expectations. – Testing and implementation should run in parallel. • Result: Fully tested software 21
  • 22. Deployment • Package software ready to install on a computer system. • Actually installing the software. • Live testing in real environment. • Documentation and manuals. • Training. • Result: Working software in situ 22
  • 23. Maintenance • Aim: keeping the system operational after delivery to the customer. – Corrective: identification and removal of faults. – Adaptive: modifications needed to achieve interoperability with other systems and platforms. – Perfective: incorporation of new features, improved performance and other modifications to increase customer satisfaction. – Preventive: modifications to mitigate possible degradation of usability, maintainability, etc. • The maintenance phase needs to be considered part of the overall development process. – Even though the activities within maintenance are requirements analysis, design, implementation and testing. – Maintenance is ongoing and expensive. 23
  • 24. Process Model • A development process is described in a process model. – There are many ways of organising development. – There are many process models described in the literature. • You need to model the process because: – when a team writes down a description of its development process, it forms a common understanding of the activities, resources and constraints involved in software development.. – creating a process model helps the team find inconsistencies, redundancies and omissions in the process; as these problems are noted and corrected the process becomes more effective. 24
  • 25. Process Model (cont.) • You need to model the process because (cont.): – the model reflects the goals of development and shows explicitly how the product characteristics are to be achieved. – each development is different, and a process has to be tailored for different situations, and so the model helps people to understand these differences. 25
  • 26. Common Software Lifecycle Models • Waterfall Development – Separate and distinct phases of specification and development. • Prototyping – Interleaved specification and development. • Incremental Development – Development of a system in increments. • Agile Development – Continual availability of a fully tested functioning system, developed with minimal organisational overhead. • Ad Hoc 26
  • 27. The Waterfall • Winston Royce defined the seven-step Waterfall Model in 1970 – (see “Managing the development of large software systems”, proceedings of IEEE Wescon) • Widely referenced as the “default process model”. • Each step is distinctly different, needing to be planned and resourced differently. 27
  • 28. But... • Not all is what is seems... • Royce actually introduced the Waterfall as a ‘strawman’ that he argued was flawed. • Constrained iteration is needed to make the process work. 28
  • 29. The problem in practice... • The risk is that iteration is not confined to successive steps. • Flaws are not discovered until after significant work has been done, which then has to be revised or throw away. 29
  • 31. Spiral • Successive repetitions of the same activities. • Emphasis on prototyping, well before operational software built. • Accommodates successive discovery of requirements. • A better reflection of what designers do. • Accepted as an industry standard model. – Like the waterfall (ironically). 31
  • 32. V Model 32 From Wikipedia Relates each phase of the development cycle to an associated testing phase. Emphasises different kinds of testing required for each phase.
  • 33. Iterative Model 33 From Wikipedia In practice many developers take an iterative approach, often informal without a defined process. Select a requirement, analyse/design/implement/test, repeat. Has advantage of getting a basic version working early and then developing it step-by-step, from one working version to the next.
  • 34. Incremental Model 34 deliver 1st increment analysis design code test deliver 2nd increment analysis design code test analysis design code test conception architecture feedback feedback structure Essentially an iterative approach but organised to allow increments to be developed in parallel. Allows multiple teams to develop same system, providing application structure can be broken down into relatively independent components/modules. Needs a well defined architecture and interfaces between parts.
  • 35. Exploratory Model 35 develop outline specification build software system use software system test adequacy yes deliver no Incrementally build a system using test/user feedback to guide development. Find and refine the real requirements by building versions and getting real users to use them.
  • 36. Prototyping Model 36 establish outline specification develop prototype evaluate prototype specify system design and implement system validate system components Construct a prototype to determine how to specify and build the real system. The prototype implementation should not be used as the real system. "Build the system once to find out what it should really be, throw it away and build a second system using the knowledge gained."
  • 37. Agile Development 37 From Wikipedia eXtreme Programming Scrum Crystal Clear DSDM and others A rethink of process and values, to address the problems encountered in software development. Lightweight, highly iterative, short iterations, test-driven, focus on value to customer, frequent releases, ability to cope with change.
  • 38. No Model 38 Muddle through and hope for the best...
  • 39. Unified Software Development Process (USDP or just UP) Jacobsen, 1999 • UP is the development process associated with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) – It is use-case driven and risk-confronting – It is architecture-centric – It is iterative and incremental – It is free! • UP is based on an incremental model. • Each iteration delivers a part of the system. • Provides a structural framework for a software development project. 39
  • 40. Overall Structure of the UP Lifecycle 40 Business Modeling Requirements Analysis & Design Implementation Test Management Environment Preliminary Iteration(s) Iter. #1 Phases Process Workflows Iterations Supporting Workflows Iter. #2 Iter. #n Iter. #n+1 Iter. #n+2 Iter. #m Iter. #m+1 Deployment Configuration Mgmt Elaboration Inception Construction Transition Adapted from [Jacobson 1999]
  • 41. UP Lifecycle Phases and Milestones Product Release 41 Inception Elaboration Construction Transition time Life-cycle objectives Life-cycle architecture Initial operational capability • Inception Define scope of project and develop business case • Elaboration Plan project, specify features and baseline architecture • Construction Build product • Transition Transition product to its users Adapted from [Booch 1999]
  • 42. UP Milestone Acceptance Criteria • Lifecycle objectives: system scope, key requirements, outline architecture, risk assessment, business case, feasibility, agreed project objectives with stakeholders. • Lifecycle architecture: executable architectural baseline, updated risk assessment, project plan to support bidding process, business case verified against plan, continued stakeholder agreement. • Initial operational capability: product ready for beta test in user environment. • Product release: completed beta and acceptance tests, defects fixed with fixes in the user community. 42
  • 43. UP Iterations 43 Business Modeling Requirements Analysis & Design Implementation Test Management Environment Preliminary Iteration(s) Iter. #1 Phases Process Workflows Iterations Supporting Workflows Iter. #2 Iter. #n Iter. #n+1 Iter. #n+2 Iter. #m Iter. #m+1 Deployment Configuration Mgmt Elaboration Inception Construction Transition Adapted from [Jacobson 1999] an iteration in the elaboration phase
  • 44. UP Phases and Iterations 44 Iteration is key to UPEach iteration is like a mini-project.Results in an increment. Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Arch. Iteration ... Dev. Iteration Dev. Iteration ... Trans. Iteration ... Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Prelim. Iteration ... An iteration is a sequence of activities with an established plan and evaluation criteria, resulting in an executable release Adapted from [ Booch 1999]
  • 45. Iteration Workflows 45 Requirements Analysis Design Implemen-tation Testing UP specifies 5 core workflows Planning An iteration Assessment Specific Activities Each iteration may contain all of the core workflows but with different emphasis depending on where the iteration is in the lifecycle.
  • 46. Iterations may overlap 46 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 In order to allow parallel development and flexible working in large teams, iterations can, and often do, overlap. In the example above, Iteration 1 overlaps significantly with iteration 2. This requires careful planning.
  • 47. UP Increments • Each iteration results in the release of various artefacts, which together are called a baseline. • Baselines assist with review and approvals procedures. • An increment is actually the difference between two successive baselines. 47
  • 48. Inception 48 Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Test Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Preliminary I1 I2 In In+1 In+2 Im Im+1 Iterations
  • 49. Inception - Goals • Establish feasibility of the project. • Create a business case. • Capture key requirements. • Scope the system. • Identify critical risks. • Create proof of concept prototype. • Decide whether project is feasible and should proceed further. 49
  • 50. Inception - Focus • Requirements – establish business case, scope and core requirements. • Analysis – establish feasibility. • Design – design proof of concept or technical prototypes. • Implementation – build the proof of concept prototype. • Test – not generally applicable. – But do want feedback from stakeholders. 50 N.B. The bars indicate approximately the relative amount of resource needed
  • 51. Life Cycle Objectives • Conditions of satisfaction: – System scope has been defined. – Key requirements for the system have been captured. These have been defined and agreed with the stakeholders. – An architectural vision exists. This is just a sketch at this stage. – A Risk Assessment. – A Business Case. – Project feasibility is confirmed. – The stakeholders agree on the objectives of the project. 51
  • 52. Elaboration 52 Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Test Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Preliminary I1 I2 In In+1 In+2 Im Im+1 Iterations
  • 53. Elaboration - Goals • Establish an executable architectural baseline. • Refine Risk Assessment. • Define quality attributes (defect rates etc.). • Capture use-cases around 80% of the functional requirements. • Create a detailed plan for the construction phase. • Formulate a bid which includes resources, time, equipment, staff and cost. 53
  • 54. Elaboration - Focus • Requirements – refine system scope and requirements. • Analysis – establish what to build. • Design – create a stable architecture. • Implementation – build the architectural baseline. • Test – test the architectural baseline. 54
  • 55. Life Cycle Objectives • Conditions of satisfaction: – A resilient, robust executable architectural baseline has been created. – The Risk Assessment has been updated. – A project plan has been created to enable a realistic bid to be formulated. – The business case has been verified against the plan. – The stakeholders agree to continue. 55
  • 56. Construction 56 Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Test Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Preliminary I1 I2 In In+1 In+2 Im Im+1 Iterations
  • 57. Construction - Goals • Completing use-case identification, description and realisation. • Finish analysis, design, implementation and testing. • Maintain the integrity of the system architecture. • Revise the Risk Assessment. 57
  • 58. Construction - Focus • Requirements – uncover any requirements that had been missed. • Analysis – finish the analysis model. • Design – finish the design model. • Implementation – build the Initial Operational Capability. • Test – test the Initial Operational Capability. 58
  • 59. Life Cycle Objectives • Conditions of satisfaction: – The product is ready for beta testing in the user environment. 59
  • 60. Transition 60 Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Test Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Preliminary I1 I2 In In+1 In+2 Im Im+1 Iterations
  • 61. Transition - Goals • Correct defects. • Prepare the users site for the new software. • Tailor the software to operate at the users site. • Modify software if unforeseen problems arise. • Create user manuals and other documentation. • Provide customer consultancy. • Training. • Conduct post project review. 61
  • 62. Transition - Focus • Requirements – not applicable. • Analysis – not applicable. • Design – modify the design if problems emerge in beta testing. • Implementation – tailor the software for the users site and correct problems uncovered in beta testing. • Test – beta testing and acceptance testing at the users site. 62
  • 63. Agile Methods • Over the past decade there has been much focus on how to improve the development process. • Agile Methods have emerged as a widely used approach: – Focus on short iterations, teamwork, collaboration, and process adaptability throughout the life-cycle of the project. – Minimal planning and overheads (e.g., short, stand-up meetings). • Relies on skilled, professional approach. • Minimal != low standards or sloppy work. – Code-centred approach. • Code embodies the design. – Very strong focus on delivering value. 63
  • 64. Key factors...? •“Research also indicates that smaller timeframes, with delivery of software components early and often, will increase the success rate. Shorter time frames result in an iterative process ...” •“...the approach of full requirements definition followed by a long gap before those requirements are delivered is no longer appropriate. The high ranking of changing business requirements suggests that any assumption that there will be little significant change to requirements once they have been documented is fundamentally flawed, and that spending significant time and effort defining them to the maximum level is inappropriate.” 64
  • 65. The cost of defects 65
  • 66. Extreme Programming (Beck 1999) • A disciplined, iterative, agile approach to software systems development. • Some key XP practices – Test-driven development – The tests are the system specification – Releases are as small and frequent as possible – Pair programming – Collective code ownership – Coding standards – Continuous integration – Frequent refactoring of code – Onsite customer is a member of the development team – 40-hour work week 66
  • 67. When to use XP • XP works best when – Requirements are changing rapidly – Projects are high-risk with new challenges – Development can be carried out by small groups (2-10 developers) – Automated testing is possible – Direct customer involvement is possible Remember that the process must be matched to the problem! 67
  • 68. Scrum • A widely used iterative/incremental method used with agile development. • The following slides describing Scrum were created by Mike Cohn of Mountain Goat Software. – Creative Commons License • Widely used by the Open Source movement 68
  • 69. Scrum in 100 words • Scrum is an agile process that allows us to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time. • It allows us to rapidly and repeatedly inspect actual working software (every two weeks to one month). • The business sets the priorities. Teams self-organize to determine the best way to deliver the highest priority features. • Every two weeks to a month anyone can see real working software and decide to release it as is or continue to enhance it for another sprint.
  • 70. Scrum origins • Jeff Sutherland – Initial scrums at Easel Corp in 1993 – IDX and 500+ people doing Scrum • Ken Schwaber – ADM – Scrum presented at OOPSLA 96 with Sutherland – Author of three books on Scrum • Mike Beedle – Scrum patterns in PLOPD4 • Ken Schwaber and Mike Cohn – Co-founded Scrum Alliance in 2002, initially within the Agile Alliance
  • 71. Scrum has been used by: • Microsoft • Yahoo • Google • Electronic Arts • IBM • Lockheed Martin • Philips • Siemens • Nokia • Capital One • BBC • Intuit • Nielsen Media • First American Real Estate • BMC Software • Ipswitch • John Deere • Lexis Nexis • Sabre • Salesforce.com • Time Warner • Turner Broadcasting • Oce
  • 72. Scrum has been used for: • Commercial software • In-house development • Contract development • Fixed-price projects • Financial applications • ISO 9001-certified applications • Embedded systems • 24x7 systems with 99.999% uptime requirements • the Joint Strike Fighter • Video game development • FDA-approved, life-critical systems • Satellite-control software • Websites • Handheld software • Mobile phones • Network switching applications • ISV applications • Some of the largest applications in use
  • 73. Characteristics • Self-organizing teams • Product progresses in a series of 2-4 week “sprints” • Requirements are captured as items in a list of “product backlog” • No specific engineering practices prescribed • Uses generative rules to create an agile environment for delivering projects • One of the “agile processes”
  • 74. The Agile Manifesto–a statement of values Process and tools Individuals and interactions over Following a plan Responding to change over Source: www.agilemanifesto.org Comprehensive documentation Working software over Contract negotiation Customer collaboration over
  • 75. Scrum Sprint goal Return Cancel Gift wrap Coupons Gift Cancel wrap Coupons Sprint 2-4 weeks Return Sprint backlog Potentially shippable product increment Product backlog 24 hours
  • 76. Putting it all together Image available at www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/scrum
  • 77. Sprints • Scrum projects make progress in a series of “sprints” – Analogous to Extreme Programming iterations • Typical duration is 2–4 weeks or a calendar month at most • A constant duration leads to a better rhythm • Product is designed, coded, and tested during the sprint
  • 78. Sequential vs. overlapping development Requirements Design Code Test Rather than doing all of one thing at a time... ...Scrum teams do a little of everything all the time Source: “The New New Product Development Game” by Takeuchi and Nonaka. Harvard Business Review, January 1986.
  • 79. No changes during a sprint • Plan sprint durations around how long you can commit to keeping change out of the sprint Change
  • 80. Scrum framework Roles • Product owner •ScrumMaster •Team Ceremonie s •Sprint planning •Sprint review •Sprint retrospective •Daily scrum meeting Artifacts • Product backlog •Sprint backlog •Burndown charts
  • 81. Scrum framework Ceremonie s •Sprint planning •Sprint review •Sprint retrospective •Daily scrum meeting Artifacts • Product backlog •Sprint backlog •Burndown charts Roles • Product owner •ScrumMaster •Team
  • 82. Product owner • Define the features of the product • Decide on release date and content • Be responsible for the profitability of the product (ROI) • Prioritize features according to market value • Adjust features and priority every iteration, as needed • Accept or reject work results
  • 83. The ScrumMaster • Represents management to the project • Responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices • Removes impediments • Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive • Enable close cooperation across all roles and functions • Shield the team from external interferences
  • 84. The team • Typically 5-9 people • Cross-functional: – Programmers, testers, user experience designers, etc. • Members should be full-time • May be exceptions (e.g., database administrator)
  • 85. The team • Teams are self-organizing – Ideally, no titles but rarely a possibility • Membership should change only between sprints
  • 86. Roles Scrum framework • Product owner •ScrumMaster •Team Ceremonie s •Sprint planning •Sprint review •Sprint retrospective •Daily scrum meeting Artifacts • Product backlog •Sprint backlog •Burndown charts
  • 87. Sprint planning meeting Sprint prioritization • Analyze and evaluate product backlog • Select sprint goal Sprint planning • Decide how to achieve sprint goal (design) • Create sprint backlog (tasks) from product backlog items (user stories / features) • Estimate sprint backlog in hours Sprint goal Sprint backlog Team capacity Product backlog Business conditions Current product Technology
  • 88. Sprint planning • Team selects items from the product backlog they can commit to completing • Sprint backlog is created – Tasks are identified and each is estimated (1-16 hours) – Collaboratively, not done alone by the ScrumMaster • High-level design is considered As a vacation planner, I want to see photos of the hotels. Code the middle tier (8 hours)Code the user interface (4)Write test fixtures (4)Code the foo class (6)Update performance tests (4)
  • 89. The daily scrum • Parameters – Daily – 15-minutes – Stand-up • Not for problem solving – Whole world is invited – Only team members, ScrumMaster, product owner, can talk • Helps avoid other unnecessary meetings
  • 90. Everyone answers 3 questions • These are not status for the ScrumMaster – They are commitments in front of peers What did you do yesterday? 1 What will you do today? 2 Is anything in your way? 3
  • 91. The sprint review • Team presents what it accomplished during the sprint • Typically takes the form of a demo of new features or underlying architecture • Informal – 2-hour prep time rule – No slides • Whole team participates • Invite the world
  • 92. Sprint retrospective • Periodically take a look at what is and is not working • Typically 15–30 minutes • Done after every sprint • Whole team participates – ScrumMaster – Product owner – Team – Possibly customers and others
  • 93. Sprint retrospective • Periodically take a look at what is and is not working • Typically 15–30 minutes • Done after every sprint • Whole team participates – ScrumMaster – Product owner – Team – Possibly customers and others
  • 94. Roles Scrum framework • Product owner •ScrumMaster •Team Ceremonie s •Sprint planning •Sprint review •Sprint retrospective •Daily scrum meeting Artifacts • Product backlog •Sprint backlog •Burndown charts
  • 95. Product backlog • The requirements • A list of all desired work on the project • Ideally expressed such that each item has value to the users or customers of the product • Prioritized by the product owner • Reprioritized at the start of each sprint This is the product backlog
  • 96. A sample product backlog Backlog item Estimate Allow a guest to make a reservation 3 As a guest, I want to cancel a reservation. 5 As a guest, I want to change the dates of a 3 reservation. As a hotel employee, I can run RevPAR reports (revenue-per-available-room) 8 Improve exception handling 8 ... 30 ... 50
  • 97. The sprint goal • A short statement of what the work will be focused on during the sprint Database Application Life Sciences Support features necessary for population genetics studies. Financial services Support more technical indicators than company ABC with real-time, streaming data. Make the application run on SQL Server in addition to Oracle.
  • 98. Managing the sprint backlog • Individuals sign up for work of their own choosing – Work is never assigned • Estimated work remaining is updated daily • Any team member can add, delete or change the sprint backlog • Work for the sprint emerges • If work is unclear, define a sprint backlog item with a larger amount of time and break it down later • Update work remaining as more becomes known
  • 99. A sprint backlog Tasks Code the user interface Code the middle tier Test the middle tier Write online help Write the foo class Mon 8 16 8 12 8 Tues 4 12 16 8 Wed Thur 4 11 8 4 Fri 8 8 Add error logging 8 10 16 8 8
  • 100. A sprint burndown chart Hours
  • 101. Code the user interface Code the middle tier Test the middle tier Write online help Hours Tasks 40 30 20 10 0 Mon 8 16 8 12 Tues Wed Thur Fri 4 12 16 8 10 7 16 11 8 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 50
  • 102. Scalability • Typical individual team is 7 ± 2 people – Scalability comes from teams of teams • Factors in scaling – Type of application – Team size – Team dispersion – Project duration • Scrum has been used on multiple 500+ person projects
  • 103. Scaling through the Scrum of scrums
  • 104. Scrum of scrums of scrums
  • 105. A Scrum reading list • Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide by Craig Larman • Agile Estimating and Planning by Mike Cohn • Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber • Agile Retrospectives by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen • Agile Software Development Ecosystems by Jim Highsmith • Agile Software Development with Scrum by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle • Scrum and The Enterprise by Ken Schwaber • User Stories Applied for Agile Software Development by Mike Cohn • Lots of weekly articles at www.scrumalliance.org
  • 106. Essential work for next week • Please consult the OLE for details of: – Essential readings* – Seminar/workshop preparation work* – Recommended further readings – Any additional learning * Essential readings and preparation work must always be completed in time for the next session 106
  • 107. End of presentation © Pearson College 2013