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.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                   Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

                              Sec on 1.5
                              Con nuity
                           V63.0121.001: Calculus I
                         Professor Ma hew Leingang
                                  New York University

                               February 7, 2011



            Get-to-know-you extra
            credit due Friday
            February 11
            Quiz 1 February 17/18 in
            recita on


          Understand and apply the defini on of
          con nuity for a func on at a point or
          on an interval.
          Given a piecewise defined func on,
          decide where it is con nuous or
          discon nuous.
          State and understand the Intermediate
          Value Theorem.
          Use the IVT to show that a func on
          takes a certain value, or that an
          equa on has a solu on

                                                                                          . 1
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                              Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Last time
         Defini on
         We write
                                         lim f(x) = L
         and say

                     “the limit of f(x), as x approaches a, equals L”

         if we can make the values of f(x) arbitrarily close to L (as close to L
         as we like) by taking x to be sufficiently close to a (on either side of
         a) but not equal to a.


        Basic Limits

         Theorem (Basic Limits)

              lim x = a
              lim c = c


        Limit Laws for arithmetic
         Theorem (Limit Laws)
         Let f and g be func ons with limits at a point a. Then
               lim (f(x) + g(x)) = lim f(x) + lim g(x)
              x→a                  x→a           x→a
              lim (f(x) − g(x)) = lim f(x) − lim g(x)
              x→a                  x→a           x→a
              lim (f(x) · g(x)) = lim f(x) · lim g(x)
              x→a                 x→a          x→a
                  f(x)   limx→a f(x)
              lim      =             if lim g(x) ̸= 0
              x→a g(x)   limx→a g(x) x→a


                                                                                                                     . 2
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                             Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

         Here are some discussion ques ons to start.
         True or False
         At some point in your life you were exactly three feet tall.

         True or False
         At some point in your life your height (in inches) was equal to your
         weight (in pounds).

         True or False
         Right now there are a pair of points on opposite sides of the world
         measuring the exact same temperature.


         Con nuity

         The Intermediate Value Theorem

         Back to the Ques ons


        Recall: Direct Substitution                                               Notes

         Theorem (The Direct Subs tu on Property)
         If f is a polynomial or a ra onal func on and a is in the domain of f,
                                      lim f(x) = f(a)

         This property is so useful it’s worth naming.


                                                                                                                    . 3
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                           Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Definition of Continuity
         Defini on                                            y

             Let f be a func on defined near
             a. We say that f is con nuous at         f(a)
             a if
                       lim f(x) = f(a).

             A func on f is con nuous if it is
             con nuous at every point in its
             domain.                                         .              x

         Defini on
         Let f be a func on defined near a. We say that f is con nuous at a if

                                   lim f(x) = f(a).

         There are three important parts to this defini on.
             The func on has to have a limit at a,
             the func on has to have a value at a,
             and these values have to agree.

        Free Theorems

         (a) Any polynomial is con nuous everywhere; that is, it is
             con nuous on R = (−∞, ∞).
         (b) Any ra onal func on is con nuous wherever it is defined; that is,
             it is con nuous on its domain.


                                                                                                                  . 4
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                               Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Showing a function is continuous
         Let f(x) =       4x + 1. Show that f is con nuous at 2.

         Solu on
         We want to show that lim f(x) = f(2). We have
                                      √        √              √
                 lim f(x) = lim        4x + 1 = lim (4x + 1) = 9 = 3 = f(2).
                 x→a            x→2                 x→2

         Each step comes from the limit laws.


        At which other points?
         Ques on
         As before, let f(x) =            4x + 1. At which points is f con nuous?

         Solu on


        Limit Laws give Continuity Laws

         If f(x) and g(x) are con nuous at a and c is a constant, then the
         following func ons are also con nuous at a:
             (f + g)(x)                                      (fg)(x)
             (f − g)(x)                                      f
                                                               (x) (if g(a) ̸= 0)
             (cf)(x)                                         g


                                                                                                                      . 5
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                               Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Sum of continuous is continuous
         We want to show that
                              lim (f + g)(x) = (f + g)(a).
         We just follow our nose.
                      (def of f + g)         lim (f + g)(x) = lim [f(x) + g(x)]
                                             x→a                 x→a
              (if these limits exist)                      = lim f(x) + lim g(x)
                                                                 x→a         x→a
         (they do; f and g are cts.)                       = f(a) + g(a)
               (def of f + g again)                        = (f + g)(a)


        Trig functions are continuous
                                                     tan               sec
            sin and cos are con nuous
            on R.
                   sin              1
            tan =      and sec =       are
                   cos             cos                                        cos
            con nuous on their domain,
            which is               }                             .
            R       + kπ k ∈ Z .
                   cos             1
            cot =      and csc =      are
                   sin            sin
            con nuous on their domain,
            which is R  { kπ | k ∈ Z }.                   cot csc

        Exp and Log are continuous
         For any base a  1,
           the func on x → ax is                                 ax
                                                                         loga x
           con nuous on R
           the func on loga is
           con nuous on its                                  .
           domain: (0, ∞)
           In par cular ex and
           ln = loge are con nuous
           on their domains


                                                                                                                      . 6
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                              Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Inverse trigonometric functions                                            Notes
        are mostly continuous
              sin−1 and cos−1 are con nuous on (−1, 1), le con nuous at 1,
              and right con nuous at −1.
              sec−1 and csc−1 are con nuous on (−∞, −1) ∪ (1, ∞), le
              con nuous at −1, and right con nuous at 1.
              tan−1 and cot−1 are con nuous on R.
              cot−1                        cos−1                  sec−1
                                       π/2                      tan−1
                                   sin−1 .

    .                                       −π/2
                                               −π                                  .

        What could go wrong?

         In what ways could a func on f fail to be con nuous at a point a?
         Look again at the equa on from the defini on:

                                           lim f(x) = f(a)


        Continuity FAIL: no limit
                          x2   if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
         Let f(x) =                         . At which points is f con nuous?
                          2x   if 1  x ≤ 2

         Solu on
         At any point a besides 1, lim f(x) = f(a) because f is represented by a
         polynomial near a, and polynomials have the direct subs tu on property.

               lim f(x) = lim− x2 = 12 = 1 and lim+ f(x) = lim+ 2x = 2(1) = 2
              x→1−             x→1                   x→1         x→1

         So f has no limit at 1. Therefore f is not con nuous at 1.


                                                                                                                     . 7
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                              Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Graphical Illustration of Pitfall #1
                 3                                  The func on cannot be
                                                    con nuous at a point if the
                                                    func on has no limit at that
                 1                                  point.
                     .               x
               −1            1   2

        Continuity FAIL: no value
                                              x2 + 2x + 1
                                     f(x) =
         At which points is f con nuous?

         Solu on
         Because f is ra onal, it is con nuous on its whole domain. Note that
         −1 is not in the domain of f, so f is not con nuous there.


        Graphical Illustration of Pitfall #2

                             1                      The func on cannot be
                                                    con nuous at a point outside
                         .               x          its domain (that is, a point
               −1                                   where it has no value).


                                                                                                                     . 8
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                                Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Continuity FAIL: value ̸= limit
         Let                               {
                                               7   if x ̸= 1
                                  f(x) =
                                               π   if x = 1
         At which points is f con nuous?

         Solu on
         f is not con nuous at 1 because f(1) = π but lim f(x) = 7.


        Graphical Illustration of Pitfall #3


                   7                                If the func on has a limit and
                                                    a value at a point the two
                   π                                must s ll agree.
                       .          x


        Special types of discontinuities

         removable discon nuity The limit lim f(x) exists, but f is not
                   defined at a or its value at a is not equal to the limit at a.
                   By re-defining f(a) = lim f(x), f can be made con nuous
                   at a
         jump discon nuity The limits lim− f(x) and lim+ f(x) exist, but are
                                           x→a             x→a
                    different. The func on cannot be made con nuous by
                    changing a single value.


                                                                                                                       . 9
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                   Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Special discontinuities graphically
                      y                                  y

                  7                                  2
                  π                                  1
                      .           x                      .          x
                          1                                  1
                   removable                                 jump


        The greatest integer function
         [[x]] is the greatest integer ≤ x.    y
                x [[x]]                                 y = [[x]]
                0 0                      2
                1 1
              1.5 1                      1
              1.9 1                         .                   x
              2.1 2              −2 −1           1 2 3
           −0.5 −1                     −1
           −0.9 −1
           −1.1 −2                     −2
         This func on has a jump discon nuity at each integer.


         Con nuity

         The Intermediate Value Theorem

         Back to the Ques ons


                                                                                                          . 10
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                             Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        A Big Time Theorem

         Theorem (The Intermediate Value Theorem)
         Suppose that f is con nuous on the closed interval [a, b] and let N be
         any number between f(a) and f(b), where f(a) ̸= f(b). Then there
         exists a number c in (a, b) such that f(c) = N.


        Illustrating the IVT

         Suppose that f is con nuous            f(b)
         on the closed interval [a, b]
         and let N be any number
         between f(a) and f(b), where           f(a)
         f(a) ̸= f(b). Then there exists
         a number c in (a, b) such that
         f(c) = N.                                     .   a c          b x


        What the IVT does not say

         The Intermediate Value Theorem is an “existence” theorem.
               It does not say how many such c exist.
               It also does not say how to find c.
         S ll, it can be used in itera on or in conjunc on with other
         theorems to answer these ques ons.


                                                                                                                    . 11
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                             Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Using the IVT to find zeroes
         Let f(x) = x3 − x − 1. Show that there is a zero for f on the interval
         [1, 2].

         Solu on
         f(1) = −1 and f(2) = 5. So there is a zero between 1 and 2.
         In fact, we can “narrow in” on the zero by the method of bisec ons.


        Finding a zero by bisection
                x         f(x)
                1         −1
             1.25         − 0.296875
           1.3125         − 0.0515137
            1.375            0.224609
              1.5            0.875
                2            5
                                                       .                  x
         (More careful analysis yields

        Using the IVT to assert existence                                         Notes
        of numbers
         Suppose we are unaware of the square root func on and that it’s
         con nuous. Prove that the square root of two exists.



                                                                                                                    . 12
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                             Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011


         Con nuity

         The Intermediate Value Theorem

         Back to the Ques ons


        Back to the Questions
         True or False
         At one point in your life you were exactly three feet tall.

         True or False
         At one point in your life your height in inches equaled your weight in

         True or False
         Right now there are two points on opposite sides of the Earth with
         exactly the same temperature.

        Question 1

         To be discussed in class!


                                                                                                                    . 13
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                          Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Question 2


        Question 3


        Question 3


                                                                 . 14
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                         Sec on 1.5:. Limits   February 7, 2011

        Summary                                                               Notes
        What have we learned today?

            Defini on: a func on is con nuous at a point if the limit of the
            func on at that point agrees with the value of the func on at
            that point.
            We o en make a fundamental assump on that func ons we
            meet in nature are con nuous.
            The Intermediate Value Theorem is a basic property of real
            numbers that we need and use a lot.






                                                                                                                . 15

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Lesson 5: Continuity (handout)

  • 1. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Sec on 1.5 Con nuity V63.0121.001: Calculus I Professor Ma hew Leingang New York University . February 7, 2011 . . Notes Announcements Get-to-know-you extra credit due Friday February 11 Quiz 1 February 17/18 in recita on . . Notes Objectives Understand and apply the defini on of con nuity for a func on at a point or on an interval. Given a piecewise defined func on, decide where it is con nuous or discon nuous. State and understand the Intermediate Value Theorem. Use the IVT to show that a func on takes a certain value, or that an equa on has a solu on . . . 1 .
  • 2. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Last time Defini on We write lim f(x) = L x→a and say “the limit of f(x), as x approaches a, equals L” if we can make the values of f(x) arbitrarily close to L (as close to L as we like) by taking x to be sufficiently close to a (on either side of a) but not equal to a. . . Notes Basic Limits Theorem (Basic Limits) lim x = a x→a lim c = c x→a . . Notes Limit Laws for arithmetic Theorem (Limit Laws) Let f and g be func ons with limits at a point a. Then lim (f(x) + g(x)) = lim f(x) + lim g(x) x→a x→a x→a lim (f(x) − g(x)) = lim f(x) − lim g(x) x→a x→a x→a lim (f(x) · g(x)) = lim f(x) · lim g(x) x→a x→a x→a f(x) limx→a f(x) lim = if lim g(x) ̸= 0 x→a g(x) limx→a g(x) x→a . . . 2 .
  • 3. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Hatsumon Here are some discussion ques ons to start. True or False At some point in your life you were exactly three feet tall. True or False At some point in your life your height (in inches) was equal to your weight (in pounds). True or False Right now there are a pair of points on opposite sides of the world measuring the exact same temperature. . . Notes Outline Con nuity The Intermediate Value Theorem Back to the Ques ons . . Recall: Direct Substitution Notes Property Theorem (The Direct Subs tu on Property) If f is a polynomial or a ra onal func on and a is in the domain of f, then lim f(x) = f(a) x→a This property is so useful it’s worth naming. . . . 3 .
  • 4. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Definition of Continuity Defini on y Let f be a func on defined near a. We say that f is con nuous at f(a) a if lim f(x) = f(a). x→a A func on f is con nuous if it is con nuous at every point in its domain. . x a . . Notes Scholium Defini on Let f be a func on defined near a. We say that f is con nuous at a if lim f(x) = f(a). x→a There are three important parts to this defini on. The func on has to have a limit at a, the func on has to have a value at a, and these values have to agree. . . Notes Free Theorems Theorem (a) Any polynomial is con nuous everywhere; that is, it is con nuous on R = (−∞, ∞). (b) Any ra onal func on is con nuous wherever it is defined; that is, it is con nuous on its domain. . . . 4 .
  • 5. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Showing a function is continuous . Example √ Let f(x) = 4x + 1. Show that f is con nuous at 2. Solu on We want to show that lim f(x) = f(2). We have x→2 √ √ √ lim f(x) = lim 4x + 1 = lim (4x + 1) = 9 = 3 = f(2). x→a x→2 x→2 Each step comes from the limit laws. . . Notes At which other points? Ques on √ As before, let f(x) = 4x + 1. At which points is f con nuous? Solu on . . Notes Limit Laws give Continuity Laws Theorem If f(x) and g(x) are con nuous at a and c is a constant, then the following func ons are also con nuous at a: (f + g)(x) (fg)(x) (f − g)(x) f (x) (if g(a) ̸= 0) (cf)(x) g . . . 5 .
  • 6. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Sum of continuous is continuous We want to show that lim (f + g)(x) = (f + g)(a). x→a We just follow our nose. (def of f + g) lim (f + g)(x) = lim [f(x) + g(x)] x→a x→a (if these limits exist) = lim f(x) + lim g(x) x→a x→a (they do; f and g are cts.) = f(a) + g(a) (def of f + g again) = (f + g)(a) . . Notes Trig functions are continuous tan sec sin and cos are con nuous on R. sin 1 tan = and sec = are cos cos cos con nuous on their domain, {π which is } . sin R + kπ k ∈ Z . 2 cos 1 cot = and csc = are sin sin con nuous on their domain, which is R { kπ | k ∈ Z }. cot csc . . Notes Exp and Log are continuous For any base a 1, the func on x → ax is ax loga x con nuous on R the func on loga is con nuous on its . domain: (0, ∞) In par cular ex and ln = loge are con nuous on their domains . . . 6 .
  • 7. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Inverse trigonometric functions Notes are mostly continuous sin−1 and cos−1 are con nuous on (−1, 1), le con nuous at 1, and right con nuous at −1. sec−1 and csc−1 are con nuous on (−∞, −1) ∪ (1, ∞), le con nuous at −1, and right con nuous at 1. tan−1 and cot−1 are con nuous on R. π cot−1 cos−1 sec−1 π/2 tan−1 csc−1 sin−1 . . −π/2 −π . Notes What could go wrong? In what ways could a func on f fail to be con nuous at a point a? Look again at the equa on from the defini on: lim f(x) = f(a) x→a . . Notes Continuity FAIL: no limit . Example { x2 if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 Let f(x) = . At which points is f con nuous? 2x if 1 x ≤ 2 Solu on At any point a besides 1, lim f(x) = f(a) because f is represented by a x→a polynomial near a, and polynomials have the direct subs tu on property. lim f(x) = lim− x2 = 12 = 1 and lim+ f(x) = lim+ 2x = 2(1) = 2 x→1− x→1 x→1 x→1 So f has no limit at 1. Therefore f is not con nuous at 1. . . . 7 .
  • 8. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Graphical Illustration of Pitfall #1 y 4 3 The func on cannot be con nuous at a point if the 2 func on has no limit at that 1 point. . x −1 1 2 −1 . . Notes Continuity FAIL: no value Example Let x2 + 2x + 1 f(x) = x+1 At which points is f con nuous? Solu on Because f is ra onal, it is con nuous on its whole domain. Note that −1 is not in the domain of f, so f is not con nuous there. . . Notes Graphical Illustration of Pitfall #2 y 1 The func on cannot be con nuous at a point outside . x its domain (that is, a point −1 where it has no value). . . . 8 .
  • 9. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Continuity FAIL: value ̸= limit Example Let { 7 if x ̸= 1 f(x) = π if x = 1 At which points is f con nuous? Solu on f is not con nuous at 1 because f(1) = π but lim f(x) = 7. x→1 . . Notes Graphical Illustration of Pitfall #3 y 7 If the func on has a limit and a value at a point the two π must s ll agree. . x 1 . . Notes Special types of discontinuities removable discon nuity The limit lim f(x) exists, but f is not x→a defined at a or its value at a is not equal to the limit at a. By re-defining f(a) = lim f(x), f can be made con nuous x→a at a jump discon nuity The limits lim− f(x) and lim+ f(x) exist, but are x→a x→a different. The func on cannot be made con nuous by changing a single value. . . . 9 .
  • 10. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Special discontinuities graphically y y 7 2 π 1 . x . x 1 1 removable jump . . Notes The greatest integer function [[x]] is the greatest integer ≤ x. y 3 x [[x]] y = [[x]] 0 0 2 1 1 1.5 1 1 1.9 1 . x 2.1 2 −2 −1 1 2 3 −0.5 −1 −1 −0.9 −1 −1.1 −2 −2 This func on has a jump discon nuity at each integer. . . Notes Outline Con nuity The Intermediate Value Theorem Back to the Ques ons . . . 10 .
  • 11. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes A Big Time Theorem Theorem (The Intermediate Value Theorem) Suppose that f is con nuous on the closed interval [a, b] and let N be any number between f(a) and f(b), where f(a) ̸= f(b). Then there exists a number c in (a, b) such that f(c) = N. . . Notes Illustrating the IVT f(x) Theorem Suppose that f is con nuous f(b) on the closed interval [a, b] N and let N be any number between f(a) and f(b), where f(a) f(a) ̸= f(b). Then there exists a number c in (a, b) such that f(c) = N. . a c b x . . Notes What the IVT does not say The Intermediate Value Theorem is an “existence” theorem. It does not say how many such c exist. It also does not say how to find c. S ll, it can be used in itera on or in conjunc on with other theorems to answer these ques ons. . . . 11 .
  • 12. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Using the IVT to find zeroes Example Let f(x) = x3 − x − 1. Show that there is a zero for f on the interval [1, 2]. Solu on f(1) = −1 and f(2) = 5. So there is a zero between 1 and 2. In fact, we can “narrow in” on the zero by the method of bisec ons. . . Notes Finding a zero by bisection y x f(x) 1 −1 1.25 − 0.296875 1.3125 − 0.0515137 1.375 0.224609 1.5 0.875 2 5 . x (More careful analysis yields 1.32472.) . . Using the IVT to assert existence Notes of numbers Example Suppose we are unaware of the square root func on and that it’s con nuous. Prove that the square root of two exists. Proof. . . . 12 .
  • 13. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Outline Con nuity The Intermediate Value Theorem Back to the Ques ons . . Notes Back to the Questions True or False At one point in your life you were exactly three feet tall. True or False At one point in your life your height in inches equaled your weight in pounds. True or False Right now there are two points on opposite sides of the Earth with exactly the same temperature. . . Notes Question 1 To be discussed in class! . . . 13 .
  • 14. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Notes Question 2 . . Notes Question 3 . . Notes Question 3 . . . 14 .
  • 15. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 1.5:. Limits February 7, 2011 Summary Notes What have we learned today? Defini on: a func on is con nuous at a point if the limit of the func on at that point agrees with the value of the func on at that point. We o en make a fundamental assump on that func ons we meet in nature are con nuous. The Intermediate Value Theorem is a basic property of real numbers that we need and use a lot. . . Notes . . Notes . . . 15 .