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Lessons from Saturday Night Live’s
Digital Word of Mouth Strategies

 Matt Allen           Sarah Hofstetter
 NBC.com              360i
 Twitter: @mattla31   Twitter: @Pezmeister1
The plan for today

• Social media & digital word of mouth education

• Saturday Night Live case study

• Best practices so you can do it too!

                         www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   2
360i: Social media advisors to leading brands


   MEDIA &


                           www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   3
Holistic social media practice

                          Listen &

   Report &                                         Educate you &
   optimize                                           your team

 Execute with
    SM best

                       Build platforms

                             www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   4
Conversations in social media are…

Disorganized   Vibrant    Energetic        Insightful                 Monetizable

                            www.360i.com      Proprietary & Confidential        5
Social marketing strategy must revolve around
consumer behavior

 Internet As Focus Group   Customized Experiences       Old Playbooks Obsolete

Strategy & execution require uncommon integration

                                    www.360i.com    Proprietary & Confidential   6
Winning over even just one customer can have
a huge ripple effect in social media

                         www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   7
The Importance of word of mouth, and blogs as
pivotal online influencers

               Of consumer purchase decisions are primarily
               influenced by word of mouth

   68%         Of blog readers visit their most trusted blogs

300%           Growth in monthly blog readership in the past
               four years

  56%          Of social media users feel a stronger connection with
               companies when they can interact with them in a
               social media environment

                        Sources: McKinsey, AdAge, Jupiter Research and Cone, eMarketer
                                   www.360i.com            Proprietary & Confidential    8
Don’t fall into this trap!

                             www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   9
…or this one
Bright Shiny Object Syndrome

          BSO Approach                             Strategic Approach

                                              Set benchmarks
                                                for success

                                                 Evaluate                 Strategize

                                                                         Measure &

             Results:                            Results:
             • Something to                      • Engage target audience
               show the boss                     • Achieve KPIs

                               www.360i.com              Proprietary & Confidential    10
If we want to succeed in social media, then we
need to…

 Be Present     Listen Up            Participate                               &

                            www.360i.com           Proprietary & Confidential          11
Case Study: Saturday Night Live
Digital Word of Mouth (DWOMSM)

NBC Digital Entertainment │Who We Are
 Online & Mobile Destination for NBC Programming
 Home of super-fan communities including Heroes, Dunder-Mifflin
 Infinity (the Office), Biggest Loser and more…
 The promotional arm for the TV Network

                                QUALITY                            ENGAGEMENT
                                − Winner of Four Webby             − NBC.com has the highest
 − NBC’s online video player
                                  Awards & Twenty                    market-share of visits of
   offered the FIRST full-
                                  Commendations                      all network broadcast
   episode streaming with
   closed-captioned and
                                − Two-Time Emmy Award
   will be the FIRST to offer
                                                                   − NBC.com has the highest
                                  Winner, with Eight
   user viewing parties as
                                  Nominations                        time spent/user
   part of the streaming
   experience                   − Led all networks with Six        − MyNBC: A thriving social
                                  Wins and Eleven                    network for the NBC
 − NBC is the first network
                                  Nominations for the                super-fan with more than
   to offer high-quality,
                                  inaugural TV Guide                 450,000 active members
   downloadable video of
                                  Online Video Awards
   your favorite TV shows

                                         www.360i.com         Proprietary & Confidential     13
Audience Development │ Tactics                          NBC On-Air Digital Toss:

  • On-Air:
    • Digital promos
    • In-show integrations                                                                  Publicity:
    • Digital tosses
    • Snipes
  • Print & Radio
  • Publicity
  • Out of Home (NBC Everywhere)
  • NBCU Cross-Promotional Support

• DIGITAL PLATFORMS                                Print:

  • Mobile
  • Online
    • Promotion & Partnerships
    • Media
    • Search
    • Digital PR, Syndication, Widgets

                                         www.360i.com          Proprietary & Confidential           14
Widgets │ Types We Use

  (Embeddable Video Player)

                                    www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   15
Widgets │ Deployment Strategy

•   NBC.com
•   Digital Media
•   NBC Publicity
•   Distribution via 360i
•   Viral Propagation
•   Facebook Applications

                            www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   16
Audience Development │ Measuring Success
 Viral syndication drives site traffic

                                                    Blogs                           MySpace
                                                Message Boards                 Other Websites

                                 www.360i.com          Proprietary & Confidential             17
When looking at social marketing, there are so
many platforms; but so little time….

                           www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   18
Let’s evaluate social marketing
through a strategic lens


                           Does it leverage
                           our social media

                                                  Does it follows
        Does it meet our
                                                 social media best

                           Does it provides
                             value to the

                                  www.360i.com        Proprietary & Confidential   19
What are our objectives?

       Preferred      Site Traffic           Advocacy

                                                          Objectives   Arsenal

                                                              Rules    Value

                           www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential           20
NBC’s incredible social media arsenal

                                                          Objectives   Arsenal

                                                              Rules    Value

                           www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential           21
Rules of the social media road

         Listen to         Understand &           Empower your           When using the
        audience &         acclimate to           fans to express        brand voice, be
         cultivate         each of your            their opinions           consistent
       relationships       environments          about your brand

                Make as much of   Recognize you’re            Always be
                 your content      in an always-on           authentic &
                  portable &         environment             transparent
                                                                                Objectives   Arsenal

                                                                                    Rules    Value

                                          www.360i.com          Proprietary & Confidential           22
Ensure effective value exchange

       Conversation             Access                     Utility

                Entertainment            Social currency

                                                                     Objectives   Arsenal

                                                                         Rules    Value

                                  www.360i.com       Proprietary & Confidential           23
SNL Video Case Study

                       www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   24
Strategy Overview

     Find           Engage           Nurture/Fuel               Synchronize

                             www.360i.com       Proprietary & Confidential    25
Personalized outreach & strong relationships
result in high visibility coverage

                           www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   26
Rapid, relevant outreach delivers coverage
every Sunday morning             March 8
                                                                                                             April 4
                                                         Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
      Jan. 10                     Feb. 7
                                                                                                           Seth Rogen
 Neil Patrick Harris          Bradley Cooper

   6/1                 6/15        6/29              7/13                  7/27                                8/10

                                             Feb. 14                       March 15
                 Jan. 31
                                          Alec Balwdin                   Tracy Morgan                           May 9
               Steve Martin
                                                                                                          Justin Timberlake
                                                    www.360i.com                  Proprietary & Confidential                  27
DWOM drove 77% interactions and 63% daily uniques of
NBC video player for SNL

                               www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   28
Popularity in social media dominates PageShare
  on Google as well

                                                      Apr ’08 After SEO + DWOM
                              Oct ’06 After SEO
    Aug ’06 Pre-SEO

NBC.com did not rank in the
 first natural search page
                                     Blog Posts
                                   Linking back to

                                       www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   29
Did this program measure up against the
strategic lens?

                           Does it leverage
                           our social media

                                                  Does it follows
        Does it meet our
                                                 social media best

                           Does it provides
                             value to the

                                  www.360i.com        Proprietary & Confidential   30
Can DWOMSM work for you? Some best practices:

• Always be transparent
   • Customers don’t want transparency; they demand it. And it’s good for your
     brand, too
• Never spam
   • Don’t post comments on blogs, seeds message boards or forums, or blasts
     press releases
• Authenticity is key
   • Authenticity lets you take advantage of your brand strength and commitment
     to listening to your customers
   • Don’t incentivize online influencers through payment or pressures them to
     write positive posts
• Give them something to talk about
   • Figure out what will resonate best with online influencers – and their readers
   • If no assets exist – create them!

                                        www.360i.com      Proprietary & Confidential   31
Guidelines of social marketing best practices

• Establish your goals up front
• Listen to your audience
• Lay out your social marketing footprint
• Populate, converse, engage and share
• Adapt the execution to the platform
• Measure!

                           www.360i.com   Proprietary & Confidential   32
Thank you!

            Matt Allen                             Sarah Hofstetter
Senior Exec Director of Marketing        VP, Emerging Media & Client Strategy
NBC.com                                  360i
matt.allen@nbcuni.com                    sarah@360i.com
www.nbc.com                              blog.360i.com
Twitter: @mattla31                       Twitter: @Pezmeister

                                    www.360i.com         Proprietary & Confidential   33

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Lessons from Saturday Night Live's Digital Word of Mouth Strategies

  • 1. Lessons from Saturday Night Live’s Digital Word of Mouth Strategies Matt Allen Sarah Hofstetter NBC.com 360i Twitter: @mattla31 Twitter: @Pezmeister1
  • 2. The plan for today • Social media & digital word of mouth education • Saturday Night Live case study • Best practices so you can do it too! www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 2
  • 3. 360i: Social media advisors to leading brands CONSUMER PACKAGED GOODS RETAIL & E-COMMERCE MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT TRAVEL www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 3
  • 4. Holistic social media practice Listen & analyze conversations Report & Educate you & optimize your team Execute with Devise SM best strategies practices Build platforms www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 4
  • 5. Conversations in social media are… Disorganized Vibrant Energetic Insightful Monetizable www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 5
  • 6. Social marketing strategy must revolve around consumer behavior Internet As Focus Group Customized Experiences Old Playbooks Obsolete Strategy & execution require uncommon integration www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 6
  • 7. Winning over even just one customer can have a huge ripple effect in social media www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 7
  • 8. The Importance of word of mouth, and blogs as pivotal online influencers 67% Of consumer purchase decisions are primarily influenced by word of mouth 68% Of blog readers visit their most trusted blogs daily 300% Growth in monthly blog readership in the past four years 56% Of social media users feel a stronger connection with companies when they can interact with them in a social media environment Sources: McKinsey, AdAge, Jupiter Research and Cone, eMarketer www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 8
  • 9. Don’t fall into this trap! www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 9
  • 10. …or this one Bright Shiny Object Syndrome BSO Approach Strategic Approach Set benchmarks Listen for success Evaluate Strategize Measure & Participate Optimize Results: Results: • Something to • Engage target audience show the boss • Achieve KPIs www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 10
  • 11. If we want to succeed in social media, then we need to… Measure Be Present Listen Up Participate & Optimize www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 11
  • 12. Case Study: Saturday Night Live Digital Word of Mouth (DWOMSM) 12
  • 13. NBC Digital Entertainment │Who We Are Online & Mobile Destination for NBC Programming Home of super-fan communities including Heroes, Dunder-Mifflin Infinity (the Office), Biggest Loser and more… The promotional arm for the TV Network QUALITY ENGAGEMENT INNOVATION − Winner of Four Webby − NBC.com has the highest − NBC’s online video player Awards & Twenty market-share of visits of offered the FIRST full- Commendations all network broadcast episode streaming with sites. closed-captioned and − Two-Time Emmy Award will be the FIRST to offer − NBC.com has the highest Winner, with Eight user viewing parties as Nominations time spent/user part of the streaming experience − Led all networks with Six − MyNBC: A thriving social Wins and Eleven network for the NBC − NBC is the first network Nominations for the super-fan with more than to offer high-quality, inaugural TV Guide 450,000 active members downloadable video of Online Video Awards your favorite TV shows www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 13
  • 14. Audience Development │ Tactics NBC On-Air Digital Toss: • TRADITIONAL PLATFORMS • On-Air: • Digital promos • In-show integrations Publicity: • Digital tosses • Snipes • Print & Radio • Publicity • Out of Home (NBC Everywhere) • NBCU Cross-Promotional Support • DIGITAL PLATFORMS Print: • Mobile • Online • Promotion & Partnerships • Media • Search • Digital PR, Syndication, Widgets www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 14
  • 15. Widgets │ Types We Use • SINGLE-CLIP VIDEO WIDGET MULTI-CLIP WIDGET CONTENT WIDGETS (Embeddable Video Player) www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 15
  • 16. Widgets │ Deployment Strategy • NBC.com • Digital Media • NBC Publicity • Distribution via 360i • Viral Propagation • Facebook Applications www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 16
  • 17. Audience Development │ Measuring Success Viral syndication drives site traffic Blogs MySpace Embedded links Message Boards Other Websites www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 17
  • 18. When looking at social marketing, there are so many platforms; but so little time…. www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 18
  • 19. Let’s evaluate social marketing through a strategic lens SOCIAL MARKETING STRATEGIC LENS Does it leverage our social media arsenal? Does it follows Does it meet our social media best objectives? practices? Does it provides value to the consumer? www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 19
  • 20. What are our objectives? Preferred Site Traffic Advocacy Player Objectives Arsenal Rules Value www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 20
  • 21. NBC’s incredible social media arsenal ssets rand itizens Objectives Arsenal Rules Value www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 21
  • 22. Rules of the social media road Listen to Understand & Empower your When using the audience & acclimate to fans to express brand voice, be cultivate each of your their opinions consistent relationships environments about your brand Make as much of Recognize you’re Always be your content in an always-on authentic & portable & environment transparent sharable Objectives Arsenal Rules Value www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 22
  • 23. Ensure effective value exchange Conversation Access Utility Entertainment Social currency Objectives Arsenal Rules Value www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 23
  • 24. SNL Video Case Study www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 24
  • 25. Strategy Overview Find Engage Nurture/Fuel Synchronize www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 25
  • 26. Personalized outreach & strong relationships result in high visibility coverage www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 26
  • 27. Rapid, relevant outreach delivers coverage every Sunday morning March 8 April 4 Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Jan. 10 Feb. 7 Seth Rogen Neil Patrick Harris Bradley Cooper 6/1 6/15 6/29 7/13 7/27 8/10 Feb. 14 March 15 Jan. 31 Alec Balwdin Tracy Morgan May 9 Steve Martin Justin Timberlake www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 27
  • 28. DWOM drove 77% interactions and 63% daily uniques of NBC video player for SNL www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 28
  • 29. Popularity in social media dominates PageShare on Google as well Apr ’08 After SEO + DWOM Oct ’06 After SEO Aug ’06 Pre-SEO NBC.com did not rank in the first natural search page Blog Posts Linking back to NBC.com www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 29
  • 30. Did this program measure up against the strategic lens? Does it leverage our social media arsenal? Does it follows Does it meet our social media best objectives? practices? Does it provides value to the consumer? www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 30
  • 31. Can DWOMSM work for you? Some best practices: • Always be transparent • Customers don’t want transparency; they demand it. And it’s good for your brand, too • Never spam • Don’t post comments on blogs, seeds message boards or forums, or blasts press releases • Authenticity is key • Authenticity lets you take advantage of your brand strength and commitment to listening to your customers • Don’t incentivize online influencers through payment or pressures them to write positive posts • Give them something to talk about • Figure out what will resonate best with online influencers – and their readers • If no assets exist – create them! www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 31
  • 32. Guidelines of social marketing best practices • Establish your goals up front • Listen to your audience • Lay out your social marketing footprint • Populate, converse, engage and share • Adapt the execution to the platform • Measure! www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 32
  • 33. Thank you! Matt Allen Sarah Hofstetter Senior Exec Director of Marketing VP, Emerging Media & Client Strategy NBC.com 360i matt.allen@nbcuni.com sarah@360i.com www.nbc.com blog.360i.com Twitter: @mattla31 Twitter: @Pezmeister www.360i.com Proprietary & Confidential 33