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Life Lessons Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of life lessons can be both a daunting and rewarding task. The
challenge lies not only in the vastness and complexity of the subject matter but also in the deeply
personal nature of the lessons one may choose to explore. Life lessons are unique to each
individual, shaped by personal experiences, triumphs, failures, and the intricate tapestry of
emotions that accompany them.
To embark on this writing journey, one must introspect, sift through memories, and delve into the
moments that have left an indelible mark on their character. The difficulty arises in articulating
these profound and often intangible lessons in a way that resonates universally. It's a delicate
balance of revealing personal vulnerabilities while aiming for a narrative that transcends
individual stories.
Moreover, the task involves navigating the fine line between imparting wisdom and avoiding
didacticism. The challenge is to distill the essence of life lessons without coming across as
preachy, striking a chord that is both relatable and insightful for readers from diverse
backgrounds and experiences.
The writer must grapple with the challenge of weaving a coherent and engaging narrative that
captures the essence of the chosen life lessons. The struggle lies in finding the right words to
convey the depth of emotions and the transformative impact of these lessons on one's outlook.
In addition, the process of introspection and self-discovery required for such an essay can be
emotionally taxing. Revisiting past experiences, especially those laden with emotional weight,
demands a level of vulnerability that can be challenging to express on paper.
Yet, within this difficulty lies the potential for a powerful and impactful essay. Through the
challenge of articulating personal growth and the wisdom gained from life's experiences, the
writer has the opportunity to connect with readers on a profound level. It's a journey of self-
discovery and communication, transcending the boundaries of individuality to touch upon the
shared human experience.
In the end, the difficulty of writing such an essay is a testament to the depth and richness of the
topic. Life lessons are a mosaic of stories, emotions, and reflections that, when skillfully crafted
into an essay, have the potential to resonate with a wide audience. It is a challenge worth
undertaking for those who seek to share their insights and contribute to the collective wisdom of
For those who may find this task too overwhelming or time-consuming, similar essays and more
can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where skilled writers are ready to assist in translating
personal experiences into compelling narratives.
Life Lessons Essay Life Lessons Essay
The State University Academic Integrity Code Essay
I pledge on my honor that I have not violated the Appalachian State University
Academic Integrity Code. Each of the following excerpts, Act 2, Scene 2 from
Siegfried by Richard Wagner, Habanera from Carmen (Act I, Scene 5) by Georges
Bizet, and Non So Piu Cosa Son from The Marriage of Figaro (Act I, scene 4) by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, present many different reflections of genderand gender
stereotypes. In this short essay, I will address how each piece uniquely reflects
gender, by discussing elements such as character dress, orchestral accompaniment,
timbre, and body language. In Habanera, the main character is a woman named
Carmen who is portrayed as an exotic seductress. The orchestra begins playing a
hypnotic rhythm softly, and keeps the soft dynamic throughout the song. The
orchestra is composed of strings, delicate chimes, and a tambourine. The softness in
tone, and the choice of instruments show how feminine gender is being reflected
through the music. Woodwinds and strings, symbolize softness and gentleness, in
songs. Women have stereotypically been considered gentle and nurturing throughout
history. The orchestra follows Carmen s melody, while never overpowering the
sound of her voice. The timbre of Carmen s voice is full, but also delicate. She
reaches high pitches, falling slowly down to the bottom of the scale, like a feather
that is floating to the ground. In addition, Carmen s body language also reflects her
femininity. She takes gliding steps across
Ganesh An Elephant-Headed God In The Hindu Religion
Ganesha: An Elephant Headed Deity Ganesha, the Elephant Headed God, is the
most worshipped god in the Hindu religion most commonly practiced in India. He
represents Wisdom and the distinction between good and bad and is the leader of
ganas, also known as beings. When Ganesha was created, his creator and/or mother,
Parvatihad created him out of anger when her husband Shivas followers betrayed her
due to their loyalty. Parvati being jealous, created Ganeshafrom the dirt on her body
to have someone who was loyal to her like her husband did. Once Shiva discovered
this and Ganesha would not let Shiva pass through to see Parvati, he sent out an army
to kill Ganesha. This mission was unsuccessful but shortly after Shiva fought him and
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Ganesha is thought of as one of the most caring god s in the hindu religion as his
ears represent being a good listener and his small mouth representing talking less,
these two qualities together show that he is one to listen to other s problems rather
than talk about his own. In many images Ganesha is shown holding three items, a
noose, an elephant goad, and sweet candy called laddoo the objects in his lower
right hand represent his blessings and protection. Ganesha is known to reduce
karma and guide you in your difficult journeys. These are one of many qualities
portrayed by Ganesha. In the Hindu religion, they believe in sacrifice for your
beliefs. Ganesha has learned the true meaning of sacrifice. Ganesha is shown with
a broken tusk, here he had broken off his tusk in order to write the Mahabharata a
poem known around the world. This shows his sacrifice in order to prove to his
higher beings that he is dedicated to his followers and will do anything to guide
them down the right path towards success and happiness. Ganesha was the god to
guide all beings through their struggles and is their to re ensure that his followers
will become successful as long as they keep their faith. There are many qualities
Ganesha wished to teach his followers. As children many parents would tell their
children the stories of Ganesha and the lessons he wanted to teach his followers. He
believed that if you say
Outline Of Laurel Wilt Disease
Laurel Wilt Disease is a scourge here in Florida. The disease affects laurel trees all
over the Southeast, with the most notable victim being avocado trees. The beetles
also effect sassafras trees, pond spice trees, and swamp bays. The main cause of this
disease is a fungus known as Raffaelea Lauricola that is transmitted through a beetle
called the red bay ambrosia beetle (PerseaBorbonia). Neither of these species are
native to the area. It was brought over to the states through wooden shipping
containers that had contained the beetle insect. The insect and disease came from
countries like India, Japan, Myanmar, and Taiwan. The disease works by having the
beetle come into the country, hiding in the wooden crates. Once in America, the
beetle enters into the environment and seeks trees to bore into for food and shelter.
The beetles contain spores that containing the fungus that kills the host tree. The
fungus then grows in the sapwood of the tree, restricting the flow of food, sap, and
nutrients around the tree. This results in die back and eventually, a dead tree. The
disease is known to highly effect the avocadoindustry and the natural forests in
Florida. Currently, 61 out of 67 counties in Florida contain reports of Laurel Wilt
Disease as of 2015. That is an enormous 91%.
So what will my organization do to help? My group wishes to mitigate the spread of
Laurel wilt Disease in Florida in order to protect the environment we pride ourselves
on as well as the avocado
The Down Fall of Rose Williams and Blanche DuBois
Tennessee Williams is known to be a Southern playwright of American drama.
Williams knew how to show haunting elements like psychological drama,
loneliness, and inexcusable violence in his plays. Critics say Williams often
depicted women who were suffering from critical downfalls due to his sister Rose
Williams. Rose was always fighting with a mental health condition known as
schizophrenia all her life. The character Laura in The Glass Menagerie is always
compared to Rose, because they were both socially awkward and very quiet girls.
This may be true, but one can look at Blanche DuBoisfrom A Street Car Named
Desire shadows his sister s life and characteristics more than Laura did. In the
obituary of Rose Williams that was written by... Show more content on
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During a party when Rose was twenty six, Williams went off on her by saying, I
hate the sight of your ugly old face (Hoare)! Rose s illness made her become
delusional and a compulsive liar. This disgusted Williams for this was not the sister
he knew. Williams never really understood his sister s illness. Rose s schizophrenia
only got worse as time went on. Finally, her parents felt she was not fit for society in
her state. Rose was taken to the State Hospital in Farmington where doctors
performed a bilateral prefrontal lobotomy. Tennessee Williamsregrets to not
stopping the lobotomy, because his sister was never the same again and never
recovered. Due to the regret, Williams financed his sister s private care until his
death in 1983. Even though the siblings had a very dysfunctional relationship;
Tennessee shows the haunting and suffering he felt in his plays due to his sister s
illness. Williams first introduces Blanche DuBois in the play with the following
description, She is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace
and earrings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as if she were arriving at a
summer tea or cocktail party (Williams 15). This description depicts Blanche as a
high society woman and could do better than living in New Orleans. Blanche is only
putting on airs from this description. This means that she is faking her higher class
status; in reality what she is wearing is
Case Study Cvs Health
By: Hazel Grace Medina
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Spring 2018
MAN4101 Human Relations in Management
Professor Terri Green
April 18, 2018
CVS HEALTH CVS Health, or Consumer Value Store, was founded by Stanley and
Sidney Goldstein and partner Ralph Hoagland in Lowell, Massachusetts in 1963. The
first store originally sold only health and beauty products. CVS s success led to
developing 17 chain stores and where the original CVS logo was displayed on store
exteriors. Years later, CVS began their operation of its first stores with pharmacy
departments, opening in locations of Warwick and Cumberland, Rhode Island. In the
early 1970 s, CVS operated 100 stores in the Northeast and nearly ... Show more
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CVS Caremark is designed to encourage their patients to take their medications as
directed. This program offers opportunities to improve the quality of pharmacy care
and reducing medical costs (CVS communication strategies improve patients
medication adherence, 2011). Many programs have been created by CVS, such as:
Minute Clinic, CVS Specialty, Coram Infusion Services, CVS Pharmacy, and CVS
Caremark, to take better care of their customers and to communicate with them better
about their health (Brennan, 2017). Minute Clinic is a type of electronic health
record that enables instant connection to all hospitals and clinics to send patients
summaries to providers, promoting transparencies, and continuity of care. CVS
Specialty is clinical information in real time with other healthcare providers.
Interoperability decreases the time for authorization reviews, improving prescription
processing, and increase overall patient and provider satisfaction. Coram Infusion
Services provides full bi directional connectivity between the hospital EHR and
Coram s Center of Excellence. This is the referral management that will utilize direct
messaging to communicate referrals with summary of care documents. The CVS
Pharmacy utilizes electronic capabilities to communicate patient care information
with prescribers and improve access to therapy. CVS Caremark s purpose is to share
patient benefit information with
Sri Lanka Genocide
Canada, a country known for its rich mosaic of cultures and people, it is uncommon
for us to picture the oppression and discrimination of any minority groups.
Unfortunately, not all countries live up to par with our human rights. Such as Sri
Lanka, a small island located off the south coast of India, surrounded by the Indian
Ocean. This beautiful country beholds some of the greatest entities such as its
prosperous tea plantations. However, beneath this beauty lies a tremendous amount
of corruption and chauvinism. From the time when Sri Lanka received independence
from the British colonies, the population was split into two different cultures. The
Majority being the Sinhala Buddhists while the minority being Hindu Tamils. The
government... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Upwards of seventy thousand Tamil civilians were killed and hundreds of
thousands were displaced (United Nations, 2000). Worldwide it is known as the
May massacre and black July. The systematic killings of the Tamils were considered
genocide. The United Nations (2000) states, that genocide is the [perpetration of]
violent crimes with [the] intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic,
racial or religious group (P.337). The genocide against Tamils has been going on for
years and the Sri Lankan government has not been brought to justice. Till this day, the
surviving Tamil civilians are kept in concentration camps where many men, women
and children get tortured, kidnapped and raped. According to the Sri Lankan
government, these camps were made for rehabilitation purposes. David Keen (2014)
states that the use of the camp is, a dramatic practical expression of the fact that the
Tamil population as a whole was considered suspect in relation to rebellion and
terrorism (P.10). Even after the genocide and the victory of the civil war, the Sri
Lankan government still has not done anything to bring equality amongst its
population. Let alone any sort of independence for the Tamil civilians. The newly
elected President, Mahinda Rajapaksha opted to take Sri Lanka down an authoritative
road (stone, 2014). He has brought other members of his family to governmental
positions creating a permanent family line of non democratic leadership. The
instability and corruption within the government will assure that the Tamils will
continually be
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber by Ernest...
It is the mainstay of many pieces of classic American literature, especially those
that fall into the category of pulp , to have thin, cardboard cutout characters with
obvious emotions and intentions for which their only purpose is to drive the story
to a predetermined end. The seductive and dangerous femme fatale; codgerly old
men; the badgering and nagging housewife, adorned with dress and apron; and
etc... These characters, and the many like them, are set into a story to play a
specific role namely as a reactor and force the protagonist in some direction. After
all, what would a hero do if there was nothing heroic to be done? Sit around? Twiddle
their thumbs...? These characters are, in some degree, necessary for the purpose of...
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In the story he plays the guide and is an experienced safari goer and hunter. He, as
described, is [...]about middle middle height with sandy hair, a stubby mustache, a
very red face and extremely cold blue eyes[...] (The Short Happy... Pg. 01)
Throughout the story, Wilson is the person we most hear the thoughts of, scattered
through the narrative are his opinions and comments, presented mentally, and
although minor, lead to important understandings in the story. Wilson, in his
experience, has probably learned to keep his own affairs private, and as well, to
keep out of others. He does a commendable job of trying to help Francis forget
about his blunder against the lion, and remove strain in situations involving both
Mr. and Mrs. Macomber. He is a diplomat, though as the story will prove, not a very
consistent one. He holds a lukewarm contempt for women, especially American
women, whom he deems cruel (and perhaps, once we look at Margot, this is not
without merit). He is socially introverted, and as so tries to keep away from the
personal affairs of the Macombers, but in the end fails and sleeps with Margot
Macomber after her many flirtations and a late night seduction in his tent. Wilson is
strikes as a person of regret and self abasement. He seems to truly love what he does,
hunting for sport, but is known, as the story tells, to break a few of the tenets of
The Little Cloud Literary Analysis
Though they may seem like simple stories meant for children, picture books can
often contain deeper meanings using not only the story but also the design of the
book. The artwork, placement of the text, and even the usage of the book s gutter
is intentional and can contribute to the central theme of the book. Eric Carle s
Little Cloud is an example of a simple looking picture book that is more than it
seems. Through this story about a cloud changing shape, Carle demonstrates the
process of children discovering their own identities and being accepted into society.
The wrap around cover is a painted tissue collage of a smiling cloud, neither
cartoonish nor realistic, but rather like something an elementary student could
produce. However, the cloud is actually a deceptively intricate blend of white, grey,
and blue, and its background of blue is a combination of blues and greens. Inside of
the dust jacket are the flap covers, which Carle utilized with a handwritten note to his
readers. He talks about cloud gazing and the power of imagination,... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are no margins or white space apart for the clouds themselves, producing a
sense of freedom in the text. The typeface of the book is large and bold, and it
always appears on the side of the illustration where Little Cloud is. Throughout the
story, Little Cloud doesn t follow the other clouds, instead morphing into various
things it observes while drifting overhead. In one part of the book, the cloud takes
the shape of two trees because Little Cloud liked the way trees never moved and
stayed in one place (pg. 13 14). This is similar to what impressionable children do
when they imitate adults. To them, being an adult means they won t be forced to do
things they don t want to do. Little Cloud wants to know what it is like to be
stationary, but mimicking trees does not mean literally becoming a
Research Paper On Texting Puns
One of the most recent types of puns is texting pun, challenged by a rapid
development of social networks. Alphabetic, numeric, and simplified spelling
produce texting puns well. These depend on the increasingly universal tradition of
using the sound and/or spelling of alphabet letters, numbers or symbols, or simplified
spelling as a way to display or spell a word. Cases may be cre8 for the word create ,
or @mosphere for atmosphere . When we spot a texting pun, we immediately try to
decipher it, and if we cannot comprehend its meaning, then we quietly sound it out in
our heads, envisioning how it may sound, and eventually understand the joke.
New texting puns are coined and implemented in everyday speech constantly as
people are way too attached to their electronic devices, thus they search for ever
more economical and practical ways to transmit their messages. In the popular
American car insurance commercial one may find 0 CRDT CHX , which is a great
example of a texting pun. To comprehend this correctly, we rationally substitute the
first symbol with the word zero , then insert the missing vowels for the word credit ,
and imbed the missing vowel and adjust the spelling for the third arrangement of
letters, to receive the word checks. Merged together, the slogan Zero Credit Checks
instructs a potential consumer that one can buy this car insurance without struggling
with any credit checks. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They are usually more challenging to understand, as they demand more advanced
language skills, more sophisticated background knowledge, and cultural perception.
Here are two examples of puns based on idioms:
Ben Franklin used to fly his kite in the storm because he got a charge out of
Drowning In Debt Essay
Drowning In Debt: How To Find The Lifesaver That Can Keep You From Going
If you re facing a dire personal financial situation, you re not alone. In fact, 73% of
Americans take, on average, $62,000 worth of debt with them when they leave this
world. These are depressing statistics, but you may have more options available to
you than you think. Despite the stress and gloom of debt, if you consider your plight
carefully and seek the right guidance, you can actually do something about it.
What Are Your Possible Alternatives To Bankruptcy?
It may seem to you now that you don t have a lot of options, but in fact, there are
many alternatives to filing for bankruptcy, with some having more appeal or realistic
application to your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
3. A Debt Consolidation Loan
In some cases, a debt consolidation loan can give your repayment structure a simple,
laser focused means of implementation. Having one payment could also lower the
amount of interest you re paying on your debt, which could save you a significant
amount of money in the long run. Talk to someone at your local bank, first, to get
the careful insight a human can provide, rather than simply availing yourself to the
vast information resulting from an Internet search. A real person can help you
clarify your level of qualification for a debt consolidation loan and possibly help you
decide if this method could solve your problems.
4. An Extreme Lifestyle Change
If your financial situation is recoverable in the absence of outside intervention, such
as a bankruptcy filing, it would be wise for you to begin an extreme lifestyle change
right away, consisting of becoming more financially responsible or even frugal.
Analyze your spending habits, particularly through the use of high interest credit
cards, and start making the tough cuts that will lead to greater stability, with less debt.
What s The Difference Between Chapters 7 And 13?
Although the complicated intricacies of bankruptcy should be discussed with a legal
expert, there are two distinct differences between chapters 7 and 13 that could help
guide your continuing thought process regarding the decision you need to make:
1. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Braveheart Independence
The country of Scotland was conquered following the death of Alexander III. With
no heir to the throne, Scotland was easily captured and taken over by the King of
England. The film Braveheart is an adaption of these historical events. In the film,
the national identity of the Scottish people evolved in comparison from the
beginning of the film to the end of it. There had always been a huge chasm between
the different classes. With peasants on one end and the nobles on the other. This class
separation resulted in the people of these groups to hold different views. During most
of the film, the peasants all listened to what William Wallacehad to say and followed
the idea he had planted in their heads. The idea being, freedom. The nobles... Show
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This resulted in people not identifying with people from other villages situated all
across Scotland. Each individual fought their own battles for their own benefits
rather than the entire country as a whole. Wallace and his clan started the fighting
to avenge the death of Murron, Wallace s wife. Wallace leads his can to kill the
English garrison in his hometown to get a point across. This moment of power
sparks the idea of rebelling against the English. As the legend of Wallace grew, so
did the support. Clans from all over Scotland decided to join him in his fight that
originally started as revenge, but transformed into a fight for freedom. As more and
more battles were won, the legend of Wallace travelled all across the vast lands of
Scotland. The death of the leader of the rebellion didn t stop the movement towards
freedom there. William Wallace became a martyr to the people of Scotland. Towards
the end of the film, there was a sense of patriotism towards the country, which wasn t
present at the start. This was due to the uniting of the people with a common goal.
William Wallace started the movement towards freedom, Robert Bruce encouraged
the idea, and the people of Scotland completed the
Quiz 3
Quiz 2 1. Why did psychologist Eric Berne develop the concept of a life position?
How can this concept impact your interpersonal communication? In the 1960s,
Psychologist, Eric Berner developed the concept of a life position to describe people
s overall sense of their own worth and others. He identified four life positions: (1) I m
Ok, you re Ok, Or positive regard for self and other, (2) I m Ok , you re not OK , or
positive regard for self and low regard for others, (3) I m not Ok, you re Ok or low
self regard and positive regard for others, and (4) I m not Ok, you re not Ok, or low
regard for both self and others. The life position can impact my interpersonal
communication by me discovering my own talents and acknowledging that other
people may... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, when I was working at a grocery store, my coworker began working
at the same time as me earned a rate of $9.50 per hour, which was $2.25 per hour
more than me because of his cashier position. My position was a bagger, and I was
only paid $7.25 per hour. Despite of my low wages, I improved my self esteem by
listing my accomplishments and experiences as an employee to show my progress
to myself and supervisor as one of the best baggers in the grocery store, and I
obtained a pay raise of $.50. Moreover, I continued to use the two effective ways to
improve my self esteem: Intrapersonal communication and Visualization.
Intrapersonal communication used within myself reassured me of my self worth and
interactions with others. Visualization also helped me see myself conversing
effectively with others; performing well on my job, school, and my community; and
thinking positive of achieving my goals. By looking at my achievements, I
immediately gained confidence in myself, and I focused on my primary goals in life
such as getting a better job, education, and helping my
Re-Upload from Others
The 10 Keys to Global Logistics Excellence
Supply Chain Thought Leadership Series
The 10 Keys to Global Logistics Excellence
Research Sponsored by:
The 10 Keys to Global Logistics Excellence
Table of Contents
Global Supply Chain You Better Be Good............... Time and
Distance..................................................... Where Do the Lost Savings Go?
............................... The 10 Capabilities of Global Logistics Leaders........ Lack of
Global Technology Enablement ...................
Summary.................................................................. Sponsor Perspective
................................................. About Supply Chain Digest.......................................
Global Logistics Capability Diagnostic..................... . End Notes
................................................................. 1 2 3 5 13 14 16 17 18 25
The 10 Keys to Global Logistics Excellence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Those two factors add cost, complexity, and frequently risk. Many companies early
in their offshoring evolution find that managing this new set of skills and capability
requirements is extremely challenging. Often, savings expected from the global
sourcing initiatives fail to materialize, at least in part. SCDigest, for example,
recently profiled a consumer hardware company that illustrates this reality1. Under
pressure from major big box retailers for lower prices, the company is in the process
of moving much of its manufacturing capacity to China and other low cost country
sources. To this point, however, the expected savings from offshoring have not
materialized. The company is just starting to analyze the factors, with no clear
answers yet, other than a belief that there were many hidden costs that were not fully
anticipated. This is a scenario that we hear on a consistent basis. In fact, a recent
survey from McKinsey and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of Western companies
importing product from China found that the majority of respondents believed they
were behind their competitors in such areas as total landed cost savings from
offshoring, on time delivery, and other key supply chain metrics (see illustration
below)2. Considering that generally companies tend to over rate their performance
versus others, this data is a powerful statement of the challenges of doing global
supply chain
Examples Of Market Segmentation Of Apple
A.Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning and Differentiation are marketing tools
which help the marketers differentiate, attract, retain and grow the customer base for
their respective products.
Market segmentation is a process of segregating the market into different smaller
groups. A market comprises of large number of heterogeneous customer base with
distinct tastes and preferences. A marketer needs to classify and segment people into
smaller homogeneous groups basis similar characteristics, tastes, preferences, likes,
etc. so that they will respond in a similar fashion to a particular product launched for
that segment. Thus, market segmentation can be defined as, the sub dividing of a
market into homogeneous subsets of customers from the ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Apple very meticulously examines the trends and lifestyles of consumers as the
lifestyle of a person is directly linked to his/ her preferences. As different people
have different lifestyles, Apple identified and provided different features for different
people in one phone like touch screen, iTunes, iPod for young generation while
calendar, emails and web browsing for sophisticated business class people.
Demographic Segmentation It is the market segmentation based on demographic
features such as age, sex, income, qualification, religion, nationality, etc. Apple s
demographic segmentation is generally based on gender and age. Apple has been
successful in attracting a large amount of youngsters as it provides features like i
tunes, net browsing, gaming, video player and most importantly massive storage
space which enable downloading and storing of data. Research reveals that typically
iPhone user is young, wealthy and a geek type be it male or female.
пЃ¶Micromax: Micromax is an Indian company dealing in consumer electronics. It
entered into the handset market in 2008 and has mainly focused on the rural market.
The following is the market segmentation followed by
Foreshadowing In A Worn Path By Eudora Welty
Welty is known as the American literary world Chekhov, Eudora Welty (1909 2001)
was one of the most famous short story writers in the south of America. Welty was
born in 1909, died in 2001, has gone through nearly a century, experienced two
world wars, the Cold War, the American civil rights movement and so on. However,
Welty did not show too much political topic in her work, did not
criticize(kritЙ™ЛЊsД«z) the war too much, she described daily life to reflect the
real themes of life, expressed her view point of how we live. Welty won the
European Henry novel award by ( removed HTML ) . The novel is mainly through
the description of a negro grandmother Phoenix, struggling to travel to the clinic in
the city for her sick little grandson take the drug s story, basically all descriptions
about is a journey, no exciting plot, no dramatic scenes, no Fierce contradictions and
conflicts, but it contains a profound meaning, highlighting the profound theme.We
gonna through the main 6 elements, others good points, language style and colour
words four ways on the worn path analysis.
there are not only six elements but also more in the novel. foreshadowing The title of
the short story, A Worn Path
, is a classic foreshadowing which gives us a feeling that
something is going to the end. For Phoenix, something would be her life. The author
describes Phoenix walks slowly in the dark pine shadows with a makeshift cane (to
indicative of her rough journey ahead)***. In the last
Why Ted Is Not The Only Place Where Ted
His work was not the only place where Ted was considered unreliable. When
Theodore transferred from University of Tacoma to the University of Washington
he met and fell in love with Stephanie Brooks. At first in this relationship all was
well, But Stephanie was pragmatic. It was wonderful to be in love, to have a
college romance, to stroll through the wooded paths of the campus hand in
hand...but she sensed that Ted was floundering, that he had no real plans, no real
prospects for the future (Rule, 2000). Much to Ted s dismay, Stephanie soon broke
this relationship off. Some claim that this is one of the many things that helped
ease Theodore Bundy over the edge into homicidal rage, and most cite a similar
description of Stephanie Brooks to the majority of his later victims. For quite
some time Ted excelled at life, his broken heart over Stephanie and learning the
truth of his parentage seeming to have a reverse effect on him than most people.
He studied psychology and received mostly A s through his senior year. After
graduating his psychology program Theodore Bundy eventually applied to and
enrolled in Law School in Tacoma, Washington. He strived to win back the heart of
his beloved Stephanie Brooks, all the while carrying on a relationship that had last
over four years with a different woman Meg. Once Theodore was able to win
Stephanie s heart, and make her fall in love with him again he crushed her, much in
the same way he believed that she had intentionally crushed
The Ideas Of A University
In John Henry Cardinal Newman s discourse The Ideas of a University (1852), he
sought to answer the question, What is there is to show for the expense of a
University; what is the real worth in the market of the article called a Liberal
Education. While this question was asked in the 1800s, many in today s society still
ask it today. One issue Newman argues for is the purpose of a university education,
specifically the utility of the Liberal Arts. Although around one hundred and fifty
years later, in many ways Newman s claims and arguments on the issue of education
in his time can be related to the issue of education in society today. Newman argues
that universities should teach all branches of knowledge in order to fulfill its ultimate
function in producing useful members of society through a process of nurturing the
mind; furthermore, this production is the duty of humanbeings to their society, nation,
and world.In society today, many call into question the overall usefulness of a
university education in the real world. In his time, Newman argues in favor of this
method of education, stating that its purpose is the training [of] good members of
society and its end result is for the fitness for the world. While careful to explain that
he believes universities should teach all branches of knowledge, Newman argues that
education will enable these students to be more useful in society due to their learned
ability to formulate reasonable opinions
Frankenstein Power Of Nature
Throughout the novel, there is this constant battle between the unnatural and the
natura,while the monster is repulsive, Natures is happy and soothing.and the one
should be careful when pouring forbidden knowledge. Death,and despair force the
character to embark in desperate journeys. During his travels , the only relief that
comes the character s way is from Nature. Throughout the novelits natural
surroundings have been shown to have therapeutic powers on the characters. Nature
has the power to put humanity back into someone who the unnatural or science world
has taken his sanity .
In the story Frankenstein the unnatural world is destroying Victor., Victor
underestimates the power of Nature and gets too confident with his scientific
experience ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Walton describes Frankenstein as completely broken down by grief, but still able
to appreciate the natural beauty of the world around him, which seems remarkable.
A man destroyed by sorrow can still look up at the night sky and feel some sense of
relief, happiness, or awe at the fabulous beauty that surrounds him. The grandeur of
nature overwhelms human emotion and makes it seem small and insignificant in
comparison to the great beauty of the world. (ch6 )A man destroyed by sorrow can
still look up at the night sky and feel some sense of relief, happiness, or awe at the
beauty that surrounds
UMAT Assessment Essay
As a current student striving to be accepted into medicine I will be required to
undertake the UMAT examination. I have always been interested in the relevance of
the examination, how it is perceived by people and whether students are the key
people it serves . To gain a basic understanding of the purpose of the UMAT I
conducted preliminary research, utilising the ACER (Australian Council for
Educational Research) website, who were the developers and write the examination
every year. I obtained sources through the use of google scholar to locate relevant and
highly reliable sources.
The majority of my sources were secondary obtained from websites, journals and
articles. I had emailed multiple professionals to conduct interviews but received no
responses, hence, I was unable to obtain primary data on my topic. However, sources
from the Medical Journal of Australia provided sufficient information on my topic,
providing me with facts and statistics which I utilised throughout my report. I was
assured that information obtained from this journal was highly reliable as the
articles are all peer reviewed and also by the reputation of the journal. Other
information was sourced from either the Adelaide University or the ACER website,
which I believe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I organised my information and report in informative language. Informative in the
informational genre, I did not want a balanced point of view but one which
describes my findings. Due to the fact that I was writing an investigation I utilised
objective language, ensuring that I elaborated my points out clearly. This will assist
in presenting findings in a clear, concise and professional manner, it was also vital
that I structured my report in a manner that was easy to follow and logical. This will
ensure that readers will be able to understand information and examples utilised, and
easily comprehend the
Samuel Finley Morse Research Paper
Samuel Finley Breese Morse was born on April 27, 1791 in Charlestown,
Massachusetts. He was the first child of clergyman Jedidiah Morse and Elisabeth
Finley Morse and they were both very religious following the Calvinist faith. His
parents were committed in his education and after having a strong interest in art, his
parents sent him to Yale college. Afterwards, he graduated from Yale in 1810 and
wanted to fulfill his career as a painter but his father arranged him as an apprentice at
a bookstore/publisher in Boston, Massachusetts. He continued to pursue his passion
for art in England and returned to America in 1815 to set up a studio in Boston.
Shortly after. He married Lucretia Walker in 1818, and they had three children. In
February 1825,
Acne Myths
Debates on Acne 5 Acne Myths Vs. Acne Facts
Acne does not choose, it affects almost everyone and if you suffer from acne, like
the millions of others, you ve probably received a lot of advice about its prevention s,
as well as its causes. A lot of them are just old wives tales and has no scientific
evidence to prove them.
Myth 1: Acne Is Caused By Poor Hygiene
Fact: Acne is not due to lack of hygiene, it is not caused by dirt or surface skin oils.
Although proper cleansing prevents it, poor hygiene is not its root cause. It is a
disorder of the pilosebaceous unit or hair follicle. When dead skin cell, excess oil,
and bacteria are caught within the follicle it creates impaction. If the follicle wall
ruptures, then inflammation occurs and pimple is produced. Acne is not developed
due to lack of cleansing and frequent cleansing won t heal acne. In fact, vigorous
washing and scrubbing can irritate skin and exacerbate acne.
Myth 2: Acne Is Caused By Diet
Fact: Thorough scientific studies dating as far back as 1960 s have not obtained a
link between diet and acne. Thus, food does not cause acne. Not chocolate or
French fries or pizza or any junk food. Even large amounts of these food types will
not worsen acne since the fat present in these foods do not get assimilated to the fats
within the oil glands. If acne is being dealt properly ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
A long debate about stress causing acne has been in health circles. Recent studies has
now proved that acne gets worst in times of stress because of the fact that the
human body releases a chemical called CRH (Corticotropin Releasing Hormone)
responsible for making extreme amounts of energy for the brain to deal with stress.
An emotional agitation can cause the body to produce unreasonable amount of these
chemicals. As this hormone produces energy it also triggers the oil glands of the
skin to create more oil thus leading to skin pores getting blocked. This combined
with bacteria and dead skin cells results to
Article Report On Growth Hackers
Growth Hackers
By Daniel Bhatt | Submitted On March 14, 2016
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Expert Author Daniel Bhatt
A man was running walking to his destination and came across a mountain. He could
hear the sounds of those who were chasing him. The mountain like a colossus stood
defiantly in his path. All that he had was a rope and no equipment to climb the
mountain. It was either climb the mountain or risk being caught. There was no other
way to reach his destination. He looked at the mountain and made a decision. He
placed his hand upon the rock and started his ascent up the mountain.
Some people saw the man climbing the mountain from a distance and laughed at him.
The man ignored his critics and moved upon the rock. Inch by inch, he climbed the
mountain. Soon his hands were sore, his feet hurting but he kept on climbing. He had
no resources but his rope, his strength and his mind. Many hours later, he stood upon
the summit of the mountain. He did not climb the mountain because the mountain
was there. He climbed the mountain with no resources because he had no choice.
Growth Hackers like the man climbing the mountain have to grow rapidly because
Comm 4331 Essays
Study Guide
Test #1
1. What influences beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and values
2. What is correct and true about persuasion
Receiver must think it is voluntary,
3. Define persuasion
Persuasion: involves one or more persons who are engaged in the activity of creating,
reinforcing, modifying, or extinguishing, beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivation, and
or behaviors within the constraints of a given communication context an activity or
process, persuasion is a tow way street
4. Define values: Something important to you
5. Define beliefs: Something you believe to be true
6. Define attitudes: How you feel toward something
7. Attitude: tendencies or predispositions, represent favorable or unfavorable
evaluation of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cultural issues and differences between U.S. and other cultures
Individualism vs. Collectivism
Collective cultures (China) value harmony, concern for others, group goals while
individualism culture value independence and personal goals
27. Audience analysis: pay attention to the situation, keep their attitudes, values,
beliefs in mind, remember their demographics, and remember their states traits
28. Target audience: the majority group that the persuader/advertiser is trying to
29. From First day different ways interpersonal / context / different areas of
Context target audience, interpersonal, mass/public, social or group, mediated,
Intrapersonal self persuasion
30. Differences between males and females:
men are more successful than women in their attempts to persuade others.
Men stereotypes, physical, social role theory what we view as acceptable / Goal
Males: More persuasive than women because of physical appearance, tone of voice,
social rule theory (not so negative)
Females: Communal behaviors warm and nurturing
31. Communal behavior warmer and more nurturing
female doctors need to use this to be more effective while male doctors use an
aversion strategies
32. Central routes: rational thought and
Baking Soda Lab Report
Household Chemistry Baking Soda
Basic details of the product:
Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium hydrogen carbonate or commonly referred to as
Baking Soda, is a chemical compound composed of sodium ions and bicarbonate
atoms. The chemical formula of baking soda is NaHCOв‚ѓ. Baking soda has only
one ingredient: Sodium bicarbonate.
Baking soda has an intramolecular covalent bond between its hydrogen, carbon, and
oxygen atoms and an intermolecular ionic bond between the Na+ and the HCOв‚ѓ in
the form of a crystal lattice. Generally, sodium bicarbonate is an ionic compound that
contains both ionic and covalent bonds as consists of sodium, a metal, a nonmetal,
and carbon.
Key chemical reactions include an acid base reaction between baking soda and an ...
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The molecular structure of sodium bicarbonate is:
Background History:
In 1791 Nicholas Leblanc, a french chemist created soda ash, or commonly referred
to as sodium bicarbonate. The quest for the discovery commenced in 1775 when
The French Academy of Sciences offered a prize to the person who could create
sodium bicarbonate through the use of salt. Leblanc created soda ash through a 2
step process. The first consisted of mixing sodium chloride and concentrated sulfuric
acid and heating the 2 at the temperature of approximately 850В°C. This process
evolves the hydrogen chloride gas, leaving the substance as solid sodium sulfate. In
the second step, the sodium sulfate is crushed and is mixed with charcoal and
limestone; it is then heated in a furnace again, producing the final product of soda
ash. Soda ash can be created through the Solvay process (revised by Ernest Solvay as
a more efficient method) or from trona ore (refining soda ash from a natural deposit).
Green River, Wyoming currently possess enough sodium bicarbonate to meet the
entire world s needs for thousands of years as there is as the lake holds
approximately 200 billion ton deposit of pure trona ore between layers of sandstone
and shale. The only known technology required for the chemical discovery of sodium
bicarbonate is the furnace; which is used to heat up the mixture of sodium chloride
and concentrated sulfuric acid.
Why Is Jeffrey Dahmer Wrong
Jeffrey Dahmer did a horrible man who did horrible things. Jeffrey Dahmer was
arrested and sentenced 15 consecutive life sentences and was forced to live in a
mental institution for a year. From there he went to jail, and two years later was
killed by his cellmate. Died on November 28, 1994, Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 men
and boys. Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1960 where he
lived with mother Joyce, and father Lionel. Dahmer had, what seemed to be, a
normal childhood. He was a happy and energetic child until the age of four when he
had a surgery for a double hernia. After the surgery something happened and Dahmer
was no longer the same boy he was before. Dahmer s mother gave birth to another
boy, the family moved quite... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The person may have a mental disorder, or something neurologically wrong with
them. For example, they could think that people are talking to them in their head
and telling them to kill someone. A person could also have had a rough childhood
which causes them to kill as a release of anger or sadness. A person could kill for
revenge, money, alcohol, or drugs. Someone who kills has to have something
wrong with them. Who can kill just someone for no reason? Jeffrey Dahmer was
arrested on July, 22 1991 when other residents of the apartment building he was
living in complained about a horrid smell coming from his apartment. When the
police arrived, they immediately arrested Dahmer and searched his apartment.
When they went through his apartment they found the genitals of 9 men and boys
stuffed in containers in his fridge. There were also the skeletons of men and boys
in his deep freeze. Dahmer pleaded guilty and was sentenced to fifteen consecutive
life sentences. Dahmer also pleaded insanity for the murders of 17 men and boys.
He was required to be admitted to a mental institution for two years. Two years
after being in jail, Dahmer s cellmate, Christopher Scarver, fatally beat Dahmer.
Scarver was Dahmer s cellmate and also a murderer. Scarver also killed another
inmate named Jesse Anderson. Dahmer was 34 years old when he was murdered. He
lived from May 21, 1960 to November 28,
Brain Imaging
Discussing the Use of Brain Imaging Technologies In Investigating the Relationships
Between Biological Factors and Behavior
This essay will attempt to offer a balanced review of the use of brain imaging
technologies in investigating the relationships between biological factors and
behavior. The different types of brainimaging technologies are PET: Positron
Emission Topography, MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI: functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG: Electroencephalogram, and lastly CAT:
Computerized Axial Tomography (Demitri, 2007). Brain imaging technologies are
methods used in psychology to examine and further understand the human brain.
While each of the differing methods has qualities that are beneficial in general it is
important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
MRIs are used to allows researchers to see structures in the brain (2007) A great
advantage to using MRI is it is non invasive. The less researchers harm their
patients the more ethical it is which can help with the validity. The downside is
however, researchers can only use MRIs to look at activation in the brain making
its use limited. A study that can show how MRI scans care used to investigate the
relationships between biological factors and behavior is Maguire et al. (2000).
The aim of this study was to determine if well experienced taxi drivers in London
would have differing hippocampus structures compared to London bus drivers.
MRI scans were used to scan the structure of their hippocampus, and measured the
amount of gray matter in their brain. Maguire noticed there was a larger amount of
gray matter found in taxi drivers. Maguire found the data could suggest that the
increase amount of gray matter in the hippocampus of taxi drivers is due to the
active and repetitive use of the spatial memory skills required to remember roads;
the neurons are stronger in areas of the brain which are used most. Maguire
because of the MRI technology was able to observe the structures of the subject s
brains and find a correlation between environment and neuroplasticity which has
been known to affects behavior in terms of memory. Maguire effectively used MRI
scans to investigate the structure of the hippocampus, he could not have done this
using other technologies such as an EEG or a PET scan. With this study Maguire
was able to see the biological factor of brains areas and the hippocampus as well as
the behavior of memory and spacial
Protons And Neutrons
Atoms are made up of electrons, protons and neutrons. Protons have positive charge;
electrons have negative charge and neutrons are neutral. The magnitude of charges of
protons and neutrons is the same. Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus,
while the electrons moves around it. Mass number is addition of the protons and
neutrons. Atomic number is the number of protons. [1] The mass of an atomis less
than the number we obtain by adding up the masses of all the protons and neutrons.
This is the binding energy. The nucleus of an atom determines if it is stable or
unstable. The higher the binding energy, the more stable an atom is. Unstable nuclei
are radioactive, where they decay until they form stable nuclei. They emit different
particles to form more stable daughter nuclei.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Alpha particles are composed of 2 protons and also 2 neutrons. It has a plus 2
charge. They are the nucleus of a helium atom. When an unstable nuclei releases an
alpha particle, the mass number decreases by 4, and the atomic number decreases
by 2. This means that a new element forms due to this emission. Alpha particles are
released by relatively large nuclei. [3] It can travel across the air, however does not
travel well in solid. Alpha particles are able to ionize the solid that it is passing
through. [4] Beta particles occurs when an unstable nuclei emits an electron, which
has a negative charge. To conserve the charges in the atom, one of the neutrons in the
nucleus spontaneously changes into a proton. The mass number stays the same,
however, the atomic number increases by 1. [3] This also means that a new element
forms. It can travel through air and compared to alpha particles, they can penetrate
through solid matter more, however its ionization ability is less than the alpha
particles. [4] The other type of emission is gamma rays. Gamma rays are photons;
they are a
Being A Minority Essay
I reside in one of thee most diverse city, state and district in America. Silver Spring,
Maryland! Surrounded by the atmosphere of the Nation s Capital politics. Yet the
biggest issue that is very dear to my persona is the achievement of minority
scholars in America . Falling into the category of not being very privileged, I beg
to differ what attributes being a minority has . To begin , the acknowledgment of
minorities must be recognized . Where ever around the Globe we derive from .
Minorities carry characteristics of being capable of the following . Open mindedness
, risk taking ,passionate , willingness to succeed and cultural background in their
spirits. If anything this has to do with one of the biggest issues in my hometown .
The lack of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Perspective is the reason for advancement and innovation . Young passionate
people as myself are the voice of reason . Young people have the power to create .
The resolution to an issue as severe as this relates to exactly what Obama said .
This is where I learned that change only happens when ordinary people get
involved and they get engaged , and they come together to demand it . The
resolution comes from demanding change. Ideas such as creating programs and
workshops for minority students where everyone is accepted. Petitioning to the
school systems around America that the reinforcement of Minority success should
be given to each scholar .By having mentors come together with students in my
district for intimate time to really have discourse about the scholar s future, the
career they would like to be in and how . No matter if the help was denied but that
everyone be granted opportunity . No child should be left behind . I can guarantee
you that most students all around America wouldn t be able to build a resume ,
because help lacks . Coming together as a Country to help everyone become
successful . Till this hometown issue is gone and in every minority based hometown
Clifton Suspension Bridge Essay examples
Clifton Suspension Bridge
The Clifton Suspension Bridge is located in Bristol England, and spans the
beautiful Avon gorge. This bridge has become the symbol of Bristol much like the
Eiffel tower has of Paris, and the Opera house has of Sydney. The story of the
Clifton Suspension Bridge began in 1754 with the dream of a Bristol wine
merchant who donated his life savings to build a bridge over the gorge. To decide
on a suitable design for the bridge a competition was held. Thomas Telford, the
leading civil architect of the time was the judge. Mr. Telford attempted to submit his
own design; however the decision to declare himself the winner was overruled and a
second competition was held. This time, contrary to the recommendation of ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also the original design was narrower than the final structure; the increased width
has an interesting story. Apparently a local land owner wished to drive his carriage
to Bristol without having to walk or negotiate the steep roads on the sides of the
gorge, so he convinced the engineers, and paid for the necessary modifications to
widen the design of the bridge. It is fortunate that he insisted on this widening
because the bridge as it was originally designed would have never been able to cater
to modern traffic demands. The bridge was finished in 1859 and opened to the public
in 1864.
Before the bridge was built the slip way was the only way to cross the river without
taking a long detour. The slip way was crossed at high tide by rowing a boat across,
and at low tide by crossing on series gangplanks that were tied together. Both
crossings were fairly dangerous and extremely inconvenient and therefore a bridge
was a very popular idea.
The Clifton Suspension bridge is world famous and one of the essential things to
see in the West Country. It is a beautiful piece of engineering that is lovely
maintained by the bridge staff. The two towers of the bridge span from Clifton to
summerset, the Clifton tower is build on a solid rock surface that acts as a
foundation, however the summerset tower needed a massive brick buttress before
work on the tower could begin. The towers though similar are not identical. The
towers are similar in size, the main differences
A Full Analysis of Auschwitz
The words inscribed above the Auschwitz concentration camp read: Arbeit Macht
Frei, meaning, work brings freedom. These deceiving words gave unsuspecting
prisoners hope that they could get out of the most destructive concentration camp
during the entire Holocaust. This concentration camp would kill over one million
people. Auschwitz will be fully analyzed, starting with the early stages of Auschwitz,
then the Jews and the horrors of Auschwitz, and finally the final days of Auschwitz.
The events that took place at Auschwitz concentration campare very horrifying and
lead to the death of millions. Auschwitz was founded as a German concentration
camp on April 27, 1940. The camp served as a Polish artillery base before the camp
was formed in southwestern Poland. The direct reasoning for Auschwitz being
formed was to quarantine over ten thousand Poles that were arrested and have them
do forced labor (Laqueur and Tydor 32). Rudolf Hoss was selected to be the head
of the camp. Hoss was the youngest sergeant in the German army during World War
I, but did not hold a high rank when he was chosen for the job at Auschwitz (Laqueur
and Tydor 34).
At first Auschwitz was a very small camp that had buildings, called blocks that
couldn t hold very many prisoners (Laqueur and Tydor 34). Auschwitz may have
been a small camp that only held 15,000 to 20,000 prisoners and produced synthetic
rubber and fuel but there were big plans in store for this camp (Auschwitz Museum).
Hoss and the
Analysis Of The Masthead Of Total Guitar
ront Cover
Firstly, Mastheads are found on the covers of all magazines. Conventionally, this
masthead will be somewhat related to music amore specifically, the genre of music
that the magazine appeals to. For example, the masthead of total guitar clearly states
that the magazine will solely feature guitar based music. I have named my magazine
unplugged , this clearly relates to an acoustic style of music as acoustic performances
are often described as unplugged. My masthead does what it is conventionally meant
to do, give an immediate insight into that magazine.
Secondly, the positioning of my title is in the middle of the page as unplugged is a
reasonably long word. This follows the conventions set by magazines like billboard or
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whereas Kerrang may use worn down effects front page features, the features on my
front page are very simple to represent the simple nature of acoustic music.
My cover lines are short but punchy containing ultimately, what the audience wants to
see. For this I have used artist s names. This is extremely common in existing music
magazines, their most important content concerns existing artists. Also following
conventions, my artist s names are much larger than any additional information
underneath. Additionally, my all important cover story is shown in the largest font on
the page other that the masthead. This immediately grabs the audience s attention
and encourages them to find out more.
Another feature of my front page that aims to attract attention is a competition, the
sticker with Win inside demands attention without being too obvious as to what the
competition involves, this encourages the audience to read inside. This is
conventional in all music magazines as a way of attracting more potential customers
towards the magazine.
Conventionally, although selling the magazine, the front cover doesn t give away too
much about the content of the magazine. Cover lines are typically vague and may
use rhetorical questions or quotes to attract attention. This method again encourages
people to buy the magazine and read it. I have done this on my own front page with a
rhetorical question. My front page is also jam packed with information, as you would
expect from
Where Children Live By Naomi Shihab Nye Summary
Naomi Shihab Nye s poem Where Children Live provides a nostalgic sentiment
about childhood innocence and the carefree attitude that gets abandoned as children
grow into adults. Using the New Criticism critical approach, I will discuss how Nye
uses various literary techniques to tell the story of the childhood innocence that gets
lost as people grow older. To begin, Nye organizes the poem into three separate
stanzas. The first stanza describes the tone of the homes where children live. The
second stanza describes what is missing from the homes where children no longer
live. The final stanza discusses the nature and environment surrounding the homes
where children live.
The first stanza and the last stanza provide an optimistic and happy ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nye uses words including corpses and short lived to emphasize how childhood
innocence is only temporary and dies quickly.
Also, when comparing the word choice in this stanza with the other stanzas, it
becomes obvious that Nye fully believes a house is not a home without children. In
the first stanza of the poem, Nye states, Homes where children live exude a pleasant
rumpledness (475); however, in the second stanza of the poem, Nye says, And the
house takes on a new face, dignified (475). In the first stanza when the poet
references children she uses the word homes, which implies warmth and family. In
the second stanza, which focuses on adulthood, the poet uses the word house, which
sounds less welcoming and inviting.
The second stanza also describes what happens as children grow up and become
adults. Nye explains, To be a child again one would need to shed details (475),
which explains how people accumulate emotional baggage and put up walls as they
get older. The poet also addresses the often mundane lives of adults in her second
stanza when she compares adulthood to childhood by stating, Grown ups like
swings, leafy plants, slow motion back and forth. / While the yard of a child is
strewn with the corpses/ of bottle rockets and whistles, (475). Nye implies that adults
live dull and simple lives while children live lives full of excitement and adventure.
Requirements for Agriculture
Environmental Questions Minerals Society uses metals that come from mineral
deposits to make buildings, pipes, wires, vehicles, and other products (Mathes,
2004). Other minerals are also used to produce products, such as using clay for
bricks, sulfur to make fertilizer and refine petroleum, and oil, coal, and natural gas
are used for energy. Metallic minerals are hard, contain their own shine or luster,
are ductile and malleable (capable of being hammered thin and extended without
breakage), and do not break when hit where non metallic minerals are just the
opposite (Daga). An example of metallic minerals is tin, which can be used to
make cans to preserve food as well as other products. An example of non metallic
minerals is marble, used to make counter tops and decorative pieces. Mining
Depending on how deep into the earth the minerals are that are to be extracted,
explosives are used to blast rock into smaller pieces and heavy machinery brings it
out of the earth from the tunnels that are formed by the explosives. The minerals
are then processed by a separation method to be refined into products. The
processing includes heating the metals after separation to temperatures that reach
1600 degrees to be formed. For metals that are on the surface of the earth, a process
of booming is used where water is collected into large reservoirs and discharged in
large amounts to remove large amounts of gravel in a thick mud state to show where
the minerals are. For minerals
Argumentative Essay On Self Defense
Dad I m going to the park with Joey, we ll be back in hour! I shouted.
Ok don t be late Junior, he replied.
So we went to the park with golden Thomas and Joey played on the slide while I
played on the the teeter totter.
Good landing thomas that was awesome, Joey said.
A mysterious boy with a sweatshirt that had a curse word on it came up to him and
complimented his train and said it looked cool.
Joey told him This is my golden limited edition thomas, they only made like 50 of
them Then the bully took the toy and punched joey in the face. Joey are you okay,
let s go back to dad, I said Dad joey got beat up at the park and someone stole his
stupid thomas toy . Oh my god who would do such a thing, Dad said.
Later that day, we went to the doctor s office and it said that his nose was broken,
and said that he should be careful or it could fracture again.
Dad what am I gonna do about my toy he said. Joey i don t think you are getting
your toy back unless you know some type of self defense to get it back by force . For
some reason joey had no idea what i was saying. Self defense is like karate or jujitsu,
wait a minute i can teach you . My sensei at my karate class will allow me to bring
a guest to shadow me The next day at karate, I brought joey with me to class. We
meditated for about 5 minutes. This is dumb when are we going to fight people isn t
that what karate is all about, Joey whined.
Joey karate isn t just all about
Life In A Day
The American documentary Life in a Day (2011) wanted to document the
experiences of people all over the globe on July 24, 2010. All of the clips were
submitted by eager participants. The producers managed to divide the thousands of
submissions they received into different categories, based on the clip s time of
filming and content. Even though the film features content from around the world, it
shows that there are similarities among humankind. But in addition to showcasing
our similarities, it also is a reminder of our differences. However, we can once
again be united by remembering that we are all humans. Life in a Day boasts of a
fascinating idea an original idea only possible in the age of crowdsourcing and phone
saturation that is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(as the documentary description offers) Imagine that someday in the future, a person
comes across this documentary. What would it do for the person? Would it teach
anything significant about this age? Upon first glance, there is a limit to how much
the clips can do as a source of historical source. The included submissions were
limited to people who created rhythm and meaning in the documentary, subject to the
production team s discretion (they selected clips appropriate for the time of day and
overall narrative). Obviously, there is no way that the producers could ve included
everything about the human experience or even give an equal treatment to different
human issues. While the documentary features clips meaningful at an individual
scale, there was often little context given about the people in them. Objection to this
claim is understandable, after all, the documentary wanted to capture simply human
experience, as opposed to being a more objective and rational study of human beings.
But as a time capsule project, this may leave future citizens confused about the larger
meaning behind each individual scene. However, as a documentary exposing our
common similarities and differences, while reminding us of our shared humanity, it
The Negative Effects Of Family And Family Homelessness
Family and child homelessness has been a major social problem within the United
states since the 1980s (Bassuk). According to the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development, it is a problem that affected 79,446 family households in
January 2010, and over 1.5 million children between the years of 2005 and 2006.
Family and child homelessnessis a genuine issue that although has increased to 37%
of the overall homeless, and is said to have reached an historic high (Bassuk), it has
not been discussed or addressed. Homelessness affects every one in 30 children in
the U.S, which is a major increase in recent years. 2.4 million children were affected
by homelessness in 2013, which was an increase from the 1.6 million that were
affected in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In fact, Ashley De Marcus of the Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange stated
that homeless students opposed to students who are not homeless are twice as
likely to repeat a grade. Homeless high school students also show a similar trend of
lowered skills in math and reading. According to Carolyn Shields and Erica Mohan,
only 11.4% proficient in math and 14.6% of homeless high school students are
proficient in reading. This is a 20.8% and 16.3% difference in students who have
homes who are 32.2% proficient in math and 30.9% proficient in reading. As you
can see, the skills level of math and reading for homeless students continues to get
worse. Stronger even confirmed this in his 1992 study of homeless students.
Stronger found that homeless students were scoring a year under their grade level
and the deficit had increase up to three years as they got older. As we can see, this is
still a true statement as the skill levels from elementary and high school has
decreased significantly.
The problem of mental disorders is a major one among homeless families. However,
the mental health of homeless children has been less systematically researched, and
almost all the available data is based on research studies of children in homeless
shelters in the USA (Bushra 1996). Various terms, such as behavioral problems
/difficulties, psychosocial maladjustment or mental health disorders, are often used to
describe the degree
The Failure Of American Intervention During The Vietnam
Section 1: Evaluation and Identification of Sources This investigation will answer
the question to what extent the failure of American intervention in the Vietnam
War was solely a result of faulty military strategy. This investigation is important
because the Vietnam War to some extent laid the basis for future American foreign
intervention; thus understanding why our failure in Vietnam is crucial to
understanding how we can avoid such catastrophe in the future. The scope of this
investigation includes factors contributing to US failures in Vietnam from 1964 to
1975. In this investigation there will be an examination of the master s thesis
entitled A Failure in Strategy America and the Vietnam War 1965 1968 by Major
James M Bright because it provides a comprehensive overview of flaws of US
military involvement in Vietnam. There will also be an examination of the article
entitled The March to Oblivion: the Defeat at Ap Bac Hamlet and the
Americanization of the Vietnam War by William P. Head because it provides an
academic source that describes how American military flaws contributed to losses
in battle. A Failure in Strategy: America and the Vietnam War 1965 1968
originated as a master s thesis from the US Marine Corp College in 2001, written
by Major James M Bright, a regiment commanding officer for the Marine Corps.
Bright s advisor was Dr. John B. Matthews, a professor emeritus of Marine Corps
University. The purpose of this thesis is analyze US military
Venipuncture Procedure
As difficult as this procedure might seem, performing a routine venipuncture is a
relatively easy and quick procedure. The word venipunture in medical terminology is
defined as puncture to the vein which often is performed by a phlebotomist; this
healthcare professional is a trained individual who specializes in drawing blood. Let s
face it, many of us are afraid of needles, even I would have never thought of
performing this procedure myself. So if I did, so can you.
Let s begin by proceeding with the first and most important step, greet and identify
the patient. Always ask his or her name and date of birth. It is necessary to make the
patient feel welcomed and secure. Verifying their identity is a procedure for assurance
that all given tests are not performed on wrong patients, this could result in wrong test
results for the patient.
Start with gathering the following supplies: A pair of gloves, needle, vacutainer (tube
holder), blood collection tube, tourniquet, alcohol, gauze and band Aids. When
choosing the tubes, determine this according to the physicians order given to you by
the patient. When choosing the needle size, determine this based on the physical
appearance of the vein, this will not only make it easier but it will also make your
technique better. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Now explain the procedure to the patient so that when the moment arises they are
prepared as to what to expect. First you will put your gloves on, sit the patient down
and apply the tourniquet to palpate the vein. The key to puncturing the vein is not by
seeing it but rather by palpating it; this is the proper technique that is used when
venipuncture. You will take a few second to examine and feel the vein; this will give
you a clear vision of the depth and width. This step should not take longer than one
minute. After you are positive about the puncture site, proceed with cleansing the
area and allow the area to dry for thirty
Against Censorship In Schools
In the United States we tend to take our freedom of speech for granted. That is why
it is important to have groups like the National Coalition Against Censorship. NCAC
s mission is to promote freedom of thought, inquiry and expression and oppose
censorship in all its forms. (About Us, 2016) It is only through free expression that
we are able to maintain this fundamental right. Censorshipcan dangerously alter the
views of the public by only showing one side of a controversial topic.
NCAC is composed of a total of 56 organizations dedicated to the preservation of
free speech and the fight against censorship. Together they are a nationwide
organization that combats censorship both on the national and local levels.
Recently, in Chesterfield, Virginia the school district was facing criticism from
parents who believed some books within a summer reading list were inappropriate.
The parents had requested that the books not only be removed from the reading
list, but also removed from school libraries. This would effectively create a local
ban on the books The books in question, Eleanor Park, Dope Sick, and Tyrell, delve
into topics such as domestic abuse, substance abuse, and poverty. These are all
important topics which the teenage readership need to be aware of in their own
lives. In reaction NCAC wrote to the school superintendent, Dr. James Lane, with a
plea that the books not be banned for the sake of free speech. The next month a
school board committee deemed the books appropriate and the ban was avoided. ...
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Financing is a challenge for any non profit. Aside from finances, gaining
recognition and following is the greatest challenge NCAC has faced. When fighting
for free speech numbers really do count as a few voices of dissent are nothing
compared to masses. As such NCAC hosts many events in order to spread their
message and get more people
The Hound Of Baskerville Movie And Book Comparison
The Hound Of Baskerville movie and book, written by two different authors but still
have the same suspense filled storyline. The book was written by Arthur Conan
Doyle the movie directed by Jeremy Brett. Both help visualizes and shows the
outlook of the second in line to the best detective in the world, Sherlock Holmesand
his patient sidekick Dr. Watson, Solve a one of a kind mystery. They both shared
many similarities and differences in the five major elements of fiction.
The Characters are said to be one of the major differences. A myth is creeping
among the moors of England that a mad hound is on the loose and looking for the
Baskerville bloodline. When a certain someone seeks out to Sherlock Holmes for
the use of his famously known abilities to solve mysteries. Leading to the first
biggest change in characters is Sherlock Holmes was his use of Black Tar also
know as the use of Heroin. A scene is portrayed of him shooting up Heroin and
foreshadows him going crazy later over it because you can tell that he really needs
it. But in the book, the closest thing Holmes gets to doing drugs is the use of
tobacco, as he occasionally takes smoke breaks when a clue is unsolvable or he has
an enormous amount of stress on his shoulders. Dr. Mortimer isn t the crazy skull
freak we thought of in the book as Mr. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
on it. The legend in the movie was different from the book s perspective as it is
said that Hugo s wife was killed, not his neighbor. One of my personal favorite
difference that gave it a little excitement was how in the book it said that Laura
Lyons baited Sir Charles the night of his death, In the movie Miss Stapleton baited
Charles that
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bar Code
Subject: MGT
Code: 1006
Teacher name:
Name: Iftikhar Alam Khan
Student id: J14014754
Section: s1
Number of words: Contents
2.An explanation on bar coding
What is bar code?
3.A discussion on the use of bar coding for the selected product
4.An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of
Bar coding for the selected product
Nowadays, many of organization, companies or supermarkets have choose to use a
technology with the worldwide known as barcode. It has been permanent in every
country for almost a hundred years, due to the usage of barcodes have help us to
arrange our inventory well and record the in and out of every single product in our
business. Bar code is an essential ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It doesn t required for high standard software or hard to scan it because it is just
scanning by inexpensive bar code which running on simple software to scan the bar
code lines.
It can only storage specific amount of data which depends on the size of line both
horizontally and vertically.
If distortion happen in the bar code sequence then the scanner will possibly unable to
scan the product bar code.
Nowadays , as we all know that one of the basic need in our business to be safe and
more successful is to choose bar code for our products , because it helps us to
make a stronger security to our companies or factories so that data would not be
change such as distortion. This is the world best and easy use system whether all
the workers don t need to be high qualified to use bar coding system. As far as we
know bar coding is the fastest way to check inventory stock and so on. It is usable
system that can be less consuming of time such as use in online ticketing selling or
http://blog.bytescout.com/2013/09/linear barcodes advantages and.html
Arts Education Program Analysis
What does a first grade classroom have in common with the Louvre, the Richard
Rodgers Theatre, or even Juilliard School in New York? Art. Art visual art, music,
dance, and drama is more than entertainment. Art plays a large role in shaping who
we are and even our very culture. Arts education is slipping by the wayside despite
the many benefits of arts education. Therefore, elementary schools should work to
incorporate more arts education for students. There are numerous benefits of
investing in arts education, especially for elementary school aged children. Arts
education has been linked to creativity (Andersen, 2004; Leonhard, 1990). In art
classes, children can explore and use their imaginations. Art classes allow children to
create new... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some may argue that adding an art class into a student s schedule will detract from
instructional time in core classes, such as English or math. However, this is not
necessarily the case. Art classes can be split up throughout the week. Malin (2012)
performed a study in a school that successfully incorporated a similar program.
Students in the school were involved in three various art classes each week. This can
provide students an opportunity to explore the arts and still receive ample
instructional time for other classes. An additional concern is any potential conflicts
with Common Core. A framework meant to address this is the National Core Arts
Standards. The purpose of the National Core Arts Standards is to incorporate the arts
into the curriculum (Wexler, 2014). By providing standards for arts education to
follow, the arts can better be integrated into elementary
Values in Pindar Essay
Values in Pindar
Pindar was composing his poetry at the start of the fifth century B.C. at a similar
time to Aeschylus, and as much as three centuries after the completion of Homer s
works. The values he displays, however, do not seem to have developed since the
time of Homer; Pindar s ethics are those of a shame culture, and in this way
thoroughly Homeric. They are aristocratic, favouring the strong, powerful ruler over
the weak and dominated. Wealth and prosperity are praised, not frowned upon.
Nietzsche approved of Pindar s praise of the strong, be they tyrants or athletes (or
indeed both), and conversely disapproved of the way Socrates later denied the good
to be had in strength and power. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Furthermore, the joy that comes from victory and success surpasses wealth:
õ d¢ kalñn ti n¡on laxÆn brñtatow ¦pi meg‹law
¤j ¤lpÛdow p¡tatai êpopt¡roiw Žnor¡aiw,
¦xvn kr¡ssona ploætou m¡rimnan.[4]
Pindar states that there is a something greater than wealth , a glory that surpasses all
things material. Honour in Homer is represented in a concrete manner through
material prizes, but for Pindar the wealth that comes from victory is not itself the
source of joy: the joy is external. Furthermore, while Pindar does not scorn wealth
and the aristocracy, he does see greed and over ambition in a highly negative light.
Tantalus was greatly honoured by the gods:
eÞ d¢ d® tin ndra ynatòn Æ Olæmpou skopoÃœ
¤tÛmasan, ·n T‹ntalow oðtow[5]
However, he was not satisfied with his m¡gan ölbon, and was overpowered
by greed, stealing from the gods the means necessary for immortality, nectar and
ambrosia, and giving them to his drinking companions and for this he was punished.
The result of his greed is suffering: ¦xei d Žp‹lamon bÛon
toèton ¤mpedñmoxyon. What we see here is one of Pindar s core moral
Target Corp. Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Essay
I chose to do my research on the Target Corporation. I feel they have a reputation of
service to their customers, employees and community. Target s mission is great value,
the community, diversity and the environment. Target takes 5% of its income and
puts back into the community. The Reading and Education Program, The Military
and Veteran Support Program and The Social Services Program are just a few of
several programs Target Corporationoffers to the community. Target has a great
reputation to be a positive fixture in the communities they serve. I think it says a lot
about a company and the way it does business. I would feel good about working for
a corporation like this. The Target Corporation has good ethics and is socially... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They have helped schools fund everything from field trips to books to computers.
All across the nation, Target is sharing their love of education. In partnership with
the Heart of America Foundation, Target employees have volunteered and have
helped transform many school libraries. In addition to books, each school library
receives new computers, furniture and other essentials. Students are also given
books to take home so their entire family can enjoy and share the experience. The
Target Corporation also sponsors book festivals across the country, inspiring
hundreds of thousands of children to develop a lifelong love of reading (Target).
The Military and Veteran Support programs help veterans and active duty service
men and women and their families in many different areas. On November 11, 2011,
Target brought together more than 1500 team members and volunteers for a day of
service and remembrance. Each team worked toward the same goal to build an
America where every returning veteran can serve again as a citizen leader, and where
together we honor the fallen by living their values through service (Target). Target
sponsors the Military Child Education Coalition Annual Conference, where educators,
senior military leaders, corporate leaders and military family members share
knowledge and inspiration to support military connected children. Target also proudly
partners with Our Military Kids, providing grants to children of deployed and
Analysis Of Hawthorne s Conception Of Human Nature...
Analysis of Hawthorne s Conception of Human Nature through his Stories
Nathaniel Hawthorne was a brilliant writer of many stories, especially dealing with
the nature of human beings, with themes including religion, perfection, and the
natural world. His works have been lauded for their treatment of the human condition.
Several stories, such as The Birthmark , Rappaccini s Daughter , Young Goodman
Brown , and The Black Veil , have been chosen to explain Hawthorne s understanding
of human nature. The Birthmark especially explains the pursuit of human perfection
and the notion that nature cannot be overcome by humankind. Rappaccini s Daughter
details the human temptation to sin. Young Goodman Brown expresses the belief
that once one sins, they will always be a sinner, cannot atone for their sins, and must
pay for it. Finally, The Black Veil considers the idea of inherent sin, where the Black
Veil represents all of sin in the town. Through his stories, Hawthorne conceptualizes
his perspective on human nature by considering that because human beings pursue
perfection, and are not content with their inherent imperfection, they experience the
loss of their humanity.
Hawthorne s stories develop a narrative that explores the nature of inherent
imperfection and sin. In Young Goodman Brown, the Devil figure says to his
children that, Evil is the nature of Mankind. Evil must be your only happiness (9).
The Devil figure speaking to his followers clearly states that sin is
Summary of Proud Family Show
Summary of Proud Family Show
The first episode was aired in the year 2001 on the Disney Channel.
Main Characters:
Family Characters are Penny, Oscar, Trudy, Suga Mama, baby brother Cece, and
baby sister Bebe.
Friend Characters: Dijonay, Zoey, Sticky, and LaCienega.
Bullies: The Gross Sisters
Summary of Proud Family Show
The show is about a African American 14 year old teenager, Penny Proud, and her
life in a wacky family, her eccentric friends, and even the bullies in her life.
This show shows a lot of stereotypes among all races.
For example: The shapes of the females that were not Caucasian had more curvature
at the hips and a smaller waists .
Over Turning the Feminine Mystique
This myth states that women are the weaker sex, should be the nurturers of the
family, and that they do not belong in the work place.
The women in the proud family are mothers, but they are very strong and intelligent
Many of the women in the Proud Family have high paying jobs; such as the main
characters mother is a doctor, another mother is an officer of the law, and someone
else s mother is a judge.
Over Turning the Feminine Mystique(Continued)
This show portrays women being just as strong as men on many occasions, for
When Penny Proud, the main character, tries out for the all boys football team at
her school, she is ungraciously turned down and made fun of by the coach and a
majority of the players. They were all against her joining the team solely because she
was a
Christian Worldview Purpose
Rebecca Drew
CWV 101
Professor Andre Mooney
The purpose of the Christian worldview is to guide one how God wanted us to live
our lives. It starts from the very beginning of creation to the world we currently live
in today. Christians have faith in Christ. Christians truth about God is believed to be
First, God created the world good indeed, the creation, especially man who is its
crown, actually manifests God s goodness and that all creation is fallen through
original sin (Echeyerria, 2007). This is what makes prophecy an integral part of
God: What is God like? What are God s Characteristics? What is his creation?
God has so many attributes and characteristics like the attributes that have been
reflected within ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jesus was the son of God, who was created by God and the second person within the
trinity. God is viewed as the father, the son, and the holy spirit, according to the
Christian worldview. Jesus was created from God planting a seed in Virgin Mary.
Jesus was thus born to spread the word about God and all the gospel. Jesus lived a
life as a human as all of us do now. He experienced a lot of things we as human s
experience. Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins where he died on the cross. Jesus is
important to the Christian worldview because he is the ultimate reason we are who
we are today. God is both holy and just, so although he created humanity to be
immortal, he could not accept them into his holy kingdom in their sinful state
(Lecture 5). After Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross, this served as redemption and
it was then that god allowed them into the
Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Essay
One World Essay: Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico
Scientific Reasoning:
The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is a human problem, like most other disasters.
What this means is that once the place thrived and was ecologically balanced, but we
tipped the balance slightly and wrecked havoc upon the environment. It has been
noted to occur since the 1950 s and is ongoing. The reason that this dead zone occurs
is because of a phenomenon known as eutrophication. Eutrophication is when there is
an excessive amount of nutrients in a body of water and it causes an abundance of
plants to grow. In this case the nearby farms had been using nitrogen in their
fertilizers. The nitrogen got carried into the ocean through rain and other forms of ...
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Some species might thrive in conditions that other struggle to survive. For example
some predators might need more oxygen then a smaller prey. With less predators
being around, there is a huge burst in prey, which can eat up all of the bacteria.
When the bacteria all die, the prey can t find any food and all die out. This causes
a very unreliable food chain and can be dangerous to live in. In hypoxic zones what
tends to happen is that marine life such as fish or shrimp die out quickly while the
smaller organisms live. This causes whole species to die out leaving a dominance of
gelatinous creatures such as jellyfish to thrive in. Economic Problems:
There are many economical problems due to the dead zone ranging from fisheries
going out of business to illnesses. The economical problems have paid their toll on
nearby fishers whom in total have paid over 10 billion US dollars to repair the
problem. Sadly though, no matter how much they pay, the problem is still on
going. The gulf s massive fishing industry is trying to focus its efforts on the parts
that have been affected in an attempt to save their sea. According to many sources,
EPA views this problem as unimportant and hasn t helped yet. The reason that it is
so hard to come to an agreement is because there is no solution that pleases
everyone. Right now the farmers up north of the gulf are having an easy time
because of easy and cheap waste disposal while downstream the fishers are
MAT 540 WEEK 1 TO 11(Strayer) Essay examples
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD MAT 540 WEEK 1 TO 11(Strayer) MAT540 Week 1
Homework Chapter 1, Problems 2, 4, 12, 14, 20, 22 2. The Retread Tire Company
recaps tires. The fixed annual cost of the recapping operation is $60,000.The
variable cost of recapping a tire is $9.The company charges $25 to recap a tire. a.
For an annual volume of 12,000 tires, determine the total cost, total revenue, and
profit. b. Determine the annual break even volume for the Retread Tire Company
operation. 4. Evergreen Fertilizer Company produces fertilizer. The company s fixed
monthly cost is $25,000, and its variable cost per pound of fertilizer is $0.15.
Evergreen sells the fertilizer for $0.40 per pound. Determine the monthly break even
volume for the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is the probability that a bag of fertilizer will weigh between 45 and 55
pounds? 28. The Polo Development Firm is building a shopping center. It has
informed renters that their rental spaces will be ready for occupancy in 19
months. If the expected time until the shopping center is completed is estimated
to be 14 months, with a standard deviation of 4 months, what is the probability that
the renters will not be able to occupy in 19 months? 30. The manager of the local
National Video Store sells videocassette recorders at discount prices. If the store
does not have a video recorder in stock when a customer wants to buy one, it will
lose the sale because the customer will purchase a recorder from one of the many
local competitors. The problem is that the cost of renting warehouse space to keep
enough recorders in inventory to meet all demand is excessively high. The
manager has determined that if 90% of customer demand for recorders can be met,
then the combined cost of lost sales and inventory will be minimized. The manager
has estimated that monthly demand for recorders is normally distributed, with a
mean of 180 recorders and a standard deviation of 60. Determine the number of
recorders the manager should order each month to meet 90% of customer demand.
MAT 540 Week 2 Homework Complete the following problems from Chapter 12:
Problems 8, 16, 24, 32, 36 Chapter 12 8. A local real estate investor in Orlando is
considering three
Effective Supervision Requires Establishing Different...
Effective supervision requires establishing different levels of supervision in order
to know which offenders need closer supervision from those who require less
supervision (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). Generally, the supervision of offenders is
categorized into three or four levels: maximum, medium and minimum or
maximum, high, standard, and administrative (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). The
administrative level is for probationers or parolees who have committed minor
offenses, satisfied financial responsibilities, and been in compliance for two years
(Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). Probationers and parolees on the administrative level
do not require a personal visit or personal contact with the officer (Alarid Del
Carmen, 2012). Individuals on the administrative level are required to call in and
leave a voicemail or mail in a residence verification and employment document
(Alarid Del Carmen, 2012).
A caseload is the number of individuals that one probation or parole officer is
responsible for and can supervise effectively (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). The
number of people that one officer can supervise varies from state to state (Alarid
Del Carmen, 2012). The more intensive the supervision is the lower the officer s
caseload (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). In Georgia, probation and parole caseloads are
classified under two risk levels of supervision standard and high (Department of
Community Supervision, n.d.). Individuals who have a sex crime conviction will be
Speech on God vs. Science
God vs. Science: 1 INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC: Good morning everyone present
here, before I start speaking, I would like to share a simple dilemma that I have in
my mind. This confusion is common, may it be any field in life. So, being a
soldier of my country I would quote in our context only. Question is in the battle
field when a soldier, a pilot in a jet plane, when face the enemy, what does he thinks
will be there with him to save him GOD OR THE WEAPON he has with him. As
you all must have got a hint of what is going to be the topic on which I am going to
speak today. The greatest debate, the mother of discussions, which is superior GOD
or SCIENCE. The soldier in the battle field would rely on the weapon in his hands,
which is a piece of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Despite of quarrelling and contradicting each other people must concentrate on
their life and duties towards their country and family. Doesn t matter what you
believe if you are doing the required , having a pious heart and clean intentions both
god and science will be your tools for excelling in your life. One may take the
domains as support or the fear of god and the love of the technology that makes
him/her do the correct thing. So personally my suggestion to every one debating
over the god vs. Science , leave the discussion and start trying to reason out the
differences they share and ultimately respect each other. As they say SCIENCE IS
GOD FOR THE SCIENTISTS , so may it be god or science they exist , and rather
glorify each others existence. Me personally , i m a believer in the all mighty god.
But also i am a logical person that accepts the innovations and the arguments that
science puts forward. Finally i would like to end the day with this great quote by a
great person ALBERT EINSTIEN he said Science without religion is lame. Religion
without science is blind. Thank
Life Lessons Essay.pdf
Life Lessons Essay.pdf
Life Lessons Essay.pdf
Life Lessons Essay.pdf
Life Lessons Essay.pdf

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Life Lessons Essay.pdf

  • 1. Life Lessons Essay Crafting an essay on the theme of life lessons can be both a daunting and rewarding task. The challenge lies not only in the vastness and complexity of the subject matter but also in the deeply personal nature of the lessons one may choose to explore. Life lessons are unique to each individual, shaped by personal experiences, triumphs, failures, and the intricate tapestry of emotions that accompany them. To embark on this writing journey, one must introspect, sift through memories, and delve into the moments that have left an indelible mark on their character. The difficulty arises in articulating these profound and often intangible lessons in a way that resonates universally. It's a delicate balance of revealing personal vulnerabilities while aiming for a narrative that transcends individual stories. Moreover, the task involves navigating the fine line between imparting wisdom and avoiding didacticism. The challenge is to distill the essence of life lessons without coming across as preachy, striking a chord that is both relatable and insightful for readers from diverse backgrounds and experiences. The writer must grapple with the challenge of weaving a coherent and engaging narrative that captures the essence of the chosen life lessons. The struggle lies in finding the right words to convey the depth of emotions and the transformative impact of these lessons on one's outlook. In addition, the process of introspection and self-discovery required for such an essay can be emotionally taxing. Revisiting past experiences, especially those laden with emotional weight, demands a level of vulnerability that can be challenging to express on paper. Yet, within this difficulty lies the potential for a powerful and impactful essay. Through the challenge of articulating personal growth and the wisdom gained from life's experiences, the writer has the opportunity to connect with readers on a profound level. It's a journey of self- discovery and communication, transcending the boundaries of individuality to touch upon the shared human experience. In the end, the difficulty of writing such an essay is a testament to the depth and richness of the topic. Life lessons are a mosaic of stories, emotions, and reflections that, when skillfully crafted into an essay, have the potential to resonate with a wide audience. It is a challenge worth undertaking for those who seek to share their insights and contribute to the collective wisdom of humanity. For those who may find this task too overwhelming or time-consuming, similar essays and more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where skilled writers are ready to assist in translating personal experiences into compelling narratives. Life Lessons Essay Life Lessons Essay
  • 2. The State University Academic Integrity Code Essay I pledge on my honor that I have not violated the Appalachian State University Academic Integrity Code. Each of the following excerpts, Act 2, Scene 2 from Siegfried by Richard Wagner, Habanera from Carmen (Act I, Scene 5) by Georges Bizet, and Non So Piu Cosa Son from The Marriage of Figaro (Act I, scene 4) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, present many different reflections of genderand gender stereotypes. In this short essay, I will address how each piece uniquely reflects gender, by discussing elements such as character dress, orchestral accompaniment, timbre, and body language. In Habanera, the main character is a woman named Carmen who is portrayed as an exotic seductress. The orchestra begins playing a hypnotic rhythm softly, and keeps the soft dynamic throughout the song. The orchestra is composed of strings, delicate chimes, and a tambourine. The softness in tone, and the choice of instruments show how feminine gender is being reflected through the music. Woodwinds and strings, symbolize softness and gentleness, in songs. Women have stereotypically been considered gentle and nurturing throughout history. The orchestra follows Carmen s melody, while never overpowering the sound of her voice. The timbre of Carmen s voice is full, but also delicate. She reaches high pitches, falling slowly down to the bottom of the scale, like a feather that is floating to the ground. In addition, Carmen s body language also reflects her femininity. She takes gliding steps across
  • 3. Ganesh An Elephant-Headed God In The Hindu Religion Ganesha: An Elephant Headed Deity Ganesha, the Elephant Headed God, is the most worshipped god in the Hindu religion most commonly practiced in India. He represents Wisdom and the distinction between good and bad and is the leader of ganas, also known as beings. When Ganesha was created, his creator and/or mother, Parvatihad created him out of anger when her husband Shivas followers betrayed her due to their loyalty. Parvati being jealous, created Ganeshafrom the dirt on her body to have someone who was loyal to her like her husband did. Once Shiva discovered this and Ganesha would not let Shiva pass through to see Parvati, he sent out an army to kill Ganesha. This mission was unsuccessful but shortly after Shiva fought him and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ganesha is thought of as one of the most caring god s in the hindu religion as his ears represent being a good listener and his small mouth representing talking less, these two qualities together show that he is one to listen to other s problems rather than talk about his own. In many images Ganesha is shown holding three items, a noose, an elephant goad, and sweet candy called laddoo the objects in his lower right hand represent his blessings and protection. Ganesha is known to reduce karma and guide you in your difficult journeys. These are one of many qualities portrayed by Ganesha. In the Hindu religion, they believe in sacrifice for your beliefs. Ganesha has learned the true meaning of sacrifice. Ganesha is shown with a broken tusk, here he had broken off his tusk in order to write the Mahabharata a poem known around the world. This shows his sacrifice in order to prove to his higher beings that he is dedicated to his followers and will do anything to guide them down the right path towards success and happiness. Ganesha was the god to guide all beings through their struggles and is their to re ensure that his followers will become successful as long as they keep their faith. There are many qualities Ganesha wished to teach his followers. As children many parents would tell their children the stories of Ganesha and the lessons he wanted to teach his followers. He believed that if you say
  • 4. Outline Of Laurel Wilt Disease Laurel Wilt Disease is a scourge here in Florida. The disease affects laurel trees all over the Southeast, with the most notable victim being avocado trees. The beetles also effect sassafras trees, pond spice trees, and swamp bays. The main cause of this disease is a fungus known as Raffaelea Lauricola that is transmitted through a beetle called the red bay ambrosia beetle (PerseaBorbonia). Neither of these species are native to the area. It was brought over to the states through wooden shipping containers that had contained the beetle insect. The insect and disease came from countries like India, Japan, Myanmar, and Taiwan. The disease works by having the beetle come into the country, hiding in the wooden crates. Once in America, the beetle enters into the environment and seeks trees to bore into for food and shelter. The beetles contain spores that containing the fungus that kills the host tree. The fungus then grows in the sapwood of the tree, restricting the flow of food, sap, and nutrients around the tree. This results in die back and eventually, a dead tree. The disease is known to highly effect the avocadoindustry and the natural forests in Florida. Currently, 61 out of 67 counties in Florida contain reports of Laurel Wilt Disease as of 2015. That is an enormous 91%. So what will my organization do to help? My group wishes to mitigate the spread of Laurel wilt Disease in Florida in order to protect the environment we pride ourselves on as well as the avocado
  • 5. The Down Fall of Rose Williams and Blanche DuBois Tennessee Williams is known to be a Southern playwright of American drama. Williams knew how to show haunting elements like psychological drama, loneliness, and inexcusable violence in his plays. Critics say Williams often depicted women who were suffering from critical downfalls due to his sister Rose Williams. Rose was always fighting with a mental health condition known as schizophrenia all her life. The character Laura in The Glass Menagerie is always compared to Rose, because they were both socially awkward and very quiet girls. This may be true, but one can look at Blanche DuBoisfrom A Street Car Named Desire shadows his sister s life and characteristics more than Laura did. In the obituary of Rose Williams that was written by... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During a party when Rose was twenty six, Williams went off on her by saying, I hate the sight of your ugly old face (Hoare)! Rose s illness made her become delusional and a compulsive liar. This disgusted Williams for this was not the sister he knew. Williams never really understood his sister s illness. Rose s schizophrenia only got worse as time went on. Finally, her parents felt she was not fit for society in her state. Rose was taken to the State Hospital in Farmington where doctors performed a bilateral prefrontal lobotomy. Tennessee Williamsregrets to not stopping the lobotomy, because his sister was never the same again and never recovered. Due to the regret, Williams financed his sister s private care until his death in 1983. Even though the siblings had a very dysfunctional relationship; Tennessee shows the haunting and suffering he felt in his plays due to his sister s illness. Williams first introduces Blanche DuBois in the play with the following description, She is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace and earrings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as if she were arriving at a summer tea or cocktail party (Williams 15). This description depicts Blanche as a high society woman and could do better than living in New Orleans. Blanche is only putting on airs from this description. This means that she is faking her higher class status; in reality what she is wearing is
  • 6. Case Study Cvs Health INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT: CVS HEALTH By: Hazel Grace Medina Florida State College at Jacksonville Spring 2018 MAN4101 Human Relations in Management Professor Terri Green April 18, 2018 CVS HEALTH CVS Health, or Consumer Value Store, was founded by Stanley and Sidney Goldstein and partner Ralph Hoagland in Lowell, Massachusetts in 1963. The first store originally sold only health and beauty products. CVS s success led to developing 17 chain stores and where the original CVS logo was displayed on store exteriors. Years later, CVS began their operation of its first stores with pharmacy departments, opening in locations of Warwick and Cumberland, Rhode Island. In the early 1970 s, CVS operated 100 stores in the Northeast and nearly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... CVS Caremark is designed to encourage their patients to take their medications as directed. This program offers opportunities to improve the quality of pharmacy care and reducing medical costs (CVS communication strategies improve patients medication adherence, 2011). Many programs have been created by CVS, such as: Minute Clinic, CVS Specialty, Coram Infusion Services, CVS Pharmacy, and CVS Caremark, to take better care of their customers and to communicate with them better about their health (Brennan, 2017). Minute Clinic is a type of electronic health record that enables instant connection to all hospitals and clinics to send patients summaries to providers, promoting transparencies, and continuity of care. CVS Specialty is clinical information in real time with other healthcare providers. Interoperability decreases the time for authorization reviews, improving prescription processing, and increase overall patient and provider satisfaction. Coram Infusion Services provides full bi directional connectivity between the hospital EHR and Coram s Center of Excellence. This is the referral management that will utilize direct messaging to communicate referrals with summary of care documents. The CVS Pharmacy utilizes electronic capabilities to communicate patient care information with prescribers and improve access to therapy. CVS Caremark s purpose is to share patient benefit information with
  • 7. Sri Lanka Genocide Canada, a country known for its rich mosaic of cultures and people, it is uncommon for us to picture the oppression and discrimination of any minority groups. Unfortunately, not all countries live up to par with our human rights. Such as Sri Lanka, a small island located off the south coast of India, surrounded by the Indian Ocean. This beautiful country beholds some of the greatest entities such as its prosperous tea plantations. However, beneath this beauty lies a tremendous amount of corruption and chauvinism. From the time when Sri Lanka received independence from the British colonies, the population was split into two different cultures. The Majority being the Sinhala Buddhists while the minority being Hindu Tamils. The government... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Upwards of seventy thousand Tamil civilians were killed and hundreds of thousands were displaced (United Nations, 2000). Worldwide it is known as the May massacre and black July. The systematic killings of the Tamils were considered genocide. The United Nations (2000) states, that genocide is the [perpetration of] violent crimes with [the] intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group (P.337). The genocide against Tamils has been going on for years and the Sri Lankan government has not been brought to justice. Till this day, the surviving Tamil civilians are kept in concentration camps where many men, women and children get tortured, kidnapped and raped. According to the Sri Lankan government, these camps were made for rehabilitation purposes. David Keen (2014) states that the use of the camp is, a dramatic practical expression of the fact that the Tamil population as a whole was considered suspect in relation to rebellion and terrorism (P.10). Even after the genocide and the victory of the civil war, the Sri Lankan government still has not done anything to bring equality amongst its population. Let alone any sort of independence for the Tamil civilians. The newly elected President, Mahinda Rajapaksha opted to take Sri Lanka down an authoritative road (stone, 2014). He has brought other members of his family to governmental positions creating a permanent family line of non democratic leadership. The instability and corruption within the government will assure that the Tamils will continually be
  • 8. The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber by Ernest... It is the mainstay of many pieces of classic American literature, especially those that fall into the category of pulp , to have thin, cardboard cutout characters with obvious emotions and intentions for which their only purpose is to drive the story to a predetermined end. The seductive and dangerous femme fatale; codgerly old men; the badgering and nagging housewife, adorned with dress and apron; and etc... These characters, and the many like them, are set into a story to play a specific role namely as a reactor and force the protagonist in some direction. After all, what would a hero do if there was nothing heroic to be done? Sit around? Twiddle their thumbs...? These characters are, in some degree, necessary for the purpose of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the story he plays the guide and is an experienced safari goer and hunter. He, as described, is [...]about middle middle height with sandy hair, a stubby mustache, a very red face and extremely cold blue eyes[...] (The Short Happy... Pg. 01) Throughout the story, Wilson is the person we most hear the thoughts of, scattered through the narrative are his opinions and comments, presented mentally, and although minor, lead to important understandings in the story. Wilson, in his experience, has probably learned to keep his own affairs private, and as well, to keep out of others. He does a commendable job of trying to help Francis forget about his blunder against the lion, and remove strain in situations involving both Mr. and Mrs. Macomber. He is a diplomat, though as the story will prove, not a very consistent one. He holds a lukewarm contempt for women, especially American women, whom he deems cruel (and perhaps, once we look at Margot, this is not without merit). He is socially introverted, and as so tries to keep away from the personal affairs of the Macombers, but in the end fails and sleeps with Margot Macomber after her many flirtations and a late night seduction in his tent. Wilson is strikes as a person of regret and self abasement. He seems to truly love what he does, hunting for sport, but is known, as the story tells, to break a few of the tenets of
  • 9. The Little Cloud Literary Analysis Though they may seem like simple stories meant for children, picture books can often contain deeper meanings using not only the story but also the design of the book. The artwork, placement of the text, and even the usage of the book s gutter is intentional and can contribute to the central theme of the book. Eric Carle s Little Cloud is an example of a simple looking picture book that is more than it seems. Through this story about a cloud changing shape, Carle demonstrates the process of children discovering their own identities and being accepted into society. The wrap around cover is a painted tissue collage of a smiling cloud, neither cartoonish nor realistic, but rather like something an elementary student could produce. However, the cloud is actually a deceptively intricate blend of white, grey, and blue, and its background of blue is a combination of blues and greens. Inside of the dust jacket are the flap covers, which Carle utilized with a handwritten note to his readers. He talks about cloud gazing and the power of imagination,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are no margins or white space apart for the clouds themselves, producing a sense of freedom in the text. The typeface of the book is large and bold, and it always appears on the side of the illustration where Little Cloud is. Throughout the story, Little Cloud doesn t follow the other clouds, instead morphing into various things it observes while drifting overhead. In one part of the book, the cloud takes the shape of two trees because Little Cloud liked the way trees never moved and stayed in one place (pg. 13 14). This is similar to what impressionable children do when they imitate adults. To them, being an adult means they won t be forced to do things they don t want to do. Little Cloud wants to know what it is like to be stationary, but mimicking trees does not mean literally becoming a
  • 10. Research Paper On Texting Puns One of the most recent types of puns is texting pun, challenged by a rapid development of social networks. Alphabetic, numeric, and simplified spelling produce texting puns well. These depend on the increasingly universal tradition of using the sound and/or spelling of alphabet letters, numbers or symbols, or simplified spelling as a way to display or spell a word. Cases may be cre8 for the word create , or @mosphere for atmosphere . When we spot a texting pun, we immediately try to decipher it, and if we cannot comprehend its meaning, then we quietly sound it out in our heads, envisioning how it may sound, and eventually understand the joke. New texting puns are coined and implemented in everyday speech constantly as people are way too attached to their electronic devices, thus they search for ever more economical and practical ways to transmit their messages. In the popular American car insurance commercial one may find 0 CRDT CHX , which is a great example of a texting pun. To comprehend this correctly, we rationally substitute the first symbol with the word zero , then insert the missing vowels for the word credit , and imbed the missing vowel and adjust the spelling for the third arrangement of letters, to receive the word checks. Merged together, the slogan Zero Credit Checks instructs a potential consumer that one can buy this car insurance without struggling with any credit checks. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are usually more challenging to understand, as they demand more advanced language skills, more sophisticated background knowledge, and cultural perception. Here are two examples of puns based on idioms: Ben Franklin used to fly his kite in the storm because he got a charge out of
  • 11. Drowning In Debt Essay Drowning In Debt: How To Find The Lifesaver That Can Keep You From Going Under If you re facing a dire personal financial situation, you re not alone. In fact, 73% of Americans take, on average, $62,000 worth of debt with them when they leave this world. These are depressing statistics, but you may have more options available to you than you think. Despite the stress and gloom of debt, if you consider your plight carefully and seek the right guidance, you can actually do something about it. What Are Your Possible Alternatives To Bankruptcy? It may seem to you now that you don t have a lot of options, but in fact, there are many alternatives to filing for bankruptcy, with some having more appeal or realistic application to your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. A Debt Consolidation Loan In some cases, a debt consolidation loan can give your repayment structure a simple, laser focused means of implementation. Having one payment could also lower the amount of interest you re paying on your debt, which could save you a significant amount of money in the long run. Talk to someone at your local bank, first, to get the careful insight a human can provide, rather than simply availing yourself to the vast information resulting from an Internet search. A real person can help you clarify your level of qualification for a debt consolidation loan and possibly help you decide if this method could solve your problems. 4. An Extreme Lifestyle Change If your financial situation is recoverable in the absence of outside intervention, such as a bankruptcy filing, it would be wise for you to begin an extreme lifestyle change right away, consisting of becoming more financially responsible or even frugal. Analyze your spending habits, particularly through the use of high interest credit cards, and start making the tough cuts that will lead to greater stability, with less debt. What s The Difference Between Chapters 7 And 13? Although the complicated intricacies of bankruptcy should be discussed with a legal expert, there are two distinct differences between chapters 7 and 13 that could help guide your continuing thought process regarding the decision you need to make: 1. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
  • 12. Braveheart Independence The country of Scotland was conquered following the death of Alexander III. With no heir to the throne, Scotland was easily captured and taken over by the King of England. The film Braveheart is an adaption of these historical events. In the film, the national identity of the Scottish people evolved in comparison from the beginning of the film to the end of it. There had always been a huge chasm between the different classes. With peasants on one end and the nobles on the other. This class separation resulted in the people of these groups to hold different views. During most of the film, the peasants all listened to what William Wallacehad to say and followed the idea he had planted in their heads. The idea being, freedom. The nobles... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This resulted in people not identifying with people from other villages situated all across Scotland. Each individual fought their own battles for their own benefits rather than the entire country as a whole. Wallace and his clan started the fighting to avenge the death of Murron, Wallace s wife. Wallace leads his can to kill the English garrison in his hometown to get a point across. This moment of power sparks the idea of rebelling against the English. As the legend of Wallace grew, so did the support. Clans from all over Scotland decided to join him in his fight that originally started as revenge, but transformed into a fight for freedom. As more and more battles were won, the legend of Wallace travelled all across the vast lands of Scotland. The death of the leader of the rebellion didn t stop the movement towards freedom there. William Wallace became a martyr to the people of Scotland. Towards the end of the film, there was a sense of patriotism towards the country, which wasn t present at the start. This was due to the uniting of the people with a common goal. William Wallace started the movement towards freedom, Robert Bruce encouraged the idea, and the people of Scotland completed the
  • 13. Quiz 3 Quiz 2 1. Why did psychologist Eric Berne develop the concept of a life position? How can this concept impact your interpersonal communication? In the 1960s, Psychologist, Eric Berner developed the concept of a life position to describe people s overall sense of their own worth and others. He identified four life positions: (1) I m Ok, you re Ok, Or positive regard for self and other, (2) I m Ok , you re not OK , or positive regard for self and low regard for others, (3) I m not Ok, you re Ok or low self regard and positive regard for others, and (4) I m not Ok, you re not Ok, or low regard for both self and others. The life position can impact my interpersonal communication by me discovering my own talents and acknowledging that other people may... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, when I was working at a grocery store, my coworker began working at the same time as me earned a rate of $9.50 per hour, which was $2.25 per hour more than me because of his cashier position. My position was a bagger, and I was only paid $7.25 per hour. Despite of my low wages, I improved my self esteem by listing my accomplishments and experiences as an employee to show my progress to myself and supervisor as one of the best baggers in the grocery store, and I obtained a pay raise of $.50. Moreover, I continued to use the two effective ways to improve my self esteem: Intrapersonal communication and Visualization. Intrapersonal communication used within myself reassured me of my self worth and interactions with others. Visualization also helped me see myself conversing effectively with others; performing well on my job, school, and my community; and thinking positive of achieving my goals. By looking at my achievements, I immediately gained confidence in myself, and I focused on my primary goals in life such as getting a better job, education, and helping my
  • 14. Re-Upload from Others The 10 Keys to Global Logistics Excellence Supply Chain Thought Leadership Series The 10 Keys to Global Logistics Excellence Research Sponsored by: i The 10 Keys to Global Logistics Excellence Table of Contents Global Supply Chain You Better Be Good............... Time and Distance..................................................... Where Do the Lost Savings Go? ............................... The 10 Capabilities of Global Logistics Leaders........ Lack of Global Technology Enablement ................... Summary.................................................................. Sponsor Perspective ................................................. About Supply Chain Digest....................................... Global Logistics Capability Diagnostic..................... . End Notes ................................................................. 1 2 3 5 13 14 16 17 18 25 ii The 10 Keys to Global Logistics Excellence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Those two factors add cost, complexity, and frequently risk. Many companies early in their offshoring evolution find that managing this new set of skills and capability requirements is extremely challenging. Often, savings expected from the global sourcing initiatives fail to materialize, at least in part. SCDigest, for example, recently profiled a consumer hardware company that illustrates this reality1. Under pressure from major big box retailers for lower prices, the company is in the process of moving much of its manufacturing capacity to China and other low cost country sources. To this point, however, the expected savings from offshoring have not materialized. The company is just starting to analyze the factors, with no clear answers yet, other than a belief that there were many hidden costs that were not fully anticipated. This is a scenario that we hear on a consistent basis. In fact, a recent survey from McKinsey and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of Western companies importing product from China found that the majority of respondents believed they were behind their competitors in such areas as total landed cost savings from offshoring, on time delivery, and other key supply chain metrics (see illustration below)2. Considering that generally companies tend to over rate their performance versus others, this data is a powerful statement of the challenges of doing global supply chain
  • 15. Examples Of Market Segmentation Of Apple A.Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning and Differentiation are marketing tools which help the marketers differentiate, attract, retain and grow the customer base for their respective products. Market segmentation is a process of segregating the market into different smaller groups. A market comprises of large number of heterogeneous customer base with distinct tastes and preferences. A marketer needs to classify and segment people into smaller homogeneous groups basis similar characteristics, tastes, preferences, likes, etc. so that they will respond in a similar fashion to a particular product launched for that segment. Thus, market segmentation can be defined as, the sub dividing of a market into homogeneous subsets of customers from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Apple very meticulously examines the trends and lifestyles of consumers as the lifestyle of a person is directly linked to his/ her preferences. As different people have different lifestyles, Apple identified and provided different features for different people in one phone like touch screen, iTunes, iPod for young generation while calendar, emails and web browsing for sophisticated business class people. Demographic Segmentation It is the market segmentation based on demographic features such as age, sex, income, qualification, religion, nationality, etc. Apple s demographic segmentation is generally based on gender and age. Apple has been successful in attracting a large amount of youngsters as it provides features like i tunes, net browsing, gaming, video player and most importantly massive storage space which enable downloading and storing of data. Research reveals that typically iPhone user is young, wealthy and a geek type be it male or female. пЃ¶Micromax: Micromax is an Indian company dealing in consumer electronics. It entered into the handset market in 2008 and has mainly focused on the rural market. The following is the market segmentation followed by
  • 16. Foreshadowing In A Worn Path By Eudora Welty Welty is known as the American literary world Chekhov, Eudora Welty (1909 2001) was one of the most famous short story writers in the south of America. Welty was born in 1909, died in 2001, has gone through nearly a century, experienced two world wars, the Cold War, the American civil rights movement and so on. However, Welty did not show too much political topic in her work, did not criticize(kritЙ™ЛЊsД«z) the war too much, she described daily life to reflect the real themes of life, expressed her view point of how we live. Welty won the European Henry novel award by ( removed HTML ) . The novel is mainly through the description of a negro grandmother Phoenix, struggling to travel to the clinic in the city for her sick little grandson take the drug s story, basically all descriptions about is a journey, no exciting plot, no dramatic scenes, no Fierce contradictions and conflicts, but it contains a profound meaning, highlighting the profound theme.We gonna through the main 6 elements, others good points, language style and colour words four ways on the worn path analysis. there are not only six elements but also more in the novel. foreshadowing The title of the short story, A Worn Path , is a classic foreshadowing which gives us a feeling that something is going to the end. For Phoenix, something would be her life. The author describes Phoenix walks slowly in the dark pine shadows with a makeshift cane (to indicative of her rough journey ahead)***. In the last
  • 17. Why Ted Is Not The Only Place Where Ted His work was not the only place where Ted was considered unreliable. When Theodore transferred from University of Tacoma to the University of Washington he met and fell in love with Stephanie Brooks. At first in this relationship all was well, But Stephanie was pragmatic. It was wonderful to be in love, to have a college romance, to stroll through the wooded paths of the campus hand in hand...but she sensed that Ted was floundering, that he had no real plans, no real prospects for the future (Rule, 2000). Much to Ted s dismay, Stephanie soon broke this relationship off. Some claim that this is one of the many things that helped ease Theodore Bundy over the edge into homicidal rage, and most cite a similar description of Stephanie Brooks to the majority of his later victims. For quite some time Ted excelled at life, his broken heart over Stephanie and learning the truth of his parentage seeming to have a reverse effect on him than most people. He studied psychology and received mostly A s through his senior year. After graduating his psychology program Theodore Bundy eventually applied to and enrolled in Law School in Tacoma, Washington. He strived to win back the heart of his beloved Stephanie Brooks, all the while carrying on a relationship that had last over four years with a different woman Meg. Once Theodore was able to win Stephanie s heart, and make her fall in love with him again he crushed her, much in the same way he believed that she had intentionally crushed
  • 18. The Ideas Of A University In John Henry Cardinal Newman s discourse The Ideas of a University (1852), he sought to answer the question, What is there is to show for the expense of a University; what is the real worth in the market of the article called a Liberal Education. While this question was asked in the 1800s, many in today s society still ask it today. One issue Newman argues for is the purpose of a university education, specifically the utility of the Liberal Arts. Although around one hundred and fifty years later, in many ways Newman s claims and arguments on the issue of education in his time can be related to the issue of education in society today. Newman argues that universities should teach all branches of knowledge in order to fulfill its ultimate function in producing useful members of society through a process of nurturing the mind; furthermore, this production is the duty of humanbeings to their society, nation, and world.In society today, many call into question the overall usefulness of a university education in the real world. In his time, Newman argues in favor of this method of education, stating that its purpose is the training [of] good members of society and its end result is for the fitness for the world. While careful to explain that he believes universities should teach all branches of knowledge, Newman argues that education will enable these students to be more useful in society due to their learned ability to formulate reasonable opinions
  • 19. Frankenstein Power Of Nature Throughout the novel, there is this constant battle between the unnatural and the natura,while the monster is repulsive, Natures is happy and soothing.and the one should be careful when pouring forbidden knowledge. Death,and despair force the character to embark in desperate journeys. During his travels , the only relief that comes the character s way is from Nature. Throughout the novelits natural surroundings have been shown to have therapeutic powers on the characters. Nature has the power to put humanity back into someone who the unnatural or science world has taken his sanity . In the story Frankenstein the unnatural world is destroying Victor., Victor underestimates the power of Nature and gets too confident with his scientific experience ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Walton describes Frankenstein as completely broken down by grief, but still able to appreciate the natural beauty of the world around him, which seems remarkable. A man destroyed by sorrow can still look up at the night sky and feel some sense of relief, happiness, or awe at the fabulous beauty that surrounds him. The grandeur of nature overwhelms human emotion and makes it seem small and insignificant in comparison to the great beauty of the world. (ch6 )A man destroyed by sorrow can still look up at the night sky and feel some sense of relief, happiness, or awe at the beauty that surrounds
  • 20. UMAT Assessment Essay As a current student striving to be accepted into medicine I will be required to undertake the UMAT examination. I have always been interested in the relevance of the examination, how it is perceived by people and whether students are the key people it serves . To gain a basic understanding of the purpose of the UMAT I conducted preliminary research, utilising the ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) website, who were the developers and write the examination every year. I obtained sources through the use of google scholar to locate relevant and highly reliable sources. The majority of my sources were secondary obtained from websites, journals and articles. I had emailed multiple professionals to conduct interviews but received no responses, hence, I was unable to obtain primary data on my topic. However, sources from the Medical Journal of Australia provided sufficient information on my topic, providing me with facts and statistics which I utilised throughout my report. I was assured that information obtained from this journal was highly reliable as the articles are all peer reviewed and also by the reputation of the journal. Other information was sourced from either the Adelaide University or the ACER website, which I believe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I organised my information and report in informative language. Informative in the informational genre, I did not want a balanced point of view but one which describes my findings. Due to the fact that I was writing an investigation I utilised objective language, ensuring that I elaborated my points out clearly. This will assist in presenting findings in a clear, concise and professional manner, it was also vital that I structured my report in a manner that was easy to follow and logical. This will ensure that readers will be able to understand information and examples utilised, and easily comprehend the
  • 21. Samuel Finley Morse Research Paper Samuel Finley Breese Morse was born on April 27, 1791 in Charlestown, Massachusetts. He was the first child of clergyman Jedidiah Morse and Elisabeth Finley Morse and they were both very religious following the Calvinist faith. His parents were committed in his education and after having a strong interest in art, his parents sent him to Yale college. Afterwards, he graduated from Yale in 1810 and wanted to fulfill his career as a painter but his father arranged him as an apprentice at a bookstore/publisher in Boston, Massachusetts. He continued to pursue his passion for art in England and returned to America in 1815 to set up a studio in Boston. Shortly after. He married Lucretia Walker in 1818, and they had three children. In February 1825,
  • 22. Acne Myths Debates on Acne 5 Acne Myths Vs. Acne Facts Acne does not choose, it affects almost everyone and if you suffer from acne, like the millions of others, you ve probably received a lot of advice about its prevention s, as well as its causes. A lot of them are just old wives tales and has no scientific evidence to prove them. Myth 1: Acne Is Caused By Poor Hygiene Fact: Acne is not due to lack of hygiene, it is not caused by dirt or surface skin oils. Although proper cleansing prevents it, poor hygiene is not its root cause. It is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit or hair follicle. When dead skin cell, excess oil, and bacteria are caught within the follicle it creates impaction. If the follicle wall ruptures, then inflammation occurs and pimple is produced. Acne is not developed due to lack of cleansing and frequent cleansing won t heal acne. In fact, vigorous washing and scrubbing can irritate skin and exacerbate acne. Myth 2: Acne Is Caused By Diet Fact: Thorough scientific studies dating as far back as 1960 s have not obtained a link between diet and acne. Thus, food does not cause acne. Not chocolate or French fries or pizza or any junk food. Even large amounts of these food types will not worsen acne since the fat present in these foods do not get assimilated to the fats within the oil glands. If acne is being dealt properly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A long debate about stress causing acne has been in health circles. Recent studies has now proved that acne gets worst in times of stress because of the fact that the human body releases a chemical called CRH (Corticotropin Releasing Hormone) responsible for making extreme amounts of energy for the brain to deal with stress. An emotional agitation can cause the body to produce unreasonable amount of these chemicals. As this hormone produces energy it also triggers the oil glands of the skin to create more oil thus leading to skin pores getting blocked. This combined with bacteria and dead skin cells results to
  • 23. Article Report On Growth Hackers Growth Hackers By Daniel Bhatt | Submitted On March 14, 2016 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 1 Share this article on Twitter 1 Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg 1 Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest 1 Expert Author Daniel Bhatt Introduction A man was running walking to his destination and came across a mountain. He could hear the sounds of those who were chasing him. The mountain like a colossus stood defiantly in his path. All that he had was a rope and no equipment to climb the mountain. It was either climb the mountain or risk being caught. There was no other way to reach his destination. He looked at the mountain and made a decision. He placed his hand upon the rock and started his ascent up the mountain. Some people saw the man climbing the mountain from a distance and laughed at him. The man ignored his critics and moved upon the rock. Inch by inch, he climbed the mountain. Soon his hands were sore, his feet hurting but he kept on climbing. He had no resources but his rope, his strength and his mind. Many hours later, he stood upon the summit of the mountain. He did not climb the mountain because the mountain was there. He climbed the mountain with no resources because he had no choice. Growth Hackers like the man climbing the mountain have to grow rapidly because they
  • 24. Comm 4331 Essays Study Guide Test #1 1. What influences beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and values 2. What is correct and true about persuasion Receiver must think it is voluntary, 3. Define persuasion Persuasion: involves one or more persons who are engaged in the activity of creating, reinforcing, modifying, or extinguishing, beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivation, and or behaviors within the constraints of a given communication context an activity or process, persuasion is a tow way street 4. Define values: Something important to you 5. Define beliefs: Something you believe to be true 6. Define attitudes: How you feel toward something 7. Attitude: tendencies or predispositions, represent favorable or unfavorable evaluation of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cultural issues and differences between U.S. and other cultures Individualism vs. Collectivism Collective cultures (China) value harmony, concern for others, group goals while individualism culture value independence and personal goals 27. Audience analysis: pay attention to the situation, keep their attitudes, values, beliefs in mind, remember their demographics, and remember their states traits 28. Target audience: the majority group that the persuader/advertiser is trying to persuade 29. From First day different ways interpersonal / context / different areas of persuasion Context target audience, interpersonal, mass/public, social or group, mediated, Intrapersonal self persuasion global/intercultural 30. Differences between males and females: men are more successful than women in their attempts to persuade others. Men stereotypes, physical, social role theory what we view as acceptable / Goal differences Males: More persuasive than women because of physical appearance, tone of voice, social rule theory (not so negative) Females: Communal behaviors warm and nurturing 31. Communal behavior warmer and more nurturing
  • 25. female doctors need to use this to be more effective while male doctors use an aversion strategies 32. Central routes: rational thought and
  • 26. Baking Soda Lab Report Household Chemistry Baking Soda Basic details of the product: Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium hydrogen carbonate or commonly referred to as Baking Soda, is a chemical compound composed of sodium ions and bicarbonate atoms. The chemical formula of baking soda is NaHCOв‚ѓ. Baking soda has only one ingredient: Sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda has an intramolecular covalent bond between its hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen atoms and an intermolecular ionic bond between the Na+ and the HCOв‚ѓ in the form of a crystal lattice. Generally, sodium bicarbonate is an ionic compound that contains both ionic and covalent bonds as consists of sodium, a metal, a nonmetal, and carbon. Key chemical reactions include an acid base reaction between baking soda and an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The molecular structure of sodium bicarbonate is: Background History: In 1791 Nicholas Leblanc, a french chemist created soda ash, or commonly referred to as sodium bicarbonate. The quest for the discovery commenced in 1775 when The French Academy of Sciences offered a prize to the person who could create sodium bicarbonate through the use of salt. Leblanc created soda ash through a 2 step process. The first consisted of mixing sodium chloride and concentrated sulfuric acid and heating the 2 at the temperature of approximately 850В°C. This process evolves the hydrogen chloride gas, leaving the substance as solid sodium sulfate. In the second step, the sodium sulfate is crushed and is mixed with charcoal and limestone; it is then heated in a furnace again, producing the final product of soda ash. Soda ash can be created through the Solvay process (revised by Ernest Solvay as a more efficient method) or from trona ore (refining soda ash from a natural deposit). Green River, Wyoming currently possess enough sodium bicarbonate to meet the entire world s needs for thousands of years as there is as the lake holds approximately 200 billion ton deposit of pure trona ore between layers of sandstone and shale. The only known technology required for the chemical discovery of sodium bicarbonate is the furnace; which is used to heat up the mixture of sodium chloride and concentrated sulfuric acid.
  • 27. Why Is Jeffrey Dahmer Wrong Jeffrey Dahmer did a horrible man who did horrible things. Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested and sentenced 15 consecutive life sentences and was forced to live in a mental institution for a year. From there he went to jail, and two years later was killed by his cellmate. Died on November 28, 1994, Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 men and boys. Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1960 where he lived with mother Joyce, and father Lionel. Dahmer had, what seemed to be, a normal childhood. He was a happy and energetic child until the age of four when he had a surgery for a double hernia. After the surgery something happened and Dahmer was no longer the same boy he was before. Dahmer s mother gave birth to another boy, the family moved quite... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The person may have a mental disorder, or something neurologically wrong with them. For example, they could think that people are talking to them in their head and telling them to kill someone. A person could also have had a rough childhood which causes them to kill as a release of anger or sadness. A person could kill for revenge, money, alcohol, or drugs. Someone who kills has to have something wrong with them. Who can kill just someone for no reason? Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested on July, 22 1991 when other residents of the apartment building he was living in complained about a horrid smell coming from his apartment. When the police arrived, they immediately arrested Dahmer and searched his apartment. When they went through his apartment they found the genitals of 9 men and boys stuffed in containers in his fridge. There were also the skeletons of men and boys in his deep freeze. Dahmer pleaded guilty and was sentenced to fifteen consecutive life sentences. Dahmer also pleaded insanity for the murders of 17 men and boys. He was required to be admitted to a mental institution for two years. Two years after being in jail, Dahmer s cellmate, Christopher Scarver, fatally beat Dahmer. Scarver was Dahmer s cellmate and also a murderer. Scarver also killed another inmate named Jesse Anderson. Dahmer was 34 years old when he was murdered. He lived from May 21, 1960 to November 28,
  • 28. Brain Imaging Discussing the Use of Brain Imaging Technologies In Investigating the Relationships Between Biological Factors and Behavior This essay will attempt to offer a balanced review of the use of brain imaging technologies in investigating the relationships between biological factors and behavior. The different types of brainimaging technologies are PET: Positron Emission Topography, MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI: functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG: Electroencephalogram, and lastly CAT: Computerized Axial Tomography (Demitri, 2007). Brain imaging technologies are methods used in psychology to examine and further understand the human brain. While each of the differing methods has qualities that are beneficial in general it is important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... MRIs are used to allows researchers to see structures in the brain (2007) A great advantage to using MRI is it is non invasive. The less researchers harm their patients the more ethical it is which can help with the validity. The downside is however, researchers can only use MRIs to look at activation in the brain making its use limited. A study that can show how MRI scans care used to investigate the relationships between biological factors and behavior is Maguire et al. (2000). The aim of this study was to determine if well experienced taxi drivers in London would have differing hippocampus structures compared to London bus drivers. MRI scans were used to scan the structure of their hippocampus, and measured the amount of gray matter in their brain. Maguire noticed there was a larger amount of gray matter found in taxi drivers. Maguire found the data could suggest that the increase amount of gray matter in the hippocampus of taxi drivers is due to the active and repetitive use of the spatial memory skills required to remember roads; the neurons are stronger in areas of the brain which are used most. Maguire because of the MRI technology was able to observe the structures of the subject s brains and find a correlation between environment and neuroplasticity which has been known to affects behavior in terms of memory. Maguire effectively used MRI scans to investigate the structure of the hippocampus, he could not have done this using other technologies such as an EEG or a PET scan. With this study Maguire was able to see the biological factor of brains areas and the hippocampus as well as the behavior of memory and spacial
  • 29. Protons And Neutrons Atoms are made up of electrons, protons and neutrons. Protons have positive charge; electrons have negative charge and neutrons are neutral. The magnitude of charges of protons and neutrons is the same. Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus, while the electrons moves around it. Mass number is addition of the protons and neutrons. Atomic number is the number of protons. [1] The mass of an atomis less than the number we obtain by adding up the masses of all the protons and neutrons. This is the binding energy. The nucleus of an atom determines if it is stable or unstable. The higher the binding energy, the more stable an atom is. Unstable nuclei are radioactive, where they decay until they form stable nuclei. They emit different particles to form more stable daughter nuclei.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Alpha particles are composed of 2 protons and also 2 neutrons. It has a plus 2 charge. They are the nucleus of a helium atom. When an unstable nuclei releases an alpha particle, the mass number decreases by 4, and the atomic number decreases by 2. This means that a new element forms due to this emission. Alpha particles are released by relatively large nuclei. [3] It can travel across the air, however does not travel well in solid. Alpha particles are able to ionize the solid that it is passing through. [4] Beta particles occurs when an unstable nuclei emits an electron, which has a negative charge. To conserve the charges in the atom, one of the neutrons in the nucleus spontaneously changes into a proton. The mass number stays the same, however, the atomic number increases by 1. [3] This also means that a new element forms. It can travel through air and compared to alpha particles, they can penetrate through solid matter more, however its ionization ability is less than the alpha particles. [4] The other type of emission is gamma rays. Gamma rays are photons; they are a
  • 30. Being A Minority Essay I reside in one of thee most diverse city, state and district in America. Silver Spring, Maryland! Surrounded by the atmosphere of the Nation s Capital politics. Yet the biggest issue that is very dear to my persona is the achievement of minority scholars in America . Falling into the category of not being very privileged, I beg to differ what attributes being a minority has . To begin , the acknowledgment of minorities must be recognized . Where ever around the Globe we derive from . Minorities carry characteristics of being capable of the following . Open mindedness , risk taking ,passionate , willingness to succeed and cultural background in their spirits. If anything this has to do with one of the biggest issues in my hometown . The lack of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Perspective is the reason for advancement and innovation . Young passionate people as myself are the voice of reason . Young people have the power to create . The resolution to an issue as severe as this relates to exactly what Obama said . This is where I learned that change only happens when ordinary people get involved and they get engaged , and they come together to demand it . The resolution comes from demanding change. Ideas such as creating programs and workshops for minority students where everyone is accepted. Petitioning to the school systems around America that the reinforcement of Minority success should be given to each scholar .By having mentors come together with students in my district for intimate time to really have discourse about the scholar s future, the career they would like to be in and how . No matter if the help was denied but that everyone be granted opportunity . No child should be left behind . I can guarantee you that most students all around America wouldn t be able to build a resume , because help lacks . Coming together as a Country to help everyone become successful . Till this hometown issue is gone and in every minority based hometown as
  • 31. Clifton Suspension Bridge Essay examples Clifton Suspension Bridge The Clifton Suspension Bridge is located in Bristol England, and spans the beautiful Avon gorge. This bridge has become the symbol of Bristol much like the Eiffel tower has of Paris, and the Opera house has of Sydney. The story of the Clifton Suspension Bridge began in 1754 with the dream of a Bristol wine merchant who donated his life savings to build a bridge over the gorge. To decide on a suitable design for the bridge a competition was held. Thomas Telford, the leading civil architect of the time was the judge. Mr. Telford attempted to submit his own design; however the decision to declare himself the winner was overruled and a second competition was held. This time, contrary to the recommendation of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also the original design was narrower than the final structure; the increased width has an interesting story. Apparently a local land owner wished to drive his carriage to Bristol without having to walk or negotiate the steep roads on the sides of the gorge, so he convinced the engineers, and paid for the necessary modifications to widen the design of the bridge. It is fortunate that he insisted on this widening because the bridge as it was originally designed would have never been able to cater to modern traffic demands. The bridge was finished in 1859 and opened to the public in 1864. Before the bridge was built the slip way was the only way to cross the river without taking a long detour. The slip way was crossed at high tide by rowing a boat across, and at low tide by crossing on series gangplanks that were tied together. Both crossings were fairly dangerous and extremely inconvenient and therefore a bridge was a very popular idea. The Clifton Suspension bridge is world famous and one of the essential things to see in the West Country. It is a beautiful piece of engineering that is lovely maintained by the bridge staff. The two towers of the bridge span from Clifton to summerset, the Clifton tower is build on a solid rock surface that acts as a foundation, however the summerset tower needed a massive brick buttress before work on the tower could begin. The towers though similar are not identical. The towers are similar in size, the main differences
  • 32. A Full Analysis of Auschwitz The words inscribed above the Auschwitz concentration camp read: Arbeit Macht Frei, meaning, work brings freedom. These deceiving words gave unsuspecting prisoners hope that they could get out of the most destructive concentration camp during the entire Holocaust. This concentration camp would kill over one million people. Auschwitz will be fully analyzed, starting with the early stages of Auschwitz, then the Jews and the horrors of Auschwitz, and finally the final days of Auschwitz. The events that took place at Auschwitz concentration campare very horrifying and lead to the death of millions. Auschwitz was founded as a German concentration camp on April 27, 1940. The camp served as a Polish artillery base before the camp was formed in southwestern Poland. The direct reasoning for Auschwitz being formed was to quarantine over ten thousand Poles that were arrested and have them do forced labor (Laqueur and Tydor 32). Rudolf Hoss was selected to be the head of the camp. Hoss was the youngest sergeant in the German army during World War I, but did not hold a high rank when he was chosen for the job at Auschwitz (Laqueur and Tydor 34). At first Auschwitz was a very small camp that had buildings, called blocks that couldn t hold very many prisoners (Laqueur and Tydor 34). Auschwitz may have been a small camp that only held 15,000 to 20,000 prisoners and produced synthetic rubber and fuel but there were big plans in store for this camp (Auschwitz Museum). Hoss and the
  • 33. Analysis Of The Masthead Of Total Guitar ront Cover Firstly, Mastheads are found on the covers of all magazines. Conventionally, this masthead will be somewhat related to music amore specifically, the genre of music that the magazine appeals to. For example, the masthead of total guitar clearly states that the magazine will solely feature guitar based music. I have named my magazine unplugged , this clearly relates to an acoustic style of music as acoustic performances are often described as unplugged. My masthead does what it is conventionally meant to do, give an immediate insight into that magazine. Secondly, the positioning of my title is in the middle of the page as unplugged is a reasonably long word. This follows the conventions set by magazines like billboard or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whereas Kerrang may use worn down effects front page features, the features on my front page are very simple to represent the simple nature of acoustic music. My cover lines are short but punchy containing ultimately, what the audience wants to see. For this I have used artist s names. This is extremely common in existing music magazines, their most important content concerns existing artists. Also following conventions, my artist s names are much larger than any additional information underneath. Additionally, my all important cover story is shown in the largest font on the page other that the masthead. This immediately grabs the audience s attention and encourages them to find out more. Another feature of my front page that aims to attract attention is a competition, the sticker with Win inside demands attention without being too obvious as to what the competition involves, this encourages the audience to read inside. This is conventional in all music magazines as a way of attracting more potential customers towards the magazine. Conventionally, although selling the magazine, the front cover doesn t give away too much about the content of the magazine. Cover lines are typically vague and may use rhetorical questions or quotes to attract attention. This method again encourages people to buy the magazine and read it. I have done this on my own front page with a rhetorical question. My front page is also jam packed with information, as you would expect from
  • 34. Where Children Live By Naomi Shihab Nye Summary Naomi Shihab Nye s poem Where Children Live provides a nostalgic sentiment about childhood innocence and the carefree attitude that gets abandoned as children grow into adults. Using the New Criticism critical approach, I will discuss how Nye uses various literary techniques to tell the story of the childhood innocence that gets lost as people grow older. To begin, Nye organizes the poem into three separate stanzas. The first stanza describes the tone of the homes where children live. The second stanza describes what is missing from the homes where children no longer live. The final stanza discusses the nature and environment surrounding the homes where children live. The first stanza and the last stanza provide an optimistic and happy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nye uses words including corpses and short lived to emphasize how childhood innocence is only temporary and dies quickly. Also, when comparing the word choice in this stanza with the other stanzas, it becomes obvious that Nye fully believes a house is not a home without children. In the first stanza of the poem, Nye states, Homes where children live exude a pleasant rumpledness (475); however, in the second stanza of the poem, Nye says, And the house takes on a new face, dignified (475). In the first stanza when the poet references children she uses the word homes, which implies warmth and family. In the second stanza, which focuses on adulthood, the poet uses the word house, which sounds less welcoming and inviting. The second stanza also describes what happens as children grow up and become adults. Nye explains, To be a child again one would need to shed details (475), which explains how people accumulate emotional baggage and put up walls as they get older. The poet also addresses the often mundane lives of adults in her second stanza when she compares adulthood to childhood by stating, Grown ups like swings, leafy plants, slow motion back and forth. / While the yard of a child is strewn with the corpses/ of bottle rockets and whistles, (475). Nye implies that adults live dull and simple lives while children live lives full of excitement and adventure.
  • 35. Requirements for Agriculture Environmental Questions Minerals Society uses metals that come from mineral deposits to make buildings, pipes, wires, vehicles, and other products (Mathes, 2004). Other minerals are also used to produce products, such as using clay for bricks, sulfur to make fertilizer and refine petroleum, and oil, coal, and natural gas are used for energy. Metallic minerals are hard, contain their own shine or luster, are ductile and malleable (capable of being hammered thin and extended without breakage), and do not break when hit where non metallic minerals are just the opposite (Daga). An example of metallic minerals is tin, which can be used to make cans to preserve food as well as other products. An example of non metallic minerals is marble, used to make counter tops and decorative pieces. Mining Depending on how deep into the earth the minerals are that are to be extracted, explosives are used to blast rock into smaller pieces and heavy machinery brings it out of the earth from the tunnels that are formed by the explosives. The minerals are then processed by a separation method to be refined into products. The processing includes heating the metals after separation to temperatures that reach 1600 degrees to be formed. For metals that are on the surface of the earth, a process of booming is used where water is collected into large reservoirs and discharged in large amounts to remove large amounts of gravel in a thick mud state to show where the minerals are. For minerals
  • 36. Argumentative Essay On Self Defense Dad I m going to the park with Joey, we ll be back in hour! I shouted. Ok don t be late Junior, he replied. So we went to the park with golden Thomas and Joey played on the slide while I played on the the teeter totter. Good landing thomas that was awesome, Joey said. A mysterious boy with a sweatshirt that had a curse word on it came up to him and complimented his train and said it looked cool. Joey told him This is my golden limited edition thomas, they only made like 50 of them Then the bully took the toy and punched joey in the face. Joey are you okay, let s go back to dad, I said Dad joey got beat up at the park and someone stole his stupid thomas toy . Oh my god who would do such a thing, Dad said. Later that day, we went to the doctor s office and it said that his nose was broken, and said that he should be careful or it could fracture again. Dad what am I gonna do about my toy he said. Joey i don t think you are getting your toy back unless you know some type of self defense to get it back by force . For some reason joey had no idea what i was saying. Self defense is like karate or jujitsu, wait a minute i can teach you . My sensei at my karate class will allow me to bring a guest to shadow me The next day at karate, I brought joey with me to class. We meditated for about 5 minutes. This is dumb when are we going to fight people isn t that what karate is all about, Joey whined. Joey karate isn t just all about
  • 37. Life In A Day The American documentary Life in a Day (2011) wanted to document the experiences of people all over the globe on July 24, 2010. All of the clips were submitted by eager participants. The producers managed to divide the thousands of submissions they received into different categories, based on the clip s time of filming and content. Even though the film features content from around the world, it shows that there are similarities among humankind. But in addition to showcasing our similarities, it also is a reminder of our differences. However, we can once again be united by remembering that we are all humans. Life in a Day boasts of a fascinating idea an original idea only possible in the age of crowdsourcing and phone saturation that is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (as the documentary description offers) Imagine that someday in the future, a person comes across this documentary. What would it do for the person? Would it teach anything significant about this age? Upon first glance, there is a limit to how much the clips can do as a source of historical source. The included submissions were limited to people who created rhythm and meaning in the documentary, subject to the production team s discretion (they selected clips appropriate for the time of day and overall narrative). Obviously, there is no way that the producers could ve included everything about the human experience or even give an equal treatment to different human issues. While the documentary features clips meaningful at an individual scale, there was often little context given about the people in them. Objection to this claim is understandable, after all, the documentary wanted to capture simply human experience, as opposed to being a more objective and rational study of human beings. But as a time capsule project, this may leave future citizens confused about the larger meaning behind each individual scene. However, as a documentary exposing our common similarities and differences, while reminding us of our shared humanity, it
  • 38. The Negative Effects Of Family And Family Homelessness Family and child homelessness has been a major social problem within the United states since the 1980s (Bassuk). According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, it is a problem that affected 79,446 family households in January 2010, and over 1.5 million children between the years of 2005 and 2006. Family and child homelessnessis a genuine issue that although has increased to 37% of the overall homeless, and is said to have reached an historic high (Bassuk), it has not been discussed or addressed. Homelessness affects every one in 30 children in the U.S, which is a major increase in recent years. 2.4 million children were affected by homelessness in 2013, which was an increase from the 1.6 million that were affected in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact, Ashley De Marcus of the Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange stated that homeless students opposed to students who are not homeless are twice as likely to repeat a grade. Homeless high school students also show a similar trend of lowered skills in math and reading. According to Carolyn Shields and Erica Mohan, only 11.4% proficient in math and 14.6% of homeless high school students are proficient in reading. This is a 20.8% and 16.3% difference in students who have homes who are 32.2% proficient in math and 30.9% proficient in reading. As you can see, the skills level of math and reading for homeless students continues to get worse. Stronger even confirmed this in his 1992 study of homeless students. Stronger found that homeless students were scoring a year under their grade level and the deficit had increase up to three years as they got older. As we can see, this is still a true statement as the skill levels from elementary and high school has decreased significantly. The problem of mental disorders is a major one among homeless families. However, the mental health of homeless children has been less systematically researched, and almost all the available data is based on research studies of children in homeless shelters in the USA (Bushra 1996). Various terms, such as behavioral problems /difficulties, psychosocial maladjustment or mental health disorders, are often used to describe the degree
  • 39. The Failure Of American Intervention During The Vietnam War Section 1: Evaluation and Identification of Sources This investigation will answer the question to what extent the failure of American intervention in the Vietnam War was solely a result of faulty military strategy. This investigation is important because the Vietnam War to some extent laid the basis for future American foreign intervention; thus understanding why our failure in Vietnam is crucial to understanding how we can avoid such catastrophe in the future. The scope of this investigation includes factors contributing to US failures in Vietnam from 1964 to 1975. In this investigation there will be an examination of the master s thesis entitled A Failure in Strategy America and the Vietnam War 1965 1968 by Major James M Bright because it provides a comprehensive overview of flaws of US military involvement in Vietnam. There will also be an examination of the article entitled The March to Oblivion: the Defeat at Ap Bac Hamlet and the Americanization of the Vietnam War by William P. Head because it provides an academic source that describes how American military flaws contributed to losses in battle. A Failure in Strategy: America and the Vietnam War 1965 1968 originated as a master s thesis from the US Marine Corp College in 2001, written by Major James M Bright, a regiment commanding officer for the Marine Corps. Bright s advisor was Dr. John B. Matthews, a professor emeritus of Marine Corps University. The purpose of this thesis is analyze US military
  • 40. Venipuncture Procedure As difficult as this procedure might seem, performing a routine venipuncture is a relatively easy and quick procedure. The word venipunture in medical terminology is defined as puncture to the vein which often is performed by a phlebotomist; this healthcare professional is a trained individual who specializes in drawing blood. Let s face it, many of us are afraid of needles, even I would have never thought of performing this procedure myself. So if I did, so can you. Let s begin by proceeding with the first and most important step, greet and identify the patient. Always ask his or her name and date of birth. It is necessary to make the patient feel welcomed and secure. Verifying their identity is a procedure for assurance that all given tests are not performed on wrong patients, this could result in wrong test results for the patient. Start with gathering the following supplies: A pair of gloves, needle, vacutainer (tube holder), blood collection tube, tourniquet, alcohol, gauze and band Aids. When choosing the tubes, determine this according to the physicians order given to you by the patient. When choosing the needle size, determine this based on the physical appearance of the vein, this will not only make it easier but it will also make your technique better. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Now explain the procedure to the patient so that when the moment arises they are prepared as to what to expect. First you will put your gloves on, sit the patient down and apply the tourniquet to palpate the vein. The key to puncturing the vein is not by seeing it but rather by palpating it; this is the proper technique that is used when venipuncture. You will take a few second to examine and feel the vein; this will give you a clear vision of the depth and width. This step should not take longer than one minute. After you are positive about the puncture site, proceed with cleansing the area and allow the area to dry for thirty
  • 41. Against Censorship In Schools In the United States we tend to take our freedom of speech for granted. That is why it is important to have groups like the National Coalition Against Censorship. NCAC s mission is to promote freedom of thought, inquiry and expression and oppose censorship in all its forms. (About Us, 2016) It is only through free expression that we are able to maintain this fundamental right. Censorshipcan dangerously alter the views of the public by only showing one side of a controversial topic. NCAC is composed of a total of 56 organizations dedicated to the preservation of free speech and the fight against censorship. Together they are a nationwide organization that combats censorship both on the national and local levels. Recently, in Chesterfield, Virginia the school district was facing criticism from parents who believed some books within a summer reading list were inappropriate. The parents had requested that the books not only be removed from the reading list, but also removed from school libraries. This would effectively create a local ban on the books The books in question, Eleanor Park, Dope Sick, and Tyrell, delve into topics such as domestic abuse, substance abuse, and poverty. These are all important topics which the teenage readership need to be aware of in their own lives. In reaction NCAC wrote to the school superintendent, Dr. James Lane, with a plea that the books not be banned for the sake of free speech. The next month a school board committee deemed the books appropriate and the ban was avoided. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Financing is a challenge for any non profit. Aside from finances, gaining recognition and following is the greatest challenge NCAC has faced. When fighting for free speech numbers really do count as a few voices of dissent are nothing compared to masses. As such NCAC hosts many events in order to spread their message and get more people
  • 42. The Hound Of Baskerville Movie And Book Comparison Essay The Hound Of Baskerville movie and book, written by two different authors but still have the same suspense filled storyline. The book was written by Arthur Conan Doyle the movie directed by Jeremy Brett. Both help visualizes and shows the outlook of the second in line to the best detective in the world, Sherlock Holmesand his patient sidekick Dr. Watson, Solve a one of a kind mystery. They both shared many similarities and differences in the five major elements of fiction. The Characters are said to be one of the major differences. A myth is creeping among the moors of England that a mad hound is on the loose and looking for the Baskerville bloodline. When a certain someone seeks out to Sherlock Holmes for the use of his famously known abilities to solve mysteries. Leading to the first biggest change in characters is Sherlock Holmes was his use of Black Tar also know as the use of Heroin. A scene is portrayed of him shooting up Heroin and foreshadows him going crazy later over it because you can tell that he really needs it. But in the book, the closest thing Holmes gets to doing drugs is the use of tobacco, as he occasionally takes smoke breaks when a clue is unsolvable or he has an enormous amount of stress on his shoulders. Dr. Mortimer isn t the crazy skull freak we thought of in the book as Mr. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... on it. The legend in the movie was different from the book s perspective as it is said that Hugo s wife was killed, not his neighbor. One of my personal favorite difference that gave it a little excitement was how in the book it said that Laura Lyons baited Sir Charles the night of his death, In the movie Miss Stapleton baited Charles that
  • 43. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bar Code Subject: MGT Code: 1006 Teacher name: Name: Iftikhar Alam Khan Student id: J14014754 Section: s1 Number of words: Contents 1.Introduction 2.An explanation on bar coding What is bar code? 3.A discussion on the use of bar coding for the selected product 4.An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of Bar coding for the selected product Introduction Nowadays, many of organization, companies or supermarkets have choose to use a technology with the worldwide known as barcode. It has been permanent in every country for almost a hundred years, due to the usage of barcodes have help us to arrange our inventory well and record the in and out of every single product in our business. Bar code is an essential ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It doesn t required for high standard software or hard to scan it because it is just scanning by inexpensive bar code which running on simple software to scan the bar code lines. Disadvantages: It can only storage specific amount of data which depends on the size of line both horizontally and vertically. If distortion happen in the bar code sequence then the scanner will possibly unable to scan the product bar code. Conclusion Nowadays , as we all know that one of the basic need in our business to be safe and more successful is to choose bar code for our products , because it helps us to make a stronger security to our companies or factories so that data would not be change such as distortion. This is the world best and easy use system whether all the workers don t need to be high qualified to use bar coding system. As far as we know bar coding is the fastest way to check inventory stock and so on. It is usable system that can be less consuming of time such as use in online ticketing selling or buying. References
  • 45. Arts Education Program Analysis What does a first grade classroom have in common with the Louvre, the Richard Rodgers Theatre, or even Juilliard School in New York? Art. Art visual art, music, dance, and drama is more than entertainment. Art plays a large role in shaping who we are and even our very culture. Arts education is slipping by the wayside despite the many benefits of arts education. Therefore, elementary schools should work to incorporate more arts education for students. There are numerous benefits of investing in arts education, especially for elementary school aged children. Arts education has been linked to creativity (Andersen, 2004; Leonhard, 1990). In art classes, children can explore and use their imaginations. Art classes allow children to create new... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some may argue that adding an art class into a student s schedule will detract from instructional time in core classes, such as English or math. However, this is not necessarily the case. Art classes can be split up throughout the week. Malin (2012) performed a study in a school that successfully incorporated a similar program. Students in the school were involved in three various art classes each week. This can provide students an opportunity to explore the arts and still receive ample instructional time for other classes. An additional concern is any potential conflicts with Common Core. A framework meant to address this is the National Core Arts Standards. The purpose of the National Core Arts Standards is to incorporate the arts into the curriculum (Wexler, 2014). By providing standards for arts education to follow, the arts can better be integrated into elementary
  • 46. Values in Pindar Essay Values in Pindar Pindar was composing his poetry at the start of the fifth century B.C. at a similar time to Aeschylus, and as much as three centuries after the completion of Homer s works. The values he displays, however, do not seem to have developed since the time of Homer; Pindar s ethics are those of a shame culture, and in this way thoroughly Homeric. They are aristocratic, favouring the strong, powerful ruler over the weak and dominated. Wealth and prosperity are praised, not frowned upon. Nietzsche approved of Pindar s praise of the strong, be they tyrants or athletes (or indeed both), and conversely disapproved of the way Socrates later denied the good to be had in strength and power. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, the joy that comes from victory and success surpasses wealth: ГѓВµ d¢ kalГѓВ±n ti n¡on laxÆn brГѓВ±tatow ¦pi meg‹law ¤j ¤lpÛdow p¡tatai ГѓВЄpopt¡roiw Г…ВЅnor¡aiw, ¦xvn kr¡ssona ploГѓВ¦tou m¡rimnan.[4] Pindar states that there is a something greater than wealth , a glory that surpasses all things material. Honour in Homer is represented in a concrete manner through material prizes, but for Pindar the wealth that comes from victory is not itself the source of joy: the joy is external. Furthermore, while Pindar does not scorn wealth and the aristocracy, he does see greed and over ambition in a highly negative light. Tantalus was greatly honoured by the gods: eГѓЕѕ d¢ d® tin ndra ynatГѓВІn Г† OlГѓВ¦mpou skopoГѓЕ“ ¤tÛmasan, ·n T‹ntalow oГѓВ°tow[5] However, he was not satisfied with his m¡gan ГѓВ¶lbon, and was overpowered by greed, stealing from the gods the means necessary for immortality, nectar and ambrosia, and giving them to his drinking companions and for this he was punished. The result of his greed is suffering: ¦xei d Г…ВЅp‹lamon bÛon toГѓВЁton ¤mpedГѓВ±moxyon. What we see here is one of Pindar s core moral messages
  • 47. Target Corp. Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Essay I chose to do my research on the Target Corporation. I feel they have a reputation of service to their customers, employees and community. Target s mission is great value, the community, diversity and the environment. Target takes 5% of its income and puts back into the community. The Reading and Education Program, The Military and Veteran Support Program and The Social Services Program are just a few of several programs Target Corporationoffers to the community. Target has a great reputation to be a positive fixture in the communities they serve. I think it says a lot about a company and the way it does business. I would feel good about working for a corporation like this. The Target Corporation has good ethics and is socially... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They have helped schools fund everything from field trips to books to computers. All across the nation, Target is sharing their love of education. In partnership with the Heart of America Foundation, Target employees have volunteered and have helped transform many school libraries. In addition to books, each school library receives new computers, furniture and other essentials. Students are also given books to take home so their entire family can enjoy and share the experience. The Target Corporation also sponsors book festivals across the country, inspiring hundreds of thousands of children to develop a lifelong love of reading (Target). The Military and Veteran Support programs help veterans and active duty service men and women and their families in many different areas. On November 11, 2011, Target brought together more than 1500 team members and volunteers for a day of service and remembrance. Each team worked toward the same goal to build an America where every returning veteran can serve again as a citizen leader, and where together we honor the fallen by living their values through service (Target). Target sponsors the Military Child Education Coalition Annual Conference, where educators, senior military leaders, corporate leaders and military family members share knowledge and inspiration to support military connected children. Target also proudly partners with Our Military Kids, providing grants to children of deployed and
  • 48. Analysis Of Hawthorne s Conception Of Human Nature... Analysis of Hawthorne s Conception of Human Nature through his Stories Nathaniel Hawthorne was a brilliant writer of many stories, especially dealing with the nature of human beings, with themes including religion, perfection, and the natural world. His works have been lauded for their treatment of the human condition. Several stories, such as The Birthmark , Rappaccini s Daughter , Young Goodman Brown , and The Black Veil , have been chosen to explain Hawthorne s understanding of human nature. The Birthmark especially explains the pursuit of human perfection and the notion that nature cannot be overcome by humankind. Rappaccini s Daughter details the human temptation to sin. Young Goodman Brown expresses the belief that once one sins, they will always be a sinner, cannot atone for their sins, and must pay for it. Finally, The Black Veil considers the idea of inherent sin, where the Black Veil represents all of sin in the town. Through his stories, Hawthorne conceptualizes his perspective on human nature by considering that because human beings pursue perfection, and are not content with their inherent imperfection, they experience the loss of their humanity. Hawthorne s stories develop a narrative that explores the nature of inherent imperfection and sin. In Young Goodman Brown, the Devil figure says to his children that, Evil is the nature of Mankind. Evil must be your only happiness (9). The Devil figure speaking to his followers clearly states that sin is
  • 49. Summary of Proud Family Show Summary of Proud Family Show The first episode was aired in the year 2001 on the Disney Channel. Main Characters: Family Characters are Penny, Oscar, Trudy, Suga Mama, baby brother Cece, and baby sister Bebe. Friend Characters: Dijonay, Zoey, Sticky, and LaCienega. Bullies: The Gross Sisters Summary of Proud Family Show The show is about a African American 14 year old teenager, Penny Proud, and her life in a wacky family, her eccentric friends, and even the bullies in her life. This show shows a lot of stereotypes among all races. For example: The shapes of the females that were not Caucasian had more curvature at the hips and a smaller waists . Over Turning the Feminine Mystique This myth states that women are the weaker sex, should be the nurturers of the family, and that they do not belong in the work place. The women in the proud family are mothers, but they are very strong and intelligent women. Many of the women in the Proud Family have high paying jobs; such as the main characters mother is a doctor, another mother is an officer of the law, and someone else s mother is a judge. Over Turning the Feminine Mystique(Continued) This show portrays women being just as strong as men on many occasions, for example: When Penny Proud, the main character, tries out for the all boys football team at her school, she is ungraciously turned down and made fun of by the coach and a majority of the players. They were all against her joining the team solely because she was a
  • 50. Christian Worldview Purpose Rebecca Drew CWV 101 08/16/2017 Professor Andre Mooney The purpose of the Christian worldview is to guide one how God wanted us to live our lives. It starts from the very beginning of creation to the world we currently live in today. Christians have faith in Christ. Christians truth about God is believed to be First, God created the world good indeed, the creation, especially man who is its crown, actually manifests God s goodness and that all creation is fallen through original sin (Echeyerria, 2007). This is what makes prophecy an integral part of Christianity. God: What is God like? What are God s Characteristics? What is his creation? God has so many attributes and characteristics like the attributes that have been reflected within ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jesus was the son of God, who was created by God and the second person within the trinity. God is viewed as the father, the son, and the holy spirit, according to the Christian worldview. Jesus was created from God planting a seed in Virgin Mary. Jesus was thus born to spread the word about God and all the gospel. Jesus lived a life as a human as all of us do now. He experienced a lot of things we as human s experience. Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins where he died on the cross. Jesus is important to the Christian worldview because he is the ultimate reason we are who we are today. God is both holy and just, so although he created humanity to be immortal, he could not accept them into his holy kingdom in their sinful state (Lecture 5). After Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross, this served as redemption and it was then that god allowed them into the
  • 51. Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Essay One World Essay: Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Scientific Reasoning: The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is a human problem, like most other disasters. What this means is that once the place thrived and was ecologically balanced, but we tipped the balance slightly and wrecked havoc upon the environment. It has been noted to occur since the 1950 s and is ongoing. The reason that this dead zone occurs is because of a phenomenon known as eutrophication. Eutrophication is when there is an excessive amount of nutrients in a body of water and it causes an abundance of plants to grow. In this case the nearby farms had been using nitrogen in their fertilizers. The nitrogen got carried into the ocean through rain and other forms of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some species might thrive in conditions that other struggle to survive. For example some predators might need more oxygen then a smaller prey. With less predators being around, there is a huge burst in prey, which can eat up all of the bacteria. When the bacteria all die, the prey can t find any food and all die out. This causes a very unreliable food chain and can be dangerous to live in. In hypoxic zones what tends to happen is that marine life such as fish or shrimp die out quickly while the smaller organisms live. This causes whole species to die out leaving a dominance of gelatinous creatures such as jellyfish to thrive in. Economic Problems: There are many economical problems due to the dead zone ranging from fisheries going out of business to illnesses. The economical problems have paid their toll on nearby fishers whom in total have paid over 10 billion US dollars to repair the problem. Sadly though, no matter how much they pay, the problem is still on going. The gulf s massive fishing industry is trying to focus its efforts on the parts that have been affected in an attempt to save their sea. According to many sources, EPA views this problem as unimportant and hasn t helped yet. The reason that it is so hard to come to an agreement is because there is no solution that pleases everyone. Right now the farmers up north of the gulf are having an easy time because of easy and cheap waste disposal while downstream the fishers are
  • 52. MAT 540 WEEK 1 TO 11(Strayer) Essay examples CLICK TO DOWNLOAD MAT 540 WEEK 1 TO 11(Strayer) MAT540 Week 1 Homework Chapter 1, Problems 2, 4, 12, 14, 20, 22 2. The Retread Tire Company recaps tires. The fixed annual cost of the recapping operation is $60,000.The variable cost of recapping a tire is $9.The company charges $25 to recap a tire. a. For an annual volume of 12,000 tires, determine the total cost, total revenue, and profit. b. Determine the annual break even volume for the Retread Tire Company operation. 4. Evergreen Fertilizer Company produces fertilizer. The company s fixed monthly cost is $25,000, and its variable cost per pound of fertilizer is $0.15. Evergreen sells the fertilizer for $0.40 per pound. Determine the monthly break even volume for the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is the probability that a bag of fertilizer will weigh between 45 and 55 pounds? 28. The Polo Development Firm is building a shopping center. It has informed renters that their rental spaces will be ready for occupancy in 19 months. If the expected time until the shopping center is completed is estimated to be 14 months, with a standard deviation of 4 months, what is the probability that the renters will not be able to occupy in 19 months? 30. The manager of the local National Video Store sells videocassette recorders at discount prices. If the store does not have a video recorder in stock when a customer wants to buy one, it will lose the sale because the customer will purchase a recorder from one of the many local competitors. The problem is that the cost of renting warehouse space to keep enough recorders in inventory to meet all demand is excessively high. The manager has determined that if 90% of customer demand for recorders can be met, then the combined cost of lost sales and inventory will be minimized. The manager has estimated that monthly demand for recorders is normally distributed, with a mean of 180 recorders and a standard deviation of 60. Determine the number of recorders the manager should order each month to meet 90% of customer demand. MAT 540 Week 2 Homework Complete the following problems from Chapter 12: Problems 8, 16, 24, 32, 36 Chapter 12 8. A local real estate investor in Orlando is considering three
  • 53. Effective Supervision Requires Establishing Different... Effective supervision requires establishing different levels of supervision in order to know which offenders need closer supervision from those who require less supervision (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). Generally, the supervision of offenders is categorized into three or four levels: maximum, medium and minimum or maximum, high, standard, and administrative (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). The administrative level is for probationers or parolees who have committed minor offenses, satisfied financial responsibilities, and been in compliance for two years (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). Probationers and parolees on the administrative level do not require a personal visit or personal contact with the officer (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). Individuals on the administrative level are required to call in and leave a voicemail or mail in a residence verification and employment document (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). A caseload is the number of individuals that one probation or parole officer is responsible for and can supervise effectively (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). The number of people that one officer can supervise varies from state to state (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). The more intensive the supervision is the lower the officer s caseload (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). In Georgia, probation and parole caseloads are classified under two risk levels of supervision standard and high (Department of Community Supervision, n.d.). Individuals who have a sex crime conviction will be
  • 54. Speech on God vs. Science God vs. Science: 1 INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC: Good morning everyone present here, before I start speaking, I would like to share a simple dilemma that I have in my mind. This confusion is common, may it be any field in life. So, being a soldier of my country I would quote in our context only. Question is in the battle field when a soldier, a pilot in a jet plane, when face the enemy, what does he thinks will be there with him to save him GOD OR THE WEAPON he has with him. As you all must have got a hint of what is going to be the topic on which I am going to speak today. The greatest debate, the mother of discussions, which is superior GOD or SCIENCE. The soldier in the battle field would rely on the weapon in his hands, which is a piece of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite of quarrelling and contradicting each other people must concentrate on their life and duties towards their country and family. Doesn t matter what you believe if you are doing the required , having a pious heart and clean intentions both god and science will be your tools for excelling in your life. One may take the domains as support or the fear of god and the love of the technology that makes him/her do the correct thing. So personally my suggestion to every one debating over the god vs. Science , leave the discussion and start trying to reason out the differences they share and ultimately respect each other. As they say SCIENCE IS GOD FOR THE SCIENTISTS , so may it be god or science they exist , and rather glorify each others existence. Me personally , i m a believer in the all mighty god. But also i am a logical person that accepts the innovations and the arguments that science puts forward. Finally i would like to end the day with this great quote by a great person ALBERT EINSTIEN he said Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. Thank