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Class 10 Science
~Shubhika Chenna
The processes which maintains body functions and
necessary for survival are called life process.
• All the processes which together perform tasks to
maintain the body and keep the organism alive.
• There are seven essential processes in common:
movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth,
reproduction, excretion and nutrition.
• The four main processes are: -
The process of taking nutrients from food is called
nutrition. It is a critical part of health and development.
Modes of Nutrition:
Autotrophic- The organism which produce their own food
from simple inorganic material (water and carbon dioxide)
in the presence of sunlight. Ex: Plants, algae, bacteria.
Heterotrophic- The organism which depends upon
another organism to live. Ex: Human beings, Amoeba,
• Photosynthesis- The process in which green plants
convert simple inorganic material (water, carbon
dioxide) into complex organic material (6CO2 +
6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 ) in the presence of
chlorophyll and sunlight.
• Order of Events:
- Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll.
- Conversion of light energy into chemical energy
and splitting of water molecules into Hydrogen and
- Reduction of Carbon dioxide into Carbohydrates.
• Chloroplasts- These are the small organelles found
in plant cell. It contains chlorophyll, which absorb
sunlight for photosynthesis.
Saprophytes- They
obtain food from
dead or decaying
organic matter. Ex-
Bacteria, Fungi etc.
Parasitic- They
obtain food from
another organism
without killing them.
Ex- Mosquito,
Leeches, Ticks, Tice
Holozoic- The mode
of nutrition which
involves ingestion,
digestion, absorption
and assimilation of
liquid or solid organic
material. Ex-
Animals, Human
beings etc.
• Mouth- Intake of food
• Teeth- Breaks the food
• Tongue- Tasting and rolling the food
• Glands- Saliva contains enzyme (salivary
amylase) that breaks down starch (food) to
simple sugar.
 Oesophagus
• Taking food from mouth to stomach by Peristaltic
• Stomach is large organ, it expands when food
enters it.
• Gastric Glands- It releases Gastric Juice which
contains ; HCL, Pepsin and Mucus.
• HCL- Makes medium acidic kill the harmful
bacteria of food.
• Pepsin- Breaks down proteins into amino acids.
• Mucus- Protects inner lining of stomach.
 Stomach
• It is a site of complete digestion.
• Liver- It produces Bile Juice and salt.
• Bile Juice- It makes the food alkaline (breaks down into
• Bile salt- Breaks the large fat globules. This is called
• Gall bladder- Stores Bile juice and salt
• Pancreas: Tripsin- Break down protein into amino acid.
Lipase- It breaks down emulsified fat.
 Small Intestine
• Villi -Finger like projections
-Increase in surface area of absorption
-Supplies food to blood vessels
• Then blood vessels take the food to each cell of the
 Large Intestine
• Unabsorbed food is sent.
• Its walls absorb more water from the material.
• Rest of the material is removed from the body via
This process starts in the long tube called the
Alimentary canal from mouth to anus.
The process in which cells of an organism obtains energy by consuming oxygen and glucose is called Respiration.
It involves breathing.
• There are two types: Aerobic- Producing energy in the presence of oxygen.
Anaerobic- Producing energy in the absence or lack of oxygen.
Anaerobic – Absence of Oxygen:
Ethanol (C2H5OH) + Carbon Dioxide + Energy
Ex: Yeast
Lack of Oxygen:
Lactic acid (C3H6O3 ) + Energy
Ex: Muscle cells
Presence of Oxygen:
Water + Carbon Dioxide + Energy
Ex: Living Beings (takes place in Mitochondria)
• Oxygen is taken into the body through nose.
• The air is filtered by fine hairs present in the nose.
• From nose the air passed through the throat to lungs.
 In the Lungs:
The air passage divides into smaller and smaller tubes and
finally reach in the alveoli.
 Alveoli
• Balloon- like structures
• Provides a surface for exchange of gases.
• The walls of the alveoli connects with blood vessels.
• Then, oxygen dissolves in Haemoglobin from alveoli
and is carried from lungs to cells to all the body parts.
• The blood brings Carbon Dioxide from the cells
releases into Alveoli.

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  • 1. LIFE PROCESSES Class 10 Science ~Shubhika Chenna
  • 2. LIFE PROCESSES The processes which maintains body functions and necessary for survival are called life process. • All the processes which together perform tasks to maintain the body and keep the organism alive. • There are seven essential processes in common: movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition. • The four main processes are: - -Nutrition -Respiration -Transportation/Circulation -Excretion
  • 3. NUTRITION The process of taking nutrients from food is called nutrition. It is a critical part of health and development. Modes of Nutrition: -Autotrophic -Heterotrophic Autotrophic- The organism which produce their own food from simple inorganic material (water and carbon dioxide) in the presence of sunlight. Ex: Plants, algae, bacteria. Heterotrophic- The organism which depends upon another organism to live. Ex: Human beings, Amoeba, Animals.
  • 4. NUTRITION IN PLANTS • Photosynthesis- The process in which green plants convert simple inorganic material (water, carbon dioxide) into complex organic material (6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 ) in the presence of chlorophyll and sunlight. • Order of Events: - Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll. - Conversion of light energy into chemical energy and splitting of water molecules into Hydrogen and Oxygen - Reduction of Carbon dioxide into Carbohydrates. • Chloroplasts- These are the small organelles found in plant cell. It contains chlorophyll, which absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.
  • 5. HETEROTROPHIC NUTRITION Saprophytes- They obtain food from dead or decaying organic matter. Ex- Bacteria, Fungi etc. Parasitic- They obtain food from another organism without killing them. Ex- Mosquito, Leeches, Ticks, Tice etc. Holozoic- The mode of nutrition which involves ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation of liquid or solid organic material. Ex- Animals, Human beings etc.
  • 6. NUTRITION IN HUMAN • Mouth- Intake of food • Teeth- Breaks the food • Tongue- Tasting and rolling the food • Glands- Saliva contains enzyme (salivary amylase) that breaks down starch (food) to simple sugar.  Oesophagus • Taking food from mouth to stomach by Peristaltic movement. • Stomach is large organ, it expands when food enters it. • Gastric Glands- It releases Gastric Juice which contains ; HCL, Pepsin and Mucus. • HCL- Makes medium acidic kill the harmful bacteria of food. • Pepsin- Breaks down proteins into amino acids. • Mucus- Protects inner lining of stomach.
  • 7.  Stomach • It is a site of complete digestion. • Liver- It produces Bile Juice and salt. • Bile Juice- It makes the food alkaline (breaks down into simpler). • Bile salt- Breaks the large fat globules. This is called emulsification. • Gall bladder- Stores Bile juice and salt • Pancreas: Tripsin- Break down protein into amino acid. Lipase- It breaks down emulsified fat.  Small Intestine • Villi -Finger like projections -Increase in surface area of absorption -Supplies food to blood vessels • Then blood vessels take the food to each cell of the body
  • 8.  Large Intestine • Unabsorbed food is sent. • Its walls absorb more water from the material. • Rest of the material is removed from the body via Anus. This process starts in the long tube called the Alimentary canal from mouth to anus.
  • 9. RESPIRATION The process in which cells of an organism obtains energy by consuming oxygen and glucose is called Respiration. It involves breathing. • There are two types: Aerobic- Producing energy in the presence of oxygen. Anaerobic- Producing energy in the absence or lack of oxygen. GLUCOSE Anaerobic – Absence of Oxygen: Ethanol (C2H5OH) + Carbon Dioxide + Energy Ex: Yeast Lack of Oxygen: Lactic acid (C3H6O3 ) + Energy Ex: Muscle cells Presence of Oxygen: Water + Carbon Dioxide + Energy Ex: Living Beings (takes place in Mitochondria)
  • 10. HUMAN RESPIRATORTY SYSTEM • Oxygen is taken into the body through nose. • The air is filtered by fine hairs present in the nose. • From nose the air passed through the throat to lungs.  In the Lungs: The air passage divides into smaller and smaller tubes and finally reach in the alveoli.  Alveoli • Balloon- like structures • Provides a surface for exchange of gases. • The walls of the alveoli connects with blood vessels.
  • 11. • Then, oxygen dissolves in Haemoglobin from alveoli and is carried from lungs to cells to all the body parts. • The blood brings Carbon Dioxide from the cells releases into Alveoli.