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Writing Paper, Letter Pape
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Lined Writing Paper, Letter Writing Paper, Letter Pape Lined Writing Paper, Letter Writing Paper, Letter Pape
Canadian National Security
Surveillance and biopolitical governance are terms usually associated with the internal surveillance
methods of the United States, especially in light of the Snowden NSA leaks. However, Canada has
developed an elusive biopolitical national security policy that has both social and political
consequences. In April 2004, the Canada s federal government introduced its first national security
legislation, Securing an Open Society: Canada s National Security Policy (Bell 147). Discussions
surrounding a national security agenda has expanded rapidly since the tragic events of 9/11. Canada
has quoted $690 million in national security policy and strategy however, this only reflects a portion
of the actual total amount of money put towards security and ... Show more content on
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Security mechanisms used to protect the entirety of the Canadian state at the behest of certain ethnic
and religious categories become legitimized through violence acts towards political institutions or
figures (Bell 155). These ethnic and religious categories that experience biopolitical racial profiling by
the security state are typically Middle Eastern or Islamic in appearance or action. These groups of
people are increasingly being viewed as connected to terrorist activities in Middle Eastern countries.
Critics arguing the Canada s security regime breaches the Charter of Rights and Freedoms because of
the possible use of surveillance and security provisions against Canadian citizens who are members of
these ethnic and religious groups (Shaffer 200). Racial profiling in the surveillance provisions of these
security acts against politically unpopular groups should not be underestimated (Shaffer
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The Spiritual Path And Meditation Practice
Mother Teresa May have Gone Through These Seven Stages
By E. Raymond Rock | Submitted On September 08, 2007
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1. Christian: Orison (Introversion) Christian meditation and prayer.
Conversion: Here a practitioner converts from an external to an internal emphasis, as the search for
Truth, or God begins. Practitioner has good intentions, and prays or meditates occasionally.
Eastern: Practitioner begins to question life.
2. Christian: Conversion deepens: Reading books, listening to sermons, cultivating a circle of spiritual
friends. Begins occasional meditation.
Eastern: The spiritual path and meditation practice begins.
3. Christian: Purgation: Transformation of character, in order to reach higher levels of consciousness
of reality or God. Seeing our sins, our greed, hatred and illusions, and with the assistance of God and
meditation, dissolving them.
Mortification: The old character is erased. Self interests and attachments are gotten rid of. The old
personality is sublimated. This is total death to all old attachments. The old inclinations to human
pleasures and satisfactions are eliminated. There is only the desire to please God, or to
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3rd Grade Bilingual Education Curriculum
Over the years data has become a major part of school starting in pre kindergarten. Evaluations
happen every day in school. The only thing that make a different is when and what type. Is the
evaluation given after instruction daily or just after a unit? Next, what happens with the data from the
evaluation? Are the standards retaught or is it just time to move to the next unit? Being a teacher it is
baffling how you can teach a whole lesson and only half if that many of your students understood. The
concerning point is that you re not only responsible for the half that understand. You are also
responsible for the half that didn t understand. After teaching for so many years now I have noticed
there is not a perfect class. With knowing this when teachers receive bad test results on an assessment
they should ask their selves the same questions. Why do they not understand and what can I do
differently? However, these are the question that the teacher is being ... Show more content on
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Half of the study comes from a 3rd grade bilingual class and has being in bilingual class from pre
kindergarten through 3rd grade. All students are from low income poverty neighborhood surrounding
the school. With the difference in environment all these students are subject to the belief that they all
should be in the same academic achievement level as higher city students that do not live in low
income poverty areas.
Problem Statement
The purpose of this action research project is to evaluate the impact of formative assessment on fourth
grade math student s achievement. The project will use performance data to restructure spiraling back
lesson over pass standard for higher level on retention and achievement. There is one specific question
that will be attempting to be answered with this research:
1. How will formative assessments impact fourth grade students math
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Behavior Management Strategies
1.Different schools of thought provide perspectives on behavior and behavior management. Chapter 1,
Basic Concepts of Behavior and Behavior Management, presented an overview of behavioral,
psychological, and sociological approaches to behavior management. Compare two of these
approaches and explain how their perspectives are similar or different with regard to behavior,
behavior problems, discipline, attitude, responsibility, and consequences.
This candidate believes that the behavioral approach and the psychoanalytic approaches have a few
similarities and differences, when it comes to behavior management. Why do people behave the way
they do is a statement that this candidate has pondered upon, prior to this class. (Zirpoli,2008). The ...
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He still continues to act out, but we will not give up on this student.
3. One of a teacher s responsibilities is to create a safe and orderly environment for his/her students.
Ensuring this type of environment is likely to require disciplining students from time to time.
Referring to Chapter 2, Legal Considerations for Schools, describe two or more legal mandates with
regard to disciplining students. Then explain how these mandates are similar to or different from legal
considerations for students with disabilities.
According to Zirpoli, The teaching staff and administrators have the authority to not only to teach, but
to also guide and discipline their student (2008). This candidate believes that it is the teacher s job to
set standards and expectations for students, thus providing a good learning environment. This
candidate understands that there are no perfect classrooms and that this candidate would have work
with various personalities. This candidate also believes that teachers must be prepared to provide fair
and reasonable discipline to their students. Teachers have a duty to see that school order is maintained
by requiring students to obey reasonable rules and commands, respect the rights of others, and behave
in an appropriate manner. (Zirpoli, 2008). This mandate states that there are responsibilities of the
students. This candidate believes that it is important for
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Competitive Strategy Southwest Airlines
The domestic US airline industry has been intensely competitive since it was
deregulated in 1978. In a regulated environment, most of the cost increases were
passed along to consumers under a fixed rate of return based pricing scheme. This
allowed labor unions to acquire a lot of power and workers at the major incumbent
carriers were overpaid.
After deregulation, the incumbent carriers felt the most pain, and the floodgates had
opened for newer more nimble carriers with lower cost structures to compete head on
with the established airlines. There were several bankruptcies followed by a wave of
consolidation with the fittest carriers surviving and the rest being acquired or going out of
Analysis of the airline industry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main consideration for
profitable entry seemed to be the ability of airlines to fill their airplanes above the breakeven
point. In an industry fraught with price competition, brand identity and reputation
did not have significant value either.
In the airline industry, exit costs are not very high either. Planes could be easily redeployed
to other markets, or sold off, and gates and landing rights could be sub leased
to other carriers.
There are a number of substitutes to air travel, especially over short distances. These
include taking other modes of transportation such as driving, taking the train etc., or not
traveling at all. The use of technology (like WebEx, NetMeeting, video conferencing etc.)
that facilitates remote virtual collaboration is becoming a good substitute for business air
travel as well.
Supplier Power
The primary inputs to the airline industry include airplanes, labor and fuel. There are only
two major manufacturers (three at the time of the case Boeing, Airbus and McDonnell
Douglas) for large commercial aircraft. This, along with the relationship specific
investment that the airlines make in the form of trained mechanics, existing stock of
aircraft etc., is likely to give the aircraft manufacturers some supplier power. A mitigating
factor for this supplier
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Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most well-known geniuses...
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most well known geniuses in human history. This man masters
knowledge of all kind: painting, architecture, music, geology, philosophy, biology, math, physics,
chemistry, etc. His probably most famous painting, Mona Lisa, fascinated millions of people around
the world and the amazing and mysterious details in the painting attracted a number of scientists and
scholars to devote their whole career in studying them. Born and lived in Italian Renaissance age,
which is a period of time when arts flourished and knowledge was valued, Leonardo was surrounded
by many great contemporary artists and a perfect creative environment. These favorable factors
supported him to fully exercise his talents.
As a writer, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One can tell his serious attitude toward this matter through his notes on painting:
It is indispensable to a painter, in order to be thoroughly familiar with the limbs in all the positions and
actions of which they are capable in the nude, to know the anatomy of the sinews, bones, muscles, and
tendons... he may know which nerve or muscle is the cause of each movement... 3
His support for realistic and naturalistic style of painting accord with the general theme of art pieces
produced during Renaissance time. Renaissance paintings put emphasis on proportions and
mathematic perspectives1. A good painting was supposed to look as real and vivid as possible.
Leonardo s works are perfect examples regarding this aspect.
Through his notes, one can learn that Leonardo favors painting than any other forms of art. He
believes that painting is most flexible, variable, and expressive in every way, whilst sculpture is stiff,
cold, and lacks many characteristics of nature; and poem tedious to understand. 3 From his written
words, he pointed out that the eye is the central receptor of human and can appreciate the best.
Therefore painting, which stimulates people through their eyes, can most easily convey ideas and
resonate with viewers. Leonardo put extremely high value on painting. He wrote
He who despises paintings loves neither philosophy nor nature...
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Alternatives in Life in A Summons to New Orleans by...
The Unbearable lightness of choosing Because you are in control of your life. Don t ever forget that.
You are what you are because of the conscious and subconscious choices you have made. Barbara
Hall, A Summons to New Orleans, 2000 I personally agree with the writer Jon Spayde on all the
aspects he has mentioned in this paper. The writer has discoursed various facets regarding the
importance of alternatives in one s life. But, a very significant point mentioned in this article is, that
when a certain individual is in a position to make his own choices or take his own decisions he must
keep in mind that he alone will not be the one to face the consequences, but many people will be a part
of his decisions. So one must give a serious thought when making a choice, which may have an
impact not just on one life but, on the lives of many others. Mr. Spayde points out the fact, that having
a choice is the luxury of the privileged class. The unprivileged class cannot afford the luxury of
choice. Now the situation is not that bad but we all know that they have limited choices and this lack
of choice causes a problem for them in certain situations. According to my own experience, though the
lack of choices may cause hurdles at times, still, there deficiency is sometimes a blessing in disguise .
When a person is confined to a certain number of options he has no other way out, but to choose
amongst them. This might be the making of an individual. Like we consider an example of a
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Pharmaceutical Companies Stand in the Way of Treatment Essay
Pharmaceutical Companies Stand in the Way of Treatment Abstract This casebook concentrates on the
negative effects that the pharmaceutical industry s trade and production policies have on third world
nations suffering from disease epidemics. My position is that pharmaceutical companies are not
concerned with the health benefits of their drugs, but rather with the market that their drugs generate. I
illustrate this notion by describing the trade policies that pharmaceutical companies influence and the
pharmaceutical companies production policies which concentrate on producing life style drugs rather
than drugs that cure life threatening diseases. Multinational pharmaceutical giants are occupied with
producing drugs that yield the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But this is not necessarily true. Western governments are usually generous about funding drug
industry research. These governments also allow the drug companies to market discoveries and new
drugs that are produced in government and university laboratories. The most expensive aspect of
producing a drug is the pre clinical research, which is performed by the government and universities,
not the drug companies. The Academic Search Premier on the Penrose Library website was the most
useful research tool. Since this casebook topic covers an international concern that is current and at
stasis, it was necessary to use current journal articles in attaining reliable and up to date information.
The process of inquiry and acquiring information about this topic delineated the necessity of
examining several different sources and being a critical reader. In analyzing different sources of
information, it was crucial to note the validity and reliability of the source; many times it was useful to
analyze both sides of an issue in order to gain a balanced understanding of the topic at issue. In 2001,
the discovery of three letters containing anthrax spores caused widespread panic that swept across the
US. Thousands of people flocked to clinics to be tested for possible infection and hundreds were
affected by the shutdown of workplaces and public facilities. Though only a
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Essay on Women s Rights in Canadian History
A Women s Rights to Equality in Canada
Every woman has the right to moral, legal and political choice. As we look to the past, women fought
for the right to be treated the same as men and fundamentally to have the same rights as men. Prior to
the turn of the century, women had little to no rights. World War I and II gave way to change, allowing
women to work and eventually allowing them to vote. The feminist movement has made drastic
progress since the war. Today women are seen as equal and have the right not only to vote, but to be
educated. In 1977 the Canadian Human Rights Act ensured that women could no longer be
discriminated based on their sex, race, religion or sexuality. The act specified that there must be equal
pay for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Women were also allowed to get educations and go into teaching and nursing positions. The Person s
Case was another highlight which demonstrates the advancements of women s right in Canadian
history. This case included five women who ultimately help transform the way women were seen.
Emily Murphy played a significant role in establishing women s rights which led to women being
called persons in matters of rights and privileges. Furthermore, another female Canadian named Nellie
McClung helped in getting the right to vote for women. Ultimately resulting in the May 24th, 1918
Act allowing all women 21 years of age or more in Canada the official right to vote even if they did
not have the provincial license. The war brought many changes to Canada and around the world.
Women were finally being recognized for their efforts and perseverance and acquiring new freedoms
and improved rights for themselves. During the 1920 s, women became more involved in society and
continued to participate in the work force. Women continued to make half the earning men were
making at that time but by 1929 women made up about 20% of the workforce. The Women s Labour
League worked to defend women workers and the labour movement. They exposed shortfalls in the
minimum wage laws and fought for equal pay, maternity care and a women right for birth control.
Women were finally making their mark in government. By 1939,
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Comparing Barak Obama s Administration to Abraham...
Over time there has been alot of president s that has been in and out of the white house. Some of the
president s have done a great job in office some president s didn t do so good in the white house.
People in general have all sorts of different opinions on president s some people may say one
president was the best while another person may disagree. In my opinion out of all the president s
there is a man named Abraham Lincoln who i think was one of the greatest president s of all time. One
of are president s in the present who i think does not do a very good job in office is president Barack
Obama. There are a lot of reason s why i put these two in the catogories i did and in my essay i am
going to explain this reasoning behind my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Abraham Lincoln was not perfect but he was a great president.
President Obama in my opinion is one of the worst president s to ever step in office. Obama who was
born in born August 4, 1961, he is the 44th and current president of the United States. Obama in my
opinion can t keep the promise s that he makes. Obama promised to keep the unemployment rate
under 8% and making it seem a failure though the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said it
saved more than 3 million jobs and prevented a double digit jobless rate. Obama is forcing american s
to have health care not all american s can afford healthcare. They also voted on the Obamacare and
people hated it but we ended up being forced to get it anyway and for the people that can t afford it get
punished by having to pay a fine for not having it. Obama is not a strong leader at all he has driven us
so far in debt that it is unreal. To me obama doesnt seem devoted at all how can you make a health
care plan and pretty much tell people if there over 75 there just out of luck for health care in my
opinion that is sad. Obama does not take credit for his actions , when he fails to keep his promises he
points the finge at somebody else instead of taking responsibility for it. When the United States went
into a goverment shut down instead of Obama and standing up and being a leader and figuring out a
solution the shut down continued for
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Gregory Of Tours Summary
Without the religious influence of the noble women during the 6th century, Christianity would not
have spread so quickly throughout the Germanic world. Their independent lifestyle allowed for the
ability to influence noble men and subjects towards Christianity while overseeing the construction of
religious buildings.
Gregory of Tours writes a descriptive narrative of the lives of nobility in his book History of the
Franks. Any women mentioned in this narrative were of noble status. Merovingians, the leaders where
Gregory of Tours resided often attributed their powers to the aristocrats. Gregory himself was a
Bishop and therefore from a higher class as well. Since he was a Bishop it comes to no surprise that he
took interest in the religious matters and practices during King Clovis time. It should be noted that
although Gregory of Tours resided in the same century as King Clovis, he was alive after the time of
King Clovis and most other subjects listed in his History of the Franks.
He focused mostly on the rise of early Christianity in Gaul as well as Clermont Ferrand (later was ...
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Without being married to Clotild, the Christian God wouldn t of popped into his mind to pray for.
Clovis then invited the Bishop to talk to King Clovis in hopes to persuade him to convert. The Queen
invited him over in secret, again showing the spectrum of her independence. After talking to the
Bishop, King Clovis then converts himself, his subjects, and the lands he then conquers. It could be
said without Clotild s devotion, Clovis success in conquering and spreading Christianity would not
have happened. Part of the reason Gregory of Tours admires King Clovis so much is because of his
ability to spread Christianity throughout the Frankish tribes. When in reality, the Frankish wouldn t be
Christian without the efforts of Clotild and other independent noble women and their endeavors to
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My Bright Abyss Book Report
Beginning just before my senior year I went through a series of trials that continued through most of
my senior year. I wanted to do something for myself, and was encouraged to attend the National
Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). I decide to go, and so in January I set off for Indianapolis. Once
at the conference, I listened to music, met other catholic high schoolers, and participated in
workshops. I learned a lot about my faith, and about different forms of worship. This was something
that I had not previously been exposed to, as while I was a member of one of the largest parishes in
Central Ohio, it is a very traditional parish that had not exposed me to much more than the basic
teachings of the church, and also had not demonstrated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Faith can ebb and flow through a lifetime, and it is rare for it to remain constant. This was one of the
main points in Christian Wiman s My Bright Abyss. He discusses that just as we grow as individuals;
we must also grow in our faith. At this point in my senior year I was going through a particularly hard
time, and was having trouble trusting in God and believing everything would be okay. In hindsight
this may have been a good thing in the long run, as I was more receptive to the messages I received at
NCYC, particularly with respect to what prayer is, and how to pray.
I had always felt that to pray there had to be some eloquent way to convey the things that you wanted
to say to God. I also was often frustrated, as I questioned that if God was all knowing, why was it
necessary to pray to him and tell him things he already knew. Throughout my time at NCYC I came to
understand my relationship with God less like a human and omniscient being relationship, but more as
a parent and child relationship. Though He may already know what you have to tell Him, it is about
building the communication and the friendship, so that He can work best in your life. The best analogy
that I have heard about this was from one of the leaders of the trip, and he compared life to being in a
marching band. From the point of view of the musicians, it seems chaotic and as though people are
going in every direction for no apparent reason; however, from up
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History of Assassinations
The death of someone important is very tragic and can be life changing. There are people in this world
who are careless enough to kill a living person. An assassination is the murder of a person by a
surprise attack. There has been many political assassinations around the world. Each murder is
different, with different motives and conspiracies, but in the end they are just a cruel act of violence
directed to someone innocent. The United States does not have more assassinations than other
countries; there has been more assassinations in other countries around the world. Assassinations
occur because some people are against their political leaders or are mentally deranged, who just chose
their victim at random. I will talk about the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Malcom x was born on May 19, 1925 and died on February 21, 1965. He was an African American
Nationalist and religious leader. After he resigned his position in the nation of Islam and renounced
Elijah Muhammad, the FBI had informed Malcolm that he had been marked for assassination. After
repeated assassination attempts, Malcolm got bodyguards. Malcolm s home, where he lived with his
family, was firebombed, but everyone escaped alive. A week later, while Malcolm was in New York
addressing his organization of Afro American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom, he was shot fifteen
times at a close range by three men identified as black Muslims. The angry crowd, who had been
listening to Malcolm s speech, caught and beat the assassins as they attempted to flee the ballroom.
Talmadge Hayer, Norman Butler, and Thomas Johnson were all members of the Nation of Islam; they
were arrested for the assassination of Malcolm X. Martin Luther king Jr. was born on January 15,
1929 and died on April 4, 1968. He was the leader of the African American Civil Rights Movement
and an advocate for nonviolence. King arrived in Memphis, Tennessee on April 3, 1968 to prepare for
a march for the striking Memphis sanitation workers. On April 4, 1968 at 6:05 pm, Martin Luther
King was standing on the balcony of Lorraine Motel when he was shot on his right cheek, he was
immediately taken to the St. Joseph hospital and died at 7:05 pm. James Earl Ray, who escaped from
the Missouri State Penitentiary
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Servant Of Allah By Diouf
Subsequent to perusing substance of the book Servants of Allah by Diouf, clarifies and gets inside and
out of the work of African American and religious history, there is very little thought about the
historical backdrop of African American in Islam, however this book talks about the greatest effects
that Islam and African American Muslims had on the Americans.
Islam was the second Methodism religion brought into the post 1492 Americans. African Muslims
were seemed, by all accounts, to be show slaves, yet that was just face of their attributes. They carried
custom of resistance and defiance with them. Furthermore, they demonstrated opposing toward their
captors frame the start. I trust the greatest effect that African Muslims had on the America were the
reality they bring resistance, and that was against the model slaves. I trust this was huge effect on the
grounds that the settlements needed to take hostile to Muslim measures to shield the provinces from
their strikes.
As per the content the African Muslims postured noncompliance, genuine or ... Show more content on
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such as its impact on today s music. The passage says that the genre of music known as the Blues can
be traced back to the recitation of the Qur an by slaves who read during hard times. The melody is
thought to be similar to the way the west Africans read. This is interesting because todays music like
Hip Hop with its rhythmic style has a direct influence from Blues music. Another influence we see
today is that of headgears such as du rags and bandanas, the Muslim slave population had a look of
turbans and head caps. It is astonishing that America has a trace of Islam in it, something that I would
have never guessed. Looking at Muslim majority areas like Saudi Arabia and Somalia you see men
wearing turbans and kufis. I believe everything about Islam works with somewhat with every culture
in the world for most the most
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Archbasilica Essay
The Archbasilica of St. John Lateran is the home of the current Pope and one of the most important
buildings in Rome. This Christian cathedral was originally constructed for Pope Miltiades in the early
4th century over the remains of the old fort of the Castra Nova Equites Singualres. Emperor
Constantine built this church in 324 AD, making it the oldest basilica in Rome. This cathedral went
through many reconstructions throughout its history due to earthquakes and fires. Its façade was
designed by architect Alessandro Galilei, and it was completed in 1735. Pope Clement XII held a
competition for a new design of the façade in 1732 to replace the mediaeval one, and Galilei was
chosen because he was an anti Baroque forerunner of the neoclassical architectural movement. Galilei
had already been involved in the neo Palladian architectural movement in England and Ireland, and
architect Christopher Wren s work in London was a major influence on him. In designing the new
façade, he removed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Its characteristics include its grand scale, dramatic use of columns, and its simplicity of geometric
scale. Its façade is the most well known part of the building. The two story portico on the church s
front façade was constructed in the 1700 s. On the very top lies statues of of Jesus, Saint John the
Baptist, Saint John the Evangelist, and other Doctors of Greek and Latin churches, made by sculptors
of the late baroque era. The central doors are composed of bronze and were previously used at the
Roman Senate House within the Roman Forum.
Although its façade is the most well known aspect of the basilica, it is also the most criticized part. It
is often said by many critics that the main face of the basilica is more like that of a palace than a
church. Many people consider it too palace like without any of the flourishes expected of the Baroque
period in which it was
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photo 100 Essay
Question 1: A pixel is the basic binary digit used by computers. You Answered: False Correct Answer:
False Question 2: The Bauhaus was a pre World War II advertising agency that notably used Laszlo
Moholy Nagy s photographs. You Answered: False Correct Answer: False Question 3: A lower ISO
number means the camera is more sensitive to light, whereas a higher number means the camera is
less sensitive to light. You Answered: True Correct Answer: False Question 4: The shutter speed and
the sensor chip are the primary controls for adjusting the amount of light that enters the camera. You
Answered: False Correct Answer: False Question 5: Laszlo Moholy Nagy generally abided by the
strict ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You Answered: True Correct Answer: True Question 7: Giacomo Battista Beccaria and Johann
Heinrich Schultz independently discovered silver nitrate, a substance more light sensitive than silver
chloride. You Answered: False Correct Answer: False Question 8: Which of the following early digital
cameras was popular with photojournalists when it was first introduced? You Answered: Kodak DCS
200 Correct Answer: Kodak DCS 200 Question 9: Whose research served as the foundation of modern
optics? You Answered: Ibn al Haytham Correct Answer: Ibn al Haytham Question 10: Which of the
following was the subject of one of the first public demonstrations of television? You Answered: the
1936 Berlin Olympics Correct Answer: the 1936 Berlin Olympics Question 11: Videotape was
invented in which year? You Answered: 1956 Correct Answer: 1956 Question 12: Campbell Swinton s
system used which of the following to capture and display images? You Answered: electronically
sweeping cathode ray tubes Correct Answer: electronically sweeping cathode ray tubes Question 13:
Which of the following is NOT true of the first digital camera? You Answered: it provided an
immediate advantage over film Correct Answer: it provided an immediate advantage over film
Question 14: The first advances in optics began in which century? You Answered: 700 BC
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Deforestation In Costa Rica
Recently our environment and the effects of global warming have been featured prominently in the
media. Global warming was an important issue in the last presidential election, and many scientists
urge people to research the problem. When thinking of global warming many people think of melting
ice caps, or emissions from cars and power plants, blissfully unaware that deforestation is just as
destructive. When traveling to Costa Rica, the effects of deforestation are abundantly clear. The
technique of slashing and burning turned what was once a lush forest into a sea of mud and logs. Ever
since seeing this destruction, deforestation has become an area of great interest in my life. According
to a study by the Scientific American, deforestation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The World Wildlife Fund plays an important role in the conservation. By receiving donations and
partnerships, the WWF is able to lead missions that help conserve the worlds rainforests. The WWF
also does a great job of educating the public on the growing problem. A small donation is a great way
for an everyday person to help play a role in the conservation. Another way that companies can get
involved is by pledging to plant a tree for every tree they destroy. By following this system,
companies can receive a profit from the timber they cut down while rebuilding the rainforests. This
idea is being put in place, however, the rate of destruction is still much greater than the amount of
trees being planted. The UN has discovered another way to help reduce deforestation. The plan is
called REDD. The goal is to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. This plan
also looks to conserve, and sustain the forests in developing countries. REDD provides the
opportunity to reduce emissions from deforestation on a wide scale for a low cost. The International
Institute for Environment and Development s website explains how the REDD program works, As a
concept, REDD is simple. Funding rewards good forest management in developing countries and
makes poor forest management, such as indiscriminate unenforced logging, less profitable than the
sustainable alternative (International Institute for
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Penrith City Council Case Study
Penrith gathers 20,000 signatures against poor infrastructure
An online petition calling for federal funding on infrastructure development in Penrith and the outer
western Sydney region has gathered more than 20,000 signatures. Penrith City Council has started this
initiative with an aim to get problems of traffic congestion and other related problems out in the open
as federal election campaigning gets underway.
The campaign highlights the critical need to connect Sydney s outskirts to the North West and South
West regions. The project s objective is to generate more job opportunities and health access to
improve well being and togetherness in the community.
It s a question of accessibility, to be able to get around. To have a meaningful, ... Show more content
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I ll be an optimist, I believe there is going to be a federal fairly soon, and there will some further
commitments in relation to the planning of it, then budget allocations for it will be put through
regressively overtime. Though Good government, whether its liberal or labour will have to come on
board, a bipartisan agreement, the creation of the fund really has to be a solution, to progressively
build them up and spend them for the benefit of the community.
What have you done to make the public aware? How can this be enhanced to infiltrate public interest?
There s advertising everywhere, Facebook pages, YouTube advertisements, pamphlets, just last
Wednesday morning people were handing out pamphlets at railways stations, the launch of the project
in Penrith seems to have created a good deal of publicity.
How long will these improvements take once approved? Will this be chaotic on top of existing rail
lines in the process of construction?
Any construction such as this will cause disruption. It is critical to implement it in an appropriate and
timely manner. Changes are to be seen through to
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Kurosu Suicide
Japan ranked 9th in suicide rate across the world and nearly twice of the United States. In Japan
committing suicide is common about thirty thousand each year which many place to become popular
suicide spots such as, Aokigahara forest, the Sea of Trees, and at the foot of Mt. Fuji (MacFarquhar).
One reason for the Japanese to kill themselves because they had no work. There is a scene where
Kurosu committed double suicide with his wife because he has been laid off from works for more than
three months. Even though, Kurosu does not committee right away, but it is hinted in the film that he
committed suicide after his family member notices that he has been laid off from work. In traditional
Japanese s culture, suicidal parents tend to kill their
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Patricia Benner
This essay will outline Patricia Benner s nursing model novice to expert also included, will be the
development of the model. In addition, an evaluation and discussion of the major components of this
model that consists of five levels, first the novice which will be discussed in detail, second the
advanced beginner, third the competent, and fourth the proficient, finally the expert. Furthermore,
examples of how the strengths surrounding this model assist the nurse to build on the levels that help
them to reach their potential of excellence also, some critics indicate weaknesses of this model they
appear to consider important. For the purpose of this essay, the primary focus will be the role of the
mentor/tutor in relation to the student ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, the mentor assigned found the job of mentoring less stressful resulting in a relationship of
mutual understanding (Busen Engebretson, 1999). In addition, a novice can be a competent nurse or
expert nurse starting a new job (Benner, 1984). Second, Benner et al (2009) describe the advanced
beginner level as a nurse who has acquired their degree and starting out in practice, as a newly
graduated nurse with significant experience. The advanced beginner will begin to understand the
important features to this level, to differentiate between this level and the novice level Benner called
these features situational because the focus of this model is the actual performance of the nurse and
the results that occur in a specific situation. For example, the nurse begins to recognize changes that
occur before any obvious complications develop (intuition); this is possible when the nurse has had a
sufficient amount of hands on experience. Finally, at this level a mentor will prepare the advanced
beginner with further guidelines in their clinical profession. However, the advanced beginner is still
attempting to organize the importance of tasks that need completing for the patient and the different
stages of the illness the patient goes through. Furthermore, Baltimore (2004) indicates that current
work places are encountering insufficient orientation adding, to the challenges the nurse is already
experiencing. Third, the competent nurse who has
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Disadvantages Of Caadmium
All of us are well acquainted with the fact that cadmium (Cd) is one of the components of the earth s
crust and it will remain present in several places or in different ecosystem on earth i.e., terrestrial,
aquatic and others. Benavides et al. (2005) reported that cadmium is one of the most hazardous heavy
metals in the atmosphere, soil and aquatic system which is finally going into our food chain and
responsible for serious environmental problem and finally leading to the health hazards for the living
organism, for instance, mutagenesis, lung cancer, convulsion and brain damage. The alleviation or
inhibition of cadmium in plants has, therefore, caused extensive attention of the whole society
(Uraguchi et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2008). It is must to know about cadmium their ... Show more
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Cadmium and cadmium compounds are, compared to other heavy metals, relatively water soluble and
mobile compound in most soils, generally more bio available and tends to bio accumulate. It induces
cell injury and death by interfering with calcium (Ca) regulation in biological system. Cadmium is not
essential for plant or animal life (IPCS monographs/WHO1995a; WHO1995b). It is more mobile than
zinc but less mobile than nickel. Cadmium is readily accumulated by many organisms, particularly by
microorganism and mollusks where the bio concentration factors are in the order of thousands. Its
mobility essentially depends on the pH; the metal s adsorption to the soil s solid phase can be
multiplied threefold for every unitary increase in pH in a range from 4 to 8. Terrestrial plants may
accumulate cadmium in the roots and cadmium is found bound to the cell walls (AMAP 2002). The
pH level is one of the most important factors controlling cadmium absorption. Compared with other
micropolluants such as Cu or Pb, transfer of Cd to the above ground parts of the plant may be
considered as
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The Problem Of Child Labor Laws Essay
i. In developing countries, such as in India, child are are forced to work, often as the result of a system
of debt bondage where their family trades a small amount of money with an individual and in return,
their child is sent away to work, and some of these families will never see their child again. Many of
these children, due to the either the lack of regulation or as a result of a country simply turning a blind
eye to the reality of child labor that violates child labor laws . As we saw in the video from class about
the chocolate child labor farmers, many of these children engage in backbreaking work, from sunrise
to sunset, and as a result lose their childhood, their ability to go to school, their ability to play with
other kids, because of the debt bondage their family agreed to. This is what was experienced by Iqbal
Masih. As a four year old boy, his parents sold him into debt bondage for 600 rupees, or less than $6,
to an employer who owned a carpet weaving business. Corsaro explains that child labor is especially
desired in the carpet weaving business because they can squat easily, and their nimble fingers can
make the smallest, tightest knots . He woke up before dawn and made his way, bound in chains, down
to the factory for work. He worked at that faculty for 6 years, working 12 hours a day, everyday. At the
age of ten, he found out that bonded labor was illegal, and tried to escape. After escaping, he made a
decision to help others like him, and as a result,
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The Differences Between Calvinism And Arminianism
Has God decided whether or not you will be saved and go to Heaven? Is there anything you can do in
determining your place in either Heaven or Hell? Calvinism and Arminianism are two differing
theological standpoints that have been and are being debated frequently. These stances give an answer
to the question of whether or not people are subject to predestination. Both sides hold that they are
correct and backed by biblical proofs. Upon having a first look towards both views it is immediately
clear and evident that it is rather difficult to discern which of the two have strong biblical support.
Calvinism and Arminianism are held by all sorts of Christians from all denominations. To achieve a
better understanding of each view it is important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This means that without God granting us faith we cannot choose to have it and therefore not receive a
key to paradise. So Calvinism rose as a new way of viewing salvation in response towards the
Catholic Church s twisted and deformed teachings to gain money from the common man. What does
Calvinism teach exactly? According to David N. Steele and Curtis Thomas in their article The Five
Points of CALVINISM Defined, Defended, Documented Calvinism holds that Salvation is
accomplished by the almighty power of the Triune God. The Father chose a people, the Son died for
them, the Holy Spirit makes Christ s death effective by bringing the elect to faith and repentance,
thereby causing them to willingly obey the gospel. The entire process (election, redemption,
regeneration) is the work of God and is by grace alone. Thus God, not man, determines who will be
the recipients of the gift of salvation. Calvinism can be better understood when taking a look at the
five points of Calvinism commonly referred to as T.U.L.I.P, which stands for Total Depravity,
Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints (Slick
The Five Points of Calvinism ). The first point, total depravity, states that man is completely affected
by sin. However, this does not mean that man is
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Stock Market Crash Of 1929 Research Paper
Stock Market Crash of 1929
The Great Crash, also known as the Stock Market Crash of 1929 was the worst economic crash in U.S.
history. The 1920s is the most interesting topic about the United States past that go from life during
the beginning of the 1920s which was the prime days for the American people. To go inside the stock
market crash of 1929, which almost destroyed the country and its people. Then learning about the
interesting facts about the causes and effects that the crash brought not only the U.S. but the whole
world is mind blowing. Life after the crash of the stock market would ultimately lead to the fall of the
country and the great depression. The stock market crash of 1929 was the worst economic downfall in
the history of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Kimberly Amadeo, a writer for The Balance in an article said, The crash wiped people out. There were
forced to sell businesses and cash in their life savings. She also said, You can t have a healthy
economy without confidence in the market. This was said, because the market started to take a harder
hit when people were scared of losing all their money, so they took it out of the banks and the market.
Thousands of people were fired from work and could not end up finding a job after. The
unemployment rate in the country dropped 25 percent because of people being fired, or people losing
companies. The crash ruined hundreds of thousands of Americans lives and put them out on the street
to live. Ultimately the crash led to the Great Depression, which was the worst depression that any
country has ever gone through. The Great Depression lasted from 1929 1939 and the only way
possible for America to pull itself out of it was to join World War
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The Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe
There is no genius without some touch of madness. (Aristotle) However, when it is fueled by constant
denial, madness can suddenly turn into a force that completely controls us. The Tell Tale Heart , a
short story by Edgar Allen Poe, explores the effects of madness on an individual s character and
actions through the narrator and his attempt to convince the reader and himself of his sanity. The story
follows his struggles in constantly denying his madness, rather than accepting what he is. As the short
story progresses, it becomes evident that even a touch of madness can go on to overtake our thoughts
and actions especially if we cannot accept it as an essential part of us. An individual s ability to accept
and face madness is directly related to their personal sense of acknowledgement and their self
awareness that is associated with that. The narrator confesses that the sole reason for killing the old
man is his eye. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees very gradually I made
up my mind to rid myself of the eye for ever. The narrator begins his tale of madness by trying to
convince the reader he is not insane, but the reader quickly speculates that the narrator indeed is out of
control. The fact that the old man s eye is the only motivation to murder him proves the narrator is so
mentally unstable that he must search for justification to kill. In his mind, he rationalizes murder with
his own unreasonable fear of the eye. The narrator
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Culture Of Afric Africa
INTRODUCTION The incomprehensible mainland of Africa is so rich and different in its society with
it transforming beginning with one of the nation then coming the next one as well as inside an
individual nation numerous diverse societies might be found. Much of Africa s social action focuses
on the family and the ethnic gathering. Symbolization, music, and oral writing serve to fortify existing
religious and social examples. The Westernized minority, impacted by European society and
Christianity, initially dismisses African conventional society, yet with the ascent of African patriotism,
social recovery happened. The legislatures of most African countries encourage national move and
music gatherings, storehouses, and to a lesser degree, craftsmen and journalists. Africa was the
origination of the human species between 8 million and 5 million years prior. Today, the larger part of
its tenants is of the indigenous cause. Individuals over the mainland are strikingly assorted by pretty
much any measure: They talk an inconceivable number of diverse dialects, polish several unique
religions, live in an assortment of sorts of abodes, and accept piece in a different variety of financial
actions. Through the hundreds of years, person s groups from distinguish area of the planet have
settled there. Verifiably, Arabs have been the most various workers. Beginning in the seventh century
commercial, they crossed into North Africa from the Middle East, the
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The Role Of Voting In The UK
Some European friend asked me how I am going to vote in the UK EU referendum. That is a question
not only the majority of people in the UK and Europe is asking and contemplating, whether to be in,
or to be out of the EU. I told my European friends I really don t know how I am going to vote. I haven
t yet made up my mind. The politicians don t know what will happen, and if the people in the UK vote
leave the EU neither are they able to predict the outcome. This referendum has split political parties,
and has brought political enemies to join forces. One side says vote to stay in, and the other side says,
vote to get out. Both sides are spreading fear and scaring people. They keep repeating and spinning the
same panic about what might or might not happen. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The leave EU campaigner s side is telling people how much money UK could save when we leave,
how UK could have the right to trade with other countries freely, and how the UK could have a more
secure border. If the UK vote to get out of the EU, the truth is, no one really knows what will happen
or what will not
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Argumentative Essay On Vaccination
A great deal of blame for vaccine preventable diseases all across the world is poverty. Most of the
diseases we vaccinate against are still evident in areas have more poverty in the world. This is why
when people travel there is a specific set of vaccines that are required before you can leave or reenter
the country (Sanford, 2016). Now, in Doctor s offices in Maine they ask you if you have left the
country in the past 30 days. Early on there were misplaced social pressures, and wealthier families
were vaccinating because of the others in their social groups. It is also said that the number of
unvaccinated adults and children in poverty is because of their lack of education (Plotkin, 2014).
Global Context Immunizations are looked at differently across the world. American s look at the
vaccinations the are offered in a more entitled sense. They are there, and the diseases are not, so some
parents think of them as optional. Even though it is state law in Maine and across the country that we
vaccinate school age children and children in daycare. I have a close friend that raised her children in
South Africa. I asked her her views on vaccinations and her response was that they are absolutely a
great and necessary privilege. She lived in an area where these diseases are present, and if you were
not vaccinated the threat of these diseases and contracting them was very real. All children who were
able were vaccinated, she hadn t even heard of anti vaccinators and was appalled that there were
people who would put their children at such a risk. Another country that has a poor immunization rate
is New Zealand, only 60% of people vaccinate their children (Hamilton, 2004). There were small
studies conducted to investigate who so few parents vaccinated their children. One of the outcomes
they found was for various religious beliefs (Hamilton, 2004). Another reason was because many
parents had inadequate education and they felt there was too much risk associated with vaccinations.
An issue globally, is that there is little knowledge on how to reach the older age group in developing
countries (Davey, 2009). School attendance is increasing globally, so medical professionals are
considering tightening the
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Explain Why It Is Important To Understand The Stages Of...
It is important to remember when looking at child and young person development that development is
a learning and holistic process. Each child is unique, they will develop at their own rate and in their
own way. A broad average of when children and young people are expected to reach particular stages
is set out through milestones of development. Some children may reach certain milestones either in
advance or later than other children, this is their rate of development. To give an example some
children may be showing signs of puberty in their last year of primary school where others may not. It
is important to understand this individual rate of development so that staff can offer the correct
support to the child. Extra support maybe required
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A Speech On The Dark Side
I was in a poor mood the moment I opened my eyes. Not only did I have a headache, my dad left the
house early. I knew where he had snuck off to and I should finally realize there was no use raising my
hopes. He will never keep his promise no matter how much I fool myself into believing his lies. He
was addicted to gambling and no amount of hearing his hollow words about quitting will ever happen.
The one button he always pushes is when he says his little problem is much better than him being a
booze hound or a drug addict. I had finally gotten tired of him using this excuse and counted with it
didn t matter in the end because all of them can get you put into the hospital or in the ground just as
fast. I felt ashamed about last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How could it not be with my father always at the track and me at my part time jobs and going to
afternoon, night, and weekend classes at the local community college? I did burn out a few lightbulbs
studying several nights in a roll before exams, but my books had my attention more than the TV in the
living room that was collecting dust. A single lightbulb use less electric then the boob tube. I was also
fortunate that my part time jobs gave me numerous opportunities to study. I worked at the exit gate of
the parking lot at the mall during the day when there were very few shoppers. Because of gas fumes
you could only work so many days in a row. I also worked at the local condiment plant as quantity
control. That job had me checking all outgoing shipments heading north. It was always the smallest
orders with the shortest routes, but it was the one that had the most complaints of missing items (until
I started doing the quantity control). The job was simple. Once an order for the trucks are counted and
tagged for each supermarket on the trucker s route is done, there is nothing left to do until the
Loadmaster call me over to check on the next shipment. Oh, but there was one more. My last part time
job was working at a bookstore as a cashier during the day. It s not unusual for someone working at a
book store to see them nose deep into a book. The benefit working this particular job is that no one
bothered you unless they needed help knowing which
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Schema, Assimilation, And Accommodation
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the application of 3 key cognitive terms, Schema,
Assimilation, and Accommodation, to the author s experience of military medical training. First, the
author will briefly explain each term. Next, the author will describe how these terms can be
experienced with military medical training as an instructor. A schema is a state of understanding to
which our beliefs are formed and a framework is established. This framework is a direct template of
how we see everything in the world. When we are learning about a dog we take its traits and form a
schema. Those traits are as such: ears, four legs, and licks. Dale Doty states (2013, 0:39) we then use
the schema we have developed as a means to compare new information against. Now when we are
faced with new animals we then use our schemas to see if it fits under any of those templates we have
already created. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dale Doty states (2013, 1:12) when you can add new information into an existing schema you have
experienced the cognitive process of assimilation. Going back to that same example of the dog. Now
we see a dog in real life and we are comparing our template to the real thing. We then notice that the
dog also has the traits of barking and are furry. We then add that new information into the schema and
update our template of the dog. Now every time we are asked about the characteristics of dogs we
know they are ears, four legs, licks, barks, and is
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The Creation Of The United Nations
The creation of the United Nations (UN), the largest organization in the world introduced a new
reform for collective security around the world after the failure of the League of Nations. Such a
reform is vital for the international community as it zealously promotes concord and security, which is
the most important goal in the 21st century. Thus, has the UN been successful in promoting
international peace and security? To an extent, they have been when it comes to certain economical,
humanitarian and environmental conflicts that occur within particular situations. However, one must
take into account that the UN has failed in promoting such an itinerary when it came to the nuclear
proliferation, the failure to uphold amity in Sri Lanka, Rwanda and Srebrenica Massacre.
The failure of the League of Nations caused the establishment of the United Nations after the Second
World War in 1945. After the establishment of the UN in 1945, the world became divided
ideologically into two camps, whose leaders the USSR and the US treated each other in total suspicion
and appeared to oppose each other on every major issue. (Diel Latif) It was impossible to create
international peace and security when the world has been divided into two camps who distrusted and
oppose each other.
As a matter of fact, when Ceylon was under the rule of the British they imported labors from the
southern state of India, Tamil Nadu. After the British colonial rule ended, Ceylon was given
independence in
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Effectiveness Of The Jackson County Oregon
The Effectiveness of the Jackson County Oregon
Community Family Court
Brandi Briggs
Arizona State University
CRJ 308 16169 spring 2015
Dr. Gary Sweeten
The Effectiveness of the Jackson County Oregon
Community Family Court
According to the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), 1 out of every 100
people in the United States has been incarcerated ( The Facts on Drugs, n.d.). Substance abuse is
partly to blame. Approximately 60 percent of prison inmates had a positive drug test when they were
arrested (National Institute of Justice, 1999). A judge supervises community family drug courts and
assists non violent parents with drug related issues while still holding them accountable for their
crimes. Drug courts are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Census Bureau, n.d.). In 2001, the Jackson County Oregon CFC program was started (Carey, S.M. et
al., 2010, p. II). The program length takes at least 12 months to complete and involves three different
phases of treatments and requirements in order to graduate successfully. Participation in the program
was determined on an individual basis by the court. Participants were excluded if they refused to
admit they had a substance abuse problem or were charged with a felony. Participation or graduation
from the program does not guarantee successful family reunification (Office of Justice Programs,
n.d.). The CFC program incorporates the Ten Key Components of Drug Courts guidelines that are a
national standard set by the NADCP to assess drug court programs (Carey, S.M. et al., 2010, p. I). One
key component the CFC program included using a multi disciplinary team approach that was
coordinated with the court system. By using multiple agencies such as the court system, drug
treatment programs and child welfare systems the program was able to promote better results with
participant recovery and family reunification (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs Bureau
of Justice Assistance, 2004). Treatments and programs were individualized to each participant s
unique needs. Participants were also screened and placed in treatment quickly which, in the long run,
resulted in less time for the child to be in foster care. Placing participants in
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Cougar Visa Case
Cougar Visa: Developing a Means End Chain for a Credit Card
A) Using the data provided, perform a means ends analysis.
During this case study, we can see that the current state the following: there are an increasing number
of competitors in the credit industry. More and more companies enter this industry, making even more
difficult for the bank to compete and gain more customers shares. So, we ve perform a means end
analysis of the situation in order to get the maximum information for them improve their services and
be more efficient. The goal of this means end analysis was to find a way to differentiate from the
others by any means. But the first step of it was to find out what s important for the customers when
we re talking a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We could conclude from that analysis that this means end chain helped us to define a bit more what a
credit card customer is expecting when making the decision to go for a company more than another. If
we have that in mind, then it s much more easier to differentiate the company from the competition
and as a results try to gain market shares.
B) What segments have been neglected?
After having a look at the whole document, and after having analyzed the means end chain, we could
say that some segments have been neglected. Indeed, we talk about all the added value option that we
could actually encounter in a credit card but there isn t any research or data on that. Like what kind of
option are the most wanted (insurance? travellers checks ? no international fees ? etc...). Furthermore,
we could see that we lack some information about the link between the attributes and the benefices.
Indeed, we have then both but we don t really know the relation between them, which makes it more
difficult to do the means end chain.
C) What changes, if any, in the product positioning might be recommended based on the attribute
desired? Do you need additional information?
When you see table 2, you could retrieve the information about what s most important for the
customers when we are talking about a credit card. Then, we have the
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Why Is Deadpool Better Than Spider Man
Bang bang, gunshots rang out over the streets as Deadpool s enemies fall to the ground, now they can t
harm anyone. Deadpool s powers are absolutely amazing. Deadpool uses situations that happen in
everyday life. Deadpool has a great background. Why is Deadpool better than Spider Man. Deadpool
has by far the best powers in the Marvel Universe. One could easily think that Spider Man s Spidey
sense is the best power to have, however what this argument overlooks is that in issue four hundred of
The Amazing Spider Man, Peter uses his Spidey sense to dodge a bullet but Aunt May is standing
behind him and gets hit. If it had been Deadpool he would have broken the fourth wall and moved
everyone around so the marksman gets hit. Deadpool s powers ... Show more content on
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It is sad that people use profanity in real life everyday, but it does happen, so when Deadpool uses
profanity it makes him more real world. Spider Man gets his head bashed in and doesn t really show
anger, when Deadpool gets his head bashed in he gets angry and kills the villain so they can t harm
anyone anymore. In Spider Man no one really dies except for people close to him, all of the 8.406
million people in New York City seem to never even get injured. Deadpool has more real world
concepts and situations than Spider Man. Deadpool has a way better background than Spider Man.
Mutated cancer cells are more realistic than being bitten by an irradiated spider. There are people in
real life with mutated cells, like people with Heterochromia iridum, or the mutation that gives a person
different colored eyes. According to gizmodo.com Peter would probably pee out the toxins within 14
days, the DNA wouldn t have time to combine with each other. Deadpool s background is just more
realistic than Spider Man s. Deadpool is better than Spider Man. Deadpool s powers are better than
Spider Man s. Deadpool is more real world than Spider Man. Deadpool has a better background than
Spider Man. Spider Man is old news, Deadpool is
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Why Is It Hard To Engage In A Social Movement
Q 1: Those more likely to engage in a social movement are, the relatively well off, well educated, and
active (Meyer 62). Furthermore, movements for collective action, tend to be full of people from the
middle class and above (63). In other words, the type of people who are the easiest to mobilize for
collective action in a social movement are college educated individuals who are not living paycheck to
paycheck. Individuals who are less likely to participate are those without biographical availability , a
term coined by Doug McAdam to mean the absence of responsibilities in terms of financial or
emotional support. A lack of availability will make these individuals the hardest to mobilize when
compared to your average college student.
Q 2: Utilizing various incentives is useful when trying to increase mobilization for collective action.
Meyer mentions three kinds of incentives that can be employed: purposive, material, and solidary.
Purposive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They maintain the flow of resources coming to them by offering services to the community or
donating money to supportive political candidates. One good example of this is the National Rifle
Association (NRA), which provides various services such as gun safety classes and a monthly
magazine while donating money to political candidates in order to generate more funding and new
membership. Other ways that SMOs support themselves include the use of email capture and Internet
connections such as Moveon.org. Starting as a reaction to the desire to impeach President Clinton, this
website continues on today by using e mail and petitions that create a virtual march to get their goals
across. Meanwhile, other organization such as the Public Interest Research Groups use paid persons to
go door to door getting signatures and donations from various
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Consider The Lobster By David...
In his essay Consider the Lobster, it s apparent what David Foster Wallace is trying to tell his
audience: we should really think about the lobster s point of view before cooking and eating it.
Wallace uses multiple rhetorical strategies to get his point across, including pathos and ethos. His
essay is very good in how it gets its point across, and how it forces even the largest lobster consumers
to truly contemplate how the lobster might react being boiled alive. It brings up many controversial
topics of animal rights that many people tend to avoid, especially people who are major carnivores.
Wallace s use of rhetorical strategies really gets the reader thinking, and thoroughly captures the
argument of many vegetarians against the consumption of animals. Wallace captures the use of pathos
in his essay and uses it in a way that is incredibly convincing to the reader. For example, he compares
the Maine Lobster Festival to how a Nebraska Beef Festival could be, stating, at which part of the
festivities is watching trucks pull up and the live cattle get driven down the ramp and slaughtered right
there... (Wallace 700). Playing off of people s natural tendency to feel bad for the cattle, he shows that
the killing of lobster is, in reality, no different than the killing of cattle, but we treat it much
differently. We tend to think that lobsters are different because they are less human than cows are, and,
maybe to make us feel better about our senseless killing of an animal,
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How Influential Enoch Was On The Apostolic Fathers
A comparison between 1 Enoch and New Testament follows. The purpose is to demonstrate how
influential Enoch was on the Apostolic Fathers.
Jude 1:6 And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has
reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.
1 Enoch 12:4 Go and make known to the Watchers of heaven who have abandoned the high heaven,
the holy eternal place, and have defiled themselves with women.
1 Enoch 15:3, 7 For what reason have you abandoned the high, holy, and eternal heaven; and slept
with women and defiled yourselves with the daughters of the people... I did not make wives for you
for the proper dwelling place of spiritual beings of heaven is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Surely you used to be holy, spiritual, the living ones, possessing eternal life; but now you have defiled
yourselves with women, and with the blood of the flesh begotten children.
1 Enoch 9:5, 7 You have made everything and with you is the authority for everything... Semyaz, to
whom you have given power to rule over his companions, co operating, they went in unto the
daughters of the people of the earth; and they lay with them with those women and defiled themselves,
and revealed to them every kind of
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Atheism Research Paper
Atheism is defined as the belief that divine beings do not exist. Atheists often dispute that atheism is
human s natural state of mind (Greywood). The prefix a , meaning without, and the root theism ,
meaning a belief in divine beings, consequently creates the word s definition: without belief in divine
beings (Sexton). Why do some hold this view in a world that is mostly religious? Perhaps to answer
such a question one should explore and venture to know it. Though first introduced in a sophisticated
and educated manner in Ancient Greek schools of thought, to an atheist s point of view, atheistic
thinking has existed since the first intelligent species of humanoids (Greywood). Atheists assert that
humans are naturally unaware of any divine beings unless indoctrinated about subjects that correlate
with tales of divinity. Throughout history, atheists transitioned from being the loathed members of
society to existing peacefully in society. In Middle Aged Europe any openly, expressed disbelief in the
prevalent religion of the day was met with prompt accusations of heresy. The reigning Roman
Catholic Church persecuted accused heretics: a persecution that often ended at the grave ... Show
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Some atheists were born into a secular family, and a life without a divine figure is all that they have
ever known. Some were once very pious and active within a religious or philosophical organization,
but learned more about what they were upholding and seen fault. Some feel that science solely and
unequivocally explains the universe and, as a result, living organisms: finding it entirely unreasonable
to believe that a never before seen figure created everything the human eye can see (Sexton). But
nonetheless, despite the precise reason for lacking a belief in divine beings, all atheists unanimously
agree that they lack belief in divine beings because they view them to be
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My Beach Essay
8 of the Best Caribbean beaches to satisfy your wanderlust
When you think of vacations, what comes in mind, apart from beaches? It doesn t matter because
beaches are the best spots for vacations anyway. There are more than one reason behind it the sound of
waves, the splash of water against your body, the feel of sand rubbing against you and the warmth of
the Sun all of them conspire together to make you fall in love with beaches. And nothing gets better
than the Caribbean. Dubbed as the spot where modern world meets nature, Caribbean islands have
been a great tourist spot for decades now, thanks to its beautiful beaches. Among the numerous island
and multitudes of beaches, it has always been hard to find the perfect vacation spot. S to help you out,
we have found the best places in the Caribbean that you MUST visit:
1. Anguilla
For those who love solitude, this is the perfect island. Being one of the ... Show more content on
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Situated in the West Caribbean, the Seven Mile beach is one of its prime attractions which house
numerous hotels and resorts, among other things. If you like some adventure, Cayman Islands offer
scuba diving and snorkeling, apart from the chance to swim beside actual stingrays. For those you like
a different kind of adventure, there are two major shipwrecks (apart from many minor ones) near the
shores which serve as good tourist attractions.
6. Vieques
What makes an island look like an island? The feeling of being deserted. This is exactly what Vieques
offers you, except that it also offers you the bountiful of beauty. With only the population of that of a
really small town, Vieques remains an unexplored beauty that is seeking the more serious travellers
towards it. This solitude especially attracts the newly wed couples, and it has been a favorite
honeymoon destination for quite some time now. Oh, and while you are it, do find time to visit
Mosquito Bay.
7. Puerto
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Dunn s Model
1. The database used was UNF s OneSource and the key words were sensory processing in
adolescences with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) . The population of students I work with is
teenagers with ASD. The more I understand their perception, the more effective I am as a teacher.
2. and 3. De la Marche, Steyaert, and Noens acknowledged the work of previous researchers by using
Dunn s model of sensory processing as well as the Sensory Profile (SP) questionnaire. Dunn s model
establishes 4 sensory quadrants Low Registration (high threshold, passive reaction) Sensation Seeing
(high threshold, active reaction), Sensory Sensitivity (low threshold, passive reaction), an Sensory
Avoidance (low threshold, active reaction). In addition, the acknowledgement of Kern et al as well as
Leekam, Nieto, Libby, Wing, and Gould concluded that over time sensory processing changes. While
genetics of ASD is estimated to 90%, it is a challenge to prove through causal genetic or chromosomal
abnormalities. Therefore, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The participants were from a larger family study of Leuven Autism Research Families. The
adolescents with ASD and their adolescent siblings were randomly contacted by mail and by phone.
All participants were administered the Developmental, Dimensional, and Diagnostic Interview (3di)
with parents. This served to validate the clinical diagnosis as well as to gather quantitative data on
various development areas to be used for further research. Additionally, the adolescents were given the
Adult/Adolescent Sensory Profile (AASP) self reporting questionnaire, plus parents completed the
Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS). After exclusions of intellectual disabilities, SRS scores above the
cutoff score, participants who were administered antipsychotic drug, or had a hearing loss, the
research study consisted of 80 adolescents with ASD and 56 full siblings of 87 different families. The
control adolescents came from 21 different families and had 33
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Essay On Holiday Bonus
How Much to Give for a Holiday Bonus Year end bonuses have always been a hot topic and subject of
much debate and controversy. The will they, won t they? guessing game can become quite a stressful
one, but it seems that overall, there has been an increase in the amount being paid out in bonuses.
According to figures from the Office for National Statistics, £44.3 billion was paid out in bonuses in
the 2015/16 financial year, which is a 4.4% increase from the previous 12 months. That said, the
finances and insurance industry have not been so lucky with an average slump of £5 billion since the
economic downturn in 2007/08, while the rest of the economy has seen impressive growth. And the
areas with the most generous employers? Global ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Finding and retaining top talent is a tough feat for employers, so you need to be prepared to go the
extra mile to keep the talent you do have. In fact, 48% of UK employers predicted not being able to
hire suitable candidates to fill permanent positions in 2017, while 72% of businesses cite problems
attracting skilled employees. That said, an annual bonus can not only lift spirits but also give staff a
reason to stay at your company. Improve Levels of Motivation Holiday or year end bonuses or
monetary gifts can be used as a tool to motivate staff and propel them to achieve specific goals, meet
targets or complete projects. These can act can important motivators that can benefit both the staff and
the business as a whole. What Companies Need to be Aware of When Gifting Holiday Bonuses While
a bonus is usually given by the discretion of a company, some restrictions still apply when handing it
out at the office: Tax Implications There will likely be tax implications associated with holidays
bonuses in the workplace. Bonuses are not as simple as merely handing over a gift. Bonuses are
taxable, just as any other payment would be. Policies There may be policies put in place within your
company regarding bonuses and gifts, so it is best to be aware of these policies before making
promises to your team. Fairness Bonuses can
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To Secure These Rights
9) How far do you agree that the years 1945 55 saw only limited progress in improving the status for
African Americans?
Life had only improved to a small extent. There was only limited progress in solving the problem of
segregation, the violence continued, new employment opportunities and voting rights were not readily
available and whilst there was de jure change in the areas of transport and education, de facto change
was lacking.
One of the areas that changed were segregation, Truman established a committee to investigate race
relations and to safeguard the rights of minorities. The report of this committee published in 1947 was
called To Secure These Rights . It called for many drastic changes to be made to the law e.g. to secure
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Thus, during the Truman presidency, it rulings in a number of cases appeared to challenge Plessy v
Ferguson e.g. 1946 Morgan v Virginia prohibited segregation on interstate transport. The Morgan v
Virginia case did not lead to a change in practise. As a result in 1947 CORE launched a Journey of
Reconstruction. A mixed race team planned to travel by bus from the northern to southern states; their
aim was to draw public attention to the fact that many states were not following the Supreme Court.
Public attention was gained but it failed to achieve change. The UDL organised a week long bus
boycott in Louisiana s capital Baton Rouge in June 1953.
Another area that showed the some improvement was education, Their first successful challenge to
segregation in education came in 1950. The NAACP argued that Sweatt was entitled to an education
equal to that of whites at the Law school. The courts decided that they did not have to integrate the
white Law school and set up a law school for blacks. The NAACP rejected this and went to the
Supreme Court; they argued that the new law school was inferior. The Supreme Court agreed and
ordered the University of Texas Law School to accept Sweatt as a student 1950 McLaurin v Oklahoma
State University upheld the rights of black students to receive equal Higher Education. Another key
event supporting this issue was in 1954, this case came to the Supreme Court. It had been sponsored
by the National
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A Story In Short Story
Stories In a city a family living. In their family Father Mr. A, Mother Mrs. B, Son Mr. C, Daughter s D
and E. Mr. An utilised as a part of an assumed and his measures do great at all around as the same
totally actualized in their family. Mrs. B housewife and doing a little article plotting as entertainment
developer. Their young people Mr. C and Ms. D and E went to their school and they additionally
continually take after his dad standards Always tell the truth, without pay off in the works, considers,
regard the Elders, regard the women, don t battle anyone, don t abuse useless working environments,
don t lead any wrong individuals. Time passing away. One day at his home one little occasion
happens. Mr. A s tyke was counter towards at his school some individual s Scale and wood Ink Pen
found in his sack and dad rebuked him why you was stolen and he beaten him and let him know
always told the Truth . That Mr. C was easy going to tell he buys the Scale and wood Ink Pen his mom
given her cash, in light of the way that in his family monetary matters just directing Mr. A, on the off
chance that he tells the matter his dad will true blue to his mom. Furthermore, on that day Father Mr. A
given his sustenance and safe house outside as prepare. He uncovered and on that day he picks in any
case I come clean in my life. In like manner, after they are astoundingly planning with their family in
regards to articles, books, cash, materials, etc. Mr. C is going routinely to his school, at his school he
tells his lords always truth. One day an examination went to their school and gets a few information
about subjects and assorted exercises. Likewise, the Teachers who in like way by and large offered
tenets to Mr. C will remain noiseless and his seat relegated to him finally situate else it will something
happens to their school. The examination, individuals came to Mr. C class and gets a little information
about the showing educators and school. Moreover, finally they ask Mr. C and he calmly answers
through his head enhancements. What s more, after he expect about the School, his living Town, his
Country. Is there any wrongdoing to come clean in any case I admit this is my family gauges.
He goes up against the issues
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Boethius And Stoicism In The Consolation Of Philosophy
Marcus Aurelius in Meditations, believes that practicing stoicism will bring a person true happiness.
Stoicism is an act of independence, and having a state of mind that all things that happen in life are
meant to happen. Regardless what happens, stoics do not let it affect their actions or state of mind.
Boethius in The Consolation of Philosophy, believes happiness is recognizing that a man s desires
being fulfilled is not true happiness, but having a relationship with God is true happiness. Religion is
practicing a healthy relationship with your God. A healthy relationship would be keeping God as a
priority. Boethius and Marcus Aurelius both come up with philosophies that are in place for a person
to reach a epidemy in life of true ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He wrote a textbook on music that was used until modern times. Boethius did many great things in his
life, until he was charged with conspiring to deliver Rome from his rule, and was thrown into prison
for the rest of his life. It is questioned whether his philosophy stands, due to the way he conspired it.
Boethius was chained up in a dark dungeon, when a woman appeared in front of him. This was the
start of the Consolation of Philosophy, and it is debatable whether he was crazy or simply just using
her as a literary device for our reading. Marcus Aurelius lived around 140 A.D., which was considered
Ancient Era He was known as one of the greatest rulers of all time. Meditations was wrote from the
journal of Marcus Aurelius. His philosophy was very simple. He did not want to start a riot with his
philosophy, but he practiced it within himself. Although steeped in the teachings of philosophy, he did
not attempt to remodel the world on any preconceived plan (Meditations p 68).
Both men, although living in two different eras, proposed a way to live life in a way that will bring
true happiness into your life. Boethius strived for a relationship with God. The woman that appeared
before him was there to tell him that there is no more time to be miserable, even with the conditions
that he was under, and to carry on. But it is rather time, saith she, to apply remedies, than to make
complaints . (Consolation 120). Boethius believed that
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Alaska Fish Trap Essay
The use of fish traps in the 1950s almost completely depleted salmon runs in some areas of Alaska. A
fish trap is a big, fixed wooden structure, placed at the mouth of a stream to funnel to tons of fish into
a massive net. Fish traps were also adapted to float so they could be a little bit easier to transfer in the
winter. Fish traps needed little labor to keep them running, and they also kept the fish live which was
important to the seller, which made them a good economic investment. The extensive use of the fish
traps, and other fixed fishing gear heavily impacted the region and the Native people of Alaska. Fish
traps were a very controversial topic throughout Alaska in the 50 s and 60 s. These fixed fish traps
were extremely efficient, catching almost 600,000 fish annually and, they had a very low escape rate.
Fish traps caught so many salmon that areas were completely depleted, and left Native villages
without one of their main sources of food. The result of the residents of Alaska unhappiness with fish
traps made the White Act of 1924 come into play. This act required an escapement rate of 50% off all
salmon, this means if you catch 100 fish you have to let 50 back into the water. The White Act also
included that the Secretary of Commerce can manage all of Alaska s fishing except for the access to
the fishery. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Native Alaskans used weirs, in stream methods, and some tribes, like the Tlingit built a dam in the
river to trap salmon, and used spears to kill them. Native Alaskans depended on salmon for over half
their diet, and the actual sport of catching salmon was considered a leisure activity, within their
society. Commercial fishing, on the other hand, used purse seines, gill nets, and fish traps. Unlike, the
Native Alaskans, commercial fishing mobile gear often required much effort, for not that much
payout, compared to the Native
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Archetypes In The Hero, The Mentor, And The Shadow
In The Hobbit, there are a variety of characters that play vital roles in the story. While this novel is
filled with many diverse characters, some have specific roles to play. These can be categorized into
archetypes. Archetypes describe the functions that people or items play in a story. Seven of these
archetypes exist, and three of them stand out in The Hobbit. The Hero, The Mentor, and The Shadow
are necessary archetypes that can be found in The Hobbit, and three characters fit these roles perfectly.
First of all, the archetype, The Hero, is represented by Bilbo Baggins, and for this archetype, they
sacrifice themself for the service of the journey. They grow and learn during this time. For example, in
chapter three, the text states, He was thinking once again of his comfortable chair before the fire in his
favorite sitting room in his hobbit hole, and of the kettle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He provided Bilbo with help with his magic, and protected him. An example can be found in chapter
six, when Gandalf states, Up the trees quick! (The Hobbit, page 109). Gandalf told Bilbo what to do.
Then he commanded Bilbo to get up the trees, an order that saved his life. As well, in chapter seven,
the the wizard explains, I always meant to see you all safe (if possible) over the mountains (The
Hobbit, page 125). Hence, this quote proves that Gandalf always looks out for Bilbo Baggins, and
gives him insight to help him. One more piece of evidence can be found in chapter seven, when
Gandalf exclaims, Don t be a fool Mr. Baggins if you can help it; and in the name of all wonder don t
mention the word furrier again as long as you are within miles of his house, nor rug, cape, tippet,
muff, nor any other such unfortunate word! (The Hobbit, page 127). According to this quote, Gandalf
gave advice to Bilbo, and taught him what not to do. Mentoring was what he was
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  • 8. Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most well-known geniuses... Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most well known geniuses in human history. This man masters knowledge of all kind: painting, architecture, music, geology, philosophy, biology, math, physics, chemistry, etc. His probably most famous painting, Mona Lisa, fascinated millions of people around the world and the amazing and mysterious details in the painting attracted a number of scientists and scholars to devote their whole career in studying them. Born and lived in Italian Renaissance age, which is a period of time when arts flourished and knowledge was valued, Leonardo was surrounded by many great contemporary artists and a perfect creative environment. These favorable factors supported him to fully exercise his talents. As a writer, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One can tell his serious attitude toward this matter through his notes on painting: It is indispensable to a painter, in order to be thoroughly familiar with the limbs in all the positions and actions of which they are capable in the nude, to know the anatomy of the sinews, bones, muscles, and tendons... he may know which nerve or muscle is the cause of each movement... 3 His support for realistic and naturalistic style of painting accord with the general theme of art pieces produced during Renaissance time. Renaissance paintings put emphasis on proportions and mathematic perspectives1. A good painting was supposed to look as real and vivid as possible. Leonardo s works are perfect examples regarding this aspect. Through his notes, one can learn that Leonardo favors painting than any other forms of art. He believes that painting is most flexible, variable, and expressive in every way, whilst sculpture is stiff, cold, and lacks many characteristics of nature; and poem tedious to understand. 3 From his written words, he pointed out that the eye is the central receptor of human and can appreciate the best. Therefore painting, which stimulates people through their eyes, can most easily convey ideas and resonate with viewers. Leonardo put extremely high value on painting. He wrote He who despises paintings loves neither philosophy nor nature... ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Alternatives in Life in A Summons to New Orleans by... The Unbearable lightness of choosing Because you are in control of your life. Don t ever forget that. You are what you are because of the conscious and subconscious choices you have made. Barbara Hall, A Summons to New Orleans, 2000 I personally agree with the writer Jon Spayde on all the aspects he has mentioned in this paper. The writer has discoursed various facets regarding the importance of alternatives in one s life. But, a very significant point mentioned in this article is, that when a certain individual is in a position to make his own choices or take his own decisions he must keep in mind that he alone will not be the one to face the consequences, but many people will be a part of his decisions. So one must give a serious thought when making a choice, which may have an impact not just on one life but, on the lives of many others. Mr. Spayde points out the fact, that having a choice is the luxury of the privileged class. The unprivileged class cannot afford the luxury of choice. Now the situation is not that bad but we all know that they have limited choices and this lack of choice causes a problem for them in certain situations. According to my own experience, though the lack of choices may cause hurdles at times, still, there deficiency is sometimes a blessing in disguise . When a person is confined to a certain number of options he has no other way out, but to choose amongst them. This might be the making of an individual. Like we consider an example of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Pharmaceutical Companies Stand in the Way of Treatment Essay Pharmaceutical Companies Stand in the Way of Treatment Abstract This casebook concentrates on the negative effects that the pharmaceutical industry s trade and production policies have on third world nations suffering from disease epidemics. My position is that pharmaceutical companies are not concerned with the health benefits of their drugs, but rather with the market that their drugs generate. I illustrate this notion by describing the trade policies that pharmaceutical companies influence and the pharmaceutical companies production policies which concentrate on producing life style drugs rather than drugs that cure life threatening diseases. Multinational pharmaceutical giants are occupied with producing drugs that yield the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But this is not necessarily true. Western governments are usually generous about funding drug industry research. These governments also allow the drug companies to market discoveries and new drugs that are produced in government and university laboratories. The most expensive aspect of producing a drug is the pre clinical research, which is performed by the government and universities, not the drug companies. The Academic Search Premier on the Penrose Library website was the most useful research tool. Since this casebook topic covers an international concern that is current and at stasis, it was necessary to use current journal articles in attaining reliable and up to date information. The process of inquiry and acquiring information about this topic delineated the necessity of examining several different sources and being a critical reader. In analyzing different sources of information, it was crucial to note the validity and reliability of the source; many times it was useful to analyze both sides of an issue in order to gain a balanced understanding of the topic at issue. In 2001, the discovery of three letters containing anthrax spores caused widespread panic that swept across the US. Thousands of people flocked to clinics to be tested for possible infection and hundreds were affected by the shutdown of workplaces and public facilities. Though only a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Essay on Women s Rights in Canadian History A Women s Rights to Equality in Canada Every woman has the right to moral, legal and political choice. As we look to the past, women fought for the right to be treated the same as men and fundamentally to have the same rights as men. Prior to the turn of the century, women had little to no rights. World War I and II gave way to change, allowing women to work and eventually allowing them to vote. The feminist movement has made drastic progress since the war. Today women are seen as equal and have the right not only to vote, but to be educated. In 1977 the Canadian Human Rights Act ensured that women could no longer be discriminated based on their sex, race, religion or sexuality. The act specified that there must be equal pay for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Women were also allowed to get educations and go into teaching and nursing positions. The Person s Case was another highlight which demonstrates the advancements of women s right in Canadian history. This case included five women who ultimately help transform the way women were seen. Emily Murphy played a significant role in establishing women s rights which led to women being called persons in matters of rights and privileges. Furthermore, another female Canadian named Nellie McClung helped in getting the right to vote for women. Ultimately resulting in the May 24th, 1918 Act allowing all women 21 years of age or more in Canada the official right to vote even if they did not have the provincial license. The war brought many changes to Canada and around the world. Women were finally being recognized for their efforts and perseverance and acquiring new freedoms and improved rights for themselves. During the 1920 s, women became more involved in society and continued to participate in the work force. Women continued to make half the earning men were making at that time but by 1929 women made up about 20% of the workforce. The Women s Labour League worked to defend women workers and the labour movement. They exposed shortfalls in the minimum wage laws and fought for equal pay, maternity care and a women right for birth control. Women were finally making their mark in government. By 1939, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Comparing Barak Obama s Administration to Abraham... Over time there has been alot of president s that has been in and out of the white house. Some of the president s have done a great job in office some president s didn t do so good in the white house. People in general have all sorts of different opinions on president s some people may say one president was the best while another person may disagree. In my opinion out of all the president s there is a man named Abraham Lincoln who i think was one of the greatest president s of all time. One of are president s in the present who i think does not do a very good job in office is president Barack Obama. There are a lot of reason s why i put these two in the catogories i did and in my essay i am going to explain this reasoning behind my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Abraham Lincoln was not perfect but he was a great president. President Obama in my opinion is one of the worst president s to ever step in office. Obama who was born in born August 4, 1961, he is the 44th and current president of the United States. Obama in my opinion can t keep the promise s that he makes. Obama promised to keep the unemployment rate under 8% and making it seem a failure though the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said it saved more than 3 million jobs and prevented a double digit jobless rate. Obama is forcing american s to have health care not all american s can afford healthcare. They also voted on the Obamacare and people hated it but we ended up being forced to get it anyway and for the people that can t afford it get punished by having to pay a fine for not having it. Obama is not a strong leader at all he has driven us so far in debt that it is unreal. To me obama doesnt seem devoted at all how can you make a health care plan and pretty much tell people if there over 75 there just out of luck for health care in my opinion that is sad. Obama does not take credit for his actions , when he fails to keep his promises he points the finge at somebody else instead of taking responsibility for it. When the United States went into a goverment shut down instead of Obama and standing up and being a leader and figuring out a solution the shut down continued for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Gregory Of Tours Summary Without the religious influence of the noble women during the 6th century, Christianity would not have spread so quickly throughout the Germanic world. Their independent lifestyle allowed for the ability to influence noble men and subjects towards Christianity while overseeing the construction of religious buildings. Gregory of Tours writes a descriptive narrative of the lives of nobility in his book History of the Franks. Any women mentioned in this narrative were of noble status. Merovingians, the leaders where Gregory of Tours resided often attributed their powers to the aristocrats. Gregory himself was a Bishop and therefore from a higher class as well. Since he was a Bishop it comes to no surprise that he took interest in the religious matters and practices during King Clovis time. It should be noted that although Gregory of Tours resided in the same century as King Clovis, he was alive after the time of King Clovis and most other subjects listed in his History of the Franks. He focused mostly on the rise of early Christianity in Gaul as well as Clermont Ferrand (later was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Without being married to Clotild, the Christian God wouldn t of popped into his mind to pray for. Clovis then invited the Bishop to talk to King Clovis in hopes to persuade him to convert. The Queen invited him over in secret, again showing the spectrum of her independence. After talking to the Bishop, King Clovis then converts himself, his subjects, and the lands he then conquers. It could be said without Clotild s devotion, Clovis success in conquering and spreading Christianity would not have happened. Part of the reason Gregory of Tours admires King Clovis so much is because of his ability to spread Christianity throughout the Frankish tribes. When in reality, the Frankish wouldn t be Christian without the efforts of Clotild and other independent noble women and their endeavors to spread ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. My Bright Abyss Book Report Beginning just before my senior year I went through a series of trials that continued through most of my senior year. I wanted to do something for myself, and was encouraged to attend the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). I decide to go, and so in January I set off for Indianapolis. Once at the conference, I listened to music, met other catholic high schoolers, and participated in workshops. I learned a lot about my faith, and about different forms of worship. This was something that I had not previously been exposed to, as while I was a member of one of the largest parishes in Central Ohio, it is a very traditional parish that had not exposed me to much more than the basic teachings of the church, and also had not demonstrated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Faith can ebb and flow through a lifetime, and it is rare for it to remain constant. This was one of the main points in Christian Wiman s My Bright Abyss. He discusses that just as we grow as individuals; we must also grow in our faith. At this point in my senior year I was going through a particularly hard time, and was having trouble trusting in God and believing everything would be okay. In hindsight this may have been a good thing in the long run, as I was more receptive to the messages I received at NCYC, particularly with respect to what prayer is, and how to pray. I had always felt that to pray there had to be some eloquent way to convey the things that you wanted to say to God. I also was often frustrated, as I questioned that if God was all knowing, why was it necessary to pray to him and tell him things he already knew. Throughout my time at NCYC I came to understand my relationship with God less like a human and omniscient being relationship, but more as a parent and child relationship. Though He may already know what you have to tell Him, it is about building the communication and the friendship, so that He can work best in your life. The best analogy that I have heard about this was from one of the leaders of the trip, and he compared life to being in a marching band. From the point of view of the musicians, it seems chaotic and as though people are going in every direction for no apparent reason; however, from up ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. History of Assassinations The death of someone important is very tragic and can be life changing. There are people in this world who are careless enough to kill a living person. An assassination is the murder of a person by a surprise attack. There has been many political assassinations around the world. Each murder is different, with different motives and conspiracies, but in the end they are just a cruel act of violence directed to someone innocent. The United States does not have more assassinations than other countries; there has been more assassinations in other countries around the world. Assassinations occur because some people are against their political leaders or are mentally deranged, who just chose their victim at random. I will talk about the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Malcom x was born on May 19, 1925 and died on February 21, 1965. He was an African American Nationalist and religious leader. After he resigned his position in the nation of Islam and renounced Elijah Muhammad, the FBI had informed Malcolm that he had been marked for assassination. After repeated assassination attempts, Malcolm got bodyguards. Malcolm s home, where he lived with his family, was firebombed, but everyone escaped alive. A week later, while Malcolm was in New York addressing his organization of Afro American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom, he was shot fifteen times at a close range by three men identified as black Muslims. The angry crowd, who had been listening to Malcolm s speech, caught and beat the assassins as they attempted to flee the ballroom. Talmadge Hayer, Norman Butler, and Thomas Johnson were all members of the Nation of Islam; they were arrested for the assassination of Malcolm X. Martin Luther king Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 and died on April 4, 1968. He was the leader of the African American Civil Rights Movement and an advocate for nonviolence. King arrived in Memphis, Tennessee on April 3, 1968 to prepare for a march for the striking Memphis sanitation workers. On April 4, 1968 at 6:05 pm, Martin Luther King was standing on the balcony of Lorraine Motel when he was shot on his right cheek, he was immediately taken to the St. Joseph hospital and died at 7:05 pm. James Earl Ray, who escaped from the Missouri State Penitentiary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Servant Of Allah By Diouf Subsequent to perusing substance of the book Servants of Allah by Diouf, clarifies and gets inside and out of the work of African American and religious history, there is very little thought about the historical backdrop of African American in Islam, however this book talks about the greatest effects that Islam and African American Muslims had on the Americans. Islam was the second Methodism religion brought into the post 1492 Americans. African Muslims were seemed, by all accounts, to be show slaves, yet that was just face of their attributes. They carried custom of resistance and defiance with them. Furthermore, they demonstrated opposing toward their captors frame the start. I trust the greatest effect that African Muslims had on the America were the reality they bring resistance, and that was against the model slaves. I trust this was huge effect on the grounds that the settlements needed to take hostile to Muslim measures to shield the provinces from their strikes. As per the content the African Muslims postured noncompliance, genuine or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... such as its impact on today s music. The passage says that the genre of music known as the Blues can be traced back to the recitation of the Qur an by slaves who read during hard times. The melody is thought to be similar to the way the west Africans read. This is interesting because todays music like Hip Hop with its rhythmic style has a direct influence from Blues music. Another influence we see today is that of headgears such as du rags and bandanas, the Muslim slave population had a look of turbans and head caps. It is astonishing that America has a trace of Islam in it, something that I would have never guessed. Looking at Muslim majority areas like Saudi Arabia and Somalia you see men wearing turbans and kufis. I believe everything about Islam works with somewhat with every culture in the world for most the most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Archbasilica Essay The Archbasilica of St. John Lateran is the home of the current Pope and one of the most important buildings in Rome. This Christian cathedral was originally constructed for Pope Miltiades in the early 4th century over the remains of the old fort of the Castra Nova Equites Singualres. Emperor Constantine built this church in 324 AD, making it the oldest basilica in Rome. This cathedral went through many reconstructions throughout its history due to earthquakes and fires. Its façade was designed by architect Alessandro Galilei, and it was completed in 1735. Pope Clement XII held a competition for a new design of the façade in 1732 to replace the mediaeval one, and Galilei was chosen because he was an anti Baroque forerunner of the neoclassical architectural movement. Galilei had already been involved in the neo Palladian architectural movement in England and Ireland, and architect Christopher Wren s work in London was a major influence on him. In designing the new façade, he removed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Its characteristics include its grand scale, dramatic use of columns, and its simplicity of geometric scale. Its façade is the most well known part of the building. The two story portico on the church s front façade was constructed in the 1700 s. On the very top lies statues of of Jesus, Saint John the Baptist, Saint John the Evangelist, and other Doctors of Greek and Latin churches, made by sculptors of the late baroque era. The central doors are composed of bronze and were previously used at the Roman Senate House within the Roman Forum. Criticism Although its façade is the most well known aspect of the basilica, it is also the most criticized part. It is often said by many critics that the main face of the basilica is more like that of a palace than a church. Many people consider it too palace like without any of the flourishes expected of the Baroque period in which it was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. photo 100 Essay Question 1: A pixel is the basic binary digit used by computers. You Answered: False Correct Answer: False Question 2: The Bauhaus was a pre World War II advertising agency that notably used Laszlo Moholy Nagy s photographs. You Answered: False Correct Answer: False Question 3: A lower ISO number means the camera is more sensitive to light, whereas a higher number means the camera is less sensitive to light. You Answered: True Correct Answer: False Question 4: The shutter speed and the sensor chip are the primary controls for adjusting the amount of light that enters the camera. You Answered: False Correct Answer: False Question 5: Laszlo Moholy Nagy generally abided by the strict ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You Answered: True Correct Answer: True Question 7: Giacomo Battista Beccaria and Johann Heinrich Schultz independently discovered silver nitrate, a substance more light sensitive than silver chloride. You Answered: False Correct Answer: False Question 8: Which of the following early digital cameras was popular with photojournalists when it was first introduced? You Answered: Kodak DCS 200 Correct Answer: Kodak DCS 200 Question 9: Whose research served as the foundation of modern optics? You Answered: Ibn al Haytham Correct Answer: Ibn al Haytham Question 10: Which of the following was the subject of one of the first public demonstrations of television? You Answered: the 1936 Berlin Olympics Correct Answer: the 1936 Berlin Olympics Question 11: Videotape was invented in which year? You Answered: 1956 Correct Answer: 1956 Question 12: Campbell Swinton s system used which of the following to capture and display images? You Answered: electronically sweeping cathode ray tubes Correct Answer: electronically sweeping cathode ray tubes Question 13: Which of the following is NOT true of the first digital camera? You Answered: it provided an immediate advantage over film Correct Answer: it provided an immediate advantage over film Question 14: The first advances in optics began in which century? You Answered: 700 BC ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Deforestation In Costa Rica Recently our environment and the effects of global warming have been featured prominently in the media. Global warming was an important issue in the last presidential election, and many scientists urge people to research the problem. When thinking of global warming many people think of melting ice caps, or emissions from cars and power plants, blissfully unaware that deforestation is just as destructive. When traveling to Costa Rica, the effects of deforestation are abundantly clear. The technique of slashing and burning turned what was once a lush forest into a sea of mud and logs. Ever since seeing this destruction, deforestation has become an area of great interest in my life. According to a study by the Scientific American, deforestation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The World Wildlife Fund plays an important role in the conservation. By receiving donations and partnerships, the WWF is able to lead missions that help conserve the worlds rainforests. The WWF also does a great job of educating the public on the growing problem. A small donation is a great way for an everyday person to help play a role in the conservation. Another way that companies can get involved is by pledging to plant a tree for every tree they destroy. By following this system, companies can receive a profit from the timber they cut down while rebuilding the rainforests. This idea is being put in place, however, the rate of destruction is still much greater than the amount of trees being planted. The UN has discovered another way to help reduce deforestation. The plan is called REDD. The goal is to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. This plan also looks to conserve, and sustain the forests in developing countries. REDD provides the opportunity to reduce emissions from deforestation on a wide scale for a low cost. The International Institute for Environment and Development s website explains how the REDD program works, As a concept, REDD is simple. Funding rewards good forest management in developing countries and makes poor forest management, such as indiscriminate unenforced logging, less profitable than the sustainable alternative (International Institute for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Penrith City Council Case Study Penrith gathers 20,000 signatures against poor infrastructure An online petition calling for federal funding on infrastructure development in Penrith and the outer western Sydney region has gathered more than 20,000 signatures. Penrith City Council has started this initiative with an aim to get problems of traffic congestion and other related problems out in the open as federal election campaigning gets underway. The campaign highlights the critical need to connect Sydney s outskirts to the North West and South West regions. The project s objective is to generate more job opportunities and health access to improve well being and togetherness in the community. It s a question of accessibility, to be able to get around. To have a meaningful, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I ll be an optimist, I believe there is going to be a federal fairly soon, and there will some further commitments in relation to the planning of it, then budget allocations for it will be put through regressively overtime. Though Good government, whether its liberal or labour will have to come on board, a bipartisan agreement, the creation of the fund really has to be a solution, to progressively build them up and spend them for the benefit of the community. What have you done to make the public aware? How can this be enhanced to infiltrate public interest? There s advertising everywhere, Facebook pages, YouTube advertisements, pamphlets, just last Wednesday morning people were handing out pamphlets at railways stations, the launch of the project in Penrith seems to have created a good deal of publicity. How long will these improvements take once approved? Will this be chaotic on top of existing rail lines in the process of construction? Any construction such as this will cause disruption. It is critical to implement it in an appropriate and timely manner. Changes are to be seen through to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Kurosu Suicide Japan ranked 9th in suicide rate across the world and nearly twice of the United States. In Japan committing suicide is common about thirty thousand each year which many place to become popular suicide spots such as, Aokigahara forest, the Sea of Trees, and at the foot of Mt. Fuji (MacFarquhar). One reason for the Japanese to kill themselves because they had no work. There is a scene where Kurosu committed double suicide with his wife because he has been laid off from works for more than three months. Even though, Kurosu does not committee right away, but it is hinted in the film that he committed suicide after his family member notices that he has been laid off from work. In traditional Japanese s culture, suicidal parents tend to kill their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Patricia Benner This essay will outline Patricia Benner s nursing model novice to expert also included, will be the development of the model. In addition, an evaluation and discussion of the major components of this model that consists of five levels, first the novice which will be discussed in detail, second the advanced beginner, third the competent, and fourth the proficient, finally the expert. Furthermore, examples of how the strengths surrounding this model assist the nurse to build on the levels that help them to reach their potential of excellence also, some critics indicate weaknesses of this model they appear to consider important. For the purpose of this essay, the primary focus will be the role of the mentor/tutor in relation to the student ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, the mentor assigned found the job of mentoring less stressful resulting in a relationship of mutual understanding (Busen Engebretson, 1999). In addition, a novice can be a competent nurse or expert nurse starting a new job (Benner, 1984). Second, Benner et al (2009) describe the advanced beginner level as a nurse who has acquired their degree and starting out in practice, as a newly graduated nurse with significant experience. The advanced beginner will begin to understand the important features to this level, to differentiate between this level and the novice level Benner called these features situational because the focus of this model is the actual performance of the nurse and the results that occur in a specific situation. For example, the nurse begins to recognize changes that occur before any obvious complications develop (intuition); this is possible when the nurse has had a sufficient amount of hands on experience. Finally, at this level a mentor will prepare the advanced beginner with further guidelines in their clinical profession. However, the advanced beginner is still attempting to organize the importance of tasks that need completing for the patient and the different stages of the illness the patient goes through. Furthermore, Baltimore (2004) indicates that current work places are encountering insufficient orientation adding, to the challenges the nurse is already experiencing. Third, the competent nurse who has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Disadvantages Of Caadmium All of us are well acquainted with the fact that cadmium (Cd) is one of the components of the earth s crust and it will remain present in several places or in different ecosystem on earth i.e., terrestrial, aquatic and others. Benavides et al. (2005) reported that cadmium is one of the most hazardous heavy metals in the atmosphere, soil and aquatic system which is finally going into our food chain and responsible for serious environmental problem and finally leading to the health hazards for the living organism, for instance, mutagenesis, lung cancer, convulsion and brain damage. The alleviation or inhibition of cadmium in plants has, therefore, caused extensive attention of the whole society (Uraguchi et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2008). It is must to know about cadmium their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cadmium and cadmium compounds are, compared to other heavy metals, relatively water soluble and mobile compound in most soils, generally more bio available and tends to bio accumulate. It induces cell injury and death by interfering with calcium (Ca) regulation in biological system. Cadmium is not essential for plant or animal life (IPCS monographs/WHO1995a; WHO1995b). It is more mobile than zinc but less mobile than nickel. Cadmium is readily accumulated by many organisms, particularly by microorganism and mollusks where the bio concentration factors are in the order of thousands. Its mobility essentially depends on the pH; the metal s adsorption to the soil s solid phase can be multiplied threefold for every unitary increase in pH in a range from 4 to 8. Terrestrial plants may accumulate cadmium in the roots and cadmium is found bound to the cell walls (AMAP 2002). The pH level is one of the most important factors controlling cadmium absorption. Compared with other micropolluants such as Cu or Pb, transfer of Cd to the above ground parts of the plant may be considered as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Problem Of Child Labor Laws Essay i. In developing countries, such as in India, child are are forced to work, often as the result of a system of debt bondage where their family trades a small amount of money with an individual and in return, their child is sent away to work, and some of these families will never see their child again. Many of these children, due to the either the lack of regulation or as a result of a country simply turning a blind eye to the reality of child labor that violates child labor laws . As we saw in the video from class about the chocolate child labor farmers, many of these children engage in backbreaking work, from sunrise to sunset, and as a result lose their childhood, their ability to go to school, their ability to play with other kids, because of the debt bondage their family agreed to. This is what was experienced by Iqbal Masih. As a four year old boy, his parents sold him into debt bondage for 600 rupees, or less than $6, to an employer who owned a carpet weaving business. Corsaro explains that child labor is especially desired in the carpet weaving business because they can squat easily, and their nimble fingers can make the smallest, tightest knots . He woke up before dawn and made his way, bound in chains, down to the factory for work. He worked at that faculty for 6 years, working 12 hours a day, everyday. At the age of ten, he found out that bonded labor was illegal, and tried to escape. After escaping, he made a decision to help others like him, and as a result, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Differences Between Calvinism And Arminianism Has God decided whether or not you will be saved and go to Heaven? Is there anything you can do in determining your place in either Heaven or Hell? Calvinism and Arminianism are two differing theological standpoints that have been and are being debated frequently. These stances give an answer to the question of whether or not people are subject to predestination. Both sides hold that they are correct and backed by biblical proofs. Upon having a first look towards both views it is immediately clear and evident that it is rather difficult to discern which of the two have strong biblical support. Calvinism and Arminianism are held by all sorts of Christians from all denominations. To achieve a better understanding of each view it is important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This means that without God granting us faith we cannot choose to have it and therefore not receive a key to paradise. So Calvinism rose as a new way of viewing salvation in response towards the Catholic Church s twisted and deformed teachings to gain money from the common man. What does Calvinism teach exactly? According to David N. Steele and Curtis Thomas in their article The Five Points of CALVINISM Defined, Defended, Documented Calvinism holds that Salvation is accomplished by the almighty power of the Triune God. The Father chose a people, the Son died for them, the Holy Spirit makes Christ s death effective by bringing the elect to faith and repentance, thereby causing them to willingly obey the gospel. The entire process (election, redemption, regeneration) is the work of God and is by grace alone. Thus God, not man, determines who will be the recipients of the gift of salvation. Calvinism can be better understood when taking a look at the five points of Calvinism commonly referred to as T.U.L.I.P, which stands for Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints (Slick The Five Points of Calvinism ). The first point, total depravity, states that man is completely affected by sin. However, this does not mean that man is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Stock Market Crash Of 1929 Research Paper Stock Market Crash of 1929 The Great Crash, also known as the Stock Market Crash of 1929 was the worst economic crash in U.S. history. The 1920s is the most interesting topic about the United States past that go from life during the beginning of the 1920s which was the prime days for the American people. To go inside the stock market crash of 1929, which almost destroyed the country and its people. Then learning about the interesting facts about the causes and effects that the crash brought not only the U.S. but the whole world is mind blowing. Life after the crash of the stock market would ultimately lead to the fall of the country and the great depression. The stock market crash of 1929 was the worst economic downfall in the history of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kimberly Amadeo, a writer for The Balance in an article said, The crash wiped people out. There were forced to sell businesses and cash in their life savings. She also said, You can t have a healthy economy without confidence in the market. This was said, because the market started to take a harder hit when people were scared of losing all their money, so they took it out of the banks and the market. Thousands of people were fired from work and could not end up finding a job after. The unemployment rate in the country dropped 25 percent because of people being fired, or people losing companies. The crash ruined hundreds of thousands of Americans lives and put them out on the street to live. Ultimately the crash led to the Great Depression, which was the worst depression that any country has ever gone through. The Great Depression lasted from 1929 1939 and the only way possible for America to pull itself out of it was to join World War ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe There is no genius without some touch of madness. (Aristotle) However, when it is fueled by constant denial, madness can suddenly turn into a force that completely controls us. The Tell Tale Heart , a short story by Edgar Allen Poe, explores the effects of madness on an individual s character and actions through the narrator and his attempt to convince the reader and himself of his sanity. The story follows his struggles in constantly denying his madness, rather than accepting what he is. As the short story progresses, it becomes evident that even a touch of madness can go on to overtake our thoughts and actions especially if we cannot accept it as an essential part of us. An individual s ability to accept and face madness is directly related to their personal sense of acknowledgement and their self awareness that is associated with that. The narrator confesses that the sole reason for killing the old man is his eye. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees very gradually I made up my mind to rid myself of the eye for ever. The narrator begins his tale of madness by trying to convince the reader he is not insane, but the reader quickly speculates that the narrator indeed is out of control. The fact that the old man s eye is the only motivation to murder him proves the narrator is so mentally unstable that he must search for justification to kill. In his mind, he rationalizes murder with his own unreasonable fear of the eye. The narrator ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Culture Of Afric Africa CULTURE OF AFRICA INTRODUCTION The incomprehensible mainland of Africa is so rich and different in its society with it transforming beginning with one of the nation then coming the next one as well as inside an individual nation numerous diverse societies might be found. Much of Africa s social action focuses on the family and the ethnic gathering. Symbolization, music, and oral writing serve to fortify existing religious and social examples. The Westernized minority, impacted by European society and Christianity, initially dismisses African conventional society, yet with the ascent of African patriotism, social recovery happened. The legislatures of most African countries encourage national move and music gatherings, storehouses, and to a lesser degree, craftsmen and journalists. Africa was the origination of the human species between 8 million and 5 million years prior. Today, the larger part of its tenants is of the indigenous cause. Individuals over the mainland are strikingly assorted by pretty much any measure: They talk an inconceivable number of diverse dialects, polish several unique religions, live in an assortment of sorts of abodes, and accept piece in a different variety of financial actions. Through the hundreds of years, person s groups from distinguish area of the planet have settled there. Verifiably, Arabs have been the most various workers. Beginning in the seventh century commercial, they crossed into North Africa from the Middle East, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Role Of Voting In The UK Some European friend asked me how I am going to vote in the UK EU referendum. That is a question not only the majority of people in the UK and Europe is asking and contemplating, whether to be in, or to be out of the EU. I told my European friends I really don t know how I am going to vote. I haven t yet made up my mind. The politicians don t know what will happen, and if the people in the UK vote leave the EU neither are they able to predict the outcome. This referendum has split political parties, and has brought political enemies to join forces. One side says vote to stay in, and the other side says, vote to get out. Both sides are spreading fear and scaring people. They keep repeating and spinning the same panic about what might or might not happen. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The leave EU campaigner s side is telling people how much money UK could save when we leave, how UK could have the right to trade with other countries freely, and how the UK could have a more secure border. If the UK vote to get out of the EU, the truth is, no one really knows what will happen or what will not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Argumentative Essay On Vaccination A great deal of blame for vaccine preventable diseases all across the world is poverty. Most of the diseases we vaccinate against are still evident in areas have more poverty in the world. This is why when people travel there is a specific set of vaccines that are required before you can leave or reenter the country (Sanford, 2016). Now, in Doctor s offices in Maine they ask you if you have left the country in the past 30 days. Early on there were misplaced social pressures, and wealthier families were vaccinating because of the others in their social groups. It is also said that the number of unvaccinated adults and children in poverty is because of their lack of education (Plotkin, 2014). Global Context Immunizations are looked at differently across the world. American s look at the vaccinations the are offered in a more entitled sense. They are there, and the diseases are not, so some parents think of them as optional. Even though it is state law in Maine and across the country that we vaccinate school age children and children in daycare. I have a close friend that raised her children in South Africa. I asked her her views on vaccinations and her response was that they are absolutely a great and necessary privilege. She lived in an area where these diseases are present, and if you were not vaccinated the threat of these diseases and contracting them was very real. All children who were able were vaccinated, she hadn t even heard of anti vaccinators and was appalled that there were people who would put their children at such a risk. Another country that has a poor immunization rate is New Zealand, only 60% of people vaccinate their children (Hamilton, 2004). There were small studies conducted to investigate who so few parents vaccinated their children. One of the outcomes they found was for various religious beliefs (Hamilton, 2004). Another reason was because many parents had inadequate education and they felt there was too much risk associated with vaccinations. An issue globally, is that there is little knowledge on how to reach the older age group in developing countries (Davey, 2009). School attendance is increasing globally, so medical professionals are considering tightening the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Explain Why It Is Important To Understand The Stages Of... It is important to remember when looking at child and young person development that development is a learning and holistic process. Each child is unique, they will develop at their own rate and in their own way. A broad average of when children and young people are expected to reach particular stages is set out through milestones of development. Some children may reach certain milestones either in advance or later than other children, this is their rate of development. To give an example some children may be showing signs of puberty in their last year of primary school where others may not. It is important to understand this individual rate of development so that staff can offer the correct support to the child. Extra support maybe required ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. A Speech On The Dark Side I was in a poor mood the moment I opened my eyes. Not only did I have a headache, my dad left the house early. I knew where he had snuck off to and I should finally realize there was no use raising my hopes. He will never keep his promise no matter how much I fool myself into believing his lies. He was addicted to gambling and no amount of hearing his hollow words about quitting will ever happen. The one button he always pushes is when he says his little problem is much better than him being a booze hound or a drug addict. I had finally gotten tired of him using this excuse and counted with it didn t matter in the end because all of them can get you put into the hospital or in the ground just as fast. I felt ashamed about last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How could it not be with my father always at the track and me at my part time jobs and going to afternoon, night, and weekend classes at the local community college? I did burn out a few lightbulbs studying several nights in a roll before exams, but my books had my attention more than the TV in the living room that was collecting dust. A single lightbulb use less electric then the boob tube. I was also fortunate that my part time jobs gave me numerous opportunities to study. I worked at the exit gate of the parking lot at the mall during the day when there were very few shoppers. Because of gas fumes you could only work so many days in a row. I also worked at the local condiment plant as quantity control. That job had me checking all outgoing shipments heading north. It was always the smallest orders with the shortest routes, but it was the one that had the most complaints of missing items (until I started doing the quantity control). The job was simple. Once an order for the trucks are counted and tagged for each supermarket on the trucker s route is done, there is nothing left to do until the Loadmaster call me over to check on the next shipment. Oh, but there was one more. My last part time job was working at a bookstore as a cashier during the day. It s not unusual for someone working at a book store to see them nose deep into a book. The benefit working this particular job is that no one bothered you unless they needed help knowing which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Schema, Assimilation, And Accommodation The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the application of 3 key cognitive terms, Schema, Assimilation, and Accommodation, to the author s experience of military medical training. First, the author will briefly explain each term. Next, the author will describe how these terms can be experienced with military medical training as an instructor. A schema is a state of understanding to which our beliefs are formed and a framework is established. This framework is a direct template of how we see everything in the world. When we are learning about a dog we take its traits and form a schema. Those traits are as such: ears, four legs, and licks. Dale Doty states (2013, 0:39) we then use the schema we have developed as a means to compare new information against. Now when we are faced with new animals we then use our schemas to see if it fits under any of those templates we have already created. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dale Doty states (2013, 1:12) when you can add new information into an existing schema you have experienced the cognitive process of assimilation. Going back to that same example of the dog. Now we see a dog in real life and we are comparing our template to the real thing. We then notice that the dog also has the traits of barking and are furry. We then add that new information into the schema and update our template of the dog. Now every time we are asked about the characteristics of dogs we know they are ears, four legs, licks, barks, and is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Creation Of The United Nations The creation of the United Nations (UN), the largest organization in the world introduced a new reform for collective security around the world after the failure of the League of Nations. Such a reform is vital for the international community as it zealously promotes concord and security, which is the most important goal in the 21st century. Thus, has the UN been successful in promoting international peace and security? To an extent, they have been when it comes to certain economical, humanitarian and environmental conflicts that occur within particular situations. However, one must take into account that the UN has failed in promoting such an itinerary when it came to the nuclear proliferation, the failure to uphold amity in Sri Lanka, Rwanda and Srebrenica Massacre. The failure of the League of Nations caused the establishment of the United Nations after the Second World War in 1945. After the establishment of the UN in 1945, the world became divided ideologically into two camps, whose leaders the USSR and the US treated each other in total suspicion and appeared to oppose each other on every major issue. (Diel Latif) It was impossible to create international peace and security when the world has been divided into two camps who distrusted and oppose each other. As a matter of fact, when Ceylon was under the rule of the British they imported labors from the southern state of India, Tamil Nadu. After the British colonial rule ended, Ceylon was given independence in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Effectiveness Of The Jackson County Oregon The Effectiveness of the Jackson County Oregon Community Family Court Brandi Briggs Arizona State University CRJ 308 16169 spring 2015 Dr. Gary Sweeten The Effectiveness of the Jackson County Oregon Community Family Court According to the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), 1 out of every 100 people in the United States has been incarcerated ( The Facts on Drugs, n.d.). Substance abuse is partly to blame. Approximately 60 percent of prison inmates had a positive drug test when they were arrested (National Institute of Justice, 1999). A judge supervises community family drug courts and assists non violent parents with drug related issues while still holding them accountable for their crimes. Drug courts are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Census Bureau, n.d.). In 2001, the Jackson County Oregon CFC program was started (Carey, S.M. et al., 2010, p. II). The program length takes at least 12 months to complete and involves three different phases of treatments and requirements in order to graduate successfully. Participation in the program was determined on an individual basis by the court. Participants were excluded if they refused to admit they had a substance abuse problem or were charged with a felony. Participation or graduation from the program does not guarantee successful family reunification (Office of Justice Programs, n.d.). The CFC program incorporates the Ten Key Components of Drug Courts guidelines that are a national standard set by the NADCP to assess drug court programs (Carey, S.M. et al., 2010, p. I). One key component the CFC program included using a multi disciplinary team approach that was coordinated with the court system. By using multiple agencies such as the court system, drug treatment programs and child welfare systems the program was able to promote better results with participant recovery and family reunification (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2004). Treatments and programs were individualized to each participant s unique needs. Participants were also screened and placed in treatment quickly which, in the long run, resulted in less time for the child to be in foster care. Placing participants in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Cougar Visa Case Cougar Visa: Developing a Means End Chain for a Credit Card A) Using the data provided, perform a means ends analysis. During this case study, we can see that the current state the following: there are an increasing number of competitors in the credit industry. More and more companies enter this industry, making even more difficult for the bank to compete and gain more customers shares. So, we ve perform a means end analysis of the situation in order to get the maximum information for them improve their services and be more efficient. The goal of this means end analysis was to find a way to differentiate from the others by any means. But the first step of it was to find out what s important for the customers when we re talking a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We could conclude from that analysis that this means end chain helped us to define a bit more what a credit card customer is expecting when making the decision to go for a company more than another. If we have that in mind, then it s much more easier to differentiate the company from the competition and as a results try to gain market shares. B) What segments have been neglected? After having a look at the whole document, and after having analyzed the means end chain, we could say that some segments have been neglected. Indeed, we talk about all the added value option that we could actually encounter in a credit card but there isn t any research or data on that. Like what kind of option are the most wanted (insurance? travellers checks ? no international fees ? etc...). Furthermore, we could see that we lack some information about the link between the attributes and the benefices. Indeed, we have then both but we don t really know the relation between them, which makes it more difficult to do the means end chain. C) What changes, if any, in the product positioning might be recommended based on the attribute desired? Do you need additional information? When you see table 2, you could retrieve the information about what s most important for the customers when we are talking about a credit card. Then, we have the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Why Is Deadpool Better Than Spider Man Bang bang, gunshots rang out over the streets as Deadpool s enemies fall to the ground, now they can t harm anyone. Deadpool s powers are absolutely amazing. Deadpool uses situations that happen in everyday life. Deadpool has a great background. Why is Deadpool better than Spider Man. Deadpool has by far the best powers in the Marvel Universe. One could easily think that Spider Man s Spidey sense is the best power to have, however what this argument overlooks is that in issue four hundred of The Amazing Spider Man, Peter uses his Spidey sense to dodge a bullet but Aunt May is standing behind him and gets hit. If it had been Deadpool he would have broken the fourth wall and moved everyone around so the marksman gets hit. Deadpool s powers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is sad that people use profanity in real life everyday, but it does happen, so when Deadpool uses profanity it makes him more real world. Spider Man gets his head bashed in and doesn t really show anger, when Deadpool gets his head bashed in he gets angry and kills the villain so they can t harm anyone anymore. In Spider Man no one really dies except for people close to him, all of the 8.406 million people in New York City seem to never even get injured. Deadpool has more real world concepts and situations than Spider Man. Deadpool has a way better background than Spider Man. Mutated cancer cells are more realistic than being bitten by an irradiated spider. There are people in real life with mutated cells, like people with Heterochromia iridum, or the mutation that gives a person different colored eyes. According to gizmodo.com Peter would probably pee out the toxins within 14 days, the DNA wouldn t have time to combine with each other. Deadpool s background is just more realistic than Spider Man s. Deadpool is better than Spider Man. Deadpool s powers are better than Spider Man s. Deadpool is more real world than Spider Man. Deadpool has a better background than Spider Man. Spider Man is old news, Deadpool is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Why Is It Hard To Engage In A Social Movement Q 1: Those more likely to engage in a social movement are, the relatively well off, well educated, and active (Meyer 62). Furthermore, movements for collective action, tend to be full of people from the middle class and above (63). In other words, the type of people who are the easiest to mobilize for collective action in a social movement are college educated individuals who are not living paycheck to paycheck. Individuals who are less likely to participate are those without biographical availability , a term coined by Doug McAdam to mean the absence of responsibilities in terms of financial or emotional support. A lack of availability will make these individuals the hardest to mobilize when compared to your average college student. Q 2: Utilizing various incentives is useful when trying to increase mobilization for collective action. Meyer mentions three kinds of incentives that can be employed: purposive, material, and solidary. Purposive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They maintain the flow of resources coming to them by offering services to the community or donating money to supportive political candidates. One good example of this is the National Rifle Association (NRA), which provides various services such as gun safety classes and a monthly magazine while donating money to political candidates in order to generate more funding and new membership. Other ways that SMOs support themselves include the use of email capture and Internet connections such as Moveon.org. Starting as a reaction to the desire to impeach President Clinton, this website continues on today by using e mail and petitions that create a virtual march to get their goals across. Meanwhile, other organization such as the Public Interest Research Groups use paid persons to go door to door getting signatures and donations from various ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Rhetorical Analysis Of Consider The Lobster By David... In his essay Consider the Lobster, it s apparent what David Foster Wallace is trying to tell his audience: we should really think about the lobster s point of view before cooking and eating it. Wallace uses multiple rhetorical strategies to get his point across, including pathos and ethos. His essay is very good in how it gets its point across, and how it forces even the largest lobster consumers to truly contemplate how the lobster might react being boiled alive. It brings up many controversial topics of animal rights that many people tend to avoid, especially people who are major carnivores. Wallace s use of rhetorical strategies really gets the reader thinking, and thoroughly captures the argument of many vegetarians against the consumption of animals. Wallace captures the use of pathos in his essay and uses it in a way that is incredibly convincing to the reader. For example, he compares the Maine Lobster Festival to how a Nebraska Beef Festival could be, stating, at which part of the festivities is watching trucks pull up and the live cattle get driven down the ramp and slaughtered right there... (Wallace 700). Playing off of people s natural tendency to feel bad for the cattle, he shows that the killing of lobster is, in reality, no different than the killing of cattle, but we treat it much differently. We tend to think that lobsters are different because they are less human than cows are, and, maybe to make us feel better about our senseless killing of an animal, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. How Influential Enoch Was On The Apostolic Fathers A comparison between 1 Enoch and New Testament follows. The purpose is to demonstrate how influential Enoch was on the Apostolic Fathers. EPISTLE OF JUDE Jude 1:6 And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day. 1 Enoch 12:4 Go and make known to the Watchers of heaven who have abandoned the high heaven, the holy eternal place, and have defiled themselves with women. 1 Enoch 15:3, 7 For what reason have you abandoned the high, holy, and eternal heaven; and slept with women and defiled yourselves with the daughters of the people... I did not make wives for you for the proper dwelling place of spiritual beings of heaven is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Surely you used to be holy, spiritual, the living ones, possessing eternal life; but now you have defiled yourselves with women, and with the blood of the flesh begotten children. 1 Enoch 9:5, 7 You have made everything and with you is the authority for everything... Semyaz, to whom you have given power to rule over his companions, co operating, they went in unto the daughters of the people of the earth; and they lay with them with those women and defiled themselves, and revealed to them every kind of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Atheism Research Paper Atheism is defined as the belief that divine beings do not exist. Atheists often dispute that atheism is human s natural state of mind (Greywood). The prefix a , meaning without, and the root theism , meaning a belief in divine beings, consequently creates the word s definition: without belief in divine beings (Sexton). Why do some hold this view in a world that is mostly religious? Perhaps to answer such a question one should explore and venture to know it. Though first introduced in a sophisticated and educated manner in Ancient Greek schools of thought, to an atheist s point of view, atheistic thinking has existed since the first intelligent species of humanoids (Greywood). Atheists assert that humans are naturally unaware of any divine beings unless indoctrinated about subjects that correlate with tales of divinity. Throughout history, atheists transitioned from being the loathed members of society to existing peacefully in society. In Middle Aged Europe any openly, expressed disbelief in the prevalent religion of the day was met with prompt accusations of heresy. The reigning Roman Catholic Church persecuted accused heretics: a persecution that often ended at the grave ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some atheists were born into a secular family, and a life without a divine figure is all that they have ever known. Some were once very pious and active within a religious or philosophical organization, but learned more about what they were upholding and seen fault. Some feel that science solely and unequivocally explains the universe and, as a result, living organisms: finding it entirely unreasonable to believe that a never before seen figure created everything the human eye can see (Sexton). But nonetheless, despite the precise reason for lacking a belief in divine beings, all atheists unanimously agree that they lack belief in divine beings because they view them to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. My Beach Essay 8 of the Best Caribbean beaches to satisfy your wanderlust When you think of vacations, what comes in mind, apart from beaches? It doesn t matter because beaches are the best spots for vacations anyway. There are more than one reason behind it the sound of waves, the splash of water against your body, the feel of sand rubbing against you and the warmth of the Sun all of them conspire together to make you fall in love with beaches. And nothing gets better than the Caribbean. Dubbed as the spot where modern world meets nature, Caribbean islands have been a great tourist spot for decades now, thanks to its beautiful beaches. Among the numerous island and multitudes of beaches, it has always been hard to find the perfect vacation spot. S to help you out, we have found the best places in the Caribbean that you MUST visit: 1. Anguilla For those who love solitude, this is the perfect island. Being one of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Situated in the West Caribbean, the Seven Mile beach is one of its prime attractions which house numerous hotels and resorts, among other things. If you like some adventure, Cayman Islands offer scuba diving and snorkeling, apart from the chance to swim beside actual stingrays. For those you like a different kind of adventure, there are two major shipwrecks (apart from many minor ones) near the shores which serve as good tourist attractions. 6. Vieques What makes an island look like an island? The feeling of being deserted. This is exactly what Vieques offers you, except that it also offers you the bountiful of beauty. With only the population of that of a really small town, Vieques remains an unexplored beauty that is seeking the more serious travellers towards it. This solitude especially attracts the newly wed couples, and it has been a favorite honeymoon destination for quite some time now. Oh, and while you are it, do find time to visit Mosquito Bay. 7. Puerto ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Dunn s Model 1. The database used was UNF s OneSource and the key words were sensory processing in adolescences with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) . The population of students I work with is teenagers with ASD. The more I understand their perception, the more effective I am as a teacher. 2. and 3. De la Marche, Steyaert, and Noens acknowledged the work of previous researchers by using Dunn s model of sensory processing as well as the Sensory Profile (SP) questionnaire. Dunn s model establishes 4 sensory quadrants Low Registration (high threshold, passive reaction) Sensation Seeing (high threshold, active reaction), Sensory Sensitivity (low threshold, passive reaction), an Sensory Avoidance (low threshold, active reaction). In addition, the acknowledgement of Kern et al as well as Leekam, Nieto, Libby, Wing, and Gould concluded that over time sensory processing changes. While genetics of ASD is estimated to 90%, it is a challenge to prove through causal genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. Therefore, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The participants were from a larger family study of Leuven Autism Research Families. The adolescents with ASD and their adolescent siblings were randomly contacted by mail and by phone. All participants were administered the Developmental, Dimensional, and Diagnostic Interview (3di) with parents. This served to validate the clinical diagnosis as well as to gather quantitative data on various development areas to be used for further research. Additionally, the adolescents were given the Adult/Adolescent Sensory Profile (AASP) self reporting questionnaire, plus parents completed the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS). After exclusions of intellectual disabilities, SRS scores above the cutoff score, participants who were administered antipsychotic drug, or had a hearing loss, the research study consisted of 80 adolescents with ASD and 56 full siblings of 87 different families. The control adolescents came from 21 different families and had 33 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Essay On Holiday Bonus How Much to Give for a Holiday Bonus Year end bonuses have always been a hot topic and subject of much debate and controversy. The will they, won t they? guessing game can become quite a stressful one, but it seems that overall, there has been an increase in the amount being paid out in bonuses. According to figures from the Office for National Statistics, £44.3 billion was paid out in bonuses in the 2015/16 financial year, which is a 4.4% increase from the previous 12 months. That said, the finances and insurance industry have not been so lucky with an average slump of £5 billion since the economic downturn in 2007/08, while the rest of the economy has seen impressive growth. And the areas with the most generous employers? Global ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Finding and retaining top talent is a tough feat for employers, so you need to be prepared to go the extra mile to keep the talent you do have. In fact, 48% of UK employers predicted not being able to hire suitable candidates to fill permanent positions in 2017, while 72% of businesses cite problems attracting skilled employees. That said, an annual bonus can not only lift spirits but also give staff a reason to stay at your company. Improve Levels of Motivation Holiday or year end bonuses or monetary gifts can be used as a tool to motivate staff and propel them to achieve specific goals, meet targets or complete projects. These can act can important motivators that can benefit both the staff and the business as a whole. What Companies Need to be Aware of When Gifting Holiday Bonuses While a bonus is usually given by the discretion of a company, some restrictions still apply when handing it out at the office: Tax Implications There will likely be tax implications associated with holidays bonuses in the workplace. Bonuses are not as simple as merely handing over a gift. Bonuses are taxable, just as any other payment would be. Policies There may be policies put in place within your company regarding bonuses and gifts, so it is best to be aware of these policies before making promises to your team. Fairness Bonuses can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. To Secure These Rights 9) How far do you agree that the years 1945 55 saw only limited progress in improving the status for African Americans? Life had only improved to a small extent. There was only limited progress in solving the problem of segregation, the violence continued, new employment opportunities and voting rights were not readily available and whilst there was de jure change in the areas of transport and education, de facto change was lacking. One of the areas that changed were segregation, Truman established a committee to investigate race relations and to safeguard the rights of minorities. The report of this committee published in 1947 was called To Secure These Rights . It called for many drastic changes to be made to the law e.g. to secure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thus, during the Truman presidency, it rulings in a number of cases appeared to challenge Plessy v Ferguson e.g. 1946 Morgan v Virginia prohibited segregation on interstate transport. The Morgan v Virginia case did not lead to a change in practise. As a result in 1947 CORE launched a Journey of Reconstruction. A mixed race team planned to travel by bus from the northern to southern states; their aim was to draw public attention to the fact that many states were not following the Supreme Court. Public attention was gained but it failed to achieve change. The UDL organised a week long bus boycott in Louisiana s capital Baton Rouge in June 1953. Another area that showed the some improvement was education, Their first successful challenge to segregation in education came in 1950. The NAACP argued that Sweatt was entitled to an education equal to that of whites at the Law school. The courts decided that they did not have to integrate the white Law school and set up a law school for blacks. The NAACP rejected this and went to the Supreme Court; they argued that the new law school was inferior. The Supreme Court agreed and ordered the University of Texas Law School to accept Sweatt as a student 1950 McLaurin v Oklahoma State University upheld the rights of black students to receive equal Higher Education. Another key event supporting this issue was in 1954, this case came to the Supreme Court. It had been sponsored by the National ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. A Story In Short Story Stories In a city a family living. In their family Father Mr. A, Mother Mrs. B, Son Mr. C, Daughter s D and E. Mr. An utilised as a part of an assumed and his measures do great at all around as the same totally actualized in their family. Mrs. B housewife and doing a little article plotting as entertainment developer. Their young people Mr. C and Ms. D and E went to their school and they additionally continually take after his dad standards Always tell the truth, without pay off in the works, considers, regard the Elders, regard the women, don t battle anyone, don t abuse useless working environments, don t lead any wrong individuals. Time passing away. One day at his home one little occasion happens. Mr. A s tyke was counter towards at his school some individual s Scale and wood Ink Pen found in his sack and dad rebuked him why you was stolen and he beaten him and let him know always told the Truth . That Mr. C was easy going to tell he buys the Scale and wood Ink Pen his mom given her cash, in light of the way that in his family monetary matters just directing Mr. A, on the off chance that he tells the matter his dad will true blue to his mom. Furthermore, on that day Father Mr. A given his sustenance and safe house outside as prepare. He uncovered and on that day he picks in any case I come clean in my life. In like manner, after they are astoundingly planning with their family in regards to articles, books, cash, materials, etc. Mr. C is going routinely to his school, at his school he tells his lords always truth. One day an examination went to their school and gets a few information about subjects and assorted exercises. Likewise, the Teachers who in like way by and large offered tenets to Mr. C will remain noiseless and his seat relegated to him finally situate else it will something happens to their school. The examination, individuals came to Mr. C class and gets a little information about the showing educators and school. Moreover, finally they ask Mr. C and he calmly answers through his head enhancements. What s more, after he expect about the School, his living Town, his Country. Is there any wrongdoing to come clean in any case I admit this is my family gauges. He goes up against the issues ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Boethius And Stoicism In The Consolation Of Philosophy Marcus Aurelius in Meditations, believes that practicing stoicism will bring a person true happiness. Stoicism is an act of independence, and having a state of mind that all things that happen in life are meant to happen. Regardless what happens, stoics do not let it affect their actions or state of mind. Boethius in The Consolation of Philosophy, believes happiness is recognizing that a man s desires being fulfilled is not true happiness, but having a relationship with God is true happiness. Religion is practicing a healthy relationship with your God. A healthy relationship would be keeping God as a priority. Boethius and Marcus Aurelius both come up with philosophies that are in place for a person to reach a epidemy in life of true ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He wrote a textbook on music that was used until modern times. Boethius did many great things in his life, until he was charged with conspiring to deliver Rome from his rule, and was thrown into prison for the rest of his life. It is questioned whether his philosophy stands, due to the way he conspired it. Boethius was chained up in a dark dungeon, when a woman appeared in front of him. This was the start of the Consolation of Philosophy, and it is debatable whether he was crazy or simply just using her as a literary device for our reading. Marcus Aurelius lived around 140 A.D., which was considered Ancient Era He was known as one of the greatest rulers of all time. Meditations was wrote from the journal of Marcus Aurelius. His philosophy was very simple. He did not want to start a riot with his philosophy, but he practiced it within himself. Although steeped in the teachings of philosophy, he did not attempt to remodel the world on any preconceived plan (Meditations p 68). Both men, although living in two different eras, proposed a way to live life in a way that will bring true happiness into your life. Boethius strived for a relationship with God. The woman that appeared before him was there to tell him that there is no more time to be miserable, even with the conditions that he was under, and to carry on. But it is rather time, saith she, to apply remedies, than to make complaints . (Consolation 120). Boethius believed that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Alaska Fish Trap Essay The use of fish traps in the 1950s almost completely depleted salmon runs in some areas of Alaska. A fish trap is a big, fixed wooden structure, placed at the mouth of a stream to funnel to tons of fish into a massive net. Fish traps were also adapted to float so they could be a little bit easier to transfer in the winter. Fish traps needed little labor to keep them running, and they also kept the fish live which was important to the seller, which made them a good economic investment. The extensive use of the fish traps, and other fixed fishing gear heavily impacted the region and the Native people of Alaska. Fish traps were a very controversial topic throughout Alaska in the 50 s and 60 s. These fixed fish traps were extremely efficient, catching almost 600,000 fish annually and, they had a very low escape rate. Fish traps caught so many salmon that areas were completely depleted, and left Native villages without one of their main sources of food. The result of the residents of Alaska unhappiness with fish traps made the White Act of 1924 come into play. This act required an escapement rate of 50% off all salmon, this means if you catch 100 fish you have to let 50 back into the water. The White Act also included that the Secretary of Commerce can manage all of Alaska s fishing except for the access to the fishery. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Native Alaskans used weirs, in stream methods, and some tribes, like the Tlingit built a dam in the river to trap salmon, and used spears to kill them. Native Alaskans depended on salmon for over half their diet, and the actual sport of catching salmon was considered a leisure activity, within their society. Commercial fishing, on the other hand, used purse seines, gill nets, and fish traps. Unlike, the Native Alaskans, commercial fishing mobile gear often required much effort, for not that much payout, compared to the Native ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Archetypes In The Hero, The Mentor, And The Shadow In The Hobbit, there are a variety of characters that play vital roles in the story. While this novel is filled with many diverse characters, some have specific roles to play. These can be categorized into archetypes. Archetypes describe the functions that people or items play in a story. Seven of these archetypes exist, and three of them stand out in The Hobbit. The Hero, The Mentor, and The Shadow are necessary archetypes that can be found in The Hobbit, and three characters fit these roles perfectly. First of all, the archetype, The Hero, is represented by Bilbo Baggins, and for this archetype, they sacrifice themself for the service of the journey. They grow and learn during this time. For example, in chapter three, the text states, He was thinking once again of his comfortable chair before the fire in his favorite sitting room in his hobbit hole, and of the kettle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He provided Bilbo with help with his magic, and protected him. An example can be found in chapter six, when Gandalf states, Up the trees quick! (The Hobbit, page 109). Gandalf told Bilbo what to do. Then he commanded Bilbo to get up the trees, an order that saved his life. As well, in chapter seven, the the wizard explains, I always meant to see you all safe (if possible) over the mountains (The Hobbit, page 125). Hence, this quote proves that Gandalf always looks out for Bilbo Baggins, and gives him insight to help him. One more piece of evidence can be found in chapter seven, when Gandalf exclaims, Don t be a fool Mr. Baggins if you can help it; and in the name of all wonder don t mention the word furrier again as long as you are within miles of his house, nor rug, cape, tippet, muff, nor any other such unfortunate word! (The Hobbit, page 127). According to this quote, Gandalf gave advice to Bilbo, and taught him what not to do. Mentoring was what he was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...