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LinkedIn Company Page Design Update
Quick Brief


     © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
Summary of changes

• There are prominent visual elements on top of company home and
  careers page to showcase the employer brand.
• Company status updates are now above company information on the
  company page.
• Status updates now include “Featured Update functionality” which allows
  the company to choose the status update to be displayed on top.
• Company information isn’t cut at 300 characters and displayed as 1
  single block including Specialties content at the bottom of the page.
• Careers page content includes one sentence, employer brand message
  copy placed below the top banner image.
• Navigation is prominent and connects all sub sections (careers,
  products, insights) with the company page.
• Body content on all pages are same.

          © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
Home Page Design Updates

                                                                                                                                                         follow button

Big brand

updates are now
above the
company info

             © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
New Company Careers Page Updates

                                                                                                                                                        follow button

Larger career
Brand banner

Career brand

            © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
New Company Products Page (Same)

                                                                                                                                                 follow button

     © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
Visual element specifications

• Home page banner: 646x220 pixels, PNG / JPEG

        © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
Visual element specifications

• Careers page banner: 974x240 (or smaller) pixels

         © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
Visual element specifications

• Products page banners are same as before: 640x220 pixels

         © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
Examples of new company pages

• http://www.linkedin.com/company/hewlett-packard
• http://www.linkedin.com/company/philips
• http://www.linkedin.com/company/citi
• http://www.linkedin.com/company/american-
• http://www.linkedin.com/company/unilever/careers
• http://www.linkedin.com/company/expedia/careers

        © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
More Info from LinkedIn about new design

• New LinkedIn Company Pages rolling to all companies:
• LinkedIn introduction to new company pages:
• Online brochure to new company pages:
• SlideShare presentation:

        © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
Thank you

For more information and questions please get in touch:

Sevil Ozer Crespo

           © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.

More Related Content

Linked in company page updates

  • 1. LinkedIn Company Page Design Update Quick Brief 04.10.2012 © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 2. Summary of changes • There are prominent visual elements on top of company home and careers page to showcase the employer brand. • Company status updates are now above company information on the company page. • Status updates now include “Featured Update functionality” which allows the company to choose the status update to be displayed on top. • Company information isn’t cut at 300 characters and displayed as 1 single block including Specialties content at the bottom of the page. • Careers page content includes one sentence, employer brand message copy placed below the top banner image. • Navigation is prominent and connects all sub sections (careers, products, insights) with the company page. • Body content on all pages are same. © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 3. Home Page Design Updates Prominent follow button Big brand banner Company status updates are now above the company info content! © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 4. New Company Careers Page Updates Prominent follow button Larger career Brand banner Career brand message © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 5. New Company Products Page (Same) Prominent follow button © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 6. Visual element specifications • Home page banner: 646x220 pixels, PNG / JPEG © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 7. Visual element specifications • Careers page banner: 974x240 (or smaller) pixels © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 8. Visual element specifications • Products page banners are same as before: 640x220 pixels © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 9. Examples of new company pages • http://www.linkedin.com/company/hewlett-packard • http://www.linkedin.com/company/philips • http://www.linkedin.com/company/citi • http://www.linkedin.com/company/american- express/careers • http://www.linkedin.com/company/unilever/careers • http://www.linkedin.com/company/expedia/careers © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 10. More Info from LinkedIn about new design • New LinkedIn Company Pages rolling to all companies: http://blog.linkedin.com/2012/10/04/new-linkedin-company- pages-to-all/?sf6424994=1 • LinkedIn introduction to new company pages: http://blog.linkedin.com/2012/09/06/new-look-for-company- pages/ • Online brochure to new company pages: http://marketing.linkedin.com/companypages • SlideShare presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/linkedin/6-newly-redesigned- linkedin-company-pages © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.
  • 11. Thank you For more information and questions please get in touch: Sevil Ozer Crespo sevil@mavad.co.uk © copyright Maverick 2012 all rights reserved. No part of this design may be copied or re-produced without the prior consent of Maverick.