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LinkedIn & Your Personal-Professional Brand 
Raleigh, NC
For Additional Social Media Coaching, Presentations and Training 
please visit Mitch Miles and the 
26.2 Group at the following 
@mitchmiles - Twitter 
www.mitchmiles262.com - Web 
LinkedIn.com/in/mitchmiles – LinkedIn 
gothe262@gmail.com - Web
Mitch Miles Social Media Training 
The 26.2 Group
Our Roadmap 
 Develop Your Personal Brand & Profile 
 Personal Branding 
 What Is LinkedIn 
 Why LinkedIn 
 Professional Profile
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
SSSSoooocccciiiiaaaallll MMMMeeeeddddiiiiaaaa iiiinnnn 2222000011113333 
0 0 0 01 0012345 0000000111111222222333333444444555555666666777777888888999999 Hours Minutes Seconds
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
168 million 
emails are sent
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
to take Social Media (LINKEDIN) 1 mile at a time
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
“You donut get a 2nd chance 
to make a 1st imprezzion”
2nd Impressions
1st Impression is online
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
Your social profile is 
what You say… 
It is what 
You Need A Google Account 
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
Search Engine 
Google Alerts
Example: Google Alert
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
ACTIVITY: Google Yourself
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn’s mission is connecting 
the world's professionals to make 
them more productive and 
for Business 
Professionals. #1 
Social Networking Site
220+ Million Members 
200+ Countries
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
– 1st Degree – personal, 
immediate network. 
– 2nd Degree – connected 
to at least one member 
of your 1st degree to 
introduce you. 
– 3rd Degree – connected 
to at least one member 
of your 2nd degree 
Top Priorities 
1. Importance of Your Personal Brand 
2. Complete Your Personal Profile 
3. Grow Your Personal Network 
4. Join Industry/Alumni/Professional Groups 
5. Participate in Groups/Discussions 
6. Skills & Expertise 
7. Seek Introductions 
8. Gather Recommendations
Top Priorities 
1. Importance of Your Personal Brand 
2. Complete Your Personal Profile 
3. Grow Your Personal Network 
4. Join Industry/Alumni/Professional Groups 
5. Participate in Groups/Discussions 
6. Skills & Expertise 
7. Seek Introductions 
8. Gather Recommendations
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
Personal Brand Defined … 
… stimulates a meaningful emotional response 
in another person or audience about the 
qualities or values for which that person stands. 
• What are the emotions he or she evokes? 
• What are the values and qualities that come to 
mind when you think of that person?
“The single most important step in building 
an effective Personal Brand is accepting that 
what you think of yourself is nearly irrelevant: 
Branding is all about what others think.” 
22 Immutable Laws of Branding 
Al and Laura Ries
“reserving a word or phrase in the mind of another.” 
Steps to determine your Personal Brand 
1.Identify the emotion you want to evoke in your audience. 
2.Identify the word or phrase that reflects that emotion you want 
others to associate with you. 
3.You must consistently engage in intentional behavior that 
promotes and reinforces the word or phrase you have chosen. 
22 Immutable Laws of Branding 
Al and Laura Ries
Personal Brand Defined … 
… stimulates a meaningful emotional response 
in another person or audience about the 
qualities or values for which that person stands. 
• What are the emotions he or she evokes? 
• What are the values and qualities that come to 
mind when you think of that person?
my ONE word/phrase 
•Am I Encouraging? 
•Would this Encourage or Discourage? 
•Do I bring a smile or a frown when I am around others? 
•Praising or Putting Down? 
•Is my tone Kind or Mean?
22 Immutable Laws of Branding 
Al and Laura Ries 
Personal Brand Exercise 
1.Identify the emotion you want to evoke in your audience. 
2.Identify the word or phrase that reflects that emotion you want 
others to associate with you. 
3.You must consistently engage in intentional behavior that 
promotes and reinforces the word or phrase you have chosen.
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
“Companies and 
Individuals HIRE, work 
with others they … 
have a connection/bond with
If Individuals and Companies hire 
and work with people they like, trust 
and connect with, keep in mind the 
following when making an impression on 
LinkedIn …
“You don’t get a second chance 
to make a first impression“
Past = 1st Impression 
Today = 2nd Impression
Today = 1st Impression
what You Say… 
it’s what 
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
what You Say… 
it’s what 
Search Engine 
Google Alerts
Example: Google Alert
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
100% Profile
Keep your sleeves on … 
No full body shots … 
Show your entire face …
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
No Avatars 
No Sunglasses 
Always Smile!
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
Please NO
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
100% Profile
I help X do Y so that Z.
I help individuals and brands to 
share their story with specific 
audiences so that relationships are 
built, strategic partnerships are 
created and revenues are 
100% Profile
2 Keys 4 LinkedIn Success 
1. Keywords, Skills & Expertise 
2. List (Connections)
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
Who’s on YOUR list?
Building YOUR List (LinkedIn 
• Upload Contacts from your email 
• Connect with (new/old) colleagues and 
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand
For Additional Social Media Coaching, 
please visit Mitch Miles and the 
26.2 Group at the following 
@mitchmiles - Twitter 
www.mitchmiles262.com - Web 
LinkedIn.com/in/mitchmiles – LinkedIn 
gothe262@gmail.com - Web
LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand

More Related Content

LinkedIn & Your Personal Professional Brand

  • 1. LinkedIn & Your Personal-Professional Brand Raleigh, NC
  • 2. For Additional Social Media Coaching, Presentations and Training please visit Mitch Miles and the 26.2 Group at the following 336.303.0262 @mitchmiles - Twitter www.mitchmiles262.com - Web LinkedIn.com/in/mitchmiles – LinkedIn gothe262@gmail.com - Web
  • 3.
  • 4. Mitch Miles Social Media Training The 26.2 Group
  • 5. Our Roadmap  Develop Your Personal Brand & Profile  Personal Branding  What Is LinkedIn  Why LinkedIn  Professional Profile
  • 25. SSSSoooocccciiiiaaaallll MMMMeeeeddddiiiiaaaa iiiinnnn 2222000011113333 0 0 0 01 0012345 0000000111111222222333333444444555555666666777777888888999999 Hours Minutes Seconds
  • 28. 168 million emails are sent
  • 38. REMEMBER to take Social Media (LINKEDIN) 1 mile at a time
  • 42. “You donut get a 2nd chance to make a 1st imprezzion”
  • 46. Your social profile is NOT what You say… It is what SAY!
  • 47. You Need A Google Account www.google.com
  • 55. WHY
  • 56. IS
  • 57. LinkedIn’s mission is connecting the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful.
  • 58. for Business Professionals. #1 Social Networking Site
  • 59. WHY?
  • 61. 220+ Million Members in 200+ Countries
  • 65. – 1st Degree – personal, immediate network. – 2nd Degree – connected to at least one member of your 1st degree to introduce you. – 3rd Degree – connected to at least one member of your 2nd degree connection.
  • 66. Top Priorities 1. Importance of Your Personal Brand 2. Complete Your Personal Profile 3. Grow Your Personal Network 4. Join Industry/Alumni/Professional Groups 5. Participate in Groups/Discussions 6. Skills & Expertise 7. Seek Introductions 8. Gather Recommendations
  • 67. Top Priorities 1. Importance of Your Personal Brand 2. Complete Your Personal Profile 3. Grow Your Personal Network 4. Join Industry/Alumni/Professional Groups 5. Participate in Groups/Discussions 6. Skills & Expertise 7. Seek Introductions 8. Gather Recommendations
  • 69. Personal Brand Defined … … stimulates a meaningful emotional response in another person or audience about the qualities or values for which that person stands. • What are the emotions he or she evokes? • What are the values and qualities that come to mind when you think of that person?
  • 70. “The single most important step in building an effective Personal Brand is accepting that what you think of yourself is nearly irrelevant: Branding is all about what others think.” 22 Immutable Laws of Branding Al and Laura Ries
  • 71. “reserving a word or phrase in the mind of another.” Steps to determine your Personal Brand 1.Identify the emotion you want to evoke in your audience. 2.Identify the word or phrase that reflects that emotion you want others to associate with you. 3.You must consistently engage in intentional behavior that promotes and reinforces the word or phrase you have chosen. 22 Immutable Laws of Branding Al and Laura Ries
  • 72. Personal Brand Defined … … stimulates a meaningful emotional response in another person or audience about the qualities or values for which that person stands. • What are the emotions he or she evokes? • What are the values and qualities that come to mind when you think of that person?
  • 73. my ONE word/phrase is “ENCOURAGE, TO ENCOURAGE” •Am I Encouraging? •Would this Encourage or Discourage? •Do I bring a smile or a frown when I am around others? •Praising or Putting Down? •Is my tone Kind or Mean?
  • 74. 22 Immutable Laws of Branding Al and Laura Ries Personal Brand Exercise 1.Identify the emotion you want to evoke in your audience. 2.Identify the word or phrase that reflects that emotion you want others to associate with you. 3.You must consistently engage in intentional behavior that promotes and reinforces the word or phrase you have chosen.
  • 76. “Companies and Individuals HIRE, work with others they … Like Trust have a connection/bond with
  • 77. If Individuals and Companies hire and work with people they like, trust and connect with, keep in mind the following when making an impression on LinkedIn …
  • 78. “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression“
  • 79. Past = 1st Impression Today = 2nd Impression
  • 80. Today = 1st Impression
  • 81. NOT are what You Say… it’s what SAY !
  • 83. NOT are what You Say… it’s what SAY !
  • 90. Keep your sleeves on … No full body shots … Show your entire face …
  • 92. No Avatars No Sunglasses Always Smile!
  • 97. I help X do Y so that Z.
  • 98. I help individuals and brands to share their story with specific audiences so that relationships are built, strategic partnerships are created and revenues are increased.
  • 100. 2 Keys 4 LinkedIn Success 1. Keywords, Skills & Expertise 2. List (Connections)
  • 103. Who’s on YOUR list?
  • 104. Building YOUR List (LinkedIn Network) • Upload Contacts from your email provider. • Connect with (new/old) colleagues and classmates.
  • 105.
  • 110. For Additional Social Media Coaching, please visit Mitch Miles and the 26.2 Group at the following 336.303.0262 @mitchmiles - Twitter www.mitchmiles262.com - Web LinkedIn.com/in/mitchmiles – LinkedIn gothe262@gmail.com - Web
  • 112.

Editor's Notes

  1. LinkedIn Labs LinkedIn Map
  2. I am always asked – what is The 26.2 Group – why 26.2? So let me get that right out of the way … there are 26.2 Miles in a Marathon, My last name is Miles, so I teach - No matter what you do … whether it’s just life, parenting, marriage, sales & marketing, training, and especially now social media … take it one mile at a time, one social media channel at a time – don’t focus on the past, don’t get to anxious about the future – be in the moment. Marathon runners, will think occasionally about the finish line, however, the majority of the race they are focused on the next mile marker, the next stride, the next turn – they are in the moment … so that’s what I am going to ask of you during our time together … lets take one mile at a time, almost one slide at a time … Mitch Miles is President of The 26.2 Group, a social training and strategy organization based in the Piedmont Triad Region of North Carolina. He assists businesses with strategy, coaching and implementation of social media solutions in order to grow their business, stay connected to their clients, as well as engage strategic partners and vendors. Mitch currently teaches social media marketing at GTCC, and this summer is conducting several social media summer camps at The Proximity Hotel. 
  3. am always asked – what is The 26.2 Group – why 26.2? So let me get that right out of the way … there are 26.2 Miles in a Marathon, My last name is Miles, so I teach - No matter what you do … whether it’s just life, parenting, marriage, sales & marketing, training, and especially now social media … take it one mile at a time, one social media channel at a time – don’t focus on the past, don’t get to anxious about the future – be in the moment. Marathon runners, will think occasionally about the finish line, however, the majority of the race they are focused on the next mile marker, the next stride, the next turn – they are in the moment … so that’s what I am going to ask of you during our time together … lets take one mile at a time, almost one slide at a time … Mitch Miles is President of The 26.2 Group, a social training and strategy organization based in the Piedmont Triad Region of North Carolina. He assists businesses with strategy, coaching and implementation of social media solutions in order to grow their business, stay connected to their clients, as well as engage strategic partners and vendors. Mitch currently teaches social media marketing at GTCC, and this summer is conducting several social media summer camps at The Proximity Hotel. 
  4. Do You Have a Headache yet?
  5. 50% of members are from outside the US http://learn.linkedin.com/groups/ - user guides – check them out
  6. 50% of members are from outside the US 1 new user added every second
  7. 50% of members are from outside the US http://learn.linkedin.com/groups/ - user guides – check them out
  8. 50% of members are from outside the US http://learn.linkedin.com/groups/ - user guides – check them out
  9. 50% of members are from outside the US http://learn.linkedin.com/groups/ - user guides – check them out
  10. Robert Plutchik's theory Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions This says that the basic eight emotions are: Fear → feeling afraid. Other words are terror (strong fear), shock, phobia Anger → feeling angry. A stronger word is rage. Sadness → feeling sad. Other words are sorrow, grief (a stronger feeling, for example when someone has died) or depression (feeling sad for a long time). Some people think depression is a different emotion. Joy → feeling happy. Other words are happiness, gladness. Disgust → feeling something is wrong or dirty Trust → a positive emotion; admiration is stronger; acceptance is weaker Anticipation → in the sense of looking forward positively to something which is going to happen. Expectation is more neutral. Surprise → how one feels when something unexpected happens Book Two of Aristotle's Rhetoric This theory says that the emotions are: Anger, opposite calmness (not feeling excited) Friendship (Love), opposite enmity (feeling hate) Fear, opposite confidence (having no fear) Shame, opposite shamelessness (shame: how one feels about one's past bad actions or thoughts; shamelessness: one does not feel shame, but others think one should.) Kindness (benevolence), opposite unkindness (kindness: when people are good to other people) Pity (when people feel sorry for other people) Indignation (feeling angry because something is not fair, such as undeserved good fortune) Envy, jealous (pain when people have something that one wishes for oneself)
  11. LinkedIn Labs LinkedIn Map
  12. Do You Have a Headache yet?
  13. LinkedIn Labs LinkedIn Map
  14. LinkedIn Labs LinkedIn Map