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Artificial System of
Carolus Linnaeus
Presented To: Ma’am Aneeqa
Presented By: Farhan Ahmed Tahir (02)
Presented By: Muhammad Anwaar Arshad (04)
 Born May 22, 1707 in Rashult, Sweden
 Father of Taxonomy
 Produced his sexual system of classification (Artificial Classification)
 Invented binomial nomenclature
Method of classifying plants based on a limited number of their
physical and sexual characteristics
 ‘Sexual’ system
 Divided plants into 24 classes
 Classes based largely on the amount, union and length of stamens
Canna or canna lily is the
only genus of flowering
plants in the family
Cannaceae, consisting of
10 species. All of the
genus's species are native
to the American
tropics and naturalized in
Europe, India and Africa
in the 1860s.
With one stamen Canna, Lemna
Lepidium is a genus of plants
in the mustard/cabbage
family, Brassicaceae. The
genus is widely distributed in
the Americas, Africa, Asia,
Europe, and Australia. It
includes familiar species such
as garden cress, maca,
and dittander.
General common
names include peppercress,
peppergrass, pepper weed,
and pepperwort.
With two stamens Veronica, Lapidium
Iris is a flowering plant genus of
310 accepted species with
showy flowers. As well as being
the scientific name, iris is also
widely used as a common name
for all Iris species, as well as
some belonging to other closely
related genera Nearly all species
are found in temperate Northern
Hemisphere zones,
from Europe to Asia and across
North America.
Uses: They are also used
in various traditional
medicines for the treatment
of inflammations, cancer,
bacterial and viral infections,
and other diseases.
With three stamens Iris, Grasses
Elms are deciduous and semi-
deciduous trees comprising the
genus Ulmus in the
family Ulmaceae. They are
distributed over most of the
Northern Hemisphere, inhabiting
the temperate and tropical-
montane regions of North
America and Eurasia, presently
ranging southward in the Middle
East to Lebanon and Israel,[1] and
across the Equator in the Far East
into Indonesia.
Uses: Elm wood is valued for its
interlocking grain, and
consequent resistance to
splitting, with significant uses
in wagon-wheel
hubs, chair seats, and coffins.
With four stamens Ulmus, Protea
Ipomoea is the largest genus in the
plant family Convolvulaceae, with
over 600 species. It is a large and
diverse group, with common names
including morning glory, water
convolvulus or water spinach, sweet
potato, bindweed, moonflower, etc
The genus occurs throughout the
tropical and sub tropical regions of
Uses: Most species have spectacular,
colorful flowers, and are often grown
as ornamentals, and a number
of cultivars have been developed.
Their deep flowers attract
large Lepidoptera - especially
the Sphingidae, such as the pink-
spotted hawk moth (Agrius cingulata)
- or even hummingbirds.
With five stamens Ipomoea,Primula
Lilium is
a genus of herbaceous flowering
plants growing from bulbs, all
with large prominent flowers.
They are the true lilies. Lilies are
a group of flowering plants
which are important in culture
and literature in much of the
world. Most species are native to
the Northern Hemisphere and
their range is temperate
climates and extends into
the subtropics.
Uses: Lily bulbs are starchy and
edible as root vegetables, though
bulbs of some species may be too
bitter to eat.
With six stamens Lilium,Allisma
borealis (synonym Trientalis
borealis), the starflower, is a North
American woodland perennial that
blooms between May and June.
Lysimachia borealis is found from
Canada to north-central and eastern
United States. It is found
in temperate climates
Uses: Starflower has virtually no
edible uses and very limited
medicinal uses. It was not widely
used for medicinal purposes by
native American groups. However,
several groups are said to have used
it as a treatment for ailments of the
With seven stamens Trientalis
Vaccinium is a common and
widespread genus of shrubs or dwarf
shrubs in the heath
family (Ericaceae).. The genus
contains about 450 species,[17] which
are found mostly in the cooler areas of
the Northern Hemisphere, although
there are tropical species from areas
as widely separated
as Madagascar and Hawaii. The genus
is distributed worldwide except for
Australia and Antarctica.
Uses: The plants bear edible berries
that are high in nutritive value and are
obviously of dietary use. The plants
are of medicinal use in treating
several diseases like diabetes, several
ocular diseases, and vascular
With eight stamens Vaccinium
Rheum is a genus of about
60 herbaceous perennial plants in the
family Polygonaceae. Species are
native to eastern Europe, southern and
eastern temperate Asia, with a few
reaching into northern tropical
Asia. Rheum is cultivated in Europe
and North America. The genus
includes the vegetable rhubarb.
Uses: Many Rheum species have food
and medicinal uses. Some of these
uses originated in Asia more than
2,000 years ago. All parts of the plant
contain slightly poisonous oxalic acid,
but its concentration in the leaf stems
or petioles used in food preparation is
very low, and their tart flavor instead
is caused by nontoxic malic acid.
With nine stamens Rheum,Ranunculus
Class Characters Examples
Oxalis is a large genus of flowering
plants in the wood-sorrel
family Oxalidaceae, comprising over
550 species.The genus occurs
throughout most of the world, except
for the polar areas; species diversity is
particularly rich in
tropical Brazil, Mexico, and South
Uses: Several species are grown
as pot plants or as ornamental
plants in gardens, for example, O.
With ten stamens Oxalis
Reseda also known as
the mignonette is a genus of
fragrant herbaceous plants native
to Europe, southwest
Asia and North Africa, from
the Canary
Islands and Iberia east to
northwest India.
Uses: Mignonette flowers are
extremely fragrant. It is grown
for the sweet ambrosial scent of
its flowers. It is used in flower
arrangements, perfumes and potp
With 11-19 stamens Reseda,Calla
A rose is either a
woody perennial flowering
plant of the genus Rosa in the
family Rosaceae or the flower it
bears. There are over three
hundred species and tens of
thousands of cultivars.
Uses: Roses are best known
as ornamental plants grown for
their flowers in the garden and
sometimes indoors. They have
been also used for commercial
perfumery and commercial cut
flower crops.
Stamens 20 or more,on the
Tilia is a genus of about 30
species of trees or bushes, native
throughout most of
the temperate Northern
Hemisphere. The tree is known
as linden for the European
species, and basswood for North
American species.
Uses: Linden trees produce soft
and easily worked timber, which
has very little grain and a density
of 560 kg/m3.It was often used
by Germanic tribes for
constructing shields. It is a
popular wood for model building
and for intricate carving.
Stamens 20 or more on the
receptacle Tilia,Papaver
The Lamiaceae or Labiatae are
a family of flowering
plants commonly known as
the mint, deadnettle or sage fam
ily. Many of the plants
are aromatic in all parts and
include widely used
culinary herbs like basil, mint, ro
semary, sage, savory, marjoram,
Uses: Several medicinal
properties have been attributed to
this plant. Essential oil of tulsi
has been reported to possess
100% larvicidal activity against
the Culex mosquitoes. Trials
have shown excellent
antimalarial activity of tulsi.
Stamens didynamous;2
short, 2 long Labiatae
Brassicaceae or Cruciferae is a
medium-sized and economically
important family of flowering
plants commonly known as
the mustards, the crucifers, or
the cabbage family. Brassicaceae can
be found almost on the entire land
surface of the planet, but the family is
absent from Antarctica, and also
absent from some areas in the tropics
i.e. northeastern Brazil, the Congo
basin, Maritime Southeast Asia and
tropical Australasia.
Uses: This family includes important
agricultural crops, among which many
vegetables such
as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale
, Brussels sprouts, collard
greens, Savoy, kohlrabi.
Stamens tetradynamous;4 long, 2
Malvaceae , or the mallows, is a
family of flowering
plants estimated to contain 244
genera with 4225 known species.
Most species are found
in Mexico, tropical Central and
South America, Africa,
Madagascar, India, south east
and east Asia, Papuasia and
Uses: Hibiscus is used for treating
loss of appetite, colds, heart and
nerve diseases, upper respiratory
tract pain and swelling
(inflammation), fluid retention,
stomach irritation, and disorders of
Stamens Monadelphous
united in 1 group Malvaceae(Hibiscus)
The Fabaceae or Leguminosae,co
mmonly known as the legume, pea,
or bean family, are a large and
important family of flowering
plants with about 765 genera and
nearly 20,000 known species. The
Fabaceae have an essentially
worldwide distribution, being
found everywhere except
Antarctica and the high Arctic.
Uses: Several species of Fabaceae
are used to produce dyes. The
heartwood of
logwood, Haematoxylon
campechianum, is used to produce
red and purple dyes.
The histological stain
called haematoxylin is produced
from this species.
Stamens diadelphous; united in 2
groups Fabaceae
Class Characters Examples
Hypericum is
a genus of flowering plants in
the family Hypericaceae (former
ly considered a subfamily
of Clusiaceae).The genus has a
nearly worldwide distribution,
missing only
from tropical lowlands, deserts a
nd polar regions.
Uses: Depression. Taking
specific St. John's wort extracts
by mouth is effective for mild or
moderate depression. Certain St.
John's wort products might work
as well as some prescription
drugs and might cause fewer side
Stamens polyadelphous
united in 3 or more groups Hypericum
Class Characters Examples
The family Asteraceae, with the
original name Compositae,[5] consists
of over 32,000 known species
of flowering plants in over 1,900
genera within the order Asterales.
Asteraceae species have a widespread
distribution, from subpolar to tropical
regions in a wide variety of habitats.
Most occur in hot desert and cold or
hot semi-desert climates, and they are
found on every continent but
Uses: Asteraceae is an economically
important family, providing products
such as cooking oils, leaf
vegetables like lettuce, sunflower
seeds, artichokes, sweetening agents,
coffee substitutes and herbal teas.
Stamens syngenesious; united
by anthers only Compositae
Class Characters Examples
Orchids are plants that belong to
the family Orchidaceae.a
diverse and widespread group
of flowering plants with blooms
that are often colourful and
fragrant. It contains about 28,000
accepted species distributed
across 763 genera.
Uses: The scent of orchids is
frequently analysed
by perfumers (using headspace
technology and gas-liquid
spectrometry) to identify
potential fragrance chemicals.
Stamens united with the
gynoecium Orchidaceae
Morus, a genus of flowering
plants in the family Moraceae,
consists of diverse species
of deciduous trees commonly
known as mulberries, growing
wild and under cultivation in
many temperate world regions.
Uses: White mulberry leaves are
the preferred feedstock for
silkworms, and are also cut for
food for livestock (cattle, goats,
etc.) in areas where dry seasons
restrict the availability of ground
The leaves are prepared as tea in
Korea. The fruit are also eaten,
often dried or made into wine.
Plants monoecious Morus(Mulberry),Typha
Willows, also
called sallows and osiers, of
the genus Salix, comprise around
350 species (plus numerous
hybrids) of
typically deciduous trees
and shrubs, found primarily on
moist soils in cold
and temperate regions.
Uses: The bark of some species
of Salix trees has been used for
treating inflammatory and
arthritis-related conditions since
ancient times.
Plants dioecious Salix,Juniperus
Acer palmatum, commonly known
as Japanese maple,palmate
maple, or smooth Japanese maple
is a species of woody plant native
to Japan, Korea, China,
eastern Mongolia, and
southeast Russia.
Uses: These plants have been
traditionally used to treat a wide
range of diseases in East Asia and
North America. Moreover, clinical
studies have shown that medicinal
plants belonging to Acer are highly
effective in the treatment of
rheumatism, bruises, hepatic
disorders, eye disease, and pain,
and in detoxification.
Plants polygamous Acer
A cryptogam (scientific
name Cryptogamae) is a plant
(in the wide sense of the word) or
a plant-like organism that
reproduces by spores, without
flowers or seeds.
Uses: Ferns have historically been
used extensively by humans
as ornamental plants, in domestic
utensils, in handicrafts, as
components of cosmetic formulations
and foodstuffs, and for medicinal
purposes. cryptogams are known to
be good bioindicators (e.g., of
substrates; of plant community
conditions; or of air, water, and soil
pollution) and are used in various
environmental studies.
Flowerless Plants Fern,Algae,Fungi

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linneus system of classification (1).pptx

  • 1. 1
  • 3. Presented To: Ma’am Aneeqa Presented By: Farhan Ahmed Tahir (02) Presented By: Muhammad Anwaar Arshad (04) 3
  • 4. CAROLUS LINNEAUS  Born May 22, 1707 in Rashult, Sweden  Father of Taxonomy  Produced his sexual system of classification (Artificial Classification)  Invented binomial nomenclature 4
  • 5. WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL PLANT CLASSIFICATION Method of classifying plants based on a limited number of their physical and sexual characteristics 5
  • 6. BASICS  ‘Sexual’ system  Divided plants into 24 classes  Classes based largely on the amount, union and length of stamens 6
  • 7. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Monandria Canna or canna lily is the only genus of flowering plants in the family Cannaceae, consisting of 10 species. All of the genus's species are native to the American tropics and naturalized in Europe, India and Africa in the 1860s. With one stamen Canna, Lemna 7
  • 8. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Diandria Lepidium is a genus of plants in the mustard/cabbage family, Brassicaceae. The genus is widely distributed in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia. It includes familiar species such as garden cress, maca, and dittander. General common names include peppercress, peppergrass, pepper weed, and pepperwort. With two stamens Veronica, Lapidium 8
  • 9. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Triandria Iris is a flowering plant genus of 310 accepted species with showy flowers. As well as being the scientific name, iris is also widely used as a common name for all Iris species, as well as some belonging to other closely related genera Nearly all species are found in temperate Northern Hemisphere zones, from Europe to Asia and across North America. Uses: They are also used in various traditional medicines for the treatment of inflammations, cancer, bacterial and viral infections, and other diseases. With three stamens Iris, Grasses 9
  • 10. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Tetrandria Elms are deciduous and semi- deciduous trees comprising the genus Ulmus in the family Ulmaceae. They are distributed over most of the Northern Hemisphere, inhabiting the temperate and tropical- montane regions of North America and Eurasia, presently ranging southward in the Middle East to Lebanon and Israel,[1] and across the Equator in the Far East into Indonesia. Uses: Elm wood is valued for its interlocking grain, and consequent resistance to splitting, with significant uses in wagon-wheel hubs, chair seats, and coffins. With four stamens Ulmus, Protea 10
  • 11. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Pentandria Ipomoea is the largest genus in the plant family Convolvulaceae, with over 600 species. It is a large and diverse group, with common names including morning glory, water convolvulus or water spinach, sweet potato, bindweed, moonflower, etc The genus occurs throughout the tropical and sub tropical regions of world. Uses: Most species have spectacular, colorful flowers, and are often grown as ornamentals, and a number of cultivars have been developed. Their deep flowers attract large Lepidoptera - especially the Sphingidae, such as the pink- spotted hawk moth (Agrius cingulata) - or even hummingbirds. With five stamens Ipomoea,Primula 11
  • 12. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Hexandria Lilium is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs, all with large prominent flowers. They are the true lilies. Lilies are a group of flowering plants which are important in culture and literature in much of the world. Most species are native to the Northern Hemisphere and their range is temperate climates and extends into the subtropics. Uses: Lily bulbs are starchy and edible as root vegetables, though bulbs of some species may be too bitter to eat. With six stamens Lilium,Allisma 12
  • 13. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Heptandria Lysimachia borealis (synonym Trientalis borealis), the starflower, is a North American woodland perennial that blooms between May and June. Lysimachia borealis is found from Canada to north-central and eastern United States. It is found in temperate climates Uses: Starflower has virtually no edible uses and very limited medicinal uses. It was not widely used for medicinal purposes by native American groups. However, several groups are said to have used it as a treatment for ailments of the eye With seven stamens Trientalis 13
  • 14. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Octandria Vaccinium is a common and widespread genus of shrubs or dwarf shrubs in the heath family (Ericaceae).. The genus contains about 450 species,[17] which are found mostly in the cooler areas of the Northern Hemisphere, although there are tropical species from areas as widely separated as Madagascar and Hawaii. The genus is distributed worldwide except for Australia and Antarctica. Uses: The plants bear edible berries that are high in nutritive value and are obviously of dietary use. The plants are of medicinal use in treating several diseases like diabetes, several ocular diseases, and vascular disorders. With eight stamens Vaccinium 14
  • 15. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Enneandria Rheum is a genus of about 60 herbaceous perennial plants in the family Polygonaceae. Species are native to eastern Europe, southern and eastern temperate Asia, with a few reaching into northern tropical Asia. Rheum is cultivated in Europe and North America. The genus includes the vegetable rhubarb. Uses: Many Rheum species have food and medicinal uses. Some of these uses originated in Asia more than 2,000 years ago. All parts of the plant contain slightly poisonous oxalic acid, but its concentration in the leaf stems or petioles used in food preparation is very low, and their tart flavor instead is caused by nontoxic malic acid. With nine stamens Rheum,Ranunculus 15
  • 16. Class Characters Examples Decandria Oxalis is a large genus of flowering plants in the wood-sorrel family Oxalidaceae, comprising over 550 species.The genus occurs throughout most of the world, except for the polar areas; species diversity is particularly rich in tropical Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa. Uses: Several species are grown as pot plants or as ornamental plants in gardens, for example, O. versicolor. With ten stamens Oxalis 16
  • 18. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Dodecandria Reseda also known as the mignonette is a genus of fragrant herbaceous plants native to Europe, southwest Asia and North Africa, from the Canary Islands and Iberia east to northwest India. Uses: Mignonette flowers are extremely fragrant. It is grown for the sweet ambrosial scent of its flowers. It is used in flower arrangements, perfumes and potp ourri. With 11-19 stamens Reseda,Calla 18
  • 19. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Icosandria A rose is either a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa in the family Rosaceae or the flower it bears. There are over three hundred species and tens of thousands of cultivars. Uses: Roses are best known as ornamental plants grown for their flowers in the garden and sometimes indoors. They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut flower crops. Stamens 20 or more,on the calyx Rosa,Rubus 19
  • 20. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Polyandria Tilia is a genus of about 30 species of trees or bushes, native throughout most of the temperate Northern Hemisphere. The tree is known as linden for the European species, and basswood for North American species. Uses: Linden trees produce soft and easily worked timber, which has very little grain and a density of 560 kg/m3.It was often used by Germanic tribes for constructing shields. It is a popular wood for model building and for intricate carving. Stamens 20 or more on the receptacle Tilia,Papaver 20
  • 21. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Didynamia The Lamiaceae or Labiatae are a family of flowering plants commonly known as the mint, deadnettle or sage fam ily. Many of the plants are aromatic in all parts and include widely used culinary herbs like basil, mint, ro semary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano. Uses: Several medicinal properties have been attributed to this plant. Essential oil of tulsi has been reported to possess 100% larvicidal activity against the Culex mosquitoes. Trials have shown excellent antimalarial activity of tulsi. Stamens didynamous;2 short, 2 long Labiatae 21
  • 22. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Tetradynamia Brassicaceae or Cruciferae is a medium-sized and economically important family of flowering plants commonly known as the mustards, the crucifers, or the cabbage family. Brassicaceae can be found almost on the entire land surface of the planet, but the family is absent from Antarctica, and also absent from some areas in the tropics i.e. northeastern Brazil, the Congo basin, Maritime Southeast Asia and tropical Australasia. Uses: This family includes important agricultural crops, among which many vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale , Brussels sprouts, collard greens, Savoy, kohlrabi. Stamens tetradynamous;4 long, 2 short Cruciferae 22
  • 23. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Monadelphia Malvaceae , or the mallows, is a family of flowering plants estimated to contain 244 genera with 4225 known species. Most species are found in Mexico, tropical Central and South America, Africa, Madagascar, India, south east and east Asia, Papuasia and Australia. Uses: Hibiscus is used for treating loss of appetite, colds, heart and nerve diseases, upper respiratory tract pain and swelling (inflammation), fluid retention, stomach irritation, and disorders of circulation Stamens Monadelphous united in 1 group Malvaceae(Hibiscus) 23
  • 24. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Diadephia The Fabaceae or Leguminosae,co mmonly known as the legume, pea, or bean family, are a large and agriculturally important family of flowering plants with about 765 genera and nearly 20,000 known species. The Fabaceae have an essentially worldwide distribution, being found everywhere except Antarctica and the high Arctic. Uses: Several species of Fabaceae are used to produce dyes. The heartwood of logwood, Haematoxylon campechianum, is used to produce red and purple dyes. The histological stain called haematoxylin is produced from this species. Stamens diadelphous; united in 2 groups Fabaceae 24
  • 25. Class Characters Examples Polyadelphia Hypericum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Hypericaceae (former ly considered a subfamily of Clusiaceae).The genus has a nearly worldwide distribution, missing only from tropical lowlands, deserts a nd polar regions. Uses: Depression. Taking specific St. John's wort extracts by mouth is effective for mild or moderate depression. Certain St. John's wort products might work as well as some prescription drugs and might cause fewer side effects. Stamens polyadelphous united in 3 or more groups Hypericum 25
  • 26. Class Characters Examples Syngenesia The family Asteraceae, with the original name Compositae,[5] consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within the order Asterales. Asteraceae species have a widespread distribution, from subpolar to tropical regions in a wide variety of habitats. Most occur in hot desert and cold or hot semi-desert climates, and they are found on every continent but Antarctica. Uses: Asteraceae is an economically important family, providing products such as cooking oils, leaf vegetables like lettuce, sunflower seeds, artichokes, sweetening agents, coffee substitutes and herbal teas. Stamens syngenesious; united by anthers only Compositae 26
  • 27. Class Characters Examples Gynandria Orchids are plants that belong to the family Orchidaceae.a diverse and widespread group of flowering plants with blooms that are often colourful and fragrant. It contains about 28,000 currently accepted species distributed across 763 genera. Uses: The scent of orchids is frequently analysed by perfumers (using headspace technology and gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry) to identify potential fragrance chemicals. Stamens united with the gynoecium Orchidaceae 27
  • 28. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Monoecia Morus, a genus of flowering plants in the family Moraceae, consists of diverse species of deciduous trees commonly known as mulberries, growing wild and under cultivation in many temperate world regions. Uses: White mulberry leaves are the preferred feedstock for silkworms, and are also cut for food for livestock (cattle, goats, etc.) in areas where dry seasons restrict the availability of ground vegetation. The leaves are prepared as tea in Korea. The fruit are also eaten, often dried or made into wine. Plants monoecious Morus(Mulberry),Typha 28
  • 29. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Dioecia Willows, also called sallows and osiers, of the genus Salix, comprise around 350 species (plus numerous hybrids) of typically deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions. Uses: The bark of some species of Salix trees has been used for treating inflammatory and arthritis-related conditions since ancient times. Plants dioecious Salix,Juniperus 29
  • 30. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Polygamia Acer palmatum, commonly known as Japanese maple,palmate maple, or smooth Japanese maple is a species of woody plant native to Japan, Korea, China, eastern Mongolia, and southeast Russia. Uses: These plants have been traditionally used to treat a wide range of diseases in East Asia and North America. Moreover, clinical studies have shown that medicinal plants belonging to Acer are highly effective in the treatment of rheumatism, bruises, hepatic disorders, eye disease, and pain, and in detoxification. Plants polygamous Acer 30
  • 31. CLASS CHARACTERS EXAMPLES Cryptogamia A cryptogam (scientific name Cryptogamae) is a plant (in the wide sense of the word) or a plant-like organism that reproduces by spores, without flowers or seeds. Uses: Ferns have historically been used extensively by humans as ornamental plants, in domestic utensils, in handicrafts, as components of cosmetic formulations and foodstuffs, and for medicinal purposes. cryptogams are known to be good bioindicators (e.g., of substrates; of plant community conditions; or of air, water, and soil pollution) and are used in various environmental studies. Flowerless Plants Fern,Algae,Fungi 31