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Literacy Narrative Essay Example
Crafting a literacy narrative essay can be both a challenging and rewarding task. The difficulty
lies not only in the ability to recount personal experiences related to literacy but also in
presenting them in a coherent and engaging manner. One must navigate through the intricate web
of memories, emotions, and reflections, ensuring that the narrative unfolds seamlessly while
conveying the significance of literacy in one's life.
The challenge begins with the need to strike a balance between personal anecdotes and broader
reflections on the impact of literacy. Finding the right blend allows the essay to resonate not just
on an individual level but also with a broader audience. Furthermore, the writer must grapple
with the task of translating subjective experiences into a universally relatable narrative, making it
accessible to readers with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
Moreover, the essay demands introspection, prompting the writer to delve deep into their own
journey with literacy. This introspective process may unearth memories, emotions, and
realizations that can be both enlightening and emotionally taxing. Selecting the most poignant
moments and articulating them effectively is a delicate task that requires finesse.
Additionally, constructing a narrative that is both cohesive and compelling is a meticulous
process. The writer must carefully structure the essay, ensuring that each segment seamlessly
transitions into the next, creating a narrative flow that captivates the reader's attention. Balancing
the chronological sequence of events with thematic coherence adds an extra layer of complexity
to the task.
In summary, writing a literacy narrative essay requires not only the ability to reflect on personal
experiences but also the skill to articulate them in a way that captivates and resonates with a
diverse audience. The challenge lies in navigating the intricacies of storytelling, introspection,
and thematic coherence. However, overcoming these challenges can result in a powerful essay
that not only showcases the writer's journey with literacy but also provides a lens through which
readers can reflect on their own experiences.
For assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, one may explore the services
offered by HelpWriting.net, where a wealth of resources and professional support can be
accessed to ease the writing process.
Literacy Narrative Essay ExampleLiteracy Narrative Essay Example
Best Australian Hard Rock Band
When it comes to picking the best Australian hard rock band, AC/DC is definitely at
the top of the list. The band has changed the sound of rock music and the many great
guitar riffs are still among to most loved in the world.
Picking the best AC/DC tracks is not an easy feat, but here s our take of the top ten.
If you want to listen to proper rock or try out your guitar skills, these ten songs are
great to add to your repertoire.
1. Highway To Hell
Highway To Hell is from the similarly named album from 1979. The guitar riff from
the song has taken over the world and most beginner guitarists will dabble at it at
some point.
It s a great song about the hardships of the rock and roll lifestyle. The energy and the
passion in the song has continued ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It s taken from the similarly named album, released in 2000. It s a great song taking
the band s music back to its roots, with plenty of loud guitar and great riffs.
The song is still very fresh, so it won t feel dated. If you are into singing, then this is
a great song to hone your vocal talents. Check the backing track and give the song
your own unique touch.
6. Back In Black
You can t compile an AC/DC top track list without Back In Black. It s often voted
at the top end of all time best rock songs and it isn t any wonder. The song has one
of the most memorable guitar riffs of all times and you can t start your guitar playing
career without learning it.
The song was written as a tribute to the former singer Bon Scott and it s a
celebration of his talent. It s an upbeat and energetic song everyone s favourite.
7. Hells Bells
Hells Bells is a great song with a unique twist. You ll only here a slow tolling of a bell
before the guitar floodgates are opened and the song truly takes
Women In Mathematics 1900-1860
Many women have achieved in the mathematics field since the 1900 s. Especially
women of color. No matter how young or old, these women have taken their careers
in mathematics to an inspiring degree. Take the following women as examples, for
they have created history in mathematics forever.
Euphemia Lofton Haynes
In 1943, Euphemia Lofton Haynes was the first African Americanwoman to earn a
Ph.D. in Mathematics. Ms. Haynes attended the Catholic University in Washington,
D.C. Ms. Haynes father, Dr. William S. Lofton, was a prominent black dentist and
financier of black business in the area and her mother, Lavinia Day Lofton, was
active in the Catholic church. She was married to Harold Appo Haynes who was a
principal and deputy superintendent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1932, Williams was born in Warri, Nigeria. She received her education at Queens
College in Lagos, University Colllege at Ibadan and the University of Vermont,
before receiving a Ph.D in mathematics education from the University of Chicago in
1963. She made history as the first Nigerian woman to be awarded a doctorate. Dr.
Williams returned to Nigeria for a couple of years postdoctoral work at the University
of Ibadan before joining the University of Lagos in 1965 as a faculty member.
Dr. Williams continued interest in mathematics education was originally sparked by
her stay in the United States, which coincided with the Sputnik phenomenon.
Working with the African Mathematics Programs in Newton, Massachusetts, under
the leadership on MIT professor Ted Martins, she participated in mathematics
workshops held in various African cities. Her courses covered basic concepts in
mathematics, working in concert with leading mathematicians and educators. She
spent a decade directing the Institute of Education, which introduced innovative no
degree programs and certificate recipients working as elementary teachers. She is
currently a Professor of Mathematics at the University of
Comparing The Novel Uglies And The Maze Runner
In today s society, equality is a big deal, with many people still fighting for their
rights. People all over the world are still being discriminated against, a topic that is
not uncommon for a vast amount of dystopian novels. In fact, it s a very common
theme for multiple dystopian pieces. Scott Westerfeld s Uglies, Joelle Charbonneau s
The Testing, Liam Hughes The Social Classes, Kurt Vonnegut
Jr. s Harrison Bergeron,
and Wes Ball s interpretation of The Maze Runner all have social discrimination
integrated into their story lines. Despite the many problems in dystopian societies,
authors also present the classic hero that rises above those issues and works to
rebuild their government or community. However, a hero isn t just born, they re
made through a series of events such as problems with social classdiscrimination.
When writing the book Uglies, the author, Scott Westerfeld, used a sufficient
amount of details to emphasize the differences in social classes and how each
class is distinctly separated. By labeling the citizens in the colonies, Westerfeld
was able to show how each class was viewed. The novel follows a character named
Tally, who is a teenager living in a time set ahead of our own. In this community
there are different stages a person goes through while growing up. All citizens first
start out as littlies, or kids younger than twelve. Once over twelve the kids move to
their own town, called Uglyville, away from their parents and are
How To Be Successful In My Beloved World By Sonia
Sonia Sotomayor is a women full of many talents and accomplishments. In her book,
My Beloved World, Sonia reveals many people, circumstances, hardships, and
successfulness. Sonia has embraces many characteristics in which I can relate.
Successfulness, determination, and the importance of learning are all crucial
elements that make Sonia into the inspiring woman she is today. Relating to Sonia
Sotomayorthroughout her book allowed me to remain intrigued in the book and
helped apply concepts to my everyday life. We as human beings all strive for success.
We use success as a measure of everyday life.
After a time you may recognize the proper measure of success is not how much
you ve closed the distance to some far off goal but the quality of what you ve done
today (Sotomayor Preface). Every person has their definition and view of success,
but I believe Sonia Sotomayor stated a quality point in how we self reflect on our
lives. I believe finding success in the little things will push me farther along my path
toward my ultimate goals. I also believe we all admire someone who we perceive to
be successful. Throughout Sonia Sotomayor s book there ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Sonia describes Miss Katz as a being a different teacher from any other teacher she
has had before. She found an importance in not getting stuck in routine learning.
Miss Katz motivated her students to challenge themselves. She made the
impression of being an educator, but still educating herself. She saw the
importance of being a life long learner. This concept is very applicable and
relatable to my future career as an educator. I must always remember to remain a
life long learner. Not only can I apply this concept to my future career, but also my
current college experience. Every day I wake up and feel unmotivated and
discouraged I can remember to push through because my education is
C. S. Lewis Miracles Essay
In the book Miracles C.S. Lewis discusses what miracles are and challenges the
reader, Christian or not, to think philosophically on how and why they happen. He
uses ideas such as naturalism and supernaturalism to help readers understand the idea
of miracles, but also makes sure to point out that miracles do happen, and they
happen for a reason. That reason being because Godintended them to happen to
maintain control on Earth as well as show his sovereignty. Some people may think
of things being out of control in the world to be riots, an uncontrollable plague, or
even a three year old kid throwing a tantrum, but in reality what if out of control is
anything that has resulted from the fall, anything that God had not intended? C.S.
Lewis states, By definition, miracles must of course interrupt the usual course of
Nature...in the very act of so doing, assert all the more the unity and self
consistency of total reality at some deeper level (97). Miracles are not always
prevalent at times, but are ways for God to bring the world closer to how He had
originally intended the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It seems that much more likely that human thought is not God s but God kindled
(44). Lewis explained before that God can interfere in the physical world and that it
may interrupt the usual course of nature all the while of asserting self consistency.
Humans may decide for themselves what they eat for breakfast on a day to day
basis, but in the big scheme of things it is actually God who makes their decisions
for them. to realize for the first time how majestically indifferent most reality is to
man, and who perhaps abandons his religion on that account, may at that moment be
having his first genuinely religious experience (81).God allows humans to make their
own decisions, but by making their ultimate ones He is able to guide them back to
African American Males and the World
The world has come a very long way since segregation was demolished with the
help of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This has opened a lot of doors for African
Americans in the United States. Better job opportunities and better chances at
managing a stable family life. Sadly as time has passed and we have rolled into the
21st century things aren t looking so great for the African males in school. This rate
changes from time to time, yet we don t know why or what it really is. So, what is
the average graduation rate for African Americanmales and why? Statistics, the one
source of information that almost everyone turns to in order to determine how often
something happens. With statistics we can see just what are the chances of a African
male graduating against compared to others. Apparently, 54% of most Africans males
actually graduate from high school, that s not bad. The other 46% show little to no
effort then or drop out, which explains why their scores would be below
counterparts in other racial and ethnic groups in the school. Let us not forget though,
these are only statistics. Dropouts, plays another role in the game of graduation.
Now there are times where we all just want to quit or think that we ve reaches our
limits , but it seems that is mostly common in the African community. Now I m not
saying all Africans, just some who grew up in that type of environment where
reaching limits is okay and that they shouldn t try to surpass it. Now in order to
actually tell
A Comparison Of The Hobbit And The Story Of Sigurd
As the English poet Robert Graves said One gets to the heart of the matter by a
series of experiences in the same pattern, but in different colors. This quote is
exemplified in the stories of The Hobbit and The Story of Sigurd when they have
action and use the same hero s journey pattern to create a great story. Both authors of
the stories use strong and resilient characters in their stories to take down the
monsters. In this case, there are two heroes taking down a greedy dragon. Based on
the stories and characters, authors are also able to show their own opinions in the
stories. Concluding that, both the scene with Smaugand Fafnir have similarities in
characteristics and outcomes in the story, showing that authors follow the same...
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This asking of questions shows that the dragons can use that information to
manipulate the character into thinking about something in a different way. However,
in both stories,the character doesn t give in to the persuasiveness, but Bilbo from The
Hobbit does give Smaug just the slightest of information of where he came from and
Smaug used it to cause destruction. From finding all the similarities in the two stories
there is enough information to conclude that Tolkien used The Story of Sigurdto gain
ideas to create The Hobbit, however both stories are also very different. Of course
in every adventure story, you need a protagonist, and in The Hobbit and The Story
of Sigurd both show great examples of heroic protagonists. Plus, both of the heroes
kill the huge dragon similarly. A main thing that the two heroes have in common is
that they use a special weapon to kill the enemy. In The Hobbit, Bard uses a rare
arrow called a black arrow ; Arrow! said the bowman. Black arrow! I have saved you
to the last. You have never failed me and always I have recovered you. I had you
from my father and he from of old. (Tolkien 251). Sigurd also uses a special sword
to kill the dragon Fafnir; Then Sigurd went to his mother, and asked for the broken
pieces of his father s blade, and gave them to Regin. And he hammered and wrought
them into a new sword, so sharp that fire seemed to burn along its edges. (Lang).
Essay Comparing Waiting For Icarus And Virute Des Beaux
The two poems Waiting for Icarus and MusГ©e des Beaux Arts are narrative
poems. MusГ©e des Beaux Arts is a poem written by W. H. Auden and published
in 1938. Waiting for Icarus is a poem written by Muriel Rukeyser and published in
1973. The poem MusГ©e des Beaux Arts is about how no one truly cares when a
tragedy is taking place, unless said tragedy concerns them directly. The poem
Waiting for Icarus tells the story about a woman who is abandoned by her lover
while waiting for him at the beach. The two poems have a great deal of similarities
and differences between them. In the end, Waiting for Icarus and MusГ©e des Beaux
Arts are two unique poems that will invite readers to think deeply about their
individual subject matter, especially... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One such difference lies in the divergent tones that the poets use in their individual
poems. The tone in MusГ©e des Beaux Arts, for example, is that of utter
indifference towards the plight of Icarus. Perhaps this is because the event Auden
is describing is merely happening in a painting and not actually happening in front
of his persona, or perhaps Auden uses such a tone in order to further convey to his
audience the lack of interest everyone else displays in regards to Icarus dilemma.
An example of the unhurried and apathetic attitude everyone has in MusГ©e des
Beaux Arts is clearly shown when Auden writes, While someone else is eating or
opening a window or just walking dully along; / How, when the aged are reverently,
passionately waiting / for the miraculous birth (lns. 4 6). Auden writes these lines in
order to show his readers how everyone is carrying on with their life in the manner
that they always do, regardless of what tragedies may befall others. Auden wants to
show his readers that people will still eat, open windows, and be born despite what
calamities may be happening near them. Ruth Bernard Yeazell agrees that the tone in
MusГ©e des Beaux Arts is that of indifference when she states in an article that, It is
not just that the ploughman is not paying attention, but
Impulse Control Disorder Research Paper
Impulse Control Disorders Impulse control disorders are a type of mental disorder.
People with impulse control disorder are unable to control impulses. Impulses are a
sudden need to do something (to act). Impulses are normal, and most of us learn how
to control them. People who are unable to control impulses repeatedly act without
planning or considering the consequences. Their actions may be harmful to people,
animals, or property. The three most common impulse control disorders are:
Intermittent explosive disorder (recurrent aggressive behavior). Kleptomania
(stealing). Pyromania (starting fires). Impulse control disorders typically start in the
late teenage to early adult years. They are more common in people with a history of
childhood... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition to the specific symptoms listed above, the impulsive behavior is not
better explained by another mental health disorder, substance use, or a general
medical condition. DIAGNOSIS Impulse control disorders are diagnosed through
an assessment by your health care provider. Your health care provider will ask
questions about your impulsive behavior, moods, and thoughts as well as past and
recent life events. This health care provider will also ask about your medical
history and use of alcohol or drugs, including prescription medications. Certain
medical conditions and the use of certain substances can cause symptoms similar to
impulse control disorders. Your health care provider may refer you to a mental
health specialist for further evaluation or treatment. TREATMENT The following
types of treatment are available for impulse control disorders: Cognitive behavioral
therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of talk therapy. It focuses on
negative beliefs and thoughts related to the impulsive behavior. The goal of
cognitive behavioral therapy is to reduce the negative thoughts and behavior or
replace them with healthier thoughts and behavior. Cognitive behavioral therapy is
available on an individual basis or in a group setting. Group therapy provides
support, feedback, and advice from other people facing similar
Mike s Market Site that is a Visual Representation of a...
There are currently sites dedicated to farmers markets, however, these sites are
focused more on informing the community of their locations and products than
actual sales. This leaves in opening in the market to capitalize on people s desire to
eat locally and organically. In addition to being for mainly informational purposes
these sites are visually unappealing. Sites like farmersmarketonline.com have an
appearance like that of Craigslist.org and are reminiscent of the days of the early
internet. The market can be captured by offering consumers a site that resembles a
real farmers market visually. SWOT Analysis Strengths
1.Knowledge of marketing and markets is a strength held by the individual involved
in the start of Mike s Market. This strength will help with the formation of the
company since one of the price points for users of the site is marketing expertise and
help with online sales. This strength will also come into play in creating initial buzz
about the site to drive traffic and increase awareness.
2.Logistics and transportation support is another critical part of the online farmers
market so that users can concentrate on growing and selling their goods. The starter
of the site has over five years in logistics and transportation ranging from local
shipping to international shipping.
3.The passion to see this site from an idea to reality is a strength possessed by the
sites founder. This passion will aid in forming bonds with initial farmers and creating
Consumer Behaviour Identity And Identity
Introduction To understand consumer behaviour is an important process as it allows
marketers to comprehend better the reason why an individual choose to select,
purchase and use a good or service to satisfy their needs and wants based on his or her
buying tendencies and spending patterns. The analysis of consumer behaviour
requires the consideration of various processes, internal and external factors for the
individual. Both internal and external factors of an individual are required necessary
for the analysis of consumer behaviour, as well as examining the complex interaction
of many influencing elements, such as personal and cultural influences, which
includes identity (Moutinho 1987). Identity plays a vital part in the unsustainable...
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These personal and collective identities more often could be contributed by different
categories, such as age, gender, race, nationality, religiosity, then further from
political views, career and of course wealth and social status. Identity also
manifested in conventional social roles, norms, mores, and status quo expectations
(Bristor and Fischer 1993). Identity is what the consumer believes, it is what gives
them the sense of positive self esteem affiliation and distinctiveness, self verification,
and self affirmation (Escalas 2013), and these would affect his or her choice in
consuming a good or a service when a case is required to make between different
products in the market. Each consumer has his or her own unique, distinctive identity,
yet on the other hand, they share so many similarities sometimes, and it would form a
collective identity. Collective identity is shared among group of people who often
enacted through fashion, music, art, trend, technology and such (Holt 2002) from the
society, Obesity among young female adults Obesity, as the selected unsustainable
consumption issue for the Consumer Behaviour Creative Production stage 1, has
been specifically defined with a designated target group for this project, which are
Australian young female adults aged between 18 to 25 years old, one of the biggest
age group among Australian female age distribution. They are majority
Motown Gordy s Accomplishments
Motown was, and still is an iconic place that has helped shape music and civil
rights in Detroit Michigan in the 1950s. Berry Gordy was born in 1929, and
founded his music company in 1959. He was married in 1953, had a family, and
started working at Lincoln Mercury assembly line in 1955, while working he
would compose songs. Through family connections, Gordy encountered singer
Jackie Wilson s manager; he ended up co writing the Wilson hit Reet Petite, which
came out in 1957. Gordy also wrote Wilson s Lonely Teardrops and To Be Loved.
(Kettler, Sarah.) Gordy tried to make the company name by using his kids initials
and came up with Jobete which did not stick so well so he decided to open his open
record company. When it was founded,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He signed primarily African Americanartists and applied his principles, he learned in
the factory production to produce records and the creation of different groups. Gordy
tried to move Motown records to Los Angeles in 1968 after riots in Michigan while
trying to diversify the brand, which didn t go well and Berry had to file for
bankruptcy, then later had artists leave for another record label company. Berry Gordy
sold Motown records in 1988 to MCA, Inc. for $61 million with a limited
partnership. Motown was a success from a number of factors, such as, economic,
demographic, educational, and musical in the 1900th century. Detroit was the fourth
largest city in the US, until the population went up to almost 2 million. Part of the
population was 28.9% by the 1960s, which caused a lot of racism. Black families
who migrated to Detroit, were able to create a life for themselves that were a lot
better than being back in the south. Most did this to develop a sense of pride and
dignity in the culture and traditions that they brought with them. (McCarthy, Marie).
Elementary School Narrative
After the interesting time that was elementary school, the change to the
intermediate school was not an unwelcome one. In fact, I was rather excited to
pass on to the newly redone and recently renamed Lincoln Intermediate school. It
was a time of change and that was exciting and terrifying. The first year of band,
me newly on my trombone with only a few lessons of experience from the summer,
four times as many kids my age for me to get to know, and a larger school. Needless
to say it was a time to feel anxious. Perhaps the most immediate change that came out
of the switch to intermediate was my best friend. Throughout what I remember of
elementary I had had two school best friends as I at the time labeled them. They had
been the limited... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, our friendship dynamic was about to shift again. This time, we introduced
two new individuals into what had originally been a line of friendship, with us, the
only two points. This new friendship dynamic began with a movie night at my
home. That first night only three of us showed up, me, my friend, and our new test
run friend. We had decided to watch monsters university per request of our new
companion, however we actually managed to somehow accidentally get the movie
into a narrative mode that I still to this day assume is meant for blind people. With
the movie being a complete loss due to the bore that is both movie watching and
especially blind people movie watching. Thus began the twix war. It began
innocently enough, a simple toss me a twix? quickly lead to hostilities when a toss
became a chuck. Suddenly little golden wrapped chocolates were flying through the
air and pain was everywhere. Beds were hidden under and popcorn was spilt and
thus the tone was set for what would soon become known as our movie
Harry Potter
Harry Potter| Harry Potter: Complete 8 Film Collection on Blu ray (2011)| Produced
by| David Heyman| Based on| Harry Potter series byJ. K. Rowling| Starring| Daniel
Rupert Grint
Emma Watson
(See below)| Studio| Heyday Films| Distributed by| Warner Bros.| Release date(s)|
2001 2011| Country| United Kingdom
United States| Language| English| Budget| Total (8 films):
$1,155,000,000| Box office| Total (8 films):
The Harry Potter film series is a British American film series based on the Harry
Potter novels by the British author J. K. Rowling. The series is distributed by Warner
Bros. and consists of eight fantasy films[1] beginning with Harry Potter and the ...
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to make non author written sequels.[12]
Although Steven Spielberg initially negotiated to direct the first film, he declined
the offer.[13] Spielberg wanted the adaptation to be an animated film, with
American actor Haley Joel Osment to provide Harry Potter s voice.[14] Spielberg
contended that, in his opinion, there was every expectation of profit in making the
film, and that making money would have been like shooting ducks in a barrel. It s
just a slam dunk. It s just like withdrawing a billion dollars and putting it into your
personal bank accounts. There s no challenge .[15] In the Rubbish Bin section of
her website, Rowling maintains that she has no role in choosing directors for the
films, writing Anyone who thinks I could (or would) have veto ed him [Spielberg]
needs their Quick Quotes Quill serviced. [16] After Spielberg left, talks began with
other directors, including: Chris Columbus, Terry Gilliam, Jonathan Demme, Mike
Newell, Alan Parker, Wolfgang Petersen, Rob Reiner, Tim Robbins, Brad
Silberling, and Peter Weir.[17] Petersen and Reiner both pulled out of the running
in March 2000.[18] It was then narrowed down to Silberling, Columbus, Parker
and Gilliam.[19] Rowling s first choice was Terry Gilliam.[20] However on 28
March 2000 Columbus was appointed as director of the film, with Warner Bros.
citing his work on other family films such as Home Alone and Mrs Doubtfire
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Case Study
The United States Army decision to divest the OH 58D Kiowa Warrior was an end
to an airframe that has a long history of service. No other airframe in the United
States Army has the reliability, close air support, and overall operational readiness
rate. Many Soldiers lives affected by the divestiture of this airframe, some have
lost their jobs, or forced into different needs of the Army. The decision to divest the
OH 58D is important , leaving this important role to the AH 64D/E Apache, and
unmanned aerial vehicles. The OH 58 has been in service since 1969 as a Light
Observation Helicopter. (Wikipedia January 2017) Many variants include OH 58A,
OH 58B, OH 58C, and OH 58D; an OH 58F was in the testing phase but scrapped.
The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The small but agile airframe primarily used for observation or the scout role,
gathering Intel about enemy movements across the battlefield. No airframe in the
Army s fleet could provide close air support to ground vehicle convoys like the
airframe did, sometimes flying within 50 feet of conveys to ensure their protection.
This close air support was valuable to providing convoys make it to their destination
unharmed, showing teeth to any would be attacker. In addition, ground troops hailed
the aircraft for its quick response in the battle space, apparently saving many
American Soldiers lives. Working joint operations with the AH64D/E Apache
helicopter Apache missions scrubbed due to maintenance issues causing units with
OH 58D to deploy more aircraft to support their mission losses. If any ground troop
wanted fast and effective close air support, many would have chosen the OH 58D.
Stories often heard was how the OH 58D came flying in and suppressed the threat
allowing ground troops to advance and continue the mission. Just having this airframe
in the battle space contained many threats before they even evolved; supporting lost
capabilities this helicopter has brought to the U.S
The Five Temptation Of A Ceo
Although, I have never been the CEO of a company; The Five Temptation of a
CEO by Patrick Lencioni is a book that gives leadership advice in a way that could
be useful for anyone. The book focuses on the new CEO of a company called,
Trinity Systems, Andrew O Brien. The eve of his first board meeting, he stayed at
the office much later than usually. Andrew is facing the results of the company in
the year that he had been CEO, which were unspectacular at best. A majority of the
book takes place in an unlikely setting. Andrew is taking a BART train home
where he meets an old man, who seems to be a janitor of some sort. Charlie, the old
man, approaches Andrew to dig into what seems to be bothering him. After a bit
of probing, Charlie uncovers Andrew s struggles with his company. Andrew
condescendingly states, I don t know how much you know about business, but
being a CEO is pretty complicated. Charlie offers the opinion that being a CEO is
really quite simple and is all based on avoiding the five temptations of a CEO .
Andrew is hesitant to take advice from him; what could a janitor know about being
a CEO? but, humors the man anyway. Charlie initiates his advice by asking Andrew
what he thought was the best day of his career. This question leads to the first
temptation: choosing status over results. Andrew says that the best day of his career
was the day he was promoted to CEO. According the first temptation, he was already
failing. Charlie uses the example of
American Literature
American Literature through Time To find out more about a particular literature
time period, click on the links below: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Puritan
Times Rationalism/Age of Enlightenment American Renaissance/Romanticism
Gothic Realism Naturalism Modernism Harlem Renaissance Postmodernism
Contemporary Puritan Times period of American Literature 1650 1750 Content:
п‚· п‚· п‚· errand into the wilderness be a city upon a hill Christian utopia Genre
/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· sermons, diaries personal narratives captivity narratives
jeremiads written in plain style Effect: п‚· п‚· instructive reinforces authority of the
Bible and church Historical Context: п‚· п‚· a person s fate is determined by God all
people are corrupt and must... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· short story, novel characters usually lower class or
lower middle class fictional world is commonplace and unheroic; everyday life is a
dull round of daily existence characters ultimately emerge to act heroically or
adventurously with acts of violence, passion, and/or bodily strength in a tragic
ending Effect: п‚· this type of literature continues to capture audiences in present
day: the pitting of man against nature Historical Context: п‚· writers reflect the
ideas of Darwin (survival of the fittest) and Karl Marx (how money and class
structure control a nation) Modernism period of American Literature 1900 1946
Content: п‚· п‚· п‚· dominant mood: alienation and disconnection people unable to
communicate effectively fear of eroding traditions and grief over loss of the past
Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· highly experimental allusions in writing often refer to
classical Greek and Roman writings use of fragments, juxtaposition, interior
monologue, and stream of consciousness writers seeking to create a unique style
Effect: п‚· common readers are alienated by this literature Historical Context: п‚· п‚·
п‚· overwhelming
A Feelings For Fiction
The article A Feeling For Fiction explains the relationship exhibited between our
lives,and those existing in the realm of fictional works. The relationship itself is
overwhelmingly positive, as fictional works have the effect of humanizing us, as we
empathize ,and identify with the characters that are present. The article gives
examples of this idea through the concepts presented in texts such as Aristotle s
Poetics, and the Hindu Treatise Natyasastra, that are used to emphasise the impact
that fiction exudes on the real world. While the majority of the article makes
reference to literature, fiction in the form of movies plays, an important roles as the
article explains a study done regarding the movies Vertigo and Bladerunner that
Essay about William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth was born April 7, 1770, at Cockermouth in Cumberland,
England. His poetry, and especially his poems on solitude, must have been heavily
influenced by the death of his mother and the splitting up of his family when he was
only eight (Kilvert 1). At that time, fate sent him to live in Hawkshead, England,
where his teacher started him writing poetry. Wordsworth got his higher education at
Cambridge, his memories of which play a part in his later poetry (Noyes 201). Fate
again stepped in when, as a young man, he received an inheritance, which gave him
the freedom to study literature. One might guess that this is when he first became part
of the Romantic movement, (Pinion, 21).
The poetry of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Martha was in love with Stephen, who betrayed her by marrying another woman.
Martha was pregnant by Stephen, and the rumor was that she had murdered her
baby. The reader feels all her pain when she cries, Oh misery! oh misery! Oh woe is
me! oh misery! These words express her heartbreak at losing Stephen; her anguish at
finding herself pregnant; her shame at being an unwed mother; her guilt and regret
for murdering her baby; her grief over the baby s death; and her knowledge that her
life is ruined. The thorn is a powerful symbol of all this misery. Just as the thorns,
Martha s appearance makes it seem as if she, too, could never have been young.
She, too, is A wretched thing forlorn. By contrast, what seems to be the infant s
grave lies in a beautiful mound of color. Of coarse, the child is innocent and its
beauty is forever filled with color; but Martha s only color is her scarlet cloak of
The power of imagination is the theme of http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp
/poems/wordswor43.html Most Sweet It Is With Uplifted Eyes. The title, itself, is
full of meaning when we walk with our eyes uplifted, we are not looking at the real
world around us, but are dreaming on the stars. While the real world may be
beautiful, it may also be very ugly and painful. However, imagination gives us the
power to block out what is bad and to create a special world. We can look inside
Self Critique Of Charles Kebler As Sales Manager Essay
Title: Self Critique of Charles Kebler as Sales Manager
Salesperson Assignment: Sophia Barrow
Performance Evaluation Self Critique
Section One Overall Performance Critique:
1.What did you do well in the meeting?
After going back and reviewing my performance evaluation of Sophia Barrow, I
feel like I did a very good job overall. The first thing I feel like I did well during the
meeting was keeping the conversation balanced. Keeping the conversation balanced
and not talking too much was my main issue going into the meeting. The next thing
I feel like I did really well on was asking for her opinion on her ratings of herself
throughout the meeting. To be an effective salesmanager you need to understand the
reasons behind the ratings the reps are giving themselves. I am very pleased with my
performance overall and feel excellent about the outcome of the meeting.
2.How effective do you think the meeting was for the salesperson you evaluated, and
what cues and evidence lead you to this conclusion?
I think the meeting was very effective for Sophia Barrow because she always
seemed to agree with my ratings or at least adjust her ratings of herself after our
discussion. With that being said I feel like she was very happy and surprised with
the promotion I offered her. I think this was a big clue that the meeting was very
effective overall. Another piece of evidence that I used to evaluate the effectiveness
of the meeting was the fact that she seemed to really be on the same
The Issue Of Legalizing Marijuana
The issue of Legalizing marijuana is a very controversial topic of modern times.
The use of marijuana is all over the media with celebrities doing it and young
people in on the craze. Marijuana is the world s oldest illegal drug, not only that, it
is also the drug that is most widely used among society today (Aanstoos, 2015).
Different types of people use this drug for a variety of reasons, such as, as a way to
disconnect from todays hectic world, something they are peer pressured into, or
even medical reasons. My argument is against the concern of legalizing marijuana in
general including medical marijuana. Before completely going all in against this
drug, note that there is some relevant research, which shows Marijuana has some
benefits to it. This paper will explore both points in against and in favor of legalizing
marijuana to be revealed, aiming for an understanding of the issue and present a
public healthpolicy to improve and educate the public of this hot health topic.
Starting with the cons I have selected five to be discussed that particularly stand out
to me. First, there is not enough research on medical marijuana to see if the benefits
overcome the risks. Every time you hear people protest for the legalization of
marijuana they throw out facts about how it s good for people and also how it s all
natural so it must be better that medicine. Their facts cannot be scientifically backed
up and their sources could or couldn t be from a reliable source. Even with
The Neoclassical School s Pro Market Position
Capitalists self interest of profit is in conflict with workers self interest of welfare,
as capitalists drive for profit has negative repercussions for labour welfare. The
Neoclassical school asserts that markets are able to reconcile this competing self
interest, as rational economic actors pursuit of their own self interest within markets
is said to result in a mutually beneficial outcome. However, the Marxian school
concedes that this idea is redundant, as labour is still exploited by capital despite this
apparently mediatory market mechanism (which focuses only on the exchange of
commodities). This essay will acknowledge similarities between the two schools on
the matter. It will explain the Neoclassical school s pro market... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Both agree that capitalists universal goal (Stillwell 2012:173) is the maximisation of
profit, and that this self interest will be prioritised above other interests. Although, the
Neoclassical school does not consider that capitalists prioritisation of profit will have
an adverse impact on other economic actors, as it contends that the market will
inevitably satisfy individual self interests (Chang 2014:182). This underlines the
distinctive positions of the Neoclassical school and the Marxian school: the former
believes that the market mechanism can create equitable outcomes for all actors, the
latter reveals that the function of the market is not in fact profitable for all economic
The Neoclassical school maintains the position that markets can reconcile competing
interests between capital and labour due to the function of the invisible hand, a theory
stemming from the Classical school of economics, notably the economist Adam Smith
(Chang 2012:116). This theory posits that economic order can emerge as the
unintended consequence of the rational actions of many people, each propelled by
their own interests (Friedman 2011:120). Neoclassical economics affirms that this
economic order arises from the tendency of markets to equilibrate; that is, to
naturally revert to a state where the desires of all economic agents are satisfied
through the mechanism of the market (Stillwell 2012:158). This market mechanism
is said to assure
Reorcelian Flying Dragon Vase
Going to the art museum I had a lot of insight on unique artworks. One of the
exhibits I attended to are the treasures of the Chinese Art from the National
museum, Taipei. These pieces explore how Chinese art came to flourish under the
rulers of Han Chinese, Mongol, and Manchu.The revolving Vase with Revolving
Core and Eight Trigram Design was made in the Quinlong emperor was one of the
most fasinating pieces I have seen. This vase is no ordinary vase, the neck,upper,
lower, and inner body of this vase are all separated but pieced together making the
core of this vase rotate. The form of the famous revolving vase features eight
trigrams, there are complex combinations of broken and unbroken lines in which
symbolize the yin and yang energy, from the ancient classic text I Ching and wish
wands in the shape of mushroom heads, an emblem associated with longevity and
heaven in Daoism. This revolving piece of art did not only admire artist by their
ability to create beautiful work pleasing to the eye but also technical mastery in the
eighteenth century.
Another work shown was the porcelian flying dragon vase which was white with a
blue painted dragon that dates in the Ming dynasty. This vase has the classic asian
dragon which has always been an important symbol in the chinese culture, and is
traditional for meaning power and the emperor. This respected image with three claws
that represent imperial made in the sixteenth century made in Jiajing, southern China.
These types of vases were exported to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Emperors Treasures outlines how Chinese art came to evolve under Han Chinese,
Mongol, and Manchu
Essay about The Viking
The Vikings Viking History The Vikings were a group of Scandinavian raiders that
were around from about the 8th century to the 11th. They mainly attacked the
British Islands , the Frankish empire, England, but they also plundered places such
as the Iberian peninsula and northern Africa. Vikings did not always settle into the
places that they found, for instance after exploring North America they left the
place never to return again. Even so, after landing on Greenland they colonized
themselves there, and ancestors of the Vikings still live there today. So now that
you know a little about the history of the Vikings lets go into detail about the
specifics of the Viking age. (Peter Sawyer, Oxford Ill. History of the Vikings p. 1 19)
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even so in the 11th century they set up temporary residence in North America in
what they called Vinland. (Barnes Noble New American Encyclopedia Vol. 19 p.
594 596) The first Viking attack on Ireland was in 820, and like the monk s
attacked in 793, the people of Ireland had no chance against the powerful Viking
army. In the years following the first attack Viking s gained leadership, and by 839,
a brave Viking chieftain named Turges, declared himself king of Ireland. Turges
sacrificed the Irish kings Armagh and Clonmacnois, to Thor, a Viking god. The
Vikings organized attacks very well, they set more and more extravagant goals,
and soon met them. Their attacks on England were successful mostly because no
one expected them. In May of 841, Danish Vikings led by a man named Asgeir
sailed the River Seine, and they burnt the city Rouen to the ground. Next they
moved into St. Denis, but decided that it was in their best interest not to provoke
the passing Frankish army. But they went right back at it again in 842 they
destroyed Quenstovic, the Frisian harbor town. In 845 they attacked the tri
divided Holy Roman Empire, all at the same time! Ragnar Lodbrok, a legendary
Viking hero and his army sailed up the Loire River and conquered Paris by defeating
half of Charles the Bald s army. The other half were on the other side of the river and
watched as Ragnar hung 111 of Charles s men as a sacrifice the
Pickup Vehicle Case Study
Car models come and go, but a few vehicles such as the Toyota Corolla, Chevrolet
Corvette, and Volkswagen Golf have tremendous staying power, measured in
decades. At the same time, there are some discontinued models we d like to see
make a comeback, including two expected to return in the next year or two.
1. Subaru BRAT The last time Subaru produced a pickup truck was from 2003 to
2006, with the Baja. Decades earlier, beginning in 1978, Subaru offered the
trendsetting BRAT, the first small pickup truck with all wheel drive.
Besides its off road capabilities, the BRAT was noteworthy for its two truck bed
jump seats, what allowed Subaru to skirt a 25 percent tariff on light pickup trucks.
That loophole was later closed and no other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
They also know that the true muscle car version rolled out in 1970, as a near twin to
the Dodge Challenger.
Two inches shorter than the Challenger and with its own sheet metal, the Cuda was
the less costly of the two. However, these days, a clean Hemi powered Cuda fetches
many times the amount of a similar Challenger at auction. After all, there s nothing
quite as drool worthy as a Hemi Cuda Convertible.
Don t hold your breath. Rumors of a Dodge Barracuda model have surfaced in
recent years, representing a scaled down version of the Dodge Challenger. But
parent Fiat Chrysler is not awash in cash to invest in this model nor is the market
especially favorable for yet another pony car.
4. Dodge Dakota Introduced in 1986, the Dodge Dakota had a 25 year run, then
canceled. The Dakota was a trendsetting model for its time as it was the first midsize
pickup truck. Its larger size signaled the start of a movement whereby manufacturers
replaced small trucks with larger models, such as the Toyota Tacoma and Nissan
A Ram Dakota would be the logical complement to the Ram 1500, and enable Fiat
Chrysler to match Chevrolet, Toyota, GMC, Nissan, and soon Ford with an effective
1 2 pickup punch. We think a Dakota outfitted with the available Ram Box storage
management system and an optional diesel engine would make such a model a hit if
it returned.
What are the chances? Slim to
Ford Mondeo
Case Study: Ford Mondeo In 1992, Ford Motor Company decided to produce a
world car, that is, a car that would be produced and sold internationally with little
variation in the vehicle between markets. This world car was named the Ford
Contour and Mercury Mystique for the North American market and the Ford
Mondeo for the European Market. All of these models were built with a 90%
similarity due to body design differences, local conditions and mandates. Ford
decided to expand internationally to increase sales, spread production sites, and to
increase their research and development. The company believed that economies of
scale and supplier flexibility would improve cost efficiency and supplier efficiency.
Ford felt that these factors... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Increased globalization is the direction that all major multinational corporations are
moving towards. Ford had made a good attempt at making a world car that proved
to be partially successful in the beginning of sales. The company has learned that
locational specialization is an extremely important aspect to selling globally because
of the differing personal preferences and legal demands. Additionally, the original
Ford Model T heavily relied on economies of scale in order to produce a personal
vehicle at reasonable prices. This is still an important aspect to the world car and
helped Ford produce at a higher cost efficiency and can be implemented in future
projects by engineering different vehicles with similar internal components. So, even
if Ford s future goals are not aligned with creating another world car they have still
learned important lessons that are applicable to globalized operations. Finally, the
globalized efforts could not have practical without the implementation and usage of
information and communicational technologies. While some aspects of IT could not
completely solve the physical transportation of individuals, but it helped in many
areas of some operational achievements of the world car. These technologies made
information exchange, technical calculations, design, and communication much more
efficient and practical for the long distances and the large amount of people involved
with the project. The use of the Internet was an
Japanese Politics, By Takashi Inoguchi
In Takashi Inoguchi s latest publication, Japanese Politics: An Introduction, one of
the foremost political scientists in Japan, Takashi Inoguchi thoroughly delves into
two decades of Japanese history. The first period 1983 1993, and the second 1994
2004 sandwich the fall of the 1955 political system and era of one party
dominance. There is a unique perspective that the author is able to provide due to
his tenure as a professor of political science in the Institute of Oriental Culture at
the University of Tokyo as well as Assistant Secretary General of the United
Nations. His wife is also a well respected political scientist who sat on the House of
Representatives and had several other notable accomplishments, thus providing a
truly unique perspective from the author s point of view. The cover of the book is
that of a seemingly approachable and almost friendly book on Japanese Politics,
which is rare when it comes to books on politics. The image depicts Japanese men
working, while the opposing sides are pushing opposite ends with strained faces
whilst the workers on the interior of the outside men are unable to move forward
with progress. The image is symbolism for the political and economic developments
of Japans history and politics, and even goes as far to include information about
scholarly debates about Japanese Politics. One of the main arguments that Inoguchi
makes in the book is that the study of Japanese politics from his first segment (1983
1999) leads to
Of Prejudice In Frankenstein And Mary Shelley s Lusus...
It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive
a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of
another loving, caring human being, John Joseph Powell. From Margaret Atwood s
Lusus Naturae, to Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, and Dan Barry s The Lost Children
of Tuam, each story more tragic than the last, all share a common thread of prejudice.
Be it societal, ethical, or religious, prejudices are the driving force behind the
creation of what many regard as monsters . This constant label of shame isolates its
victims and inflicts selfperception of inferiority, which in turn compels a hardening of
one s disposition towards society.
Because of her rare affliction, the main character of Margaret Atwood s Lusus
Naturae experiences a complete disconnect from not only her family, but also the
world around her. The disdain directed towards her was palpable. She notes that
her cat was the only living creature who wanted to be close to me, and even then
she questions whether her cat was drawn to her or the smell of old dried up blood
(Atwood 3) that was a result of her uncommon diet. Furthermore, she goes so far as
to characterize her own mother s relationship to her as if to a hangnail, a wart
(Atwood 3). Her own self worth is obliterated by the prevailing sense of shame that
she believes she has brought to her family. However, under these conditions she
resolves to harden [herself] to loneliness, (Atwood 4) and detaches from society
altogether, making her home in the woods like an apparition among the trees.
Her place as an outcast to society affords her new insight to the rationale of the
common folk. Consequently, after her quarrel with the man in the woods she
reflected, When demons are required someone will always be found to supply the
part, and whether you step forward or are pushed is all the same in the end
(Atwood 5). This observation illustrates the impact that societal prejudices have had
on her way of thinking, and emphasizes how she grew to fit the role that had been
prescribed to her. In other words, people find comfort in the belief that monsters are
the stuff of legends when in reality they are bred out of one s own
Compartment Syndrome Research Paper
A shin splints is actually the soreness of the the muscles in the legs that occurs from
increasing your training regimen too quickly. For instance, if you have been training
for a five K for a month and then suddenly decide to run a marathon you would have
shin splints. Or if you start out, after a one month of not training, running3 miles per
day you would be sore just like your first day of working out.
But not all soreness in your shins is a shin splint. If you can feel a specific spot
where the pain is coming from or, if you run your hand down your shin and feel a
single spot that hurts then you most likely have a stress fracture. A stress fracture
is a small, slower developing break in the bone. It comes from the same types of
stress in running but is much more serious and can require weeks of time to heal.
The only way to tell for sure that your bone is to get ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Compartment syndrome is the pressure built up in the compartment underneath your
skin that comes from a muscle that is swelling. They have strange ways of
measuring the amount of pressure underneath the skin and to release they have to
use surgical decompression. It will at first just hurt and after a period of time, cause
the loss of muscle in the legs because of its affects of the pressure on the nerves. Shin
splints are caused by pretty much everything involved in running. If your shoes are
outdated and have lost the padding on the soles then your feet are basically
slamming into the ground with each step. This is why I would never advise
someone to wear the toe shoes for running because the soles are a thin piece of
rubber. Another cause could be running on a track in the same direction. If you are
running long distances on the track and turn right all day then the your outside leg is
going to be more worn out than the other. If you run on the same curved roads then it
could also cause
The Innate Estimation Of The Shares Of Adidas Ag
The reason for this report is to assess how the Adidas Group did amid the current
three years in regard of money related articulations proportion. Besides, it will give
an evaluation of the inborn estimation of the shares of Adidas AG. The initial
segment of this report will quickly portray Adidas and the business it s contending
in. Promote on, there will be utilized a cross sectional examinations to assess the
execution and to contrast Adidas with a contending organization. The picked
organization is Nike, because of equivalent monetary years. The second some portion
of this report comprise of a numerous examination and a free income valuation
demonstrate which will give a valuation of Adidas shares. The majority of the data
and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Adidas is focused on the client center administration with new advancement and
outline. Adidas AG is devoted to great administration, and utilizations their
attainability articulation and corporate missions on Social and Environmental Affairs,
Human Resources and Community Affairs to accomplish organization vision.
SWOT Analysis The purpose of a SWOT investigation is to help you build up a solid
business methodology by ensuring you ve considered the majority of your business
qualities and shortcomings, and in addition the open doors and dangers it confronts in
the commercial center. Qualities and shortcomings are inside to the organization. You
can transform them after some time yet not without some work. Openings and
dangers are outer they are out there in the market, happening in any case. You can t
transform them. Existing organizations can utilize a SWOT investigation, whenever,
to survey a changing domain and react proactively ( ADDYY : Summary for
ADIDAS AG Yahoo Finance, n.d.).
Some known strengths of Adidas AG is their positive market picture, which the brand
endeavors to maintain. As per Data screen Adidas is among the main players in the
worldwide donning products industry. The gathering is the main wearing products
assemble in Germany, France and Japan, the most critical markets outside the US.
Adidas, through Reebok, has likewise a solid position in the US. The procurement
The Importance Of Book Crank
A banned book is one that has been removed from the shelves of a library,
bookstore, or classroom because of its controversial content...A book may be
challenged or banned on political, religious, sexual, or social grounds (Lombardi).
According to Esther Lombardi, banned books are specific types of books that are
not allowed to be read because they are considered dangerous or harmful in some
way. Even though content such as depression, drugs, sexual activity, and violence
in books is viewed as problematic or inappropriate, real life isn t all fairy tales and
unicorns. Life is hard, and there is bad in the world just like there is good in the
world. Students should not be shielded from the bad of the real world. Instead, they
should learn about those situations through books in the safety of schools. Crank is a
bookabout a gifted junior in high school named Kristina Georgia Snow. Her parents
are divorced, she lives in Reno with her mother, and for the first time in eight years
she visits her father in New Mexico. However, this visit leads Kristina into many
difficult life experiences. Students should be able to read Crank because it shows
students how small decisions could impact people s lives, how drugs become a
need, and how communication between a family is important. Firstly, teens should
be allowed to read Crank because it shows how small choices can change someone s
life . For example in the book, during Kristina s visit she meets a boy named Adam
Abc Acquitsion
Corporate Valuation
Problem Set 2 Dr. Zacharias Sautner If no information about the premium has been
given in the questions below, you can use the data form the following table:
Arithmetic average Geometric Average Stocks ‐ Stocks ‐ Stocks ‐ Stocks
‐ Historical Period T.Bills T.Bonds T.Bills T.Bonds 1928в
Ђђ2004 7.92% 6.53%
6.02% 4.84% 1964‐2004 5.82% 4.34% 4.59% 3.47% 1994‐2004 8.60% 5.82%
6.85% 4.51% For a long‐term investor the geometric average with treasury bonds
(4.84%) is used. For a short‐term investor the arithmetic average with treasury
bills (7.92%) is used. In both cases the longest possible period is taken.
Solutions 1. In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The current T.bill rate is 3%. (It was 5% one year ago).The stock is currently selling
for $50, down $4 over the last year, and has paid a dividend of $2 during the last year
and expects to pay a dividend of $2.50 over the next year. The New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) composite has gone down 8% over the last year, with a
dividend yield of 3%. HeavyTech Inc. has a tax rate of 40%. a. What is the
expected return on HeavyTech over the next year? b. What would you expect
HeavyTech s price to be one year from today? c. What would you have expected
HeavyTech s stock returns to be over the last year? d. What were the actual returns
on HeavyTech over the last year? e. HeavyTech has $100 million in equity and $50
million in debt. It plans to issue $50 million in new equity and retire $50 million in
debt. Estimate the new beta. a. Using the CAPM, we compute the expected return as
0.03 + 1.2(0.0792) = 12.5%. We use a T‐bill rate, because the focus is on the
short‐term expected return (the next year). For the same reason, we use the
market premium over bills. b. The cum‐dividend price, one year from now, would
be $50 *(1 + 12.50%) = $56.25. The ex dividend price, assuming that the stock price
goes down by the amount of the dividend is $56.25 $2.50 = $53.75. c. Over last
year, the expected return would have been 0.05+1.2*0.0792=14.5%.
The Debate On Immigration Reform
Abstract: Until the bill passed, much of the debate surrounding the Development,
Relief, and Education for Alien Minors, or DREAM Act, brought about legal, ethical,
and logistical concerns. Illegal immigration and the population unauthorized alien in
the United States were key issues in the ongoing debate on immigrationreform.
However, the benefits of this bill outweighed its disadvantages. Immigration
policies in the United States concerning undocumented workers are strict and
direct. Employers are not allowed to employ illegal or undocumented immigrants.
The DREAM Act which was enacted by the Obama administration s announcement
of deferred action for deportation of undocumented youths provides alternates.
Under the provision of this law, a person is eligible for citizenship if they came to
the United states at age 15 or younger, are currently 35 or younger, have been
resent in the country for at least five years, completed high school, and completed
at least two years of higher education or honorably served in the armed forces for at
least two years (Guzman Jara, 2012). The advantages of Dream Act as well as its
disadvantages on the US economy would be analyzed. Future analysis and other
immigrant working situations would also be evaluated.
Employment policies regarding hiring immigrants have been fairly straight forward
since the early nineteenth century. The Unites States law provides employers with
several limited ways of employing foreign workers on a
The Three Types Of Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer related to the ovaries. It currently accounts for
approximately 3% of all cancers in women. Ovaries are comprised of three types of
cells, each of them being able to differentiate into a type of cancer. These three types
are epithelial, germ, and stromal cells. The most common type of ovarian canceris
derived from the epithelial cells. According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian
cancer is the leading cause of death from all types of cancer that are related to the
female reproductive system. Moreover, it is estimated that approximately 55% of
women diagnosed with ovarian cancer die in the first 5 years of diagnosis.
However, if the tumor is diagnosed before the age of 65, this percentage decreases.
Ovarian Cancer Symptoms ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
More importantly, most patients who suffer from ovarian cancer do not develop any
kind of symptoms in the early stages. Unfortunately, due to this asymptomatic onset,
ovarian cancer is usually diagnosed at a later stage, meaning it has already caused
significant damage to the surrounding tissues. In rare cases, ovarian cancer is only
diagnosed when it has already metastasized.
When symptoms do appear, they vary from patient to patient. The majority of
ovarian cancer symptoms are nonspecific, meaning that they could appear in other
conditions as well. Having any of the symptoms does not mean that cancer is
present. Due to the lack of routine tests for ovarian cancer, it is recommended that
women with family history of ovarian cancer should perform regular doctor visits
and even genetic testing in order to assess the risk of ovarian cancer
Film Analysis Of The Critique Of William Shakespeare
The playwright is William Shakespeare. The director is Melissa Chalsma. The
actors are: Duke Vincento, later in disguise, as Friar Lodovico is David Melville.
Angelo, his chosen deputy is William Elsman. Isabella, a novitiate of the church is
Kalean Ung. Claudio, her brother is Evan Lewis Smith. Juliet, his beloved is
Donna Zadeh. Lucio, a nobleman of Vienna is Nikhil Pai. Gentleman and women
are Bukola Ogunmela, April Fritz, and Nathan Nonhof. Mistress Overdone, a local
businesswoman is Xavi Moreno. Pompey Bum, her bawd is Lorenzo Gonzalez.
Francisca, a nun is Bukola Ogunmola. Friar Peter is Patrick Batiste. Provost, in
command of the prison is Joseph Culliton. Elbow, a constable is Richard Azurdia.
Froth, a gentleman of Vienna is Patrick Batiste. Abhorson, an executioner is Nathan
Nonhof. Barnardine, a murderer is Xavi Moreno. Mariana, a gentlewoman of Vienna
is April Fritz. A Musician is Donna Zadeh. The name of the play, I saw was Measure
for Measure. The Independent Shakespeare Company at the Griffith Park Free
Shakespeare Festival hosted the play. I saw it on July 7, 2017. During the play, I
noticed a few different themes. Some of the theme I noticed was justice, lying,
mortality, and sin. Justice was present through the whole play; in fact, it was the
heart and soul of the play. Justice was present when Claudio was sentenced to be
killed and the Duke allowed Angelo to change Vienna s laws.
Measure for Measure to me was an interesting and convincing play. The part that
worked the best was when the Duke disguising himself as Friar. I would of never
known the disguise without the program. Another bit that worked well was when
Claudio was arrested and sentenced to death. The opening, when the Duke did the
announcements, it was hilarious. The part where I felt scared was after Claudio had
sex with Juliet. The part where I felt sad was when Claudio was sentenced to death.
Overall the characters were entertaining. Most of the characters were genuine. The
productions had a religious message for the audience. The message was not to have
sex before marriage.
The characters were all believable. The two characters that stuck out the most to me
were Claudio, Evan Lewis Smith and Abhorson, Nathan Nonhof. Evan
Table of contentsPage
1 Situation analysis / Problem statement2
2 Introduction Flare Fragrance (Company Background)2
3 SWOT Analysis3
4 Objectives and Financial Analysis5
5 Marketing MIX7
6 Recommendations and Implementation9
7 Conclusion11
8 References12
1. Situation analysis / Problem statement
Flare Fragrance is facing in declining of growth rate in 2008 where the CFO
estimated year end numbers projected only 2% growth in 2008. Compare to 2007,
sales had risen 12% which was much better than in 2008. An analysis of 2009
strategic initiatives had launched by the CEO, Joely Patterson with determination to
make 2009 better ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2. Target customer being 18 34 aged group women, for whom the name would ne
definitely catchy.
3. If attached with Loveliest. There could be more benefits.
4. There are fair chances of the sales growth.
5. Customers loyal to the brand Loveliest will be drawn towards Savvy too.
1. Launching a new product has risk factors attached to it.
2. Cannibalization of current sales will also include certain risk in it.
3. Price is at a higher side.
4. Focus has to be put completely on it as the promotions and advertising would take
a lot of efforts.
1. Target a new customer segment that id young and always ready to try something
new and exciting.
2. Being in the Prestige category, there is a chance to be accepted by the Innovators,
Achievers, Thinkers and Believers, as per the VALS framework.
3. After success in the Prestige category, other VAL s zone and also can come up
with other varieties to suit different age groups.
4. Apart from welcoming an innovated product, this can also build good relationships
with the department store.
5. Stagnation of the product is also prevented.
1. Dulcet Brand could give a tough competition.
2. There is already a pool of competitors in the market.
3. The financial state of Flare is also at a poor situation. The need to carefully plan
the ad and promo part for launching a new product.
4. There has been a declination in the sales, It a challenge for Savvy.
5. Failure could prove to be an
Liverpool Research Paper
City of Liverpool
Often described as a city with the most splendid setting of any English city and the
home of Beatle s music.
Liverpool s history stretches back over 800 years, covering everything from
maritime trading to Beatlemania. The city s history as one of the world s great
ports earned its designated UNESCO World Heritage Site status in 2004. There s no
better way to learn about this story of Liverpool than a visit to the city s national
museums; World Museum Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery, The Conservation Centre,
The Maritime Museum and the Museum of Liverpool all provide a fascinating
insight into the city and its links to the world.
We got to spend a good two months in this beautiful city and believe me every
weekend was jam packed with a lot of activity this city is full of life and color. It s
impossible not to fall in love with Liverpool, with its amazing blend of old and new
definitely a stylish city.
I could very well say that our office is located on the banks of the river ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Music is the beating heart of Liverpool and this city is the Capital of Pop.
Liverpool is a stylish city, and they take shopping seriously here. Liverpool ONE in
the heart of the city is a brilliant shopping centre which has more than 150 famous
high street names, from John Lewis to Apple.
Liverpool is a sports mad city and this city is home to the Premier League s biggest
football teams Liverpool FC and Everton FC.
Liverpool is a destination which has a reputation for its warmth and friendliness. It
was not only the history and landscapes that impressed us but also the interaction
with the locals who were friendly and warm which made our trip great and a
memorable one. It is no wonder that Liverpool is the first UK city to achieve the
WorldHost Recognition this indeed is a feather in the cap for this beautiful city
which made us feel at
Recalling Barth s Acts Erotic God
Recalling Barth s comments in the preface to Romans II on interpreters tendency to
render the Bible harmless, Jennings retrieval of Acts erotic God (12) removes the
complacency of the historian s optic (2) by giving discrete attention to the materiality
of creation. An immediate hermeneutical upshot of this spatial attention is that
history itself must be understood as a kind of creature. This means that, like other
creatures, history must witness to its Creator, but never attempt to capture her. Acts
is then not a history box that contains architectural materials for the foundation of a
tradition on which the church stands. Such thinking reproduces historicist monument
thinking, which returns Acts to a colonial process of knowledge acquisition and
accumulation (3). Rather, it is through the creature that is Luke Acts [that] our seeing
and sensing align with the presence of the Spirit here and now (4). To see and sense
Acts as a creature entails yielding to the touch of the Spirit s movements and
disruptions it discloses, the divine presence with which this story intertwines and
bears witness.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As Jennings reads Acts, the Spirit moves in a distinctive pattern towards a new order,
which situationally binds it to the carceral tentacles of empire. Or put another way,
Jennings attention to the Spirit s revolution of the intimate entails giving structural
definition to the places where the Spirit draws disciples. Drawing them towards the
common understood as the condition of joined life...the redistribution of life [as] a
sharing of space and place, resources and dreams is at once creaturely gathering
against the idolatrous machinations of empire. Incarceration, prison, and torture often
go hand in hand with being of the common
`` Peace `` By Gerard Manley Hopkins
Patience Precipitates Peace The trials and tribulations the world brings can bring
individuals into a state of disarray. The oft asked question is simply, Why? . Why
must these tragedies happen and why must society have to suffer. No one is
immune from this question. Even David wrote in the 13th chapter of Psalms, How
long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from
me? (New King James Version, Ps. 13.1). Observing Peace , it is evident that Gerard
Manley Hopkinsis having a short period of questioning. Yet, in Peace , Hopkins
brings the reader through his theologically ramified dialogue with Peace, which at
first characterized by confusion of its work, eventually becomes characterized
with comfort and assurance as he recognizes that he has developed Patience in his
wait and Peace still cares for and transforms the believer. Hopkins dialogue is not
with a man but with the abstract concept of Peace, thus personifying it. Hopkins
writes in the first line, When will you ever, Peace, wild wooddove, shy wings
shut,... (1). This apostrophe creates two effects. The first effect is that Hopkins has
now set up the reader for an interesting discourse for the rest of the poem. The
second effect the apostrophe creates is that it allows Hopkins to vent to Peace as if
it was an actual human. In addition to personifying Peace, Hopkins interweaves two
metaphors in the first two lines. The poem reads, When will you ever, Peace, wild
Yellow Eyes Of Crocodiles Essay
The novel The yellow eyes of crocodiles or originally in French Les yeux jaunes
des crocodiles by Katherine Pancol was published in 2006. This is the first book
of the French writer translated into English in 2013. It is a bestseller in France,
translated into 30 languages and with sold around 2.4 million copies. This is not a
surprise, having in mind the interesting scenario the writer is using. The journalist
and novelist Pancol, born in Casablanca, Morocco had created realistic, facing the
nowadays problems of the women, and at the same time romantic hardcover based
on which in 2014 was created and movie. The book is described as a novel about
the man, woman, money, love, and friendship. The actions raise in Paris, but the
topic of the book is related with crocodiles which are taking an important part of the
story mostly at the dramatic end of the book.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Pancol provides the reader with a very detailed story on the first place about
JosГ©phine CortГЁs, a housewife, mother of two daughters ZoГ© (10) and
Hortense (14), and her husband Antoine, living together in the Parisian area.
JosГ©phine has a Ph.D. in 12th century literature, which provides her a boring and
poorly paid job. Her husband Antoine, is jobless, who used to have an interesting
and well paid job, traveling around the world and communicating with very rich
people. Nostalgic about this good times, the story starts as describing him, sitting
every day on the balcony playing chess, well dressed in the expensive and beautiful
suit, dreaming about the past. The boring daily routine and his neglected wife Jo
pushes Antoine to start an affair with young manicurist MylГЁne, to leave his
family and start a new business with crocodile farm in Kenya, fancying to become
extremely rich. JosГ©phine is forced to take care of her daughters alone and to pay
all the bills. Her teenage daughter Hortense is blaming her for their poverty and for
the pull away from her
Holy Grail Biblical Allusions
Christianity is recognized as one of the most dominant religions in the world. This
results in the Bible, the holy book of Christianity, becoming the most read book
worldwide. Since the Bible is so well known, there are countless topics in the Bible
that can be used as an allusion to establish an emotional connection and add
meaning to the text. These biblical allusions are most commonly used in forms of
literature, such as legends and myths. One particularly interesting Arthurian legend
is one out of numerous pieces of literature that alludes to biblical topics and it goes
by the name of Queste del Saint Graal or The Quest of the Holy Grail . The Quest of
the Holy Grail alludes to the legendary Holy Grail. This legend is about King
Scottish Recruitment
In 1296, Scotland was unprepared for war. Occasionally described as prefeudal in
nature, Scottish recruitment was based on the idea of free service and Scottish
service . Free service referred to the free men of Scotland such as Barons, Knights
and the lesser nobility or free men who were equipped and mounted according to
their rank. Scottish service was used to indicate able bodied men from Earldoms
north of the Forth who did not hold lands or significant resources. England was much
more prepared for war, with their army being recruited under instructions of the Great
Seal. This often left the Scottish forces using guerrilla warfare to combat their
enemies. It is therefore no surprise that Wallace began his militarycareer with
Sundarban History
The Sundarbans (Bengali সুন্দরবন, Shundorbôn) is the largest single
block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. The name Sundarban can be
literally translated as beautiful jungle or beautiful forest in the Bengali language
(Sundar, beautiful and ban, forest or jungle ). The name may have been derived from
the Sundari trees that are found in Sundarbans in large numbers. Alternatively, it has
been proposed that the name is a corruption of Samudraban (Bengali:
সমুদ্রবন Shomudrobôn Sea Forest ) or Chandra bandhe (name of a
primitive tribe). But the generally accepted view is the one associated with Sundari
The Sundarbans, as we know it today, has a fairly recent history. Much of the present
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The first call to preserve the forests was made by Dr. Brandis, the Conservator of
Forests in Burma 1862. Based on his recommendations, additional reclamation grants
were stopped, but deforestation continued, irrespective. By 1873, 5,100 km2 of
forests had been converted into agricultural land and the Sundarbans area forest cover
had been effectively reduced to about 14,100 km2.
It is only post 1873 1874, when faced with dwindling forest produce, the rulers
started reviewing the policy of transformation of all available wetland forest to
taxable agricultural land in the Sundarbans. The economics of exploitation had
changed in the last century and forest produce had become scarce and more valuable
than agricultural produce. No longer was it considered profitable to clear the forests
for cultivation as much greater revenues could be collected from farming the forest
In 1875 1876 the government declared un leased forest reserved, and placed them
under the jurisdiction of the Forest Department a move which created today s
Sundarbans forest.
A variety of wildlife still survived till the latter part of the 19th century despite the
rapid depletion of habitat. Hunter records Tigers, leopards, rhinoceros, wild
buffaloes, wild hogs, wild cats, barasinga, spotted deer, hog deer, barking deer, and
monkeys are the principal varieties of wild animals found in Sundarban 2 in 1875.
But the events of the next
Conception Of Common Good
between themselves and their peers is not only problematic in that it silences the
less privileged, but in that it deprives the forum the opportunity of self correction
and multidimensionality. When one recognizes the necessity of recognizing the
differences between groups (and their conception of the good), the absence of a
concrete conception of the common good becomes, effectively, an advantage, as it
allows the deliberative forum to be more accepting of a wider range of ideas
(without pre emptively rejecting them as unreasonable because they do not appeal to
the traditional conception of the common good), which will provide the less
privileged a better chance at being heard and responded to. Conclusion The idea of
the common good (understood
Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans Research Paper
Men who are affected by unusual spots, penis pain, thickening of the penis skin, and
phimosis the inability to retract the foreskin may be affected by a condition known as
balanitis xerotica obliterans. While this condition is not generally serious, it can get
worse without treatment and may lead to more serious complications. Not all doctors
are familiar with this condition, so men who experience the related symptoms should
be familiar with the disorder so that they can help their doctors understand what to
look for.
Following is a brief overview of balanitis xerotica obliterans, as well as the available
treatments and some tips to proper penis care.
What is balanitis xerotica obliterans?
Commonly abbreviated as BXO, this condition is considered as the male
manifestation of lichen sclerosis, a benign condition that affects the skin. While the
symptoms are not confined to the penis, they can be most worrying in this area, as ...
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However, there appears to be a hereditary component, and men who suffer from BXO
are also likely to experience other autoimmune type conditions. While BXO may
appear unattractive and cause issues with sex, the condition is not contagious and
cannot be passed to a partner, either through sexual contact or otherwise.
Common Symptoms of BXO
The most common symptoms of BXO include white patches on the glans penis, as
well as under the foreskin; a thickened ring of tissue may also form around the tip
of the glans, and penis pain may also occur. Adhesions of the foreskin to the glans
may also occur and lead to phimosis, a condition in which it is difficult or impossible
to retract the foreskin over the crown of the penis. Erectile issues may also
accompany these symptoms.
In more advanced stages, the white or grayish patches may reach the shaft, and even
the scrotum. Scrubbing or otherwise attempting to move the lesions is not effective
and may cause further damage to the skin.
The Predictive Policing Of Police Department
The predictive policing apply to any policing plan, that it is developed and used for
an advanced analysis to inform forward thinking crime prevention. The police
department will use a program called COMPSTAT, where the data is run through a
process and then it can form a map to show to the police where the crime can occur
before it took place in the areas. The police department can devote more time in the
areas at risk of a crime.
In this paper will compare and contrast the application of information technology (IT)
to optimize police department performance to reduce crime versus random patrols of
the streets. It will explain how COMPSTAT, as an information technology system
(IS), implements the four basic (IS) functions. In addition, it will establish how
information system have approved police department implements tools such as
COMPSTAT to act on two crime faster. To conclude, it will effect on the strengths,
weaknesses, and opportunities, and threats analysis on behalf of the police
department that aims to implement predictive policing.
1. Compare and contrast the application of information technology (IT) to optimize
police departments performance to reduce crime versus random patrols of the streets.
In order to efficiently compare and contrast the application of information technology
(IT) to optimize police departments performance to reduce crime versus random
patrols of the streets. There are five components of predictive policing
Pro Gun Control Essay
Persuasive Pro Gun Control Essay Gun control is a vital necessity to the welfare
of our nation. Many people out there are supporting the anti gun control cause with
the excuse of self defense . I believe that not everyone will handle a gun for self
defense. The possession of a gun is a sign of power. One of the bigger ambitions
that one has is to have power and the easier it is to obtain a gun; the faster a
criminal will gain power over an innocent person. When one is in possession of a
gun, that person has complete control of their actions and may act upon the weapon
however the person may please even if they know that their action will cause harm to
defense less people. There are many deaths caused by guns out there that could...
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Teens are not strong enough. I always tell my sister that if she is not strong enough
to control herself, she will never be strong enough to control others and will resort
to the easiest ways to eliminate that person. She will do whatever is easier to get
that stone out of her way rather than talking things over and controlling the
situation. Not so long ago my neighbor s daughter was killed by her ex. I am
positive that this could have been stopped. I do not know how the man obtained
the gun, but I am sure it was through an illegal way. He is not a policeman, he
worked at a supermarket. He does not live in a violent area. He lived in
Bergenfield with his girlfriend. The man did go buy a gun a day before because
he knew that he wanted to kill his girlfriend. The saddest part is that he killed the
girl because she wanted to break up with him. This is what we want for our
country? For people to kill their former boyfriends/girlfriends because that person
ended the relationship. This tragedy could have not been stopped by the girl having a
gun with her. In fact, she might have had to face years of prison for murder and
carrying a gun without a license. Sure, gun control will not eliminate violence or
completely prevent criminals from obtaining guns. Criminals have their ways to go
around the law but by having gun control the murders and assaults with gun will
lessen. I know that everyone has rights but the 2nd amendment is misinterpreted.
Economic Impact Of Oil On The Nigerian Economy
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Objective of the study. Methodology. Structure of
the paper.
2.1 The Nigerian Economy.
2.2 History of Crude Oil in Nigeria.
2.3 Performance of the Oil Sector.
2.4 Contributions and Challenges of the Oil Sector.
3.0 Overview.
3.1 Literature Review Resource Curse
3.1.1 Are natural resources bad for development?
3.1.2 What causes the Resource Curse?
3.1.3 How can the Resource Curse be overcomed?
3.2 The Dutch Disease.
3.3 Globalization.
4.1 Regression 1.
4.2 Regression 2.
5.1 Main findings.
5.2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Has savings grown? Is there any product diversification? And has it impacted on the
country s GDP? Two hypotheses have been put in place to guide this study.
H0: There is no statistical significance between oil and growth of the Nigerian
H1: There is statistical significance between oil and the growth of the Nigerian
1.2: Methodology: The methodology will be carried out using secondary data mainly
from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical bulletin, the National Bureau of
Statistics (NBS), the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and a few
from the CIA World Fact Book, World Development indicators (WDI) and,
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) for the period of 1980
2013. The variables to be used include; Gross Domestic Product growth (GDP
Growth), Domestic Crude Consumption, Crude Export, Manufacturing Growth,
Domestic Savings, Export Growth, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Net Inflows and
Agricultural Growth. They will be assessed in two sets with different dependent and
explanatory variables: GDP growth to Crude Export, Domestic Crude Consumption,
Manufacturing Growth, Gross Domestic Savings, Export Growth and Foreign Direct
Investment Net Inflows.
GDPgrowth= F (CRUDEconsump, CRUDExport, MANUgrowth, GDsaving,
EXgrowth, FDInetINFLOWS) Domestic savings to Crude Export, Domestic Crude
Consumption, Manufacturing Growth and Agricultural Growth.
GDsaving= F
My Experience At The University Of Baghdad, College Of...
Not long ago, I received a delightful phone call, it was from a patient I treated three
years ago, he and his family wanted just to say hi, we missed you Doc. , isn t that
one of the most beautiful thing someone can get in life? For me yes it is.
I studied medicine in one of the top universities in the Middle East that is University
of Baghdad, College of Medicine. My training was in Baghdad Medical Center, the
biggest teaching hospital in Iraq, which provided me with the best teaching and
training in the country. After graduation, I did my internship in several hospitals in
Baghdad. During that time, my country went through crisis situations, with lack of
many basic services and security. I faced a wide range of medical cases that needed
to be managed under highly stressful conditions, which helped in developing my
clinical and social skills. I was introduced to all specialties of medicine, and that was
the time when Family Medicine started to be my biggest interest. Family physicians
are not better than other doctors, but they are different. They continue to be the heart
and soul of medicine. More than any other specialty, family doctors humanize the
health care experience. Focusing their attention on the person, not just the disease,
they are driven to develop relationships over generations with the patients and
families they care for.
Due to the continued security deterioration in my country, I had to travel to Jordan,
and work as a general practitioner over there and
Racial Inequality Essay
Not only now, but throughout the history of the United States, one of the biggest
issues that our country has faced is the issue of Racial inequality and racial
tensions primarily between African Americans and Caucasians. Most recently
these issues have had impacts on everybody, and some may even argue have
caused a bit of a social divide in America. This divide was manifested very clearly
in the 2016 presidential election and since, society has created these ideas and
perceptions that we have seen many references to the Ku Klux Klan, and even
Nazi Germany. These ideas that have been expressed are all very common themes
that the world has seen specifically when racial tensions are present. 50 years ago,
the Civil Rights Movement was very much alive through parts of the deep south.
The advances that the Civil Rights Movement brought about were indeed
incredible however in modern society a new group has taken over where the civil
rights movement left off. If these issues were indeed resolved in the 1950s and
1970s there would be no need for groups such as Black Lives Matter. Racismand
social injustices is one of the biggest issues today that affect politics as well as our
perception of history. Nearly 8 in 10 Americans firmly believe that true progress has
been achieved since the 1960s in getting rid of racial discrimination. (Dutton, De
Pinto Salvanto Backus, 2014). In July of 2013 many watched as George Zimmerman
was found not guilty of murder in the
Case Study Of Schoolteachers And Sumo Wrestling In Japan
Chapter 1: What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? 1. Why is
it difficult to document cheating among sumo wrestlers in Japan? One of the case
studies shown are the rigged matches of the Japanese Sumo Wrestlers, who cheat in
order to maintain their ranking positions, which strongly influence their
socioeconomic status. This bluff is very difficult to document for multiple reasons.
First, it is a game of national pride and Japanese people as well as the National Sumo
Association typically defend the integrity of their premier sport. Second, the powerful
and intricate incentive scheme makes the sumo elite a very restricted circle, difficult
to penetrate and its connection to the Japanese mafia Yakuza discourages or even
eliminates any whistle blowers. Word count: 99... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Word count: 396 8. Write a 250 300 word accompanying paper for the presentation
that you will be giving for the oral component of the English as a Foreign
Language Specialised Language Course for Economics Advanced exam. Topic: Tax
evasion the most serious threat to economic growth Tax evasion is commonly
defined as an illegal practice, where a physical or legal person deliberately bypasses
its tax liabilities by not paying them to the corresponding tax authorities. On the
contrary, tax minimization is a legal process representing the right of every taxpayer
to reduce his amount of duties respecting the state s tax system legislation. Both
activities are forms of tax noncompliance. Tax evaders are punished with criminal
charges and considerable penalties in mostly all developed countries, although
multiple factors impact the efficiency of tax administration and subsequently the
persecution of this crime. One of the major problems is for example corruption of tax
Shaving Razors
For many women having hairless legs is part of their self identity. Without thinking
countless women all over the world pick up their razors and shave their legs
everyday. This essay aims to analysis the occupational performance skills necessary
for completing the grooming task shaving legs, it will firstly be identifying through
the Model Of Human Occupation (MOHO) and again after a condition is applied.
General overview
The occupation will be anaylised once the individual is in the shower, with
satisfactory water temperature, exfoliated and shaving cream applied to each leg.
вћўInitiates movement to collect the razor
вћўLocating razor on niche
вћўReaching right arm
вћўGrasp razor
вћўReturn arm to self
вћўBend at hips
вћўRearrange razor to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Kielhofner, G 2008. At a young age a female may experience shaving their legs for
the first time, if the individual successfully completes the task without cutting
themselves they could potentially feel satisfied by being mature and self efficient as
well as the physical values of feeling clean, smooth legs with the sense of feminine.
For an individual that has a negative experience with the outcome of razor rash or
cuts could lead to anticipation with completing the task in the future possibly
creating an undesirable mindset or
Performance capacity
Refers to the combination of cognition ability and the body systems that are active
during a task.
The following identify the physical aspects required of an individual to complete the
grooming task of shaving;
вћўIt is essential for an individual s body to have adequate muscle strength to balance,
stabilize and maintain posture of the core whilst standing and bending in the shower
вћў45 degrees range of motion (ROM) in the shoulder to lift arm, ROM in elbow to
extend to reach niche
вћўMuscle contraction of the digits to grasp razor
вћўSensation to feel where the razor is located and force requirement to collect it
вћўComplete ROM in the hip to bend and reach the base on the ankle to begin
вћўMuscle contraction (flexion and extension) to maintain force whilst pulling the
How Oil Drilling Works Essay
People in the U.S. use oil every day. Powering cars, heating homes, and providing
electricity are just a few examples of how we use oil fuels in our daily life. Where
would we be if we woke up tomorrow and couldn t fly because there was no fuel, or
products containing plastic were taken off the market? In fact, oil is a part of
everyday items such as crayons, bubble gum, and deodorant (Mooney 19). Oil is
the number one source of energy in the U.S. today. However, the U.S. imports 140
billion worth of its oil supply every day from unstable regions such as Canada and
Mexico (news desk). This makes our addiction to oil an even more dangerous game.
Dependence on foreign oil, also leaves the U.S. vulnerable to fluctuations in global
supply and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As history has shown, the refining and transporting of oil can sometimes end up
releasing oil into the ocean as well. Oil is drilled from the ocean floor through
powerful offshore oil rigs. Natural seeps can also occur. This is when crude oil that
seeps in the ocean water from geologic formations beneath the ocean floor. Despite
these risks, the growth of the global oil businesses continue to grow and our need,
and ultimately our dependency on it, grow right along with it. Arguably, the
greatest impact of off shore drilling on the environment is indisputable. There are
3,500 drilling rigs and platforms, 79 of them deep water wells, in the United States
alone (CBSNews). Many of these off shore rigs are located in the Gulf of Mexico
and directly impact these ecosystems with negative impacts ranging from black
carbon to blowouts (Oceana). However, larger impacts can be catastrophic such as
the 2010 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that killed 11 people and
destroyed 125 miles of the 400 miles of Louisiana coastline (Bp). The accident
continues to mire the company in lawsuits and court hearings. BP settled criminal
charges with the Justice Department two years ago for $4.5 billion in penalties, but
the oil company faces billions of dollars more in costs from a federal civil trial in
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  • 1. Literacy Narrative Essay Example Crafting a literacy narrative essay can be both a challenging and rewarding task. The difficulty lies not only in the ability to recount personal experiences related to literacy but also in presenting them in a coherent and engaging manner. One must navigate through the intricate web of memories, emotions, and reflections, ensuring that the narrative unfolds seamlessly while conveying the significance of literacy in one's life. The challenge begins with the need to strike a balance between personal anecdotes and broader reflections on the impact of literacy. Finding the right blend allows the essay to resonate not just on an individual level but also with a broader audience. Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the task of translating subjective experiences into a universally relatable narrative, making it accessible to readers with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Moreover, the essay demands introspection, prompting the writer to delve deep into their own journey with literacy. This introspective process may unearth memories, emotions, and realizations that can be both enlightening and emotionally taxing. Selecting the most poignant moments and articulating them effectively is a delicate task that requires finesse. Additionally, constructing a narrative that is both cohesive and compelling is a meticulous process. The writer must carefully structure the essay, ensuring that each segment seamlessly transitions into the next, creating a narrative flow that captivates the reader's attention. Balancing the chronological sequence of events with thematic coherence adds an extra layer of complexity to the task. In summary, writing a literacy narrative essay requires not only the ability to reflect on personal experiences but also the skill to articulate them in a way that captivates and resonates with a diverse audience. The challenge lies in navigating the intricacies of storytelling, introspection, and thematic coherence. However, overcoming these challenges can result in a powerful essay that not only showcases the writer's journey with literacy but also provides a lens through which readers can reflect on their own experiences. For assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, one may explore the services offered by HelpWriting.net, where a wealth of resources and professional support can be accessed to ease the writing process. Literacy Narrative Essay ExampleLiteracy Narrative Essay Example
  • 2. Best Australian Hard Rock Band When it comes to picking the best Australian hard rock band, AC/DC is definitely at the top of the list. The band has changed the sound of rock music and the many great guitar riffs are still among to most loved in the world. Picking the best AC/DC tracks is not an easy feat, but here s our take of the top ten. If you want to listen to proper rock or try out your guitar skills, these ten songs are great to add to your repertoire. 1. Highway To Hell Highway To Hell is from the similarly named album from 1979. The guitar riff from the song has taken over the world and most beginner guitarists will dabble at it at some point. It s a great song about the hardships of the rock and roll lifestyle. The energy and the passion in the song has continued ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It s taken from the similarly named album, released in 2000. It s a great song taking the band s music back to its roots, with plenty of loud guitar and great riffs. The song is still very fresh, so it won t feel dated. If you are into singing, then this is a great song to hone your vocal talents. Check the backing track and give the song your own unique touch. 6. Back In Black You can t compile an AC/DC top track list without Back In Black. It s often voted at the top end of all time best rock songs and it isn t any wonder. The song has one of the most memorable guitar riffs of all times and you can t start your guitar playing career without learning it. The song was written as a tribute to the former singer Bon Scott and it s a celebration of his talent. It s an upbeat and energetic song everyone s favourite. 7. Hells Bells Hells Bells is a great song with a unique twist. You ll only here a slow tolling of a bell before the guitar floodgates are opened and the song truly takes
  • 3. Women In Mathematics 1900-1860 Many women have achieved in the mathematics field since the 1900 s. Especially women of color. No matter how young or old, these women have taken their careers in mathematics to an inspiring degree. Take the following women as examples, for they have created history in mathematics forever. Euphemia Lofton Haynes In 1943, Euphemia Lofton Haynes was the first African Americanwoman to earn a Ph.D. in Mathematics. Ms. Haynes attended the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. Ms. Haynes father, Dr. William S. Lofton, was a prominent black dentist and financier of black business in the area and her mother, Lavinia Day Lofton, was active in the Catholic church. She was married to Harold Appo Haynes who was a principal and deputy superintendent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1932, Williams was born in Warri, Nigeria. She received her education at Queens College in Lagos, University Colllege at Ibadan and the University of Vermont, before receiving a Ph.D in mathematics education from the University of Chicago in 1963. She made history as the first Nigerian woman to be awarded a doctorate. Dr. Williams returned to Nigeria for a couple of years postdoctoral work at the University of Ibadan before joining the University of Lagos in 1965 as a faculty member. Dr. Williams continued interest in mathematics education was originally sparked by her stay in the United States, which coincided with the Sputnik phenomenon. Working with the African Mathematics Programs in Newton, Massachusetts, under the leadership on MIT professor Ted Martins, she participated in mathematics workshops held in various African cities. Her courses covered basic concepts in mathematics, working in concert with leading mathematicians and educators. She spent a decade directing the Institute of Education, which introduced innovative no degree programs and certificate recipients working as elementary teachers. She is currently a Professor of Mathematics at the University of
  • 4. Comparing The Novel Uglies And The Maze Runner In today s society, equality is a big deal, with many people still fighting for their rights. People all over the world are still being discriminated against, a topic that is not uncommon for a vast amount of dystopian novels. In fact, it s a very common theme for multiple dystopian pieces. Scott Westerfeld s Uglies, Joelle Charbonneau s The Testing, Liam Hughes The Social Classes, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. s Harrison Bergeron, and Wes Ball s interpretation of The Maze Runner all have social discrimination integrated into their story lines. Despite the many problems in dystopian societies, authors also present the classic hero that rises above those issues and works to rebuild their government or community. However, a hero isn t just born, they re made through a series of events such as problems with social classdiscrimination. When writing the book Uglies, the author, Scott Westerfeld, used a sufficient amount of details to emphasize the differences in social classes and how each class is distinctly separated. By labeling the citizens in the colonies, Westerfeld was able to show how each class was viewed. The novel follows a character named Tally, who is a teenager living in a time set ahead of our own. In this community there are different stages a person goes through while growing up. All citizens first start out as littlies, or kids younger than twelve. Once over twelve the kids move to their own town, called Uglyville, away from their parents and are
  • 5. How To Be Successful In My Beloved World By Sonia Sotomayor Sonia Sotomayor is a women full of many talents and accomplishments. In her book, My Beloved World, Sonia reveals many people, circumstances, hardships, and successfulness. Sonia has embraces many characteristics in which I can relate. Successfulness, determination, and the importance of learning are all crucial elements that make Sonia into the inspiring woman she is today. Relating to Sonia Sotomayorthroughout her book allowed me to remain intrigued in the book and helped apply concepts to my everyday life. We as human beings all strive for success. We use success as a measure of everyday life. After a time you may recognize the proper measure of success is not how much you ve closed the distance to some far off goal but the quality of what you ve done today (Sotomayor Preface). Every person has their definition and view of success, but I believe Sonia Sotomayor stated a quality point in how we self reflect on our lives. I believe finding success in the little things will push me farther along my path toward my ultimate goals. I also believe we all admire someone who we perceive to be successful. Throughout Sonia Sotomayor s book there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sonia describes Miss Katz as a being a different teacher from any other teacher she has had before. She found an importance in not getting stuck in routine learning. Miss Katz motivated her students to challenge themselves. She made the impression of being an educator, but still educating herself. She saw the importance of being a life long learner. This concept is very applicable and relatable to my future career as an educator. I must always remember to remain a life long learner. Not only can I apply this concept to my future career, but also my current college experience. Every day I wake up and feel unmotivated and discouraged I can remember to push through because my education is
  • 6. C. S. Lewis Miracles Essay In the book Miracles C.S. Lewis discusses what miracles are and challenges the reader, Christian or not, to think philosophically on how and why they happen. He uses ideas such as naturalism and supernaturalism to help readers understand the idea of miracles, but also makes sure to point out that miracles do happen, and they happen for a reason. That reason being because Godintended them to happen to maintain control on Earth as well as show his sovereignty. Some people may think of things being out of control in the world to be riots, an uncontrollable plague, or even a three year old kid throwing a tantrum, but in reality what if out of control is anything that has resulted from the fall, anything that God had not intended? C.S. Lewis states, By definition, miracles must of course interrupt the usual course of Nature...in the very act of so doing, assert all the more the unity and self consistency of total reality at some deeper level (97). Miracles are not always prevalent at times, but are ways for God to bring the world closer to how He had originally intended the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It seems that much more likely that human thought is not God s but God kindled (44). Lewis explained before that God can interfere in the physical world and that it may interrupt the usual course of nature all the while of asserting self consistency. Humans may decide for themselves what they eat for breakfast on a day to day basis, but in the big scheme of things it is actually God who makes their decisions for them. to realize for the first time how majestically indifferent most reality is to man, and who perhaps abandons his religion on that account, may at that moment be having his first genuinely religious experience (81).God allows humans to make their own decisions, but by making their ultimate ones He is able to guide them back to
  • 7. African American Males and the World The world has come a very long way since segregation was demolished with the help of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This has opened a lot of doors for African Americans in the United States. Better job opportunities and better chances at managing a stable family life. Sadly as time has passed and we have rolled into the 21st century things aren t looking so great for the African males in school. This rate changes from time to time, yet we don t know why or what it really is. So, what is the average graduation rate for African Americanmales and why? Statistics, the one source of information that almost everyone turns to in order to determine how often something happens. With statistics we can see just what are the chances of a African male graduating against compared to others. Apparently, 54% of most Africans males actually graduate from high school, that s not bad. The other 46% show little to no effort then or drop out, which explains why their scores would be below counterparts in other racial and ethnic groups in the school. Let us not forget though, these are only statistics. Dropouts, plays another role in the game of graduation. Now there are times where we all just want to quit or think that we ve reaches our limits , but it seems that is mostly common in the African community. Now I m not saying all Africans, just some who grew up in that type of environment where reaching limits is okay and that they shouldn t try to surpass it. Now in order to actually tell
  • 8. A Comparison Of The Hobbit And The Story Of Sigurd As the English poet Robert Graves said One gets to the heart of the matter by a series of experiences in the same pattern, but in different colors. This quote is exemplified in the stories of The Hobbit and The Story of Sigurd when they have action and use the same hero s journey pattern to create a great story. Both authors of the stories use strong and resilient characters in their stories to take down the monsters. In this case, there are two heroes taking down a greedy dragon. Based on the stories and characters, authors are also able to show their own opinions in the stories. Concluding that, both the scene with Smaugand Fafnir have similarities in characteristics and outcomes in the story, showing that authors follow the same... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This asking of questions shows that the dragons can use that information to manipulate the character into thinking about something in a different way. However, in both stories,the character doesn t give in to the persuasiveness, but Bilbo from The Hobbit does give Smaug just the slightest of information of where he came from and Smaug used it to cause destruction. From finding all the similarities in the two stories there is enough information to conclude that Tolkien used The Story of Sigurdto gain ideas to create The Hobbit, however both stories are also very different. Of course in every adventure story, you need a protagonist, and in The Hobbit and The Story of Sigurd both show great examples of heroic protagonists. Plus, both of the heroes kill the huge dragon similarly. A main thing that the two heroes have in common is that they use a special weapon to kill the enemy. In The Hobbit, Bard uses a rare arrow called a black arrow ; Arrow! said the bowman. Black arrow! I have saved you to the last. You have never failed me and always I have recovered you. I had you from my father and he from of old. (Tolkien 251). Sigurd also uses a special sword to kill the dragon Fafnir; Then Sigurd went to his mother, and asked for the broken pieces of his father s blade, and gave them to Regin. And he hammered and wrought them into a new sword, so sharp that fire seemed to burn along its edges. (Lang).
  • 9. Essay Comparing Waiting For Icarus And Virute Des Beaux Arts The two poems Waiting for Icarus and MusГ©e des Beaux Arts are narrative poems. MusГ©e des Beaux Arts is a poem written by W. H. Auden and published in 1938. Waiting for Icarus is a poem written by Muriel Rukeyser and published in 1973. The poem MusГ©e des Beaux Arts is about how no one truly cares when a tragedy is taking place, unless said tragedy concerns them directly. The poem Waiting for Icarus tells the story about a woman who is abandoned by her lover while waiting for him at the beach. The two poems have a great deal of similarities and differences between them. In the end, Waiting for Icarus and MusГ©e des Beaux Arts are two unique poems that will invite readers to think deeply about their individual subject matter, especially... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One such difference lies in the divergent tones that the poets use in their individual poems. The tone in MusГ©e des Beaux Arts, for example, is that of utter indifference towards the plight of Icarus. Perhaps this is because the event Auden is describing is merely happening in a painting and not actually happening in front of his persona, or perhaps Auden uses such a tone in order to further convey to his audience the lack of interest everyone else displays in regards to Icarus dilemma. An example of the unhurried and apathetic attitude everyone has in MusГ©e des Beaux Arts is clearly shown when Auden writes, While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along; / How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting / for the miraculous birth (lns. 4 6). Auden writes these lines in order to show his readers how everyone is carrying on with their life in the manner that they always do, regardless of what tragedies may befall others. Auden wants to show his readers that people will still eat, open windows, and be born despite what calamities may be happening near them. Ruth Bernard Yeazell agrees that the tone in MusГ©e des Beaux Arts is that of indifference when she states in an article that, It is not just that the ploughman is not paying attention, but
  • 10. Impulse Control Disorder Research Paper Impulse Control Disorders Impulse control disorders are a type of mental disorder. People with impulse control disorder are unable to control impulses. Impulses are a sudden need to do something (to act). Impulses are normal, and most of us learn how to control them. People who are unable to control impulses repeatedly act without planning or considering the consequences. Their actions may be harmful to people, animals, or property. The three most common impulse control disorders are: Intermittent explosive disorder (recurrent aggressive behavior). Kleptomania (stealing). Pyromania (starting fires). Impulse control disorders typically start in the late teenage to early adult years. They are more common in people with a history of childhood... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition to the specific symptoms listed above, the impulsive behavior is not better explained by another mental health disorder, substance use, or a general medical condition. DIAGNOSIS Impulse control disorders are diagnosed through an assessment by your health care provider. Your health care provider will ask questions about your impulsive behavior, moods, and thoughts as well as past and recent life events. This health care provider will also ask about your medical history and use of alcohol or drugs, including prescription medications. Certain medical conditions and the use of certain substances can cause symptoms similar to impulse control disorders. Your health care provider may refer you to a mental health specialist for further evaluation or treatment. TREATMENT The following types of treatment are available for impulse control disorders: Cognitive behavioral therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of talk therapy. It focuses on negative beliefs and thoughts related to the impulsive behavior. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to reduce the negative thoughts and behavior or replace them with healthier thoughts and behavior. Cognitive behavioral therapy is available on an individual basis or in a group setting. Group therapy provides support, feedback, and advice from other people facing similar
  • 11. Mike s Market Site that is a Visual Representation of a... There are currently sites dedicated to farmers markets, however, these sites are focused more on informing the community of their locations and products than actual sales. This leaves in opening in the market to capitalize on people s desire to eat locally and organically. In addition to being for mainly informational purposes these sites are visually unappealing. Sites like farmersmarketonline.com have an appearance like that of Craigslist.org and are reminiscent of the days of the early internet. The market can be captured by offering consumers a site that resembles a real farmers market visually. SWOT Analysis Strengths 1.Knowledge of marketing and markets is a strength held by the individual involved in the start of Mike s Market. This strength will help with the formation of the company since one of the price points for users of the site is marketing expertise and help with online sales. This strength will also come into play in creating initial buzz about the site to drive traffic and increase awareness. 2.Logistics and transportation support is another critical part of the online farmers market so that users can concentrate on growing and selling their goods. The starter of the site has over five years in logistics and transportation ranging from local shipping to international shipping. 3.The passion to see this site from an idea to reality is a strength possessed by the sites founder. This passion will aid in forming bonds with initial farmers and creating
  • 12. Consumer Behaviour Identity And Identity Introduction To understand consumer behaviour is an important process as it allows marketers to comprehend better the reason why an individual choose to select, purchase and use a good or service to satisfy their needs and wants based on his or her buying tendencies and spending patterns. The analysis of consumer behaviour requires the consideration of various processes, internal and external factors for the individual. Both internal and external factors of an individual are required necessary for the analysis of consumer behaviour, as well as examining the complex interaction of many influencing elements, such as personal and cultural influences, which includes identity (Moutinho 1987). Identity plays a vital part in the unsustainable... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These personal and collective identities more often could be contributed by different categories, such as age, gender, race, nationality, religiosity, then further from political views, career and of course wealth and social status. Identity also manifested in conventional social roles, norms, mores, and status quo expectations (Bristor and Fischer 1993). Identity is what the consumer believes, it is what gives them the sense of positive self esteem affiliation and distinctiveness, self verification, and self affirmation (Escalas 2013), and these would affect his or her choice in consuming a good or a service when a case is required to make between different products in the market. Each consumer has his or her own unique, distinctive identity, yet on the other hand, they share so many similarities sometimes, and it would form a collective identity. Collective identity is shared among group of people who often enacted through fashion, music, art, trend, technology and such (Holt 2002) from the society, Obesity among young female adults Obesity, as the selected unsustainable consumption issue for the Consumer Behaviour Creative Production stage 1, has been specifically defined with a designated target group for this project, which are Australian young female adults aged between 18 to 25 years old, one of the biggest age group among Australian female age distribution. They are majority
  • 13. Motown Gordy s Accomplishments Motown was, and still is an iconic place that has helped shape music and civil rights in Detroit Michigan in the 1950s. Berry Gordy was born in 1929, and founded his music company in 1959. He was married in 1953, had a family, and started working at Lincoln Mercury assembly line in 1955, while working he would compose songs. Through family connections, Gordy encountered singer Jackie Wilson s manager; he ended up co writing the Wilson hit Reet Petite, which came out in 1957. Gordy also wrote Wilson s Lonely Teardrops and To Be Loved. (Kettler, Sarah.) Gordy tried to make the company name by using his kids initials and came up with Jobete which did not stick so well so he decided to open his open record company. When it was founded,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He signed primarily African Americanartists and applied his principles, he learned in the factory production to produce records and the creation of different groups. Gordy tried to move Motown records to Los Angeles in 1968 after riots in Michigan while trying to diversify the brand, which didn t go well and Berry had to file for bankruptcy, then later had artists leave for another record label company. Berry Gordy sold Motown records in 1988 to MCA, Inc. for $61 million with a limited partnership. Motown was a success from a number of factors, such as, economic, demographic, educational, and musical in the 1900th century. Detroit was the fourth largest city in the US, until the population went up to almost 2 million. Part of the population was 28.9% by the 1960s, which caused a lot of racism. Black families who migrated to Detroit, were able to create a life for themselves that were a lot better than being back in the south. Most did this to develop a sense of pride and dignity in the culture and traditions that they brought with them. (McCarthy, Marie).
  • 14. Elementary School Narrative After the interesting time that was elementary school, the change to the intermediate school was not an unwelcome one. In fact, I was rather excited to pass on to the newly redone and recently renamed Lincoln Intermediate school. It was a time of change and that was exciting and terrifying. The first year of band, me newly on my trombone with only a few lessons of experience from the summer, four times as many kids my age for me to get to know, and a larger school. Needless to say it was a time to feel anxious. Perhaps the most immediate change that came out of the switch to intermediate was my best friend. Throughout what I remember of elementary I had had two school best friends as I at the time labeled them. They had been the limited... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, our friendship dynamic was about to shift again. This time, we introduced two new individuals into what had originally been a line of friendship, with us, the only two points. This new friendship dynamic began with a movie night at my home. That first night only three of us showed up, me, my friend, and our new test run friend. We had decided to watch monsters university per request of our new companion, however we actually managed to somehow accidentally get the movie into a narrative mode that I still to this day assume is meant for blind people. With the movie being a complete loss due to the bore that is both movie watching and especially blind people movie watching. Thus began the twix war. It began innocently enough, a simple toss me a twix? quickly lead to hostilities when a toss became a chuck. Suddenly little golden wrapped chocolates were flying through the air and pain was everywhere. Beds were hidden under and popcorn was spilt and thus the tone was set for what would soon become known as our movie
  • 15. Harry Potter Harry Potter| Harry Potter: Complete 8 Film Collection on Blu ray (2011)| Produced by| David Heyman| Based on| Harry Potter series byJ. K. Rowling| Starring| Daniel Radcliffe Rupert Grint Emma Watson (See below)| Studio| Heyday Films| Distributed by| Warner Bros.| Release date(s)| 2001 2011| Country| United Kingdom United States| Language| English| Budget| Total (8 films): $1,155,000,000| Box office| Total (8 films): $7,706,147,978| The Harry Potter film series is a British American film series based on the Harry Potter novels by the British author J. K. Rowling. The series is distributed by Warner Bros. and consists of eight fantasy films[1] beginning with Harry Potter and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... to make non author written sequels.[12] Although Steven Spielberg initially negotiated to direct the first film, he declined the offer.[13] Spielberg wanted the adaptation to be an animated film, with American actor Haley Joel Osment to provide Harry Potter s voice.[14] Spielberg contended that, in his opinion, there was every expectation of profit in making the film, and that making money would have been like shooting ducks in a barrel. It s just a slam dunk. It s just like withdrawing a billion dollars and putting it into your personal bank accounts. There s no challenge .[15] In the Rubbish Bin section of her website, Rowling maintains that she has no role in choosing directors for the films, writing Anyone who thinks I could (or would) have veto ed him [Spielberg] needs their Quick Quotes Quill serviced. [16] After Spielberg left, talks began with other directors, including: Chris Columbus, Terry Gilliam, Jonathan Demme, Mike Newell, Alan Parker, Wolfgang Petersen, Rob Reiner, Tim Robbins, Brad Silberling, and Peter Weir.[17] Petersen and Reiner both pulled out of the running in March 2000.[18] It was then narrowed down to Silberling, Columbus, Parker and Gilliam.[19] Rowling s first choice was Terry Gilliam.[20] However on 28 March 2000 Columbus was appointed as director of the film, with Warner Bros. citing his work on other family films such as Home Alone and Mrs Doubtfire
  • 16. OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Case Study The United States Army decision to divest the OH 58D Kiowa Warrior was an end to an airframe that has a long history of service. No other airframe in the United States Army has the reliability, close air support, and overall operational readiness rate. Many Soldiers lives affected by the divestiture of this airframe, some have lost their jobs, or forced into different needs of the Army. The decision to divest the OH 58D is important , leaving this important role to the AH 64D/E Apache, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The OH 58 has been in service since 1969 as a Light Observation Helicopter. (Wikipedia January 2017) Many variants include OH 58A, OH 58B, OH 58C, and OH 58D; an OH 58F was in the testing phase but scrapped. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The small but agile airframe primarily used for observation or the scout role, gathering Intel about enemy movements across the battlefield. No airframe in the Army s fleet could provide close air support to ground vehicle convoys like the airframe did, sometimes flying within 50 feet of conveys to ensure their protection. This close air support was valuable to providing convoys make it to their destination unharmed, showing teeth to any would be attacker. In addition, ground troops hailed the aircraft for its quick response in the battle space, apparently saving many American Soldiers lives. Working joint operations with the AH64D/E Apache helicopter Apache missions scrubbed due to maintenance issues causing units with OH 58D to deploy more aircraft to support their mission losses. If any ground troop wanted fast and effective close air support, many would have chosen the OH 58D. Stories often heard was how the OH 58D came flying in and suppressed the threat allowing ground troops to advance and continue the mission. Just having this airframe in the battle space contained many threats before they even evolved; supporting lost capabilities this helicopter has brought to the U.S
  • 17. The Five Temptation Of A Ceo Although, I have never been the CEO of a company; The Five Temptation of a CEO by Patrick Lencioni is a book that gives leadership advice in a way that could be useful for anyone. The book focuses on the new CEO of a company called, Trinity Systems, Andrew O Brien. The eve of his first board meeting, he stayed at the office much later than usually. Andrew is facing the results of the company in the year that he had been CEO, which were unspectacular at best. A majority of the book takes place in an unlikely setting. Andrew is taking a BART train home where he meets an old man, who seems to be a janitor of some sort. Charlie, the old man, approaches Andrew to dig into what seems to be bothering him. After a bit of probing, Charlie uncovers Andrew s struggles with his company. Andrew condescendingly states, I don t know how much you know about business, but being a CEO is pretty complicated. Charlie offers the opinion that being a CEO is really quite simple and is all based on avoiding the five temptations of a CEO . Andrew is hesitant to take advice from him; what could a janitor know about being a CEO? but, humors the man anyway. Charlie initiates his advice by asking Andrew what he thought was the best day of his career. This question leads to the first temptation: choosing status over results. Andrew says that the best day of his career was the day he was promoted to CEO. According the first temptation, he was already failing. Charlie uses the example of
  • 18. American Literature American Literature through Time To find out more about a particular literature time period, click on the links below: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Puritan Times Rationalism/Age of Enlightenment American Renaissance/Romanticism Gothic Realism Naturalism Modernism Harlem Renaissance Postmodernism Contemporary Puritan Times period of American Literature 1650 1750 Content: п‚· п‚· п‚· errand into the wilderness be a city upon a hill Christian utopia Genre /Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· sermons, diaries personal narratives captivity narratives jeremiads written in plain style Effect: п‚· п‚· instructive reinforces authority of the Bible and church Historical Context: п‚· п‚· a person s fate is determined by God all people are corrupt and must... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· short story, novel characters usually lower class or lower middle class fictional world is commonplace and unheroic; everyday life is a dull round of daily existence characters ultimately emerge to act heroically or adventurously with acts of violence, passion, and/or bodily strength in a tragic ending Effect: п‚· this type of literature continues to capture audiences in present day: the pitting of man against nature Historical Context: п‚· writers reflect the ideas of Darwin (survival of the fittest) and Karl Marx (how money and class structure control a nation) Modernism period of American Literature 1900 1946 Content: п‚· п‚· п‚· dominant mood: alienation and disconnection people unable to communicate effectively fear of eroding traditions and grief over loss of the past Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· highly experimental allusions in writing often refer to classical Greek and Roman writings use of fragments, juxtaposition, interior monologue, and stream of consciousness writers seeking to create a unique style Effect: п‚· common readers are alienated by this literature Historical Context: п‚· п‚· п‚· overwhelming
  • 19. A Feelings For Fiction The article A Feeling For Fiction explains the relationship exhibited between our lives,and those existing in the realm of fictional works. The relationship itself is overwhelmingly positive, as fictional works have the effect of humanizing us, as we empathize ,and identify with the characters that are present. The article gives examples of this idea through the concepts presented in texts such as Aristotle s Poetics, and the Hindu Treatise Natyasastra, that are used to emphasise the impact that fiction exudes on the real world. While the majority of the article makes reference to literature, fiction in the form of movies plays, an important roles as the article explains a study done regarding the movies Vertigo and Bladerunner that exemplified
  • 20. Essay about William Wordsworth William Wordsworth William Wordsworth was born April 7, 1770, at Cockermouth in Cumberland, England. His poetry, and especially his poems on solitude, must have been heavily influenced by the death of his mother and the splitting up of his family when he was only eight (Kilvert 1). At that time, fate sent him to live in Hawkshead, England, where his teacher started him writing poetry. Wordsworth got his higher education at Cambridge, his memories of which play a part in his later poetry (Noyes 201). Fate again stepped in when, as a young man, he received an inheritance, which gave him the freedom to study literature. One might guess that this is when he first became part of the Romantic movement, (Pinion, 21). The poetry of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Martha was in love with Stephen, who betrayed her by marrying another woman. Martha was pregnant by Stephen, and the rumor was that she had murdered her baby. The reader feels all her pain when she cries, Oh misery! oh misery! Oh woe is me! oh misery! These words express her heartbreak at losing Stephen; her anguish at finding herself pregnant; her shame at being an unwed mother; her guilt and regret for murdering her baby; her grief over the baby s death; and her knowledge that her life is ruined. The thorn is a powerful symbol of all this misery. Just as the thorns, Martha s appearance makes it seem as if she, too, could never have been young. She, too, is A wretched thing forlorn. By contrast, what seems to be the infant s grave lies in a beautiful mound of color. Of coarse, the child is innocent and its beauty is forever filled with color; but Martha s only color is her scarlet cloak of shame. The power of imagination is the theme of http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp /poems/wordswor43.html Most Sweet It Is With Uplifted Eyes. The title, itself, is full of meaning when we walk with our eyes uplifted, we are not looking at the real world around us, but are dreaming on the stars. While the real world may be beautiful, it may also be very ugly and painful. However, imagination gives us the power to block out what is bad and to create a special world. We can look inside
  • 21. Self Critique Of Charles Kebler As Sales Manager Essay Title: Self Critique of Charles Kebler as Sales Manager Salesperson Assignment: Sophia Barrow Performance Evaluation Self Critique Section One Overall Performance Critique: 1.What did you do well in the meeting? After going back and reviewing my performance evaluation of Sophia Barrow, I feel like I did a very good job overall. The first thing I feel like I did well during the meeting was keeping the conversation balanced. Keeping the conversation balanced and not talking too much was my main issue going into the meeting. The next thing I feel like I did really well on was asking for her opinion on her ratings of herself throughout the meeting. To be an effective salesmanager you need to understand the reasons behind the ratings the reps are giving themselves. I am very pleased with my performance overall and feel excellent about the outcome of the meeting. 2.How effective do you think the meeting was for the salesperson you evaluated, and what cues and evidence lead you to this conclusion? I think the meeting was very effective for Sophia Barrow because she always seemed to agree with my ratings or at least adjust her ratings of herself after our discussion. With that being said I feel like she was very happy and surprised with the promotion I offered her. I think this was a big clue that the meeting was very effective overall. Another piece of evidence that I used to evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting was the fact that she seemed to really be on the same
  • 22. The Issue Of Legalizing Marijuana The issue of Legalizing marijuana is a very controversial topic of modern times. The use of marijuana is all over the media with celebrities doing it and young people in on the craze. Marijuana is the world s oldest illegal drug, not only that, it is also the drug that is most widely used among society today (Aanstoos, 2015). Different types of people use this drug for a variety of reasons, such as, as a way to disconnect from todays hectic world, something they are peer pressured into, or even medical reasons. My argument is against the concern of legalizing marijuana in general including medical marijuana. Before completely going all in against this drug, note that there is some relevant research, which shows Marijuana has some benefits to it. This paper will explore both points in against and in favor of legalizing marijuana to be revealed, aiming for an understanding of the issue and present a public healthpolicy to improve and educate the public of this hot health topic. Starting with the cons I have selected five to be discussed that particularly stand out to me. First, there is not enough research on medical marijuana to see if the benefits overcome the risks. Every time you hear people protest for the legalization of marijuana they throw out facts about how it s good for people and also how it s all natural so it must be better that medicine. Their facts cannot be scientifically backed up and their sources could or couldn t be from a reliable source. Even with
  • 23. The Neoclassical School s Pro Market Position Capitalists self interest of profit is in conflict with workers self interest of welfare, as capitalists drive for profit has negative repercussions for labour welfare. The Neoclassical school asserts that markets are able to reconcile this competing self interest, as rational economic actors pursuit of their own self interest within markets is said to result in a mutually beneficial outcome. However, the Marxian school concedes that this idea is redundant, as labour is still exploited by capital despite this apparently mediatory market mechanism (which focuses only on the exchange of commodities). This essay will acknowledge similarities between the two schools on the matter. It will explain the Neoclassical school s pro market... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both agree that capitalists universal goal (Stillwell 2012:173) is the maximisation of profit, and that this self interest will be prioritised above other interests. Although, the Neoclassical school does not consider that capitalists prioritisation of profit will have an adverse impact on other economic actors, as it contends that the market will inevitably satisfy individual self interests (Chang 2014:182). This underlines the distinctive positions of the Neoclassical school and the Marxian school: the former believes that the market mechanism can create equitable outcomes for all actors, the latter reveals that the function of the market is not in fact profitable for all economic agents. The Neoclassical school maintains the position that markets can reconcile competing interests between capital and labour due to the function of the invisible hand, a theory stemming from the Classical school of economics, notably the economist Adam Smith (Chang 2012:116). This theory posits that economic order can emerge as the unintended consequence of the rational actions of many people, each propelled by their own interests (Friedman 2011:120). Neoclassical economics affirms that this economic order arises from the tendency of markets to equilibrate; that is, to naturally revert to a state where the desires of all economic agents are satisfied through the mechanism of the market (Stillwell 2012:158). This market mechanism is said to assure
  • 24. Reorcelian Flying Dragon Vase Going to the art museum I had a lot of insight on unique artworks. One of the exhibits I attended to are the treasures of the Chinese Art from the National museum, Taipei. These pieces explore how Chinese art came to flourish under the rulers of Han Chinese, Mongol, and Manchu.The revolving Vase with Revolving Core and Eight Trigram Design was made in the Quinlong emperor was one of the most fasinating pieces I have seen. This vase is no ordinary vase, the neck,upper, lower, and inner body of this vase are all separated but pieced together making the core of this vase rotate. The form of the famous revolving vase features eight trigrams, there are complex combinations of broken and unbroken lines in which symbolize the yin and yang energy, from the ancient classic text I Ching and wish wands in the shape of mushroom heads, an emblem associated with longevity and heaven in Daoism. This revolving piece of art did not only admire artist by their ability to create beautiful work pleasing to the eye but also technical mastery in the eighteenth century. Another work shown was the porcelian flying dragon vase which was white with a blue painted dragon that dates in the Ming dynasty. This vase has the classic asian dragon which has always been an important symbol in the chinese culture, and is traditional for meaning power and the emperor. This respected image with three claws that represent imperial made in the sixteenth century made in Jiajing, southern China. These types of vases were exported to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Emperors Treasures outlines how Chinese art came to evolve under Han Chinese, Mongol, and Manchu
  • 25. Essay about The Viking The Vikings Viking History The Vikings were a group of Scandinavian raiders that were around from about the 8th century to the 11th. They mainly attacked the British Islands , the Frankish empire, England, but they also plundered places such as the Iberian peninsula and northern Africa. Vikings did not always settle into the places that they found, for instance after exploring North America they left the place never to return again. Even so, after landing on Greenland they colonized themselves there, and ancestors of the Vikings still live there today. So now that you know a little about the history of the Vikings lets go into detail about the specifics of the Viking age. (Peter Sawyer, Oxford Ill. History of the Vikings p. 1 19) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even so in the 11th century they set up temporary residence in North America in what they called Vinland. (Barnes Noble New American Encyclopedia Vol. 19 p. 594 596) The first Viking attack on Ireland was in 820, and like the monk s attacked in 793, the people of Ireland had no chance against the powerful Viking army. In the years following the first attack Viking s gained leadership, and by 839, a brave Viking chieftain named Turges, declared himself king of Ireland. Turges sacrificed the Irish kings Armagh and Clonmacnois, to Thor, a Viking god. The Vikings organized attacks very well, they set more and more extravagant goals, and soon met them. Their attacks on England were successful mostly because no one expected them. In May of 841, Danish Vikings led by a man named Asgeir sailed the River Seine, and they burnt the city Rouen to the ground. Next they moved into St. Denis, but decided that it was in their best interest not to provoke the passing Frankish army. But they went right back at it again in 842 they destroyed Quenstovic, the Frisian harbor town. In 845 they attacked the tri divided Holy Roman Empire, all at the same time! Ragnar Lodbrok, a legendary Viking hero and his army sailed up the Loire River and conquered Paris by defeating half of Charles the Bald s army. The other half were on the other side of the river and watched as Ragnar hung 111 of Charles s men as a sacrifice the
  • 26. Pickup Vehicle Case Study Car models come and go, but a few vehicles such as the Toyota Corolla, Chevrolet Corvette, and Volkswagen Golf have tremendous staying power, measured in decades. At the same time, there are some discontinued models we d like to see make a comeback, including two expected to return in the next year or two. 1. Subaru BRAT The last time Subaru produced a pickup truck was from 2003 to 2006, with the Baja. Decades earlier, beginning in 1978, Subaru offered the trendsetting BRAT, the first small pickup truck with all wheel drive. Besides its off road capabilities, the BRAT was noteworthy for its two truck bed jump seats, what allowed Subaru to skirt a 25 percent tariff on light pickup trucks. That loophole was later closed and no other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They also know that the true muscle car version rolled out in 1970, as a near twin to the Dodge Challenger. Two inches shorter than the Challenger and with its own sheet metal, the Cuda was the less costly of the two. However, these days, a clean Hemi powered Cuda fetches many times the amount of a similar Challenger at auction. After all, there s nothing quite as drool worthy as a Hemi Cuda Convertible. Don t hold your breath. Rumors of a Dodge Barracuda model have surfaced in recent years, representing a scaled down version of the Dodge Challenger. But parent Fiat Chrysler is not awash in cash to invest in this model nor is the market especially favorable for yet another pony car. 4. Dodge Dakota Introduced in 1986, the Dodge Dakota had a 25 year run, then canceled. The Dakota was a trendsetting model for its time as it was the first midsize pickup truck. Its larger size signaled the start of a movement whereby manufacturers replaced small trucks with larger models, such as the Toyota Tacoma and Nissan Frontier. A Ram Dakota would be the logical complement to the Ram 1500, and enable Fiat Chrysler to match Chevrolet, Toyota, GMC, Nissan, and soon Ford with an effective 1 2 pickup punch. We think a Dakota outfitted with the available Ram Box storage management system and an optional diesel engine would make such a model a hit if it returned. What are the chances? Slim to
  • 27. Ford Mondeo Case Study: Ford Mondeo In 1992, Ford Motor Company decided to produce a world car, that is, a car that would be produced and sold internationally with little variation in the vehicle between markets. This world car was named the Ford Contour and Mercury Mystique for the North American market and the Ford Mondeo for the European Market. All of these models were built with a 90% similarity due to body design differences, local conditions and mandates. Ford decided to expand internationally to increase sales, spread production sites, and to increase their research and development. The company believed that economies of scale and supplier flexibility would improve cost efficiency and supplier efficiency. Ford felt that these factors... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Increased globalization is the direction that all major multinational corporations are moving towards. Ford had made a good attempt at making a world car that proved to be partially successful in the beginning of sales. The company has learned that locational specialization is an extremely important aspect to selling globally because of the differing personal preferences and legal demands. Additionally, the original Ford Model T heavily relied on economies of scale in order to produce a personal vehicle at reasonable prices. This is still an important aspect to the world car and helped Ford produce at a higher cost efficiency and can be implemented in future projects by engineering different vehicles with similar internal components. So, even if Ford s future goals are not aligned with creating another world car they have still learned important lessons that are applicable to globalized operations. Finally, the globalized efforts could not have practical without the implementation and usage of information and communicational technologies. While some aspects of IT could not completely solve the physical transportation of individuals, but it helped in many areas of some operational achievements of the world car. These technologies made information exchange, technical calculations, design, and communication much more efficient and practical for the long distances and the large amount of people involved with the project. The use of the Internet was an
  • 28. Japanese Politics, By Takashi Inoguchi In Takashi Inoguchi s latest publication, Japanese Politics: An Introduction, one of the foremost political scientists in Japan, Takashi Inoguchi thoroughly delves into two decades of Japanese history. The first period 1983 1993, and the second 1994 2004 sandwich the fall of the 1955 political system and era of one party dominance. There is a unique perspective that the author is able to provide due to his tenure as a professor of political science in the Institute of Oriental Culture at the University of Tokyo as well as Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations. His wife is also a well respected political scientist who sat on the House of Representatives and had several other notable accomplishments, thus providing a truly unique perspective from the author s point of view. The cover of the book is that of a seemingly approachable and almost friendly book on Japanese Politics, which is rare when it comes to books on politics. The image depicts Japanese men working, while the opposing sides are pushing opposite ends with strained faces whilst the workers on the interior of the outside men are unable to move forward with progress. The image is symbolism for the political and economic developments of Japans history and politics, and even goes as far to include information about scholarly debates about Japanese Politics. One of the main arguments that Inoguchi makes in the book is that the study of Japanese politics from his first segment (1983 1999) leads to
  • 29. Of Prejudice In Frankenstein And Mary Shelley s Lusus... It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being, John Joseph Powell. From Margaret Atwood s Lusus Naturae, to Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, and Dan Barry s The Lost Children of Tuam, each story more tragic than the last, all share a common thread of prejudice. Be it societal, ethical, or religious, prejudices are the driving force behind the creation of what many regard as monsters . This constant label of shame isolates its victims and inflicts selfperception of inferiority, which in turn compels a hardening of one s disposition towards society. Because of her rare affliction, the main character of Margaret Atwood s Lusus Naturae experiences a complete disconnect from not only her family, but also the world around her. The disdain directed towards her was palpable. She notes that her cat was the only living creature who wanted to be close to me, and even then she questions whether her cat was drawn to her or the smell of old dried up blood (Atwood 3) that was a result of her uncommon diet. Furthermore, she goes so far as to characterize her own mother s relationship to her as if to a hangnail, a wart (Atwood 3). Her own self worth is obliterated by the prevailing sense of shame that she believes she has brought to her family. However, under these conditions she resolves to harden [herself] to loneliness, (Atwood 4) and detaches from society altogether, making her home in the woods like an apparition among the trees. Her place as an outcast to society affords her new insight to the rationale of the common folk. Consequently, after her quarrel with the man in the woods she reflected, When demons are required someone will always be found to supply the part, and whether you step forward or are pushed is all the same in the end (Atwood 5). This observation illustrates the impact that societal prejudices have had on her way of thinking, and emphasizes how she grew to fit the role that had been prescribed to her. In other words, people find comfort in the belief that monsters are the stuff of legends when in reality they are bred out of one s own
  • 30. Compartment Syndrome Research Paper A shin splints is actually the soreness of the the muscles in the legs that occurs from increasing your training regimen too quickly. For instance, if you have been training for a five K for a month and then suddenly decide to run a marathon you would have shin splints. Or if you start out, after a one month of not training, running3 miles per day you would be sore just like your first day of working out. But not all soreness in your shins is a shin splint. If you can feel a specific spot where the pain is coming from or, if you run your hand down your shin and feel a single spot that hurts then you most likely have a stress fracture. A stress fracture is a small, slower developing break in the bone. It comes from the same types of stress in running but is much more serious and can require weeks of time to heal. The only way to tell for sure that your bone is to get ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Compartment syndrome is the pressure built up in the compartment underneath your skin that comes from a muscle that is swelling. They have strange ways of measuring the amount of pressure underneath the skin and to release they have to use surgical decompression. It will at first just hurt and after a period of time, cause the loss of muscle in the legs because of its affects of the pressure on the nerves. Shin splints are caused by pretty much everything involved in running. If your shoes are outdated and have lost the padding on the soles then your feet are basically slamming into the ground with each step. This is why I would never advise someone to wear the toe shoes for running because the soles are a thin piece of rubber. Another cause could be running on a track in the same direction. If you are running long distances on the track and turn right all day then the your outside leg is going to be more worn out than the other. If you run on the same curved roads then it could also cause
  • 31. The Innate Estimation Of The Shares Of Adidas Ag The reason for this report is to assess how the Adidas Group did amid the current three years in regard of money related articulations proportion. Besides, it will give an evaluation of the inborn estimation of the shares of Adidas AG. The initial segment of this report will quickly portray Adidas and the business it s contending in. Promote on, there will be utilized a cross sectional examinations to assess the execution and to contrast Adidas with a contending organization. The picked organization is Nike, because of equivalent monetary years. The second some portion of this report comprise of a numerous examination and a free income valuation demonstrate which will give a valuation of Adidas shares. The majority of the data and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Adidas is focused on the client center administration with new advancement and outline. Adidas AG is devoted to great administration, and utilizations their attainability articulation and corporate missions on Social and Environmental Affairs, Human Resources and Community Affairs to accomplish organization vision. SWOT Analysis The purpose of a SWOT investigation is to help you build up a solid business methodology by ensuring you ve considered the majority of your business qualities and shortcomings, and in addition the open doors and dangers it confronts in the commercial center. Qualities and shortcomings are inside to the organization. You can transform them after some time yet not without some work. Openings and dangers are outer they are out there in the market, happening in any case. You can t transform them. Existing organizations can utilize a SWOT investigation, whenever, to survey a changing domain and react proactively ( ADDYY : Summary for ADIDAS AG Yahoo Finance, n.d.). Some known strengths of Adidas AG is their positive market picture, which the brand endeavors to maintain. As per Data screen Adidas is among the main players in the worldwide donning products industry. The gathering is the main wearing products assemble in Germany, France and Japan, the most critical markets outside the US. Adidas, through Reebok, has likewise a solid position in the US. The procurement
  • 32. The Importance Of Book Crank A banned book is one that has been removed from the shelves of a library, bookstore, or classroom because of its controversial content...A book may be challenged or banned on political, religious, sexual, or social grounds (Lombardi). According to Esther Lombardi, banned books are specific types of books that are not allowed to be read because they are considered dangerous or harmful in some way. Even though content such as depression, drugs, sexual activity, and violence in books is viewed as problematic or inappropriate, real life isn t all fairy tales and unicorns. Life is hard, and there is bad in the world just like there is good in the world. Students should not be shielded from the bad of the real world. Instead, they should learn about those situations through books in the safety of schools. Crank is a bookabout a gifted junior in high school named Kristina Georgia Snow. Her parents are divorced, she lives in Reno with her mother, and for the first time in eight years she visits her father in New Mexico. However, this visit leads Kristina into many difficult life experiences. Students should be able to read Crank because it shows students how small decisions could impact people s lives, how drugs become a need, and how communication between a family is important. Firstly, teens should be allowed to read Crank because it shows how small choices can change someone s life . For example in the book, during Kristina s visit she meets a boy named Adam they
  • 33. Abc Acquitsion Corporate Valuation Problem Set 2 Dr. Zacharias Sautner If no information about the premium has been given in the questions below, you can use the data form the following table: Arithmetic average Geometric Average Stocks ‐ Stocks ‐ Stocks ‐ Stocks ‐ Historical Period T.Bills T.Bonds T.Bills T.Bonds 1928в Ђђ2004 7.92% 6.53% 6.02% 4.84% 1964‐2004 5.82% 4.34% 4.59% 3.47% 1994‐2004 8.60% 5.82% 6.85% 4.51% For a long‐term investor the geometric average with treasury bonds (4.84%) is used. For a short‐term investor the arithmetic average with treasury bills (7.92%) is used. In both cases the longest possible period is taken. Solutions 1. In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The current T.bill rate is 3%. (It was 5% one year ago).The stock is currently selling for $50, down $4 over the last year, and has paid a dividend of $2 during the last year and expects to pay a dividend of $2.50 over the next year. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) composite has gone down 8% over the last year, with a dividend yield of 3%. HeavyTech Inc. has a tax rate of 40%. a. What is the expected return on HeavyTech over the next year? b. What would you expect HeavyTech s price to be one year from today? c. What would you have expected HeavyTech s stock returns to be over the last year? d. What were the actual returns on HeavyTech over the last year? e. HeavyTech has $100 million in equity and $50 million in debt. It plans to issue $50 million in new equity and retire $50 million in debt. Estimate the new beta. a. Using the CAPM, we compute the expected return as 0.03 + 1.2(0.0792) = 12.5%. We use a T‐bill rate, because the focus is on the short‐term expected return (the next year). For the same reason, we use the market premium over bills. b. The cum‐dividend price, one year from now, would be $50 *(1 + 12.50%) = $56.25. The ex dividend price, assuming that the stock price goes down by the amount of the dividend is $56.25 $2.50 = $53.75. c. Over last year, the expected return would have been 0.05+1.2*0.0792=14.5%.
  • 34. The Debate On Immigration Reform Abstract: Until the bill passed, much of the debate surrounding the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors, or DREAM Act, brought about legal, ethical, and logistical concerns. Illegal immigration and the population unauthorized alien in the United States were key issues in the ongoing debate on immigrationreform. However, the benefits of this bill outweighed its disadvantages. Immigration policies in the United States concerning undocumented workers are strict and direct. Employers are not allowed to employ illegal or undocumented immigrants. The DREAM Act which was enacted by the Obama administration s announcement of deferred action for deportation of undocumented youths provides alternates. Under the provision of this law, a person is eligible for citizenship if they came to the United states at age 15 or younger, are currently 35 or younger, have been resent in the country for at least five years, completed high school, and completed at least two years of higher education or honorably served in the armed forces for at least two years (Guzman Jara, 2012). The advantages of Dream Act as well as its disadvantages on the US economy would be analyzed. Future analysis and other immigrant working situations would also be evaluated. Introduction: Employment policies regarding hiring immigrants have been fairly straight forward since the early nineteenth century. The Unites States law provides employers with several limited ways of employing foreign workers on a
  • 35. The Three Types Of Ovarian Cancer Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer related to the ovaries. It currently accounts for approximately 3% of all cancers in women. Ovaries are comprised of three types of cells, each of them being able to differentiate into a type of cancer. These three types are epithelial, germ, and stromal cells. The most common type of ovarian canceris derived from the epithelial cells. According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from all types of cancer that are related to the female reproductive system. Moreover, it is estimated that approximately 55% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer die in the first 5 years of diagnosis. However, if the tumor is diagnosed before the age of 65, this percentage decreases. Ovarian Cancer Symptoms ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... More importantly, most patients who suffer from ovarian cancer do not develop any kind of symptoms in the early stages. Unfortunately, due to this asymptomatic onset, ovarian cancer is usually diagnosed at a later stage, meaning it has already caused significant damage to the surrounding tissues. In rare cases, ovarian cancer is only diagnosed when it has already metastasized. When symptoms do appear, they vary from patient to patient. The majority of ovarian cancer symptoms are nonspecific, meaning that they could appear in other conditions as well. Having any of the symptoms does not mean that cancer is present. Due to the lack of routine tests for ovarian cancer, it is recommended that women with family history of ovarian cancer should perform regular doctor visits and even genetic testing in order to assess the risk of ovarian cancer
  • 36. Film Analysis Of The Critique Of William Shakespeare The playwright is William Shakespeare. The director is Melissa Chalsma. The actors are: Duke Vincento, later in disguise, as Friar Lodovico is David Melville. Angelo, his chosen deputy is William Elsman. Isabella, a novitiate of the church is Kalean Ung. Claudio, her brother is Evan Lewis Smith. Juliet, his beloved is Donna Zadeh. Lucio, a nobleman of Vienna is Nikhil Pai. Gentleman and women are Bukola Ogunmela, April Fritz, and Nathan Nonhof. Mistress Overdone, a local businesswoman is Xavi Moreno. Pompey Bum, her bawd is Lorenzo Gonzalez. Francisca, a nun is Bukola Ogunmola. Friar Peter is Patrick Batiste. Provost, in command of the prison is Joseph Culliton. Elbow, a constable is Richard Azurdia. Froth, a gentleman of Vienna is Patrick Batiste. Abhorson, an executioner is Nathan Nonhof. Barnardine, a murderer is Xavi Moreno. Mariana, a gentlewoman of Vienna is April Fritz. A Musician is Donna Zadeh. The name of the play, I saw was Measure for Measure. The Independent Shakespeare Company at the Griffith Park Free Shakespeare Festival hosted the play. I saw it on July 7, 2017. During the play, I noticed a few different themes. Some of the theme I noticed was justice, lying, mortality, and sin. Justice was present through the whole play; in fact, it was the heart and soul of the play. Justice was present when Claudio was sentenced to be killed and the Duke allowed Angelo to change Vienna s laws. Measure for Measure to me was an interesting and convincing play. The part that worked the best was when the Duke disguising himself as Friar. I would of never known the disguise without the program. Another bit that worked well was when Claudio was arrested and sentenced to death. The opening, when the Duke did the announcements, it was hilarious. The part where I felt scared was after Claudio had sex with Juliet. The part where I felt sad was when Claudio was sentenced to death. Overall the characters were entertaining. Most of the characters were genuine. The productions had a religious message for the audience. The message was not to have sex before marriage. The characters were all believable. The two characters that stuck out the most to me were Claudio, Evan Lewis Smith and Abhorson, Nathan Nonhof. Evan
  • 37. Case Study FLARE FRAGRANCE Table of contentsPage 1 Situation analysis / Problem statement2 2 Introduction Flare Fragrance (Company Background)2 3 SWOT Analysis3 4 Objectives and Financial Analysis5 5 Marketing MIX7 6 Recommendations and Implementation9 7 Conclusion11 8 References12 1. Situation analysis / Problem statement Flare Fragrance is facing in declining of growth rate in 2008 where the CFO estimated year end numbers projected only 2% growth in 2008. Compare to 2007, sales had risen 12% which was much better than in 2008. An analysis of 2009 strategic initiatives had launched by the CEO, Joely Patterson with determination to make 2009 better ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2. Target customer being 18 34 aged group women, for whom the name would ne definitely catchy. 3. If attached with Loveliest. There could be more benefits. 4. There are fair chances of the sales growth. 5. Customers loyal to the brand Loveliest will be drawn towards Savvy too. WEAKNESS 1. Launching a new product has risk factors attached to it. 2. Cannibalization of current sales will also include certain risk in it. 3. Price is at a higher side. 4. Focus has to be put completely on it as the promotions and advertising would take a lot of efforts. OPPORTUNITY 1. Target a new customer segment that id young and always ready to try something new and exciting. 2. Being in the Prestige category, there is a chance to be accepted by the Innovators, Achievers, Thinkers and Believers, as per the VALS framework. 3. After success in the Prestige category, other VAL s zone and also can come up with other varieties to suit different age groups. 4. Apart from welcoming an innovated product, this can also build good relationships with the department store. 5. Stagnation of the product is also prevented. THREAT 1. Dulcet Brand could give a tough competition.
  • 38. 2. There is already a pool of competitors in the market. 3. The financial state of Flare is also at a poor situation. The need to carefully plan the ad and promo part for launching a new product. 4. There has been a declination in the sales, It a challenge for Savvy. 5. Failure could prove to be an
  • 39. Liverpool Research Paper City of Liverpool Often described as a city with the most splendid setting of any English city and the home of Beatle s music. Liverpool s history stretches back over 800 years, covering everything from maritime trading to Beatlemania. The city s history as one of the world s great ports earned its designated UNESCO World Heritage Site status in 2004. There s no better way to learn about this story of Liverpool than a visit to the city s national museums; World Museum Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery, The Conservation Centre, The Maritime Museum and the Museum of Liverpool all provide a fascinating insight into the city and its links to the world. We got to spend a good two months in this beautiful city and believe me every weekend was jam packed with a lot of activity this city is full of life and color. It s impossible not to fall in love with Liverpool, with its amazing blend of old and new definitely a stylish city. I could very well say that our office is located on the banks of the river ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Music is the beating heart of Liverpool and this city is the Capital of Pop. Liverpool is a stylish city, and they take shopping seriously here. Liverpool ONE in the heart of the city is a brilliant shopping centre which has more than 150 famous high street names, from John Lewis to Apple. Liverpool is a sports mad city and this city is home to the Premier League s biggest football teams Liverpool FC and Everton FC. Liverpool is a destination which has a reputation for its warmth and friendliness. It was not only the history and landscapes that impressed us but also the interaction with the locals who were friendly and warm which made our trip great and a memorable one. It is no wonder that Liverpool is the first UK city to achieve the WorldHost Recognition this indeed is a feather in the cap for this beautiful city which made us feel at
  • 40. Recalling Barth s Acts Erotic God Recalling Barth s comments in the preface to Romans II on interpreters tendency to render the Bible harmless, Jennings retrieval of Acts erotic God (12) removes the complacency of the historian s optic (2) by giving discrete attention to the materiality of creation. An immediate hermeneutical upshot of this spatial attention is that history itself must be understood as a kind of creature. This means that, like other creatures, history must witness to its Creator, but never attempt to capture her. Acts is then not a history box that contains architectural materials for the foundation of a tradition on which the church stands. Such thinking reproduces historicist monument thinking, which returns Acts to a colonial process of knowledge acquisition and accumulation (3). Rather, it is through the creature that is Luke Acts [that] our seeing and sensing align with the presence of the Spirit here and now (4). To see and sense Acts as a creature entails yielding to the touch of the Spirit s movements and disruptions it discloses, the divine presence with which this story intertwines and bears witness.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As Jennings reads Acts, the Spirit moves in a distinctive pattern towards a new order, which situationally binds it to the carceral tentacles of empire. Or put another way, Jennings attention to the Spirit s revolution of the intimate entails giving structural definition to the places where the Spirit draws disciples. Drawing them towards the common understood as the condition of joined life...the redistribution of life [as] a sharing of space and place, resources and dreams is at once creaturely gathering against the idolatrous machinations of empire. Incarceration, prison, and torture often go hand in hand with being of the common
  • 41. `` Peace `` By Gerard Manley Hopkins Patience Precipitates Peace The trials and tribulations the world brings can bring individuals into a state of disarray. The oft asked question is simply, Why? . Why must these tragedies happen and why must society have to suffer. No one is immune from this question. Even David wrote in the 13th chapter of Psalms, How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? (New King James Version, Ps. 13.1). Observing Peace , it is evident that Gerard Manley Hopkinsis having a short period of questioning. Yet, in Peace , Hopkins brings the reader through his theologically ramified dialogue with Peace, which at first characterized by confusion of its work, eventually becomes characterized with comfort and assurance as he recognizes that he has developed Patience in his wait and Peace still cares for and transforms the believer. Hopkins dialogue is not with a man but with the abstract concept of Peace, thus personifying it. Hopkins writes in the first line, When will you ever, Peace, wild wooddove, shy wings shut,... (1). This apostrophe creates two effects. The first effect is that Hopkins has now set up the reader for an interesting discourse for the rest of the poem. The second effect the apostrophe creates is that it allows Hopkins to vent to Peace as if it was an actual human. In addition to personifying Peace, Hopkins interweaves two metaphors in the first two lines. The poem reads, When will you ever, Peace, wild
  • 42. Yellow Eyes Of Crocodiles Essay The novel The yellow eyes of crocodiles or originally in French Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles by Katherine Pancol was published in 2006. This is the first book of the French writer translated into English in 2013. It is a bestseller in France, translated into 30 languages and with sold around 2.4 million copies. This is not a surprise, having in mind the interesting scenario the writer is using. The journalist and novelist Pancol, born in Casablanca, Morocco had created realistic, facing the nowadays problems of the women, and at the same time romantic hardcover based on which in 2014 was created and movie. The book is described as a novel about the man, woman, money, love, and friendship. The actions raise in Paris, but the topic of the book is related with crocodiles which are taking an important part of the story mostly at the dramatic end of the book.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pancol provides the reader with a very detailed story on the first place about JosГ©phine CortГЁs, a housewife, mother of two daughters ZoГ© (10) and Hortense (14), and her husband Antoine, living together in the Parisian area. JosГ©phine has a Ph.D. in 12th century literature, which provides her a boring and poorly paid job. Her husband Antoine, is jobless, who used to have an interesting and well paid job, traveling around the world and communicating with very rich people. Nostalgic about this good times, the story starts as describing him, sitting every day on the balcony playing chess, well dressed in the expensive and beautiful suit, dreaming about the past. The boring daily routine and his neglected wife Jo pushes Antoine to start an affair with young manicurist MylГЁne, to leave his family and start a new business with crocodile farm in Kenya, fancying to become extremely rich. JosГ©phine is forced to take care of her daughters alone and to pay all the bills. Her teenage daughter Hortense is blaming her for their poverty and for the pull away from her
  • 43. Holy Grail Biblical Allusions Christianity is recognized as one of the most dominant religions in the world. This results in the Bible, the holy book of Christianity, becoming the most read book worldwide. Since the Bible is so well known, there are countless topics in the Bible that can be used as an allusion to establish an emotional connection and add meaning to the text. These biblical allusions are most commonly used in forms of literature, such as legends and myths. One particularly interesting Arthurian legend is one out of numerous pieces of literature that alludes to biblical topics and it goes by the name of Queste del Saint Graal or The Quest of the Holy Grail . The Quest of the Holy Grail alludes to the legendary Holy Grail. This legend is about King
  • 44. Scottish Recruitment In 1296, Scotland was unprepared for war. Occasionally described as prefeudal in nature, Scottish recruitment was based on the idea of free service and Scottish service . Free service referred to the free men of Scotland such as Barons, Knights and the lesser nobility or free men who were equipped and mounted according to their rank. Scottish service was used to indicate able bodied men from Earldoms north of the Forth who did not hold lands or significant resources. England was much more prepared for war, with their army being recruited under instructions of the Great Seal. This often left the Scottish forces using guerrilla warfare to combat their enemies. It is therefore no surprise that Wallace began his militarycareer with
  • 45. Sundarban History Sundarban The Sundarbans (Bengali সুন্দরবন, ShundorbГґn) is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. The name Sundarban can be literally translated as beautiful jungle or beautiful forest in the Bengali language (Sundar, beautiful and ban, forest or jungle ). The name may have been derived from the Sundari trees that are found in Sundarbans in large numbers. Alternatively, it has been proposed that the name is a corruption of Samudraban (Bengali: সমুদ্রবন ShomudrobГґn Sea Forest ) or Chandra bandhe (name of a primitive tribe). But the generally accepted view is the one associated with Sundari trees. History: The Sundarbans, as we know it today, has a fairly recent history. Much of the present ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first call to preserve the forests was made by Dr. Brandis, the Conservator of Forests in Burma 1862. Based on his recommendations, additional reclamation grants were stopped, but deforestation continued, irrespective. By 1873, 5,100 km2 of forests had been converted into agricultural land and the Sundarbans area forest cover had been effectively reduced to about 14,100 km2. It is only post 1873 1874, when faced with dwindling forest produce, the rulers started reviewing the policy of transformation of all available wetland forest to taxable agricultural land in the Sundarbans. The economics of exploitation had changed in the last century and forest produce had become scarce and more valuable than agricultural produce. No longer was it considered profitable to clear the forests for cultivation as much greater revenues could be collected from farming the forest itself. In 1875 1876 the government declared un leased forest reserved, and placed them under the jurisdiction of the Forest Department a move which created today s Sundarbans forest. A variety of wildlife still survived till the latter part of the 19th century despite the rapid depletion of habitat. Hunter records Tigers, leopards, rhinoceros, wild buffaloes, wild hogs, wild cats, barasinga, spotted deer, hog deer, barking deer, and monkeys are the principal varieties of wild animals found in Sundarban 2 in 1875. But the events of the next
  • 46. Conception Of Common Good between themselves and their peers is not only problematic in that it silences the less privileged, but in that it deprives the forum the opportunity of self correction and multidimensionality. When one recognizes the necessity of recognizing the differences between groups (and their conception of the good), the absence of a concrete conception of the common good becomes, effectively, an advantage, as it allows the deliberative forum to be more accepting of a wider range of ideas (without pre emptively rejecting them as unreasonable because they do not appeal to the traditional conception of the common good), which will provide the less privileged a better chance at being heard and responded to. Conclusion The idea of the common good (understood
  • 47. Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans Research Paper Men who are affected by unusual spots, penis pain, thickening of the penis skin, and phimosis the inability to retract the foreskin may be affected by a condition known as balanitis xerotica obliterans. While this condition is not generally serious, it can get worse without treatment and may lead to more serious complications. Not all doctors are familiar with this condition, so men who experience the related symptoms should be familiar with the disorder so that they can help their doctors understand what to look for. Following is a brief overview of balanitis xerotica obliterans, as well as the available treatments and some tips to proper penis care. What is balanitis xerotica obliterans? Commonly abbreviated as BXO, this condition is considered as the male manifestation of lichen sclerosis, a benign condition that affects the skin. While the symptoms are not confined to the penis, they can be most worrying in this area, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, there appears to be a hereditary component, and men who suffer from BXO are also likely to experience other autoimmune type conditions. While BXO may appear unattractive and cause issues with sex, the condition is not contagious and cannot be passed to a partner, either through sexual contact or otherwise. Common Symptoms of BXO The most common symptoms of BXO include white patches on the glans penis, as well as under the foreskin; a thickened ring of tissue may also form around the tip of the glans, and penis pain may also occur. Adhesions of the foreskin to the glans may also occur and lead to phimosis, a condition in which it is difficult or impossible to retract the foreskin over the crown of the penis. Erectile issues may also accompany these symptoms. In more advanced stages, the white or grayish patches may reach the shaft, and even the scrotum. Scrubbing or otherwise attempting to move the lesions is not effective and may cause further damage to the skin.
  • 48. The Predictive Policing Of Police Department Introduction The predictive policing apply to any policing plan, that it is developed and used for an advanced analysis to inform forward thinking crime prevention. The police department will use a program called COMPSTAT, where the data is run through a process and then it can form a map to show to the police where the crime can occur before it took place in the areas. The police department can devote more time in the areas at risk of a crime. In this paper will compare and contrast the application of information technology (IT) to optimize police department performance to reduce crime versus random patrols of the streets. It will explain how COMPSTAT, as an information technology system (IS), implements the four basic (IS) functions. In addition, it will establish how information system have approved police department implements tools such as COMPSTAT to act on two crime faster. To conclude, it will effect on the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and threats analysis on behalf of the police department that aims to implement predictive policing. 1. Compare and contrast the application of information technology (IT) to optimize police departments performance to reduce crime versus random patrols of the streets. In order to efficiently compare and contrast the application of information technology (IT) to optimize police departments performance to reduce crime versus random patrols of the streets. There are five components of predictive policing
  • 49. Pro Gun Control Essay Persuasive Pro Gun Control Essay Gun control is a vital necessity to the welfare of our nation. Many people out there are supporting the anti gun control cause with the excuse of self defense . I believe that not everyone will handle a gun for self defense. The possession of a gun is a sign of power. One of the bigger ambitions that one has is to have power and the easier it is to obtain a gun; the faster a criminal will gain power over an innocent person. When one is in possession of a gun, that person has complete control of their actions and may act upon the weapon however the person may please even if they know that their action will cause harm to defense less people. There are many deaths caused by guns out there that could... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Teens are not strong enough. I always tell my sister that if she is not strong enough to control herself, she will never be strong enough to control others and will resort to the easiest ways to eliminate that person. She will do whatever is easier to get that stone out of her way rather than talking things over and controlling the situation. Not so long ago my neighbor s daughter was killed by her ex. I am positive that this could have been stopped. I do not know how the man obtained the gun, but I am sure it was through an illegal way. He is not a policeman, he worked at a supermarket. He does not live in a violent area. He lived in Bergenfield with his girlfriend. The man did go buy a gun a day before because he knew that he wanted to kill his girlfriend. The saddest part is that he killed the girl because she wanted to break up with him. This is what we want for our country? For people to kill their former boyfriends/girlfriends because that person ended the relationship. This tragedy could have not been stopped by the girl having a gun with her. In fact, she might have had to face years of prison for murder and carrying a gun without a license. Sure, gun control will not eliminate violence or completely prevent criminals from obtaining guns. Criminals have their ways to go around the law but by having gun control the murders and assaults with gun will lessen. I know that everyone has rights but the 2nd amendment is misinterpreted.
  • 50. Economic Impact Of Oil On The Nigerian Economy ECONOMIC IMPACT OF OIL ON THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY PAPER OUTLINE ABSTRACT CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Objective of the study. Methodology. Structure of the paper. CHAPTER 2: THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY: A BRIEF OVERVIEW 2.1 The Nigerian Economy. 2.2 History of Crude Oil in Nigeria. 2.3 Performance of the Oil Sector. 2.4 Contributions and Challenges of the Oil Sector. CHAPTER 3: LITERATURE REVIEW 3.0 Overview. 3.1 Literature Review Resource Curse 3.1.1 Are natural resources bad for development? 3.1.2 What causes the Resource Curse? 3.1.3 How can the Resource Curse be overcomed? 3.2 The Dutch Disease. 3.3 Globalization. CHAPTER 4: EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS 4.1 Regression 1. 4.2 Regression 2. CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Main findings. 5.2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Has savings grown? Is there any product diversification? And has it impacted on the country s GDP? Two hypotheses have been put in place to guide this study. H0: There is no statistical significance between oil and growth of the Nigerian economy. H1: There is statistical significance between oil and the growth of the Nigerian economy. 1.2: Methodology: The methodology will be carried out using secondary data mainly from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical bulletin, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and a few from the CIA World Fact Book, World Development indicators (WDI) and, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) for the period of 1980 2013. The variables to be used include; Gross Domestic Product growth (GDP
  • 51. Growth), Domestic Crude Consumption, Crude Export, Manufacturing Growth, Domestic Savings, Export Growth, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Net Inflows and Agricultural Growth. They will be assessed in two sets with different dependent and explanatory variables: GDP growth to Crude Export, Domestic Crude Consumption, Manufacturing Growth, Gross Domestic Savings, Export Growth and Foreign Direct Investment Net Inflows. GDPgrowth= F (CRUDEconsump, CRUDExport, MANUgrowth, GDsaving, EXgrowth, FDInetINFLOWS) Domestic savings to Crude Export, Domestic Crude Consumption, Manufacturing Growth and Agricultural Growth. GDsaving= F
  • 52. My Experience At The University Of Baghdad, College Of... Not long ago, I received a delightful phone call, it was from a patient I treated three years ago, he and his family wanted just to say hi, we missed you Doc. , isn t that one of the most beautiful thing someone can get in life? For me yes it is. I studied medicine in one of the top universities in the Middle East that is University of Baghdad, College of Medicine. My training was in Baghdad Medical Center, the biggest teaching hospital in Iraq, which provided me with the best teaching and training in the country. After graduation, I did my internship in several hospitals in Baghdad. During that time, my country went through crisis situations, with lack of many basic services and security. I faced a wide range of medical cases that needed to be managed under highly stressful conditions, which helped in developing my clinical and social skills. I was introduced to all specialties of medicine, and that was the time when Family Medicine started to be my biggest interest. Family physicians are not better than other doctors, but they are different. They continue to be the heart and soul of medicine. More than any other specialty, family doctors humanize the health care experience. Focusing their attention on the person, not just the disease, they are driven to develop relationships over generations with the patients and families they care for. Due to the continued security deterioration in my country, I had to travel to Jordan, and work as a general practitioner over there and
  • 53. Racial Inequality Essay Not only now, but throughout the history of the United States, one of the biggest issues that our country has faced is the issue of Racial inequality and racial tensions primarily between African Americans and Caucasians. Most recently these issues have had impacts on everybody, and some may even argue have caused a bit of a social divide in America. This divide was manifested very clearly in the 2016 presidential election and since, society has created these ideas and perceptions that we have seen many references to the Ku Klux Klan, and even Nazi Germany. These ideas that have been expressed are all very common themes that the world has seen specifically when racial tensions are present. 50 years ago, the Civil Rights Movement was very much alive through parts of the deep south. The advances that the Civil Rights Movement brought about were indeed incredible however in modern society a new group has taken over where the civil rights movement left off. If these issues were indeed resolved in the 1950s and 1970s there would be no need for groups such as Black Lives Matter. Racismand social injustices is one of the biggest issues today that affect politics as well as our perception of history. Nearly 8 in 10 Americans firmly believe that true progress has been achieved since the 1960s in getting rid of racial discrimination. (Dutton, De Pinto Salvanto Backus, 2014). In July of 2013 many watched as George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder in the
  • 54. Case Study Of Schoolteachers And Sumo Wrestling In Japan Chapter 1: What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? 1. Why is it difficult to document cheating among sumo wrestlers in Japan? One of the case studies shown are the rigged matches of the Japanese Sumo Wrestlers, who cheat in order to maintain their ranking positions, which strongly influence their socioeconomic status. This bluff is very difficult to document for multiple reasons. First, it is a game of national pride and Japanese people as well as the National Sumo Association typically defend the integrity of their premier sport. Second, the powerful and intricate incentive scheme makes the sumo elite a very restricted circle, difficult to penetrate and its connection to the Japanese mafia Yakuza discourages or even eliminates any whistle blowers. Word count: 99... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Word count: 396 8. Write a 250 300 word accompanying paper for the presentation that you will be giving for the oral component of the English as a Foreign Language Specialised Language Course for Economics Advanced exam. Topic: Tax evasion the most serious threat to economic growth Tax evasion is commonly defined as an illegal practice, where a physical or legal person deliberately bypasses its tax liabilities by not paying them to the corresponding tax authorities. On the contrary, tax minimization is a legal process representing the right of every taxpayer to reduce his amount of duties respecting the state s tax system legislation. Both activities are forms of tax noncompliance. Tax evaders are punished with criminal charges and considerable penalties in mostly all developed countries, although multiple factors impact the efficiency of tax administration and subsequently the persecution of this crime. One of the major problems is for example corruption of tax
  • 55. Shaving Razors For many women having hairless legs is part of their self identity. Without thinking countless women all over the world pick up their razors and shave their legs everyday. This essay aims to analysis the occupational performance skills necessary for completing the grooming task shaving legs, it will firstly be identifying through the Model Of Human Occupation (MOHO) and again after a condition is applied. General overview The occupation will be anaylised once the individual is in the shower, with satisfactory water temperature, exfoliated and shaving cream applied to each leg. вћўInitiates movement to collect the razor вћўLocating razor on niche вћўReaching right arm вћўGrasp razor вћўReturn arm to self вћўBend at hips вћўRearrange razor to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kielhofner, G 2008. At a young age a female may experience shaving their legs for the first time, if the individual successfully completes the task without cutting themselves they could potentially feel satisfied by being mature and self efficient as well as the physical values of feeling clean, smooth legs with the sense of feminine. For an individual that has a negative experience with the outcome of razor rash or cuts could lead to anticipation with completing the task in the future possibly creating an undesirable mindset or Performance capacity Refers to the combination of cognition ability and the body systems that are active during a task. Physical (DEFINE) The following identify the physical aspects required of an individual to complete the grooming task of shaving; вћўIt is essential for an individual s body to have adequate muscle strength to balance, stabilize and maintain posture of the core whilst standing and bending in the shower вћў45 degrees range of motion (ROM) in the shoulder to lift arm, ROM in elbow to extend to reach niche вћўMuscle contraction of the digits to grasp razor вћўSensation to feel where the razor is located and force requirement to collect it вћўComplete ROM in the hip to bend and reach the base on the ankle to begin shaving. вћўMuscle contraction (flexion and extension) to maintain force whilst pulling the razor
  • 56. How Oil Drilling Works Essay People in the U.S. use oil every day. Powering cars, heating homes, and providing electricity are just a few examples of how we use oil fuels in our daily life. Where would we be if we woke up tomorrow and couldn t fly because there was no fuel, or products containing plastic were taken off the market? In fact, oil is a part of everyday items such as crayons, bubble gum, and deodorant (Mooney 19). Oil is the number one source of energy in the U.S. today. However, the U.S. imports 140 billion worth of its oil supply every day from unstable regions such as Canada and Mexico (news desk). This makes our addiction to oil an even more dangerous game. Dependence on foreign oil, also leaves the U.S. vulnerable to fluctuations in global supply and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As history has shown, the refining and transporting of oil can sometimes end up releasing oil into the ocean as well. Oil is drilled from the ocean floor through powerful offshore oil rigs. Natural seeps can also occur. This is when crude oil that seeps in the ocean water from geologic formations beneath the ocean floor. Despite these risks, the growth of the global oil businesses continue to grow and our need, and ultimately our dependency on it, grow right along with it. Arguably, the greatest impact of off shore drilling on the environment is indisputable. There are 3,500 drilling rigs and platforms, 79 of them deep water wells, in the United States alone (CBSNews). Many of these off shore rigs are located in the Gulf of Mexico and directly impact these ecosystems with negative impacts ranging from black carbon to blowouts (Oceana). However, larger impacts can be catastrophic such as the 2010 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that killed 11 people and destroyed 125 miles of the 400 miles of Louisiana coastline (Bp). The accident continues to mire the company in lawsuits and court hearings. BP settled criminal charges with the Justice Department two years ago for $4.5 billion in penalties, but the oil company faces billions of dollars more in costs from a federal civil trial in