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Sample RFP for Learning Management
March 2011

 Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Table of Contents

           Objectives ................................................................................................................................................ 4	
           Company Profile...................................................................................................................................... 4	
           LMS Functional Requirements .............................................................................................................. 6	
        General ............................................................................................................................................. 6	
        User Access ..................................................................................................................................... 7	
        Classroom and Curriculum Management ..................................................................................... 8	
        Blended Learning .......................................................................................................................... 12	
        Resource Management and Inventory Management.................................................................. 12	
        Course Registration and Notifications ........................................................................................ 13	
        Course Delivery ............................................................................................................................. 15	
        Instructor Tools ............................................................................................................................. 16	
        Content Standards ........................................................................................................................ 16	
       Course Evaluations and Assessments ....................................................................................... 18	
       Virtual Classrooms ........................................................................................................................ 21	
       Certification Management............................................................................................................. 22	
       On-the-Job Training ...................................................................................................................... 23	
       Continuing Education ................................................................................................................... 24	
       Pricing and Payment ..................................................................................................................... 24	
       Marketing and For-Profit Training ................................................................................................ 25	
       Reporting ........................................................................................................................................ 25	
           Content Authoring and Management Functional Requirements ...................................................... 27	
        Content Authoring ......................................................................................................................... 27	
        Content Management .................................................................................................................... 28	
           Social Learning Functional Requirements ......................................................................................... 30	
        Social Learning/Collaboration ...................................................................................................... 30	
           Unified People Management Functional Requirements .................................................................... 32	
        Person Profile ................................................................................................................................ 32	
        Unified People Management Solution ......................................................................................... 33	
           Career and Competency Management Functional Requirements.................................................... 35	
        Career Management and Development ....................................................................................... 35	
        Competency Management ............................................................................................................ 37	
           Architecture and Configuration Options ............................................................................................ 40	
           Architecture and System Requirements (Behind-the-Firewall) ........................................................ 43	
          OnDemand Environment ...................................................................................................................... 44	

                    Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |                    Redwood Shores |                 CA 94065-1166 |              USA |       www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

     Security .................................................................................................................................................. 47	
     Accessibility .......................................................................................................................................... 49	
     Implementation Services ...................................................................................................................... 50	
     Support Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 52	
     Training Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 53	
     Quality Assurance and Industry Standards ....................................................................................... 55	
     References ............................................................................................................................................. 56	
     Pricing, Terms, and Conditions ........................................................................................................... 57	

           Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |                        Redwood Shores |                CA 94065-1166 |              USA |        www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

1. Objectives

   Top-performing organizations recognize that people are their most important asset. They are
   implementing people management solutions in order to drive higher productivity, retain their best
   performers, mobilize their workforces in support of the most important strategic goals, and
   improve their ability to respond to rapidly changing environments. Learning management is an
   important function within people management; it enables an organization to take a strategic
   approach to building the skills needed for successful operations and to connect people to
   This RFP template provides requirements for implementing a global learning management
   solution for formal and informal learning such as collaboration, social networking, etc.

2. Company Profile

Please provide a brief description of your company's history.

How many offices do you have worldwide? Please provide information on each office,
including location and services provided.

What distinguishes your company and its offerings from others available in the market?

Please provide an overview of the products your company offers. Please indicate if any of
the products offered in your solution are provided to you from a third party (i.e., are non-
native to your core product code) and briefly describe the level of integration between your
core technology and third-party add-ons.

Please describe your experience implementing enterprise learning solutions globally.

Provide a brief description of your company's financial and overall stability. Include most
recent audited annual report.

Please describe your company’s vision for the future. What are you currently doing to
achieve that vision?

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Provide a brief description of the analyst ratings or feedback your solution has received.

Has your company assumed a thought leadership role in the learning market? Does your
management team participate in industry forums?

What partnerships do you have with technology vendors?

What partnerships do you have with e-learning content providers?

What makes your system superior to others in terms of its technology platform (open
standards-based, system architecture, scalability, security model, data models)?

What deployment options do you offer?

Do you offer strategic services (such as change management, job role modeling,
competency model definition, governance or process modeling) to help ensure my new
processes and solution are successful?

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

3. LMS Functional Requirements

       Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement:
               1 = Out-of-the-box

               2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming)
               3 = Customization required
               4 = Partner
               5 = Future release
               6 = Not available

Number        LMS Requirement           Compliance                     Vendor Response

   3.1. General
  1.       Describe your ability to
           integrate with industry-
           standard email and
  2.       Is the system modular,
           allowing deployment
           of only the required
           functionality for phase
  3.       Can the system
           provide a different look
           and feel for each
           department where it is
  4.       Does the system
           support different
           business rules for
           each department?
  5.       Can both students and
           administrators access
           the system through a
           Web browser?
  6.       Does the system
           support multiple time
  7.       Does the system
           support the use of
           single sign-on?

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number        LMS Requirement             Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.1. General
  8.       Does the system
           provide online help?

Number       LMS Requirement          Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.2. User Access
  1.       Does the system
           allow users to
           process self-
  2.       Can users use self-
           service to retrieve a
           lost password?
  3.       Does the system
           provide a
           learning plan?
  4.       How does the
           system make it easy
           for users to register
           for learning that’s
           already assigned to
  5.       Does the system
           include an intuitive
           search experience?
  6.       Is the search
           function a full-text
           search engine, or
           does it only search
           course titles and
  7.       Do users have
           multiple ways to
           find knowledge they
  8.       Does the system
           provide the user
           with access to
           his/her own training

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

  9.        Can the user add
            training to his/her
            own transcript (e.g.,
            for outside
  10.       Does the system
            provide the ability
            for users to add “ad
            hoc” training events
            through self-service
            and have them
            approved by their
  11.       Can users submit
            requests for
            learning that isn’t
            available in the
  12.       Explain how the
            user interface can
            be modified.
  13.       Are there any
            limitations on the
            number of custom
            or unique fields?

Number        LMS Requirement       Compliance                     Vendor Response

   3.3. Classroom and Curriculum Management
  1.        Describe how a
            curriculum is
            developed and
            managed within the
  2.        Can administrators
            add, update,
            reschedule, and
            remove courses
            quickly without
            requiring support
            from the IT
  3.        Does the system
            provide access to
            and track

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number        LMS Requirement        Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.3. Classroom and Curriculum Management
            results for all
            classroom, online,
            instructor-led, and
  4.        Can an
            schedule a room for
            classroom events?
  5.        Can an
            administrator verify
            the availability of
            equipment and
            facility for training?
  6.        Does the system
            administrators to
            manage waitlists?
  7.        Does the system
            support the ability
            to define
            prerequisites and
            restrict access to
            courses until the
            prerequisites are
  8.        Does the system
            support the ability
            to override cut-off
            waiting lists, and
            class location?
  9.        Does the system
            support the ability
            to require manager
            approval for course
  10.       Do managers have
            simple processes
            for approving their
            team members’
            learning activities?

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number        LMS Requirement        Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.3. Classroom and Curriculum Management
  11.       Does the system
            support a two-level
            online registration
            approval process?
  12.       Can the system
            support approval
            for learning that is
            taken externally
            rather than through
            the learning
            catalog? For
            example, U.S.
            employees must
            obtain approval via
            a standard form,
            SF-182, prior to
            enrolling in external
            training programs.
  13.       Can the system
            restrict access to
            courses based on
            specific criteria
            (e.g., restrict by job
            function, location)?
  14.       Can administrators
            create curricula
            with modularized
            components and
  15.       Does the system
            support the ability
            to automatically
            assign learning
            (courses, curricula,
            or certifications) to
            individuals or
            groups or enroll
            them in courses?
  16.       Does the system
            maintain users’
            training history
            regardless of
            changes in job
            function or

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number        LMS Requirement       Compliance                     Vendor Response

   3.3. Classroom and Curriculum Management
  17.       Does the system
            support the ability
            to enroll and un-
            enroll individual or
            groups manually?
  18.       What happens to
            enrollments if a
            class is cancelled?
  19.       Can the system
            assign due dates
            for course
  20.       Can the system
            attach files to
            notifications (i.e.,
            information to be
            studied before
            taking the course)?
  21.       How does the
            system handle new
            versions of an
            existing course?
  22.       Does the system
            support relaunching
            of a completed
            learning activity?
  23.       How does the
            system track
            multiple “tries” at a
            learning event?
  24.       Does the system
            provide the
            capability to store
            trainer support
            information (i.e.,
            facilitator guides,
            instructions, etc.)
            within the LMS?

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number          LMS Requirement             Compliance                   Vendor Response

   3.4. Blended Learning
  1.       How does the system
           support blended learning
           activities? For example,
           can the system mix a
           series of components in
           different delivery formats
           (e.g., pre-test, instructor-
           led course, on-the-job
           assignment) and roll
           them up into a single
  2.       Is there sequencing in
           blended learning
           activities, for example, to
           ensure that a pre-test is
           taken before the course?
  3.       Does the system provide
           the capability to store
           scanned forms, MS Word
           documents, PowerPoint,
           PDFs, etc. within the LMS
           at the course level?
  4.       How can the system
           support coordinated,
           cohort-based learning
           programs, where
           everyone goes through
           the same series of
           learning events?

Number         LMS Requirement             Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.5. Resource Management and Inventory Management
  1.       Do calendars reflect
           resource availability
           (e.g., taking into
           consideration current
           resource bookings and
  2.       Does the system support
           the ability to manage
           qualified instructors?
  3.       Can the system assign
           instructors to course

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |       Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number         LMS Requirement          Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.5. Resource Management and Inventory Management
  4.       Can the system
           associate classrooms
           with a physical location?
  5.       Does the system support
           conflict checking when
           scheduling resources
           (instructors, rooms,
           equipment, etc.)?
  6.       Can administrators
           associate specific types
           and quantities of
           inventory to a class?
  7.       Can administrators
           establish replenishment
           quantities for inventory?
  8.       Can resources be
           associated with an
           hourly cost and
  9.       Does the system allow
           administrators to run
           reports that show
           utilization rates and
           costs of resources?

Number         LMS Requirement           Compliance                   Vendor Response

   3.6. Course Registration and Notifications
  1.       Does your system
           restrict registration
           based on department, job
           role, profile, training
  2.       Describe how
           prerequisites are defined
           and checked for
           completion before
           enabling user

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number         LMS Requirement            Compliance                   Vendor Response

   3.6. Course Registration and Notifications
  3.       Does the user
           automatically receive
           notifications for
           confirmations, changes,
           and cancellations?
  4.       What happens to a user’s
           registration if a new
           version of the course is
  5.       What notifications do
           you support?
  6.       How configurable are the
           notifications? Can
           configurations be done
           by non-technical
  7.       How do you handle
           support notifications for
           users without the ability
           to receive a direct email?
  8.       Does the system trigger
           email notifications to the
           manager when the
           following events occur:
           direct report enrolls,
           direct report drops,
           direct report enrollment
           requires approval?

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |     Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number        LMS Requirement             Compliance                      Vendor Response

   3.7. Course Delivery
 1.      Does your system
         support bookmarking for
         self-paced learning?
 2.      Does the system track the
         individual learning
         objects a user has
         accessed or completed?
 3.      Does the system support
         importing Microsoft
         Word/PowerPoint source
 4.      Does the system support
         other common file
         formats (streaming
         media, graphics, audio,
         animations, etc.)?
 5.      Can the system
         automatically issue a
         certificate upon course
         completion? Can users
         print their own
 6.      Describe the system’s
         ability to deliver “learning
         objects” (small,
         interrelated learning
 7.      Can users manage                              	
         learning plans and
         complete learning while
         they are offline, i.e.,
         disconnected from the
 8.      Can users complete
         learning using mobile
 9.      Do users working offline
         have to have their own
         dedicated client
         machines, or can they
         work on a shared
         environment such as a

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |      Redwood Shores |      CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number         LMS Requirement           Compliance                   Vendor Response

   3.7. Course Delivery
 10.      What type of content
          does the offline player
 11.      Does content have to be
          created in a certain tool
          to be consumable offline?
 12.      What client operating
          systems does the offline
          player support?

Number         LMS Requirement            Compliance                   Vendor Response

   3.8. Instructor Tools
 1.       Does the system provide
          tools to help instructors
          manage their instructor-
          led or virtual classes?
 2.       Can an administrator
          perform instructor
          management tasks if the
          instructor is unable to do
 3.       Can instructors make
          changes to their class
 4.       Can instructors assign
          scores or grades to
 5.       Does the system notify
          instructors when they
          have work to do?

Number         LMS Requirement           Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.9. Content Standards
 1.       Is the system SCORM
          certified? If so, which
          version of SCORM is

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number        LMS Requirement            Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.9. Content Standards
          Is the system AICC

 3.      Does the system support
         SkillSoft’s Open Learning
         Services Architecture

 4.      Do you provide any
         assistance (e.g., a testing
         lab) to content providers
         to test compliance with
         the LMS?

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |     Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number          LMS Requirement          Compliance                   Vendor Response

   3.10.   Course Evaluations and Assessments
 1.        Describe the system’s
 2.        Does the system include
           an interface for writing
           and deploying test
 3.        Can the user view
           detailed results of their
           test performance?

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |     Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number         LMS Requirement           Compliance                   Vendor Response

   3.10.   Course Evaluations and Assessments
 4.        Does the system support
           the four fundamental
           levels of education:
           § Reactions/opinions
           § Learning
               improvement relative
               to objectives
           § Transfer of skills and
               knowledge for
               practical application
           § ROI or organizational
               changes that are
               outcomes of the
               training program
           Please describe support
           for each.

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |     Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number          LMS Requirement             Compliance                   Vendor Response

   3.10.   Course Evaluations and Assessments
 5.        Can online course and
           instructor evaluations be
           created and
           incorporated? Please
 6.        Does the system provide
           both pre-testing and post-
           testing capabilities
           (including reports that
           compare pre- and post-
           test performance)?
 7.        Can the system support
           the following question
           types: multiple choice,
           fill-in-the-blank, drag-and-
           drop, and matching?
 8.        Does the testing system
           support: randomizing,
           hints, limiting number of
           attempts, practice
 9.        Can test questions
           include graphics,
           animations, audio, or
 10.       Can the system provide
           branching based on test
           item performance (i.e., if
           question is missed,
           automatically route the
           user to a specific course
 11.       Can the administrator
           configure how many
           times a user can take a
 12.       Can the system provide
           the ability to interface
           with third-party
           testing/evaluation tools
           (e.g., QuestionMark)?
           Please specify any
           delivered integrations or
           partnerships that may

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |       Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number       LMS Requirement          Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.11.   Virtual Classrooms
  1.       Does the system
           support virtual
           classrooms to deliver
           learning in real time
           to widely dispersed
  2.       Is the collaboration
           feature scalable to
           support e-meetings
           and enterprise-wide
           activities (e.g., 2,000
           attendees) without
           requiring IT support?
  3.       How does the LMS                        •
           integrate with the
           virtual classroom

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

  4.       Does the system
           support instant
           messaging? Can the
           IM system reside
           behind the firewall?
  5.       Can users ask
           questions of
           instructors in real
  6.       Can the system link
           users to external
           applications, such as
           Web sites?
  7.       Can the system
           include a
           synchronous shared
           (equivalent to a
           traditional flipchart
           or chalkboard)?
  8.       Does the virtual
           learning environment
           support testing and
  9.       Are session
           recordings available
           for playback at a later

   3.12.   Certification Management
 1.        How does the system
 2.        Does the system track
           deadlines? How does
           it notify users about
           missed deadlines?
 3.        Can certifications
           have expiration
           dates? Can there be
           recertification paths?

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

   3.12.   Certification Management
 4.        What options are
           available to establish
           equivalent courses
           within certifications?
 5.        Can certifications be
           “nested”? That is, can
           one certification
           contain other
 6.        Can certifications be
           granted manually?
 7.        Can certifications be
 8.        Can the system track
 9.        Does the system
           support audit trails
           and e-signatures?
 10.       Is every data or
           signature entry
           recorded in the
           database with a date
           and time stamp?

 11.       Does each entry in an
           electronic record
           contain the printable
           name of the operator
           with time and date
           stamp and meaning of
           the signature?

Number        LMS Requirement         Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.13.   On-the-Job Training
  1.       How does the system
           facilitate and track
           on-the-job training

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number       LMS Requirement            Compliance                     Vendor Response

   3.13.   On-the-Job Training
  2.       Who can mark on-
           the-job training
           activities as
           successful? Must
           administrators get
           involved in every
           task or can managers
           and/or senior team
           members perform all
           management tasks?

Number           LMS Requirement               Compliance                 Vendor Response

   3.14.   Continuing Education
  1.       How can the system manage
           and track continuing
           education (CE) required by
           certain professions?
  2.       Can users have more than
           one CE plan?
  3.       Can CE plans contain “fields
           of study”?
  4.       Can users use external
           activities (i.e., not part of the
           learning catalog) to meet CE
  5.       Can CE credits for a single
           course vary based on the
           user’s level of participation?
  6.       Can users “back report”
           credits if allowed by the
           licensing body?

Number           LMS Requirement               Compliance                 Vendor Response

   3.15.   Pricing and Payment
  1.       Does the system support
           pricing for internal cost
           allocation and external
  2.       Does the system support
           multiple currencies?

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |      Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number            LMS Requirement            Compliance                  Vendor Response

   3.15.    Pricing and Payment
  3.        What payment options are
            supported out-of-the-box?
  4.        Does the system support
            refunds and drop charges?

Number            LMS Requirement            Compliance                  Vendor Response

   3.16.    Marketing and For-Profit Training
  1.        What tools are available to
            market learning to end-
  2.        Does the system support
  3.        Can we sell content
  4.        Can we sell pre-paid training
  5.        How does the system meet
            our order management and
            revenue recognition

Number         LMS Requirement            Compliance                   Vendor Response

   3.17.    Reporting
            Describe the system’s
   1.       reporting capabilities.
            How many standard
   2.       reports are available
            with the system?
            Does the system provide
   3.       out-of-the-box manager-
            focused reporting (i.e.,
            progress toward team
            development plans,
            histories, and

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number         LMS Requirement           Compliance                    Vendor Response

   3.17.    Reporting
            Does the system support
   4.       graphical reports (bar
            charts and pie charts)
            out of the box?

            How can managers or
   5.       administrators build
            their own ad hoc
            How can custom reports
   6.       be created?
            Ability to configure
   7.       dashboard to show
            various types of reports
            (e.g., graphs, charts,
            standard reports).
            Ability to export data to
   8.       various formats,
            including ASCII and
            Ability to establish
   9.       scheduled report
            subscriptions that can
            be sent via email.
            Restrict view access to
   10.      given reports.

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

4. Content Authoring and Management Functional

   Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement:
       1 = Out-of-the-box
       2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming)
       3 = Customization required
       4 = Partner
       5 = Future release
       6 = Not available

Number         LMS Requirement           Compliance                    Vendor Response

   4.1. Content Authoring
  1.       Does the system include
           a separate authoring
           tool? Please describe
           ability to create high-
           quality content in a rich
           multimedia environment
           using a familiar Windows
  2.       Can the authoring tool
           create content that is
           AICC and SCORM
           compliant? If so, what
           versions of AICC and
           SCORM are supported?
  3.       Can the authoring tool
           create/edit videos,
           audios, images, and
           embedded graphics with
           test questions?

  4.       Can authors access a
           shared object repository
           from the authoring tool?

  5.       Can the authoring tool
           create simulations?

  6.       Does the authoring tool
           support dynamic content

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number          LMS Requirement           Compliance                   Vendor Response

      4.1. Content Authoring
  7.        Can the system deliver
            the same course using
            different combinations of
            reusable learning

  8.        What knowledge of
            programming is required
            to create interactive

  9.        Can the authoring tool
            produce content for
            mobile devices?

  10.       How do your products
            and services help with
            converting legacy
            content into trackable e-

11.         What other services do
            you offer to help
            customers with content

12.         Do you offer services to
            develop custom content?
            Please describe the tools
            used (e.g., authoring,
            virtual classroom,
            simulation tools, LCMS).

Number          LMS Requirement           Compliance                   Vendor Response

      4.2. Content Management
  1.        What is the lowest level
            of content that the
            system can manage as
            an object?
  2.        What types of objects
            does the system
  3.        What authoring tools
            does the system

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number         LMS Requirement             Compliance                   Vendor Response

   4.2. Content Management
  4.       Does the system support
           the ability to roll back to
           a previous version of
  5.       Can the same content be
           published as “just-in-
           time” learning nuggets
           as well as full courses?
  6.       How does the system
           deliver adequate
           performance to users
           located across the
  7.       How can content
           administrators “purge”
           content that is no longer
           relevant while
           maintaining appropriate

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |      Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

5. Social Learning Functional Requirements

   Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement:
      1 = Out-of-the-box
      2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming)
      3 = Customization required
      4 = Partner
      5 = Future release
      6 = Not available

Number      LMS Requirement          Compliance                       Vendor Response

   5.1. Social Learning/Collaboration
 1.      How does the system
         learning processes?

 2.      How can you assign
         mentors or coaches to
         monitor a user’s
         progress? Can
         coaches, with
         permission, access a
         user’s records?
 3.      Does the system
         manage the storage of
         materials, such as
         white papers, job aids,
         and product manuals?
 4.      Can the system
         capture informal
         conversations and ad
         hoc questions?
 5.      Does the system
         support wikis?

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number       LMS Requirement          Compliance                    Vendor Response

   5.1. Social Learning/Collaboration
 6.       Can the system
          manage the exchange
          of information among
          subject-matter experts
          (e.g., IM messages)?
 7.       Can community
          members have shared
 8.       Does the system
          create “communities
          of practice” that users
          can join based on
          their role in the
          organization and skill
 9.       Can users be
          assigned to
 10.      Do community owners
          have a simple process
          for creating new
 11.      How can community
          owners promote a
          shared identity for
          their communities?

       Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

6. Unified People Management Functional

   Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement:
      1 = Out-of-the-box
      2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming)
      3 = Customization required
      4 = Partner
      5 = Future release
      6 = Not available

Number        LMS Requirement           Compliance                    Vendor Response

   6.1. Person Profile

 1.      Does the system include
         an extensible person
         profile that can be used
         to track job roles and
         responsibilities, skills,
         experience, education,

 2.      Is there a limit to the
         number of custom fields
         available with the user

 3.      Can the person profile
         store information that
         originates outside the
         LMS, e.g., external

 4.      Can attributes of the user
         profile (standard or
         custom) be used to
         determine learning

 5.      Can users access their
         profile (e.g., personal
         details, status
         development plans,
         goals, training) on

 6.      Describe the hierarchical
         structure of employee

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number        LMS Requirement             Compliance                   Vendor Response

   6.1. Person Profile
         profiles and how senior
         managers can drill down
         on the profiles of all
         individuals within their

Number        LMS Requirement             Compliance                   Vendor Response

   6.2. Unified People Management Solution

 1.      Does the system provide
         management capabilities
         (e.g., for career
         performance reviews,
         goal management) or
         succession management
         capabilities as a unified
         solution with the LMS?

 2.      How does the system
         help users to prioritize
         their development
         activities in the context of
         their overall goals and

 3.      Can learning plans have
         an approval chain?

 4.      Can different geographies
         and business units define
         different types of plans,
         or similar plans with
         slightly different
         processes or workflows?

 5.      How can the organization
         measure development
         activities as a component
         of performance

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |      Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number        LMS Requirement           Compliance                      Vendor Response

   6.2. Unified People Management Solution

 6.      Does the system support
         succession management,
         where managers and HR
         work to identify potential
         successors for critical
         jobs across the

      Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |      CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

7. Career and Competency Management Functional

   Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement:
        1 = Out-of-the-box
        2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming)
        3 = Customization required
        4 = Partner
        5 = Future release
        6 = Not available

               Career Management
Number            Requirement              Compliance                   Vendor Response

   7.1. Career Management and Development

   1.       Does the system provide
            career management and
            development capabilities
            that are integrated with
            other performance and
            talent management
            processes? All they all
            part of one

   2.       Do employees have self-
            service access to
            complete a personal
            profile, including their
            picture, that can serve as
            an “internal resume” for
            that individual? Does this
            profile include
            information such as job
            history, education,
            certifications, relocation
            preferences, and special

   3.       Can the system track and
            alert an individual that
            their profile has not been
            updated recently and
            requires their attention?

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |     Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

               Career Management
Number            Requirement               Compliance                   Vendor Response

   7.1. Career Management and Development

   4.       Does your system guide
            end-users to possible
            next career steps and
            required competency
            proficiencies based on
            job role requirements
            and other criteria?

   5.       Does the system provide
            skill gap analysis to
            employees and managers
            based on current and
            possible future roles?

   6.       Can individuals self-
            identify one or many
            career interests as part of
            their profile, so that they
            can be considered for
            these opportunities?

   7.       Can individuals view the
            descriptions and
            requirements (including
            detailed competency
            requirements) for each
            career interest/career

   8.       Can individuals and
            managers perform a gap
            analysis of the individual
            compared to the
            requirements of the
            targeted position?

   9.       Can individuals and
            managers work together
            to create a detailed
            career plan with
            requirements and
            recommended learning,
            experiential, or
            mentoring opportunities?

   10.      Can this career plan be
            open ended if needed?

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |      Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

               Career Management
Number            Requirement              Compliance                   Vendor Response

   7.1. Career Management and Development
            Can it be time bound if

   11.      Can the career plan have
            an approval or
            acknowledgement chain
            when the plan is set, and
            when changes are made
            to the plan?

               Career Management
Number            Requirement              Compliance                   Vendor Response

   7.2. Competency Management
           Can a competency library
   1.      be maintained in the
           system that defines
           individual competencies
           with a name, description,
           proficiency scale, and
           behavioral descriptors or

   2.      How much flexibility does
           the system have to handle
           unique competency
           models, proficiency levels,
           and behavioral
           Can these competencies
   3.      be categorized or grouped
           by categories or families?

   4.      Can each competency
           have its own unique rating

   5.      Can competencies be
           configured to be rated at
           the behavior level, so that
           the ratings given on each
           behavior roll up to an
           overall competency

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |     Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

               Career Management
Number            Requirement             Compliance                   Vendor Response

   7.2. Competency Management

   6.      How do individuals
           monitor competency
           Does the system include
   7.      the ability to associate
           competencies to specific
           jobs, roles, and positions
           so that they can be
           assigned in bulk by HR?
           Does the system provide a
   8.      means to integrate into a
           current in-house
           developed or off-the-shelf
           competency model? If so,

   9.      Can the system provide
           standard, out-of-the-box
           competency content?
           Does the system allow the
   10.     assignment of
           competencies to
           individuals and teams by
           their managers?
           Does the system support
   11.     workflow for multi-rater
           assessments of
           competencies? Describe
           the system’s ability to
           support multi-rater and
           360-degree evaluations.
           Can employees complete
   12.     a self-assessment against
           a competency or group of
           competencies at any
           How are “held proficiency
   13.     levels” calculated? Can
           self, manager, and multi-
           rater assessments be
           weighed so that certain
           assessments carry more
           weight than others?

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

            Career Management
Number         Requirement              Compliance                   Vendor Response

   7.2. Competency Management
         Can the completion of a
   14.   learning activity also
         update an individual’s
         held level in a
         Can recommended
   15.   learning be linked to
         specific competencies, so
         that individuals with a
         competency gap receive
         guidance as to how to
         close this gap?
         Can informal learning be
   16.   used to close competency
         Does the system support
   17.   validation processes,
         whereby managers can
         validate MRAs or other
         assessments before a
         held level is granted?
         How are competency
   18.   experts identified and
         used for mentoring or
         knowledge transfer
         Can the same competency
   19.   library and job hierarchy
         be maintained in one
         place to feed the
         management, learning
         management, succession
         management, career
         compensation, and
         workforce planning
         What reports are available
   20.   to assist with competency

     Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |     Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

8. Architecture and Configuration Options

          Architecture and Configuration
Number             Requirement                                Vendor Response

    1.   Provide a complete
         description of your system
         architecture. Include a diagram
         indicating each component’s
         location with respect to a
         corporate firewall. Describe
         the logical tiers of the product
         (e.g., presentation, business
         logic, data access).

    2.   What technology standards do
         you support (e.g., J2EE, .NET,
         Web services, XML)?

    3.   Does the system require any
         client-side software other than
         the browser?

    4.   Does the system require
         installation of Active-X
         controls or applets?

    5.   Describe the ability to brand
         the application to reflect our
         organization’s culture (e.g.,
         add logo, define screens, lists,
         user options).

    6.   Describe the ability to create
         custom dashboards for
         individual users.

    7.   What capabilities do end-users
         have to modify the user
         experience to suit their

    8.   Can HR administrators
         implement configuration
         changes without help from IT?

    9.   Does the system include a set
         of open APIs?

     Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

           Architecture and Configuration
Number              Requirement                                 Vendor Response

    10.   Does the system allow
          employees and managers to
          work from a location other
          than the office?
          Does the solution support
    11.   single sign-on?
          Does the solution interface
    12.   with the enterprise HR system
          (e.g., to obtain personnel data
          and information about
          relationships in the company)?
          How can the product integrate
    13.   with our enterprise portal?
          Can managers designate other
    14.   employees (such as an
          administrative assistant) as
          their proxy?
          Can “alternate managers”
    15.   such as project managers be
          given access to perform
          various tasks, such as
          assigning learning or viewing
          certification status?
          Does the solution include out-
    16.   of-the-box notifications that
          support both Microsoft
          Outlook and Lotus Notes?
          Please describe which areas
          of the application make use of
          Can users perform actions
    17.   directly from notifications?
          Are notification text and “look
    18.   and feel” configurable?
          Is there access to an audit trail
    19.   for actions performed within
          the system?
          Does the system include
    20.   embedded security so that
          certain users are granted
          special privileges and others
          are not?

     Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |     Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

           Architecture and Configuration
Number              Requirement                                Vendor Response
          Can the system be segmented
    21.   by domain (for example, by
          business unit, organization, or
          geography), with each unit
          making their own decisions
          regarding business rules, form
          design (i.e., review forms or
          performance plan forms), or
          Does the system provide
    22.   internationalization and
          language support? How many
          languages are currently
          What Web browsers does your
    23.   system support?                   	

     Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

9. Architecture and System Requirements (Behind-the-

Number          Architecture and System                          Vendor Response

   1.       Provide a complete
            description of your system
            architecture. Include a diagram
            indicating each component’s
            location with respect to a
            corporate firewall. Describe
            the logical tiers of the product
            (e.g., presentation, business
            logic, data access).

   2.       What are the recommended
            configuration requirements?
            Please list supported:
                §   Hardware
                §   Operating systems
                §   Web servers
                §   Application servers
                §   Databases

   3.       Can the system scale to
            support new users over time
            without degrading

   4.       Does the system scale via load

   5.       What is your largest behind-
            the-firewall implementation?

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

10. OnDemand Environment

Number     Requirement           Vendor Response

   1.      Describe your

   2.      Where is the
           primary data
           center? Back-up
           data center?

   3.      Are your data
           centers SAS-70

   4.      Do you offer
           services in the

   5.      Do you have a
           Business Continuity
           and Disaster
           Recovery Plan?

   6.      Describe the
           network topology
           for the OnDemand

   7.      Describe the

   8.      Describe your
           system uptime
           over the last year.

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number     Requirement          Vendor Response

   9.      How does the
           system scale to
           support growing
           user populations?

   10.     Does the hosting
           support load
           balancing and

   11.     How is system
           usage and

   12.     Describe the data
           center’s power

   13.     Describe data
           backup and restore

   14.     What tools are
           used to monitor

   15.     How often do you
           maintenance and
           do you notify
           customers of

   16.     Can customers
           control the timing
           of software
           upgrades? What
           support do you
           provide during the
           upgrade process?

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number   Requirement          Vendor Response

   17.   Describe your
         approach to
         ensuring data
         security in the
         SaaS environment.

   18.   What is your
         largest OnDemand
         implementation, in
         terms of number of
         users and number
         of content items?

   19.   Please include
         your Service Level
         Agreement (SLA)
         with proposal.

     Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

11. Security

Number           Security Requirement                             Vendor Response

   1.       Describe your security model,
            including network, data, and
            application security, data
            center security, application
            and system support,
            upgrades and maintenance,
            and personnel access rights.

   2.       Describe the password and
            authentication policies and

   3.       How do you monitor system
            integrity, logs, intrusion
            detection, and system access
            (e.g., checking the logs to
            verify failed and successful
            logins, password changes)?

   4.       Describe the system’s
            security methodology to
            ensure that only authorized
            users can access information
            about disciplinary action
            taken against a specific

   5.       Describe the network
            protocols used to
            communicate between
            components of the system
            (e.g., HTTP, SQLNet, LDAP,

   6.       Does the system support 128-
            bit encryption and SSL?

   7.       Describe how features and
            content/data access can be
            enabled or disabled for
            specific user groups.

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

Number           Security Requirement                             Vendor Response

   8.       Does the system have
            auditing capabilities (e.g.,
            capture information whenever
            a content object is accessed
            to help the organization
            reduce compliance risk)?

   9.       Can the organization control
            which functions are audited?

   10.      Does the system log users off
            after a specified period of

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

12. Accessibility

Number           Security Requirement                             Vendor Response

   1.       Is the solution compliant with
            W3C Level 2 Accessibility

   2.       Is your solution compatible
            with system tools such as
            JAWS v7.0+, Dragon Naturally
            Speaking, and Zoom text
            (tools to assist the visually

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

13. Implementation Services

Number          Implementation                                Vendor Response

   1.       Please describe your
            including average
            implementation time.

   2.       Please include a
            sample project plan.

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Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

   3.       Describe the
            implementation team
            that will work on the

   4.       Please identify the
            roles and
            responsibilities for
            customer in a typical

   5.       Describe your
            approach to change

   6.       How does your
            company help its
            customers to address
            organizational issues
            such as process
            governance? How
            does your
            methodology bring
            together all of the key
            stakeholders in the
            success of a learning

   7.       Describe your
            approach to risk

   8.       How is knowledge
            transferred from your
            team to the customer’s
            ongoing support

   9.       Describe your
            methodology for
            migrating from another
            vendor’s solution to
            your system.

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

14. Support Requirements

Number                 Support Requirement                              Vendor Response

   1.             Please describe your
                  Customer Support policy.
                  Include information about
                  response times, escalation
                  policies, and hours of

   2.             In which countries do you
                  have support personnel?

   3.             Can users and administrators
                  contact Support
                  representatives via e-mail or
                  log inquiries online during
                  non-business hours?

   4.             Is support available for
                  extended (e.g., 24x7) hours,
                  including support for all
                  global regions?

   5.             What is your escalation

   6.             How frequently do upgrades
                  occur? Describe a typical
                  upgrade process.

   7.             What is your release support

   8.             Will you agree to put a copy of
                  your source code in escrow?


              Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |    Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

15. Training Requirements

Number         Training Requirement                               Vendor Response

   1.       Do you have a staff of
            experienced instructors?

   2.       What is the recommended
            training curriculum for the
            proposed solution?

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Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

   3.       Do you provide on-site
            training? Please include a
            course catalog.

   4.       Do you provide
            customized training

   5.       Do you provide training
            via webcasts for uses in
            different geographical
            regions, including

   6.       Do you offer self-paced
            learning opportunities or
            the ability to play back
            training sessions (e.g., for
            end-users who cannot
            attend at the scheduled
            class time)? Are there
            informal learning

   7.       Do you offer end-user

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |       Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

16. Quality Assurance and Industry Standards

Number        Quality Requirement                             Vendor Response

   1.       Describe your software
            lifecycle development

   2.       Describe your QA
            process and approach
            to continuous

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com
Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

17. References

Number                References                                 Vendor Response

   1.       Please provide a list of three
            clients where you
            implemented projects of
            similar size and scope.

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Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution

18. Pricing, Terms, and Conditions

Number                References                                 Vendor Response

   1.       What is your pricing estimate
            for the proposed system?

   2.       What are the hourly rates for

   3.       Please include a copy of your
            template Master Software and
            Services Agreements.

        Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway |   Redwood Shores |   CA 94065-1166 |   USA |   www.saba.com

More Related Content

LMS Template RFP march11,2011

  • 1. Sample RFP for Learning Management System March 2011 Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 2. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Table of Contents 1.   Objectives ................................................................................................................................................ 4   2.   Company Profile...................................................................................................................................... 4   3.   LMS Functional Requirements .............................................................................................................. 6   3.1.   General ............................................................................................................................................. 6   3.2.   User Access ..................................................................................................................................... 7   3.3.   Classroom and Curriculum Management ..................................................................................... 8   3.4.   Blended Learning .......................................................................................................................... 12   3.5.   Resource Management and Inventory Management.................................................................. 12   3.6.   Course Registration and Notifications ........................................................................................ 13   3.7.   Course Delivery ............................................................................................................................. 15   3.8.   Instructor Tools ............................................................................................................................. 16   3.9.   Content Standards ........................................................................................................................ 16   3.10.   Course Evaluations and Assessments ....................................................................................... 18   3.11.   Virtual Classrooms ........................................................................................................................ 21   3.12.   Certification Management............................................................................................................. 22   3.13.   On-the-Job Training ...................................................................................................................... 23   3.14.   Continuing Education ................................................................................................................... 24   3.15.   Pricing and Payment ..................................................................................................................... 24   3.16.   Marketing and For-Profit Training ................................................................................................ 25   3.17.   Reporting ........................................................................................................................................ 25   4.   Content Authoring and Management Functional Requirements ...................................................... 27   4.1.   Content Authoring ......................................................................................................................... 27   4.2.   Content Management .................................................................................................................... 28   5.   Social Learning Functional Requirements ......................................................................................... 30   5.1.   Social Learning/Collaboration ...................................................................................................... 30   6.   Unified People Management Functional Requirements .................................................................... 32   6.1.   Person Profile ................................................................................................................................ 32   6.2.   Unified People Management Solution ......................................................................................... 33   7.   Career and Competency Management Functional Requirements.................................................... 35   7.1.   Career Management and Development ....................................................................................... 35   7.2.   Competency Management ............................................................................................................ 37   8.   Architecture and Configuration Options ............................................................................................ 40   9.   Architecture and System Requirements (Behind-the-Firewall) ........................................................ 43   10.   OnDemand Environment ...................................................................................................................... 44   Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 3. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 11.   Security .................................................................................................................................................. 47   12.   Accessibility .......................................................................................................................................... 49   13.   Implementation Services ...................................................................................................................... 50   14.   Support Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 52   15.   Training Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 53   16.   Quality Assurance and Industry Standards ....................................................................................... 55   17.   References ............................................................................................................................................. 56   18.   Pricing, Terms, and Conditions ........................................................................................................... 57   Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 4. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 1. Objectives Top-performing organizations recognize that people are their most important asset. They are implementing people management solutions in order to drive higher productivity, retain their best performers, mobilize their workforces in support of the most important strategic goals, and improve their ability to respond to rapidly changing environments. Learning management is an important function within people management; it enables an organization to take a strategic approach to building the skills needed for successful operations and to connect people to expertise. This RFP template provides requirements for implementing a global learning management solution for formal and informal learning such as collaboration, social networking, etc. 2. Company Profile Please provide a brief description of your company's history. How many offices do you have worldwide? Please provide information on each office, including location and services provided. What distinguishes your company and its offerings from others available in the market? Please provide an overview of the products your company offers. Please indicate if any of the products offered in your solution are provided to you from a third party (i.e., are non- native to your core product code) and briefly describe the level of integration between your core technology and third-party add-ons. Please describe your experience implementing enterprise learning solutions globally. Provide a brief description of your company's financial and overall stability. Include most recent audited annual report. Please describe your company’s vision for the future. What are you currently doing to achieve that vision? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 5. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Provide a brief description of the analyst ratings or feedback your solution has received. Has your company assumed a thought leadership role in the learning market? Does your management team participate in industry forums? What partnerships do you have with technology vendors? What partnerships do you have with e-learning content providers? What makes your system superior to others in terms of its technology platform (open standards-based, system architecture, scalability, security model, data models)? What deployment options do you offer? Do you offer strategic services (such as change management, job role modeling, competency model definition, governance or process modeling) to help ensure my new processes and solution are successful?   Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 6. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 3. LMS Functional Requirements Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement: 1 = Out-of-the-box 2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming) 3 = Customization required 4 = Partner 5 = Future release 6 = Not available Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.1. General 1. Describe your ability to integrate with industry- standard email and scheduling applications. 2. Is the system modular, allowing deployment of only the required functionality for phase one? 3. Can the system provide a different look and feel for each department where it is deployed? 4. Does the system support different business rules for each department? 5. Can both students and administrators access the system through a Web browser? 6. Does the system support multiple time zones? 7. Does the system support the use of single sign-on? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 7. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.1. General 8. Does the system provide online help? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.2. User Access 1. Does the system allow users to process self- registration? 2. Can users use self- service to retrieve a lost password? 3. Does the system provide a personalized learning plan? 4. How does the system make it easy for users to register for learning that’s already assigned to them? 5. Does the system include an intuitive search experience? 6. Is the search function a full-text search engine, or does it only search course titles and keywords? 7. Do users have multiple ways to find knowledge they need? 8. Does the system provide the user with access to his/her own training transcript? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 8. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 9. Can the user add training to his/her own transcript (e.g., for outside education completed)? 10. Does the system provide the ability for users to add “ad hoc” training events through self-service and have them approved by their manager? 11. Can users submit requests for learning that isn’t available in the catalog? 12. Explain how the user interface can be modified. 13. Are there any limitations on the number of custom or unique fields? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.3. Classroom and Curriculum Management 1. Describe how a curriculum is developed and managed within the system. 2. Can administrators add, update, reschedule, and remove courses quickly without requiring support from the IT organization? 3. Does the system provide access to and track Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 9. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.3. Classroom and Curriculum Management completion/test results for all courses: classroom, online, instructor-led, and e-learning? 4. Can an administrator schedule a room for classroom events? 5. Can an administrator verify the availability of equipment and facility for training? 6. Does the system allow administrators to manage waitlists? 7. Does the system support the ability to define prerequisites and restrict access to courses until the prerequisites are met? 8. Does the system support the ability to override cut-off dates, prerequisites, waiting lists, and class location? 9. Does the system support the ability to require manager and/or administrator approval for course registration? 10. Do managers have simple processes for approving their team members’ learning activities? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 10. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.3. Classroom and Curriculum Management 11. Does the system support a two-level online registration approval process? 12. Can the system support approval for learning that is taken externally rather than through the learning catalog? For example, U.S. government employees must obtain approval via a standard form, SF-182, prior to enrolling in external training programs. 13. Can the system restrict access to courses based on specific criteria (e.g., restrict by job function, location)? 14. Can administrators create curricula with modularized components and exams? 15. Does the system support the ability to automatically assign learning (courses, curricula, or certifications) to individuals or groups or enroll them in courses? 16. Does the system maintain users’ training history regardless of changes in job function or location? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 11. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.3. Classroom and Curriculum Management 17. Does the system support the ability to enroll and un- enroll individual or groups manually? 18. What happens to enrollments if a class is cancelled? 19. Can the system assign due dates for course completion? 20. Can the system attach files to notifications (i.e., information to be studied before taking the course)? 21. How does the system handle new versions of an existing course? 22. Does the system support relaunching of a completed learning activity? 23. How does the system track multiple “tries” at a learning event? 24. Does the system provide the capability to store trainer support information (i.e., facilitator guides, instructions, etc.) within the LMS? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 12. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.4. Blended Learning 1. How does the system support blended learning activities? For example, can the system mix a series of components in different delivery formats (e.g., pre-test, instructor- led course, on-the-job assignment) and roll them up into a single course? 2. Is there sequencing in blended learning activities, for example, to ensure that a pre-test is taken before the course? 3. Does the system provide the capability to store scanned forms, MS Word documents, PowerPoint, PDFs, etc. within the LMS at the course level? 4. How can the system support coordinated, cohort-based learning programs, where everyone goes through the same series of learning events? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.5. Resource Management and Inventory Management 1. Do calendars reflect resource availability (e.g., taking into consideration current resource bookings and holidays)? 2. Does the system support the ability to manage qualified instructors? 3. Can the system assign instructors to course Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 13. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.5. Resource Management and Inventory Management offerings? 4. Can the system associate classrooms with a physical location? 5. Does the system support conflict checking when scheduling resources (instructors, rooms, equipment, etc.)? 6. Can administrators associate specific types and quantities of inventory to a class? 7. Can administrators establish replenishment quantities for inventory? 8. Can resources be associated with an hourly cost and calendar? 9. Does the system allow administrators to run reports that show utilization rates and costs of resources? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.6. Course Registration and Notifications 1. Does your system restrict registration based on department, job role, profile, training cost? 2. Describe how prerequisites are defined and checked for completion before enabling user registrations. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 14. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.6. Course Registration and Notifications 3. Does the user automatically receive notifications for confirmations, changes, and cancellations? 4. What happens to a user’s registration if a new version of the course is deployed? 5. What notifications do you support? 6. How configurable are the notifications? Can configurations be done by non-technical personnel? 7. How do you handle support notifications for users without the ability to receive a direct email? 8. Does the system trigger email notifications to the manager when the following events occur: direct report enrolls, direct report drops, direct report enrollment requires approval? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 15. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.7. Course Delivery 1. Does your system support bookmarking for self-paced learning? 2. Does the system track the individual learning objects a user has accessed or completed? 3. Does the system support importing Microsoft Word/PowerPoint source material? 4. Does the system support other common file formats (streaming media, graphics, audio, animations, etc.)? 5. Can the system automatically issue a certificate upon course completion? Can users print their own certificates? 6. Describe the system’s ability to deliver “learning objects” (small, interrelated learning blocks). 7. Can users manage   learning plans and complete learning while they are offline, i.e., disconnected from the Internet? 8. Can users complete learning using mobile devices? 9. Do users working offline have to have their own dedicated client machines, or can they work on a shared environment such as a kiosk? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 16. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.7. Course Delivery 10. What type of content does the offline player support? 11. Does content have to be created in a certain tool to be consumable offline? 12. What client operating systems does the offline player support? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.8. Instructor Tools 1. Does the system provide tools to help instructors manage their instructor- led or virtual classes? 2. Can an administrator perform instructor management tasks if the instructor is unable to do so? 3. Can instructors make changes to their class rosters? 4. Can instructors assign scores or grades to students? 5. Does the system notify instructors when they have work to do? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.9. Content Standards 1. Is the system SCORM certified? If so, which version of SCORM is certified? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 17. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.9. Content Standards 2. Is the system AICC certified? 3. Does the system support SkillSoft’s Open Learning Services Architecture (OLSA)? 4. Do you provide any assistance (e.g., a testing lab) to content providers to test compliance with the LMS? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 18. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.10. Course Evaluations and Assessments 1. Describe the system’s test/assessment capabilities. 2. Does the system include an interface for writing and deploying test questions? 3. Can the user view detailed results of their test performance? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 19. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.10. Course Evaluations and Assessments 4. Does the system support the four fundamental levels of education: § Reactions/opinions § Learning improvement relative to objectives § Transfer of skills and knowledge for practical application § ROI or organizational changes that are outcomes of the training program Please describe support for each. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 20. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.10. Course Evaluations and Assessments 5. Can online course and instructor evaluations be created and incorporated? Please describe. 6. Does the system provide both pre-testing and post- testing capabilities (including reports that compare pre- and post- test performance)? 7. Can the system support the following question types: multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, drag-and- drop, and matching? 8. Does the testing system support: randomizing, hints, limiting number of attempts, practice (unscored)? 9. Can test questions include graphics, animations, audio, or video? 10. Can the system provide branching based on test item performance (i.e., if question is missed, automatically route the user to a specific course location)? 11. Can the administrator configure how many times a user can take a test? 12. Can the system provide the ability to interface with third-party testing/evaluation tools (e.g., QuestionMark)? Please specify any delivered integrations or partnerships that may exist. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 21. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.11. Virtual Classrooms 1. Does the system support virtual classrooms to deliver learning in real time to widely dispersed audiences? 2. Is the collaboration feature scalable to support e-meetings and enterprise-wide activities (e.g., 2,000 attendees) without requiring IT support? 3. How does the LMS • integrate with the virtual classroom technology? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 22. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 4. Does the system support instant messaging? Can the IM system reside behind the firewall? 5. Can users ask questions of instructors in real time? 6. Can the system link users to external applications, such as Web sites? 7. Can the system include a synchronous shared whiteboard (equivalent to a traditional flipchart or chalkboard)? 8. Does the virtual learning environment support testing and assessment? 9. Are session recordings available for playback at a later time? 3.12. Certification Management 1. How does the system manage certifications? 2. Does the system track certification deadlines? How does it notify users about missed deadlines? 3. Can certifications have expiration dates? Can there be separate recertification paths? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 23. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 3.12. Certification Management 4. What options are available to establish equivalent courses within certifications? 5. Can certifications be “nested”? That is, can one certification contain other certifications? 6. Can certifications be granted manually? 7. Can certifications be versioned? 8. Can the system track external certifications? 9. Does the system support audit trails and e-signatures? 10. Is every data or signature entry recorded in the database with a date and time stamp? 11. Does each entry in an electronic record contain the printable name of the operator with time and date stamp and meaning of the signature? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.13. On-the-Job Training 1. How does the system facilitate and track on-the-job training activities? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 24. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.13. On-the-Job Training 2. Who can mark on- the-job training activities as successful? Must administrators get involved in every task or can managers and/or senior team members perform all management tasks? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.14. Continuing Education 1. How can the system manage and track continuing education (CE) required by certain professions? 2. Can users have more than one CE plan? 3. Can CE plans contain “fields of study”? 4. Can users use external activities (i.e., not part of the learning catalog) to meet CE requirements? 5. Can CE credits for a single course vary based on the user’s level of participation? 6. Can users “back report” credits if allowed by the licensing body? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.15. Pricing and Payment 1. Does the system support pricing for internal cost allocation and external payment? 2. Does the system support multiple currencies? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 25. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.15. Pricing and Payment 3. What payment options are supported out-of-the-box? 4. Does the system support refunds and drop charges? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.16. Marketing and For-Profit Training 1. What tools are available to market learning to end- customers? 2. Does the system support discounting? 3. Can we sell content subscriptions? 4. Can we sell pre-paid training units? 5. How does the system meet our order management and revenue recognition processes? Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.17. Reporting Describe the system’s 1. reporting capabilities. How many standard 2. reports are available with the system? Does the system provide 3. out-of-the-box manager- focused reporting (i.e., progress toward team development plans, team/individual-training histories, and certifications/completion s)? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 26. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 3.17. Reporting Does the system support 4. graphical reports (bar charts and pie charts) out of the box? How can managers or 5. administrators build their own ad hoc reports? How can custom reports 6. be created? Ability to configure 7. dashboard to show various types of reports (e.g., graphs, charts, standard reports). Ability to export data to 8. various formats, including ASCII and Excel. Ability to establish 9. scheduled report subscriptions that can be sent via email. Restrict view access to 10. given reports. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 27. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 4. Content Authoring and Management Functional Requirements Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement: 1 = Out-of-the-box 2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming) 3 = Customization required 4 = Partner 5 = Future release 6 = Not available Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 4.1. Content Authoring 1. Does the system include a separate authoring tool? Please describe ability to create high- quality content in a rich multimedia environment using a familiar Windows interface. 2. Can the authoring tool create content that is AICC and SCORM compliant? If so, what versions of AICC and SCORM are supported? 3. Can the authoring tool create/edit videos, audios, images, and embedded graphics with test questions? 4. Can authors access a shared object repository from the authoring tool? 5. Can the authoring tool create simulations? 6. Does the authoring tool support dynamic content sequencing? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 28. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 4.1. Content Authoring 7. Can the system deliver the same course using different combinations of reusable learning objects? 8. What knowledge of programming is required to create interactive content? 9. Can the authoring tool produce content for mobile devices? 10. How do your products and services help with converting legacy content into trackable e- learning? 11. What other services do you offer to help customers with content interoperability? 12. Do you offer services to develop custom content? Please describe the tools used (e.g., authoring, virtual classroom, simulation tools, LCMS). Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 4.2. Content Management 1. What is the lowest level of content that the system can manage as an object? 2. What types of objects does the system support? 3. What authoring tools does the system support? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 29. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 4.2. Content Management 4. Does the system support the ability to roll back to a previous version of content? 5. Can the same content be published as “just-in- time” learning nuggets as well as full courses? 6. How does the system deliver adequate performance to users located across the globe? 7. How can content administrators “purge” content that is no longer relevant while maintaining appropriate history? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 30. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 5. Social Learning Functional Requirements Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement: 1 = Out-of-the-box 2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming) 3 = Customization required 4 = Partner 5 = Future release 6 = Not available Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 5.1. Social Learning/Collaboration 1. How does the system support social/informal learning processes? 2. How can you assign mentors or coaches to monitor a user’s progress? Can coaches, with appropriate permission, access a user’s records? 3. Does the system manage the storage of informational materials, such as white papers, job aids, and product manuals? 4. Can the system capture informal conversations and ad hoc questions? 5. Does the system support wikis? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 31. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 5.1. Social Learning/Collaboration 6. Can the system manage the exchange of information among subject-matter experts (e.g., IM messages)? 7. Can community members have shared goals? 8. Does the system create “communities of practice” that users can join based on their role in the organization and skill sets? 9. Can users be automatically assigned to communities? 10. Do community owners have a simple process for creating new communities? 11. How can community owners promote a shared identity for their communities? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 32. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 6. Unified People Management Functional Requirements Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement: 1 = Out-of-the-box 2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming) 3 = Customization required 4 = Partner 5 = Future release 6 = Not available Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 6.1. Person Profile 1. Does the system include an extensible person profile that can be used to track job roles and responsibilities, skills, experience, education, etc.? 2. Is there a limit to the number of custom fields available with the user profile? 3. Can the person profile store information that originates outside the LMS, e.g., external certifications? 4. Can attributes of the user profile (standard or custom) be used to determine learning assignments? 5. Can users access their profile (e.g., personal details, status development plans, goals, training) on demand? 6. Describe the hierarchical structure of employee Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 33. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 6.1. Person Profile profiles and how senior managers can drill down on the profiles of all individuals within their organization. Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 6.2. Unified People Management Solution 1. Does the system provide performance management capabilities (e.g., for career management, performance reviews, goal management) or succession management capabilities as a unified solution with the LMS? 2. How does the system help users to prioritize their development activities in the context of their overall goals and priorities? 3. Can learning plans have an approval chain? 4. Can different geographies and business units define different types of plans, or similar plans with slightly different processes or workflows? 5. How can the organization measure development activities as a component of performance evaluations? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 34. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number LMS Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 6.2. Unified People Management Solution 6. Does the system support   succession management, where managers and HR work to identify potential successors for critical jobs across the organization? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 35. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 7. Career and Competency Management Functional Requirements Please use the following legend to indicate compliance with the requirement: 1 = Out-of-the-box 2 = Standard tailoring (i.e., no code rewrite or programming) 3 = Customization required 4 = Partner 5 = Future release 6 = Not available Career Management Number Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 7.1. Career Management and Development 1. Does the system provide career management and development capabilities that are integrated with other performance and talent management processes? All they all part of one database/application? 2. Do employees have self- service access to complete a personal profile, including their picture, that can serve as an “internal resume” for that individual? Does this profile include information such as job history, education, certifications, relocation preferences, and special skills? 3. Can the system track and alert an individual that their profile has not been updated recently and requires their attention? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 36. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Career Management Number Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 7.1. Career Management and Development 4. Does your system guide end-users to possible next career steps and required competency proficiencies based on job role requirements and other criteria? 5. Does the system provide skill gap analysis to employees and managers based on current and possible future roles? 6. Can individuals self- identify one or many career interests as part of their profile, so that they can be considered for these opportunities? 7. Can individuals view the descriptions and requirements (including detailed competency requirements) for each career interest/career step? 8. Can individuals and managers perform a gap analysis of the individual compared to the competency requirements of the targeted position? 9. Can individuals and managers work together to create a detailed career plan with competency requirements and recommended learning, experiential, or mentoring opportunities? 10. Can this career plan be open ended if needed? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 37. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Career Management Number Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 7.1. Career Management and Development Can it be time bound if needed? 11. Can the career plan have an approval or acknowledgement chain when the plan is set, and when changes are made to the plan? Career Management Number Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 7.2. Competency Management Can a competency library 1. be maintained in the system that defines individual competencies with a name, description, proficiency scale, and behavioral descriptors or indicators? 2. How much flexibility does the system have to handle unique competency models, proficiency levels, and behavioral descriptors? Can these competencies 3. be categorized or grouped by categories or families? 4. Can each competency have its own unique rating scale? 5. Can competencies be configured to be rated at the behavior level, so that the ratings given on each behavior roll up to an overall competency proficiency? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 38. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Career Management Number Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 7.2. Competency Management 6. How do individuals monitor competency attainment? Does the system include 7. the ability to associate competencies to specific jobs, roles, and positions so that they can be assigned in bulk by HR? Does the system provide a 8. means to integrate into a current in-house developed or off-the-shelf competency model? If so, how? 9. Can the system provide standard, out-of-the-box competency content? Does the system allow the 10. assignment of competencies to individuals and teams by their managers? Does the system support 11. workflow for multi-rater assessments of competencies? Describe the system’s ability to support multi-rater and 360-degree evaluations. Can employees complete 12. a self-assessment against a competency or group of competencies at any time? How are “held proficiency 13. levels” calculated? Can self, manager, and multi- rater assessments be weighed so that certain assessments carry more weight than others? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 39. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Career Management Number Requirement Compliance Vendor Response 7.2. Competency Management Can the completion of a 14. learning activity also update an individual’s held level in a competency? Can recommended 15. learning be linked to specific competencies, so that individuals with a competency gap receive guidance as to how to close this gap? Can informal learning be 16. used to close competency gaps? Does the system support 17. validation processes, whereby managers can validate MRAs or other assessments before a held level is granted? How are competency 18. experts identified and used for mentoring or knowledge transfer activities? Can the same competency 19. library and job hierarchy be maintained in one place to feed the performance management, learning management, succession management, career management, compensation, and workforce planning processes? What reports are available 20. to assist with competency management? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 40. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 8. Architecture and Configuration Options Architecture and Configuration Number Requirement Vendor Response 1. Provide a complete description of your system architecture. Include a diagram indicating each component’s location with respect to a corporate firewall. Describe the logical tiers of the product (e.g., presentation, business logic, data access). 2. What technology standards do you support (e.g., J2EE, .NET, Web services, XML)? 3. Does the system require any client-side software other than the browser? 4. Does the system require installation of Active-X controls or applets? 5. Describe the ability to brand the application to reflect our organization’s culture (e.g., add logo, define screens, lists, user options). 6. Describe the ability to create custom dashboards for individual users. 7. What capabilities do end-users have to modify the user experience to suit their preferences? 8. Can HR administrators implement configuration changes without help from IT? 9. Does the system include a set of open APIs? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 41. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Architecture and Configuration Number Requirement Vendor Response 10. Does the system allow employees and managers to work from a location other than the office? Does the solution support 11. single sign-on? Does the solution interface 12. with the enterprise HR system (e.g., to obtain personnel data and information about employee-to-manager relationships in the company)? How can the product integrate 13. with our enterprise portal? Can managers designate other 14. employees (such as an administrative assistant) as their proxy? Can “alternate managers” 15. such as project managers be given access to perform various tasks, such as assigning learning or viewing certification status? Does the solution include out- 16. of-the-box notifications that support both Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes? Please describe which areas of the application make use of notifications. Can users perform actions 17. directly from notifications? Are notification text and “look 18. and feel” configurable? Is there access to an audit trail 19. for actions performed within the system? Does the system include 20. embedded security so that certain users are granted special privileges and others are not? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 42. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Architecture and Configuration Number Requirement Vendor Response Can the system be segmented 21. by domain (for example, by business unit, organization, or geography), with each unit making their own decisions regarding business rules, form design (i.e., review forms or performance plan forms), or process? Does the system provide 22. internationalization and language support? How many languages are currently supported? What Web browsers does your 23. system support?   Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 43. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 9. Architecture and System Requirements (Behind-the- Firewall) Number Architecture and System Vendor Response Requirement 1. Provide a complete description of your system architecture. Include a diagram indicating each component’s location with respect to a corporate firewall. Describe the logical tiers of the product (e.g., presentation, business logic, data access). 2. What are the recommended configuration requirements? Please list supported: § Hardware § Operating systems § Web servers § Application servers § Databases 3. Can the system scale to support new users over time without degrading performance? 4. Does the system scale via load balancing? 5. What is your largest behind- the-firewall implementation? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 44. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 10. OnDemand Environment OnDemand Number Requirement Vendor Response 1. Describe your OnDemand environment. 2. Where is the primary data center? Back-up data center? 3. Are your data centers SAS-70 certified? 4. Do you offer services in the Cloud? 5. Do you have a documented Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan? 6. Describe the network topology for the OnDemand environment (architecture, Internet connectivity, staging environment). 7. Describe the hosting infrastructure. 8. Describe your system uptime over the last year. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 45. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution OnDemand Number Requirement Vendor Response 9. How does the system scale to support growing user populations? 10. Does the hosting environment support load balancing and redundancy? 11. How is system usage and performance monitored? 12. Describe the data center’s power backup. 13. Describe data backup and restore procedures. 14. What tools are used to monitor application availability? 15. How often do you perform infrastructure maintenance and do you notify customers of scheduled downtime? 16. Can customers control the timing of software upgrades? What support do you provide during the upgrade process? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 46. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution OnDemand Number Requirement Vendor Response 17. Describe your approach to ensuring data security in the SaaS environment. 18. What is your largest OnDemand implementation, in terms of number of users and number of content items? 19. Please include your Service Level Agreement (SLA) with proposal. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 47. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 11. Security Number Security Requirement Vendor Response 1. Describe your security model, including network, data, and application security, data center security, application and system support, upgrades and maintenance, and personnel access rights. 2. Describe the password and authentication policies and methods. 3. How do you monitor system integrity, logs, intrusion detection, and system access (e.g., checking the logs to verify failed and successful logins, password changes)? 4. Describe the system’s security methodology to ensure that only authorized users can access information about disciplinary action taken against a specific employee. 5. Describe the network protocols used to communicate between components of the system (e.g., HTTP, SQLNet, LDAP, SSL). 6. Does the system support 128- bit encryption and SSL? 7. Describe how features and content/data access can be enabled or disabled for specific user groups. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 48. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution Number Security Requirement Vendor Response 8. Does the system have auditing capabilities (e.g., capture information whenever a content object is accessed to help the organization reduce compliance risk)? 9. Can the organization control which functions are audited? 10. Does the system log users off after a specified period of inactivity? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 49. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 12. Accessibility Number Security Requirement Vendor Response 1. Is the solution compliant with W3C Level 2 Accessibility standards? 2. Is your solution compatible with system tools such as JAWS v7.0+, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and Zoom text (tools to assist the visually impaired)? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 50. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 13. Implementation Services Number Implementation Vendor Response 1. Please describe your implementation methodology, including average implementation time. 2. Please include a sample project plan. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 51. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 3. Describe the implementation team that will work on the deployment. 4. Please identify the roles and responsibilities for customer in a typical implementation. 5. Describe your approach to change management. 6. How does your company help its customers to address organizational issues such as process governance? How does your methodology bring together all of the key stakeholders in the success of a learning management deployment? 7. Describe your approach to risk management. 8. How is knowledge transferred from your team to the customer’s ongoing support team? 9. Describe your methodology for migrating from another vendor’s solution to your system. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 52. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 14. Support Requirements Number Support Requirement Vendor Response 1. Please describe your Customer Support policy. Include information about response times, escalation policies, and hours of operation. 2. In which countries do you have support personnel? 3. Can users and administrators contact Support representatives via e-mail or log inquiries online during non-business hours? 4. Is support available for extended (e.g., 24x7) hours, including support for all global regions? 5. What is your escalation process? 6. How frequently do upgrades occur? Describe a typical upgrade process. 7. What is your release support policy? 8. Will you agree to put a copy of your source code in escrow?     Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 53. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 15. Training Requirements Number Training Requirement Vendor Response 1. Do you have a staff of experienced instructors? 2. What is the recommended training curriculum for the proposed solution? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 54. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 3. Do you provide on-site training? Please include a course catalog. 4. Do you provide customized training workshops? 5. Do you provide training via webcasts for uses in different geographical regions, including overseas? 6. Do you offer self-paced learning opportunities or the ability to play back training sessions (e.g., for end-users who cannot attend at the scheduled class time)? Are there informal learning opportunities? 7. Do you offer end-user training? Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 55. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 16. Quality Assurance and Industry Standards Number Quality Requirement Vendor Response 1. Describe your software lifecycle development methodology. 2. Describe your QA process and approach to continuous improvement. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 56. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 17. References Number References Vendor Response 1. Please provide a list of three clients where you implemented projects of similar size and scope. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com
  • 57. Sample Requirements for a Learning Management Solution 18. Pricing, Terms, and Conditions Number References Vendor Response 1. What is your pricing estimate for the proposed system? 2. What are the hourly rates for services? 3. Please include a copy of your template Master Software and Services Agreements. Saba | 2400 Bridge Parkway | Redwood Shores | CA 94065-1166 | USA | www.saba.com