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Thesis Statements
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Locating, Evaluating, & Writing Thesis Statements Locating, Evaluating, & Writing Thesis Statements
Number Three In Dante s Inferno Essay
Number three has a significant role throughout the whole comedy Inferno. The poem is written in a
special form which contains exactly three lines. This can be related to Dante s belief in a special
power of the number three in Christian tradition.
Also, number three has a significant meaning in the content of the comedy. In the beginning Dante
meets three animals a leopard, a lion and she wolf, those beasts represent three types of sins.
When Dante and Virgil get closer to Lucifer, they can see that he has three heads, also in each mouth
he has three greatest sinners in history Judas, Brutus and Cassius.
In the first Canto, Dante tells his story that after he reached the middle of his life journey, he once got
lost in the forest and woke to find myself [Dante] in a dark wood (Inferno, Canto I, 2). Dante got
scared of being alone in the dark until he saw a light. After he rested tired body there for awhile , he
started to climb and then he saw three beasts (Canto I, 28). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
He was saved by a poet Virgil, who offered him a trip to the underworld. And Dante could not refuse
this proposition.
In the beginning of the poem we find Dante s character at a loss. He lived half of his life already, but
he is confused and lost at this point. His journey to the underworld starts in the moment of despair,
when he doesn t have any particular life goals. He has doubts believing in himself. He thinks that he
sinned a lot and needs to find his true path in
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Writing Like Me
Writing is a no. I do not like writing and it does not like me. The only good work we can do together is
outside of school. When I attempt it in school, I forget words, how to spell them, and how to phrase
them. It s like being in Kindergarten again or learning a new language. Me and writing are like,
Zordon and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, if you re into that. Or Batman and Joker since they
re more well known. The point is that we are enemies in constant battle with each other. An extremely
boring and drawn out battle.
If I wanted to bring up any experience I ve had with writing, they would all be leaning to the negative
side. That s if I can remember one long enough to fill a paragraph. For instance, I could bring up the
special group I got put in first grade. It wasn t specifically for writing, but it had writing involved. Or I
could bring up the time I gave the best written speech about penguins by a second grader. The paper
wasn t up to the teacher s standards in the end and the grade wasn t too good. Two weeks of my
constant hard work to get a letter that lowered my self esteem. ... Show more content on
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It was third grade and I was able to make a sandwich with my words. It was simple phrases like take
out a loaf of bread and spread the peanut butter that brought peace to the writing process. I would put
transition words in front of my phrases and somehow i created a recipe. Afterwards I brought my
finished paper up to the teacher and she made me a sandwich off of what I wrote. The final product
was real food. I got to eat!!! The amount of joy that came to me was unseen by myself before that
moment. And it was because of writing. Then there were the less fortunate people who weren t as
lucky and ended up with a jar of jelly on a slice of bread. I felt like hot stuff. The next year would end
me and writings happy, new
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Kitty And Preya Essay
What did you like about this script?
The characterization for both Kitty and Preya s characters in this pilot were done really well in regard
to the arc of the script and the intentions the writer seems to have for the show as a whole. Though the
world they live in is still a male dominated one and full of corruption, Preya s character has a genuine
knowledge skill and a natural intimidation about herself that demands respect from those around her.
Likewise, with Kitty s determination, resourceful and unrelenting focus on trying to find and rescue
her friend, Jos in this script emulate not only that the two share a very strong bond, but also Kitty s
fearlessness. In such a restricted, poverty and crime filled area with cops who seem to be mostly ...
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Although the writer has set up the show s overall focus to be on Nadine and her Femme Fatales crew,
the narrative still struggles with its plot point clarity and aspects of a contradictory theme and tone.
In the second act, the writer shifts focus from Kitty and Jos characters to introduce Nadine, Selina and
Anya and their connection to Marcy. Their introduction and development hold a key part in this show.
However, by the end of the pilot, Kitty s background and character are still unknown to the
reader/audience, Jos is still missing, and the media and Preya have taken an interest in Nadine and her
Additionally, another girl has fallen into the hands of the Mannequin Man and Kitty was unsuccessful
in getting the Femme Fatales to agree to help her search for her friend, which brings her character and
the reader/audience back to square one in regard to the progression of the narrative.
Likewise, despite the writer s successful show of feminine power and authority, the male presence still
has an over barring, controlling and disrespectful constraint over the female population as evident by
Jos abduction, Preya s sexes confrontation at the crime scene on page 12 and Kitty s near attack in the
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Mucci Mag Transformational Leader Essay
The average American receives information of current events by television, paper magazines, radio
and social media. News reporting has become a very competitive industry where creativity becomes
key to the success of the company. For a news reporting magazine like Mucci Mag to be successful,
the company will need a transformational leader who can keep the magazine moving forward in an
innovative path. A transformational leader expands their capabilities and move outside of the
transactional space and into a transformational space that focuses on long term solutions rather than
short term gains. (Hogg Bill, 2017). Behind the scenes at Mucci Mag (a magazine publishing
company), is a Transformational leader who works with a team of employees ... Show more content
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They are courageously imperfect, embrace their true selves, and regularly exhibit integrity, vision, and
compassion in a way that awakens and inspires others. When the Transformational leader is
courageous enough to evoke changes for their team, they are also providing intellectual stimulation.
This stimulation will occur by speaking to each other, brainstorming ideas, debating topics, and
discovering and encouraging new ideas. When the Transformational leader is courageous, others in
their team will become inspired by their values and the ability to trust their way of thinking. In
conclusion, a Transformational leader with a clear vision and courage can bring change to a team.
They can inspire others with creativity and can direct a company to become innovative in their
industry. Their job requires a great deal of passion when it comes to sharing your innovative ideas and
vision with others. The Transformational leadership core is courage. When a leader leads with
courage, their vision will be clear to their team members. All of their efforts will complete a successful
product that will generate a profit for a news reporting magazine like Mucci
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Clean Water Pollution
a. There is pollution in major bodies of water in Iowa due to runoff from farms. This runoff makes its
way through rivers and streams to eventually reach the Gulf of Mexico. Runoff is a major issue in
Buena Vista, a county in Iowa, because it s water has been so badly polluted. Raccoon River was so
badly polluted that the Des Moines Water Works filed a federal lawsuit against them. Buena Vista
county decided to hire multiple law groups to handle the lawsuit. This came with the question as to
who was funding these law groups as they were being paid by a group of donators. Eventually the
county had to clean the Raccoon River and the question was posed of how to limit the amount of
nitrogen pollution caused by the runoff from Raccoon River. It was estimated to cost $16 billion to
clean the river which wasn t economically logical.
b. There is a large account that is funded by the Farm Bureau and many commodity groups which
pays lawyers from the Crowell and Morning Law group as well as a group of lawyers in Washington,
D.C. to keep Iowa from being potentially billed $100 million dollars in damages due to violation of
the Clean Water Act. Art Collen, the author of the article, attempted the best he could to get to the
bottom of who was funding the Farm Bureau. However, he couldn t get information from anyone as to
who was funding it. This information should be available to the public and is illegal to hide. Still the
information was being withheld from him. Collen assumes that
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Dr Pepper
Running head: DR PEPPER/7UP, INC.
Dr Pepper/7Up, Inc. Case Analysis
Case Recap Squirt soft drink is a caffeine free, low sodium carbonated drink designed and created by
Dr Pepper/7Up, Inc... This powerhouse drink is a wonderful creation of distinctive grapefruit juices,
which gives it its fresh citrus taste. Due to its unique flavoring as a soft drink, Squirt is one of the best
selling carbonated drinks in the United States (Kerin amp; Peterson 2009) The key elements in Squirt
s advertising and promotional plan development begins with market targeting as well as product
positioning, said Kate Cox who is the brand manager responsible for Squirt. This case study will
provide a summary and analysis of Dr ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a result, there are large demographic areas missing the sales and distribution of this citrus flavored
product. In addition, demographic regions with large consumptions of Squirt have to have a consistent
flow of distribution. Unfortunately, Squirt s advertising cannot accommodate all races. There has to be
a standard theme and/or slogan that are appropriate geographic region of their target audience. This
development should be based on the primary ages of the consumers, ethnic regions, and geographic
location. An advertisement, sales, or promotion will vary. For example, an advertisement for Squirt
may be different from California from an advertisement in North Dakota. Additionally, Squirt should
adjust according to the current trends of the market, ages of its audience, and major ethnic consumers.
Evaluation of Alternatives The market targeting and positioning of Squirt has a few alternatives.
Squirt can continue doing what it s doing and continually see a decline in its market share or it can
utilize Foote, Cone, and Belding Consultants (FCBC) to implement a new market targeting and
positioning strategy. With its current state, Squirt is losing market share, neglecting its focus on highly
populated Hispanic regions, and not changing with the times. In addition, their current advertising
strategy remains juvenile and has not adapted to the public of today s
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Abortion In The Silent Scream
According to pioneer foetologist Albert Liley, by the fifty sixth day after conception, the baby s spinal
reflexes are sufficiently developed to feel pain. This is shown in Dr. Bernard Nathanson s film, The
Silent Scream, where the first ultrasound of an abortion.
The clip reveals an eleven week foetus resting in her mother s womb. Suddenly she is alarmed
because of the intruding abortion device and tries to move as far away as she can. Just before her body
is torn to pieces and sucked out through the tube, her tiny mouth opens in an unheard scream of fear.
After the abortion, the doctor who performed it was invited to watch the ultrasound. Once he had
viewed it, he was so upset that he left the room. Ever since that day, he never performed another
Additionally, in a 1997 court case, abortionist Leroy Carhart was asked to explain the procedure of
abortion (dilation and evacuation) and then asked if the baby was alive during the process. He said, I
know that the foetus is alive because I can see its heartbeat on the ultrasound. Later, he was quoted
saying, My intent in every abortion I have ever done is to kill the feotus and terminate the pregnancy.
There you have it, straight from the abortionist s mouth: the child is alive when the abortion is
That being said, one method to eradicate a baby from the womb is suction aspiration which is used
within the first three months of pregnancy. During this method, the doctor executing the abortion
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Imagery And Foreshadowing In The Sniper
People say that war brings out the worst in people or soldiers. Liam O Flaherty would agree with this
statement. Through the use of imagery and foreshadowing in the short story The Sniper O Flaherty
shows that war leads to the lack of humanity in soldiers. O Flaherty uses images of death and conflict
to signify war. The women whirled round and fell with a shriek into the gutter The description of the
woman s death provides the reader with a clear visual on how brutal and heartless the killing was. O
Flaherty later describes in his short story the dying man on the roof crumbled up and fell forward
which refers to how revolting the sight was to watch the man die. O Flaherty describes these deaths
throughout the story to signify how inhuman
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Equity And Equality For Students
Equity and equality for students is all about enabling fairness and ensuring that all the students are
given the best possible chance to succeed in life irrespective of their identities or backgrounds
University of Birmingham (2015). In the course, we have learned that equity leads to success in
academic institutions and should therefore be encouraged. We have also learned that diversity is about
recognising, valuing and celebrating all the people from different backgrounds that live within our
societies. It is about creating a universal environment that is inclusive of these differences, where we
all feel welcome, valued and supported to succeed whatever our background or identity.
Equity and fair treatments in schools should however not be perceived to be about minority rights .
Rather, they should be viewed to cater for every situation in the learning environments and protects
every student from discrimination on the basis of their age, disability, pregnancy and maternity, race,
religion or belief, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, sex and sexual orientation. The miss
conception has led to standardization of academic programs and the achievements that the students are
expected to achieve, irrespective of their backgrounds and capabilities, which is actually counter
productive. The question is, Does equality and equity mean treating everybody the same? According
to University of Birmingham (2015), everyone should be treated fairly regardless of
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Company Background Of The Brand Of Coca Cola
Part I. Strategic Auditing Company Background The iconic brand of Coca Cola dates back to the late
1800 s when a pharmacist from Atlanta created a distinctive soft drink that would take the world by
storm. Initially charging five cents per glass out of a soda fountain machine at local convenience
stores, Coca Cola started to grow and expand outside of Atlanta. Once they recognized success as a
fountain drink, Coca Cola then started the production of bottling the beverage. Coca Cola beverage
consumption has since grown and is now around $1.9 billion a day with presence in over 200 differnet
countries (Coca Cola History│World of Coca Cola, n.d.). Having such global success has lead to the
ability of Coca Cola to acquire other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In first world countries like the United States of America, where they originated, Coca Cola has little
need to worry about the risk of political instability. It is when they enter into third world emerging
markets the Coca Cola opens themselves up to instability and corruption risks. The risk faced in these
less developed countries could result in a loss of investment if problems were to arise. Economic
Factors: Being a dominant brand worldwide, it means that Coca Cola products are being bought and
sold using many different types of currency. Because of this, Coca Cola is face with foreign exchange
risk. Recently, many economies in Europe have been struggling and currencies have become unstable.
This is an economic risk faced by Coca Cola due to their global expansion. Social Factor: One of the
major external factors that influence the success and decisions made by Coca Cola is the sociocultural
trend towards healthy alternatives. Because the original Coca Cola was high in sugar and caffeine,
which is unappealing to the current health trend, Coca Cola needed to adjust products or their success
would be a thing of the past. Environmental: Just like that change to a healthier life style, the current
societal norms take into consideration the environmental impact of large corporations. Coca Cola uses
a large quantity of water in the production process and has been criticized by their environmental
stakeholders. This has caused Coca Cola to find
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Sociology Using Material from Item a Assess Sociological...
Sociology Topic 6
Using material from item A assess sociological explanations of gender inequality in todays society
In the last 30 years women in the UK working has risen to 2.45 million whereas men working has
risen by 0.5 million. Item A suggests a variety of gender inequalities in today s society for example the
pay difference women receive as it is suggested according to item A that women earn a quarter of a
million pounds less than men and this is without women not having any children if she did have
children it would be £140,000 less. The pay gap reduces family income overall which isn t beneficial
for families. Another issue is that women mainly work in low paid sectors like retail or caring and due
to women having a glass ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
pay is low in occupations where there are many women. This could be because the jobs require less
training and promotion prospects for this job in which men are in the majority. Human capital assumes
that experiences of employment means the increase in wage whereas experience in part time work is
associated with less wages.
Some sociologists believe that a dual labour market exists and is divided into 2 sectors primary and
secondary. Primary is secure, well paid and with good prospectus whereas the secondary is poor pay
insecurity and no ladder of promotion. Barron and Norris concluded that women are likely to be in the
secondary this is due to women being unsuitable, disrupted career developments and weak legal and
political framework supporting women.
Liberal feminists argue that the traditional forms of gender role socialisation in families, education and
in the media are responsible for reproducing a sexual division in labour in which masculinity is seen
as dominant whereas femininity is seen as subordinate.Oakly argues that the reason for the
subordination of women in the labour market is the dominance of motherhood/housewife roles for
women. Patriarchal ideology stresses the view that women s only purpose is to raise children. Sharpe
believes that education and careers are main priorities of teen girls. Girls also perform better in
education which suggests that society will change at a later stage due to girls performing so well
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Questions On Conflict Of Interest
A conflict of interest defines as a situation in which someone in the position of trust like a lawyer, has
personal interest or an individual being hired so that him/her and the management will get a personal
A conflict of interest may arise due to a conflict of roles which might provide an incentive for
improper acts in some circumstances. A conflict of interest can create an appearance of impropriety
that can undermine confidence in the ability of that person to act properly in his or her position even if
no improper acts result.
Yes. They have the right to accept / reject the tender offer, and also to cancel the tender process before
the formation of the contract.
a) Where the tender data require
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Describe A Happy Family Analysis
I m going to tell you about one of my friends, Sumi, and her family, who live right next to my
apartment. We have been neighbors for many years. Their house in Vietnam was very close to mine,
and when my family moved to New Zealand, we rent an apartment near theirs. I met Sumi when I was
in secondary school. She is the only child in the family so she gets the undivided love and attention of
her parents. Her parents have only her to spend the money on and not have to share it among other
siblings. So, when she was a child, she got more toys than normal, and she used to share toys with me.
She is the one who taught me play chess and always gives me a shoulder to cry on when I need
emotional support.
Her father is a lawyer while his wife is a school teacher. Both of them are very kind and highly
educated. I think they are a very happy couple. I have experienced some events where the resolved
their arguments without yelling and without trying to win the argument. They set their egos aside.
They often spend time together by travelling to different regions of Vietnam. While they were
travelling, Sumi stayed with my family.
I like this family because all members in this family are lovely, kind and obliging.
65. Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage
who they are
how you knew them
what they usually do together
and explain how you feel about their marriage
I m going to tell you about Mr Mrs Chang, who live right next to my apartment. They are the couple
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Observation In Good Country People, By Flannery O Connor
Observation In her story Good Country People, Flannery O Connor writes of Hulga Hopewell s
unfortunate experience where her confidence in her intellect leads her to make wrong conclusions of
other people s character. Living in self pity and despair after the accident that takes away her leg,
Hulga Hopewell maintains a negative view of life, herself, and others around her. In the story, her
mother, Mrs. Hopewell writes She grew less like other people and more like herself bloated, rude, and
squint eyed (O Connor 487). In addition to believing herself ugly, Hulga does not believe in God and
depends on her own Ph.D. in philosophy for advanced knowledge to explain the world and other
people s behavior. However, as Mrs. Hopewell perfectly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They come to you in sheep s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will
recognize them...every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit...Thus, by their fruit
you will recognize them (NIV). As Peter warns the believers about false teachers, he says With eyes
full of adultery, they [false teachers] never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in
greed an accursed brood (2 Peter 2: 40, NIV) In this story, Hulga believes in Pointer s good character
because of the kind, Christian attitude he initially shows when she first meets him. However, she fails
to realize that the man s behavior toward her during their walk together did not reflect the fruits of the
spirit. As a result, she falls into the trap of letting him steal her heart and then her leg. As this story
warns, we as Christians need to stay firm in our faith and not let others lead us astray with a false
show of outer spirituality. In 1 John 4:1, John writes Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test
the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the
world (NIV). If Hulga had not denied God s knowledge, she would have not been led so easily astray
by Pointer s façade of
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Good And Evil In Frankenstein
The novel tells the story of the scientist Victor Frankenstein who loses touch with reality while
creating a new form of life, a monstrous being who nevertheless has human character traits. The
nameless creature appears to be a representation of evil, a character representing unconscious,
instinctual drives. Yet, the creature becomes only a monster due to denied love and rejection by Victor
Frankenstein. Thus, he swears to take revenge, transforming into a monster. Thus, Frankenstein
presents two characters that cannot be easily determined good or evil as human beings have both
qualities within themselves.
When examining Shelley s Frankenstein, one should consider the figure of the creator, Victor
Frankenstein. He was born to Caroline and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As he reads these old works, Victor is not able to understand that these theories have long been
invalidated. With the ideas of alchemy, the study of the philosopher s stone and the elixir of life, he
leaves his home to study at the university in Ingolstadt, Germany. After the death of his mother
Caroline, he feels the pain of solitude and retreats in the acquisition of knowledge, learning about the
limits of science and the human body.
First, one has the impression that Victor s interests in creating a being is only of honourable nature: I
thought that if I could bestow animation upon lifeless matter, I might in process of time (although I
now find it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body of corruption (Shelley
53). However, he seems to be an unreliable narrator. The reader develops doubts whether his true
intentions are as noble as he tries to present. It appears that the true interest is quite egoistic, as he
desires to gain fame:
a light so brilliant and wondrous, yet so simple, that while I became dizzy with the immensity of the
prospect which it illustrated, I was surprised, that among so many men of genius who had directed
their enquiries towards the same science, that I alone should be reserved to discover so astonishing a
secret (Shelley
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5 Paragraph Essay On The Book Skinny
Probably less ...... the percentage of affection and proportion to pounds weighed results and less of
you to love this is an qout from the book skinny when rat evers boyfriend is telling her that he loved
her before she lost weight and is explaining that scene she lost weight he loves her less because there s
less of her to love. Ever davies is an tennage girl who weighs over 300 pounds and risk everything one
a surgery to be skinnier and hopeful in her eyes loved.The puritans would abhor the book skinny due
to the characters lived sinful lives, not having strong family values, and character have lack of self of
The puritans would shun the book skinny because the characters lived sinful lives. Oce of the
characters who lived a sinful life is evers boyfriend jackson. He cheated on her while they were at the
school dance. Ever found out he was cheating when she caught him kiss a girl named gigi. Another
way the characters were living sinful lives an cording to the puritan way of life is the characters were
dancing. At the fall ball teenangers were dancing with their date. Ever war dancing with her best
friend rat. Teenagers were dancing with their friend to the latest songs. The finale way they were
living sinful lives is provocative clothing. Evers step ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the way the characters did not show strong family values is briella and her sister lindsay s dad
left them. Briella still is angry at him for that. Her dad doesn t try to contact her even though he can
instead he sends an check to her in hope of winning her forgiveness and that nerve works. She still
takes the money though. A second way the charaters don t show strong family values is ever hates her
step family. Ever thinks her step mother charlotte is an shallow skinny women that only care for look
and money which is not true. Ever al,so thinks her step sisters are even more shallow than their
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The Pros And Cons Of Multilateral Cooperation
The book of Silverburg 2011 features contributions from well established scholars and emerging stars
in law and politics, this cutting edge reader provides students with a succinct overview of the key
issues facing international law and multilateral cooperation today. The authors offered diverse,
multinational perspectives on traditional and emergent issues in the practice and study of international
law. A concluding section on international political interaction covers a wide range of issues that link
international politics to international law and multilateral cooperation. In order to understand the
prospects of a multilateral cooperation, we need to look in more detail at the willingness of states to
build multilateral regimes. International ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This goes to show that even the most powerful countries are also dependent international institutions
and multilateral cooperation to gain more benefits that it could offer. There are some recent research
on international institutions that questions legalism and law as well as their effectiveness with or
without regards to political realm. Scholars, few of them, had assumptions about realism, thus,
accepting that relevance of state power as well are arguing interests about world politics. Some
theorists draw conclusions on the influence of international institutions while recognizing the
preferences of states for private rights just avoiding full transparency. Since their states that are not
really certain about their partners and had some trust issues in the past, multilateral cooperation has
some functional hindrances. International institutions can counter this uncertainty by means of
encouraging negotiations and transparency. Past issues can be regarded with more open analyzation
while promoting honesty and preserving good relationship with one another. Thinking about the
normative implications of globalization, focus on the maintenance of effective democratic approach in
each society is one way of the establishing formal structures of international regimes. To be consistent
with democratic values for multilateral cooperation, international organizations that are politically
inclined must be accountable to all aspect of it failure or
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The Great Smokies By Daniel S. Pierce
In the book The Great Smokies From Natural Habitat to National Park, one can see the true passion
and application that the author, Daniel S. Pierce, holds for one of the United States most prized
possession, the Great Smoky Mountains. Like most, he is intrigued by the incomparable beauty and
thrill of the wilderness, with his main goal being to show that the propose of this national park isn t
just to protect undeveloped land but more to reclaim the wildness and all it stands for. He looks in
depth to the different land use of the smokies over time and the people who have called it home for
centuries with his lager focus on the movement to turn the Great Smokies in to the national park it is
today. The authors purpose is clear and concise. Pierce tells, in a factual tense but a semi narrative one,
the truths and rumors that surround the entirety of how the Great Smokies became more than just
wilderness and into a revered National Park. The chapter design is broken down in a timeline of how
the idea came into fruition and the eventual presidential decree and the challenges that approached the
construction of modern day Great Smoky Mountain National Park. In chapter 1 he begins with
Approximately eight thousand years ago, humans first entered the land now known as the Great
Smoky Mountain National Park and the final chapter starting with Welcome to Mankind! . Even the
chapter titles give small insights into what will follow in the chapters. The development, as previously
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Cooperative Learning Is A Revolutionary Style Of Teaching...
Cooperative learning is a revolutionary style of teaching that offers students a chance to work
together, communicate, build social skills, and acquire self confidence. It is important to inspire
students to be excited about learning and to encourage their involvement in the learning process. There
are many studies that offer important information and have determined that cooperative learning not
only helps students improve academically, but that it also shows that students take pride in the fact
they can cooperate and complete something together. Educators need to open the doors for students to
have the opportunity to understand cooperative learning and become efficient with it. Offering
students a chance to grow socially, academically, and understand the values of communication and
teamwork is important for their future.
Our educational system is one of the most influential molds for young members of our society. How
children learn and grow influences the future and it is important for them to learn as much information
and skills as possible. However, education is not just about learning facts and classroom material. One
of the most important lessons students can learn is to work together, which will be very important as
they grow and enter the working world. The process of teaching how to utilize groups and hands on
activities is called cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is a beneficial practice used in the
classroom to help students work together,
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Four Coercive Acts As A Direct Response To The Boston Tea...
The Four Coercive acts were passed in 1774 by the British Parliament, as a direct response to the
Boston Tea Party that took place in December 1773. The British Parliament was furious and forced
Massachusetts to pay for the tea and to submit to imperial authority. A Port Bill closed the Boston
Harbor, the Government Act prohibited many town meetings, the Quartering Act required the colonist
to house, feed, and build barracks for the British troops, with no say, and the Justice Acts allowed
trials for capital crimes to be transferred to other colonies or Britain. This outraged the colonist, as
each law violated exactly what John Locke had stated the government shouldn t do, it was a violation
of their constitutional rights, and colonial charters. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This showed the weakness of the Articles of Confederation, help leading to the creation of the
Constitution. When the constitution was written, it was written so that the President of the United
States is not chosen through a national popular vote, but through an electoral college, which gives
each state as many votes as it has members of Congress. The system was created as a middle ground
in order to keep voting fair, and to balance between congress voting and the people. Federalism has
been a way to help control the abuse of power. Flexibility allows the government to work with the
different traditions, and religions of people, and allows the states to develop their own policies without
putting the whole country at risk. Citizens are also given the opportunity in running the government,
and making contributions. Hamilton s economic policies were a plan of economic nationalism, in
which Hamilton intended to solve the economic problems that had been destroying the United States
since the American Revolution. He began with the Report on the Public Credit. The Report on the
Public Credit was one of three major reports on economic
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Myrtal Beach Research Paper
Warm sunshine, soft sand, and a beautiful vista are all images that come to mind when you think of
the beach. Typically a vacation to the ocean can be very enjoyable, but I have experienced otherwise.
When you combine inclement weather, poor planning, and a hint of bad luck, a seemingly perfect
beach trip can head south, and I don t mean Miami. The sun peaked just above the horizon as we
stared driving toward Myrtal Beach. I had hours of relaxing, distraction free time to knock out some
summer reading. The drive felt pleasant and surprisingly short as we cruised past the South Carolina
lowlands. The ocean smell wafted through the open windows of my mom s Altima, and I was excited
to soak my feet in the surf when we arrived. My mom and I
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Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center Case Study
Case Study
Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center: CVP Analysis for Planning and Control
Case Study
Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center: CVP Analysis for Planning and Control
To: Dr. Thomas Russell, Executive Director, Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center
From: Sheryl Marshall, Service Consulting Plus, LLC.
Date: 8th September 2014
Subject: Financial performance of Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center over the next one year.
Dear Dr. Russell,
After having done a detailed study of the projected financial statements for the upcoming year, we
have been able to identify a few glaring financial pitfalls the center has to beware of. The center has a
lot of government aid provided to it but it also faces a host of ... Show more content on
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So the center should discontinue this service, if possible, as it is affecting the center s overall
profitability. If it cannot discontinue the service due to government regulations, it can outsource the
medications for the service. The outsourcing may help in reducing the variable overheads.
* The center should promote the off campus programs as they can be a major source of revenue. The
services which can be provided in the off campus program can be Case Management, Individual
Counseling, Crisis Intervention, Ambulatory Detoxification amp; Patient Assessment. Group
Counselling can be provided in corporates. These services can generate high profits as they have a
high contribution margin amp; can be provided off campus.
* The WACM% helps us to control the actual operations of Bridgestone as it allows us to see which
service provides a higher rate of contribution amp; which leads to a deficit. This information would
help Bridgestone to promote certain services like Urinalysis, Individual amp; Group Counselling
through advertisements and other promotional activities. Moreover, the individual contribution margin
allows us to see how each category is performing. * Another important aspect to be noted is that,
although the company has a very low operating profit the
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Human Papillomavirus ( Hpv ) Family
Human papillomavirus (HPV) family is a subset of viruses characterized by their double stranded
circular DNA in which the capsid is icosahedral. About 150 HPV types have been isolated and entirely
sequenced. According to the homologous nucleotide sequence of the major capsid protein (L1), the
HPV types are categorized into different genera namely: Alpha genus, beta genus, gamma, mu, and nu
in addition to HPV types with a skin tropism that appears to be linked with the growth of benign
cutaneous lesions. There are approximately 30 HPV types included in the alpha genus which
characterized by their ability to infect the mucosa of the genital and oral tract as well as several benign
cutaneous HPV types that are associated with the development of common skin warts. The (alpha)
HPV types are divided according to their oncogenic potential into two groups: low risk(LR) HPVs
(e.g. types 6 and 11) and high risk (HR) HPVs. The former group is mainly associated with benign
genital warts and the latter group contains viruses considered to be the etiological agents of cervical as
well as head and neck cancers. Dozen of different HR HPV types: 16, 18,31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52,
56, 58, and 59 were categorized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as
carcinogenic to humans.
The genomic organization of all HPV family members is typical, with 8 or 9 open reading frames
(ORFs) found on the same DNA strand. The HPV genome can be divided into three different regions:
(1) a
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Kent State University Internship Assignment
This past summer, I had the opportunity to study at Kent State University s NYC Studio and intern at
Fabric to Finish, Inc., a product development consulting firm in the Garment Center. I valued my time
there, but would not call my internship a success. I was inexperienced and undereducated and it
showed in nearly everything I did. In fact, I knew nothing about the product development process and
made countless mistakes. I understand that making mistakes while interning is apart of the learning
process and is more or less normal, but being normal is not acceptable for me. While I was
embarrassed of my lack knowledge, I still loved going to my internship everyday, being able to help
create a product from start to finish figuring out what fabric ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
After working in the field for a number of years and gaining the practical experience I need, I will
more than likely return to school and peruse a graduate degree in either Business Administration or
Global Fashion Management (depending on what direction my career goes in), and achieve my
ultimate goal of being the vice president of product development at a prominent fashion house. My
success is contingent on continuing my education at FIT and I cannot wait to start my career in
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Debbie Harry Research Paper
Ever wondered where and how cross cultural music happened? A charismatic woman that goes by the
name Debbie Harry changes the music world completely. In the 1980s she released a song with her
band Blondie, Rapture that incorporated rap in her punk rock song. As a blonde white woman she
grabbed global attention and influenced many others with her talent and confidence. Theres no other
way to put this but Debbie Harry indeed changed the way black and whites lived throughout the music
culture and how women will not be the victims of men who think they are nothing better than
housewives . Angela Tremble was the name she was given at birth, the musical icon was born on July
1st 1945 in Miami, Florida. She was later adopted at 3 months old by ... Show more content on
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However she continued to act and was more films, John Water s hairspray , Heavy , and Cop Land and
also appeared in a television show Wiseguy . Debbie was very diverse when it came to musical styles
and talents. She switched up her musical styles and joined the Jazz Passengers as the lead singer for
their album in 1997 Individually Twisted . In the same year Debbie reunited with her old band Blondie
to go to tour in England. In almost more than 15 years the then world famous band released their 5th
album together No Exit in 1999. The album seen much success in England but not too much in the
U.S. By 2006 the band Blondie was inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Debbie continued to
perform and act appearing in theatrical dance production. Soon afterwards she later had the Blondie s
music appeared on popular T.V. series such as Ghost Whisperer , Smash and Glee . After almost 10
years of releasing her solo album Debravation in 1993 she released her solo album Necessary Evil in
2007. Debbie continued to work with her band blonde and together they released a couple of more
albums. In 2003 they released The Curse of Blondie , 2011 Panic of Girls and finally in 2014 Ghosts
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Example Of An Outsider Research Paper
Many people describe themselves as Outsiders without knowing what one is, know you can ask
yourself, are you an outsider ? Outsiders are people who are misunderstood. This can mean multiple
things.For Example, not being understood by your peers, not being heard the way you want to be
heard, and not being in the right situation but being in that situation. There are many scenarios were
one is misunderstood and therefore being labeled as an Outsider. For example in Metamorphosis
Gregor tried being understood by his family but as a bug it was hard for him. Following that in
benjamin franklin s story, he was misunderstood and was thought up as weird which made him an
outsider. In the Metamorphosis, Gregor, went through this transformation into
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Essay On Super Size Me
Corporation greed keeping Americans unhealthy
In watching you Super Size Me by Morgan Surplock it brings up very valid point about today s
society with habits and trends. The movie brings up some alarming facts, how direct medical cost
have doubled in the past five years to the drug effect from the foods he was consuming all the and to
how Thirty billion dollars is Bing spent on diet programs, pills and weight loss methods ( a quick fix)
verse less money spent on actual fitness. It is alarming how the greed of corporations are willing to
harm their own species just to have money. It can show how not just McDonalds has not acted alone
in addicting the human race to danger foods. Many do not realize how this food can be addictive and
how is a company responsible if a person has low self control? The facts are simple not just with
advertisement there are simple ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Instead of cooperation s trying to help people get healthier or make them aware of the harmful
products in processed food, they keep the food crack coming out. Stated in the move that direct
medical cost have double and Americans are spending billions on quick fix treatments to fight the
fight from their food addiction. This is a good example of corporations working together in exploiting
the human population for the mighty dollar. Instead of limitations on what can be server or portion
sizes as you see controlled in some centuries, American corporations have been allowing extreme
binge eating on dangerous foods. The movie super size focuses on just the fact of McDonalds when in
fact it a majority of corporations enter triangle making a huge profit together from dividends and
investing into one another s companies profit sharing. In other words you have other top executive of
corporations investing in a company that profits of the obesity of the human population. When a
company makes money its shareholders in return make
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Francis And Clare War Analysis
It is often said that Saint Francis and Saint Clare had internal and external experience of war.
Examples of internal war that Francis and Clare faced would be stress, thoughts, and emotions.
Examples of external war that Francis and Clare faced would be beatings from parents, being prisoner,
being a part of a war, and falling ill. Francis and Clare both were heavily impacted by the internal and
external war they faced. These impacts had changed their lives drastically and had changed their view
related to the world and church.
Francis was on this planet a very long time ago, but he had a huge impact on religion. Francis lived for
about forty four years and he went through changes for a good reason. In the year of 1202, Francis
went ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Clare lived for about sixty year and she went through changes for a good reason. Clare s wars are
started when she was six years old, when Clare and her family was escaping for the war that was
going on in Assisi. She dropped her favorite doll and she left her parents to go and get her doll. She
was blocked by returning to her family by a warrior and that warrior, Francis, let her go to be with her
family. This event him her emotional and it will have an big impact later in her life. The war had
played a huge external war on her life by making her move out of her home and not returning for more
than ten years. This was a stressful and emotional event in her life. When she returned home she went
to church and was very surprised who was preacher. It was Francis, she has seen how much he had
changed and she was feeling empowered. A couple of years later, she finally made her mind up to join
Francis and his movement. One night, she left with friends to go the church and forfeit everything they
own and to become one of them. Her family was not that happy with her and tried to stop her, like
Francis father had did. After all the internal and external war Clare had faced she made the move to
join Francis and the Franciscan values by being the first woman in this religious
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Domino s is a Leader in Pizza
Executive Summary Domino s is the second world leading pizza place and has been around for quite a
while. The company s success generated through top notch recipes that created tasty pizzas that
targeted many customers for the company. However, Taste wasn t enough to keep the company
successful and in the lead amongst their competitors. Good quality pizza and great customer service
were two founding principles of Domino s pizza, however, changes had to be made to maintain
customer retention and interest in the business. After being internationally known and having opened
5000 stores by the end of the 80 s, Domino s pizza started to lose customers and due to their
complaints over bad pizza. This led the business to having a bad reputation globally.
Nevertheless, the company had to create new pizza recipes to win back their customers with the
remake of a new campaign and the launching of a new website. The new pizza campaign won over old
and new customers with the addition of new items to the menu.
Over the years, customers started to become more aware of their health, their daily income of specific
ingredients, nutritional value and of course, calorie intake, the whole customer base was going green
as it seems. Domino s had to decide between charging more for organic ingredients such as vegetables
on their pizza or remain the good old affordable pizza place.
Nonetheless, the company s strategic options had numerous ways to maintain its success rate. The
company s
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Introduction Of Antiviral Drugs
Antiviral Drugs
 Introduction: These are the agents which are used in the treatment and prevention of an infectious
disease caused by certain viruses. They are antimicrobial compounds like antibiotics, antifungal, ant
parasitic, etc., but they have their own different mode of action because viruses differ from bacteria
and other organisms in a way that they lack cell wall and cell membrane. They contain a core of
nucleic acid that may be DNA or RNA, surrounded by the protein coat.
Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites, which means that they cannot grow outside the host cell,
they always require a host cell for their multiplication. They use the host machinery for its
multiplication. They can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It prevents the entry of the virus by binding to the CCR5 coreceptors, these coreceptors work together
with gp41 to promote the entry of HIV through the plasma membrane of the cell.
2. Integrase Inhibitor for HIV:
Mechanism of Action: The integrase inhibitors are also called Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors
(INSTIs). It inhibits the incorporation of viral DNA into the host DNA.
An enzyme called integrase help in the insertion of viral DNA into the host DNA by making a cut in
the host DNA at some points and then inserting the viral DNA into it. This enzyme has active sites
through which it makes a cut in host DNA. The inhibition process occurs when INSTIs attach to the
active sites of the enzyme, preventing the enzyme from making a cut in host DNA, therefore,
inhibiting insertion.
Dolutegravir and Raltegravir: It is an Integrase Inhibitor that works by binding to the active sites of
the enzyme and displaces one end of the DNA strand, making it impossible for the viral DNA to be
integrated into the host DNA.
Antimicrobial Spectrum: These drugs are effective against a wide range of wild type and drug
resistance HIV, including the strains that use CCR5 or CXCR4 coreceptors for entry into the host cell.
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Collaboration in My Home Group
My Contribution Paper Collaboration consists of a few fundamental components such as the
willingness to listen and learn from each other, sharing one s own ideas and perspectives, having
respect for each other, working together to achieve a common goal, and being responsible for the self
and the whole group. A group has to collaborate in order to deliberate and achieve their common goal
because the three phases of deliberation: information gathering, decision making, and reflection, all
refer back to the ability to collaborate with each other. While working in a group, group members
should always work toward the goal of becoming a good leader, a person who makes the groups she or
he works in better (Practice Deliberation as Citizenship, Gene Edgar) by being a responsible and
respectful group member, and also being someone who is willing to go the extra miles to make sure
everyone in the group is feeling comfortable presenting their ideas in the group. While working in my
Home group this quarter, we have came up with a few norms, such as do not interrupt when someone
else is talking, be accepting of everyone s opinion, debate ideas not people, help each other, be
responsible for one s own assigned roles and tasks, give everyone a chance to talk and participate, be
flexible when doing group work, try to be on time, try to participate in each discussion topic, and be
prepared before class. All of these norms tied back to the fundamental components of collaboration
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ALS And CTE Research
The number of athletes being diagnosed with neurodegenerative diseases is increasing over time.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) are both known for
targeting athletes at a much younger age than the average person. ALS and CTE are similar due to the
fact that they are a progressive degenerative disease. Both diseases are linked with head trauma and
the loss of movement within the human body. ALS is also known as Lou Gehrigs disease; he brought
national attention to the disease when he was diagnosed in 1939. Adrian Robinson Jr. was a former
NFL player that was diagnosed with CTE after his death. Recent research shows that contact sports
might play a big role in why athletes are getting diagnosed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Athletes take a test at the beginning of their sport season. This test is called the baseline test. The
results of the baseline test at used to determine whether or the an athlete has a concussion. The test
measures an athlete s reaction time, memory capacity, the speed of mental processing, and functioning
of the brain. If an athlete suspect s that they have a concussion they retake the baseline test. The
reason why athletes retake the baseline test, is to compare the two test results. If the physician notices
a change in the results, he/she will conclude that the athlete is suffering from a
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Edward Livingston Voices Of Freedom
Until the 1770s most colonists believed themselves to be the freest political system humankind has
ever known (Foner 73). Overtime conflict began as tension began to build between the colonists and
British authority due to many factors one including a series of acts meant to punish the colonies for
their defiance against Great Britain. Over time this led to the fight for the independence of the thirteen
colonies also known as the revolutionary war.
In voices of freedom the author of article twenty three , Edward Livingston established the difference
between a limited monarchy and absolute monarchy. Livingston s believed that any person in his
senses should prefer a limited monarchy. Stating that absolute monarchy caused the whole country to
be overspread with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These were passed as a form of punishment for Massachusetts after throwing a large tea shipment into
the Boston harbor. These measures destroyed the legitimacy of the imperial government in the eyes of
many colonists as these laws not only effected Massachusetts but they also angered other colonies.
Disagreement and resistance quickly began to spread across small towns and rural areas to those who
were not previously part of the resistance. soon in 1774 a colonial protest group was born known as
the sons of liberty which also helped pave the way to the spark of rebellion. Another big part in
inspiring colonist to fight for freedom was a pamphlet titled common sense written by Thomas Paine.
This pamphlet explained the need for independence in a way most would understand. Paine developed
a new style of political writing which helped include more people in political discussion. It quickly
became the most successful and most influential pamphlets in the history of political writing. In his
writings Paine stated plain and simple facts such as many of the struggles between England and
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The Growth Of Electric Shopping
In past five years to 2014, the EU28 garment market scores a growth of just 3.1%, even the economy
shows sign of improvement. The market may take 10 years to 2017 for fully recover. It provides
opportunities to retailers to seize growth and seek out gaps in the market. (Ormrod, 2016)
Garments are generally consider as discretionary items, suffered by high unemployment and squeezed
disposable incomes in Greece and Spain, most of market consumers feeling unaffordable to spend on
garment though most of European does. Expenditure peak of €296.2bn is not forecast to exceed the
2007 until 2017. Following the economic downturn and a prolonged recovery, the sectors might need
a decade to get fully recovered. (Ormrod, 2016)
Following the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
 Increased total sales of £2,069.3m from £2,032.9m.
 Total worldwide digital sales were up +23.9%
 Continued investment in the business with capital expenditure of £118.1m from £101.8m.
 Year End net cash deposits of £229.1m compared to £199.8m last year.
 5 new TOPSHOP wholly owned stores has been opened in the USA and 1 flagship in Amsterdam.
 consumer sales increased strongly by 50% compared to last year, by succeeded further developed
the partnership with Nordstrom,
Matalan (Figure3 4, Matalan Logo and retail store)
Matalan is a British fashion and homeware retailer founded by John Hargreaves over 30 years in 1985,
based in Knowsley, UK. At this late hour, there are 217 stores within the UK. Jason Hargreaves is
currently the managing director of Matalan with the company principle to provide the highest quality
clothing and homeware by the lowest price.
Matalan was recently continued to hold a prestigious Gold Award at the Mumsnet Family Friendly
awards, proves the trust from 12 million loyalty UK family customers each year. (Matalan.co.uk,
In 2007, in order to attract more customers into stores, Matalan had trialled an in store café concept
based on providing foods. However, it was later disbanded. The space become hearing aid centres,
where providing free hearing tests to customers.
In 2010, Matalan was fell through the potential buyout by
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Bizarre Fruit
Bizarre Fruit
In the mid 1930 s, the south would perform, what they believed to be acts of justice by hanging, or
lynching, black men who were convicted of doing a crime. The Poem Strange Fruit is an interesting
poem depicts a very horrid image of pure racism in the south and how lynchings were such a
gruesome image, and was meant to be a protest against the inhumanity of racism (Blair) . The poem
Strange Fruit was published in 1937 by Abel Meeropol after he viewed an image of a lynching that
occurred in the south. Meeropol was haunted by the image and was inspired to write and publish the
poem (Meeropol). Abel Meeropol was already against racism in America and when he saw the
appalling image of two African American people being lynched ... Show more content on
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The elements of imagery are seen in the poem when Abel writes The bulgin eyes and the twisted
mouth (6). The sentence describes a very horrid image of how the African Americans looks as they
were being hanged against their will. This depicts imagery because it gives a very detailed image in
the reader s mind of how they looked like as they were hanged. Personification is present in the poem
Strange Fruit when Meeropol writes For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck (10). This is
personification because it gives the rain the trait of gathering things, and it also gives the wind the trait
of sucking. Within the poem, Meeropol also includes juxtaposition, for example when he says Scent of
magnolias sweet and fresh/ Then the sudden smell of burnin flesh (7 8). This is an example of
juxtaposition because it brings out the difference between the sweet smell of a flower, and the bad
dark smell of burning flesh, and it makes the difference between those things more apparent.
Throughout the poem Strange Fruit Meeropol also uses metaphors, such as when he puts Southern
trees bear a strange fruit (1) in his poem. The entire poem itself is a metaphor because the poem
compares African Americans that have been lynched, and the strange fruit that hangs from trees. The
poem is comparing the strange fruit to it actually being the African Americans that were
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America s Identity Crisis Analysis
What does it mean to be American What does it mean to be american? The heritage of the american
society plays a major role. Sadly though the american heritage is getting left behind. The americans
are forgetting about the heritage and our american identity is in a crisis. We must solve this crisis and
inform the american people about their past ancestors. In America s identity crisis we learn about how
modern day people don t care to learn about their ancestors. In America s identity crisis solved we
learn about what we can do knowing about our ancestors and also what we should do. Americans are
losing track of their heritage and are focusing more about keeping their generations alive and healthy.
In a project in 2007, 2,421respondents
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Tire Tires On Flat Level Asphalt Essay
Definition: This is an instruction set on how to change a deflated tire to the spare tire on a passenger
Overview: Changing a vehicles tire is an automotive process in which you remove current deflated tire
to spare tire provided by the vehicle manufacturer.
Steps: If you were driving before your tire deflated move all the way to the right to remove yourself
from harm, if not then change vehicles tire on flat level asphalt. Access the trunk of vehicle to find all
necessary tools to change vehicles tire scissor jack, lug bolt wrench, and spare tire. Loosen lug nuts.
Raise vehicle off ground with scissor jack. Remove lug bolts completely. Remove deflated tire off
mounting surface. Mount spare tire to the mounting surface. Hand tighten each lug bolt on. Lower
vehicle until enough pressure so tire can t spin. Tighten each lug bolt . Bring vehicle all the way down.
Put all tools and deflated tire back in trunk of the vehicle.
If driving before tire deflated move your vehicle all the way to the right of the road, to remove
yourself from any dangers. If not please skip to step two.
Park vehicle on flat level asphalt.
Access the trunk of your vehicle, remove the scissor jack, lug bolt wrench and spare tire which will be
hidden under a mat in the trunk. (reference figure 1.1)
Figure 1.1 Image
Loosen lug bolts on wheel with lug bolt wrench by turning wrench counter clockwise until it becomes
loose. Don t remove lug
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Julius Ceaser Fate
Some say the death of Julius Ceaser was the outcome of an overly conceited king, desperate to take
the throne. While others argue pride wasn t the issue, the cause of Ceaser s death was merely fate,
caused by the God s determination to set forth Ceaser s destiny, due to dreams and bad omens. As
expressed in the play of Julius Ceaser, Calpurnia s dream had a big impact on this issue. She believed
her dream of Rome s people bathing in the blood of caeser, from Ceaser s statue was a sign, sign that
Bigger and worse events would take place in the near future, that her husband, and future ruler would
be ripped away, and taken so soon. Nor heaven nor earth have been at peace tonight; Thrice hath
Calhurnia in her sleep cried out, Help, ho ! They murder Ceaser! Who s within? This quote is
foreshadowing, indicating/ warning of a future event. This would be considered Fate, Calpurnia had
seen it in her dream, before the death Ceaser has happened. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
O Ceaser! These things are beyond all use, and I do fear them. (Meaning there was a lion loose
roaming the City OF Rome, the weather was so horrible it seemed like the gods were fighting at war
and the rain that came down upon the capitol was the blood of the dead ghost. This quote explains that
all these omens are a bad sign that bad things are going to happen. These omens were believed to be
bad omens, Cassius also expressed that all these things are happening because of Ceaser, that Ceaser
was to blame for everything that has been taking place in Rome, and that s why Ceaser must
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The Spread Of A Sexually Transmitted Infections
In the world today almost everyone knows what a sexually transmitted infection is. People know that
these are infections caused by risky behavior and can stay with someone for the rest of their life.
Although people know what a sexually transmitted infection is they may not know the proper way to
prevent such infections or they may be unware of what their community offers to help prevent
unwanted pregnancy and infections. I ventured to my local grocery store, Standale Meijer, to see what
variety of options were available for men and women to prevent unwanted sexually transmitted
infections. I was greeted by a plethora of options. Most of the products were geared towards men,
such as condoms. There were about fifteen different types of condoms across seven different brands.
Trojan was a more prominent brand that was offered at this location. There were about ten different
Trojan condom types. Among them were ultra ribbed, fire and ice, bareskin, ultra thin and her pleasure
ecstasy. Birth control options offered at this location was not a huge selection. I found four different
types, all of which were for women. The options provided are Plan B, Today Sponge, Options
Conceptrol, and Vaginal Contraceptive Film. All are over the counter but you need to go to a
pharmacist to acquire Plan B. Fortunately, I was the only one on the isle so I did not feel like anyone
was watching me or feel awkward for staring at all these different condoms and contraceptive items.
The Pregnancy
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Summary Of Jerry Spinelli s Stargirl
Stargirl is a realistic fiction chapter book that was written by Jerry Spinelli and was published on
August 8, 2000. Stargirl has been awarded the 2003 Grand Canyon Reader Award for Teen Book, the
2003 Iowa Teen Award, and the 2004 Charlotte Award. Stargirl was also nominated for many more
awards as well (such as the 2002 Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children s Book Award, the 2003 Rebecca
Caudill Young Reader s Book Award, and the 2006 Lincoln Award, to name a few). According to
Goodreads.com, Stargirl is a celebration of nonconformity and I believe that is the best way to define
this book. Stargirl follows Leo Borlock, a junior at Mica High School in Arizona. At Mica High
School, fitting in is an unspoken rule. Then Leo meets Stargirl Caraway, ... Show more content on
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I was the person who stood out because I had a strong self confidence in who I was in school. Before
that, though, I was in Leo s shoes. I knew someone similar to Stargirl. I knew a girl who was
homeschooled and when she started school, she really stood out because she had never been socialized
like I had. She did not have the peer pressure to dress or act a certain way. No long after she arrived,
she began to change to fit in. Unlike Stargirl, this girl changed and embraced being different from who
she once was. I do not like to admit it, but at the time I was the Leo to her Stargirl meaning I had a bit
of an influence on her change due to the peer pressure. It was not until I reached my sophomore year
of high school that I truly began to embrace who I was and my difference. I was around the same age
as Stargirl and I was having a difficult time embracing who I was when I was always accustomed to
blending in. When I read about Stargirl s confidence and how comfortable she felt in her own skin, it
reminded me of the struggles I overcame to feel this way. At this point in my life, I feel a strong
connection with Stargirl in that I know who I am, and I feel confident with just being me. I only
wished I had read this book as a kid, maybe I would not have pressured my friend to conform to the
expectations of my school or have such a difficult time to build up the courage to embrace my
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Manic-Depressive Disorder Analysis
K.R. Jamison battles with Manic Depressive Disorder, also known as Bipolar disorder, and challenges
herself with managing her academics, romantic relationships, and social life. Her take on the disorder
and treatment gives an interesting outlook on one who has the disorder. Two interesting themes is the
challenges in having to take lithium to help keep the disorder under control or suffer from the mania
and depression and having the strength and overcoming the obstacles of being able to have a stable,
loving relationship with a mental illness. Those who have mental disorders are and absolute help in
the mental health field. Kay soon discovers that she cannot handle taking the medicine and often
chooses between taking the medicine and feeling
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The Psychosocial Family Tree Assessment
Psychosocial Family Tree
Rubi Garza
Texas A M International University
The Psychosocial Family Tree assessment requires the input of known, important characteristics of
family members. It strives to get a better understanding of an individual s psychological development
by analyzing certain characteristics that the individual s family members have. The individual fills out
the assessment to the best of their abilities, including characteristics of the big five factors, occupation,
education, etc. This assessment uses the L Data approach and the qualitative method. The reliability,
validity, and generalizability of the assessment are evaluated to conclude the degree of effectiveness.
The results concluded that the Psychosocial Family Tree is low in reliability, moderate in construct
validity, and low in generalization. The findings provide an insight to an individual s personality and
awareness to specific patterns of behaviors or characteristics.
The type of data used was the L Data, commonly known as the Life Outcome approach. This type of
data allows one to see objective and verifiable information (Fudner, 2012). In other words, it can
analyze the observable life outcomes and the residues of an individual. Although this data has an
essential importance to being psychological relevant, it is sometimes inapplicable, and it is determined
by many different factors (Fudner, 2012). Another approach used was the qualitative method. Instead
of measuring with
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The P L Of The Month
Denny ,
After reviewing the P L of the month of December 2015 we had some issues in the fallowing
categories , see attached excel sheet
Bad Debit
1 During the month of December we had a charge back on a customer check for $475 , the check was
accepted after the system glitches and the authorization wasn t printed on the back of the check , a
simple fix is to always make sure to run the check through the machine and obtain a printed
authorization on the back .
2 during the year review we discovered $300 in counterfeit bills that we were charged back for , this is
an easy fix as well as Counterfeit Detector Pens should be used all the time on every single large bill
before accepting it .
3 During the first month after grand opening we lost $181 in deposit discrepancies $175 of the noted
discrepancy was due to issuing POG card without an the proper offset in the POS to offset the cost ,
this issue was addressed the fallowing month as we became aware of the issue and prepared the gift
cards at the beginning of each month and offset the cost in the POS to be coded under sales promotion
Home delivery
During the year review for our costs under this category we discoed a $2926 that were spent on home
delivery , below is our biggest misses
1 IST transfer due to customer service issues
A largo portion of the dollars spent udder this category was utilized to ship product to our store from
another location or due to an error when our store ended up paying
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Kaze No Denwa Short Story
Kaze No Denwa
It is April 11, 2011, and one month has passed since the great Japanese tsunami splintered the island.
In a small coastal village, a man parks his car at a distance and walks towards the only object in a
large field: Kaze No Denwa, the Phone of the Wind. Tears begin to well in his eyes as he feels the
gentle breeze wash over him. His shoes crunch the loose gravel underfoot. On this day, there is no one
else around.
In the middle of the field stands a white phone booth. It glows boldly in the bright afternoon sunlight.
The man walks along a winding path through low cut, manicured underbrush. He reaches the phone
booth, slides open the door, and enters. He takes his time, looks around, and finally picks up the
receiver from atop an old fashioned black rotary phone. He places a finger into a small circle at his
desired number, gently spins clockwise, releases, and repeats nine times. The phone in Kaze No
Denwa is connected to nothing; there is no electricity here, no dial tone even, but the man is not
If you can hear me, he says, please listen carefully.
He stops, looks around the tiny phone box, and sobs, wiping the tears from his eyes with a sleeve.
Please, let me hear your voice say Daddy again. He covers his eyes with the sleeve and gently
whispers, I m so sorry I couldn t save you. I will forever be sorry and shamed. His head falls, his eyes
His name is Satsuko. He has travelled far to visit Kaze No Denwa. The great tsunami has brought
havoc and, with it, many lives have gone to that place where spirits reside. Sadness has punctuated the
land, and Satsuko is in its midst. His face and demeanour are altered. Kaze No Denwa, the Phone of
the Wind is becoming well known. Its back story and sentiment have resonated with the people.
He read about it in a magazine published the year prior; the story of an old man s burning wish, long
before the tsunami, to communicate with his deceased relative. A phone booth was set in the middle of
a field tilled by hand and hoe for generations, a place for the old man to air his grief, where his breath
could catch the wind and set out across the field, down the cliff face, and across the vast blue Pacific.
Satsuko moves slowly.
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Viola Odorata s
In a controlled experiment, how is a plants growth affected by its surroundings? Environmental factors
such as light, water, temperature, and nutrition all take part in plant growth. But do plants affect each
other? If there are three Viola odorata s in a container, then they will grow faster and more efficiently
compared to a container holding nine Viola odorata s whereas they would most likely absorb more
water and other environmental factors.
A Viola odorata is an annual plant that is also known as a sweet violet Wellsiana . These plants
naturally complete their life cycles in about the span of one growing season; in which the plant
sprouts, grows, flowers, sets seed and then dies. Some annuals, including Viola s, thrive in cold
weather ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is not to be confused with plant fertilization which is a common mistake. For normal growth
plants are in need of these eighteen elements: hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen which are found in air
and water. The next six elements are known as macronutrients: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus,
calcium, sulfur, and magnesium which are found in soil. The last nine elements are called the
micronutrients: iron, zinc, molybdenum, nickel, manganese, boron, copper, cobalt, and chlorine which
are found in the soil. All these elements are crucial. Majority of the plants nutrients are dissolved in
water and immersed by the roots. Active absorption is important and essential for the plant to grow
healthy, but the nutrients can be absorbed passively. Some factors that may affect the absorption of
nutrients throughout the roots are the soil pH, type of ion, solubility of ion pairs, oxygen, water, soil,
sugar supply, temperature, and plant stress.
In conclusion, if a container holds a total of three Viola odorata s and absorb more water and other
environmental factors that contribute to plant growth and development, then they will grow faster and
more efficiently than a container that carries nine Viola odorata s that will take in less water, sunlight,
and nutrients since they are all fighting for it. The fact that all the environmental factors play such a
key role in plant growth signifies their importance and the very reason that plants would die without
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Should Children Be Allowed To Spank Children
The stresses of parenting are often times hard and relentless. With this in mind, many parents try their
best to deal with those stresses and make the best of raising their children. This often times requires
disciplining, in order to end and/or curb bad behavior. Corporal punishment is one of these forms of
discipline. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, corporal punishment is punishment inflicted on
a person s body ( Corporal Punishment ). The most common form of corporal punishment is spanking
which is often used to deal with child rearing or bad behavior (Knox and Brouwer 341 342).
According to American Academy of Pediatrics, upwards of 90% of Americans spank their children
infrequently (American Academy of Pediatrics 725). Furthermore, ... Show more content on
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According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, reasoning is the ability of the mind to think and
understand things in a logical way ( Reasoning ). So, the goal is to get the child to understand or at
least think about what he/she has done wrong. Sometimes, parents will raise their voice at their kids.
In fact, most parents will yell at their child at some point (Morris). This is very ineffective when trying
to reason with a child as tends to just shut them down (Arky). Furthermore, yelling has also been
associated with lower self esteem in children (Arky). One way to reason with a child effectively,
without yelling, is to use a firm tone (Ramchandani). This lets the child understand he/she has done
something wrong, but does not scare or shut him/her
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Naturalism in The Open Boat
February 24 2012
Essay 1
Word Count: 1515
Olivia Calder
The Open Boat
The Open Boat is a short story written by Steven Crane about four men stranded on a dinghy after
their boat had sunk over night. The men were struggling to stay alive because it seemed as if they had
no hope for survival. The four stranded shipmen were a correspondent, an oiler, a cook, and a captain.
The theme of the story is that man has no control over his destinies and that nature controls
everything. Naturalist themes prevail in Stephen Crane s The Open Boat as it demonstrates naturalist
literature through the struggle that nature throws at the men. Naturalism arises throughout the men s
constant battle between their surrounding environment and keeping ... Show more content on
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The men came to the conclusion that fate must be the reason that they are experiencing this deathly
situation. It is the understanding of this fact that brings the men to the edge of their misery. At this
point the men feel like their lives are coming to an end, so much so that they even ask the captain if
they have a chance at survival, to which the captain replies If this wind holds and the boat don t
swamp, we can t do much else. This quote shows the uselessness that the men feel, but it also makes
apparent there is still a possibility of hope.
Steven Crane really emphasizes the uselessness and the hopelessness they feel against the universe, If
I am going to be drowned if I am going to be drowned if I am going to be drowned, why, in the name
of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and
trees? Was I brought here merely to have my nose dragged away as I was about to nibble the sacred
cheese of life? It is preposterous. At this point the men actually made sight to land yet are too far to
even make the effort to swim. How could the universe be so unfair that it would let them have a small
taste or nibble of the sacred cheese of life at surviving? They had been through a drastic environment
to get to where they are. If the universe cared about them at all, it would find a way for the men to
make it to land, although when it comes
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The Effects of the Female Characters Departure in both A...
In both A Doll s House and Like Water for Chocolate Henrik Ibsen and Laura Esquival respectively,
each make one of their women characters leave not only their houses but even their lifestyles and
cultures. Nora in A Doll s House leaves her home in search of her true inner self. While Gertrudis in
Like Water for Chocolate leaves her house in her own endeavor to escape Mama Elena s repression.
Bothe Ibsen and Esquival make use of a variety of literary devices and styles in order to show to the
readers/audience the effect the departure of Nora and Gertrudis has on not only the other characters in
the work but also the entire work itself. Each of the two characters exit the works under different
circumstances and it is this dissimilarity that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She points out to Torvald that their marriage was a clear failure when she questions Torvald, How
could you ever teach me to be a proper wife? Your wife? (Ibsen 82). To this question Torvald is unable
to provide a reasonable answer hence proving Nora s point about the failure of their marriage. Further,
the sudden change in Nora s behavior during the second half of the play is significant as it symbolizes
her clear intent to depart from the house in search of her inner self. The egression of one of the female
protagonists from each of the works has a profound effect of the other characters and their
development. The departure of Gertrudis is met with both extreme anger and sadness opposite
emotions. Mama Elena s reaction to Gertrudis elopement is one of absolute outrage. She in a way
almost disowns Gertrudis by burned [burning] Gertrudis birth certificate (Esquival 55) and claiming
that she didn t want to hear her name mentioned ever again. (Esquival 55) The diction of the sentence
and the usage of the word ever are significant as it shows the extent of Mama Elena s rage and
disavowal towards Gertrudis. At the other end of things, it is clearly evident to the reader that Tita is
sad and dissolutioned by Gertrudis exit as Tita saw Gertrudis rebellious tendencies towards her mother
as a fulfillment of her own desires to rebel against her tyrannical mother. On the other hand, in A Doll
s House, the reaction of Torvald varies with the
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The Wella Brand
The wella brand
We unite people who are passionate about hair, in the quest for moments of hair triumph.
For us, it s all about hair. From the beginning it was always like that.
Everything inspired by our love of hairdressing to innovate, inspire and enable what we call moments
of hair triumph every day.
Professional hair is our reason to be, the stylist our creator, and the consumer our muse.
With the stylist we make beauty dreams come true on the stage of life. Igniting the expertise with the
spark of passion, succeeding together.
It started with passion
The Wella Professionals story began in 1880 with Franz Ströher, a young
German hairdresser with an entrepreneurial spirit and a deep love of hairdressing. Franz ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
To the client, it s when a beauty dream is realised. A new confidence. A fresh start. The new campaign
is all about this achievable, individual beauty that becomes liberated and real in the magical moment
we call the Hair Triumph.
Our new advertising campaign is a true testimony to the inspiration coming from our interactions with
the stylists and their clients. Many of them spoke to us about the courage it takes for the client to let
go, the eagerness of the stylist to make that client s day, the positive tension that comes between and
the final, ultimate moment of beauty triumph that both of them strive for.
Feeling the passion with inspiration is the lifeblood of every stylist. When their own passion is
sparked, they create their best work and then bring a new level of creative energy to their own salons.
Wella Professionals Trend Vision delivers that inspiration in volumes an annual insight into key
emerging trends in fashion, color, styling and design, interpreted as a collection of four directional hair
trend looks, presented to the industry on a global stage.
Passing on the passion
Every year, over 1.5 million stylists and salon owners are involved in one of 85,000 Wella
Professionals education activities, making ours one of the world s most comprehensive training
Our fundamental principles remain unchanged:
Raising the benchmark of creativity and technical skills for all hair
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  • 9. Imagery And Foreshadowing In The Sniper People say that war brings out the worst in people or soldiers. Liam O Flaherty would agree with this statement. Through the use of imagery and foreshadowing in the short story The Sniper O Flaherty shows that war leads to the lack of humanity in soldiers. O Flaherty uses images of death and conflict to signify war. The women whirled round and fell with a shriek into the gutter The description of the woman s death provides the reader with a clear visual on how brutal and heartless the killing was. O Flaherty later describes in his short story the dying man on the roof crumbled up and fell forward which refers to how revolting the sight was to watch the man die. O Flaherty describes these deaths throughout the story to signify how inhuman ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Equity And Equality For Students Equity and equality for students is all about enabling fairness and ensuring that all the students are given the best possible chance to succeed in life irrespective of their identities or backgrounds University of Birmingham (2015). In the course, we have learned that equity leads to success in academic institutions and should therefore be encouraged. We have also learned that diversity is about recognising, valuing and celebrating all the people from different backgrounds that live within our societies. It is about creating a universal environment that is inclusive of these differences, where we all feel welcome, valued and supported to succeed whatever our background or identity. Equity and fair treatments in schools should however not be perceived to be about minority rights . Rather, they should be viewed to cater for every situation in the learning environments and protects every student from discrimination on the basis of their age, disability, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, sex and sexual orientation. The miss conception has led to standardization of academic programs and the achievements that the students are expected to achieve, irrespective of their backgrounds and capabilities, which is actually counter productive. The question is, Does equality and equity mean treating everybody the same? According to University of Birmingham (2015), everyone should be treated fairly regardless of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Company Background Of The Brand Of Coca Cola Part I. Strategic Auditing Company Background The iconic brand of Coca Cola dates back to the late 1800 s when a pharmacist from Atlanta created a distinctive soft drink that would take the world by storm. Initially charging five cents per glass out of a soda fountain machine at local convenience stores, Coca Cola started to grow and expand outside of Atlanta. Once they recognized success as a fountain drink, Coca Cola then started the production of bottling the beverage. Coca Cola beverage consumption has since grown and is now around $1.9 billion a day with presence in over 200 differnet countries (Coca Cola History│World of Coca Cola, n.d.). Having such global success has lead to the ability of Coca Cola to acquire other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In first world countries like the United States of America, where they originated, Coca Cola has little need to worry about the risk of political instability. It is when they enter into third world emerging markets the Coca Cola opens themselves up to instability and corruption risks. The risk faced in these less developed countries could result in a loss of investment if problems were to arise. Economic Factors: Being a dominant brand worldwide, it means that Coca Cola products are being bought and sold using many different types of currency. Because of this, Coca Cola is face with foreign exchange risk. Recently, many economies in Europe have been struggling and currencies have become unstable. This is an economic risk faced by Coca Cola due to their global expansion. Social Factor: One of the major external factors that influence the success and decisions made by Coca Cola is the sociocultural trend towards healthy alternatives. Because the original Coca Cola was high in sugar and caffeine, which is unappealing to the current health trend, Coca Cola needed to adjust products or their success would be a thing of the past. Environmental: Just like that change to a healthier life style, the current societal norms take into consideration the environmental impact of large corporations. Coca Cola uses a large quantity of water in the production process and has been criticized by their environmental stakeholders. This has caused Coca Cola to find ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Sociology Using Material from Item a Assess Sociological... Sociology Topic 6 Using material from item A assess sociological explanations of gender inequality in todays society In the last 30 years women in the UK working has risen to 2.45 million whereas men working has risen by 0.5 million. Item A suggests a variety of gender inequalities in today s society for example the pay difference women receive as it is suggested according to item A that women earn a quarter of a million pounds less than men and this is without women not having any children if she did have children it would be £140,000 less. The pay gap reduces family income overall which isn t beneficial for families. Another issue is that women mainly work in low paid sectors like retail or caring and due to women having a glass ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... pay is low in occupations where there are many women. This could be because the jobs require less training and promotion prospects for this job in which men are in the majority. Human capital assumes that experiences of employment means the increase in wage whereas experience in part time work is associated with less wages. Some sociologists believe that a dual labour market exists and is divided into 2 sectors primary and secondary. Primary is secure, well paid and with good prospectus whereas the secondary is poor pay insecurity and no ladder of promotion. Barron and Norris concluded that women are likely to be in the secondary this is due to women being unsuitable, disrupted career developments and weak legal and political framework supporting women. Liberal feminists argue that the traditional forms of gender role socialisation in families, education and in the media are responsible for reproducing a sexual division in labour in which masculinity is seen as dominant whereas femininity is seen as subordinate.Oakly argues that the reason for the subordination of women in the labour market is the dominance of motherhood/housewife roles for women. Patriarchal ideology stresses the view that women s only purpose is to raise children. Sharpe believes that education and careers are main priorities of teen girls. Girls also perform better in education which suggests that society will change at a later stage due to girls performing so well ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Questions On Conflict Of Interest QUESTION 1 A conflict of interest defines as a situation in which someone in the position of trust like a lawyer, has personal interest or an individual being hired so that him/her and the management will get a personal benefit A conflict of interest may arise due to a conflict of roles which might provide an incentive for improper acts in some circumstances. A conflict of interest can create an appearance of impropriety that can undermine confidence in the ability of that person to act properly in his or her position even if no improper acts result. QUESTION 2 Yes. They have the right to accept / reject the tender offer, and also to cancel the tender process before the formation of the contract. QUESTION 3 a) Where the tender data require ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Describe A Happy Family Analysis I m going to tell you about one of my friends, Sumi, and her family, who live right next to my apartment. We have been neighbors for many years. Their house in Vietnam was very close to mine, and when my family moved to New Zealand, we rent an apartment near theirs. I met Sumi when I was in secondary school. She is the only child in the family so she gets the undivided love and attention of her parents. Her parents have only her to spend the money on and not have to share it among other siblings. So, when she was a child, she got more toys than normal, and she used to share toys with me. She is the one who taught me play chess and always gives me a shoulder to cry on when I need emotional support. Her father is a lawyer while his wife is a school teacher. Both of them are very kind and highly educated. I think they are a very happy couple. I have experienced some events where the resolved their arguments without yelling and without trying to win the argument. They set their egos aside. They often spend time together by travelling to different regions of Vietnam. While they were travelling, Sumi stayed with my family. I like this family because all members in this family are lovely, kind and obliging. 65. Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage who they are how you knew them what they usually do together and explain how you feel about their marriage I m going to tell you about Mr Mrs Chang, who live right next to my apartment. They are the couple who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Observation In Good Country People, By Flannery O Connor Observation In her story Good Country People, Flannery O Connor writes of Hulga Hopewell s unfortunate experience where her confidence in her intellect leads her to make wrong conclusions of other people s character. Living in self pity and despair after the accident that takes away her leg, Hulga Hopewell maintains a negative view of life, herself, and others around her. In the story, her mother, Mrs. Hopewell writes She grew less like other people and more like herself bloated, rude, and squint eyed (O Connor 487). In addition to believing herself ugly, Hulga does not believe in God and depends on her own Ph.D. in philosophy for advanced knowledge to explain the world and other people s behavior. However, as Mrs. Hopewell perfectly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They come to you in sheep s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them...every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit...Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them (NIV). As Peter warns the believers about false teachers, he says With eyes full of adultery, they [false teachers] never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed an accursed brood (2 Peter 2: 40, NIV) In this story, Hulga believes in Pointer s good character because of the kind, Christian attitude he initially shows when she first meets him. However, she fails to realize that the man s behavior toward her during their walk together did not reflect the fruits of the spirit. As a result, she falls into the trap of letting him steal her heart and then her leg. As this story warns, we as Christians need to stay firm in our faith and not let others lead us astray with a false show of outer spirituality. In 1 John 4:1, John writes Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (NIV). If Hulga had not denied God s knowledge, she would have not been led so easily astray by Pointer s façade of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Good And Evil In Frankenstein The novel tells the story of the scientist Victor Frankenstein who loses touch with reality while creating a new form of life, a monstrous being who nevertheless has human character traits. The nameless creature appears to be a representation of evil, a character representing unconscious, instinctual drives. Yet, the creature becomes only a monster due to denied love and rejection by Victor Frankenstein. Thus, he swears to take revenge, transforming into a monster. Thus, Frankenstein presents two characters that cannot be easily determined good or evil as human beings have both qualities within themselves. When examining Shelley s Frankenstein, one should consider the figure of the creator, Victor Frankenstein. He was born to Caroline and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As he reads these old works, Victor is not able to understand that these theories have long been invalidated. With the ideas of alchemy, the study of the philosopher s stone and the elixir of life, he leaves his home to study at the university in Ingolstadt, Germany. After the death of his mother Caroline, he feels the pain of solitude and retreats in the acquisition of knowledge, learning about the limits of science and the human body. First, one has the impression that Victor s interests in creating a being is only of honourable nature: I thought that if I could bestow animation upon lifeless matter, I might in process of time (although I now find it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body of corruption (Shelley 53). However, he seems to be an unreliable narrator. The reader develops doubts whether his true intentions are as noble as he tries to present. It appears that the true interest is quite egoistic, as he desires to gain fame: a light so brilliant and wondrous, yet so simple, that while I became dizzy with the immensity of the prospect which it illustrated, I was surprised, that among so many men of genius who had directed their enquiries towards the same science, that I alone should be reserved to discover so astonishing a secret (Shelley ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. 5 Paragraph Essay On The Book Skinny Probably less ...... the percentage of affection and proportion to pounds weighed results and less of you to love this is an qout from the book skinny when rat evers boyfriend is telling her that he loved her before she lost weight and is explaining that scene she lost weight he loves her less because there s less of her to love. Ever davies is an tennage girl who weighs over 300 pounds and risk everything one a surgery to be skinnier and hopeful in her eyes loved.The puritans would abhor the book skinny due to the characters lived sinful lives, not having strong family values, and character have lack of self of steam. The puritans would shun the book skinny because the characters lived sinful lives. Oce of the characters who lived a sinful life is evers boyfriend jackson. He cheated on her while they were at the school dance. Ever found out he was cheating when she caught him kiss a girl named gigi. Another way the characters were living sinful lives an cording to the puritan way of life is the characters were dancing. At the fall ball teenangers were dancing with their date. Ever war dancing with her best friend rat. Teenagers were dancing with their friend to the latest songs. The finale way they were living sinful lives is provocative clothing. Evers step ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the way the characters did not show strong family values is briella and her sister lindsay s dad left them. Briella still is angry at him for that. Her dad doesn t try to contact her even though he can instead he sends an check to her in hope of winning her forgiveness and that nerve works. She still takes the money though. A second way the charaters don t show strong family values is ever hates her step family. Ever thinks her step mother charlotte is an shallow skinny women that only care for look and money which is not true. Ever al,so thinks her step sisters are even more shallow than their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Pros And Cons Of Multilateral Cooperation The book of Silverburg 2011 features contributions from well established scholars and emerging stars in law and politics, this cutting edge reader provides students with a succinct overview of the key issues facing international law and multilateral cooperation today. The authors offered diverse, multinational perspectives on traditional and emergent issues in the practice and study of international law. A concluding section on international political interaction covers a wide range of issues that link international politics to international law and multilateral cooperation. In order to understand the prospects of a multilateral cooperation, we need to look in more detail at the willingness of states to build multilateral regimes. International ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This goes to show that even the most powerful countries are also dependent international institutions and multilateral cooperation to gain more benefits that it could offer. There are some recent research on international institutions that questions legalism and law as well as their effectiveness with or without regards to political realm. Scholars, few of them, had assumptions about realism, thus, accepting that relevance of state power as well are arguing interests about world politics. Some theorists draw conclusions on the influence of international institutions while recognizing the preferences of states for private rights just avoiding full transparency. Since their states that are not really certain about their partners and had some trust issues in the past, multilateral cooperation has some functional hindrances. International institutions can counter this uncertainty by means of encouraging negotiations and transparency. Past issues can be regarded with more open analyzation while promoting honesty and preserving good relationship with one another. Thinking about the normative implications of globalization, focus on the maintenance of effective democratic approach in each society is one way of the establishing formal structures of international regimes. To be consistent with democratic values for multilateral cooperation, international organizations that are politically inclined must be accountable to all aspect of it failure or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Great Smokies By Daniel S. Pierce In the book The Great Smokies From Natural Habitat to National Park, one can see the true passion and application that the author, Daniel S. Pierce, holds for one of the United States most prized possession, the Great Smoky Mountains. Like most, he is intrigued by the incomparable beauty and thrill of the wilderness, with his main goal being to show that the propose of this national park isn t just to protect undeveloped land but more to reclaim the wildness and all it stands for. He looks in depth to the different land use of the smokies over time and the people who have called it home for centuries with his lager focus on the movement to turn the Great Smokies in to the national park it is today. The authors purpose is clear and concise. Pierce tells, in a factual tense but a semi narrative one, the truths and rumors that surround the entirety of how the Great Smokies became more than just wilderness and into a revered National Park. The chapter design is broken down in a timeline of how the idea came into fruition and the eventual presidential decree and the challenges that approached the construction of modern day Great Smoky Mountain National Park. In chapter 1 he begins with Approximately eight thousand years ago, humans first entered the land now known as the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and the final chapter starting with Welcome to Mankind! . Even the chapter titles give small insights into what will follow in the chapters. The development, as previously ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Cooperative Learning Is A Revolutionary Style Of Teaching... Cooperative learning is a revolutionary style of teaching that offers students a chance to work together, communicate, build social skills, and acquire self confidence. It is important to inspire students to be excited about learning and to encourage their involvement in the learning process. There are many studies that offer important information and have determined that cooperative learning not only helps students improve academically, but that it also shows that students take pride in the fact they can cooperate and complete something together. Educators need to open the doors for students to have the opportunity to understand cooperative learning and become efficient with it. Offering students a chance to grow socially, academically, and understand the values of communication and teamwork is important for their future. Our educational system is one of the most influential molds for young members of our society. How children learn and grow influences the future and it is important for them to learn as much information and skills as possible. However, education is not just about learning facts and classroom material. One of the most important lessons students can learn is to work together, which will be very important as they grow and enter the working world. The process of teaching how to utilize groups and hands on activities is called cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is a beneficial practice used in the classroom to help students work together, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Four Coercive Acts As A Direct Response To The Boston Tea... The Four Coercive acts were passed in 1774 by the British Parliament, as a direct response to the Boston Tea Party that took place in December 1773. The British Parliament was furious and forced Massachusetts to pay for the tea and to submit to imperial authority. A Port Bill closed the Boston Harbor, the Government Act prohibited many town meetings, the Quartering Act required the colonist to house, feed, and build barracks for the British troops, with no say, and the Justice Acts allowed trials for capital crimes to be transferred to other colonies or Britain. This outraged the colonist, as each law violated exactly what John Locke had stated the government shouldn t do, it was a violation of their constitutional rights, and colonial charters. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This showed the weakness of the Articles of Confederation, help leading to the creation of the Constitution. When the constitution was written, it was written so that the President of the United States is not chosen through a national popular vote, but through an electoral college, which gives each state as many votes as it has members of Congress. The system was created as a middle ground in order to keep voting fair, and to balance between congress voting and the people. Federalism has been a way to help control the abuse of power. Flexibility allows the government to work with the different traditions, and religions of people, and allows the states to develop their own policies without putting the whole country at risk. Citizens are also given the opportunity in running the government, and making contributions. Hamilton s economic policies were a plan of economic nationalism, in which Hamilton intended to solve the economic problems that had been destroying the United States since the American Revolution. He began with the Report on the Public Credit. The Report on the Public Credit was one of three major reports on economic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Myrtal Beach Research Paper Warm sunshine, soft sand, and a beautiful vista are all images that come to mind when you think of the beach. Typically a vacation to the ocean can be very enjoyable, but I have experienced otherwise. When you combine inclement weather, poor planning, and a hint of bad luck, a seemingly perfect beach trip can head south, and I don t mean Miami. The sun peaked just above the horizon as we stared driving toward Myrtal Beach. I had hours of relaxing, distraction free time to knock out some summer reading. The drive felt pleasant and surprisingly short as we cruised past the South Carolina lowlands. The ocean smell wafted through the open windows of my mom s Altima, and I was excited to soak my feet in the surf when we arrived. My mom and I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center Case Study Case Study Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center: CVP Analysis for Planning and Control Case Study Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center: CVP Analysis for Planning and Control MEMO To: Dr. Thomas Russell, Executive Director, Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center From: Sheryl Marshall, Service Consulting Plus, LLC. Date: 8th September 2014 Subject: Financial performance of Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center over the next one year. Dear Dr. Russell, After having done a detailed study of the projected financial statements for the upcoming year, we have been able to identify a few glaring financial pitfalls the center has to beware of. The center has a lot of government aid provided to it but it also faces a host of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So the center should discontinue this service, if possible, as it is affecting the center s overall profitability. If it cannot discontinue the service due to government regulations, it can outsource the medications for the service. The outsourcing may help in reducing the variable overheads. * The center should promote the off campus programs as they can be a major source of revenue. The services which can be provided in the off campus program can be Case Management, Individual Counseling, Crisis Intervention, Ambulatory Detoxification amp; Patient Assessment. Group Counselling can be provided in corporates. These services can generate high profits as they have a high contribution margin amp; can be provided off campus. * The WACM% helps us to control the actual operations of Bridgestone as it allows us to see which service provides a higher rate of contribution amp; which leads to a deficit. This information would help Bridgestone to promote certain services like Urinalysis, Individual amp; Group Counselling through advertisements and other promotional activities. Moreover, the individual contribution margin allows us to see how each category is performing. * Another important aspect to be noted is that, although the company has a very low operating profit the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Human Papillomavirus ( Hpv ) Family Human papillomavirus (HPV) family is a subset of viruses characterized by their double stranded circular DNA in which the capsid is icosahedral. About 150 HPV types have been isolated and entirely sequenced. According to the homologous nucleotide sequence of the major capsid protein (L1), the HPV types are categorized into different genera namely: Alpha genus, beta genus, gamma, mu, and nu in addition to HPV types with a skin tropism that appears to be linked with the growth of benign cutaneous lesions. There are approximately 30 HPV types included in the alpha genus which characterized by their ability to infect the mucosa of the genital and oral tract as well as several benign cutaneous HPV types that are associated with the development of common skin warts. The (alpha) HPV types are divided according to their oncogenic potential into two groups: low risk(LR) HPVs (e.g. types 6 and 11) and high risk (HR) HPVs. The former group is mainly associated with benign genital warts and the latter group contains viruses considered to be the etiological agents of cervical as well as head and neck cancers. Dozen of different HR HPV types: 16, 18,31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, and 59 were categorized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as carcinogenic to humans. The genomic organization of all HPV family members is typical, with 8 or 9 open reading frames (ORFs) found on the same DNA strand. The HPV genome can be divided into three different regions: (1) a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Kent State University Internship Assignment This past summer, I had the opportunity to study at Kent State University s NYC Studio and intern at Fabric to Finish, Inc., a product development consulting firm in the Garment Center. I valued my time there, but would not call my internship a success. I was inexperienced and undereducated and it showed in nearly everything I did. In fact, I knew nothing about the product development process and made countless mistakes. I understand that making mistakes while interning is apart of the learning process and is more or less normal, but being normal is not acceptable for me. While I was embarrassed of my lack knowledge, I still loved going to my internship everyday, being able to help create a product from start to finish figuring out what fabric ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After working in the field for a number of years and gaining the practical experience I need, I will more than likely return to school and peruse a graduate degree in either Business Administration or Global Fashion Management (depending on what direction my career goes in), and achieve my ultimate goal of being the vice president of product development at a prominent fashion house. My success is contingent on continuing my education at FIT and I cannot wait to start my career in product ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Debbie Harry Research Paper Ever wondered where and how cross cultural music happened? A charismatic woman that goes by the name Debbie Harry changes the music world completely. In the 1980s she released a song with her band Blondie, Rapture that incorporated rap in her punk rock song. As a blonde white woman she grabbed global attention and influenced many others with her talent and confidence. Theres no other way to put this but Debbie Harry indeed changed the way black and whites lived throughout the music culture and how women will not be the victims of men who think they are nothing better than housewives . Angela Tremble was the name she was given at birth, the musical icon was born on July 1st 1945 in Miami, Florida. She was later adopted at 3 months old by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However she continued to act and was more films, John Water s hairspray , Heavy , and Cop Land and also appeared in a television show Wiseguy . Debbie was very diverse when it came to musical styles and talents. She switched up her musical styles and joined the Jazz Passengers as the lead singer for their album in 1997 Individually Twisted . In the same year Debbie reunited with her old band Blondie to go to tour in England. In almost more than 15 years the then world famous band released their 5th album together No Exit in 1999. The album seen much success in England but not too much in the U.S. By 2006 the band Blondie was inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Debbie continued to perform and act appearing in theatrical dance production. Soon afterwards she later had the Blondie s music appeared on popular T.V. series such as Ghost Whisperer , Smash and Glee . After almost 10 years of releasing her solo album Debravation in 1993 she released her solo album Necessary Evil in 2007. Debbie continued to work with her band blonde and together they released a couple of more albums. In 2003 they released The Curse of Blondie , 2011 Panic of Girls and finally in 2014 Ghosts of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Example Of An Outsider Research Paper Many people describe themselves as Outsiders without knowing what one is, know you can ask yourself, are you an outsider ? Outsiders are people who are misunderstood. This can mean multiple things.For Example, not being understood by your peers, not being heard the way you want to be heard, and not being in the right situation but being in that situation. There are many scenarios were one is misunderstood and therefore being labeled as an Outsider. For example in Metamorphosis Gregor tried being understood by his family but as a bug it was hard for him. Following that in benjamin franklin s story, he was misunderstood and was thought up as weird which made him an outsider. In the Metamorphosis, Gregor, went through this transformation into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Essay On Super Size Me Corporation greed keeping Americans unhealthy In watching you Super Size Me by Morgan Surplock it brings up very valid point about today s society with habits and trends. The movie brings up some alarming facts, how direct medical cost have doubled in the past five years to the drug effect from the foods he was consuming all the and to how Thirty billion dollars is Bing spent on diet programs, pills and weight loss methods ( a quick fix) verse less money spent on actual fitness. It is alarming how the greed of corporations are willing to harm their own species just to have money. It can show how not just McDonalds has not acted alone in addicting the human race to danger foods. Many do not realize how this food can be addictive and how is a company responsible if a person has low self control? The facts are simple not just with advertisement there are simple ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Instead of cooperation s trying to help people get healthier or make them aware of the harmful products in processed food, they keep the food crack coming out. Stated in the move that direct medical cost have double and Americans are spending billions on quick fix treatments to fight the fight from their food addiction. This is a good example of corporations working together in exploiting the human population for the mighty dollar. Instead of limitations on what can be server or portion sizes as you see controlled in some centuries, American corporations have been allowing extreme binge eating on dangerous foods. The movie super size focuses on just the fact of McDonalds when in fact it a majority of corporations enter triangle making a huge profit together from dividends and investing into one another s companies profit sharing. In other words you have other top executive of corporations investing in a company that profits of the obesity of the human population. When a company makes money its shareholders in return make ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Francis And Clare War Analysis It is often said that Saint Francis and Saint Clare had internal and external experience of war. Examples of internal war that Francis and Clare faced would be stress, thoughts, and emotions. Examples of external war that Francis and Clare faced would be beatings from parents, being prisoner, being a part of a war, and falling ill. Francis and Clare both were heavily impacted by the internal and external war they faced. These impacts had changed their lives drastically and had changed their view related to the world and church. Francis was on this planet a very long time ago, but he had a huge impact on religion. Francis lived for about forty four years and he went through changes for a good reason. In the year of 1202, Francis went ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clare lived for about sixty year and she went through changes for a good reason. Clare s wars are started when she was six years old, when Clare and her family was escaping for the war that was going on in Assisi. She dropped her favorite doll and she left her parents to go and get her doll. She was blocked by returning to her family by a warrior and that warrior, Francis, let her go to be with her family. This event him her emotional and it will have an big impact later in her life. The war had played a huge external war on her life by making her move out of her home and not returning for more than ten years. This was a stressful and emotional event in her life. When she returned home she went to church and was very surprised who was preacher. It was Francis, she has seen how much he had changed and she was feeling empowered. A couple of years later, she finally made her mind up to join Francis and his movement. One night, she left with friends to go the church and forfeit everything they own and to become one of them. Her family was not that happy with her and tried to stop her, like Francis father had did. After all the internal and external war Clare had faced she made the move to join Francis and the Franciscan values by being the first woman in this religious ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Domino s is a Leader in Pizza Executive Summary Domino s is the second world leading pizza place and has been around for quite a while. The company s success generated through top notch recipes that created tasty pizzas that targeted many customers for the company. However, Taste wasn t enough to keep the company successful and in the lead amongst their competitors. Good quality pizza and great customer service were two founding principles of Domino s pizza, however, changes had to be made to maintain customer retention and interest in the business. After being internationally known and having opened 5000 stores by the end of the 80 s, Domino s pizza started to lose customers and due to their complaints over bad pizza. This led the business to having a bad reputation globally. Nevertheless, the company had to create new pizza recipes to win back their customers with the remake of a new campaign and the launching of a new website. The new pizza campaign won over old and new customers with the addition of new items to the menu. Over the years, customers started to become more aware of their health, their daily income of specific ingredients, nutritional value and of course, calorie intake, the whole customer base was going green as it seems. Domino s had to decide between charging more for organic ingredients such as vegetables on their pizza or remain the good old affordable pizza place. Nonetheless, the company s strategic options had numerous ways to maintain its success rate. The company s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Introduction Of Antiviral Drugs Antiviral Drugs  Introduction: These are the agents which are used in the treatment and prevention of an infectious disease caused by certain viruses. They are antimicrobial compounds like antibiotics, antifungal, ant parasitic, etc., but they have their own different mode of action because viruses differ from bacteria and other organisms in a way that they lack cell wall and cell membrane. They contain a core of nucleic acid that may be DNA or RNA, surrounded by the protein coat. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites, which means that they cannot grow outside the host cell, they always require a host cell for their multiplication. They use the host machinery for its multiplication. They can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It prevents the entry of the virus by binding to the CCR5 coreceptors, these coreceptors work together with gp41 to promote the entry of HIV through the plasma membrane of the cell. 2. Integrase Inhibitor for HIV: Mechanism of Action: The integrase inhibitors are also called Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors (INSTIs). It inhibits the incorporation of viral DNA into the host DNA. An enzyme called integrase help in the insertion of viral DNA into the host DNA by making a cut in the host DNA at some points and then inserting the viral DNA into it. This enzyme has active sites through which it makes a cut in host DNA. The inhibition process occurs when INSTIs attach to the active sites of the enzyme, preventing the enzyme from making a cut in host DNA, therefore, inhibiting insertion. Dolutegravir and Raltegravir: It is an Integrase Inhibitor that works by binding to the active sites of the enzyme and displaces one end of the DNA strand, making it impossible for the viral DNA to be integrated into the host DNA. Antimicrobial Spectrum: These drugs are effective against a wide range of wild type and drug resistance HIV, including the strains that use CCR5 or CXCR4 coreceptors for entry into the host cell. Drug ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Collaboration in My Home Group My Contribution Paper Collaboration consists of a few fundamental components such as the willingness to listen and learn from each other, sharing one s own ideas and perspectives, having respect for each other, working together to achieve a common goal, and being responsible for the self and the whole group. A group has to collaborate in order to deliberate and achieve their common goal because the three phases of deliberation: information gathering, decision making, and reflection, all refer back to the ability to collaborate with each other. While working in a group, group members should always work toward the goal of becoming a good leader, a person who makes the groups she or he works in better (Practice Deliberation as Citizenship, Gene Edgar) by being a responsible and respectful group member, and also being someone who is willing to go the extra miles to make sure everyone in the group is feeling comfortable presenting their ideas in the group. While working in my Home group this quarter, we have came up with a few norms, such as do not interrupt when someone else is talking, be accepting of everyone s opinion, debate ideas not people, help each other, be responsible for one s own assigned roles and tasks, give everyone a chance to talk and participate, be flexible when doing group work, try to be on time, try to participate in each discussion topic, and be prepared before class. All of these norms tied back to the fundamental components of collaboration that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. ALS And CTE Research The number of athletes being diagnosed with neurodegenerative diseases is increasing over time. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) are both known for targeting athletes at a much younger age than the average person. ALS and CTE are similar due to the fact that they are a progressive degenerative disease. Both diseases are linked with head trauma and the loss of movement within the human body. ALS is also known as Lou Gehrigs disease; he brought national attention to the disease when he was diagnosed in 1939. Adrian Robinson Jr. was a former NFL player that was diagnosed with CTE after his death. Recent research shows that contact sports might play a big role in why athletes are getting diagnosed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Athletes take a test at the beginning of their sport season. This test is called the baseline test. The results of the baseline test at used to determine whether or the an athlete has a concussion. The test measures an athlete s reaction time, memory capacity, the speed of mental processing, and functioning of the brain. If an athlete suspect s that they have a concussion they retake the baseline test. The reason why athletes retake the baseline test, is to compare the two test results. If the physician notices a change in the results, he/she will conclude that the athlete is suffering from a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Edward Livingston Voices Of Freedom Until the 1770s most colonists believed themselves to be the freest political system humankind has ever known (Foner 73). Overtime conflict began as tension began to build between the colonists and British authority due to many factors one including a series of acts meant to punish the colonies for their defiance against Great Britain. Over time this led to the fight for the independence of the thirteen colonies also known as the revolutionary war. In voices of freedom the author of article twenty three , Edward Livingston established the difference between a limited monarchy and absolute monarchy. Livingston s believed that any person in his senses should prefer a limited monarchy. Stating that absolute monarchy caused the whole country to be overspread with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These were passed as a form of punishment for Massachusetts after throwing a large tea shipment into the Boston harbor. These measures destroyed the legitimacy of the imperial government in the eyes of many colonists as these laws not only effected Massachusetts but they also angered other colonies. Disagreement and resistance quickly began to spread across small towns and rural areas to those who were not previously part of the resistance. soon in 1774 a colonial protest group was born known as the sons of liberty which also helped pave the way to the spark of rebellion. Another big part in inspiring colonist to fight for freedom was a pamphlet titled common sense written by Thomas Paine. This pamphlet explained the need for independence in a way most would understand. Paine developed a new style of political writing which helped include more people in political discussion. It quickly became the most successful and most influential pamphlets in the history of political writing. In his writings Paine stated plain and simple facts such as many of the struggles between England and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Growth Of Electric Shopping In past five years to 2014, the EU28 garment market scores a growth of just 3.1%, even the economy shows sign of improvement. The market may take 10 years to 2017 for fully recover. It provides opportunities to retailers to seize growth and seek out gaps in the market. (Ormrod, 2016) Garments are generally consider as discretionary items, suffered by high unemployment and squeezed disposable incomes in Greece and Spain, most of market consumers feeling unaffordable to spend on garment though most of European does. Expenditure peak of €296.2bn is not forecast to exceed the 2007 until 2017. Following the economic downturn and a prolonged recovery, the sectors might need a decade to get fully recovered. (Ormrod, 2016) Following the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...  Increased total sales of £2,069.3m from £2,032.9m.  Total worldwide digital sales were up +23.9%  Continued investment in the business with capital expenditure of £118.1m from £101.8m.  Year End net cash deposits of £229.1m compared to £199.8m last year.  5 new TOPSHOP wholly owned stores has been opened in the USA and 1 flagship in Amsterdam.  consumer sales increased strongly by 50% compared to last year, by succeeded further developed the partnership with Nordstrom, Matalan (Figure3 4, Matalan Logo and retail store) Matalan is a British fashion and homeware retailer founded by John Hargreaves over 30 years in 1985, based in Knowsley, UK. At this late hour, there are 217 stores within the UK. Jason Hargreaves is currently the managing director of Matalan with the company principle to provide the highest quality clothing and homeware by the lowest price. Matalan was recently continued to hold a prestigious Gold Award at the Mumsnet Family Friendly awards, proves the trust from 12 million loyalty UK family customers each year. (Matalan.co.uk, 2016) In 2007, in order to attract more customers into stores, Matalan had trialled an in store café concept based on providing foods. However, it was later disbanded. The space become hearing aid centres, where providing free hearing tests to customers. In 2010, Matalan was fell through the potential buyout by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Bizarre Fruit Bizarre Fruit In the mid 1930 s, the south would perform, what they believed to be acts of justice by hanging, or lynching, black men who were convicted of doing a crime. The Poem Strange Fruit is an interesting poem depicts a very horrid image of pure racism in the south and how lynchings were such a gruesome image, and was meant to be a protest against the inhumanity of racism (Blair) . The poem Strange Fruit was published in 1937 by Abel Meeropol after he viewed an image of a lynching that occurred in the south. Meeropol was haunted by the image and was inspired to write and publish the poem (Meeropol). Abel Meeropol was already against racism in America and when he saw the appalling image of two African American people being lynched ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The elements of imagery are seen in the poem when Abel writes The bulgin eyes and the twisted mouth (6). The sentence describes a very horrid image of how the African Americans looks as they were being hanged against their will. This depicts imagery because it gives a very detailed image in the reader s mind of how they looked like as they were hanged. Personification is present in the poem Strange Fruit when Meeropol writes For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck (10). This is personification because it gives the rain the trait of gathering things, and it also gives the wind the trait of sucking. Within the poem, Meeropol also includes juxtaposition, for example when he says Scent of magnolias sweet and fresh/ Then the sudden smell of burnin flesh (7 8). This is an example of juxtaposition because it brings out the difference between the sweet smell of a flower, and the bad dark smell of burning flesh, and it makes the difference between those things more apparent. Throughout the poem Strange Fruit Meeropol also uses metaphors, such as when he puts Southern trees bear a strange fruit (1) in his poem. The entire poem itself is a metaphor because the poem compares African Americans that have been lynched, and the strange fruit that hangs from trees. The poem is comparing the strange fruit to it actually being the African Americans that were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. America s Identity Crisis Analysis What does it mean to be American What does it mean to be american? The heritage of the american society plays a major role. Sadly though the american heritage is getting left behind. The americans are forgetting about the heritage and our american identity is in a crisis. We must solve this crisis and inform the american people about their past ancestors. In America s identity crisis we learn about how modern day people don t care to learn about their ancestors. In America s identity crisis solved we learn about what we can do knowing about our ancestors and also what we should do. Americans are losing track of their heritage and are focusing more about keeping their generations alive and healthy. In a project in 2007, 2,421respondents ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Tire Tires On Flat Level Asphalt Essay Introduction Definition: This is an instruction set on how to change a deflated tire to the spare tire on a passenger vehicle. Overview: Changing a vehicles tire is an automotive process in which you remove current deflated tire to spare tire provided by the vehicle manufacturer. Steps: If you were driving before your tire deflated move all the way to the right to remove yourself from harm, if not then change vehicles tire on flat level asphalt. Access the trunk of vehicle to find all necessary tools to change vehicles tire scissor jack, lug bolt wrench, and spare tire. Loosen lug nuts. Raise vehicle off ground with scissor jack. Remove lug bolts completely. Remove deflated tire off mounting surface. Mount spare tire to the mounting surface. Hand tighten each lug bolt on. Lower vehicle until enough pressure so tire can t spin. Tighten each lug bolt . Bring vehicle all the way down. Put all tools and deflated tire back in trunk of the vehicle. Discussion Definition: If driving before tire deflated move your vehicle all the way to the right of the road, to remove yourself from any dangers. If not please skip to step two. Park vehicle on flat level asphalt. Access the trunk of your vehicle, remove the scissor jack, lug bolt wrench and spare tire which will be hidden under a mat in the trunk. (reference figure 1.1) Figure 1.1 Image Loosen lug bolts on wheel with lug bolt wrench by turning wrench counter clockwise until it becomes loose. Don t remove lug ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Julius Ceaser Fate Some say the death of Julius Ceaser was the outcome of an overly conceited king, desperate to take the throne. While others argue pride wasn t the issue, the cause of Ceaser s death was merely fate, caused by the God s determination to set forth Ceaser s destiny, due to dreams and bad omens. As expressed in the play of Julius Ceaser, Calpurnia s dream had a big impact on this issue. She believed her dream of Rome s people bathing in the blood of caeser, from Ceaser s statue was a sign, sign that Bigger and worse events would take place in the near future, that her husband, and future ruler would be ripped away, and taken so soon. Nor heaven nor earth have been at peace tonight; Thrice hath Calhurnia in her sleep cried out, Help, ho ! They murder Ceaser! Who s within? This quote is foreshadowing, indicating/ warning of a future event. This would be considered Fate, Calpurnia had seen it in her dream, before the death Ceaser has happened. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... O Ceaser! These things are beyond all use, and I do fear them. (Meaning there was a lion loose roaming the City OF Rome, the weather was so horrible it seemed like the gods were fighting at war and the rain that came down upon the capitol was the blood of the dead ghost. This quote explains that all these omens are a bad sign that bad things are going to happen. These omens were believed to be bad omens, Cassius also expressed that all these things are happening because of Ceaser, that Ceaser was to blame for everything that has been taking place in Rome, and that s why Ceaser must ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Spread Of A Sexually Transmitted Infections In the world today almost everyone knows what a sexually transmitted infection is. People know that these are infections caused by risky behavior and can stay with someone for the rest of their life. Although people know what a sexually transmitted infection is they may not know the proper way to prevent such infections or they may be unware of what their community offers to help prevent unwanted pregnancy and infections. I ventured to my local grocery store, Standale Meijer, to see what variety of options were available for men and women to prevent unwanted sexually transmitted infections. I was greeted by a plethora of options. Most of the products were geared towards men, such as condoms. There were about fifteen different types of condoms across seven different brands. Trojan was a more prominent brand that was offered at this location. There were about ten different Trojan condom types. Among them were ultra ribbed, fire and ice, bareskin, ultra thin and her pleasure ecstasy. Birth control options offered at this location was not a huge selection. I found four different types, all of which were for women. The options provided are Plan B, Today Sponge, Options Conceptrol, and Vaginal Contraceptive Film. All are over the counter but you need to go to a pharmacist to acquire Plan B. Fortunately, I was the only one on the isle so I did not feel like anyone was watching me or feel awkward for staring at all these different condoms and contraceptive items. The Pregnancy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Summary Of Jerry Spinelli s Stargirl Stargirl is a realistic fiction chapter book that was written by Jerry Spinelli and was published on August 8, 2000. Stargirl has been awarded the 2003 Grand Canyon Reader Award for Teen Book, the 2003 Iowa Teen Award, and the 2004 Charlotte Award. Stargirl was also nominated for many more awards as well (such as the 2002 Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children s Book Award, the 2003 Rebecca Caudill Young Reader s Book Award, and the 2006 Lincoln Award, to name a few). According to Goodreads.com, Stargirl is a celebration of nonconformity and I believe that is the best way to define this book. Stargirl follows Leo Borlock, a junior at Mica High School in Arizona. At Mica High School, fitting in is an unspoken rule. Then Leo meets Stargirl Caraway, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I was the person who stood out because I had a strong self confidence in who I was in school. Before that, though, I was in Leo s shoes. I knew someone similar to Stargirl. I knew a girl who was homeschooled and when she started school, she really stood out because she had never been socialized like I had. She did not have the peer pressure to dress or act a certain way. No long after she arrived, she began to change to fit in. Unlike Stargirl, this girl changed and embraced being different from who she once was. I do not like to admit it, but at the time I was the Leo to her Stargirl meaning I had a bit of an influence on her change due to the peer pressure. It was not until I reached my sophomore year of high school that I truly began to embrace who I was and my difference. I was around the same age as Stargirl and I was having a difficult time embracing who I was when I was always accustomed to blending in. When I read about Stargirl s confidence and how comfortable she felt in her own skin, it reminded me of the struggles I overcame to feel this way. At this point in my life, I feel a strong connection with Stargirl in that I know who I am, and I feel confident with just being me. I only wished I had read this book as a kid, maybe I would not have pressured my friend to conform to the expectations of my school or have such a difficult time to build up the courage to embrace my differences ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Manic-Depressive Disorder Analysis K.R. Jamison battles with Manic Depressive Disorder, also known as Bipolar disorder, and challenges herself with managing her academics, romantic relationships, and social life. Her take on the disorder and treatment gives an interesting outlook on one who has the disorder. Two interesting themes is the challenges in having to take lithium to help keep the disorder under control or suffer from the mania and depression and having the strength and overcoming the obstacles of being able to have a stable, loving relationship with a mental illness. Those who have mental disorders are and absolute help in the mental health field. Kay soon discovers that she cannot handle taking the medicine and often chooses between taking the medicine and feeling ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Psychosocial Family Tree Assessment Psychosocial Family Tree Rubi Garza Texas A M International University The Psychosocial Family Tree assessment requires the input of known, important characteristics of family members. It strives to get a better understanding of an individual s psychological development by analyzing certain characteristics that the individual s family members have. The individual fills out the assessment to the best of their abilities, including characteristics of the big five factors, occupation, education, etc. This assessment uses the L Data approach and the qualitative method. The reliability, validity, and generalizability of the assessment are evaluated to conclude the degree of effectiveness. The results concluded that the Psychosocial Family Tree is low in reliability, moderate in construct validity, and low in generalization. The findings provide an insight to an individual s personality and awareness to specific patterns of behaviors or characteristics. The type of data used was the L Data, commonly known as the Life Outcome approach. This type of data allows one to see objective and verifiable information (Fudner, 2012). In other words, it can analyze the observable life outcomes and the residues of an individual. Although this data has an essential importance to being psychological relevant, it is sometimes inapplicable, and it is determined by many different factors (Fudner, 2012). Another approach used was the qualitative method. Instead of measuring with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The P L Of The Month Denny , After reviewing the P L of the month of December 2015 we had some issues in the fallowing categories , see attached excel sheet Bad Debit 1 During the month of December we had a charge back on a customer check for $475 , the check was accepted after the system glitches and the authorization wasn t printed on the back of the check , a simple fix is to always make sure to run the check through the machine and obtain a printed authorization on the back . 2 during the year review we discovered $300 in counterfeit bills that we were charged back for , this is an easy fix as well as Counterfeit Detector Pens should be used all the time on every single large bill before accepting it . 3 During the first month after grand opening we lost $181 in deposit discrepancies $175 of the noted discrepancy was due to issuing POG card without an the proper offset in the POS to offset the cost , this issue was addressed the fallowing month as we became aware of the issue and prepared the gift cards at the beginning of each month and offset the cost in the POS to be coded under sales promotion . Home delivery During the year review for our costs under this category we discoed a $2926 that were spent on home delivery , below is our biggest misses 1 IST transfer due to customer service issues A largo portion of the dollars spent udder this category was utilized to ship product to our store from another location or due to an error when our store ended up paying ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Kaze No Denwa Short Story Kaze No Denwa It is April 11, 2011, and one month has passed since the great Japanese tsunami splintered the island. In a small coastal village, a man parks his car at a distance and walks towards the only object in a large field: Kaze No Denwa, the Phone of the Wind. Tears begin to well in his eyes as he feels the gentle breeze wash over him. His shoes crunch the loose gravel underfoot. On this day, there is no one else around. In the middle of the field stands a white phone booth. It glows boldly in the bright afternoon sunlight. The man walks along a winding path through low cut, manicured underbrush. He reaches the phone booth, slides open the door, and enters. He takes his time, looks around, and finally picks up the receiver from atop an old fashioned black rotary phone. He places a finger into a small circle at his desired number, gently spins clockwise, releases, and repeats nine times. The phone in Kaze No Denwa is connected to nothing; there is no electricity here, no dial tone even, but the man is not surprised. If you can hear me, he says, please listen carefully. He stops, looks around the tiny phone box, and sobs, wiping the tears from his eyes with a sleeve. Please, let me hear your voice say Daddy again. He covers his eyes with the sleeve and gently whispers, I m so sorry I couldn t save you. I will forever be sorry and shamed. His head falls, his eyes close. His name is Satsuko. He has travelled far to visit Kaze No Denwa. The great tsunami has brought havoc and, with it, many lives have gone to that place where spirits reside. Sadness has punctuated the land, and Satsuko is in its midst. His face and demeanour are altered. Kaze No Denwa, the Phone of the Wind is becoming well known. Its back story and sentiment have resonated with the people. He read about it in a magazine published the year prior; the story of an old man s burning wish, long before the tsunami, to communicate with his deceased relative. A phone booth was set in the middle of a field tilled by hand and hoe for generations, a place for the old man to air his grief, where his breath could catch the wind and set out across the field, down the cliff face, and across the vast blue Pacific. Satsuko moves slowly. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Viola Odorata s In a controlled experiment, how is a plants growth affected by its surroundings? Environmental factors such as light, water, temperature, and nutrition all take part in plant growth. But do plants affect each other? If there are three Viola odorata s in a container, then they will grow faster and more efficiently compared to a container holding nine Viola odorata s whereas they would most likely absorb more water and other environmental factors. A Viola odorata is an annual plant that is also known as a sweet violet Wellsiana . These plants naturally complete their life cycles in about the span of one growing season; in which the plant sprouts, grows, flowers, sets seed and then dies. Some annuals, including Viola s, thrive in cold weather ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is not to be confused with plant fertilization which is a common mistake. For normal growth plants are in need of these eighteen elements: hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen which are found in air and water. The next six elements are known as macronutrients: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium which are found in soil. The last nine elements are called the micronutrients: iron, zinc, molybdenum, nickel, manganese, boron, copper, cobalt, and chlorine which are found in the soil. All these elements are crucial. Majority of the plants nutrients are dissolved in water and immersed by the roots. Active absorption is important and essential for the plant to grow healthy, but the nutrients can be absorbed passively. Some factors that may affect the absorption of nutrients throughout the roots are the soil pH, type of ion, solubility of ion pairs, oxygen, water, soil, sugar supply, temperature, and plant stress. In conclusion, if a container holds a total of three Viola odorata s and absorb more water and other environmental factors that contribute to plant growth and development, then they will grow faster and more efficiently than a container that carries nine Viola odorata s that will take in less water, sunlight, and nutrients since they are all fighting for it. The fact that all the environmental factors play such a key role in plant growth signifies their importance and the very reason that plants would die without ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Should Children Be Allowed To Spank Children The stresses of parenting are often times hard and relentless. With this in mind, many parents try their best to deal with those stresses and make the best of raising their children. This often times requires disciplining, in order to end and/or curb bad behavior. Corporal punishment is one of these forms of discipline. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, corporal punishment is punishment inflicted on a person s body ( Corporal Punishment ). The most common form of corporal punishment is spanking which is often used to deal with child rearing or bad behavior (Knox and Brouwer 341 342). According to American Academy of Pediatrics, upwards of 90% of Americans spank their children infrequently (American Academy of Pediatrics 725). Furthermore, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, reasoning is the ability of the mind to think and understand things in a logical way ( Reasoning ). So, the goal is to get the child to understand or at least think about what he/she has done wrong. Sometimes, parents will raise their voice at their kids. In fact, most parents will yell at their child at some point (Morris). This is very ineffective when trying to reason with a child as tends to just shut them down (Arky). Furthermore, yelling has also been associated with lower self esteem in children (Arky). One way to reason with a child effectively, without yelling, is to use a firm tone (Ramchandani). This lets the child understand he/she has done something wrong, but does not scare or shut him/her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Naturalism in The Open Boat February 24 2012 Essay 1 Word Count: 1515 Olivia Calder The Open Boat The Open Boat is a short story written by Steven Crane about four men stranded on a dinghy after their boat had sunk over night. The men were struggling to stay alive because it seemed as if they had no hope for survival. The four stranded shipmen were a correspondent, an oiler, a cook, and a captain. The theme of the story is that man has no control over his destinies and that nature controls everything. Naturalist themes prevail in Stephen Crane s The Open Boat as it demonstrates naturalist literature through the struggle that nature throws at the men. Naturalism arises throughout the men s constant battle between their surrounding environment and keeping ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The men came to the conclusion that fate must be the reason that they are experiencing this deathly situation. It is the understanding of this fact that brings the men to the edge of their misery. At this point the men feel like their lives are coming to an end, so much so that they even ask the captain if they have a chance at survival, to which the captain replies If this wind holds and the boat don t swamp, we can t do much else. This quote shows the uselessness that the men feel, but it also makes apparent there is still a possibility of hope. Steven Crane really emphasizes the uselessness and the hopelessness they feel against the universe, If I am going to be drowned if I am going to be drowned if I am going to be drowned, why, in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees? Was I brought here merely to have my nose dragged away as I was about to nibble the sacred cheese of life? It is preposterous. At this point the men actually made sight to land yet are too far to even make the effort to swim. How could the universe be so unfair that it would let them have a small taste or nibble of the sacred cheese of life at surviving? They had been through a drastic environment to get to where they are. If the universe cared about them at all, it would find a way for the men to make it to land, although when it comes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Effects of the Female Characters Departure in both A... In both A Doll s House and Like Water for Chocolate Henrik Ibsen and Laura Esquival respectively, each make one of their women characters leave not only their houses but even their lifestyles and cultures. Nora in A Doll s House leaves her home in search of her true inner self. While Gertrudis in Like Water for Chocolate leaves her house in her own endeavor to escape Mama Elena s repression. Bothe Ibsen and Esquival make use of a variety of literary devices and styles in order to show to the readers/audience the effect the departure of Nora and Gertrudis has on not only the other characters in the work but also the entire work itself. Each of the two characters exit the works under different circumstances and it is this dissimilarity that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She points out to Torvald that their marriage was a clear failure when she questions Torvald, How could you ever teach me to be a proper wife? Your wife? (Ibsen 82). To this question Torvald is unable to provide a reasonable answer hence proving Nora s point about the failure of their marriage. Further, the sudden change in Nora s behavior during the second half of the play is significant as it symbolizes her clear intent to depart from the house in search of her inner self. The egression of one of the female protagonists from each of the works has a profound effect of the other characters and their development. The departure of Gertrudis is met with both extreme anger and sadness opposite emotions. Mama Elena s reaction to Gertrudis elopement is one of absolute outrage. She in a way almost disowns Gertrudis by burned [burning] Gertrudis birth certificate (Esquival 55) and claiming that she didn t want to hear her name mentioned ever again. (Esquival 55) The diction of the sentence and the usage of the word ever are significant as it shows the extent of Mama Elena s rage and disavowal towards Gertrudis. At the other end of things, it is clearly evident to the reader that Tita is sad and dissolutioned by Gertrudis exit as Tita saw Gertrudis rebellious tendencies towards her mother as a fulfillment of her own desires to rebel against her tyrannical mother. On the other hand, in A Doll s House, the reaction of Torvald varies with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Wella Brand The wella brand We unite people who are passionate about hair, in the quest for moments of hair triumph. For us, it s all about hair. From the beginning it was always like that. Everything inspired by our love of hairdressing to innovate, inspire and enable what we call moments of hair triumph every day. Professional hair is our reason to be, the stylist our creator, and the consumer our muse. With the stylist we make beauty dreams come true on the stage of life. Igniting the expertise with the spark of passion, succeeding together. It started with passion The Wella Professionals story began in 1880 with Franz Ströher, a young German hairdresser with an entrepreneurial spirit and a deep love of hairdressing. Franz ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To the client, it s when a beauty dream is realised. A new confidence. A fresh start. The new campaign is all about this achievable, individual beauty that becomes liberated and real in the magical moment we call the Hair Triumph. Our new advertising campaign is a true testimony to the inspiration coming from our interactions with the stylists and their clients. Many of them spoke to us about the courage it takes for the client to let go, the eagerness of the stylist to make that client s day, the positive tension that comes between and the final, ultimate moment of beauty triumph that both of them strive for. Feeling the passion with inspiration is the lifeblood of every stylist. When their own passion is sparked, they create their best work and then bring a new level of creative energy to their own salons. Wella Professionals Trend Vision delivers that inspiration in volumes an annual insight into key emerging trends in fashion, color, styling and design, interpreted as a collection of four directional hair trend looks, presented to the industry on a global stage. Passing on the passion Every year, over 1.5 million stylists and salon owners are involved in one of 85,000 Wella Professionals education activities, making ours one of the world s most comprehensive training programmes. Our fundamental principles remain unchanged: Raising the benchmark of creativity and technical skills for all hair
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