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Love and Peace with the World
Philippine Buddhist Youth Camp 2012
5:00-6:30PM, March 31, 2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
Be here, Now.
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
An Exercise
• With your group, prepare a tableau (using your bodies
only, no other props) to express the idea/concept of
the word assigned to you. Keep the word a secret. 
• When you’re ready to present, show your “body
tableau” to everyone, freeze for a minute or 2, as we
ask everyone to guess what your are presenting.
• After everyone is done, let one member of your group
finally, reveal the “secret word” and explain what you
were presenting . 
• After all groups are done presenting, please reflect on
this exercise. What did you observe? What have you
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
• "A map is not the territory it represents, but
if correct, it has a similar structure to the
territory, which accounts for its usefulness".
This means is that our perception of reality is
not reality itself but our own version of it, or
our "mental map". – Alfred Korzibsky, father
of general semantics
The Map is not the Territory.
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
• "Maps are never value-free images; except in the
narrowest Euclidean sense they are not in themselves
either true or false. Both in the selectivity of their
content and in their signs and styles of representation,
maps are a way of conceiving, articulating and
structuring the human world which is biased towards,
promoted by, and exerts influence upon sets of social
relations. By accepting such premises it becomes
easier to see how appropriate they are to
manipulation by the powerful in society." Harley. J. B.
"Maps, Knowledge, and Power," The Iconography of
Landscape, ed. Denis Cosgrove and Stephen Daniels.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
LENS OF IDENTITY: Born into a world with
mechanics in place: stereotypes, prejudices
LENS OF SOCIALIZATION: Reinforcement by schools,
church, other institutions, media
Socialization on a personal level
Reward or punishment
LENS OF EXPERIENCE: Results might be re-affirmation or guilt,
anger, silence, violence, internalization of patterns of power
Do nothing; promote the status quo
(created by B. Harro, 1982)
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
6 Types of Love
(J.A. Lee, “Colors of Love”, 1973)
• Eros is romantic, passionate, love—what Tennov labeled limerence. In this type of
relationship, love is life's most important thing. Lee said a search for physical
beauty or an ideal type also typifies this type of love.
• Ludus is a game-playing or uncommitted love. Lying is part of the game. A person
who pursues ludic love may have many conquests but remains uncommitted.
• Storge (STORE-gay) is a slow developing, friendship-based loved. People with this
type of relationship like to participate in activities together. Often storge results in
a long-term relationship in which sex might not be very intense or passionate.
• Pragma is a pragmatic, practical, mutually beneficial relationship. It may be
somewhat unromantic. A person who leans toward this type of relationship may
look for a partner at work or where the person is spending time. Sex is likely to be
seen as a technical matter needed for producing children, if they are desired.
• Mania is an obsessive or possessive love, jealous and extreme. A person in love
this way is likely to do something crazy or silly, such as stalking. The movie Fatal
Attraction was about this type.
• Agape (a-GOP-aye) is a gentle, caring, giving type of love, brotherly love, not
concerned with the self. It is relatively rare. Mother Theresa showed this kind of
love for impoverished people.
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
Agape Love
(1 Corinthians: 4-7)
• 4
Love is patient, love is kind. It does
not envy, it does not boast, it is not
proud. 5
It does not dishonor others,
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily
angered, it keeps no record of
wrongs. 6
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth. 7
It always
protects, always trusts, always
hopes, always perseveres.
• Love mentality: “All is One”; what I
do to me I do to you and what I do to
you I do to me; “I am loved/ I am
taken care of.”; sufficiency,
cooperation, sharing
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
What is Fear?
• Instinctual response to potential danger;
when healthy, a protective mechanism
• Physiological symptoms: Rapid heart rate,
Increased blood pressure, Tightening of
muscles, Sharpened or redirected senses,
Dilation of the pupils (to let in more light),
Increased sweating
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
• Perceived danger may be
real (supported by facts) or
potential (based on
perception, past experience,
information, prior
conditioning, perceived
degree of security)
• Fear mentality: “I am
alone”; “I am separate from
you”; scarcity, competition,
attack modes
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
Concepts of Peace
• Pax (Latin) – a pact, a contract; an absence of war through the
imposition of order by a dominant power
• Sala’m (Arabic) – peace with justice/order/following the right
path of God
• Shalom (Hebrew) – wholeness, integrity, harmony; co-
existence of opposites through acceptance of differences;
continuous growth of all creative human powers
• Shanti (Sanskrit) – equanimity, spiritual peace, oneness with
the Divine, non-attachment, self-realization
• Heping (Chinese) – harmony within and without, stability and
• Filipino?
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
Key Elements of Peace
• Absence of war and physical violence
• Conditions necessary for human fulfillment
and the growth of our creative powers
• Conditions necessary for human harmony
• Conditions necessary for oneness with all
creation, inner peace
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
Total Peace
Integrated Peace:
Absence of Indirect Violence
Direct/Symptomatic Peace:
Absence of Direct Physical Violence
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
Inflicting Harm, Damage
• Direct Violence
-usually physically
manifested (hitting,
beating, shooting,
bombing, raping,
kicking, etc.)
• Indirect Violence – usually
insidiously/subtly manifested
– Cultural Violence: hate speech,
gossip, xenophobia, discrimination
in any form, gender violence,
“chosen-ness”, etc.
– Structural Violence: poverty,
slavery, apartheid, colonialism,
corruption, excessive material
– Ecological Violence:
overconsumption, pollution,
environmental harm and damage
The Triangle of Violence
Hitting, Beating, Shooting,
Bombing, Raping …
Myths and Legends,
„Choosenness“, Gender Violence
Poverty, Corruption
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
“A Space for Human Flourishing”
Say no to peace
If what they mean by peace
Is the quiet misery of hunger
The frozen stillness of fear
The silence of broken spirits
The unborn hopes of the oppressed.
Tell them that peace
Is the shouting of children at play
The babble of tongues set free
The thunder of dancing feet
And a father’s voice singing.
- Diana Francis,
Conflict Transformation: From Violence
to Politics
Love and peace with the world
Is Violence the same as Conflict?
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
What is Conflict?
Conflict is a process through which two or
more actors try to pursue incompatible
goals while trying the undermine the goal-
seeking potential of the others.
It may also arise when two or more actors
pursue compatible goals with incompatible
Conflict arises when there are unmet needs
and changing needs.
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
Sources of Conflict
• Scarce resources
• Uneven distribution of power
• Poor or no communication between parties
• Parties have incorrect perceptions of each other
• There is a lack or very low level of trust
• Unresolved grievances exist from the past
• Parties do not value the relationship between
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
Conflict Escalation
9. Destruction and self-destruction
8. Destruction of the opponent
7. Limited destructive blows and sanctions
6. Threatening strategies
5. Open attack and loss of face
4. Formation of coalitions
3. Confrontation, with a “fait accompli”
2. Debate
1. Tension and Crystallization
How Conflict is Managed
And Communicated
Quantity and
Quality of
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
• Conflict is part of life. Life means growth.
• Conflict is about change. Life is a series of
changes towards growth.
• Change requires adjustments and
readjustments of perceptions, attitudes,
behaviors, structures, ways of life.
• Responses to conflict can be creative and
collaborative, if change is seen as an
opportunity for new and better possibilities
rather than a threat.
Conflict is not the same as Violence.
Love and peace with the world
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
The Media
What source? Hirarchy…
How many? Time…
What information do
you pick up?
In what condition are you?
How much do you
What‘s News?
Journalistic decisions…
Target Group
For whom do you write
and report?
Who is working with you?
…for investigation, for
interviews, for writing
and authorizing?
House Style
External Influence
Newsvalue compared to other stories
Space in the paper, program
Taste, personal relationship
Organizational background?
? Report / Article
Peace Journalism
is when editors and reporters make choices –
of which stories to report, and how to report
them – which create opportunities for society
at large to consider and to value non-violent
responses to conflict.
(Jake Lynch, Annabel McGoldrick,
Reporting the World / BBC)
Key Questions of a PJ Approach:
• How is the conflict framed?
• What is the shape of the conflict?
• How is violence reported?
• What is the role of the journalist in the
Characteristics of War Journalism
War Journalism reports on conflict
as a Sports Reporter does on a
tennis match:
• who is fighting (playing)
•what the score is (casualties
taken/territory won or lost by
either side)
•who is winning and who is losing
The Shape of the Conflict
Party A Party B
Two Party Geometry
Love and peace with the world
The DMA-Syndrome
• Two party geometry
• „Us“ and „Them“
• „Goodies and Baddies“
• Victory or defeat
The world is divided into
Good & Evil.
Before we
can establish
we need
the last battle!
Characteristics of Peace Journalism
Conflict is to a Peace Journalist as disease is to a
Health Correspondent.
e.g. Heart disease reported as:
•Technical aspects,e.g. the latest development in open-
heart surgery (the equivalent of War Journalism
and its talk of ‘surgical strikes’).
•But also: underlying causes (diet and lifestyle, poor
education, housing conditions etc.))
•highlight possible SOLUTIONS - initiatives to counter the
effect of marketing fatty foods to children, or
persuading people to take more exercise.
The Shape of the Conflict
Round Table Geometry
Peace Journalism vs War Journalism
• Two party geometry
• Tug of war
• Zero sum gain
• Victory or defeat
• Demonization for
• Good and evil
(DMA Syndrome)
• Round table
• Conflict as common problem
• Positive sum gain
• Search for solutions
• Humanizing all parties
• Shades of gray
Love and peace with the world
Love and peace with the world
Ubuntu, Xhosa culture
Love and peace with the world

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Love and peace with the world

  • 1. Love and Peace with the World Philippine Buddhist Youth Camp 2012 Presentation 5:00-6:30PM, March 31, 2012 created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 2. Be here, Now. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 3. An Exercise • With your group, prepare a tableau (using your bodies only, no other props) to express the idea/concept of the word assigned to you. Keep the word a secret.  • When you’re ready to present, show your “body tableau” to everyone, freeze for a minute or 2, as we ask everyone to guess what your are presenting. • After everyone is done, let one member of your group finally, reveal the “secret word” and explain what you were presenting .  • After all groups are done presenting, please reflect on this exercise. What did you observe? What have you learned? created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 4. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 5. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 6. • "A map is not the territory it represents, but if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness". This means is that our perception of reality is not reality itself but our own version of it, or our "mental map". – Alfred Korzibsky, father of general semantics The Map is not the Territory. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 7. • "Maps are never value-free images; except in the narrowest Euclidean sense they are not in themselves either true or false. Both in the selectivity of their content and in their signs and styles of representation, maps are a way of conceiving, articulating and structuring the human world which is biased towards, promoted by, and exerts influence upon sets of social relations. By accepting such premises it becomes easier to see how appropriate they are to manipulation by the powerful in society." Harley. J. B. "Maps, Knowledge, and Power," The Iconography of Landscape, ed. Denis Cosgrove and Stephen Daniels. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 8. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 LENS OF IDENTITY: Born into a world with mechanics in place: stereotypes, prejudices LENS OF SOCIALIZATION: Reinforcement by schools, church, other institutions, media Socialization on a personal level Reward or punishment LENS OF EXPERIENCE: Results might be re-affirmation or guilt, anger, silence, violence, internalization of patterns of power Do nothing; promote the status quo Interrupt Question Reframe Raise consciousness Change Transform CYCLE OF SOCIALIZATION DIAGRAM (created by B. Harro, 1982)
  • 9. LOVE, FEAR created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 10. 6 Types of Love (J.A. Lee, “Colors of Love”, 1973) • Eros is romantic, passionate, love—what Tennov labeled limerence. In this type of relationship, love is life's most important thing. Lee said a search for physical beauty or an ideal type also typifies this type of love. • Ludus is a game-playing or uncommitted love. Lying is part of the game. A person who pursues ludic love may have many conquests but remains uncommitted. • Storge (STORE-gay) is a slow developing, friendship-based loved. People with this type of relationship like to participate in activities together. Often storge results in a long-term relationship in which sex might not be very intense or passionate. • Pragma is a pragmatic, practical, mutually beneficial relationship. It may be somewhat unromantic. A person who leans toward this type of relationship may look for a partner at work or where the person is spending time. Sex is likely to be seen as a technical matter needed for producing children, if they are desired. • Mania is an obsessive or possessive love, jealous and extreme. A person in love this way is likely to do something crazy or silly, such as stalking. The movie Fatal Attraction was about this type. • Agape (a-GOP-aye) is a gentle, caring, giving type of love, brotherly love, not concerned with the self. It is relatively rare. Mother Theresa showed this kind of love for impoverished people. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 11. Agape Love (1 Corinthians: 4-7) • 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. • Love mentality: “All is One”; what I do to me I do to you and what I do to you I do to me; “I am loved/ I am taken care of.”; sufficiency, cooperation, sharing created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 12. What is Fear? • Instinctual response to potential danger; when healthy, a protective mechanism • Physiological symptoms: Rapid heart rate, Increased blood pressure, Tightening of muscles, Sharpened or redirected senses, Dilation of the pupils (to let in more light), Increased sweating created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 13. • Perceived danger may be real (supported by facts) or potential (based on perception, past experience, information, prior conditioning, perceived degree of security) • Fear mentality: “I am alone”; “I am separate from you”; scarcity, competition, attack modes created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 14. PEACE, VIOLENCE, CONFLICT created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 15. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 Concepts of Peace • Pax (Latin) – a pact, a contract; an absence of war through the imposition of order by a dominant power • Sala’m (Arabic) – peace with justice/order/following the right path of God • Shalom (Hebrew) – wholeness, integrity, harmony; co- existence of opposites through acceptance of differences; continuous growth of all creative human powers • Shanti (Sanskrit) – equanimity, spiritual peace, oneness with the Divine, non-attachment, self-realization • Heping (Chinese) – harmony within and without, stability and order • Filipino?
  • 16. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 Key Elements of Peace • Absence of war and physical violence • Conditions necessary for human fulfillment and the growth of our creative powers • Conditions necessary for human harmony • Conditions necessary for oneness with all creation, inner peace
  • 17. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 Peace Total Peace Integrated Peace: Absence of Indirect Violence Direct/Symptomatic Peace: Absence of Direct Physical Violence
  • 18. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 Violence: Inflicting Harm, Damage • Direct Violence -usually physically manifested (hitting, beating, shooting, bombing, raping, kicking, etc.) • Indirect Violence – usually insidiously/subtly manifested – Cultural Violence: hate speech, gossip, xenophobia, discrimination in any form, gender violence, “chosen-ness”, etc. – Structural Violence: poverty, slavery, apartheid, colonialism, corruption, excessive material inequality – Ecological Violence: overconsumption, pollution, environmental harm and damage
  • 19. The Triangle of Violence Cultural Violence Direct Violence Structural Violence visible invisible Hitting, Beating, Shooting, Bombing, Raping … Myths and Legends, „Choosenness“, Gender Violence Poverty, Corruption
  • 20. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 Peace: “A Space for Human Flourishing” Say no to peace If what they mean by peace Is the quiet misery of hunger The frozen stillness of fear The silence of broken spirits The unborn hopes of the oppressed. Tell them that peace Is the shouting of children at play The babble of tongues set free The thunder of dancing feet And a father’s voice singing. - Diana Francis, Conflict Transformation: From Violence to Politics
  • 22. Is Violence the same as Conflict? created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 23. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 What is Conflict? Conflict is a process through which two or more actors try to pursue incompatible goals while trying the undermine the goal- seeking potential of the others. It may also arise when two or more actors pursue compatible goals with incompatible methods. Conflict arises when there are unmet needs and changing needs.
  • 24. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 Sources of Conflict • Scarce resources • Uneven distribution of power • Poor or no communication between parties • Parties have incorrect perceptions of each other • There is a lack or very low level of trust • Unresolved grievances exist from the past • Parties do not value the relationship between them
  • 25. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 Conflict Escalation 9. Destruction and self-destruction 8. Destruction of the opponent 7. Limited destructive blows and sanctions 6. Threatening strategies 5. Open attack and loss of face 4. Formation of coalitions 3. Confrontation, with a “fait accompli” 2. Debate 1. Tension and Crystallization How Conflict is Managed And Communicated Quantity and Quality of Information
  • 26. created by J. C. Patindol, c2012 • Conflict is part of life. Life means growth. • Conflict is about change. Life is a series of changes towards growth. • Change requires adjustments and readjustments of perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, structures, ways of life. • Responses to conflict can be creative and collaborative, if change is seen as an opportunity for new and better possibilities rather than a threat. Conflict is not the same as Violence.
  • 31. JOURNALISM THE LINEAR MODEL THE FEEDBACK LOOP created by J. C. Patindol, c2012
  • 32. The Media Filter FACTS Source Personal Knowledge What source? Hirarchy… How many? Time… Interpreters… What information do you pick up? In what condition are you? How much do you understand? Professional What‘s News? Journalistic decisions… Target Group For whom do you write and report? Team Who is working with you? Time …for investigation, for interviews, for writing and authorizing? Money NO COMMENT… Editorial House Style External Influence Newsvalue compared to other stories Space in the paper, program Taste, personal relationship Organizational background? ? Report / Article
  • 33. Peace Journalism is when editors and reporters make choices – of which stories to report, and how to report them – which create opportunities for society at large to consider and to value non-violent responses to conflict. (Jake Lynch, Annabel McGoldrick, Reporting the World / BBC)
  • 34. Key Questions of a PJ Approach: • How is the conflict framed? • What is the shape of the conflict? • How is violence reported? • What is the role of the journalist in the conflict?
  • 35. Characteristics of War Journalism War Journalism reports on conflict as a Sports Reporter does on a tennis match: • who is fighting (playing) •what the score is (casualties taken/territory won or lost by either side) •who is winning and who is losing
  • 36. The Shape of the Conflict Party A Party B Two Party Geometry
  • 39. Dualism • Two party geometry • „Us“ and „Them“ • „Goodies and Baddies“ • Victory or defeat
  • 40. Manicheism The world is divided into Good & Evil.
  • 42. Characteristics of Peace Journalism Conflict is to a Peace Journalist as disease is to a Health Correspondent. e.g. Heart disease reported as: •Technical aspects,e.g. the latest development in open- heart surgery (the equivalent of War Journalism and its talk of ‘surgical strikes’). •But also: underlying causes (diet and lifestyle, poor education, housing conditions etc.)) •highlight possible SOLUTIONS - initiatives to counter the effect of marketing fatty foods to children, or persuading people to take more exercise.
  • 43. The Shape of the Conflict Round Table Geometry
  • 44. Summary: Peace Journalism vs War Journalism • Two party geometry • Tug of war • Zero sum gain • Victory or defeat • Demonization for justification • Good and evil (DMA Syndrome) • Round table • Conflict as common problem • Positive sum gain • Search for solutions • Humanizing all parties • Shades of gray

Editor's Notes

  1. Magritte's "La Trahison des Images" ("The Treachery of Images") (1928-9) or "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" ("This is not a pipe"). Sometimes translated as "The Betrayal of Images" By René Magritte, 1898-1967.
  2. Territory by Claudio Gatti