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Lsat Essay Sample Lsat Essay Sample
What Role Do Girl Scouts Play In Ww1
World War One was an unforgettable era. The war stole millions of lives from both sides who
fought. It rattled citizen s faith in their country. People lost brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers.
It was an era that is buried in people s minds and they may never forget it. World War One began
when a Serbian assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria Hungary on June 28th, 1914. Shortly
after the assassination, Austria declared war on Serbia. Several days later Germany had declared
war on Russia and France. As the war progressed other countries started to take sides and
participate in the war. However, the United States hadn t decided to join the war until April 6th,
1917. The U.S remained neutral until Germany started to sink U.S ships that were carrying food
and supplies to Britain. One of the ships they sunk was the Lusitania. They sunk the ship without
giving any warning and killed 128 Americans. A little while later, Germany sunk a French ship that
ended up killing even more Americans. After the second sunken ship Germany and the U.S made a
pact. Germany agreed not to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Children were also a big part in helping during the war. More specifically boy scouts and girl scouts
helped. Girl scouts would help to make basic medical needs for wounded soldiers. Such as,
bandages, swabs, and slings. Boy scouts would help to deliver messages, collect eggs, and some
boy scouts would play all clear signals on bugles after air raids had passed. Some children were
paid to collect conkers, which were used to make explosives. Children would also help to knit
socks and scarves for troops during winter. Sadly, some boys would lie about their age so that
they would be allowed to fight in the war. One of the most famous boy to join was Sidney Lewis.
He was only 12 years old when he joined, fortunately he was sent back home at the age of 13 after
fighting in one of the war s bloodiest battle, the Battle of
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A Short Summary On Remembering The Partridge Family
Remembering the Partridge Family There are those who either loved or ignored this show.
However The Partridge Family TV show did launch the career of teen idol David Cassidy. Since
he could show his musical talent every week it made things a lot easier for him than to have to
struggle to get himself seen and heard. This show also came along at just the right time because
the ever popular show The Monkees had gone off the air in 1968. It was time for more music
and comedy to fill the airwaves. Another thing that greatly helped The Partridge Family to gain an
audience was that the show was scheduled to fill the 8:30 PM timeslot right after The Brady
Bunch in 1970 on ABC. The inspiration for this show was a real life family act The Cowsills.
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A Critique of the Movie, The Birdcage (La Cage aux...
A Critique of the Movie, The Birdcage (La Cage aux Folles)
A gay couple, living in a gay apartment, with a gay houseboy, above a gay nightclub, in a gay
city . . . and they have to straighten it all out for one evening. In 1996 La Cage aux Folles (a
1978 French play) was remade by MGM into The Birdcage, a daringly flamboyant comedy that is
in tune with the times and redefines the idea of family values. It combines the talents of Robin
Williams (Armand), Nathan Lane (Albert), and Hank Azaria (Agador) with writer Elaine May and
director Mike Nichols. The film is brought to life by the superb uniqueness of each character and
what they bring to the screen and add to the plot. This film sheds a new light on non traditional but
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With Albert every little thing that happens is tragic, resulting in a hysterical screech, whine, or
theatrical woe is me pout. He keeps himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown to make sure
he s got everyone s attention. Albert is so maternal he s practically a breast (Nichols) and has been
the sensitive and devoted mother to Armand s son Val (Dan Futtermann) for twenty years. These
attributes cause him to be a truly unique character to both this film and his previous endeavors.
The true beauty of Albert is his fearless presentation of himself. He is who he is and of that he is
Williams is far more sedate in this film than how we re used to seeing him. He s not swooping
around the screen as he was in Aladdin, nor is he prancing around in a dress like in Mrs.
Doubtfire. In The Birdcage he plays wonderfully (and flawlessly) alongside Lane as Armand, the
masculine half of the couple and father to Val. He is far more subdued (though he does do an
uproarious on stage dance demonstration involving the moves of Martha Graham, Twyla Tharp,
Michael Kidd, Madonna, Madonna, Madonna . . . ) (Nichols) and down to Earth than Albert.
Armand spends most of the movie chasing after Albert and smoothing his ruffled feathers when his
overly sensitive feelings have been hurt. When Val s fiance s (Calista
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Psychological Suspense In Psycho
Psychological thriller movies tend to fascinate a lot of viewers since they create suspense, anxiety,
fury and confusion at the same time. The audiences of such films are trying to figure out what s
next and then a sudden twist comes leaving you with a feeling of exhilaration. The extent of
creating such intriguing mysteries in which mind games are involved leads a person to become
inquisitive about what is going to happen next. The movie that remains unpredictable until the end
can keep the audience bound to the film without losing any interest.
There are numerous movies made in this genre but not all of them went well in creating suspense.
Here is the list of few that you might like watching if you are fascinated by psychological thriller ...
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Jacob s Ladder
Jacob s Ladder, a film that released in 1990 is a beautiful film directed by Bruce Joel Rubin
starred Tim Robin, Elizabeth Pena, Danny Aiello. The storyline goes where a haunted Vietnam
war veteran attempts to uncover his past while suffering from a severe case of dissociation where
he deciphers reality and life from his own dreams, delusions and perceptions of death. Suspense
remains at its hilt and that makes the film a better one.
5.Next door
Next door, a psycho horror film directed by Pal Sletaune and starred Kristoffer Joner, Cecilie A.
Mosli, Julia Schacht, Anna Bache Wiig is a horror story where the guy has been ditched by his
girlfriend and in that depressed state he allows himself to be seduced into a mystical and a scary
world, where it is impossible to separate truth and the lies. Amusing enough to entertain the viewer
and worth watching.
Anamorph, a film directed by H.S Miller starred Willem Dafoe, Scott Sneedman, Don Harvey and
James Rebborn is based on an anamorphosis (a distorted drawing that appears to be normal when
viewed from a particular side), a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to
create two competing images on a single canvas. It s exciting to see how the killer in the film uses
equipment from the arts to kill
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Police Brutality Case Study
Police these days have a bad reputation for police brutality. In the past few years, we have seen
multiple police officers being fired or disciplined for unethical situations. In certain states and
neighborhoods, police are the bad guys, because of how they treat the community in which they
serve. This tension started to climax in 2014, as a policeofficer shot an African American male
named Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri that was when people started seeing police officers
in a whole new different light (Buchanan, 2014). While this was happening in Ferguson, the
Newark police in New Jersey were being investigated by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for
unconstitutional practice. 75% of the people stopped don t have a valid reason for being stopped.
Over... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jelani Cobb, was the correspondent who observed how bad the Newark police gang unit
behaved. He went on several rides along and saw that many of these officers were stopping and
pulling over every minority possible, without probable cause. One man in particular, was
harassed by the unit when approached by the gang unit to check if he had a gun. Officer
Wilberto Ruiz puts cuffs and was harassing the civilian about possibly having a gun in his
pocket. He was yelling at the man while they took him down and he was not willing to listen to
what the young man had to say. They searched him, but no weapons, drugs or other incriminating
evidence was found. However, the man that was walking near him had a gun. The police kept
assuming these two men were acquaintances or friends, however they were not. Jelani Cobb was
so dismayed by what he saw that he went to meet with their Sergeant and asked if this was a good
stop. The Sergeant states, by prescription only that would look like a bad stop. From a civilian
perspective, the stop would look unconstitutional, however the Sergeant would see it as differently.
The sergeant s ethical dilemma
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Self Regulation over Government Regulation on The...
How involved should the Government be when it comes to regulation of the Internet? There are
many different issues regarding internet regulation. Should Internet users be responsible for
controlling how they use the Internet? Since the internet has been introduced to Americans there
have been many debates on how involved the Government shouldbe in regulating topics such as
violent games, gambling, and sexual content.
The Internet is a very useful source for many things. It has almost become a way of life for some
people It has faded out things such as post offices, shopping malls and even telephones to some
extent. So since it has become such an asset in peoples lives then should there be laws to prevent
chaos on the Internet?
People ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So what should the Government do? The Government has power to control who can gamble and
who can purchace certain items at a casino or store but how can the government possibly stop a
teenager from doing this online? It needs to be up to the parent to control how their child uses the
Another issue is video games on the internet. There are a lot of violent video games now days,
most of which you have to be eighteen to purchase. There are also a lot of violent video games on
the Internet that you have to be eighteen to play but all you have to do is check the little box that
says yes I am eighteen or over, and who would know any different but that person?
A lot of people are very adament about self regulation. Any other kind of government regulation
on the internet would be a very long process. It s not just the U.S. that has access to this tool. It
is the World Wide Web, meanig it s world wide. There would need to be some sort of committee
formed and it would have to consist of officials from different countries in order to have any law or
regulation because the Internet does not belong to the U.S., it belongs to the world.
Self regulation is, I believe, the best kind of regulation for the Internet. If a parent does not want
their child playing violent video games or downloading pornographic images then
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Web Page Analysis Essay
Web Page Analysis
While browsing the enormous variety of sites and home pages on the World Wide Web, it is
difficult to compare and contrast items that do not have anything in common. How can we say
the Wall Street Journal page is better than Joe s Page of Craziness? Therefore the first step in
critiquing web pages is by determining their purpose. The goal of a web page can vary from
presenting factual information such as the CIA Page, or displaying one s own computer generated
art. Hence, the only way to judge a page is by examining what it tries to accomplish, and how it
achieves its goal.
Once the objective of the page is established, three simple criteria can be used to determine its net
worth (pun not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After wandering randomly on the web, thanks to a site randomizer, the site titled, Alfred
Hitchcock The Master of Suspense, caught my attention. Based on the works of Alfred
Hitchcock, the page describes his biography, his movies, and other sources of related
information. On the title page, Patricio Lopez lists many different links to more information
about Hitchcock. One link tells of Hitchcock s life, other links describe trivial aspects of his
work such as his cameos, memorable quotes, people who helped make his movies, and a guide to
his films. By briefly examining each of the links, it is apparent that Lopez has thoroughly studied
his films (on a casual level) and illustrates his knowledge throughout this site. In some of his other
links, Lopez describes himself and his fascination with the cinema and Hitchcock. Thus, Lopez is
trying to inform visitors about Hitchcock s life and work. In addition, the site successfully achieves
this objective due to the detailed nature of the links and the introduction of lesser known facts,
based on his intensive study.
After a more incisive inspection of the various links and the information contained within, I began
to evaluate the organization of the site. Organization plays an important role in web sites since the
general purpose of a site is to present information of some sort, so the reader could find
information faster if the different subjects are arranged in a logical order. On the index
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Edgar Allan Poe Symbolism In The Raven
The Raven is a narrative poem written by Edgar Allan Poe. Many authors have used talking
ravens in their writing however Edgar Allen Poe was inspired by A Tale of the Riots Eighty by
Charles Dickens. Edgar Allan Poe wrote this poem when his wife was on her deathbed. Throughout
the poem, he looks for some answers related to Lenore, wishing that she would come to him even
if in a ghostly form, because he loves her and wants her. The ravenin the poem may also symbolize
the narrator as a person as well. In stanza 12, line 5, the poem reads: ...this grim, ungainly,
ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore. These all seem to describe what the narrator is feeling.
Yore means long ago, or to look back in time, like he was looking back on Lenore.
In Edgar Allen Poe s poem, The Raven, the narrator is taunted and goaded by a raven in the
midst of his grieving the death of his love, Lenore. In his poem, Poe does not make it clear if the
raven is a real, physical bird inside the narrator s chambers or if the slightly mad narrator conjured
up this being inside his own head. This differentiation makes it difficult to know what I, personally,
would do if confronted with Poe s raven. However, real or not, I think that I would experience
many of the same ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whether real or not, such an unexpected and insistent visitor would startle and confuse me. In
the poem, the raven says over and over the word, Nevermore . I don t know if Poe s raven would
say something different to me. The raven s continuous nevermore to the narrator was an answer
to the fact that Lenore indeed was gone and would be gone forever, nevermore to be in the
narrator s life. If the raven was indeed inside my head, then I am sure the bird would echo over
and over whatever word was the key element to whatever problem caused me to hallucinate the
bird in the first place, and that would both frustrate me and give me an increased sense of
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The Hills And Rocky Creags
She felt right at home, living in her Seanmhair s cottage and with Scotland, as her new address.
Scotland had actually always been her second home. It s going to take time to get acclimated to
her new living arrangement and the Scots way of life. Aileana decided she should take a walk
into town to see if any of her friends might be out and about. It was a magnificent sunny day, now
that the morning mist had burned off. As she walked along the sidewalk in town, the smell of the
ocean and green hills made her feel so wonderful and content. She could genuinely appreciate the
splendor of the country here, she loved that you were able to see the rolling hills and rocky creags.
It was so different from the San Fernando Valley where she... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Aileana hoped all the married men would be home enjoying their off time with their wives and
family. The testosterone level was quite high in the pub as the men were all bragging about one
thing or another. She could hear a group of rowdy men laughing about some off color story one
of the oil riggers was revealing. The room had a friendly vibe, lots of beer drinking and cheerful
men. Aileana walked over to the bar to place her order for the sampler platter of shrimp, scallops
and mussels in white wine, butter, and garlic broth. The platter was served with a chunk of
warm dark Scottish oat bread with a generous portion of soft creamy butter. She decided to go
with a white wine since her seafood platter came in a wine broth. Aileana thought it s a good
thing she had been getting her walks in the morning and surfing an hour or so in the afternoons.
Or else she wouldn t be able to get through the pub doors. Just as she got ready to take a seat
towards the back of the pub; so she could watch all the local action. She noticed one of the men
who was the size of a mountain, and as solid as a block wall; who played a mean game of darts
with his cohorts and seemed to fill the tavern. Dart man backed up and bumped her glass of
Sauvignon Blanc which splashed down the front of her green plaid woolen Pendleton shirt. The
big beast of a man had been laughing with his buddies and was unaware she walked behind him.
He spun around and started to
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William GoldingВґs Lord of the Flies and How Jack Changes...
Lord of the Flies was written by William Golding in 1954. Golding s experience in the war had
an effect on him and changed his views on humanity. His book was written to demonstrate just
how naive the book The Coral Island was. Golding conveys how mankind deteriorates when one
has no rules, order or morals. He shows no matter how young or what nationality one is, humans
have an internal battle of right and wrong and that without virtues and principles all can go
down the path of savagery even innocent children. The third person narrative that Golding uses
lets the reader observe how the story develops. Jack is initially a responsible head strong boy
who follows the rules that society had given him. Our first impression of the choir is that of an
army. They were marching approximately in step. The use of word marching suggests a
uniform military movement. Therefore the first sighting of the choir leaves a lasting
impression of anonymity on the reader. This is conveyed when they are described as a creature
. Ralph s group cannot see the choir so they are unknown and mysterious. Furthermore Jack is
presented as an arrogant yet an authoritative character. In the sentence I ought to be chief because
I m chapter chorister and head boy, Golding emphasises Jack s arrogance and ignorance as Jack
believes that he is suitable for the role of chief due to his role in school which has no relevance. In
addition, Jack is also spiteful and cruel towards Piggy. This is conveyed
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Distractions, Too Many Choices, Differences And Nutrients
Distractions, too many choices, and changes in perception, taste and smell can make eating more
difficult. Serve meals in quiet surroundings, away from the television and other distractions. Avoid
placing items on the table, such as table arrangements or plastic fruit, that might distract or confuse
the person. Use only the utensils needed for the meal.
Changes in visual and spatial abilities may make it tough for someone with dementia to distinguish
food from the plate or the plate from the table. It can help to use white plates or bowls with a
contrasting colour placemat. Avoid patterned dishes, tablecloths and placemats
A person with dementia might not be able to tell if something is too hot to eat or drink. Always test
the temperature
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J. D. Salinger
J.D. Salinger, a contemporary American writer, is one of the most popular, but at the same time
and most mysterious writer of the 20th century. He was born in New York in 1919, where he
first attended public school, later military academy and three colleges. In 1940 he began
publishing stories in magazines. After the publication of his only novel, The Catcher in the Rye
in 1951 he gained his fame and critical acclaim. The novel became a model of the entire post war
type of prose which later became known as prose in jeans . The Catcher in the Rye was a literary
sensation. Salinger often suffered from stress. He died on 27 January, 2010. The main character in
Salinger s novel is a sixteen year old adolescent, Holden Caulfield who tells
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Healthy Sexual Development
Healthy sexual development begins at birth. It is a holistic process that involves the emotional,
cognitive, behavioral and physical experiences. The physical development aspect has played a
pivotal role in sex education discussion. As such, the discussion of sex education in this forum will
focus on the emotional, cognitive and behavioural sexual development and the responsibility
parents and teachers have in educating themselves to assist adolescents through this development.
Emotional development The Limbic system in the brain controls human emotions including sexual
attraction. Mc Neely Blanchard (2009) explains that the limbic system is the center of human
emotions. The amygdala is thought to link emotions with sensory inputs from the environment.
Nerve impulses to the amygdala trigger the emotions of rage, fear, aggression, reward, and sexual
attraction. (p. 16). Therefore, when adolescents experience sexual drive or attraction it first occurs
in the limbic system of the brain. Consequently, the adolescence stage is when they first... Show
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Mc Neely Blanchard (2009) believe that Early developing adolescents are also more vulnerable to
making risky decisions because their physical and brain changes are happening on widely
divergent tracks. Their physical development may garner invitations and opportunities with older
teens and young adults (parties, drinking, etc.) just as changes in the brain trigger the desire for
thrill seeking and risk taking. However, their brains are not fully developed, so the urge to
experiment is not balanced by the capacity to make sound judgments (p.10). Even though an
adolescent maybe physically developed and feel that he is mature enough to make sound decisions,
his brain activities does not allow him to understand the full perspective on a situation, as in the
case of engaging in sexual activities.
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William Shakespeare Impact On Society
Everyone knows about the amazing William Shakespeare! The man who wrote so many
plays,poems, and played around with apostrophes. He was prosperous and very well known and
could ve made songs as well if he really wanted to. Shakespeare has such an effect on modern
literature and culture as a whole it s insane. Shakespeare has helped us mold society and the
modern world as we know today. But what exactly how could this be? Do we know everything
about him to know exactly how he could ve done so? Unfortunately, no one really knows exactly
what went on in his life. For an example no one isn t sure when he was actually born but they say
he was born on April 26, 1564 because he got baptized in Stratford upon Avon, England, 100 miles
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Scholars typically tell someone s life by the knowledge of the actual textual works and its
literature. Renaissance history, local and national and Shakespeare s many afterlives in drama,
criticism, film, and the broader culture are some of the materials or background scholars uses.
Biographers have it a little more difficult, since there isn t any trace of Shakespeare s life, such
as letters, diaries, testimonies from family, friends, or anyone else they depend on the same
materials as scholars. Biographers then try to find the accessory by what scholars would consider
as not official imaginative without firm evidence and use that. For as, creative writers gives
infinity imagination and construct beyond biographical truths and the mysterious connections
between life and works, openly fictional biographies that nevertheless demonstrates a surprising
reasonable and exercise a curious pressure over the popular imagination (Scheil and Holderness,
pg. 1 5, 125, 127). As for his fans go, they probably try to do a little of everything to get ideal
Shakespeare they want. There s still some more to his childhood and birth that was found
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Ust Harvard Case Stady Solution
Fundamental Analysis1
Prospect Analysis3
Financial Analysis4
Investment Analysis4
Operating Policy7
Ocean Carrier Inc. owned and operated cape size dry bulk carriers worldwide. Major Cargo type
is iron ore and coal. Vessel sizes are 80,000 DWT to 210,000 DWT. Cape size carriers travel around
Cape Horn rather than the Panama Canal due to size constraints. The cargo operations include
maintenance, repairs, insurance, supplying of lubricants, maintaining supplies and on board stores.
Fundamental Analysis
Business Model
Mostly chartered on time charter basis for one, three, or five year periods. Occasionally spot charter
market was used too. Charterer paid a daily hire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the market demand for shipping capacity was high, owners would keep a vessel in
operation as long as possible. Conversely, when market demand was low, scrapping rose. There
had been very few scrapping in recent years, one reason might be that most of the capacity of the
worldwide fleet of capsizes was fairly young which we can see from Exhibit 5, another reason
might be the market demand is strong recently.
Market demand is affected by trading volumes, world economy and even trading patterns.
For example, in 2003, the Australian and Indian ore exports would begin, the volume would
increase, demand for capsize would likely increase as well with the higher trading volumes.
Exhibit 5 shows the evidence that demands (Iron ore vessel shipments) and supply (Fleet size)
drive the average daily hire rate (Avg. spot rate).
Factor 2: World economy
The average daily hire rate is also determined by the world economy, especially its basic
industries. When the economy is strong, the production and demand for the shipped products
increase thus will result a lower hire rate. Conversely, when the world economy is in a recession,
the hire rate will be lower. Take an example, the average hire rate declined in 1998 and 1999
because of the effect of 1998 financial crisis.
Factor 3: Age of ships
Average hire rate is influenced by the age of the ships. If a company s vessels are relatively new
than the industry average, it earned a premium in daily hire rate
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Most Influential Person Analysis
The single most influential person in my life is someone I have only seen twice in the past year:
my father. He has given me more than any other single person on this planet. He gave me the
desire to do better. He gave me the focus and the hunger to be intellectually curious. He gave me
these things because he never had them.
My father has been in and out of prison since April 29th, 2011. He gave me an understanding of
adult life at far too young an age, and he left me with trust issues. He gave me the only
prominent memory from my elementary school years: waking up at 2:00 AM to go find him
when he went missing. He gave me loneliness during the two years of elementary school my
parents were separated. He gave me a love for tossing the Frisbee ... Show more content on
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My father gave me momentary hope. He got a job as a cabbie, and he gave us some extra money.
We still were behind on our bills, but he gave us some peace of mind.
I had surgery on April 11th, 2012. He gave me that last goodbye before we drove to Minneapolis
for the operation. My mom called home on our way back the next day, and the cop answered the
phone. They had searched the place again. There was a ninth charge now. He gave me the new
worst day of my life.
He gave me independence that day. He gave me the ability to make my way in the world as an
adult. He gave me an opportunity to teach others about my story. He gave me the desire to speak up.
He gave me the need to escape from my daily life, and acting become that escape. He gave me one
of the best feelings of my life every time I took that final bow. He gave me the wish that he could
see me on that stage, but he gave me the assurance that he was proud. For all the lies he s fed me, I
believe him.
He gave me a distrust of those in my family who saw him as the enemy. He gave me a distrust of
Minnesota s justice system, specifically when it wouldn t allow him his bipolar medication. He
gave me Axe deodorant for Christmas because that s the only thing the prison allowed him to buy
and sent to me this year. He gave me a laugh when he called and said his prison nickname was
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The Center For Health Care Services
What is the agency you selected, and what is your rationale for choosing this particular agency?
The center for health care services. I chose this agency because I like what it has to offer not only
for its employees, but for the community.
2.What other agencies did you consider, and why did you not select them? Community Options,
Inc., and Austin Area Mental HealthConsumers, Inc. Community options inc is an amazing
company. The fact that they go above and beyond for their clients with special needs holds close to
my heart. They recognizing that people with the most severe disabilities need environments,
equipment, clinical and staff support that are tailored to their very specific needs. In my opinion,
there are not a lot of companies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Why would you like to be employed at this agency?
The Center for Health Care Services (CHCS) operates a wide range of psychosocial and medical
programs in Bexar County whose target populations include individuals with behavioral health
disorders and intellectual disabilities. (The center for health care services, http://chcsbc.org/board
of trustees/) The Center for health care services also offers care for the homeless population and
those who are suffering and trying to recover from substance abuse. After searching the internet
and comparing multiple agencies, I always found myself coming back to CHCS. I love that this
agency offers all forms of help for people with special needs and those who are suffering from
mental Illness. I have a brother who is special and suffers from both behavioral and intellectual
disabilities. I feel like working for this agency, I would learn to understand my brother more, and
be able to support him in ways I haven t before. I also love that the CHCS works with veterans.
As a (former) military spouse, I was always interested in the health and wellness of our soldiers
who suffer from PTSD, and mental illness. One of the most fulfilling aspects of working in the
mental health field is being able to provide support to others during the most challenging moments
in their life. To me, it became apparent after researching that this agency offers everything I want
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My First Ever Defence Against The Dark Arts Lesson
Lesson 1: Introduction
Yesterday was my first ever Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson! I can tell it s going to be my
favourite subject, well, maybe joint favourite along with Charms. We met our Professor,
Melanie Silvers, who seems absolutely lovely. I ve heard stories about how lots of professors in the
past, before the Second Wizarding War, ended up having to leave after only one year, so I hope
that doesn t happen to Professor Silvers. We received our syllabus, which looks so exciting! So
many different spells and creatures to look at each week!
We learned two incantations yesterday; the WandLighting Charm and the Wand Extinguishing
Charm, and I have been practising them both in my spare time. The Wand Lighting Charm, Lumos,
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After another few attempts, the light was significantly more yellow in colour, and I felt very pleased
with this outcome.
The Wand Extinguishing Charm, Nox, is a lot easier to use. At first, it took me a few attempts to
get it right, but I can successfully use it each time I require the effects of Lumos to be removed.
It feels really exciting to be using a spell that simple requires a flick of the wrist and a short word!
Lesson 2: Bright Lights and a Little Softener
A few days ago we learned about Verdimillious and Spongify. I have since had the chance to try out
both of them!
On Monday evening, I was running through the grounds to get back into the Castle before dark,
when I tripped on a tree root and fell over. I think I was unconscious for some time and when I
awoke it was quite dark. I tried to move, but I had broken my ankle. I needed to find a way of
alerting someone to where I was. My muggle grandfather had taught me Morse code when I was
younger, so I thought I might be able to use it with Lumos to attract attention. My head hurt and I
wasn t able to concentrate properly, so after saying Lumos! I could only see a faint white light that
wouldn t really attract any attention at all. I realise now that I had forgotten to think about charging
the spell properly! I took a few moments to rest.
I thought about Verdimillious too. I had picked it up pretty easily over the last
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Mount Tambora Essay
Introduction In Sumbawa, Indonesia, a composite volcano erupted. Volcanic ash, tephra, hardened
lava, and pumice escaped the stratovolcano, and climbed into the atmosphere to the height of two
to three times as much as the average aviation flies. Piercing shrieks of petrification and
excruciation could be heard from far away, yet it was immediately lulled by an abrupt silence.
Kilometres away, people s responses differed to the phenomenon s noise. British generals deployed
soldiers and rescue boats since they could not decide if it was cannons firing or a distress call from
an unfortunate boat. Evidently, they found nothing. They thought it was a clever trick, however;
little did they know it was an international environmental crisis that would further deteriorate their
colossal empire. This was the eruption of Mount Tambora, April 5th, 1815 (Tillotson, 2016).
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This is due to the ejection of approximately 200 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere
(Ethridge, 2005). This mammoth quantity of substance can cover Britain knee high (Tillotson,
2016). Sulfur dioxide is a reflective aerosol; this means it reflects incoming radiation (. Countries
near the northern hemisphere suffered the most. Internationally, 1816 was the most frigid year in
the past two hundred years. According to an abundance of textbooks written by British historians
(Tillotson, 2016), the average temperature was 1В°C ( Year Without a Summer, n.d.). Precipitation,
like rain, hail, and snow, was extremely common. Brown, orange frost drenched Europe in the
summer. Newspapers forecast the weather with elaborate details. The escalated precipitation
additionally led to flooding in Switzerland, hurricanes and lightning storms (Tillotson, 2016). Crop
Failure and Livestock
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The Juche Ideology of North Korea Essay
Ideology can be looked at different perspectives of the way people think about it. Some people
think that ideology is bad, while some people think it is good. Ideology takes a very harmful way
in Christianity; Pope Francis explains to Christians that ideology drives away the church and the
people. In his perspective of mind, ideology is a serious illness. (Dolan) In some other places such
as North Korea, ideology is a dangerous belief system. North Koreans Ideology is most commonly
referred as Juche, this ideology is harmful to people because most people would like to praise
people who do good things, but in North Korea people have to pray to a dictator who is capable of
killing, torturing, and murdering his own people.
Juche has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Juche Religion)
Kim Il Sung created this dangerous belief system so that North Koreans would always obey
him. Before Dictatorship North Korea was an independent nation, it was a colony full of
Christians. Kim Il Sung noticed how Christians worshipped the Japanese ruler who ruled Korea.
When North Korea declared as a country, Kim Il Sung changed the form of Christianity and he
declared himself as a God so that North Korea will always praise and pray him. Christians
revolted against this, so Kim Il Sung annihilated most of them because he did not want his own
people suspecting him of Juche and put lots of people in concentration camps and they still
reside there. (Juche Religion) Juche originated from Marxism Leninism. Marxism Leninism was
created by Karl Marx, some of the main points in this ideology are that a communist party should
be able to perform and play major roles in society. Some other beliefs in Marxism Leninism are
that modern capitalism should turn into imperialism. (Piskunov) North Korea gained inspiration
from Marxism Leninism, which is why this ideology is one of the main ideologies that Juche
originated. Some other ideologies that Juche originated were Confucianism. Confucianism was
developed in China by a man named Kong Qiu (Confucius). Kong Qiu travelled across the country
to spread his teachings, but at that time his beliefs was not popular and some of his beliefs were
how to do the right things in life. He
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How The Fold Knife Shop
The Fold Knife Shop was established in 2014 by an Albuquerque, New Mexico knife enthusiast.
The shop carries both combat and tactical knives, including folding knives, fixed blade, automatic
/assist blades, boot knives, neck knives, daggers, bayonets and combat axes and hatchets. The Fold
also sells high quality kitchen and culinary knives and sets, as well as, horticulture knives used for
pruning, budding and gardening.
In addition to prefabricated knives, The Fold, sells blade blanks and handles for knifemakers. The
shop also employees an in house blacksmith/knifemaker who creates custom knives. The custom
knives are made using Damascus steel blades. The process for creating Damascus steel is a
centuries old process dating back ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
See figure 1.
Figure 1
New Mexico has seen sales growth trends similar to the larger U.S. market. New Mexico has
experienced a slight decline in the number of establishments selling knives but has still
maintained sales growth according to U.S. Census Bureau data (figure 2). Sales of knives and
cutlery has grown from $111 million in sales in 1997 to $190 million in sales in 2012.
Figure 2
Most knife and cutlery sales in the United States are made in retail chain stores and warehouse
clubs, with only a small amount of sales taking place through specialty stores. However, one of the
largest chain sporting store, Sports Authority, recently filed for bankruptcy. This has presented an
opportunity for small, local, specialty knife and cutlery shops to gain a foot hold in their
Market demographics
The New Mexican market also presents the potential for local businesses to capitalize on the sale
of hunting and survival knives and gear. According to the Congressional Sportsmen s Foundation,
34 million hunters and anglers carry knives. New Mexico Game and Fish awards a total of
60,332 big game hunting licenses. Of those licenses, 16% are awarded to non residents and
outfiters who travel to New Mexico from other areas. The majority of the non resident license
holders purchase or rent their hunting gear locally to avoid issues associated with traveling with
weapons. These numbers do not include anglers
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Research Paper On Asylum Seekers
This briefing paper summary the key issues on Australia offshore processing regime. The policy for
Asylum seekers arriving in Australia s via boat to remain on either Nauru or Papua New Guineas
Manus Island have not held neither sustainable one maintainable solutions. The human rights of the
refugees due to the prolonged detention are harmful on their physical wellbeing and mental health.
The 1951 convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the
Status of Refugees (The Refugees Convention) was designed for the protection of asylum seekers.
It identifies their rights to seek asylum whether it be from persecution in regards to race, religion,
nationality, or political opinion outside of their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Coalition Government 2013 policy Operation Sovereign Borders reported that sending asylum
seekers back via military vessels patrolling Australian waters has restored the integrity of its borders
and prevented deaths at sea. Conversely, this is neither humanitarian nor helping solve the problem
to protect offshore asylum seekers already detained. This does not protect and promote individual
rights of those seeking asylum under the human rights convention. In addition to the indefinite
detention has had a major impact on the physical and mental health of asylum seekers. This has
been evident in protests from detainees that have resulted in deaths on Manus Island, in which
security and police were present. Is reported is widespread and systematic abuse, the cramped
conditions of their accommodation, and the lack of facilities causing illness and poor hygiene.
Along with the lack of medical treatment available all these conditions are well below international
standards. If the Australian government refuses to bring refugees to Australiathen it must ensure
that conditions of the detention are humane. Australia has entered into an arrangement whereas by
other states are used for resettlement, it is however still responsible for ensuring human rights
obligations and adhered to under these paramagnets. The conditions of detention state that refugees
are not to be held for lengthy stays in solitary detention, and that they have access to key services
such as health care, education and mental health services. The Australian government s offshore
operations are extremely guarded and service providers working for the Australian government face
criminal charges and civil penalties if they disclose any information about the conditions of the
asylum seekers and refuges. The border forces act 2015 heightened security after the event that
happened on the
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Rachel By Angelina Weld Grimke Analysis
Angelina Weld GrimkГ© s, Rachel, portrays an African American family s experience and
development over the course of several years during the segregation era. Act one begins in a
domestic setting, introducing the main character, Rachel Loving. Rachel is eighteen, living with
her mother, Mrs. Loving, and brother, Tom. Notably, the Loving household is presented as a
cheerful and affectionate place, full of laughter and lightheartedness. In a like manner, Rachel
emerges as warm and cheerful, yet overall naive; never once questioning the absence of her father
and brother, who passed ten years earlier. Initially, Rachel is lively and passionate, bearing a deep
infatuation for motherhood and constantly proclaiming her dream to raise a child. Nevertheless,
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Essay on Case Study 1
BUSI642: Case Study 1 Religious Discrimination and Racial Harassment: What Ever Happened
to MarShawn DeMur? January 17, 2015 Case Discussion Questions 1. Identify and describe the
specific issues Maalick encountered in the workplace. Do the actions of other workers at Treton
represent discrimination and harassment? What elements of law are important for Treton to
consider? Maalick encountered religious discrimination on several occasions while at work. The
first instance was when he requested vacation for a religious event and his manager was reluctant
to grant the request because of his religious beliefs. According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 employers are required to reasonably accommodate the... Show more content on
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In addition, criminal charges can be brought against the accuser by the commission or attorney
general. 2. Evaluate the actions of HR director, Marta Ford, in response to Maalick s situation.
What could she have done to prevent the situation and what more could she do to ensure that
this type of situation does not occur in the future? When Maalick originally went to Marta Ford
he spoke to her about the questions regarding his religion his co coworkers had been asking.
Rather than disregard his concerns she should have been proactive in addressing the issue rather
than waiting until it got worse. She could have held a meeting with everyone in the facility and
reminded them of the company policy regarding harassment. According to Gomez Mejia, L.,
Balkin, D., Cardy, R. (2012) companies that are proactive toward issues are better prepared to
deal with future problems. Had she done this the issue likely would not have escalated to the point
that it became a hostile work environment for Maalick. To prevent the situation from happening in
the future Marta Ford could provide additional training to all employees and require annual
retraining so that all employees and management are aware of company policies. 3. How would
you characterize Clive Jenkins behavior and response to this situation? As a member of
management Clive Jenkins is responsible for boosting employee morale to ensure that company
goals are met
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Sainsbury s Internal And External Environment
Introduction In the following report we will be going over our analysis and findings during the
process of our study of Sainsbury s internal and external environment. Sainsburys is currently the
second largest chain of supermarkets within the UK, with a current supermarket sector share of
16.9%. Sainsbury s was founded in 1869 and today operates in over 1,200 supermarket and
convenience stores, and has over 161,000 employees. We will be looking at a number of areas
internally and externally and see how they are effectively or not effectively performing. External
Environment PESTLE analysis The PESTLE analysis is a tool which allows a manager to identify
the key macroeconomic factors that influence the future development of the business
50MINUTES. (2015, pp. 5). The PESTLE anaylsis consists of six factors which are political,
economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. Political factors Makos (2015) states
political factors are mainly based on the country s current political situation. The types of political
factors that affect Sainsbury s are, government policies, taxes laws and tariff, stability of
government along with others. In relation to the environmental factor, this regulation was put
forward due to the amount of plastic bags handed out by supermarkets in England as in 2014 it
rose to 7.64 billion 200 million more than in 2013. Campaigners argued that the bags blight streets,
spoil the countryside, and damage
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What the Two Proposals in Pride and Prejudice Reveal...
Pride and Prejudice is a novel fixated on marriage: throughout, all the action occurs within scenes
devoted to either the talk of marriage or actual proposals. This cannot be expounded more than
within the very first line: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a
good fortune must be in want of a wife . Here, at the beginning of the novel, a definite, though
somewhat sarcastic, statement introduces the main theme of the novel marriageand, possibly more
importantly, not love.
The stark divide between love and marriage shown right the way through cannot be comprehended
fully by the twenty first century reader: in today s society marriage and love are mutually
exclusive you very rarely get one ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is the reason both proposals are declined: Elizabeth is of a mind that she will not marry for
social security or for money only love could tempt her into matrimony. The first proposal is from
Mr Collins, a man to whom Elizabeth was not even his first choice; Jane, the eldest and most
beautiful, was his first fancy, but when informed that she had been privately engaged, he swiftly
switches to Elizabeth, who is equally next to Jane in birth and beauty . His introduction to
Elizabeth is not a pleasant one, although he is too ignorant to notice; she finds him a conceited,
pompous, narrow minded, silly man . Her observation is quite correct, and illustrated to the greatest
affect in his proposal speech.
Collins does not seem to possess his own conception of love: he intends to get married merely
because it is the particular advice and recommendation of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, his patron
and first love . He even goes so far as to explain this to Elizabeth within his proposal; Mr Collins
you must marry, Chuse...a gentle woman for my [Lady Catherine s] sake , showing his complete
inaptitude to understand the feelings of others. No mutual acquaintance and love between each
other was needed. Marriage, to Collins, was only a right thing for every clergyman in easy
circumstances . Apart from explaining in his highly verbose manner that he is marrying because he
was told to, he
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The Civil War Era Was A Period Of Major Medical...
The Civil War era was a period of major medical advancement. New breakthroughs during this time
period had a great effect on the results of the battles and the war as a whole. Advancements in
medical procedures, sanitation, infection control, field hospitals and triage, nursing techniques, and
the development of the American Red Cross all greatly impacted the mortality rates of soldiers in
both the Union and the Confederate armies during the American Civil Warin both positive and
negative ways.
Amputations were the most effective and renowned surgical technique during this time period.
Amputations were wildly taboo procedures that caused much controversy at the time. By some they
were considered butchery and many questioned the military surgeons qualifications to perform such
aberrant procedures. One doctor wrote, The surgery of these battle fields has been pronounced
butchery. Gross misrepresentations of the medical officers have been made and scattered broadcast
over the country, causing deep and heart rending anxiety to those who had friends or relatives in the
army, who might at any moment require the services of a surgeon.... Despite their contentious
depictions, amputations proved to be extremely effective. As opposed to losing three fourths of
their patients afflicted by gunshot wounds to blood loss and infection they now lost only one fourth
of them. Amputations also proved effective in improving the lives of the afflicted soldiers. Instead
of having to live
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Examples Of Ambiguity In Skellig
The author of Skellig, David Almond uses a lot of ambiguity in the book. Ambiguity makes the
reader want to read more and find out the ending/solution. Skellig is an ambiguous character of
the book, and his very slowly revealed; even at the end his identity turns out to be very vague.
One of the examples in the book is He was lying there in the darkness behind the tea chests, in the
dust and dirt. It was as if he d been there forever. (1) The first time Skellig is mentioned, he is
described as he which doesn t tell us much about him. This makes the reader wonder who Michael
is talking about, and makes the book more ambiguous. Something like you, something like a beast,
something like a bird, something like an angel. He laughed. Something
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Effective Performance Appraisal Program
Effective performance appraisal program Danielle Miller
Effective performance appraisals for developing and sustaining a high performance appraisal
system are based upon two key tenets. The first tenet suggests that if appraisal processes operate
as a system. The second tenet is that individual manager s play a pivotal role in achieving effective
appraisals and that they need the right tools and support to be effective.
I. performance planning
. A. Employee amp; Management Engagement. It s amazing that such dinosaurs ... Show more
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Leadership training helps supervisors and managers understand the importance of giving equal
attention to operations and employees. Effective performance appraisals rely on performance
standards to determine how well employees complete their job duties, tasks and responsibilities.
Performance standards indicate what level of effort is required for an employee to meet or exceed
her job expectations. For instance, a performance standard for an accountant might state: Conduct
two audits every 30 days. Accountants who conduct four audits every month are exceeding the
company s expectations, and accountants who conduct two audits every month receive evaluations
that indicate they are meeting expectations. Performance standards are simple measurements used
in the performance appraisal process. Discipline and recognition appear to be opposite ends of the
performance management spectrum. Nevertheless, both are integral parts of a performance
management system. Effective performance appraisals consist of constructive feedback for
improvement as well as recognition for strong performance. The ability to address both within the
performance appraisal enables a balanced employee assessment. In addition, both constructive
feedback and recognition are requirements for determining employee skills and aptitude, training
and development needs. Another element of an effective appraisal is what effect performance has on
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River Padma Personal Statement Of Purpose
River Padma, the biggest and most turbulent river of Bangladesh, is around twenty kilometers
from my village where I grew up listening about the accidents of Steamer sinking (one kind of
vessel that made locally and used to cross the river) from my childhood. In later years I also had
some real acute experience of Steamer accidents. Every year around thousands of people lost
their lives because of these accidents which take place for several times in each year. Crossing
river Padma is must for the people of South Bangladesh as it is the only way to reach to the
capital city, Dhaka. In my childhood I just always asked myself why this type of accident
happens. We live in the ages of modern technology and people have already explored the
universe. So isn t it possible to make safe water vessels for carrying people? This question
revolved in my mind and it was the core point why I chose Naval Architectureand Marine
Engineeringas my expected subject in university level.
In my academic life when I was getting familiar with shipbuilding, ship design I really found these
very interesting. In third year of my undergraduate life I was taught some subjects ... Show more
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Though I have interest and inclination in the subject, my lack of profound knowledge seems to be
detrimental in contributing significantly to the field of structural engineering.
My undergraduate program has given me a wide and comprehensive exposure to numerous courses
that I found interesting namely, Mechanics of Structure; Ship Structure; Motion and Control; Heat
Transfer; Theory of Machines; Shipbuilding Materials; Optimization etc. I strongly believe in
learning practically by doing; it is the hope of coming up with path breaking results through
experimentation that I find very
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The French Revolution of 1789 Essay
There is no doubt that the French Revolution has had a profound effect on the world. The cause or
causes of it have been greatly disputed. Clearly the Revolution s primary cause was the presence of
a weak monarchy and a lack of a stable system of government. France s absolute monarchy had
many changes toward the end of the eighteenth century. King Louis XVI, in his attempts to
consolidate his authority and lessen the power of the aristocrats, had planned out an intendant
system. The intendants were like governors. They would oversee one constituency of the country.
These intendants could not govern the region in which they lived, and were chosen from other than
the aristocracy. This insured that their allegiance was pledged to the king and... Show more content
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There were three divisions or classes in France called estates. The first estate, which was
composed of church officials, had immense authority and obtained enormous salaries. Church
officials obtained their salaries via taxes collected from church property. Therefore, since the
officials received their salaries from the church property, they did not have to pay taxes. The
second estate was composed mainly of nobility. They, too, were exempt from paying taxes. This
left the entire tax burden upon the third estate. The third estate consisted of some merchants and
entrepreneurs; however, the majorities were peasants. Corruption of the estates was causing
much frustration among the common people who composed 70 percent of the population. The
monarchy tried to make an attempt to give the third estate power by establishing the Estate s
General, but this too was corrupted. Unlike most legislative bodies, the Estate s General did not
vote by each person having a single vote. Rather, they let each estate have one vote each. Since
the first two estates were always in agreement, the third estate was always out voted. This is a
prime example of how the lack of a stable government had an immensely tragic effect on the
people of the country. If the monarchy had tried to make some reform or if Louis XVI had more
backbone to institute some tax reform to lessen the burden on the third estate, the Revolution may
have been avoided. The government is the backbone of any
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The Paolilithic And Paleolithic
Paleolithic The period of human history up to about 9000 BCE. The same time of which tools
were made from stone and bone and people gained their food through foraging. Neanderthals
The family of humans, 45,000 years ago they lived in Europe, they disappeared due to the
interaction with the early homo sapiens. Flourished in Europe and Southeast Asia, then
completely vanished. Evidence of brutal violence between these groups. They didn t develop
the technology when the weather altered. Cro Magnon Were the first kind of beings that had
signs of being a human, this was proven by the discovery of the materials left behind. Neolithic
The period after 9000 BCE which is also the following the Paleolithic era. This is when people
developed agriculture, domesticated animals, and used tools made of stone and wood.
Mesopotamia Emerged during the 4th millennium. The land between the rivers in the fertile
crescent. Early cultivators realized by tapping these rivers, they were able to produce crops, and
produce. Artificial irrigation manipulating the environment. Sumer Populations: 100,000 people.
3000 BCE. The dominant people of Mesopotamia. Sumer is a region which contains little cities
such as Ur, Eridu. Sumerians build the first cities, have militaries. House bustling marketplaces,
attracting producers from both near and far. Building ziggurats. Also, established the military,
tax collectors, and administrators to establish order. Metallurgy Nile River The Greek historian
and traveler Herodotus in the 5th century BCE called Egypt the gift of the Nile. The Nile
flooded once a year for a period of several months bringing fertile soil and moisture for farming,
and agricultural villages developed along its banks by at least 6000 BCE. Although the
Egyptians worried at times these floods would be too high or too low, they also praised the Nile
as a comforting force. The Egyptians based their calendar on the Nile, dividing the year into three
four month periods. Pyramids Hammurabi s Code A proclamation issued by Babylonian king
Hammurabi to establish laws regulating many aspects of life. Hammurabi ordered his code to be
inscribed on stone pillars and set up in public throughout the Babylonian empire.
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Short-Term and Long-Term Memory Loss
Forgetting in Short Term and Long Term Memory: The memory of human beings is similar to that
of computers because it allows individuals to store information for later or future use. However, the
storage of information in humans involves three major processes i.e. encoding, storage, and
retrieval. The encoding process basically involves transforming data into meaningful form like
association with an existing image, memory, or sound. This is followed by holding on to the
information through a physiological change, which is the actual storage of the information. The
final stage in this process is retrieval where the stored information is brought out, which is a
reversal of the encoding process ( Memory, Intelligence, and States of Mind, 2011). Since humans
are more complex, they have three different memory storage abilities i.e. sensory memory, short
term memory, and long term memory.
Short Term and Long Term Memory: Short term memory is the process with which information in
the sensory memory is transferred to a person s awareness or consciousness. The information
becomes currently active in the individual like talking to a friend, reading an article, or writing a
paper. While short term memory lasts longer then sensory memory, it still has very limited capacity
(Cowan, 2009). In contrast, long term memory is relatively permanent and virtually unlimited with
regards to storage capacity. The permanence of this type of memory storage capability originates
from the fact
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Five Phases Of Immigration In Australia During The 19th...
During the 19th century, five main phases have characterized immigration in Australia. The Gold
Rush period in 1851, led immigrants from Europe and East Asia to migrate to Australia in search
of gold finds (Spinks, 2010). The second phase of immigration occurred in 1871, when Egypt
expanded its passage of the Suez Canal and migrants from Northern Africa and the Middle East
were able to gain access to Australias southern seaports (Boulus, Dowding, and Pietsch, 2013). In
1901, however, the new Commonwealth of Australia established the ImmigrationRestriction Act, or
the White Australia policy, which banned immigrants from entering Australia. Moreover, the policy
prohibited those existing non whites from obtaining citizenship and gaining
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Hong Kong Independence And Protests
Hong Kong Independence and Protests
For about one hundred and fifty years, Hong Kong fell under the political administration of the
British rule, their colonial masters.
On July 1st, 1997 the British rule gave way to the People s Republic of China, who took over
Hong Kong s sovereignty. With this move, Hong Kongwas declared a Special Administrative
Region, in the end that they would be fully autonomous, save for the Defense and Foreign Affairs
dockets. This would therefore mean that Hong Kong would conduct its affairs under the Basic Law,
but even then their interpretations could be amended by mainland China at any given time. It would
go without saying, that judicial processes are always known to rule in favor of the bigger ... Show
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Notable again is the fact that The Chief Executive of the region has powers to appoint or to dismiss
the top team for his government, which is mandated with the formulation of government policies.
According to the Basic Law that guides legal matters in Hong Kong, the region would ultimately
embrace universal suffrage in conducting electoral processes, especially with regard to the position
of The Chief Executives.
To this extent, the law was silent on when and how this would be realized, and has been the
epicenter for Hong Kong s cry for independence, and the various protests from civil rights groups
and students bodies. Various instruments have been used to spearhead an end to these serious
controversies, which continue to ripple the society apart in this day and era of great civilization
and human rights activism. In this book, we will give a brief highlight of numerous items that are
central in the roadmap to Hong Kong independence, noting how far the region has come, and what
is the legal standing of China, the influence of Beijing, and other world leaders.
1.The British Rule exits: On July 1st, 1997, the British rule gave way to the People s Republic of
China, who took over Hong Kong s sovereignty. This must have been deemed to be the start of
great awakening and
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Traffic Lights In Victorian England
An aristocratic family of four await in their horse drawn carriage for the local pedestrians to cross
the busy streets of Victorian England. The chilly winds of late December froze the family amidst
the loud but muffled conversations from all of the other Victorians who were struggling to reach
home for Christmas. Suddenly, intricately detailed, delicate pieces of white dust began to sprinkle
from the darkening, evening sky. A deafening sound echoed from the muffled noises, causing chaos
within the close packed rows of carriages and pedestrians on broad streets of the capital. An
impatient man leaped out of the luxurious coach and charged towards the shivering walkers, who
were struggling to determine whether or not they should cross the crowded... Show more content on
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Despite the frustration that arises every time one realizes that he or she would arrive at a
location later, this device serves a crucial role in modern society. To begin, the brief pause in one
s journey caused by this object can contribute more to society than merely regulate the flow of
traffic. According to research done in Australia, traffic lights aid people to conserve this planet s
air quality (DumГ©). Since traffic lights control the movement of traffic and tell drivers when it
is appropriate to move their vehicles, one would be able to maintain the motion of this automobile
more smoothly. This action would allow the transportation system from releasing excessive car
emissions, which are discharged when a vehicle unexpectedly and necessarily brakes, stops, or
accelerates. Moreover, the traffic light serves an essential purpose in society, which is public
safety (Why Are Traffic Lights So Important?). The most frequent accidents are caused by the lack
of infrastructure (World Health Organization). Therefore, to retain order and more safety, there
must be more fundamental rules, like traffic lights, which could physically be seen by a driver so
he or she would restrain from moving the position of his or her vehicle at a certain point. Finally,
although traffic lights were invented to ensure that the
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The Importance Of Living In A Small Town
Living in a small town is an enjoyable, yet bittersweet experience. I grew up in Winnemucca, one
of the smallest towns in Northern Nevada. The town is unknown to the majority of people who
reside out of its state. I can certainly say that my hometown has been influential on my upbringing.
However, my familyhas played and continues to influence me as a person. Though small,
Winnemucca and my family has undoubtedly had a huge impact on my growth and has made me
into the person I am today.
My family is small, yet incredibly loving and caring. Though my parents have struggled and
sacrificed, they have provided many things to my brother and me; they have always supported us.
For me specifically, this includes giving me the gift of having a buoyant childhood. My regular day,
in my childhood and throughout my teen years consisted of math problems, reading, writing, and
art projects, playing games with my brother outside, basketball, hiking, volunteering, and doing
activities typical small town offers. I will forever appreciate the environment I grew up in because it
taught me to appreciate the little things. I craved one thing though: adventure.
I am lucky enough to say I have had adventures with my family before. I have memories of my
family and I going on trips to islands, our ancestral home in India, and other foreign nations
/lands. Still, after all the journeys, I craved more. But as I grew up more, I concluded that if I am
with my family, I will always be happy. They are my
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Adn vs Bsn
Grand Canyon University: NRS 430v Professional Dynamics February 19, 2012 Abstract For many
years, society has debated about the nursing degree. What are the differences? What are the
similarities? As nurses we have the opportunity to choose different levels of education. Which
include: associate degree, baccalaureate degree, masters degree and nurse practitioner. In beginning
we need to understand What is nursing in general? As defined by the ANA: Nursing is the
protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury,
alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in
the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.... Show more content on
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The ADN prepared nurse may focus solely on the patient care and may also feel unable to assist
the family with their needs. They would review code status and resume care. (i.e. labs, IV
fluids, CXR etc.) However, the BSN prepared nurse may identify the family s unique needs and
plan accordingly. The BSN prepared nurse may delegate tasks more effectively to ancillary staff
to provide assistance. Perhaps having the aid or ward clerk to call other family or religious
affiliations for support. Or by providing the family with privacy and providing frequent updates on
the patient s condition and plan of care. Further education would be given to the family to
determine what extent of care is to be given. (I.e. maximum care or palliative care). The
determination would contribute to the entirety of knowledge needed and education provided. The
actual bedside competency difference would not be profound in this situation, but the entire
experience for the patient and/or the family can be improved as well as quality of life. Patient
education is also on the forefront of the BSN prepared nurse. More education and training in
regards to communication and technology gives the BSN nurse a greater ability to educate the
patient more thoroughly and comprehensively. References American Association of Colleges of
Nursing. (1998).The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice, pp. 4
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The Segregation Of South Afric An Outcome Of Colonialism,...
The existing pattern of manipulated schooling in South Africa can be considered an outcome of
colonialism, segregation and apartheid. In the early 1800s, the arrival of the British introduced the
first system of education in Africa. The indigenous people of Africa were exposed to schooling
under the provision of British missionaries. At this time, education was a means of spreading the
British language, imposing their religion and just a general mechanism for social control. Their
strategy was to civilize the black Africans and anglicize the white Afrikaners. And most of the
school establishments were mixed, serving whites coloreds and Africans. However, the Afrikaners
resisted European control in attempt to avoid becoming the lower... Show more content on
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Education s role can be molding a person for their prescribed field of work, and that is exactly
what the whites conducted. They systematically programmed the Africans for work as cheap
unskilled laborers and thus left the superior roles in society for themselves to fill. Clear ethnic and
class stratification developed, and the government eventually adopted the view that Africans must
fund their own education, which continued throughout the apartheid. Between 1910 and 1948, per
capita expenditures on white education increased by 263% and African numbers in school
plummeted to about 30% (Johnson 1982). Once again, limiting education was a tool to shape
society for the benefit of one group the education of the White child prepares him for life in a
dominant society and the education of the black child for a subordinate society (Johnson 1982).
And in 1948, the Afrikaner National Party rose to power by an election victory, attaining further
governmental policy control. The aim of the National Party was to increase and rigidify the
segregationism imposed in the few years previous, and thus began the apartheid in South Africa. To
facilitate the separation of all ethnic groups the Bantu Education act was introduced in 1953. And in
combination with the National Education Policy Act of 1967, which stripped the provinces of most
of their control over white education and empowered the Minister of
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Descriptive Essay On A Water Park
The wet and wild idea
The sun was bright and there was warmth in the air so it was a great day to go to a water park
with my friend Darcy. We were going to be the first ones down the huge water slide. We had
been waiting all night and day to go down this exciting ride. There needs to be four people to go
down this water slide but there are just the two of us so we will just need to try and get a lot of
speed up at the start and hope that we can get to the end of the water slide. We want to be the
first ones down it but we look to our right and there are hundreds of people waiting to go down it.
We need to think of a plan to get around the huge line of people.
There s a lifeguard blocking the only way to get up to the water slide so we will have to be
careful there so they won t catch us sneaking past the line. We will have to distract the lifeguard.
Darcy you will need to tell the lifeguard that someone is stealing his car. Then we can crab a raft
and run up the stairs to the top of the water slide. We can quickly jump onto the raft and go down
the water slide. When we get to the end of the waterslide we will run to the busiest pool and jump
into the busiest pool so that the lifeguards can t spot us. Ok that s the plan now we have to do that,
Darcy muttered.
Ok the water slide jets turn on in five minutes so we have five minutes to find a hiding spot. It
would be a good idea to hide near the rafts so that we can grab one straight away and run up the
stairs Darcy said .
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St. Vincent Narrative
Growing up in suburbia, I struggled to find my place as a first generation American. I did not
appreciate being called African American because it is an inaccurate way of describing my
heritage, but I felt pushy and pretentious if I told people to call me Caribbean American. My dad s
family still lives in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and we visit them every few years, so I had
to confront these issues during my familys last trip to St. Vincent. I liked the idea of living in St.
Vincent because of the entertaining stories that my cousins and aunts told me about the island. It
had been so long since my previous trip to St. Vincent, so I had idealized and unrealistic
expectations of what St. Vincent was like. My aunt had told me that... Show more content on
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To begin with, I am afraid of falling off the side of a mountain. Even if the edge is over 100 feet
away, I can still picture myself tripping and accidentally going over the edge. Because of this
fear, I absolutely did not want to go on the hike. I pouted, whined, and did everything I could to
resist the adventure. The hike aside, the car ride to the base of the volcano is terrifying enough
because of the twisty, mountainous roads in addition to left hand side driving. And why was no
else concerned that the volcano might erupt while we were on it? Unfortunately for me (at the
time), my family and I made it to the starting point of the trail. I trudged up the volcano, trailing
behind the rest of my family, and after two terrifying and exhausting hours, we made it to the
summit. It was breathtaking. We were literally in the clouds, we could see Saint Lucia in the
distance, and seeing the steam rolling off the bottom of the crater was unexpectedly exhilarating.
I could never have imagined what a volcano would look like, and I am so grateful that my family
forced me to go I will never miss an opportunity like that just because I do not feel like
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Advantages Of The Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
1.1 Introduction
What is the Extensible Markup Language (XML)? Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a subset
of the Standard Generalized Markup Language, which is a marker for an electronic document to
have a structured markup language.
In the computer, the mark symbol refers to information the computer can understand, by this token,
you can handle that contains a variety of information such as articles between computers. It can be
used to tag data, defining data types, is a technology that allows users to define their own markup
language source language. It is ideal for Web transmission, providing a unified approach to
describing and exchanging independent of applications or vendors of structured data. Internet ...
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Use in extensible markup language human language, which is talkative, rather than the computer
language used is binary and ASCII encoding. XML is even people who have had no formal
introduction to XML or already coached readability. This is because as simple HTML(Exforsys,
2007 ).
XML is like JAVA application is fully compatible with, and it can be used with any application
capable regardless of the platform it is being used in conjunction with the processing of XML.
XML is an extremely portable language, it can be used with multiple platforms extent as the
Internet, it can be on a handheld device or handheld computer on a large network or handheld use.
XML is an extensible language, which means you can create your own tags, or use the label has
been created (Exforsys, 2007 ).
There are other advantages of using XML. It is a language independent platform. It can be
deployed on any network, if it is an application friendly usage and use. If the application can
work with XML, then XML can work on any platform, knows no borders. It is vendor independent
and autonomous systems. XML is used to exchange data, there will be no loss of data even if the
format between disparate systems (Exforsys, 2007
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Kobe Earthquake Research Paper
On the 17th of January 1995, 5:46 am, the Great Hanshin earthquake, also known as the Kobe
earthquake, hit the city of Kobe. The earthquake had a 7.2 magnitude on the moment magnitude
Where was the earthquake?
The Kobe earthquake was located in Japan in the suburban city of Kobe, southwest of Tokyo. the
earthquake s epicentre was located 16 km below the surface on the island of Awaji, south of kobe.
The earthquake occurred in a very populated area which made the effects of the earthquake even
more disasterous.
What was the cause of the earthquake and how did it occur?
The earthquake was caused by the sudden collision of the eurasian and philippine tectonic plates.
The earthquake travelled up a faultline in the plate that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A large amount of the city was destroyed despite the earthquake proof designs of buildings and
infrastructure. Short cuts in the building process have been seen especially in the hanshin
expressway, where the vertical reinforcement of the piers holding up the road did not reach the
top of the piers, which is where they snapped and the expressway fell over. to stop this from
happening again, builders have to make sure that the vertical reinforcements reach the top of the
piers. another way of preventing damage is to place rubber blocks under structures such as
bridges to minimise the shock of the earthquake. another cause the of damage from the
earthquake was tall buildings collapsing on each other like dominoes. this can be prevented by
building tall buildings further apart to stop the domino effect. many residential houses in kobe
were traditional style houses with heavy roofs and and fragile wooden walls and supports. lots
of the people who died in the earthquake were crushed by their heavy roofs falling on them. to
prevent houses collapsing, houses need to be built with sturdier walls with lighter roofs. people
who weren t crushed by houses were burnt by the fire that was fueled by the wooden houses. to
prevent the effects of the fire, houses need to be built out of non flammable materials and be built
further apart to stop the spread of the
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Should Schools Get Rid Of Sports By Tim O shei
Could you be able to not have sports at your school the fun friday night games and the pepper
ally before when you get so hyped ? The article Should Schools get Rid of Sports by Amanda
Ripley is about sports in schools is a bad thing. The second article Sports are more Important than
Everything by Tim O Shei is about sports are good things in school. School s that have no sports are
good;however,school should have sports. First, A 2012 study by the data is center found that
young athletes have higher scores in math and english . This shows that people have proven that
people who play sports are smart and learn more things.
Seconds, But it s not just about grades. Time spent on the field or on the court also improves your
health .
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Keep Your Head Up Case Study
Keep your Head Up It all started in Chino Hills High School on September 12, 2012, Three men
want to play college football for Alabama State. Carr is a talented quarterback, Mack was an All
American coming out of high school and prospect to be a top Linebacker in College. Also,
Cooper is in the All American team and top three receiver in the state. But, Cooper is going into
his senior year and has to wait one more season for college. We need to find the opportunities to
enter Alabama state said Carr I still have one more year, so that shows I still have more time to
wait for the scholarships Cooper voice. All 3 students applied to Alabama State hoping their grades
and season states would approve them all to play together in the same... Show more content on
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The Raiders had number fourth pick. Two quarterbacks were taken the top two, next a DE was
taken and the Raiders knew who to pick up and Cooper was taken. Cooper just destroyed the best
defence with his speed and route running. No one was able to keep him clamped and that s why
cooper got picked 4th overall in the draft. Home sweet home whispered Cooper. I m so proud of
you! gasped The parents. Now Carr and Cooper are the best quarterback and wide receiver duo in
the league, Also, Mack is just destroying in the linebacker position and has the best states for a
linebacker in his first three seasons. Mack is a 2x Pro Bowl, 2x First team All Pro, NFL Defensive
player of the year. Cooper, is also a 2x Pro Bowl as well, He has back to back seasons with 1000+
receiving yards.Also, Carr is having Hall Of Fame numbers with the Raiders and is an elite
quarterback is the NFL. We all just needed to believe and one day we would be able to play in
the same team again. Mack Crying. The 2016 2017 season for the Raiders Carr took the team to
the playoffs. Something the Raiders organization couldn t do for 14 years. It was the first time in
fourteen years that the Raiders have not made any playoff games and it became a big achievement
for the whole team. Mack Attack became one of the best nickname for
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Analysis Of The Movie Tony
Bryn slid into the chair opposite Tony, slapping his hand on the table. He nodded briefly to the
waitress as he settled in. Tony eyed the data crystal with mixed feelings.
That s everything I could find on Fancher and his crew, Bryn said without equivocation. Pretty
standard stuff; Fancher is career Fleet. Commanding officer of the Rankori for 6 years, service
record reads like a Fleet novel. Bryn sipped the coffee the waitress placed in front of him,
grimacing at it before adding copious amounts of sugar. XO is Nate Little, came outta the Academy
about the time Fancher took command; third in his class. He stirred the sugar in, then sipped it
again; this time smiling in pleasure.
Anything interesting at all? Tony asked palming the crystal. Bryn shrugged, toying with his spoon.
Not among the Bridge staff. He said softly. But the Rankori s Flight Commander is something
different. His eyes dropped to the table in front of him.
How so? Tony asked eyeing Bryn carefully.
She s only been Fleet for three years, been Flight Commander for 2 of those three years. Bryn s
voice lowered. She s got one hell of a kill record, probably the best that Fleet has to offer. He
nodded toward the data crystal in Tony s hand. Found this in the Fleet archives; it s from about
four months ago. You need to take a look at it, Boss.
Something in Bryn s voice caught his full attention. He flipped open his portable reader and slid the
data crystal into it.
Testimony of
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Should Steroids Be Legal In Professional Sports Essay
Should steroids be made legal in professional sports?
Strength, power, energy, pain, and corruption; these are the pros and cons of steroids and other
performance enhancing drugs, PEDs. Year after year every sport has had its issues with athletes
using these illegal drugs to help their performance on the field. Many trust that allowing steroids
and other PEDs to be legal would help professional sports, because it will make the game more fair
and equal. Even though PEDs are illegal, athletes still find ways to use them and not get caught.
Others aren t so lucky. If PEDs were made legal, every athlete would have his or her option of
utilizing it and making the playing field more equivalate. Others argue that PEDs should be kept
illegal because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People might want to see a more interesting game, but most of these games are interesting
themselves. In football there are many injuries every year and season. By making football
players stronger, it would increase the chance of injuries even though football has had enough
concussions over the years. The fans, however, want more. Year after year we always hear about
how there needs to be better safety in football; that these guys are too much for a helmet to
handle. Giving PEDs to professional athletes who are strong enough to hurt someone even if they
have full protection would only make it easier for them to give a person an injury, whether it is
short term, like a sprain, or long term, like a concussion. Naturally, the fans of sports want to see
hard hitting plays, whether it be one man tackling another player hard, a man jumping over another
to slam a basketball down hard, or one man hitting a ball over a fence. But by making these types
of plays more frequent, it would just make the sports dull again. Then fans would want to push
athletes limits more, causing injuries to increase more as
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Elizabethan Era Cinema
What were theatres like?
The beginning of theatres was very similar to how they are today. For example, they still had a
large audience watching performing actors who have scripted and learnt a set play. They also had
teared seating as well.
The beginning of theatres was in 500 B.C. and back then going to the theatre was a big event. All of
the women use to get their slaves to do their hair especially nice and choose out the best dress they
One of the reasons this event was so big was because it was occasional unlike today when we can
book a theatre production all year around, back in 500 B.C you had to wait because the Theatre
group only visited a few days every year.
Another difference was that to go and watch this theatre group ... Show more content on
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During the summer of 1851, there was a count of theatres, and there were 19 theatres in London.
Stage managers were introduced. Their jobs were the equivalent of modern day directors and
producers. Because of stage manager, a lot of backstage confusion was stopped and chaos was
Who were the audiences?
The theatres were not restricted to certain classes of society. This is because they had improved the
transportation system so the streets were far safer to travel along (especially at night). This meant
that plays could run longer into the night without people having to worry about how they were
going to get home safe. Therefore, theatres produced more money and consequently produced better
Which plays were performed?
The main type of play was comedy . This was a combination of high and low comedy. Plots based
on coincidence and/or mistaken identities The characters usually puppets of fate. They were
usually unable to get married because they were too poor or too rich. They would also suffer a
loss of identity due to an accident. Another popular plot was where twins were separated and then
they are unaware as to their double.
Some of the techniques used as well were:
Loud noises
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  • 6. Police Brutality Case Study Police these days have a bad reputation for police brutality. In the past few years, we have seen multiple police officers being fired or disciplined for unethical situations. In certain states and neighborhoods, police are the bad guys, because of how they treat the community in which they serve. This tension started to climax in 2014, as a policeofficer shot an African American male named Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri that was when people started seeing police officers in a whole new different light (Buchanan, 2014). While this was happening in Ferguson, the Newark police in New Jersey were being investigated by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for unconstitutional practice. 75% of the people stopped don t have a valid reason for being stopped. Over... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jelani Cobb, was the correspondent who observed how bad the Newark police gang unit behaved. He went on several rides along and saw that many of these officers were stopping and pulling over every minority possible, without probable cause. One man in particular, was harassed by the unit when approached by the gang unit to check if he had a gun. Officer Wilberto Ruiz puts cuffs and was harassing the civilian about possibly having a gun in his pocket. He was yelling at the man while they took him down and he was not willing to listen to what the young man had to say. They searched him, but no weapons, drugs or other incriminating evidence was found. However, the man that was walking near him had a gun. The police kept assuming these two men were acquaintances or friends, however they were not. Jelani Cobb was so dismayed by what he saw that he went to meet with their Sergeant and asked if this was a good stop. The Sergeant states, by prescription only that would look like a bad stop. From a civilian perspective, the stop would look unconstitutional, however the Sergeant would see it as differently. The sergeant s ethical dilemma ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Self Regulation over Government Regulation on The... How involved should the Government be when it comes to regulation of the Internet? There are many different issues regarding internet regulation. Should Internet users be responsible for controlling how they use the Internet? Since the internet has been introduced to Americans there have been many debates on how involved the Government shouldbe in regulating topics such as violent games, gambling, and sexual content. The Internet is a very useful source for many things. It has almost become a way of life for some people It has faded out things such as post offices, shopping malls and even telephones to some extent. So since it has become such an asset in peoples lives then should there be laws to prevent chaos on the Internet? People ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So what should the Government do? The Government has power to control who can gamble and who can purchace certain items at a casino or store but how can the government possibly stop a teenager from doing this online? It needs to be up to the parent to control how their child uses the Internet. Another issue is video games on the internet. There are a lot of violent video games now days, most of which you have to be eighteen to purchase. There are also a lot of violent video games on the Internet that you have to be eighteen to play but all you have to do is check the little box that says yes I am eighteen or over, and who would know any different but that person? A lot of people are very adament about self regulation. Any other kind of government regulation on the internet would be a very long process. It s not just the U.S. that has access to this tool. It is the World Wide Web, meanig it s world wide. There would need to be some sort of committee formed and it would have to consist of officials from different countries in order to have any law or regulation because the Internet does not belong to the U.S., it belongs to the world. Self regulation is, I believe, the best kind of regulation for the Internet. If a parent does not want their child playing violent video games or downloading pornographic images then ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Web Page Analysis Essay Web Page Analysis While browsing the enormous variety of sites and home pages on the World Wide Web, it is difficult to compare and contrast items that do not have anything in common. How can we say the Wall Street Journal page is better than Joe s Page of Craziness? Therefore the first step in critiquing web pages is by determining their purpose. The goal of a web page can vary from presenting factual information such as the CIA Page, or displaying one s own computer generated art. Hence, the only way to judge a page is by examining what it tries to accomplish, and how it achieves its goal. Once the objective of the page is established, three simple criteria can be used to determine its net worth (pun not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After wandering randomly on the web, thanks to a site randomizer, the site titled, Alfred Hitchcock The Master of Suspense, caught my attention. Based on the works of Alfred Hitchcock, the page describes his biography, his movies, and other sources of related information. On the title page, Patricio Lopez lists many different links to more information about Hitchcock. One link tells of Hitchcock s life, other links describe trivial aspects of his work such as his cameos, memorable quotes, people who helped make his movies, and a guide to his films. By briefly examining each of the links, it is apparent that Lopez has thoroughly studied his films (on a casual level) and illustrates his knowledge throughout this site. In some of his other links, Lopez describes himself and his fascination with the cinema and Hitchcock. Thus, Lopez is trying to inform visitors about Hitchcock s life and work. In addition, the site successfully achieves this objective due to the detailed nature of the links and the introduction of lesser known facts, based on his intensive study. After a more incisive inspection of the various links and the information contained within, I began to evaluate the organization of the site. Organization plays an important role in web sites since the general purpose of a site is to present information of some sort, so the reader could find information faster if the different subjects are arranged in a logical order. On the index ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Edgar Allan Poe Symbolism In The Raven The Raven is a narrative poem written by Edgar Allan Poe. Many authors have used talking ravens in their writing however Edgar Allen Poe was inspired by A Tale of the Riots Eighty by Charles Dickens. Edgar Allan Poe wrote this poem when his wife was on her deathbed. Throughout the poem, he looks for some answers related to Lenore, wishing that she would come to him even if in a ghostly form, because he loves her and wants her. The ravenin the poem may also symbolize the narrator as a person as well. In stanza 12, line 5, the poem reads: ...this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore. These all seem to describe what the narrator is feeling. Yore means long ago, or to look back in time, like he was looking back on Lenore. In Edgar Allen Poe s poem, The Raven, the narrator is taunted and goaded by a raven in the midst of his grieving the death of his love, Lenore. In his poem, Poe does not make it clear if the raven is a real, physical bird inside the narrator s chambers or if the slightly mad narrator conjured up this being inside his own head. This differentiation makes it difficult to know what I, personally, would do if confronted with Poe s raven. However, real or not, I think that I would experience many of the same ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whether real or not, such an unexpected and insistent visitor would startle and confuse me. In the poem, the raven says over and over the word, Nevermore . I don t know if Poe s raven would say something different to me. The raven s continuous nevermore to the narrator was an answer to the fact that Lenore indeed was gone and would be gone forever, nevermore to be in the narrator s life. If the raven was indeed inside my head, then I am sure the bird would echo over and over whatever word was the key element to whatever problem caused me to hallucinate the bird in the first place, and that would both frustrate me and give me an increased sense of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Hills And Rocky Creags She felt right at home, living in her Seanmhair s cottage and with Scotland, as her new address. Scotland had actually always been her second home. It s going to take time to get acclimated to her new living arrangement and the Scots way of life. Aileana decided she should take a walk into town to see if any of her friends might be out and about. It was a magnificent sunny day, now that the morning mist had burned off. As she walked along the sidewalk in town, the smell of the ocean and green hills made her feel so wonderful and content. She could genuinely appreciate the splendor of the country here, she loved that you were able to see the rolling hills and rocky creags. It was so different from the San Fernando Valley where she... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aileana hoped all the married men would be home enjoying their off time with their wives and family. The testosterone level was quite high in the pub as the men were all bragging about one thing or another. She could hear a group of rowdy men laughing about some off color story one of the oil riggers was revealing. The room had a friendly vibe, lots of beer drinking and cheerful men. Aileana walked over to the bar to place her order for the sampler platter of shrimp, scallops and mussels in white wine, butter, and garlic broth. The platter was served with a chunk of warm dark Scottish oat bread with a generous portion of soft creamy butter. She decided to go with a white wine since her seafood platter came in a wine broth. Aileana thought it s a good thing she had been getting her walks in the morning and surfing an hour or so in the afternoons. Or else she wouldn t be able to get through the pub doors. Just as she got ready to take a seat towards the back of the pub; so she could watch all the local action. She noticed one of the men who was the size of a mountain, and as solid as a block wall; who played a mean game of darts with his cohorts and seemed to fill the tavern. Dart man backed up and bumped her glass of Sauvignon Blanc which splashed down the front of her green plaid woolen Pendleton shirt. The big beast of a man had been laughing with his buddies and was unaware she walked behind him. He spun around and started to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. William GoldingВґs Lord of the Flies and How Jack Changes... Lord of the Flies was written by William Golding in 1954. Golding s experience in the war had an effect on him and changed his views on humanity. His book was written to demonstrate just how naive the book The Coral Island was. Golding conveys how mankind deteriorates when one has no rules, order or morals. He shows no matter how young or what nationality one is, humans have an internal battle of right and wrong and that without virtues and principles all can go down the path of savagery even innocent children. The third person narrative that Golding uses lets the reader observe how the story develops. Jack is initially a responsible head strong boy who follows the rules that society had given him. Our first impression of the choir is that of an army. They were marching approximately in step. The use of word marching suggests a uniform military movement. Therefore the first sighting of the choir leaves a lasting impression of anonymity on the reader. This is conveyed when they are described as a creature . Ralph s group cannot see the choir so they are unknown and mysterious. Furthermore Jack is presented as an arrogant yet an authoritative character. In the sentence I ought to be chief because I m chapter chorister and head boy, Golding emphasises Jack s arrogance and ignorance as Jack believes that he is suitable for the role of chief due to his role in school which has no relevance. In addition, Jack is also spiteful and cruel towards Piggy. This is conveyed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Distractions, Too Many Choices, Differences And Nutrients Distractions, too many choices, and changes in perception, taste and smell can make eating more difficult. Serve meals in quiet surroundings, away from the television and other distractions. Avoid placing items on the table, such as table arrangements or plastic fruit, that might distract or confuse the person. Use only the utensils needed for the meal. Changes in visual and spatial abilities may make it tough for someone with dementia to distinguish food from the plate or the plate from the table. It can help to use white plates or bowls with a contrasting colour placemat. Avoid patterned dishes, tablecloths and placemats A person with dementia might not be able to tell if something is too hot to eat or drink. Always test the temperature ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. J. D. Salinger J.D. Salinger, a contemporary American writer, is one of the most popular, but at the same time and most mysterious writer of the 20th century. He was born in New York in 1919, where he first attended public school, later military academy and three colleges. In 1940 he began publishing stories in magazines. After the publication of his only novel, The Catcher in the Rye in 1951 he gained his fame and critical acclaim. The novel became a model of the entire post war type of prose which later became known as prose in jeans . The Catcher in the Rye was a literary sensation. Salinger often suffered from stress. He died on 27 January, 2010. The main character in Salinger s novel is a sixteen year old adolescent, Holden Caulfield who tells ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Healthy Sexual Development Healthy sexual development begins at birth. It is a holistic process that involves the emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physical experiences. The physical development aspect has played a pivotal role in sex education discussion. As such, the discussion of sex education in this forum will focus on the emotional, cognitive and behavioural sexual development and the responsibility parents and teachers have in educating themselves to assist adolescents through this development. Emotional development The Limbic system in the brain controls human emotions including sexual attraction. Mc Neely Blanchard (2009) explains that the limbic system is the center of human emotions. The amygdala is thought to link emotions with sensory inputs from the environment. Nerve impulses to the amygdala trigger the emotions of rage, fear, aggression, reward, and sexual attraction. (p. 16). Therefore, when adolescents experience sexual drive or attraction it first occurs in the limbic system of the brain. Consequently, the adolescence stage is when they first... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mc Neely Blanchard (2009) believe that Early developing adolescents are also more vulnerable to making risky decisions because their physical and brain changes are happening on widely divergent tracks. Their physical development may garner invitations and opportunities with older teens and young adults (parties, drinking, etc.) just as changes in the brain trigger the desire for thrill seeking and risk taking. However, their brains are not fully developed, so the urge to experiment is not balanced by the capacity to make sound judgments (p.10). Even though an adolescent maybe physically developed and feel that he is mature enough to make sound decisions, his brain activities does not allow him to understand the full perspective on a situation, as in the case of engaging in sexual activities. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. William Shakespeare Impact On Society Everyone knows about the amazing William Shakespeare! The man who wrote so many plays,poems, and played around with apostrophes. He was prosperous and very well known and could ve made songs as well if he really wanted to. Shakespeare has such an effect on modern literature and culture as a whole it s insane. Shakespeare has helped us mold society and the modern world as we know today. But what exactly how could this be? Do we know everything about him to know exactly how he could ve done so? Unfortunately, no one really knows exactly what went on in his life. For an example no one isn t sure when he was actually born but they say he was born on April 26, 1564 because he got baptized in Stratford upon Avon, England, 100 miles from... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Scholars typically tell someone s life by the knowledge of the actual textual works and its literature. Renaissance history, local and national and Shakespeare s many afterlives in drama, criticism, film, and the broader culture are some of the materials or background scholars uses. Biographers have it a little more difficult, since there isn t any trace of Shakespeare s life, such as letters, diaries, testimonies from family, friends, or anyone else they depend on the same materials as scholars. Biographers then try to find the accessory by what scholars would consider as not official imaginative without firm evidence and use that. For as, creative writers gives infinity imagination and construct beyond biographical truths and the mysterious connections between life and works, openly fictional biographies that nevertheless demonstrates a surprising reasonable and exercise a curious pressure over the popular imagination (Scheil and Holderness, pg. 1 5, 125, 127). As for his fans go, they probably try to do a little of everything to get ideal Shakespeare they want. There s still some more to his childhood and birth that was found ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Ust Harvard Case Stady Solution Contents Introduction1 Fundamental Analysis1 Prospect Analysis3 Financial Analysis4 Investment Analysis4 Operating Policy7 Conclusion8 Appendix Introduction Ocean Carrier Inc. owned and operated cape size dry bulk carriers worldwide. Major Cargo type is iron ore and coal. Vessel sizes are 80,000 DWT to 210,000 DWT. Cape size carriers travel around Cape Horn rather than the Panama Canal due to size constraints. The cargo operations include maintenance, repairs, insurance, supplying of lubricants, maintaining supplies and on board stores. Fundamental Analysis Business Model Mostly chartered on time charter basis for one, three, or five year periods. Occasionally spot charter market was used too. Charterer paid a daily hire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the market demand for shipping capacity was high, owners would keep a vessel in operation as long as possible. Conversely, when market demand was low, scrapping rose. There had been very few scrapping in recent years, one reason might be that most of the capacity of the worldwide fleet of capsizes was fairly young which we can see from Exhibit 5, another reason might be the market demand is strong recently. Market demand is affected by trading volumes, world economy and even trading patterns. For example, in 2003, the Australian and Indian ore exports would begin, the volume would increase, demand for capsize would likely increase as well with the higher trading volumes. Exhibit 5 shows the evidence that demands (Iron ore vessel shipments) and supply (Fleet size) drive the average daily hire rate (Avg. spot rate). Factor 2: World economy The average daily hire rate is also determined by the world economy, especially its basic industries. When the economy is strong, the production and demand for the shipped products increase thus will result a lower hire rate. Conversely, when the world economy is in a recession, the hire rate will be lower. Take an example, the average hire rate declined in 1998 and 1999 because of the effect of 1998 financial crisis. Factor 3: Age of ships Average hire rate is influenced by the age of the ships. If a company s vessels are relatively new than the industry average, it earned a premium in daily hire rate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Most Influential Person Analysis The single most influential person in my life is someone I have only seen twice in the past year: my father. He has given me more than any other single person on this planet. He gave me the desire to do better. He gave me the focus and the hunger to be intellectually curious. He gave me these things because he never had them. My father has been in and out of prison since April 29th, 2011. He gave me an understanding of adult life at far too young an age, and he left me with trust issues. He gave me the only prominent memory from my elementary school years: waking up at 2:00 AM to go find him when he went missing. He gave me loneliness during the two years of elementary school my parents were separated. He gave me a love for tossing the Frisbee ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My father gave me momentary hope. He got a job as a cabbie, and he gave us some extra money. We still were behind on our bills, but he gave us some peace of mind. I had surgery on April 11th, 2012. He gave me that last goodbye before we drove to Minneapolis for the operation. My mom called home on our way back the next day, and the cop answered the phone. They had searched the place again. There was a ninth charge now. He gave me the new worst day of my life. He gave me independence that day. He gave me the ability to make my way in the world as an adult. He gave me an opportunity to teach others about my story. He gave me the desire to speak up. He gave me the need to escape from my daily life, and acting become that escape. He gave me one of the best feelings of my life every time I took that final bow. He gave me the wish that he could see me on that stage, but he gave me the assurance that he was proud. For all the lies he s fed me, I believe him. He gave me a distrust of those in my family who saw him as the enemy. He gave me a distrust of Minnesota s justice system, specifically when it wouldn t allow him his bipolar medication. He gave me Axe deodorant for Christmas because that s the only thing the prison allowed him to buy and sent to me this year. He gave me a laugh when he called and said his prison nickname was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Center For Health Care Services What is the agency you selected, and what is your rationale for choosing this particular agency? The center for health care services. I chose this agency because I like what it has to offer not only for its employees, but for the community. 2.What other agencies did you consider, and why did you not select them? Community Options, Inc., and Austin Area Mental HealthConsumers, Inc. Community options inc is an amazing company. The fact that they go above and beyond for their clients with special needs holds close to my heart. They recognizing that people with the most severe disabilities need environments, equipment, clinical and staff support that are tailored to their very specific needs. In my opinion, there are not a lot of companies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Why would you like to be employed at this agency? The Center for Health Care Services (CHCS) operates a wide range of psychosocial and medical programs in Bexar County whose target populations include individuals with behavioral health disorders and intellectual disabilities. (The center for health care services, http://chcsbc.org/board of trustees/) The Center for health care services also offers care for the homeless population and those who are suffering and trying to recover from substance abuse. After searching the internet and comparing multiple agencies, I always found myself coming back to CHCS. I love that this agency offers all forms of help for people with special needs and those who are suffering from mental Illness. I have a brother who is special and suffers from both behavioral and intellectual disabilities. I feel like working for this agency, I would learn to understand my brother more, and be able to support him in ways I haven t before. I also love that the CHCS works with veterans. As a (former) military spouse, I was always interested in the health and wellness of our soldiers who suffer from PTSD, and mental illness. One of the most fulfilling aspects of working in the mental health field is being able to provide support to others during the most challenging moments in their life. To me, it became apparent after researching that this agency offers everything I want ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. My First Ever Defence Against The Dark Arts Lesson Lesson 1: Introduction Yesterday was my first ever Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson! I can tell it s going to be my favourite subject, well, maybe joint favourite along with Charms. We met our Professor, Melanie Silvers, who seems absolutely lovely. I ve heard stories about how lots of professors in the past, before the Second Wizarding War, ended up having to leave after only one year, so I hope that doesn t happen to Professor Silvers. We received our syllabus, which looks so exciting! So many different spells and creatures to look at each week! We learned two incantations yesterday; the WandLighting Charm and the Wand Extinguishing Charm, and I have been practising them both in my spare time. The Wand Lighting Charm, Lumos, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After another few attempts, the light was significantly more yellow in colour, and I felt very pleased with this outcome. The Wand Extinguishing Charm, Nox, is a lot easier to use. At first, it took me a few attempts to get it right, but I can successfully use it each time I require the effects of Lumos to be removed. It feels really exciting to be using a spell that simple requires a flick of the wrist and a short word! Lesson 2: Bright Lights and a Little Softener A few days ago we learned about Verdimillious and Spongify. I have since had the chance to try out both of them! On Monday evening, I was running through the grounds to get back into the Castle before dark, when I tripped on a tree root and fell over. I think I was unconscious for some time and when I awoke it was quite dark. I tried to move, but I had broken my ankle. I needed to find a way of alerting someone to where I was. My muggle grandfather had taught me Morse code when I was younger, so I thought I might be able to use it with Lumos to attract attention. My head hurt and I wasn t able to concentrate properly, so after saying Lumos! I could only see a faint white light that wouldn t really attract any attention at all. I realise now that I had forgotten to think about charging the spell properly! I took a few moments to rest. I thought about Verdimillious too. I had picked it up pretty easily over the last ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Mount Tambora Essay Introduction In Sumbawa, Indonesia, a composite volcano erupted. Volcanic ash, tephra, hardened lava, and pumice escaped the stratovolcano, and climbed into the atmosphere to the height of two to three times as much as the average aviation flies. Piercing shrieks of petrification and excruciation could be heard from far away, yet it was immediately lulled by an abrupt silence. Kilometres away, people s responses differed to the phenomenon s noise. British generals deployed soldiers and rescue boats since they could not decide if it was cannons firing or a distress call from an unfortunate boat. Evidently, they found nothing. They thought it was a clever trick, however; little did they know it was an international environmental crisis that would further deteriorate their colossal empire. This was the eruption of Mount Tambora, April 5th, 1815 (Tillotson, 2016). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is due to the ejection of approximately 200 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere (Ethridge, 2005). This mammoth quantity of substance can cover Britain knee high (Tillotson, 2016). Sulfur dioxide is a reflective aerosol; this means it reflects incoming radiation (. Countries near the northern hemisphere suffered the most. Internationally, 1816 was the most frigid year in the past two hundred years. According to an abundance of textbooks written by British historians (Tillotson, 2016), the average temperature was 1В°C ( Year Without a Summer, n.d.). Precipitation, like rain, hail, and snow, was extremely common. Brown, orange frost drenched Europe in the summer. Newspapers forecast the weather with elaborate details. The escalated precipitation additionally led to flooding in Switzerland, hurricanes and lightning storms (Tillotson, 2016). Crop Failure and Livestock ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Juche Ideology of North Korea Essay Ideology can be looked at different perspectives of the way people think about it. Some people think that ideology is bad, while some people think it is good. Ideology takes a very harmful way in Christianity; Pope Francis explains to Christians that ideology drives away the church and the people. In his perspective of mind, ideology is a serious illness. (Dolan) In some other places such as North Korea, ideology is a dangerous belief system. North Koreans Ideology is most commonly referred as Juche, this ideology is harmful to people because most people would like to praise people who do good things, but in North Korea people have to pray to a dictator who is capable of killing, torturing, and murdering his own people. Juche has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Juche Religion) Kim Il Sung created this dangerous belief system so that North Koreans would always obey him. Before Dictatorship North Korea was an independent nation, it was a colony full of Christians. Kim Il Sung noticed how Christians worshipped the Japanese ruler who ruled Korea. When North Korea declared as a country, Kim Il Sung changed the form of Christianity and he declared himself as a God so that North Korea will always praise and pray him. Christians revolted against this, so Kim Il Sung annihilated most of them because he did not want his own people suspecting him of Juche and put lots of people in concentration camps and they still reside there. (Juche Religion) Juche originated from Marxism Leninism. Marxism Leninism was created by Karl Marx, some of the main points in this ideology are that a communist party should be able to perform and play major roles in society. Some other beliefs in Marxism Leninism are that modern capitalism should turn into imperialism. (Piskunov) North Korea gained inspiration from Marxism Leninism, which is why this ideology is one of the main ideologies that Juche originated. Some other ideologies that Juche originated were Confucianism. Confucianism was developed in China by a man named Kong Qiu (Confucius). Kong Qiu travelled across the country to spread his teachings, but at that time his beliefs was not popular and some of his beliefs were how to do the right things in life. He ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. How The Fold Knife Shop I. The Fold Knife Shop was established in 2014 by an Albuquerque, New Mexico knife enthusiast. The shop carries both combat and tactical knives, including folding knives, fixed blade, automatic /assist blades, boot knives, neck knives, daggers, bayonets and combat axes and hatchets. The Fold also sells high quality kitchen and culinary knives and sets, as well as, horticulture knives used for pruning, budding and gardening. In addition to prefabricated knives, The Fold, sells blade blanks and handles for knifemakers. The shop also employees an in house blacksmith/knifemaker who creates custom knives. The custom knives are made using Damascus steel blades. The process for creating Damascus steel is a centuries old process dating back ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... See figure 1. Figure 1 New Mexico has seen sales growth trends similar to the larger U.S. market. New Mexico has experienced a slight decline in the number of establishments selling knives but has still maintained sales growth according to U.S. Census Bureau data (figure 2). Sales of knives and cutlery has grown from $111 million in sales in 1997 to $190 million in sales in 2012. Figure 2 Most knife and cutlery sales in the United States are made in retail chain stores and warehouse clubs, with only a small amount of sales taking place through specialty stores. However, one of the largest chain sporting store, Sports Authority, recently filed for bankruptcy. This has presented an opportunity for small, local, specialty knife and cutlery shops to gain a foot hold in their communities. Market demographics The New Mexican market also presents the potential for local businesses to capitalize on the sale of hunting and survival knives and gear. According to the Congressional Sportsmen s Foundation, 34 million hunters and anglers carry knives. New Mexico Game and Fish awards a total of 60,332 big game hunting licenses. Of those licenses, 16% are awarded to non residents and outfiters who travel to New Mexico from other areas. The majority of the non resident license holders purchase or rent their hunting gear locally to avoid issues associated with traveling with weapons. These numbers do not include anglers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Research Paper On Asylum Seekers Issue This briefing paper summary the key issues on Australia offshore processing regime. The policy for Asylum seekers arriving in Australia s via boat to remain on either Nauru or Papua New Guineas Manus Island have not held neither sustainable one maintainable solutions. The human rights of the refugees due to the prolonged detention are harmful on their physical wellbeing and mental health. Background The 1951 convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees (The Refugees Convention) was designed for the protection of asylum seekers. It identifies their rights to seek asylum whether it be from persecution in regards to race, religion, nationality, or political opinion outside of their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Coalition Government 2013 policy Operation Sovereign Borders reported that sending asylum seekers back via military vessels patrolling Australian waters has restored the integrity of its borders and prevented deaths at sea. Conversely, this is neither humanitarian nor helping solve the problem to protect offshore asylum seekers already detained. This does not protect and promote individual rights of those seeking asylum under the human rights convention. In addition to the indefinite detention has had a major impact on the physical and mental health of asylum seekers. This has been evident in protests from detainees that have resulted in deaths on Manus Island, in which security and police were present. Is reported is widespread and systematic abuse, the cramped conditions of their accommodation, and the lack of facilities causing illness and poor hygiene. Along with the lack of medical treatment available all these conditions are well below international standards. If the Australian government refuses to bring refugees to Australiathen it must ensure that conditions of the detention are humane. Australia has entered into an arrangement whereas by other states are used for resettlement, it is however still responsible for ensuring human rights obligations and adhered to under these paramagnets. The conditions of detention state that refugees are not to be held for lengthy stays in solitary detention, and that they have access to key services such as health care, education and mental health services. The Australian government s offshore operations are extremely guarded and service providers working for the Australian government face criminal charges and civil penalties if they disclose any information about the conditions of the asylum seekers and refuges. The border forces act 2015 heightened security after the event that happened on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Rachel By Angelina Weld Grimke Analysis Angelina Weld GrimkГ© s, Rachel, portrays an African American family s experience and development over the course of several years during the segregation era. Act one begins in a domestic setting, introducing the main character, Rachel Loving. Rachel is eighteen, living with her mother, Mrs. Loving, and brother, Tom. Notably, the Loving household is presented as a cheerful and affectionate place, full of laughter and lightheartedness. In a like manner, Rachel emerges as warm and cheerful, yet overall naive; never once questioning the absence of her father and brother, who passed ten years earlier. Initially, Rachel is lively and passionate, bearing a deep infatuation for motherhood and constantly proclaiming her dream to raise a child. Nevertheless, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Essay on Case Study 1 BUSI642: Case Study 1 Religious Discrimination and Racial Harassment: What Ever Happened to MarShawn DeMur? January 17, 2015 Case Discussion Questions 1. Identify and describe the specific issues Maalick encountered in the workplace. Do the actions of other workers at Treton represent discrimination and harassment? What elements of law are important for Treton to consider? Maalick encountered religious discrimination on several occasions while at work. The first instance was when he requested vacation for a religious event and his manager was reluctant to grant the request because of his religious beliefs. According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 employers are required to reasonably accommodate the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, criminal charges can be brought against the accuser by the commission or attorney general. 2. Evaluate the actions of HR director, Marta Ford, in response to Maalick s situation. What could she have done to prevent the situation and what more could she do to ensure that this type of situation does not occur in the future? When Maalick originally went to Marta Ford he spoke to her about the questions regarding his religion his co coworkers had been asking. Rather than disregard his concerns she should have been proactive in addressing the issue rather than waiting until it got worse. She could have held a meeting with everyone in the facility and reminded them of the company policy regarding harassment. According to Gomez Mejia, L., Balkin, D., Cardy, R. (2012) companies that are proactive toward issues are better prepared to deal with future problems. Had she done this the issue likely would not have escalated to the point that it became a hostile work environment for Maalick. To prevent the situation from happening in the future Marta Ford could provide additional training to all employees and require annual retraining so that all employees and management are aware of company policies. 3. How would you characterize Clive Jenkins behavior and response to this situation? As a member of management Clive Jenkins is responsible for boosting employee morale to ensure that company goals are met ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Sainsbury s Internal And External Environment Introduction In the following report we will be going over our analysis and findings during the process of our study of Sainsbury s internal and external environment. Sainsburys is currently the second largest chain of supermarkets within the UK, with a current supermarket sector share of 16.9%. Sainsbury s was founded in 1869 and today operates in over 1,200 supermarket and convenience stores, and has over 161,000 employees. We will be looking at a number of areas internally and externally and see how they are effectively or not effectively performing. External Environment PESTLE analysis The PESTLE analysis is a tool which allows a manager to identify the key macroeconomic factors that influence the future development of the business 50MINUTES. (2015, pp. 5). The PESTLE anaylsis consists of six factors which are political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. Political factors Makos (2015) states political factors are mainly based on the country s current political situation. The types of political factors that affect Sainsbury s are, government policies, taxes laws and tariff, stability of government along with others. In relation to the environmental factor, this regulation was put forward due to the amount of plastic bags handed out by supermarkets in England as in 2014 it rose to 7.64 billion 200 million more than in 2013. Campaigners argued that the bags blight streets, spoil the countryside, and damage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. What the Two Proposals in Pride and Prejudice Reveal... Pride and Prejudice is a novel fixated on marriage: throughout, all the action occurs within scenes devoted to either the talk of marriage or actual proposals. This cannot be expounded more than within the very first line: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife . Here, at the beginning of the novel, a definite, though somewhat sarcastic, statement introduces the main theme of the novel marriageand, possibly more importantly, not love. The stark divide between love and marriage shown right the way through cannot be comprehended fully by the twenty first century reader: in today s society marriage and love are mutually exclusive you very rarely get one ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is the reason both proposals are declined: Elizabeth is of a mind that she will not marry for social security or for money only love could tempt her into matrimony. The first proposal is from Mr Collins, a man to whom Elizabeth was not even his first choice; Jane, the eldest and most beautiful, was his first fancy, but when informed that she had been privately engaged, he swiftly switches to Elizabeth, who is equally next to Jane in birth and beauty . His introduction to Elizabeth is not a pleasant one, although he is too ignorant to notice; she finds him a conceited, pompous, narrow minded, silly man . Her observation is quite correct, and illustrated to the greatest affect in his proposal speech. Collins does not seem to possess his own conception of love: he intends to get married merely because it is the particular advice and recommendation of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, his patron and first love . He even goes so far as to explain this to Elizabeth within his proposal; Mr Collins you must marry, Chuse...a gentle woman for my [Lady Catherine s] sake , showing his complete inaptitude to understand the feelings of others. No mutual acquaintance and love between each other was needed. Marriage, to Collins, was only a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances . Apart from explaining in his highly verbose manner that he is marrying because he was told to, he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Civil War Era Was A Period Of Major Medical... The Civil War era was a period of major medical advancement. New breakthroughs during this time period had a great effect on the results of the battles and the war as a whole. Advancements in medical procedures, sanitation, infection control, field hospitals and triage, nursing techniques, and the development of the American Red Cross all greatly impacted the mortality rates of soldiers in both the Union and the Confederate armies during the American Civil Warin both positive and negative ways. Amputations were the most effective and renowned surgical technique during this time period. Amputations were wildly taboo procedures that caused much controversy at the time. By some they were considered butchery and many questioned the military surgeons qualifications to perform such aberrant procedures. One doctor wrote, The surgery of these battle fields has been pronounced butchery. Gross misrepresentations of the medical officers have been made and scattered broadcast over the country, causing deep and heart rending anxiety to those who had friends or relatives in the army, who might at any moment require the services of a surgeon.... Despite their contentious depictions, amputations proved to be extremely effective. As opposed to losing three fourths of their patients afflicted by gunshot wounds to blood loss and infection they now lost only one fourth of them. Amputations also proved effective in improving the lives of the afflicted soldiers. Instead of having to live ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Examples Of Ambiguity In Skellig The author of Skellig, David Almond uses a lot of ambiguity in the book. Ambiguity makes the reader want to read more and find out the ending/solution. Skellig is an ambiguous character of the book, and his very slowly revealed; even at the end his identity turns out to be very vague. One of the examples in the book is He was lying there in the darkness behind the tea chests, in the dust and dirt. It was as if he d been there forever. (1) The first time Skellig is mentioned, he is described as he which doesn t tell us much about him. This makes the reader wonder who Michael is talking about, and makes the book more ambiguous. Something like you, something like a beast, something like a bird, something like an angel. He laughed. Something ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Effective Performance Appraisal Program Effective performance appraisal program Danielle Miller Outline Effective performance appraisals for developing and sustaining a high performance appraisal system are based upon two key tenets. The first tenet suggests that if appraisal processes operate as a system. The second tenet is that individual manager s play a pivotal role in achieving effective appraisals and that they need the right tools and support to be effective. I. performance planning . A. Employee amp; Management Engagement. It s amazing that such dinosaurs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Leadership training helps supervisors and managers understand the importance of giving equal attention to operations and employees. Effective performance appraisals rely on performance standards to determine how well employees complete their job duties, tasks and responsibilities. Performance standards indicate what level of effort is required for an employee to meet or exceed her job expectations. For instance, a performance standard for an accountant might state: Conduct two audits every 30 days. Accountants who conduct four audits every month are exceeding the company s expectations, and accountants who conduct two audits every month receive evaluations that indicate they are meeting expectations. Performance standards are simple measurements used in the performance appraisal process. Discipline and recognition appear to be opposite ends of the performance management spectrum. Nevertheless, both are integral parts of a performance management system. Effective performance appraisals consist of constructive feedback for improvement as well as recognition for strong performance. The ability to address both within the performance appraisal enables a balanced employee assessment. In addition, both constructive feedback and recognition are requirements for determining employee skills and aptitude, training and development needs. Another element of an effective appraisal is what effect performance has on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. River Padma Personal Statement Of Purpose River Padma, the biggest and most turbulent river of Bangladesh, is around twenty kilometers from my village where I grew up listening about the accidents of Steamer sinking (one kind of vessel that made locally and used to cross the river) from my childhood. In later years I also had some real acute experience of Steamer accidents. Every year around thousands of people lost their lives because of these accidents which take place for several times in each year. Crossing river Padma is must for the people of South Bangladesh as it is the only way to reach to the capital city, Dhaka. In my childhood I just always asked myself why this type of accident happens. We live in the ages of modern technology and people have already explored the universe. So isn t it possible to make safe water vessels for carrying people? This question revolved in my mind and it was the core point why I chose Naval Architectureand Marine Engineeringas my expected subject in university level. In my academic life when I was getting familiar with shipbuilding, ship design I really found these very interesting. In third year of my undergraduate life I was taught some subjects ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though I have interest and inclination in the subject, my lack of profound knowledge seems to be detrimental in contributing significantly to the field of structural engineering. My undergraduate program has given me a wide and comprehensive exposure to numerous courses that I found interesting namely, Mechanics of Structure; Ship Structure; Motion and Control; Heat Transfer; Theory of Machines; Shipbuilding Materials; Optimization etc. I strongly believe in learning practically by doing; it is the hope of coming up with path breaking results through experimentation that I find very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The French Revolution of 1789 Essay There is no doubt that the French Revolution has had a profound effect on the world. The cause or causes of it have been greatly disputed. Clearly the Revolution s primary cause was the presence of a weak monarchy and a lack of a stable system of government. France s absolute monarchy had many changes toward the end of the eighteenth century. King Louis XVI, in his attempts to consolidate his authority and lessen the power of the aristocrats, had planned out an intendant system. The intendants were like governors. They would oversee one constituency of the country. These intendants could not govern the region in which they lived, and were chosen from other than the aristocracy. This insured that their allegiance was pledged to the king and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were three divisions or classes in France called estates. The first estate, which was composed of church officials, had immense authority and obtained enormous salaries. Church officials obtained their salaries via taxes collected from church property. Therefore, since the officials received their salaries from the church property, they did not have to pay taxes. The second estate was composed mainly of nobility. They, too, were exempt from paying taxes. This left the entire tax burden upon the third estate. The third estate consisted of some merchants and entrepreneurs; however, the majorities were peasants. Corruption of the estates was causing much frustration among the common people who composed 70 percent of the population. The monarchy tried to make an attempt to give the third estate power by establishing the Estate s General, but this too was corrupted. Unlike most legislative bodies, the Estate s General did not vote by each person having a single vote. Rather, they let each estate have one vote each. Since the first two estates were always in agreement, the third estate was always out voted. This is a prime example of how the lack of a stable government had an immensely tragic effect on the people of the country. If the monarchy had tried to make some reform or if Louis XVI had more backbone to institute some tax reform to lessen the burden on the third estate, the Revolution may have been avoided. The government is the backbone of any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Paolilithic And Paleolithic Paleolithic The period of human history up to about 9000 BCE. The same time of which tools were made from stone and bone and people gained their food through foraging. Neanderthals The family of humans, 45,000 years ago they lived in Europe, they disappeared due to the interaction with the early homo sapiens. Flourished in Europe and Southeast Asia, then completely vanished. Evidence of brutal violence between these groups. They didn t develop the technology when the weather altered. Cro Magnon Were the first kind of beings that had signs of being a human, this was proven by the discovery of the materials left behind. Neolithic The period after 9000 BCE which is also the following the Paleolithic era. This is when people developed agriculture, domesticated animals, and used tools made of stone and wood. Mesopotamia Emerged during the 4th millennium. The land between the rivers in the fertile crescent. Early cultivators realized by tapping these rivers, they were able to produce crops, and produce. Artificial irrigation manipulating the environment. Sumer Populations: 100,000 people. 3000 BCE. The dominant people of Mesopotamia. Sumer is a region which contains little cities such as Ur, Eridu. Sumerians build the first cities, have militaries. House bustling marketplaces, attracting producers from both near and far. Building ziggurats. Also, established the military, tax collectors, and administrators to establish order. Metallurgy Nile River The Greek historian and traveler Herodotus in the 5th century BCE called Egypt the gift of the Nile. The Nile flooded once a year for a period of several months bringing fertile soil and moisture for farming, and agricultural villages developed along its banks by at least 6000 BCE. Although the Egyptians worried at times these floods would be too high or too low, they also praised the Nile as a comforting force. The Egyptians based their calendar on the Nile, dividing the year into three four month periods. Pyramids Hammurabi s Code A proclamation issued by Babylonian king Hammurabi to establish laws regulating many aspects of life. Hammurabi ordered his code to be inscribed on stone pillars and set up in public throughout the Babylonian empire. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Short-Term and Long-Term Memory Loss Forgetting in Short Term and Long Term Memory: The memory of human beings is similar to that of computers because it allows individuals to store information for later or future use. However, the storage of information in humans involves three major processes i.e. encoding, storage, and retrieval. The encoding process basically involves transforming data into meaningful form like association with an existing image, memory, or sound. This is followed by holding on to the information through a physiological change, which is the actual storage of the information. The final stage in this process is retrieval where the stored information is brought out, which is a reversal of the encoding process ( Memory, Intelligence, and States of Mind, 2011). Since humans are more complex, they have three different memory storage abilities i.e. sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory. Short Term and Long Term Memory: Short term memory is the process with which information in the sensory memory is transferred to a person s awareness or consciousness. The information becomes currently active in the individual like talking to a friend, reading an article, or writing a paper. While short term memory lasts longer then sensory memory, it still has very limited capacity (Cowan, 2009). In contrast, long term memory is relatively permanent and virtually unlimited with regards to storage capacity. The permanence of this type of memory storage capability originates from the fact ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Five Phases Of Immigration In Australia During The 19th... During the 19th century, five main phases have characterized immigration in Australia. The Gold Rush period in 1851, led immigrants from Europe and East Asia to migrate to Australia in search of gold finds (Spinks, 2010). The second phase of immigration occurred in 1871, when Egypt expanded its passage of the Suez Canal and migrants from Northern Africa and the Middle East were able to gain access to Australias southern seaports (Boulus, Dowding, and Pietsch, 2013). In 1901, however, the new Commonwealth of Australia established the ImmigrationRestriction Act, or the White Australia policy, which banned immigrants from entering Australia. Moreover, the policy prohibited those existing non whites from obtaining citizenship and gaining ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Hong Kong Independence And Protests Hong Kong Independence and Protests Introduction For about one hundred and fifty years, Hong Kong fell under the political administration of the British rule, their colonial masters. On July 1st, 1997 the British rule gave way to the People s Republic of China, who took over Hong Kong s sovereignty. With this move, Hong Kongwas declared a Special Administrative Region, in the end that they would be fully autonomous, save for the Defense and Foreign Affairs dockets. This would therefore mean that Hong Kong would conduct its affairs under the Basic Law, but even then their interpretations could be amended by mainland China at any given time. It would go without saying, that judicial processes are always known to rule in favor of the bigger ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Notable again is the fact that The Chief Executive of the region has powers to appoint or to dismiss the top team for his government, which is mandated with the formulation of government policies. According to the Basic Law that guides legal matters in Hong Kong, the region would ultimately embrace universal suffrage in conducting electoral processes, especially with regard to the position of The Chief Executives. To this extent, the law was silent on when and how this would be realized, and has been the epicenter for Hong Kong s cry for independence, and the various protests from civil rights groups and students bodies. Various instruments have been used to spearhead an end to these serious controversies, which continue to ripple the society apart in this day and era of great civilization and human rights activism. In this book, we will give a brief highlight of numerous items that are central in the roadmap to Hong Kong independence, noting how far the region has come, and what is the legal standing of China, the influence of Beijing, and other world leaders. 1.The British Rule exits: On July 1st, 1997, the British rule gave way to the People s Republic of China, who took over Hong Kong s sovereignty. This must have been deemed to be the start of great awakening and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Traffic Lights In Victorian England An aristocratic family of four await in their horse drawn carriage for the local pedestrians to cross the busy streets of Victorian England. The chilly winds of late December froze the family amidst the loud but muffled conversations from all of the other Victorians who were struggling to reach home for Christmas. Suddenly, intricately detailed, delicate pieces of white dust began to sprinkle from the darkening, evening sky. A deafening sound echoed from the muffled noises, causing chaos within the close packed rows of carriages and pedestrians on broad streets of the capital. An impatient man leaped out of the luxurious coach and charged towards the shivering walkers, who were struggling to determine whether or not they should cross the crowded... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite the frustration that arises every time one realizes that he or she would arrive at a location later, this device serves a crucial role in modern society. To begin, the brief pause in one s journey caused by this object can contribute more to society than merely regulate the flow of traffic. According to research done in Australia, traffic lights aid people to conserve this planet s air quality (DumГ©). Since traffic lights control the movement of traffic and tell drivers when it is appropriate to move their vehicles, one would be able to maintain the motion of this automobile more smoothly. This action would allow the transportation system from releasing excessive car emissions, which are discharged when a vehicle unexpectedly and necessarily brakes, stops, or accelerates. Moreover, the traffic light serves an essential purpose in society, which is public safety (Why Are Traffic Lights So Important?). The most frequent accidents are caused by the lack of infrastructure (World Health Organization). Therefore, to retain order and more safety, there must be more fundamental rules, like traffic lights, which could physically be seen by a driver so he or she would restrain from moving the position of his or her vehicle at a certain point. Finally, although traffic lights were invented to ensure that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Importance Of Living In A Small Town Living in a small town is an enjoyable, yet bittersweet experience. I grew up in Winnemucca, one of the smallest towns in Northern Nevada. The town is unknown to the majority of people who reside out of its state. I can certainly say that my hometown has been influential on my upbringing. However, my familyhas played and continues to influence me as a person. Though small, Winnemucca and my family has undoubtedly had a huge impact on my growth and has made me into the person I am today. My family is small, yet incredibly loving and caring. Though my parents have struggled and sacrificed, they have provided many things to my brother and me; they have always supported us. For me specifically, this includes giving me the gift of having a buoyant childhood. My regular day, in my childhood and throughout my teen years consisted of math problems, reading, writing, and art projects, playing games with my brother outside, basketball, hiking, volunteering, and doing activities typical small town offers. I will forever appreciate the environment I grew up in because it taught me to appreciate the little things. I craved one thing though: adventure. I am lucky enough to say I have had adventures with my family before. I have memories of my family and I going on trips to islands, our ancestral home in India, and other foreign nations /lands. Still, after all the journeys, I craved more. But as I grew up more, I concluded that if I am with my family, I will always be happy. They are my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Adn vs Bsn Grand Canyon University: NRS 430v Professional Dynamics February 19, 2012 Abstract For many years, society has debated about the nursing degree. What are the differences? What are the similarities? As nurses we have the opportunity to choose different levels of education. Which include: associate degree, baccalaureate degree, masters degree and nurse practitioner. In beginning we need to understand What is nursing in general? As defined by the ANA: Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The ADN prepared nurse may focus solely on the patient care and may also feel unable to assist the family with their needs. They would review code status and resume care. (i.e. labs, IV fluids, CXR etc.) However, the BSN prepared nurse may identify the family s unique needs and plan accordingly. The BSN prepared nurse may delegate tasks more effectively to ancillary staff to provide assistance. Perhaps having the aid or ward clerk to call other family or religious affiliations for support. Or by providing the family with privacy and providing frequent updates on the patient s condition and plan of care. Further education would be given to the family to determine what extent of care is to be given. (I.e. maximum care or palliative care). The determination would contribute to the entirety of knowledge needed and education provided. The actual bedside competency difference would not be profound in this situation, but the entire experience for the patient and/or the family can be improved as well as quality of life. Patient education is also on the forefront of the BSN prepared nurse. More education and training in regards to communication and technology gives the BSN nurse a greater ability to educate the patient more thoroughly and comprehensively. References American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (1998).The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice, pp. 4 5. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Segregation Of South Afric An Outcome Of Colonialism,... The existing pattern of manipulated schooling in South Africa can be considered an outcome of colonialism, segregation and apartheid. In the early 1800s, the arrival of the British introduced the first system of education in Africa. The indigenous people of Africa were exposed to schooling under the provision of British missionaries. At this time, education was a means of spreading the British language, imposing their religion and just a general mechanism for social control. Their strategy was to civilize the black Africans and anglicize the white Afrikaners. And most of the school establishments were mixed, serving whites coloreds and Africans. However, the Afrikaners resisted European control in attempt to avoid becoming the lower... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Education s role can be molding a person for their prescribed field of work, and that is exactly what the whites conducted. They systematically programmed the Africans for work as cheap unskilled laborers and thus left the superior roles in society for themselves to fill. Clear ethnic and class stratification developed, and the government eventually adopted the view that Africans must fund their own education, which continued throughout the apartheid. Between 1910 and 1948, per capita expenditures on white education increased by 263% and African numbers in school plummeted to about 30% (Johnson 1982). Once again, limiting education was a tool to shape society for the benefit of one group the education of the White child prepares him for life in a dominant society and the education of the black child for a subordinate society (Johnson 1982). And in 1948, the Afrikaner National Party rose to power by an election victory, attaining further governmental policy control. The aim of the National Party was to increase and rigidify the segregationism imposed in the few years previous, and thus began the apartheid in South Africa. To facilitate the separation of all ethnic groups the Bantu Education act was introduced in 1953. And in combination with the National Education Policy Act of 1967, which stripped the provinces of most of their control over white education and empowered the Minister of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Descriptive Essay On A Water Park The wet and wild idea The sun was bright and there was warmth in the air so it was a great day to go to a water park with my friend Darcy. We were going to be the first ones down the huge water slide. We had been waiting all night and day to go down this exciting ride. There needs to be four people to go down this water slide but there are just the two of us so we will just need to try and get a lot of speed up at the start and hope that we can get to the end of the water slide. We want to be the first ones down it but we look to our right and there are hundreds of people waiting to go down it. We need to think of a plan to get around the huge line of people. There s a lifeguard blocking the only way to get up to the water slide so we will have to be careful there so they won t catch us sneaking past the line. We will have to distract the lifeguard. Darcy you will need to tell the lifeguard that someone is stealing his car. Then we can crab a raft and run up the stairs to the top of the water slide. We can quickly jump onto the raft and go down the water slide. When we get to the end of the waterslide we will run to the busiest pool and jump into the busiest pool so that the lifeguards can t spot us. Ok that s the plan now we have to do that, Darcy muttered. Ok the water slide jets turn on in five minutes so we have five minutes to find a hiding spot. It would be a good idea to hide near the rafts so that we can grab one straight away and run up the stairs Darcy said . ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. St. Vincent Narrative Growing up in suburbia, I struggled to find my place as a first generation American. I did not appreciate being called African American because it is an inaccurate way of describing my heritage, but I felt pushy and pretentious if I told people to call me Caribbean American. My dad s family still lives in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and we visit them every few years, so I had to confront these issues during my familys last trip to St. Vincent. I liked the idea of living in St. Vincent because of the entertaining stories that my cousins and aunts told me about the island. It had been so long since my previous trip to St. Vincent, so I had idealized and unrealistic expectations of what St. Vincent was like. My aunt had told me that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To begin with, I am afraid of falling off the side of a mountain. Even if the edge is over 100 feet away, I can still picture myself tripping and accidentally going over the edge. Because of this fear, I absolutely did not want to go on the hike. I pouted, whined, and did everything I could to resist the adventure. The hike aside, the car ride to the base of the volcano is terrifying enough because of the twisty, mountainous roads in addition to left hand side driving. And why was no else concerned that the volcano might erupt while we were on it? Unfortunately for me (at the time), my family and I made it to the starting point of the trail. I trudged up the volcano, trailing behind the rest of my family, and after two terrifying and exhausting hours, we made it to the summit. It was breathtaking. We were literally in the clouds, we could see Saint Lucia in the distance, and seeing the steam rolling off the bottom of the crater was unexpectedly exhilarating. I could never have imagined what a volcano would look like, and I am so grateful that my family forced me to go I will never miss an opportunity like that just because I do not feel like ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Advantages Of The Extensible Markup Language (XML) Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 Introduction What is the Extensible Markup Language (XML)? Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language, which is a marker for an electronic document to have a structured markup language. In the computer, the mark symbol refers to information the computer can understand, by this token, you can handle that contains a variety of information such as articles between computers. It can be used to tag data, defining data types, is a technology that allows users to define their own markup language source language. It is ideal for Web transmission, providing a unified approach to describing and exchanging independent of applications or vendors of structured data. Internet ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Use in extensible markup language human language, which is talkative, rather than the computer language used is binary and ASCII encoding. XML is even people who have had no formal introduction to XML or already coached readability. This is because as simple HTML(Exforsys, 2007 ). XML is like JAVA application is fully compatible with, and it can be used with any application capable regardless of the platform it is being used in conjunction with the processing of XML. XML is an extremely portable language, it can be used with multiple platforms extent as the Internet, it can be on a handheld device or handheld computer on a large network or handheld use. XML is an extensible language, which means you can create your own tags, or use the label has been created (Exforsys, 2007 ). There are other advantages of using XML. It is a language independent platform. It can be deployed on any network, if it is an application friendly usage and use. If the application can work with XML, then XML can work on any platform, knows no borders. It is vendor independent and autonomous systems. XML is used to exchange data, there will be no loss of data even if the format between disparate systems (Exforsys, 2007 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Kobe Earthquake Research Paper Introduction On the 17th of January 1995, 5:46 am, the Great Hanshin earthquake, also known as the Kobe earthquake, hit the city of Kobe. The earthquake had a 7.2 magnitude on the moment magnitude scale. Where was the earthquake? The Kobe earthquake was located in Japan in the suburban city of Kobe, southwest of Tokyo. the earthquake s epicentre was located 16 km below the surface on the island of Awaji, south of kobe. The earthquake occurred in a very populated area which made the effects of the earthquake even more disasterous. What was the cause of the earthquake and how did it occur? The earthquake was caused by the sudden collision of the eurasian and philippine tectonic plates. The earthquake travelled up a faultline in the plate that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A large amount of the city was destroyed despite the earthquake proof designs of buildings and infrastructure. Short cuts in the building process have been seen especially in the hanshin expressway, where the vertical reinforcement of the piers holding up the road did not reach the top of the piers, which is where they snapped and the expressway fell over. to stop this from happening again, builders have to make sure that the vertical reinforcements reach the top of the piers. another way of preventing damage is to place rubber blocks under structures such as bridges to minimise the shock of the earthquake. another cause the of damage from the earthquake was tall buildings collapsing on each other like dominoes. this can be prevented by building tall buildings further apart to stop the domino effect. many residential houses in kobe were traditional style houses with heavy roofs and and fragile wooden walls and supports. lots of the people who died in the earthquake were crushed by their heavy roofs falling on them. to prevent houses collapsing, houses need to be built with sturdier walls with lighter roofs. people who weren t crushed by houses were burnt by the fire that was fueled by the wooden houses. to prevent the effects of the fire, houses need to be built out of non flammable materials and be built further apart to stop the spread of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Should Schools Get Rid Of Sports By Tim O shei Could you be able to not have sports at your school the fun friday night games and the pepper ally before when you get so hyped ? The article Should Schools get Rid of Sports by Amanda Ripley is about sports in schools is a bad thing. The second article Sports are more Important than Everything by Tim O Shei is about sports are good things in school. School s that have no sports are good;however,school should have sports. First, A 2012 study by the data is center found that young athletes have higher scores in math and english . This shows that people have proven that people who play sports are smart and learn more things. Seconds, But it s not just about grades. Time spent on the field or on the court also improves your health . ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Keep Your Head Up Case Study Keep your Head Up It all started in Chino Hills High School on September 12, 2012, Three men want to play college football for Alabama State. Carr is a talented quarterback, Mack was an All American coming out of high school and prospect to be a top Linebacker in College. Also, Cooper is in the All American team and top three receiver in the state. But, Cooper is going into his senior year and has to wait one more season for college. We need to find the opportunities to enter Alabama state said Carr I still have one more year, so that shows I still have more time to wait for the scholarships Cooper voice. All 3 students applied to Alabama State hoping their grades and season states would approve them all to play together in the same... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Raiders had number fourth pick. Two quarterbacks were taken the top two, next a DE was taken and the Raiders knew who to pick up and Cooper was taken. Cooper just destroyed the best defence with his speed and route running. No one was able to keep him clamped and that s why cooper got picked 4th overall in the draft. Home sweet home whispered Cooper. I m so proud of you! gasped The parents. Now Carr and Cooper are the best quarterback and wide receiver duo in the league, Also, Mack is just destroying in the linebacker position and has the best states for a linebacker in his first three seasons. Mack is a 2x Pro Bowl, 2x First team All Pro, NFL Defensive player of the year. Cooper, is also a 2x Pro Bowl as well, He has back to back seasons with 1000+ receiving yards.Also, Carr is having Hall Of Fame numbers with the Raiders and is an elite quarterback is the NFL. We all just needed to believe and one day we would be able to play in the same team again. Mack Crying. The 2016 2017 season for the Raiders Carr took the team to the playoffs. Something the Raiders organization couldn t do for 14 years. It was the first time in fourteen years that the Raiders have not made any playoff games and it became a big achievement for the whole team. Mack Attack became one of the best nickname for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Analysis Of The Movie Tony Bryn slid into the chair opposite Tony, slapping his hand on the table. He nodded briefly to the waitress as he settled in. Tony eyed the data crystal with mixed feelings. That s everything I could find on Fancher and his crew, Bryn said without equivocation. Pretty standard stuff; Fancher is career Fleet. Commanding officer of the Rankori for 6 years, service record reads like a Fleet novel. Bryn sipped the coffee the waitress placed in front of him, grimacing at it before adding copious amounts of sugar. XO is Nate Little, came outta the Academy about the time Fancher took command; third in his class. He stirred the sugar in, then sipped it again; this time smiling in pleasure. Anything interesting at all? Tony asked palming the crystal. Bryn shrugged, toying with his spoon. Not among the Bridge staff. He said softly. But the Rankori s Flight Commander is something different. His eyes dropped to the table in front of him. How so? Tony asked eyeing Bryn carefully. She s only been Fleet for three years, been Flight Commander for 2 of those three years. Bryn s voice lowered. She s got one hell of a kill record, probably the best that Fleet has to offer. He nodded toward the data crystal in Tony s hand. Found this in the Fleet archives; it s from about four months ago. You need to take a look at it, Boss. Something in Bryn s voice caught his full attention. He flipped open his portable reader and slid the data crystal into it. Testimony of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Should Steroids Be Legal In Professional Sports Essay Should steroids be made legal in professional sports? Strength, power, energy, pain, and corruption; these are the pros and cons of steroids and other performance enhancing drugs, PEDs. Year after year every sport has had its issues with athletes using these illegal drugs to help their performance on the field. Many trust that allowing steroids and other PEDs to be legal would help professional sports, because it will make the game more fair and equal. Even though PEDs are illegal, athletes still find ways to use them and not get caught. Others aren t so lucky. If PEDs were made legal, every athlete would have his or her option of utilizing it and making the playing field more equivalate. Others argue that PEDs should be kept illegal because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People might want to see a more interesting game, but most of these games are interesting themselves. In football there are many injuries every year and season. By making football players stronger, it would increase the chance of injuries even though football has had enough concussions over the years. The fans, however, want more. Year after year we always hear about how there needs to be better safety in football; that these guys are too much for a helmet to handle. Giving PEDs to professional athletes who are strong enough to hurt someone even if they have full protection would only make it easier for them to give a person an injury, whether it is short term, like a sprain, or long term, like a concussion. Naturally, the fans of sports want to see hard hitting plays, whether it be one man tackling another player hard, a man jumping over another to slam a basketball down hard, or one man hitting a ball over a fence. But by making these types of plays more frequent, it would just make the sports dull again. Then fans would want to push athletes limits more, causing injuries to increase more as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Elizabethan Era Cinema What were theatres like? The beginning of theatres was very similar to how they are today. For example, they still had a large audience watching performing actors who have scripted and learnt a set play. They also had teared seating as well. The beginning of theatres was in 500 B.C. and back then going to the theatre was a big event. All of the women use to get their slaves to do their hair especially nice and choose out the best dress they owned. One of the reasons this event was so big was because it was occasional unlike today when we can book a theatre production all year around, back in 500 B.C you had to wait because the Theatre group only visited a few days every year. Another difference was that to go and watch this theatre group ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the summer of 1851, there was a count of theatres, and there were 19 theatres in London. Stage managers were introduced. Their jobs were the equivalent of modern day directors and producers. Because of stage manager, a lot of backstage confusion was stopped and chaos was reduced. Who were the audiences? The theatres were not restricted to certain classes of society. This is because they had improved the transportation system so the streets were far safer to travel along (especially at night). This meant that plays could run longer into the night without people having to worry about how they were going to get home safe. Therefore, theatres produced more money and consequently produced better plays. Which plays were performed? The main type of play was comedy . This was a combination of high and low comedy. Plots based on coincidence and/or mistaken identities The characters usually puppets of fate. They were usually unable to get married because they were too poor or too rich. They would also suffer a loss of identity due to an accident. Another popular plot was where twins were separated and then they are unaware as to their double. Some of the techniques used as well were: Slapstick Loud noises Physical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...