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CHAN M. Y. Helen
Lam Tin Methodist Primary School
“Strengthening students’ reading comprehension ability (both Chinese and English) through
developing children’s literature e-quiz bank on cloud”
Associate Professor Dr. Chu, Samuel K.W.,
CITE, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong


“Collaborative Cultures
facilitate commitment to change
and improvement.”
Fullan and Hargreaves
(1996, P.7)


1. 中、英文閱讀興趣
Chinese and English reading interest
2. 閱讀理解能力
Reading comprehension ability
3. 自主學習


Teachers Involved
圖書館主任 Teacher Librarian
資訊科技統籌 IT coordinator
中文、英文和常識科組長 Chinese Panel,
English Panel and General Studies Panel
三、四年級班主任及科任 P.3 and P.4 class
teachers and subject teachers


External Support
 朱博士研究團隊
Dr Chu’s Research Team
 PB Works: Qefequiz


Target Students
1. 130 三年級學生 P.3 Students
(年齡 Age 7-8)
2. 130 四年級學生 P.4 Students
(年齡 Age 9-10)


Collaborative with Subjects
 跨科組閱讀計劃
A cross-curricular reading program
 有趣的讀物
Interesting reading materials
 定期對話、匯報及檢討
Ongoing dialogue, report and evaluation
 閱讀行為、程度及參與情況
Reading behavior, Reading level and Reading
 前測、中測及後測
Pre-test, Mid-test and Post-test


Implementation Stage I
準備教師 Ready of Teachers
1. 介紹即將在二零一三至二零一四年度推行的計劃
Introduction of equiz in the coming year
planning 2013-2014
2. 前測 Pre-tests: 二零一三年七月 July 2013,
二零一四年二月Feb 2014
3. 在二零一四年二月研究團隊主持教師會議
Research Team and Teacher Meeting, Feb 2014
4. 融入模式的討論
Discussion on application mode


準備學生 Ready of Students
1. 校園電視台上的指導
Guidance on TV Campus
 閱讀前任務 Pre-reading Tasks
 閱讀後任務 Post-reading Tasks
2. 學校網頁上的連結 Links on School Website Site
3. 手冊 School Handbook: 電子學習頁 Digital Learning Page
4. 學校圖書館館藏
Reading Battle Book Collection in school library
5. 圖書館電腦化系統 Library System:
借書紀錄 Book Borrowing Record
6. 競爭性遊戲獎項 Prizes of the competitive games
7. 校本頒獎禮短片
Video for the School-based Reading Battle Awards


準備家長 Ready of Parents
1. 學校圖書館報章
School Library Newsletter
Reading Battle School Circular
3. 父母支持
Parental Support


Implementation Stage II
 語言室訓練 Training in Language Laboratory
 生本目標 Child-Friendly Targets:
1. 家中下載瀏覽器 Chrome installation at home
2. 個別技術支援 Individual technical support
3. 對學生的期望 Expectation assertion
4. 「一個都不能少」 “Not one less”
 融入多元化校本閱讀活動
Integration of Reading Battle into a repertoire of
school reading programs


Implementation Stage III
2014-2015 年度計劃
A planning stage for 2014-2015
Selection of reading materials across
Reading List with Book ID


收集數據 為求進步
Data Collection for improvement
 觀察學生在校表現
Observation of student performance in school
 下載報告及分析
Record download and analysis
 訪問學生教師及家長
Student, Teacher and Parent Interviews
 研究團隊的帶領及指導
Direction and guidance from research team


初步發現 Preliminary Findings
 刺激好玩網上遊戲
Exciting online reading game
 引發學生閱讀興趣
Stimulating students’ interest in reading
 「2013-2014 十大優秀網站 」
“Top Ten Best Websites 2013-2014”


初步發現 Preliminary Findings
 提升圖書館主任及教師對二十一世紀學
Offering more data for Teacher Librarian
and Teachers to understand students’
reading and learning needs of the 21st
 加強同事之間的協作及支持
Enhancing collegiality and mutual


Key Concerns in Implementation
 把數據運用到學與教上
Application of the collected data in learning and
 學校持份者與研究團隊的持續對話
Ongoing dialogue with school stakeholders
and research team
 監察過程
Supervision throughout the process


Key Concerns in Implementation
 計劃的延展 Extension of the program
 學生在認知、資訊科技及情意上的轉變
Intellectual and technological demands in
addition to affective response of students
Be a reflective and collaborative leader, Teacher
Librarian, teacher and learner


1. Fullan, M. & Hargreaves, A. (1996). What’s worth fighting for in
your school. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.


The End

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The implementation of "Reading Battle" in Lam Tin Methodist Primary School

  • 1. 陳敏儀 CHAN M. Y. Helen 藍田循道衞理小學 Lam Tin Methodist Primary School 17-7-2014 「透過雲端兒童文學讀後測驗庫服務加强學生的中英文閲讀理解能力」 “Strengthening students’ reading comprehension ability (both Chinese and English) through developing children’s literature e-quiz bank on cloud” 香港大學教育學院(資訊科技教育中心)副教授朱啟華博士 Associate Professor Dr. Chu, Samuel K.W., CITE, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
  • 2. 「協作文化成就改變和進步」 “Collaborative Cultures facilitate commitment to change and improvement.” Fullan and Hargreaves (1996, P.7)
  • 3. 目標 Aims 1. 中、英文閱讀興趣 Chinese and English reading interest 2. 閱讀理解能力 Reading comprehension ability 3. 自主學習 Self-autonomy
  • 4. 教師參與 Teachers Involved 圖書館主任 Teacher Librarian 資訊科技統籌 IT coordinator 中文、英文和常識科組長 Chinese Panel, English Panel and General Studies Panel 三、四年級班主任及科任 P.3 and P.4 class teachers and subject teachers
  • 5. 外在支援 External Support  朱博士研究團隊 Dr Chu’s Research Team  PB Works: Qefequiz
  • 6. 對象 Target Students 1. 130 三年級學生 P.3 Students (年齡 Age 7-8) 2. 130 四年級學生 P.4 Students (年齡 Age 9-10)
  • 7. 科組協作 Collaborative with Subjects  跨科組閱讀計劃 A cross-curricular reading program  有趣的讀物 Interesting reading materials  定期對話、匯報及檢討 Ongoing dialogue, report and evaluation  閱讀行為、程度及參與情況 Reading behavior, Reading level and Reading engagement  前測、中測及後測 Pre-test, Mid-test and Post-test
  • 8. 推行階段一 Implementation Stage I 準備教師 Ready of Teachers 1. 介紹即將在二零一三至二零一四年度推行的計劃 Introduction of equiz in the coming year planning 2013-2014 2. 前測 Pre-tests: 二零一三年七月 July 2013, 二零一四年二月Feb 2014 3. 在二零一四年二月研究團隊主持教師會議 Research Team and Teacher Meeting, Feb 2014 4. 融入模式的討論 Discussion on application mode
  • 9. 準備學生 Ready of Students 1. 校園電視台上的指導 Guidance on TV Campus  閱讀前任務 Pre-reading Tasks  閱讀後任務 Post-reading Tasks 2. 學校網頁上的連結 Links on School Website Site 3. 手冊 School Handbook: 電子學習頁 Digital Learning Page 4. 學校圖書館館藏 Reading Battle Book Collection in school library 5. 圖書館電腦化系統 Library System: 借書紀錄 Book Borrowing Record 6. 競爭性遊戲獎項 Prizes of the competitive games 7. 校本頒獎禮短片 Video for the School-based Reading Battle Awards
  • 10. 準備家長 Ready of Parents 1. 學校圖書館報章 School Library Newsletter 2.閱讀大挑戰通告 Reading Battle School Circular 3. 父母支持 Parental Support
  • 11. 推行階段二 Implementation Stage II  語言室訓練 Training in Language Laboratory  生本目標 Child-Friendly Targets: 1. 家中下載瀏覽器 Chrome installation at home 2. 個別技術支援 Individual technical support 3. 對學生的期望 Expectation assertion 4. 「一個都不能少」 “Not one less”  融入多元化校本閱讀活動 Integration of Reading Battle into a repertoire of school reading programs
  • 12. 推行階段三 Implementation Stage III 2014-2015 年度計劃 A planning stage for 2014-2015 選定校本圖書 Selection of reading materials across curriculum 附有書籍編號的書單 Reading List with Book ID
  • 13. 收集數據 為求進步 Data Collection for improvement  觀察學生在校表現 Observation of student performance in school  下載報告及分析 Record download and analysis  訪問學生教師及家長 Student, Teacher and Parent Interviews  研究團隊的帶領及指導 Direction and guidance from research team
  • 14. 初步發現 Preliminary Findings  刺激好玩網上遊戲 Exciting online reading game  引發學生閱讀興趣 Stimulating students’ interest in reading  「2013-2014 十大優秀網站 」 “Top Ten Best Websites 2013-2014”
  • 15. 初步發現 Preliminary Findings  提升圖書館主任及教師對二十一世紀學 生在閱讀與學習上的理解 Offering more data for Teacher Librarian and Teachers to understand students’ reading and learning needs of the 21st Century  加強同事之間的協作及支持 Enhancing collegiality and mutual support
  • 16. 推行上的注意事項 Key Concerns in Implementation  把數據運用到學與教上 Application of the collected data in learning and teaching  學校持份者與研究團隊的持續對話 Ongoing dialogue with school stakeholders and research team  監察過程 Supervision throughout the process
  • 17. 推行上的注意事項 Key Concerns in Implementation  計劃的延展 Extension of the program  學生在認知、資訊科技及情意上的轉變 Intellectual and technological demands in addition to affective response of students 做一個懂得反思的協作領袖、圖書館主任、教師 及學習者 Be a reflective and collaborative leader, Teacher Librarian, teacher and learner
  • 18. References 1. Fullan, M. & Hargreaves, A. (1996). What’s worth fighting for in your school. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.