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Lyt2 Task 1
Current and Emerging Technologies: LYT2 Task 1
A1. Describe how the challenges in the Simple Getaways RFP affect key stakeholders.
If left uncorrected, the challenges being experienced by Simple Getaways will continue to affect key
stakeholders in the following ways:
Multiple versions of office documents are passed between staff. This may result in management
making poor business decisions because of inaccurate or outdated information. In addition, incorrect
or outdated information may be used by employees and passed to customers.
Each office site stores its data on local file servers. This practice makes it difficult to access and or
share data across the multiple locations. Business productivity is also sacrificed as a ... Show more
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The desired performance is efficient business practices being fueled by an inefficient information–
processing system. The goals are to eliminate unwanted use of multiple versions of documents and
speed the time between collaborative document revisions and delivery of the final version, increase
the accessibility and sharing of data across the different office sites within the company, and to
eliminate processing delays for administrative tasks.
A3. Recommend a technological solution to the challenges in the Simple Getaways RFP.
A technical solution can be used to improve the performance and efficiency issues experienced by
Simple Gateways. My recommendation is to implement SharePoint from Microsoft and PeopleSoft
from Oracle.
A3a. Justify how the recommended solution will address the challenges in the Simple Getaways
SharePoint will address the challenges experienced by Simple Gateways in the following ways:
SharePoint will address the challenges of (1) dealing with multiple versions of documents passing
between office staff; and, (2) the difficulty of sharing and accessing information stored between the
different regional offices by enabling staff to share, organize, and manage information as individuals
or in teams (Office.com, 2013).
o With SharePoint, contributing staff members across regional offices will be able to upload
documents and share them for
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Lyt2 Task 1
Business Analysis : Cloud Services
Corporations are finding the value from moving their enterprise systems from on premises to the
cloud. There are several reasons for companies to do this; professionals need to be engaged in
activities that will drive the company's business instead of keeping hardware running. Lipsitz
(2011), Cloud service providers can provide business ready alternatives more securely, efficiently,
and at a better price. IT organizations should be investigating those alternatives and redeploying IT
staff to more business critical projects. The concept of anytime, anywhere on any device is no longer
a concept, it is a necessity. Many enterprises have employees that work remotely, are mobile and
need to get their information on many different devices. The cloud has the correct architecture to
deliver services to employees while keeping them productive and enabling them to collaborate on
the move. Cloud services also provide scale to allow businesses to resize their services when
There are many cloud offerings available to corporations; this paper focuses on Microsoft Office
365. For the reasons written about in this paper, you will see that moving the Exchange and
SharePoint environments into Microsoft's offering will benefit CompanyA Green Mountain, Inc.
Microsoft (2014) "has provided enterprise–class productivity solutions for more than 25 years, and
Office is the most widely–used productivity suite worldwide. Office 365 is an enterprise–grade
service, designed to
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Lyt2 Task 1
Slac Team Work Experience
My work experience at SLAC was definitely a unique one. Everything was on point from Diedre's
phone call about the interview to when I started the internship. I really appreciated Diedre for
always keeping us informed of the status of the internship. The HR team were always on top with
their stuff: the paper works, the background checks, setting up the interviews, and just simply
making sure that we had everything we needed once we started on our first day. It was a privileged
to be a part of the OCFOs team. Although I enjoyed taking the inventory of the content on OCFO's
website and SharePoint site, what I really enjoyed was talking with SMEs to determine the status of
the content. Even though most of the conversations were about the status ... Show more content on
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When I was talking to the main SME from the budget office, he was unsure about most of the
contents on their SharePoint site. He would often make assumptions on some of the contents without
consulting with the owner of the page or who was in charge of that particular page. For example,
Person 1 told me that all the documents before 2013 on the budget office could be archived;
however, when I talked to person 2 (this page was his specialist), he told me that he would like to
still keep documents from 2005 because he is still using it for historical references. This happened a
couple of times with the budget office. In my opinion, there is a lack of interaction and awareness of
other people's job within the budget office. As for the SCM team, I know that one of the SMEs was
frustrated because someone with permission was able moved their documents from one place to
another. He would preferred if that person did not have permission to their site so that it will not
cause any confusion later on. For some people, they believe that not everybody should have
permissions to certain sites; this will only cause discrepancy and confusion for the team. I think it is
really beneficial if there was meeting to reorganize permissions to certain sites as well as discussing
the contents within each
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Lyt2 Task 1
Sharepoint: Analysis Of The Pricing Desk Process
Summary: The focus this week was on uncovering any and all existing data related to the Pricing
Desk process. Any metrics that measure the cycle time is of extreme importance.
Also George Gram and I created a repository within SharePoint to hold our process improvement
documents. Going forward all of our artifacts can be found there.
Activities completed this week:
Pricing Desk Metric Discussion o Met with Matt Lamkin and Russell Peck to understand what
Pricing Desk data is collected on a regular basis. o A result of the discussion led to the discovery that
a large percentage of quotes are considered useless. This finding will assist in the analysis of the
Pricing Desk process.
SharePoint Planning Discussion with Amaeze o George and I met with Amaeze to understand the
functionality of SharePoint.
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o The folder maintains training material, templets, and a project repository.
Pricing Desk Value Stream Map o Worked with Nic Huggins, Pricing Desk Team Lead, to build a
Value Stream Map of the Pricing Desk process. o The Value Stream Map is rather limited due to the
lack of accurate data, however the data gathered allows us to build a starting point for future
analysis. o The findings will be shared with the senior leadership.
Activities expected to be completed next week:
Meeting with Keith to discuss Pricing Desk Process Improvement
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Lyt2 Task 1
Benefits Of A Cloud Based Service Essay
Which is best ? A burning question for SMBs
In the recent decade, the price of storage and bandwidth has continously decreased, and so cloud
based services are most sought after and more attractive to small and medium–sized
business(SMBs), which are seeking to reduce licensing costs, avoid recruiting IT staff and focus
fully on their core responsibilty– growing the business. Although the cloud provides SMBs the cost
effective option, companies need to be careful and should not fall into the "all cloud" solution
strategy. There is no one model which fits in for all the requirements rather than diving headfirst into
the Cloud, SMBs would do well to see how they can maximize the benefits of their existing set–up
as well as those that a Cloud–based service can give them. With the hybrid delivery model, SMBs
can leverage best of both type of infrastructure without long term commitments, unnecessary costs
and the inefficiencies of hosted and on–premise models.
What is SharePoint 2013 On Premise?
 SharePoint farm is within the corporate network.
 IT support team maintains the SharePoint farm and regulary applies the microsoft patches.
 On premises active directory is used for authentication.
 Availability requirements that can meet and have to be designed are 99.9%, 99.99% or 99.999%
 Full support for server side customizations.
 Availabilty of Enterprise level services such as BCS, Fast Seach Server, Performance Point etc.
What is SharePoint 2013 Online for office 365
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Lyt2 Task 1
Sharepoint Administrator At Cygtec Inc
SharePoint Administrator at Cygtec Inc
Cygtec Inc Introduction
Cygtec Inc. is an IT company founded on June 22nd 2006. Cygtec Inc. provides two main services
namely speed and flexibility, outsourcing and off shoring. This company has provided prompt
response to the client specific needs and also provides tailor made solutions. Cygtec Inc. has
planned its operational methodologies to adjust to the needs and changes of the developing business
world. Cygtec Inc. help customers change their business through technology (B.V.Abhilash,
personal communication, May 15, 2015).
Cygtec Inc have established its expertise across multiple areas of information Technology (IT)
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It is used for searching, sharing, collaborating, and enhancing the typical and user's daily life.
SharePoint is one of the big product of Microsoft. The implementation of share point is mainly
depending on the needs and client requirements. SharePoint perhaps is also helped to collect,
manage and find out the information regardless of data type and even if we don't know where it is
stored (Shivaji, personal communication, May 18, 2015). SharePoint is a complex technology where
diverse skill set is required to succeed as SharePoint admin. SharePoint is a .net frame work.
SharePoint Admin should have knowledge on DBA, Web developer and network admin. Microsoft
Corporation has released its new version of SharePoint 2013 which is compatible for office 360. The
key responsibility of SharePoint administrator is to make the working environment available up and
running (Shailender, Personal communication, May 18, 2015).
SharePoint Administrator is responsible for creating secure dynamic websites using predefined
templates for organization departments to collaborate. SharePoint is a web application uses internet
information services to verify the incoming and outgoing traffic. SharePoint stores the information
and provides access to the personnel who are authorized to view that information (Shivaji, personal
communication, May 18, 2015).
Action Research
Action Research the name itself says "learn while doing".
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Lyt2 Task 1
Integrated Master Schedule: A Case Study
Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management
OSP IMS Administration: Continue to work with OSP Staff and PMs to facilitate the update of
identified milestones, activities, and completion status in the FY2016 IMS for Programming,
Strategic Planning, Front Office and TIFC schedules. (AV Team)
IMS Reporting: Generate HR, Strategic Planning, TIFC, and Programming IMS Look–Ahead
reports as needed. (AV Team)
SharePoint Administration and Support
SharePoint Administration and Support: Continue SharePoint site management and administration
as needed. (AV Team)
SharePoint Optimization: o Continue to review the TIFC SharePoint site, identify requirements for
restructuring navigation buttons and links, update outdated information within the Design Team ...
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(AV Team)
OSP Conference Room Scheduling: Continue to schedule and manage the OSP conference room
calendars, communicate availability to staff members, and confirm appointments. (AV Team)
OSP Standard Operating Procedures: o Review Operations Overview Report to evaluate current
OSP SOP inventory and determine prioritization and approach for updating the documents. (AS) o
Continue to draft the document lifecycle portion of the Document Management SOP. (LD) o
Continue to compile data and make updates accordingly to the Document Management SOP. (SM) o
Continue to review assigned SOPs and update as needed. (AK, VN, SM)
Ad–Hoc: Continue to archive old paper documents, scan, and upload them to the respective
SharePoint site. (AV Team)
Project/Program Management Support
Weekly/Monthly Status Report: Prepare, review, and submit the Weekly and Monthly Status reports.
(SM, VN)
Weekly Status Update Meeting: Meet with COR B. Mroczek and Project Manager C. Chen to
provide status and content of the AV Weekly Status report and obtain guidance and concurrence on
ongoing activities and action plans.
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Lyt2 Task 1
Current Challenges : Demand For More Applications
Current Challenges
Demand for more applications : As IT managers face the challenges of meeting piles of requests
from business users to achieve automation/ timely insights into data the backlog of work just keeps
growing and building every new application from scratch is just too time consuming and not
possible. Hence, Managers are thinking about new innovative ways to meet the business needs.
Management demands timely insights: In a competitive environment managers need timely insights
to make decisions in order to stay ahead of their competitors. They not only want the data to be
available on time but also are concerned with the security of data. Knowledge management and Data
Analytics are the keen focus areas of IT managers these days.
Shortage of IT resources: As shortage of tech staff increases organizations struggle to meet their
goals with regards to Information management. It is costly and time consuming to hire new staff for
development for applications and BI.
Cost Pressures on IT: There is a lot pressure on IT departments to cut costs specially when the IT is
not contributing directly to the core business and savings due to IT are not explicitly visible to the
management. With increasing Staffing costs and ever increasing complexity of applications it is
really hard to cut costs
Pressure to reduce development time: Business is no longer willing to wait for years for applications
to build and show any results. Agile methodology has taken over
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Lyt2 Task 1
Sharepoint Workflow Paper
Workflows are tools that manage personal, office, department or an entire organization's processes.
A SharePoint workflow is an automated flowchart that takes a lot of the effort, guesswork, and
arbitrariness out of your regular work processes and makes it simpler for you to streamline your
tasks. It is most useful in automating existing conceptual or manual work processes of the company
and reducing human dependence on enterprise as far as possible.
Workflows in SharePoint provide great ways to save time, effort, and cost by automating existing
business processes. Many business needs can be addressed through SharePoint workflows. Here are
some of them:
* Attending to customer service requests
* New employee accounts creation
* Budget and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although business needs vary, some business needs almost look the same across organizations. Let's
look at five SharePoint out–of–the–box (OOTB) workflow templates:
1. Approval: Think about a document or a list item that needs to be approved before being made
visible to many people in the organization. The Approval workflow helps automate this process and
the progress of approval can be monitored at any given time.
2. Collect Feedback: Sometimes content isn't drafted in a single attempt or by a single person. In
such scenarios, the Collect Feedback workflow provides support to get feedback and comments
from several people within the organization. Each person who opens the assigned task to provide
feedback can interact with three actions:
* Send feedback
* Request change in an item
* Reassign task
3. Collect Signatures: Imagine a proposal within the organization that needs to be sent to
management. People within the organization might or might not like to sign it. The Collect
Signatures workflow provides the options to either sign or ignore.
4. Publishing Approval: This workflow is designed to approve the changes made to pages in a
publishing site. For example, imagine an employee adding a news page to the public–facing
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Lyt2 Task 1
Project Planning Tools Are Useful For Tasks Essay
Project planning tools are useful for tasks with the possibility of different outcomes, where risks of
problems and failures exist and, therefore, require planning and all possible assessing options as
well as organizing activities and resources to deliver a successful result.
Some project planning tools are enumerated below. It is pertinent to mention that the effectiveness
and appropriateness of each one is a function of the project stage and the users experience:
PERT is a planning and control tool used for defining and controlling the tasks necessary to
complete a project.
PERT Planning Steps: Identify the specific activities and milestones Determine the proper sequence
of activities Construct a network diagram. Estimate the time required for each activity Determine
Critical Path "A distinguishing feature of PERT is its ability to deal with uncertainty in activity
completion times"(Netmba, 2006). This is achieved by using 3–time estimates elements for each
activity (optimistic, most likely and pessimistic estimates namely). The weighted average of the 3 is
then used as the due time.
This helps to bias time estimates away from the unrealistically short timescales typically assumed
Advantage as indicated on Project Management Tools and Techniques(Maserang, 2002):
Allows for better forecasting of resource requirements.
Identification of repetitive planning
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Lyt2 Task 1
A Brief Note On Risk Identification And Assessment
12.0 Risk Identification & Assessment Risk is an on–going responsibility for all team members to
identify. As the plan unfolds, situations may occur that spark other risks to be identified. Anticipated
risks are identified below and will be documented for consideration by other team members and
leadership, as they arise. The risks are considered to be minor and not a significant impact to the
project. Other aspects of a risk will be recorded in a mitigation plan if assigned. The following
potential risks are identified to ensure that management is aware of the top risks for the project and
the nature of the risks before it starts. The following issues are thinks to be aware of: 1. List
templates cannot be created and moved over from 2010 to 2013 due to versioning issues. However,
they can be moved over using the Export to Excel method as long as there are no attachments. 2.
Blogs and Discussion Boards cannot be moved over due to versioning issues. 3. In a few instances
of migrating documents over from 2010 to 2013, the option to update the keywords field is
unavailable. The approach we have taken to manage risks for this project included a methodical
process by which the project team identified, scored, and ranked the various risks. The most likely
and highest impact risks were added to the project schedule to ensure that the assigned risk
managers take the necessary steps to implement the mitigation response at the appropriate time
during the schedule. Risk managers
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Lyt2 Task 1
Technical Report On Information Management And Control
Nachiket Agarkar S2973613
The demand for easy access to internal and external documents and secured files within the
organisation is important for all organisation. Sharepoint is one of the most efficient, flexible and
easy to use application for storing information and documents with restricted access to view, add or
overwrite to people within the organisation. You could say it's the only tool you have to hammer and
everything else look like a nail. Searching for emails, updating documents with the update version
and resending the emails has been a hassle since years. SharePoint address business usage and
communication needs to different organisation effectively. It is a fast growing and evolving
Sharepoint is a web application platform developed by Microsoft Corporation in the year 2001, it
has various functions which difference it from the traditional separate application such as the
intranet, extranet, content management, personal cloud, enterprise search, workflow management
document management, web content management. Managing
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Lyt2 Task 1
Office 365 Week 2 Research Paper
Module 1 Office 365 Overview Contents: Lesson 1: Office 365 Overview 1–3 Lesson 2: Accessing
Office 365 1–8 Lesson 3: Managing Office 365 profiles 1–11 Lab: Getting to know Office 365 1–15
Module Overview This module will introduce you to Office 365. Office 365 allows you to work
when and where you need to on your favorite devices. It helps to increase productivity, simplify
team collaborations, and enhance your work–life balance. Office 365 provides anywhere access to
enterprise email, file sharing, and online meetings without compromising security. This module will
introduce you to all of the features available in Office 365 and give you a brief overview of those
features. After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe Office 365 Understand the
different features available with Office 365 Describe cloud computing Be able to login to Office 365
Manage your Office 365 profile Lesson 1 Office 365 Overview Office 365 is a cloud based service
designed to help your organization deploy a reliable robust system and increase user productivity.
Office 365 is composed of multiple components and understanding those components will help you
to utilize Office 365 in the most efficient way possible. This lesson will introduce you to the
different components of Office 365 so that you and your organization ... Show more content on
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It allows an organization to quickly scale to meet growing demand. The cloud allows you to access
information such as photos, spreadsheets, email, etc. from any device that is connected to the
Internet. You can take a picture from your smart phone, have it automatically saved to the cloud, and
then access that photo from your home computer. The photo is then stored and hosted on a computer
maintained by the cloud provider so the end user who took the photo does not have to maintain and
support the computer that is hosting the
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Lyt2 Task 1
Microsoft 's Strategic Commitment For The Cloud With...
Since its inception, SharePoint has become a Swiss Army knife that covers a wide range of
information needs and has been deployed for many different functional requirements. Many
companies have customized it, whether in its look and feel, building custom integration with
external systems or developing new applications. Furthermore, companies have grown to depend on
third–party independent software vendors (ISVs) to fill SharePoint 's gaps or build vertical
applications onto SharePoint server. While such moves have typically delivered good business
benefits, they have made migrating from one generation to the next costly and complex. Industry
leaders estimate that close to 90% of SharePoint deployments are still deployed in the ... Show more
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Microsoft has the potential to innovate in this cloud environment because it can use analytics to
quickly understand business usage trends across thousands of organizations – a level of visibility it
did not have in the traditional approach. It can then rapidly develop applications and approaches as
well as test and deploy new interfaces. Users will realize the benefits of this rapid innovation as their
work environments become more nimble, leading to stronger engagement; IT departments will
realize the benefits of having Microsoft manage this aspect of their technology portfolio, allowing
them to concentrate on other projects.
Business drivers and cost management: SharePoint Online doesn 't take long to set up and users can
perform basic tasks quickly. Microsoft trickles improvements through every three months. For
SharePoint Server (on–premise), Microsoft has traditionally aggregated changes to deliver them in
service packs and new versions far less frequently. Consequently, IT departments using SharePoint
Online will be relieved of possible downtime concerns related to service
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Lyt2 Task 1
SharePoint 2010 Sites: A Single Infrastructure for All Your Business Web Sites
Easily Share and Publish Information
SharePoint sites are easy to make. In fact, the full set of features in SharePoint 2010 Sites can help
anyone build a site from start to finish. Several out–of–the–box features provide instant value by
helping a site owner build the first page right away. Still other features make it simple to modify
pages–change content, add interaction, or apply a design theme. Novice or expert, anyone can
quickly create, customize, and publish a site that looks great and meets a specific business need.
Ensure Broad Adoption
SharePoint sites are as easy to use as they are to make. That's because SharePoint 2010 ... Show
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Combining traditional content management, social capabilities, and powerful search, it is as natural
to manage as it is to use. With its simple, "behind–the–scenes" administration, you can quickly set
up compliance policies, while its familiar interface lets your people work just as they would in
Microsoft Office. The result is well–managed information that is easy to find, share, and use.
Increase Productivity and Information Value
Closely connected to Microsoft Office, SharePoint 2010 Content provides a familiar user
experience. People are comfortable with the system, so they use it. They find the information they
need more easily, and their work is managed from start to finish.
Drive Compliance and Reduce Risk
SharePoint 2010 Content makes it easy to tag content, enforce retention schedules, declare records,
and apply legal holds. With these measures, you can address the need for compliance and reduce the
risk of mistakes when information is archived or disposed.
Fewer Systems and Easier Integration
SharePoint 2010 manages documents, records, Web content, and rich media on a single platform,
helping you reduce IT costs. Using interoperability standards like CMIS, XML, and REST to
connect to legacy ECM systems, SharePoint 2010 also helps your company get more value from its
current investments.
Compliance Everywhere
Manage versions, apply retention
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Lyt2 Task 1
Microsoft Sharepoint : Information And Knowledge Management
A report has been written describing the knowledge management systems and reviewed based on
various aspects which was used to determine whether or not the system considered could be used for
managing knowledge. It was through researching journals, articles and other reliable sources from
the internet this review was written which led to me finding out more on the topic of knowledge
management which has considerably increased my understanding of the topic
Knowledge management is all about the creation of knowledge and how organizations store and
share it among its employees. In this report we see mainly on the software used for managing and
sharing knowledge and how it manages to accomplish the task effectively by looking at the features
and capacity of the software. Nonaka's model plays a key role even to this day in the field of
knowledge management and the same model is used to show the correlation that exist among the
various features of SharePoint.
In the ad campaign which is most recent that was put out by Microsoft, they say that SharePoint is
the new way of working together. In the video we see that
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Lyt2 Task 1
BSBWORD501B – Assessment
Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development
1. Describe what it means to be a model of good personal work planning and organisation. Include
Being a model of good personal work planning and organisation entails setting good examples
which are consistent and visible for others to follow. Personal work planning includes documents
which identify what needs to be completed, to what standard, in what order and by when, is used in
conjunction with the planning cycle which involves; plan, implement, review and re–plan if
required. Organisation relates to planning and prioritising, document organisation and time
management. Consistency ensures the behaviour and skills being modelled ... Show more content on
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Feedback may be obtained from formal performance appraisals, compliments and complaints,
meetings, surveys, work or projects being reviewed or by seeking feedback from those whose option
I value.
9. Name a development opportunity that you think would suit you. Describe why it is suitable using
either Kolb or Honey Mumfords learning styles theory.
I see the ERP system implementation project as a development opportunity for me to become
familiar with the practical and technical aspects of the software. Having a 'Kolb' learning style of
Converging (doing and thinking – AC/AE), this would assist me with future problem solving and
support aspects of the software.
10. Describe a network (including name and /or website address) that you could join and the
benefits for joining that network.
The Microsoft SharePoint Developer Centre ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en–
us/sharepoint/aa905688.aspx ) is a network of worldwide SharePoint users and acts as an
information sharing mechanism. Resources include technical information, tutorials, downloads,
forums, blogs, videos and application samples for the specific purpose of SharePoint development
and use. As NCSI is heavily reliant on SharePoint technology, it would be a useful site to join.
11. Complete a personal work plan, such as the one on page 9 on the participant guide (although you
can use any template you like). It must show dates, actions and priorities
Personal work
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Lyt2 Task 1
Knowledge Management Is A Shared Responsibility
Knowledge Management aligns people, processes, and tools to transfer knowledge between staffs,
commanders, and forces. The Knowledge Management team are responsible for maintaining the
brigade level SharePoint site ensuring that products and services are relevant, accurate, timely, and
usable to commanders and decision makers within the organization. Knowledge management is a
shared responsibility. Each unit and staff section must appoint a knowledge management
representative in order to facilitate knowledge processes. They are responsible for the privacy and
publicity of their content information that is uploaded, created or managed onto their respective
sites. Knowledge management representatives are responsible for all files and ... Show more content
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Lieutenant Morse response was "It is a great collaboration tool". It allows you, your unit/office, and
DOD personnel a place to access documents, upload files, and check dates and tasks in one location.
SharePoint provides you with a central location for all of your documents, files, and calendars.
Within my section we use this capability to ensure all users has the ability to upload and change
information within our section.
Question 2, "What are some other resources used to facilitate Knowledge Management"? Lieutenant
Morse response was: The organization has implemented several systems that they currently use on a
daily basis. The knowledge Management Officer has built trackers per section, digital routing,
Microsoft outlook, sharing of calendars. The sharing of the calendars allows other personnel to view
and connect at any time. If the system has an update it provides an alert. The alert notifies
individuals of any updated changes to the library, tracker, or any document.
The Knowledge Management Officer conducts a monthly meeting with the Representatives for each
section/ unit. During this meeting they discuss any updates, or issues the sections may experience.
Question 3, "What are some of the shortcomings of the current systems used"? The calendars don't
feed into a master calendar. The SIPR can't create slide libraries. Question 4, "What are some of the
benefits of the current systems. Having a
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Lyt2 Task 1
Integrated Master Schedule ( Ims ) Management
Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management
IMS Administration: Updated Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) with identified milestones,
activities and completion status for the Human Resources (HR) section of Office Management and
for the Programming, Strategic Planning and the Transformation Initiatives & Future Concepts
(TIFC) divisions.
SharePoint Administration and Support
SharePoint Administration: o Managed SharePoint access for OSP staff, TIFC Design Teams, and
the Idea House Project Managers (PM). o Developed the VBA Senior Leadership Offsite SharePoint
site to collect all data submitted by the Offsite participants. Monitored and managed the VBA Senior
Leadership Offsite SharePoint site to track and review the data submitted by ... Show more content
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o Met with DDIR N. Pamperin and the Planning Team to discuss the timeline in the development of
the VBA Long Range Plan draft and establish the alignment of objective goals. o Met with DDIR N.
Pamperin to review the current VBA Long Range Planning implementation process, and to identify
how the outputs from the Offsite will align with the current process.
VBA Leadership Offsite: o Held a meeting to discuss the best approach for providing support during
the VBA Offsite sessions. Discussed the best approach for soliciting the Line of Business inputs for
the FY2023 Goals and Outcomes. o Created the VBA Leadership instruction email, PowerPoint
presentation and the Offsite template for each staff office and business lines. Finalized the VBA
Offsite agenda and completed edits to the Offsite timeline slide, and agenda per DDIR B. Voigt's
instructions. Formatted all spreadsheets to ensure consistency and updated the final VBA Goals
document with the amended goals. o Created the Parking Lot planning Excel document and
incorporated Insurance, Loan Guaranty, and the Office of Disability Assistance (ODA) Appeals data.
Incorporated the remaining eight Business Lines parked items into the Parking Lot document, and
determined the Offsite group session break out. o Reformatted the Office of Management (OM),
Compensation, Pension & Fiduciary (P&F), Office of Resource Management (ORM), Insurance,
Loan Guaranty (LGY), Performance Analysis and
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Lyt2 Task 1
What's New in SharePoint 201
Explore Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Microsoft Corporation Published: October 2012 Author: Microsoft Office System and Servers Team
This book provides information about what 's new in SharePoint 2013. The audiences for this book
include application specialists, line–of–business application specialists, and IT administrators who
want to know more about SharePoint 2013. The content in this book is a copy of selected content in
the SharePoint 2013 technical library as of the publication date. For the most current content, see the
technical library on the web.
This document is provided "as–is." Information and views expressed in this document, including
URL and other Internet website references, may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
7 External list enhancements ................................................................................................................
8 Performance improvements in external lists ................................................................................ 8
Limiting records returned by the external system ....................................................................... 8
Data source filtering ......................................................................................................................... 9
Sorting external lists ........................................................................................................................ 9
Export external lists to Excel .......................................................................................................... 9
Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint Online enhancements ....................................... 9
REST (CSOM) object model for Microsoft Business Connectivity Services for web and mobile app
developers .................................................................................................................. 10 Business
Connectivity Services Client Runtime supports side–by–side Office 2010 and Office 2013
installations ........................................................................................................................... 10 OData
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Lyt2 Task 1
Nursing Case Study
Dr. Gardner was out last week, so there is not much of an update.
Debra Caswell: Meet and greet was on Monday. Natalie went to LBJ and the former contractor is
gone. Debra Caswell is off to a great start, so far. She is just for ACS and we will be receiving two
extra people. She reports to Pepe and is here for DMV. She has gone through the sites and started
fixing things as she sees them.
Board Meeting:
Strategic planning for the board and Harris Health will take place this month. This pertains to AMS,
contracts with assistant vice chairs and vice chairs, contracting with doctors, quality matrix, clinic
closures, etc. More information to follow after Thursday. Board asked for critical information, so
they would be able to make a firm ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Would like to repost the position.
Jamie M. We have two standard meetings. The CHW Home Visit meets today. They are supposed to
go live on Thursday. A discussion will take place on them getting E11 access to be able to look at
case studies.
Televox – Discussion on doing wellness messages. Hope Galvan and Jennifer Edwards were sent an
email of examples of messages with encounter to show up in epic
Jennifer Edwards – Target population of A1C greater than 9. She wants to check it out at one clinic
and see how it turns out, even though Dr. Gardner does not like to use just one clinic. Jennifer
Edwards was asked to find out what clinic Hope Galvan wants to use.
It tickets that are pending –
Ryan – one ticket in spreadsheet and is currently being worked on by Susan Fry. She is waiting to
find out how the testing did.
Krystal – Oxygen Order to be placed into EPIC. Colleen will starting working on work order ticket#
Madel – Care Team Report – the analyst gave her a work around, but actual function of it is still
Christy will the new IT request to the log on the "R"
Jack Pending Report Request:
Debbie – Open request for a report from Jack. Katie has been helping but has come back with a few
Annie – EPA best practice report – open request with Jack for a report. He is already working on it.
Julie Young instructed Jamie Mathis, we need to get our requests in to Jack. EPIC report writer was
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Lyt2 Task 1
Case Study 1
Is Social Business working out? Ricardo Thomas Florida Tech University Is social business working
out? summary of major issues The social media platforms growth in the average person's life has
significantly altered our communication with each other, both at home and in the workplace. In
recent years companies have been trying to leverage the power of social media within the business
environment. Once the value of social business is understood and the effective use of the many
available tools are utilized, it can be advantageous to an organization's bottom–line. Several known
implementation challenges can be averted if these prerequisites are in place before implementing a
tool. The example of the NASA's Goddard Space Flight ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Without support from executive management, social networks may never gain a proper foothold
throughout the organization. Management must set the pace for line staff to follow and adopt.
Therefore, if it's not important to senior management, it most likely won't be important to the
workforce as a whole. According to the case and additional research, most companies are not
providing the incentive that staff requires to be motivated to use these tools. The article states that
only 22 percent of social software users believe the technology to be necessary to their jobs. Hence
training on these new tools and the role they play within an organization is a critical factor that can
lead to failure or success. It is therefore crucial that management in cooperates training and
effectively communicates the importance of these tools to the general workforce. Management
should not assume that because employees are used to participating on social networks like
Facebook that they will adopt to internal social networks as easily. If employees are used to
collaborating and doing business effectively in more traditional ways like sending emails, then they
will need an incentive to use social software. Organization Organization needs to understand the
value of Social Networking for both internal and external business. Once this is done, the efforts to
convince the line staff would be easier. Many companies have found
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Lyt2 Task 1
Ibm Rational Team Concert : A Integrated Workplace...
All project teams have access to the secure corporate network. As such, Microsoft SharePoint should
be employed as the document repository for all project deliverables, including project charters,
project artifacts and deliverables, and status reports. SharePoint should also be used to maintain
project documentation and function as the official workflow system for routing documents for
review and for tracking approvals. At no time should SharePoint documents be saved to local
machines, portable media, or to network drives. Instead, working documents should be checked out,
edited, and then checked back into Sharepoint. For security reasons, no SharePoint documents
should are to be shared via email, web shares, chat, or any other unapproved or insecure document
share. Project members may reference SharePoint documents and share links to SharePoint
documents via email or chat communications. These measures will ensure both the integrity and
security of project documentation in SharePoint.
IBM Rational Team Concert should serve as the integrated workplace management system that
facilitates project and team collaboration. IBM Rational Team Concert will facilitate individual
work assignments, provide visibility to project activities, offer task assignment and task tracking
functionality, and facilitate the planning and execution of major deliverables. Depending on user
action, Rational Team Concert will send out real–time update alerts, but teams should be reminded
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Lyt2 Task 1
Sharepoint Collaboration Site Advantages
Scope This paper will review the benefits of utilizing a collaboration site, the ability to manage
people and deliverables and the important features a collaboration site such as SharePoint, can bring
to an organization. Utilization of a Collaboration Site First off, SharePoint is a great site to utilize
for collaboration and offers valuable tools to manage information, tasks, documents, projects and
more. For instance, according to Marquette University, gathering and sharing information is already
challenging enough, however using SharePoint as a central site, a team is able to collaborate, set
securities, meetings, tasks and track projects. Additionally, many benefits of using SharePoint exist,
including but not limited to the following ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This means a team is able to enable approval levels (such as three stage), reviews, provide feedback,
and work tracking while routing documents through various stages of editing/sign off. In addition,
for more complex workflows, an organization can create workflows by using compatible sister
programs such as Microsoft Visio and SharePoint Designer. Useful features There are many useful
features available on SharePoint that not only benefit people on an individual level, but an
organization level. For instance, SharePoint has the capability for Business Intelligence such as
dashboard migration, timeline controls, pivot chart reports and even mobile capabilities without
compromising the security of an organization. Another great feature of SharePoint is the ability to
take over some backup and recovery options, which gives an organization the opportunity to reduce
dependency on a third party solution for auditing performance and routine tasks (portalsolutions.net,
2013). An organization is also able to control and customize the metadata in document libraries,
which aids people in searching and/or understanding the information they are looking
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Lyt2 Task 1
Sharepoint: Uncovering Data Integrity Challenges
Uncover the data integrity challenges in SharePoint®
Does your existing content repository system have enough controls to safeguard data usage from
fraudulent activities? Are your spreadsheets validated for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance?
Be it validating the data of a medical device or a database or an instrument, assuring data
completeness and accuracy is not just pertained to individual components. It is more to do with
managing the entire lifecycle of enterprise–data of an organization and ensuring data integrity
throughout the IT systems. So is the case with SharePoint®.
The use of SharePoint® as a document and process control system is in high demand. Apparently,
according to AIIM, while 60% of organizations are storing their confidential documents in
SharePoint®, 12% are storing secret, and 4% top secret documents.
Although SharePoint® eases the data storage ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Audits all the activities made by the user to avoid any deviations
3. Provides instantaneous reports at granular level
4. Provides corporate visibility through real–time tracking
5. Develops a centralized information management strategy
6. Implements an overall strategy for governance, risk, & compliance
7. Provides controls to alert when threshold limits are exceeded
8. Includes secure, time–stamped audit trails of users' actions
9. Facilitates accurate document validation
10. Ensures compliance with 21 CFR 820.70(i), 21 CFR 820.40, and 21 CFR Part 11 regulations
How Xybion's ComplianceBuilder™ can support in SharePoint® Monitoring?
Xybion's real–time compliance monitoring software, ComplianceBuilder™ is designed to provide
data integrity across IT systems. It seamlessly integrates with SharePoint® and adds a security layer
to sensitive and business critical files.
Xybion's ComplianceBuilderTM solution allows organizations to monitor key user activity and
sends notifications to enable early intervention. In addition, it ensures security with a real–time
dynamic pattern of user
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Lyt2 Task 1
Communication And Networking With Infosys
Collaboration is used in every aspect of human life and can be interpreted in different ways, one
might be the idea of people coming together to do a job through different tools. Using tools such as
sign language, verbal communications telephone, or even the "batman signal," today such tools are
electronic messaging and networking with an internet connection (Collaboration Tools, 2015, p.
164). When Kellogg's noticed employees using different applications, websites, and database
systems to communicate with each other in the plant it become vital that they get a system that
would work and cut much of the back and forth communication out with one site, making it easier
and practical to collaborate with others (Collaboration Tools, 2015, p. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
A survey revealed that many companies have engaged security practices with SharePoint for it
seems data is being shared across networks and applications and even beyond the boundaries of the
system. Many workers do not know there are guidelines of who can access the data and what kind of
data is stored on SharePoint. Many employees think since it is a company site it is well protected by
a security defense, while other workers might share with business partners or contractors (Tim
Wilson, 2009). If employees ae not cautious with the data any one can get access with a good hacker
and might get critical information to blackmail the company for money or even sell to the highest
bidder. A company just assumes that new and old workers know the rules for the use of company
computers and websites used in collaboration systems. Although some policies differ from others
they usually state the same. If one was a company official and asked to review and rewrite the
corporate policy to avoid any breach of data the best place is to start at the internet itself. The first is
to make a policy on the usage of company computer, internet, and email which should include, but
not limited to use the internet responsibility and productively for company business, no personal
business is allowed. The company owns any computer information received on company property
(computer) and can be used for legal
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Lyt2 Task 1
Software Development Life Cycle
5+ years of experience in Microsoft technologies including SharePoint server 2007/10/13, Office
365 and ASP.NET
Involved in all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirements
Gathering, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Production and Post–Production Support
Hands on experience to create Out of the Box solutions which includes creating and customizing
site Collections, sites, Document Libraries, Lists, Views, Content Types and Web Parts
Proficient in InfoPath Form services: design, develop and define data structures of electronic form
and integrate with in the platform of Microsoft SharePoint
Extensive experience in SharePoint Designer 2007/2010/2013.Designing solutions ... Show more
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Web Application, Site Collections and search configuration
Set up permission levels and give permission for individual users and groups
Extensively Involved in Installation, Configuration, and Administration of Microsoft Office
SharePoint Server 2010/2013 on medium farm environment
Experience in working directly with client
Excellent logical and problem solving skills and ability to work in team
Devoted to meeting client needs and deadlines with excellent end products
SharePoint: MOSS 2013/10/07, WSS 3.0, and SharePoint Designer 2013/10/07
Programming: C#, ASP/ASP.NET
Databases: MS SQL Server 2012/08R2/08/05, MS Access, and ADO.NET
Scripting Languages: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, REST API
XML Technologies: Xml, Xaml, CAML, LINQ
Other Tools: MS Visio, MS Office, Share gats
O/S: Windows Server 2012/08/2003
MCSE: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions
MCPD: SharePoint® Developer 2010 Specialist,
MCTS: SharePoint® 2010, Application Development
MCTS: Microsoft Certified Professional
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Degree Computer Information System, 2009 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
12/2013 – Present Integrated Data Solution, Haymarket, VA
SharePoint Developer
Involved in all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirements
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Lyt2 Task 1
Integrated Master Schedule ( Ims ) Management
Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management
OSP IMS Administration: Updated the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) with identified milestones,
activities and completion status for the Human Resources (HR) section of Office Management, and
for the Programming, Strategic Planning and the Transformation Initiatives & Future Concepts
(TIFC) divisions. (AV Team)
SharePoint Administration and Support
SharePoint Administration: o Managed SharePoint access for the OSP Staff, TIFC Design Teams,
and the Concept Generation Project Managers (PM). (AS, AK) o Updated the programming
schedule embedded into FY2018–2022 Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Program
Requirements SharePoint site to reflect programming events and milestones. (VN) o Developed
VBA Senior Leadership Offsite SharePoint site to collect all data submitted by the offsite
participants. (LD) o Created a new navigation heading 'VBA Leadership Offsite' on OSP SharePoint.
SharePoint Optimization: o Made updates to the Travel/Training Tracker form to provide additional
clarity on the column fields. (AK) o Updated the Operations Document Library to include additional
metadata fields. (AK)
Strategic Planning Support
Daily Strategic Planning Stand–Up Meetings: Provided logistical and technical support for
meetings, facilitated updates, and took meeting minutes. (LD)
Benefits Portfolio Steering Committee (BPSC): Participated in the weekly project status updates on
the deployment of applications/technologies.
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Lyt2 Task 1
Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Evaluation Guide
For technical and business decision makers
© 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is intended for informational
SUMMARY. Microsoft, Access, Excel, Fluent, InfoPath, Internet Explorer, Office, Office
SharePoint Portal Server, OneNote, Outlook, PerformancePoint, PowerPoint, Project Server,
SharePoint, SharePoint Designer, SharePoint Workspace, Silverlight, SQL Server, Visio, Windows
7, Windows Live, and Word are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
13 SharePoint Content
................................................................................................................................ 15 Document
Management ................................................................................................................. 15 i Records
Management....................................................................................................................... 17 Rich
Media Management ................................................................................................................ 18 Web
Content Management ............................................................................................................ 19
SharePoint Search
................................................................................................................................... 21 SharePoint
Server 2010 .................................................................................................................... 21 Enterprise
Scale ................................................................................................................................... 24 FAST
Search Server 2010 for SharePoint .................................................................................... 25
SharePoint Insights
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Lyt2 Task 1
Employees Are The Lifeblood Of A Well Functioning Company
Employees are the lifeblood to a well functioning company. When a business has employees who
are productive and able to communicate effectively, it makes for a practically seamless workdays –
work emergencies not included. So it's essentially that employers provide their workers the
technology to ensure that employees can work as a cohesive team. Nowadays, more and more
people are working from home. Therefore, implementing productivity tools that are easy to access is
crucial. If you're looking for software that can help your company run like a well–oiled machine,
then here are a few tools to get you started.
Slack is by far, one of the top communication tools out there. It's essentially a messaging app for
teams. Not only can you send messages, but you can also share work files, images, documents,
spreadsheets and PDFs. The app allows you to highlight important comments, and bookmark them,
so that you can conveniently reference them later on.
Slack easily syncs with other applications like Google Drive and Dropbox. Sometimes it's important
that chat conversations be positioned into their own channels. With Slack, you can do this and more.
Slack allows you to organize your chat into specific channels. You'll never have to worry about
relocating past chat notes ever again.
One major caveat for Slack is that is it not a project management tool. It is for communication only.
You also cannot set away messages or go idle, when you're inactive. So may prove to be
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Lyt2 Task 1
What Did It Say?
What Did IT Say?
George Bernard Shaw said, " The single biggest problem in communications is the illusion that is
has taken place." An illusion of communication often occurs when utilizing email. Email offers
convenience and the ability to reach a large group quickly. Pressing send leaves the sender with the
impression communication transpires. Receivers spend precious time deciphering the intended
message when receiving unclear emails. Carefully considering the audience of your email,
addressing what's in it for me, (WIFM) and answering the five W's, reduces the illusion of
communication. Reading Jack's email, he did not consider his audience, nor did he address the
WIFM. Jack's email is ambiguous, confusing and disorganized.
Goals and Five W's
The goal of Jack's email: to communicate upcoming changes to the company's Sharepoint site and
how these changes will affect employees. In answering the five W's: the who refers to all company
employees. The what: if active directory credentials unknown, contact the help desk, and
instructions for signing up for the self–service password reset. The when: refers to the date of May
24th. However, the email lacks the exact timing of the changes as well as the duration of time the
site will be unavailable leaving the reader unclear. The where: refers to the changes taking place on
both the Sharepoint client software and the company 's portal website. Jack's email does not address
why. As an employee, I would want to
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Lyt2 Task 1
Technical Report On Information Management And Control
CONTROL NACHIKET AGARKAR S2973613 SUMMARY The demand for easy access to
internal and external documents and secured files within the organisation is important for all
organisation. Sharepoint is one of the most efficent, flexible and easy to use application for storing
information and documents with restricted acesss to view, add or overwrite to people within the
organisation. You could say its the only tool you have to hammer and everything else look like a
nail. Searching for emails, updating documents with the update version and resending the emails has
been a hazzle since years. Sharepoint address business usage and communication needs to different
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This automated system helps in regulating task and completing them on time thereby ensure low
loss to business and remarkable . TECHNOLOGY USED Sharepoint is used to track, manage
electronic documents like word, excel, pdf etc and store them at a location . It is a integration of
Office Suite, Office Apps on different devices which allows editing scenarios and updating the
versions and sync them from any location with access to internet or intranet. It allows to tracking the
integrated history version, collaborative online editing and search capabilities. All these capabilities
are easy to configure and comply with a unique recording management. Sharepoint also enables a
graphically search functionality to track projects, documents and users with access to files and
documents. It is a centralised locations to store, versioning and collaborating documents without
depending on emails to collabrate together. Sharepoint Server is hosted on OneDrive for Business
which is a cloud storage which allows storage and sync of files across differnet devices which
allows public and private file sharing. It could be used as a personal cloud to store and manage
information. Sharepoint is used to team site which is fast and very cost effective way to
communicate information in a professional looking way to the team. Sharepoint allows to change
the apperance by customising it with adding functionalities without doing any programming.
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Lyt2 Task 1
The Mission For At & T
For more than a century, AT&T has consistently provided innovative, reliable, high–quality products
and services along with tremendous customer care. This company is recognized as a leading figure
of worldwide providers of IP–based communications services to businesses. The mission for AT&T
is to connect people with their world, everywhere they live and work, and do it better than anyone
else. This vision is fulfilled by creating new solutions for consumers and businesses and by driving
innovation in the communications and entertainment industry. Innovation is an enormous part of the
growth and development process of AT&T. AT&T strives to have a unique brand. This company will
go out of its way to distinctly identify itself from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Individuals who have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to be part of an unmatched developmental
experience is key too. To know if you have what it takes to be in the program, one must possess a
passion for sales and technology with a competitive spirit, along with aggressiveness by consistently
meeting and exceeding goals. The Business Sales Leadership Development Program provides an
opportunity to accelerate ones career buy participating in industry leading training that will help you
position one for career success and advancement. You will learn AT&T's dynamic portfolio
including wireless, cloud computing, and IP based business services and solutions. You will also
interact with various levels of management and senior level leadership, while learning how to
enhance a broad range of critical skills and competencies for success (learn how to sell, public
speaking, business writing). As a Business Sales Account Executive, You will have the chance to
work closely with a sales management team and benefit from their experience, ongoing coaching,
assessment and support. Participants must be prepared for relocation to another US market after
successful completion of the program. In market, you will be securing new business and managing
existing business accounts. As a Business Sales Account
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Lyt2 Task 1
Vba Executive Summary
ntegrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management
OSP IMS Administration: Updated the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) with identified milestones,
activities and completion status for the Human Resources (HR) section of Office Management, and
for the Programming, Strategic Planning and the Transformation Initiatives & Future Concepts
(TIFC) divisions. (AV Team)
SharePoint Administration and Support
SharePoint Administration: o Managed SharePoint access for the OSP Staff, TIFC Design Teams,
and the Concept Generation Project Managers (PM). (AS, AK) o Developed VBA Senior Leadership
Offsite SharePoint site to collect all the data submitted by the Offsite participants. (LD, AS)
SharePoint Optimization: Assisted in establishing the user permissions ... Show more content on
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Idea House: o Attended and provided meeting minutes during the weekly Idea House meeting. (AK)
o Attended and provided meeting minutes during the June 30, 2016 weekly meeting to discuss
incorporating the 14 VBA Ideas from Idea House into Decision Lens. (AK)
Claims Processor Reorganization (CPR): o Attended the Claims Processor Reorganization Design
Team weekly meeting to review updates and discuss the approval of the Concept Paper by the
Governance Board. Captured meeting minutes and developed the subgroup matrix to display
participants and their individual assignments. (AS) o Provided SharePoint permissions to newly
assigned Design Team members and updated the views in the CPR document library. (AS)
Transformation Mailbox and Calendar: o Monitored mailbox regularly, distributed emails as
appropriate, and responded to calendar requests. (AS, AK) o Worked with the Office of Business
Process Integration (OBPI) POC to coordinate a meeting with the OBPI and TIFC leadership to
discuss adding OBPI projects to the Transformation Governance Board agenda.
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Lyt2 Task 1
Group Research Paper- Online Platforms
Group Research Paper– As a group you must review 5 online platforms of your choice (e.g.
Facebook, Twitter, Ideascale, etc.) that could be used by a virtual team in a company to
communicate with their worldwide divisions. Your group must use your readings to research and
create a "grading platform" to create criteria to "grade" each platform. For example, you could
create a matrix that has ease of communication as measuring item. After your group has "graded"
these platforms, each person in your group will then write their own 5 to 7 page paper to
recommend whether or not Ford should use these platforms by using your grading matrix and your
readings to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each platform. In the end, you ... Show
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Facebook According to the official website of Facebook, the company mission is to make the world
more open and connected. In addition, the site explain that people use Facebook to stay connected
with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to share and express what
matters to them (Facebook Newsroom Key–Fats, 2013). Facebook Platform enables developers to
build social apps that enable people to connect with their friends, whether it is through playing a
game, watching a movie, sharing their favorite restaurant, or listening to a song (Facebook
Newsroom Platform, 2013). Based on the Team grading platform Facebook received an overall 19
out of 30. The Team found that Facebook is great for communication and maybe sharing documents
but the site is not built for professional communication since there seems to always be hackers
breaking into the system. Therefore, the team feels that for business communication Facebook
cannot be trusted. According to the article, Contextual gaps: privacy issues on Facebook, Facebook
present significant privacy issues for their users, the article analyze two of Facebooks's features,
Applications and News Feed Offline, it was found that contextual gaps are at the root of many of the
sites' privacy issues. In addition, the article explains that the
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Lyt2 Task 1
A Brief Analysis Of My Organization's Sharepoint Team
Team Work Readiness Analysis
In this paper I am composing a brief analysis of my organization's SharePoint team. This analysis
will bring together different information that has been composed within my MGMT 581 Team
Building class. The purpose of this analysis is to determine my organizations readiness to support
team work. Also, a SharePoint team improvement plan will be included.
Team Analysis
In an earlier assignment I created a Team Analysis. The team analysis was composed around my
current SharePoint team within Salt River Project (SRP). The SharePoint Team is a self–managing
team. My Team consists of two SharePoint developers, two SharePoint administrators, two
SharePoint supporters, and a college intern. I am a SharePoint ... Show more content on
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Knowledge, Skills, Attitude
The SharePoint team is well rounded in knowledge and skills. We have entry level positions covered
with our intern, all the way to extremely technical positions such as our developers.
Motivation and Effort
SRP has an implemented bonus system which is called EPIC. The manager sets the team EPIC
around high level goals for the year. These goals are usually created around the successful
completion of known projects needing completion. If my goals are attained by the dates specified, I
am awarded an EPIC bonus. My EPIC bonus is usually awarded at 1 percent of my salary for each
goal attained. Team members are very motivated to obtain their EPIC, and I have noticed this to be
consistent with others as well.
Coordination Strategies
The separated skill sets create an environment that does not need much in the coordination strategy
area. My team knows exactly who is responsible for each task as soon as a requirement is stated.
However, the problem we have currently is a couple of individuals are consistently handled a larger
percentage of the work. The largest complaint around our current planning and task structure is that
it is unequal between team members. I am an administrator and have noticed the unequal load. Team
members with knowledge tend to become the go–to personnel to assist others their tasks.
Team Performance
The SharePoint Team is responsible for the SharePoint software and
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Lyt2 Task 1
Summary: Sharepoint Approval
Iteration 5
SharePoint Approval
The last iteration is the approval of the implemented SharePoint administration technology. The
approval iteration level helps to ascertain the organization needs for the purpose of meeting project
requirements. Before the approval of the SharePoint administrator technology, experts will test the
system to verify if it meets the project needs (Solomon, 2011). Plan
Having developed and installed the new system to the organization, I plan to approve and check on
whether the system operates effectively. I plan to ensure that all configurations, testing, and
checking issues are factors. The move will focus on the selection of the ideal operations within the
company (Arnold, 2012). The experts will work with me during system configuration so as to
ensure that the new SharePoint administrator technology and proposed backup system integrate with
accordance. I plan to check on all components of the system and ensure that they are fixed in
accordance. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Such a move was attributed to the fact that, they wanted to prove that the proposed system helps the
company operate more effectively. Senior administrator was more on ensuring that the system
installed was not default in nature. The customization process of the ideal system was put in a
greater focus and that enabled the company gets appropriate information technology system (Diffin,
2010). The company had a suitable information technology system with qualified personnel and its
machines were in the right condition. I observed that the company had an IT expert who oversaw all
the operations carried out by selected team. Use of high–quality equipment within the operations
platform made the management buy the idea of installing the SharePoint administrator technology
system plus the data backup system. The company had all its trust on my advice, training, and
design of the new system (Carr,
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Lyt2 Task 1
Burns & Mcdonnell : Burns And Mcdonnell
ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION: BURNS & MCDONNELL Burns & McDonnell was founded in
1898 by Clinton S. Burns and Robert E. McDonnell. Clinton and Robert first became acquainted at
Stanford, where they both studied engineering. After honing their skills working for the city of Palo
Alto, Calif., the two wanted to continue their partnership by starting their own engineering firm,
thus Burns & McDonnell was born. Burns & McDonnell is a full–service engineering, architecture,
construction, environmental and consulting solutions firm. Burns & McDonnell is 100 percent
employee–owned by its staff of approximately 5,300 representing nearly all design disciplines
including engineering, architecture, construction, planning, estimating, economy, technology ...
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Specialties include: Program management Owner 's engineer Project controls Information
management Transmission and substation design Environmental compliance and permitting
Military, industrial and commercial facility design Aviation planning and design Construction–
Design–Build Big projects are a hallmark, with utility clients like Southern California Edison and
San Diego Gas & Electric becoming important anchors for business in the region. BURNS &
MCDONNELL COMMUNICATION TOOLS Burns & McDonnell utilizes a wide range of different
communication tools, both for company–wide communications and regional office, or project
specific communications. Company–wide Communication Tools Skype for Business Skype for
Business, formerly Microsoft Lync, is a communications and collaboration platform. Features of this
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) include instant message (IM), voice calls and video
conferencing sessions, online meetings, document exchange and document collaboration, and
desktop sharing. This tool is built directly into Microsoft Office, so initiating chats, calls and
meetings is a cohesive experience directly within Office. Though Skype for Business allows you to
add individuals from outside your own organization who are also utilizing this collaborative
program, Burns & McDonnell recommends using it for quick internal communication needs.
Employees often use the Whiteboard feature within Skype for Business to
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Lyt2 Task 1
Sql Server Essay
Some of you may be thinking, "But disk space is inexpensive – why not buy more disk space when
things get tight? " Most of you know the answer – the approval process for new storage can take a
while or even be denied. Beyond that, "right–sizing" your disk footprint can help with performance
by reducing disk I/O. One more note before the optimizations – This newsletter is written from the
perspective of a SQL DBA managing Sharepoint databases, but suggestions 5 through 9 apply to
non–Sharepoint databases also. How to optimize your Sharepoint's SQL Server diskspace 1. Recycle
Bin: Changing Sharepoint Recycle Bin retention can sometimes free up space on your SQL Server.
How much? It really depends on how much data is deleted by your ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Two timer jobs, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Import and Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation Usage Data Processing, are used for importing and processing the raw data in the web
analytics database. By default, the system retains 14 days of Usage data in this database. By using
these PowerShell commands, we can check and change the value of retention days of this database:
Get–SPUsageDefinition and Set–SPUsageDefinition 4. Web Analytics: What applies to
WSS_Logging also applies to the Web Analytics Reporting database and Web Analytics Staging
databases. Are you using Web Analytics? If not, these are good candidates for scale back or
disabling. 5. Resize: Review free space in data (MDF) and transaction log (LDF) files and resize if
needed. If you've made any of the changes above, then you may have a good amount of empty space
in your SQL files. If you have SQL 2012 or later installed, you can review the data and transaction
log breakdown by running this query against each database: Select a.FILEID, [FILE_SIZE_MB] =
convert(decimal(12,2),round(a.size/128.000,2)), [SPACE_USED_MB] =
convert(decimal(12,2),round(fileproperty(a.name,'SpaceUsed')/128.000,2)), [FREE_SPACE_MB] =
convert(decimal(12,2),round((a.size–fileproperty(a.name,'SpaceUsed'))/128.000,2)) , NAME =
left(a.NAME,35), FILENAME = left(a.FILENAME,500) from dbo.sysfiles a It's typically good to
have some free space
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Lyt2 Task 1

  • 1. Lyt2 Task 1 Current and Emerging Technologies: LYT2 Task 1 A1. Describe how the challenges in the Simple Getaways RFP affect key stakeholders. If left uncorrected, the challenges being experienced by Simple Getaways will continue to affect key stakeholders in the following ways: Multiple versions of office documents are passed between staff. This may result in management making poor business decisions because of inaccurate or outdated information. In addition, incorrect or outdated information may be used by employees and passed to customers. Each office site stores its data on local file servers. This practice makes it difficult to access and or share data across the multiple locations. Business productivity is also sacrificed as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The desired performance is efficient business practices being fueled by an inefficient information– processing system. The goals are to eliminate unwanted use of multiple versions of documents and speed the time between collaborative document revisions and delivery of the final version, increase the accessibility and sharing of data across the different office sites within the company, and to eliminate processing delays for administrative tasks. A3. Recommend a technological solution to the challenges in the Simple Getaways RFP. A technical solution can be used to improve the performance and efficiency issues experienced by Simple Gateways. My recommendation is to implement SharePoint from Microsoft and PeopleSoft from Oracle. A3a. Justify how the recommended solution will address the challenges in the Simple Getaways RFP. SharePoint will address the challenges experienced by Simple Gateways in the following ways: SharePoint will address the challenges of (1) dealing with multiple versions of documents passing between office staff; and, (2) the difficulty of sharing and accessing information stored between the different regional offices by enabling staff to share, organize, and manage information as individuals or in teams (Office.com, 2013).
  • 2. o With SharePoint, contributing staff members across regional offices will be able to upload documents and share them for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Business Analysis : Cloud Services Overview Corporations are finding the value from moving their enterprise systems from on premises to the cloud. There are several reasons for companies to do this; professionals need to be engaged in activities that will drive the company's business instead of keeping hardware running. Lipsitz (2011), Cloud service providers can provide business ready alternatives more securely, efficiently, and at a better price. IT organizations should be investigating those alternatives and redeploying IT staff to more business critical projects. The concept of anytime, anywhere on any device is no longer a concept, it is a necessity. Many enterprises have employees that work remotely, are mobile and need to get their information on many different devices. The cloud has the correct architecture to deliver services to employees while keeping them productive and enabling them to collaborate on the move. Cloud services also provide scale to allow businesses to resize their services when needed. There are many cloud offerings available to corporations; this paper focuses on Microsoft Office 365. For the reasons written about in this paper, you will see that moving the Exchange and SharePoint environments into Microsoft's offering will benefit CompanyA Green Mountain, Inc. Microsoft (2014) "has provided enterprise–class productivity solutions for more than 25 years, and Office is the most widely–used productivity suite worldwide. Office 365 is an enterprise–grade service, designed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Slac Team Work Experience My work experience at SLAC was definitely a unique one. Everything was on point from Diedre's phone call about the interview to when I started the internship. I really appreciated Diedre for always keeping us informed of the status of the internship. The HR team were always on top with their stuff: the paper works, the background checks, setting up the interviews, and just simply making sure that we had everything we needed once we started on our first day. It was a privileged to be a part of the OCFOs team. Although I enjoyed taking the inventory of the content on OCFO's website and SharePoint site, what I really enjoyed was talking with SMEs to determine the status of the content. Even though most of the conversations were about the status ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When I was talking to the main SME from the budget office, he was unsure about most of the contents on their SharePoint site. He would often make assumptions on some of the contents without consulting with the owner of the page or who was in charge of that particular page. For example, Person 1 told me that all the documents before 2013 on the budget office could be archived; however, when I talked to person 2 (this page was his specialist), he told me that he would like to still keep documents from 2005 because he is still using it for historical references. This happened a couple of times with the budget office. In my opinion, there is a lack of interaction and awareness of other people's job within the budget office. As for the SCM team, I know that one of the SMEs was frustrated because someone with permission was able moved their documents from one place to another. He would preferred if that person did not have permission to their site so that it will not cause any confusion later on. For some people, they believe that not everybody should have permissions to certain sites; this will only cause discrepancy and confusion for the team. I think it is really beneficial if there was meeting to reorganize permissions to certain sites as well as discussing the contents within each ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Sharepoint: Analysis Of The Pricing Desk Process Summary: The focus this week was on uncovering any and all existing data related to the Pricing Desk process. Any metrics that measure the cycle time is of extreme importance. Also George Gram and I created a repository within SharePoint to hold our process improvement documents. Going forward all of our artifacts can be found there. Activities completed this week: Pricing Desk Metric Discussion o Met with Matt Lamkin and Russell Peck to understand what Pricing Desk data is collected on a regular basis. o A result of the discussion led to the discovery that a large percentage of quotes are considered useless. This finding will assist in the analysis of the Pricing Desk process. SharePoint Planning Discussion with Amaeze o George and I met with Amaeze to understand the functionality of SharePoint. o ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... o The folder maintains training material, templets, and a project repository. Pricing Desk Value Stream Map o Worked with Nic Huggins, Pricing Desk Team Lead, to build a Value Stream Map of the Pricing Desk process. o The Value Stream Map is rather limited due to the lack of accurate data, however the data gathered allows us to build a starting point for future analysis. o The findings will be shared with the senior leadership. Activities expected to be completed next week: Meeting with Keith to discuss Pricing Desk Process Improvement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Benefits Of A Cloud Based Service Essay Which is best ? A burning question for SMBs In the recent decade, the price of storage and bandwidth has continously decreased, and so cloud based services are most sought after and more attractive to small and medium–sized business(SMBs), which are seeking to reduce licensing costs, avoid recruiting IT staff and focus fully on their core responsibilty– growing the business. Although the cloud provides SMBs the cost effective option, companies need to be careful and should not fall into the "all cloud" solution strategy. There is no one model which fits in for all the requirements rather than diving headfirst into the Cloud, SMBs would do well to see how they can maximize the benefits of their existing set–up as well as those that a Cloud–based service can give them. With the hybrid delivery model, SMBs can leverage best of both type of infrastructure without long term commitments, unnecessary costs and the inefficiencies of hosted and on–premise models. What is SharePoint 2013 On Premise?  SharePoint farm is within the corporate network.  IT support team maintains the SharePoint farm and regulary applies the microsoft patches.  On premises active directory is used for authentication.  Availability requirements that can meet and have to be designed are 99.9%, 99.99% or 99.999%  Full support for server side customizations.  Availabilty of Enterprise level services such as BCS, Fast Seach Server, Performance Point etc. What is SharePoint 2013 Online for office 365  ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Sharepoint Administrator At Cygtec Inc SharePoint Administrator at Cygtec Inc Cygtec Inc Introduction Cygtec Inc. is an IT company founded on June 22nd 2006. Cygtec Inc. provides two main services namely speed and flexibility, outsourcing and off shoring. This company has provided prompt response to the client specific needs and also provides tailor made solutions. Cygtec Inc. has planned its operational methodologies to adjust to the needs and changes of the developing business world. Cygtec Inc. help customers change their business through technology (B.V.Abhilash, personal communication, May 15, 2015). Cygtec Inc have established its expertise across multiple areas of information Technology (IT) domains such as IVR, ETL, INFORMATICA, J2EE, GENSYS, CTI, SAS, ORACLE, VXML, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is used for searching, sharing, collaborating, and enhancing the typical and user's daily life. SharePoint is one of the big product of Microsoft. The implementation of share point is mainly depending on the needs and client requirements. SharePoint perhaps is also helped to collect, manage and find out the information regardless of data type and even if we don't know where it is stored (Shivaji, personal communication, May 18, 2015). SharePoint is a complex technology where diverse skill set is required to succeed as SharePoint admin. SharePoint is a .net frame work. SharePoint Admin should have knowledge on DBA, Web developer and network admin. Microsoft Corporation has released its new version of SharePoint 2013 which is compatible for office 360. The key responsibility of SharePoint administrator is to make the working environment available up and running (Shailender, Personal communication, May 18, 2015). SharePoint Administrator is responsible for creating secure dynamic websites using predefined templates for organization departments to collaborate. SharePoint is a web application uses internet information services to verify the incoming and outgoing traffic. SharePoint stores the information and provides access to the personnel who are authorized to view that information (Shivaji, personal communication, May 18, 2015). Methodology Action Research Action Research the name itself says "learn while doing". ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Integrated Master Schedule: A Case Study Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management OSP IMS Administration: Continue to work with OSP Staff and PMs to facilitate the update of identified milestones, activities, and completion status in the FY2016 IMS for Programming, Strategic Planning, Front Office and TIFC schedules. (AV Team) IMS Reporting: Generate HR, Strategic Planning, TIFC, and Programming IMS Look–Ahead reports as needed. (AV Team) SharePoint Administration and Support SharePoint Administration and Support: Continue SharePoint site management and administration as needed. (AV Team) SharePoint Optimization: o Continue to review the TIFC SharePoint site, identify requirements for restructuring navigation buttons and links, update outdated information within the Design Team ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (AV Team) OSP Conference Room Scheduling: Continue to schedule and manage the OSP conference room calendars, communicate availability to staff members, and confirm appointments. (AV Team) OSP Standard Operating Procedures: o Review Operations Overview Report to evaluate current OSP SOP inventory and determine prioritization and approach for updating the documents. (AS) o Continue to draft the document lifecycle portion of the Document Management SOP. (LD) o Continue to compile data and make updates accordingly to the Document Management SOP. (SM) o Continue to review assigned SOPs and update as needed. (AK, VN, SM) Ad–Hoc: Continue to archive old paper documents, scan, and upload them to the respective SharePoint site. (AV Team) Project/Program Management Support Weekly/Monthly Status Report: Prepare, review, and submit the Weekly and Monthly Status reports. (SM, VN) Weekly Status Update Meeting: Meet with COR B. Mroczek and Project Manager C. Chen to provide status and content of the AV Weekly Status report and obtain guidance and concurrence on ongoing activities and action plans. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Current Challenges : Demand For More Applications Current Challenges Demand for more applications : As IT managers face the challenges of meeting piles of requests from business users to achieve automation/ timely insights into data the backlog of work just keeps growing and building every new application from scratch is just too time consuming and not possible. Hence, Managers are thinking about new innovative ways to meet the business needs. Management demands timely insights: In a competitive environment managers need timely insights to make decisions in order to stay ahead of their competitors. They not only want the data to be available on time but also are concerned with the security of data. Knowledge management and Data Analytics are the keen focus areas of IT managers these days. Shortage of IT resources: As shortage of tech staff increases organizations struggle to meet their goals with regards to Information management. It is costly and time consuming to hire new staff for development for applications and BI. Cost Pressures on IT: There is a lot pressure on IT departments to cut costs specially when the IT is not contributing directly to the core business and savings due to IT are not explicitly visible to the management. With increasing Staffing costs and ever increasing complexity of applications it is really hard to cut costs Pressure to reduce development time: Business is no longer willing to wait for years for applications to build and show any results. Agile methodology has taken over ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Sharepoint Workflow Paper Workflows are tools that manage personal, office, department or an entire organization's processes. A SharePoint workflow is an automated flowchart that takes a lot of the effort, guesswork, and arbitrariness out of your regular work processes and makes it simpler for you to streamline your tasks. It is most useful in automating existing conceptual or manual work processes of the company and reducing human dependence on enterprise as far as possible. Workflows in SharePoint provide great ways to save time, effort, and cost by automating existing business processes. Many business needs can be addressed through SharePoint workflows. Here are some of them: * Attending to customer service requests * New employee accounts creation * Budget and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although business needs vary, some business needs almost look the same across organizations. Let's look at five SharePoint out–of–the–box (OOTB) workflow templates: 1. Approval: Think about a document or a list item that needs to be approved before being made visible to many people in the organization. The Approval workflow helps automate this process and the progress of approval can be monitored at any given time. 2. Collect Feedback: Sometimes content isn't drafted in a single attempt or by a single person. In such scenarios, the Collect Feedback workflow provides support to get feedback and comments from several people within the organization. Each person who opens the assigned task to provide feedback can interact with three actions: * Send feedback * Request change in an item * Reassign task 3. Collect Signatures: Imagine a proposal within the organization that needs to be sent to management. People within the organization might or might not like to sign it. The Collect Signatures workflow provides the options to either sign or ignore. 4. Publishing Approval: This workflow is designed to approve the changes made to pages in a publishing site. For example, imagine an employee adding a news page to the public–facing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Project Planning Tools Are Useful For Tasks Essay Project planning tools are useful for tasks with the possibility of different outcomes, where risks of problems and failures exist and, therefore, require planning and all possible assessing options as well as organizing activities and resources to deliver a successful result. Some project planning tools are enumerated below. It is pertinent to mention that the effectiveness and appropriateness of each one is a function of the project stage and the users experience: PERT CHARTS PERT is a planning and control tool used for defining and controlling the tasks necessary to complete a project. PERT Planning Steps: Identify the specific activities and milestones Determine the proper sequence of activities Construct a network diagram. Estimate the time required for each activity Determine Critical Path "A distinguishing feature of PERT is its ability to deal with uncertainty in activity completion times"(Netmba, 2006). This is achieved by using 3–time estimates elements for each activity (optimistic, most likely and pessimistic estimates namely). The weighted average of the 3 is then used as the due time. This helps to bias time estimates away from the unrealistically short timescales typically assumed Advantage as indicated on Project Management Tools and Techniques(Maserang, 2002): Allows for better forecasting of resource requirements. Identification of repetitive planning ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. A Brief Note On Risk Identification And Assessment 12.0 Risk Identification & Assessment Risk is an on–going responsibility for all team members to identify. As the plan unfolds, situations may occur that spark other risks to be identified. Anticipated risks are identified below and will be documented for consideration by other team members and leadership, as they arise. The risks are considered to be minor and not a significant impact to the project. Other aspects of a risk will be recorded in a mitigation plan if assigned. The following potential risks are identified to ensure that management is aware of the top risks for the project and the nature of the risks before it starts. The following issues are thinks to be aware of: 1. List templates cannot be created and moved over from 2010 to 2013 due to versioning issues. However, they can be moved over using the Export to Excel method as long as there are no attachments. 2. Blogs and Discussion Boards cannot be moved over due to versioning issues. 3. In a few instances of migrating documents over from 2010 to 2013, the option to update the keywords field is unavailable. The approach we have taken to manage risks for this project included a methodical process by which the project team identified, scored, and ranked the various risks. The most likely and highest impact risks were added to the project schedule to ensure that the assigned risk managers take the necessary steps to implement the mitigation response at the appropriate time during the schedule. Risk managers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Technical Report On Information Management And Control TECHNICAL REPORT ON SHAREPOINT 7114 IBA INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL Nachiket Agarkar S2973613 SUMMARY The demand for easy access to internal and external documents and secured files within the organisation is important for all organisation. Sharepoint is one of the most efficient, flexible and easy to use application for storing information and documents with restricted access to view, add or overwrite to people within the organisation. You could say it's the only tool you have to hammer and everything else look like a nail. Searching for emails, updating documents with the update version and resending the emails has been a hassle since years. SharePoint address business usage and communication needs to different organisation effectively. It is a fast growing and evolving technology. INTRODUCTION Sharepoint is a web application platform developed by Microsoft Corporation in the year 2001, it has various functions which difference it from the traditional separate application such as the intranet, extranet, content management, personal cloud, enterprise search, workflow management document management, web content management. Managing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Office 365 Week 2 Research Paper Module 1 Office 365 Overview Contents: Lesson 1: Office 365 Overview 1–3 Lesson 2: Accessing Office 365 1–8 Lesson 3: Managing Office 365 profiles 1–11 Lab: Getting to know Office 365 1–15 Module Overview This module will introduce you to Office 365. Office 365 allows you to work when and where you need to on your favorite devices. It helps to increase productivity, simplify team collaborations, and enhance your work–life balance. Office 365 provides anywhere access to enterprise email, file sharing, and online meetings without compromising security. This module will introduce you to all of the features available in Office 365 and give you a brief overview of those features. After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe Office 365 Understand the different features available with Office 365 Describe cloud computing Be able to login to Office 365 Manage your Office 365 profile Lesson 1 Office 365 Overview Office 365 is a cloud based service designed to help your organization deploy a reliable robust system and increase user productivity. Office 365 is composed of multiple components and understanding those components will help you to utilize Office 365 in the most efficient way possible. This lesson will introduce you to the different components of Office 365 so that you and your organization ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It allows an organization to quickly scale to meet growing demand. The cloud allows you to access information such as photos, spreadsheets, email, etc. from any device that is connected to the Internet. You can take a picture from your smart phone, have it automatically saved to the cloud, and then access that photo from your home computer. The photo is then stored and hosted on a computer maintained by the cloud provider so the end user who took the photo does not have to maintain and support the computer that is hosting the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Microsoft 's Strategic Commitment For The Cloud With... Analysis Since its inception, SharePoint has become a Swiss Army knife that covers a wide range of information needs and has been deployed for many different functional requirements. Many companies have customized it, whether in its look and feel, building custom integration with external systems or developing new applications. Furthermore, companies have grown to depend on third–party independent software vendors (ISVs) to fill SharePoint 's gaps or build vertical applications onto SharePoint server. While such moves have typically delivered good business benefits, they have made migrating from one generation to the next costly and complex. Industry leaders estimate that close to 90% of SharePoint deployments are still deployed in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Microsoft has the potential to innovate in this cloud environment because it can use analytics to quickly understand business usage trends across thousands of organizations – a level of visibility it did not have in the traditional approach. It can then rapidly develop applications and approaches as well as test and deploy new interfaces. Users will realize the benefits of this rapid innovation as their work environments become more nimble, leading to stronger engagement; IT departments will realize the benefits of having Microsoft manage this aspect of their technology portfolio, allowing them to concentrate on other projects. Business drivers and cost management: SharePoint Online doesn 't take long to set up and users can perform basic tasks quickly. Microsoft trickles improvements through every three months. For SharePoint Server (on–premise), Microsoft has traditionally aggregated changes to deliver them in service packs and new versions far less frequently. Consequently, IT departments using SharePoint Online will be relieved of possible downtime concerns related to service ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Sharepoint SharePoint SharePoint 2010 Sites: A Single Infrastructure for All Your Business Web Sites Benefits Easily Share and Publish Information SharePoint sites are easy to make. In fact, the full set of features in SharePoint 2010 Sites can help anyone build a site from start to finish. Several out–of–the–box features provide instant value by helping a site owner build the first page right away. Still other features make it simple to modify pages–change content, add interaction, or apply a design theme. Novice or expert, anyone can quickly create, customize, and publish a site that looks great and meets a specific business need. Ensure Broad Adoption SharePoint sites are as easy to use as they are to make. That's because SharePoint 2010 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Combining traditional content management, social capabilities, and powerful search, it is as natural to manage as it is to use. With its simple, "behind–the–scenes" administration, you can quickly set up compliance policies, while its familiar interface lets your people work just as they would in Microsoft Office. The result is well–managed information that is easy to find, share, and use. Benefits Increase Productivity and Information Value Closely connected to Microsoft Office, SharePoint 2010 Content provides a familiar user experience. People are comfortable with the system, so they use it. They find the information they need more easily, and their work is managed from start to finish. Drive Compliance and Reduce Risk SharePoint 2010 Content makes it easy to tag content, enforce retention schedules, declare records, and apply legal holds. With these measures, you can address the need for compliance and reduce the risk of mistakes when information is archived or disposed. Fewer Systems and Easier Integration SharePoint 2010 manages documents, records, Web content, and rich media on a single platform, helping you reduce IT costs. Using interoperability standards like CMIS, XML, and REST to connect to legacy ECM systems, SharePoint 2010 also helps your company get more value from its current investments. Compliance Everywhere Manage versions, apply retention ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Microsoft Sharepoint : Information And Knowledge Management MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Contents ABSTRACT 2 INTRODUCTION 3 2. MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT OVERVIEW 3 2.1 BACKGROUND 3 2.2 SHAREPOINT–PURPOSE 3 3. REVIEW OF WCMS 3 4. SHARE POINT – REVIEW 5 5. SHAREPOINT IN SECI 6 CONCLUSION 9 REFERENCES 9 ABSTRACT A report has been written describing the knowledge management systems and reviewed based on various aspects which was used to determine whether or not the system considered could be used for managing knowledge. It was through researching journals, articles and other reliable sources from the internet this review was written which led to me finding out more on the topic of knowledge management which has considerably increased my understanding of the topic INTRODUCTION Knowledge management is all about the creation of knowledge and how organizations store and share it among its employees. In this report we see mainly on the software used for managing and sharing knowledge and how it manages to accomplish the task effectively by looking at the features and capacity of the software. Nonaka's model plays a key role even to this day in the field of knowledge management and the same model is used to show the correlation that exist among the various features of SharePoint. 2. MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT OVERVIEW
  • 33. In the ad campaign which is most recent that was put out by Microsoft, they say that SharePoint is the new way of working together. In the video we see that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Bsbword501B BSBWORD501B – Assessment Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development 1. Describe what it means to be a model of good personal work planning and organisation. Include definitions. Being a model of good personal work planning and organisation entails setting good examples which are consistent and visible for others to follow. Personal work planning includes documents which identify what needs to be completed, to what standard, in what order and by when, is used in conjunction with the planning cycle which involves; plan, implement, review and re–plan if required. Organisation relates to planning and prioritising, document organisation and time management. Consistency ensures the behaviour and skills being modelled ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Feedback may be obtained from formal performance appraisals, compliments and complaints, meetings, surveys, work or projects being reviewed or by seeking feedback from those whose option I value. 9. Name a development opportunity that you think would suit you. Describe why it is suitable using either Kolb or Honey Mumfords learning styles theory. I see the ERP system implementation project as a development opportunity for me to become familiar with the practical and technical aspects of the software. Having a 'Kolb' learning style of Converging (doing and thinking – AC/AE), this would assist me with future problem solving and support aspects of the software. 10. Describe a network (including name and /or website address) that you could join and the benefits for joining that network. The Microsoft SharePoint Developer Centre ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en– us/sharepoint/aa905688.aspx ) is a network of worldwide SharePoint users and acts as an information sharing mechanism. Resources include technical information, tutorials, downloads, forums, blogs, videos and application samples for the specific purpose of SharePoint development and use. As NCSI is heavily reliant on SharePoint technology, it would be a useful site to join. 11. Complete a personal work plan, such as the one on page 9 on the participant guide (although you can use any template you like). It must show dates, actions and priorities
  • 36. Personal work ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Knowledge Management Is A Shared Responsibility Knowledge Management aligns people, processes, and tools to transfer knowledge between staffs, commanders, and forces. The Knowledge Management team are responsible for maintaining the brigade level SharePoint site ensuring that products and services are relevant, accurate, timely, and usable to commanders and decision makers within the organization. Knowledge management is a shared responsibility. Each unit and staff section must appoint a knowledge management representative in order to facilitate knowledge processes. They are responsible for the privacy and publicity of their content information that is uploaded, created or managed onto their respective sites. Knowledge management representatives are responsible for all files and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lieutenant Morse response was "It is a great collaboration tool". It allows you, your unit/office, and DOD personnel a place to access documents, upload files, and check dates and tasks in one location. SharePoint provides you with a central location for all of your documents, files, and calendars. Within my section we use this capability to ensure all users has the ability to upload and change information within our section. Question 2, "What are some other resources used to facilitate Knowledge Management"? Lieutenant Morse response was: The organization has implemented several systems that they currently use on a daily basis. The knowledge Management Officer has built trackers per section, digital routing, Microsoft outlook, sharing of calendars. The sharing of the calendars allows other personnel to view and connect at any time. If the system has an update it provides an alert. The alert notifies individuals of any updated changes to the library, tracker, or any document. The Knowledge Management Officer conducts a monthly meeting with the Representatives for each section/ unit. During this meeting they discuss any updates, or issues the sections may experience. Question 3, "What are some of the shortcomings of the current systems used"? The calendars don't feed into a master calendar. The SIPR can't create slide libraries. Question 4, "What are some of the benefits of the current systems. Having a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Integrated Master Schedule ( Ims ) Management Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management IMS Administration: Updated Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) with identified milestones, activities and completion status for the Human Resources (HR) section of Office Management and for the Programming, Strategic Planning and the Transformation Initiatives & Future Concepts (TIFC) divisions. SharePoint Administration and Support SharePoint Administration: o Managed SharePoint access for OSP staff, TIFC Design Teams, and the Idea House Project Managers (PM). o Developed the VBA Senior Leadership Offsite SharePoint site to collect all data submitted by the Offsite participants. Monitored and managed the VBA Senior Leadership Offsite SharePoint site to track and review the data submitted by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... o Met with DDIR N. Pamperin and the Planning Team to discuss the timeline in the development of the VBA Long Range Plan draft and establish the alignment of objective goals. o Met with DDIR N. Pamperin to review the current VBA Long Range Planning implementation process, and to identify how the outputs from the Offsite will align with the current process. VBA Leadership Offsite: o Held a meeting to discuss the best approach for providing support during the VBA Offsite sessions. Discussed the best approach for soliciting the Line of Business inputs for the FY2023 Goals and Outcomes. o Created the VBA Leadership instruction email, PowerPoint presentation and the Offsite template for each staff office and business lines. Finalized the VBA Offsite agenda and completed edits to the Offsite timeline slide, and agenda per DDIR B. Voigt's instructions. Formatted all spreadsheets to ensure consistency and updated the final VBA Goals document with the amended goals. o Created the Parking Lot planning Excel document and incorporated Insurance, Loan Guaranty, and the Office of Disability Assistance (ODA) Appeals data. Incorporated the remaining eight Business Lines parked items into the Parking Lot document, and determined the Offsite group session break out. o Reformatted the Office of Management (OM), Compensation, Pension & Fiduciary (P&F), Office of Resource Management (ORM), Insurance, Loan Guaranty (LGY), Performance Analysis and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. What's New in SharePoint 201 Explore Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Microsoft Corporation Published: October 2012 Author: Microsoft Office System and Servers Team (itspdocs@microsoft.com) Abstract This book provides information about what 's new in SharePoint 2013. The audiences for this book include application specialists, line–of–business application specialists, and IT administrators who want to know more about SharePoint 2013. The content in this book is a copy of selected content in the SharePoint 2013 technical library as of the publication date. For the most current content, see the technical library on the web. This document is provided "as–is." Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet website references, may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 7 External list enhancements ................................................................................................................ 8 Performance improvements in external lists ................................................................................ 8 Limiting records returned by the external system ....................................................................... 8 Data source filtering ......................................................................................................................... 9 Sorting external lists ........................................................................................................................ 9 Export external lists to Excel .......................................................................................................... 9 Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint Online enhancements ....................................... 9 REST (CSOM) object model for Microsoft Business Connectivity Services for web and mobile app developers .................................................................................................................. 10 Business Connectivity Services Client Runtime supports side–by–side Office 2010 and Office 2013 installations ........................................................................................................................... 10 OData Windows ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Nursing Case Study Dr. Gardner was out last week, so there is not much of an update. Debra Caswell: Meet and greet was on Monday. Natalie went to LBJ and the former contractor is gone. Debra Caswell is off to a great start, so far. She is just for ACS and we will be receiving two extra people. She reports to Pepe and is here for DMV. She has gone through the sites and started fixing things as she sees them. Board Meeting: Strategic planning for the board and Harris Health will take place this month. This pertains to AMS, contracts with assistant vice chairs and vice chairs, contracting with doctors, quality matrix, clinic closures, etc. More information to follow after Thursday. Board asked for critical information, so they would be able to make a firm ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Would like to repost the position. C. IT Jamie M. We have two standard meetings. The CHW Home Visit meets today. They are supposed to go live on Thursday. A discussion will take place on them getting E11 access to be able to look at case studies. Televox – Discussion on doing wellness messages. Hope Galvan and Jennifer Edwards were sent an email of examples of messages with encounter to show up in epic Jennifer Edwards – Target population of A1C greater than 9. She wants to check it out at one clinic and see how it turns out, even though Dr. Gardner does not like to use just one clinic. Jennifer Edwards was asked to find out what clinic Hope Galvan wants to use. It tickets that are pending – Ryan – one ticket in spreadsheet and is currently being worked on by Susan Fry. She is waiting to find out how the testing did. Krystal – Oxygen Order to be placed into EPIC. Colleen will starting working on work order ticket# 1448368 Madel – Care Team Report – the analyst gave her a work around, but actual function of it is still broken. Christy will the new IT request to the log on the "R" Jack Pending Report Request: Debbie – Open request for a report from Jack. Katie has been helping but has come back with a few questions. Annie – EPA best practice report – open request with Jack for a report. He is already working on it.
  • 45. Julie Young instructed Jamie Mathis, we need to get our requests in to Jack. EPIC report writer was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Case Study 1 Is Social Business working out? Ricardo Thomas Florida Tech University Is social business working out? summary of major issues The social media platforms growth in the average person's life has significantly altered our communication with each other, both at home and in the workplace. In recent years companies have been trying to leverage the power of social media within the business environment. Once the value of social business is understood and the effective use of the many available tools are utilized, it can be advantageous to an organization's bottom–line. Several known implementation challenges can be averted if these prerequisites are in place before implementing a tool. The example of the NASA's Goddard Space Flight ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Without support from executive management, social networks may never gain a proper foothold throughout the organization. Management must set the pace for line staff to follow and adopt. Therefore, if it's not important to senior management, it most likely won't be important to the workforce as a whole. According to the case and additional research, most companies are not providing the incentive that staff requires to be motivated to use these tools. The article states that only 22 percent of social software users believe the technology to be necessary to their jobs. Hence training on these new tools and the role they play within an organization is a critical factor that can lead to failure or success. It is therefore crucial that management in cooperates training and effectively communicates the importance of these tools to the general workforce. Management should not assume that because employees are used to participating on social networks like Facebook that they will adopt to internal social networks as easily. If employees are used to collaborating and doing business effectively in more traditional ways like sending emails, then they will need an incentive to use social software. Organization Organization needs to understand the value of Social Networking for both internal and external business. Once this is done, the efforts to convince the line staff would be easier. Many companies have found ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Ibm Rational Team Concert : A Integrated Workplace... All project teams have access to the secure corporate network. As such, Microsoft SharePoint should be employed as the document repository for all project deliverables, including project charters, project artifacts and deliverables, and status reports. SharePoint should also be used to maintain project documentation and function as the official workflow system for routing documents for review and for tracking approvals. At no time should SharePoint documents be saved to local machines, portable media, or to network drives. Instead, working documents should be checked out, edited, and then checked back into Sharepoint. For security reasons, no SharePoint documents should are to be shared via email, web shares, chat, or any other unapproved or insecure document share. Project members may reference SharePoint documents and share links to SharePoint documents via email or chat communications. These measures will ensure both the integrity and security of project documentation in SharePoint. IBM Rational Team Concert should serve as the integrated workplace management system that facilitates project and team collaboration. IBM Rational Team Concert will facilitate individual work assignments, provide visibility to project activities, offer task assignment and task tracking functionality, and facilitate the planning and execution of major deliverables. Depending on user action, Rational Team Concert will send out real–time update alerts, but teams should be reminded that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Sharepoint Collaboration Site Advantages Scope This paper will review the benefits of utilizing a collaboration site, the ability to manage people and deliverables and the important features a collaboration site such as SharePoint, can bring to an organization. Utilization of a Collaboration Site First off, SharePoint is a great site to utilize for collaboration and offers valuable tools to manage information, tasks, documents, projects and more. For instance, according to Marquette University, gathering and sharing information is already challenging enough, however using SharePoint as a central site, a team is able to collaborate, set securities, meetings, tasks and track projects. Additionally, many benefits of using SharePoint exist, including but not limited to the following ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This means a team is able to enable approval levels (such as three stage), reviews, provide feedback, and work tracking while routing documents through various stages of editing/sign off. In addition, for more complex workflows, an organization can create workflows by using compatible sister programs such as Microsoft Visio and SharePoint Designer. Useful features There are many useful features available on SharePoint that not only benefit people on an individual level, but an organization level. For instance, SharePoint has the capability for Business Intelligence such as dashboard migration, timeline controls, pivot chart reports and even mobile capabilities without compromising the security of an organization. Another great feature of SharePoint is the ability to take over some backup and recovery options, which gives an organization the opportunity to reduce dependency on a third party solution for auditing performance and routine tasks (portalsolutions.net, 2013). An organization is also able to control and customize the metadata in document libraries, which aids people in searching and/or understanding the information they are looking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Sharepoint: Uncovering Data Integrity Challenges Uncover the data integrity challenges in SharePoint® Does your existing content repository system have enough controls to safeguard data usage from fraudulent activities? Are your spreadsheets validated for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance? Be it validating the data of a medical device or a database or an instrument, assuring data completeness and accuracy is not just pertained to individual components. It is more to do with managing the entire lifecycle of enterprise–data of an organization and ensuring data integrity throughout the IT systems. So is the case with SharePoint®. The use of SharePoint® as a document and process control system is in high demand. Apparently, according to AIIM, while 60% of organizations are storing their confidential documents in SharePoint®, 12% are storing secret, and 4% top secret documents. Although SharePoint® eases the data storage ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Audits all the activities made by the user to avoid any deviations 3. Provides instantaneous reports at granular level 4. Provides corporate visibility through real–time tracking 5. Develops a centralized information management strategy 6. Implements an overall strategy for governance, risk, & compliance 7. Provides controls to alert when threshold limits are exceeded 8. Includes secure, time–stamped audit trails of users' actions 9. Facilitates accurate document validation 10. Ensures compliance with 21 CFR 820.70(i), 21 CFR 820.40, and 21 CFR Part 11 regulations How Xybion's ComplianceBuilder™ can support in SharePoint® Monitoring? Xybion's real–time compliance monitoring software, ComplianceBuilder™ is designed to provide data integrity across IT systems. It seamlessly integrates with SharePoint® and adds a security layer to sensitive and business critical files. Xybion's ComplianceBuilderTM solution allows organizations to monitor key user activity and sends notifications to enable early intervention. In addition, it ensures security with a real–time dynamic pattern of user ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Communication And Networking With Infosys Collaboration is used in every aspect of human life and can be interpreted in different ways, one might be the idea of people coming together to do a job through different tools. Using tools such as sign language, verbal communications telephone, or even the "batman signal," today such tools are electronic messaging and networking with an internet connection (Collaboration Tools, 2015, p. 164). When Kellogg's noticed employees using different applications, websites, and database systems to communicate with each other in the plant it become vital that they get a system that would work and cut much of the back and forth communication out with one site, making it easier and practical to collaborate with others (Collaboration Tools, 2015, p. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A survey revealed that many companies have engaged security practices with SharePoint for it seems data is being shared across networks and applications and even beyond the boundaries of the system. Many workers do not know there are guidelines of who can access the data and what kind of data is stored on SharePoint. Many employees think since it is a company site it is well protected by a security defense, while other workers might share with business partners or contractors (Tim Wilson, 2009). If employees ae not cautious with the data any one can get access with a good hacker and might get critical information to blackmail the company for money or even sell to the highest bidder. A company just assumes that new and old workers know the rules for the use of company computers and websites used in collaboration systems. Although some policies differ from others they usually state the same. If one was a company official and asked to review and rewrite the corporate policy to avoid any breach of data the best place is to start at the internet itself. The first is to make a policy on the usage of company computer, internet, and email which should include, but not limited to use the internet responsibility and productively for company business, no personal business is allowed. The company owns any computer information received on company property (computer) and can be used for legal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Software Development Life Cycle PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY 5+ years of experience in Microsoft technologies including SharePoint server 2007/10/13, Office 365 and ASP.NET Involved in all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirements Gathering, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Production and Post–Production Support Hands on experience to create Out of the Box solutions which includes creating and customizing site Collections, sites, Document Libraries, Lists, Views, Content Types and Web Parts Proficient in InfoPath Form services: design, develop and define data structures of electronic form and integrate with in the platform of Microsoft SharePoint Extensive experience in SharePoint Designer 2007/2010/2013.Designing solutions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Web Application, Site Collections and search configuration Set up permission levels and give permission for individual users and groups Extensively Involved in Installation, Configuration, and Administration of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010/2013 on medium farm environment Experience in working directly with client Excellent logical and problem solving skills and ability to work in team Devoted to meeting client needs and deadlines with excellent end products SOFTWARE SKILLS: SharePoint: MOSS 2013/10/07, WSS 3.0, and SharePoint Designer 2013/10/07 Programming: C#, ASP/ASP.NET Databases: MS SQL Server 2012/08R2/08/05, MS Access, and ADO.NET Scripting Languages: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, REST API XML Technologies: Xml, Xaml, CAML, LINQ Other Tools: MS Visio, MS Office, Share gats O/S: Windows Server 2012/08/2003 Certifications: MCSE: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions MCPD: SharePoint® Developer 2010 Specialist, MCTS: SharePoint® 2010, Application Development MCTS: Microsoft Certified Professional Education: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Degree Computer Information System, 2009 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • 58. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 12/2013 – Present Integrated Data Solution, Haymarket, VA SharePoint Developer Involved in all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirements ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 60. Integrated Master Schedule ( Ims ) Management Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management OSP IMS Administration: Updated the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) with identified milestones, activities and completion status for the Human Resources (HR) section of Office Management, and for the Programming, Strategic Planning and the Transformation Initiatives & Future Concepts (TIFC) divisions. (AV Team) SharePoint Administration and Support SharePoint Administration: o Managed SharePoint access for the OSP Staff, TIFC Design Teams, and the Concept Generation Project Managers (PM). (AS, AK) o Updated the programming schedule embedded into FY2018–2022 Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Program Requirements SharePoint site to reflect programming events and milestones. (VN) o Developed VBA Senior Leadership Offsite SharePoint site to collect all data submitted by the offsite participants. (LD) o Created a new navigation heading 'VBA Leadership Offsite' on OSP SharePoint. (VN) SharePoint Optimization: o Made updates to the Travel/Training Tracker form to provide additional clarity on the column fields. (AK) o Updated the Operations Document Library to include additional metadata fields. (AK) Strategic Planning Support Daily Strategic Planning Stand–Up Meetings: Provided logistical and technical support for meetings, facilitated updates, and took meeting minutes. (LD) Benefits Portfolio Steering Committee (BPSC): Participated in the weekly project status updates on the deployment of applications/technologies. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 62. Sharepoint Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Evaluation Guide For technical and business decision makers 1 © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is intended for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Microsoft, Access, Excel, Fluent, InfoPath, Internet Explorer, Office, Office SharePoint Portal Server, OneNote, Outlook, PerformancePoint, PowerPoint, Project Server, SharePoint, SharePoint Designer, SharePoint Workspace, Silverlight, SQL Server, Visio, Windows 7, Windows Live, and Word are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Table of Contents Table of Contents ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 13 SharePoint Content ................................................................................................................................ 15 Document Management ................................................................................................................. 15 i Records Management....................................................................................................................... 17 Rich Media Management ................................................................................................................ 18 Web Content Management ............................................................................................................ 19 SharePoint Search ................................................................................................................................... 21 SharePoint Server 2010 .................................................................................................................... 21 Enterprise Scale ................................................................................................................................... 24 FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint .................................................................................... 25 SharePoint Insights ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 64. Employees Are The Lifeblood Of A Well Functioning Company Employees are the lifeblood to a well functioning company. When a business has employees who are productive and able to communicate effectively, it makes for a practically seamless workdays – work emergencies not included. So it's essentially that employers provide their workers the technology to ensure that employees can work as a cohesive team. Nowadays, more and more people are working from home. Therefore, implementing productivity tools that are easy to access is crucial. If you're looking for software that can help your company run like a well–oiled machine, then here are a few tools to get you started. 1. SLACK Slack is by far, one of the top communication tools out there. It's essentially a messaging app for teams. Not only can you send messages, but you can also share work files, images, documents, spreadsheets and PDFs. The app allows you to highlight important comments, and bookmark them, so that you can conveniently reference them later on. Slack easily syncs with other applications like Google Drive and Dropbox. Sometimes it's important that chat conversations be positioned into their own channels. With Slack, you can do this and more. Slack allows you to organize your chat into specific channels. You'll never have to worry about relocating past chat notes ever again. One major caveat for Slack is that is it not a project management tool. It is for communication only. You also cannot set away messages or go idle, when you're inactive. So may prove to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 66. What Did It Say? What Did IT Say? George Bernard Shaw said, " The single biggest problem in communications is the illusion that is has taken place." An illusion of communication often occurs when utilizing email. Email offers convenience and the ability to reach a large group quickly. Pressing send leaves the sender with the impression communication transpires. Receivers spend precious time deciphering the intended message when receiving unclear emails. Carefully considering the audience of your email, addressing what's in it for me, (WIFM) and answering the five W's, reduces the illusion of communication. Reading Jack's email, he did not consider his audience, nor did he address the WIFM. Jack's email is ambiguous, confusing and disorganized. Goals and Five W's The goal of Jack's email: to communicate upcoming changes to the company's Sharepoint site and how these changes will affect employees. In answering the five W's: the who refers to all company employees. The what: if active directory credentials unknown, contact the help desk, and instructions for signing up for the self–service password reset. The when: refers to the date of May 24th. However, the email lacks the exact timing of the changes as well as the duration of time the site will be unavailable leaving the reader unclear. The where: refers to the changes taking place on both the Sharepoint client software and the company 's portal website. Jack's email does not address why. As an employee, I would want to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 68. Technical Report On Information Management And Control TECHNICAL REPORT ON Sharepoint 7114IBA INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL NACHIKET AGARKAR S2973613 SUMMARY The demand for easy access to internal and external documents and secured files within the organisation is important for all organisation. Sharepoint is one of the most efficent, flexible and easy to use application for storing information and documents with restricted acesss to view, add or overwrite to people within the organisation. You could say its the only tool you have to hammer and everything else look like a nail. Searching for emails, updating documents with the update version and resending the emails has been a hazzle since years. Sharepoint address business usage and communication needs to different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This automated system helps in regulating task and completing them on time thereby ensure low loss to business and remarkable . TECHNOLOGY USED Sharepoint is used to track, manage electronic documents like word, excel, pdf etc and store them at a location . It is a integration of Office Suite, Office Apps on different devices which allows editing scenarios and updating the versions and sync them from any location with access to internet or intranet. It allows to tracking the integrated history version, collaborative online editing and search capabilities. All these capabilities are easy to configure and comply with a unique recording management. Sharepoint also enables a graphically search functionality to track projects, documents and users with access to files and documents. It is a centralised locations to store, versioning and collaborating documents without depending on emails to collabrate together. Sharepoint Server is hosted on OneDrive for Business which is a cloud storage which allows storage and sync of files across differnet devices which allows public and private file sharing. It could be used as a personal cloud to store and manage information. Sharepoint is used to team site which is fast and very cost effective way to communicate information in a professional looking way to the team. Sharepoint allows to change the apperance by customising it with adding functionalities without doing any programming. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 70. The Mission For At & T For more than a century, AT&T has consistently provided innovative, reliable, high–quality products and services along with tremendous customer care. This company is recognized as a leading figure of worldwide providers of IP–based communications services to businesses. The mission for AT&T is to connect people with their world, everywhere they live and work, and do it better than anyone else. This vision is fulfilled by creating new solutions for consumers and businesses and by driving innovation in the communications and entertainment industry. Innovation is an enormous part of the growth and development process of AT&T. AT&T strives to have a unique brand. This company will go out of its way to distinctly identify itself from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Individuals who have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to be part of an unmatched developmental experience is key too. To know if you have what it takes to be in the program, one must possess a passion for sales and technology with a competitive spirit, along with aggressiveness by consistently meeting and exceeding goals. The Business Sales Leadership Development Program provides an opportunity to accelerate ones career buy participating in industry leading training that will help you position one for career success and advancement. You will learn AT&T's dynamic portfolio including wireless, cloud computing, and IP based business services and solutions. You will also interact with various levels of management and senior level leadership, while learning how to enhance a broad range of critical skills and competencies for success (learn how to sell, public speaking, business writing). As a Business Sales Account Executive, You will have the chance to work closely with a sales management team and benefit from their experience, ongoing coaching, assessment and support. Participants must be prepared for relocation to another US market after successful completion of the program. In market, you will be securing new business and managing existing business accounts. As a Business Sales Account ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. Vba Executive Summary ntegrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management OSP IMS Administration: Updated the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) with identified milestones, activities and completion status for the Human Resources (HR) section of Office Management, and for the Programming, Strategic Planning and the Transformation Initiatives & Future Concepts (TIFC) divisions. (AV Team) SharePoint Administration and Support SharePoint Administration: o Managed SharePoint access for the OSP Staff, TIFC Design Teams, and the Concept Generation Project Managers (PM). (AS, AK) o Developed VBA Senior Leadership Offsite SharePoint site to collect all the data submitted by the Offsite participants. (LD, AS) SharePoint Optimization: Assisted in establishing the user permissions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (AK) Idea House: o Attended and provided meeting minutes during the weekly Idea House meeting. (AK) o Attended and provided meeting minutes during the June 30, 2016 weekly meeting to discuss incorporating the 14 VBA Ideas from Idea House into Decision Lens. (AK) Claims Processor Reorganization (CPR): o Attended the Claims Processor Reorganization Design Team weekly meeting to review updates and discuss the approval of the Concept Paper by the Governance Board. Captured meeting minutes and developed the subgroup matrix to display participants and their individual assignments. (AS) o Provided SharePoint permissions to newly assigned Design Team members and updated the views in the CPR document library. (AS) Transformation Mailbox and Calendar: o Monitored mailbox regularly, distributed emails as appropriate, and responded to calendar requests. (AS, AK) o Worked with the Office of Business Process Integration (OBPI) POC to coordinate a meeting with the OBPI and TIFC leadership to discuss adding OBPI projects to the Transformation Governance Board agenda. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. Group Research Paper- Online Platforms Group Research Paper– As a group you must review 5 online platforms of your choice (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Ideascale, etc.) that could be used by a virtual team in a company to communicate with their worldwide divisions. Your group must use your readings to research and create a "grading platform" to create criteria to "grade" each platform. For example, you could create a matrix that has ease of communication as measuring item. After your group has "graded" these platforms, each person in your group will then write their own 5 to 7 page paper to recommend whether or not Ford should use these platforms by using your grading matrix and your readings to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each platform. In the end, you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Facebook According to the official website of Facebook, the company mission is to make the world more open and connected. In addition, the site explain that people use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them (Facebook Newsroom Key–Fats, 2013). Facebook Platform enables developers to build social apps that enable people to connect with their friends, whether it is through playing a game, watching a movie, sharing their favorite restaurant, or listening to a song (Facebook Newsroom Platform, 2013). Based on the Team grading platform Facebook received an overall 19 out of 30. The Team found that Facebook is great for communication and maybe sharing documents but the site is not built for professional communication since there seems to always be hackers breaking into the system. Therefore, the team feels that for business communication Facebook cannot be trusted. According to the article, Contextual gaps: privacy issues on Facebook, Facebook present significant privacy issues for their users, the article analyze two of Facebooks's features, Applications and News Feed Offline, it was found that contextual gaps are at the root of many of the sites' privacy issues. In addition, the article explains that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. A Brief Analysis Of My Organization's Sharepoint Team Team Work Readiness Analysis In this paper I am composing a brief analysis of my organization's SharePoint team. This analysis will bring together different information that has been composed within my MGMT 581 Team Building class. The purpose of this analysis is to determine my organizations readiness to support team work. Also, a SharePoint team improvement plan will be included. Team Analysis In an earlier assignment I created a Team Analysis. The team analysis was composed around my current SharePoint team within Salt River Project (SRP). The SharePoint Team is a self–managing team. My Team consists of two SharePoint developers, two SharePoint administrators, two SharePoint supporters, and a college intern. I am a SharePoint ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Knowledge, Skills, Attitude The SharePoint team is well rounded in knowledge and skills. We have entry level positions covered with our intern, all the way to extremely technical positions such as our developers. Motivation and Effort SRP has an implemented bonus system which is called EPIC. The manager sets the team EPIC around high level goals for the year. These goals are usually created around the successful completion of known projects needing completion. If my goals are attained by the dates specified, I am awarded an EPIC bonus. My EPIC bonus is usually awarded at 1 percent of my salary for each goal attained. Team members are very motivated to obtain their EPIC, and I have noticed this to be consistent with others as well. Coordination Strategies The separated skill sets create an environment that does not need much in the coordination strategy area. My team knows exactly who is responsible for each task as soon as a requirement is stated. However, the problem we have currently is a couple of individuals are consistently handled a larger percentage of the work. The largest complaint around our current planning and task structure is that it is unequal between team members. I am an administrator and have noticed the unequal load. Team members with knowledge tend to become the go–to personnel to assist others their tasks. Team Performance The SharePoint Team is responsible for the SharePoint software and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 78. Summary: Sharepoint Approval Iteration 5 SharePoint Approval The last iteration is the approval of the implemented SharePoint administration technology. The approval iteration level helps to ascertain the organization needs for the purpose of meeting project requirements. Before the approval of the SharePoint administrator technology, experts will test the system to verify if it meets the project needs (Solomon, 2011). Plan Having developed and installed the new system to the organization, I plan to approve and check on whether the system operates effectively. I plan to ensure that all configurations, testing, and checking issues are factors. The move will focus on the selection of the ideal operations within the company (Arnold, 2012). The experts will work with me during system configuration so as to ensure that the new SharePoint administrator technology and proposed backup system integrate with accordance. I plan to check on all components of the system and ensure that they are fixed in accordance. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Such a move was attributed to the fact that, they wanted to prove that the proposed system helps the company operate more effectively. Senior administrator was more on ensuring that the system installed was not default in nature. The customization process of the ideal system was put in a greater focus and that enabled the company gets appropriate information technology system (Diffin, 2010). The company had a suitable information technology system with qualified personnel and its machines were in the right condition. I observed that the company had an IT expert who oversaw all the operations carried out by selected team. Use of high–quality equipment within the operations platform made the management buy the idea of installing the SharePoint administrator technology system plus the data backup system. The company had all its trust on my advice, training, and design of the new system (Carr, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 80. Burns & Mcdonnell : Burns And Mcdonnell ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION: BURNS & MCDONNELL Burns & McDonnell was founded in 1898 by Clinton S. Burns and Robert E. McDonnell. Clinton and Robert first became acquainted at Stanford, where they both studied engineering. After honing their skills working for the city of Palo Alto, Calif., the two wanted to continue their partnership by starting their own engineering firm, thus Burns & McDonnell was born. Burns & McDonnell is a full–service engineering, architecture, construction, environmental and consulting solutions firm. Burns & McDonnell is 100 percent employee–owned by its staff of approximately 5,300 representing nearly all design disciplines including engineering, architecture, construction, planning, estimating, economy, technology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Specialties include: Program management Owner 's engineer Project controls Information management Transmission and substation design Environmental compliance and permitting Military, industrial and commercial facility design Aviation planning and design Construction– Design–Build Big projects are a hallmark, with utility clients like Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric becoming important anchors for business in the region. BURNS & MCDONNELL COMMUNICATION TOOLS Burns & McDonnell utilizes a wide range of different communication tools, both for company–wide communications and regional office, or project specific communications. Company–wide Communication Tools Skype for Business Skype for Business, formerly Microsoft Lync, is a communications and collaboration platform. Features of this Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) include instant message (IM), voice calls and video conferencing sessions, online meetings, document exchange and document collaboration, and desktop sharing. This tool is built directly into Microsoft Office, so initiating chats, calls and meetings is a cohesive experience directly within Office. Though Skype for Business allows you to add individuals from outside your own organization who are also utilizing this collaborative program, Burns & McDonnell recommends using it for quick internal communication needs. Employees often use the Whiteboard feature within Skype for Business to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 82. Sql Server Essay Some of you may be thinking, "But disk space is inexpensive – why not buy more disk space when things get tight? " Most of you know the answer – the approval process for new storage can take a while or even be denied. Beyond that, "right–sizing" your disk footprint can help with performance by reducing disk I/O. One more note before the optimizations – This newsletter is written from the perspective of a SQL DBA managing Sharepoint databases, but suggestions 5 through 9 apply to non–Sharepoint databases also. How to optimize your Sharepoint's SQL Server diskspace 1. Recycle Bin: Changing Sharepoint Recycle Bin retention can sometimes free up space on your SQL Server. How much? It really depends on how much data is deleted by your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Two timer jobs, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Import and Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Processing, are used for importing and processing the raw data in the web analytics database. By default, the system retains 14 days of Usage data in this database. By using these PowerShell commands, we can check and change the value of retention days of this database: Get–SPUsageDefinition and Set–SPUsageDefinition 4. Web Analytics: What applies to WSS_Logging also applies to the Web Analytics Reporting database and Web Analytics Staging databases. Are you using Web Analytics? If not, these are good candidates for scale back or disabling. 5. Resize: Review free space in data (MDF) and transaction log (LDF) files and resize if needed. If you've made any of the changes above, then you may have a good amount of empty space in your SQL files. If you have SQL 2012 or later installed, you can review the data and transaction log breakdown by running this query against each database: Select a.FILEID, [FILE_SIZE_MB] = convert(decimal(12,2),round(a.size/128.000,2)), [SPACE_USED_MB] = convert(decimal(12,2),round(fileproperty(a.name,'SpaceUsed')/128.000,2)), [FREE_SPACE_MB] = convert(decimal(12,2),round((a.size–fileproperty(a.name,'SpaceUsed'))/128.000,2)) , NAME = left(a.NAME,35), FILENAME = left(a.FILENAME,500) from dbo.sysfiles a It's typically good to have some free space ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...