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A la b ama         A & M     a n d     A u b u r n    U n i v e r s itie s

                                            Landscapes for Alabama


A     well-designed and managed
      landscape can reduce the
amount of water needed for home
landscape irrigation. This conserva-
tion of water becomes increasingly
important as municipal governments
impose broad watering bans in
response to drought situations that
create water shortages and strained
water supplies. Overhead landscape
irrigation is usually the target of these
water conservation policies because it
is viewed as noncritical consumption.                                                    Some plants perform well with only
    Thoughtfully planned, attractive                                                     occasional irrigation.
landscapes are important because
they provide environmental benefits
and add value and beauty to homes.
The environmental benefits include          Planning for Efficient                      areas, or hydrozones. Walk around the
reducing soil erosion and storm water       Use of Water                                landscape and identify places where
runoff, providing wildlife habitats,                                                    the soil stays moist longer and sepa-
                                                 It is important to plan a design
removing carbon dioxide and pollut-                                                     rate them from the areas fully exposed
                                            for the landscape. The types of plants
ants from the atmosphere while                                                          to the sun where the soil tends to
                                            used and their location, the condition
adding oxygen, and keeping homes                                                        dry quickly.
                                            of the soil, and other factors all affect
cooler in the summer and protecting                                                         Low-water-use hydrozones
                                            how much water must be used to
them from cold winds in the winter.                                                     should comprise as much of the
                                            maintain the landscape.
     Homeowners can ensure a                                                            landscape as possible when water
                                                 Hydrozoning is locating plants
sustainable landscape by planning                                                       conservation is desired. Generally,
                                            according to a landscape’s differing
for water conservation, choosing                                                        low-water-use hydrozones are
                                            levels of shading, soil evaporation
appropriate plants, improving the                                                       located away from the most traveled
                                            rates, and exposure to ambient
soil, establishing plants properly,                                                     areas of the landscape, but this
                                            weather conditions. Early in the design
mulching, fertilizing correctly, and                                                    is not a requirement. Moderate-
                                            process, divide the landscape into
watering efficiently.                                                                   water-use hydrozones should include
                                            low-, moderate-, and high-water-use
                                                                                        established plants that only require

irrigation every 2 to 3 weeks in the           Decide which plants should           the soil dries. These polymers come
absence of rainfall or when they          be watered first, second, and third,      in plastic containers and look like
show visible signs of stress, such as     considering plant value, replacement      small white crystals; however, the
wilted foliage and off-green color.       costs, time to grow a comparable          addition of high rates of limestone
High-water-use hydrozones should          plant, and which ones are significant     or fertilizer retards uptake by
be limited and should be strategi-        to you. One essential feature of          these polymers, though the correct
cally located for high impact and         a water-efficient landscape is the        application rate and the longevity of
easy access, such as areas around         gardener’s judgment on when irriga-       the polymer in the soil is debated.
patios, decks, pools, or entryways.       tion is needed as opposed to relying      Considering this in addition to the
     As a starting point, 10 percent or   on an automated timer.                    high cost of the polymers currently
less of the total landscape should be                                               makes recommending these
zoned for high water use, 30 percent      Soil Improvement                          materials difficult.
or less for moderate water use, and 60         Preparing the soil thoroughly             The best time of year to prepare
percent or more for low water use.        helps ensure good root growth; a          previously undisturbed soil is in the
     Plants vary tremendously in          plant with deep, extensive roots          fall because it allows time during
drought tolerance. Many native            can withstand periods of drought          the winter for incorporated organic
plants, once established, often           better than plants with shallow roots.    matter to decompose and for slowly
require little supplemental water or      Research has shown that digging a         available amendments such as lime-
maintenance, but don’t assume that        wide planting hole or tilling the soil    stone to release. To begin, have a soil
all native plants are drought tolerant    deeply improves the structure of the      test done and add the recommended
or suitable for home landscapes.          soil and results in rapid plant estab-    slowly available amendments. Do
     When available, incorporate          lishment and better root growth.          not add recommended water-soluble
native wooded areas into the land-             Organic matter dramatically          granular fertilizer until spring.
scape and blend these areas with the      improves most of the different kinds          Soils, particularly clay soils,
planted portions of the landscape.        of soils in Alabama. If the soil is       should be dry enough to till, but not
Remove weedy or undesirable under-        fine clay, choose a coarse-textured       too dry. To determine if the soil is
story plants to create more open          organic matter such as aged pine          dry enough, pick up a handful and
areas. It may be necessary to remove      bark to increase aeration in the soil.    squeeze it. If the ball of soil falls
some canopy trees to reduce compe-        This product is available at garden       apart when poked, the soil is dry
tition and improve the health of          centers in bags, usually labeled as       enough. If it stays in a ball, the soil is
remaining trees. Large canopy trees       soil conditioner. If the soil is sandy,   too wet for tilling.
should be strategically placed to keep    add fine-textured organic matter for           When planting in a large area,
the landscape cooler and reduce           water-holding capacity. Compost,          such as a bed or border, improve
water loss while providing a comfort-     humus, and top soil are fine-textured     all of the soil at one time. To begin,
able living environment. In planted       products. Peat moss is another alter-     mark off the area that will be tilled.
areas, it may be tempting to position     native that has a high water-holding      Scoop up the existing vegetation to
plants close together so they are         capacity. It degrades slowly in the       remove it. Applying a broad spec-
more visually appealing when young,       soil, but it is expensive. Peat moss      trum postemergent herbicide 7 to
but drastic pruning likely will be        is available in bags or compressed        10 days before tilling will make this
needed as plants approach maturity,       bales; compressed bales usually are       easier and kill aggressive perennial
which increases water use and plant       the best deal. Composted animal           weeds. Apply 4 to 6 inches of organic
stress. Learn the expected mature         manure is also available in bags.         matter, broadcast soil amendments
size of the plants to be included and     Animal manure decomposes rapidly          evenly over the area, and incorporate
provide them with sufficient space.       in soil, but it does provide plants       them uniformly to a 12-inch depth.
     Windbreaks help keep the plants      with nutrients and is inexpensive.        Start at one end with the tiller and
and soil from drying. Use trees,              Water-absorbing hydrophilic           go across the soil, one row at a time,
informal hedges, shrubs, or tall orna-    polymers are designed to be mixed         while removing rocks and other
mental grasses as natural windbreaks.     with soil and act as artificial reser-    debris. If the tiller cannot penetrate
                                          voirs that release water to plants as     deeply into the soil, use a shovel to

2 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
turn the soil over. The goal is to turn          Bare root plants should be           evaporation by up to 70 percent
the soil over a shovel length deep,         planted in early spring after the         when compared to bare soil. In addi-
not to break up the clumps; the tiller      coldest weather is over, but before       tion to water retention, mulches have
will do that. Next, till the soil in the    new growth starts. Whether                benefits that create an improved soil
direction perpendicular to the first        purchased from a local nursery or         environment for root growth that, in
direction and go across the soil as         by mail order, it is best to establish    turn, improves a plant’s drought toler-
before. When the tilling is done, rake      the plant in the landscape as soon        ance. These benefits include retarding
the soil smooth and apply a generous        as possible. To start, remove the         germination of aggressive weed seeds
layer of mulch.                             packing material and soak the roots       that compete with ornamental plants
                                            in tap water for 4 to 6 hours. Make       for water, keeping the soil cooler
Planting                                    a mound of soil in the middle of the      in summer and warmer in winter,
     If you’re not planting in a large      hole and spread the plant’s roots out     preventing soil erosion and compac-
area all at once, but simply adding         evenly over the mound. Do not set         tion, improving soil structure and
plants to an existing border or in turf,    the plant too deep.                       fertility, encouraging microorganism
plant trees and shrubs in individual             The soil removed from the hole       and earthworm proliferation, and
holes. Dig the hole two to three times      is used to backfill around the root       giving an attractive, neat appearance
wider than the root ball or container       ball. No amendments to the backfill       to the landscape. Mulches do absorb
and about as deep as the height of          are recommended when planting             water from overhead irrigation so,
the root ball. Roughen the sides and        trees and shrubs in individual holes.     when you water, make sure the water
bottom of the hole with a pick or           When backfill soil is enriched with       penetrates through the mulch and
shovel so that roots can penetrate          amendments, the roots of plants           reaches the soil.
the soil. Water the plant well; it can      tend not to grow beyond the isolated           Probably the most widely used
be difficult to rewet a dry root ball       environment of the planting hole into     mulch for home landscaping in
once it is in the ground. To remove         native soils. This leads to weak and      Alabama is pine straw and pine
the plant from the container, lay the       unstable roots. When filling in with      bark. These materials are available
plant on its side with the container        soil around the roots, lightly tamp       at garden centers and mass market
end near the hole. Hit the bottom           the soil to collapse air pockets or add   stores in convenient-to-handle units.
and sides of the container until the        water to help settle the soil.            However, obtaining large quantities
root ball loosens. If roots are growing          Remember, the goal is to provide     may necessitate paying a delivery
in a circular pattern around the root       plants with a moist, well-drained, and    charge or hiring a trucking company.
ball, loosen them by hand or slice          well-aerated soil environment so they     An advantage of pine straw is it looks
through the roots with a knife. This        will develop an extensive root system     good in the landscape, but it decom-
may appear harmful to the plant, but        capable of withstanding periods of        poses fairly quickly and may need
it actually encourages new growth           drought.                                  re-application annually. Generally,
while allowing water to move more                                                     one bale of pine straw covers 50
freely into the root ball. For root balls   Mulch                                     square feet when applied to a 5-inch
wrapped in burlap, remove the string                                                  depth; however, pine straw bales are
                                                 Often, lessons in sustainable
or wire holding the burlap to the root                                                not always a consistent size in the
                                            landscape practices can be taken
crown. On large trees, it may not be                                                  marketplace. Fine-textured mulches,
                                            from what occurs in nature. Many
practical to remove all the burlap,                                                   such as pine straw, retain more mois-
                                            forests in Alabama have the same
but pull away the top one-third.                                                      ture than coarse mulches. On sloping
                                            dominant feature: an abundance of
Remove plastic wrapping completely                                                    sites, pine straw stays in place better
                                            accumulated forest-floor litter that
from root balls. Place the root ball                                                  than most other mulches and helps
                                            conserves soil moisture and recycles
in the hole with the top of the root                                                  control erosion.
                                            nutrients back to the plants. Applying
ball (where the roots end and the           a 3- to 5-inch layer of an organic             Pine bark should be purchased in
trunk begins) ½ to 1 inch above the         mulch to all nonturf, planted areas       a coarse mulch grade. Fine grade pine
surrounding soil. Lay a board across        in the landscape helps the soil retain    bark does not suppress weeds very
the planting hole to check the depth        water and can reduce losses from          well and can float away during heavy
of the plant.                                                                         rain. Pine bark looks good in the

                                                                              Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 3
landscape and does not decompose as        cover the entire surface with mulch,       excess runoff and shallow penetration
rapidly as pine straw, but costs more.     except within 8 to 10 inches of the        into the soil. Hand watering is an
One cubic yard (fourteen 2-cubic-foot      trunk of trees or shrubs. In the case of   efficient way to water when using a
bags) of bark mulch covers 100 square      trees or shrubs located in turf, mulch     hose-end water breaker or a spray
feet to a 3-inch depth.                    under the entire canopy of the tree        nozzle to deliver water slowly.
     Shredded hardwood products are        extending well beyond the drip line             Efficient irrigation should deliver
also good mulches because they mat         if possible, but do not pile mulch         water no faster than the rate the soil
together and are less likely to float      against the trunk or mulch within a        can absorb it. Soil types and textures
away than chips. Occasionally, wood        few inches of the trunk. This space        play an important role in how much
chips are available as a by-product of     will allow for air circulation around      water soil can hold and how quickly
lumber operations. Grain straw is the      the base of the plant and help avoid       soil can be irrigated. For example,
stem of grain crops, typically wheat,      disease or insect problems.                one inch of water applied to the
gathered and bailed after the grain is                                                surface of sandy soil may penetrate
harvested; it has many of the same         Efficient Watering                         10 inches deep, but only penetrates
properties as pine straw. Be careful             Numerous public awareness            6 inches deep in a silt loam soil, or
about purchasing bails of hay to use as    surveys have found that homeowners         only 4 inches deep in clay loam soil.
mulch. Hay often contains grass and        are unaware of the water needs of          Irrigating the entire root zone of plants
weed seed that could create a weed         landscape plants and often overwater       growing in heavy soil takes longer
problem in the landscape. Landscape        them. In addition, overhead sprinkler      than for plants growing in lighter
fabrics can also be used under mulch       irrigation systems installed in home       soil. Sandy loams may absorb 0.5 to
to conserve moisture, discourage           landscapes frequently have automated       3 inches of water per hour while clay
weeds, and enhance erosion control.        controllers that require little involve-   loams may absorb only 0.1 to 0.5
Be aware that all organic mulches          ment on the part of the homeowner          inches of water in the same amount
decompose, shrink in volume, and           and encourage a set-it-and-forget-it       of time. Table 1 has the time required
need replenishing regularly.               approach. This wastes water, costs         for irrigation water to infiltrate up to
      Obtaining sufficient quantities of   money, and may lead to surface water       6 inches deep in sandy loam or clay
mulch can actually be an exercise in       or groundwater contamination by            loam soil. Moderately moist, clay loam
recycling if you are willing to do a       fertilizers or pesticides.                 soil requires twice as long to water as
little networking and have access to           The goal of water-efficient            sandy loam soil, but, when the clay
a pickup truck for hauling. Instead        landscapes should be to deliver an         loam is severely dry, it may require
of raking up autumn leaves and             adequate amount of water to the root       3 to 4 times as long. The important
disposing of them, use the leaves          zone of plants just before they experi-    point is, before you water, dig down
to mulch nonturf, planted beds and         ence water stress. When irrigation is      and determine if the soil is dry and to
around trees in the turf. If leaves        used, water should be applied effi-        what extent. Don’t gauge water needs
are still left over, consider starting a   ciently and effectively to make every      on soil surface appearance, then
composting program.                        drop count. At one extreme, gardeners      check the progress of irrigation peri-
     Find organic leftovers from the       often apply too little water frequently,   odically to determine when sufficient
agricultural community to use as           causing shallow root growth leading        water has been applied.
mulch. These leftovers, such as peanut     to more rapid plant stress under
hulls, pecan hulls, or even animal         drought or hot conditions. At the          Plant Establishment
bedding, are usually available at no or    other extreme, gardeners often deliver         No matter how drought tolerant
low cost.                                  water too rapidly or run irrigation for    a plant is reported to be, it will not
     Apply at least 3 inches of nonset-    too long resulting in water runoff and,    be unless a sufficient root system
tling material, such as pine bark, or      depending on the soil type, water-         develops. For this reason, plants
6 inches of material that settles after    logged soil conditions. Also, be careful   transplanted from containers require
a rain, such as pine or grain straw.       when hand watering because water is        a period of careful establishment
In the case of a bed or border where       often delivered too quickly for the soil   watering; after all, their roots only
all the soil is prepared at one time,      to absorb resulting in wasted water as     extend to the limits of the container,

4 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
and they are growing in a mix             helps prevent moisture loss. Check        need establishment care for the
different from the soil in which they     the moisture in both soil types           entire first growing season. However,
are planted. Because of this interface    at least once a week during the           there are exceptions. For example,
between soil types, water does not        establishment period to see if water      camellias, mountain laurel, and many
move readily between the different        is required. When the soil is dry,        native azaleas are drought tolerant
media. Therefore, it is important to      watering slowly and deeply encour-        once established, but because their
apply water to both the container         ages a more extensive root system         roots grow slowly, they need 2 years
mix and the surrounding soil during       than frequent shallow watering.           of establishment care to achieve
the establishment period. Roots grow           Fall planted trees, shrubs, vines,   drought tolerance. For this reason,
in soil only where there is moisture,     ground covers, and herbaceous peren-      camellias, mountain laurel, and
and unless both media are moist,          nials have demonstrated increased         native azaleas are not listed in the
the roots may never grow out of the       ability to survive moderately low         tables, but include Camellia japonica
original container mix. Container         moisture levels the following             ( Japanese camellia), Camellia
mixes also dry much faster than           growing season when compared to           sasanqua (Sasanqua camellia),
the surrounding soil. Both media          those transplanted in the spring or       Kalmia latifolia (mountain laurel),
should be adequately moistened to         summer. Cool fall temperatures are        Rhododendron alabamanse (Alabama
prevent newly installed plants from       less stressful to plants than the heat    azalea), Rhododendron austrinum
being injured or dying of drought,        of late spring and summer because         (Florida flame azalea), Rhododendron
but be careful not to overwater; do       the foliage loses less water. Plants      canescens (Piedmont azalea),
not water if both soils are moist.        established during fall require less      Rhododendron flammeum (Oconee
Many gardeners want to water by           frequent irrigation and are less likely   azalea), Rhododendron pericly-
a calendar that more often fits their     to suffer heat-related stress than        menoides (Pinxterbloom azalea),
schedule rather than the needs of         those planted in spring and summer.       Rhododendron prunifolium (plumleaf
the plants. By checking soil moisture     As winter approaches, aboveground         azalea), and Rhododendron vaseyi
frequently, you can become in-tune        portions of the plant stop growing        (pinkshell azalea) for those willing
with the rate of soil drying and more     and go dormant soon after planting        to make the effort of establishment.
accurately predict when a plant           resulting in less demand on the roots     After the establishment period,
needs water.                              for water. Roots, on the other hand,      gradually reduce watering frequency
     For plants installed in individual   do not go dormant and continue to         during dry spells to acclimate plants
planting holes, construct a berm 4 to     grow all winter long. So when spring      to drought conditions.
6 inches high around the perimeter        arrives, a healthy, well-developed            Established trees and large shrubs
of the planting hole to help funnel       root system is in place to help the       generally have deeper, more extensive
water to the roots, then fill the         plant adapt better to summer stress.      roots than other landscape plants
berm with water several times to               Trees and shrubs generally           and can extract soil moisture even
completely saturate the soil and          require 9 to 10 weeks of establish-       when the soil surface appears dry.
establish good contact at the interface   ment care when planted in the             The majority of tree and shrub feeder
between the container mix and soil.       late fall or early winter, but those      roots (those that take up water and
Mulching newly established plants         planted in the spring or summer           nutrients from the soil) are in the top

 Table 1. Time Required for Irrigation Water to Infiltrate Up to 6 Inches Deep in Sandy Loam or Clay
 Loam Soil
       Inches (soil depth)                  Sandy loam (hours)                      Clay loam (hours)
                 1                                     2                                    4
                 2                                     4                                    8
                 3                                     6                                   10
                 4                                     8                                   12
                 5                                    10                                   14
                 6                                    12                                   16

                                                                            Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 5
10 to 12 inches of soil and extend as       tolerate constantly wet soils well. Porous   best advice is to keep the system as
much as one and a half to two times         wall hose or drip irrigation systems can     simple as possible and try to wet only
the canopy diameter. To be most             provide adequate water more efficiently      those areas where water can be taken
effective, apply water in this area and     than sprinkler systems can.                  up by the roots of desired plants.
to this depth. However, trees partly                                                          When planning drip irrigation
or completely enclosed by large areas       Drip Irrigation                              for watering trees and large shrubs,
of surface concrete or asphalt have              Using irrigation water efficiently      consider using microsprinkler
more limited access to soil moisture        requires proper selection of irrigation      emitters that wet the soil over a
and should be watched closely for           methods for the plants and for each          larger area and provide more even
signs of water stress. Very large, old      hydrozone of the landscape. Drought-         watering. Simple drip emitters restrict
trees are often more prone to loss          tolerant plants should get no more           the soil wetting pattern and are
due to drought because of age and           water than they need to look good,           primarily suitable for small trees and
accumulated stresses, but the impact        and water should be prevented from           shrubs in borders. It is generally best
of a drought may not be evident until       splashing onto concrete walkways or          to design a system with a few more
the next growing season. Be more            other areas where it is not needed.          emitters than you think necessary
watchful for the watering needs of          Drip irrigation systems allow slow           to allow insertion wherever water is
older trees.                                water penetration into the root zone         needed. The appropriate number of
     Trees and large shrubs isolated        with minimum evaporation or surface          emitters per plant and flow rate per
in turf should be watered inside and        wetting. Often, 30 to 50 percent less        emitter depends on the size and type
just outside the drip line and may          water may be used with these systems         of plant. Generally, the larger the
require water only during periods of        when compared to sprinkler irrigation.       plant, the more water it requires and,
limited rainfall or when they show          Drip systems may be as simple as             thus, more emitters are required.
signs of stress. A temporary system,        porous wall hoses that can be moved               Drip irrigation systems are usually
such as a soaker hose, may be all           around the landscape or left in place        installed on top of the ground and
that is required for these plants.          hidden under mulch for small applica-        concealed beneath mulch. This
Individual lengths of soaker hose can       tions or more extensive systems can          makes the system easy to install and
be purchased with brass fittings that       be installed using perforated flat           protects the plastic components from
easily attach to any hose or hose bib.      tubing or emitters for larger areas. A       ultraviolet light degradation when
In foundations or borders, however, it      variety of kits and parts to construct       exposed to sunlight. However, the
is more convenient to water the entire      a system are readily available for the       distribution pipes can also be buried
area, therefore, an irrigation system is    do-it-yourself gardener or a system          4 to 6 inches beneath the soil surface
more efficient.                             can be installed by a landscape irriga-      with the microtubes protruding above
     Bedding plants, herbaceous peren-      tion company.                                the surface. Extend the microtubes at
nials, and ground covers are usually             Drip irrigation applies water           least 6 inches above ground to allow
small when planted and have small root      from flexible ⅜- to ¾-inch-diameter          easy inspection and to prevent dirt
systems to start with. These plants need    polyethylene distribution pipes to           from back-siphoning into the emitters
3 to 4 weeks of establishment watering      emitters at the ends of microtubes (⅛        and clogging the system. As a starting
and may have to be watered more             to ¼ inch), flat perforated tubing, or       point, an emitter system may need to
often than trees and shrubs to ensure       round porous wall hose (soaker hose).        be run about three times per week
an adequate water supply. Check the         Several types of drip irrigation systems     for 4 hours each time during very dry
soil with a trowel or spade to the depth    can be adapted to suit a variety of          weather to meet the water needs of
of the expected root zone. Moisten the      applications, from watering individual       the plants. Keep in mind that some
entire root zone just before the plants     trees and shrubs to beds of annuals,         species require more water than
show signs of water stress. If the plants   herbaceous perennials, ground covers,        others. Consider this when planning
are allowed to wilt severely a few times,   or mixed borders. Because so many            emitter installation.
growth can be stunted and flower            different types of drip irrigation               For watering annuals, perennials,
production reduced. Be careful not to       components are available, choosing           and ground covers, it is usually
overwater because most bedding plants       the best system for a particular appli-      necessary to irrigate a solid area. This
and herbaceous perennials do not            cation requires some planning. The

6 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
can be accomplished by spacing emit-        perform well when fertilized every           • Remove weeds promptly because
ters 12 to 18 inches apart to achieve       other year. The exceptions are annual          they compete for valuable water.
a uniform wetting pattern or using          flowers and many roses that require          • Avoid summer pruning except
perforated tubing or porous wall pipe       annual fertilization to grow and               to remove dead, diseased, or
at the same spacing. In sandy soils,        flower well.                                   damaged wood because it
the lines need to be closer together              Fertilizers with a high nitrogen         encourages new vegetative
than in fine-textured clay soils. In        percentage (first number in a fertilizer       growth and inhibits root growth.
bedding plant beds, the drip lines can      analysis) relative to phosphorus and         • Prune plants when they wilt
be laid aside for soil preparation and      potassium percentages (second and              during severe drought stress to
replaced afterward. Cover perforated        third numbers in a fertilizer analysis)        save them. Remove about one-
tubing or porous pipe under mulch to        tend to stimulate excessive vegetative         third of the canopy to reduce the
prevent ultraviolet light degradation       growth. When shoot growth increases,           leaves’ demand for moisture.
from exposure to sunlight.                  root growth decreases, so the roots          • Maintain the irrigation system to
     An alternative method of watering      are less efficient at extracting moisture      prevent leaks that waste water.
uses small sprinkler heads called           from the soil. Therefore, look for a
                                                                                         • Be conscious of the changing
microsprinklers, instead of emitters. All   fertilizer with a nitrogen percentage
                                                                                           water needs of plants through
other components are identical to drip      equal to or slightly less than the phos-
                                                                                           the season, and change irrigation
irrigation, including the polyethylene      phorus and potassium percentages
                                                                                           practices accordingly.
distribution pipes. Microsprinklers         and then apply it at a low rate. The
                                                                                         • Capture rainwater or recycle water
cover an area 3 to 12 feet wide and         rate information should be printed on
                                                                                           when possible. Rain catchment
are used for trees and shrubs or beds       the fertilizer container. Just choose the
                                                                                           systems are available.
requiring complete coverage. Do not         low end of the prescribed rate range.
combine microsprinklers with drip           If the rate is not provided, a low rate      • Adjust irrigation practices
emitters in the same irrigation zone.       would be 1 pound of actual nitrogen            according to sun exposure.
Microsprinklers are not as efficient        per 1,000 square feet. To calculate the        North and east exposures need
as drip emitters because some water         application rate, divide the nitrogen          less water than south or west
evaporation occurs, but they do             percentage (the first number) in the           exposures.
provide an economical method of             analysis into 100. The application rate      • Avoid large areas of light-colored
achieving uniform watering.                 using a 12-12-12 garden fertilizer is          gravel because it reflects heat
                                            calculated as follows: 100 ÷ 12 = 8.3          and can create a microclimate
Fertilization                               pounds per 1,000 square feet.                  resulting in greater water loss
                                                 The best time to fertilize plants in      from surrounding plants.
      One goal in a water-efficient
landscape is to manage vegetative           the landscape is late winter just before     • Consider converting low-traffic turf
growth so that plants make reason-          spring growth begins. Fall fertilization       areas to more drought-tolerant
able progress toward maturity, but          is not recommended because it may              ground covers. Turfgrasses
grow very little at maturity. At matu-      decrease winter hardiness and high             generally require more frequent
rity, plants should be fertilizered only    rainfall during typical Alabama winters        watering and maintenance than
enough to maintain plant health. The        wash fertilizer out of the root zone.          most other landscape plants.
main concern is to avoid overfertil-        Lastly, do not fertilize plants during       • Terrace steep slopes to reduce
izing because it encourages rapid,          a drought period because fertilizers           runoff erosion and slow water
soft growth that is more susceptible        are composed of nutritive salts that           movement so the soil can absorb it.
to drought. Most established, healthy       can dehydrate and burn roots in the          • Avoid using narrow strips of turf,
trees and shrubs only need fertilizer       absence of adequate water.                     hard-to-maintain corners, and
once every 2 to 3 years while most                                                         isolated islands of grass that
established herbaceous perennials           Additional Tips                                need special attention.
                                             • Water before the soil dries out on
                                               clay soils. Once dry, clay soils are
                                               extremely difficult to rewet.

                                                                                 Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 7
Drought Tolerance                           therefore, some decrease in growth             Plants selected for inclusion
in Plants                                   and flowering can be expected during       in the tables are the consensus
                                            periods of limited moisture. Severe        of horticultural professionals in
     Drought tolerance is a difficult
                                            drought can increase insect or disease     the Department of Horticulture
plant characteristic to define because it
                                            incidence, decrease leaf size and          at Auburn University, curators
depends not only on a plant’s inherent
                                            number, and cause an overall decline       of the Huntsville and Mobile
ability to conserve water internally
                                            in growth rate and plant vigor. High       Botanical Gardens, and selected
during times of shortage, but also on
                                            temperatures and wind, heat and light      agents in the Alabama Cooperative
how well the plant has established a
                                            reflection from nearby hard surfaces,      Extension System from different
root system and how well the plant can
                                            or high fertilization can increase the     regions of the state. The majority
adapt to environmental stresses other
                                            potentially damaging effects of low        of the plants in the tables are
than water availability, such as adverse
                                            moisture on plant growth and survival.     hardy over a wide portion of
soil conditions, high temperature, high
                                            Regional differences in drought toler-     Alabama; however, plants are
light intensity, variable wind speed, and
                                            ance in a plant are particularly evident   included that may only be hardy
relative humidity. Drought tolerance
                                            because of varying adaptability to the     in the northern or southern one-
does not mean the plants prefer hot,
                                            largely north to south environmental       quarter to one-half of the state.
dry weather or that they will not be
                                            gradient in Alabama. Plants listed in      When making plant selections,
adversely affected by extended dry
                                            Tables 2 to 10 perform well in the         you should consider adaptability
weather without some supplemental
                                            landscape with occasional irrigation       to your area of the state. Many of
irrigation. Many plants are drought
                                            (every 2 to 3 weeks during drought) or     the species are also represented in
tolerant because they can shut down
                                            irrigation only during severe drought,     the trade by numerous cultivars,
growth during extended drought,
                                            but not regular irrigation.                which may vary in drought toler-
                                                                                       ance. These lists should not be
                                                                                       construed as complete.

8 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Table 2. Large Canopy Trees
             Scientific name                        Common name                      Native*
Acer barbatum                                 Florida maple                             y
Acer ×freemanii                               ‘Autumn Blaze’                            n
Acer leucoderme                               chalk maple                               y
Carya glabra                                  pignut hickory                            y
Carya illinoinensis                           pecan                                     y
Castanea mollissima                           Chinese chestnut                          y
Catalpa bignonioides                          catalpa                                   y
Celtis laevigata                              sugar hackberry                           y
Celtis occidentalis                           common hackberry                          y
Diospyros virginiana                          common persimmon                          y
Ginkgo biloba                                 ginkgo                                    n
Gleditsia triacanthos                         honey locust                              y
Juglans nigra                                 black walnut                              y
Liriodendron tulipifera                       tuliptree                                 y
Maclura pomifera                              Osage orange                              y
Nyssa sylvatica                               black gum                                 y
Pistacia chinensis                            Chinese pistache                          n
Quercus acutissima                            sawtooth oak                              n
Quercus alba                                  white oak                                 y
Quercus geminata                              sand oak                                  y
Quercus lyrata                                overcup oak                               y
Quercus macrocarpa                            bur oak                                   y
Quercus marilandica                           blackjack oak                             y
Quercus muehlenbergii                         chinkapin oak                             y
Quercus nuttallii                             Nuttall oak                               y
Quercus prinus                                chestnut oak                              y
Quercus stellata                              post oak                                  y
Quercus velutina                              black oak                                 y
Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii            soapberry                                 n
Styphnolobium japonicum                       Japanese pagodatree                       n
Taxodium ascendens                            bald cypress                              y
Ulmus parvifolia                              Chinese elm                               n
Zelkova serrata                               Japanese zelkova                          n
Calocedrus decurrens                          incense cedar                             n
Cedrus deodara                                Deodar cedar                              y
Cupressus arizonica                           Arizona cypress                           n
Cupressus sempervirens                        Italian cypress                           n
Juniperus virginiana                          eastern red cedar                         y
Magnolia grandiflora                          southern magnolia                         y
Pinus clausa                                  sand pine                                 y
Pinus elliottii                               slash pine                                y
Pinus glabra                                  spruce pine                               y
Pinus palustris                               longleaf pine                             y
Pinus strobus                                 eastern white pine                        y
Pinus taeda                                   loblolly pine                             y
Pinus virginiana                              Virginia pine                             y
Quercus glauca                                blue Japanese oak                         n
Quercus hemisphaerica                         Darlington Oak                            y
Quercus laurifolia                            laurel oak                                y
Quercus virginiana                            live oak                                  y
Thuja orientalis                              Oriental arborvitae                       n
  * Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced)

                                                                    Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 9
Table 3. Noncanopy Trees
               Scientific name                               Common name         Native*
 Acer buergerianum                                  trident maple                  n
 Acer truncatum                                     Shantung maple                 n
 Amelanchier spp. and cultivars                     juneberry                      y
 Asimina triloba                                    pawpaw                         y
 Cercis canadensis                                  eastern redbud                 y
 Chilopsis linearis                                 desert willow                  y
 Clethra pringlei                                   Mexican sweetspire             n
 Cotinus coggygria                                  common smoketree               n
 Cotinus obovatus                                   American smoketree             y
 Crataegus crus-galli                               cockspur hawthorn              y
 Crataegus marshallii                               parsley hawthorn               y
 Crataegus mollis                                   downy hawthorn                 y
 Cydonia oblonga                                    fruiting quince                n
 Erythrina ×bidwillii                               hybrid fireman’s cap           n
 Ilex verticillata                                  winterberry                    y
 Koelreuteria paniculata                            goldenraintree                 n
 Lagerstroemia fauriei                              Japanese crapemyrtle           n
 Lagerstroemia indica                               crapemyrtle                    n
 Magnolia ×soulangeana                              saucer magnolia                n
 Nyssa sylvatica                                    black gum                      n
 Oxydendrum arboreum                                sourwood                       y
 Prunus americana                                   American plum                  y
 Prunus angustifolia                                Chickasaw plum                 y
 Prunus ‘Okame’                                     Okame cherry                   n
 Prunus subhirtella                                 higan cherry                   n
 Rhamnus caroliniana                                Carolina buckthorn             y
 Rhus typhina                                       staghorn sumac                 y
 Tamarix gallica                                    French tamarisk                n
 Vitex agnus-castus                                 lilac chastetree               n
 Ziziphus jujuba                                    jujube                         n
 Caesalpinia spp.                                   Bird-of-paradise trees         n
 Cupressus arizonica ‘Carolina Sapphire’            Arizona cypress	               n
 Eriobotrya japonica                                loquat                         n
 Ilex ×attenuata                                    ‘Savannah’, ‘Foster’ holly     n
 Ilex ‘Nellie R. Stevens’                           Nellie R. Stevens holly        n
 Ilex opaca                                         American holly                 y
 Ilex vomitoria                                     yaupon                         y
 Lithocarpus henryi                                 Henry tanbark oak              n
 Loropetalum chinense                               Chinese fringetree             n
 Myrica cerifera                                    southern wax myrtle            y
 Prunus caroliniana                                 Carolina cherry laurel         y
   * Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced)

10 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Table 4. Deciduous Shrubs
  Scientific name                                     Common name                              Native*
  Aesculus parviflora                                 bottlebrush buckeye                        y
  Aesculus pavia                                      red buckeye                                y
  Anisicanthus wrightii var. aurea                    desert honeysuckle                         n
  Aronia arbutifolia                                  red chokeberry                             y
  Asimina parviflora                                  smallflower pawpaw                         y
  Berberis ×mentorensis                               Mentor barberry                            n
  Berberis thunbergii                                 Japanese barberry                          n
  Callicarpa americana                                American beautyberry                       y
  Callicarpa japonica                                 Japanese beautyberry                       n
  Calycanthus floridus                                sweetshrub                                 y
  Caryopteris ×clandonensis                           bluebeard                                  n
  Castanea pumila                                     Allegheny chinkapin                        y
  Chaenomeles speciosa                                flowering quince                           n
  Deutzia gracilis                                    slender deutzia                            n
  Deutzia scabra                                      fuzzy deutzia                              n
  Diervilla rivularis                                 Georgia bush honeysuckle                   y
  Diervilla sessilifolia                              southern bush honeysuckle                  y
  Exochorda racemosa                                  common pearlbush                           n
  Ficus carica                                        fig                                        n
  Forsythia ×intermedia                               border forsythia                           n
  Fothergilla gardenii                                dwarf fothergilla                          y
  Hamamelis vernalis                                  vernal witchhazel                          n
  Hamelia patens                                      hummingbird bush                           n
  Hibiscus syriacus                                   shrub althea                               n
  Hydrangea quercifolia                               oakleaf hydrangea                          y
  Ilex decidua                                        possumhaw                                  y
  Jasminum floridum                                   Florida jasmine                            n
  Jasminum mesnyi                                     primrose jasmine                           n
  Jasminum nudiflorum                                 winter jasmine                             n
  Kerria japonica                                     Japanese kerria                            n
  Lespedeza thunbergii                                Thunberg’s lespedeza                       n
  Leucothoe racemosa                                  sweetbells leucothoe                       y
  Lonicera fragrantissima                             winter honeysuckle                         n
  Magnolia stellata                                   star magnolia                              n
  Philadelphus coronarius                             sweet mock orange                          n
  Physocarpus opulifolius                             ninebark                                   n
  Poncirus trifoliata                                 hardy orange                               n
  Punica granatum                                     pomegranate                                n
  Rhus glabra                                         smooth sumac                               y
  Rosa ‘Knockout’                                     Knockout rose                              n
  Rosa ‘Nearly Wild’                                  Nearly Wild rose                           n
  Russelia equisetiformis                             Coral Fountain Plant                       n
  Spirea ×arguta                                      garland spirea                             n
  Spiraea ×bumalda                                    Anthony Waterer spirea                     n
  Spiraea cantoniensis                                Reeves spirea                              n
  Spiraea prunifolia                                  bridalwreath spirea                        n
  Spiraea thunbergii                                  Thunberg’s spirea                          n
  Spiraea ×vanhouttei                                 Vanhoutte spirea                           n
  Symphoricarpos orbiculatus                          coralberry                                 y
  Ungnadia speciosa                                   Mexican buckeye                            n
  Vaccinium arboreum                                  sparkleberry                               y
  Vaccinium ashei                                     rabbiteye blueberry                        y
  Vaccinium elliottii                                 Elliott’s blueberry                        y
  Viburnum ×burkwoodii                                Burkwood viburnum                          n
  Viburnum dentatum                                   arrowwood                                  y
  Viburnum prunifolium                                blackhaw viburnum                          y
  Viburnum rufidulum                                  rusty blackhaw viburnum                    y
* Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced)

                                                                       Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 11
Table 5. Evergreen Shrubs
                  Scientific name                                  Common name                  Native*
 Abelia chinensis                                          Chinese abelia                         n
 Abelia ×grandiflora                                       glossy abelia                          n
 Acca (Feijoa) sellowiana                                  pineapple guava                        n
 Agarista populifolia                                      Florida leucothoe                      y
 Aloysia virgata                                           almond verbena                         y
 Berberis julianae                                         wintergreen barberry                   n
 Berberis ×mentorensis                                     Mentor barberry                        n
 Buxus microphylla var. japonica                           Japanese boxwood                       n
 Buxus microphylla var. koreana                            Korean boxwood                         n
 Buxus sempervirens                                        common boxwood                         n
 Cassia corymbosa                                          Argentine senna                        n
 Cassia splendida                                          fall-blooming senna                    n
 Cephalotaxus harringtonia                                 Japanese plum yew                      n
 Cotoneaster dammeri                                       bearberry cotoneaster                  n
 Cotoneaster horizontalis                                  rockspray cotoneaster                  n
 Cotoneaster lacteus                                       brightbead cotoneaster                 n
 Cotoneaster microphyllus                                  littleleaf cotoneaster                 n
 Cytisus scoparius                                         Scotch broom                           n
 Ilex ×aquipernyi                                          brilliant holly                        n
 Ilex ×attenuata                                           many cultivars                         n
 Ilex cornuta cvs.                                         Chinese Holly                          n
 Ilex crenata                                              ‘Compacta’ and ‘Convexa’ only          n
 Ilex glabra                                               inkberry holly                         y
 Ilex ×hybrids                                             many cultivars                         n
 Ilex latifolia                                            lusterleaf holly                       n
 Ilex opaca                                                American holly                         y
 Ilex vomitoria                                            Yaupon holly                           y
 Illicium parviflorum                                      small anise-tree                       n
 Juniperus spp.                                            many juniper species and cultivars     n
 Lonicera fragrantissima                                   winter honeysuckle                     n
 Michelia figo                                             banana shrub                           n
 Nandina domestica                                         nandina                                n
 Nerium oleander                                           oleander                               n
 Osmanthus americanus                                      devilwood                              y
 Osmanthus ×fortunei                                       Fortune’s osmanthus                    n
 Osmanthus fragrans                                        sweet olive                            n
 Osmanthus heterophyllus                                   holly osmanthus                        n
 Philadelphus coronarius                                   sweet mock orange                      n
 Pittosporum tobira                                        pittosporum                            n
 Podocarpus macrophyllus                                   Chinese podocarpus                     n
 Pyracantha angustifolia ‘Yukon Belle’                     Yukon Belle firethorn                  n
 Pyracantha coccinea                                       scarlet firethorn                      n
 Pyracantha crenatoserrata                                 Chinese firethorn                      n
 Pyracantha koidzumii                                      Formosa firethorn                      n
 Rhaphiolepis indica                                       Indian hawthorn                        n
 Rhapidophyllum hystrix                                    needle palm                            n
 Rhododendron indicum                                      southern Indian azalea                 n
 Rhododendron obtusum                                      Kurume azalea                          n
 Sabal palmetto                                            palmetto palm                          y
 Serissa foetida ‘Kowloon’                                 Kowloon serissa                        n
 Sophora secundiflora                                      Texas mountain laurel                  n
 Trachycarpus fortunei                                     windmill palm                          n
 Viburnum awabuki                                          mirror leaf viburnum                   n
 Viburnum luzonicum                                        Luzon viburnum                         n
 Viburnum obovatum                                         Walter’s viburnum and ‘Densa’          y
 Viburnum odoratissimum                                    sweet viburnum                         n
 Viburnum ‘Pragense’                                       Prague viburnum                        n
 Viburnum ×rhytidophylloides                               lantanaphyllum viburnum                n
 Viburnum suspensum                                        Sandankwa viburnum                     n
 Viburnum tinus                                            laurustinus                            n
 Yucca aloifolia                                           Spanish bayonet                        n
 Yucca filamentosa                                         Adam’s needle                          y
 Yucca gloriosa                                            mound lily yucca                       y
 Yucca recurvifolia                                        soft leaf yucca                        y
     * Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced)

12 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Table 6. Vines and Ground Covers
                 Scientific name                           Common name                      Native*
  Bauhinia yunnanensis                                pink orchid vine                         n
  Bignonia capreolata                                 crossvine                                y
  Campsis radicans                                    trumpet creeper                          y
  Campsis ×tagliabuana                                hybrid trumpet creeper                   n
  Clitoria mariana                                    butterfly pea                            y
  Clitoria ternatea                                   blue pea vine                            n
  Euonymus fortunei ‘Coloratus’                       wintercreeper euonymus                   n
  Gelsemium sempervirens                              Carolina jessamine                       y
  Juniperus conferta                                  shore juniper                            n
  Juniperus davurica                                  Parson’s juniper                         n
  Juniperus horizontalis                              creeping juniper                         n
  Juniperus procumbens                                Japanese garden juniper                  n
  Lathyrus latifolius                                 everlasting pea                          n
  Liriope muscari                                     lilyturf                                 n
  Liriope spicata                                     spreading lilyturf                       n
  Lonicera ×heckrottii                                goldflame honeysuckle                    n
  Lonicera sempervirens                               coral honeysuckle                        y
  Ophiopogon japonicus                                mondograss                               n
  Parthenocissus quinquefolia                         Virginia creeper                         y
  Parthenocissus tricuspidata                         Boston ivy                               n
  Passiflora incarnata                                maypop                                   y
  Quisqualis indica                                   Rangoon creeper vine                     n
  Rosa banksiae                                       Lady Banks rose                          n
  Senecio confusus                                    Mexican flame vine                       n
  Smilax smallii                                      Jackson vine                             y
  Thunbergia alata                                    black-eyed Susan vine                    n
  Trachelospermum asiaticum                           Asiatic jasmine                          n
  Trachelospermum jasminoides                         confederate jasmine                      n
  Vinca major                                         greater periwinkle                       n
  Vinca minor                                         lesser periwinkle                        n
  Vitis rotundifolia                                  muscadine                                y
  Wisteria frutescens                                 American wisteria                        y
* Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced)

                                                                     Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 13
Table 7. Annuals or Biennials
 Scientific name                   Common name
 Angelonia angustifolia            summer snapdragon
 Arctotis ×hybrida                 blue-eyed African daisy
 Argemone grandiflora              showy pricklypoppy
 Argemone mexicana                 Mexican poppy
 Asclepias curassavica             bloodflower
 Begonia ×semperflorens cultorum   wax begonia (not in full sun)
 Berlandiera lyrata                chocolate daisy
 Calandrinia umbellata             rock purslane
 Carthamus tinctorius              safflower
 Castilleja indivisa               Indian paintbrush
 Catharanthus roseus               annual vinca
 Celosia argentea var.             plumed or crested
  plumosa or cristata              cock’s comb
 Celosia spicata                   wheat cock’s comb
 Convolvulus tricolor              dwarf morning glory
 Coreopsis tinctoria               calliopsis
 Cosmos bipinnatus                 tall cosmos
 Cosmos sulphureus                 sulphur cosmos
 Dianthus barbatus                 sweet william
 Dracopis amplexicaulis            clasping coneflower
 Eschscholzia californica          California poppy
 Euphorbia marginata               snow-on-the-mountain
 Eustoma grandiflorum              lisianthus, prairie gentian
 Gaillardia ×grandiflora           blanket flower
 Gazania rigens                    treasure flower
 Gomphrena globosa                 globe amaranth
 Helianthus annuus                 annual sunflower
 Helichrysum bracteatum            strawflower
 Leonotis nepetifolia              lion’s ear
 Limonium sinuatum                 annual statice
 Melampodium paludosum             medallion flower
 Mirabilis jalapa                  four o’clock flower
 Nolana paradoxa                   Chilean bellflower
 Perilla frutescens                shrubby perilla
 Portulaca grandiflora             moss rose
 Portulaca oleracea                purslane
 Ricinus communis                  castor bean (toxic)
 Sanvitalia procumbens             Mexican creeping zinnia
 Scaevola aemula                   fan flower
 Senecio cineraria                 dusty miller
 Verbascum bombyciferum            nettle-leaved mullein
 Zinnia angustifolia               narrowleaf zinnia
 Zinnia haageana                   Mexican zinnia
 Zinnia marylandica                ‘Profusion’ series zinnia

14 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Table 8. Herbaceous Perennials
Scientific name                  Common name
Achillea בCoronation Gold’      Coronation Gold yarrow
Achillea filipendulina           fernleaf yarrow
Achillea בMoonshine’            Moonshine yarrow
Agapanthus africanus             agapanthus
Alyssum montanum                 creeping basket-of-gold
Amsonia tabernaemontana          eastern bluestar
Armeria maritima                 common thrift
Artemisia spp.                   wormwood
Asclepias tuberosa               butterfly weed
Aspidistra elatior               cast-iron plant
Aster spp.                       fall asters (some)
Aurina saxatilis                 basket-of-gold
Baptisia alba                    white false indigo
Baptisia australis               false blue indigo
Baptisia carolina                false indigo
Baptisia tinctoria               wild indigo
Belamcanda chinensis             blackberry lily
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides      plumbago
Chrysopsis villosa               golden aster
Coreopsis auriculata ‘Nana’      mouse ear coreopsis
Coreopsis grandiflora            tickseed
Coreopsis lanceolata             lance coreopsis
Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora        montbretia
Cuphea llavea                    bat face cuphea
Delosperma ashtonii              Ashton’s ice plant
Delosperma cooperi               hardy ice plant
Delosperma nubigenum             orange-yellow hardy ice plant
Dianthus deltoides               maiden pink
Dianthus gratianopolitanus       cheddar pink
Dianthus plumarius               cottage pink
Echinacea angustifolia           prairie coneflower
Echinacea paradoxa               yellow coneflower
Echinacea purpurea               purple coneflower
Echinacea tennesseensis          Tennessee coneflower
Epimedium spp.                   epimedium
Erythrina herbacea               coralbean
Eupatorium havanense             white mist flower
Guara lindheimeri                guara
Heliopsis helianthoides          false sunflowers
Helleborus foetidus              bear’s foot hellebore
Helleborus orientalis            Lenten rose
Hemerocallis spp.                daylily
Iris cristata                    crested iris
Iris hybrids                     bearded irises
Iris pallida                     dalmatian iris
Iris sibirica                    Siberian iris
Kniphofia hirsuta                dwarf red hot poker
Kniphofia uvaria                 red hot poker
Lantana camara                   shrub verbena
Lantana montevidensis            trailing lantana
Liatris spicata                  spike blazing star
Linum spp.                       flax
Lychnis coronaria                rose campion
Oenothera fruiticosa             sundrop

                                                             Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 15
Oenothera macrocarpa                 Missouri evening primrose
 Opuntia compressa                    eastern pricklypear cactus
 Perovskia atriplicifolia             Russian sage
 Phlomis ‘Edward Bowles’              hybrid Jerusalem sage
 Phlomis fruticosa                    Jerusalem sage
 Phlomis russeliana                   Jerusalem sage
 Phlomis tuberosa                     tuberous Jerusalem sage
 Phlox subulata                       creeping phlox
 Pycnanthemum virginianum             mountain mint
 Rudbeckia fulgida                    black-eyed susan
 Rudbeckia laciniata                  cutleaf coneflower
 Rudbeckia maxima                     great coneflower
 Rudbeckia nitida                     shining coneflower
 Ruellia brittoniana                  Mexican petunia
 Salvia greggii                       Texas sage
 Salvia guaranitica                   blue anise sage
 Salvia leucantha                     Mexican sage
 Salvia microphylla                   baby sage
 Salvia reptans                       cobalt sage
 Salvia texana                        blue Texas sage
 Santolina chamaecyparissus           lavender cotton
 Santolina rosmarinifolia             green santolina
 Sedum spp.                           stonecrop
 Silene caroliniana                   wild pink
 Solidago hybrids                     ‘Cloth of Gold’, ‘Crown of Rays’ Goldenrod
 Solidago canadensis                  Canada goldenrod
 Solidago rugosa                      wrinkle-leaf goldenrod
 Spigelia marilandica                 Indian pink
 Stachys byzantina                    lamb’s ears
 Verbascum phoeniceum                 purple mullein
 Verbascum thapsus                    common mullein
 Verbena bonariensis                  purpletop vervain
 Verbena canadensis                   rose verbena
 Verbena rigida                       sandpaper verbena
 Verbena tenuisecta                   moss verbena
 Vernonia altissima                   tall ironweed
 Veronica prostrata                   prostrate speedwell
 Veronica repens                      creeping speedwell

16 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Table 9. Herbs
  Scientific name                      Common name                      *
  Agastache foeniculum                 anise hyssop                    p
  Allium schoenoprasum                 chives                          p
  Allium tuberosum                     garlic chives                   p
  Artemisia abrotanum                  southernwood                    p
  Borago officinalis                   borage                          a
  Calamintha nepeta                    calamint                        p
  Eucalyptus cinerae                   silver dollar tree              a/p
  Foeniculum vulgare                   fennel                          p
  Lavandula angustifolia               English lavender                p
  Laurus nobilis                       bay                             a/p
  Lavandula stoechas                   Spanish lavender                p
  Marrubium vulgare                    horehound                       p
  Matricaria recutita                  false camomile                  a
  Nepeta cataria                       catnip                          p
  Nepeta ×faassenii                    catmint                         p
  Nepeta racemosa                      Persian catmint                 p
  Origanum laevigatum                  ornamental oregano              p
  Origanum marjorana                   sweet marjoram                  a
  Origanum onites                      pot oregano                     p
  Origanum vulgare                     wild oregano                    p
  Rosemarinus officinalis              rosemary                        p
  Ruta graveolens                      rue                             p
  Saponaria officinalis                soapwort                        p
  Satureja montana                     winter savory                   p
  Tagetes lucida                       Mexican tarragon                p
  Tanacetum parthenium                 feverfew                        p
  Teucrium chamaedrys                  wall germander                  p
  Thymus camphoratus                   camphor Thyme                   p
  Thymus ×citriodorus                  lemon thyme                     p
  Thymus herba-barona                  caraway-scented thyme           p
  Thymus praecox ssp. arcticus         mother-of-thyme                 p
  Thymus pseudolanuginosus             wooly thyme                     p
  Thymus vulgaris                      garden thyme                    p
  Tulbaghia violacea                   society garlic                  p
* a = annual, p = perennial, or a/p = perennial treated as an annual depending on hardiness zone

                                                                       Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 17
Table 10. Ornamental Grasses
 Scientific name                  Common name                             Native*
 Andropogon gerardii              big bluestem                            y
 Andropogon ternarius             splitbeard bluestem                     y
 Andropogon virginicus            broom sedge                             y
 Bouteloua gracilis               blue gammagrass                         y
 Briza media                      quaking grass                           n
 Chasmanthium latifolium          upland sea oats                         y
 Cortaderia sellowiana            pampas grass                            n
 Eragrostis curvula               weeping love grass                      n
 Eragrostis elliottii             Elliott’s love grass                    y
 Eragrostis spectabilis           purple love grass                       y
 Hystrix patula                   bottlebrush grass                       y
 Leymus arenarius                 blue lyme grass                         n
 Miscanthus ‘Giganteus’           giant silvergrass                       n
 Miscanthus sinensis              Japanese silvergrass (sterile           n
                                  cultivars only)
 Muhlenbergia filipes             gulf muhly                              y
 Muhlenbergia lindheimeri         muhly grass                             y
 Muhlenbergia rigens              deer grass                              y
 Muhlenbergia capillaris          pink muhly grass                        y
 Nassella tenuissima              Mexican feather grass                   y
 Panicum virgatum                 switchgrass                             y
 Saccharum ravennae               Ravenna grass                           n
 Schizachyrium scoparium          little bluestem                         y
 Stipa gigantea                   giant feather grass                     n
* Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no

                            J. Raymond Kessler Jr., Extension Horticulturist, Professor, Horticulture,
                            Auburn University.
                            Acknowledgments. Auburn University: Glenn Fain, Charles Hesselein, Gary J. Keever,
                            Harry G. Ponder, Beth Clendenen, Dee Smith, Kerry Smith, Ken Tilt. The Alabama
                            Cooperative Extension System: Rick Beauchamp, Daniel Porch, Stan Roark, and Jim
                            Todd. The Mobile Botanical Gardens: Marion Drummond. The Huntsville Botanical
                            Gardens: Harvey Cotten
                            For more information, call your county Extension office. Look in your telephone direc-
                            tory under your county’s name to find the number.
                            Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, Acts of May 8 and
                            June 30, 1914, and other related acts, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Alabama
                            Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) offers educational programs,
                            materials, and equal opportunity employment to all people without regard to race, color, national origin,
                            religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability.
         ANR-1336                                                                                 Web Only, New Oct 2008, ANR-1336
                            © 2008 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

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Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama - Alabama A&M University

  • 1. A la b ama A & M a n d A u b u r n U n i v e r s itie s Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama ANR-1336 Introduction A well-designed and managed landscape can reduce the amount of water needed for home landscape irrigation. This conserva- tion of water becomes increasingly important as municipal governments impose broad watering bans in response to drought situations that create water shortages and strained water supplies. Overhead landscape irrigation is usually the target of these water conservation policies because it is viewed as noncritical consumption. Some plants perform well with only Thoughtfully planned, attractive occasional irrigation. landscapes are important because they provide environmental benefits and add value and beauty to homes. The environmental benefits include Planning for Efficient areas, or hydrozones. Walk around the reducing soil erosion and storm water Use of Water landscape and identify places where runoff, providing wildlife habitats, the soil stays moist longer and sepa- It is important to plan a design removing carbon dioxide and pollut- rate them from the areas fully exposed for the landscape. The types of plants ants from the atmosphere while to the sun where the soil tends to used and their location, the condition adding oxygen, and keeping homes dry quickly. of the soil, and other factors all affect cooler in the summer and protecting Low-water-use hydrozones how much water must be used to them from cold winds in the winter. should comprise as much of the maintain the landscape. Homeowners can ensure a landscape as possible when water Hydrozoning is locating plants sustainable landscape by planning conservation is desired. Generally, according to a landscape’s differing for water conservation, choosing low-water-use hydrozones are levels of shading, soil evaporation appropriate plants, improving the located away from the most traveled rates, and exposure to ambient soil, establishing plants properly, areas of the landscape, but this weather conditions. Early in the design mulching, fertilizing correctly, and is not a requirement. Moderate- process, divide the landscape into watering efficiently. water-use hydrozones should include low-, moderate-, and high-water-use established plants that only require www.aces.edu
  • 2. irrigation every 2 to 3 weeks in the Decide which plants should the soil dries. These polymers come absence of rainfall or when they be watered first, second, and third, in plastic containers and look like show visible signs of stress, such as considering plant value, replacement small white crystals; however, the wilted foliage and off-green color. costs, time to grow a comparable addition of high rates of limestone High-water-use hydrozones should plant, and which ones are significant or fertilizer retards uptake by be limited and should be strategi- to you. One essential feature of these polymers, though the correct cally located for high impact and a water-efficient landscape is the application rate and the longevity of easy access, such as areas around gardener’s judgment on when irriga- the polymer in the soil is debated. patios, decks, pools, or entryways. tion is needed as opposed to relying Considering this in addition to the As a starting point, 10 percent or on an automated timer. high cost of the polymers currently less of the total landscape should be makes recommending these zoned for high water use, 30 percent Soil Improvement materials difficult. or less for moderate water use, and 60 Preparing the soil thoroughly The best time of year to prepare percent or more for low water use. helps ensure good root growth; a previously undisturbed soil is in the Plants vary tremendously in plant with deep, extensive roots fall because it allows time during drought tolerance. Many native can withstand periods of drought the winter for incorporated organic plants, once established, often better than plants with shallow roots. matter to decompose and for slowly require little supplemental water or Research has shown that digging a available amendments such as lime- maintenance, but don’t assume that wide planting hole or tilling the soil stone to release. To begin, have a soil all native plants are drought tolerant deeply improves the structure of the test done and add the recommended or suitable for home landscapes. soil and results in rapid plant estab- slowly available amendments. Do When available, incorporate lishment and better root growth. not add recommended water-soluble native wooded areas into the land- Organic matter dramatically granular fertilizer until spring. scape and blend these areas with the improves most of the different kinds Soils, particularly clay soils, planted portions of the landscape. of soils in Alabama. If the soil is should be dry enough to till, but not Remove weedy or undesirable under- fine clay, choose a coarse-textured too dry. To determine if the soil is story plants to create more open organic matter such as aged pine dry enough, pick up a handful and areas. It may be necessary to remove bark to increase aeration in the soil. squeeze it. If the ball of soil falls some canopy trees to reduce compe- This product is available at garden apart when poked, the soil is dry tition and improve the health of centers in bags, usually labeled as enough. If it stays in a ball, the soil is remaining trees. Large canopy trees soil conditioner. If the soil is sandy, too wet for tilling. should be strategically placed to keep add fine-textured organic matter for When planting in a large area, the landscape cooler and reduce water-holding capacity. Compost, such as a bed or border, improve water loss while providing a comfort- humus, and top soil are fine-textured all of the soil at one time. To begin, able living environment. In planted products. Peat moss is another alter- mark off the area that will be tilled. areas, it may be tempting to position native that has a high water-holding Scoop up the existing vegetation to plants close together so they are capacity. It degrades slowly in the remove it. Applying a broad spec- more visually appealing when young, soil, but it is expensive. Peat moss trum postemergent herbicide 7 to but drastic pruning likely will be is available in bags or compressed 10 days before tilling will make this needed as plants approach maturity, bales; compressed bales usually are easier and kill aggressive perennial which increases water use and plant the best deal. Composted animal weeds. Apply 4 to 6 inches of organic stress. Learn the expected mature manure is also available in bags. matter, broadcast soil amendments size of the plants to be included and Animal manure decomposes rapidly evenly over the area, and incorporate provide them with sufficient space. in soil, but it does provide plants them uniformly to a 12-inch depth. Windbreaks help keep the plants with nutrients and is inexpensive. Start at one end with the tiller and and soil from drying. Use trees, Water-absorbing hydrophilic go across the soil, one row at a time, informal hedges, shrubs, or tall orna- polymers are designed to be mixed while removing rocks and other mental grasses as natural windbreaks. with soil and act as artificial reser- debris. If the tiller cannot penetrate voirs that release water to plants as deeply into the soil, use a shovel to 2 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • 3. turn the soil over. The goal is to turn Bare root plants should be evaporation by up to 70 percent the soil over a shovel length deep, planted in early spring after the when compared to bare soil. In addi- not to break up the clumps; the tiller coldest weather is over, but before tion to water retention, mulches have will do that. Next, till the soil in the new growth starts. Whether benefits that create an improved soil direction perpendicular to the first purchased from a local nursery or environment for root growth that, in direction and go across the soil as by mail order, it is best to establish turn, improves a plant’s drought toler- before. When the tilling is done, rake the plant in the landscape as soon ance. These benefits include retarding the soil smooth and apply a generous as possible. To start, remove the germination of aggressive weed seeds layer of mulch. packing material and soak the roots that compete with ornamental plants in tap water for 4 to 6 hours. Make for water, keeping the soil cooler Planting a mound of soil in the middle of the in summer and warmer in winter, If you’re not planting in a large hole and spread the plant’s roots out preventing soil erosion and compac- area all at once, but simply adding evenly over the mound. Do not set tion, improving soil structure and plants to an existing border or in turf, the plant too deep. fertility, encouraging microorganism plant trees and shrubs in individual The soil removed from the hole and earthworm proliferation, and holes. Dig the hole two to three times is used to backfill around the root giving an attractive, neat appearance wider than the root ball or container ball. No amendments to the backfill to the landscape. Mulches do absorb and about as deep as the height of are recommended when planting water from overhead irrigation so, the root ball. Roughen the sides and trees and shrubs in individual holes. when you water, make sure the water bottom of the hole with a pick or When backfill soil is enriched with penetrates through the mulch and shovel so that roots can penetrate amendments, the roots of plants reaches the soil. the soil. Water the plant well; it can tend not to grow beyond the isolated Probably the most widely used be difficult to rewet a dry root ball environment of the planting hole into mulch for home landscaping in once it is in the ground. To remove native soils. This leads to weak and Alabama is pine straw and pine the plant from the container, lay the unstable roots. When filling in with bark. These materials are available plant on its side with the container soil around the roots, lightly tamp at garden centers and mass market end near the hole. Hit the bottom the soil to collapse air pockets or add stores in convenient-to-handle units. and sides of the container until the water to help settle the soil. However, obtaining large quantities root ball loosens. If roots are growing Remember, the goal is to provide may necessitate paying a delivery in a circular pattern around the root plants with a moist, well-drained, and charge or hiring a trucking company. ball, loosen them by hand or slice well-aerated soil environment so they An advantage of pine straw is it looks through the roots with a knife. This will develop an extensive root system good in the landscape, but it decom- may appear harmful to the plant, but capable of withstanding periods of poses fairly quickly and may need it actually encourages new growth drought. re-application annually. Generally, while allowing water to move more one bale of pine straw covers 50 freely into the root ball. For root balls Mulch square feet when applied to a 5-inch wrapped in burlap, remove the string depth; however, pine straw bales are Often, lessons in sustainable or wire holding the burlap to the root not always a consistent size in the landscape practices can be taken crown. On large trees, it may not be marketplace. Fine-textured mulches, from what occurs in nature. Many practical to remove all the burlap, such as pine straw, retain more mois- forests in Alabama have the same but pull away the top one-third. ture than coarse mulches. On sloping dominant feature: an abundance of Remove plastic wrapping completely sites, pine straw stays in place better accumulated forest-floor litter that from root balls. Place the root ball than most other mulches and helps conserves soil moisture and recycles in the hole with the top of the root control erosion. nutrients back to the plants. Applying ball (where the roots end and the a 3- to 5-inch layer of an organic Pine bark should be purchased in trunk begins) ½ to 1 inch above the mulch to all nonturf, planted areas a coarse mulch grade. Fine grade pine surrounding soil. Lay a board across in the landscape helps the soil retain bark does not suppress weeds very the planting hole to check the depth water and can reduce losses from well and can float away during heavy of the plant. rain. Pine bark looks good in the Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 3
  • 4. landscape and does not decompose as cover the entire surface with mulch, excess runoff and shallow penetration rapidly as pine straw, but costs more. except within 8 to 10 inches of the into the soil. Hand watering is an One cubic yard (fourteen 2-cubic-foot trunk of trees or shrubs. In the case of efficient way to water when using a bags) of bark mulch covers 100 square trees or shrubs located in turf, mulch hose-end water breaker or a spray feet to a 3-inch depth. under the entire canopy of the tree nozzle to deliver water slowly. Shredded hardwood products are extending well beyond the drip line Efficient irrigation should deliver also good mulches because they mat if possible, but do not pile mulch water no faster than the rate the soil together and are less likely to float against the trunk or mulch within a can absorb it. Soil types and textures away than chips. Occasionally, wood few inches of the trunk. This space play an important role in how much chips are available as a by-product of will allow for air circulation around water soil can hold and how quickly lumber operations. Grain straw is the the base of the plant and help avoid soil can be irrigated. For example, stem of grain crops, typically wheat, disease or insect problems. one inch of water applied to the gathered and bailed after the grain is surface of sandy soil may penetrate harvested; it has many of the same Efficient Watering 10 inches deep, but only penetrates properties as pine straw. Be careful Numerous public awareness 6 inches deep in a silt loam soil, or about purchasing bails of hay to use as surveys have found that homeowners only 4 inches deep in clay loam soil. mulch. Hay often contains grass and are unaware of the water needs of Irrigating the entire root zone of plants weed seed that could create a weed landscape plants and often overwater growing in heavy soil takes longer problem in the landscape. Landscape them. In addition, overhead sprinkler than for plants growing in lighter fabrics can also be used under mulch irrigation systems installed in home soil. Sandy loams may absorb 0.5 to to conserve moisture, discourage landscapes frequently have automated 3 inches of water per hour while clay weeds, and enhance erosion control. controllers that require little involve- loams may absorb only 0.1 to 0.5 Be aware that all organic mulches ment on the part of the homeowner inches of water in the same amount decompose, shrink in volume, and and encourage a set-it-and-forget-it of time. Table 1 has the time required need replenishing regularly. approach. This wastes water, costs for irrigation water to infiltrate up to Obtaining sufficient quantities of money, and may lead to surface water 6 inches deep in sandy loam or clay mulch can actually be an exercise in or groundwater contamination by loam soil. Moderately moist, clay loam recycling if you are willing to do a fertilizers or pesticides. soil requires twice as long to water as little networking and have access to The goal of water-efficient sandy loam soil, but, when the clay a pickup truck for hauling. Instead landscapes should be to deliver an loam is severely dry, it may require of raking up autumn leaves and adequate amount of water to the root 3 to 4 times as long. The important disposing of them, use the leaves zone of plants just before they experi- point is, before you water, dig down to mulch nonturf, planted beds and ence water stress. When irrigation is and determine if the soil is dry and to around trees in the turf. If leaves used, water should be applied effi- what extent. Don’t gauge water needs are still left over, consider starting a ciently and effectively to make every on soil surface appearance, then composting program. drop count. At one extreme, gardeners check the progress of irrigation peri- Find organic leftovers from the often apply too little water frequently, odically to determine when sufficient agricultural community to use as causing shallow root growth leading water has been applied. mulch. These leftovers, such as peanut to more rapid plant stress under hulls, pecan hulls, or even animal drought or hot conditions. At the Plant Establishment bedding, are usually available at no or other extreme, gardeners often deliver No matter how drought tolerant low cost. water too rapidly or run irrigation for a plant is reported to be, it will not Apply at least 3 inches of nonset- too long resulting in water runoff and, be unless a sufficient root system tling material, such as pine bark, or depending on the soil type, water- develops. For this reason, plants 6 inches of material that settles after logged soil conditions. Also, be careful transplanted from containers require a rain, such as pine or grain straw. when hand watering because water is a period of careful establishment In the case of a bed or border where often delivered too quickly for the soil watering; after all, their roots only all the soil is prepared at one time, to absorb resulting in wasted water as extend to the limits of the container, 4 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • 5. and they are growing in a mix helps prevent moisture loss. Check need establishment care for the different from the soil in which they the moisture in both soil types entire first growing season. However, are planted. Because of this interface at least once a week during the there are exceptions. For example, between soil types, water does not establishment period to see if water camellias, mountain laurel, and many move readily between the different is required. When the soil is dry, native azaleas are drought tolerant media. Therefore, it is important to watering slowly and deeply encour- once established, but because their apply water to both the container ages a more extensive root system roots grow slowly, they need 2 years mix and the surrounding soil during than frequent shallow watering. of establishment care to achieve the establishment period. Roots grow Fall planted trees, shrubs, vines, drought tolerance. For this reason, in soil only where there is moisture, ground covers, and herbaceous peren- camellias, mountain laurel, and and unless both media are moist, nials have demonstrated increased native azaleas are not listed in the the roots may never grow out of the ability to survive moderately low tables, but include Camellia japonica original container mix. Container moisture levels the following ( Japanese camellia), Camellia mixes also dry much faster than growing season when compared to sasanqua (Sasanqua camellia), the surrounding soil. Both media those transplanted in the spring or Kalmia latifolia (mountain laurel), should be adequately moistened to summer. Cool fall temperatures are Rhododendron alabamanse (Alabama prevent newly installed plants from less stressful to plants than the heat azalea), Rhododendron austrinum being injured or dying of drought, of late spring and summer because (Florida flame azalea), Rhododendron but be careful not to overwater; do the foliage loses less water. Plants canescens (Piedmont azalea), not water if both soils are moist. established during fall require less Rhododendron flammeum (Oconee Many gardeners want to water by frequent irrigation and are less likely azalea), Rhododendron pericly- a calendar that more often fits their to suffer heat-related stress than menoides (Pinxterbloom azalea), schedule rather than the needs of those planted in spring and summer. Rhododendron prunifolium (plumleaf the plants. By checking soil moisture As winter approaches, aboveground azalea), and Rhododendron vaseyi frequently, you can become in-tune portions of the plant stop growing (pinkshell azalea) for those willing with the rate of soil drying and more and go dormant soon after planting to make the effort of establishment. accurately predict when a plant resulting in less demand on the roots After the establishment period, needs water. for water. Roots, on the other hand, gradually reduce watering frequency For plants installed in individual do not go dormant and continue to during dry spells to acclimate plants planting holes, construct a berm 4 to grow all winter long. So when spring to drought conditions. 6 inches high around the perimeter arrives, a healthy, well-developed Established trees and large shrubs of the planting hole to help funnel root system is in place to help the generally have deeper, more extensive water to the roots, then fill the plant adapt better to summer stress. roots than other landscape plants berm with water several times to Trees and shrubs generally and can extract soil moisture even completely saturate the soil and require 9 to 10 weeks of establish- when the soil surface appears dry. establish good contact at the interface ment care when planted in the The majority of tree and shrub feeder between the container mix and soil. late fall or early winter, but those roots (those that take up water and Mulching newly established plants planted in the spring or summer nutrients from the soil) are in the top Table 1. Time Required for Irrigation Water to Infiltrate Up to 6 Inches Deep in Sandy Loam or Clay Loam Soil Inches (soil depth) Sandy loam (hours) Clay loam (hours) 1 2 4 2 4 8 3 6 10 4 8 12 5 10 14 6 12 16 Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 5
  • 6. 10 to 12 inches of soil and extend as tolerate constantly wet soils well. Porous best advice is to keep the system as much as one and a half to two times wall hose or drip irrigation systems can simple as possible and try to wet only the canopy diameter. To be most provide adequate water more efficiently those areas where water can be taken effective, apply water in this area and than sprinkler systems can. up by the roots of desired plants. to this depth. However, trees partly When planning drip irrigation or completely enclosed by large areas Drip Irrigation for watering trees and large shrubs, of surface concrete or asphalt have Using irrigation water efficiently consider using microsprinkler more limited access to soil moisture requires proper selection of irrigation emitters that wet the soil over a and should be watched closely for methods for the plants and for each larger area and provide more even signs of water stress. Very large, old hydrozone of the landscape. Drought- watering. Simple drip emitters restrict trees are often more prone to loss tolerant plants should get no more the soil wetting pattern and are due to drought because of age and water than they need to look good, primarily suitable for small trees and accumulated stresses, but the impact and water should be prevented from shrubs in borders. It is generally best of a drought may not be evident until splashing onto concrete walkways or to design a system with a few more the next growing season. Be more other areas where it is not needed. emitters than you think necessary watchful for the watering needs of Drip irrigation systems allow slow to allow insertion wherever water is older trees. water penetration into the root zone needed. The appropriate number of Trees and large shrubs isolated with minimum evaporation or surface emitters per plant and flow rate per in turf should be watered inside and wetting. Often, 30 to 50 percent less emitter depends on the size and type just outside the drip line and may water may be used with these systems of plant. Generally, the larger the require water only during periods of when compared to sprinkler irrigation. plant, the more water it requires and, limited rainfall or when they show Drip systems may be as simple as thus, more emitters are required. signs of stress. A temporary system, porous wall hoses that can be moved Drip irrigation systems are usually such as a soaker hose, may be all around the landscape or left in place installed on top of the ground and that is required for these plants. hidden under mulch for small applica- concealed beneath mulch. This Individual lengths of soaker hose can tions or more extensive systems can makes the system easy to install and be purchased with brass fittings that be installed using perforated flat protects the plastic components from easily attach to any hose or hose bib. tubing or emitters for larger areas. A ultraviolet light degradation when In foundations or borders, however, it variety of kits and parts to construct exposed to sunlight. However, the is more convenient to water the entire a system are readily available for the distribution pipes can also be buried area, therefore, an irrigation system is do-it-yourself gardener or a system 4 to 6 inches beneath the soil surface more efficient. can be installed by a landscape irriga- with the microtubes protruding above Bedding plants, herbaceous peren- tion company. the surface. Extend the microtubes at nials, and ground covers are usually Drip irrigation applies water least 6 inches above ground to allow small when planted and have small root from flexible ⅜- to ¾-inch-diameter easy inspection and to prevent dirt systems to start with. These plants need polyethylene distribution pipes to from back-siphoning into the emitters 3 to 4 weeks of establishment watering emitters at the ends of microtubes (⅛ and clogging the system. As a starting and may have to be watered more to ¼ inch), flat perforated tubing, or point, an emitter system may need to often than trees and shrubs to ensure round porous wall hose (soaker hose). be run about three times per week an adequate water supply. Check the Several types of drip irrigation systems for 4 hours each time during very dry soil with a trowel or spade to the depth can be adapted to suit a variety of weather to meet the water needs of of the expected root zone. Moisten the applications, from watering individual the plants. Keep in mind that some entire root zone just before the plants trees and shrubs to beds of annuals, species require more water than show signs of water stress. If the plants herbaceous perennials, ground covers, others. Consider this when planning are allowed to wilt severely a few times, or mixed borders. Because so many emitter installation. growth can be stunted and flower different types of drip irrigation For watering annuals, perennials, production reduced. Be careful not to components are available, choosing and ground covers, it is usually overwater because most bedding plants the best system for a particular appli- necessary to irrigate a solid area. This and herbaceous perennials do not cation requires some planning. The 6 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • 7. can be accomplished by spacing emit- perform well when fertilized every • Remove weeds promptly because ters 12 to 18 inches apart to achieve other year. The exceptions are annual they compete for valuable water. a uniform wetting pattern or using flowers and many roses that require • Avoid summer pruning except perforated tubing or porous wall pipe annual fertilization to grow and to remove dead, diseased, or at the same spacing. In sandy soils, flower well. damaged wood because it the lines need to be closer together Fertilizers with a high nitrogen encourages new vegetative than in fine-textured clay soils. In percentage (first number in a fertilizer growth and inhibits root growth. bedding plant beds, the drip lines can analysis) relative to phosphorus and • Prune plants when they wilt be laid aside for soil preparation and potassium percentages (second and during severe drought stress to replaced afterward. Cover perforated third numbers in a fertilizer analysis) save them. Remove about one- tubing or porous pipe under mulch to tend to stimulate excessive vegetative third of the canopy to reduce the prevent ultraviolet light degradation growth. When shoot growth increases, leaves’ demand for moisture. from exposure to sunlight. root growth decreases, so the roots • Maintain the irrigation system to An alternative method of watering are less efficient at extracting moisture prevent leaks that waste water. uses small sprinkler heads called from the soil. Therefore, look for a • Be conscious of the changing microsprinklers, instead of emitters. All fertilizer with a nitrogen percentage water needs of plants through other components are identical to drip equal to or slightly less than the phos- the season, and change irrigation irrigation, including the polyethylene phorus and potassium percentages practices accordingly. distribution pipes. Microsprinklers and then apply it at a low rate. The • Capture rainwater or recycle water cover an area 3 to 12 feet wide and rate information should be printed on when possible. Rain catchment are used for trees and shrubs or beds the fertilizer container. Just choose the systems are available. requiring complete coverage. Do not low end of the prescribed rate range. combine microsprinklers with drip If the rate is not provided, a low rate • Adjust irrigation practices emitters in the same irrigation zone. would be 1 pound of actual nitrogen according to sun exposure. Microsprinklers are not as efficient per 1,000 square feet. To calculate the North and east exposures need as drip emitters because some water application rate, divide the nitrogen less water than south or west evaporation occurs, but they do percentage (the first number) in the exposures. provide an economical method of analysis into 100. The application rate • Avoid large areas of light-colored achieving uniform watering. using a 12-12-12 garden fertilizer is gravel because it reflects heat calculated as follows: 100 ÷ 12 = 8.3 and can create a microclimate Fertilization pounds per 1,000 square feet. resulting in greater water loss The best time to fertilize plants in from surrounding plants. One goal in a water-efficient landscape is to manage vegetative the landscape is late winter just before • Consider converting low-traffic turf growth so that plants make reason- spring growth begins. Fall fertilization areas to more drought-tolerant able progress toward maturity, but is not recommended because it may ground covers. Turfgrasses grow very little at maturity. At matu- decrease winter hardiness and high generally require more frequent rity, plants should be fertilizered only rainfall during typical Alabama winters watering and maintenance than enough to maintain plant health. The wash fertilizer out of the root zone. most other landscape plants. main concern is to avoid overfertil- Lastly, do not fertilize plants during • Terrace steep slopes to reduce izing because it encourages rapid, a drought period because fertilizers runoff erosion and slow water soft growth that is more susceptible are composed of nutritive salts that movement so the soil can absorb it. to drought. Most established, healthy can dehydrate and burn roots in the • Avoid using narrow strips of turf, trees and shrubs only need fertilizer absence of adequate water. hard-to-maintain corners, and once every 2 to 3 years while most isolated islands of grass that established herbaceous perennials Additional Tips need special attention. • Water before the soil dries out on clay soils. Once dry, clay soils are extremely difficult to rewet. Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 7
  • 8. Drought Tolerance therefore, some decrease in growth Plants selected for inclusion in Plants and flowering can be expected during in the tables are the consensus periods of limited moisture. Severe of horticultural professionals in Drought tolerance is a difficult drought can increase insect or disease the Department of Horticulture plant characteristic to define because it incidence, decrease leaf size and at Auburn University, curators depends not only on a plant’s inherent number, and cause an overall decline of the Huntsville and Mobile ability to conserve water internally in growth rate and plant vigor. High Botanical Gardens, and selected during times of shortage, but also on temperatures and wind, heat and light agents in the Alabama Cooperative how well the plant has established a reflection from nearby hard surfaces, Extension System from different root system and how well the plant can or high fertilization can increase the regions of the state. The majority adapt to environmental stresses other potentially damaging effects of low of the plants in the tables are than water availability, such as adverse moisture on plant growth and survival. hardy over a wide portion of soil conditions, high temperature, high Regional differences in drought toler- Alabama; however, plants are light intensity, variable wind speed, and ance in a plant are particularly evident included that may only be hardy relative humidity. Drought tolerance because of varying adaptability to the in the northern or southern one- does not mean the plants prefer hot, largely north to south environmental quarter to one-half of the state. dry weather or that they will not be gradient in Alabama. Plants listed in When making plant selections, adversely affected by extended dry Tables 2 to 10 perform well in the you should consider adaptability weather without some supplemental landscape with occasional irrigation to your area of the state. Many of irrigation. Many plants are drought (every 2 to 3 weeks during drought) or the species are also represented in tolerant because they can shut down irrigation only during severe drought, the trade by numerous cultivars, growth during extended drought, but not regular irrigation. which may vary in drought toler- ance. These lists should not be construed as complete. 8 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • 9. Table 2. Large Canopy Trees Scientific name Common name Native* Deciduous Acer barbatum Florida maple y Acer ×freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’ n Acer leucoderme chalk maple y Carya glabra pignut hickory y Carya illinoinensis pecan y Castanea mollissima Chinese chestnut y Catalpa bignonioides catalpa y Celtis laevigata sugar hackberry y Celtis occidentalis common hackberry y Diospyros virginiana common persimmon y Ginkgo biloba ginkgo n Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust y Juglans nigra black walnut y Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree y Maclura pomifera Osage orange y Nyssa sylvatica black gum y Pistacia chinensis Chinese pistache n Quercus acutissima sawtooth oak n Quercus alba white oak y Quercus geminata sand oak y Quercus lyrata overcup oak y Quercus macrocarpa bur oak y Quercus marilandica blackjack oak y Quercus muehlenbergii chinkapin oak y Quercus nuttallii Nuttall oak y Quercus prinus chestnut oak y Quercus stellata post oak y Quercus velutina black oak y Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii soapberry n Styphnolobium japonicum Japanese pagodatree n Taxodium ascendens bald cypress y Ulmus parvifolia Chinese elm n Zelkova serrata Japanese zelkova n Evergreen Calocedrus decurrens incense cedar n Cedrus deodara Deodar cedar y Cupressus arizonica Arizona cypress n Cupressus sempervirens Italian cypress n Juniperus virginiana eastern red cedar y Magnolia grandiflora southern magnolia y Pinus clausa sand pine y Pinus elliottii slash pine y Pinus glabra spruce pine y Pinus palustris longleaf pine y Pinus strobus eastern white pine y Pinus taeda loblolly pine y Pinus virginiana Virginia pine y Quercus glauca blue Japanese oak n Quercus hemisphaerica Darlington Oak y Quercus laurifolia laurel oak y Quercus virginiana live oak y Thuja orientalis Oriental arborvitae n * Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced) Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 9
  • 10. Table 3. Noncanopy Trees Scientific name Common name Native* Deciduous Acer buergerianum trident maple n Acer truncatum Shantung maple n Amelanchier spp. and cultivars juneberry y Asimina triloba pawpaw y Cercis canadensis eastern redbud y Chilopsis linearis desert willow y Clethra pringlei Mexican sweetspire n Cotinus coggygria common smoketree n Cotinus obovatus American smoketree y Crataegus crus-galli cockspur hawthorn y Crataegus marshallii parsley hawthorn y Crataegus mollis downy hawthorn y Cydonia oblonga fruiting quince n Erythrina ×bidwillii hybrid fireman’s cap n Ilex verticillata winterberry y Koelreuteria paniculata goldenraintree n Lagerstroemia fauriei Japanese crapemyrtle n Lagerstroemia indica crapemyrtle n Magnolia ×soulangeana saucer magnolia n Nyssa sylvatica black gum n Oxydendrum arboreum sourwood y Prunus americana American plum y Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw plum y Prunus ‘Okame’ Okame cherry n Prunus subhirtella higan cherry n Rhamnus caroliniana Carolina buckthorn y Rhus typhina staghorn sumac y Tamarix gallica French tamarisk n Vitex agnus-castus lilac chastetree n Ziziphus jujuba jujube n Evergreen Caesalpinia spp. Bird-of-paradise trees n Cupressus arizonica ‘Carolina Sapphire’ Arizona cypress n Eriobotrya japonica loquat n Ilex ×attenuata ‘Savannah’, ‘Foster’ holly n Ilex ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ Nellie R. Stevens holly n Ilex opaca American holly y Ilex vomitoria yaupon y Lithocarpus henryi Henry tanbark oak n Loropetalum chinense Chinese fringetree n Myrica cerifera southern wax myrtle y Prunus caroliniana Carolina cherry laurel y * Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced) 10 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • 11. Table 4. Deciduous Shrubs Scientific name Common name Native* Aesculus parviflora bottlebrush buckeye y Aesculus pavia red buckeye y Anisicanthus wrightii var. aurea desert honeysuckle n Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry y Asimina parviflora smallflower pawpaw y Berberis ×mentorensis Mentor barberry n Berberis thunbergii Japanese barberry n Callicarpa americana American beautyberry y Callicarpa japonica Japanese beautyberry n Calycanthus floridus sweetshrub y Caryopteris ×clandonensis bluebeard n Castanea pumila Allegheny chinkapin y Chaenomeles speciosa flowering quince n Deutzia gracilis slender deutzia n Deutzia scabra fuzzy deutzia n Diervilla rivularis Georgia bush honeysuckle y Diervilla sessilifolia southern bush honeysuckle y Exochorda racemosa common pearlbush n Ficus carica fig n Forsythia ×intermedia border forsythia n Fothergilla gardenii dwarf fothergilla y Hamamelis vernalis vernal witchhazel n Hamelia patens hummingbird bush n Hibiscus syriacus shrub althea n Hydrangea quercifolia oakleaf hydrangea y Ilex decidua possumhaw y Jasminum floridum Florida jasmine n Jasminum mesnyi primrose jasmine n Jasminum nudiflorum winter jasmine n Kerria japonica Japanese kerria n Lespedeza thunbergii Thunberg’s lespedeza n Leucothoe racemosa sweetbells leucothoe y Lonicera fragrantissima winter honeysuckle n Magnolia stellata star magnolia n Philadelphus coronarius sweet mock orange n Physocarpus opulifolius ninebark n Poncirus trifoliata hardy orange n Punica granatum pomegranate n Rhus glabra smooth sumac y Rosa ‘Knockout’ Knockout rose n Rosa ‘Nearly Wild’ Nearly Wild rose n Russelia equisetiformis Coral Fountain Plant n Spirea ×arguta garland spirea n Spiraea ×bumalda Anthony Waterer spirea n Spiraea cantoniensis Reeves spirea n Spiraea prunifolia bridalwreath spirea n Spiraea thunbergii Thunberg’s spirea n Spiraea ×vanhouttei Vanhoutte spirea n Symphoricarpos orbiculatus coralberry y Ungnadia speciosa Mexican buckeye n Vaccinium arboreum sparkleberry y Vaccinium ashei rabbiteye blueberry y Vaccinium elliottii Elliott’s blueberry y Viburnum ×burkwoodii Burkwood viburnum n Viburnum dentatum arrowwood y Viburnum prunifolium blackhaw viburnum y Viburnum rufidulum rusty blackhaw viburnum y * Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced) Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 11
  • 12. Table 5. Evergreen Shrubs Scientific name Common name Native* Abelia chinensis Chinese abelia n Abelia ×grandiflora glossy abelia n Acca (Feijoa) sellowiana pineapple guava n Agarista populifolia Florida leucothoe y Aloysia virgata almond verbena y Berberis julianae wintergreen barberry n Berberis ×mentorensis Mentor barberry n Buxus microphylla var. japonica Japanese boxwood n Buxus microphylla var. koreana Korean boxwood n Buxus sempervirens common boxwood n Cassia corymbosa Argentine senna n Cassia splendida fall-blooming senna n Cephalotaxus harringtonia Japanese plum yew n Cotoneaster dammeri bearberry cotoneaster n Cotoneaster horizontalis rockspray cotoneaster n Cotoneaster lacteus brightbead cotoneaster n Cotoneaster microphyllus littleleaf cotoneaster n Cytisus scoparius Scotch broom n Ilex ×aquipernyi brilliant holly n Ilex ×attenuata many cultivars n Ilex cornuta cvs. Chinese Holly n Ilex crenata ‘Compacta’ and ‘Convexa’ only n Ilex glabra inkberry holly y Ilex ×hybrids many cultivars n Ilex latifolia lusterleaf holly n Ilex opaca American holly y Ilex vomitoria Yaupon holly y Illicium parviflorum small anise-tree n Juniperus spp. many juniper species and cultivars n Lonicera fragrantissima winter honeysuckle n Michelia figo banana shrub n Nandina domestica nandina n Nerium oleander oleander n Osmanthus americanus devilwood y Osmanthus ×fortunei Fortune’s osmanthus n Osmanthus fragrans sweet olive n Osmanthus heterophyllus holly osmanthus n Philadelphus coronarius sweet mock orange n Pittosporum tobira pittosporum n Podocarpus macrophyllus Chinese podocarpus n Pyracantha angustifolia ‘Yukon Belle’ Yukon Belle firethorn n Pyracantha coccinea scarlet firethorn n Pyracantha crenatoserrata Chinese firethorn n Pyracantha koidzumii Formosa firethorn n Rhaphiolepis indica Indian hawthorn n Rhapidophyllum hystrix needle palm n Rhododendron indicum southern Indian azalea n Rhododendron obtusum Kurume azalea n Sabal palmetto palmetto palm y Serissa foetida ‘Kowloon’ Kowloon serissa n Sophora secundiflora Texas mountain laurel n Trachycarpus fortunei windmill palm n Viburnum awabuki mirror leaf viburnum n Viburnum luzonicum Luzon viburnum n Viburnum obovatum Walter’s viburnum and ‘Densa’ y Viburnum odoratissimum sweet viburnum n Viburnum ‘Pragense’ Prague viburnum n Viburnum ×rhytidophylloides lantanaphyllum viburnum n Viburnum suspensum Sandankwa viburnum n Viburnum tinus laurustinus n Yucca aloifolia Spanish bayonet n Yucca filamentosa Adam’s needle y Yucca gloriosa mound lily yucca y Yucca recurvifolia soft leaf yucca y * Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced) 12 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • 13. Table 6. Vines and Ground Covers Scientific name Common name Native* Bauhinia yunnanensis pink orchid vine n Bignonia capreolata crossvine y Campsis radicans trumpet creeper y Campsis ×tagliabuana hybrid trumpet creeper n Clitoria mariana butterfly pea y Clitoria ternatea blue pea vine n Euonymus fortunei ‘Coloratus’ wintercreeper euonymus n Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina jessamine y Juniperus conferta shore juniper n Juniperus davurica Parson’s juniper n Juniperus horizontalis creeping juniper n Juniperus procumbens Japanese garden juniper n Lathyrus latifolius everlasting pea n Liriope muscari lilyturf n Liriope spicata spreading lilyturf n Lonicera ×heckrottii goldflame honeysuckle n Lonicera sempervirens coral honeysuckle y Ophiopogon japonicus mondograss n Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper y Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston ivy n Passiflora incarnata maypop y Quisqualis indica Rangoon creeper vine n Rosa banksiae Lady Banks rose n Senecio confusus Mexican flame vine n Smilax smallii Jackson vine y Thunbergia alata black-eyed Susan vine n Trachelospermum asiaticum Asiatic jasmine n Trachelospermum jasminoides confederate jasmine n Vinca major greater periwinkle n Vinca minor lesser periwinkle n Vitis rotundifolia muscadine y Wisteria frutescens American wisteria y * Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no (introduced) Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 13
  • 14. Table 7. Annuals or Biennials Scientific name Common name Angelonia angustifolia summer snapdragon Arctotis ×hybrida blue-eyed African daisy Argemone grandiflora showy pricklypoppy Argemone mexicana Mexican poppy Asclepias curassavica bloodflower Begonia ×semperflorens cultorum wax begonia (not in full sun) Berlandiera lyrata chocolate daisy Calandrinia umbellata rock purslane Carthamus tinctorius safflower Castilleja indivisa Indian paintbrush Catharanthus roseus annual vinca Celosia argentea var. plumed or crested plumosa or cristata cock’s comb Celosia spicata wheat cock’s comb Convolvulus tricolor dwarf morning glory Coreopsis tinctoria calliopsis Cosmos bipinnatus tall cosmos Cosmos sulphureus sulphur cosmos Dianthus barbatus sweet william Dracopis amplexicaulis clasping coneflower Eschscholzia californica California poppy Euphorbia marginata snow-on-the-mountain Eustoma grandiflorum lisianthus, prairie gentian Gaillardia ×grandiflora blanket flower Gazania rigens treasure flower Gomphrena globosa globe amaranth Helianthus annuus annual sunflower Helichrysum bracteatum strawflower Leonotis nepetifolia lion’s ear Limonium sinuatum annual statice Melampodium paludosum medallion flower Mirabilis jalapa four o’clock flower Nolana paradoxa Chilean bellflower Perilla frutescens shrubby perilla Portulaca grandiflora moss rose Portulaca oleracea purslane Ricinus communis castor bean (toxic) Sanvitalia procumbens Mexican creeping zinnia Scaevola aemula fan flower Senecio cineraria dusty miller Verbascum bombyciferum nettle-leaved mullein Zinnia angustifolia narrowleaf zinnia Zinnia haageana Mexican zinnia Zinnia marylandica ‘Profusion’ series zinnia 14 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • 15. Table 8. Herbaceous Perennials Scientific name Common name Achillea בCoronation Gold’ Coronation Gold yarrow Achillea filipendulina fernleaf yarrow Achillea בMoonshine’ Moonshine yarrow Agapanthus africanus agapanthus Alyssum montanum creeping basket-of-gold Amsonia tabernaemontana eastern bluestar Armeria maritima common thrift Artemisia spp. wormwood Asclepias tuberosa butterfly weed Aspidistra elatior cast-iron plant Aster spp. fall asters (some) Aurina saxatilis basket-of-gold Baptisia alba white false indigo Baptisia australis false blue indigo Baptisia carolina false indigo Baptisia tinctoria wild indigo Belamcanda chinensis blackberry lily Ceratostigma plumbaginoides plumbago Chrysopsis villosa golden aster Coreopsis auriculata ‘Nana’ mouse ear coreopsis Coreopsis grandiflora tickseed Coreopsis lanceolata lance coreopsis Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora montbretia Cuphea llavea bat face cuphea Delosperma ashtonii Ashton’s ice plant Delosperma cooperi hardy ice plant Delosperma nubigenum orange-yellow hardy ice plant Dianthus deltoides maiden pink Dianthus gratianopolitanus cheddar pink Dianthus plumarius cottage pink Echinacea angustifolia prairie coneflower Echinacea paradoxa yellow coneflower Echinacea purpurea purple coneflower Echinacea tennesseensis Tennessee coneflower Epimedium spp. epimedium Erythrina herbacea coralbean Eupatorium havanense white mist flower Guara lindheimeri guara Heliopsis helianthoides false sunflowers Helleborus foetidus bear’s foot hellebore Helleborus orientalis Lenten rose Hemerocallis spp. daylily Iris cristata crested iris Iris hybrids bearded irises Iris pallida dalmatian iris Iris sibirica Siberian iris Kniphofia hirsuta dwarf red hot poker Kniphofia uvaria red hot poker Lantana camara shrub verbena Lantana montevidensis trailing lantana Liatris spicata spike blazing star Linum spp. flax Lychnis coronaria rose campion Oenothera fruiticosa sundrop Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 15
  • 16. Oenothera macrocarpa Missouri evening primrose Opuntia compressa eastern pricklypear cactus Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian sage Phlomis ‘Edward Bowles’ hybrid Jerusalem sage Phlomis fruticosa Jerusalem sage Phlomis russeliana Jerusalem sage Phlomis tuberosa tuberous Jerusalem sage Phlox subulata creeping phlox Pycnanthemum virginianum mountain mint Rudbeckia fulgida black-eyed susan Rudbeckia laciniata cutleaf coneflower Rudbeckia maxima great coneflower Rudbeckia nitida shining coneflower Ruellia brittoniana Mexican petunia Salvia greggii Texas sage Salvia guaranitica blue anise sage Salvia leucantha Mexican sage Salvia microphylla baby sage Salvia reptans cobalt sage Salvia texana blue Texas sage Santolina chamaecyparissus lavender cotton Santolina rosmarinifolia green santolina Sedum spp. stonecrop Silene caroliniana wild pink Solidago hybrids ‘Cloth of Gold’, ‘Crown of Rays’ Goldenrod Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrod Solidago rugosa wrinkle-leaf goldenrod Spigelia marilandica Indian pink Stachys byzantina lamb’s ears Verbascum phoeniceum purple mullein Verbascum thapsus common mullein Verbena bonariensis purpletop vervain Verbena canadensis rose verbena Verbena rigida sandpaper verbena Verbena tenuisecta moss verbena Vernonia altissima tall ironweed Veronica prostrata prostrate speedwell Veronica repens creeping speedwell 16 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • 17. Table 9. Herbs Scientific name Common name * Agastache foeniculum anise hyssop p Allium schoenoprasum chives p Allium tuberosum garlic chives p Artemisia abrotanum southernwood p Borago officinalis borage a Calamintha nepeta calamint p Eucalyptus cinerae silver dollar tree a/p Foeniculum vulgare fennel p Lavandula angustifolia English lavender p Laurus nobilis bay a/p Lavandula stoechas Spanish lavender p Marrubium vulgare horehound p Matricaria recutita false camomile a Nepeta cataria catnip p Nepeta ×faassenii catmint p Nepeta racemosa Persian catmint p Origanum laevigatum ornamental oregano p Origanum marjorana sweet marjoram a Origanum onites pot oregano p Origanum vulgare wild oregano p Rosemarinus officinalis rosemary p Ruta graveolens rue p Saponaria officinalis soapwort p Satureja montana winter savory p Tagetes lucida Mexican tarragon p Tanacetum parthenium feverfew p Teucrium chamaedrys wall germander p Thymus camphoratus camphor Thyme p Thymus ×citriodorus lemon thyme p Thymus herba-barona caraway-scented thyme p Thymus praecox ssp. arcticus mother-of-thyme p Thymus pseudolanuginosus wooly thyme p Thymus vulgaris garden thyme p Tulbaghia violacea society garlic p * a = annual, p = perennial, or a/p = perennial treated as an annual depending on hardiness zone Drought-Tolerant Landscapes for Alabama 17
  • 18. Table 10. Ornamental Grasses Scientific name Common name Native* Andropogon gerardii big bluestem y Andropogon ternarius splitbeard bluestem y Andropogon virginicus broom sedge y Bouteloua gracilis blue gammagrass y Briza media quaking grass n Chasmanthium latifolium upland sea oats y Cortaderia sellowiana pampas grass n Eragrostis curvula weeping love grass n Eragrostis elliottii Elliott’s love grass y Eragrostis spectabilis purple love grass y Hystrix patula bottlebrush grass y Leymus arenarius blue lyme grass n Miscanthus ‘Giganteus’ giant silvergrass n Miscanthus sinensis Japanese silvergrass (sterile n cultivars only) Muhlenbergia filipes gulf muhly y Muhlenbergia lindheimeri muhly grass y Muhlenbergia rigens deer grass y Muhlenbergia capillaris pink muhly grass y Nassella tenuissima Mexican feather grass y Panicum virgatum switchgrass y Saccharum ravennae Ravenna grass n Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem y Stipa gigantea giant feather grass n * Native to Alabama, y = yes or n = no J. Raymond Kessler Jr., Extension Horticulturist, Professor, Horticulture, Auburn University. Acknowledgments. Auburn University: Glenn Fain, Charles Hesselein, Gary J. Keever, Harry G. Ponder, Beth Clendenen, Dee Smith, Kerry Smith, Ken Tilt. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System: Rick Beauchamp, Daniel Porch, Stan Roark, and Jim Todd. The Mobile Botanical Gardens: Marion Drummond. The Huntsville Botanical Gardens: Harvey Cotten For more information, call your county Extension office. Look in your telephone direc- tory under your county’s name to find the number. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, and other related acts, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) offers educational programs, materials, and equal opportunity employment to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability. ANR-1336 Web Only, New Oct 2008, ANR-1336 © 2008 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.