MageMob cart mobile apps helps magento store owners to allow their customers to access ecommerce store from their android & ios devices and place orders using smartphones. Know More Product:
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MageMob Cart Android & iOS Application
MageMob Cart
Version: 2.0.0
Magento Community Edition1.5.*.* to 1.9.*.*
Introduction ......................................................1
Benefits of MageMob Cart...............................1
Installation & Activation...................................2
Installation Steps...........................................2
Extension Activation .....................................3
How it Works?...................................................4
Back End Configuration: ...............................4
Points to Note:............................................... 13
Contact Us ...................................................... 14
2. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 1
AppJetty offers a mobility solution to your users in the form of MageMob Cart and helps them access your
store and place orders through their mobile on the go. A must have extension for store owners, which
allows their customers to place orders from their mobile. It is easy to download and quite user-friendly for
your customers. Your customers can view your store and entire features on their mobile and place orders
anytime from anywhere the search.
Benefits of MageMob Cart
Allows your customers to carry your store with them anywhere.
Extremely user-friendly, simple to manage by the merchants and easy to navigate by the end users.
Increases customers outreach due to mobility and ubiquitousness of smart phone.
Increases the overall bottom line of the business, benefiting the store owners.
More satisfied customers due to store accessibility from iPhones and Android smart phones.
Improves customer satisfaction and enhances online visibility of your business.
3. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 2
Installation & Activation
Installation Steps
Step 1: Check Permissions
Make sure the ‘‘app’’, ''skin'' and ''lib'' directories of your Magento and all directories inside it have full written
permissions or set permissions on each directory equal to 777 or0777.
Important! Change all permissions back after installation.
Read more about permission at
Step 2: Disable Compilation
Log into Magento Admin Panel and go to System → Tools → Compilation and disable the compilation.
After Step 5, you can run the compilation process again.
Step 3: Upload Files
Upload all folders from the extension package to the installation directory of your Magento software using an
FTP client.
Step 4: Clear cache
Go to System→ Cache Management. Clear the store cache.
Step 5: Re-login
Logout and log back into Magento Admin Panel.
4. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 3
Step 6: Use Extension
Go to System→ Configuration. In the left column you will see the new tab called Biztech Extensions. You
will find Magento Mobile Cart under Biztech extensions tab.
Extension Activation
Step1: Get an activation key
Copy the activation key from the Order Confirmation Mail. OR Login into your account at website using the e-
mail and password that you provided at checkout process.
Go to Downloadable Options and copy the activation key for the MageMob Cart extension.
Step2: Activate your extensions
Log into Magento Admin Panel and go to System Configuration → Biztech Extensions/MageMob Cart
Activation and enter the activation key in the ''Activation Key'' field for the MageMob Cart extension then click
the “Save Config”
5. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 4
How it Works?
Back End Configuration:
Please follow the below steps to configure MageMob Cart extension.
Go to System -> Configuration
In the left column you will see the tab Biztech Extensions. Click on it and go to General Configurations.
Step 1: General Configurations
Enabled: Select "Yes" to enable the Magento Mobile Cart extension. The extension is disabled by
Display New Arrivals: Select “Yes” to Display Newly Arrived products on Dashboard.
Display new products based on: Select on which basis new products are displayed. If you select
“Category wise” then list of categories would be displayed below.
Display Best Seller: Select “Yes” to Display Best Seller Products on Dashboard.
Product Attributes For Search: Select product attributes for search.
Make Search Using SKU: Select “Yes” to enable SKU based product search.
Privacy Policy Page URL: Select Privacy Policy Page from the list CMS pages displayed from the
About Us Page URL: Select About Us Page from the list CMS pages displayed from the Website.
Authorization Key to Send Notification: Add Authorization Key, based on which Notification will be
sent to the users.
File to send Notification in iOS: Upload Certificate File, based on which Notification will be sent to
the iOS users. Allowed file type is: pem
Is Full Site Secure?: Select “Yes” if "Full Website" is secure like https.
Enable Https Configuration for Module: If the full site is not secure with https, select modules
which are secure.
7. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 6
Step 2: Order Notification
Notification for Order Status: Select “Yes” to enable the notification for order status to be send to
your customers.
Order Status: Select the status of order for which you would like to send the notification to your
Choose OS: Select the OS from “Android”, “iOS” or “All” for which you want to enable the
notification module.
8. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 7
Step 3: Theme Selection
Color name: Select the desired color from the drop down list for your theme.
Step 4: Google Analytics
Google Analytics Number: Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI-Return On
Investment as well as track your applications.
9. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 8
Step 5: Manage Banner Slider
Go to MageMob Cart -> Manage Banner Slider. A grid of banners (if added) will be displayed here.
Admin will be able to Export all the banner details in to a CSV file along with searching for a specific banner.
Admin will have to click on Add Banner to Add a New Banner or Edit to edit an existing banner. Admin can
Add / Edit following fields for the Banner Slider.
Title: Enter the title of the banner you would like to display at the front end.
Image: Click on the “Browse” button and select the image to upload for the slider.
Status: Select the status whether to be “Enabled” or “Disabled”.
Choose Type: Select the category type for which you want to display the slider.
Sort Order: Set the Sort Order for the banner.
Click on “Save Banner” button to save the configuration. This record will be added in the grid of banner
10. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 9
Step 6: Manage Offer Slider
Go to MageMob Cart -> Manage Offer Slider. A grid of offers (if added) will be displayed.
Admin will be able to Export all the slider details in to a CSV file along with searching for a specific offer.
Admin will have to click on Add Offer to Add a New Offer or Edit to edit an existing offer. Admin can Add /
Edit following fields for the offer slider.
11. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 10
Title: Enter the title of the offer you would like to display at the front end.
Image: Click on the “Browse” button and select the image to upload for the slider.
Status: Select the status whether to be “Enabled” or “Disabled”.
Choose Type: Select the category for which you want to display the slider.
Choose Product: Select the product for which offer is made.
Sort Order: Set the Sort Order for the banner.
Click on “Save Offer” button to save the configuration. This record will be added in the grid of offer slider.
Step 6: Manage Featured Category Blocks
Go to MageMob Cart -> Manage Featured Category Blocks. A grid of blocks (if added) will be displayed.
12. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 11
Admin will be able to Export all the slider details in to a CSV file along with searching for a specific block.
Admin will have to click on Add Block to Add a New Featured Block or Edit to edit an existing Featured
Block. Admin can Add / Edit following fields for the Featured Block.
Title: Enter the title of the block you would like to display at the front end.
Image: Click on the “Browse” button and select the image to upload for the block.
Status: Select the status whether to be “Enabled” or “Disabled”.
Category: Select the category for which you want to display the block.
13. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 12
Sort Order: Set the Sort Order for the featured block.
Click on “Save Block” button to save the configuration. This record will be added in the grid of featured
Step 7: Manage Notification
Go to MageMob Cart -> Manage Notification. A grid of notifications (if added) will be displayed.
Admin will be able to Export all the notification details in to a CSV file along with searching for a specific
notification. Admin will have to click on Add Notification to Add a New Notification or Edit to edit an
existing Notification. Admin can Add / Edit following fields for the Notification.
Choose Website: Select the website from the dropdown list.
Title: Enter the title to be displayed for notification.
Choose type: Select the type from “Category Offers”, “Product” and “Offer” for which you want to
send the notification.
Choose Product: Choose the product for which notificaiton is added.
Image: Add the image for the notification.
Message: Type the message content for the notification.
Choose OS: Select the OS from “Android”, “iOS” or “All” for which you want to enable the
notification module.
Scheduled Start Date and Time: Select the date and time from which this notification will be
14. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 13
Scheduled End Date and Time: Select the date and time from which this notification will be
Points to Note:
Products in all the modules of MageMob Cart will only be visible if they are assigned to the website selected
while purchasing the Extension.
You can try our MageMob Cart demo app from Play Store or App Store.
App Store link :
Play Store link :
15. USER MANUAL – MageMob Cart 14
Contact Us
We simplify your business, offer unique business solution in digital web and IT landscapes.
If you would like to customize or discuss about additional feature for MageMob Cart, please write to
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dashboard, to get answers to your specific questions.
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