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Make Water Matter: A Review of Today's Water Issues
“Water is the
common thread
that links all
aspects of
Source: Rio+20 Policy Brief; Water security for a planet under pressure
Image courtesy of cooldesign /FreeDigitalPhotos.net
The World Water Situation
97% Seawater (non-drinkable)
2.5% Frozen fresh water
0.5% Available
fresh water
10,000,000 km3 stored in underground
119,000 km3 net of rainfall on land after
accounting for evaporation
91,000 km3 in natural lakes.
Over 5,000 km3 in man made storage facilities
and reservoirs since 1950.
2,120 km3 in rivers – constantly replaced by
rainfall,melting snow, and melting ice
Source: Facts and Trends, Water, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
By 2050, at least
one in four people
is likely to live in a
country affected by
chronic or
shortages of fresh
Image courtesy ofgraur razvan ionut / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Global freshwater demand
is expected to exceed
current supply by over
40% in 2030
Source: http://www.weforum.org/content/global-agenda-council-water-security-
Image courtesy of arztsamu/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
2.6 billion people lack access to basic sanitation
services, such as toilets or latrines
Image courtesy of xedos4 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: http://www.weforum.org/content/global-agenda-council-water-security-2012-2014
1.7 billion people have gained
access to safe drinking water
but 884 million people are still
without it
Source: http://www.weforum.org/content/global-agenda-council-water-security-2012-2014
Each day, an average of 5,000 children die due to
preventable water and sanitation-related diseases
Image courtesy of Vlado / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Source: http://www.weforum.org/content/global-agenda-council-water-security-2012-2014
Source: http://www.unwater.org/activities/awareness-campaigns/world-toilet-day/en/
November 19 is
formally recognized by
the United Nations
General Assembly as
World Toilet Day
The objective is to make
sanitation a global
development priority and
urge changes in behavior
and policy on issues
ranging from water
management to ending
open-air defecation
World Toilet Day intends to
raise awareness of
sanitation issues – including
hygiene promotion, the
provision of basic sanitation
services, sewer and
wastewater treatment and
reuse in the context of
integrated water
management – and make a
case for sanitation for all
Water Quality
Source: UN Water http://www.ais.unwater.org/ais/course/view.php?id=34
Image courtesy of xedos4/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
In developing countries 70% of untreated
industrial wastes are dumped into water
Image courtesy of federico stevanin/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
The contribution of the food sector to
the production of organic water
pollutants is 40% in high-income
countries and 54% in low-income
Image courtesy ofadamr/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
The Result
Approximately 3.5 million deaths related to
inadequate water supply, sanitation, and
hygiene occur each year, predominantly in
developing countries.
Poor water quality incurs many economic
costs: degradation of ecosystem services;
health-related costs; impacts on economic
activities such as agriculture, industrial
production, and tourism; increased water
treatment costs; and reduced property values.
Source: World Water Development Report 2012 Image courtesy of Toa55/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy ofsmarnad/
Water security is defined as
the capacity of a population
to safeguard sustainable
access to adequate
quantities of acceptable
quality water for sustaining
livelihoods, human well-
being, and socio-economic
development, for ensuring
protection against water-
borne pollution and water-
related disasters, and for
preserving ecosystems in a
climate of peace and
political stability.
Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane,/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Source: UN-Water Analytical Brief on Water Security and the Global Water Agenda, 2013
Drinking Water &
Human Well-being
Water Security
Image courtesy njaj/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy Idea go/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Asia Latin
Africa Europe Australasia
Water-related Hazards
Water related hazards
account for 90% of all
natural hazards, and their
frequency and intensity is
Source: World Water Development Report 2012
Image courtesy
Water related
hazards form
a subset of
Source: World Water Development Report 2012
icnic] /
Water-related Hazards
Image courtesy
piyato /
Image courtesy
Victor Habbick/
Image courtesy digitalart/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Since 1900 more than 11
million people have died as a
consequence of drought and
more than 2 billion have been
affected by drought
Image courtesy cooldesign / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Water and Food
Agriculture accounts
for 70% of all water
withdrawals when
comparing it to the
municipal, industrial,
and energy sectors
According to
the Food and
food demand is
predicted to
increase by
60% in 2030
Image courtesy Gualberto107,/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Water and Food
Economic growth and individual wealth are
shifting diets from starch-based to meat and
dairy, which require more water
Source: World Water Development Report 2012
This dietary shift is the
greatest impact on water
consumption over the past
30 years, and is likely to
continue well into the
middle of the 21st century
Source: World Water Development Report 2012
Image courtesy smokedsalmon/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2012
Image courtesy smokedsalmon/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy Salvatore Vuono/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy smokedsalmon/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2012
Image courtesy Sura Nualpradid/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Water and Food
Source: World Water Development Report 2012
Water and Energy
Source: World Water Day 2014
Water and Energy
Roughly 75% of all
industrial water
withdrawals are used for
energy production.
Energy is required for two
components of water provision:
Treatment (before & after use)
Image courtesy Master isolated images/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Source: World Water Development Report 2014 - Water and Energy
Water and Energy
By 2035 water withdrawals could
increase by 20% and consumption
by 85%, driven by a shift towards
higher efficiency power plants
with more advanced cooling
systems (that reduce water
withdrawals but increase
World’s Total Water
Withdrawals in 2010
According to the International
Energy Agency, global water
withdrawals for energy
production in 2010 were 583
billion m3 (representing some
15% of the world’s total
withdrawals), of which 66
billion m3 was consumed
Image courtesy sritangphoto/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Water is an input for
producing agricultural
goods in the fields and
along the entire agro-
food supply chain.
Energy is required to
produce and distribute
water and food:
Pump water from
groundwater or surface
water sources
Power tractors and
irrigation machinery
Process and transport
agricultural goods
Image courtesy Vlado/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2014
Image courtesy of zirconicusso/ FreeDigitalPhotos.netSource: World Water Development Report 2014
Image courtesy of Keattikorn/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2014
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2014
Water is the primary
medium through which
climate change influences
the Earth's ecosystems
and therefore people’s
livelihoods and well-
More severe and
more frequent
More severe and
more frequent
Source: UN-Water Key Messages on Climate Change and Water
Source: UN-Water Key Messages on Climate Change and Water Image courtesy digitalart/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Higher average temperatures
and changes in precipitation
and temperature extremes
are projected to affect the
availability of water resources
through changes in
soil moisture
glacier and
ice/snow melt
These factors are expected to lead to further
deterioration of water quality
Make Water Matter: A Review of Today's Water Issues
Image courtesy of xedos4/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Make Water Matter: A Review of Today's Water Issues

  • 1. Image courtesy of magerymajestic / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of artur84/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of idea go,/FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of xedos4 /FreeDigitalPhotos.net @connect4water connect4water.wordpress.com
  • 3. “Water is the common thread that links all aspects of human development” Source: Rio+20 Policy Brief; Water security for a planet under pressure Image courtesy of cooldesign /FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 4. The World Water Situation 97% Seawater (non-drinkable) 2.5% Frozen fresh water 0.5% Available fresh water 10,000,000 km3 stored in underground aquifers. 119,000 km3 net of rainfall on land after accounting for evaporation 91,000 km3 in natural lakes. Over 5,000 km3 in man made storage facilities and reservoirs since 1950. 2,120 km3 in rivers – constantly replaced by rainfall,melting snow, and melting ice Source: Facts and Trends, Water, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • 5. By 2050, at least one in four people is likely to live in a country affected by chronic or reoccurring shortages of fresh water Image courtesy ofgraur razvan ionut / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Global freshwater demand is expected to exceed current supply by over 40% in 2030 2014 40% 2030 Source: http://www.weforum.org/content/global-agenda-council-water-security- 2012-2014 Image courtesy of arztsamu/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 6. 2.6 billion people lack access to basic sanitation services, such as toilets or latrines Image courtesy of xedos4 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: http://www.weforum.org/content/global-agenda-council-water-security-2012-2014
  • 7. 1.7 billion people have gained access to safe drinking water but 884 million people are still without it Source: http://www.weforum.org/content/global-agenda-council-water-security-2012-2014
  • 8. Each day, an average of 5,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation-related diseases Image courtesy of Vlado / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: http://www.weforum.org/content/global-agenda-council-water-security-2012-2014
  • 9. Source: http://www.unwater.org/activities/awareness-campaigns/world-toilet-day/en/ WORLD TOILET DAY 11.19 November 19 is formally recognized by the United Nations General Assembly as World Toilet Day The objective is to make sanitation a global development priority and urge changes in behavior and policy on issues ranging from water management to ending open-air defecation World Toilet Day intends to raise awareness of sanitation issues – including hygiene promotion, the provision of basic sanitation services, sewer and wastewater treatment and reuse in the context of integrated water management – and make a case for sanitation for all
  • 10. Water Quality . Source: UN Water http://www.ais.unwater.org/ais/course/view.php?id=34
  • 11. Image courtesy of xedos4/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 12. In developing countries 70% of untreated industrial wastes are dumped into water Image courtesy of federico stevanin/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 13. The contribution of the food sector to the production of organic water pollutants is 40% in high-income countries and 54% in low-income countries Image courtesy ofadamr/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 14. The Result Approximately 3.5 million deaths related to inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene occur each year, predominantly in developing countries. Poor water quality incurs many economic costs: degradation of ecosystem services; health-related costs; impacts on economic activities such as agriculture, industrial production, and tourism; increased water treatment costs; and reduced property values. Source: World Water Development Report 2012 Image courtesy of Toa55/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 15. Image courtesy ofsmarnad/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Water security is defined as the capacity of a population to safeguard sustainable access to adequate quantities of acceptable quality water for sustaining livelihoods, human well- being, and socio-economic development, for ensuring protection against water- borne pollution and water- related disasters, and for preserving ecosystems in a climate of peace and political stability. Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane,/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: UN-Water Analytical Brief on Water Security and the Global Water Agenda, 2013 Drinking Water & Human Well-being Ecosystems Financing Climate Change
  • 17. Image courtesy njaj/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 18. Image courtesy Idea go/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: ttp://www.unwater.org/publications/publications- detail/en/c/204326/
  • 20. Water-related Hazards Water related hazards account for 90% of all natural hazards, and their frequency and intensity is rising Source: World Water Development Report 2012
  • 21. Image courtesy Dan/ FreeDigitalPhot os.net Water related hazards form a subset of natural hazards Source: World Water Development Report 2012 Image courtesy TeddyBear[P icnic] / FreeDigitalP hotos.net Water-related Hazards Image courtesy piyato / FreeDigitalPhot os.net Image courtesy Victor Habbick/ FreeDigitalPhotos .net Image courtesy digitalart/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 22. Since 1900 more than 11 million people have died as a consequence of drought and more than 2 billion have been affected by drought Image courtesy cooldesign / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 23. Water and Food Agriculture accounts for 70% of all water withdrawals when comparing it to the municipal, industrial, and energy sectors According to the Food and Agriculture Organization food demand is predicted to increase by 60% in 2030 Image courtesy Gualberto107,/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 24. Water and Food Economic growth and individual wealth are shifting diets from starch-based to meat and dairy, which require more water Source: World Water Development Report 2012
  • 25. This dietary shift is the greatest impact on water consumption over the past 30 years, and is likely to continue well into the middle of the 21st century Source: World Water Development Report 2012
  • 26. Image courtesy smokedsalmon/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2012
  • 27. Image courtesy smokedsalmon/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy Salvatore Vuono/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 28. Image courtesy smokedsalmon/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2012 Image courtesy Sura Nualpradid/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 30. Water and Energy Source: World Water Day 2014
  • 31. Water and Energy Roughly 75% of all industrial water withdrawals are used for energy production. Energy is required for two components of water provision: Pumping Treatment (before & after use) Image courtesy Master isolated images/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2014 - Water and Energy
  • 32. Water and Energy By 2035 water withdrawals could increase by 20% and consumption by 85%, driven by a shift towards higher efficiency power plants with more advanced cooling systems (that reduce water withdrawals but increase consumption) World’s Total Water Withdrawals in 2010 According to the International Energy Agency, global water withdrawals for energy production in 2010 were 583 billion m3 (representing some 15% of the world’s total withdrawals), of which 66 billion m3 was consumed Image courtesy sritangphoto/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  • 33. WATER, FOOD, AND ENERGY NEXUS Water is an input for producing agricultural goods in the fields and along the entire agro- food supply chain. Energy is required to produce and distribute water and food: Pump water from groundwater or surface water sources Power tractors and irrigation machinery Process and transport agricultural goods Image courtesy Vlado/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2014
  • 34. Image courtesy of zirconicusso/ FreeDigitalPhotos.netSource: World Water Development Report 2014
  • 35. Image courtesy of Keattikorn/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2014
  • 36. Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Source: World Water Development Report 2014
  • 37. WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE . Water is the primary medium through which climate change influences the Earth's ecosystems and therefore people’s livelihoods and well- being More severe and more frequent droughts More severe and more frequent floods Source: UN-Water Key Messages on Climate Change and Water
  • 38. WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE Source: UN-Water Key Messages on Climate Change and Water Image courtesy digitalart/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Higher average temperatures and changes in precipitation and temperature extremes are projected to affect the availability of water resources through changes in rainfall distribution soil moisture glacier and ice/snow melt river groundwater flows These factors are expected to lead to further deterioration of water quality
  • 40. Image courtesy of xedos4/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net