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Leadership and Trust
Managers Versus Leaders “ Not all leaders are managers, nor are all managers leaders.” Managers Persons whose influence on others is limited to the appointed managerial authority of their positions to reward and punish. Leaders Persons with managerial and personal power who can influence others to perform actions beyond those that could be dictated by those persons’ formal (position) authority alone.
Trait Theories Of Leadership Trait Theories of Leadership Theories that attempt to isolate characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders Attempts to identify traits that always differentiate leaders from followers and effective leaders from ineffective leaders have failed. Attempts to identify traits consistently associated with leadership have been more successful.
Behavioral Theories Of Leadership Behavioral Theories of Leadership Attempt to isolate behaviors that differentiate effective leaders from ineffective leaders. Behavioral studies focus on identifying critical behavioral determinants of leadership that, in turn, could be used to train people to become leaders.
Identifiable Leadership Behaviors Autocratic Style of Leadership Centralizes authority, dictates work methods, makes unilateral decisions, and limits employee participation. Democratic Style of Leadership Involves employees in decision making, delegates authority, encourages participation in deciding work methods and goals, and uses feedback. A democratic-consultative leader  seeks input and hears the concerns and issues of employees but makes the final decision him or herself. A democratic-participative leader  often allows employees to have a say in what’s decided.
Identifiable Leadership Behaviors (cont’d) Laissez-Faire Style of Leadership Gives employees complete freedom to make decisions and to decide on work methods Conclusions about Leadership Styles The laissez-faire leadership style is ineffective. Quantity of work is equal under authoritarian and democratic leadership styles. Quality of work and satisfaction is higher under democratic leadership.
The Ohio State Studies Studies that sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior Initiating structure The extent to which a leader defines and structures his or her role and the roles of employees to attain goals Consideration The extent to which a leader has job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees’ ideas, and regard for their feelings
The University Of Michigan Studies Studies that sought to identify the behavioral characteristics of leaders related to performance effectiveness Employee oriented leader Emphasizes interpersonal relations, takes a personal interest in the needs of employees, and accepts individual differences. Production oriented leader Emphasizes technical or task aspects of a job, is concerned mainly with accomplishing tasks, and regards group members as a means to accomplishing goals.
Contingency Theories Of Leadership The Fiedler Contingency Leadership Model Effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader’s style of interacting with employees and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader Uses Least-preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire, to measure the leader’s task or relationship orientation. Identified three situational criteria— leader member relations, task structure, and position power —that could be manipulated match an inflexible (fixed) leadership style.
Contingency Theories…(cont’d) Path-Goal Theory (House) It is a leader’s job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to provide the necessary direction and support A leader’s motivational behavior: Makes employee need satisfaction contingent on effective performance. Provides the coaching, guidance, support, and rewards necessary for effective performance. Assumes that the leader’s style is flexible and can be changed to adapt to the situation at hand.
Path-Goal Leadership Behaviors Directive leader Lets employees know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks. Supportive leader Is friendly and shows concern for the needs of employees. Participative leader Consults with employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision. Achievement-oriented leader Sets challenging goals and expects employees to perform at their highest levels.
Contingency Leadership Models Leader-Participation Model (Vroom, Yetton and Jago)  Provides a sequential set of rules for determining the form and amount of participation a leader should exercise in decision making according to different types of situations. The model is a decision tree incorporating seven contingencies (whose relevance can be identified by making yes or no choices) and five alternative leader ship styles. Assumes an adaptable leadership style.
Situational Leadership ® Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) Leaders should adjust their leadership styles—telling, selling, participating, and delegating—in accordance with the readiness of their followers. Acceptance:  Leader effectiveness reflects the reality that it is the followers who accept or reject the leader. Readiness:  a follower’s ability and willingness to perform. At higher levels of readiness, leaders respond by reducing control over and involvement with employees.
Emerging Approaches To Leadership Charismatic Leadership Theory Followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors. People working for charismatic leaders are motivated to exert extra work effort and, because they like and respect their leaders, express greater satisfaction. Charisma leadership appears to be most appropriate when the followers’ task has a ideological component or when the environment involves a high degree of stress and uncertainty.
Charismatic Leadership A charismatic leader influences followers by: Stating a vision that provides a sense of community by linking the present with a better future.  Communicating high expectations and expressing confidence that followers can attain them. Conveying, through words and actions, a new set of values, and by his or her behavior setting an example for followers to imitate. Making self-sacrifices and engaging in unconventional behavior to demonstrate courage and convictions about the vision.
Visionary Leadership “ A vision should create enthusiasm, bringing energy and commitment to the organization.” The key properties of a vision are inspirational possibilities that are value centered, realizable, and have superior imagery and articulation. Visionary Leadership Is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, attractive vision of the future that grows out of and improves upon the present
Skills of Visionary Leaders The ability to explain the vision to others. Make the vision clear in terms of required actions and aims through clear oral and written communication. The ability to express the vision not just verbally but through the leader’s behavior. Behaving in ways that continually convey and reinforce the vision.  The ability to extend the vision to different leadership contexts. Sequencing activities so the vision can be applied in a variety of situations.
Transactional Leaders versus Transformational Leaders Transactional Leaders Guide or motivate their followers toward established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. Transformational Leaders Inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization and are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on followers.
The Challenge of Team Leadership Becoming an effective team leader requires: Learning to share information. Developing the ability to trust others. Learning to give up authority. Knowing when to leave their teams alone and when to intercede. New roles that team leaders take on: Managing the team’s external boundary. Facilitating the team process.
Other Leadership Variables National Culture Leadership styles reflect the cultural conditions that followers have come to expect. Leadership theories developed in the United States have an American bias. Power distance varies among cultures and affects participative management’s effectiveness High power distance = autocratic leadership style Low power distance = participative leadership style
Other Leadership Variables (cont’d) Emotional Intelligence (EI) Considered to be the trait difference that makes an individual into a star performer. Is an essential element of effective leadership. Components of EI Self-awareness Self-management Self-motivation Empathy Social skills
Substitutes for Leadership Employee Characteristics Experience Training Professional orientation Indifference toward organizational regards Job Characteristics Unambiguous Routine Intrinsically satisfying Organizational characteristics Explicit formalized goals Rigid rules and procedures Cohesive work groups

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Man101 Chapter11

  • 2. Managers Versus Leaders “ Not all leaders are managers, nor are all managers leaders.” Managers Persons whose influence on others is limited to the appointed managerial authority of their positions to reward and punish. Leaders Persons with managerial and personal power who can influence others to perform actions beyond those that could be dictated by those persons’ formal (position) authority alone.
  • 3. Trait Theories Of Leadership Trait Theories of Leadership Theories that attempt to isolate characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders Attempts to identify traits that always differentiate leaders from followers and effective leaders from ineffective leaders have failed. Attempts to identify traits consistently associated with leadership have been more successful.
  • 4. Behavioral Theories Of Leadership Behavioral Theories of Leadership Attempt to isolate behaviors that differentiate effective leaders from ineffective leaders. Behavioral studies focus on identifying critical behavioral determinants of leadership that, in turn, could be used to train people to become leaders.
  • 5. Identifiable Leadership Behaviors Autocratic Style of Leadership Centralizes authority, dictates work methods, makes unilateral decisions, and limits employee participation. Democratic Style of Leadership Involves employees in decision making, delegates authority, encourages participation in deciding work methods and goals, and uses feedback. A democratic-consultative leader seeks input and hears the concerns and issues of employees but makes the final decision him or herself. A democratic-participative leader often allows employees to have a say in what’s decided.
  • 6. Identifiable Leadership Behaviors (cont’d) Laissez-Faire Style of Leadership Gives employees complete freedom to make decisions and to decide on work methods Conclusions about Leadership Styles The laissez-faire leadership style is ineffective. Quantity of work is equal under authoritarian and democratic leadership styles. Quality of work and satisfaction is higher under democratic leadership.
  • 7. The Ohio State Studies Studies that sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior Initiating structure The extent to which a leader defines and structures his or her role and the roles of employees to attain goals Consideration The extent to which a leader has job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees’ ideas, and regard for their feelings
  • 8. The University Of Michigan Studies Studies that sought to identify the behavioral characteristics of leaders related to performance effectiveness Employee oriented leader Emphasizes interpersonal relations, takes a personal interest in the needs of employees, and accepts individual differences. Production oriented leader Emphasizes technical or task aspects of a job, is concerned mainly with accomplishing tasks, and regards group members as a means to accomplishing goals.
  • 9. Contingency Theories Of Leadership The Fiedler Contingency Leadership Model Effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader’s style of interacting with employees and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader Uses Least-preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire, to measure the leader’s task or relationship orientation. Identified three situational criteria— leader member relations, task structure, and position power —that could be manipulated match an inflexible (fixed) leadership style.
  • 10. Contingency Theories…(cont’d) Path-Goal Theory (House) It is a leader’s job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to provide the necessary direction and support A leader’s motivational behavior: Makes employee need satisfaction contingent on effective performance. Provides the coaching, guidance, support, and rewards necessary for effective performance. Assumes that the leader’s style is flexible and can be changed to adapt to the situation at hand.
  • 11. Path-Goal Leadership Behaviors Directive leader Lets employees know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks. Supportive leader Is friendly and shows concern for the needs of employees. Participative leader Consults with employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision. Achievement-oriented leader Sets challenging goals and expects employees to perform at their highest levels.
  • 12. Contingency Leadership Models Leader-Participation Model (Vroom, Yetton and Jago) Provides a sequential set of rules for determining the form and amount of participation a leader should exercise in decision making according to different types of situations. The model is a decision tree incorporating seven contingencies (whose relevance can be identified by making yes or no choices) and five alternative leader ship styles. Assumes an adaptable leadership style.
  • 13. Situational Leadership ® Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) Leaders should adjust their leadership styles—telling, selling, participating, and delegating—in accordance with the readiness of their followers. Acceptance: Leader effectiveness reflects the reality that it is the followers who accept or reject the leader. Readiness: a follower’s ability and willingness to perform. At higher levels of readiness, leaders respond by reducing control over and involvement with employees.
  • 14. Emerging Approaches To Leadership Charismatic Leadership Theory Followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors. People working for charismatic leaders are motivated to exert extra work effort and, because they like and respect their leaders, express greater satisfaction. Charisma leadership appears to be most appropriate when the followers’ task has a ideological component or when the environment involves a high degree of stress and uncertainty.
  • 15. Charismatic Leadership A charismatic leader influences followers by: Stating a vision that provides a sense of community by linking the present with a better future. Communicating high expectations and expressing confidence that followers can attain them. Conveying, through words and actions, a new set of values, and by his or her behavior setting an example for followers to imitate. Making self-sacrifices and engaging in unconventional behavior to demonstrate courage and convictions about the vision.
  • 16. Visionary Leadership “ A vision should create enthusiasm, bringing energy and commitment to the organization.” The key properties of a vision are inspirational possibilities that are value centered, realizable, and have superior imagery and articulation. Visionary Leadership Is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, attractive vision of the future that grows out of and improves upon the present
  • 17. Skills of Visionary Leaders The ability to explain the vision to others. Make the vision clear in terms of required actions and aims through clear oral and written communication. The ability to express the vision not just verbally but through the leader’s behavior. Behaving in ways that continually convey and reinforce the vision. The ability to extend the vision to different leadership contexts. Sequencing activities so the vision can be applied in a variety of situations.
  • 18. Transactional Leaders versus Transformational Leaders Transactional Leaders Guide or motivate their followers toward established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. Transformational Leaders Inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization and are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on followers.
  • 19. The Challenge of Team Leadership Becoming an effective team leader requires: Learning to share information. Developing the ability to trust others. Learning to give up authority. Knowing when to leave their teams alone and when to intercede. New roles that team leaders take on: Managing the team’s external boundary. Facilitating the team process.
  • 20. Other Leadership Variables National Culture Leadership styles reflect the cultural conditions that followers have come to expect. Leadership theories developed in the United States have an American bias. Power distance varies among cultures and affects participative management’s effectiveness High power distance = autocratic leadership style Low power distance = participative leadership style
  • 21. Other Leadership Variables (cont’d) Emotional Intelligence (EI) Considered to be the trait difference that makes an individual into a star performer. Is an essential element of effective leadership. Components of EI Self-awareness Self-management Self-motivation Empathy Social skills
  • 22. Substitutes for Leadership Employee Characteristics Experience Training Professional orientation Indifference toward organizational regards Job Characteristics Unambiguous Routine Intrinsically satisfying Organizational characteristics Explicit formalized goals Rigid rules and procedures Cohesive work groups

Editor's Notes

  1. Leadership is an influence process; therefore, leaders are people who, by their actions, encourage a group of people to move toward a common or shared goal. A leader is an individual; leadership is the function that the individual performs. Individuals within an organization who have authority are often referred to as leaders, regardless of how they act in their jobs. But, just because someone is supposed to be a formal leader in an organization, he or she may or may not exercise leadership. In fact, informal or emergent leaders can exhibit leadership even though they do not hold formal leadership positions. Harvard’s John Kotter compares management and leadership. Management, he says, is about dealing with complexity: drawing formal plans, designing organizational structures, and monitoring outcomes. Leadership, in contrast, is about coping with change. Leaders establish direction by developing a vision; then they communicate this vision to people and inspire them to overcome obstacles. Robert House of the Wharton School of Business concurs and says that mangers use formal authority to obtain compliance from organizational members. Management consists of implementing the vision and strategy provided by leaders, coordinating and staffing the organization, and handling day-to-day problems. While both management and leadership promote organizational effectiveness, most companies are over-managed and under-led.
  2. The search for characteristics that would differentiate leaders from nonleaders occupied the early psychologists who studied leadership. But research efforts at isolating these traits were not successful. However, attempts to identify traits consistently associated with leadership have been more successful. Using traits alone to identify leaders will not be sufficient, however, because this method ignores situational factors. While possession of the appropriate traits makes it more likely that an individual will be an effective leader, he or she still has to take the right actions. And what is right in one situation may not be right in another.
  3. A number of studies have considered leadership styles. One of the first was done by Kurt Lewin and his associates at the University of Iowa. This study analyzed three leadership behaviors: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. A leader with an autocratic style centralizes authority, dictates work methods, makes unilateral decisions, and limits employee participation. A leader with a democratic style involves employees in decision making, delegates authority, encourages participation in setting goals and work methods, and uses feedback to coach employees. A democratic-consultative leader seeks input from and hears the concerns of employees but makes all of the final decisions. A democratic-participative leader allows employees to “have a say” when decisions must be made. (continued on next slide)
  4. The laissez-faire leader gives employees complete freedom to make decisions and perform their jobs as they see fit. According to Lewin, a democratic style promotes higher quantity and quality of work. Does this mean that managers should always use a democratic style?
  5. The most comprehensive of the behavioral theories resulted from research that began at Ohio State in 1940. These researchers sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior and discovered that two categories (initiating structure and consideration) accounted for most of the behavior of leaders. Initiating structure includes behavior that attempts to organize work, goals, and work relationships. The leader who is high in initiating structure could be described in terms such as “assigns group members to particular tasks,” or “emphasizes the meeting of deadlines.” Consideration includes concern for the comfort, status, satisfaction, and well-being of subordinates. A leader who is high in consideration helps subordinates with personal problems, is friendly and approachable, and treats all subordinates as equals.
  6. Research at the University of Michigan intended to identify characteristics of leaders that appeared to relate to measures of performance effectiveness. Two dimensions of leadership behavior were identified. Employee-oriented leaders emphasized personal relationships; they cared about the needs of their subordinates and accepted individual differences among them. Production-oriented leaders emphasized the technical or task aspects of the job. Their main concern was accomplishing their group’s tasks, and the group members were a means to that end.
  7. Fred Fiedler developed the least-preferred coworker (LPC) questionnaire can determine a person’s basic leadership orientation: either relationship-oriented or task oriented. Then, he isolated three situational criteria—leader-member relations, task structure, and position power—that can be manipulated to match properly with the behavioral orientation of the leader. The LPC questionnaire contains sixteen contrasting adjectives. The respondent must think of all the co-workers he or she has ever had and describe the one he or she least enjoyed working with by rating that person on a scale of 1 to 8 for each of the sixteen sets of contrasting adjectives. Fiedler believed that he could use the answers to the LPC questionnaire to determine the basic leadership style of the respondent. For example, if the LPC is described in positive terms, then the respondent is relationship-oriented. If, on the other hand, the LPC is described in unfavorable terms, then the respondent is task-oriented. Fiedler argued that leadership style is innate and cannot be changed according to situational variables. Therefore, after an individual’s basic leadership style has been determined, it is necessary to match the leader with the situation.
  8. According to the path-goal model of leadership the leader assists his or her followers to set and attain goals that are compatible with organizational objectives. Workers accept a leader’s behavior to the degree that they believe that it will lead to future satisfaction. Workers are motivated by a leader’s behavior to the degree that it (1) makes the satisfaction of their needs contingent on effective performance and (2) provides the coaching, guidance, support, and rewards that are necessary for effective performance.
  9. To test these ideas, House identified four leadership behaviors: A directive leader tells workers what is expected of them, schedules work to be done, and guides them as they work. A supportive leader is friendly and concerned for the needs of workers. A participative leader obtains suggestions from employees before making decisions. An achievement-oriented leader sets challenging goals and expects workers to perform at their highest levels.
  10. A comprehensive framework related to leader behavior and participation in decision making is the leader-participation model (Vroom & Yetton, 1973). The leader-participation model assumes that a leader can adjust his or her style according to the situation. This model identifies five leadership behaviors: 1. The leader makes the decision alone. 2. The leader asks for information from group members but makes the decision alone. Group members may or may not be informed about the decision. 3. The leader shares the situation with each group member and asks for information and evaluation. Members do not meet as a group, and the leader alone makes the decision. 4. The leader and group members discuss the situation, but the leader makes the decision. 5. The leader and group members discuss the situation, and the group makes the decision. This model originally used seven contingencies (the relevance of which could be identified by making a series of “yes” or “no” choices) to determine the best leadership style from among the five alternatives.
  11. The situational leadership model developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard reflects how leaders should adjust their leadership styles according to the readiness of their followers. As a reflection of how willing and able a follower is to complete a task, Hersey and Blanchard have identified four stages of readiness: 1. A follower is both unable and unwilling to do a job. 2. A follower is unable to do the job but willing to perform necessary tasks. 3. A follower is able to do the job but unwilling to be told what to do. 4. A follower is both able and willing to do the job.
  12. Charismatic leadership theory asserts that followers attribute extraordinary or heroic abilities to persons who exhibit the following behaviors: extremely high confidence, dominance, and strong convictions. Jay A. Conger and Rabindra N. Kanguno at McGill University conducted a comprehensive analysis of charismatic leadership qualities. They propose that a charismatic leader has an idealized goal and a strong personal commitment to the goal. Moreover, this leader is unconventional, self-assured, assertive—an agent of radical change rather than a guardian of the status quo.
  13. Charismatic leaders often emerge during times of crisis or massive change in business, politics, religion, or war. However, once the crisis is over, a charismatic leader may become a liability because overwhelming self-confidence and unconventional behavior can interfere with day-to-day business operations.
  14. Visionary leadership requires the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, attractive vision that grows out of and improves upon the present. This vision almost “jump-starts the future by calling forth the skills, talents, and resources to make it happen.” A vision is not a dream. It is a reality that has not come to pass. Unlike a mission statement that conveys purpose but not direction, a vision offers means as well as ends. While goals point to a desired end, they are often value-neutral. A vision contains values and the actions needed to achieve the desired result.
  15. Visionary leaders have three qualities: First, they can explain the vision to others. Second, they express the vision not only verbally but also by their behavior. Third, they can extend the vision to different leadership contexts. The key properties of a vision are inspirational possibilities that are value-centered, realizable, and conveyed with superior imagery and articulation. A vision that does not propose a future that is clearly better for the organization is likely to fail. In a survey of 1,500 senior leaders, 870 of the CEOs from twenty different countries chose a “strong sense of vision” as the dominant characteristic for a CEO in the year 2000. Not everyone is so enthusiastic. Robert Eaton, CEO of Chrysler, believes that the concept is vague and wants Chrysler people to focus of quantifiable short-term results. The debate can be reconciled by recognizing that visionary leadership must be supported by detailed plans.
  16. Transactional leaders guide their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. So, their actions closely parallel the more structured role of managers. Transformational leaders (1) inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization and (2) affect their followers in profound, extraordinary ways. They are attentive to the concerns of individual followers; they urge followers to see old problems in new ways; and they motivate followers to exert extra effort to achieve group goals. These two leadership styles are not mutually exclusive. In fact, transformational leadership builds on the transactional leadership foundation. According to research, though, transformational leadership beats its transactional counterpart and fosters higher productivity, lower turnover, and higher employee satisfaction.
  17. Leadership is increasingly taking place within the context of teams. The role of a team leader differs from the traditional leadership role performed by first-line supervisors. Even the most capable managers have trouble transitioning from a traditional command-and-control style to a team leadership style. The challenge, then, is to learn how to become an effective team leader. Research has shown that team leaders assume certain common responsibilities: coaching, facilitating, handing disciplinary problems, reviewing performance, training, and communication. Many of these responsibilities apply to managers in general. A better way to describe the team leader’s job is to focus on two priorities: managing the team’s external boundary and facilitating the team process.
  18. National culture affects leadership style in two ways. It shapes the preferences of leaders, and it defines what is acceptable to subordinates. Therefore, leaders cannot choose their style at will. They are constrained by the cultural conditions in which they have been socialized and that their subordinates expect. Remember that most leadership theories were developed in the United States. Therefore, they have an American bias. The belief that some leadership style will always be effective, regardless of the situation, may not be true. In fact, leadership may not always be important. Certain individual, job, and organizational variables can substitute for formal leadership, negating the influence of the leader. For example, an employee’s experience, training, professionalism, or independence can neutralize the effect of leadership. These characteristics can replace the need for a leader’s support and negate his or her ability to create structure and reduce ambiguity. Similarly, jobs that are inherently unambiguous and routine or intrinsically satisfying may place fewer demands on the leadership variable. Organizational characteristics (formal goals, rigid rules and procedures, or cohesive work groups) can act in the place of leadership.