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       Coaching &                 Managerial Effectiveness
                                  The best and the simplest definition of managerial effectiveness would be ‘to
                                  manage self and others in the most effective manner.’ However, there are tools
     Coach Training               to measure managerial effectiveness of an individual, starting from recognizing
                                  one’s personality type, achieving goals effectively while synchronizing
        Leadership                relationships, dealing with difficult colleagues while maintaining healthy team
         Training                 atmosphere, facilitating ownership by exploring alternatives and generating
                                  solutions and demonstrating sensitivity while retaining objectives.

  Soft Skills Training            The whole and sole responsibility of a manager is to extract the best out of his
                                  employees, who possess different and diversified ideas and differ in their mode
                                  of conduct and operation, yet making them work towards one common goal.
     Team Building                Being a challenging task, let’s see how this target can be achieved with ease and
   HR and Business
      Programs                    As a leader and manager of the group, it is essential for you to motivate your
                                  employees in a manner that they show enthusiasm and willingness towards
        Workshop                  doing their work at hand well. Also providing employees with intrinsic motivation
        Facilitation              in the form of bonuses, recognition and pay checks etc. can boost their
                                  performance level drastically.
     Psychometrics                Managers have to be very skillful in recognizing the true talent and ability of a
                                  particular employee and assigning him the work that interests him the most. By
The Orange Academy                judging the unique quality of his employee, he would be justifying his ability and
provides coaching &               zeal for hard work which ultimately would show up in his performance and
mentoring services;               success of the company.
and leadership training
& development                     Every person works for his individual self and to fulfill his personal needs. As a
services. Our clients             manager, if you can highlight and link up personal goals and objectives of the
include several of the            employees with that of the organization as a whole, half the battle would be won.
best known companies              Henceforth you would simply have to sit back and watch them maximize their
across industry sectors,          productivity for the success and prosperity of the company.
where we work with
some of their senior-             Encouraging employees to undertake smart and intelligent risks can benefit their
most executives. We               personal growth and even pay you off as a manager as well as the organization,
are headquartered in              in the long run.
Bangalore, but work
with clients all across           The best managers make their employees feel like partners of the firm, and not
India and overseas.               as mere teammates. This works as an advantage for the organization because
                                  when employees are made to feel like owners, their responsibility towards the
                                  organization increases and they start caring more about the success, betterment
                                  and goodwill of the company.

                                  No one is born with managerial expertise. He has to work consistently over time
+91 7760503350                    to develop, sharpen and excel in it. By engaging yourself in learning and
Authored By Akash Chander,
                                  explanatory process and exploring newer methods of mastering your managerial
Principal Coach                   skills, you can definitely succeed in evaluating, recognizing and extracting the
                                  best out of you as well as your employees, for the growth and success of the
© The Orange Academy 2012
                                  organization as a whole.
Email: learn@executivecoachingindia.com

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Managerial Effectiveness

  • 1. www.executivecoachingindia.com Coaching & Managerial Effectiveness Mentoring The best and the simplest definition of managerial effectiveness would be ‘to manage self and others in the most effective manner.’ However, there are tools Coach Training to measure managerial effectiveness of an individual, starting from recognizing one’s personality type, achieving goals effectively while synchronizing Leadership relationships, dealing with difficult colleagues while maintaining healthy team Training atmosphere, facilitating ownership by exploring alternatives and generating solutions and demonstrating sensitivity while retaining objectives. Soft Skills Training The whole and sole responsibility of a manager is to extract the best out of his employees, who possess different and diversified ideas and differ in their mode of conduct and operation, yet making them work towards one common goal. Team Building Being a challenging task, let’s see how this target can be achieved with ease and convenience. HR and Business Programs As a leader and manager of the group, it is essential for you to motivate your employees in a manner that they show enthusiasm and willingness towards Workshop doing their work at hand well. Also providing employees with intrinsic motivation Facilitation in the form of bonuses, recognition and pay checks etc. can boost their performance level drastically. Psychometrics Managers have to be very skillful in recognizing the true talent and ability of a particular employee and assigning him the work that interests him the most. By The Orange Academy judging the unique quality of his employee, he would be justifying his ability and provides coaching & zeal for hard work which ultimately would show up in his performance and mentoring services; success of the company. and leadership training & development Every person works for his individual self and to fulfill his personal needs. As a services. Our clients manager, if you can highlight and link up personal goals and objectives of the include several of the employees with that of the organization as a whole, half the battle would be won. best known companies Henceforth you would simply have to sit back and watch them maximize their across industry sectors, productivity for the success and prosperity of the company. where we work with some of their senior- Encouraging employees to undertake smart and intelligent risks can benefit their most executives. We personal growth and even pay you off as a manager as well as the organization, are headquartered in in the long run. Bangalore, but work with clients all across The best managers make their employees feel like partners of the firm, and not India and overseas. as mere teammates. This works as an advantage for the organization because when employees are made to feel like owners, their responsibility towards the organization increases and they start caring more about the success, betterment and goodwill of the company. No one is born with managerial expertise. He has to work consistently over time +91 7760503350 to develop, sharpen and excel in it. By engaging yourself in learning and Authored By Akash Chander, explanatory process and exploring newer methods of mastering your managerial Principal Coach skills, you can definitely succeed in evaluating, recognizing and extracting the best out of you as well as your employees, for the growth and success of the © The Orange Academy 2012 organization as a whole. Email: learn@executivecoachingindia.com