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What Managers Do
Managers (or administrators)
Individuals who achieve goals through other people.

                       Managerial Activities
                       • Make decisions
                       • Allocate resources
                       • Direct activities of others
                         to attain goals


Where Managers Work
A consciously coordinated social unit,
composed of two or more people, that
functions on a relatively continuous basis
to achieve a common goal or set of


Management Functions

 Planning                  Organizing


Controlling                 Leading


Management Functions (cont’d)
 A process that includes defining goals,
 establishing strategy, and developing
 different ways to coordinate activities.


Management Functions (cont’d)
 Determining what tasks are to be done,
 who is to do them, how the tasks are to
 be grouped, who reports to whom, and
 where decisions are to be made.


Management Functions (cont’d)
 A function that includes giving vision,
 motivating employees, directing others,
 selecting the most effective communication
 channels, and resolving conflicts.


Management Functions (cont’d)
 Monitoring activities to ensure they are being
 accomplished as planned and correcting any
 significant deviations.


What Is Planning?
• Planning
  – A primary functional managerial activity that
    • Defining the organization’s goals
    • Establishing an overall strategy for achieving those
    • Developing a comprehensive set of plans to
      integrate and coordinate organizational work.
  – Types of planning
    • Informal: not written down, short-term focus;
      specific to an organizational unit.
    • Formal: written, specific, and long-term focus,
      involves shared goals for the organization.


Why Do Managers Plan?
• Purposes of Planning
  – Provides direction
  – Reduces uncertainty
  – Minimizes waste and redundancy
  – Sets the standards for controlling


Planning and Performance
• The Relationship Between Planning And
  – Formal planning is associated with:
     • Higher profits and returns of assets.
     • Positive financial results.
  – The quality of planning and implementation affects
    performance more than the extent of planning.
  – The external environment can reduce the impact of
    planning on performance,
  – Formal planning must be used for several years before
    planning begins to affect performance.


How Do Managers Plan?
• Elements of Planning
  – Goals (also Objectives)
    • Desired outcomes for individuals, groups, or entire
    • Provide direction and evaluation performance
  – Plans
    • Documents that outline how goals are to be
    • Describe how resources are to be allocated and
      establish activity schedules


Types of Goals
• Financial Goals
  – Are related to the expected internal financial
    performance of the organization.
• Strategic Goals
  – Are related to the performance of the firm relative to
    factors in its external environment (e.g.,
• Stated Goals versus Real Goals
  – Broadly-worded official statements of the
    organization (intended for public consumption) that
    may be irrelevant to its real goals (what actually
    goes on in the organization).


Types of Plans

                 Exhibit 1.1


Traditional Objective Setting

                                Exhibit 7.4


Planning in the Hierarchy of

                               Exhibit 7.7


Managers Versus Leaders
•   Managers                        •   Leaders
    – Are appointed to their            – Are appointed or emerge
      position.                           from within a work group.
    – Can influence people              – Can influence other
      only to the extent of the           people and have
      formal authority of their           managerial authority.
                                        – Do not necessarily have
    – Do not necessarily have             the skills and capabilities
      the skills and capabilities         to be managers.
      to be leaders.
        Leadership is the process of influencing a
         group toward the achievement of goals.


The Managerial Grid
• Managerial Grid
  – Appraises leadership styles using two dimensions:
     • Concern for people
     • Concern for production
  – Places managerial styles in five categories:
     • Impoverished management
     • Task management
     • Middle-of-the-road management
     • Country club management
     • Team management



Source: Reprinted by permission of
Harvard Business Review. An exhibit
from “Breakthrough in Organization
Development” by Robert R. Blake,
Jane S. Mouton, Louis B. Barnes, and
Larry E. Greiner, November–
December 1964, p. 136. Copyright ©
1964 by the President and Fellows of
Harvard College. All rights reserved.

                                                     Exhibit 17.3


Cutting-Edge Approaches to Leadership

• Transactional Leadership
  – Leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the
    direction of established goals by clarifying role and
    task requirements.
• Transformational Leadership
  – Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own
    self-interests for the good of the organization by
    clarifying role and task requirements.
  – Leaders who also are capable of having a profound
    and extraordinary effect on their followers.


Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership
• Charismatic Leadership
  – An enthusiastic, self-confident leader whose
    personality and actions influence people to behave in
    certain ways.
  – Characteristics of charismatic leaders:
     • Have a vision.
     • Are able to articulate the vision.
     • Are willing to take risks to achieve the vision.
     • Are sensitive to the environment and follower
     • Exhibit behaviors that are out of the ordinary.


Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership

• Visionary Leadership
  – A leader who creates and articulates a realistic,
    credible, and attractive vision of the future that
    improves upon the present situation.
  – Visionary leaders have the ability to:
     • Explain the vision to others.
     • Express the vision not just verbally but through
     • Extend or apply the vision to different leadership


Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership
• Team Leadership Characteristics
  – Having patience to share information
  – Being able to trust others and to give up authority
  – Understanding when to intervene
• Team Leader’s Job
  – Managing the team’s external boundary
  – Facilitating the team process
     • Coaching, facilitating, handling disciplinary
       problems, reviewing team and individual
       performance, training, and communication


Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership

• Team Leadership Roles
  – Liaison with external constituencies
  – Troubleshooter
  – Conflict manager
  – Coach


Specific Team Leadership Roles

                            Exhibit 1.2


Beyond Charismatic Leadership
• Level 5 Leaders
  – Possess a fifth dimension—a paradoxical blend of
    personal humility and professional will—in addition to
    the four basic leadership qualities of individual
    capability, team skills, managerial competence, and
    the ability to stimulate others to high performance.
  – Channel their ego needs away from themselves and
    into the goal of building a great company.


Contemporary Planning Techniques
• Scenario
  – A consistent view of what the future is likely to be.

• Scenario Planning
  – An attempt not try to predict the future but to reduce
    uncertainty by playing out potential situations under
    different specified conditions.

• Contingency Planning
  – Developing scenarios that allow managers determine
    in advance what their actions should be should a
    considered event actually occur.


 Organizing
    • The process of arranging people and other
      resources to work together to accomplish a goal.
  – Organization structure
    • The system of tasks, workflows, reporting
      relationships, and communication channels that
      link together diverse individuals and groups.


Organizing viewed in relationship with the
     other management functions.


What are the major types of
       organization structures?
 Functional structures
  – People with similar skills and performing
    similar tasks are grouped together into formal
    work units.
  – Members work in their functional areas of
  – Are not limited to businesses.
  – Work well for small organizations producing
    few products or services.


What are the new developments in
        organization structures?

 Network structures
  – A central core that is linked through networks
    of relationships with outside contractors and
    suppliers of essential services.
  – Own only core components and use strategic
    alliances or outsourcing to provide other


What are the major types of
      organization structures?
 Divisional structures
  – Group together people who work on the same
    product or process, serve similar customers,
    and/or are located in the same area or
    geographical region.
  – Common in complex organizations.
  – Avoid problems associated with functional


The boundary less organization eliminates
      internal and external barriers.


What organizing trends are changing the

 Contemporary organizing trends include:
  – Shorter chains of command.
  – Less unity of command.
  – Wider spans of control.
  – More delegation and empowerment.
  – Decentralization with centralization.
  – Reduced use of staff.


What organizing trends are
       changing the workplace?
 Shorter chains of command
  – The line of authority that vertically links all
    persons with successively higher levels of
  – Organizing trend:
      • Organizations are being “streamlined” by cutting
        unnecessary levels of management.
      • Flatter structures are viewed as a competitive


What organizing trends are
      changing the workplace?
 Less unity of command
   – Each person in an organization should report
     to one and only one supervisor.
   – Organizing trend:
     • Organizations are using more cross-functional
       teams, task forces, and horizontal structures.
     • Organizations are becoming more customer
     • Employees often find themselves working for more
       than one boss.


What organizing trends are
     changing the workplace?
 Wider spans of control
  – The number of persons directly reporting to a
  – Organizing trend:
     • Many organizations are shifting to wider spans of
       control as levels of management are eliminated.
     • Managers have responsibility for a larger number
       of subordinates who operate with less direct


Spans of control in “flat” versus
       “tall” structures.


What organizing trends are changing
         the workplace?
 More delegation and empowerment
  – Delegation is the process of entrusting work
    to others by giving them the right to make
    decisions and take action.
  – The manager assigns responsibility, grants
    authority to act, and creates accountability.
  – Authority should be commensurate with


What organizing trends are changing
         the workplace?
 Guidelines for effective delegation:
  –   Carefully choose the person to whom you delegate.
  –   Define the responsibility; make the assignment clear.
  –   Agree on performance objectives and standards.
  –   Agree on a performance timetable.
  –   Give authority; allow the other person to act independently.
  –   Show trust in the other person.
  –   Provide performance support.
  –   Give performance feedback
  –   Recognize and reinforce progress.
  –   Help when things go wrong.
  –   Don’t forget your accountability for performance results.


What organizing trends are changing
         the workplace?
 More delegation and empowerment (cont.)
  – A common management failure is
    unwillingness to delegate.
  – Delegation leads to empowerment.
  – Organizing trend:
     • Managers are delegating more and finding more
       ways to empower people at all levels.


What organizing trends are changing
         the workplace?
 Reduced use of staff
  – Specialized staff
     • People who perform a technical service or provide
       special problem-solving expertise to other parts of
       the organization.
  – Personal staff
     • People working in “assistant-to” positions that
       provide special support to higher-level managers.


     •   Process of locating,
         identifying, and attracting
         capable candidates
     •   Can be for current or future
     •   Critical activity for some
     •   What sources do we use for


Job Performance, Selection Criteria, and


Big Five Personality Characteristics


Types of Selection Interviews


What Is Control?
• Control
  – The process of monitoring activities to ensure
    that they are being accomplished as planned
    and of correcting any significant deviations.
• The Purpose of Control
  – To ensure that activities are completed in
    ways that lead to accomplishment of
    organizational goals.


Why Is Control Important?
• As the final link in management functions:
  – Planning
     • Controls let managers know whether their goals
       and plans are on target and what future actions to
  – Empowering employees
     • Control systems provide managers with
       information and feedback on employee
  – Protecting the workplace
     • Controls enhance physical security and help
       minimize workplace disruptions.


The Planning–Controlling Link

                            Exhibit 1.3


The Control Process
• The Process of Control
 1. Measuring actual
 2. Comparing actual
    performance against a
 3. Taking action to correct
    deviations or
    inadequate standards.


The Control Process

                      Exhibit 1.4


Taking Managerial Action
• Courses of Action
  – “Doing nothing”
    • Only if deviation is judged to be insignificant.
  – Correcting actual (current) performance
    • Immediate corrective action to correct the problem
      at once.
    • Basic corrective action to locate and to correct the
      source of the deviation.
    • Corrective Actions
       – Change strategy, structure, compensation scheme, or
         training programs; redesign jobs; or fire employees


Taking Managerial Action (cont’d)

• Courses of Action (cont’d)
  – Revising the standard
     • Examining the standard to ascertain whether or not
       the standard is realistic, fair, and achievable.
        – Upholding the validity of the standard.
        – Resetting goals that were initially set too low or too high.


Controlling for Organizational
• What Is Performance?
  – The end result of an activity
• What Is Organizational
  – The accumulated end results of all of the
    organization’s work processes and activities
     • Designing strategies, work processes, and work
     • Coordinating the work of employees


Understanding Groups
• Group
  – Two or more interacting and interdependent
    individuals who come together to achieve particular
  – Formal groups
     • Work groups defined by the organization’s
       structure that have designated work assignments
       and tasks.
        – Appropriate behaviors are defined by and directed
          toward organizational goals.
  – Informal groups
     • Groups that are independently formed to meet the
       social needs of their members.


Stages in Group Development
• Forming
  – Members join and begin the
    process of defining the
                                    • Performing
    group’s purpose, structure,       – A fully functional group
    and leadership.                     structure allows the
• Storming                              group to focus on
                                        performing the task at
  – Intragroup conflict occurs
    as individuals resist control
    by the group and disagree       • Adjourning
    over leadership.
                                      – The group prepares to
• Norming                               disband and is no longer
  – Close relationships develop         concerned with high levels
    as the group becomes                of performance.
    cohesive and establishes its
    norms for acceptable


Stages of Group Development

                         Exhibit 1.5


Group Structure: Group Size
• Small groups                     • Social Loafing
  – Complete tasks faster than       – The tendency for individuals
    larger groups.                     to expend less effort when
  – Make more effective use of         working collectively than
                                       when work individually.

• Large groups
  – Solve problems better than
    small groups.
  – Are good for getting diverse
  – Are more effective in fact-


Group Structure (cont’d)
• Group Cohesiveness
  – The degree to which members are attracted
    to a group and share the group’s goals.
    • Highly cohesive groups are more effective and
      productive than less cohesive groups when their
      goals aligned with organizational goals.


The Relationship Between
Cohesiveness and Productivity

                            Exhibit 1.6


Techniques for Making More
      Creative Group

                             Exhibit 1.7


Advantages of Using Teams
• Teams outperform individuals.
• Teams provide a way to better use employee
• Teams are more flexible and responsive.
• Teams can be quickly
  assembled, deployed,
  refocused, and disbanded.


What Is a Team?
• Work Team
  – A group whose members work intensely on a specific
    common goal using their positive synergy, individual
    and mutual accountability, and complementary skills.

• Types of Teams
  – Problem-solving teams
  – Self-managed work teams
  – Cross-functional teams
  – Virtual teams


Types of Teams
• Problem-solving Teams
  – Employees from the same department and
    functional area who are involved in efforts to
    improve work activities or to solve specific
• Self-managed Work Teams
  – A formal group of employees who operate
    without a manager and responsible for a
    complete work process or segment.


Types of Teams (cont’d)
• Cross-functional Teams
  – A hybrid grouping of individuals who are
    experts in various specialties and who work
    together on various tasks.
• Virtual Teams
  – Teams that use computer technology to link
    physically dispersed members in order to
    achieve a common goal.


Examples of Formal Groups
• Command Groups
  – Groups that are determined by the organization chart
    and composed of individuals who report directly to a
    given manager.

• Task Groups
  – Groups composed of individuals brought together to
    complete a specific job task; their existence is often
    temporary because once the task is completed, the
    group disbands.


Examples of Formal Groups (cont’d)

• Cross-functional Teams
  – Groups that bring together the knowledge and skills of
    individuals from various work areas or groups whose
    members have been trained to do each others’ jobs.

• Self-managed Teams
  – Groups that are essentially independent and in
    addition to their own tasks, take on traditional
    responsibilities such as hiring, planning and
    scheduling, and performance evaluations.


Characteristics of Effective Teams

                              Exhibit 1.8


Characteristics of Effective Teams
• Have a clear                • Are unified in their
  understanding of their        commitment to team goals.
  goals.                      • Have good communication
• Have competent                systems.
  members with relevant       • Possess effective
  technical and                 negotiating skills
  interpersonal skills.
                              • Have appropriate
• Exhibit high mutual trust     leadership
  in the character and
  integrity of their          • Have both internally and
  members.                      externally supportive


Job satisfaction
A general attitude toward
one’s job, the difference
between the amount of
reward workers receive
and the amount they
believe they should

More Related Content

Managing Team Leadership

  • 1. What Managers Do Managers (or administrators) Individuals who achieve goals through other people. Managerial Activities • Make decisions • Allocate resources • Direct activities of others to attain goals
  • 2. Where Managers Work Organization A consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.
  • 3. Management Functions Planning Organizing Management Functions Controlling Leading
  • 4. Management Functions (cont’d) Planning A process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing different ways to coordinate activities.
  • 5. Management Functions (cont’d) Organizing Determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.
  • 6. Management Functions (cont’d) Leading A function that includes giving vision, motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts.
  • 7. Management Functions (cont’d) Controlling Monitoring activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations.
  • 8. What Is Planning? • Planning – A primary functional managerial activity that involves: • Defining the organization’s goals • Establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals • Developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate organizational work. – Types of planning • Informal: not written down, short-term focus; specific to an organizational unit. • Formal: written, specific, and long-term focus, involves shared goals for the organization.
  • 9. Why Do Managers Plan? • Purposes of Planning – Provides direction – Reduces uncertainty – Minimizes waste and redundancy – Sets the standards for controlling
  • 10. Planning and Performance • The Relationship Between Planning And Performance – Formal planning is associated with: • Higher profits and returns of assets. • Positive financial results. – The quality of planning and implementation affects performance more than the extent of planning. – The external environment can reduce the impact of planning on performance, – Formal planning must be used for several years before planning begins to affect performance.
  • 11. How Do Managers Plan? • Elements of Planning – Goals (also Objectives) • Desired outcomes for individuals, groups, or entire organizations • Provide direction and evaluation performance criteria – Plans • Documents that outline how goals are to be accomplished • Describe how resources are to be allocated and establish activity schedules
  • 12. Types of Goals • Financial Goals – Are related to the expected internal financial performance of the organization. • Strategic Goals – Are related to the performance of the firm relative to factors in its external environment (e.g., competitors). • Stated Goals versus Real Goals – Broadly-worded official statements of the organization (intended for public consumption) that may be irrelevant to its real goals (what actually goes on in the organization).
  • 13. Types of Plans Exhibit 1.1
  • 15. Planning in the Hierarchy of Organizations Exhibit 7.7
  • 16. Managers Versus Leaders • Managers • Leaders – Are appointed to their – Are appointed or emerge position. from within a work group. – Can influence people – Can influence other only to the extent of the people and have formal authority of their managerial authority. position. – Do not necessarily have – Do not necessarily have the skills and capabilities the skills and capabilities to be managers. to be leaders. Leadership is the process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals.
  • 17. The Managerial Grid • Managerial Grid – Appraises leadership styles using two dimensions: • Concern for people • Concern for production – Places managerial styles in five categories: • Impoverished management • Task management • Middle-of-the-road management • Country club management • Team management
  • 18. The Managerial Grid Source: Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business Review. An exhibit from “Breakthrough in Organization Development” by Robert R. Blake, Jane S. Mouton, Louis B. Barnes, and Larry E. Greiner, November– December 1964, p. 136. Copyright © 1964 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved. Exhibit 17.3
  • 19. Cutting-Edge Approaches to Leadership • Transactional Leadership – Leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. • Transformational Leadership – Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization by clarifying role and task requirements. – Leaders who also are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on their followers.
  • 20. Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership (cont’d) • Charismatic Leadership – An enthusiastic, self-confident leader whose personality and actions influence people to behave in certain ways. – Characteristics of charismatic leaders: • Have a vision. • Are able to articulate the vision. • Are willing to take risks to achieve the vision. • Are sensitive to the environment and follower needs. • Exhibit behaviors that are out of the ordinary.
  • 21. Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership (cont’d) • Visionary Leadership – A leader who creates and articulates a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future that improves upon the present situation. – Visionary leaders have the ability to: • Explain the vision to others. • Express the vision not just verbally but through behavior. • Extend or apply the vision to different leadership contexts.
  • 22. Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership (cont’d) • Team Leadership Characteristics – Having patience to share information – Being able to trust others and to give up authority – Understanding when to intervene • Team Leader’s Job – Managing the team’s external boundary – Facilitating the team process • Coaching, facilitating, handling disciplinary problems, reviewing team and individual performance, training, and communication
  • 23. Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership (cont’d) • Team Leadership Roles – Liaison with external constituencies – Troubleshooter – Conflict manager – Coach
  • 24. Specific Team Leadership Roles Exhibit 1.2
  • 25. Beyond Charismatic Leadership • Level 5 Leaders – Possess a fifth dimension—a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will—in addition to the four basic leadership qualities of individual capability, team skills, managerial competence, and the ability to stimulate others to high performance. – Channel their ego needs away from themselves and into the goal of building a great company.
  • 26. Contemporary Planning Techniques • Scenario – A consistent view of what the future is likely to be. • Scenario Planning – An attempt not try to predict the future but to reduce uncertainty by playing out potential situations under different specified conditions. • Contingency Planning – Developing scenarios that allow managers determine in advance what their actions should be should a considered event actually occur.
  • 27. ORGANIZING  Organizing • The process of arranging people and other resources to work together to accomplish a goal. – Organization structure • The system of tasks, workflows, reporting relationships, and communication channels that link together diverse individuals and groups.
  • 28. Organizing viewed in relationship with the other management functions.
  • 29. What are the major types of organization structures?  Functional structures – People with similar skills and performing similar tasks are grouped together into formal work units. – Members work in their functional areas of expertise. – Are not limited to businesses. – Work well for small organizations producing few products or services.
  • 30. What are the new developments in organization structures?  Network structures – A central core that is linked through networks of relationships with outside contractors and suppliers of essential services. – Own only core components and use strategic alliances or outsourcing to provide other components.
  • 31. What are the major types of organization structures?  Divisional structures – Group together people who work on the same product or process, serve similar customers, and/or are located in the same area or geographical region. – Common in complex organizations. – Avoid problems associated with functional structures.
  • 32. The boundary less organization eliminates internal and external barriers.
  • 33. What organizing trends are changing the workplace?  Contemporary organizing trends include: – Shorter chains of command. – Less unity of command. – Wider spans of control. – More delegation and empowerment. – Decentralization with centralization. – Reduced use of staff.
  • 34. What organizing trends are changing the workplace?  Shorter chains of command – The line of authority that vertically links all persons with successively higher levels of management. – Organizing trend: • Organizations are being “streamlined” by cutting unnecessary levels of management. • Flatter structures are viewed as a competitive advantage.
  • 35. What organizing trends are changing the workplace?  Less unity of command – Each person in an organization should report to one and only one supervisor. – Organizing trend: • Organizations are using more cross-functional teams, task forces, and horizontal structures. • Organizations are becoming more customer conscious. • Employees often find themselves working for more than one boss.
  • 36. What organizing trends are changing the workplace?  Wider spans of control – The number of persons directly reporting to a manager. – Organizing trend: • Many organizations are shifting to wider spans of control as levels of management are eliminated. • Managers have responsibility for a larger number of subordinates who operate with less direct supervision.
  • 37. Spans of control in “flat” versus “tall” structures.
  • 38. What organizing trends are changing the workplace?  More delegation and empowerment – Delegation is the process of entrusting work to others by giving them the right to make decisions and take action. – The manager assigns responsibility, grants authority to act, and creates accountability. – Authority should be commensurate with responsibility.
  • 39. What organizing trends are changing the workplace?  Guidelines for effective delegation: – Carefully choose the person to whom you delegate. – Define the responsibility; make the assignment clear. – Agree on performance objectives and standards. – Agree on a performance timetable. – Give authority; allow the other person to act independently. – Show trust in the other person. – Provide performance support. – Give performance feedback – Recognize and reinforce progress. – Help when things go wrong. – Don’t forget your accountability for performance results.
  • 40. What organizing trends are changing the workplace?  More delegation and empowerment (cont.) – A common management failure is unwillingness to delegate. – Delegation leads to empowerment. – Organizing trend: • Managers are delegating more and finding more ways to empower people at all levels.
  • 41. What organizing trends are changing the workplace?  Reduced use of staff – Specialized staff • People who perform a technical service or provide special problem-solving expertise to other parts of the organization. – Personal staff • People working in “assistant-to” positions that provide special support to higher-level managers.
  • 42. Recruitment • Process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable candidates • Can be for current or future needs • Critical activity for some corporations. • What sources do we use for recruitment
  • 43. Job Performance, Selection Criteria, and Predictors
  • 44. Big Five Personality Characteristics
  • 45. Types of Selection Interviews
  • 46. What Is Control? • Control – The process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and of correcting any significant deviations. • The Purpose of Control – To ensure that activities are completed in ways that lead to accomplishment of organizational goals.
  • 47. Why Is Control Important? • As the final link in management functions: – Planning • Controls let managers know whether their goals and plans are on target and what future actions to take. – Empowering employees • Control systems provide managers with information and feedback on employee performance. – Protecting the workplace • Controls enhance physical security and help minimize workplace disruptions.
  • 49. The Control Process • The Process of Control 1. Measuring actual performance. 2. Comparing actual performance against a standard. 3. Taking action to correct deviations or inadequate standards.
  • 50. The Control Process Exhibit 1.4
  • 51. Taking Managerial Action • Courses of Action – “Doing nothing” • Only if deviation is judged to be insignificant. – Correcting actual (current) performance • Immediate corrective action to correct the problem at once. • Basic corrective action to locate and to correct the source of the deviation. • Corrective Actions – Change strategy, structure, compensation scheme, or training programs; redesign jobs; or fire employees
  • 52. Taking Managerial Action (cont’d) • Courses of Action (cont’d) – Revising the standard • Examining the standard to ascertain whether or not the standard is realistic, fair, and achievable. – Upholding the validity of the standard. – Resetting goals that were initially set too low or too high.
  • 53. Controlling for Organizational Performance • What Is Performance? – The end result of an activity • What Is Organizational Performance? – The accumulated end results of all of the organization’s work processes and activities • Designing strategies, work processes, and work activities. • Coordinating the work of employees
  • 54. Understanding Groups • Group – Two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve particular goals. – Formal groups • Work groups defined by the organization’s structure that have designated work assignments and tasks. – Appropriate behaviors are defined by and directed toward organizational goals. – Informal groups • Groups that are independently formed to meet the social needs of their members.
  • 55. Stages in Group Development • Forming – Members join and begin the process of defining the • Performing group’s purpose, structure, – A fully functional group and leadership. structure allows the • Storming group to focus on performing the task at – Intragroup conflict occurs hand. as individuals resist control by the group and disagree • Adjourning over leadership. – The group prepares to • Norming disband and is no longer – Close relationships develop concerned with high levels as the group becomes of performance. cohesive and establishes its norms for acceptable behavior.
  • 56. Stages of Group Development Exhibit 1.5
  • 57. Group Structure: Group Size • Small groups • Social Loafing – Complete tasks faster than – The tendency for individuals larger groups. to expend less effort when – Make more effective use of working collectively than when work individually. facts. • Large groups – Solve problems better than small groups. – Are good for getting diverse input. – Are more effective in fact- finding.
  • 58. Group Structure (cont’d) • Group Cohesiveness – The degree to which members are attracted to a group and share the group’s goals. • Highly cohesive groups are more effective and productive than less cohesive groups when their goals aligned with organizational goals.
  • 59. The Relationship Between Cohesiveness and Productivity Exhibit 1.6
  • 60. Techniques for Making More Creative Group Decisions Exhibit 1.7
  • 61. Advantages of Using Teams • Teams outperform individuals. • Teams provide a way to better use employee talents. • Teams are more flexible and responsive. • Teams can be quickly assembled, deployed, refocused, and disbanded.
  • 62. What Is a Team? • Work Team – A group whose members work intensely on a specific common goal using their positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, and complementary skills. • Types of Teams – Problem-solving teams – Self-managed work teams – Cross-functional teams – Virtual teams
  • 63. Types of Teams • Problem-solving Teams – Employees from the same department and functional area who are involved in efforts to improve work activities or to solve specific problems • Self-managed Work Teams – A formal group of employees who operate without a manager and responsible for a complete work process or segment.
  • 64. Types of Teams (cont’d) • Cross-functional Teams – A hybrid grouping of individuals who are experts in various specialties and who work together on various tasks. • Virtual Teams – Teams that use computer technology to link physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal.
  • 65. Examples of Formal Groups • Command Groups – Groups that are determined by the organization chart and composed of individuals who report directly to a given manager. • Task Groups – Groups composed of individuals brought together to complete a specific job task; their existence is often temporary because once the task is completed, the group disbands.
  • 66. Examples of Formal Groups (cont’d) • Cross-functional Teams – Groups that bring together the knowledge and skills of individuals from various work areas or groups whose members have been trained to do each others’ jobs. • Self-managed Teams – Groups that are essentially independent and in addition to their own tasks, take on traditional responsibilities such as hiring, planning and scheduling, and performance evaluations.
  • 67. Characteristics of Effective Teams Exhibit 1.8
  • 68. Characteristics of Effective Teams • Have a clear • Are unified in their understanding of their commitment to team goals. goals. • Have good communication • Have competent systems. members with relevant • Possess effective technical and negotiating skills interpersonal skills. • Have appropriate • Exhibit high mutual trust leadership in the character and integrity of their • Have both internally and members. externally supportive environments
  • 69. Job satisfaction A general attitude toward one’s job, the difference between the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive.