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Managing Up   Business Strategy and Information Architecture


About our firm The Management Innovation Group (MIG) is a research group and strategic consultancy. We are dedicated to improving our clients’ ability to identify, plan for, and adapt to strategic change by enabling them to more effectively collaborate across functional units, understand and engage their customers, and envision the future.  At the heart of our approach is a belief that design offers a rich set of tools useful not just for creating physical products, but as a means for clarifying intentions, understanding options, organizing processes, and motivating action.


Who do you want to be when you grow UP?




“ We will never make progress as long we are resources and not leaders. Resources don't discuss the business plan, the marketing strategy. Resources don't help decide what the product or service will be in the first place. Resources are called in when the leaders think they are needed. They do their job and then get out of the way.” - Don Norman A quote


“ The  core competencies of design  facilitate specific and tangible ways of engaging with problems.  These competencies  bring new value  to the way in which business teams work.  To foster the broad application of design competence, designers will need to feel confident in  leaving the designer label behind  and accepting the label of business manager, strategist, or vice president.  Of course, this is no big leap for the best in any discipline; one will find engineers, accountants, and human resources professionals at the helms of organizations around the world.  However, at that point, they are  simply called leaders .  - Chris Conley, “Leveraging  Design’s Core Competencies”


Why bother? Problems They don’t understand what I do We get called in too late I don’t want to be a colorist Desires I want real influence I want to change how business is done I want to get promoted (and don’t want to get fired)


What does it take to be a leader? Business skills People skills Will Lucky Accidents We’ll help you with the first two. On Will… The most required aspects necessary to succeed as a CEO are: on, tenacity; two, perseverance; three, the ability to come back on your own behalf; four, the conviction you know you are right no matter what; and five, the commitment to make things happen Leonard Abramson CEO and President U.S. Healthcare From “How to think like a CEO” by D.A. Benton


Speak the language Or quit saying “people would take me seriously if I could prove my ROI”


Everything You Need to Know About ROI


The Dilemma of “Value”  Cost Justifying Usability Questionable Value:  CJU  based on   productivity calculations (e.g. time on task); does this deliver measurable value?  Questionable Indicators: A web site can be entirely usable and still not deliver business value Traditional ROI analysis ROI = (returns – expenses) / total costs  Used to  assign a dollar value  to a  capital expenditure  based on expected returns over its useful life Capital expenditures are hard assets … things like equipment, stores, IT, etc.


Everything You Need to Know About ROI (in one slide) ROI Return Investment This formula is NOT on the test:  NPV =Σ((Cash flow in t)/(1+i)t )


User Experience Return on Investment All your CEO cares about … Returns (measurable changes) Increased sales Reduced costs Achieving the mission (for a non-profit) Investments (cost of making change happen) Keeping headcount low Using resources more effectively Only bringing in consultants if necessary “ ROI” is just a fancy estimate accountants use to make decisions


The Importance of User Behavior User Needs: UCD process - research, intuition, high-level vision  Design affects what the tool does ->  user tasks But we don’t control user needs, right?  How do we measure the effectiveness of the UCD process? User Behavior: Valuation process - data mining, project finance, accountability Business measures how well the tool does it ->  metrics This is the litmus test for what the business can control


Why Traditional ROI is a Red Herring ROI is a method for comparing BIG investments Small incremental user experience improvements can be just as valuable as “big” projects “ Useful life” doesn’t apply to user experience Website is not a tangible asset, like equipment or property Investment is fixed in the short term (usually by headcount) How Valuation Methodology is Helpful Reconciling user needs and business goals  Prioritizing possible user experience projects Assessing baseline financial performance of your website Determining accountability / Evangelizing success


About Business Things you should know to have a conversation


The Five Questions  What does it means to be responsible for profit & loss? What is the difference between expense and investment? What are the key metrics for your business unit? What market are you in? What is your unique value proposition?


Profit and Loss


Investment vs. expense Location    Location    Location


The Market Stock Location Advertising Differentiation Diversifying Pricing


Got Metrics? Do you know what matters?


Web Experience Metrics Development: Reduce Costs Development Costs Development Time Maintenance Costs Redesign Costs Sales: Increase Revenue Transactions/ purchases Product sales Traffic, audience size Customer retention Appeal Market Share Use: Improve Effectiveness Success rate/user error Efficiency/productivity User Satisfaction Job Satisfaction Ease of use Ease of learning Trust Support costs Training/documentation Return on Investment for Usable User-Interface Design , Aaron Marcus


User Experience Also Influences… Web Metrics Total page views Page views per session Click paths Unique visitors Return visitors Conversion rate (sales, reservations, applications, etc.) Business Metrics Leads Sales Retention Length of sales cycle Productivity Development costs Customer Satisfaction


What market are you in? Media Advertising Subscription Single purchase Commerce Profit margin Customer retention Broker Transactions Users Liquidity


Direct IA Metrics ?


Karen Donoghue’s Framework   from  Built for Use 1. Convert browsers to customers and increase client base Prospective customer (i.e. Browser) 2. Increase retention rate 3. Deepen existing customer relationships 4. Increase productivity inside firm Existing Customer Existing Customer Employee inside of firm Relationship-establishing activity Relationship-retaining behavior Relationship-deepening activity Creation of usable data about profitable and cost-efficient transactions Researching firm, requesting information and follow-up Increasing frequency of engagement, level of membership Increase number of points of contact with customer Action based on understanding and analysis of transaction and data usage Business Goals User Online Experience Must Drive… Desired User Behaviors…


Parts of Design (arguably) Identity User  research Interface  design IA Interaction  Design Graphic  design design


Parts of Business (arguably) Innovation Management Strategy HR  Finance Accounting Operations Marketing Business


Clement says… IP Artifacts Strategy Design ROI Products Managing Envisioning How What


Moving value


The Origins of Strategy “ That general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack.”  circa 500 BC -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Strategy “Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable positioning, involving a different set of activities.” Strategy is in making tradeoffs in competing.  The essence of strategy is deciding what not to do .” Strategy is making fit among a companies’ activities” Michael Porter “What is Strategy”


A Strategy is a unified, comprehensive and integrated plan designed to ensure that the basic objectives of the organization are achieved Strategic Planning is that set of decisions and actions which leads to the development of an effective strategy -- Colin Boyd, Professor of Management, University of Saskatchewan


Porter's Generic Strategies Niche Positioning Product Differentiation Cost Leadership It is probably easier to establish a niche position when the market is growing  = PRODUCT MANAGEMENT  + DESIGN SKILLS When the pie is growing, no one is fighting too hard for market share, and hence differentiation is possible in the growth stages of the life cycle   = MARKETING SKILLS  + DESIGN SKILLS A mature market means a fight for market share via price competition, which in turns puts all the attention on product costs  = MANUFACTURING SKILLS  + DESIGN SKILLS


IA– hard to copy


Know your value Why are you valuable  to the business that is unique to your role ? Why can Design help Why can IA help Why can User Research help Do you know the answer?


Exercise List your strengths.. All of them Cross out those that aren’t relevant to business Cross out those that others can offer Now you have your core value (Note: great to do in a weekly staff meeting!)


Three Stories on IA Value


The Sa les Argument Once there were people with cows And people without cows The people with no cows were hungry


They took to the road And met at the market And the people with no cows bought cows The people with cows had fewer cows, but money for other things


Now there are people with information And people with no information The road is the computer And the market is the web


But the market is really big And the people can’t find each other So we have ignorant people And people with no money The cows are okay with this Business is not.


The Goal  The players Users, seeking information (cowless) Businesses with information (with cows) Intermediaries such as search engines and directories, profiting on the exchange (marketplaces) The goal is to get the users seeking the data to the businesses offering the data


Missing information is expensive “ The Fortune 1000 stands to  waste at least $2.5  billion per year  due to an inability to locate and retrieve information .” “ While the  costs of not finding information are enormous , they are hidden within the enterprise, and…are rarely perceived as having an impact on the bottom line.” The High Cost of Not Finding Information An IDC White Paper, July 2001.


The Brand Argument


Branding in 10 seconds create fullfilled by Brian Collins’ Model of Brand brand promises brand experiences Brand managers


Brand and the User Experience Hugh Dubberly’s Model of Brand Creating a good customer experience is the essence of good branding


IA Realizes Brand


Product Quality = Brand Loyalty I get asked a lot  why Apple's customers are so loyal .  It's not because they belong to the Church of Mac! That's ridiculous. It's because when you buy our products, and three months later you get stuck on something, you quickly figure out [how to get past it]. And you think,   "Wow, someone over there at Apple actually thought of this!"  And then three months later you try to do something you hadn't tried before, and it works, and you think "Hey, they thought of that, too." And then six months later it happens again.  There's almost no product in the world that you have that experience with, but you have it with a Mac . And you have it with an iPod .


Argument three: IA and Trust


Dewey Decimal System 200-299 – Religion Categories 40+ categories related to Christianity 1 for Judaism 1 for Islam (& related)


Who Cares? Religious Scholars Librarians Information Architects Jews and Muslims


Classification reflects social and cultural organization Information Architect must understand this context We can change how people think via classification and labeling


Frames Voter revolt Tax Relief War on terror Free Market Poison free George Lakoff, author of “Don’t Think of an Elephant


Business reframes


Design Look  46.1% Information Design/Structure  28.5% Information Focus  25.1% Company Motive  15.5% Information Usefulness  14.8% Information Accuracy  14.3% Name Recognition & Reputation  14.1% Advertising  13.8% Information Bias  11.6% Writing Tone  9.0% Identity of Site Operator  8.8% Site Functionality  8.6% Customer Service  6.4% Past Experience with Site  4.6% Information Clarity  3.7% Performance on Test by User  3.6% Readability  3.6% Affiliations  3.4% “ While information structure is  often associated with  usability ,  the comments here show how information structure has implications for  credibility . Sites that were easy to navigate were seen as being more credible.”


Okay, I’m sold Now what?


Paths for Designers & IA’s Designer decides they want to move up Choose business (PM, Strategist, Analyst Chooses design Chooses Individual contributor Becomes General manager Chooses management Chooses entrepreneurship Solo Work Builds company Becomes CD Leaves for company with growth Becomes VP Switches to general management Becomes VP of BU Becomes SVP of BU Becomes CPO, or equiv Becomes CEO Chooses growth Chooses entrepreneurship Consulting Builds Start-up Sells to Yahoo for 25 mil Deep specialization


What does it take to manage?  Business Knowledge People Skills (up, down across) Leadership and Vision


Moving Up in Influence Manager New Employee Employee Director & Up Needs Help for everything Self-Sufficient, Contributes Individually Contributes via others Contributes via influencing organizations From “Novations” by Gene W. Dalton


“ Perhaps an MBA is not the best degree to lead a company to success afterall.” “ We need broad generalists to successfully run large, complex organizations.” - Richard Kovacevich, CEO Wells Fargo & Co.


Business Turns Its Eye Toward Design


Business Diagram from  Design of Business  by Roger Martin, U of Toronto


Trends: re-designing design We do not imagine the production of form to be the endpoint of design.  We look for something more difficult and tenuous: to engage as directly as possible   the environment within which design occurs . - Bruce Mau,  Life Style


Adapted from  The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning  by Henry Mintzberg (1993) 10% 90% 90% The paradigm “ ready, aim, fire ” no longer applies; it is now “ ready, fire, steer .”  Paul Saffo


We get there.. Eventually.


Quality is not (always) the point Market Segmentation Identify segmentation variables and segment the market Develop profiles of resulting segments Market Targeting Evalute the attractiveness of each segment Select the target segments Product Positioning Identify possible positioning concepts for each target segment Select, develop and communicate the selected positioning concept


The person who is in charge is me!


Seven Surprises for Design Managers Surprise One: You Can’t Design Anymore Surprise Two: You Are Still Designing Surprise Three: Giving Orders Is Costly Surprise Four: You Are Always Sending a Message Surprise Five: You Are Not the Boss Surprise Six: Pleasing Your Boss is Not Your Goal Surprise Seven: You Are Still Only Human Also see Peter Druckers “ Seven Suprises for New CEOs”


CEO or CXO? (or cmo, cio, cpo)

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Managing Up

  • 1. Managing Up Business Strategy and Information Architecture
  • 2. About our firm The Management Innovation Group (MIG) is a research group and strategic consultancy. We are dedicated to improving our clients’ ability to identify, plan for, and adapt to strategic change by enabling them to more effectively collaborate across functional units, understand and engage their customers, and envision the future. At the heart of our approach is a belief that design offers a rich set of tools useful not just for creating physical products, but as a means for clarifying intentions, understanding options, organizing processes, and motivating action.
  • 3. Who do you want to be when you grow UP?
  • 5. “ We will never make progress as long we are resources and not leaders. Resources don't discuss the business plan, the marketing strategy. Resources don't help decide what the product or service will be in the first place. Resources are called in when the leaders think they are needed. They do their job and then get out of the way.” - Don Norman A quote
  • 6. “ The core competencies of design facilitate specific and tangible ways of engaging with problems. These competencies bring new value to the way in which business teams work. To foster the broad application of design competence, designers will need to feel confident in leaving the designer label behind and accepting the label of business manager, strategist, or vice president. Of course, this is no big leap for the best in any discipline; one will find engineers, accountants, and human resources professionals at the helms of organizations around the world. However, at that point, they are simply called leaders . - Chris Conley, “Leveraging Design’s Core Competencies”
  • 7. Why bother? Problems They don’t understand what I do We get called in too late I don’t want to be a colorist Desires I want real influence I want to change how business is done I want to get promoted (and don’t want to get fired)
  • 8. What does it take to be a leader? Business skills People skills Will Lucky Accidents We’ll help you with the first two. On Will… The most required aspects necessary to succeed as a CEO are: on, tenacity; two, perseverance; three, the ability to come back on your own behalf; four, the conviction you know you are right no matter what; and five, the commitment to make things happen Leonard Abramson CEO and President U.S. Healthcare From “How to think like a CEO” by D.A. Benton
  • 9. Speak the language Or quit saying “people would take me seriously if I could prove my ROI”
  • 10. Everything You Need to Know About ROI
  • 11. The Dilemma of “Value” Cost Justifying Usability Questionable Value: CJU based on productivity calculations (e.g. time on task); does this deliver measurable value? Questionable Indicators: A web site can be entirely usable and still not deliver business value Traditional ROI analysis ROI = (returns – expenses) / total costs Used to assign a dollar value to a capital expenditure based on expected returns over its useful life Capital expenditures are hard assets … things like equipment, stores, IT, etc.
  • 12. Everything You Need to Know About ROI (in one slide) ROI Return Investment This formula is NOT on the test: NPV =Σ((Cash flow in t)/(1+i)t )
  • 13. User Experience Return on Investment All your CEO cares about … Returns (measurable changes) Increased sales Reduced costs Achieving the mission (for a non-profit) Investments (cost of making change happen) Keeping headcount low Using resources more effectively Only bringing in consultants if necessary “ ROI” is just a fancy estimate accountants use to make decisions
  • 14. The Importance of User Behavior User Needs: UCD process - research, intuition, high-level vision Design affects what the tool does -> user tasks But we don’t control user needs, right? How do we measure the effectiveness of the UCD process? User Behavior: Valuation process - data mining, project finance, accountability Business measures how well the tool does it -> metrics This is the litmus test for what the business can control
  • 15. Why Traditional ROI is a Red Herring ROI is a method for comparing BIG investments Small incremental user experience improvements can be just as valuable as “big” projects “ Useful life” doesn’t apply to user experience Website is not a tangible asset, like equipment or property Investment is fixed in the short term (usually by headcount) How Valuation Methodology is Helpful Reconciling user needs and business goals Prioritizing possible user experience projects Assessing baseline financial performance of your website Determining accountability / Evangelizing success
  • 16. About Business Things you should know to have a conversation
  • 17. The Five Questions What does it means to be responsible for profit & loss? What is the difference between expense and investment? What are the key metrics for your business unit? What market are you in? What is your unique value proposition?
  • 19. Investment vs. expense Location Location Location
  • 20. The Market Stock Location Advertising Differentiation Diversifying Pricing
  • 21. Got Metrics? Do you know what matters?
  • 22. Web Experience Metrics Development: Reduce Costs Development Costs Development Time Maintenance Costs Redesign Costs Sales: Increase Revenue Transactions/ purchases Product sales Traffic, audience size Customer retention Appeal Market Share Use: Improve Effectiveness Success rate/user error Efficiency/productivity User Satisfaction Job Satisfaction Ease of use Ease of learning Trust Support costs Training/documentation Return on Investment for Usable User-Interface Design , Aaron Marcus
  • 23. User Experience Also Influences… Web Metrics Total page views Page views per session Click paths Unique visitors Return visitors Conversion rate (sales, reservations, applications, etc.) Business Metrics Leads Sales Retention Length of sales cycle Productivity Development costs Customer Satisfaction
  • 24. What market are you in? Media Advertising Subscription Single purchase Commerce Profit margin Customer retention Broker Transactions Users Liquidity
  • 26. Karen Donoghue’s Framework from Built for Use 1. Convert browsers to customers and increase client base Prospective customer (i.e. Browser) 2. Increase retention rate 3. Deepen existing customer relationships 4. Increase productivity inside firm Existing Customer Existing Customer Employee inside of firm Relationship-establishing activity Relationship-retaining behavior Relationship-deepening activity Creation of usable data about profitable and cost-efficient transactions Researching firm, requesting information and follow-up Increasing frequency of engagement, level of membership Increase number of points of contact with customer Action based on understanding and analysis of transaction and data usage Business Goals User Online Experience Must Drive… Desired User Behaviors…
  • 27. Parts of Design (arguably) Identity User research Interface design IA Interaction Design Graphic design design
  • 28. Parts of Business (arguably) Innovation Management Strategy HR Finance Accounting Operations Marketing Business
  • 29. Clement says… IP Artifacts Strategy Design ROI Products Managing Envisioning How What
  • 31. The Origins of Strategy “ That general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack.” circa 500 BC -Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • 32. Strategy “Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable positioning, involving a different set of activities.” Strategy is in making tradeoffs in competing. The essence of strategy is deciding what not to do .” Strategy is making fit among a companies’ activities” Michael Porter “What is Strategy”
  • 33. A Strategy is a unified, comprehensive and integrated plan designed to ensure that the basic objectives of the organization are achieved Strategic Planning is that set of decisions and actions which leads to the development of an effective strategy -- Colin Boyd, Professor of Management, University of Saskatchewan
  • 34. Porter's Generic Strategies Niche Positioning Product Differentiation Cost Leadership It is probably easier to establish a niche position when the market is growing = PRODUCT MANAGEMENT + DESIGN SKILLS When the pie is growing, no one is fighting too hard for market share, and hence differentiation is possible in the growth stages of the life cycle = MARKETING SKILLS + DESIGN SKILLS A mature market means a fight for market share via price competition, which in turns puts all the attention on product costs = MANUFACTURING SKILLS + DESIGN SKILLS
  • 36. Know your value Why are you valuable to the business that is unique to your role ? Why can Design help Why can IA help Why can User Research help Do you know the answer?
  • 37. Exercise List your strengths.. All of them Cross out those that aren’t relevant to business Cross out those that others can offer Now you have your core value (Note: great to do in a weekly staff meeting!)
  • 38. Three Stories on IA Value
  • 39. The Sa les Argument Once there were people with cows And people without cows The people with no cows were hungry
  • 40. They took to the road And met at the market And the people with no cows bought cows The people with cows had fewer cows, but money for other things
  • 41. Now there are people with information And people with no information The road is the computer And the market is the web
  • 42. But the market is really big And the people can’t find each other So we have ignorant people And people with no money The cows are okay with this Business is not.
  • 43. The Goal The players Users, seeking information (cowless) Businesses with information (with cows) Intermediaries such as search engines and directories, profiting on the exchange (marketplaces) The goal is to get the users seeking the data to the businesses offering the data
  • 44. Missing information is expensive “ The Fortune 1000 stands to waste at least $2.5 billion per year due to an inability to locate and retrieve information .” “ While the costs of not finding information are enormous , they are hidden within the enterprise, and…are rarely perceived as having an impact on the bottom line.” The High Cost of Not Finding Information An IDC White Paper, July 2001.
  • 46. Branding in 10 seconds create fullfilled by Brian Collins’ Model of Brand brand promises brand experiences Brand managers
  • 47. Brand and the User Experience Hugh Dubberly’s Model of Brand Creating a good customer experience is the essence of good branding
  • 49. Product Quality = Brand Loyalty I get asked a lot why Apple's customers are so loyal . It's not because they belong to the Church of Mac! That's ridiculous. It's because when you buy our products, and three months later you get stuck on something, you quickly figure out [how to get past it]. And you think, "Wow, someone over there at Apple actually thought of this!" And then three months later you try to do something you hadn't tried before, and it works, and you think "Hey, they thought of that, too." And then six months later it happens again. There's almost no product in the world that you have that experience with, but you have it with a Mac . And you have it with an iPod .
  • 50. Argument three: IA and Trust
  • 51. Dewey Decimal System 200-299 – Religion Categories 40+ categories related to Christianity 1 for Judaism 1 for Islam (& related)
  • 52. Who Cares? Religious Scholars Librarians Information Architects Jews and Muslims
  • 53. Classification reflects social and cultural organization Information Architect must understand this context We can change how people think via classification and labeling
  • 54. Frames Voter revolt Tax Relief War on terror Free Market Poison free George Lakoff, author of “Don’t Think of an Elephant
  • 56. Design Look 46.1% Information Design/Structure 28.5% Information Focus 25.1% Company Motive 15.5% Information Usefulness 14.8% Information Accuracy 14.3% Name Recognition & Reputation 14.1% Advertising 13.8% Information Bias 11.6% Writing Tone 9.0% Identity of Site Operator 8.8% Site Functionality 8.6% Customer Service 6.4% Past Experience with Site 4.6% Information Clarity 3.7% Performance on Test by User 3.6% Readability 3.6% Affiliations 3.4% “ While information structure is often associated with usability , the comments here show how information structure has implications for credibility . Sites that were easy to navigate were seen as being more credible.”
  • 57. Okay, I’m sold Now what?
  • 58. Paths for Designers & IA’s Designer decides they want to move up Choose business (PM, Strategist, Analyst Chooses design Chooses Individual contributor Becomes General manager Chooses management Chooses entrepreneurship Solo Work Builds company Becomes CD Leaves for company with growth Becomes VP Switches to general management Becomes VP of BU Becomes SVP of BU Becomes CPO, or equiv Becomes CEO Chooses growth Chooses entrepreneurship Consulting Builds Start-up Sells to Yahoo for 25 mil Deep specialization
  • 59. What does it take to manage? Business Knowledge People Skills (up, down across) Leadership and Vision
  • 60. Moving Up in Influence Manager New Employee Employee Director & Up Needs Help for everything Self-Sufficient, Contributes Individually Contributes via others Contributes via influencing organizations From “Novations” by Gene W. Dalton
  • 61. “ Perhaps an MBA is not the best degree to lead a company to success afterall.” “ We need broad generalists to successfully run large, complex organizations.” - Richard Kovacevich, CEO Wells Fargo & Co.
  • 62. Business Turns Its Eye Toward Design
  • 63. Business Diagram from Design of Business by Roger Martin, U of Toronto
  • 64. Trends: re-designing design We do not imagine the production of form to be the endpoint of design. We look for something more difficult and tenuous: to engage as directly as possible the environment within which design occurs . - Bruce Mau, Life Style
  • 65. Adapted from The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning by Henry Mintzberg (1993) 10% 90% 90% The paradigm “ ready, aim, fire ” no longer applies; it is now “ ready, fire, steer .” Paul Saffo
  • 66. We get there.. Eventually.
  • 67. Quality is not (always) the point Market Segmentation Identify segmentation variables and segment the market Develop profiles of resulting segments Market Targeting Evalute the attractiveness of each segment Select the target segments Product Positioning Identify possible positioning concepts for each target segment Select, develop and communicate the selected positioning concept
  • 68. The person who is in charge is me!
  • 69. Seven Surprises for Design Managers Surprise One: You Can’t Design Anymore Surprise Two: You Are Still Designing Surprise Three: Giving Orders Is Costly Surprise Four: You Are Always Sending a Message Surprise Five: You Are Not the Boss Surprise Six: Pleasing Your Boss is Not Your Goal Surprise Seven: You Are Still Only Human Also see Peter Druckers “ Seven Suprises for New CEOs”
  • 70. CEO or CXO? (or cmo, cio, cpo)