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1C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3w w w . r e a l i r m . c o m LEADING ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE VALUE™
A Mapping of Current Vendor
Solutions to the EMMM
Business Capability Model
3C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining
2. Application Classification Model Development
3. Using the Classification Reference Model
4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping
5. Way Forward
6. Questions
4C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining
2. Application Classification Model Development
3. Using the Classification Reference Model
4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping
5. Way Forward
6. Questions
5C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Portfolio Management
Primary EA Focus Activities
(200 Enterprise Architects)
Application Portfolio Management
Already Underaway < 12
Planned < 2 Years
No Forseeable Activity
For IT operating budgets, enterprises spend two-thirds or more on on-going operations and maintenance.
Source: "The State Of Global Enterprise IT Budgets: 2009 To 2010", Forrester Research
6C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Portfolio Management
What other applications are Dependant?
Application RACI?
Innovative ways to share the information?
7C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Appl i cati on Suppl i e r Di sci pl i ne Busi ne ss Are aDe scri pti on/Capabi l i tyG roupi ng In Use ?
I n To u c h HMI W o n d er wa r e P r o c es s P r o c es s i n g Us er f r o n ten d Y
Ad r o i t Ad r o i t P r o c es s P r o c es s i n g S C AD A S C AD A Y
Amd el Th er mo El ec tr o n c o r p o r a ti o nP r o c es s P r o c es s i n g O n - l i n e An a l y zer S C AD A Y
Amp l a C i tec t P r o c es s P r o c es s i n g MES N
An a l y s t No teb o o k S i emen s P r o tec ti o n s er v i c esS ec u r i ty MI S Y
As p en D MC + Bl u e S P P r o c es s P r o c es s i n g
D y n a mi c ma tr i x c o n tr o l /
mo d el p r ed i c ti v e c o n tr o l l erS C AD A Y
C C LAS EL Mi n C o m P r o c es s La b o r a to r y LI MS LI MS Y
La b W a r e LI MS La b wa r e P r o c es s La b o r a to r y LI MS N
I C P Ex p er t I I Va r i a n I n c . P r o c es s La b o r a to r y I C P I n s tr u men t S o f twa r eLI MS Y
C i tec t HMI / S C AD A S c h n ei d er El ec tr i c a l P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lS C AD A S C AD A Y
C o n tr o l Lo gi c s Ro c k wel l P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lAu to ma ti o n S C AD A Y
F l o a ts ta r Mi n tek P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lF l o a ta ti o n C o n tr o l S C AD A Y
F u zzy C o n tr o l ++ S i emen s P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o l N
G2 F i l e S u mma r y To o l s Ver s a ta P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lP r o c es s C o n tr o l S C AD A Y
Gen s y m G2 D ep l o y men t Gen s y m P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lP r o c es s C o n tr o l N
Gen s y m NO L P r emi u m
D ev el o p men t Gen s y m P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lP r o c es s C o n tr o l N
Gen s y m o p tegr i ty - d ev el o p men tGen s y m P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lP r o c es s C o n tr o l N
GS ARMS Mi n C o m P r o c es s - GEMAEv a l u a ti o n C en tr a l a s s a y r ep o s i to r y Y
Application Portfolio Management
 Provides an inventory of the company's software applications and defining
attributes and metrics to analyse the cost, business benefits and usage.
 Typically starts with the compilation of an application inventory containing
descriptions and categorisation.
8C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Reference Materials
Technical Reference Models
Exploration, Mining, Metals, Minerals?
9C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Exploration, Mining, Metals, Minerals
10C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Reference Materials
Mining Focus
11C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Reference Materials
Mining Focus
Enterprise Support Software
12C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Reference Materials
Mining Focus
Mining Technical Systems
13C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Portfolio Management
Mining Context
Specialist systems addressing different mining methods
Source: http://www.uky.edu
14C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Portfolio Management
Mining Context
Specialist systems addressing mining of different resource type
15C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Portfolio Management
Mining Context Source: www.nickelore.com.au
Specialist systems combining machines/ instrumentation and
16C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Portfolio Management
Mining Context
17C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Classification Reference Model
Need for Industry Reference Model
18C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining
2. Application Classification Model Development
3. Using the Classification Reference Model
4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping
5. Way Forward
6. Questions
19C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Classification Reference Model
ID vendors with software
products specific to the
mining industry
Research Each
Application’s Purpose
Classify Applications
Based on Type
Identify vendor applications
• 91 Vendors
• 323 Applications
• Websites
• Product brochures
• Level 0: 5, Level 1: 22, Level 2: 82
• Used industry standard terminology (LIMS, GIS, CMMS,
MES) where available
• Reference material (ISA-95)
Mapping vendor solutions to emmm capability map
Mapping vendor solutions to emmm capability map
Mapping vendor solutions to emmm capability map
23C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Classification Reference Model
Points to Note
 It’s a v 00.01!
 Treated as an in-house project - have not validated model with
industry specialists
 Main Source of Information:
 Findings were mainly based on marketing material & product
brochures available on the web – mapping not confirmed by
 Vendors included – as many as we could find, but probable that
many have been overlooked, particularly in non English speaking
countries (e.g. India, China)
 Survey was done in 2012 – have not updated information based
changes to vendor solution offerings
24C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Classification Reference Model
Resource and Reserve Evaluation
Resource and Reserve Evaluation
Drillhole Management
Drillhole Modelling Software
Mapping Software
Map Generation Software
Drillhole Logging Software
Drillhole Management Suite
Drillhole Reporting Software
Map Modelling Software
Sampling Systems
Sample Modelling Software
Sample Data Logging Software
Sample Reporting Software
Assay Analysis Systems
Laboratory Information
Management Systems (LIMS)
Surveying Systems
Mine Plan Rendering Software
Survey Data Logging Software
Survey Data Processing
Resource Modelling Software
Geotechnical Modelling
Grade Control Software
Hydrological Modelling
Geological Modelling Software
Mine Planning Software
Mine Ventilation Software
Open Pit Mine Planning
Underground Production
Scheduling Software
Underground Mine Planning
Open Pit Production
Scheduling Software
Assay Reporting Software
Open Pit & Underground Mine
Planning Software
Open Pit & Underground
Production Scheduling
SoftwareGeographic Information
Systems (GIS)
25C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Classification Reference Model
Engineering & Mining Operations Management
26C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Input References
Minerals & Metals Processing
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Level 0
Business Planning
& Logistics
Plant Production Scheduling,
Operational Management, etc.
Manufacturing Operations
Dispatching Production,
Detailed Production Scheduling,
Reliability Assurance
4 - Establishing the basic plant
schedule - production, material use,
delivery, and shipping. Determining
inventory levels.
Time Frame
Months, weeks, days
3 - Work flow / recipe control to produce
the desired end products. Maintaining
records and optimizing the production
Time Frame
Days, shifts, hours, minutes, seconds
2 - Monitoring, supervisory control and
automated control of the production
Time Frame
Hours, minutes, seconds, subseconds
1 - Sensing the production process,
manipulating the production process
0 - The actual production process
ANSI/ISA-95: Standard for the integration of
enterprise and control systems
27C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Classification Reference Model
Business Operations
28C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining
2. Application Classification Model Development
3. Using the Classification Reference Model
4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping
5. Way Forward
6. Questions
29C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Using the Reference Model
Customer View - Rationalisation
30C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Using the Reference Model
Vendor Solution Spread
31C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Using the Reference Model
Vendor Comparison
32C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining
2. Application Classification Model Development
3. Using the Classification Reference Model
4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping
5. Way Forward
6. Questions
33C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
EMMM Business Capability Model
The Exploration and Mining Business
Capability Map
Business Capability:
A Business Capability refers
to the highest-level
business functionality
encapsulating People,
Process, Technology and
Data. It describes what a
company is required to do
but defines no detail about
how to achieve it.
The EMMM is an industry
forum operating under the
auspices of The Open
Group. The forum defines
standards for the
exploration and mining
industry, for all metals and
Member organisations
Version 01.04
Copyright The Open Group
The EM Reference
Framework defines a
reference for concepts
within the exploration and
mining industry. This
Business Capability map is
the second deliverable of
the framework.
a product within the Exploration and Mining Reference Framework
RehabilitateEstablish Exploit Beneficiate SellDiscover
Rights Management
Ore Body Knowledge Management
Mine Design
Logistics Management
Environmental Engineering
Production Planning
Drilling & Blasting
Ore Grading and Blending
Customer Relationship
Order Handling
Business Process Design
Process Monitoring &
Product Lifecycle
Beneficiation Design
Customer interacting
Customer data
Customer reporting
Product Grading and
Billing and Collections
Environmental Monitoring
Target Generation
Fixed Plant Management
Data Quality Analysis
Mineralogical Test Work/ Laboratory Analysis
Production Scheduling
Dynamic Scheduling
Integrated Planning
Operations Management
Real-time sensing
In/ Outbound Logistics
Transport Management
Carbon Operations
Sampling Compliance
Sample Classification
Sample Analysis
Country Rock Modelling
Ore Body Modelling
Grade Analysis
Plant Maintenance
Fault Management
Mobile Equipment Management
Fleet Scheduling
Fleet Maintenance
Stockpile Modelling
Quality Management & Tracking
Ore & Waste Accounting
Product Accounting
Mine Method Evaluation
Mine Modelling
Site Planning
Balanced Capacity Planning (multi-disciplinary)
Equipment simulation
Engineering Design
Production Engineering
Geotechnical Management/ Engineering
Distribution Management
Utilities Provisioning
Product Development &
Product Marketing &
Portfolio Management
Product Tracking
Waste Management
Sampling Collection
Ore Extraction
Production Control
Operational Reporting &
Instrumentation Management
Material Management
Information Management
Assay Information Management
Geographic Information Management
Engineering Information Management
34C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
EMMM Business Capability Model
Application Classification Model Mapping
01 Target Generation
02 Exploration Research
03 Assaying X
05 Sampling X X
06 Prospecting
07 Rights Management O O
08 Geographic Information Management X
09 Engineering Information Management
10 Logistics Management
11 Ore Body Knowledge Management O
12 Engineering Design
13 Mine Design
14 Beneficiation Design
15 Business Process Design
16 Contracting
17 Constructing
18 Commissioning
19 Production Planning X
20 Production Monitoring and Control O
21 Drilling and Blasting X
35C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
EMMM Business Capability Model
Example View - Vendor Application Mapping
36C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
EMMM Business Capability Model
Example View - Vendor Solution Spread
37C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining
2. Application Classification Model Development
3. Using the Classification Reference Model
4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping
5. Way Forward
6. Questions
38C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
Application Classification Reference Model
Way Forward & Closing Remarks
 Propose to incorporate the Application Classification Reference
Model in EMMM Forum
 Call to action for vendors to verify mapping and contribute
 Call to action for mining organisations to use the reference material
as input into application portfolio exercises
 Confirm mapping between the Application Classification Reference
Model and the EMMM Business Capability Model
39C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3
1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining
2. Application Classification Model Development
3. Using the Classification Reference Model
4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping
5. Way Forward
6. Questions

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Mapping vendor solutions to emmm capability map

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  • 2. 3C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Agenda 1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining 2. Application Classification Model Development 3. Using the Classification Reference Model 4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping 5. Way Forward 6. Questions
  • 3. 4C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Agenda 1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining 2. Application Classification Model Development 3. Using the Classification Reference Model 4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping 5. Way Forward 6. Questions
  • 4. 5C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Portfolio Management Context Primary EA Focus Activities (200 Enterprise Architects) 60% 27% 13% Application Portfolio Management Already Underaway < 12 Months Planned < 2 Years No Forseeable Activity For IT operating budgets, enterprises spend two-thirds or more on on-going operations and maintenance. Source: "The State Of Global Enterprise IT Budgets: 2009 To 2010", Forrester Research
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  • 6. 7C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Appl i cati on Suppl i e r Di sci pl i ne Busi ne ss Are aDe scri pti on/Capabi l i tyG roupi ng In Use ? I n To u c h HMI W o n d er wa r e P r o c es s P r o c es s i n g Us er f r o n ten d Y Ad r o i t Ad r o i t P r o c es s P r o c es s i n g S C AD A S C AD A Y Amd el Th er mo El ec tr o n c o r p o r a ti o nP r o c es s P r o c es s i n g O n - l i n e An a l y zer S C AD A Y Amp l a C i tec t P r o c es s P r o c es s i n g MES N An a l y s t No teb o o k S i emen s P r o tec ti o n s er v i c esS ec u r i ty MI S Y As p en D MC + Bl u e S P P r o c es s P r o c es s i n g D y n a mi c ma tr i x c o n tr o l / mo d el p r ed i c ti v e c o n tr o l l erS C AD A Y C C LAS EL Mi n C o m P r o c es s La b o r a to r y LI MS LI MS Y La b W a r e LI MS La b wa r e P r o c es s La b o r a to r y LI MS N I C P Ex p er t I I Va r i a n I n c . P r o c es s La b o r a to r y I C P I n s tr u men t S o f twa r eLI MS Y C i tec t HMI / S C AD A S c h n ei d er El ec tr i c a l P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lS C AD A S C AD A Y C o n tr o l Lo gi c s Ro c k wel l P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lAu to ma ti o n S C AD A Y F l o a ts ta r Mi n tek P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lF l o a ta ti o n C o n tr o l S C AD A Y F u zzy C o n tr o l ++ S i emen s P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o l N G2 F i l e S u mma r y To o l s Ver s a ta P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lP r o c es s C o n tr o l S C AD A Y Gen s y m G2 D ep l o y men t Gen s y m P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lP r o c es s C o n tr o l N Gen s y m NO L P r emi u m D ev el o p men t Gen s y m P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lP r o c es s C o n tr o l N Gen s y m o p tegr i ty - d ev el o p men tGen s y m P r o c es s P r o c es s C o n tr o lP r o c es s C o n tr o l N GS ARMS Mi n C o m P r o c es s - GEMAEv a l u a ti o n C en tr a l a s s a y r ep o s i to r y Y Application Portfolio Management Overview  Provides an inventory of the company's software applications and defining attributes and metrics to analyse the cost, business benefits and usage.  Typically starts with the compilation of an application inventory containing descriptions and categorisation.
  • 7. 8C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Reference Materials Technical Reference Models Exploration, Mining, Metals, Minerals?
  • 8. 9C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Exploration, Mining, Metals, Minerals Applications?
  • 9. 10C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Reference Materials Mining Focus
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  • 12. 13C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Portfolio Management Mining Context Specialist systems addressing different mining methods Source: http://www.uky.edu
  • 13. 14C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Portfolio Management Mining Context Specialist systems addressing mining of different resource type
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  • 15. 16C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Portfolio Management Mining Context
  • 16. 17C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Classification Reference Model Need for Industry Reference Model
  • 17. 18C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Agenda 1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining 2. Application Classification Model Development 3. Using the Classification Reference Model 4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping 5. Way Forward 6. Questions
  • 18. 19C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Classification Reference Model Approach ID vendors with software products specific to the mining industry Research Each Application’s Purpose Classify Applications Based on Type BottomUp Identify vendor applications • 91 Vendors • 323 Applications • Websites • Product brochures • Level 0: 5, Level 1: 22, Level 2: 82 • Used industry standard terminology (LIMS, GIS, CMMS, MES) where available • Reference material (ISA-95)
  • 22. 23C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Classification Reference Model Points to Note  It’s a v 00.01!  Treated as an in-house project - have not validated model with industry specialists  Main Source of Information:  Findings were mainly based on marketing material & product brochures available on the web – mapping not confirmed by vendors  Vendors included – as many as we could find, but probable that many have been overlooked, particularly in non English speaking countries (e.g. India, China)  Survey was done in 2012 – have not updated information based changes to vendor solution offerings
  • 23. 24C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Classification Reference Model Resource and Reserve Evaluation Resource and Reserve Evaluation Drillhole Management Systems Drillhole Modelling Software Mapping Software Map Generation Software Drillhole Logging Software Drillhole Management Suite Drillhole Reporting Software Map Modelling Software Sampling Systems Sample Modelling Software Sample Data Logging Software Sample Reporting Software Assay Analysis Systems Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) Surveying Systems Mine Plan Rendering Software Survey Data Logging Software Survey Data Processing Software Resource Modelling Software Geotechnical Modelling Software Grade Control Software Hydrological Modelling Software Geological Modelling Software Mine Planning Software Mine Ventilation Software Open Pit Mine Planning Software Underground Production Scheduling Software Underground Mine Planning Software Open Pit Production Scheduling Software Assay Reporting Software Open Pit & Underground Mine Planning Software Open Pit & Underground Production Scheduling SoftwareGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • 24. 25C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Classification Reference Model Engineering & Mining Operations Management
  • 25. 26C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Input References Minerals & Metals Processing Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 Business Planning & Logistics Plant Production Scheduling, Operational Management, etc. Manufacturing Operations Management Dispatching Production, Detailed Production Scheduling, Reliability Assurance BatchControl ContinuousControl DiscreteControl 4 - Establishing the basic plant schedule - production, material use, delivery, and shipping. Determining inventory levels. Time Frame Months, weeks, days 3 - Work flow / recipe control to produce the desired end products. Maintaining records and optimizing the production process. Time Frame Days, shifts, hours, minutes, seconds 2 - Monitoring, supervisory control and automated control of the production process Time Frame Hours, minutes, seconds, subseconds 1 - Sensing the production process, manipulating the production process 0 - The actual production process ANSI/ISA-95: Standard for the integration of enterprise and control systems
  • 26. 27C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Classification Reference Model Business Operations
  • 27. 28C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Agenda 1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining 2. Application Classification Model Development 3. Using the Classification Reference Model 4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping 5. Way Forward 6. Questions
  • 28. 29C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Using the Reference Model Customer View - Rationalisation
  • 29. 30C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Using the Reference Model Vendor Solution Spread
  • 30. 31C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Using the Reference Model Vendor Comparison
  • 31. 32C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Agenda 1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining 2. Application Classification Model Development 3. Using the Classification Reference Model 4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping 5. Way Forward 6. Questions
  • 32. 33C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 EMMM Business Capability Model Overview The Exploration and Mining Business Capability Map Business Capability: A Business Capability refers to the highest-level business functionality encapsulating People, Process, Technology and Data. It describes what a company is required to do but defines no detail about how to achieve it. The EMMM is an industry forum operating under the auspices of The Open Group. The forum defines standards for the exploration and mining industry, for all metals and minerals. Member organisations Version 01.04 Copyright The Open Group The EM Reference Framework defines a reference for concepts within the exploration and mining industry. This Business Capability map is the second deliverable of the framework. a product within the Exploration and Mining Reference Framework RehabilitateEstablish Exploit Beneficiate SellDiscover Sampling Prospecting Rights Management Ore Body Knowledge Management Mine Design Engineering Logistics Management Environmental Engineering Reconciling Production Planning Drilling & Blasting Stockpiling Ore Grading and Blending Customer Relationship Management Order Handling Business Process Design Process Monitoring & Control Product Lifecycle Management Selling Beneficiation Design Refining Smelting Customer interacting Customer data management Customer reporting Product Grading and Blending Billing and Collections Environmental Monitoring Environmental Rehabilitation Assaying Target Generation Fixed Plant Management Data Quality Analysis Mineralogical Test Work/ Laboratory Analysis Production Scheduling Dynamic Scheduling Integrated Planning Operations Management Real-time sensing In/ Outbound Logistics Transport Management Reduction Casting Carbon Operations Sampling Compliance Sample Classification Sample Analysis Country Rock Modelling Ore Body Modelling Grade Analysis Plant Maintenance Fault Management Mobile Equipment Management Fleet Scheduling Fleet Maintenance Separation Liberation Preparation Stockpile Modelling Quality Management & Tracking Ore & Waste Accounting Product Accounting Mine Method Evaluation Mine Modelling Site Planning Balanced Capacity Planning (multi-disciplinary) Equipment simulation Engineering Design Production Engineering Construction Commisioning Geotechnical Management/ Engineering Distribution Management Utilities Provisioning Product Development & Retirement Product Marketing & Portfolio Management Product Tracking Waste Management Sampling Collection Ore Extraction Production Control Operational Reporting & Analytics Instrumentation Management Material Management Information Management Assay Information Management Geographic Information Management Engineering Information Management
  • 33. 34C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 EMMM Business Capability Model Application Classification Model Mapping Capabilities ApplicationClasses ResourceandReserveEvaluation SurveyingSystems MappingSoftware DrillholeManagementSystems SamplingSystems AssayAnalysisSystems ResourceModellingSoftware MinePlanningSoftware Egnineering MiningOperationsManagement AssetMangementSoftware DrillandBlastSystems ProductionControlSystems EquipmentMonitoringSystems MineMonitoringandControl Minerals&MetalsProcessing ManufacturingOperationsManagementSystems ManufacturingProductionMonitoring&ControlSystems BusinessOperations BusinessPlanningandLogistics Safety,Health&EnvironmentSoftware SecuritySoftware 01 Target Generation 02 Exploration Research 03 Assaying X 05 Sampling X X 06 Prospecting 07 Rights Management O O 08 Geographic Information Management X 09 Engineering Information Management 10 Logistics Management 11 Ore Body Knowledge Management O 12 Engineering Design 13 Mine Design 14 Beneficiation Design 15 Business Process Design 16 Contracting 17 Constructing 18 Commissioning 19 Production Planning X 20 Production Monitoring and Control O 21 Drilling and Blasting X
  • 34. 35C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 EMMM Business Capability Model Example View - Vendor Application Mapping
  • 35. 36C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 EMMM Business Capability Model Example View - Vendor Solution Spread
  • 36. 37C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Agenda 1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining 2. Application Classification Model Development 3. Using the Classification Reference Model 4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping 5. Way Forward 6. Questions
  • 37. 38C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Application Classification Reference Model Way Forward & Closing Remarks  Propose to incorporate the Application Classification Reference Model in EMMM Forum  Call to action for vendors to verify mapping and contribute  Call to action for mining organisations to use the reference material as input into application portfolio exercises  Confirm mapping between the Application Classification Reference Model and the EMMM Business Capability Model
  • 38. 39C o p y r i g h t R e a l I R M S o l u t i o n s ( P t y ) L t d 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 Agenda 1. Application Portfolio Management in Mining 2. Application Classification Model Development 3. Using the Classification Reference Model 4. EMMM Business Capability Model Mapping 5. Way Forward 6. Questions

Editor's Notes

  1. First of all, we found this important.As research shows, application portfolio management continues to be an important topic for IT departments.As Forrester Research stated in 2009 two thirds or more of IT budgets was spent on operations and maintenance. This leads to the focus of trying to manage the portfolio of applications within the organisation more effectively
  2. There’s plenty of concerns that application portfolio management exercises try to address and in order to do so it typically requires the asking of pertinent questions about the applications in the organisation. For example, if Rationalisation is a priority, the organisation needs to understand things suchWhat are the applications in the portfolioWhat function do they performWhat processes they are used inWhat the costs areWho the owners and users are, etc.
  3. In order to do this, application portfolio management exercises tend to start of with a spreadsheet listing the different applications owned by the organisation.Over and above the application name and the vendor the portfolio usually needs to get organised into groups of applications based on their type or function. This process of classifying applications is often a challenge in itself, because the architect does not always have in-depth knowledge about all the applications.
  4. When trying to classify applications, one can typically look to reference material.This is an example a reference model by flashmap systems that classifies Commercial Off the Shelf Software. While a bit dated, these are quite helpful in categorising your application portfolioFor example, these applications are classified under Engineering and Manufacturing – while two categories are probably the closest they don’t include any mining specific systems.This reference model also includes an industry view that covers most industriesEXCEPT for one obvious exclusion - mining.
  5. So if all else fails, we turn to google. Wikipedia has an article that speaks about Application Software Classification and I’ve summarised the different categories they have here.With the exclusion of Geographic Information Systems as one of the classes, this also does not include of the specialist applications within the mining space.
  6. The work of the EMMM forum is helping to provide context to this area.As with any industry, most of the processes within the value chain are being supported by a range of applications.
  7. These industry application reference material currently available really only provides context within the Supporting processes such as Finance, HR, Logistics and Material Management.There is very little coverage for most of the core value chain.
  8. However, there’s a wide range of other specialist systems with the core process areas of discover, establish, exploit and beneficiate as well as Manage Safety Health and environment that also do warrant APM efforts.These are, in particular, a wide range Mining Technical Systems that focus on the various aspects of the mining value chain, often a wide range of system types within each of the L2 processes.These include technical systems focusing on one of the core disciplines such as geology, engineering, extraction, processing.
  9. In addition to the lack of reference material, this subject area is further complicated by a number of other facts.The specialist systems focusing on the different mining methods. For example, mine planning or blast design applications focusing on either underground or surface mining.
  10. - Similarly, there’s also various specialist systems focusing on the mining of a particular resource type. For example, certain planning tools focusing on specifically on the coal industry.
  11. - These systems are often tightly coupled combinations of certain machines or instrumentation with the software product. These can include drilling systems equipment or measuring systems used for survey.
  12. We’ve been involved in a number of APM efforts in the mining industry in the past, but these factors make it difficult to get an understanding of the overall application portfolio of the organisation. In addition, given the lack of reference material each organisation is left to their own devices to try and provide this context.
  13. Due to this, Real IRM decided to attempt the development of a Application Reference model for the mining industry. Industry specific reference models, such as this Telemanagement Forum’s Application Framework (or TAM) exist.
  14. Step 1: ID vendors with software products specific to the mining industry
  15. Step 2: Identify vendor applications
  16. Step 4: Classify Applications Based on Type
  17. For example, this mine is running different vendor systems in the Minerals &amp; Metals processing space (Siemens, OSIsoft &amp; Wonderware)Possibly due to different mines through acquisitionOpportunity to standardise on one vendor – invest in one set of skills, license costs, support, etc.