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Which way is north....

Market Research


TransVisionary Solutions (TVS) is a leading market research and
information analysis company with a global presence. We focus on
delivering high quality research services to business professionals,
organizations and individuals, thereby maximizing success for our
clients by furnishing them with current and accurate industry

We bring first-hand information and prudent analyses of various
industries, technologies market parameters, potential markets, and
key competitors in the industry and give rational forecast of market
trends to help clients identify prospective growth areas and gain
competitive edge.

We make company-specific reports to give an insight into a
company's operations, financials, market position, and its core


Types of Market Research

1. Qualitative Primary Research

Qualitative primary research involves gathering information from
interviews or focus groups.

     Open-ended interviews include questions that cannot be answered
     with a yes or no. You can get a lot of information from such interviews
     and also find out about the dislikes, likes, requirements, trends and
     emotional motivators of your primary market

     A focus group should ideally be led by experienced professionals who
     can lead a group of six or more people and ask them both general and
     specific questions. Since trained professionals are required to handle
     focus groups, they are very expensive

2. Quantitative Primary Research

Quantitative primary research involves the collection of numerical
information from surveys. This information is then analyzed.

     Surveys can provide you with the information you require if the survey
     has meaningful questions. More people would be willing to answer
     survey questions if the survey takes very little time. The cheapest and
     easiest way of conducting a survey is by telephone and in place where
     your product is being sold

CATI Surveys

The best way to out beat competition is to listen to your consumers.
Although there are several methods of collecting reliable data from
your customers, most data collection is conducted through CATI
(Computer aided telephone interviews) which are cost-effective as
well as reliable. CATI/Telephone surveys are the most effective
method of collecting data from customers.


Our Market Research Services

1. Data Collection

We collect the data from the following sources:

     Web surveys – design, development & hosting
     Telephone surveys
     Email surveys
     Secondary data collection
     Mystery shopping

2. Data Tabulation

Data is undoubtedly the source of the decision making process today.
However, data collected and coded is not useful if it does not contain
pertinent reflect any information. Data coding ensures the data is


transformed to reflect and conclude the delineated to produce factual

3. Questionnaire Designing

When we design a questionnaire we cover:

     Question Focus - specific questions directed at what you want to know.
     The options respondents can choose from are not limited, thereby -
     ensuring all possibilities are covered.
     Questions are brief because - long questions can be confusing.
     Questions are clear and complicated sentences are avoided.
     Since there are no leading or loaded sentences, the possibility of
     biased responses is virtually eliminated.
     Questions that can be easily answered minimize respondents’
     frustration and produce very reliable information.

4. Data Analysis

     We do analysis on following methods:

     Statistical analysis using standard packages
     Cross tabulation
     Significance testing
     Conjoint analysis
     Regression & Correlation

We have expertise in using all the common research and analytic tool
such as SPSS and functionalities of MS Excel.

5. Reporting

Marketing research succeeds only when results are synthesized into
actionable, user-friendly reports quickly distributed to the managers
most able to affect change.


We provide the reports in the following format:

     Plotting and charting of tabulated data
     Document submission in various formats, i.e. PDF, HTML, XML,
     word and PowerPoint

Secondary Research Resources
Secondary research is more economical and easier to do when
compared to primary research. Here you will have to analyze the
information that has been collected for some other reason. You can
find the data that you require through a set of articles, demographic/
statistical data, studies etc.

Our web research professionals extensively use the internet to
access secondary data sources, as most articles, data or press
releases are available online. Our online research professionals then
evaluate your political, social, economic factors. We can also conduct
an assessment of your competitors and analyze your target markets.

The web research team obtains secondary research from a wide
array of resources, such as the following:

     Discussion groups
     Magazines and newspapers
     Business information centers
     Trade associations
     Books and publications

International Market Research

International Marketing Research follows the same path as domestic
research, but there are a few more problems that may arise.
Customers in international markets may have very different customs,
cultures, and expectations from the same company. In this case,
secondary information must be collected from each separate country
and then combined, or compared. This is time consuming and can be
confusing. International Marketing Research relies more on primary
data rather than secondary information. Gathering the primary data
can be hindered by language, literacy and access to technology.


Role of Market Research

The role of marketing research in managerial decision making is explained
further using the framework of the DECIDE model:

  D    - Define the marketing problem

  E    - Enumerate the controllable & uncontrollable decision factors

  C    - Collect relevant information

   I   - Identify the best alternative

  D    - Develop and implement a marketing plan

  E    - Evaluate the decision and the decision process

The DECIDE model conceptualizes managerial decision making as a series of
six steps. The decision process begins by precisely defining the problem or
opportunity, along with the objectives and constraints. Next, the possible
decision factors that make up the alternative courses of action (controllable
factors) and uncertainties(uncontrollable factors) are enumerated. Then,
relevant information on the alternatives and possible outcomes is collected.
The next step is to select the best alternative based on chosen criteria or
measures of success. Then a detailed plan to implement the alternative
selected is developed and put into effect. Last, the outcome of the decision
and the decision process itself are evaluated.


TransVisionary Solutions LLC
220 Evelyn Street
Cheyenne, WY 82007 1031
URL: www.transvisionarysolutions.com

Contact Person
Alex Mithun: 612-325-1985,
Email: alex@transvisionarysolutions.com

David Jones: 310-690-2020,
Email: david@transvisionarysolutions.com, david@tvcsp.com

Fax: 307-316-0505

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Market Reasearch Brochure : Transvisionarysolutions

  • 1. Which way is north.... Market Research Brochure
  • 2. TransVisionary Solutions (TVS) is a leading market research and information analysis company with a global presence. We focus on delivering high quality research services to business professionals, organizations and individuals, thereby maximizing success for our clients by furnishing them with current and accurate industry information. We bring first-hand information and prudent analyses of various industries, technologies market parameters, potential markets, and key competitors in the industry and give rational forecast of market trends to help clients identify prospective growth areas and gain competitive edge. We make company-specific reports to give an insight into a company's operations, financials, market position, and its core competencies.
  • 3. Types of Market Research 1. Qualitative Primary Research Qualitative primary research involves gathering information from interviews or focus groups. Open-ended interviews include questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no. You can get a lot of information from such interviews and also find out about the dislikes, likes, requirements, trends and emotional motivators of your primary market A focus group should ideally be led by experienced professionals who can lead a group of six or more people and ask them both general and specific questions. Since trained professionals are required to handle focus groups, they are very expensive 2. Quantitative Primary Research Quantitative primary research involves the collection of numerical information from surveys. This information is then analyzed. Surveys can provide you with the information you require if the survey has meaningful questions. More people would be willing to answer survey questions if the survey takes very little time. The cheapest and easiest way of conducting a survey is by telephone and in place where your product is being sold CATI Surveys The best way to out beat competition is to listen to your consumers. Although there are several methods of collecting reliable data from your customers, most data collection is conducted through CATI (Computer aided telephone interviews) which are cost-effective as well as reliable. CATI/Telephone surveys are the most effective method of collecting data from customers.
  • 4. Our Market Research Services 1. Data Collection We collect the data from the following sources: Web surveys – design, development & hosting Telephone surveys Email surveys Secondary data collection Mystery shopping 2. Data Tabulation Data is undoubtedly the source of the decision making process today. However, data collected and coded is not useful if it does not contain pertinent reflect any information. Data coding ensures the data is
  • 5. transformed to reflect and conclude the delineated to produce factual results. 3. Questionnaire Designing When we design a questionnaire we cover: Question Focus - specific questions directed at what you want to know. The options respondents can choose from are not limited, thereby - ensuring all possibilities are covered. Questions are brief because - long questions can be confusing. Questions are clear and complicated sentences are avoided. Since there are no leading or loaded sentences, the possibility of biased responses is virtually eliminated. Questions that can be easily answered minimize respondents’ frustration and produce very reliable information. 4. Data Analysis We do analysis on following methods: Statistical analysis using standard packages Cross tabulation Significance testing ANOVA Weighting Conjoint analysis Regression & Correlation We have expertise in using all the common research and analytic tool such as SPSS and functionalities of MS Excel. 5. Reporting Marketing research succeeds only when results are synthesized into actionable, user-friendly reports quickly distributed to the managers most able to affect change.
  • 6. We provide the reports in the following format: Plotting and charting of tabulated data Document submission in various formats, i.e. PDF, HTML, XML, word and PowerPoint Secondary Research Resources Secondary research is more economical and easier to do when compared to primary research. Here you will have to analyze the information that has been collected for some other reason. You can find the data that you require through a set of articles, demographic/ statistical data, studies etc. Our web research professionals extensively use the internet to access secondary data sources, as most articles, data or press releases are available online. Our online research professionals then evaluate your political, social, economic factors. We can also conduct an assessment of your competitors and analyze your target markets. The web research team obtains secondary research from a wide array of resources, such as the following: Discussion groups Magazines and newspapers Competitors Business information centers Trade associations Books and publications International Market Research International Marketing Research follows the same path as domestic research, but there are a few more problems that may arise. Customers in international markets may have very different customs, cultures, and expectations from the same company. In this case, secondary information must be collected from each separate country and then combined, or compared. This is time consuming and can be confusing. International Marketing Research relies more on primary data rather than secondary information. Gathering the primary data can be hindered by language, literacy and access to technology.
  • 7. Role of Market Research The role of marketing research in managerial decision making is explained further using the framework of the DECIDE model: D - Define the marketing problem E - Enumerate the controllable & uncontrollable decision factors C - Collect relevant information I - Identify the best alternative D - Develop and implement a marketing plan E - Evaluate the decision and the decision process The DECIDE model conceptualizes managerial decision making as a series of six steps. The decision process begins by precisely defining the problem or opportunity, along with the objectives and constraints. Next, the possible decision factors that make up the alternative courses of action (controllable factors) and uncertainties(uncontrollable factors) are enumerated. Then, relevant information on the alternatives and possible outcomes is collected. The next step is to select the best alternative based on chosen criteria or measures of success. Then a detailed plan to implement the alternative selected is developed and put into effect. Last, the outcome of the decision and the decision process itself are evaluated.
  • 8. TransVisionary Solutions LLC 220 Evelyn Street Cheyenne, WY 82007 1031 URL: www.transvisionarysolutions.com Contact Person Alex Mithun: 612-325-1985, Email: alex@transvisionarysolutions.com David Jones: 310-690-2020, Email: david@transvisionarysolutions.com, david@tvcsp.com Fax: 307-316-0505