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    Built To Learn
                         The Case For UX
                         Marty Cagan, Partner

About Me

   The Silicon Valley Product Group was created to share senior level
   experience and best practices with technology companies

                                                              www.svpg.com | 2


My Clients

                                                   www.svpg.com | 3


•  What I Tell The CEO: The Case For UX
•  What I Tell Product Managers: Why You Need UX
•  What I Tell UX Teams: Creating Great Products

                                                   www.svpg.com | 4


The Case For UX

“Our Job is to Invent on
  Behalf of the User”
              Jeff Bezos

                           svpg.com      |     5

Product Discovery

The job of product discovery
 is to discover the minimum
viable product that solves the
     customer’s problem

                                 www.svpg.com | 6


Product Discovery Team

Product discovery is a collaboration:
  – Product Owner
  – User Experience Design
  – Development

                                      www.svpg.com | 7

The Case For UX

“Design is not just what it
 looks like and feels like;
 Design is how it works.”
              Steve Jobs

                                svpg.com      |     8


The Case For UX

Engineering is important and
difficult, but user experience
     design is even more
important, and usually more

                              svpg.com   |    9

The Case For UX

     “Think in Leaps;
     Iterate in Steps”
            Chris Wetherell

                              svpg.com   |   10


The Case For UX

   “The Company Cares
      About What the
    Leaders Care About”
                     Bill Campbell

                                                      svpg.com      |     11

User Experience Design

•  Interaction Designers:
   –  Interaction Models: Information Architecture, Tasks, Wireframes
•  Visual Designers:
   –  Emotional Response: Look & Feel, Comps
•  Content:
   –  Emotional Response: Voice, Copy
•  User Researchers:
   –  Qualitative: User Prototypes, User Testing
   –  Quantitative: Live-Data Prototypes, A/B Testing, Web Analytics

                                                           www.svpg.com | 12


The Power of Interaction Design

The Mental Model
-  Products that “just work”
-  Products where the value is clear and accessible
-  No training or online-help required

                                                www.svpg.com | 13

The Power of Visual Design

The Emotional Response
•  Assuage fear
•  Build trust
•  Convince people to provide personal information they
   otherwise would not
•  Motivate users to reach out to their friends
•  Persuade users to buy merchandise they wouldn’t
•  Make them actually enjoy their time on your site
•  Love a product they would otherwise just like

                                                www.svpg.com | 14


The Case For UX

                        Fail Fast
  Make product discovery the core
    competency of the product

                                                       svpg.com       |    15

Product Discovery Overview

  –  Identify product discovery team (PM, UX, ENG)
  –  Utilize ideation techniques as needed (vision, product
     principles, personas, customer discovery)
  –  Quickly prototype ideas (user or live-data prototype)
  –  Validate prototype with customers (less than 2 weeks!)
  –  Review feasibility (and ideas) with engineering
  –  Demo and discuss prototype with stakeholders
  –  Iterate or pivot
  –  Continue until minimal viable product discovered, or you
     decide it’s best to give up

                                                             www.svpg.com | 16


      High-Fidelity Prototypes

                  Product Discovery

                                         www.svpg.com | 17

The Case For UX

    “Don’t Fall In Love”
      “Mockups Lie”

                                  svpg.com     |     18


High-Fidelity Prototypes

Two Forms:
1.    User Prototypes (Simulation)
2.    Live-Data Prototypes (Real Code)

                                                 www.svpg.com | 19

User Prototypes

•     Quick to create and easy to modify
•     Doesn’t require development resources

•     Qualitative testing only
•     If tests successful, must still be built

                                                 www.svpg.com | 20


Live-Data Prototypes

•    Statistically significant results
•    Quick to deploy if performs well in A/B test
•    Can also test via user testing

•    Requires development resources
•    Time to build may be significant

                                                    www.svpg.com | 21

User Prototypes vs. Live Data Prototypes

•  With User Testing we learn why things don’t work
   and what we can do to fix them
•  With Live Data Testing we can prove that
   something actually works

                                                    www.svpg.com | 22


High-Fidelity Prototypes

1.    Enables you to quickly test ideas on target users
2.    Forces you to think through product at a much deeper level
3.    Provides the mechanism for collaboration between product
      owner, design and engineering
4.    Allows a more accurate cost estimate
5.    Provides engineering and QA with a richer product definition
      to work from
6.    Enables the rest of the organization to understand the
      product in time to actually prepare
7.    Forces you to consider form and function together
8.    Allows you to “fail fast”
9.   Significantly reduces churn
10.  Keeps the team focused on the user experience

                                                               www.svpg.com | 23

                                  User Testing

                                    Product Discovery

                                                                 www.svpg.com | 24


User Testing

The Two Key Questions:
1.  Could they use it?
2.  Would they use it?
        If not, what would it take to get them to use it?

                                                 www.svpg.com | 25


•    Change target customer
•    Change problem to be solved
•    Change solution approach
•    Change business model

                                                 www.svpg.com | 26


Product Manager Required

•  Always ensure Product Manager is present
•  Product Manager observes during usability test but
   drives during value test

                                              www.svpg.com | 27

                Key Points For UX

                     User Experience Design

                                                www.svpg.com | 28


 Key Points For UX

 •    Know Your Audience
 •    Be Sensitive To Change
 •    It’s About Customer Learning
 •    Time To Step Up
 •    Role Confusion
 •    Titles

                                            www.svpg.com | 29

Top 10 Product Innovation Issues

 1.  Weak Product Management Function
 2.  Weak User Experience Function
 3.  Little Direct Customer Interaction
 4.  No Product Discovery Process
 5.  Stakeholder Driven Roadmap
 6.  Not Utilizing Engineering Early Enough
 7.  Lack of Holistic View / Whole Product Focus
 8.  Focus on Dates & Features not Business Results
 9.  Missing Rapid Test and Learn Product Culture
 10.  Missing Product Discovery Team Collaboration

                                            www.svpg.com | 30


Learning More



                        svpg.com   |   31


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Marty cagan built to learn - ux

  • 1. 5/31/11   Built To Learn The Case For UX Marty Cagan, Partner About Me The Silicon Valley Product Group was created to share senior level experience and best practices with technology companies www.svpg.com | 2 1  
  • 2. 5/31/11   My Clients www.svpg.com | 3 Topics •  What I Tell The CEO: The Case For UX •  What I Tell Product Managers: Why You Need UX •  What I Tell UX Teams: Creating Great Products www.svpg.com | 4 2  
  • 3. 5/31/11   The Case For UX “Our Job is to Invent on Behalf of the User” Jeff Bezos svpg.com | 5 Product Discovery The job of product discovery is to discover the minimum viable product that solves the customer’s problem www.svpg.com | 6 3  
  • 4. 5/31/11   Product Discovery Team Product discovery is a collaboration: – Product Owner – User Experience Design – Development www.svpg.com | 7 The Case For UX “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like; Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs svpg.com | 8 4  
  • 5. 5/31/11   The Case For UX Engineering is important and difficult, but user experience design is even more important, and usually more difficult svpg.com | 9 The Case For UX “Think in Leaps; Iterate in Steps” Chris Wetherell svpg.com | 10 5  
  • 6. 5/31/11   The Case For UX “The Company Cares About What the Leaders Care About” Bill Campbell svpg.com | 11 User Experience Design •  Interaction Designers: –  Interaction Models: Information Architecture, Tasks, Wireframes •  Visual Designers: –  Emotional Response: Look & Feel, Comps •  Content: –  Emotional Response: Voice, Copy •  User Researchers: –  Qualitative: User Prototypes, User Testing –  Quantitative: Live-Data Prototypes, A/B Testing, Web Analytics www.svpg.com | 12 6  
  • 7. 5/31/11   The Power of Interaction Design The Mental Model -  Products that “just work” -  Products where the value is clear and accessible -  No training or online-help required www.svpg.com | 13 The Power of Visual Design The Emotional Response •  Assuage fear •  Build trust •  Convince people to provide personal information they otherwise would not •  Motivate users to reach out to their friends •  Persuade users to buy merchandise they wouldn’t otherwise •  Make them actually enjoy their time on your site •  Love a product they would otherwise just like www.svpg.com | 14 7  
  • 8. 5/31/11   The Case For UX Fail Fast Make product discovery the core competency of the product organization svpg.com | 15 Product Discovery Overview –  Identify product discovery team (PM, UX, ENG) –  Utilize ideation techniques as needed (vision, product principles, personas, customer discovery) –  Quickly prototype ideas (user or live-data prototype) –  Validate prototype with customers (less than 2 weeks!) –  Review feasibility (and ideas) with engineering –  Demo and discuss prototype with stakeholders –  Iterate or pivot –  Continue until minimal viable product discovered, or you decide it’s best to give up www.svpg.com | 16 8  
  • 9. 5/31/11   High-Fidelity Prototypes Product Discovery www.svpg.com | 17 The Case For UX “Don’t Fall In Love” “Mockups Lie” svpg.com | 18 9  
  • 10. 5/31/11   High-Fidelity Prototypes Two Forms: 1.  User Prototypes (Simulation) 2.  Live-Data Prototypes (Real Code) www.svpg.com | 19 User Prototypes Benefits: •  Quick to create and easy to modify •  Doesn’t require development resources Limitations: •  Qualitative testing only •  If tests successful, must still be built www.svpg.com | 20 10  
  • 11. 5/31/11   Live-Data Prototypes Benefits: •  Statistically significant results •  Quick to deploy if performs well in A/B test •  Can also test via user testing Limitations: •  Requires development resources •  Time to build may be significant www.svpg.com | 21 User Prototypes vs. Live Data Prototypes •  With User Testing we learn why things don’t work and what we can do to fix them •  With Live Data Testing we can prove that something actually works www.svpg.com | 22 11  
  • 12. 5/31/11   High-Fidelity Prototypes 1.  Enables you to quickly test ideas on target users 2.  Forces you to think through product at a much deeper level 3.  Provides the mechanism for collaboration between product owner, design and engineering 4.  Allows a more accurate cost estimate 5.  Provides engineering and QA with a richer product definition to work from 6.  Enables the rest of the organization to understand the product in time to actually prepare 7.  Forces you to consider form and function together 8.  Allows you to “fail fast” 9.  Significantly reduces churn 10.  Keeps the team focused on the user experience www.svpg.com | 23 User Testing Product Discovery www.svpg.com | 24 12  
  • 13. 5/31/11   User Testing The Two Key Questions: 1.  Could they use it? 2.  Would they use it? If not, what would it take to get them to use it? www.svpg.com | 25 Pivots •  Change target customer •  Change problem to be solved •  Change solution approach •  Change business model www.svpg.com | 26 13  
  • 14. 5/31/11   Product Manager Required •  Always ensure Product Manager is present •  Product Manager observes during usability test but drives during value test www.svpg.com | 27 Key Points For UX User Experience Design www.svpg.com | 28 14  
  • 15. 5/31/11   Key Points For UX •  Know Your Audience •  Be Sensitive To Change •  It’s About Customer Learning •  Time To Step Up •  Role Confusion •  Titles www.svpg.com | 29 Top 10 Product Innovation Issues 1.  Weak Product Management Function 2.  Weak User Experience Function 3.  Little Direct Customer Interaction 4.  No Product Discovery Process 5.  Stakeholder Driven Roadmap 6.  Not Utilizing Engineering Early Enough 7.  Lack of Holistic View / Whole Product Focus 8.  Focus on Dates & Features not Business Results 9.  Missing Rapid Test and Learn Product Culture 10.  Missing Product Discovery Team Collaboration www.svpg.com | 30 15  
  • 16. 5/31/11   Learning More cagan@svpg.com www.svpg.com svpg.com | 31 16