Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs outlines 5 levels of human needs: 1) Physiological needs like food, water, air which are the most basic. 2) Safety needs displayed as insecurity in children and during emergencies in adults. 3) Need for love, affection and belonging through giving and receiving love to overcome loneliness. 4) Needs for esteem involving self-respect and respect from others to feel self-confident. 5) Need for self-actualization to be and do what one was "born" to do and fix a sense that something is lacking in life.
3. Physiological Needs
Most basic of needs
Air, food, water
Strongest needs if you are deprived of them you can
not reach the next level
4. Safety Needs
In children it is often displayed as insecurity and the
need to be safe
Adults it is displayed in time of an emergency
5. Need for Love, Affection and
People seek to overcome feeling of loneliness and
Involves both giving and receiving love and affection
6. Needs for Esteem
A level of self-respect and respect from others
When the needs are met the person is able to feel self
confident and valuable as a person
7. Need for Self-Actualization
A persons needs to be and do what they were “born” to
Trying to fix the need that something is lacking in
your life