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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe

By	Krishna	Moorthi	&	Prateek
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Get	ready	to	Bolt
• This	material	was	first	produced	by	Ernest	
Rutherford	in	1934	and	was	first	isolated	by	
Luis	Alvarez	and	Robert	Cornog	in	1937.			
• This	material	has	been	one	of	the	leading	
research	interests	in	North	Korea	in	recent	
years	to	enable	them	to	bypass	the	
restrictions	by	UN	and	NPT	against	Nuclear	
weapons.		Which	Material?
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tritium	(Hydrogen	-	3)
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Started	from	the	bottom	and	now	we	are	here
• “There's	plenty	of	room	at	the	bottom”	was	a	lecture	
given	by	physicist	Richard	Feynman	at	an	American	
Physical	Society	meeting	at	Caltech	on	December	29,	
• Feynman	concluded	his	talk	with	two	challenges.	
			1)	Construction	of	a	tiny	motor.	
			2)	The	entire	Encyclopedia	Britannica	on	the	head	of	a	
• This	lecture	is	considered	as	the	starting	point	of	an	
entirely	new	branch	in	material	science.	Which	branch?
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Plato	o	plomo
• In	19th	century	Europe,	Opium	had	become	very	
popular.	It	was	addictive	and	soon	the	Britishers	
introduced	it	in	india.	
• By	chemical	processing	of	opium	-	acetic	anhydride,	
activated	charcoal,	ethyl	alcohol,	ether	and	acetone,	it	
was	converted	to	another	drug.	This	drug	taken	in	
small	amounts	was	said	to	cure	any	disease	you	name	
(at	that	time)	
• So	it	was	called	super	drug,	doctor	drug	or	hero	of	
drugs.	But	being	a	drug,	people	became	addicted	to	it.	
• Hence	it	was	named	X	(which	is	the	more	common	
• Name	the	drug.
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
You're	a	10?	On	the	pH	scale	maybe	,	'coz	you	
• A	myth	about	this	brand's	name	is	that	it	had	
a	pH	rating	greater	than	7,	making	it	alkaline.	
• Howeve,	this	was	proved	to	be	false,	as	it	has	
a	pH	rating	of	about	3.79,	similar	to	other	
products	in	its	class.	
• Which	brand?
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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe

Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Try	acting	dead
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
I'm	waking	up	to	ash	and	dust
• The	original	detection	principle	of	this	device	was	
discovered	in	1908,	but	it	was	not	until	the	
development	of	the	X	tube	in	1928	that	the	X	
became	a	practical	instrument.	
• Since	then	it	has	been	very	popular	due	to	its	
robust	sensing	element	and	relatively	low	cost.	
• However,	there	are	limitations	in	measuring	high	
radiation	rates	and	the	energy	of	incident	
• Name	the	device
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Geiger	counter
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Rage,	rage	against	the	dying	of	the	light
• X	is	officially	known	as	an	Einstein-Rosen	bridge,	is	
a	hypothetical	topological	feature	of	spacetime	
that	is	much	like	a	tunnel	with	two	ends,	each	in	
separate	points	in	spacetime.		Certain	types	of	X	
would	allow	travel	in	both	directions	from	one	part	
of	the	universe	to	another	part	of	that	same	
universe	very	quickly	or	would	allow	to	travel	from	
one	universe	to	another.	
• The	theory	of	general	relativity	predicts	that	if	X	
exists,	they	could	allow	time	travel.	
• Identify	X.
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Sun	le	pukaar	'Bull'eya
• Here	a	bull	fighter	is	shown	in	a	thankful	
gesture	to	X	whose	invention	became	
important	for	bullfighters	to	fight	infections	
that	developed	in	wounds	due	to	unclean	
horns	of	the	bull.	
• Due	to	this	invention	many	lives	of	
bullfighters	were	saved.	who	is	X?
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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Alexander	fleming
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Typical	Russians
• X	is	the	nickname	for	the	AN602	Hydrogen	bomb,	the	most	
powerful	nuclear	weapon	ever	detonated.		
• It	was	also	referred	to	as	Kuz'kina	Mat'(Kuzka's	mother),	
potentially	referring	to	Nikita	Khrushchev's	promise	to	
show	the	U.S.	a	“Kuz'kina	Mat”	at	the	1960	UN	General	
Assembly.	The	famous	Russian	idiom,	which	roughly	
means	“	We'll	show	you”.	
• Developed	by	the	Soviet	Union	,	the	bomb	was	originally	
designed	to	have	a	yield	of	about	150	megatons	of	TNT	
(630	PJ),	but	the	yield	was	reduced	to	50	megatons	in	order	
to	reduce	nuclear	fallout.	This	attempt	was	successful,	as	it	
was	one	of	the	cleanest	(relative	to	its	yield)	nuclearbombs	
ever	detonated.	
• only	one	bomb	of	this	type	was	ever	built	and	it	was	tested	
on	october	30,1961,in	the	Novaya	Zemlya	archipelago.
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tsar	bomba
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
No	babies	were	harmed	in	making	of	this	
• X	is	charecterized	by	multiple,	symmetric,	circular	
skin	creases	or	bandson	the	forearms,	lower	legs	
and	often	the	neck	that	are	present	at	birth.	The	
creases	disappear	later	in	life.	
• They're	reminiscent	of	Bibendum,	the	mascot	of	
Y	,	hence	the	name	of	the	syndrome	is	X.	
• Associated	abnormalities	vary	and	may	include	
facial	dysmorphism,	upslanting	palpebral	fissures,	
genital	anomalies	,	mild	developmental	delay	,	
ureterocele,	smooth	muscle	hamartoma	etc...	
• (Picture	on	next	slide)
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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Michelin	tyre	baby	syndrome
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Pro	tip	:	Lead	causes	ban
• Modern	X	mainly	uses	Vermillion,	which	is	an	orange-
red	pigment.	Vermillion	is	the	purified	and	powdered	
form	of	cinnabar,	which	is	the	chief	form	in	which	
mercury	sulfide	naturally	occurs.	
• As	with	other	compounds	of	mercury	,	X	is	toxic	and	
must	be	handled	carefully.	Sometimes,	Red	lead	(Lead	
tetra	oxide)	is	added	to	X.	
• In	early	2008,	allegations	of	high	lead	contentled	the	
U.S	Food	and	Drug	Administration	to	recall	batches	of	
X	from	several	manufactures.	
• Unlike	U.S.,	the	use	of	X	is	a	part	of	India's	cultural	
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Beauty	of	the	beast
• The	name	was	given	by	then	prime	minister	
of	India,	Jawaharlal	Nehru	after	he	liked	the	
blue	radiation	coming	out	of	the	experimental	
set	up.	
• He	related	the	beauty	of	the	radiation	to	the	
beauty	of	indra's	court	dancers.		
• What	was	the	name	given	by	Nehru	to	that	
experimental	set	up?
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
• In	1938	,	a	gentleman	named	Roy	Plunkett	was	
attempting	to	make	a	new	CFC	refrigerant.	He	
saw	that	the	tetrafluoroethylene	gas	in	the	
bottle	stopped	flowing	before	the	bottles	weight	
had	dropped	to	the	bottles	weight	had	dropped	
to	the	point	signaling	“empty”	.	He	finally	
resorted	to	cut	the	bottle	apart	and	found	waxy	
white	material	which	was	oddly	slippery.	
• What	was	thus	accidentally	discovered?
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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Why	not	Zoidberg?
Glenn	T.	Seaborg	
Lawrence	Berkeley	Laboratory,	
• What	is	so	special	about	this	old	mailing	
address	of	Glenn	Seaborg?
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
• Jeffery	Winters	,	writing	in	the	January	1998	issue	
of	discover	magazine,	made	the	following	
observation	:	
• “Not	only	is	seaborg	the	first	living	scientist	to	
have	an	element	named	after	him,	he's	also	the	
only	person	who	could	recieve	mail	addressed	only	
in	elements:	Seaborgium,	Lawrencium	(for	the	
Lawrence	Berkeley	Laboratory	where	he	still	
works),	Berkelium,	Californium,	Americium.”
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Wood	you	believe	it?
• A	piece	of	wood,	gifted	by	Royal	Society,	was	
takento	the	International	Space	Station	in	
May	2010	and	was	returned	safely;	which	
created	headlines	(might	not	be	of	many	
newspapers,	but	of	many	science	magazines).	
• What	was	all	this	about?	
	(snapshot	in	the	next	slide)
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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
• Osmium	is	the	densest	element	found	in	
nature.		Which	is	the	densest	element	to	ever	
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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
• Radiations	such	as	X-Rays	and	UV	rays	are	
extremely	dangerous	to	human	beings	and	
will	cause	cancer	after	sufficient	exposure.		
So,	why	is	Wi-Fi,	which	is	also	an	
electromagnetic	radiation,	considered	safe?
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Wi-fi	is	non-ionizing	radiation
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
• In	flash	photography		the	light	of	the	flash	occurs	too	
fast	for	the	pupil	to	close	so	much	of	the	very	bright	
light	from	the	flash	passes	into	the	eye	through	pupil,	
reflects	off	the	interior	surface	of	the	eye	at	the	back	
of	the	eyeball	and	out	through	the	pupil.	
• The	camera	records	this	reflected	light.	The	main	cause	
for	this	is	the	ample	amount	of	blood	in	the	choroid	
which	nourishes	the	back	of	the	eye	and	is	located	
behind	the	retina.		
• The	eye	contains	several	photo	stable	pigments	that	all	
absorb	in	short	wavelength	region	and	hence	
contribute	to	this	phenomena.
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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Red	eye	effect
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
420	Blaze	it
• In	1938	,	a	chemist	of	the	Temmler	company	in	Berlin	
synthesized	a	drug	manufactured	under	the	name	Pervitin	
and	publicaly	sold	as	a	stimulant	and	drug	for	psychiatry.	
During	WWII	,	it	was	used	extensively	by	the	axis	forces	
for	its	stimulant	effects.		
• From	1942	,	Adolf	Hitler	too	recieved	daily	injections	of	
this	drug	from	his	personal	physician,	Dr.	theodor	Morell.	
• The	production,	distribution,	sale,	and	possession	of	this	
drug	is	now	restricted	or	illegal	in	many	jurisdictions.	its	
name	became	famous	since	2008	for	its	relation	to	one	of	
the	co-funders	of	a	multi-billion	dollar	company	named	
Gray	Matter	Technologies.	
• Which	drug?
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
• In	the	last	decade,	a	few	coastal	towns	of	
Kerala	and	Tamil	Nadu	have	seen	massive	
protests	as	the	livelihood	of	the	people	has	
been	threatened	by	extraction	of	a	substance.		
Which	Substance?
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Mineral	Beach	Sand	(Karimanal)	rich	in	
minerals	such	as	ilmenite,	zircon	etc.

Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
What	a	day…
• February	24,	2017	is	now	a	historic	date	in	the	
natural	gas	market,	especially	in	the	west,	due	
to	an	event	
• Even	though	it	appears	positive	on	first	
glance,	this	event	has	been	attributed	to	
global	warming	by	most	scientists
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
For	the	first	time	ever,	natural	gas	
storage	levels	rose	during	a	winter	
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Identify	X	&	Y
• X	is	an	African	country	that	is	rich	in	the	ores	
of	the	metal	Y	
• The	first	known	use	of	Y	was	in	early	1940s	
during	World	War	2,	though	the	reports	of	
this	use	surfaced	only	in	1966	
• Another	ore	of	Y	exists	in	Antarctica	where	it	
was	deposited	by	a	meteorite	10000	years	
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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
X	–	Vibranium

Y	-	Wakanda
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
• Chemist	Stephanie	Kwolek	of	DuPont	created	
a	synthetic	fibre	as	a	replacement	for	steel	in	
racing	tires.		It	is	used	today	in	cryogenics,	
advanced	sports	equipment,	stadiums	etc.	but	
is	mainly	used	for	one	particular	purpose	by	
most	nations	in	the	world.	
• Costa	Rica	and	Vatican	city	are	two	nations	
that	do	not	use	this	fibre	for	this	purpose
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Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
• Human	skin	has	a	measure	of	20	units,	
Stainless	steels	700-900	units	and	Toray	
T1000G	Carbon	Fibre,	the	strongest	man-
made	fibre	6370	units	of	this	particular	
• Nanomaterials	and	nanotubes	have	a	very	
high	value	of	this	property	with	graphene	
approaching	130000	units	
• Identify	the	property	in	question
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe
Ultimate	tensile	strength

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 FINAL ROUND By Krishna Moorthi & Prateek
  • 2. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Get ready to Bolt • This material was first produced by Ernest Rutherford in 1934 and was first isolated by Luis Alvarez and Robert Cornog in 1937. • This material has been one of the leading research interests in North Korea in recent years to enable them to bypass the restrictions by UN and NPT against Nuclear weapons. Which Material?
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  • 4. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Tritium (Hydrogen - 3)
  • 5. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Started from the bottom and now we are here • “There's plenty of room at the bottom” was a lecture given by physicist Richard Feynman at an American Physical Society meeting at Caltech on December 29, 1959. • Feynman concluded his talk with two challenges. 1) Construction of a tiny motor. 2) The entire Encyclopedia Britannica on the head of a pin. • This lecture is considered as the starting point of an entirely new branch in material science. Which branch?
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  • 8. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Plato o plomo • In 19th century Europe, Opium had become very popular. It was addictive and soon the Britishers introduced it in india. • By chemical processing of opium - acetic anhydride, activated charcoal, ethyl alcohol, ether and acetone, it was converted to another drug. This drug taken in small amounts was said to cure any disease you name (at that time) • So it was called super drug, doctor drug or hero of drugs. But being a drug, people became addicted to it. • Hence it was named X (which is the more common name). • Name the drug.
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  • 10. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Heroin
  • 11. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi You're a 10? On the pH scale maybe , 'coz you basic • A myth about this brand's name is that it had a pH rating greater than 7, making it alkaline. • Howeve, this was proved to be false, as it has a pH rating of about 3.79, similar to other products in its class. • Which brand?
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  • 14. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Try acting dead
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  • 16. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 17. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi I'm waking up to ash and dust • The original detection principle of this device was discovered in 1908, but it was not until the development of the X tube in 1928 that the X became a practical instrument. • Since then it has been very popular due to its robust sensing element and relatively low cost. • However, there are limitations in measuring high radiation rates and the energy of incident radiation. • Name the device
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  • 19. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Geiger counter
  • 20. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Rage, rage against the dying of the light • X is officially known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge, is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that is much like a tunnel with two ends, each in separate points in spacetime. Certain types of X would allow travel in both directions from one part of the universe to another part of that same universe very quickly or would allow to travel from one universe to another. • The theory of general relativity predicts that if X exists, they could allow time travel. • Identify X.
  • 21. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 22. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Wormhole
  • 23. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Sun le pukaar 'Bull'eya • Here a bull fighter is shown in a thankful gesture to X whose invention became important for bullfighters to fight infections that developed in wounds due to unclean horns of the bull. • Due to this invention many lives of bullfighters were saved. who is X?
  • 24. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 25. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 26. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Alexander fleming
  • 27. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Typical Russians • X is the nickname for the AN602 Hydrogen bomb, the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. • It was also referred to as Kuz'kina Mat'(Kuzka's mother), potentially referring to Nikita Khrushchev's promise to show the U.S. a “Kuz'kina Mat” at the 1960 UN General Assembly. The famous Russian idiom, which roughly means “ We'll show you”. • Developed by the Soviet Union , the bomb was originally designed to have a yield of about 150 megatons of TNT (630 PJ), but the yield was reduced to 50 megatons in order to reduce nuclear fallout. This attempt was successful, as it was one of the cleanest (relative to its yield) nuclearbombs ever detonated. • only one bomb of this type was ever built and it was tested on october 30,1961,in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago.
  • 28. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 29. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Tsar bomba
  • 30. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi No babies were harmed in making of this question. • X is charecterized by multiple, symmetric, circular skin creases or bandson the forearms, lower legs and often the neck that are present at birth. The creases disappear later in life. • They're reminiscent of Bibendum, the mascot of Y , hence the name of the syndrome is X. • Associated abnormalities vary and may include facial dysmorphism, upslanting palpebral fissures, genital anomalies , mild developmental delay , ureterocele, smooth muscle hamartoma etc... • (Picture on next slide)
  • 31. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 32. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 33. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Michelin tyre baby syndrome
  • 34. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Pro tip : Lead causes ban • Modern X mainly uses Vermillion, which is an orange- red pigment. Vermillion is the purified and powdered form of cinnabar, which is the chief form in which mercury sulfide naturally occurs. • As with other compounds of mercury , X is toxic and must be handled carefully. Sometimes, Red lead (Lead tetra oxide) is added to X. • In early 2008, allegations of high lead contentled the U.S Food and Drug Administration to recall batches of X from several manufactures. • Unlike U.S., the use of X is a part of India's cultural identity.
  • 35. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 36. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Sindoor
  • 37. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Beauty of the beast • The name was given by then prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru after he liked the blue radiation coming out of the experimental set up. • He related the beauty of the radiation to the beauty of indra's court dancers. • What was the name given by Nehru to that experimental set up?
  • 38. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 39. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Apsara
  • 40. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi • In 1938 , a gentleman named Roy Plunkett was attempting to make a new CFC refrigerant. He saw that the tetrafluoroethylene gas in the bottle stopped flowing before the bottles weight had dropped to the bottles weight had dropped to the point signaling “empty” . He finally resorted to cut the bottle apart and found waxy white material which was oddly slippery. • What was thus accidentally discovered?
  • 41. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 42. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Teflon
  • 43. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Why not Zoidberg? Glenn T. Seaborg Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley California America • What is so special about this old mailing address of Glenn Seaborg?
  • 44. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 45. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi • Jeffery Winters , writing in the January 1998 issue of discover magazine, made the following observation : • “Not only is seaborg the first living scientist to have an element named after him, he's also the only person who could recieve mail addressed only in elements: Seaborgium, Lawrencium (for the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory where he still works), Berkelium, Californium, Americium.”
  • 46. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Wood you believe it? • A piece of wood, gifted by Royal Society, was takento the International Space Station in May 2010 and was returned safely; which created headlines (might not be of many newspapers, but of many science magazines). • What was all this about? (snapshot in the next slide)
  • 47. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 48. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 49. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 50. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi THIS IS YOUR DENSITY • Osmium is the densest element found in nature. Which is the densest element to ever exist?
  • 51. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 52. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Hassium
  • 53. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi FREE WIFI - LOADING…………….. • Radiations such as X-Rays and UV rays are extremely dangerous to human beings and will cause cancer after sufficient exposure. So, why is Wi-Fi, which is also an electromagnetic radiation, considered safe?
  • 54. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 55. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Wi-fi is non-ionizing radiation
  • 56. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi • In flash photography the light of the flash occurs too fast for the pupil to close so much of the very bright light from the flash passes into the eye through pupil, reflects off the interior surface of the eye at the back of the eyeball and out through the pupil. • The camera records this reflected light. The main cause for this is the ample amount of blood in the choroid which nourishes the back of the eye and is located behind the retina. • The eye contains several photo stable pigments that all absorb in short wavelength region and hence contribute to this phenomena.
  • 57. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 58. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Red eye effect
  • 59. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi 420 Blaze it • In 1938 , a chemist of the Temmler company in Berlin synthesized a drug manufactured under the name Pervitin and publicaly sold as a stimulant and drug for psychiatry. During WWII , it was used extensively by the axis forces for its stimulant effects. • From 1942 , Adolf Hitler too recieved daily injections of this drug from his personal physician, Dr. theodor Morell. • The production, distribution, sale, and possession of this drug is now restricted or illegal in many jurisdictions. its name became famous since 2008 for its relation to one of the co-funders of a multi-billion dollar company named Gray Matter Technologies. • Which drug?
  • 60. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 61. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Methamphetamine
  • 62. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi • In the last decade, a few coastal towns of Kerala and Tamil Nadu have seen massive protests as the livelihood of the people has been threatened by extraction of a substance. Which Substance?
  • 63. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 64. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Mineral Beach Sand (Karimanal) rich in minerals such as ilmenite, zircon etc.

  • 65. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi What a day… • February 24, 2017 is now a historic date in the natural gas market, especially in the west, due to an event • Even though it appears positive on first glance, this event has been attributed to global warming by most scientists
  • 66. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 67. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi For the first time ever, natural gas storage levels rose during a winter week
  • 68. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Identify X & Y • X is an African country that is rich in the ores of the metal Y • The first known use of Y was in early 1940s during World War 2, though the reports of this use surfaced only in 1966 • Another ore of Y exists in Antarctica where it was deposited by a meteorite 10000 years ago
  • 69. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 70. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi X – Vibranium
 Y - Wakanda
  • 71. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi • Chemist Stephanie Kwolek of DuPont created a synthetic fibre as a replacement for steel in racing tires. It is used today in cryogenics, advanced sports equipment, stadiums etc. but is mainly used for one particular purpose by most nations in the world. • Costa Rica and Vatican city are two nations that do not use this fibre for this purpose
  • 72. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 73. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi KEVLAR (BULLETPROOF)
  • 74. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi THE ULTIMATE QUESTION • Human skin has a measure of 20 units, Stainless steels 700-900 units and Toray T1000G Carbon Fibre, the strongest man- made fibre 6370 units of this particular property. • Nanomaterials and nanotubes have a very high value of this property with graphene approaching 130000 units • Identify the property in question
  • 75. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi
  • 76. Tack On Quiz ClubPineso MeVero#KnowledgeTribe foodpremi Ultimate tensile strength