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M AT T E L , I N C . 1 9 9 8   A N N UA L RE P O RT
          Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report
mattel annual reports 1998
Financial Highlights

                                                                    For the Year
O p e r a t i n g R e s u l t s (In millions)      1994     1995       1996           1997     1998

Net Sales                                        $3,971   $4,370   $4,535           $4,835   $4,782
Income (Before Restructuring, Extraordinary
   Item and Special Charges)                       276      347        372            500      364
Net Income                                         225      338        372            285      332

                                                                   As of Year End
F i n a n c i a l Po s i t i o n (In millions)     1994     1995       1996           1997     1998

Cash and Marketable Securities                   $ 290    $ 511    $ 550            $ 695    $ 212
Long-Term Debt                                     521      627        520            676      984
Total Stockholders’ Equity                        1,386    1,552     1,806           1,822    1,820
2                                        All Infant and Preschool brands and characters will now

                      b e m a r ke t e d u n d e r t h e F i s h e r- P r i c e n a m e .

To Our Shareholders:

1998 was a disappointing year for Mattel. Changes in our
business, which we had anticipated would happen, occurred
much more quickly and more dramatically than we ever
expected. But we had initiatives well underway to address
these changes, and we believe they will deliver positive,
long-term results. So let’s review what happened and then
tell you why we are so confident about our future.

We were informed early in the year of a major buying shift
by our key retailer, Toys “R” Us, as they moved to reduce
their inventories by $500 million over three years. In fact,
they accomplished most of this reduction in just one
year, which affected Mattel by $250 million in
total. But we didn’t foresee that this inventory
reduction trend would accelerate to most
of our key retailers, resulting in across-
the-board cutbacks in year-end buying.
So when historical re-orders didn’t
materialize in December, we decided
to take the appropriate actions to
adjust our own shipping to a more
just-in-time pattern. As a result, we
pre-announced that we expected to
see flat top-line growth, and that our
earnings would decrease to approxi-
mately $1.20 per share. And the year-
end results we reported were earnings
of $1.20 per share, before charges, on a
1 percent decrease in sales.

The positive news coming out of 1998 was that retail
sell-through of our products at our top U.S. accounts was
up 12 percent, and retail inventories were down 30 percent
in total, and down 50 percent at Toys “R” Us.

As I said earlier, we knew that our world was changing, and
we began taking strategic action as early as 1997 to position
Mattel for the future.
3                                                 Fifty million American Girl catalogues are sent

                          t o t h e h o m e s o f c o n s u m e r s e a c h y e a r.

Our first step was taken in March 1997 when we
announced our merger with Tyco, the third largest U.S.
toy company. This merger, which gave us brands such as
Matchbox and Tyco Radio Control, enabled us to transform
our Hot Wheels brand franchise into a broader global
Wheels strategy that has grown three-and-a-half times in
just 2 years. We now hold the #1 market share position
in vehicles, having gone from a $200 million Hot Wheels
business in 1996 to a worldwide Wheels franchise totaling
$700 million last year. The Tyco merger also gave us the
opportunity to integrate the Infant and Preschool brands
of Sesame Street, Magna Doodle and View-Master
into the Fisher-Price brand, which along with
Disney Infant and Preschool and Winnie the
Pooh, is now a $1.7 billion franchise.

Then, in June of last year, we announced
our acquisition of Pleasant Company
and its blue-chip American Girl brand,
which immediately brought us an
additional $300 million in direct-to-
consumer business, and gives us the
infrastructure to take many of Mattel’s
brands directly to the consumer. This
makes infinite sense as we seek to
expand our channels of distribution.

But to achieve our long-term goals, we did
more than just make strategic acquisitions last
year. We put our core brands back in order —
most importantly, Barbie. For the first four months
of 1998, we focused on cleaning up our Barbie retail
inventory, which had been affected by 1997’s late shipping
of Barbie products. Because we focused on clean sell-
through, we did have a 14 percent shipping decline for
1998, but we sold more Barbie products over the counter
in 1998 than any other year in Barbie doll’s history.
And we reduced our retail inventory by more than
Millennium Bride is a leading product in                                                                  4

                           the 1999 Barbie collector line.

                                       40 percent at our top U.S. accounts, and over 60 percent at
                                       Toys “R” Us.

                                       We also put our Fisher-Price business back on course, achiev-
                                       ing a strong return to profitability and an improved inventory
                                       position at retail — down 30 percent from last year.

                                       The most positive outcome of 1998 was that our margins
                                       remained strong, despite the decline in Barbie, as evidenced
                                       by our gross margin of 49.4 percent, off only slightly
                                       from 49.6 percent in 1997. This resulted from improved
                                           margins in our fast-growing Wheels business, the much
                                                improved profitability at Fisher-Price and manufac-
                                                    turing efficiencies coming out of Asia.

                                                           Though our margins held up well, our
                                                             selling, general & administrative and
                                                               advertising ratios were out of line, as
                                                                we incurred costs in anticipation of
                                                                 reaching the higher volume. In
                                                                  1999, we will manage our SG&A
                                                                   and advertising ratios back to their
                                                                   1997 levels, which were at historical
                                                                  highs. Then we will cut costs even
                                                                  further after we complete our merger
                                                                 with The Learning Company and
                                                                realign the Mattel business in keeping
                                                               with our long-term strategic vision.

                                                          Now I’d like to talk about our brands, and
                                                       how we plan to expand them across multiple
                                                   platforms as we work to become even more rele-
                                               vant in the lives of kids and their families.

                                       Our $2 billion-plus girls category now includes the brands
                                       of Barbie and American Girl, which together make Mattel
                                       the world’s premier consumer products company for girls.
                                       Barbie ended the year with $1.7 billion in worldwide sales,
                                       and she has entered her 40th anniversary year ready to
The Barbie Digital Camera was the #1 selling                                                                      5

                          c h i l d r e n ’s s o f t w a r e t i t l e i n 1 9 9 8 .

                                                show she’s not getting older — she’s getting smarter.
                                                We will have more new dolls shipping each and every
                                                quarter, strategically spread throughout the year, and a new
                                                marketing plan to build a stronger Barbie brand relationship
                                                with adults, older girls beyond 8 years, and our core girls 3
                                                to 7 years of age.

                                                A new “Generation Girl” Barbie doll segment, targeted to
                                                an older girl, features friends from around the world, each
                                                with a contemporary look and individual personality. And
                                                Barbie will represent many new looks and body types
                                                 in her 40th year, including a new full-bodied friend known
                                                       and loved by all, Rosie O’Donnell.

                                                                Our Barbie collector products for 1999 will
                                                                   be led by a 40th anniversary limited edition
                                                                      Barbie and our very limited edition
                                                                       Millennium Bride. Frank Sinatra, and
                                                                         Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra, will join
                                                                          our growing celebrity collector busi-
                                                                           ness, which already includes Lucille
                                                                           Ball, Elvis Presley and Audrey
                                                                           Hepburn. Our direct-to-consumer
                                                                           collector catalog has been a very
                                                                           successful tool for us and will be
                                                                          made even stronger when it is avail-
                                                                         able online starting in the second half
                                                                       of this year.

                                                                  Our Barbie media business grew 39 per-
                                                               cent to $80 million in 1998, versus our total
                                                           $100 million interactive business. We had 7 of
                                                      the top 10 children’s software titles in the U.S., and
                                                Barbie CD-ROM titles achieved top 10 rankings in every
                                                country in Europe in December. Our interactive growth
                                                was led by the Barbie Digital Camera, which sold over
                                                300,000 units, and was the #1 new software product of
                                                the year, according to PC Data.
6                                                        American Girl Place, our first flagship store,

                                      opened in November in Chicago.

And Barbie made her way successfully to the Internet in
1998. Barbie.com was named by Media Metrix to be one
of the fastest-growing new shopping sites on the world-
wide web, thanks to “My Design,” our design-your-own
Barbie, which drew an average of 16.4 million daily hits
in the month of December alone.

American Girl, the second largest girls brand in the world,
produced $300 million in full-year sales for 1998. We
opened our first flagship store — called “American Girl
Place” — in Chicago in November and achieved results
that exceeded every benchmark we set for ourselves.
More importantly, Pleasant Company will be selling
all of its products online beginning in
September of this year.

And since all of Pleasant Company’s
business has been in the U.S., we plan
to use Mattel’s international expertise
to take the American Girl concept
global, beginning in the year 2000.

At $1.7 billion in sales, our Infant and
Preschool business is now equal to
Barbie in volume. Our profitability
for this category is growing at exciting
levels, which will add to our brightened
future. And, all of our Infant and Preschool
brands and characters will now be marketed
under the Fisher-Price umbrella all around the
world, allowing us to gain full leverage for this most
important market share leader.

Winnie the Pooh was our fastest-growing brand last year,
with sales up well over 50 percent and more than doubling
outside of the U.S. This year, we will launch new segments
for Pooh, including a girls and activity toy line. And our
Sesame Street business, after tripling in 1997, saw a decline
7                                                               Mattel signed a worldwide exclusive

                                  licensing agreement with Ferrari.

in plush in 1998, but a big increase in basic Infant and
Preschool toys. For 1999, we expect growth for this segment,
driven by strong new introductions and Sesame Street’s
first new movie in 15 years — “Elmo in Grouchland.”

I am very excited about our plans to launch our first-ever,
direct-to-consumer catalog for Fisher-Price brands, which
we will deliver in the second half of this year. Our Internet
site is already in operation and our catalog products will be
sold through our Web site as well.

At $700 million in sales last year, Wheels is now our
third largest category. Our combined Hot Wheels,
Matchbox and Tyco Radio Control shipping
increased by 21 percent in 1998, and our
die-cast car unit sales increased to $300
million, up from $200 million in 1997.

We’ll further fuel this growth with
important new partnerships, such
as our worldwide exclusive Ferrari
relationship and our entry into
Formula One Racing, the counter-
part to NASCAR in Europe. We will
continue to build our Wheels busi-
ness around the world by continuing
to implement the country-by-country
focused strategy we developed with the
Boston Consulting Group, which enabled
us to realize a 30 percent growth in our
international Wheels business last year. We will
also introduce direct-to-consumer collector cata-
logues for both Hot Wheels and Matchbox, which will
also be sold online in the second half.

Our Entertainment category — which includes Disney
and Nickelodeon — had a very strong year in 1998,
approaching $500 million on the strength of “Mulan,”
“A Bug’s Life” and “The Rugrats Movie.” In fact, Mattel
The innovative X3 Microscope was developed through a                                                 8

                         partnership between Mattel and Intel.

                                     Entertainment properties were up 14 percent. Our
                                     Nickelodeon business tripled last year, fueled by products
                                     based on the very popular “Rugrats,” and on “Blue’s Clues,”
                                     the new top-ranked T.V. show from Nickelodeon. And our
                                     Disney business alone was up 16 percent for the year and
                                     now equals almost $700 million around the world.

                                     We have a great line-up of new entertainment properties
                                     for 1999. “A Bug’s Life” will launch in Europe in the
                                     first quarter, and U.S. home video releases of “Mulan,”
                                     “A Bug’s Life” and “The Rugrats Movie” all will come this
                                     year. Then Disney’s “Tarzan” will be released in June, and
                                          Disney’s and Pixar’s much anticipated “Toy Story 2”
                                               will debut in November.

                                                      Our future looks very bright, based on the
                                                        strategic initiatives we have underway.
                                                          Growth of our core businesses will
                                                            remain a key priority, and our global
                                                             brand building strategy will continue
                                                              to be a big part of that, as we seek
                                                              to double our international sales.
                                                              To do that, we will implement
                                                              the systematic approach developed
                                                              through our work with the Boston
                                                             Consulting Group. Our Wheels, Infant
                                                            and Preschool, and Barbie franchises
                                                          will be the targeted brands — and
                                                        Europe and Japan the target markets.

                                                   Our second initiative has been to develop a
                                                $1 billion software business. We began Mattel
                                           Media in 1996 with $20 million in sales and one
                                      Barbie title. Over the last two years, we have grown to a
                                     $100 million interactive franchise with the #1 top-selling
                                     children’s title for three years in a row. This year, we will
                                     have 25 new Mattel Media titles, including CD-ROMs
                                     based on American Girl, Sesame Street and Caterpillar,
                                     which is part of the Matchbox brand. We will also have
Shopping online for Mattel products will be                                                           9

                           offered through Mattel.com.

                                       software for new platforms including Sony Playstation and
                                       Nintendo’s Game Boy.

                                       Deepening our entry into technology, we entered into a rela-
                                       tionship with Intel last year. I am very proud of the products
                                       that have been developed through that partnership. The mis-
                                       sion of our alliance has been to create PC-related products
                                       that allow children to see and do things they have never
                                       done before. We’re delivering on that mission, with the X3
                                       Microscope and the Me2Cam, which are being heralded as
                                       two of the most innovative new products of 1999. They will
                                       launch in the second half.

                                                 Mattel Media and Intel have given us a strong
                                                    position in the interactive arena, but it made
                                                       great sense for us to seek out a partner to
                                                          help us realize our $1 billion goal. The only
                                                            company that met all the criteria we
                                                             established was The Learning Company.
                                                              We announced our proposed merger
                                                               with The Learning Company in
                                                               December. This merger will provide
                                                                Mattel with tremendous opportunities
                                                               for synergies, cross branding, age
                                                               expansion, consumer relevancy
                                                              and channel expansion. The Learning
                                                             Company holds the #1 market share for
                                                            both education software and productivity
                                                          software, the #2 position for reference,
                                                       and the #3 ranking for entertainment.
                                                    After the merger’s completion, we will
                                                 become the second largest consumer software
                                            company in the world, second only to Microsoft.

                                       Our third initiative is to build a $1 billion direct-to-consumer
                                       business. We have nearly $500 million in direct sales today,
                                       most of it through catalogs, and we will have catalogs for
                                       all of our key brands available in the second half of the year.
                                       But the real opportunity in direct marketing is through an
10                                                Children around the world will benefit from the

                             M a t t e l C h i l d r e n ’s H o s p i t a l a t U C L A .

Internet strategy based on all that our merger with The
Learning Company will bring.

Mattel.com will bring every Mattel and Learning Company
brand together at one family destination portal. Once
there, consumers will be able to make purchases through
one shopping cart, one database and one fulfillment center,
with all of the customer service, friendliness and product
quality that people would expect from our company.

We’ve come a long way in just three years. Let me share
a timeline with you that shows how far we’ve come in
building our brands, and where we’re headed.

In 1996, our principal brands were
Barbie, Fisher-Price, Disney, Hot Wheels,
Nickelodeon and Cabbage Patch. Through
our 1997 merger with Tyco, we added
Matchbox, Tyco R/C, Sesame Street,
View-Master and Magna Doodle. Last
year, we added American Girl and
the worldwide rights to Polly Pocket,
which we will relaunch all around the
world this year. And with our proposed
merger with The Learning Company,
we will add brands like Carmen
Sandiego, Reader Rabbit, The Oregon
Trail, National Geographic, American
Greetings, The Print Shop, Riven and Myst.

Importantly, this growth in brand power has
enhanced our category leadership. We’re the #1
leader in Girls’ brands at $2 billion in annual sales, and
#1 in Infant and Preschool, which is also headed for
$2 billion. We’re #1 in Wheels, which is fast approaching
$1 billion, and #1 in Entertainment, at nearly a half-billion
dollars. And with The Learning Company merger, we will
reach $1 billion in interactive sales.
11                                                               Jill E. Barad, Chairman of the Board and

                                                  Chief Executive Officer

Perhaps our proudest moment of 1998 came in November,
when we announced a $25 million gift to UCLA Children’s
Hospital. In honor of the gift, the hospital has been renamed
the Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA, and this name will
appear on a spectacular new I.M. Pei-designed facility that
will be completed by 2004, providing a new landmark for
the city. We are so incredibly proud to provide a gift of such
lasting benefit to Mattel’s hometown, while — through the
hospital’s renowned research and teaching activities —
helping boys and girls in need all around the world.

Mattel is a strong company and will be even stronger.
We should generate $600 million in annual cash
flow from operations going forward, which
should increase to $800 million following
our merger with The Learning Company.

Our solid financial position, the power
of our brands and the initiatives we
have underway will help take us to a
new level of strength and leadership.
With all of this, and the support of
our shareholders, we will continue
to build the brand name of Mattel to
mean what we hold so dearly as our
mission — to serve the world’s children
and their families.


Jill E. Barad
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

March 22, 1999
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report   12

To O u r S h a re h o l d e r s

Fr ançais                         13

Deutsch                           15

Italiano                          17

Español                           19

Japanese                          21

Chinese                           22
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report                                            13

A Nos Actionnaires:

1998 a été une année décevante pour Mattel. Des changements               Puis, en juin de l’année dernière, nous avons annoncé l’acquisition

dans notre activité, que nous avions certes anticipés, se sont pro-       de Pleasant Company et de sa marque phare “American Girl”, qui

duits beaucoup plus rapidement et plus intensément que prévu.             nous a immédiatement permis d’augmenter nos ventes directes

Mais, en prévision de ces changements, nous avions déjà engagé            aux consommateurs de 300 millions $, et nous a dotés de l’infra-

des initiatives qui vont aboutir à des résultats positifs à long terme.   structure nécessaire pour vendre de nombreuses marques Mattel

       Nous avons été informés en début d’année d’une modifica-           directement au consommateur.

tion très importante du mode de commandes de notre principal                     Mais pour atteindre nos objectifs à long terme, nous avons

client,Toys “R” Us, à la suite de leur décision de réduire leurs          fait plus l’année dernière que simplement réaliser des acquisitions

stocks de 500 millions $ sur trois ans. Cependant, nous n’avions          stratégiques. Nous avons réorganisé nos principales marques, dont

pas prévu que cette tendance de réduction des stocks gagnerait            la plus importante, Barbie.

rapidement la plupart de nos principaux clients, aboutissant à une               Durant les quatre premiers mois de 1998, nos efforts ont

réduction générale des commandes de fin d’année. Aussi, lorsque           porté sur l’assainissement des stocks Barbie chez nos clients. De ce

les commandes de réapprovisionnement habituelles ne se sont               fait, nos expéditions ont certes diminué de 14 % en 1998, mais

pas matérialisées en décembre, nous avons décidé de prendre les           nous avons vendu davantage de produits Barbie en magasin en

mesures nécessaires pour adapter nos propres expéditions au plus          1998 que durant toute autre année de l’histoire de Barbie.

près du système juste-à-temps. En conséquence, nous avons                        Nous avons également relancé notre activité Fisher-Price,

annoncé par anticipation une croissance stable du chiffre d’affaires      réussissant un important retour à la rentabilité et une amélioration

et un bénéfice en baisse à approximativement 1,20 $ par action.           de l’état de nos stocks chez nos clients (réduction de 30 % par

Et en fin d’année, nous avons publié comme résultat un bénéfice           rapport à l’année dernière).

de 1,20 $ par action avant charges exceptionnelles, et une baisse                Le résultat le plus positif de 1998 a été que nos marges

de 1% des ventes.                                                         sont restées fortes, malgré le déclin de Barbie, comme le témoigne

       La nouvelle positive de l’année 1998 a été que les ventes          notre marge brute de 49,4 %, inférieure seulement de peu à 1997

consommateurs de nos produits chez nos principaux clients                 où elle était de 49,6 %.

américains ont augmenté de 12 %, et que les stocks de nos clients                À présent, j’aimerais vous parler de nos marques. La caté-

ont baissé au total de 30 %, et de 50 % chez Toys “R” Us.                 gorie des jouets Filles, qui atteint plus de 2 milliards $, inclut main-

       Comme je l’ai dit précédemment, nous savions que notre             tenant les marques Barbie et American Girl, qui à elles deux font

monde changeait, et nous avons commencé à prendre des mesures             de Mattel la première société mondiale de produits de consomma-

stratégiques dès 1997 afin de préparer Mattel pour le futur.              tion pour les filles. Barbie a fini l’année avec 1,7 milliard de ventes

       La première mesure que nous avons prise date de mars               mondiales.

1997 lorsque nous avons annoncé la fusion avec Tyco, la troisième                Notre activité Barbie Média a augmenté de 39 % en 1998

plus grande société de jouets des États-Unis.                             pour atteindre 80 millions $.
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report                                         14

          Et en 1998, Barbie est entrée avec succès sur Internet.                   Compte tenu des initiatives stratégiques que nous avons
D’après Media Metrix, Barbie.com a été un des nouveaux sites             prises, notre futur est très prometteur. La croissance de nos activités
de ventes le plus en expansion sur le web mondial, grâce à               principales va rester une priorité, et notre stratégie de croissance de
“My Design Barbie”, la nouvelle poupée Barbie que l’on peut              marque globale va continuer de représenter une part importante
créer sur mesure.                                                        de celle-ci, notre objectif étant de doubler nos ventes à l’international.

          American Girl, la deuxième plus grande marque mondiale         Nos capitaux marques Wheels, Premier Âge, Pré-Scolaire et Barbie

pour filles, a réalisé 300 millions $ de ventes annuelles en 1998. Et    vont être nos principales priorités, et l’Europe et le Japon nos

comme toute l’activité de Pleasant Company est aux États-Unis,           marchés cibles.

nous prévoyons d’utiliser l’expérience internationale de Mattel                 Notre deuxième initiative a consisté à développer une activ-

pour étendre le concept ‘American Girl’ au monde entier à partir         ité de logiciels de 1 milliard $. Durant les deux dernières années,

de l’an 2000.                                                            nous avons développé un capital marque de 100 millions $.

          Avec 1,7 milliard $ de ventes, notre activité Premier Âge et   Nous avons annoncé notre offre de fusion avec The Learning
Pré-Scolaire égale à ce jour Barbie en volume. Et à présent, toutes      Company en décembre, et une fois que la fusion sera achevée,

nos marques et personnages Premier Âge et Pré-Scolaire vont être         nous deviendrons la deuxième société de logiciels grand public

commercialisés sous l’enseigne Fisher-Price dans le monde entier,        dans le monde, juste après Microsoft.

nous permettant ainsi d’obtenir un effet de levier maximum pour                 Notre troisième initiative consiste à construire une activité

ce leader le plus important du marché.                                   de vente directe aux consommateurs de 1 milliard $. À ce jour,

          Avec 700 millions $ de ventes l’an passé, l’univers des        nous avons réalisé presque 500 millions $ de ventes directes, mais

Wheels est à présent notre troisième plus grande catégorie. Nous         la véritable opportunité de marketing direct réside dans une

allons continuer de développer l’activité Wheels dans le monde           stratégie Internet basée sur l’avantage que va nous donner notre

entier cette année, en poursuivant notre stratégie d’individualisa-      fusion avec The Learning Company.

tion pays par pays élaborée avec le Boston Consulting Group, qui                Notre position financière solide, la puissance de nos mar-
nous a permis d’augmenter de 30 % l’activité Wheels à l’interna-         ques et les initiatives que nous avons lancées vont dynamiser notre

tional.                                                                  expansion et notre position de leader. Au vu de tout ceci, et avec

          Notre segment de produits sous licences - qui inclut Disney    l’aide de nos actionnaires, nous allons continuer de construire la

et Nickelodeon - a réalisé une bonne année en 1998, approchant           marque Mattel pour que celle-ci représente la mission qui nous

les 500 millions $ grâce au succès de “Mulan”, “1001 Pattes, A Bug’s     tient le plus à coeur, à savoir servir le monde des enfants et leur

Life” et le film “Les Razmoket”. Au total, les produits Mattel sous      famille.

licences ont augmenté de 14 %.
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report                                      15

An Unsere Aktionäre

1998 war ein für Mattel enttäuschendes Jahr.Veränderungen in                     Der erste Schritt in diese Richtung wurde im März 1997

unserem Geschäft, die wir vorausgesehen hatten, stellten sich viel        unternommen, als wir die Fusion mit Tyco, dem drittgrößten

schneller und dramatischer ein, als wir es jemals erwartet hatten.        Spielwarenhersteller der USA, ankündigten.

Viele Initiativen sind vorangetrieben worden, um diese                           Im Juni letzen Jahres gaben wir dann die Übernahme der

Veränderungen aufzufangen, und wir sind der Überzeugung, daß              Pleasant Company und seiner erstklassigen Marke “American Girl”

diese Initiativen zu langfristigen, positiven Erfolgen führen.            bekannt, welches uns sofort ein zusätzliches Geschäft von $ 300

       Früh im Jahr 1998 erfuhren wir, daß unser wichtigster              Millionen im Direktversand einbrachte und uns die geeignete

Einzelhändler Toys “R” Us einen wesentliche Veränderung hin-              Infrastruktur bietet, viele der Mattel-Marken direkt an den

sichtlich seiner Einkaufspolitik beabsichtigte, indem die                 Endverbraucher zu bringen.

Warenbestände in einem Zeitraum von 3 Jahren um $ 500                            Zur Erreichung unserer langfristigen Ziele unternahmen

Millionen reduziert werden sollen. Wir sahen jedoch nicht vorher,         wir letztes Jahr jedoch mehr als nur strategische

daß dieser Trend zur Verringerung der Warenbestände so schnell            Unternehmensübernahmen. Wir brachten unsere Kernmarken

auf die meisten unserer wichtigsten Einzelhändler übergehen               wieder in Linie - am wichtigsten hierbei war Barbie. In den ersten

würde. Diese Entwicklung resultierte in einer allgemeinen                 vier Monaten 1998 setzten wir den Fokus auf die Bereinigung

Verringerung der Aufträge am Ende des Jahres. Als daher im                unseres Barbie Warenbestandes im Einzelhandel. Da wir uns auf

Dezember nicht wie gewohnt nachgeordert wurde, handelten wir              einen sauberen Durchverkauf konzentrierten, verzeichneten wir

der Situation angemessen, indem wir uns nun auf eine kurzfristige         1998 einen Umsatzrückgang von 14 Prozent. Wir verkauften in

Bestell- und Lieferpraxis einstellten. Folglich kündigten wir vorab an,   diesem Jahr allerdings mehr Barbie Produkte über den Ladentisch

daß wir nur ein schwaches Wachstum erwarteten und unsere                  als jemals zuvor in der Geschichte von Barbie.

Gewinne wahrscheinlich auf etwa $ 1.20 pro Aktie zurückgehen              Des weiteren brachten wir unser Fisher-Price Geschäft wieder auf

würden. Die Jahresabschlussergebnisse, die wir vorlegten, zeigten         den richtigen Kurs und kehrten zu großer Rentabilität zurück und

dann einen Gewinn pro Aktie von $ 1.20 vor Berücksichtigung von           konnten so die Position unseres Warenbestandes im Einzelhandel

außergewöhnlichen Belastungen, bei einem 1prozentigen Rückgang            verbessern - minus 30 Prozent gegenüber dem vergangenen Jahr.

des Umsatzes.                                                                    Das positivste Ergebnis aus 1998 war, daß unsere Margen,

       Die positive Nachricht, die wir aus 1998 ziehen können, ist        trotz des Rückgangs bei Barbie, stark blieben, welches sich in

der Umstand, daß der Durchverkauf unserer Waren im                        unserer Bruttomarge von 49,4 Prozent ausdrückt. Dies ist nur

Einzelhandel bei unseren Hauptkunden in den USA um 12 Prozent             geringfügig niedriger gegenüber 49,6 Prozent im Jahr 1997.

gestiegen ist. Der Warenbestand im Einzelhandel ist um 30 Prozent                Ich möchte nun über unsere Marken sprechen. Unser $ 2

insgesamt gesunken und bei Toys “R” Us sogar um 50 Prozent.               Milliarden plus Mädchenbereich schließt nun Marken wie Barbie

       Wie ich schon oben ausführte, wußten wir, daß sich unsere          und American Girl ein, welche Mattel zusammengenommen zum

Geschäftswelt veränderte. Und so setzten wir schon 1997 strate-           weltweit größten Konsumgüterhersteller für Mädchen machen.

gische Maßnahmen durch, um Mattel auch zukünftig ideal zu posi-           Barbie beendete das Jahr mit einem weltweiten Umsatz von $ 1,7

tionieren.                                                                Milliarden.
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report                                        16

      Unser Barbie Media Geschäft wuchs 1998 um 39 Prozent                 Mit den strategischen Maßnahmen, die wir durchführen, sieht
auf $ 80 Millionen. 1998 fand Barbie zudem erfolgreich den Weg      unsere Zukunft sehr positiv aus. Das Wachstum für unsere
ins Internet. Barbie.com wurde von Media Metrix als eine der am     Kernmarken wird unsere oberste Priorität bleiben, und unsere
schnellsten wachsenden neuen Einkaufsseiten im weltweiten Web       Strategie der globalen Markenbildung wird hierbei weiterhin eine
genannt, und dies dank “My Design”, wo Mädchen eine Barbie          große Rolle spielen, da wir danach streben, unseren internationalen

Puppe nach ihren Wünschen herstellen können.                        Umsatz zu verdoppeln. Unsere Marken im Bereich Wheels, Baby

      American Girl, die zweitgrößte Mädchenmarke der Welt,         und Vorschule sowie Barbie werden erste Priorität haben - und

produzierte für 1998 einen Umsatz von $ 300 Millionen. Und da       Europa und Japan sind unsere Zielmärkte.

das gesamte Geschäft der Pleasant Company bisher in den USA                Unsere zweite Initiative war der Aufbau eines $ 1 Milliarden

gewesen ist, planen wir, Mattels internationale Erfahrung und       Software-Geschäfts. Während der letzten zwei Jahre wuchsen wir

Expertise zu nutzen, um das Konzept des American Girl mit Beginn    zu einem $ 100 Millionen interaktiven Franchise-Unternehmen.

des neuen Jahrtausends global einzuführen.                                 Wir verkündeten unsere vorgeschlagene Fusion mit der
      Mit einem Umsatz von $ 1,7 Milliarden ist unser Baby- und     Learning Company im Dezember und werden mit endgültigem

Vorschulspielzeugbereich inzwischen so groß wie Barbie. Alle        Vollzug dieser Fusion gleich hinter Microsoft der zweitgrößte

unsere Baby- und Vorschulproduktmarken und Charactere werden        Hersteller von Konsumsoftwaregütern weltweit sein.

weltweit nun unter der Dachmarke Fisher-Price vermarktet. Dies             Unsere dritte Maßnahme hat den Aufbau eines $1 Milliarden

erlaubt uns, das Potential dieser Marke maximal zu nutzen.          Direktverkaufs an den Endverbraucher zum Ziel. Heute verzeichnen

      Mit einem Umsatz von $ 700 Millionen im letzten Jahr ist      wir bereits etwa $ 500 Millionen. Das wahre Potential des

Wheels nun unsere drittgrößte Kategorie. Wir werden unser           Direktverkaufs liegt jedoch auf einer Internetstrategie, die auf den

Wheels-Geschäft dieses Jahr weltweit weiter ausbauen, indem wir     Möglichkeiten, die sich durch unsere Fusion mit der Learning

die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Boston Consulting Gruppe auf die      Company eröffnen, basiert.

jeweiligen Länder abgestimmten Strategien umsetzen. Dies                   Unsere solide finanzielle Position, die Stärke unserer Marken
ermöglichte uns, in unserem internationalen Wheels-Geschäft ein     sowie die Maßnahmen, die wir ergriffen haben, werden uns auf

Wachstum von 30 Prozent zu verwirklichen.                           eine neue Ebene von Stärke und Führungsposition bringen. Mit all

      Unser Entertainment-Bereich - der Disney und Nickelodeon      diesen Aktivitäten und der Unterstützung unserer Aktionäre wer-

umfaßt - hatte 1998 ein starkes Jahr mit annähernd $ 500            den wir weiter daran arbeiten, den Markennamen Mattel mit der

Millionen durch die Stärke von Filmen wie “Mulan”, “Das große       Mission gleichzusetzen, die uns am wichtigsten ist - den Kindern

Krabbeln” und dem “Rugrats”-Film. Die Mattel Entertainment Linien   dieser Welt und ihren Familien zu dienen.

stiegen gar um14 Prozent.
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report                                        17

Ai Nostri Azionisti:

Il 1998 è stato un anno deludente per Mattel. I cambiamenti nella                Ma per raggiungere gli obbiettivi programmati a lungo ter-

nostra attività, che avevamo previsto, si sono verificati più rapida-     mine, nello scorso anno abbiamo fatto molto di più delle acqui-

mente e drasticamente di quanto avessimo mai potuto prevedere.            sizioni strategiche. Abbiamo riorganizzato le nostre linee portanti -

Avevamo comunque avviato iniziative per affrontare questi cambia-         e soprattutto Barbie.

menti e crediamo che porteranno risultati positivi a lungo termine.              Durante i primi quattro mesi del 1998, ci siamo concentrati

Eravamo stati informati all’inizio dell’anno di un massiccio cambia-      sulla riduzione delle giacenze di Barbie presso il Trade. Dal momen-

mento nella politica degli acquisti da parte di un cliente chiave,Toys    to che abbiamo puntato sulle rivendite, si è verificata una perdita

<<R>> Us, il quale ha deciso di ridurre il proprio inventario di          del 14% nelle spedizioni per il 1998, ma abbiamo venduto più

$500 milioni in tre anni. Ma non avevamo previsto che questa ten-         prodotti Barbie ai consumatori durante il 1998 di quanto si sia mai

denza sarebbe stata trasmessa alla maggior parte dei nostri clienti       registrato nella storia di Barbie.

chiave, portando a tagli indiscriminati negli ordini di fine anno. Per           Abbiamo inoltre riorganizzato la linea Fisher-Price, realiz-

cui quando gli storici ri-ordini di dicembre non si sono materializ-      zando notevoli profitti e migliorando la situazione dell’inventario al

zati, abbiamo deciso di prendere le misure necessarie per adattare        dettaglio - con una diminuzione del 30% rispetto allo scorso anno.

le nostre spedizioni ad un modello del tipo “just in time”. Come                 Il miglior risultato del 1998 è rappresentato dal fatto che i

risultato, avevamo preannunciato una crescita zero delle vendite e        nostri margini sono ancora notevoli, nonostante le perdite nella

una diminuzione deglil utili a circa $1.20 per azione. Ed i risultati     linea Barbie, e il margine lordo del 49.4% ne è la prova, solo legger-

finali son infatti di $1.20 per azione, in presenza di un calo dell’1%    mente inferiore al 49.6% del 1997.

nelle vendite.                                                                   Ora vorrei parlare delle nostre linee. La nostra linea per

       La buona notizia del 1998 è rappresentata dal fatto che le         bambine del valore di oltre $2 miliardi ora include le linee Barbie e

vendite al dettaglio dei nostri prodotti presso i nostri clienti negli    American Girls, che insieme fanno di Mattel l’azienda leader di

U.S erano cresciute del 12% e che gli inventari al dettaglio erano        prodotti per bambine. Barbie ha concluso l’anno con un volume di

scesi del 30%, e del 50% per la Toys <<R>> Us.                            vendita di $1.7 miliardi su scala mondiale.

       Come già detto in precedenza, sapevamo che il nostro                      I ricavi della linea Barbie Media sono aumentati del 39% fino

mondo stava cambiando e abbiamo avviato fin dal 1997 un’azione            a $80 milioni nel 1998.

strategica per il futuro posizionamento di Mattel.                               E Barbie ha inoltre ottenuto un notevole successo su

       Il primo passo venne effettuato nel marzo 1997 con l’an-           Internet nel 1998. E infatti Barbie.com è stato citato da Media

nuncio della nostra fusione con Tyco, la terza azienda di giocattoli      Metrix come uno dei nuovi siti shopping Internet con il tasso di

più grande degli USA.                                                     crescita più alto, grazie a <<My Design>>, il nostro nuovo prodot-

       Poi, nel giugno scorso, abbiamo annunciato l’acquissizione         to Disegna la tua Barbie.

della Pleasant Company e del suo marchio blue-chip <<American                    American Girl, la seconda linea di prodotti per bambine più

Girl>>, che ha portato un aumento immediato di $300 milioni nel           nota al mondo, ha raggiunto i $300 milioni di vendite globali per il

volume d’affari delle vendite dirette. Questo ci fornisce l’infrastrut-   1998. E dal momento che tutto il giro d’affari della Pleasant

tura necessaria per portare molti dei marchi Mattel direttamente al       Company era limitato agli U.S., abbiamo in previsione di sfruttare

consumatore.                                                              l’esperienza internazionale di Mattel per diffondere il concetto di

                                                                          American Girl su scala mondiale, a partire dall’anno 2000.
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report                                          18

       Con vendite di $1.7 miliardi, il business delle nostre linee              Abbiamo annunciato l’intenzione di fonderci con la Learning
Infant e Preschool è ora equivalente al volume d’affari di Barbie.        Company in dicembre, e a completamento di tale fusione, diven-
Inoltre, tutte le nostre linee e i personaggi Infant e Preschool ver-     teremo la seconda azienda del mondo per i prodotti software,
ranno da ora in poi commercializzate sotto il marchio Fisher-Price        dopo Microsoft.
a livello mondiale, consentendoci di acquisire totale leadership in              La terza iniziativa è quella di arrivare ad un volume di ven-

questo settore di mercato.                                                dite dirette di $1 miliardo. A oggi abbiamo raggiunto circa $500

       Con vendite di $700 milioni durante lo scorso anno, Wheels         milioni in vendite dirette, ma lo scopo finale è quello di studiare

rappresenta oggi la nostra terza linea portante. Continueremo a           una una strategia di vendita via Internet, obbiettivo che ci sarà pos-

rafforzare la vendita di Wheels in tutto il mondo, applicando la          sibile raggiungere grazie alla fusione con la Learning Company.

strategia per ogni singolo paese studiata con la Boston Consulting               La nostra solida posizione finanziaria, la forza delle nostre

Group, la quale ci ha permesso di realizzare una crescita del 30%         linee e le iniziative attualmente in atto, ci aiuteranno a raggiungere

del nostro volume d’affari internazionale Wheels.                         un nuovo livello di forza e leadership. Grazie a tutto questo e al
       Il 1998 è stato un anno positivo per la nostra linea               supporto dei nostri azionisti, continueremo a rafforzare il nome

Entertainment - che include Disney e Nickleodeon, con un volume           Mattel, quale simbolo di quanto ci sta’ veramente a cuore - servire

d’affari di quasi $500 milioni, sulla scia di <<Mulan>>, <<A Bug’s        i bambini di tutto il mondo e le loro famiglie.

Life>> e <<The Rugrats Movie>>. Infatti, le vendite di prodotti di

Mattel Entertainment sono aumentate del 14%.

       Il nostro futuro, considerate le iniziative strategiche già in

atto, appare brillante.

       La crescita delle nostre linee portanti sarà priorità assoluta e

la nostra strategia di vendita globale continuerà a rappresentarne

una componente essenziale, avendo come obbiettivo il raddoppio
delle vendite internazionali. I nostri prodotti Wheels, Infant,

Preschool e Barbie saranno la prima priorità - e l’Europa e il

Giappone sono i nostri prossimi target di mercato.

       La seconda iniziativa è stata quella di sviluppare un software

business di $1 miliardo. Durante gli ultimi due anni, abbiamo rag-

giunto un volume d’affari di $100 milioni per i prodotti interattivi.
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report                                       19

A Nuestros Accionistas:

1998 fue un año decepcionante para Mattel.Tal como habíamos                   Posteriormente, en junio de 1998, hicimos pública la adquisi-

previsto, se produjeron ciertos cambios en nuestro negocio, pero       ción de Pleasant Company y su marca estrella “American Girl”, que

éstos ocurrieron con mayor celeridad de la esperada y fueron más       supone un negocio de venta directa al consumidor por valor de

drásticos de lo que habíamos anticipado. En cualquier caso, ya         300 millones de dólares y nos proporciona la infraestructura nece-

habíamos puesto en marcha iniciativas para contrarrestar estos         saria para hacer llegar nuestras marcas directamente al consumidor.

cambios, y creemos firmemente que dichas acciones darán unos                  Sin embargo, no sólo realizamos adquisiciones estratégicas

resultados muy positivos a largo plazo.                                para conseguir nuestros objetivos a largo plazo, sino que además

       A principios de año, tuvimos conocimiento de un cambio          reestructuramos nuestras marcas clave, en especial Barbie.

radical en la estrategia de compra de nuestro principal cliente,Toys          Durante el primer trimestre de 1998, nos centramos en el

“R” Us, con el objetivo de reducir sus existencias por valor de 500    objetivo de liquidar las existencias sobrantes de Barbie que tenían

millones de dólares en el plazo de 3 años. Pero lo que no              nuestros clientes. Aunque esto produjo una reducción del 14% en

habíamos previsto es que esta tendencia de reducción de existen-       facturación en 1998, conseguimos más ventas al consumidor de

cias se generalizaría entre todos nuestros principales clientes,       referencias de Barbie que cualquier otro año en la historia de la

provocando reducciones generales en los pedidos de final de año.       muñeca.

Por ello, cuando en diciembre no se materializaron los habituales             Asimismo, recondujimos nuestro negocio de Fisher-Price,

pedidos de repetición, decidimos tomar las medidas necesarias          recuperando la gran rentabilidad de esta línea y una buena

para adaptar nuestra propia facturación a un modelo más “justo a       situación de existencias en tiendas, un 30% inferior al año anterior.

tiempo” y, como primera medida, anunciamos que esperábamos un                 El resultado más positivo de 1998 fue que nuestros már-

mantenimiento de nuestra cifra de ventas, y que nuestros benefi-       genes se mantuvieron fuertes, a pesar del descenso en Barbie, lo

cios se reducirían a aproximadamente 1,20 dólares por acción. Los      que queda perfectamente evidenciado por nuestra cifra de margen

resultados que finalmente anunciamos a cierre de año fueron efec-      bruto, un 49,4%, en comparación con el ligeramente superior

tivamente unos beneficios de 1,20 dólares por acción antes de          49,6% de 1997.

impuestos, y un 1% de disminución en ventas.                                  A continuación desearía comentar nuestras marcas. Nuestra

       La noticia positiva de 1998 fue que el total de ventas al       categoría de niñas, con un volumen de más de 2 mil millones de

consumidor de nuestros productos en las principales cuentas de         dólares, incluye ahora las marcas Barbie y American Girl, que juntas

Estados Unidos experimentó un aumento del 12%, y que sus exis-         convierten a Mattel en la primera compañía de productos para

tencias bajaron un 30% en total, y un 50% en Toys “R” Us.              niñas a nivel mundial. Barbie cerró el año con unas ventas a nivel

       Como he mencionado anteriormente, sabíamos que nuestro          mundial de 170 mil millones de dólares.

sector estaba sufriendo importantes transformaciones, y ya en                 Nuestro negocio de CD-ROMs de Barbie aumentó un 39%,

1997 habíamos iniciado acciones estratégicas para situar a Mattel      alcanzando 80 millones de dólares en 1998.

en una posición favorable de cara al futuro.

       La primera de estas acciones se llevó a cabo en marzo de

1997, con el anuncio de nuestra fusión con Tyco, la tercera com-

pañía juguetera de Estados Unidos.
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report                                       20

          Barbie también se abrió camino con éxito en Internet                  El futuro es prometedor, en base a las iniciativas estratégicas
durante el año 1998. La página web Barbie.com fue considerada            que hemos puesto en marcha. Este año, mantendremos como
por Media Metrix una de las páginas web de compra directa con            prioridad el crecimiento en nuestros negocios clave y, como parte
mayor crecimiento de la red mundial, gracias a la sección “My Design”,   crucial de este proceso, se encuentra nuestra estrategia de creci-
donde las niñas tienen la oportunidad de pedir por Internet su           miento global de nuestras marcas, con el objetivo de duplicar

propia muñeca Barbie, especificando las características que pre-         nuestra cifra de ventas a nivel mundial. Las categorías de Coches y

fieren.                                                                  Pistas, Bebé y Preescolar y Barbie serán prioritarias, y nuestros

          American Girl, la segunda marca de productos para niñas        mercados objetivo serán Europa y Japón.

del mundo, alcanzó en 1998 unas ventas totales de 300 millones                  Nuestra segunda iniciativa ha sido la de desarrollar un nego-

de dólares y, teniendo en cuenta que el negocio de Pleasant              cio de software de mil millones de dólares. En los últimos dos

Company hasta ahora sólo se ha producido en Estados Unidos,              años, hemos crecido hasta situar nuestros productos de software

esperamos aprovechar la experiencia de Mattel para globalizar el         en la cifra de 100 millones de dólares.
concepto “American Girl” a partir del año 2000.                                 Anunciamos la propuesta de fusión con The Learning

          Nuestro negocio de Bebé y Preescolar, con unas ventas de       Company en diciembre. Una vez que se haya efectuado esta

170 mil millones de dólares, se sitúa al mismo nivel de volumen          fusión, nos convertiremos en la segunda compañía de software a

que Barbie. A partir de este año, comercializaremos todas nuestras       nivel mundial, tras Microsoft.

marcas de Bebé y Preescolar bajo la marca paraguas de Fisher-                   Nuestra tercera iniciativa es crear un negocio de venta

Price en todo el mundo, lo que nos permitirá aprovechar la impor-        directa al consumidor de mil millones de dólares. En la actualidad,

tancia de esta marca líder en participación de mercado.                  nuestra cifra de ventas directas es de aproximadamente 500 millones

          Coches y Pistas, con ventas por valor de 700 millones de       de dólares, pero la gran oportunidad de crecimiento en comercio

dólares en 1998, se ha convertido en nuestra tercera categoría en        directo nos la proporciona una estrategia basada en Internet y

volumen. Este año, pensamos seguir aumentando nuestro negocio            en las oportunidades generadas por nuestra próxima fusión con
de esta categoría a nivel mundial mediante la misma estrategia que       The Learning Company.

utilizamos en 1997; es decir, implementando estrategias adaptadas               Nuestra sólida posición financiera, la importancia de nues-

a cada país, que el año pasado desarrollamos en colaboración con         tras marcas y las iniciativas que hemos puesto en marcha nos per-

Boston Consulting Group y que nos permitieron alcanzar un creci-         mitirán alcanzar un nuevo nivel de fuerza y liderazgo en el sector.

miento del 30% en nuestro negocio de Coches y Pistas a nivel             Estos tres factores unidos al apoyo de nuestros accionistas, harán

internacional.                                                           que la marca Mattel continúe creciendo para conseguir nuestro

          1998 fue un año extraordinario para la categoría de produc-    objetivo más importante: satisfacer las necesidades de los niños y

tos licenciados, que incluye Disney y Nickelodeon. Las ventas lle-       de sus familias.

garon a la cifra de 500 millones de dólares, gracias al éxito de las

películas Mulan, Bichos y Rugrats. Esta categoría experimentó un

aumento del 14% en 1998.
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report               21


     1998                                                              17

                                      Toys quot;Rquot; Us
                3                5

         1      $1.2
                                     1%                                                     1998
1    $1.2
  12%                                                 30%
Toys quot;Rquot; Us         50%

                                                                                2                        10

                                                                                3                        10
                          1998             4
                          1998                   14%

                                                 1997        49.6


     1998                                               39

             1998                3
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report                          22




       Toys quot;Rquot; Us

                                                  Barbie                        (American Girl)


                                                                       Media Metrix

                                            quot;My Design,quot;
                                                                                   American Girl

  Toys quot;Rquot; Us                             Pleasant
                                             'American Girl'
  (quot;American Girlquot;),

                                          Consulting Group

                                                                                quot;A Bug's Lifequot;), quot;The
                                 Barbie              Mattel
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report   23


                                    The Learning

                   The Learning Company

Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report   24

Financial Information

Five-Year Summar y                     25

Management’s Discussion and            26
Analysis of Financial Condition
And Results of Oper ations

Consolidated Financial Statements      33

Notes to Consolidated                  37
Financial Statements

Management Repor t on Responsibility   52
for Financial Repor ting

Repor t of Independent Accountants     52
Mattel, Inc. and Subsidiaries                                                         25

Five-Year Financial Summary

                                                                                                                          For the Year Ended December 31 (a)
(In thousands, except per share and percentage information)                                     1998                  1997                  1996                  1995                  1994
Operating Results:
Net sales                                                                             $4,781,892            $4,834,616             $4,535,332            $4,369,816            $3,971,226
Gross profit                                                                           2,362,993             2,400,000              2,219,758             2,067,740             1,881,060
   % of net sales                                                                           49%                   50%                    49%                   47%                   47%
Operating profit (b)                                                                     575,896               515,212                636,982               607,651               449,228
   % of net sales                                                                           12%                   11%                    14%                   14%                   11%
Income before income taxes and extraordinary item                                        465,063               425,082                536,756               504,668               362,157
Provision for income taxes                                                               132,799               135,288                164,532               166,779               137,487
Income before extraordinary item                                                         332,264               289,794                372,224               337,889               224,670
Extraordinary item - loss on early retirement of debt                                          -                (4,610)                     -                     -                     -
Net income                                                                               332,264               285,184                372,224               337,889               224,670
Income Per Common Share (c):
Income before extraordinary item
   Basic                                                                                       1.11                  0.96                  1.26                   1.13                  0.74
   Diluted                                                                                     1.10                  0.94                  1.23                   1.11                  0.73
Net income
   Basic                                                                                       1.11                  0.95                  1.26                   1.13                  0.74
   Diluted                                                                                     1.10                  0.93                  1.23                   1.11                  0.73
Dividends Declared Per Common Share (c)                                                        0.31                  0.27                  0.24                   0.19                  0.15

                                                                                                                                   As of Year End (a)
(In thousands)                                                                                  1998                  1997                  1996                  1995                  1994
Financial Position:
Cash and marketable securities                                                        $ 212,454              $ 694,947             $ 550,271             $ 511,061             $ 290,157
Accounts receivable, net                                                                 983,050              1,091,416               948,940               886,344               990,346
Inventories                                                                              584,358                428,844               444,178               407,551               405,427
Total assets                                                                           4,262,165              3,803,791             3,581,142             3,341,370             3,150,438
Short-term borrowings                                                                    134,006                 17,468                28,924                76,443                57,531
Long-term liabilities                                                                  1,124,756                808,297               633,342               721,739               606,430
Stockholders’ equity                                                                   1,820,198              1,822,070             1,805,923             1,551,680             1,385,777
(a) Consolidated financial information for 1994-1997 has been restated retroactively for the effects of the March 1997 merger with Tyco Toys, Inc. (“Tyco”), accounted for as a pooling of
(b) Represents income from operations before interest expense and provision for income taxes. In 1998, operating profit was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $38.0 million related
    to a voluntary recall of certain Power Wheels®‚ ride-on vehicles and a one-time charge of $6.0 million in connection with the proposed Toys R Us-related antitrust litigation settle-
    ment. In 1997, operating profit was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $275.0 million for transaction, integration and restructuring costs related to the merger with Tyco. In 1996,
    operating profit was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $21.8 million related to the accounting for certain royalties and participation fees in prior periods. In 1995, operating profit
    was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $8.9 million related to a restructuring program implemented to reduce operating expenses at certain of Tyco’s business units. In 1994,
    operating profit was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $76.7 million principally related to the consolidation of manufacturing operations and the reduction of headquarters
    expense and support functions worldwide.
(c) Per share data reflect the retroactive effect of stock splits distributed to stockholders in March 1996, January 1995 and January 1994, and the 1997 merger with Tyco.
Mattel, Inc. and Subsidiaries                                              26

Management’s Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Cautionary Statement                                                           - Development of new technologies, including the Internet, which
Certain expectations and projections regarding the future performance            may create new risks to the Company’s ability to protect its intel-
of Mattel, Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Mattel” or the “Company”) discussed       lectual property rights
in this annual report are forward-looking and are made under the               - Changes in laws or regulations, both domestically and internationally,
“safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act         including those affecting consumer products or environmental
of 1995. These expectations and projections are based on currently               activities or trade restrictions, which may lead to increased costs
available competitive, financial, and economic data along with the               or interruption in normal business operations of the Company
Company’s operating plans and are subject to certain future events             - Adverse results of litigation, governmental proceedings or
and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the           environmental matters, which may lead to increased costs or
use of forward-looking terminology, such as may, will, should, expect,           interruption in normal business operations of the Company
anticipate, estimate, continue, plans, intends or other similar terminology.
Management cautions you that the following factors, among others,              Summary
could cause the Company’s actual consolidated results of operations            You should read this analysis in conjunction with the Company’s
and financial position in 1999 and thereafter to differ significantly from     consolidated financial statements that begin on page 33.
those expressed in forward-looking statements:                                         Mattel designs, manufactures, and markets a broad variety
                                                                               of children’s products on a worldwide basis through both sales
Marketplace Risks                                                              to retailers and direct to consumers. The Company’s business is
- Increased competitive pressure, both domestically and internationally,       dependent in great part on its ability each year to redesign, restyle
  which may affect the sales of the Company’s products                         and extend existing core products and product lines, to design and
- Significant changes in the buying patterns of major customers,               develop innovative new products and product lines, and to expand
  such as the recent shift by some retailers to just-in-time inventory         its marketing capability.
  management, which may limit the Company’s ability to accurately                      The Company plans to continue to focus on its portfolio of
  forecast reorders or cause a decrease in sales after related expenses        brands that have fundamental play patterns and have historically had
  have already been incurred                                                   worldwide appeal, have been sustainable, and have delivered consistent
- Dependence on the timely development, introduction and customer              profitability. The Company’s portfolio of brands can be grouped in
  acceptance of new products, which may affect the Company’s ability           the following four categories:
  to successfully redesign, restyle and extend existing core products
                                                                               Girls - including Barbie® fashion dolls and accessories, collector dolls,
  and product lines and to successfully bring new products to market
                                                                               software, Fashion Magic®, American Girl®, Cabbage Patch Kids®, and
- Possible weaknesses in economic conditions, both domestically
                                                                               Polly Pocket®
  and internationally, which may affect the sales of the Company’s
                                                                               Infant and Preschool - including Fisher-Price®, Disney preschool and
  products and the costs associated with manufacturing and distributing
                                                                               plush, Power Wheels®, Sesame Street®, See ‘N Say®, Magna Doodle®,
  these products
                                                                               and View-Master®
Financing Considerations
                                                                               Entertainment - including Disney, Nickelodeon®, games, and puzzles
- Currency fluctuations, which may affect the Company’s reportable
                                                                               Wheels - including Hot Wheels®, Matchbox®,Tyco® Electric Racing,
                                                                               and Tyco® Radio Control
- Significant changes in interest rates, both domestically and interna-
  tionally, which may affect the Company’s cost of financing both its
  operations and investments                                                   Results of Operations
Merger-Related Risks                                                           The following is a percentage analysis of operating results for the
- Difficulty integrating the operations of The Learning Company, Inc.          past three years:
  into the Company following the proposed merger, which may
                                                                                                                                           For the Year
  impede the Company’s ability to achieve savings or operating
                                                                                                                                   1998        1997       1996
  synergies from the merger
                                                                               Net sales                                            100%        100%       100%
Year 2000 Compliance
                                                                               Gross profit                                        49.4%        49.6%     48.9%
- Potential inability of computer systems or software products                 Advertising and promotion expenses                  17.0         16.1      17.2
  used by the Company and/or its customers and suppliers to                    Other selling and administrative expenses           18.5         16.5      17.0
                                                                               Amortization of intangibles                          0.9          0.6       0.7
  properly recognize and process date-sensitive information beyond
                                                                               Restructuring and integration charges                  -          5.7         -
  January 1, 2000, which may result in an interruption in normal               Special charges                                      0.9            -         -
  business operations of the Company, its suppliers and customers              Other expense (income), net                          0.1            -         -
                                                                               Operating profit                                    12.0         10.7      14.0
Other Risks
                                                                               Interest expense                                     2.3          1.9       2.2
- Inability to achieve cost savings expected as part of restructuring
                                                                               Income before income taxes and extraordinary item    9.7%         8.8%     11.8%
  activities, which may result in higher than expected costs following
  such restructurings
Mattel, Inc. and Subsidiaries                                        27

1998 Compared to 1997                                                      ($0.71 per diluted share) related to a nonrecurring charge for trans-
Net income for 1998 was $332.3 million or $1.10 per diluted share as       action, integration and restructuring costs related to the Mattel
compared to $285.2 million or $0.93 per diluted share in 1997. 1998        restructuring and Tyco integration, and an extraordinary loss of $4.6
net income was impacted by a $27.2 million after-tax charge ($0.09         million net of taxes ($0.01 per diluted share) for the early retirement
per diluted share) related to a voluntary recall of certain Power          of debt assumed as part of the Tyco merger. Net sales for 1997
Wheels® ride-on vehicles and a one-time charge of $4.3 million after       were $4.83 billion, an increase of 7% from $4.54 billion in 1996.
                                                                           Sales growth included a $138.5 million unfavorable foreign exchange
taxes ($0.01 per diluted share) in connection with the proposed Toys
                                                                           effect from the generally stronger US dollar relative to 1996. Sales
R Us-related antitrust litigation settlement. Net sales for 1998 reached
                                                                           in the Girls category grew 4% due to the strength in Barbie® and
$4.78 billion, a decrease of 1% from $4.83 billion in 1997. Cutbacks in
                                                                           Barbie®-related products, partially offset by declines in large and
purchases by retailers to adjust to a just-in-time buying pattern nega-
tively impacted sales. Sales in the Girls category decreased 4% largely    small dolls. Sales in the Infant and Preschool category increased
due to a 14% decline in Barbie® products, as a result of high retail       15%, led by strength in Sesame Street® and Disney’s Winnie the
                                                                           Pooh®, partially offset by a decline in Fisher-Price® products. The
inventory levels entering 1998. As a result of the Pleasant Company
acquisition in July 1998, the American Girl® brand contributed             Wheels category increased 21%, driven by an increase in Hot
$213.2 million in gross sales, which helped to partially offset the        Wheels®. Sales in the Entertainment category, which includes
decline in Barbie®. Sales in the Infant and Preschool category             Disney and Nickelodeon®, decreased 4%.
decreased 3%, largely attributable to declines in Sesame Street®                   Sales to customers within the US grew 14% and accounted
and Fisher-Price® products, partially offset by an increase in Disney’s    for 66% of consolidated gross sales in 1997 compared to 62% in
Winnie the Pooh®. Sales in the Wheels category grew 21%, reflecting        1996. Sales to customers outside the US decreased 5%, including
growth in both Hot Wheels® and Matchbox® vehicles and playsets.            the unfavorable foreign exchange effect of the generally stronger US
Sales in the Entertainment category, which includes Disney and             dollar relative to the prior year. At comparable foreign exchange
Nickelodeon®, increased 14% largely due to this year’s introduction        rates, sales internationally grew 3%.
of toys associated with the feature motion pictures “A Bug’s Life” and             Gross profit as a percentage of net sales increased to
“The Rugrats Movie”.                                                       49.6% from 48.9%, principally due to improved product mix.
        Sales to customers within the US declined 2% and accounted         As a percentage of net sales, advertising and promotion expenses
for 66% of consolidated gross sales in both 1998 and 1997. Sales to        decreased approximately one percentage point to 16.1%, primarily
customers outside the US were down 1%, including an unfavorable            due to cost savings realized from the Company’s merger with Tyco.
foreign exchange effect of approximately $30 million due to the            As a percentage of net sales, other selling and administrative expenses
generally stronger US dollar relative to 1997. At comparable foreign       decreased to 16.5% from 17.0%, reflecting the impact of the
exchange rates, sales internationally grew 1%.                             Company’s effort to control costs and direct cost savings realized
        Gross profit as a percentage of net sales remained relatively      from the 1997 Tyco integration and Mattel restructuring plan.
constant at 49.4% compared to 49.6% in 1997. As a percentage of                    Interest expense decreased $10.1 million largely due to
net sales, advertising and promotion expenses increased approximately      lower average domestic short-term borrowings during 1997.
one percentage point to 17.0%, and selling and administrative expenses
increased two percentage points to 18.5%. Both these ratios increased      Income Taxes
relative to last year as a result of unanticipated cutbacks in buying by   The effective income tax rate was approximately 29% in 1998
retailers due to a continuing shift by these retailers to just-in-time     compared to 32% in 1997 and 31% in 1996. The effective tax rate
inventory management. To respond to such shifts, the Company               decreased in 1998 due to an increase in income earned in locations
took appropriate actions to adjust its own shipping to more of a           with lower tax rates and a reduction in restructuring expenses with-
just-in-time pattern. As a result, products that would have previously     out income tax benefits.
been shipped in December will be shipped closer to the time that                  Pre-tax income earned from US operations as a percentage of
they will be purchased by the consumer. The Company plans to               the consolidated pre-tax income is less than the sales to US customers
manage its advertising and selling and administrative levels in 1999       as a percentage of the consolidated gross sales. This difference results
to bring them back in line with its historical ratios. Amortization of     from corporate headquarters expenses incurred n the US that
intangibles increased by $9.8 million, mainly due to the amortization      decreased US pre-tax income and from profits from foreign manufac-
of goodwill in connection with the 1998 acquisitions of Pleasant           turing activities that relate to sales ultimately made to US customers.
Company and Bluebird Toys PLC (“Bluebird”).
        Interest expense increased $20.7 million primarily due to          Financial Position
increased short- and long-term borrowings to finance the Company’s         The Company’s financial position remained strong in 1998 primarily
1998 acquisitions of Pleasant Company and Bluebird.                        due to its profitable operating results. At December 31, 1998, the
                                                                           Company’s cash position was $212.4 million, compared to $694.9
1997 Compared to 1996                                                      million as of the end of 1997. Cash decreased $482.5 million primarily
Net income for 1997 was $285.2 million or $0.93 per diluted share          due to cash consideration paid in connection with the acquisitions
as compared to $372.2 million or $1.23 per diluted share in 1996.          of Pleasant Company and Bluebird. Accounts receivable decreased
1997 net income was impacted by a $209.7 million after-tax charge          $108.4 million to $983.1 million due to lower orders by major
Mattel, Inc. and Subsidiaries                                       28

retailers in fourth quarter 1998. Inventories increased $155.5 million                         The Company received cash flows from the issuance of senior
to $584.4 million, reflecting the sales shortfall in the 1998 fourth                    notes in 1998 and medium-term notes in 1998 and 1997. Cash
quarter and the addition of Pleasant Company inventory. Property,                       received from these debt issuances was used to fund the acquisitions
plant and equipment, net grew $134.9 million to $736.5 million due                      of Pleasant Company and Bluebird, to retire higher-cost debt and to
to assets acquired as part of the acquisition of Pleasant Company                       support operating activities. In 1998, the Company repaid the long-
and investments in the expansion of the Company’s manufacturing                         term debt and mortgage note assumed as part of the Pleasant
facilities located in Mexico and Asia. Intangibles increased $719.4                     Company acquisition. In 1997, the Company redeemed the 10-1/8%
million to nearly $1.25 billion due to goodwill generated from the                      notes assumed as part of the acquisition of Tyco and repaid its 6-7/8%
Pleasant Company and Bluebird acquisitions.                                             senior notes upon maturity. Cash was also spent during the last
         Short-term borrowings increased $116.5 million compared                        three years to purchase treasury stock to provide shares for issuance
to 1997 from financing the acquisitions of Pleasant Company and                         under the Company’s employee stock option plans and the exercise
Bluebird. Current portion of long-term liabilities increased $19.9                      of outstanding warrants. In addition, over the last three years, the
million primarily due to the reclassification of $30.0 million in medium-               Company has consistently increased its cash payments for common
term notes payable in 1999 from long-term debt.                                         dividends.

          A summary of the Company’s capitalization is as follows:                      Seasonal Financing
                                                                                        The Company expects to finance its seasonal working capital
                                                       As of Year End
                                                                                        requirements for the coming year by using existing and internally
(In millions)                                  1998                       1997
                                                                                        generated cash, issuing commercial paper, selling certain trade
Medium-term notes                   $ 540.5           18%      $ 520.5           20%
                                                                                        receivables and using various short-term bank lines of credit. The
Senior notes                          400.0           14         100.0            4
                                                                                        Company’s domestic committed unsecured credit facility provides
Other long-term debt obligations       43.0            1          55.0            2
                                                                                        $1.0 billion in short-term borrowings from a commercial bank
Total long-term debt                   983.5          33          675.5          26
Other long-term liabilities            141.3           5          132.8           5
                                                                                        group. This facility provides for up to $700.0 million in advances
Stockholders’ equity                 1,820.2          62        1,822.1          69
                                                                                        and backup for commercial paper issuances, and up to an additional
                                    $2,945.0          100%     $2,630.4          100%
                                                                                        $300.0 million for nonrecourse purchases of certain trade accounts
                                                                                        receivable by the bank group over the next four years. Under its
        Total long-term debt increased $308.0 million mainly due                        domestic credit facility, the Company is required to meet financial
to the issuance of $300.0 million of senior notes to finance the                        covenants for consolidated debt-to-capital and interest coverage.
acquisitions of Pleasant Company and Bluebird. Medium-term notes                        Currently the Company is in compliance with such covenants.
increased by $20.0 million due to the issuance of $50.0 million in                              The Company also expects to have approximately $370 million
notes, partially offset by the reclassification of $30.0 million payable                of individual short-term foreign credit lines with a number of banks
in 1999 to current portion of long-term debt. The Company                               available in 1999, which will be used as needed to finance seasonal
expects to satisfy its future long-term capital needs through the                       working capital requirements of certain foreign affiliates.
retention of corporate earnings and the issuance of long-term debt
instruments. In November 1998, the Company filed its current                            Pending Business Combination
universal shelf registration statement allowing it to issue up to $400.0                In December 1998, Mattel and The Learning Company entered into
million of debt and equity securities, all of which was available to be                 a merger agreement. The stock-for-stock transaction is subject to
issued as of December 31, 1998. Stockholders’ equity of $1.8 billion                    approval by the stockholders of both Mattel and The Learning
remained consistent with 1997 as a result of treasury stock purchases                   Company and by certain regulatory agencies. The merger will be
and dividend declarations on common and preferred stock, which                          accounted for as a pooling of interests, which means that for accounting
were largely offset by profitable operating results and reissuance of                   and financial reporting purposes, Mattel and The Learning Company
treasury stock for the exercise of nonqualified stock options by the                    will treat their companies as if they had always been combined. The
Company’s employees.                                                                    combined company will likely incur transaction costs of approximately
                                                                                        $75 million to $85 million, including investment banking, legal and
Liquidity                                                                               accounting fees, and contractual incentive benefits. Management
The Company’s primary sources of liquidity over the last three                          believes the merger will be completed in the second quarter of
years have been cash on hand at the beginning of the year, cash                         1999. The number of shares of Mattel common stock to be issued
flows generated from operations, long-term debt issuances and                           to The Learning Company’s common and preferred stockholders,
short-term seasonal borrowings. Profitable operating activities                         together with the Mattel common stock to be issued upon the
generated cash flows of $547.5 million during 1998, compared to                         exchange of the exchangeable shares of The Learning Company’s
$481.9 million in 1997 and $524.8 million in 1996.                                      Canadian subsidiary, is expected to represent between approximately
       The Company invested its cash flows during the last three                        27% and 30% of Mattel’s outstanding voting power after the merger,
years in the acquisitions of Pleasant Company and Bluebird, additions                   depending on the actual exchange ratio at the time of the merger.
to tooling in support of new products, and construction of new
manufacturing facilities.
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mattel annual reports 1998
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mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
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mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
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mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998
mattel annual reports 1998

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mattel annual reports 1998

  • 1. M AT T E L , I N C . 1 9 9 8 A N N UA L RE P O RT Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report
  • 3. Financial Highlights For the Year O p e r a t i n g R e s u l t s (In millions) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Net Sales $3,971 $4,370 $4,535 $4,835 $4,782 Income (Before Restructuring, Extraordinary Item and Special Charges) 276 347 372 500 364 Net Income 225 338 372 285 332 As of Year End F i n a n c i a l Po s i t i o n (In millions) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Cash and Marketable Securities $ 290 $ 511 $ 550 $ 695 $ 212 Long-Term Debt 521 627 520 676 984 Total Stockholders’ Equity 1,386 1,552 1,806 1,822 1,820
  • 4. 2 All Infant and Preschool brands and characters will now b e m a r ke t e d u n d e r t h e F i s h e r- P r i c e n a m e . To Our Shareholders: 1998 was a disappointing year for Mattel. Changes in our business, which we had anticipated would happen, occurred much more quickly and more dramatically than we ever expected. But we had initiatives well underway to address these changes, and we believe they will deliver positive, long-term results. So let’s review what happened and then tell you why we are so confident about our future. We were informed early in the year of a major buying shift by our key retailer, Toys “R” Us, as they moved to reduce their inventories by $500 million over three years. In fact, they accomplished most of this reduction in just one year, which affected Mattel by $250 million in total. But we didn’t foresee that this inventory reduction trend would accelerate to most of our key retailers, resulting in across- the-board cutbacks in year-end buying. So when historical re-orders didn’t materialize in December, we decided to take the appropriate actions to adjust our own shipping to a more just-in-time pattern. As a result, we pre-announced that we expected to see flat top-line growth, and that our earnings would decrease to approxi- mately $1.20 per share. And the year- end results we reported were earnings of $1.20 per share, before charges, on a 1 percent decrease in sales. The positive news coming out of 1998 was that retail sell-through of our products at our top U.S. accounts was up 12 percent, and retail inventories were down 30 percent in total, and down 50 percent at Toys “R” Us. As I said earlier, we knew that our world was changing, and we began taking strategic action as early as 1997 to position Mattel for the future.
  • 5. 3 Fifty million American Girl catalogues are sent t o t h e h o m e s o f c o n s u m e r s e a c h y e a r. Our first step was taken in March 1997 when we announced our merger with Tyco, the third largest U.S. toy company. This merger, which gave us brands such as Matchbox and Tyco Radio Control, enabled us to transform our Hot Wheels brand franchise into a broader global Wheels strategy that has grown three-and-a-half times in just 2 years. We now hold the #1 market share position in vehicles, having gone from a $200 million Hot Wheels business in 1996 to a worldwide Wheels franchise totaling $700 million last year. The Tyco merger also gave us the opportunity to integrate the Infant and Preschool brands of Sesame Street, Magna Doodle and View-Master into the Fisher-Price brand, which along with Disney Infant and Preschool and Winnie the Pooh, is now a $1.7 billion franchise. Then, in June of last year, we announced our acquisition of Pleasant Company and its blue-chip American Girl brand, which immediately brought us an additional $300 million in direct-to- consumer business, and gives us the infrastructure to take many of Mattel’s brands directly to the consumer. This makes infinite sense as we seek to expand our channels of distribution. But to achieve our long-term goals, we did more than just make strategic acquisitions last year. We put our core brands back in order — most importantly, Barbie. For the first four months of 1998, we focused on cleaning up our Barbie retail inventory, which had been affected by 1997’s late shipping of Barbie products. Because we focused on clean sell- through, we did have a 14 percent shipping decline for 1998, but we sold more Barbie products over the counter in 1998 than any other year in Barbie doll’s history. And we reduced our retail inventory by more than
  • 6. Millennium Bride is a leading product in 4 the 1999 Barbie collector line. 40 percent at our top U.S. accounts, and over 60 percent at Toys “R” Us. We also put our Fisher-Price business back on course, achiev- ing a strong return to profitability and an improved inventory position at retail — down 30 percent from last year. The most positive outcome of 1998 was that our margins remained strong, despite the decline in Barbie, as evidenced by our gross margin of 49.4 percent, off only slightly from 49.6 percent in 1997. This resulted from improved margins in our fast-growing Wheels business, the much improved profitability at Fisher-Price and manufac- turing efficiencies coming out of Asia. Though our margins held up well, our selling, general & administrative and advertising ratios were out of line, as we incurred costs in anticipation of reaching the higher volume. In 1999, we will manage our SG&A and advertising ratios back to their 1997 levels, which were at historical highs. Then we will cut costs even further after we complete our merger with The Learning Company and realign the Mattel business in keeping with our long-term strategic vision. Now I’d like to talk about our brands, and how we plan to expand them across multiple platforms as we work to become even more rele- vant in the lives of kids and their families. Our $2 billion-plus girls category now includes the brands of Barbie and American Girl, which together make Mattel the world’s premier consumer products company for girls. Barbie ended the year with $1.7 billion in worldwide sales, and she has entered her 40th anniversary year ready to
  • 7. The Barbie Digital Camera was the #1 selling 5 c h i l d r e n ’s s o f t w a r e t i t l e i n 1 9 9 8 . show she’s not getting older — she’s getting smarter. We will have more new dolls shipping each and every quarter, strategically spread throughout the year, and a new marketing plan to build a stronger Barbie brand relationship with adults, older girls beyond 8 years, and our core girls 3 to 7 years of age. A new “Generation Girl” Barbie doll segment, targeted to an older girl, features friends from around the world, each with a contemporary look and individual personality. And Barbie will represent many new looks and body types in her 40th year, including a new full-bodied friend known and loved by all, Rosie O’Donnell. Our Barbie collector products for 1999 will be led by a 40th anniversary limited edition Barbie and our very limited edition Millennium Bride. Frank Sinatra, and Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra, will join our growing celebrity collector busi- ness, which already includes Lucille Ball, Elvis Presley and Audrey Hepburn. Our direct-to-consumer collector catalog has been a very successful tool for us and will be made even stronger when it is avail- able online starting in the second half of this year. Our Barbie media business grew 39 per- cent to $80 million in 1998, versus our total $100 million interactive business. We had 7 of the top 10 children’s software titles in the U.S., and Barbie CD-ROM titles achieved top 10 rankings in every country in Europe in December. Our interactive growth was led by the Barbie Digital Camera, which sold over 300,000 units, and was the #1 new software product of the year, according to PC Data.
  • 8. 6 American Girl Place, our first flagship store, opened in November in Chicago. And Barbie made her way successfully to the Internet in 1998. Barbie.com was named by Media Metrix to be one of the fastest-growing new shopping sites on the world- wide web, thanks to “My Design,” our design-your-own Barbie, which drew an average of 16.4 million daily hits in the month of December alone. American Girl, the second largest girls brand in the world, produced $300 million in full-year sales for 1998. We opened our first flagship store — called “American Girl Place” — in Chicago in November and achieved results that exceeded every benchmark we set for ourselves. More importantly, Pleasant Company will be selling all of its products online beginning in September of this year. And since all of Pleasant Company’s business has been in the U.S., we plan to use Mattel’s international expertise to take the American Girl concept global, beginning in the year 2000. At $1.7 billion in sales, our Infant and Preschool business is now equal to Barbie in volume. Our profitability for this category is growing at exciting levels, which will add to our brightened future. And, all of our Infant and Preschool brands and characters will now be marketed under the Fisher-Price umbrella all around the world, allowing us to gain full leverage for this most important market share leader. Winnie the Pooh was our fastest-growing brand last year, with sales up well over 50 percent and more than doubling outside of the U.S. This year, we will launch new segments for Pooh, including a girls and activity toy line. And our Sesame Street business, after tripling in 1997, saw a decline
  • 9. 7 Mattel signed a worldwide exclusive licensing agreement with Ferrari. in plush in 1998, but a big increase in basic Infant and Preschool toys. For 1999, we expect growth for this segment, driven by strong new introductions and Sesame Street’s first new movie in 15 years — “Elmo in Grouchland.” I am very excited about our plans to launch our first-ever, direct-to-consumer catalog for Fisher-Price brands, which we will deliver in the second half of this year. Our Internet site is already in operation and our catalog products will be sold through our Web site as well. At $700 million in sales last year, Wheels is now our third largest category. Our combined Hot Wheels, Matchbox and Tyco Radio Control shipping increased by 21 percent in 1998, and our die-cast car unit sales increased to $300 million, up from $200 million in 1997. We’ll further fuel this growth with important new partnerships, such as our worldwide exclusive Ferrari relationship and our entry into Formula One Racing, the counter- part to NASCAR in Europe. We will continue to build our Wheels busi- ness around the world by continuing to implement the country-by-country focused strategy we developed with the Boston Consulting Group, which enabled us to realize a 30 percent growth in our international Wheels business last year. We will also introduce direct-to-consumer collector cata- logues for both Hot Wheels and Matchbox, which will also be sold online in the second half. Our Entertainment category — which includes Disney and Nickelodeon — had a very strong year in 1998, approaching $500 million on the strength of “Mulan,” “A Bug’s Life” and “The Rugrats Movie.” In fact, Mattel
  • 10. The innovative X3 Microscope was developed through a 8 partnership between Mattel and Intel. Entertainment properties were up 14 percent. Our Nickelodeon business tripled last year, fueled by products based on the very popular “Rugrats,” and on “Blue’s Clues,” the new top-ranked T.V. show from Nickelodeon. And our Disney business alone was up 16 percent for the year and now equals almost $700 million around the world. We have a great line-up of new entertainment properties for 1999. “A Bug’s Life” will launch in Europe in the first quarter, and U.S. home video releases of “Mulan,” “A Bug’s Life” and “The Rugrats Movie” all will come this year. Then Disney’s “Tarzan” will be released in June, and Disney’s and Pixar’s much anticipated “Toy Story 2” will debut in November. Our future looks very bright, based on the strategic initiatives we have underway. Growth of our core businesses will remain a key priority, and our global brand building strategy will continue to be a big part of that, as we seek to double our international sales. To do that, we will implement the systematic approach developed through our work with the Boston Consulting Group. Our Wheels, Infant and Preschool, and Barbie franchises will be the targeted brands — and Europe and Japan the target markets. Our second initiative has been to develop a $1 billion software business. We began Mattel Media in 1996 with $20 million in sales and one Barbie title. Over the last two years, we have grown to a $100 million interactive franchise with the #1 top-selling children’s title for three years in a row. This year, we will have 25 new Mattel Media titles, including CD-ROMs based on American Girl, Sesame Street and Caterpillar, which is part of the Matchbox brand. We will also have
  • 11. Shopping online for Mattel products will be 9 offered through Mattel.com. software for new platforms including Sony Playstation and Nintendo’s Game Boy. Deepening our entry into technology, we entered into a rela- tionship with Intel last year. I am very proud of the products that have been developed through that partnership. The mis- sion of our alliance has been to create PC-related products that allow children to see and do things they have never done before. We’re delivering on that mission, with the X3 Microscope and the Me2Cam, which are being heralded as two of the most innovative new products of 1999. They will launch in the second half. Mattel Media and Intel have given us a strong position in the interactive arena, but it made great sense for us to seek out a partner to help us realize our $1 billion goal. The only company that met all the criteria we established was The Learning Company. We announced our proposed merger with The Learning Company in December. This merger will provide Mattel with tremendous opportunities for synergies, cross branding, age expansion, consumer relevancy and channel expansion. The Learning Company holds the #1 market share for both education software and productivity software, the #2 position for reference, and the #3 ranking for entertainment. After the merger’s completion, we will become the second largest consumer software company in the world, second only to Microsoft. Our third initiative is to build a $1 billion direct-to-consumer business. We have nearly $500 million in direct sales today, most of it through catalogs, and we will have catalogs for all of our key brands available in the second half of the year. But the real opportunity in direct marketing is through an
  • 12. 10 Children around the world will benefit from the M a t t e l C h i l d r e n ’s H o s p i t a l a t U C L A . Internet strategy based on all that our merger with The Learning Company will bring. Mattel.com will bring every Mattel and Learning Company brand together at one family destination portal. Once there, consumers will be able to make purchases through one shopping cart, one database and one fulfillment center, with all of the customer service, friendliness and product quality that people would expect from our company. We’ve come a long way in just three years. Let me share a timeline with you that shows how far we’ve come in building our brands, and where we’re headed. In 1996, our principal brands were Barbie, Fisher-Price, Disney, Hot Wheels, Nickelodeon and Cabbage Patch. Through our 1997 merger with Tyco, we added Matchbox, Tyco R/C, Sesame Street, View-Master and Magna Doodle. Last year, we added American Girl and the worldwide rights to Polly Pocket, which we will relaunch all around the world this year. And with our proposed merger with The Learning Company, we will add brands like Carmen Sandiego, Reader Rabbit, The Oregon Trail, National Geographic, American Greetings, The Print Shop, Riven and Myst. Importantly, this growth in brand power has enhanced our category leadership. We’re the #1 leader in Girls’ brands at $2 billion in annual sales, and #1 in Infant and Preschool, which is also headed for $2 billion. We’re #1 in Wheels, which is fast approaching $1 billion, and #1 in Entertainment, at nearly a half-billion dollars. And with The Learning Company merger, we will reach $1 billion in interactive sales.
  • 13. 11 Jill E. Barad, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Perhaps our proudest moment of 1998 came in November, when we announced a $25 million gift to UCLA Children’s Hospital. In honor of the gift, the hospital has been renamed the Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA, and this name will appear on a spectacular new I.M. Pei-designed facility that will be completed by 2004, providing a new landmark for the city. We are so incredibly proud to provide a gift of such lasting benefit to Mattel’s hometown, while — through the hospital’s renowned research and teaching activities — helping boys and girls in need all around the world. Mattel is a strong company and will be even stronger. We should generate $600 million in annual cash flow from operations going forward, which should increase to $800 million following our merger with The Learning Company. Our solid financial position, the power of our brands and the initiatives we have underway will help take us to a new level of strength and leadership. With all of this, and the support of our shareholders, we will continue to build the brand name of Mattel to mean what we hold so dearly as our mission — to serve the world’s children and their families. Sincerely, Jill E. Barad Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer March 22, 1999
  • 14. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 12 To O u r S h a re h o l d e r s Fr ançais 13 Deutsch 15 Italiano 17 Español 19 Japanese 21 Chinese 22
  • 15. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 13 A Nos Actionnaires: 1998 a été une année décevante pour Mattel. Des changements Puis, en juin de l’année dernière, nous avons annoncé l’acquisition dans notre activité, que nous avions certes anticipés, se sont pro- de Pleasant Company et de sa marque phare “American Girl”, qui duits beaucoup plus rapidement et plus intensément que prévu. nous a immédiatement permis d’augmenter nos ventes directes Mais, en prévision de ces changements, nous avions déjà engagé aux consommateurs de 300 millions $, et nous a dotés de l’infra- des initiatives qui vont aboutir à des résultats positifs à long terme. structure nécessaire pour vendre de nombreuses marques Mattel Nous avons été informés en début d’année d’une modifica- directement au consommateur. tion très importante du mode de commandes de notre principal Mais pour atteindre nos objectifs à long terme, nous avons client,Toys “R” Us, à la suite de leur décision de réduire leurs fait plus l’année dernière que simplement réaliser des acquisitions stocks de 500 millions $ sur trois ans. Cependant, nous n’avions stratégiques. Nous avons réorganisé nos principales marques, dont pas prévu que cette tendance de réduction des stocks gagnerait la plus importante, Barbie. rapidement la plupart de nos principaux clients, aboutissant à une Durant les quatre premiers mois de 1998, nos efforts ont réduction générale des commandes de fin d’année. Aussi, lorsque porté sur l’assainissement des stocks Barbie chez nos clients. De ce les commandes de réapprovisionnement habituelles ne se sont fait, nos expéditions ont certes diminué de 14 % en 1998, mais pas matérialisées en décembre, nous avons décidé de prendre les nous avons vendu davantage de produits Barbie en magasin en mesures nécessaires pour adapter nos propres expéditions au plus 1998 que durant toute autre année de l’histoire de Barbie. près du système juste-à-temps. En conséquence, nous avons Nous avons également relancé notre activité Fisher-Price, annoncé par anticipation une croissance stable du chiffre d’affaires réussissant un important retour à la rentabilité et une amélioration et un bénéfice en baisse à approximativement 1,20 $ par action. de l’état de nos stocks chez nos clients (réduction de 30 % par Et en fin d’année, nous avons publié comme résultat un bénéfice rapport à l’année dernière). de 1,20 $ par action avant charges exceptionnelles, et une baisse Le résultat le plus positif de 1998 a été que nos marges de 1% des ventes. sont restées fortes, malgré le déclin de Barbie, comme le témoigne La nouvelle positive de l’année 1998 a été que les ventes notre marge brute de 49,4 %, inférieure seulement de peu à 1997 consommateurs de nos produits chez nos principaux clients où elle était de 49,6 %. américains ont augmenté de 12 %, et que les stocks de nos clients À présent, j’aimerais vous parler de nos marques. La caté- ont baissé au total de 30 %, et de 50 % chez Toys “R” Us. gorie des jouets Filles, qui atteint plus de 2 milliards $, inclut main- Comme je l’ai dit précédemment, nous savions que notre tenant les marques Barbie et American Girl, qui à elles deux font monde changeait, et nous avons commencé à prendre des mesures de Mattel la première société mondiale de produits de consomma- stratégiques dès 1997 afin de préparer Mattel pour le futur. tion pour les filles. Barbie a fini l’année avec 1,7 milliard de ventes La première mesure que nous avons prise date de mars mondiales. 1997 lorsque nous avons annoncé la fusion avec Tyco, la troisième Notre activité Barbie Média a augmenté de 39 % en 1998 plus grande société de jouets des États-Unis. pour atteindre 80 millions $.
  • 16. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 14 Et en 1998, Barbie est entrée avec succès sur Internet. Compte tenu des initiatives stratégiques que nous avons D’après Media Metrix, Barbie.com a été un des nouveaux sites prises, notre futur est très prometteur. La croissance de nos activités de ventes le plus en expansion sur le web mondial, grâce à principales va rester une priorité, et notre stratégie de croissance de “My Design Barbie”, la nouvelle poupée Barbie que l’on peut marque globale va continuer de représenter une part importante créer sur mesure. de celle-ci, notre objectif étant de doubler nos ventes à l’international. American Girl, la deuxième plus grande marque mondiale Nos capitaux marques Wheels, Premier Âge, Pré-Scolaire et Barbie pour filles, a réalisé 300 millions $ de ventes annuelles en 1998. Et vont être nos principales priorités, et l’Europe et le Japon nos comme toute l’activité de Pleasant Company est aux États-Unis, marchés cibles. nous prévoyons d’utiliser l’expérience internationale de Mattel Notre deuxième initiative a consisté à développer une activ- pour étendre le concept ‘American Girl’ au monde entier à partir ité de logiciels de 1 milliard $. Durant les deux dernières années, de l’an 2000. nous avons développé un capital marque de 100 millions $. Avec 1,7 milliard $ de ventes, notre activité Premier Âge et Nous avons annoncé notre offre de fusion avec The Learning Pré-Scolaire égale à ce jour Barbie en volume. Et à présent, toutes Company en décembre, et une fois que la fusion sera achevée, nos marques et personnages Premier Âge et Pré-Scolaire vont être nous deviendrons la deuxième société de logiciels grand public commercialisés sous l’enseigne Fisher-Price dans le monde entier, dans le monde, juste après Microsoft. nous permettant ainsi d’obtenir un effet de levier maximum pour Notre troisième initiative consiste à construire une activité ce leader le plus important du marché. de vente directe aux consommateurs de 1 milliard $. À ce jour, Avec 700 millions $ de ventes l’an passé, l’univers des nous avons réalisé presque 500 millions $ de ventes directes, mais Wheels est à présent notre troisième plus grande catégorie. Nous la véritable opportunité de marketing direct réside dans une allons continuer de développer l’activité Wheels dans le monde stratégie Internet basée sur l’avantage que va nous donner notre entier cette année, en poursuivant notre stratégie d’individualisa- fusion avec The Learning Company. tion pays par pays élaborée avec le Boston Consulting Group, qui Notre position financière solide, la puissance de nos mar- nous a permis d’augmenter de 30 % l’activité Wheels à l’interna- ques et les initiatives que nous avons lancées vont dynamiser notre tional. expansion et notre position de leader. Au vu de tout ceci, et avec Notre segment de produits sous licences - qui inclut Disney l’aide de nos actionnaires, nous allons continuer de construire la et Nickelodeon - a réalisé une bonne année en 1998, approchant marque Mattel pour que celle-ci représente la mission qui nous les 500 millions $ grâce au succès de “Mulan”, “1001 Pattes, A Bug’s tient le plus à coeur, à savoir servir le monde des enfants et leur Life” et le film “Les Razmoket”. Au total, les produits Mattel sous famille. licences ont augmenté de 14 %.
  • 17. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 15 An Unsere Aktionäre 1998 war ein für Mattel enttäuschendes Jahr.Veränderungen in Der erste Schritt in diese Richtung wurde im März 1997 unserem Geschäft, die wir vorausgesehen hatten, stellten sich viel unternommen, als wir die Fusion mit Tyco, dem drittgrößten schneller und dramatischer ein, als wir es jemals erwartet hatten. Spielwarenhersteller der USA, ankündigten. Viele Initiativen sind vorangetrieben worden, um diese Im Juni letzen Jahres gaben wir dann die Übernahme der Veränderungen aufzufangen, und wir sind der Überzeugung, daß Pleasant Company und seiner erstklassigen Marke “American Girl” diese Initiativen zu langfristigen, positiven Erfolgen führen. bekannt, welches uns sofort ein zusätzliches Geschäft von $ 300 Früh im Jahr 1998 erfuhren wir, daß unser wichtigster Millionen im Direktversand einbrachte und uns die geeignete Einzelhändler Toys “R” Us einen wesentliche Veränderung hin- Infrastruktur bietet, viele der Mattel-Marken direkt an den sichtlich seiner Einkaufspolitik beabsichtigte, indem die Endverbraucher zu bringen. Warenbestände in einem Zeitraum von 3 Jahren um $ 500 Zur Erreichung unserer langfristigen Ziele unternahmen Millionen reduziert werden sollen. Wir sahen jedoch nicht vorher, wir letztes Jahr jedoch mehr als nur strategische daß dieser Trend zur Verringerung der Warenbestände so schnell Unternehmensübernahmen. Wir brachten unsere Kernmarken auf die meisten unserer wichtigsten Einzelhändler übergehen wieder in Linie - am wichtigsten hierbei war Barbie. In den ersten würde. Diese Entwicklung resultierte in einer allgemeinen vier Monaten 1998 setzten wir den Fokus auf die Bereinigung Verringerung der Aufträge am Ende des Jahres. Als daher im unseres Barbie Warenbestandes im Einzelhandel. Da wir uns auf Dezember nicht wie gewohnt nachgeordert wurde, handelten wir einen sauberen Durchverkauf konzentrierten, verzeichneten wir der Situation angemessen, indem wir uns nun auf eine kurzfristige 1998 einen Umsatzrückgang von 14 Prozent. Wir verkauften in Bestell- und Lieferpraxis einstellten. Folglich kündigten wir vorab an, diesem Jahr allerdings mehr Barbie Produkte über den Ladentisch daß wir nur ein schwaches Wachstum erwarteten und unsere als jemals zuvor in der Geschichte von Barbie. Gewinne wahrscheinlich auf etwa $ 1.20 pro Aktie zurückgehen Des weiteren brachten wir unser Fisher-Price Geschäft wieder auf würden. Die Jahresabschlussergebnisse, die wir vorlegten, zeigten den richtigen Kurs und kehrten zu großer Rentabilität zurück und dann einen Gewinn pro Aktie von $ 1.20 vor Berücksichtigung von konnten so die Position unseres Warenbestandes im Einzelhandel außergewöhnlichen Belastungen, bei einem 1prozentigen Rückgang verbessern - minus 30 Prozent gegenüber dem vergangenen Jahr. des Umsatzes. Das positivste Ergebnis aus 1998 war, daß unsere Margen, Die positive Nachricht, die wir aus 1998 ziehen können, ist trotz des Rückgangs bei Barbie, stark blieben, welches sich in der Umstand, daß der Durchverkauf unserer Waren im unserer Bruttomarge von 49,4 Prozent ausdrückt. Dies ist nur Einzelhandel bei unseren Hauptkunden in den USA um 12 Prozent geringfügig niedriger gegenüber 49,6 Prozent im Jahr 1997. gestiegen ist. Der Warenbestand im Einzelhandel ist um 30 Prozent Ich möchte nun über unsere Marken sprechen. Unser $ 2 insgesamt gesunken und bei Toys “R” Us sogar um 50 Prozent. Milliarden plus Mädchenbereich schließt nun Marken wie Barbie Wie ich schon oben ausführte, wußten wir, daß sich unsere und American Girl ein, welche Mattel zusammengenommen zum Geschäftswelt veränderte. Und so setzten wir schon 1997 strate- weltweit größten Konsumgüterhersteller für Mädchen machen. gische Maßnahmen durch, um Mattel auch zukünftig ideal zu posi- Barbie beendete das Jahr mit einem weltweiten Umsatz von $ 1,7 tionieren. Milliarden.
  • 18. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 16 Unser Barbie Media Geschäft wuchs 1998 um 39 Prozent Mit den strategischen Maßnahmen, die wir durchführen, sieht auf $ 80 Millionen. 1998 fand Barbie zudem erfolgreich den Weg unsere Zukunft sehr positiv aus. Das Wachstum für unsere ins Internet. Barbie.com wurde von Media Metrix als eine der am Kernmarken wird unsere oberste Priorität bleiben, und unsere schnellsten wachsenden neuen Einkaufsseiten im weltweiten Web Strategie der globalen Markenbildung wird hierbei weiterhin eine genannt, und dies dank “My Design”, wo Mädchen eine Barbie große Rolle spielen, da wir danach streben, unseren internationalen Puppe nach ihren Wünschen herstellen können. Umsatz zu verdoppeln. Unsere Marken im Bereich Wheels, Baby American Girl, die zweitgrößte Mädchenmarke der Welt, und Vorschule sowie Barbie werden erste Priorität haben - und produzierte für 1998 einen Umsatz von $ 300 Millionen. Und da Europa und Japan sind unsere Zielmärkte. das gesamte Geschäft der Pleasant Company bisher in den USA Unsere zweite Initiative war der Aufbau eines $ 1 Milliarden gewesen ist, planen wir, Mattels internationale Erfahrung und Software-Geschäfts. Während der letzten zwei Jahre wuchsen wir Expertise zu nutzen, um das Konzept des American Girl mit Beginn zu einem $ 100 Millionen interaktiven Franchise-Unternehmen. des neuen Jahrtausends global einzuführen. Wir verkündeten unsere vorgeschlagene Fusion mit der Mit einem Umsatz von $ 1,7 Milliarden ist unser Baby- und Learning Company im Dezember und werden mit endgültigem Vorschulspielzeugbereich inzwischen so groß wie Barbie. Alle Vollzug dieser Fusion gleich hinter Microsoft der zweitgrößte unsere Baby- und Vorschulproduktmarken und Charactere werden Hersteller von Konsumsoftwaregütern weltweit sein. weltweit nun unter der Dachmarke Fisher-Price vermarktet. Dies Unsere dritte Maßnahme hat den Aufbau eines $1 Milliarden erlaubt uns, das Potential dieser Marke maximal zu nutzen. Direktverkaufs an den Endverbraucher zum Ziel. Heute verzeichnen Mit einem Umsatz von $ 700 Millionen im letzten Jahr ist wir bereits etwa $ 500 Millionen. Das wahre Potential des Wheels nun unsere drittgrößte Kategorie. Wir werden unser Direktverkaufs liegt jedoch auf einer Internetstrategie, die auf den Wheels-Geschäft dieses Jahr weltweit weiter ausbauen, indem wir Möglichkeiten, die sich durch unsere Fusion mit der Learning die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Boston Consulting Gruppe auf die Company eröffnen, basiert. jeweiligen Länder abgestimmten Strategien umsetzen. Dies Unsere solide finanzielle Position, die Stärke unserer Marken ermöglichte uns, in unserem internationalen Wheels-Geschäft ein sowie die Maßnahmen, die wir ergriffen haben, werden uns auf Wachstum von 30 Prozent zu verwirklichen. eine neue Ebene von Stärke und Führungsposition bringen. Mit all Unser Entertainment-Bereich - der Disney und Nickelodeon diesen Aktivitäten und der Unterstützung unserer Aktionäre wer- umfaßt - hatte 1998 ein starkes Jahr mit annähernd $ 500 den wir weiter daran arbeiten, den Markennamen Mattel mit der Millionen durch die Stärke von Filmen wie “Mulan”, “Das große Mission gleichzusetzen, die uns am wichtigsten ist - den Kindern Krabbeln” und dem “Rugrats”-Film. Die Mattel Entertainment Linien dieser Welt und ihren Familien zu dienen. stiegen gar um14 Prozent.
  • 19. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 17 Ai Nostri Azionisti: Il 1998 è stato un anno deludente per Mattel. I cambiamenti nella Ma per raggiungere gli obbiettivi programmati a lungo ter- nostra attività, che avevamo previsto, si sono verificati più rapida- mine, nello scorso anno abbiamo fatto molto di più delle acqui- mente e drasticamente di quanto avessimo mai potuto prevedere. sizioni strategiche. Abbiamo riorganizzato le nostre linee portanti - Avevamo comunque avviato iniziative per affrontare questi cambia- e soprattutto Barbie. menti e crediamo che porteranno risultati positivi a lungo termine. Durante i primi quattro mesi del 1998, ci siamo concentrati Eravamo stati informati all’inizio dell’anno di un massiccio cambia- sulla riduzione delle giacenze di Barbie presso il Trade. Dal momen- mento nella politica degli acquisti da parte di un cliente chiave,Toys to che abbiamo puntato sulle rivendite, si è verificata una perdita <<R>> Us, il quale ha deciso di ridurre il proprio inventario di del 14% nelle spedizioni per il 1998, ma abbiamo venduto più $500 milioni in tre anni. Ma non avevamo previsto che questa ten- prodotti Barbie ai consumatori durante il 1998 di quanto si sia mai denza sarebbe stata trasmessa alla maggior parte dei nostri clienti registrato nella storia di Barbie. chiave, portando a tagli indiscriminati negli ordini di fine anno. Per Abbiamo inoltre riorganizzato la linea Fisher-Price, realiz- cui quando gli storici ri-ordini di dicembre non si sono materializ- zando notevoli profitti e migliorando la situazione dell’inventario al zati, abbiamo deciso di prendere le misure necessarie per adattare dettaglio - con una diminuzione del 30% rispetto allo scorso anno. le nostre spedizioni ad un modello del tipo “just in time”. Come Il miglior risultato del 1998 è rappresentato dal fatto che i risultato, avevamo preannunciato una crescita zero delle vendite e nostri margini sono ancora notevoli, nonostante le perdite nella una diminuzione deglil utili a circa $1.20 per azione. Ed i risultati linea Barbie, e il margine lordo del 49.4% ne è la prova, solo legger- finali son infatti di $1.20 per azione, in presenza di un calo dell’1% mente inferiore al 49.6% del 1997. nelle vendite. Ora vorrei parlare delle nostre linee. La nostra linea per La buona notizia del 1998 è rappresentata dal fatto che le bambine del valore di oltre $2 miliardi ora include le linee Barbie e vendite al dettaglio dei nostri prodotti presso i nostri clienti negli American Girls, che insieme fanno di Mattel l’azienda leader di U.S erano cresciute del 12% e che gli inventari al dettaglio erano prodotti per bambine. Barbie ha concluso l’anno con un volume di scesi del 30%, e del 50% per la Toys <<R>> Us. vendita di $1.7 miliardi su scala mondiale. Come già detto in precedenza, sapevamo che il nostro I ricavi della linea Barbie Media sono aumentati del 39% fino mondo stava cambiando e abbiamo avviato fin dal 1997 un’azione a $80 milioni nel 1998. strategica per il futuro posizionamento di Mattel. E Barbie ha inoltre ottenuto un notevole successo su Il primo passo venne effettuato nel marzo 1997 con l’an- Internet nel 1998. E infatti Barbie.com è stato citato da Media nuncio della nostra fusione con Tyco, la terza azienda di giocattoli Metrix come uno dei nuovi siti shopping Internet con il tasso di più grande degli USA. crescita più alto, grazie a <<My Design>>, il nostro nuovo prodot- Poi, nel giugno scorso, abbiamo annunciato l’acquissizione to Disegna la tua Barbie. della Pleasant Company e del suo marchio blue-chip <<American American Girl, la seconda linea di prodotti per bambine più Girl>>, che ha portato un aumento immediato di $300 milioni nel nota al mondo, ha raggiunto i $300 milioni di vendite globali per il volume d’affari delle vendite dirette. Questo ci fornisce l’infrastrut- 1998. E dal momento che tutto il giro d’affari della Pleasant tura necessaria per portare molti dei marchi Mattel direttamente al Company era limitato agli U.S., abbiamo in previsione di sfruttare consumatore. l’esperienza internazionale di Mattel per diffondere il concetto di American Girl su scala mondiale, a partire dall’anno 2000.
  • 20. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 18 Con vendite di $1.7 miliardi, il business delle nostre linee Abbiamo annunciato l’intenzione di fonderci con la Learning Infant e Preschool è ora equivalente al volume d’affari di Barbie. Company in dicembre, e a completamento di tale fusione, diven- Inoltre, tutte le nostre linee e i personaggi Infant e Preschool ver- teremo la seconda azienda del mondo per i prodotti software, ranno da ora in poi commercializzate sotto il marchio Fisher-Price dopo Microsoft. a livello mondiale, consentendoci di acquisire totale leadership in La terza iniziativa è quella di arrivare ad un volume di ven- questo settore di mercato. dite dirette di $1 miliardo. A oggi abbiamo raggiunto circa $500 Con vendite di $700 milioni durante lo scorso anno, Wheels milioni in vendite dirette, ma lo scopo finale è quello di studiare rappresenta oggi la nostra terza linea portante. Continueremo a una una strategia di vendita via Internet, obbiettivo che ci sarà pos- rafforzare la vendita di Wheels in tutto il mondo, applicando la sibile raggiungere grazie alla fusione con la Learning Company. strategia per ogni singolo paese studiata con la Boston Consulting La nostra solida posizione finanziaria, la forza delle nostre Group, la quale ci ha permesso di realizzare una crescita del 30% linee e le iniziative attualmente in atto, ci aiuteranno a raggiungere del nostro volume d’affari internazionale Wheels. un nuovo livello di forza e leadership. Grazie a tutto questo e al Il 1998 è stato un anno positivo per la nostra linea supporto dei nostri azionisti, continueremo a rafforzare il nome Entertainment - che include Disney e Nickleodeon, con un volume Mattel, quale simbolo di quanto ci sta’ veramente a cuore - servire d’affari di quasi $500 milioni, sulla scia di <<Mulan>>, <<A Bug’s i bambini di tutto il mondo e le loro famiglie. Life>> e <<The Rugrats Movie>>. Infatti, le vendite di prodotti di Mattel Entertainment sono aumentate del 14%. Il nostro futuro, considerate le iniziative strategiche già in atto, appare brillante. La crescita delle nostre linee portanti sarà priorità assoluta e la nostra strategia di vendita globale continuerà a rappresentarne una componente essenziale, avendo come obbiettivo il raddoppio delle vendite internazionali. I nostri prodotti Wheels, Infant, Preschool e Barbie saranno la prima priorità - e l’Europa e il Giappone sono i nostri prossimi target di mercato. La seconda iniziativa è stata quella di sviluppare un software business di $1 miliardo. Durante gli ultimi due anni, abbiamo rag- giunto un volume d’affari di $100 milioni per i prodotti interattivi.
  • 21. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 19 A Nuestros Accionistas: 1998 fue un año decepcionante para Mattel.Tal como habíamos Posteriormente, en junio de 1998, hicimos pública la adquisi- previsto, se produjeron ciertos cambios en nuestro negocio, pero ción de Pleasant Company y su marca estrella “American Girl”, que éstos ocurrieron con mayor celeridad de la esperada y fueron más supone un negocio de venta directa al consumidor por valor de drásticos de lo que habíamos anticipado. En cualquier caso, ya 300 millones de dólares y nos proporciona la infraestructura nece- habíamos puesto en marcha iniciativas para contrarrestar estos saria para hacer llegar nuestras marcas directamente al consumidor. cambios, y creemos firmemente que dichas acciones darán unos Sin embargo, no sólo realizamos adquisiciones estratégicas resultados muy positivos a largo plazo. para conseguir nuestros objetivos a largo plazo, sino que además A principios de año, tuvimos conocimiento de un cambio reestructuramos nuestras marcas clave, en especial Barbie. radical en la estrategia de compra de nuestro principal cliente,Toys Durante el primer trimestre de 1998, nos centramos en el “R” Us, con el objetivo de reducir sus existencias por valor de 500 objetivo de liquidar las existencias sobrantes de Barbie que tenían millones de dólares en el plazo de 3 años. Pero lo que no nuestros clientes. Aunque esto produjo una reducción del 14% en habíamos previsto es que esta tendencia de reducción de existen- facturación en 1998, conseguimos más ventas al consumidor de cias se generalizaría entre todos nuestros principales clientes, referencias de Barbie que cualquier otro año en la historia de la provocando reducciones generales en los pedidos de final de año. muñeca. Por ello, cuando en diciembre no se materializaron los habituales Asimismo, recondujimos nuestro negocio de Fisher-Price, pedidos de repetición, decidimos tomar las medidas necesarias recuperando la gran rentabilidad de esta línea y una buena para adaptar nuestra propia facturación a un modelo más “justo a situación de existencias en tiendas, un 30% inferior al año anterior. tiempo” y, como primera medida, anunciamos que esperábamos un El resultado más positivo de 1998 fue que nuestros már- mantenimiento de nuestra cifra de ventas, y que nuestros benefi- genes se mantuvieron fuertes, a pesar del descenso en Barbie, lo cios se reducirían a aproximadamente 1,20 dólares por acción. Los que queda perfectamente evidenciado por nuestra cifra de margen resultados que finalmente anunciamos a cierre de año fueron efec- bruto, un 49,4%, en comparación con el ligeramente superior tivamente unos beneficios de 1,20 dólares por acción antes de 49,6% de 1997. impuestos, y un 1% de disminución en ventas. A continuación desearía comentar nuestras marcas. Nuestra La noticia positiva de 1998 fue que el total de ventas al categoría de niñas, con un volumen de más de 2 mil millones de consumidor de nuestros productos en las principales cuentas de dólares, incluye ahora las marcas Barbie y American Girl, que juntas Estados Unidos experimentó un aumento del 12%, y que sus exis- convierten a Mattel en la primera compañía de productos para tencias bajaron un 30% en total, y un 50% en Toys “R” Us. niñas a nivel mundial. Barbie cerró el año con unas ventas a nivel Como he mencionado anteriormente, sabíamos que nuestro mundial de 170 mil millones de dólares. sector estaba sufriendo importantes transformaciones, y ya en Nuestro negocio de CD-ROMs de Barbie aumentó un 39%, 1997 habíamos iniciado acciones estratégicas para situar a Mattel alcanzando 80 millones de dólares en 1998. en una posición favorable de cara al futuro. La primera de estas acciones se llevó a cabo en marzo de 1997, con el anuncio de nuestra fusión con Tyco, la tercera com- pañía juguetera de Estados Unidos.
  • 22. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 20 Barbie también se abrió camino con éxito en Internet El futuro es prometedor, en base a las iniciativas estratégicas durante el año 1998. La página web Barbie.com fue considerada que hemos puesto en marcha. Este año, mantendremos como por Media Metrix una de las páginas web de compra directa con prioridad el crecimiento en nuestros negocios clave y, como parte mayor crecimiento de la red mundial, gracias a la sección “My Design”, crucial de este proceso, se encuentra nuestra estrategia de creci- donde las niñas tienen la oportunidad de pedir por Internet su miento global de nuestras marcas, con el objetivo de duplicar propia muñeca Barbie, especificando las características que pre- nuestra cifra de ventas a nivel mundial. Las categorías de Coches y fieren. Pistas, Bebé y Preescolar y Barbie serán prioritarias, y nuestros American Girl, la segunda marca de productos para niñas mercados objetivo serán Europa y Japón. del mundo, alcanzó en 1998 unas ventas totales de 300 millones Nuestra segunda iniciativa ha sido la de desarrollar un nego- de dólares y, teniendo en cuenta que el negocio de Pleasant cio de software de mil millones de dólares. En los últimos dos Company hasta ahora sólo se ha producido en Estados Unidos, años, hemos crecido hasta situar nuestros productos de software esperamos aprovechar la experiencia de Mattel para globalizar el en la cifra de 100 millones de dólares. concepto “American Girl” a partir del año 2000. Anunciamos la propuesta de fusión con The Learning Nuestro negocio de Bebé y Preescolar, con unas ventas de Company en diciembre. Una vez que se haya efectuado esta 170 mil millones de dólares, se sitúa al mismo nivel de volumen fusión, nos convertiremos en la segunda compañía de software a que Barbie. A partir de este año, comercializaremos todas nuestras nivel mundial, tras Microsoft. marcas de Bebé y Preescolar bajo la marca paraguas de Fisher- Nuestra tercera iniciativa es crear un negocio de venta Price en todo el mundo, lo que nos permitirá aprovechar la impor- directa al consumidor de mil millones de dólares. En la actualidad, tancia de esta marca líder en participación de mercado. nuestra cifra de ventas directas es de aproximadamente 500 millones Coches y Pistas, con ventas por valor de 700 millones de de dólares, pero la gran oportunidad de crecimiento en comercio dólares en 1998, se ha convertido en nuestra tercera categoría en directo nos la proporciona una estrategia basada en Internet y volumen. Este año, pensamos seguir aumentando nuestro negocio en las oportunidades generadas por nuestra próxima fusión con de esta categoría a nivel mundial mediante la misma estrategia que The Learning Company. utilizamos en 1997; es decir, implementando estrategias adaptadas Nuestra sólida posición financiera, la importancia de nues- a cada país, que el año pasado desarrollamos en colaboración con tras marcas y las iniciativas que hemos puesto en marcha nos per- Boston Consulting Group y que nos permitieron alcanzar un creci- mitirán alcanzar un nuevo nivel de fuerza y liderazgo en el sector. miento del 30% en nuestro negocio de Coches y Pistas a nivel Estos tres factores unidos al apoyo de nuestros accionistas, harán internacional. que la marca Mattel continúe creciendo para conseguir nuestro 1998 fue un año extraordinario para la categoría de produc- objetivo más importante: satisfacer las necesidades de los niños y tos licenciados, que incluye Disney y Nickelodeon. Las ventas lle- de sus familias. garon a la cifra de 500 millones de dólares, gracias al éxito de las películas Mulan, Bichos y Rugrats. Esta categoría experimentó un aumento del 14% en 1998.
  • 23. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 21 Japanese 1998 17 Toys quot;Rquot; Us 3 5 7 3 12 30% 1 $1.2 1% 1998 1 $1.2 1998 14 12% 30% Toys quot;Rquot; Us 50% 2 1997 2 10 6 1 2 3 12 2 3 10 1998 4 5 1998 14% 1998 30% 1998 1997 49.6 49.4 20 17 1998 39 8 1998 Barbie.com 2 1998 3 2000
  • 24. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 22 Chinese Barbie Fisher-Price Barbie 49.4% Toys quot;Rquot; Us Barbie (American Girl) Mattel Barbie Barbie Barbie Media Metrix Barbie.com quot;My Design,quot; American Girl Barbie Toys quot;Rquot; Us Pleasant Mattel 'American Girl' Mattel Barbie Tyco Fisher- Price Pleasant (quot;American Girlquot;), Mattel Boston Consulting Group Nickel- Barbie odeon Barbie quot;A Bug's Lifequot;), quot;The Rugrats Barbie Mattel
  • 25. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 23 Barbie The Learning Company Microsoft The Learning Company Mattel
  • 26. Mattel, Inc. 1998 Annual Report 24 Financial Information Five-Year Summar y 25 Management’s Discussion and 26 Analysis of Financial Condition And Results of Oper ations Consolidated Financial Statements 33 Notes to Consolidated 37 Financial Statements Management Repor t on Responsibility 52 for Financial Repor ting Repor t of Independent Accountants 52
  • 27. Mattel, Inc. and Subsidiaries 25 Five-Year Financial Summary For the Year Ended December 31 (a) (In thousands, except per share and percentage information) 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 Operating Results: Net sales $4,781,892 $4,834,616 $4,535,332 $4,369,816 $3,971,226 Gross profit 2,362,993 2,400,000 2,219,758 2,067,740 1,881,060 % of net sales 49% 50% 49% 47% 47% Operating profit (b) 575,896 515,212 636,982 607,651 449,228 % of net sales 12% 11% 14% 14% 11% Income before income taxes and extraordinary item 465,063 425,082 536,756 504,668 362,157 Provision for income taxes 132,799 135,288 164,532 166,779 137,487 Income before extraordinary item 332,264 289,794 372,224 337,889 224,670 Extraordinary item - loss on early retirement of debt - (4,610) - - - Net income 332,264 285,184 372,224 337,889 224,670 Income Per Common Share (c): Income before extraordinary item Basic 1.11 0.96 1.26 1.13 0.74 Diluted 1.10 0.94 1.23 1.11 0.73 Net income Basic 1.11 0.95 1.26 1.13 0.74 Diluted 1.10 0.93 1.23 1.11 0.73 Dividends Declared Per Common Share (c) 0.31 0.27 0.24 0.19 0.15 As of Year End (a) (In thousands) 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 Financial Position: Cash and marketable securities $ 212,454 $ 694,947 $ 550,271 $ 511,061 $ 290,157 Accounts receivable, net 983,050 1,091,416 948,940 886,344 990,346 Inventories 584,358 428,844 444,178 407,551 405,427 Total assets 4,262,165 3,803,791 3,581,142 3,341,370 3,150,438 Short-term borrowings 134,006 17,468 28,924 76,443 57,531 Long-term liabilities 1,124,756 808,297 633,342 721,739 606,430 Stockholders’ equity 1,820,198 1,822,070 1,805,923 1,551,680 1,385,777 (a) Consolidated financial information for 1994-1997 has been restated retroactively for the effects of the March 1997 merger with Tyco Toys, Inc. (“Tyco”), accounted for as a pooling of interests. (b) Represents income from operations before interest expense and provision for income taxes. In 1998, operating profit was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $38.0 million related to a voluntary recall of certain Power Wheels®‚ ride-on vehicles and a one-time charge of $6.0 million in connection with the proposed Toys R Us-related antitrust litigation settle- ment. In 1997, operating profit was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $275.0 million for transaction, integration and restructuring costs related to the merger with Tyco. In 1996, operating profit was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $21.8 million related to the accounting for certain royalties and participation fees in prior periods. In 1995, operating profit was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $8.9 million related to a restructuring program implemented to reduce operating expenses at certain of Tyco’s business units. In 1994, operating profit was reduced by a nonrecurring charge of $76.7 million principally related to the consolidation of manufacturing operations and the reduction of headquarters expense and support functions worldwide. (c) Per share data reflect the retroactive effect of stock splits distributed to stockholders in March 1996, January 1995 and January 1994, and the 1997 merger with Tyco.
  • 28. Mattel, Inc. and Subsidiaries 26 Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Cautionary Statement - Development of new technologies, including the Internet, which Certain expectations and projections regarding the future performance may create new risks to the Company’s ability to protect its intel- of Mattel, Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Mattel” or the “Company”) discussed lectual property rights in this annual report are forward-looking and are made under the - Changes in laws or regulations, both domestically and internationally, “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act including those affecting consumer products or environmental of 1995. These expectations and projections are based on currently activities or trade restrictions, which may lead to increased costs available competitive, financial, and economic data along with the or interruption in normal business operations of the Company Company’s operating plans and are subject to certain future events - Adverse results of litigation, governmental proceedings or and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the environmental matters, which may lead to increased costs or use of forward-looking terminology, such as may, will, should, expect, interruption in normal business operations of the Company anticipate, estimate, continue, plans, intends or other similar terminology. Management cautions you that the following factors, among others, Summary could cause the Company’s actual consolidated results of operations You should read this analysis in conjunction with the Company’s and financial position in 1999 and thereafter to differ significantly from consolidated financial statements that begin on page 33. those expressed in forward-looking statements: Mattel designs, manufactures, and markets a broad variety of children’s products on a worldwide basis through both sales Marketplace Risks to retailers and direct to consumers. The Company’s business is - Increased competitive pressure, both domestically and internationally, dependent in great part on its ability each year to redesign, restyle which may affect the sales of the Company’s products and extend existing core products and product lines, to design and - Significant changes in the buying patterns of major customers, develop innovative new products and product lines, and to expand such as the recent shift by some retailers to just-in-time inventory its marketing capability. management, which may limit the Company’s ability to accurately The Company plans to continue to focus on its portfolio of forecast reorders or cause a decrease in sales after related expenses brands that have fundamental play patterns and have historically had have already been incurred worldwide appeal, have been sustainable, and have delivered consistent - Dependence on the timely development, introduction and customer profitability. The Company’s portfolio of brands can be grouped in acceptance of new products, which may affect the Company’s ability the following four categories: to successfully redesign, restyle and extend existing core products Girls - including Barbie® fashion dolls and accessories, collector dolls, and product lines and to successfully bring new products to market software, Fashion Magic®, American Girl®, Cabbage Patch Kids®, and - Possible weaknesses in economic conditions, both domestically Polly Pocket® and internationally, which may affect the sales of the Company’s Infant and Preschool - including Fisher-Price®, Disney preschool and products and the costs associated with manufacturing and distributing plush, Power Wheels®, Sesame Street®, See ‘N Say®, Magna Doodle®, these products and View-Master® Financing Considerations Entertainment - including Disney, Nickelodeon®, games, and puzzles - Currency fluctuations, which may affect the Company’s reportable Wheels - including Hot Wheels®, Matchbox®,Tyco® Electric Racing, income and Tyco® Radio Control - Significant changes in interest rates, both domestically and interna- tionally, which may affect the Company’s cost of financing both its operations and investments Results of Operations Merger-Related Risks The following is a percentage analysis of operating results for the - Difficulty integrating the operations of The Learning Company, Inc. past three years: into the Company following the proposed merger, which may For the Year impede the Company’s ability to achieve savings or operating 1998 1997 1996 synergies from the merger Net sales 100% 100% 100% Year 2000 Compliance Gross profit 49.4% 49.6% 48.9% - Potential inability of computer systems or software products Advertising and promotion expenses 17.0 16.1 17.2 used by the Company and/or its customers and suppliers to Other selling and administrative expenses 18.5 16.5 17.0 Amortization of intangibles 0.9 0.6 0.7 properly recognize and process date-sensitive information beyond Restructuring and integration charges - 5.7 - January 1, 2000, which may result in an interruption in normal Special charges 0.9 - - business operations of the Company, its suppliers and customers Other expense (income), net 0.1 - - Operating profit 12.0 10.7 14.0 Other Risks Interest expense 2.3 1.9 2.2 - Inability to achieve cost savings expected as part of restructuring Income before income taxes and extraordinary item 9.7% 8.8% 11.8% activities, which may result in higher than expected costs following such restructurings
  • 29. Mattel, Inc. and Subsidiaries 27 1998 Compared to 1997 ($0.71 per diluted share) related to a nonrecurring charge for trans- Net income for 1998 was $332.3 million or $1.10 per diluted share as action, integration and restructuring costs related to the Mattel compared to $285.2 million or $0.93 per diluted share in 1997. 1998 restructuring and Tyco integration, and an extraordinary loss of $4.6 net income was impacted by a $27.2 million after-tax charge ($0.09 million net of taxes ($0.01 per diluted share) for the early retirement per diluted share) related to a voluntary recall of certain Power of debt assumed as part of the Tyco merger. Net sales for 1997 Wheels® ride-on vehicles and a one-time charge of $4.3 million after were $4.83 billion, an increase of 7% from $4.54 billion in 1996. Sales growth included a $138.5 million unfavorable foreign exchange taxes ($0.01 per diluted share) in connection with the proposed Toys effect from the generally stronger US dollar relative to 1996. Sales R Us-related antitrust litigation settlement. Net sales for 1998 reached in the Girls category grew 4% due to the strength in Barbie® and $4.78 billion, a decrease of 1% from $4.83 billion in 1997. Cutbacks in Barbie®-related products, partially offset by declines in large and purchases by retailers to adjust to a just-in-time buying pattern nega- tively impacted sales. Sales in the Girls category decreased 4% largely small dolls. Sales in the Infant and Preschool category increased due to a 14% decline in Barbie® products, as a result of high retail 15%, led by strength in Sesame Street® and Disney’s Winnie the Pooh®, partially offset by a decline in Fisher-Price® products. The inventory levels entering 1998. As a result of the Pleasant Company acquisition in July 1998, the American Girl® brand contributed Wheels category increased 21%, driven by an increase in Hot $213.2 million in gross sales, which helped to partially offset the Wheels®. Sales in the Entertainment category, which includes decline in Barbie®. Sales in the Infant and Preschool category Disney and Nickelodeon®, decreased 4%. decreased 3%, largely attributable to declines in Sesame Street® Sales to customers within the US grew 14% and accounted and Fisher-Price® products, partially offset by an increase in Disney’s for 66% of consolidated gross sales in 1997 compared to 62% in Winnie the Pooh®. Sales in the Wheels category grew 21%, reflecting 1996. Sales to customers outside the US decreased 5%, including growth in both Hot Wheels® and Matchbox® vehicles and playsets. the unfavorable foreign exchange effect of the generally stronger US Sales in the Entertainment category, which includes Disney and dollar relative to the prior year. At comparable foreign exchange Nickelodeon®, increased 14% largely due to this year’s introduction rates, sales internationally grew 3%. of toys associated with the feature motion pictures “A Bug’s Life” and Gross profit as a percentage of net sales increased to “The Rugrats Movie”. 49.6% from 48.9%, principally due to improved product mix. Sales to customers within the US declined 2% and accounted As a percentage of net sales, advertising and promotion expenses for 66% of consolidated gross sales in both 1998 and 1997. Sales to decreased approximately one percentage point to 16.1%, primarily customers outside the US were down 1%, including an unfavorable due to cost savings realized from the Company’s merger with Tyco. foreign exchange effect of approximately $30 million due to the As a percentage of net sales, other selling and administrative expenses generally stronger US dollar relative to 1997. At comparable foreign decreased to 16.5% from 17.0%, reflecting the impact of the exchange rates, sales internationally grew 1%. Company’s effort to control costs and direct cost savings realized Gross profit as a percentage of net sales remained relatively from the 1997 Tyco integration and Mattel restructuring plan. constant at 49.4% compared to 49.6% in 1997. As a percentage of Interest expense decreased $10.1 million largely due to net sales, advertising and promotion expenses increased approximately lower average domestic short-term borrowings during 1997. one percentage point to 17.0%, and selling and administrative expenses increased two percentage points to 18.5%. Both these ratios increased Income Taxes relative to last year as a result of unanticipated cutbacks in buying by The effective income tax rate was approximately 29% in 1998 retailers due to a continuing shift by these retailers to just-in-time compared to 32% in 1997 and 31% in 1996. The effective tax rate inventory management. To respond to such shifts, the Company decreased in 1998 due to an increase in income earned in locations took appropriate actions to adjust its own shipping to more of a with lower tax rates and a reduction in restructuring expenses with- just-in-time pattern. As a result, products that would have previously out income tax benefits. been shipped in December will be shipped closer to the time that Pre-tax income earned from US operations as a percentage of they will be purchased by the consumer. The Company plans to the consolidated pre-tax income is less than the sales to US customers manage its advertising and selling and administrative levels in 1999 as a percentage of the consolidated gross sales. This difference results to bring them back in line with its historical ratios. Amortization of from corporate headquarters expenses incurred n the US that intangibles increased by $9.8 million, mainly due to the amortization decreased US pre-tax income and from profits from foreign manufac- of goodwill in connection with the 1998 acquisitions of Pleasant turing activities that relate to sales ultimately made to US customers. Company and Bluebird Toys PLC (“Bluebird”). Interest expense increased $20.7 million primarily due to Financial Position increased short- and long-term borrowings to finance the Company’s The Company’s financial position remained strong in 1998 primarily 1998 acquisitions of Pleasant Company and Bluebird. due to its profitable operating results. At December 31, 1998, the Company’s cash position was $212.4 million, compared to $694.9 1997 Compared to 1996 million as of the end of 1997. Cash decreased $482.5 million primarily Net income for 1997 was $285.2 million or $0.93 per diluted share due to cash consideration paid in connection with the acquisitions as compared to $372.2 million or $1.23 per diluted share in 1996. of Pleasant Company and Bluebird. Accounts receivable decreased 1997 net income was impacted by a $209.7 million after-tax charge $108.4 million to $983.1 million due to lower orders by major
  • 30. Mattel, Inc. and Subsidiaries 28 retailers in fourth quarter 1998. Inventories increased $155.5 million The Company received cash flows from the issuance of senior to $584.4 million, reflecting the sales shortfall in the 1998 fourth notes in 1998 and medium-term notes in 1998 and 1997. Cash quarter and the addition of Pleasant Company inventory. Property, received from these debt issuances was used to fund the acquisitions plant and equipment, net grew $134.9 million to $736.5 million due of Pleasant Company and Bluebird, to retire higher-cost debt and to to assets acquired as part of the acquisition of Pleasant Company support operating activities. In 1998, the Company repaid the long- and investments in the expansion of the Company’s manufacturing term debt and mortgage note assumed as part of the Pleasant facilities located in Mexico and Asia. Intangibles increased $719.4 Company acquisition. In 1997, the Company redeemed the 10-1/8% million to nearly $1.25 billion due to goodwill generated from the notes assumed as part of the acquisition of Tyco and repaid its 6-7/8% Pleasant Company and Bluebird acquisitions. senior notes upon maturity. Cash was also spent during the last Short-term borrowings increased $116.5 million compared three years to purchase treasury stock to provide shares for issuance to 1997 from financing the acquisitions of Pleasant Company and under the Company’s employee stock option plans and the exercise Bluebird. Current portion of long-term liabilities increased $19.9 of outstanding warrants. In addition, over the last three years, the million primarily due to the reclassification of $30.0 million in medium- Company has consistently increased its cash payments for common term notes payable in 1999 from long-term debt. dividends. A summary of the Company’s capitalization is as follows: Seasonal Financing The Company expects to finance its seasonal working capital As of Year End requirements for the coming year by using existing and internally (In millions) 1998 1997 generated cash, issuing commercial paper, selling certain trade Medium-term notes $ 540.5 18% $ 520.5 20% receivables and using various short-term bank lines of credit. The Senior notes 400.0 14 100.0 4 Company’s domestic committed unsecured credit facility provides Other long-term debt obligations 43.0 1 55.0 2 $1.0 billion in short-term borrowings from a commercial bank Total long-term debt 983.5 33 675.5 26 Other long-term liabilities 141.3 5 132.8 5 group. This facility provides for up to $700.0 million in advances Stockholders’ equity 1,820.2 62 1,822.1 69 and backup for commercial paper issuances, and up to an additional $2,945.0 100% $2,630.4 100% $300.0 million for nonrecourse purchases of certain trade accounts receivable by the bank group over the next four years. Under its Total long-term debt increased $308.0 million mainly due domestic credit facility, the Company is required to meet financial to the issuance of $300.0 million of senior notes to finance the covenants for consolidated debt-to-capital and interest coverage. acquisitions of Pleasant Company and Bluebird. Medium-term notes Currently the Company is in compliance with such covenants. increased by $20.0 million due to the issuance of $50.0 million in The Company also expects to have approximately $370 million notes, partially offset by the reclassification of $30.0 million payable of individual short-term foreign credit lines with a number of banks in 1999 to current portion of long-term debt. The Company available in 1999, which will be used as needed to finance seasonal expects to satisfy its future long-term capital needs through the working capital requirements of certain foreign affiliates. retention of corporate earnings and the issuance of long-term debt instruments. In November 1998, the Company filed its current Pending Business Combination universal shelf registration statement allowing it to issue up to $400.0 In December 1998, Mattel and The Learning Company entered into million of debt and equity securities, all of which was available to be a merger agreement. The stock-for-stock transaction is subject to issued as of December 31, 1998. Stockholders’ equity of $1.8 billion approval by the stockholders of both Mattel and The Learning remained consistent with 1997 as a result of treasury stock purchases Company and by certain regulatory agencies. The merger will be and dividend declarations on common and preferred stock, which accounted for as a pooling of interests, which means that for accounting were largely offset by profitable operating results and reissuance of and financial reporting purposes, Mattel and The Learning Company treasury stock for the exercise of nonqualified stock options by the will treat their companies as if they had always been combined. The Company’s employees. combined company will likely incur transaction costs of approximately $75 million to $85 million, including investment banking, legal and Liquidity accounting fees, and contractual incentive benefits. Management The Company’s primary sources of liquidity over the last three believes the merger will be completed in the second quarter of years have been cash on hand at the beginning of the year, cash 1999. The number of shares of Mattel common stock to be issued flows generated from operations, long-term debt issuances and to The Learning Company’s common and preferred stockholders, short-term seasonal borrowings. Profitable operating activities together with the Mattel common stock to be issued upon the generated cash flows of $547.5 million during 1998, compared to exchange of the exchangeable shares of The Learning Company’s $481.9 million in 1997 and $524.8 million in 1996. Canadian subsidiary, is expected to represent between approximately The Company invested its cash flows during the last three 27% and 30% of Mattel’s outstanding voting power after the merger, years in the acquisitions of Pleasant Company and Bluebird, additions depending on the actual exchange ratio at the time of the merger. to tooling in support of new products, and construction of new manufacturing facilities.