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MCAT Grand Test 02
Directions: For each question below you are given four choices. SELECT ANY ONE THAT IS MOST
1. When two bodies separate instantaneously after collision. The collision is said to be?
(a) Partially elastic
(b) Partially inelastic
© Perfectly inelastic
(d) Perfectly elastic
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2. According to the second law of motion, acceleration is proportional to:
(a) Fores (b) Time (c) Mass (d) Distance
3. When the object is placed at 2f of convex lens then the image formed behind the lens will be
At the focus
B) At 2f C) Beyond 2f D) Between f and 2f
4. When the object is placed at principal focus of a convex lens then the image is formed at
Same distance
B) Infinity C)
Same side of
Centre of
5. Which one of the following cannot measure wavelength of X-rays in any way
Bragg’s law
B) Diffraction grating C) Compton effect D)
Photo electric
6. Which one of the following properties is not found in both sound and light
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B) Diffraction C) Polarization D) Reflection
7. The relation between time period T and angular velocity  is given by
(a) T = 2   (b) T = /2 (c) T = 2 /  (d) T = v 
8. When a body moves in a circle, the angle between its linear velocity v and angular velocity  is
(a) 00 (b) 450 (c) 900 (d) 1800
9. Π radians =
(a) 900 (b) 1800 (c) 600 (d) 300
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10. In racing car moving along a circular path the friction at the wheels and banking of roads provides the
(a) Centripetal Force (b) Centripetal Acceleration (c) Centre of Mass (d)
11. The time period is defined as the time required to traverse ……… by a revolving body.
(a) One radian (b) 180 degrees (c) One revolution (d) 90 degrees
12. Which of the following particles can induce artificial radio-activity in certain nuclei?
(a) -particle (b) -particle (c) -particle (d) All of the above
13. Identify the alpha-particle?
(a) 1H1 (b) 1H2 (c) 1H3 (d) 2He4
14. Which of the following particles move with velocity of light?
(a) -particle (b) -particle (c) -particle (d) All of the above
15. The torque on a body will be zero if the angle between r and F is zero or:
a. 900 b. 1800 c. 2700 d. None
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16. What is kinetic energy of a body of mass 10 kg moving with velocity 1m/s2?
a. 10 Joules b. 20 Joules c. 5 Joules d. 2.5 Joules
17. Which of the following lists of physical quantities consists only of vectors:
a. Time, temperature, velocity b. Force, volume, momentum
c. Velocity, acceleration, mass d. Force, acceleration, velocity
18. If two forces each of magnitude 5N act along the same line on a body, then the magnitude of their
resultant will be
a. 5N b. 10N c. 20N d. 30N
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19. Applied force F on a body of mass m, moving with acceleration a is
a. m/a b. a/m c. ma d. m : a
20. A force of 1000N acts on a body for 0.01 sec. And changes its velocity from 10m/s to 20m/s, what will
be the impulse?
a. 100 N-sec b. 50 N-sec c. 10 N-sec d. 5 N-sec
21. When a projectile moves upwards, its vertical component of velocity
a. Remains constant b. Decreases c. Increases d.
Becomes equal to horizontal
22. The center of gravity of a cylinder is at
a. The center of the top of the cylinder b. The center of the bottom of the cylinder
c. A point on curved side of the cylinder d. The mid-point of axis
23. If a transverse wave has a speed of 100m/sec and frequency of 100 hertz then its wavelength will be
a. 1 m b. 10 m c. 100 m d. 1000 m
24. Which one of the following can be used to distinguish between the sounds of a note played on piano
and violin?
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a. Intensity of sound b. Pitch of sound c. Quality of sound d. Loudness
25. A lens which is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edge is called
a. Concave lens b. Convex lens C Plano-concave lens d. Convex-concave lens
26. A straight line passing through center of curvature of the two spherical surfaces of a lens is called
a. Diameter of the len b. Radius of the lens c. Principal axis d. Principle focus
27. A double convex lens acts as a diverging lens when the object is placed
a. At the focus b. At 2f c. Between f and 2f d. Within the focal length
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28. A round hole is cut in a metal plate and it is cooled. What will be the effect of the cooling on the size
of the hole?
a. Remains same b. Shrinks c. Expands in size d. None of these
29. When air at 300K and 1 atmospheric pressure is compressed to one-twentieth of its original volume
and 30 atmospheric pressure, the new temperature will be
a. 9000 K b. 100 K c. 450 K d. 450° C
30. A mass accelerates uniformly when the resultant force acting on it
A is zero B)
is constant but
not zero C)
increases uniformly
with respect to time
is proportional to the displacement
of the mass from a fixed point.
31. Which one of the following statements about the charge on the electron is incorrect?
A) It can be
measured in
It is equal in
magnitude to the
charge on the
It is equal in
magnitude to the
charge on the beta-
It can be determined
experimentally only if the mass
of the electron is known.
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32. Einstein’s theory of relativity suggests that
(A) The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference
(B) The speed of light in free space is universal constant
(C) The speed of light is independent of the speed of the observer
(D) All of the above
33. Photoelectric effect is obtained most conveniently with
Visible light
B) Infrared light C) Ultraviolet light D) Radio waves
34. Positrons are produced during
X-ray production
B) Ionization C) Annihilation D) Pair production
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35. Paschen series is obtained when all the transitions electron terminate on
Third orbit
B) Second orbit C) Ist orbit D) 4th orbit
36. The binding energy per nucleon is
(A) Minimum for heavy nuclei (B) Maximum for heavy nuclei
(C) Maximum for light nuclei
(D) Maximum for medium weight nuclei
37. Light of wavelength  is incident normally on a diffraction grating for which the slit spacing is equal to 3  .
What is the sine of the angle between the second order maximum and the normal?
B) 1/3 C) 2/3 D) 3/2
38. Lenses of large aperture suffer from the defects of
(A) Spherical aberration (B) Chromatic aberration
(C) Neither spherical nor chromatic aberration (D) None of these
39. In an ideal gas, the molecules have
(A) Kinetic energy only (B) Potential energy only
(C) Both kinetic and potential energy
(D) None of these
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40. The difference between Cp and Cv is equal to
One calorie
B) Boltzman constant C) Universal gas constant D) Zero
41. An induced e.m.f is produced in a circuit when
(A) Magnetic flux changes through the circuit
(B) Magnetic flux remains constant in the circuit
(C) There is no magnetic flux produced in the circuit (D) All of the above
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42. Which one of the following is the example of reversible process
(A) Heat produced by current (B) Melting of ice
(C) Work done against friction
(D) None of these
43. Three capacitors of capacitance 2µF each are connected in parallel. Their equivalent capacitance will
0.66 µF
B) 4 µF C) 6 µF D) 1.5 µF
44. Which of the following is used to convert A.C into D.C
A voltmeter
B) A transistor C) A transformer D) A rectifier
Directions: For each question below you are given four choices. SELECT ANY ONE THAT IS MOST
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45. Hydrogen bond is most important in compounds containing F,N and O. This is due to their
High I.P. value
B. High E.N. value C. Smaller size D. High E.A. value
46. Characteristic smell of bleaching powder is due to free
B. HCl C. HClO D. CaCl2
47. Choose the correct statement for a solution of H3PO4 (49gm/500ml).
A. 1.5m is more concentrated than 1.5M solution. B. 1.5m is less concentrated than 1.5M solution.
1.5m is more concentrated than 1.5M former
contains large amount of solution. D.
1.5m and 1.5M solutions having same
48. During the electrolysis of 18 gm of acidified water hydrogen released at cathode at S.T.P. is
22.4 liters
B. 18 liters C. 11.2 liters D. 1 liter
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49. Which of the following nitrogen fertilizer contains more nitrogen
B. KNO3 C. KH4NO3 D. Urea
50. Glycerin boils at 2900
C under normal atmospheric pressure. If the pressure is reduced to 50 mm of Hg, it will boil
Above 2900
B. Below 2900
C C. At 2900
C D. Absolute zero
51. What is the number of atoms in 224 dm3
(litre) of chlorine gas at S.T.P.?
B. 20 C. 6.0×1024
D. 1.2×1025
52. At STP, which statement is incorrect?
An 11.2 litre container will hold one-half moles
of ideal gas. B.
22.4 litre samples of different gases have same
The gram molecular volume for all gases is
about 22400 ml. D.
The density of gases increase with increasing
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53. When HCl gas is passed through saturated solution of rock salt the solubility of the salt is
B. Decreased C. Remains same D. None of these
54. If a metal resists the attack of any kind (physical or chemical) the metal is said to be
B. Passive C. Reactive D. Attractive
55. Compounds of carbon and hydrogen in which the tetra valency of carbon is fully satisfied are called
B. Unsaturated C. Magnetic D. Para-magnetic
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56. Which element is used in TV picture tube?
B. K C. Cs D. Ca
57. The addition of a surfactant raises the level of liquid in a glass tube by 1cm. This rise of level is due to the
increase of
A. Adhesive forces of the liquid molecules B. Cohesive forces of the liquid molecules
Both adhesive and cohesive forces of the liquid
molecules D. viscosity of the liquid
58. Which of the following processes is most likely to be responsible for evolution of heat
B. Sublimation C. Hydration D. None
59. Choose the correct statement
The shape of an orbit is determined by the
quantum number. B.
The shape of an orbital is determined by the
quantum number n.
The greater the value of , the larger the sub-
level is. D.
The lesser the value of the smaller the sub-level
60. When Carbon dioxide passes through Ca(OH)2 aqueous solution white precipitate is formed. It is
B. CaCO3 C. H2CO3 D. Ca2CO3
61. The system in which all the axes are equal in length and at right angle to each other is called
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Tetragonal system
B. Cubic system C. Trigonal system D. Hexagonal system
62. The energy which is sum of all the energies of all the atoms, molecules or ions within a system is
(a) Internal energy (b) External energy (c) Bond energy (d) Polar energy
63. The experimental relationship between a reaction and rate and the concentration of reaction is called:
(a) Rate Law (b) Order Law (c) Molecularity (d) Reaction Rate
64. The functional group of ester is:
(a) COOH- (b) -COOR (c) -CHO (d) -COR
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65. The amount of heat exchanged when molar quantities of reactants and products are used is called:
(a) Heat sublimation (b) Heat of neutralization (c) Heat of reaction (d)
66. The general formula of Alkene is:
(a) CnH2n+2 (b) CnH2n (c) CnH2n2 (d) None
67. The electroplating is carried out in:
(a) Only acidic bath (b) Only basic bath (c) Both in acidic and basic bath
68. The electro-negativity of hydrogen is:
(a) 2.1 (b) 2.5 (c) 1.2 (d) 2.0
69. The substance through which current can flow without change in composition is called:
(a) Conductor (b) Insulator (c) Resistor (d) Electrolite
70. An solution having pH = 13 is:
(a) Acidic (b) Basic (c) Neutral (d)
71. Shape of CH4 molecules is:
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(a) Linear (b) Tetrahedral (c) Cubic (d) Octagonal
72. On passing CO2 through Grignard reagent:
(a) Methanoic acid is formed (b) Ethandioic acid is formed
(c) Propanoic acid is formed (d) Glycrol is formed
73. The double bonds are present between the atoms of the molecule:
(a) H2O (b) CO2 (c) NH3 (d) CH3Cl
74. Nitrogen dioxide gas is:
(a) Reddish brown (b) Reddish (c) Violet (d)
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75. The total number of atoms entering into a chemical reaction is equal to the total number of atoms of
all the products is called:
(a) Law of mass action (b)
Law of multiple
(c) Law of conservation of mass
76. According to Hund’s rule electrons are distributed among subshells to give:
(a) Minimum number of unpaired electron (b) Maximum number of unpaired electron
(c) Normal number of unpaired electron (d) Maximum number of paired electrons
77. Molecular reactions have usually:
(a) Slow speed (b) Fast speed (c) Moderate speed (d) None
78. A bond formed by the complete transference of one or more electrons from one atom to another is
(a) Electrovalent (b) Covalent bond (c) Co-ordinate covalent bond (d) Polar bond
79. Binary compounds of hydrogen are called:
(a) Halides (b) Hydrides (c) (d)
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80. Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halide is carried out with:
(a) Alcoholic KOH (b) Alcoholic NaOH (c) AgOH (d) Aqueous KOH
81. 1 calorie is equal to:
(a) 393.8 Joules (b) 4.184 Joules (c) 285.8 Joule (d) 10-8 Joules
82. Acetic acid is a:
(a) Weak electrolyte (b) Strong electrolyte (c) Non-electrolyte (d) Basic compound
83. Grignard’s reagent react with alkyl halide to form:
(a) Alkane (b) Alkene (c) Alkyne (d) None
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84. The process in which one S and one P-orbital mix with each other is called:
(a) SP-hybridization (b) SP-hybridization (c) SP3-hybridization (d) None
85. Air pollution is caused by:
(a) Hydrocarbons (b) Fluorocarbons (c) Hydrogen (d) Dust Particles
86. Isopropyl alcohol on oxidation forms:
(a) Acetaldehyde (b) Ether (c) Acetone (d) Ethenone
87. Paraffins are also called:
(a) Alkyne (b) Alkane (c) Alkene (d) Glysrides
88. Ligands are:
(a) Electron pair acceptors (b) Electron pair donors (c) Neutral
89. Among sigma bond and  bond:
(a) Sigma bond is stronger (b)  bond is stronger (c) Both are of equal strength
90. The mass of electron is:
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(a) 9.1  10-31
kg (b) 9.1  10-27
kg (c) 1.6  10-19
kg (d) None
91. There will be increase in the bond energy of a covalent molecule because of:
B) electro negativity C) atomic number D) symmetry
92. If a system at equilibrium is disturbed by some change, the system will shift so as to counteract the effect of the
change”. This is the statement of
A) The law of mass
The law of
thermodynamics C)
La Chatelier’s
The law of heat
93. The D2O is commonly called
Light water
B) Heavy water C) Ordinary water D) Water vapour
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94. Duralumin is an alloy of
B) Copper C) Cobalt D) Aluminum
95. Carbon and Silicon form compounds which are
B) Trivalent C) Tetravalent D) Pentavalent
96. One of the products during electrolysis of NaCl solution is
B) NaOH C) NaClO3 D) Na
97. Equilibrium constant is constant when
Temperature is constant
Pressure is
constant C) Volume is constant D)
None of the
98. Hydrolysis of ionic hydrides produces:
(a) H2O2 (b) O3 (c) O2 gas (d) H2 gas
99. A nucleus has an atomic number of 40. What is its atomic number after beta emission?
(a) 41 (b) 36 (c) 42 (d) 44
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Which of the following elements metalloid?
(a) Aluminum (b) Cobalt (c) Sodium (d) Tellurium
101. Compared to the first ionisation potential of an atom the second is:
(a) Smaller (b) The same (c) Negligible (d) Greater
102. Iodine deficiency in diet is known to cause:
(a) Goiter (b) Night blindness (c) Rickets (d) Beri-beri
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The following sentences contain problems in grammar, usage, diction (choice of words), and idiom.
Some sentences are correct.
No sentence contains more than one error. You will find that the error, if there is one, is underlined and
lettered. Assume that all other elements of the sentence are correct and cannot be charged. In choosing
answers, follow the requirements of standard written English. If there is an error, select the one underlined
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part that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct, and blacken the corresponding space on
the answer sheet.
If there is no error, mark answer space E.
103. Aired is one who seems to like Helen better than us, irregardless of how much we try to please him. No error
104. Statistics can be cited to prove than prices this year are lower than last year. No error
105. She angered him beyond measure when she said he walks like his father does, slowly. No error
106. If the loser in the contest turns our to be him, I shall have had hardly no opportunity to speak with him. No error
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107. I just cannot leave the book lie on the floor without telling you and her that you had better
pick it up immediately. No error
108. Because I had scarcely no time to lose, Paula, along with the fourteen other members
of the committee, was notified of our decision. No error
109. Who shall I blame when it’s time for the group and us to make our report, and we
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shall have to report that we re unprepared? No error
110. My brothers-in-law’s storage facilities far exceeds ours. No error
DIRECTIONS: Each of the following sentences is to be rephrased according to the directions that follow it.
You should make only those changes that the directions require. Keep the meaning of the revised sentence
as close to the meaning of the original sentence as the directions for that sentence permit.
111. Using it wisely, leisure promotes health, efficiency, and happiness.
A. Using it wisely B. If used wisely
C. Having used it wisely D. Because it is used wisely
E. Because of usefulness
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112. The scouts were told to take an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare dinner, and that they should be in bed by
9 PM.
A. To take an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare
dinner, and that they should be in bed by 9 PM.
B. To take an overnights hike to pitch camp,
prepare diner and that they should be in bed
by 9 PM.
C. To take an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare
diver, and be in bed by 9 PM.
D. To take an overnight hike, pitching camp,
preparing dinner and going to bed by 9 p.m.
E. To engage in an overnight hike, pitch camp,
prepare dinner, and that they should be in bed by
9 P.M.
113. Her brothers along with her parents insist that she remain in school.
A. insist B. Insists
C. Are insisting D. Were insisting
E. Have insisted
114. Most students like to read these kind of books during their time.
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A. These kind of books B. These kind of book
C. This kind of book D. This kinds of books
E. Those kind of books
115. She not only was competent but also friendly in nature.
A. She not only was competent but also friendly B. Not only was she competent but friendly also
C. She not only was competent but friendly also D. She was not only competent but also friendly
E. She was not only competent but friendly also
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116. In the normal course of events. Saleem will graduate high school and enter college in two years.
A. Saleem will graduate high school and enter B. Saleem will graduate from high school and
C. Saleem will be graduated from high school and
enter into
D. Saleem will be graduated from high school
and enter into
E. Saleem will have graduated high school and enter
117. With the exception of Fraz and I, everyone in the class finished the assignment before the bell rang.
A. Frank and I everyone in the class finished B. Fraz and me, everyone in the class finished
C. Fraz and me, everyone in the class had finished D. Fraz and I, everyone in the class had finished
E. Fraz and me everyone in the class finished
118. When one eats in this restaurant, you often find that the prices are high and that the food is poorly prepared.
A. When one eats n this restaurant, you often find B. When you eat n this restaurant, one often
C. As you eat in this restaurant, you often find D. If you eat in this restaurant, you often find
E. When one ate in this restaurant, he often found
119. It was decided by us that the emphasis would be placed on the result that might be attained.
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A. It was decided by us that the emphasis would be
placed on the results that might be attained.
B. We decided that the emphasis would be
placed on the results that might be attained.
C. We decided to emphasize the results that might
be attained.
D. We decided to emphasize the results we
might attain
E. It was decided that we would place emphasis on
the results that might be attained.
120. Completing the physical examination, the tonsils were found to be diseased.
A. Completing the physical examination, the tonsils
were found to be diseased.
B. Having completed the physical examination
the tonsils were found to be diseased.
C. When the physical examination was completed,
the tonsils were found to be diseased.
D. The physical examination completed, the
tonsils were found to be diseased.
E. The physical examination found that the tonsils
were diseased.
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121. Today this is a totally different world than we have seen in the last decade,
A. Than we have seen. B. From what we have seen
C. From what we seen D. Than what we seen
E. Then we have seen
122. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, you find a striking contrast between the philosophy of
the cavalier poets such as suckling and the attitude of the Metaphysical poets such as Donne.
A. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth
century, you find
B. When one read the poetry of the seventeenth
century, one finds
C. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth
century, he finds
D. If one reads the poetry of the 17th
century , you
E. As you read the poetry of the 17th
century , one
123. Anyone interested in the use of computers can learn much if you have access to state _ of the art
A. if you have access to B. if he was access to
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C. if access is available to D. By access to
E. From access to
124. The reason I came late to class today is because the bus broke down.
A. I came late to class today is because B. why I came late to class today is because
C. I was late to school today is because D. That I was late to school today is because
E. I came late to class today is that
125. The process by which the community influence the actions of its members is known as social control.
A. influence the actions of its members B. influences the actions of its members
C. had influenced the actions of its members D. influences the actions of their members
E. will influence the actions of its members
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126. Abandon
A) Follow B) Protect
C) Deliver D) Arrive
127. Abridge
A) Augment B) Subdue
C) Encourage D) Elaborate
128. Abdicate
A) Seize B) Speak Softly
C) Crown D) Obey
129. Absolve
A) Free B) Plan
C) Accuse D) Cheat
130. Acrimonious
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A) Bitter B) Soothing
C) Plain D) Intelligent
131. Abet
A) Aid B) Blockage
C) Incite D) Defy
132. Accumulate
A) Broad cast B) Rally
C) Board D) Congress
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Directions: For each question below you are given four choices. SELECT ANY ONE THAT IS MOST
133. Sum of all the genes/alleles found in all members of breeding population at a given time is
A) Genus B) Gene
C) Gene pool D) Genome
134. The shrinking of cytoplasm resulting from loss of water by osmosis in a cell placed in a hypertonic
solution is
A) Plasmid B) Plasmolysis
C) Plastid D) None
135. The stage of mitosis during which the chromosomes uncoil, the spindles and esters disappear and
the nuclear membrane reforms is
A Prophase B) Telophase
C Anaphase D) Inter phase
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136. All chordates show the
Stiff rod like notochord
Gill slits, a set of opening in pharyngeal
C) Hollow dorsal central nervous system D) All of above
137. Sulfuric acid mist when inhaled can damage
A) Lungs B) Heart
C) Digestive tract D) All of above
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138. An animal which captures & readily kill live animals for its food is called
A) Prey B) Predator
C) Plasmid D) Transgenic animal
139. The best known solvent is
A) Ether B) Methyl alcohol
C) Water D) Alcohol
140. The consumers are the herbivores that feed directly on green plants are
A) Secondary consumers B) Primary consumers
C) Tar consumers D) None
141. Persons have a difficulty is distinguish from red to green is
A) Color blindness B) Hemophilic
C) Thalacemia D) None of above
142. The trait that is controlled by a gene found on the X-chromosome called
A) Sex-linked trait B) X-linked trait
C) Y-linked trail D) All of above
143. The pair of autosomes in human beings are
A) 22 B) 23
C) 21 D) 24
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144. Saliva contains an enzyme which hydrolysis starch & glycogen into maltose
A) Pepsin B) Amylase
C) Lipase D) All of above
145. In herbivore, there is a large & store house of bacteria which breakdown cellulose wall of plant cell is
A) Intestine B) Caecum
C) Colon D) Stomach
146. The small intestine of man divided into
A) Duodenum, Jejunum and ileum B) Duodenum and ileum
C) Duodenum & Jejunum D) Only duodenum
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147. Simple digestive cavity of hydra having a open opening is
A) Archenterone B) Coelenteron
C) Blestocoel D) None
148. Metatherians mammals include
A) Man and apes B) Whole, elephant and horse
C) Duck bill platypus and spiny anteater D) None of all
149. It has been proposed that muscles have been fatigued by the accumulation of
A) Acetic acid B) Lactic acid
C) Citric acid D) Iron
150. The only muscle that causes extension at elbow is the big & powerful is
A) Biceps brachii B) Triceps brachii
C) Connective tissues D) Tendons
151. The enzyme which is used to cuts down the viral DNA is
A) Coenzyme B) Holoenzyme
C) Restriction enzyme D) None of above
152. The endangered species in Pakistan are
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Black buck, common leopard & houbara
Crocodile & Asian lion
C) Fox and Owl D) None of above
153. In planaria have a simple tubular excretory system is
A) Meta mephridium B) Protonephridium
C) Mephrostome D) None of above
154. The ions to balance the ph value of filtrate passing through the tubule is
A) Potassium ions B) Na ions
C) H-ions D) Ct ions
155. Membrane bound the vacuole is called
A) Tonoplast B) Chromoplast
C) Leucoplast D) None
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156. The structure that is long, cylindrical and may exists as solid bundles in xylem or as bundle caps is
A) Trachea B) Tracheids
C) Sclereides D) None
157. The shedding of exoskeleton periodically in arthropods is called
A) Ecdysome B) Ecdysis
C) Analysis D) None
158. Bone forming cells are called
A) Osteoblasts B) Osteocytes
C) Osteoclasts D) All of above
159. The cranium consists of
A) 6 bones B) 8 bones
C) 3 bones D) 10 bones
160. This filaments twisting around the actin chains are 2-strands of another protein called
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A) Tropomyosin B) Myosin
C) Actin D) All of above
161. The region of a myofibril b/w two successive-lines is
A) Sarcolemma B) Sarcomere
C) Sarcoplasm D) All of above
162. Energy for muscle contraction is provided by
163. Cardiac muscles are
A) Involuntary B) Voluntary
C) Both of above D) None of above
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164. Which of the following is not digitigrades
A) Man B) Apes
C) Bear D) None of above
165. Many plants take on a yellowish when they fail to form a sufficient chrophyll, this condition is called
A) Chlorosis B) Etiolated
C) Both of a & b D) None of above
166. Leaf growth and fruit growth is initiated by a hormone called
A) Auxins B) Gibberellins
C) Cytokines D) A Abscisic acid
167. The electrical potential that exists cross a cell membrane is called
A) Resting membrane potential B) Membrane potential
C) Action potential D) All of above
168. Gonadophrophic hormones in clued
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169. Diabetes insipidus is produced by the reduction of secretion of
A) Oxytocin B) ADH
170. Graves diseases is produced by
A) Reduced thyroxine B) Excess thyroxine
C) Medium amount of thyroxine D) None of above
171.The tumors that divide more rapidly & invade more surrounding area is called
A) Binging tumor B) Malignant tumor
C) Both D) None
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172. The effected individuals having one missing X-chromosome with only 45 chromosomes is called
A) Down’s syndrome B) Turner’s syndrome
C) Klinefelter’s syndromes D) None of above
173. Different alleles of a gene that are both expressed in a heterozygous condition are called
A) Dominant B) Recessive
C) Co-dominant D) Multiple allele
174. Free living organisms in the environment that have had a foreign gene stably inserted into them &
this gene can be passed on to successive generation called
A) Transgenic animals B) Gene therapy
C) Envitro fertilization D) None
175. A biotic components include
A) Plants B) Animals
C) Air, water and soil D) Herbivores
176. All the food chains & food webs begin with a
A) Producers B) Consumers
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C) 2ndary consumer D) None
177. Our principal source of energy is
A) Nuclear energy B) Solar energy
C) Atomic energy D) None of above
178. Three nucleotide sequence in the TRNA is called
A) Cordon B) Anti cordon
C) Initial cordon D) None
179. Which gas of the atmosphere behaves like a glass sheet of green house
A) Nitrogen gas B) H2 gas
C) Carbon dioxide D) Phosphorus
180. Which of the substance is not harmful or polluted for our environment
A) Co2 B) Carbon monoxide
C) Lard compound D) None
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181. Ozone molecule is made up of
A) 1 oxygen molecule B) 2-oxygen molecule
C) 3-oxygen molecule D) None
182. Total codon for amino acids are
A) 64 B) 63
C) 60 D) 61
183. The inter-medial host of Taenia is
A) Pig B) Man
C) Horse D) Sheep
184. The condition in which blood fails to clot is called
A) Colorblindness B) Thalacemia
C) Haemophilia D) None
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185. T.H Morgan gave the final proof that gene are located on the
A) Alleles B) Chromosomes
186. Presence of a alleles Tt, its phenotype is
A) Dwarf B) Tall
C) Medium D) None
187. The unit of hereditary material that develops a trait is
A) Chromosome B) Genes
C) Allele D) None
188. Which of the following is a yellowish structure secretes a progesterone is
A) Graffian follicle B) Corpus leuteum
C) Follicle D) 00cyte
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189. At the time of birth, the baby is still attached to the maternal uterus through the
A) Spinal cord B) Umbilical cord
C) Chorion D) None
190. In unicellular organisms, mostly reproduction takes place by
A) Asexual B) Sexual
C) By spores D) All of above
191. Which of the following provide the fluid medium to embryo
A) Allantoise B) Chorion
C) Amnion D) None
192. The connection b/w the fetus & mother by
A) Through connective tissues B) By placenta
C) By the wall of uterus D) None of above
193. The inheritance of skin color is a case of polygenic inheritance is controlled by
A) 6 pairs of genes B) 8 pairs of gene
C) 10 pairs D) 4 pairs
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194. The excellent example of multiple allele is
A) ABO blood groups B) Thalacemia
C) Hemophilia D) None
195. Larvae of frog is known as
A) Vegetal pole B) Tad pole
C) Animal pole D) None
196. Existing structures are lost, this types of changes are called
A) Progressive B) Retrogressive
C) Modificational D) None
197. Which of the following parasite is also called hook worm
A) Entamoeba histolytica B) Fasciola hepatica
C) Ancylostoma duodenale D) Taenia
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198. If parents have a blood groups A and B, then their children have blood groups
A) A,B and AB B) Only A & B
C) Only A D) O blood group
199. In earthworm, the tubular excretory system is
A) Metanephridia B) Protonephrida
C) Mesonephridia D) None
200. How many types of neurons
A) 2 B) 3
C) 4 D) 5
201. Which of the following carry pulses towards cell body is
A) Dendron B) Axon
C) Cell body D) Schwann cell
202. Mylinated sheath is made by
A) Schwann cells B) Epithelium
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C) Connective tissues D) None
203. Cerebellum is present in
A) For brain B) Midbrain
C) Hindbrain D) Spinal cord
204. In prokaryotes, the newly synthesized mRNA is released in
A) Nucleus B) Mitochondria
C) Cytoplasm D) None
205. Mitosis is divided in to
A) Cytokines & karyokines B) Only cytokines
C) Only karyokines D) None
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206. O-blood groups individuals are called
A) Universal donors B) Universal acceptor
C) Both a & b D) None
207. A hormone released by parathyroid gland is called
A) Paratharmone B) Thyroxine
C) Growth hormone D) Oxytocin
209. Plant disease may be due to
A. Bacillus thuringiensis
B. Rhizobium species
C. Beneficial insects
D. Aphids
E. None of the above
210. Absisc acid cause
A. Inhibits dormancy
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B. Promotes bud dormancy
C. Inhibits abscission
D. All of above
E. None
211. Ethene cause
A. Promotes bud dormancy
B. Inhibit fruit ripening
C. Both a & b
D. None
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212. Parthenogenesis is
A. Reproduction fo aphids
B. Sexual reproduction
C. Asexual reproduction
D. Both A & C
E. None
213. In human beings body cell the reproduction is
A. Sexual
B. Asexual
C. Both A & B
D. None
214. Red light promotes
A. Leaf rolling
B. Hooking of plumule
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C. Inhibit flowering in long day plants
D. Inhibit flowering in short day plants
E. None
215. Sexual reproduction cause
A. More of springs
B. Fast insurgence
C. Less rapid increase in number
D. All of above
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216. Gonorrhoa is caused by
A. Gram negative bacteria
B. Bacteria
C. Treponema pallidium
D. Both B & C
E. None
217. In higher plants the growth is limited to
A. Growing seasons
B. Growing points
C. Growing injury
D. None
218. ______ play an important role in primary growth
A. Interclary meristems
B. Lateral meri stems
C. Apical meri stems
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D. none
219. _____ play important role in leaves production
A. Apical meristems
B. Interclary meristem
C. Literal meristem
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220. Internal factors include
A. Oxygen
B. CO2
C. HCl
D. Indole Acetic Acid
E. Phosphoric Acid
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MCAT Sample Test Pattern Part 2 (2016)

  • 1. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 1 MCAT Grand Test 02 PHYSICS Directions: For each question below you are given four choices. SELECT ANY ONE THAT IS MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER ALL ANSWER MUST BE GIVEN ON THE ANSWER SHEET. YOUR ANSWERS MUST BE INDICATED BY LETTERS (A, B, C, D) AND NOT BY THE WORDS THEMSELVES. 1. When two bodies separate instantaneously after collision. The collision is said to be? (a) Partially elastic (b) Partially inelastic © Perfectly inelastic (d) Perfectly elastic Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 2. According to the second law of motion, acceleration is proportional to: (a) Fores (b) Time (c) Mass (d) Distance 3. When the object is placed at 2f of convex lens then the image formed behind the lens will be A) At the focus B) At 2f C) Beyond 2f D) Between f and 2f 4. When the object is placed at principal focus of a convex lens then the image is formed at A) Same distance B) Infinity C) Same side of lens D) Centre of curvature 5. Which one of the following cannot measure wavelength of X-rays in any way A) Bragg’s law B) Diffraction grating C) Compton effect D) Photo electric effect 6. Which one of the following properties is not found in both sound and light
  • 2. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 2 A) Interference B) Diffraction C) Polarization D) Reflection 7. The relation between time period T and angular velocity  is given by (a) T = 2   (b) T = /2 (c) T = 2 /  (d) T = v  8. When a body moves in a circle, the angle between its linear velocity v and angular velocity  is (a) 00 (b) 450 (c) 900 (d) 1800 9. Π radians = (a) 900 (b) 1800 (c) 600 (d) 300 Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 10. In racing car moving along a circular path the friction at the wheels and banking of roads provides the (a) Centripetal Force (b) Centripetal Acceleration (c) Centre of Mass (d) Centrifugal Force 11. The time period is defined as the time required to traverse ……… by a revolving body. (a) One radian (b) 180 degrees (c) One revolution (d) 90 degrees 12. Which of the following particles can induce artificial radio-activity in certain nuclei? (a) -particle (b) -particle (c) -particle (d) All of the above 13. Identify the alpha-particle? (a) 1H1 (b) 1H2 (c) 1H3 (d) 2He4 14. Which of the following particles move with velocity of light? (a) -particle (b) -particle (c) -particle (d) All of the above 15. The torque on a body will be zero if the angle between r and F is zero or: a. 900 b. 1800 c. 2700 d. None
  • 3. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 3 16. What is kinetic energy of a body of mass 10 kg moving with velocity 1m/s2? a. 10 Joules b. 20 Joules c. 5 Joules d. 2.5 Joules 17. Which of the following lists of physical quantities consists only of vectors: a. Time, temperature, velocity b. Force, volume, momentum c. Velocity, acceleration, mass d. Force, acceleration, velocity 18. If two forces each of magnitude 5N act along the same line on a body, then the magnitude of their resultant will be a. 5N b. 10N c. 20N d. 30N Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 19. Applied force F on a body of mass m, moving with acceleration a is a. m/a b. a/m c. ma d. m : a 20. A force of 1000N acts on a body for 0.01 sec. And changes its velocity from 10m/s to 20m/s, what will be the impulse? a. 100 N-sec b. 50 N-sec c. 10 N-sec d. 5 N-sec 21. When a projectile moves upwards, its vertical component of velocity a. Remains constant b. Decreases c. Increases d. Becomes equal to horizontal velocity 22. The center of gravity of a cylinder is at a. The center of the top of the cylinder b. The center of the bottom of the cylinder c. A point on curved side of the cylinder d. The mid-point of axis 23. If a transverse wave has a speed of 100m/sec and frequency of 100 hertz then its wavelength will be a. 1 m b. 10 m c. 100 m d. 1000 m 24. Which one of the following can be used to distinguish between the sounds of a note played on piano and violin?
  • 4. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 4 a. Intensity of sound b. Pitch of sound c. Quality of sound d. Loudness 25. A lens which is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edge is called a. Concave lens b. Convex lens C Plano-concave lens d. Convex-concave lens 26. A straight line passing through center of curvature of the two spherical surfaces of a lens is called a. Diameter of the len b. Radius of the lens c. Principal axis d. Principle focus 27. A double convex lens acts as a diverging lens when the object is placed a. At the focus b. At 2f c. Between f and 2f d. Within the focal length Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 28. A round hole is cut in a metal plate and it is cooled. What will be the effect of the cooling on the size of the hole? a. Remains same b. Shrinks c. Expands in size d. None of these 29. When air at 300K and 1 atmospheric pressure is compressed to one-twentieth of its original volume and 30 atmospheric pressure, the new temperature will be a. 9000 K b. 100 K c. 450 K d. 450° C 30. A mass accelerates uniformly when the resultant force acting on it A is zero B) is constant but not zero C) increases uniformly with respect to time D) is proportional to the displacement of the mass from a fixed point. 31. Which one of the following statements about the charge on the electron is incorrect? A) It can be measured in coulomb. B) It is equal in magnitude to the charge on the proton. C) It is equal in magnitude to the charge on the beta- particle. D) It can be determined experimentally only if the mass of the electron is known.
  • 5. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 5 32. Einstein’s theory of relativity suggests that (A) The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference (B) The speed of light in free space is universal constant (C) The speed of light is independent of the speed of the observer (D) All of the above 33. Photoelectric effect is obtained most conveniently with A) Visible light B) Infrared light C) Ultraviolet light D) Radio waves 34. Positrons are produced during A) X-ray production B) Ionization C) Annihilation D) Pair production Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 35. Paschen series is obtained when all the transitions electron terminate on A) Third orbit B) Second orbit C) Ist orbit D) 4th orbit 36. The binding energy per nucleon is (A) Minimum for heavy nuclei (B) Maximum for heavy nuclei (C) Maximum for light nuclei (D) Maximum for medium weight nuclei 37. Light of wavelength  is incident normally on a diffraction grating for which the slit spacing is equal to 3  . What is the sine of the angle between the second order maximum and the normal? A) 1/6 B) 1/3 C) 2/3 D) 3/2 38. Lenses of large aperture suffer from the defects of (A) Spherical aberration (B) Chromatic aberration (C) Neither spherical nor chromatic aberration (D) None of these 39. In an ideal gas, the molecules have (A) Kinetic energy only (B) Potential energy only (C) Both kinetic and potential energy (D) None of these
  • 6. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 6 40. The difference between Cp and Cv is equal to A) One calorie B) Boltzman constant C) Universal gas constant D) Zero 41. An induced e.m.f is produced in a circuit when (A) Magnetic flux changes through the circuit (B) Magnetic flux remains constant in the circuit (C) There is no magnetic flux produced in the circuit (D) All of the above Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 42. Which one of the following is the example of reversible process (A) Heat produced by current (B) Melting of ice (C) Work done against friction (D) None of these 43. Three capacitors of capacitance 2µF each are connected in parallel. Their equivalent capacitance will be A) 0.66 µF B) 4 µF C) 6 µF D) 1.5 µF 44. Which of the following is used to convert A.C into D.C A) A voltmeter B) A transistor C) A transformer D) A rectifier END OF PHYSICS SECTION PLEASE DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. CHEMISTRY Directions: For each question below you are given four choices. SELECT ANY ONE THAT IS MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER ALL ANSWER MUST BE GIVEN ON THE ANSWER SHEET.
  • 7. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 7 YOUR ANSWERS MUST BE INDICATED BY LETTERS (A, B, C, D) AND NOT BY THE WORDS THEMSELVES. 45. Hydrogen bond is most important in compounds containing F,N and O. This is due to their A. High I.P. value B. High E.N. value C. Smaller size D. High E.A. value 46. Characteristic smell of bleaching powder is due to free A. Cl2 B. HCl C. HClO D. CaCl2 47. Choose the correct statement for a solution of H3PO4 (49gm/500ml). A. 1.5m is more concentrated than 1.5M solution. B. 1.5m is less concentrated than 1.5M solution. C. 1.5m is more concentrated than 1.5M former contains large amount of solution. D. 1.5m and 1.5M solutions having same concentration. 48. During the electrolysis of 18 gm of acidified water hydrogen released at cathode at S.T.P. is A. 22.4 liters B. 18 liters C. 11.2 liters D. 1 liter Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 49. Which of the following nitrogen fertilizer contains more nitrogen A. NaNO3 B. KNO3 C. KH4NO3 D. Urea 50. Glycerin boils at 2900 C under normal atmospheric pressure. If the pressure is reduced to 50 mm of Hg, it will boil A. Above 2900 C B. Below 2900 C C. At 2900 C D. Absolute zero 51. What is the number of atoms in 224 dm3 (litre) of chlorine gas at S.T.P.? A. 10 B. 20 C. 6.0×1024 D. 1.2×1025 52. At STP, which statement is incorrect? A. An 11.2 litre container will hold one-half moles of ideal gas. B. 22.4 litre samples of different gases have same masses. C. The gram molecular volume for all gases is about 22400 ml. D. The density of gases increase with increasing molecular
  • 8. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 8 53. When HCl gas is passed through saturated solution of rock salt the solubility of the salt is A. Increased B. Decreased C. Remains same D. None of these 54. If a metal resists the attack of any kind (physical or chemical) the metal is said to be A. Active B. Passive C. Reactive D. Attractive 55. Compounds of carbon and hydrogen in which the tetra valency of carbon is fully satisfied are called A. Saturated B. Unsaturated C. Magnetic D. Para-magnetic Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 56. Which element is used in TV picture tube? A. Na B. K C. Cs D. Ca 57. The addition of a surfactant raises the level of liquid in a glass tube by 1cm. This rise of level is due to the increase of A. Adhesive forces of the liquid molecules B. Cohesive forces of the liquid molecules C. Both adhesive and cohesive forces of the liquid molecules D. viscosity of the liquid 58. Which of the following processes is most likely to be responsible for evolution of heat A. Dissociation B. Sublimation C. Hydration D. None 59. Choose the correct statement A. The shape of an orbit is determined by the quantum number. B. The shape of an orbital is determined by the quantum number n. C. The greater the value of , the larger the sub- level is. D. The lesser the value of the smaller the sub-level is 60. When Carbon dioxide passes through Ca(OH)2 aqueous solution white precipitate is formed. It is A. CaO B. CaCO3 C. H2CO3 D. Ca2CO3 61. The system in which all the axes are equal in length and at right angle to each other is called
  • 9. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 9 A. Tetragonal system B. Cubic system C. Trigonal system D. Hexagonal system 62. The energy which is sum of all the energies of all the atoms, molecules or ions within a system is called: (a) Internal energy (b) External energy (c) Bond energy (d) Polar energy 63. The experimental relationship between a reaction and rate and the concentration of reaction is called: (a) Rate Law (b) Order Law (c) Molecularity (d) Reaction Rate 64. The functional group of ester is: (a) COOH- (b) -COOR (c) -CHO (d) -COR Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 65. The amount of heat exchanged when molar quantities of reactants and products are used is called: (a) Heat sublimation (b) Heat of neutralization (c) Heat of reaction (d) 66. The general formula of Alkene is: (a) CnH2n+2 (b) CnH2n (c) CnH2n2 (d) None 67. The electroplating is carried out in: (a) Only acidic bath (b) Only basic bath (c) Both in acidic and basic bath 68. The electro-negativity of hydrogen is: (a) 2.1 (b) 2.5 (c) 1.2 (d) 2.0 69. The substance through which current can flow without change in composition is called: (a) Conductor (b) Insulator (c) Resistor (d) Electrolite 70. An solution having pH = 13 is: (a) Acidic (b) Basic (c) Neutral (d) 71. Shape of CH4 molecules is:
  • 10. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 10 (a) Linear (b) Tetrahedral (c) Cubic (d) Octagonal 72. On passing CO2 through Grignard reagent: (a) Methanoic acid is formed (b) Ethandioic acid is formed (c) Propanoic acid is formed (d) Glycrol is formed 73. The double bonds are present between the atoms of the molecule: (a) H2O (b) CO2 (c) NH3 (d) CH3Cl 74. Nitrogen dioxide gas is: (a) Reddish brown (b) Reddish (c) Violet (d) Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 75. The total number of atoms entering into a chemical reaction is equal to the total number of atoms of all the products is called: (a) Law of mass action (b) Law of multiple proportions (c) Law of conservation of mass 76. According to Hund’s rule electrons are distributed among subshells to give: (a) Minimum number of unpaired electron (b) Maximum number of unpaired electron (c) Normal number of unpaired electron (d) Maximum number of paired electrons 77. Molecular reactions have usually: (a) Slow speed (b) Fast speed (c) Moderate speed (d) None 78. A bond formed by the complete transference of one or more electrons from one atom to another is called: (a) Electrovalent (b) Covalent bond (c) Co-ordinate covalent bond (d) Polar bond 79. Binary compounds of hydrogen are called: (a) Halides (b) Hydrides (c) (d)
  • 11. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 11 80. Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halide is carried out with: (a) Alcoholic KOH (b) Alcoholic NaOH (c) AgOH (d) Aqueous KOH 81. 1 calorie is equal to: (a) 393.8 Joules (b) 4.184 Joules (c) 285.8 Joule (d) 10-8 Joules 82. Acetic acid is a: (a) Weak electrolyte (b) Strong electrolyte (c) Non-electrolyte (d) Basic compound 83. Grignard’s reagent react with alkyl halide to form: (a) Alkane (b) Alkene (c) Alkyne (d) None Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 84. The process in which one S and one P-orbital mix with each other is called: (a) SP-hybridization (b) SP-hybridization (c) SP3-hybridization (d) None 85. Air pollution is caused by: (a) Hydrocarbons (b) Fluorocarbons (c) Hydrogen (d) Dust Particles 86. Isopropyl alcohol on oxidation forms: (a) Acetaldehyde (b) Ether (c) Acetone (d) Ethenone 87. Paraffins are also called: (a) Alkyne (b) Alkane (c) Alkene (d) Glysrides 88. Ligands are: (a) Electron pair acceptors (b) Electron pair donors (c) Neutral 89. Among sigma bond and  bond: (a) Sigma bond is stronger (b)  bond is stronger (c) Both are of equal strength 90. The mass of electron is:
  • 12. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 12 (a) 9.1  10-31 kg (b) 9.1  10-27 kg (c) 1.6  10-19 kg (d) None 91. There will be increase in the bond energy of a covalent molecule because of: A) Polarity B) electro negativity C) atomic number D) symmetry 92. If a system at equilibrium is disturbed by some change, the system will shift so as to counteract the effect of the change”. This is the statement of A) The law of mass action B) The law of thermodynamics C) La Chatelier’s Principle D) The law of heat summation 93. The D2O is commonly called A) Light water B) Heavy water C) Ordinary water D) Water vapour Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 94. Duralumin is an alloy of A) Iron B) Copper C) Cobalt D) Aluminum 95. Carbon and Silicon form compounds which are A) Divalent B) Trivalent C) Tetravalent D) Pentavalent 96. One of the products during electrolysis of NaCl solution is A) NaClO B) NaOH C) NaClO3 D) Na 97. Equilibrium constant is constant when A) Temperature is constant B) Pressure is constant C) Volume is constant D) None of the above 98. Hydrolysis of ionic hydrides produces: (a) H2O2 (b) O3 (c) O2 gas (d) H2 gas 99. A nucleus has an atomic number of 40. What is its atomic number after beta emission? (a) 41 (b) 36 (c) 42 (d) 44
  • 13. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 13 100. Which of the following elements metalloid? (a) Aluminum (b) Cobalt (c) Sodium (d) Tellurium 101. Compared to the first ionisation potential of an atom the second is: (a) Smaller (b) The same (c) Negligible (d) Greater 102. Iodine deficiency in diet is known to cause: (a) Goiter (b) Night blindness (c) Rickets (d) Beri-beri Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com END OF CHEMISTRY SECTION PLEASE DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. STOP ENGLISH : Directions: The following sentences contain problems in grammar, usage, diction (choice of words), and idiom. Some sentences are correct. No sentence contains more than one error. You will find that the error, if there is one, is underlined and lettered. Assume that all other elements of the sentence are correct and cannot be charged. In choosing answers, follow the requirements of standard written English. If there is an error, select the one underlined
  • 14. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 14 part that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct, and blacken the corresponding space on the answer sheet. If there is no error, mark answer space E. 103. Aired is one who seems to like Helen better than us, irregardless of how much we try to please him. No error A B C D E 104. Statistics can be cited to prove than prices this year are lower than last year. No error A B C D E 105. She angered him beyond measure when she said he walks like his father does, slowly. No error A B C D E 106. If the loser in the contest turns our to be him, I shall have had hardly no opportunity to speak with him. No error A B C D Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 107. I just cannot leave the book lie on the floor without telling you and her that you had better A B C D pick it up immediately. No error E 108. Because I had scarcely no time to lose, Paula, along with the fourteen other members A B C of the committee, was notified of our decision. No error D E 109. Who shall I blame when it’s time for the group and us to make our report, and we A B C
  • 15. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 15 shall have to report that we re unprepared? No error D E 110. My brothers-in-law’s storage facilities far exceeds ours. No error A B C D E DIRECTIONS: Each of the following sentences is to be rephrased according to the directions that follow it. You should make only those changes that the directions require. Keep the meaning of the revised sentence as close to the meaning of the original sentence as the directions for that sentence permit. 111. Using it wisely, leisure promotes health, efficiency, and happiness. A. Using it wisely B. If used wisely C. Having used it wisely D. Because it is used wisely E. Because of usefulness Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 112. The scouts were told to take an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare dinner, and that they should be in bed by 9 PM. A. To take an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare dinner, and that they should be in bed by 9 PM. B. To take an overnights hike to pitch camp, prepare diner and that they should be in bed by 9 PM. C. To take an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare diver, and be in bed by 9 PM. D. To take an overnight hike, pitching camp, preparing dinner and going to bed by 9 p.m. E. To engage in an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare dinner, and that they should be in bed by 9 P.M. 113. Her brothers along with her parents insist that she remain in school. A. insist B. Insists C. Are insisting D. Were insisting E. Have insisted 114. Most students like to read these kind of books during their time.
  • 16. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 16 A. These kind of books B. These kind of book C. This kind of book D. This kinds of books E. Those kind of books 115. She not only was competent but also friendly in nature. A. She not only was competent but also friendly B. Not only was she competent but friendly also C. She not only was competent but friendly also D. She was not only competent but also friendly E. She was not only competent but friendly also Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 116. In the normal course of events. Saleem will graduate high school and enter college in two years. A. Saleem will graduate high school and enter B. Saleem will graduate from high school and enter C. Saleem will be graduated from high school and enter into D. Saleem will be graduated from high school and enter into E. Saleem will have graduated high school and enter 117. With the exception of Fraz and I, everyone in the class finished the assignment before the bell rang. A. Frank and I everyone in the class finished B. Fraz and me, everyone in the class finished C. Fraz and me, everyone in the class had finished D. Fraz and I, everyone in the class had finished E. Fraz and me everyone in the class finished 118. When one eats in this restaurant, you often find that the prices are high and that the food is poorly prepared. A. When one eats n this restaurant, you often find B. When you eat n this restaurant, one often finds C. As you eat in this restaurant, you often find D. If you eat in this restaurant, you often find E. When one ate in this restaurant, he often found 119. It was decided by us that the emphasis would be placed on the result that might be attained.
  • 17. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 17 A. It was decided by us that the emphasis would be placed on the results that might be attained. B. We decided that the emphasis would be placed on the results that might be attained. C. We decided to emphasize the results that might be attained. D. We decided to emphasize the results we might attain E. It was decided that we would place emphasis on the results that might be attained. 120. Completing the physical examination, the tonsils were found to be diseased. A. Completing the physical examination, the tonsils were found to be diseased. B. Having completed the physical examination the tonsils were found to be diseased. C. When the physical examination was completed, the tonsils were found to be diseased. D. The physical examination completed, the tonsils were found to be diseased. E. The physical examination found that the tonsils were diseased. Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 121. Today this is a totally different world than we have seen in the last decade, A. Than we have seen. B. From what we have seen C. From what we seen D. Than what we seen E. Then we have seen 122. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, you find a striking contrast between the philosophy of the cavalier poets such as suckling and the attitude of the Metaphysical poets such as Donne. A. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, you find B. When one read the poetry of the seventeenth century, one finds C. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, he finds D. If one reads the poetry of the 17th century , you find E. As you read the poetry of the 17th century , one finds 123. Anyone interested in the use of computers can learn much if you have access to state _ of the art microcomputer. A. if you have access to B. if he was access to
  • 18. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 18 C. if access is available to D. By access to E. From access to 124. The reason I came late to class today is because the bus broke down. A. I came late to class today is because B. why I came late to class today is because C. I was late to school today is because D. That I was late to school today is because E. I came late to class today is that 125. The process by which the community influence the actions of its members is known as social control. A. influence the actions of its members B. influences the actions of its members C. had influenced the actions of its members D. influences the actions of their members E. will influence the actions of its members Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 126. Abandon A) Follow B) Protect C) Deliver D) Arrive 127. Abridge A) Augment B) Subdue C) Encourage D) Elaborate 128. Abdicate A) Seize B) Speak Softly C) Crown D) Obey 129. Absolve A) Free B) Plan C) Accuse D) Cheat 130. Acrimonious
  • 19. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 19 A) Bitter B) Soothing C) Plain D) Intelligent 131. Abet A) Aid B) Blockage C) Incite D) Defy 132. Accumulate A) Broad cast B) Rally C) Board D) Congress Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com BIOLOGY Directions: For each question below you are given four choices. SELECT ANY ONE THAT IS MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER ALL ANSWER MUST BE GIVEN ON THE ANSWER SHEET. YOUR ANSWERS MUST BE INDICATED BY LETTERS (A, B, C, D) AND NOT BY THE WORDS THEMSELVES. 133. Sum of all the genes/alleles found in all members of breeding population at a given time is A) Genus B) Gene C) Gene pool D) Genome 134. The shrinking of cytoplasm resulting from loss of water by osmosis in a cell placed in a hypertonic solution is A) Plasmid B) Plasmolysis C) Plastid D) None 135. The stage of mitosis during which the chromosomes uncoil, the spindles and esters disappear and the nuclear membrane reforms is A Prophase B) Telophase C Anaphase D) Inter phase
  • 20. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 20 136. All chordates show the A) Stiff rod like notochord B) Gill slits, a set of opening in pharyngeal region C) Hollow dorsal central nervous system D) All of above 137. Sulfuric acid mist when inhaled can damage A) Lungs B) Heart C) Digestive tract D) All of above Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 138. An animal which captures & readily kill live animals for its food is called A) Prey B) Predator C) Plasmid D) Transgenic animal 139. The best known solvent is A) Ether B) Methyl alcohol C) Water D) Alcohol 140. The consumers are the herbivores that feed directly on green plants are A) Secondary consumers B) Primary consumers C) Tar consumers D) None 141. Persons have a difficulty is distinguish from red to green is A) Color blindness B) Hemophilic C) Thalacemia D) None of above 142. The trait that is controlled by a gene found on the X-chromosome called A) Sex-linked trait B) X-linked trait C) Y-linked trail D) All of above 143. The pair of autosomes in human beings are A) 22 B) 23 C) 21 D) 24
  • 21. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 21 144. Saliva contains an enzyme which hydrolysis starch & glycogen into maltose A) Pepsin B) Amylase C) Lipase D) All of above 145. In herbivore, there is a large & store house of bacteria which breakdown cellulose wall of plant cell is A) Intestine B) Caecum C) Colon D) Stomach 146. The small intestine of man divided into A) Duodenum, Jejunum and ileum B) Duodenum and ileum C) Duodenum & Jejunum D) Only duodenum Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 147. Simple digestive cavity of hydra having a open opening is A) Archenterone B) Coelenteron C) Blestocoel D) None 148. Metatherians mammals include A) Man and apes B) Whole, elephant and horse C) Duck bill platypus and spiny anteater D) None of all 149. It has been proposed that muscles have been fatigued by the accumulation of A) Acetic acid B) Lactic acid C) Citric acid D) Iron 150. The only muscle that causes extension at elbow is the big & powerful is A) Biceps brachii B) Triceps brachii C) Connective tissues D) Tendons 151. The enzyme which is used to cuts down the viral DNA is A) Coenzyme B) Holoenzyme C) Restriction enzyme D) None of above 152. The endangered species in Pakistan are
  • 22. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 22 A) Black buck, common leopard & houbara bustard B) Crocodile & Asian lion C) Fox and Owl D) None of above 153. In planaria have a simple tubular excretory system is A) Meta mephridium B) Protonephridium C) Mephrostome D) None of above 154. The ions to balance the ph value of filtrate passing through the tubule is A) Potassium ions B) Na ions C) H-ions D) Ct ions 155. Membrane bound the vacuole is called A) Tonoplast B) Chromoplast C) Leucoplast D) None Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 156. The structure that is long, cylindrical and may exists as solid bundles in xylem or as bundle caps is A) Trachea B) Tracheids C) Sclereides D) None 157. The shedding of exoskeleton periodically in arthropods is called A) Ecdysome B) Ecdysis C) Analysis D) None 158. Bone forming cells are called A) Osteoblasts B) Osteocytes C) Osteoclasts D) All of above 159. The cranium consists of A) 6 bones B) 8 bones C) 3 bones D) 10 bones 160. This filaments twisting around the actin chains are 2-strands of another protein called
  • 23. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 23 A) Tropomyosin B) Myosin C) Actin D) All of above 161. The region of a myofibril b/w two successive-lines is A) Sarcolemma B) Sarcomere C) Sarcoplasm D) All of above 162. Energy for muscle contraction is provided by A) ADP B) ATP C) GTP D) CTP 163. Cardiac muscles are A) Involuntary B) Voluntary C) Both of above D) None of above Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 164. Which of the following is not digitigrades A) Man B) Apes C) Bear D) None of above 165. Many plants take on a yellowish when they fail to form a sufficient chrophyll, this condition is called A) Chlorosis B) Etiolated C) Both of a & b D) None of above 166. Leaf growth and fruit growth is initiated by a hormone called A) Auxins B) Gibberellins C) Cytokines D) A Abscisic acid 167. The electrical potential that exists cross a cell membrane is called A) Resting membrane potential B) Membrane potential C) Action potential D) All of above 168. Gonadophrophic hormones in clued A) FSH & LH B) GH & ACTH
  • 24. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 24 C) STH D) MSH 169. Diabetes insipidus is produced by the reduction of secretion of A) Oxytocin B) ADH C) ACTH D) GH 170. Graves diseases is produced by A) Reduced thyroxine B) Excess thyroxine C) Medium amount of thyroxine D) None of above 171.The tumors that divide more rapidly & invade more surrounding area is called A) Binging tumor B) Malignant tumor C) Both D) None Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 172. The effected individuals having one missing X-chromosome with only 45 chromosomes is called A) Down’s syndrome B) Turner’s syndrome C) Klinefelter’s syndromes D) None of above 173. Different alleles of a gene that are both expressed in a heterozygous condition are called A) Dominant B) Recessive C) Co-dominant D) Multiple allele 174. Free living organisms in the environment that have had a foreign gene stably inserted into them & this gene can be passed on to successive generation called A) Transgenic animals B) Gene therapy C) Envitro fertilization D) None 175. A biotic components include A) Plants B) Animals C) Air, water and soil D) Herbivores 176. All the food chains & food webs begin with a A) Producers B) Consumers
  • 25. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 25 C) 2ndary consumer D) None 177. Our principal source of energy is A) Nuclear energy B) Solar energy C) Atomic energy D) None of above 178. Three nucleotide sequence in the TRNA is called A) Cordon B) Anti cordon C) Initial cordon D) None 179. Which gas of the atmosphere behaves like a glass sheet of green house A) Nitrogen gas B) H2 gas C) Carbon dioxide D) Phosphorus 180. Which of the substance is not harmful or polluted for our environment A) Co2 B) Carbon monoxide C) Lard compound D) None Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 181. Ozone molecule is made up of A) 1 oxygen molecule B) 2-oxygen molecule C) 3-oxygen molecule D) None 182. Total codon for amino acids are A) 64 B) 63 C) 60 D) 61 183. The inter-medial host of Taenia is A) Pig B) Man C) Horse D) Sheep 184. The condition in which blood fails to clot is called A) Colorblindness B) Thalacemia C) Haemophilia D) None
  • 26. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 26 185. T.H Morgan gave the final proof that gene are located on the A) Alleles B) Chromosomes C) DNA D) RNA 186. Presence of a alleles Tt, its phenotype is A) Dwarf B) Tall C) Medium D) None 187. The unit of hereditary material that develops a trait is A) Chromosome B) Genes C) Allele D) None 188. Which of the following is a yellowish structure secretes a progesterone is A) Graffian follicle B) Corpus leuteum C) Follicle D) 00cyte Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 189. At the time of birth, the baby is still attached to the maternal uterus through the A) Spinal cord B) Umbilical cord C) Chorion D) None 190. In unicellular organisms, mostly reproduction takes place by A) Asexual B) Sexual C) By spores D) All of above 191. Which of the following provide the fluid medium to embryo A) Allantoise B) Chorion C) Amnion D) None 192. The connection b/w the fetus & mother by A) Through connective tissues B) By placenta C) By the wall of uterus D) None of above 193. The inheritance of skin color is a case of polygenic inheritance is controlled by A) 6 pairs of genes B) 8 pairs of gene C) 10 pairs D) 4 pairs
  • 27. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 27 194. The excellent example of multiple allele is A) ABO blood groups B) Thalacemia C) Hemophilia D) None 195. Larvae of frog is known as A) Vegetal pole B) Tad pole C) Animal pole D) None 196. Existing structures are lost, this types of changes are called A) Progressive B) Retrogressive C) Modificational D) None 197. Which of the following parasite is also called hook worm A) Entamoeba histolytica B) Fasciola hepatica C) Ancylostoma duodenale D) Taenia Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 198. If parents have a blood groups A and B, then their children have blood groups A) A,B and AB B) Only A & B C) Only A D) O blood group 199. In earthworm, the tubular excretory system is A) Metanephridia B) Protonephrida C) Mesonephridia D) None 200. How many types of neurons A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 201. Which of the following carry pulses towards cell body is A) Dendron B) Axon C) Cell body D) Schwann cell 202. Mylinated sheath is made by A) Schwann cells B) Epithelium
  • 28. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 28 C) Connective tissues D) None 203. Cerebellum is present in A) For brain B) Midbrain C) Hindbrain D) Spinal cord 204. In prokaryotes, the newly synthesized mRNA is released in A) Nucleus B) Mitochondria C) Cytoplasm D) None 205. Mitosis is divided in to A) Cytokines & karyokines B) Only cytokines C) Only karyokines D) None Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 206. O-blood groups individuals are called A) Universal donors B) Universal acceptor C) Both a & b D) None 207. A hormone released by parathyroid gland is called A) Paratharmone B) Thyroxine C) Growth hormone D) Oxytocin 209. Plant disease may be due to A. Bacillus thuringiensis B. Rhizobium species C. Beneficial insects D. Aphids E. None of the above 210. Absisc acid cause A. Inhibits dormancy
  • 29. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 29 B. Promotes bud dormancy C. Inhibits abscission D. All of above E. None 211. Ethene cause A. Promotes bud dormancy B. Inhibit fruit ripening C. Both a & b D. None Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 212. Parthenogenesis is A. Reproduction fo aphids B. Sexual reproduction C. Asexual reproduction D. Both A & C E. None 213. In human beings body cell the reproduction is A. Sexual B. Asexual C. Both A & B D. None 214. Red light promotes A. Leaf rolling B. Hooking of plumule
  • 30. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 30 C. Inhibit flowering in long day plants D. Inhibit flowering in short day plants E. None 215. Sexual reproduction cause A. More of springs B. Fast insurgence C. Less rapid increase in number D. All of above Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 216. Gonorrhoa is caused by A. Gram negative bacteria B. Bacteria C. Treponema pallidium D. Both B & C E. None 217. In higher plants the growth is limited to A. Growing seasons B. Growing points C. Growing injury D. None 218. ______ play an important role in primary growth A. Interclary meristems B. Lateral meri stems C. Apical meri stems
  • 31. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 31 D. none 219. _____ play important role in leaves production A. Apical meristems B. Interclary meristem C. Literal meristem Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com 220. Internal factors include A. Oxygen B. CO2 C. HCl D. Indole Acetic Acid E. Phosphoric Acid END OF BIOLOGY SECTION PLEASE DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. STOP
  • 32. CAT Career Channel www.entrytest.com Career Channel News: www.entrytest.com/rss/default.aspx(Meets your all Educational Needs) For Answers: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Page 32 END OF TEST For Answer Key: www.entrytest.com/testprep/answers.aspx Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.admission.pk Downloaded More Sample Papers from: www.entrytest.com For Online Test Preparation: www.thecatonline.com