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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

There are many elements across my media texts that take on conventions from real media text. In my research I began
to analyze many different advert types this allowed to me understand the codes and conventions. As a general rule the
editing(OF AN ) in advert’s is fast with a range of 12 to 15 shot in 30 seconds this short period of time doesn’t allow a lot
of time to connote meaning. The types of cuts in advertising are also important as they generally use a straight cut, with
very few dissolves or fades. I followed many conventions of advertising when creating my advert, one of these was with
the choice of shots in my advert. As I was selling a car and what it can offer its owner I found that using a variety of shots
would be more beneficial than many of the similar shots.

I have taken some print screens of shots from my advert and another car advert, the purpose of this was to show that
my adverts follows many of the same conventions as other’s. I chose the shots for a reason, using long shots to denote
the car arriving at a destination or the use of close ups to denote specific aspects of my product or the owners
emotions. This is the same for the advert shown in the print screens where they have used extreme long shots to show
the cars capabilities over different terrain. The use of shots also was similar in both adverts to keep the continuity
through out my adverts but I also had to decide on the shots for my TV Sponsorship where I simply included some of my
footage from the adverts and extra footage not used to create my TV Sponsorships that would use similar shots to show
some specific points about that car to help promote the product.
The first advert has footage that denotes everyday situations and how the car is responding to situations you may come
across. In the second I wanted to show that the car would be suitable for different people that use the car. The problem
that I found with this was its hard to determine purpose and meaning behind the text. This meant I needed something
to help engage the audience with the text, I included a Voice over to connote meaning behind the footage. After doing
some research I found that many car adverts used a voice over in the same way as mine to create a sense or purpose
and meaning behind the text. Furthermore I took certain aspects from previous adverts and then adapted them so that
they would fit my advert. BMW used a voice over which said” It’s only a car” however I felt that this was not doing the
car justice removing the car’s Wow factor and diminishing its importance. Therefore I developed this part of the voice
over so that it connoted importance, “ It’s not just a car” this instead connotes that the car is special and better than the
rest. In advertising I am trying to sell my product so connoting the product is special is to make the audience want the
product even more. I also took inspiration from another advert that would allow me to develop it to denote the cars
capabilities, I looked at the M&S advert as they list what’s on screen in a way that connotes the food’s desirability. I
wanted to take this concept but develop it so that it would fit the purpose of my advert in a way that would denote the
cars capabilities and abilities to do any job but also fit any life style. Intertexuality was used to create the adverts as I
took parts from other adverts and developing them so that they where better and appropriate for my advert.

In addition to this I found that many car adverts displayed their logo and slogan on the screen for the last 5 seconds of
the advert, some of which also used the voice over to pitch the product one last time. I found this would be a good
convention to use in my advert as it meant I could sum up the advert and finish the advert with something the audience
would remember. Not only did I add this to my advert however I found it could be use full to develop it so that I would
be able to bring the advert to a finish keeping the meaning throughout. In the pictures below I have shown some logos
to other products that the adverts finish with, mine is much the same however I also incorporated the same screen into
a screen that also has still shots of each location of the advert. The reason for this was to tie all aspects of the advert to
the logo and name but also have it so they audience would last see all aspects of the advert at the end keep it fresh in
their mind.
The name of the product was also to follow the idea of the car being multifunctional, so I called mine
product the “Aida” as it would aid the family and owner in their daily life. This then fits in with the
message of the Adverts denoting the car capabilities but also to fit any type of owner.
One convention I was able to challenge of the car adverts was that I added a non diegetic sounds as many car adverts use the
diegetic sounds of the car to connote its sporty aspects, or the luxurious features of the cars. My product has these features of
being a large car with masses of interior space that is still luxurious. But I wanted to create an advert that used a faster pace than
many other car adverts one way that I did this was to use a up beat and up mood sound track that I could edit my clips in time
with the sound track. I then used AN up beat sound track to allow me to create an advert that was more upbeat than the
traditional car advert but it meant that I would keep the audience engaged with the advert. To be able to edit the advert in time
with sound track I did some research on Music videos look at the way they edit the song to the clips so it flows. However I also
needed to make sure that I was able to hear the diegetic noises from the clip as well as the sound track and the voice over this
was a very hard task to get the audio to the correct levels, I was able to use the audio effects tab on adobe premier to change the
sound levels according to their importance to create a level and constant sound throughout the adverts and campaign.

This is what the audio effects looks like I was able to edit each clip as long as they were separated in to different layers.
How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts?

Throughout my adverts and ancillary texts I decided to denote the same message through out all the texts created. The message
that I wanted to createwas how flexible and able to fit any life style orowner but also be able to handle any task in every day life. I
created this synergy throughout all the texts using similar editing pace, the distance and angles of shots, the voice over follows
the same structure in both adverts. The reason for keeping the the adverts similar was it meant that the audience watching would
be able to relate the advert with the brand name and product with out being told within the advert.

Therefore the two main adverts and radio advert use the same style voice over –

(I will be showing the voice over’s in a blog post)

I also created synergy by using the same shots in some of my adverts and the TV Sponsorships –

These are just some of the shots that featured in multiple of my adverts the reason for this was to create synergy but also making
it easier for the audience to link the adverts together in a campaign. The shots are the same, editing is similar using very close
editing these efforts were to help allow me to create the synergy I wanted throughout my campaign.

Overall then I feel the combination of my main and ancillary texts have worked well together to create synergy, I used similar
footage in more than one of my texts so the audience would recognize the avert instantly, the similarities are also found in the
ways I edited the pieces using a quick pace to keep the audience engaged. Additionally the non diegetic voice over is one of the
main forms of synergy as I have used the same style in both main texts and the radio advert, as it uses the same style just fits
different situations.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

To film the adverts I used an HD camera this allowed me to get the highest quality footage possible as I am really fortunate that
my school offers such good equipment. In addition to this I was using a trip so that I was able to get perfectly still shots that are
also level no matter the level of surface. As shown in the image the surface is not level but I was able to set the tri pod in such
a way so that the shot would still remain level. All this good equipment has allowed me to get some good quality and level
shots that I would have been un able to achieve this level by hand.

I used Adobe Premier Pro in my AS project but this year I used Adobe Premier Pro CS5.5 which is the newest software option
available. There where many new options on the up to date software although I did not use the extra options I found that this
time around of using the software more confident and understood the settings and variables that went with the program so
that it would be appropriate for my adverts. One feature of the software that I used a lot more this timewas the zoom tool for
the time line which allowedmy editing to be more crisp, this was a vital step for the adverts as the clips needed to be short this
meant the editing needed to be precise for the clips to flow from one another.

In preparation of using new software to create the adverts I used Web 2.0 to get some background information on the
software that I will be using. Additionally I looked at some tutorials on how to use the software, I used this to brief my self on
what I have to do when creating adverts. I then went back to these tutorials in the making process of the adverts so that I was
refreshed and was able to use the software correctly.

Another piece of software that wasn’t used in the previous year was Garage Band. The reason for using Garage Band was I had
my teacher record my Voice over for all adverts to keep continuity through out. Additionally the best way to record this was to
use Garage band but also meant that I was able to edit the track so that I was happy with it before importing it to Premier. I
was able to cut the recorded track so that it would fit the my advert perfectly but also add a fade to the voice over at the end
of each section. The reason for this was so that it flowed better throughout the advert, as the recorded version with out any
editing sounded harsh. It was small things like adding a fade so that it sounds more appropriate in my advert that allowed me
to take my campaign to the next level it was the new technology options that helped get me there.
Photoshop wasprogram that I used to create the logo for my product, Photoshop allowed me to create the best result possible
but also offers the most options when creating the logo. I used the tutorials to help teach me the ways of Photoshop, but my
teacher knows a lot about the software and many of my class mates study PVA so I was surrounded with able bodies who I
could refer to when stuck using the new software. Using this software allowed me to create my logo on a transparent back
ground, but also have a massive range of texts that aren’t on many similar software’s. Additionally I wanted to create a circular
logo with the text centered and a outline around the edge of the circle this was only made possible using Photoshop but also
having layers allowed me to have many different aspects of the logo on the page.
In the research stages of my project I used the Web to allow to analyze the many existing adverts to gain some
information about the common codes and conventions of adverts. This was something I could later decide to use, or
challenge or develop according to my advert style and purpose. I used Youtube the majority of the time to analyze the
existing media texts, this is where I was able to embed the videos on my Blog (www.blogspot.com) I then used then
blog to write up the existing media text’s which I researched which help me develop my own work. Youtube allowed
me to research all the media texts in the advert project, this ranged from 2 30 second advert, 2 halves of a TV
Sponsorship and radio advert. So I used Youtube to look through the advert options but I also used Google to allow me
to search for millions of of websites related to advertising. I used this in my research as I searched types of
adverts, narrative, presenting, viral advertising etc I was able to use this sites to aid me writing up my research that
informed me in my creation of adverts.

In the planning stages of my project I was able to use the equipment to refresh my skills and and practice some techniques I had
learned from the year before. Once I had got my footage I also used the software available to edit the clips together, using some
dissolves and fades but also adding titles. I was therefore familiarizing myself with all the aspects of equipment and software I
would need to create my product. However in my planning I found storyboarding very hard as I was unable to draw some of my
possible shots so that I was happy with the detail and so that they were self explanatory, I then took a few still pictures of the
locations of certain shots and then drew on top of the photos, I also used Photoshop to add construct lines to allow me to get my
distancing even more correct.

In my evaluation I used the the internet to get my audience feedback to the public I was able to do this by creating a
questionnaire on Google docs this was a online document meaning I was able to edit the document at any time. Additionally I was
able to embed the document on many platforms allowing me to reach a larger audience to watch and review my campaign. I used
my blog as the centre point of the questionnaire to be filled out, but also where I linked the questionnaire and adverts together. I
also linked the questionnaire and adverts on social networking sites so that I could reach this larger audience as I wasn’t receiving
many responses from viewers of my blog and google doc.

Lastly I used a website called slide share to get my presentation in a form that would allow me to embed it on my blog, this also
converts the presentation is a slide show that looks more professional that a simple power point presentation that I used to create
my evaluation.

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Media evaluation a2

  • 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? There are many elements across my media texts that take on conventions from real media text. In my research I began to analyze many different advert types this allowed to me understand the codes and conventions. As a general rule the editing(OF AN ) in advert’s is fast with a range of 12 to 15 shot in 30 seconds this short period of time doesn’t allow a lot of time to connote meaning. The types of cuts in advertising are also important as they generally use a straight cut, with very few dissolves or fades. I followed many conventions of advertising when creating my advert, one of these was with the choice of shots in my advert. As I was selling a car and what it can offer its owner I found that using a variety of shots would be more beneficial than many of the similar shots. I have taken some print screens of shots from my advert and another car advert, the purpose of this was to show that my adverts follows many of the same conventions as other’s. I chose the shots for a reason, using long shots to denote the car arriving at a destination or the use of close ups to denote specific aspects of my product or the owners emotions. This is the same for the advert shown in the print screens where they have used extreme long shots to show the cars capabilities over different terrain. The use of shots also was similar in both adverts to keep the continuity through out my adverts but I also had to decide on the shots for my TV Sponsorship where I simply included some of my footage from the adverts and extra footage not used to create my TV Sponsorships that would use similar shots to show some specific points about that car to help promote the product.
  • 2. The first advert has footage that denotes everyday situations and how the car is responding to situations you may come across. In the second I wanted to show that the car would be suitable for different people that use the car. The problem that I found with this was its hard to determine purpose and meaning behind the text. This meant I needed something to help engage the audience with the text, I included a Voice over to connote meaning behind the footage. After doing some research I found that many car adverts used a voice over in the same way as mine to create a sense or purpose and meaning behind the text. Furthermore I took certain aspects from previous adverts and then adapted them so that they would fit my advert. BMW used a voice over which said” It’s only a car” however I felt that this was not doing the car justice removing the car’s Wow factor and diminishing its importance. Therefore I developed this part of the voice over so that it connoted importance, “ It’s not just a car” this instead connotes that the car is special and better than the rest. In advertising I am trying to sell my product so connoting the product is special is to make the audience want the product even more. I also took inspiration from another advert that would allow me to develop it to denote the cars capabilities, I looked at the M&S advert as they list what’s on screen in a way that connotes the food’s desirability. I wanted to take this concept but develop it so that it would fit the purpose of my advert in a way that would denote the cars capabilities and abilities to do any job but also fit any life style. Intertexuality was used to create the adverts as I took parts from other adverts and developing them so that they where better and appropriate for my advert. In addition to this I found that many car adverts displayed their logo and slogan on the screen for the last 5 seconds of the advert, some of which also used the voice over to pitch the product one last time. I found this would be a good convention to use in my advert as it meant I could sum up the advert and finish the advert with something the audience would remember. Not only did I add this to my advert however I found it could be use full to develop it so that I would be able to bring the advert to a finish keeping the meaning throughout. In the pictures below I have shown some logos to other products that the adverts finish with, mine is much the same however I also incorporated the same screen into a screen that also has still shots of each location of the advert. The reason for this was to tie all aspects of the advert to the logo and name but also have it so they audience would last see all aspects of the advert at the end keep it fresh in their mind. The name of the product was also to follow the idea of the car being multifunctional, so I called mine product the “Aida” as it would aid the family and owner in their daily life. This then fits in with the message of the Adverts denoting the car capabilities but also to fit any type of owner.
  • 3. One convention I was able to challenge of the car adverts was that I added a non diegetic sounds as many car adverts use the diegetic sounds of the car to connote its sporty aspects, or the luxurious features of the cars. My product has these features of being a large car with masses of interior space that is still luxurious. But I wanted to create an advert that used a faster pace than many other car adverts one way that I did this was to use a up beat and up mood sound track that I could edit my clips in time with the sound track. I then used AN up beat sound track to allow me to create an advert that was more upbeat than the traditional car advert but it meant that I would keep the audience engaged with the advert. To be able to edit the advert in time with sound track I did some research on Music videos look at the way they edit the song to the clips so it flows. However I also needed to make sure that I was able to hear the diegetic noises from the clip as well as the sound track and the voice over this was a very hard task to get the audio to the correct levels, I was able to use the audio effects tab on adobe premier to change the sound levels according to their importance to create a level and constant sound throughout the adverts and campaign. This is what the audio effects looks like I was able to edit each clip as long as they were separated in to different layers.
  • 4. How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts? Throughout my adverts and ancillary texts I decided to denote the same message through out all the texts created. The message that I wanted to createwas how flexible and able to fit any life style orowner but also be able to handle any task in every day life. I created this synergy throughout all the texts using similar editing pace, the distance and angles of shots, the voice over follows the same structure in both adverts. The reason for keeping the the adverts similar was it meant that the audience watching would be able to relate the advert with the brand name and product with out being told within the advert. Therefore the two main adverts and radio advert use the same style voice over – (I will be showing the voice over’s in a blog post) I also created synergy by using the same shots in some of my adverts and the TV Sponsorships – These are just some of the shots that featured in multiple of my adverts the reason for this was to create synergy but also making it easier for the audience to link the adverts together in a campaign. The shots are the same, editing is similar using very close editing these efforts were to help allow me to create the synergy I wanted throughout my campaign. Overall then I feel the combination of my main and ancillary texts have worked well together to create synergy, I used similar footage in more than one of my texts so the audience would recognize the avert instantly, the similarities are also found in the ways I edited the pieces using a quick pace to keep the audience engaged. Additionally the non diegetic voice over is one of the main forms of synergy as I have used the same style in both main texts and the radio advert, as it uses the same style just fits different situations.
  • 5. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  • 6. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? To film the adverts I used an HD camera this allowed me to get the highest quality footage possible as I am really fortunate that my school offers such good equipment. In addition to this I was using a trip so that I was able to get perfectly still shots that are also level no matter the level of surface. As shown in the image the surface is not level but I was able to set the tri pod in such a way so that the shot would still remain level. All this good equipment has allowed me to get some good quality and level shots that I would have been un able to achieve this level by hand. I used Adobe Premier Pro in my AS project but this year I used Adobe Premier Pro CS5.5 which is the newest software option available. There where many new options on the up to date software although I did not use the extra options I found that this time around of using the software more confident and understood the settings and variables that went with the program so that it would be appropriate for my adverts. One feature of the software that I used a lot more this timewas the zoom tool for the time line which allowedmy editing to be more crisp, this was a vital step for the adverts as the clips needed to be short this meant the editing needed to be precise for the clips to flow from one another. In preparation of using new software to create the adverts I used Web 2.0 to get some background information on the software that I will be using. Additionally I looked at some tutorials on how to use the software, I used this to brief my self on what I have to do when creating adverts. I then went back to these tutorials in the making process of the adverts so that I was refreshed and was able to use the software correctly. Another piece of software that wasn’t used in the previous year was Garage Band. The reason for using Garage Band was I had my teacher record my Voice over for all adverts to keep continuity through out. Additionally the best way to record this was to use Garage band but also meant that I was able to edit the track so that I was happy with it before importing it to Premier. I was able to cut the recorded track so that it would fit the my advert perfectly but also add a fade to the voice over at the end of each section. The reason for this was so that it flowed better throughout the advert, as the recorded version with out any editing sounded harsh. It was small things like adding a fade so that it sounds more appropriate in my advert that allowed me to take my campaign to the next level it was the new technology options that helped get me there. Photoshop wasprogram that I used to create the logo for my product, Photoshop allowed me to create the best result possible but also offers the most options when creating the logo. I used the tutorials to help teach me the ways of Photoshop, but my teacher knows a lot about the software and many of my class mates study PVA so I was surrounded with able bodies who I could refer to when stuck using the new software. Using this software allowed me to create my logo on a transparent back ground, but also have a massive range of texts that aren’t on many similar software’s. Additionally I wanted to create a circular logo with the text centered and a outline around the edge of the circle this was only made possible using Photoshop but also having layers allowed me to have many different aspects of the logo on the page.
  • 7. In the research stages of my project I used the Web to allow to analyze the many existing adverts to gain some information about the common codes and conventions of adverts. This was something I could later decide to use, or challenge or develop according to my advert style and purpose. I used Youtube the majority of the time to analyze the existing media texts, this is where I was able to embed the videos on my Blog (www.blogspot.com) I then used then blog to write up the existing media text’s which I researched which help me develop my own work. Youtube allowed me to research all the media texts in the advert project, this ranged from 2 30 second advert, 2 halves of a TV Sponsorship and radio advert. So I used Youtube to look through the advert options but I also used Google to allow me to search for millions of of websites related to advertising. I used this in my research as I searched types of adverts, narrative, presenting, viral advertising etc I was able to use this sites to aid me writing up my research that informed me in my creation of adverts. In the planning stages of my project I was able to use the equipment to refresh my skills and and practice some techniques I had learned from the year before. Once I had got my footage I also used the software available to edit the clips together, using some dissolves and fades but also adding titles. I was therefore familiarizing myself with all the aspects of equipment and software I would need to create my product. However in my planning I found storyboarding very hard as I was unable to draw some of my possible shots so that I was happy with the detail and so that they were self explanatory, I then took a few still pictures of the locations of certain shots and then drew on top of the photos, I also used Photoshop to add construct lines to allow me to get my distancing even more correct. In my evaluation I used the the internet to get my audience feedback to the public I was able to do this by creating a questionnaire on Google docs this was a online document meaning I was able to edit the document at any time. Additionally I was able to embed the document on many platforms allowing me to reach a larger audience to watch and review my campaign. I used my blog as the centre point of the questionnaire to be filled out, but also where I linked the questionnaire and adverts together. I also linked the questionnaire and adverts on social networking sites so that I could reach this larger audience as I wasn’t receiving many responses from viewers of my blog and google doc. Lastly I used a website called slide share to get my presentation in a form that would allow me to embed it on my blog, this also converts the presentation is a slide show that looks more professional that a simple power point presentation that I used to create my evaluation.