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           I was born on April 22,1999 in Leominster Hospital .
When I was born my mom had to have a C-section to get me
out. My mom told me that I was miracle. When I was in my
moms stomach the doctors didn’t see me moving. My mom
was disappointed. When the doctors came back they looked at
the x-ray they saw something blinking and they saw me.
           Basketball is my favorite sport. People say that I'm good
at it. They say that I'm good at shooting. I used to have trouble at
dribbling. I practice everyday and I got good at it. My cousin
sometimes invite me to play with him and some of his friends at
Southeast. I used to play in a basketball on a team. We only lost 3
games. I was a shooting guard. When we started my first shot it
was a 3 pointer. Our highest score was 58 to 26.
          Clowns are my favorite because there really funny. I have a
friend that his dad is a clown. He be a clown when there's a birthday
party. He does really funny jokes. When ever I go to him he always
speaks weird and he says weird stuff. He once told me to be his helper.
He had a fake chicken in his hand and I had to chase him. When I did I
had to tackle him. When I tackle him he made the funniest face ever.

          Drums is my favorite instrument. I started playing
drums when I was one in a half. When I was four I looked at
the drummer and I would follow them. I started to get some
pots and pans and started banging. My mom didn’t really care
because she loved my music. Then later on my dad bought me
a drum set and I would play everyday so I can be good. Now as
my age I got really good. I play some places like I played at
Connecticut and other places.
         I eat a lot of things. I get a snack every five minutes. My
mom cooks everyday and I would eat it because is good. My mom
makes rice and chicken and beans. When my aunt cooks I eat the
whole thing because I like her cooking. I mostly eat different chips.

           When I was kid I used to live in Florida. I lived in my
aunts house. I was there when I was two. I liked their house
because there was other families living in there too. It was a big
house. The best part they had a underground pool. I used to go
in with my dad. I spent time with my cousins and we play with
my aunts dog. My aunts name is Ana. One o f my cousins name
is Ellazaray
           This is another instrument that I can play. My dad taught
me how to play the guitar. My dad can play it. He is really good he
plays all around just like me. I'm still learning but my dad is teaching
me more. He knows all the notes to it and he can play different types
of guitar.

          When I was in Puerto Rico I was with my cousins. I
owned a horse. His name was Jaguar. My parents gave it to my
cousin because we were going back over here. When I went
back to Puerto Rico Jaguar was with him. He asked me if I
wanted to ride it. My parents was outside watching me. I had so
much fun.
Ice cream

           Every year I go to a ice cream place with my family. My
parents go different places to get ice cream. My favorite ice cream
is cookie dough. Sometimes my mom brings it the house and get
some stuff so my sister and I can put the stuff on the top of the ice
cream. When I go to my cousins house we go to a ice cream place.

          Jamie is my other cousin. He is in high school right now. He can play
basketball really good. He's the one that taught me how to play. Every time he comes
to my house we always play he teaches me something new when I see him. When his
other brothers come we go somewhere to play.

          When was young my dad bought me a kite. The next
day we went to Coolidge Park to fly it. I was holding the pat
where you control the kite. I was running and I banged my
face on a fence. My dad was laughing at me after I banged on
my face I was flying the kite again like nothing ever happened.

          I have a dog name Lily. I had her when I was 11. I
didn’t expect having her. My uncle gave it to me. My sister
came up with the name. When I got to sleep Lily was always
crying because it was her first day sleeping at my house. I
would always wake up when my dog was crying. We didn’t
have no bed for her so we just put her in a box till we got her
a bed.

          I always tell my parents that I want to be in the marines. She
always know because I would play with my cousins that were in it. We
pretend to have real guns and we go outside and pretend to shoot the
people. I was the leader of the group. We spy on our parents we
pretend that there bad guys.

          I have been naughty a lot. I have in school and at
home. I give my parents an attitude but I'm trying to work
on it. When I get mad I give an attitude a lot. My mom
knows that I'm trying not to. I have been the most with my
dad we fight a lot but usual we get along we go out and
spend time with each other.

          My mom always buys orange. My family likes it. It
reminds me of Puerto Rico. We were picking oranges in the
woods with my grandpa. He goes and picks fruits from the
woods. The fruits in Puerto Rico there really sweet. There
really good.
Puerto Rico

          Puerto Rico is a wonderful place. I go there for
vacation. We stay at my aunts house. In the streets the
people do boxing for fun we play around. In Puerto Rico
people use horses to go around. There's different types of
animal over there. The beaches is really nice the water is
blue. We gather coco nuts. We have a lot of fun.

          I'm never quiet. My mom tells me to just go to sleep because
I'm active at home. My dad and I always play around and my mom gets
mad. Sometimes I plan with my sister to get my mom mad its funny
because me and my sister make loud noises. We bang on pots.

          My mom cooks rice every time. Is very good. When I
go to my aunts house she cooks rice I eat 3 plates because is
really good. When we have parties my aunt and my mom
cook together. I eat more than my cousins.

         In the winter I always go outside and play in the snow
with my cousins. We do a snow ball fight. We play just like
dodge ball. We make a big fort and make snowballs so when
we run out we just get it from the fort. One of my cousins stay
behind the fort and make more snowballs.
Thanks giving

          Every year in Thanks giving we go to my aunts
house or my house to celebrate. Sometimes my mom
makes the turkey. When we gather we play different
games. My mom’s side plays sequence and my dads side
they play dominos. I play with my dad he's my partner in

          Some of my uncles are really funny. If they come
to my house we play pool. I have a pool table at my house
in my basement. I don’t usually talk to them. So my mom
told me to get along with them and talk more. They love
playing pool with me because I'm good.
Video Games

          When I go to my friend David’s house we always play Play
Station 3. We play Black Ops 2 Zombies . Sometimes we play
hardcore capture the flag online. When I invite him over to my
house I tell him to bring the ps3 so we can play.
Whitney St.

           Where I live is in Whitney St. The Leominster CTE at the high
school built the house for us. In Whitney there's a lot of accidents. Last year
there was a three cars that crashed. There was one crash that a car went
through my fence. During the night the neighbors blast loud music. The next
door neighbor she lets the dogs out and they bark every single second. My
street is not quiet.

           When I was in 4th grade I had a really bad stomach ache. I woke
up at 4 in the morning. I woke up my mom and she said to go back to sleep
and relax and your stomach will get better. I tried to sleep but I couldn’t
because it hurt really bad. So she took me to emergency room so they
could check it out. They told me that they had to take a x-ray of my
stomach. Later on I had to take this medicine so my stomach would heal .

          When my dad went to New York I asked if I could go with him.
He went to see his uncle. When he was there I asked him to go past
Yankee Stadium. He told me that we were close to the stadium so he
went past it. When I went past it I saw the people that were working
there cleaning the outside of the Stadium.

          Over the summer my grandpa came from Puerto Rico for vacation.
When he was staying over my house my mom asked him if he wanted to go to
the zoo. We went to Franklyn Park Zoo. My grandpa loves animals that’s why
we went. We went to spend time with him.

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Media project

  • 2. April I was born on April 22,1999 in Leominster Hospital . When I was born my mom had to have a C-section to get me out. My mom told me that I was miracle. When I was in my moms stomach the doctors didn’t see me moving. My mom was disappointed. When the doctors came back they looked at the x-ray they saw something blinking and they saw me.
  • 3. Basketball Basketball is my favorite sport. People say that I'm good at it. They say that I'm good at shooting. I used to have trouble at dribbling. I practice everyday and I got good at it. My cousin sometimes invite me to play with him and some of his friends at Southeast. I used to play in a basketball on a team. We only lost 3 games. I was a shooting guard. When we started my first shot it was a 3 pointer. Our highest score was 58 to 26.
  • 4. Clowns Clowns are my favorite because there really funny. I have a friend that his dad is a clown. He be a clown when there's a birthday party. He does really funny jokes. When ever I go to him he always speaks weird and he says weird stuff. He once told me to be his helper. He had a fake chicken in his hand and I had to chase him. When I did I had to tackle him. When I tackle him he made the funniest face ever.
  • 5. Drums Drums is my favorite instrument. I started playing drums when I was one in a half. When I was four I looked at the drummer and I would follow them. I started to get some pots and pans and started banging. My mom didn’t really care because she loved my music. Then later on my dad bought me a drum set and I would play everyday so I can be good. Now as my age I got really good. I play some places like I played at Connecticut and other places.
  • 6. Eat I eat a lot of things. I get a snack every five minutes. My mom cooks everyday and I would eat it because is good. My mom makes rice and chicken and beans. When my aunt cooks I eat the whole thing because I like her cooking. I mostly eat different chips.
  • 7. Florida When I was kid I used to live in Florida. I lived in my aunts house. I was there when I was two. I liked their house because there was other families living in there too. It was a big house. The best part they had a underground pool. I used to go in with my dad. I spent time with my cousins and we play with my aunts dog. My aunts name is Ana. One o f my cousins name is Ellazaray
  • 8. guitar This is another instrument that I can play. My dad taught me how to play the guitar. My dad can play it. He is really good he plays all around just like me. I'm still learning but my dad is teaching me more. He knows all the notes to it and he can play different types of guitar.
  • 9. Horse When I was in Puerto Rico I was with my cousins. I owned a horse. His name was Jaguar. My parents gave it to my cousin because we were going back over here. When I went back to Puerto Rico Jaguar was with him. He asked me if I wanted to ride it. My parents was outside watching me. I had so much fun.
  • 10. Ice cream Every year I go to a ice cream place with my family. My parents go different places to get ice cream. My favorite ice cream is cookie dough. Sometimes my mom brings it the house and get some stuff so my sister and I can put the stuff on the top of the ice cream. When I go to my cousins house we go to a ice cream place.
  • 11. Jamie Jamie is my other cousin. He is in high school right now. He can play basketball really good. He's the one that taught me how to play. Every time he comes to my house we always play he teaches me something new when I see him. When his other brothers come we go somewhere to play.
  • 12. Kite When was young my dad bought me a kite. The next day we went to Coolidge Park to fly it. I was holding the pat where you control the kite. I was running and I banged my face on a fence. My dad was laughing at me after I banged on my face I was flying the kite again like nothing ever happened.
  • 13. Lily I have a dog name Lily. I had her when I was 11. I didn’t expect having her. My uncle gave it to me. My sister came up with the name. When I got to sleep Lily was always crying because it was her first day sleeping at my house. I would always wake up when my dog was crying. We didn’t have no bed for her so we just put her in a box till we got her a bed.
  • 14. Marines I always tell my parents that I want to be in the marines. She always know because I would play with my cousins that were in it. We pretend to have real guns and we go outside and pretend to shoot the people. I was the leader of the group. We spy on our parents we pretend that there bad guys.
  • 15. Naughty I have been naughty a lot. I have in school and at home. I give my parents an attitude but I'm trying to work on it. When I get mad I give an attitude a lot. My mom knows that I'm trying not to. I have been the most with my dad we fight a lot but usual we get along we go out and spend time with each other.
  • 16. Orange My mom always buys orange. My family likes it. It reminds me of Puerto Rico. We were picking oranges in the woods with my grandpa. He goes and picks fruits from the woods. The fruits in Puerto Rico there really sweet. There really good.
  • 17. Puerto Rico Puerto Rico is a wonderful place. I go there for vacation. We stay at my aunts house. In the streets the people do boxing for fun we play around. In Puerto Rico people use horses to go around. There's different types of animal over there. The beaches is really nice the water is blue. We gather coco nuts. We have a lot of fun.
  • 18. Quiet I'm never quiet. My mom tells me to just go to sleep because I'm active at home. My dad and I always play around and my mom gets mad. Sometimes I plan with my sister to get my mom mad its funny because me and my sister make loud noises. We bang on pots.
  • 19. Rice My mom cooks rice every time. Is very good. When I go to my aunts house she cooks rice I eat 3 plates because is really good. When we have parties my aunt and my mom cook together. I eat more than my cousins.
  • 20. Snow In the winter I always go outside and play in the snow with my cousins. We do a snow ball fight. We play just like dodge ball. We make a big fort and make snowballs so when we run out we just get it from the fort. One of my cousins stay behind the fort and make more snowballs.
  • 21. Thanks giving Every year in Thanks giving we go to my aunts house or my house to celebrate. Sometimes my mom makes the turkey. When we gather we play different games. My mom’s side plays sequence and my dads side they play dominos. I play with my dad he's my partner in dominos.
  • 22. Uncles Some of my uncles are really funny. If they come to my house we play pool. I have a pool table at my house in my basement. I don’t usually talk to them. So my mom told me to get along with them and talk more. They love playing pool with me because I'm good.
  • 23. Video Games When I go to my friend David’s house we always play Play Station 3. We play Black Ops 2 Zombies . Sometimes we play hardcore capture the flag online. When I invite him over to my house I tell him to bring the ps3 so we can play.
  • 24. Whitney St. Where I live is in Whitney St. The Leominster CTE at the high school built the house for us. In Whitney there's a lot of accidents. Last year there was a three cars that crashed. There was one crash that a car went through my fence. During the night the neighbors blast loud music. The next door neighbor she lets the dogs out and they bark every single second. My street is not quiet.
  • 25. X-ray When I was in 4th grade I had a really bad stomach ache. I woke up at 4 in the morning. I woke up my mom and she said to go back to sleep and relax and your stomach will get better. I tried to sleep but I couldn’t because it hurt really bad. So she took me to emergency room so they could check it out. They told me that they had to take a x-ray of my stomach. Later on I had to take this medicine so my stomach would heal .
  • 26. Yankees When my dad went to New York I asked if I could go with him. He went to see his uncle. When he was there I asked him to go past Yankee Stadium. He told me that we were close to the stadium so he went past it. When I went past it I saw the people that were working there cleaning the outside of the Stadium.
  • 27. Zoo Over the summer my grandpa came from Puerto Rico for vacation. When he was staying over my house my mom asked him if he wanted to go to the zoo. We went to Franklyn Park Zoo. My grandpa loves animals that’s why we went. We went to spend time with him.