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November 7, 2012
Marquila Ferrell & Sarah Hudson
The University of Toledo

       Define medication adherence
       Explore the differences between medication
        adherence and medication compliance
       Identify associated statistics
       Factors that contribute to medication adherence
       Why medication adherence matters?

       125,000 people die a year due to failure to take
        medication or taking medications improperly
       Almost 6 out of 10 people are taking at least one
        prescription drug
       More than 1 in 3 medicine-related hospital
        admissions occur due to people not properly
        adhering to their medications

                   Script Your Future. (2012). National Consumers League.
What is Medication Adherence?

        “The extent to which patients take
     medications as prescribed by health care

    Osterberg, L., & Blaschke, T. (2005). Adherence to medication. New England journal of medicine, 353(5), 487-
Medication Adherence vs. Patient Compliance

      “Compliance suggests that the patient is passively
     following the doctor’s orders and that the treatment
    plan is not based on a therapeutic alliance or contract
     established between the patient and the physician.”

        Osterberg, L., & Blaschke, T. (2005). Adherence to medication. New England journal of
                                         medicine, 353(5), 487.
Medication Non-Adherence

       Intentional medication non-adherence
          “Active process whereby the patient chooses
           to deviate from the treatment regimen.”

       Unintentional medication non-adherence
         “Passive process in which the patient may be
          careless or forgetful about adhering to
          treatment regimen.”
    Ho, P., Bryson, C., , & Rumsfeld, J. (2009). Medication adherence: Its importance in Cardiovascular Outcomes.
                                               Circulation, 119(23), 3031.
Effects of Medication Non-Adherence

       Increased hospital readmission
       Increased disease progression and complications
       Increased health care costs
       Decreased quality of life
       Patient death
Patient Interviews

      “Taking my medication helps balance my
      life. If I do not take it, I often get sick or
               have emotional episodes.”
Why Don’t Patients Take Their Medicine?

                         Most Common Reported Reasons
         Late Refill
         15%                                                       Missed Dose

                High Cost
                                             Late Renewal

               Express Scripts (2012). Retrieved from http://lab.express-scripts.com/wp-
5 Dimensions of Medication Adherence

     Adult Meducation (2006). Overview of Medication Adherence. American Society on Aging and American Society
                                       of Consultant Pharmacists Foundation.
Clinical Case Study

        Primary source
          48   year old African American male with low
            socioeconomic status presenting myocardial infarction
            and end-stage renal disease
        Assessment of medication adherence behaviors
          Psychological   screening
          Questionnaires

          Post-discharge phone interview

          Electronic pill bottle

     Ye, Siqin, Krupka, David, & Davidson, Karina. (2012). Diagnosing medication non-adherence in a patient with
                               myocardial infarction. Frontiers In Psychology, 3:267, 1-3.
Post-Discharge Report

     Measures                            Details                               Results
     Barriers to adherence               Asks whether Rx were filled No barriers self-reported
                                         , and if not, reasons why

     Morisky scale                       8 item self-report         2/8 score
                                         medication adherence scale

     Modified CARDIA scale               For each medication, self-            7/7 for all medications
                                         reported # of days in
                                         week meds were taken
     Electronic pill bottle              # of days pill bottle was             Aspirin 6/31
                                         opened, divided by total #            Statin 3/31
                                         of days monitored                     B-blocker 2/31
                                                                               Clopidogrel 0/31
      Ye, Siqin, Krupka, David, & Davidson, Karina. (2012). Diagnosing medication non-adherence in a patient with
                                 myocardial infarction. Frontiers In Psychology, 3:267, 7.
Study Results

        Limitations to medication adherence for Mr. P
          Low  socioeconomic status
          Lived alone

          Distrust in medications efficacy

          Belief medications being overused

        Outcomes
          Hypertension   poorly controlled
          Intermittent chest pain

          Progression of coronary artery disease concern

     Ye, Siqin, Krupka, David, & Davidson, Karina. (2012). Diagnosing medication non-adherence in a patient with
                                myocardial infarction. Frontiers In Psychology, 3:267, 4.

        What medication adherence is
        Significance of adhering to medications
        Barriers to proper medication adherence
        Pharmacists and MTM services
        Health outcomes and pharmacy administrators

        Adult Meducation. (2006). Overview of Medication Adherence. American Society on
                Aging and American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Foundation. Retrieved from
        Express Scripts (2012). Retrieved from http://lab.express-scripts.com/wp-content/uploads/
        Ho, P., Bryson, C., , & Rumsfeld, J. (2009). Medication adherence: its importance in
                 cardiovascular outcomes. Circulation, 119(23), 3028-35. Retrieved from http://
        Osterberg, L., & Blaschke, T. (2005). Adherence to medication. New England journal of
                 medicine, 353(5), 487-97. Retrieved from http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/
        Script Your Future. (2012). National Consumers League. Retrieved from http://
        Ye, Siqin, Krupka, David, & Davidson, Karina. (2012). Diagnosing medication non-
                 adherence in a patient with myocardial infarction. Frontiers In Psychology, 3:267,
                 1-7. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3411184/.

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Medication Adherence

  • 1. MEDICATION ADHERENCE: DEFINING THE PROBLEM November 7, 2012 Marquila Ferrell & Sarah Hudson The University of Toledo
  • 2. Objectives 2  Define medication adherence  Explore the differences between medication adherence and medication compliance  Identify associated statistics  Factors that contribute to medication adherence  Why medication adherence matters?
  • 3. Introduction 3  125,000 people die a year due to failure to take medication or taking medications improperly  Almost 6 out of 10 people are taking at least one prescription drug  More than 1 in 3 medicine-related hospital admissions occur due to people not properly adhering to their medications Script Your Future. (2012). National Consumers League.
  • 4. What is Medication Adherence? 4 “The extent to which patients take medications as prescribed by health care providers.” Osterberg, L., & Blaschke, T. (2005). Adherence to medication. New England journal of medicine, 353(5), 487- 97.
  • 5. Medication Adherence vs. Patient Compliance 5 “Compliance suggests that the patient is passively following the doctor’s orders and that the treatment plan is not based on a therapeutic alliance or contract established between the patient and the physician.” Osterberg, L., & Blaschke, T. (2005). Adherence to medication. New England journal of medicine, 353(5), 487.
  • 6. Medication Non-Adherence 6  Intentional medication non-adherence  “Active process whereby the patient chooses to deviate from the treatment regimen.”  Unintentional medication non-adherence  “Passive process in which the patient may be careless or forgetful about adhering to treatment regimen.” Ho, P., Bryson, C., , & Rumsfeld, J. (2009). Medication adherence: Its importance in Cardiovascular Outcomes. Circulation, 119(23), 3031.
  • 7. Effects of Medication Non-Adherence 7  Increased hospital readmission  Increased disease progression and complications  Increased health care costs  Decreased quality of life  Patient death
  • 8. Patient Interviews 8 “Taking my medication helps balance my life. If I do not take it, I often get sick or have emotional episodes.”
  • 9. Why Don’t Patients Take Their Medicine? 9 Most Common Reported Reasons Late Refill 10% Clinical Questions 15% Missed Dose 39% High Cost 16% Late Renewal 20% Express Scripts (2012). Retrieved from http://lab.express-scripts.com/wp- content/uploads/2012/07/Americas_317B_Condition.pdf
  • 10. 5 Dimensions of Medication Adherence 10 Adult Meducation (2006). Overview of Medication Adherence. American Society on Aging and American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Foundation.
  • 11. Clinical Case Study 11  Primary source  48 year old African American male with low socioeconomic status presenting myocardial infarction and end-stage renal disease  Assessment of medication adherence behaviors  Psychological screening  Questionnaires  Post-discharge phone interview  Electronic pill bottle Ye, Siqin, Krupka, David, & Davidson, Karina. (2012). Diagnosing medication non-adherence in a patient with myocardial infarction. Frontiers In Psychology, 3:267, 1-3.
  • 12. Post-Discharge Report 12 Measures Details Results Barriers to adherence Asks whether Rx were filled No barriers self-reported , and if not, reasons why not Morisky scale 8 item self-report 2/8 score medication adherence scale Modified CARDIA scale For each medication, self- 7/7 for all medications reported # of days in week meds were taken Electronic pill bottle # of days pill bottle was Aspirin 6/31 opened, divided by total # Statin 3/31 of days monitored B-blocker 2/31 Clopidogrel 0/31 Ye, Siqin, Krupka, David, & Davidson, Karina. (2012). Diagnosing medication non-adherence in a patient with myocardial infarction. Frontiers In Psychology, 3:267, 7.
  • 13. Study Results 13  Limitations to medication adherence for Mr. P  Low socioeconomic status  Lived alone  Distrust in medications efficacy  Belief medications being overused  Outcomes  Hypertension poorly controlled  Intermittent chest pain  Progression of coronary artery disease concern Ye, Siqin, Krupka, David, & Davidson, Karina. (2012). Diagnosing medication non-adherence in a patient with myocardial infarction. Frontiers In Psychology, 3:267, 4.
  • 14. Summary 14  What medication adherence is  Significance of adhering to medications  Barriers to proper medication adherence  Pharmacists and MTM services  Health outcomes and pharmacy administrators
  • 16. Resources 16  Adult Meducation. (2006). Overview of Medication Adherence. American Society on Aging and American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.adultmeducation.com/OverviewofMedicationAdherence_4.html.  Express Scripts (2012). Retrieved from http://lab.express-scripts.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2012/07/Americas_317B_Condition.pdf  Ho, P., Bryson, C., , & Rumsfeld, J. (2009). Medication adherence: its importance in cardiovascular outcomes. Circulation, 119(23), 3028-35. Retrieved from http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19528344.  Osterberg, L., & Blaschke, T. (2005). Adherence to medication. New England journal of medicine, 353(5), 487-97. Retrieved from http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/ 10.1056/NEJMra050100.  Script Your Future. (2012). National Consumers League. Retrieved from http:// scriptyourfuture.org/medication-adherence/.  Ye, Siqin, Krupka, David, & Davidson, Karina. (2012). Diagnosing medication non- adherence in a patient with myocardial infarction. Frontiers In Psychology, 3:267, 1-7. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3411184/.

Editor's Notes

  1. Patient stated he could afford his medications and foresaw no difficulties in obtaining and filling medications.Morisky scale-POOR ADHERENCEElectronic pill bottle-POOR ADHERENCE