This document provides a summary of BroadSpektrum Healthcare Business Media’s Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative. BroadSpektrum aims to promote career development for field sales professionals through educational programs focused on key account management. They conducted a survey that found key account management is an important strategic tool and career growth opportunity. BroadSpektrum will offer special programs for medical representatives and frontline managers to acquire the skills needed to become key account managers. The programs aim to address a growing demand for key account managers in the pharmaceutical industry.
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MedicinMan October 2011
1. A BroadSpektrum Healthcare Business Media’s Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
Vol. 1 Issue 3 October 2011
KAM – Career Growth Opportunity for Field Sales People
MedicinMan did an exten- career development oppor-
sive survey to get a pulse of tunity for field sales people INSIDE MEDICINMAN
Indian Pharma‘s under- who understand and imple-
standing and use of KAM. ment this Key Customer FRONT-LINE MANAGER
Their collective wisdom can 6
focused strategy. The Sep- HITENDRA KANSAL
be summed up in the state- tember MedicinMan, car-
ment – ―The Key to KAM ried an article on how MRs GETTING IT RIGHT WITH
is that it should be built and FMs can move to PMT. KEY ACCOUNTS 11
around customers and Not all MRs can move to RICHARD ILSLEY
their business needs. PMT or become FLMs. But
The company’s products many can acquire the skill- INDUSTRY THOUGHT
and services should be set required to become Key LEADERS COMMENT ON 12 Shiv Bhasin‘s Story
KAM and Tips for Young
aligned with these Account Managers. In the Professionals (P. 8)
needs. Key Account future there will be a great SHAHRUKH KHAN MANTRA
Managers will play an demand for KAMs and this is DR. HEMANT MITTAL 13 Career Growth Story
increasingly important an excellent pathway to ca-
role in the Indian Phar- reer progression. MUSIC, METRICS AND
ma business of the fu- MANAGEMENT 14
ture‖ The response Realizing the importance of HANNO WOLFRAM
prompted MedicinMan to KAM, MedicinMan will be
focus on this important topic conducting special programs
because in addition to being for MRs and FLMs who as-
pire to become Key Account JOIN OUR BOARD OF
a strategic tool for Pharma
companies, KAM is a great Managers (see P. 15). ▌ ADVISORS (P. 16)
Clear Objectives & Metrics - Key to Success in KAM Manoj Kumar on his
A new eyeforpharma about how performance in the Yet understanding patient- Journey from a
(EFP) report suggests field should be defined and level trends is crucial if com- Reluctant Salesman to a
measured. Global Manager (P. 3)
pharma still has not transi- panies are to achieve genuine
tioned to new measures that
fully reflect the objectives
The eyeforpharma report
Pharma Key Account Man-
synergy between KAM pro-
grams and local health system
MR Strategy
and outcomes of KAM pro- agement Report 2011-2012 needs.
grams. shows that pharma still hasn‘t
shifted to metrics that can Just 20% of respondents had
Insight Shared by:
accurately track the outcomes metrics implemented to meas-
of KAM programs. ure changes in contact advoca-
Surveys of the pharma com- cy ratings, the surveys found,
One consequence of the shift munity revealed, for example, while only 33.3% were track-
to KAM in pharmaceutical that only 14.3% of respond- ing changes in usage path- Dr. Shalini Ratan on the
sales and marketing has been ents were routinely using ways. Knowledge-Driven MR
to challenge received wisdom (Cont. on P. 10)
patient metrics. (P. 4)
Page 1
2. MedicinMan
—— Personal Growth Story ——
Reluctant Salesman to Global Manager
Becoming a Medical lot of my time with people and I grabbed it with both
Representative was who wanted to make it big my hands. Be it my stint in
not my first choice of in life. Those were the days Sales, Sales Management,
career. I became one be- where I worked extremely Domestic Marketing and
cause I was unable to land hard, mentally and physi- now Global Marketing.
another so-called better cally. I worked around the This change comes with
opportunity. doctors‘ timing, and had a some degree of adjustments
However, I realized soon passion to sell the brands needed in our life and life
that I had a flair for sales of my company. It was style and one should be pre-
and enjoyed interacting tough, catching buses to go pared to work around that.
with Health Care Profes- from one call to another. I have relocated to many
sionals, stockists, etc. I I had a passion for ethical cities and even this change
joined a company which sales - sales through sci- has added value to me.
was famous for selling sci- ence. I would ask my boss My mantra has always
entifically. to give me challenging in- been – divide the task
After a rigorous training stitutions, doctors and out- into small incremental
Manoj Kumar for one month—my first station visits. Pharmaceuti- steps, use the team ef-
Marketing Manager, MNC cal companies also invest a fectively, lead with pas-
time in Mumbai—I com-
mitted myself to this job. lot on individual develop- sion and have fun at
This was also the first time ment and I made good use work. ▌
that I travelled in an AC of the same. I would always Manoj began his career as
WANTED TO compartment of a train. challenge status quo in my an MR with Serdia Phar-
When I joined work, I job and would like to add ma. He later moved to No-
MAKE IT BIG joined colleagues who were newer dimensions. I felt vartis where he worked as
seniors by many years. I proud that my work helped an RBM and in the PMT.
IN LIFE. got a mixed bag – Negative patients live longer and Currently he is Marketing
and Positive people. I al- better. Manager at an MNC, re-
‖ ways avoided people who It is said that opportunity sponsible for Global mar-
would concentrate on neg- knocks only a few times in keting support of Branded
atives and I would spend a our lives. I also got a few Generics Launches .
Page 2
3. MedicinMan
Hot on
Trending Discussion on Indian Pharma Connection*
“What is the Role, Function and Operational Difference between FLM and SLM in Pharma?”
DAVID EDGE: ―I would HARIRAM KRISHNAN: ―Here is an example from Stephen Covey which could fit in with
suggest that a key aspect to regard to FLM and SLM. In a jungle, let us take we have a set of people who are busy
bear in mind here is that 1 st cutting and clearing the bush. If given the task to slash through the brush and clear a
Line Managers manage path, these amazing people would wield their machetes valiantly. They would cut
Sales People. Whereas 2nd through the flora no matter what problems came up to face them. The FLMs are there to
line Managers manage Sales ensure that these guys cut through the bush and are kept busy, the blades are sharp-
Managers. ened, they are influenced to keep going etc. These managers don‘t care about the big
So the key competencies picture; they just ensure that their people accomplish the task at hand.
you are developing with Meanwhile, the leaders (SLMs) are doing something quite different. Leadership is all
each role are different ac- about making sure that the direction the solution is going in is the right one for the fu-
cording to the 1st or 2nd ture. The leaders are up high in the sky surveying the jungle. They are the ones who are
line relationship you have. willing to say, ―This is the wrong jungle! Let‘s move on.‖ A manager (FLM) might re-
The 1st line Manager devel- spond to the leader (SLM) by saying, ―But we‘re doing so well!‖
ops the Reps performance
to be the best it can be. The manager (FLM) doesn‘t care about the bigger picture. He‘ll chop whatever jungle is
put in front of him.
The 2nd line Manager de-
velops the Managers to be Let us take India. The market is always like a jungle. So many doctors, so many generics,
the best people managers so many calls, so many pharmacies etc. The SLM should always be getting on top of a
they can be.‖ big ladder and direct the team towards the RIGHT JUNGLE.‖
PRABHAKAR SHETTY Effective Territory Sales Management
―The hierarchy works fairly Lagging Numbers or Leading Indicators?
well in MNCs where the
roles are clearly defined. In There are reams of business insights hidden in the routine sales activity. Unfortunately,
desi companies, even the VP these insights often stay there, neither discovered nor acted upon. This inaction can
is assessed on the basis of affect bottom line and loss of market share for your brand.
the number Dr. Calls and
Conversions (if the Owner is Sales Managers should Ask the Right Questions
a little bit smarter). In many
Do you spend your time looking at history, at lagging indicators? … Or actively
companies training is con-
seek leading indicators of what is coming?
sidered a waste of field
working time. The trainer is Do you spend your time asking, why did we lose market share in our key ac-
told to go to the field and counts? …or Which of our top accounts are at risk and what needs to be done
convert Doctors !! ‖ to avoid losing them?
Do you ask why have we lost market share in a particular geography? …or, What
Visit Indian Pharma is changing in the marketplace?
Connection (IPC) Do you spend time debating whether it’s marketing tactics or sales execution that
on Linkedin to view more have caused problems in a region …or identifying significant new sales oppor-
discussions and connect tunities?
with like-minded peers. MD SADIQUE AKHTER
Note: Click on the commenters‘ name to see Linkedin Profile
*Indian Pharma Connection is a leading Pharma Linkedin Group. MedicinMan encourages its readers to actively partici-
pate in the online Pharma-sphere to learn and share valuable professional insights. Join MedicinMan on Linkedin here.
Page 3
4. MedicinMan
Patient-Centric Approach in MR Sales Strategy
―Well-educated medical insulin dependence. The the medications they are
representatives are valu- result is non-compliance taking, the implications of
able contributors to the with the prescribed regi- the dosing schedule, com-
broad body of knowledge men. mon medication errors,
that impacts healthcare Thus at present, dialogue common drug interactions,
decisions.‖1 between Medical Reps and do‘s and don‘ts of the pre-
The selling environment in physicians do not always scription, understanding
healthcare has become in- translate into effective com- prescribing information etc.
creasingly complex in re- munication between physi- The message should be
cent years. cian and patients. meaningful, compelling,
and motivate patients to
Today patients are taking a A 2004 International Jour-
adhere to the prescribed
more proactive role with nal of Medical Marketing
Dr. Shalini Ratan regimen.
physicians in determining article states that
Founder, Nirvan Life Sciences the best course of therapy. ―compliance could get a MRs can be a key link be-
Reasons for this are: easy significant boost if doc- tween healthcare compa-
access to information on tors explained more nies, medical professionals
5 POINTERS FOR A the Internet, looking for often and more thor- and patients. They can be a
second opinion, becoming oughly the prescribed more valuable resource for
aware of the healthcare medications, their val- physicians if they move the
APPROACH: conversation beyond medi-
costs, mental blocks to vari- ue, how best to manage
ous treatment methodolo- side effects, and the im- cal and clinical aspects.
gies, less awareness about portance of compli- This can even be from latest
disease consequences etc. ance.‖ news updates to giving tips
FORCE. to help them build their
It has been reported that Though patient education
patient pool and practice.
2. TRAIN THE SALES 78% of the patients leave about the prescribed medi-
the doctor‘s consultation cation can be given most Knowledge driven MRs
room without understand- effectively by the doctor, it with patient-centric ap-
ing the treatment. should also be supplement- proach can become a
AND BEHAVIOR. trusted consultant to
Busy physicians are not ed and reinforced by the
3. DEVELOP PATIENT pharma companies. They the physician and have
always prepared to have an
EDUCATION TOOLS TO BE need to expand their positive impact on pa-
effective conversation with
―service‖ to help physicians tient outcomes.
USED BY PHYSICIANS. patients about managing a
treatment. Doctors are better engage patients in Further, knowledgeable
4. EDUCATE PHYSICIANS comfortable with scientific the appropriate therapeutic MRs will increase their val-
ON ―PATIENT RELATION- aspects of drugs and treat- option. ue to the doctors allowing
SHIP WITH EASY–TO– ment, but have difficulty The traditional mode of them to increase their num-
UNDERSTAND COMMUNI- translating the science into communication of the ber of calls and spend qual-
CATION‖ THROUGH SEMI- simple yet compelling com- pharmaceutical companies ity time with doctors. This
munication for patients. with their client physicians ‗Pull‘ approach of ensuring
has been to provide them that the patient takes the
OTHER TOOLS. This leads to poor patient
with the clinical and scien- prescribed dosage and ex-
compliance - such as cut-
5..REGULAR NEWSLET- tific aspects of their prod- periences better outcomes
ting pills in half, skipping
TER FOR FIELD FORCE ucts. Now they should also will lead to an increased
doses, failing to refill a pre-
ENHANCE- prepare them to have an uptake of medicines and
scription, postponing doc-
VATION CEMENT. effective engagement with sustainable higher sales
tor visits, and relying on
the patients. growth. ▌
home remedies or OTC
drugs. For example, a doc- This can be done by devel-
Contact Dr. Shalini Ratan tor is unable to convince a oping tools which can help REF: Patient compliance view- patient to stay on insulin in making the patients un- point adapted from a whitepaper
therapy as the patient fears derstand the basics about by a USA based Marketing firm.
Page 4 1CMR Institute for Medical Representatives Education
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6. MedicinMan
— Career Growth Focus — How to be an Effective Front-line Manager
―An outstanding value addition from you; team members achieve what
Medical Rep does not be it improvement of their they are expected to, that too
necessarily become a knowledge or in-clinic willingly.
effectiveness. Every individual is different,
successful First Line
Manager, while an aver- Problem Solving: Your you can‘t measure team
age Medical Rep can be- MRs will come to you first members with one parame-
come a successful First whenever they have prob- ter. As a First Line Manager
Line Manager (FLM).‖ This lems. As a leader and you represent the company
paradox sounds ridiculous teacher, ask them to come to them, a teacher, a friend
but true because as Medical up with two-three alternate an elder brother and much
Rep you are responsible for solutions. Sit and discuss more.
your own work and success all the options and ask The Pharmaceutical Indus-
Hitendra Kansal whereas as FLM you will them to logically select the try is a very rewarding in-
have to get the job done by best one. This will give dustry. I started my career
your team members, that them a sense of belonging in 1989 as Medical Rep and
too willingly. and will enhance their before starting my place-
YOU CAN‘T Some very important skills
thinking power. ment consultancy in 2008, I
a Medical Rep should de- Listening: As a marketing was overall in charge of sales
MANAGE velop to become a success- professional you should be operations. First Line Man-
a very good listener and ager is the first step to di-
your colleagues will often rectly lead a group of people
Communication Skills: (5-7 team members) and is
YOU MUST Selling is basically a profes- like to share their views
an on going process. Learn-
sion of communication and with you. A patient listen-
LEAD THEM; as FLM your first customer ing will make them feel ing happens every day. No-
body is perfect. Practice
important. The day they
SO THAT EVEN is your team member with
whom you will be com- discuss even their personal
makes man more intelligent.
Never ever be afraid of fail-
IN YOUR municating on a regular problems with you, you
have built rapport with
ure because failure is not
basis. The most important when you fall down but is
ABSENCE, aspect of communication is them and established your
when you do not get up
what to say, how to say leadership.
YOUR TEAM and where to say. While Objective: Your objectives
again. Plan your career to
become a successful First
MEMBERS speaking, your verbal com-
munication must match
should be clear to you as a Line Manager and start
FLM; accordingly you will working on it. ▌
ACHIEVE your body language. People be able to tell and sell it to
are intelligent, and if there your team members. At the Hitendra began his career as
WHAT THEY is a mismatch between same time you must show an MR and rose to the position
your verbal communication the path to ACHIEVE the of Manager Sales—Overall in-
ARE and body language, people objective. charge of Sales Operation.
EXPECTED TO. will not trust you.
Man Management: This
He has worked at Sun Pharma,
Intas, Wallace and Organic
Product Knowledge: As is the prime responsibility
India. He is MD at Jag Kamal
FLM you are the FIRST of any FLM. You cannot Placements.
TEACHER to your Medical manage people but you
Reps. While working with Write to him at:
must lead them so that
you, Medical Reps will seek even in your absence, your
Page 6
7. MedicinMan
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8. MedicinMan
Featured Thought Leader
Shiv Bhasin: Medical Rep to Managing Director
I wanted to become
a doctor but family
circumstances did
not allow me to;
hence I completed my
graduation in science.
Somewhere in my final
year I became aware of the
Pharma Sales Professional
and used to watch medical
reps in doctors‘ clinics and
in the market as the smart
Shiv Bhasin guys wearing a necktie.‖ I
got selected with Ethnor good habit of reading very important to
for Bhopal headquarters. business magazines build a strong team.
and management The team observes you
THE PROUD The company training was
books. closely to see whether
very helpful to understand
MOMENT OF the job and its require- By now, I had spent four you can command,
years and the feeling of solve their problems
MY BECOMING ments. The initial field
personal growth became and give them direc-
induction with senior
AN AREA MAN- colleagues and my Area very prominent. I started tion. In 1988, I was pro-
focusing on self devel- moted as Overall-In-
Manager took off my
AGER CAME fright and gave me confi- opment, giving feed- Charge and given the
charge of Gujarat state.
AFTER 7 YEARS. dence. It was good going back to marketing and
After a good performance,
for a year and then I was participating meaning-
I BECAME THE offered a job with Bur- fully in company meet- the promotion as Zone
ings. Luckily, a change in Sales Manager came at
YOUNGEST roughs Wellcome, a bigger
Area Manager and good Indore headquarters, my
MNC with better salary in
PERSON IN the same place (Bhopal). relations with the Zone hometown, with M.P. and
Manager helped me to get Maharashtra as my area.
BURROUGHS I joined Burroughs during
proper direction. This position exposed to
a very exciting period me to the nuances of man-
WELLCOME when their antibacterial The proud moment of my
aging a large geographic
SEPTRAN was launched. becoming an Area Manag-
AND THE CITY Another three years er came after 7 years. I
area and a big field team.
One learns the art of
OF BHOPAL TO passed by in perfecting my became the youngest per-
problem-solving as a
skills and achieving suc- son in Burroughs Well-
BECOME AN cesses. I picked up a come and the city of Bho-
number of difficult
situations are
ASM. pal to become an ASM.
referred to you. The
I moved to Baroda, Ah- focus shifts to manag-
medabad and Jaipur, ing your Area Manag-
learning and enjoying the ers and coaching them
job of a manager. I learnt to produce the desired
that people skills are performance.
Page 8
9. MedicinMan
Featured Thought Leader
Shiv Bhasin: Medical Rep to Managing Director
It takes some time and our senior executives al Sales, looking after
experience to under- leaving and Glaxo execu- India business and devel-
stand and practice the tives filling the positions. oping Bangladesh and
art of Coaching. A Glaxo person was ap- Myanmar. I took a lot of
Changes were again in the pointed as ‗Sales Man- help from Training which
offing as I was transferred ager‘, dashing my hopes of helped to change mindset
to Bombay as in-charge of immediate growth. I left, of people and upgrade
Maharashtra. This joining IPCA as their Sales their skills to meet the
brought me closer to head Manager where I learnt to new challenge. Coaching
office colleagues and sen- handle large sales teams my managers to lead their
ior managers. I started and a big portfolio of teams to an overall suc-
taking interest in Market- products. I worked there cess led to a faster growth
ing and would provide for three years. of the company over the
feedback to years.
Shiv Bhasin
the marketing ―I started taking interest in Finally, my
team and of- contribu-
ten discussMarketing and would provide tions were
strategies recognized WHAT HAS CON-
with them. feedback to the marketing and I was
My pursuit for
growth and team and often discuss offered the
coveted po- EN ME ON THE
took a new
strategies with them.‖ sition
turn when I Manager (Managing Di- CESS IS:
enrolled for a diploma in In 1999, I joined Duphar rector) at Solvay Pharma STRONG AMBI-
Business Management in Interferan as their General Indonesia based at Jakar-
Narsee Monjee Institute Manager – Sales. My as- ta. You enjoy it more TION TO GROW
( NMIMS ). I now started signment was to trans- when you are the first In- ACHIEVEMENT
getting a sense of other form the company from dian to make it to the top
management functions general selling to a spe- of the company. ORIENTATION
like HR, Finance, Distri- cialty driven company to I returned back after three DEVELOPING
bution and Production promote the global prod- years, with a treasure of AND UPGRAD-
giving me a clear idea of ucts of Solvay. This was a experience in heading an
how the overall business is challenging assignment organization and interna- ING MY SKILLS
run. wherein Solvay India was tional exposure. ▌ PEOPLE MAN-
I was progressing well, got built up from very small
noticed by senior manag- beginnings to a respecta- Shiv Bhasin began his A G E M E N T
ers and was tipped to be ble midsized company career as a Medical Rep
and rose to the position
one of the contenders for with its key brands occu-
Sales Manager‘s job. Then, pying leadership positions of Managing Director BUILD A TEAM
based in Jakarta, Indone-
a bombshell came by way in their therapeutic seg- sia. COACHING
of Glaxo acquiring BW. ments. In 2005, I was pro-
The process of change moted as Vice President –
Send Your Feedback to:
management started with Domestic and Internation-
Page 9
10. MedicinMan
Clear Objectives & Metrics - the Key to Success in KAM
(Cont. from P. 1) number of hurdles to ments Lee Gittings, com-
INSIGHT SHARED BY The Pharma Key Account measuring KAM value, mercial effectiveness man-
Management Report 2011- both practical and tech- ager at Pfizer in the UK.
2012 is based on more than nical. KAM is a more nuanced
50 interviews with KAM They start with instilling approach to customers executives. attitudinal change compa- than traditional share-of-
These include 24 in-depth ny-wide and from the top voice platforms, with their
interviews with senior down. emphasis on trumping the
pharmaceutical executives That can be particularly competition through sheer
A KEY and stakeholders as well as challenging where senior weight of numbers.
surveys of the pharma management have been A key account may be less
ACCOUNT MAY community involving 956 brought up on a culture of about immediate sales
and 100 respondents re- ‗calls per day‘. gains than building a mu-
BE LESS ABOUT spectively. ―We are still of the belief tually beneficial relation-
that we need a nod and a ship in which a package of
IMMEDIATE METRICS NEEDED products and services is
handshake to get sales, un-
There was general consen- til proved otherwise,‖ com- used to achieve long-term
SALES GAINS sus among respondents ments Lars Werner, Leo health outcomes tailored to
that metrics are needed to Pharma‘s BU director, der- a local health economy or
THAN BUILD- support six key perfor- matology, Denmark and particular disease area.
mance areas in KAM pro- Sweden. KAM measurements must
ING A MUTUAL- grams: valid direction of
As many as 71.4% of survey
therefore be able to capture
objectives and actions in performance across a wide
respondents said their
LY BENEFICIAL account plans; quality of
companies continued to
range of parameters, con-
engagement with cus- sistent with the multiple
set, measure and report on
RELATIONSHIP tomers; sales progress; strategic aims involved in
call rates, while 28.6%
tactics that work; value selecting and targeting key
measured call rates but
IN WHICH A delivered from a custom- customers.
generally used the data
er perspective; and results Among those highlighted
only when a sales issue
PACKAGE OF of mutual objectives. in the report are long-term
Ultimately, though, a com- health outcomes; key mile-
PRODUCTS AND pany‘s ability to measure FLEXIBLE TIMELINES stones in account plans;
performance outcomes ac- KAM measures also need value parameters, such as
SERVICES IS cording to more complex to be flexible about time- levels of patient education;
KAM criteria will depend lines for program/product patient-management ob-
jectives, such as drug ad-
USED TO on having the right attitude uptake or return on invest-
herence; customer, insight,
and aims going in. ment. This may be a func-
engagement and satisfac-
ACHIEVE LONG ―It doesn‘t matter who or tion of different priorities
tion; and comparisons
what you are, or what you in local health economies,
-TERM HEALTH have on your business how mature the product is, among accounts.
For exclusive business in-
card,‖ comments James or brand objectives, such as
OUTCOMES Bailey, UK regional busi- wanting to get a compli- sight into and analysis of
ness manager for Astellas. ance program properly KAM, download eyefor-
bedded in before driving pharma's Pharma Key Ac-
―If you have a clear sense of
purpose and clear reason sales. count Management Report
for being there, which you ―The difficulty with KAM is 2011-2012. ▌
communicate, you will get not predicting the out-
Special Thanks to Jon
further.‖ come—for example, setting
the objective—the difficulty Gwillim and Victoria Stin-
The Pharma KAM Report
is setting ‗when‘,‖ com- son of eyeforpharma
2011-2012 identifies a
Page 10
11. MedicinMan
Getting it Right with Key Accounts
Richard Ilsley Clears the Air about KAM in this Executive Briefing Paper
A survey of senior Failure to engage senior What does it all come down
managers from across the to?
managers from man- business in Key Account
ufacturers, retailers and You have to recognise that
strategic planning by as- getting it right with your
distributors in Europe and suming that Key Account Key Accounts is fundamen-
North America in 2009/10 Management means tal to the long term success
considered their relation- ―selling to big customers‖. of your company.
ships with their major sup-
pliers. Only around 15% of Failure to understand
how the Key Account takes What do we have to
suppliers and their ‗Key do to get it right?
decisions, its strategic
Account Managers‘ seem to
plans and needs, how it
be getting it right.
measures its suppliers and Richard Ilsley, UK
Yet around 65% of senior to engage at the highest
managers from those same level. 6. Selecting very high cali-
or similar suppliers claim
they are in the top 25% of
best practice! FOCUS FEATURE bre individuals as Key
Account Managers.
Most suppliers equate ‗Key
Key Account 7. A never ending drive to
add real measurable
Account Management‘ with value .
selling to big customers 8. A ruthless focus on cost
and a two-day training reduction.
course. Most suppliers are Failure to create simple The demands of effec- 9. A short set of simple
getting it wrong. effective Key Account tive key account man- common measures of
growth plans that are en- agement in the 21st success (key perfor-
How are we getting it
dorsed by the Key Account Century are: mance indicators).
1. A clear simple key ac- 10.Clearly defined roles,
The most common er- Risks of getting it count strategy driven by responsibilities and in-
rors observed are: wrong: the corporate strategy. centives coupled to sim-
Failure to identify the Key Accounts, by defini- 2. A clear competitive ple and accepted pro-
few critical success factors tion, are the most im- strategy that defines cesses, tools and skills.
– in other words what must portant customers of the exactly where the 11. Enhanced knowledge
we get right with this Key company. If you fail with growth is coming from and understanding (as
Account? your Key Accounts – you and why; along with opposed to collecting
fail. and storing data).
Failure to define specifi- clarity about how value
Companies that fail to ad- is added to the Key Ac- 12. Short simple actionable
cally what ―value‖ means
dress their Key Account count. key account plans sup-
for the Key Account – and
strategy properly find that: ported by regular formal
therefore incurring cost 3. Serious attention from
- they are increasingly reli- the most senior manag- performance reporting.
without any return.
ant upon price as the pri- ers across all disciplines. Companies that do this
Failure to measure the mary lever achieve better returns than
true profitability of the Key 4. A multi-disciplinary
- they incur costs that de- companies that do not.
Account - and consequent- team approach and not
liver little or no value one Key Account Man- ▌This article is a summary. Read
ly taking poor decisions. the full text here.
- they achieve a lower mar- ager working in isola-
Failure to adapt to the gin tion. Richard Ilsley is Partner at
Key Account that requires a - they struggle to imple- Sales & Marketing
5. Recognition that KAM Consulting Group (SMCG).
regional or global manage- ment their growth initia- means so much more E:
ment approach. tives than selling.
Page 11
12. MedicinMan
Our Editor, Anup Soans asked Linkedin Leaders to share their insights on KAM
I have worked extensively in the Pharma sector on KAM implementa-
tion for the last 10 years and there are some specific challenges in in-
troducing KAM within this sector. Firstly to the positives, as Olivier
has noted, the Pharma industry really do understand influencers and
complex sales environments. Also, it is an industry that invests signif-
Sandra Du Cross icantly in training and seeks to take a lead. By and large the account
managers are very well educated, often with science degrees, and so have no problems
grasping the ideas and thinking.
The real challenge is that the ideas and thinking of KAM do not fit very neatly into this
Olivier Riviere
sector. KAM exists around the assumption that Seller selects Buyers with whom they
In today's economy the con- have a common/shared strategic goal. The Seller will then apply the appropriate re-
cept of KAM can/must be sources to servicing that account such that both parties benefit. This model is easy to
modernized and extended to understand in the world of FMCG where the 2 parties maybe Wal-Mart and Proctor
situations where a vendor and Gamble. We saw in a recently posted example from Richard Ilsley how these com-
decides to engage in a pro-
panies had worked together to their mutual benefit. In the Pharma sector howev-
active way with carefully
er, it can be a real challenge to find a common strategic goal - put crudely,
selected targets. Sticking to
Pharma companies want to make a profit from the often excellent prod-
the classic definition might
be adequate for some com- ucts they have developed and the purchasers of healthcare want to reduce
panies or sectors where re- costs. This fundamental difference in overall goal leads to a lack of open-
sources can and should be ness and trust and as such any replication of the FMCG model is difficult if
focused on a few opportuni- not impossible.
ties at hand. However, us- Does this mean Pharma companies should not employ KAM? Well no, not at all, but
ing this more aggressive what they must do is be realistic with what can be achieved. There are some excellent
definition of KAM can help
KAM tools which can be selected for the world of Pharma - but selection is the key. We
many companies define and
need to take what works well and adds value and disregard what adds complication
execute very valid growth
and no value. There has been a great deal of time, money and energy expended on try-
strategies. This of course
requires a very realistic and ing to bang a square peg into a round hole! ▌ E:
controlled approach but I
believe that the future be- KAM is business of patience. It requires more time to understand system,
longs to companies able to
know key people, develop confidence with key people. KAM is unconven-
use this modernized ap-
tional selling. Unfortunately not enough guidance is provided to these
proach. ▌
people and in absence of results as expected within time frame fatigue
E: olivier.riviere Nitin Nigam settles in fast. This business require a very mature management. ▌
I've seen companies use KAM as a title vs. a process. The KAMer is the one who should lead the team in the
KAM framework, but the process and roles during each stage of the buying cycle needs to be well defined.
Additionally, the process needs to be flexible enough to allow the person who has the greatest credibility and
relationship with the client to lead the selling effort. This is not saying they lead the team, but lead the con-
David Kirsch tact and relationship with the client. If you have someone who has the ability to develop a trusted advisor
relationship with the client, take advantage of it regardless of their role in your company. E:
Page 12
13. MedicinMan
Dr. Hemant ki Ek Soch
The Shahrukh Khan Mantra
And we don't want them How many times have you
leaving our company be- quit before giving it a 1000
fore a year or two at least. thoughts???
So please do something!!" Then again I analyzed the
One amazing thing about statement and I realized: in
freshers is that they are that moment, when he was
loaded with energy. A sleeping on a bench, what
fresher is the embodiment must be going through is
of youth. They put every- mind? Only if you have the
thing into work because virtues of perseverance,
they feel they can change patience and positivity that
the system and also have you can fight those mo-
the need to impress every- ments of despair.
Dr. Hemant Mittal
one with their ability. A It's so important to under- MBBS, PG.DPM, MD
fresher is also a great stand only 2% of people are
learner. They understand happy with their jobs... the
I was recently asked
by a company to con-
the system and when time
comes, might decide to
rest fight stress, sadness
and worries about the fu-
duct a "Motivational" make a quick move ture every single day. THAT
talk for some of their
fresher Employees.
towards a higher plane. My
job was to channelize this
In such a scenario its im- SHAHRUKH
portant to understand you
Like in most such cases, energy and youthfulness. cannot be positive all the KHAN HAS
the HR (human resource) Give it a direction.
department was very clear
time and every single MADE IT TO THE
Of the 3hr workshop I had ounce of negativity is tak-
with their requirements.
with them, one part was to ing you closer to your goal.. TOP THE HARD
I still remember the HR
guy calling me a few days
help them find a real life Remember: WAY…
example of positive energy
before and saying, channelization and success. Every successful man has SLEEPING ON A
"Well Doc, we pride in be- I couldn't think of any bet- thought of quitting at least
ing one of the very few once. BENCH FOR A
ter example that the Hindi
Multinational companies film actor Shahrukh Khan. Every successful man has WEEK AND BOR-
that like to employ fresh-
ers. While the market
It's known that Shahrukh lost his patience more than
Khan has made it to the top
standard requires 1-2yrs of
the tough way. While Every successful man has FROM A FRIEND
experience, we believe in
harnessing and cultivating
preparing this module, I failed more than once. TO TRAVEL TO
stumbled upon a write up Every successful man has
talent from the beginning.
on Shahrukh Khan. There encountered more negative FILM CITY‖
As you will understand, we
was a quote on his struggle. thoughts than positive ones
require them to be com-
pletely motivated to face Shahrukh Khan - "I slept If there is so much nega- Dr. Hemant is a well-known
the challenges ahead and on a bench for a week and tives, how could they suc- Behavioral, Emotional and
build a long term relation- borrowed Rs.20/. everyday ceed? Because they perse- Sexual Health Consultant.
ship with us". from a friend to travel to vered with a goal in mind, He is the Owner of Mind
film city" saw every failure as an op- Mantra Wellness Concepts
To simplify what he meant and a Leading Blogger at:
- "We hire freshers because Then I thought, In that one portunity to fight back and
they come cheap. We want week he might have focused on achieving their
thought of quitting at least goals at all costs. ▌ E:
them to work as much as
we demand them to. a 1,000 times...
Page 13
14. MedicinMan
Music, Metrics and Management
How Managers Must Make Sense of Data and Transform it to Actionable Knowledge
Not only in music is mation, data need to be information for me or my
the harmony of tri- displayed graphically. For company?‖
ads an important ele- the mostly optical people it They say we are living in
ment of style, it is im- appears to be easy to ex- the era of knowledge today.
portant in improving our tract or make them under- But where is the knowledge
well-being and good feel- stand a specific and clear of my company?
ings as well. informational message
Does it make sense if
derived from these data.
We find such triads in knowledge is stored in the
management studies and in A company‘s product strat- heads of a few or should it
our daily lives. One of these egy can easily be displayed be made available for
triads is related to figures and supported with such many? How can knowledge
Hanno Wolfram, Germany information. Acknowledg-
that are regularly used to being in the heads of a few
measure results or dedica- ing that the details of a be made accessible to oth-
tion. growth strategy vary signif- ers in the same organiza-
Lots of Data
icantly from others, the tion? At the end the ques-
William Hewlett creation of information
once said: ―You only tion is left how we handle
from data can well be a our individual knowledge
can manage what you challenge.
Information measure, and what you
measure gets done!‖ Questions like:
or how we can transfer all
this information into
―Does this information knowledge accessible by all
Many of the KPIs used in
Knowled our companies follow this mirror our strategic objec- concerned.
ge sentence, at least the first tives?‖ or ―Will this infor-
mation point to the right
The n e c e s sa r y pre-
conditions, some call that
half of it.
strategic direction?‖ should IT-systems, are available,
An absolute prerequisite be a mandatory part if you allowing us to intone the
for measuring and there- want to achieve and sup-
Action !
valuable and value adding
fore management, are port a coherent and con- triad of transforming data
numbers. sistent strategy. into information and at
QUESTIONS LIKE If many of them are collect- The third tone of the triad the end create accessible
ed in a table or spread- knowledge.
―DOES THIS INFOR- becoming ever more im-
sheet, Microsoft has told us portant reflects the ques-
MATION MIRROR OUR Pitifully this triad only can
that these are called data.
tion ―How can I create rarely be enjoyed. ▌
To alter data into infor- knowledge out of this
THIS INFORMATION Question: Being a medical representative, which of the 5 territories below
POINT TO THE RIGHT would you chose to work in and why?
TION?‖ SHOULD BE A Hanno Wolfram is Managing
Director at Innov8 GmbH and
Co-Founder at Pharmainstitut
YOU WANT TO with over 30 years of experi-
ACHIEVE AND SUP- ence in the German and Inter-
PORT A COHERENT national Health Markets.
AND CONSISTENT Contact him at :
Page 14
15. MedicinMan
Professional Development Workshops
for Pharma Professionals by Top Industry
Professionals as Faculty
Based on MedicinMan‘s extensive interaction with senior industry professionals to understand
issues relating to the Healthcare Field Force, the following workshops are planned to address the
Learning and Development needs of healthcare industry professionals.
1. A Workshop on Creative and Strategic Excellence in Product Management
2. A Workshop on the Role of Front-line Managers in Sales Force Effectiveness
3. A Workshop on Key Account Management in Pharma
4. A Train the Trainer Workshop – Reframing Pharmaceutical Field Sales Training
5. A 3 month Certificate Program in Healthcare Communications (part-time, weekends) for
Medical Reps and Front-line Managers
These programs are targeted at enhancing the career prospects of Field Sales People as well as
producing better Product Managers, Training Managers and overall excellence among professionals
connected with Pharma Sales and Marketing.
For more information on attending the workshops, sponsoring participants or partnering with
MedicinMan Academy, contact:
Arvind Nair: E: M: +91 987 0201 422
Anup Soans: E: M: +91 934 2232 949
Anup Soans
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Prof. Vivek J o l l y Amit Shekhar
Joshua Soans Hattangadi Mathews is a is a passion-
began as a Learning and ate and high-
Medical Development ly committed
Arvind Nair
veteran in the learning and
Rep. He
true sense of development
the word. professional.
rare dis-
Prof. Vivek Till recently Senior Manager, Amit has risen from ranks
tinction of working at all lev-
Hattangadi Training at Novartis India from Business officer (MR)
els in sales and brand man-
Limited, He has a total work to Area Business Manager to
Jolly Mathews agement – from Medical Rep experience of 38 years in Manager Training in the 5th
to Head of Sales and Market- Frontline Sales, Field Force largest Pharma Company of
EDITORIAL BOARD ing in leading companies. He Management and HR. India, Cadila Healthcare
has developed the curricu- As a Leadership Trainer in Ltd.
Shashin lum for MBA in pharma sales
Bodawala Novartis, he has trained Amit is founder of
& brand management of managers in various parts of LinkedIn‘s influential Phar-
Salil Kallianpur Vidyasagar University. the world. ma Trainer's Forum.
Dr. Shalini Ratan Prof. Hattangadi joins Jolly Mathews joins our Amit Shekhar joins
our Board of Advisors Board of Advisors MedicinMan as Training
Prabhakar Shetty Consultant
To receive the latest
issue of MedicinMan
every month in your A New Book by Prof. Vivek Hattangadi
mailbox, visit Brand management gurus say the role of the CEO is tied inex-
tricably to the brand. They further opine that the most powerful person in the organization i.e. the CEO should be the brand cus-
and enter your email todian. However this is easier said than done. Therefore, in this
milieu, the brand manager in the Indian pharmaceutical market
ID in the ―Subscribe to (IPM) has a key role to play. Although the brand managers have
MedicinMan‖ widget been given various nomenclatures – ‗Product Manager‘,
below the latest ‗Therapy Manager‘, ‗Product Sales Manager‘ and a few years
back they were also called as ‗Sales Promotion Manager‘, the
issue. most appropriate one is Brand Manager.
What exactly is the role of a brand manager? How does he build
a brand? What are the characteristics of an effective brand
Send your queries, com- manager in the pharma industry? And most importantly, what
ments and feedback to: does the custodian of the brand - the CEO - want from the
brand manager? How can the brand manager fulfill the CEO‘s
E: Send enquiries to: expectations? What are his worries?
M: BRAND MANAGER' answers all your questions on this important topic.
+91 934 2232 949 Although the book is intended for those who have been recently initiated into pharma
brand management, many pharma industry leaders recommend this book even for the
practicing brand managers who desire to revisit the basics.
E: "What the Pharma CEO Wants from the Brand Manager’ is a must read for new entrants
in product management and even useful for all those who wish to revisit the basics of
M: pharmaceutical marketing. Chapters/Sections on self analysis, forecasting and brand
+91 987 020 1422 plan are good. These can make every brand manager introspect/revisit on his current
work." – Satish Dandekar, Sr. Vice President, Ipca Laboratories Ltd.
Published and Printed for MedicinMan by Joshua Soans at 22 North Road, Cooke Town, Bangalore—84