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        ~        FIELD                          FORCE                             E XCE L LE N CE                                               ~

 PHARMA                  |     MEDICAL                DE VICES                |      DIAGNOSTICS                          |     SURGICALS
Vol. 1 Issue 2                                                        www.medicinman.net                                                        September 2011

Editorial                                                      UCPMP* Special Issue

Outliers: Another Success Story – from MR to Business Head
                                                                                                                                   Success Story
Outliers: The Story of Success           The inaugural issue of Medicin-                           seeks to inspire and
written by Malcolm Gladwell              Man carried the remarkable                                prepare profession-
was on the New York Times                success story of Mr. K. Hariram                           als in healthcare
Bestseller list for eleven con-          who rose from the position of a                           field sales to open
                                                                                                   their minds to the
secutive weeks. In Outliers,             Medical Rep to that of a Man-
                                                                                                   vast     opportunity
Gladwell examines the factors            aging Director of an MNC
                                                                                                   that exists in allied
that contribute to high levels of        pharma company. On closer
                                                                                                   fields of healthcare.
success. Gladwell examines               study of Mr. Hariram‘s success                            The success stories
                                         it becomes evident that the                                                           Read Chhaya Sankath‘s rise
how Microsoft co-founder Bill                                                                      carried in this issue       from Medical Representative
Gates achieved his extreme               10,000 hour rule holds good.                              highlight the im-             to Head Medcom, Wolters
wealth, and how two people                                                                         portance of being                 Kluwer on Page 3
                                         In this issue, MedicinMan looks
with exceptional intelligence -          at another remarkable individu-                           dedicated to profes-            Career Growth
Christopher Langan and J.                al, Ms. Chhaya SS who started                             sional excellence,
Robert Oppenheimer - end up              her career as an MR and is                                which is crucial to
with vastly different fortunes.                                                                    achieving success.
                                         presently the Head of Medical
Gladwell repeatedly mentions             Communications at of one of               If you are serious about succeed-
the "10,000-Hour Rule", claim-           the world‘s most reputed medi-            ing, stop listening to negative
ing that the key to success in                                                     talk and focus on how you can
                                         cal publishing company. Read
                                                                                   create your 10,000 hours that
any field is, to a large extent, a       her story to be inspired to reach
                                                                                   will transform you from being an
matter of practicing a specific          for the stars.
                                                                                   amateur to an achiever. ▌
task for a total of around               “Chance favors the prepared                                                           Mala Raj tells Medical Reps
10,000 hours beginning at an             mind,” said the brilliant scien-            Introducing our new Editorial             and Front-line Managers how
                                                                                           Board on Page 17                      to make the transition to
early age.                               tist Louis Pasteur. MedicinMan                                                           Product Management
                                                                                                                                        on Page 5

UCPMP: Does Healthcare Need a Anna Hazare?                                                                                        Against All Odds
The Uniform Code of Phar-              UCPMP gains signifi-                                  While doctors still retain
maceuticals Marketing Prac-            cance, as the once                                    their aura of invincibil-
tices (UCPMP), issued by the           noble profession of                                   ity and sit on the pedes-
DoP is a 14 page document              medicine is now in-                                   tal of know-it-all, in-
(see medicinman.net) that              creasingly     viewed                                 creasingly patients are
covers important areas per-            with mistrust by pa-                                  eager for transparency,
taining to product promotion           tients who suffer; and                                involvement and ac-                A story of courage & pas-
by Pharma companies. In the            with frustration by                                   countability in health             sion. Vishal Verma‘s rise
backdrop of Anna Hazare‘s              sales people who pro-                                 care.                              from grocery store sales-
movement against corruption,           mote pharmaceuticals.                                                                     man to RBM with MNC
                                                                                                   (Cont. on Page 8)                    on Page 4
*Uniform Code of Pharmaceuticals Marketing Practices issued by Dept of Pharmaceuticals; Govt of India.

         Career Development Resources for
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“If you are willing to read HardKnocks for the GreenHorn, it means you are willing to do
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                                                                  Logos used are the property of the respective companies
Success Story: Medical Rep to Business Head
Life is full of beginnings, and    After marriage, I migrated to    and medical communications.
many        beginnings       are   Indore, in Madhya Pradesh,       So     I    joined   McCann
difficult.                         and joined ‗Cabdrul Pharma‘      Healthcare and launched its
                                   as Sales & Administration        Medical       Communications
I was born in a modest Guja-
                                   Manager in 1994, handling        Division. During my three-
rati family, as the first girl
                                   twin states of Rajasthan and     year stint, I donned multiple
child, my journey com-
                                   Madhya Pradesh. While read-      roles as a Mentor, Guide, and
menced as the eldest amongst
                                   ing the pulse of the market, I   Team Leader and conceived a
four siblings, three of which
                                   constantly mapped stake-         plethora of campaigns in-
belong to the fairer sex.
                                   holders‘ response and expec-     volving various media for
Early on, fate dealt a cruel       tations to various promotion-    Domestic and Multinational
blow in form of my father‘s        al initiatives to analyze the    Organizations and Institu-               Chhaya Sankath
demise. Being the eldest in        need gaps.                       tions in Healthcare across the    Head, Medcom; Wolters Kluwer
the family, it was expected        My interest in medical com-      country.
from me to contribute to the       munication grew stronger and
family‘s financial resources.
                                                                    I have now moved into Medi-       UNABLE TO
                                   I returned to Mumbai, where      cal Publishing, as Head -
Thus after graduating from
Bombay College of Pharma-
                                   I joined IJCP Publications as    Medical       Communications      PURSUE
                                   a Business Manager, in 1996.     with an MNC – Wolters
cy, plans for higher education     The six years in medical         Kluwer, the largest medical       EDUCATION AFTER
had to be shelved. Neverthe-       communications at IJCP ena-      communications conglomer-
less, I had a firm belief with-    bled me to acquire invaluable    ate globally.                     B. PHARM, I
in me that ―Graduation is          knowledge about how good
only a concept. In real life       content given at the right
                                                                    Finally I would like to share a   NEVERTHELESS
                                                                    famous quote of Anatole
one graduates everyday. It is      time helped in creating
a process that will go on until    awareness amongst doctors
                                                                    France      with    upcoming      BELIEVED THAT
                                                                    youngsters, “To accomplish
the last day of our lives.‖        and patients, to promote
                                                                    great things, we must not         “GRADUATION IS
Drawing inspiration from two       niche prescription brands.
                                                                    only act, but also dream; not
famous quotes of Winston           Brand Management was a           only plan, but also believe”.     ONLY A CONCEPT.
Churchill: “Never, never,          field that always intrigued      ▌
never, never give up” and          me. Thus I spent the follow-                                       IN REAL LIFE ONE
―Success is the ability to go      ing five years with Indegene
                                   Lifesystems Pvt. Ltd.— pio-
                                                                    Chhaya‘s success story clear-     GRADUATES
from one failure to another                                         ly shows that the career of a
with no loss of enthusiasm”, I     neers in medico-marketing        Medical Rep is an ideal           EVERYDAY. IT IS A
set-out for a career and my        segment. This period was         launching pad for a career in
quest for success. I landed        instrumental in honing my
                                                                    the healthcare sector.            PROCESS THAT
my first job as Medical Rep-       skills in formulating and exe-
resentative in 1992, with          cuting, complex, comprehen-      By publishing such success        WILL GO ON
―Criticare Labs―. It was a         sive strategies for Brand        stories MedicinMan seeks to
routine sales job. However         building across product life-    make MRs and FMs aware            UNTIL THE LAST
                                   cycles.                          of the opportunities for ca-
the two years of employment
                                                                    reer growth, for which they
                                                                                                      DAY OF OUR
helped me create a strong          It was now time for another
network with various stake-        beginning, to add Healthcare     need to plan their careers        LIVES.
holders in the industry.           Advertising to with my reper-    carefully. ~ MM
                                   toire of medico-marketing
                                                                                                      Page 3
                                                                 ——   Personal Growth Story ——
                              From Grocery Store Salesman to RBM with an MNC
                              I was always an obedient son       Business started growing tre-     ment and exposure transforms
                              at home and very good stu-         mendously because of my           young professionals into
                              dent at school. When I passed      aggressive business tactics.      achievers. In 2009, Boston
                              8th Standard, I was bitter and     During this period my father      Scientific decided to partner
                              surprised to be sent to a vil-     got his job back and I com-       with an Indian Medical De-
                              lage school almost 80 km           pleted my Post Graduation. I      vice Company; it came as a
                              away from Lucknow. I was           and my father decided to          shock to me. I was upset, but I
                              11 years old that time, but        close business, so that I could   remembered what my father
                              slowly I realized that some-       focus on my studies and ca-       always told me when I was
                              thing bad had happened to my       reer. I tried with various com-   working with him in our shop
  Vishal Verma                father‘s government job.           petitive exams but I could not    - “Never worry about things
RBM, Stryker India            This incident made me under-       crack any.                        that are not in your control,
                              stand how to live and adjust       During my Post Graduation, I      always focus on what you
                              with limited resources. I start-   befriended someone who was        can control.”
                              ed working in my uncle‘s           working with an Indian phar-      So though upset and angry, I
                              shop and became financially        maceutical company. He sug-       decided to move to Stryker,
PASSIONATE                    independent at the age of 11.      gested me to try my luck in       medical device company with
                              After completing high school,      this industry.                    market leadership in technolo-
ABOUT YOUR                                                                                         gy and products. I still work
                              I came back to Lucknow and         My first interview was with
WORK, NEVER                   came face-to-face with a           Glaxo Pharmaceuticals. I was      at Stryker; here I have learnt
                              worsening financial situation      selected and joined duty in       finer things of handling a
TAKE DECISIONS                at home. I was 13 years old        Gorakhpur, a small city in        team, people management,
                              when I started taking tuitions     eastern U.P. It was a great       product launches, marketing
IN HASTE, CARE                                                                                     strategies & ethics of busi-
                              along with my elder sister and     learning experience for me as
FOR YOUR                      started supporting my family       a fresher. But soon I was         ness. My journey of learning
                              and the education of my            bored as there wasn‘t any-        is still on and when I look
EXTERNAL AND                  younger sister. It wasn‘t          thing new to learn and after      back, I feel that I have pro-
                                                                                                   gressed a lot in my personal
INTERNAL                      enough, but it was better than     two years, I moved to Eli
                              nothing. I could see the help-     Lilly in 2001. It was great       and professional life. But
CUSTOMERS,                    lessness of my parents and         learning experience at Lilly      when I look forward then I
                              their sacrifices for their chil-   where I developed my soft         can see that there is still so
COMPETE WITH                                                                                       much to learn from the world
                              dren.                              skills. I learnt how to convert
YOURSELF                                                         aggression into assertiveness.    around me.
                              This was the time when I lost
                              focus on studies and did poor-     After five successful years       I have followed certain thumb
EVERY DAY, BE                                                                                      rules in my life and I want to
                              ly in my 12th standard exams.      with Eli Lilly, I decided to
YOUR OWN                      My parents were shocked            move to Medical Devices. I        share them with you. Always
                              with this - they had a lot of      was lucky to start working        be passionate about your
CRITIC AND                    hope for me since I was their      with Boston Scientific, a lead-   work, never take decisions
                              only son. My father decided        er in Interventional Cardiolo-    in haste, care for your exter-
ALWAYS BE                                                                                          nal and internal customers,
                              to open a small grocery shop       gy. Today whatever I have
ETHICAL IN                    as his dreams were shattered       achieved, a lot of credit goes    compete with yourself every
                              by my performance in 12th          to my training and develop-       day, be your own critic and
WHATEVER YOU                  standard. I started working in     ment in Boston Scientific.        always be ethical in whatev-
                                                                 Under the guidance of my          er you do.,▌
DO.                           that shop with my father and
                              completed my graduation.           exceptionally talented super-     Write to Vishal Verma at:
                                                                 visors, I learnt how empower-     vishalverma101@gmail.com
                     Page 4
How to Move from Field Sales to Product Management                                                        —   Career Growth Focus —
                                   While the Hard Core Seller        Product Managers who have
                                   goes on to becoming one of        risen from the field have the
                                   the organisation‘s top achiev-    distinct advantage of actually
                                   ers, Team-oriented Seller         interacting and selling to the
                                   soon becomes a Front-line         customers for many years.
                                   Manager, Marketing Orient-        They have studied ‗Consumer
                                   ed Seller tries to explore ave-   Behaviour‘ for a major part of
                                   nues to enter product manage-     their selling years and have
                                   ment team (PMT).                  actually faced the competition
                                                                     at ground level. This experi-
                                   Quite often, during the course
                                                                     ence is so vital, that, in most
                                   of my field working with
          Mala Raj                                                   companies, it is a practice to
                                   MRs, I have come across the
                                                                     send PMTs to the field for at
This article is aimed at Medi-     Marketing Oriented Seller:
                                                                     least 2-6 months before being
                                                                                                           The ideal person
                                   MRs who make best use of
cal Reps (MRs) and Front-
                                   the waiting time between calls
                                                                     given product management              to move into PM
line Managers (FMs) who                                              role.
want to become Product/
                                   to ask and clarify many issues
                                   on how to shift from Selling      Q3. Is a B.Sc adequate to
                                                                                                           is the “Market-
Brand Managers.
                                   into Product Management.          become a PM?                          Oriented Seller.”
Medical Reps generally fall        Here are a few questions          Well, Yes & No. Yes, be-
into one of 4 categories after a   raised by them that will be       cause, many winning brand
                                                                                                           He understands
few years of field work:           helpful to MRs and FMs who
                                   aspire to become Product
                                                                     strategies have been crafted          the art and sci-
1. Hard Core Seller: Has                                             by science graduates. The
experienced good results with
                                   Managers:                         difference lies in how keen a         ence behind each
                                                                     learner you are. Science grad-
his efforts; is keen on continu-   Q1. What does a Product
                                   Manager do? What is his           uates, with some effort, will         brand that he
ing in selling more volumes in
his territory & enjoying the       main role?                        comfortably be able to under-
                                                                     stand the science behind sell-
                                                                                                           sells; attempts
                                   A product manager is respon-      ing medicines too. This has to        consultative &
2. Team-oriented      Seller:      sible for the profitable pro-     be coupled with what is called
Enjoys selling; has observed       gress of his brand in the mar-    as ‗MBWA‘: Management by              participative sell-
                                   ket place over both short and
and learnt a lot from his im-
mediate manager; desires to        long-term through effective
                                                                     Working Along. He learns the
                                                                     management tactics by work-
                                                                                                           ing; is a keen
head a team of MRs..               Planning, Execution, Control      ing alongside others in the           participant in cy-
                                   & Training. For details           PMT.
3. Marketing         Oriented      see:www.expresspharmaonline.co
                                                                     No, because, times have
                                                                                                           cle meetings;
Seller: Understands the art        m/20090531/pharmalife01.shtml
and science behind each            Q2. Can a Medical Repre-
                                                                     changed now. Candidates               tries to under-
                                                                     with B.Pharm, M.B.A are
brand that he sells; attempts
consultative & participative
                                   sentative enter PMT?              available in plenty. They are         stand competi-
                                                                     already exposed not only to
selling; is a keen participant     Yes, most certainly he can. In
                                                                     Pharmacology and all other
                                                                                                           tors‟ strategies &
in cycle meetings; tries to        the 1980‘s, it was mostly
understand competitors‘ strat-     medical reps who moved into       pharmacy subjects, but also           thinks far beyond
egies, thinks far beyond rou-      PMT. There were not too           important concepts of Man-
tine doctor and chemist calls.     many MBA institutes then          agement, viz., Planning, Exe-         routine doctor
                                                                     cution and Control. They
4. Confused Seller: Is in
                                   and a Bachelor‘s in any bio-
                                                                     know how to make presenta-
                                                                                                           and chemist calls.
                                   logical sciences was consid-
the job because he has no-         ered adequate for entry into      tion, how to train, etc. Hence
where else to go.                  PMT.                              they are preferred over plain
                                                                     graduates.    (Cont. on Page 6...)
                                                                                                          Page 5
                     How to Move from Field Sales to Product Management
                     (Cont. from Page 5...)             Management         qualification   knowledge of multiple disci-
                     Q4. How can an MR with             will definitely be an asset that   plines, including Pharmacolo-
                     just B.Sc. get entry into          you must try and acquire at        gy, Microbiology, Basics of
                     PMT?                               the earliest.                      Medicine (Anatomy, Physiol-
                                                                                           ogy, Systems of the body,
                     First and foremost, if you         Since, you are already em-
                                                                                           Diseases and their treatment),
                     really want something, you         ployed, it will be a major de-
                                                                                           Principles of Marketing Man-
                     must do all that it takes to       cision to quit and opt for a
                                                                                           agement, Marketing Research
                                                        Master‘s in Management /
To move into         reach there through your hon-
                     est and sincere efforts. A B.Sc    Business        Administration.
                                                                                           (Data Analysis & Interpreta-
                                                                                           tion), Drug Policies and Pric-
PMT, firstly         cannot be changed into a
                     B.Pharma. However nothing
                                                        That has to be carefully evalu-
                                                        ated by you, keeping all your
                                                                                           ing policies of the country,
                                                                                           Patent regulations governing
knowledge of         stops you from reading all
                     about medicines, their actions,
                                                        priorities in mind. While ‗Full
                                                        -time‘ courses certainly do far
                                                                                           drugs and many such areas.
                                                                                           So be an ardent reader and
multiple disci-      pharmacology, com-                                                     keep abreast of industry hap-
                     parative evaluation,                                                   penings. Secondly, you must
plines is a must     etc. Nothing stops                                                     have exposure of how to
                     you from reading                                                       manage all resources allotted
– be an ardent       books on Brand Man-                                                    to you to meet the objectives
                     agement, on Market-                                                    set for your role. Computer
reader and           ing Strategies, etc.                                                   literacy with mastery in Mi-
                     Nothing prevents you                                                   crosoft Excel, Word, Power-
keep abreast         from keeping yourself                                                  Point, etc; is a prerequisite.
                     abreast of the recent
of industry          happenings in your
                                                                                            A good command of English
                                                                                            is an absolute must. Many
                     industry. It has never
happenings.          been as easy as it is
                                                                                            among the field force fail on
                                                                                            this criterion. Make sure you
Secondly, you        today, to have quick
                     and easy access to
                                                                                            improve your basic com-
                                                                                            mand on English prior to
must learn to        ‗Reliable and Quality
                     Information‘ in any field;         better justice to the Manage-
                                                                                            entry into PMT. Product
                                                                                           Managers must have excellent
                                                        ment curriculum, there are
manage re-           thanks to the internet revolu-
                     tion. So, there is absolutely no   many good ‗Executive Pro-
                                                                                           oral and written communica-
                                                                                           tion skills.
                                                        grams / Post-Graduate Diplo-
sources allotted     need for anyone to remain
                     stuck with that ‗Only B.Sc‘        mas‘ available for the em-          Q7. How do we go about
                                                        ployed candidates.                 making the switch from
to meet your         tag, which is not enough to
                     get you into PMT unless you        Likewise, an MBA in Phar-
                                                                                           field sales to PMT?

goals. Finally,      are exceptionally creative and
                                                        ma/Healthcare Management           Plan your moves in a system-
                                                        is better for a career in Phar-    atic and time-bound manner.
computer liter-      Q5. What course should one         ma PMT than a general man-         Put it on paper: ‗where you
                                                        agement course.                    stand now, where do you wish
acy and a            pursue to improve the
                     chances of entering PMT?           Q6. What important skills/
                                                                                           to be and by when‘ and pin it
                                                                                           up prominently in your room,
good command         ‗Full-time‘ or ‗Part-time‘         qualities must I have for
                                                        being a PM?
                                                                                           so that your goal always re-
                     course? ‗Diploma‘ or a                                                mains in sight. List the Quali-
over English is      ‗Masters‘? ‗General Manage-        Knowledge is an important          ties that a ‗Product Executive‘
                     ment‘ or ‗Pharma / Healthcare      area where prospective PEs/        must have. Tick the Qualities
a must.              Management‘? If you are            PMs    are    evaluated   -        that you already have & make
                     keen on entering PMT then a                                                        (Cont. on Page 7...)
            Page 6
How to Move from Field Sales to Product Management
(...Cont. from Page 6)               However, keep your eyes and         Q10. Does our „FIELD               —   Career Growth Focus —
                                     ears alert to any openings in       MAN‟ image come in the
a time bound plan for acquir-
                                     PMT that meets your require-        way of future promotions?
ing those you do not have but
                                     ments of location, company
must have.                                                               Once again, let me assure you,
                                     profile, emoluments, etc.
                                                                         that your future promotions
In the meanwhile, continue to        Q9. How do the other PMT            will be based on your current
do your job as a MR well.            members accept field mem-           performance and your poten-
Simultaneously take a greater        bers in their team?                 tial for the next position. Your
interest in studying your cus-       Once you have been selected         being a ‗field man‘ will have
tomers better (doctors & chem-       for the post, rest assured that     no bearing on the matter.
ists), monitor your direct and       you will be good for the job,
indirect     competitors      very                                    So in conclusion, if you want
                                     irrespective of whether you are
                                                                      to switch from being a MR or
closely, keep a watch on new
product launches in your terri-
                                     from the field or from a prem-
                                                                      Front-line Manager to Product         To move from
                                     ier B School.
tory, regularly share feedback
                                                                      Management, do Plan, Man-
                                     Make sure to use your key age, Think and Act according-                selling to PM,
with your Marketing Manager,
collect and send competitors‘
                                     strength of having actually ly. This is not an overnight
                                     sold the product and having jump. It is a strategic career
                                                                                                            plan your moves
literatures to your PMT, volun-
teer to undertake small market
                                     interacted with the customers. move. If you are certain, this is       in a systematic
                                     Soon your colleagues will be where you want to be, go
research activities in your terri-   seeking your opinion on issues ahead and plunge into doing             and time-bound
tory, participate in all the cycle   like, ‗Is their campaign practi- all that it takes to be there.
meets, have scientific discus-       cal, will the field force accept Wishing you all the best. ▌           manner. List the
sions about your brand with
doctors and offer to train new
                                     the idea, can it be implemented
                                     properly, etc;                   Mala Raj is a Pharma Market-          Qualities that a
MRs in your team during their
                                                                      ing Consultant with expertise
                                                                      in Brand Management and
                                                                                                            „Product Execu-
induction.                                                            Training of Field force &
                                                                      PMT. She has over 25 years
                                                                                                            tive‟ must have.
In due course of time, you will
certainly stand apart a Medical                                       experience in the Indian Phar-
                                                                      ma Industry and runs her own
                                                                                                            Tick the Quali-
representative having potential
to become a Product Manag-
                                                                      consultancy at Product Man-           ties that you al-
                                                                      agement Support Services,
er.                                                                   Thane.                                ready have &
Q8. Should we try to enter
the PMT in our own compa-
                                                                         Mail Queries / Feedback at
                                                                                                            make a plan for
ny or in another company?            The going may not always be                                            acquiring those
                                     smooth. At times, you may
Working in your own compa-
ny‘s PMT gives you more fa-
                                     still feel a little inadequate in                                      you do not have
                                     terms of making good presen-
miliarity with the brands, as        tations to the top management,                                         but must have.
you have sold all of them. You       in terms of convincing your
know the customer‘s percep-          team about why more funds
tions; you know the markets,         must be allotted to your cam-
the competitors, etc. So cer-        paign ideas, etc. But with con-
tainly, there is more comfort in     certed efforts you can certainly
the initial months as opposed        overcome these doubts and
to working in the PMT of a           have a wonderful time working
new organisation.                    as part of the marketing team.

                                                                                                        Page 7
MedicinMan                                         UCPMP Special

         UCPMP: Does Healthcare Need a Anna Hazare?
          (Cont. from Page 1)        saving drugs, devices and          The pharma market began to         assembly line – feet-on-street
          The UPA govern-            diagnostics are now obsessed       deteriorate as more and more       sans brains.
          ment‘s insensitivity       with market share rather than      players entered the market         MedicinMan contacted atleast
          to people‘s frustra-       patient care.                      with less and less useful          300 industry leaders for opin-
          tion with corrup-          The healthcare industry in its     drugs. The promotion of these      ion on UCPMP. The approach
          tion, the rise of so-      original avatar was not only       me-too products needed nei-        is wait and watch. UCPMP is
          cial activism and          idealistic and patient oriented,   ther science nor art and the rat   yet to percolate down the
the media‘s deft handling of         but most MNCs and leading          -race of numbers began to
                                                                                                           ranks; most MRs and Field
popular imagination has done         Indian companies were also         corrode the professionalism of
                                                                                                           Managers are blissfully una-
more for Anna Hazare‘s suc-          people builders.                   pharma marketers. Commis-
                                                                                                           ware of the DoP guidelines
cess than inherent merits of                                            sion replaced Communication
                                     A career as a Medical Rep                                             and go on with business as
the Jan Lokpal bill itself.                                             as the enabler of Rx. The
                                     meant an opportunity to real-                                         usual booking tickets and
                                                                        growth was quick and heady
If there is one place other than     ize one‘s personal aspirations                                        delivering gifts.
                                                                        like the extra strong Brandy
a government office where            and professional goals. The                                           UCPMP when implemented
                                                                        that replaced Branding.
the common man experiences           fact that a large number of                                           has the power only to ensure
anguish, trauma and helpless-        senior      executives      in     Suddenly nobody was com-
                                                                                                           rational use of drugs, devices
ness, it is the hospital, cloaked    healthcare industry started        plaining at the discovery of
                                                                                                           and diagnostics but also at-
in secrecy and jargons, which
                                                                                                           tract talent to the industry. In
intimidate the bravest. The
                                                                                                           many companies, MRs and
industry – healthcare provider
                                                                                                           field managers are travel
nexus puts profits before pa-
                                                                                                           agents and product managers
tients when burdening pa-
                                                                                                           have become vendor manag-
tients with unnecessary drugs,
                                                                                                           ers. This hardly requires talent
devices and diagnostics.
                                                                                                           or competence and healthcare
That the chief of the MCI was                                                                              field sales profession has be-
corrupt enough to be arrested                                                                              come the last resort of unem-
and locked up was shocking                                                                                 ployables.
enough for most people. If the
current CRM (Corrupt Rx                                                                                    Implementing UCPMP volun-
Methods) practices of phar-          their careers as MRs is a testi-   these new efficacious promo-       tarily is definitely the way
ma, devices and other players        mony to the sterling role          tions that produced instant        forward both in the interest of
are made public like the Radia       played by both MNC and             results as doctors flew from       patients and people working
tapes, then healthcare industry      ethical Indian companies like      Bangkok to Dubai; all in the       in the industry. However the
will be in a similar predica-        Sarabhai and Alembic, to           name of CME. Old-timers            government must play an ac-
ment like that of the Congress       name only a few; is proof of       who resisted were replaced as      tive role as many players in
led UPA.                             its commitment to people           trade unions also gave way to      the market have neither the
                                     development.                       the new era of liberal eco-        interest nor the inclination for
Like the degeneration of the
                                     Pharma focused on inventing        nomics.                            ethical promotions and people
Congress party from a free-
dom fighting movement to             products that brought relief to    The     one-upmanship       has    development. Healthcare must
that of a corrupt regime of          patients for myriads of ail-       reached its nadir as industry      reinvent itself and become
touts and middlemen, the             ments, while at the same time      employs people who neither         committed to patient care and
healthcare industry too has          empowering its people to           know science nor have the          people development - market
fallen into bad times. The           grow as individuals and pro-       heart to learn the art of rela-    share will follow. ▌
once worthy inventors of Pen-        fessionals. A rewarding life-      tionship building. Attrition is    Write to the Editor:
icillin, vaccines and other live     long career was a norm.            sky-high but the approach is       anupsoans@gmail.com

                            Page 8
UCPMP Special                                      MedicinMan
          MedicinMan contacted industry leaders for their response to UCPMP.
                              Here‘s what they said.
                       The DoP The debate about product tising copy is created by peo-
                       guide-       claims by the Pharma Compa- ple who know very little
                       lines are nies in India, are also irrele- about the molecule or its
                       a     wel- vant. If a molecule is new and place in therapy.
                       come         the medical profession is be- Coming to the underpaid hap-
                       move         ing misled by a company, less Medical Representative
                       and the citing flawed trials, that who has to 'produce or per-
                       UCPMP        would constitute a criminal ish'. This MR is paid less than
                       appears      offence. Most of the mole- Industrial Casual Labourers
   Prabhakar Shetty
                      fairly        cules marketed in India have and is expected to be well
                                                                                                               Vikas Dandekar
similar to the guidelines in the 30 to 50 or more brands and versed in Medicine !! Most
US. There is however a world all knowledge about the mol- Doctors are visited by about                 "Broadly, I feel we have the
of difference in the sce-                                                 20-25 MRs in a day. If       strongest provisions and stat-
nario here. It is very rele-    “I do not think that Pharmaceutical this UCPMP forbids                 utes in place but though cli-
vant to countries where Companies are very keen to squan- samples and various                          chéd we have to go back to
patented molecules are           der their hard earned money on           promo materials, I feel      the enforcement part. Unless
being introduced on a freebies. Let's face it, they are com- that the days of a few                    India strengthens its mecha-
regular basis and com- pelled by the very noble profession 1000 companies are                          nisms to check violations and
parisons with existing           to shell out huge sums for all the       numbered.                    ensure strictures, it will be
therapies and brands are                      freebies.”                  The code will be effec-      very tough to bring any men-
an essential part of a                                                    tive when the Govt.          tionable sanity to the idea of
launch strategy and tactics.        ecules are in the public do- reins in Trade Cartels and            ethical marketing of pharma-
The Govt. and Trade Associa- main. Hence, the question of also regulates the Medical                   ceutical brands.
tions have already strangled misleading does not arise, Profession.                     Otherwise
                                                                                                       India is slated to be a $55
the Indian Pharma industry so       unless the Doctor is an igno- UCPMP will turn out to be a
                                                                                                       billion market by the end of
much that a large majority are ramus or a quack.                  'ideal treatment' for the wrong
                                                                                                       the decade and we are al-
gasping for breath. I do not The UCPMP will however disease. ▌                                         ready closing at $12 billion.
think that Pharmaceutical usher in a new trend in Prod- Prabhakar Shetty is an                         There is enough to do here by
Companies are very keen to uct Management where the industry veteran. He rose                          means of awareness and val-
squander their hard earned wording of a claim or benefit from MR to Assoc. Director                    ue driven growth." ▌
money on freebies. Let's face will adhere to the letter and at Parke Davis.
it, they are compelled by the spirit of a clinical trial or a He is currently a Director at            Vikas Dandekar, India Bu-
very noble profession to shell publication. Most companies Acumen MMC.                                 reau Chief, Elsevier Business
out huge sums for all the free- do not have a Medical Advi- Email: prshetty@gmail.com                  Intelligence
bies.                               sor or Department and adver-

Notable Comments on
            ―Appreciable and much needed initiative on the part       ―Field representatives will be required to pull up their socks
            of the DoP. This should be widely publicized in me-       and equip themselves with both product knowledge and skills.
            dia including TV. Norms regarding Medical Reps            Since sampling will be controlled, this will have a positive
            should be reviewed periodically. An annual audit of
                                                                      impact on the bottom line of companies.‖ - Preeti Mohile,
            complaints will make certain concerns disappear.‖
            R D Joshi, Secretary General OPPI (1984-2004)             Co-Founder and MD, MediaMedicCommunications Pvt. Ltd.

―Seems unlikely that all companies will follow the guidelines... I think it be a great effort if all just read it !!‖ - Deepak Paliwal,
Head-Marketing, AIOCD AWACS
                                                                                                      Page 9
                                Love at Many Sights - Insights from Across the Border
                                Seeing the title of this article,                                     though you are the only per-
                                                                                                      son who can take care of
                                you might be tempted to think
                                of it as a matrimonial or a
                                marriage proposal. However                                            I avoid formal or traditional
                                the title relates to my passion                                       way of communication to
                                and love for my profession                                            grab attention. Instead, I make
                                which is Pharma Marketing.                                            them feel that I can help them
                                                                                                      when they need me. This in
        Abdul Basit Khan        I was relocated by my compa-
                                                                                                      turn helps me to connect with
                                ny PharmEvo to Sri Lanka            Abdul is a Pakistani National
                                                                       working in Sri Lanka           external customers emotional-
                                from Pakistan in January
I MENTOR AND                                                                                          ly. I apply the same rule to
                                2011 as a Product Manager.
                                                                    Thomas. J. Peter (American        my internal customers, so
COACH MY                        I was selected to turn around
                                                                    Author and consultant) said       they share all their concerns
                                our operations in Sri Lanka
COLLEAGUES AND                  and was put in charge of            ―The magic formula that           with me.
HELP THEM TAKE THEIR            development and expansion           successful businesses have        I mentor and coach my col-
                                of the market.                      discovered is to treat            leagues and help them to for-
JOB AS CHALLENGE                                                    customers like guests and         get their problems and take
                                It was my dream at the time
AND OPPORTUNITY.                                                    employees like people.‖           their job as challenge and
                                of completing my MBA to
                                                                    Likewise, I say ―I love my        opportunity. Sometimes, I
SOMETIMES, I MEET               become a CEO in 12-15
                                                                    customers‖. That starts when      meet with their families, stay
                                years‘ time and this assign-
WITH THEIR FAMILIES,                                                you remain with them like a       at their homes and share my
                                ment is a blessing as it takes
                                                                    family and treat them as prior-   past so that they realize that I
STAY AT THEIR HOMES             me one step closer to my des-
                                tination.                                                             am not an alien or a spooky
AND SHARE MY PAST.                                                  Whenever, I meet my custom-       manager but their friend. I
                                When I was leaving my office
                                                                    ers, I always wear a smile to     always take their challenges
                                in Pakistan for this assign-
                                                                    make them feel at ease. I de-     on my shoulder and am ready
                                ment, I was instructed by my
MedicinMan has caught the                                           liberately start my discussion    to support them in achieving
                                seniors to: 1. “Create net-
imagination of Pharma pro-                                          with any news topic or current    their goals.
                                works‖ by my Sr. M.M 2. “Be
fessionals from all over the                                        affairs and even with family      I hate the word ―Boss‖ and
                                a silent observer‖     by my
world. This article from a                                          touch points. This helps me to    treat my people as family. I
                                Director Marketing and 3.
                                                                    involve them in a way that I      keep them motivated through
Pakistani professional work-    “Follow up‖ by my M.D. I
                                                                    want and receive insights         infusion of internal healthy
ing in Sri Lanka and writing    was fortunate to have these
                                                                    about what they want and          competition and giving con-
for an Indian Magazine is a     three persons to guide me – it
                                                                    need.                             tinuous encouraging enablers
proof of that.                  is like attending school for
                                being a future leader.              I always try to Google their      and rewards.
Pharma professionals in                                             interests and find personal       This is all I do to keep my
                                Now to lift the curtain on my
                                                                    interest in those things. Some-   topic alive - ―Love at several
South Africa are also inter-    mysterious title, ―love at sev-
                                                                    times, I meet them only to        sights‖. ▌
ested    in     reproducing     eral sights‖. Briefly it relates
                                                                    provide an article / news
MedicinMan in South Afri-       to the way in which we treat                                          Abdul Basit Khan is a Prod-
                                                                    item / magazine or discuss
ca.                             our customers – meeting them                                          uct Manager at PharmaEvo
                                                                    cultural / language and tradi-
                                regularly and caring for them                                         Ltd. in Sri Lanka. He is origi-
                                                                    tional differences and similar-
MedicinMan        welcomes      as a family.                                                          nally from Pakistan.
contributions from Pharma       James Stewart, an American
                                                                    The most important lesson
professionals from all over     actor, once said, ―Never treat                                        Contact him at:
                                                                    which I give to my colleagues
the world. ~ MM                 your customers as audience,                                           abdul.basit@pharmevo.biz
                                                                    is to serve the doctors as
                                always as partners‖.
                      Page 10
60 Seconds for Patients and 16 Seconds for MRs                                                                Comments
An article by Adi Narayan of      India‘s 10 biggest pharmaceu-     The pharmaceutical industry‘s
Bloomberg on the plight of        tical companies, Dr. Reddy‘s,     influence in driving sales is
Medical Reps waiting for          Cipla, Pfizer and Glaxo --        facing resistance from the
cardiologist P.L. Tiwari in       bolstered their combined sales    Medical Council of India in
Bombay Hospital has become        forces by more than 6,000.        New Delhi. MCI -- the top
a trending story on the Net.      India has 92,000 brand names      government body responsible
The good doctor is inundated      of registered pharmaceuticals.    for setting ethical standards.
with Medical Reps (MRs) and                                         MCI is restricting sponsorship
                                  About 90 percent of prescrip-
limits their visits to Friday                                       of medical events, including
                                  tions are generics, which
nights. He disposes of 30                                           paying for doctors‘ flights and          K. Chandrasekharan
                                  companies seek to differenti-
MRs in 8 minutes flat; that‘s                                       accommodations.
                                  ate with unique names -- mak-
16 seconds of the good doc-                                         The council is seeking a sys-        To train MRs first of all the
                                  ing them branded generics.
tor‘s valuable time per MR.                                         tem requiring India‘s 800,000        trainer should have the fun-
                                  Prices of the brands can differ
The good doctor however                                             doctors to continue updating         damental belief in communi-
                                  by as much as 75 percent for                                           cation as a medium of reach-
does not complain about be-       10 tablets, according to          their knowledge and skills.
                                                                                                         ing the customer.
ing inundated by 50 patients      MIMS.                             For some doctors, sales pitch-
every day. One wonders about                                        es from pharmaceutical com-          20 seconds sometimes is
                                  When prescribing, Indian                                               pretty long time to face a
the quality of patient care in                                      panies are their only source of
                                  doctors typically refer to                                             customer when you have
such situations given the seri-                                     new medical information.
                                  brands rather than chemical                                            nothing of substance to
ousness of cardiac ailments.                                        Biased information from the
                                  names. Chemists are prohibit-                                          communicate. Usain Bolt
This gains significance in the                                      industry is influencing doc-
                                  ed from substituting one ge-                                           covered 200 meters in
light of a Times of India re-                                       tor‘s decisions, said Pankaj
                                  neric for another, even if it‘s                                        19.19 seconds. When you
port about MCI‘s proposal to                                        Chaturvedi, a cancer surgeon
                                  cheaper, so MRs persuade                                               train the MR ask him to sit
make it obligatory for doctors                                      at Mumbai‘s Tata Memorial
                                  doctors to think of their                                              in front of you silent and
to spend quality time with                                          Hospital.‖
                                  brands first.                                                          check how long it takes to
patients. Both the Bloomberg                                                                             cross just 10 seconds.
                                  There are at least 43 brands of   In the light of the above,
and TOI article can be read @
                                  blood-pressure drug, olmesar-     training and development of          If you have information on
                                  tan, which is sold by Merck       Pharma field sales profession-       the customer and can classi-
The highlights of the Bloom-                                        als gains even more signifi-         fy him as (1) Believer and
berg article are:                 as Olmighty and by Glaxo as
                                  Benitec.                          cance. For example they now          User (2) Believer but non-
―Pharmaceutical sales in India                                      have to communicate like a           user and (3) Non-Believer -
                                  According to McKinsey, there                                           Non -User then your com-
have increased at 14 percent                                        30 second advertisement jin-
annually since 2005, stoked       will be at least three Medical                                         munication can be fine
                                                                    gle on TV. Their attire and
                                  Reps for every 10 doctors by                                           tuned. Believe me when a
by rising incomes and surging                                       appearance becomes the first
                                  2020. ―MRs are getting                                                 good communicator meets
rates of CAD, diabetes and                                          layer of communication and
cancer.                           crowded out of the doctors‘                                            the doctor, the first surprise
                                                                    they need to develop resili-
                                  chambers,‖ especially in In-                                           begins - nowadays good
DTC is banned in India,                                             ence in their attitude. In short,
                                  dia‘s largest cities.                                                  communicators are a rarity.
so Pharma companies are                                             a complete shift of mindset.
trying to tap the $12 billion     Growth in salaries has out-       Hopefully these adverse times        K. Chandrasekharan is a
                                  stripped productivity with        will lead to pharma compa-           Consultant—Pharmaceutical
market through a sales force
                                  MRs at Ranbaxy, Cipla, Dr.        nies taking genuine interest in      and Life Sciences Operation
of 100,000 that is predicted to
                                  Reddy‘s and Lupin generating                                           at “Chase” Corporation.
at least triple by 2020. (This                                      the development of their field
figure is suspect as a Business   less revenue than they were       force that will equip them           This comment was made on
                                  two years ago, according to       with skills to deal with             Indian Pharma Connection
World article in 2003 indicat-
                                  Edelweiss Securities report.      changed market conditions. ▌         on Linked-in
ed the number of MRs to be
300,000.)                                                           ~MM
                                                                                                        Page 11
                                 Differentiation Through Pharmacovigilance
                             How Field Force can convert Problems into Rx Opportunities
                                                               -   Viraj Suvarna
                      For the field force managing      The company‘s clinical safety      This experience improves
                      adverse events (AEs) is an        officer then connects with the     credibility of the company in
                      onerous task, fraught with the    concerned doctor and thanks        the eyes of the customer.
                      prospect of irritating an al-     him for honoring their report-     Continuing safety data on a
                      ready irate customer. This        ing obligation and puts them       product, if analyzed carefully,
                      article empowers every field      in touch with the product phy-     can reveal a whole lot of in-
                      sales person to use AEs into      sician who then proceeds to        formation which can help
                      Rx opportunities.                 engage the reporting doctor in     further the science around the
                                                        a conversation that enables        product. At times it can lead
                      By looking at Pharmacovigi-
                                                        the product physician to un-       to a new indication and a
                      lance beyond drug safety and
                                                        derstand the circumstance of       blockbuster product as hap-
                      compliance, Medical Reps
                                                        the case and gives an oppor-       pened with Viagra and erec-
                      can turn it to a point of cus-    tunity for the doctor to under-    tile dysfunction. Medical
                      tomer engagement. Some-
ONE NEED NOT          thing that can be the differen-
                                                        stand the reason behind the        Reps could even conduct
                                                        adverse event.                     Pharmacovigilance        work-
SHY AWAY FROM         tiator and a core competence.
                                                        The product physician can          shops using real life examples
REPORTING             The spontaneous adverse           provide data on similar events     of the product which can lead
                      event reporting system is a       that may have occurred in          to more Rx opportunities.
ADVERSE EVENTS.       mandatory requirement for         India and across the globe.        To conclude, one need not
LEVERAGE ON           companies interested in dis-      This way the doctor under-         shy away from reporting ad-
                      charging their responsibility     stands the event fully. It is      verse events but instead lever-
THE FACT THAT                                                                              age on the fact that the sci-
                      towards their patients as long    possible that the adverse
THE SCIENCE OF        as their product is marketed.     event may not have been            ence of safety can be a source
                                                        causally related to the drug.      of continuing business. It is
SAFETY CAN BE A       When a doctor reports an ad-
                                                                                           not that one drug is better
                                                        The event could have been
                      verse event, instead of getting
SOURCE OF                                               caused by a drug-drug inter-       than another. It is about find-
                      scared that the doctor may not                                       ing out which patient re-
                                                        action or perhaps the doctor
CONTINUING            prescribe the product ever                                           sponds best to which drug.
                                                        may not have used the prod-
BUSINESS. IT IS       again or worse still tell other
                                                        uct as per the label.              And which patient may not.
                      doctors not to prescribe,
NOT THAT ONE          Medical Reps should empa-
                                                        Thus the doctor learns to          Continuing benefit to risk
                                                        match the right patient to the     assessment (BRA) helps put
DRUG IS BETTER        thize with doctors and inform
                                                        right drug and how to use the      the product in perspective and
                      them about the company‘s                                             gives the medical community
THAN ANOTHER.         safety department which con-
                                                        product optimally, maximiz-
                                                        ing the benefit and minimiz-       a clearer picture of how to use
IT IS ABOUT           scientiously collects all such
                                                        ing the risk. He is reassured of   a product in as safe a manner
                      information and feeds back                                           as possible. After all, all of us
FINDING OUT           the analysis of the safety pro-
                                                        the wealth of evidence on the
                                                        product's safety and tolerabil-    can be patients. Even doc-
WHICH PATIENT         file of the product in the real
                                                        ity, both in randomized con-       tors..▌
                      world. The Medical Rep must
RESPONDS BEST                                           trolled trials and in the real     Viraj Suvarna is Medical Dir.
                      then inform his immediate                                            at Boehringer Ingelheim.
                                                        world, and continues prescrib-
TO WHICH DRUG.        supervisor and the company‘s
                                                        ing the product with greater       Email:..viraj.suvarna@boehri
                      medical department.                                                  nger-ingelheim.com
            Page 12
                          Are You a Mazatec Manager?
                              A SuperVision Series Insight
According to legend,                Many front-line managers           If the head is good, then the
Mazatec Indians who live in         tend to operate like the           whole fish is good.
Mexico do not share anything        Mazatec Indians; they believe
                                                                       Many sales teams are led by
as they believe that even           that if they encourage, share
                                                                       incompetent people at the top.
greeting someone with good          and develop their colleagues,
                                                                       They feel threatened by com-
wishes involves giving away         they will lose their position.
                                                                       petent people. So they always
something from their personal       This insecurity is often at the
                                                                       hire someone they can easily
fortune.                            root of underdeveloped/poor
                                                                       manage; someone they be-
                                    quality MRs in terms of
Mazatec Indians do not make                                            lieve knows less than them.
                                    knowledge, skills and attitude.
any efforts to help ease the                                           As a result the company at-
burden of their fellowmen.          How to overcome this insecu-       tracts only poor quality peo-
They do not even like to have       rity and develop team mem-         ple who naturally perform
a second child because they         bers to facilitate great perfor-   less than their leader.
believe that they will have to      mance? Leadership is like a                                              Avail a Special Discount of
                                                                       SuperVision for the SuperWiser
love the first child lesser.        fish. The rot begins in the        Front-line Manager is a first-of-     up to 45 % on bulk purchase
Mazatec Indians are a dwin-         head. Experienced fish eaters      its-kind Learning and Develop-         of SuperVision for the
dling tribe toady with only         check the head of the fish for     ment tool crafted to address the
                                                                                                               SuperWiser Front-line
                                    freshness before buying it.        development needs of Pharma
around 18,000 surviving.                                                                                              Manager.
                                                                       Front-line Sales Managers.
                                                                                                             Mail: anupsoans@gmail.com
Anonymous Letter to the Editor                                                                                 Call: +91 934 2232 949
Dear Anup Soans, glad               The scenario today is that         systems followed earlier or
you still support the classical     somebody who comes even            implementing their diktats
approach of clean (ethical!)        when the going is great dis-       by working first hand. ―Run
demand generation.                  cards existing practices, even     after a huge segment!‖ It is
Believe me, it is not just the      junks great products as soon       huge, because everybody is
quality of foot soldiers, the rot   as possible, and attempts to       into it! What you get out of it
comes down from the top!            replace those with his/her         is a fragment! There are too
When I entered the field, all       historical baggage,        with-   many guys fighting for a
my superiors were hard core         out even assessing wheth-          share of a 'Copy!'
field people. They were not         er the changes would blend         In these circumstances, train-
perfect, but they did have an       with operations, resulting in      ing of course must morph to
excellent grasp of the subject,     multiple obstacles, and the        dance to the tune of this boss.
a good idea of what was ex-         decline thereafter is attributed   'Get sales, get sales, get sales!
pected of them, and a clear         to the non-cooperation of the      Don't spend time even on
idea of how to go about             field and inability to imple-      prospecting for the
it. Most of them ascended           ment best practices from           right customer, or
from the ranks. Those who           across the spectrum - spec-                                              Avail a Special Discount of
                                                                       waste            time
came in at higher levels did        trum meaning the earlier en-       on learning about                     up to 45 % on bulk purchase
not        overrule        meth-    vironment that the new guy         what              you                  of HardKnocks for the
ods arbitrarily, but familiar-      comes from. Naturally attri-       are promoting! Do                             GreenHorn.
ized themselves with opera-         tion multiplies manifold.          what you are told!                    Mail: anupsoans@gmail.com
tions, and only after discuss-
                                    I would like to mention that       Written by a veter-
ing with core managers, did                                                                                    Call: +91 934 2232 949
                                    these new heads do not ever        an pharma sales
attempt to change anything
                                    experience the working of the      professional.
they felt needed changes.
                                                                                                           Page 13
                      E-reporting or Sales Force Automation?
                                         “Many a       Choosing the SFA product          Secondary sales data, HR
SFA needs to                             wrong         then becomes a tactical initia-   systems
                                         step was      tive mostly driven by fear.       Has Built in Control indica-
dynamically                              taken by      Enter e-reporting. A stripped     tors
link sales force                         still”.
                                                       down version of SFA provid-
                                                       ed as a cheap alternative. Low
                                                                                         Instantly propagates data
                                                                                         into reports for meaningfully
strategy and                             Indian
                                                       cost turns out to be the USP.
                                                       The typical e-reporting tool
                                                                                         decision making
                                                                                         Needs to align with Pharma
operational ac-             Rajesh
                                         Industry is
                                                       has a bunch of daily call entry
                                                       screens, sample management
                                                                                         sales process

tions. A typical      one of the fastest growing       and some reports. At best, the    In essence SFA needs to dy-
                                                                                         namically link sales force
                      sectors at 14% growth rate.      information from this system
output of an          Despite such buoyant growth      will help understand activity     strategy and operational ac-
                      as well as increased penetra-    efficiency of MRs. But the        tions. A typical output of an
SFA should            tion of Internet, Indian                                                   SFA should highlight
                                                                                                 the cause and effect
highlight the         Pharma has shown re-
                      sistance to embrace tech-                                                  variables i.e. which

cause and ef-         nology to enhance sales &
                      marketing effectiveness.
                                                                                                 action of yours has
                                                                                                 yielded what kind of
fect variables        On the other hand compe-
                                                                                                 results. Using this
                                                                                                 information, the abil-
                      tition is fierce given the
i.e. which ac-        fact that there is minimal
                                                                                                 ity to forecast sales
                                                                                                 numbers is of para-
                      difference between brands.
tion of yours         The company with better rela-    one question that should loom     mount importance.
                                                       in front of the Pharma compa-     If your goal is to manage by
has yielded           tionship with doctors and bet-
                      ter activity efficiency have a   nies is that ―Do these features   objectives,   Pharma    SFA
                                                       help us achieve business pri-
what kind of          notional edge in the market
                      place.                           orities‖?
                                                                                         should be a perfect ally in
                                                                                         automating all processes and
results. Using        With redefined business prior-
                                                       I believe that business leaders
                                                       look for comprehensive solu-
                                                                                         data collection and deliver
                                                                                         meaningful reports for deci-
                      ities, changing market scenar-
this infor-           io and pressure from competi-
                                                       tions to address business pri-    sion making.
                                                       orities. Given this, let‘s at-    Do not fall for cheap me-too
mation, the           tion, companies look for a
                      quick fix solution. There is a   tempt to define what an SFA       alternatives of e reporting
                                                       should be.
ability to fore-      widespread talk of Pharma
                      SFA being the panacea for all    Sales Force Automation: A
                                                                                         tools sold under the garb of an
                                                                                         SFA. The cost of undoing and
cast sales num-       business problems. Some          tool that:                        redoing this work could be of
                                                                                         monstrous proportions. Make
                      companies jump into the          Records all events in the
bers is of par-       bandwagon without proper         sales process                     a smart buy.
                      understanding or research.       Records Pertinent data driv-     SFA should be Easy to buy,
amount im-            The reasons to look at an SFA    en by those events                Easy to Use.

portance.             product are evident. Pressure
                      from competition, no proper
                                                       Automate the process of
                                                       data collection
                                                                                         Rajesh Rangarajan is Partner
                                                                                         and Chief Marketing Officer
                      IT unit within the company                                         at SwaaS Systems.
                                                       Integrates with other rele-
                      and no defined budgets.                                            Email: rajesh@swaas.net
                                                       vant systems like Primary,
            Page 14
Proud to be a Sales Professional !
Though I work as a Training         Customer differently & he            He meets a Conservative
Manager today, I still have         learns the nuances of handling        Customer… he gains a
the heart of a Sales Person. I      different people.                     Never Give up Attitude
worked in the field for 15          Every day, he wakes up with          He persists long enough
years and I always felt proud       a Challenge and subcon-               to convince a Custom-
to be a Sales Professional.         sciously, he has programmed           er… he develops Com-
A Sales Job teaches one the         his    mind    to    perceive         munication Skills
Art of Living. A Sales Profes-      ―Challenge‖ as ―Opportunity
sional will always have an          in Disguise‖. Experientially,        He travels and stays in
edge over Rest of the World,        he learns how to convert a            different markets… he          RM Saravanan
as the Sales Job provides Ho-       Problem into an Opportunity.          becomes adaptable             Training Manager
listic Development & Multi-                                           A Sales Professional who has       Chiron Panacea
                                    A Sales Professional gains
ple Intelligence.                                                     a winning attitude and works
                                    from every experience:
A Sales Professional deals                                            on self-development will           MedicinMan Invites
                                       He meets a Friendly Cus-      achieve Success in all walks
with outside world on a con-
                                        tomer… he learns Rela-
                                                                      of life. ▌
sistent basis. To be Success-
                                        tionship Building                                                        ~
ful, he has to deal with every                                                                          MedicinMan will chroni-
Sales : A Stepping Stone to Success in Life                                     - Atish Mukherjee
                                                                                                        cle the achievements of
                                                                                                        people who began their
I have always considered            to make the patient communi-       they have never been a hurdle    career in pharma and
Medical Representatives to be       ty understand the benefits of      to me.
                                                                                                        allied field sales like
the knowledgeable front-line        the product is a challenge in      In conclusion, a Medical         medical devices and
warriors of the medical fra-        itself.                            Rep‟s job makes a person
                                                                                                        grew to positions of emi-
ternity, delivering the best to     Secondly, seeking coopera-         confident enough to endure
                                                                       the hardships of today‟s         nence. This is to moti-
the patient. Because of this        tion from the medical fraterni-
attitude, I have always been                                           corporate world. It should       vate the current crop of
                                    ty to receive very personal
engrossed in my work.               information on who can use         be a part of professional        MRs and other field
                                    such a sophisticated lifesaving    curriculum of those who see      sales people as well as
 As a Rep, one is constantly                                           themselves as future lead-
                                    drug is another challenge. But                                      to market the pharma
facing challenges.                                                     ers. ▌ -
                                    overcoming them gave me                                             industry to attract tal-
Launching a product which           self-confidence to face more       Atish is Manager, eProbe         ent.
involves lots of care and pains     challenges in such a way that      Research                         Contributions, contacts,
                                                                                                        and success stories are
Sales: An Education for Success in all Aspects in Life                                                  welcome.
First of all, a sales person is a   his monthly stress manage-        I salute to every such profes-
                                                                                                        Joshua Soans
fearless person. He learns          ment class. His demanding         sional. He (or she) is not only
how to overcome obstacles           customers teach him to care       playing a pivotal part in mov-    Executive Editor
and come out as a winner. He        for people and their needs.       ing the economy but also          joshuasoans@gmail.com
learns tenacity. He cultivates       He learns so many life les-      close to becoming an ideal
a never give up attitude and        sons on the job and if he ap-     human being. ▌
patience. He sees every cus-        plies that in daily life he is
                                                                      Amruta Bhavthankar
tomer as a teacher. The boss‘       approaching towards becom-        Exec. HR, Chiron Panacea
pressurizing every month is         ing a near perfect individual.    bamruta@gmail.com
                                                                                                        Page 15
MedicinMan September 2011
MedicinMan September 2011

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MedicinMan September 2011

  • 1. A BroadSpektrum Healthcare Business Media’s Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative MedicinMan ~ FIELD FORCE E XCE L LE N CE ~ TM PHARMA | MEDICAL DE VICES | DIAGNOSTICS | SURGICALS Vol. 1 Issue 2 www.medicinman.net September 2011 Editorial UCPMP* Special Issue Outliers: Another Success Story – from MR to Business Head Success Story Outliers: The Story of Success The inaugural issue of Medicin- seeks to inspire and written by Malcolm Gladwell Man carried the remarkable prepare profession- was on the New York Times success story of Mr. K. Hariram als in healthcare Bestseller list for eleven con- who rose from the position of a field sales to open their minds to the secutive weeks. In Outliers, Medical Rep to that of a Man- vast opportunity Gladwell examines the factors aging Director of an MNC that exists in allied that contribute to high levels of pharma company. On closer fields of healthcare. success. Gladwell examines study of Mr. Hariram‘s success The success stories it becomes evident that the Read Chhaya Sankath‘s rise how Microsoft co-founder Bill carried in this issue from Medical Representative Gates achieved his extreme 10,000 hour rule holds good. highlight the im- to Head Medcom, Wolters wealth, and how two people portance of being Kluwer on Page 3 In this issue, MedicinMan looks with exceptional intelligence - at another remarkable individu- dedicated to profes- Career Growth Christopher Langan and J. al, Ms. Chhaya SS who started sional excellence, Robert Oppenheimer - end up her career as an MR and is which is crucial to with vastly different fortunes. achieving success. presently the Head of Medical Gladwell repeatedly mentions Communications at of one of If you are serious about succeed- the "10,000-Hour Rule", claim- the world‘s most reputed medi- ing, stop listening to negative ing that the key to success in talk and focus on how you can cal publishing company. Read create your 10,000 hours that any field is, to a large extent, a her story to be inspired to reach will transform you from being an matter of practicing a specific for the stars. amateur to an achiever. ▌ task for a total of around “Chance favors the prepared Mala Raj tells Medical Reps 10,000 hours beginning at an mind,” said the brilliant scien- Introducing our new Editorial and Front-line Managers how Board on Page 17 to make the transition to early age. tist Louis Pasteur. MedicinMan Product Management on Page 5 UCPMP: Does Healthcare Need a Anna Hazare? Against All Odds The Uniform Code of Phar- UCPMP gains signifi- While doctors still retain maceuticals Marketing Prac- cance, as the once their aura of invincibil- tices (UCPMP), issued by the noble profession of ity and sit on the pedes- DoP is a 14 page document medicine is now in- tal of know-it-all, in- (see medicinman.net) that creasingly viewed creasingly patients are covers important areas per- with mistrust by pa- eager for transparency, taining to product promotion tients who suffer; and involvement and ac- A story of courage & pas- by Pharma companies. In the with frustration by countability in health sion. Vishal Verma‘s rise backdrop of Anna Hazare‘s sales people who pro- care. from grocery store sales- movement against corruption, mote pharmaceuticals. man to RBM with MNC (Cont. on Page 8) on Page 4 *Uniform Code of Pharmaceuticals Marketing Practices issued by Dept of Pharmaceuticals; Govt of India.
  • 2. MedicinMan Career Development Resources for Medical Reps and Front-line Managers “SuperVision for the SuperWiser Manager is a must for front-line managers of every pharma company. It is tailor-made to transform Medical Reps to leadership positions.” Akshya Mahapatra, Head–Sales and Marketing, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Rs. 599/- Discount on bulk purchase for SuperVision for the SuperWiser Front-line Manager and HardKnocks for the GreenHorn starting at 10 copies and range from 30% to 45% off retail price Rs. 799/- based on quantity. To place your orders or make an inquiry: anupsoans@gmail.com +91 934 2232 949 +91 855 3030 949 To find out more about the programs email: anupsoans@gmail.com “If you are willing to read HardKnocks for the GreenHorn, it means you are willing to do whatever it takes to build your career.” - K. Hariram, Managing Director, Galderma Logos used are the property of the respective companies
  • 3. MedicinMan Success Story: Medical Rep to Business Head Life is full of beginnings, and After marriage, I migrated to and medical communications. many beginnings are Indore, in Madhya Pradesh, So I joined McCann difficult. and joined ‗Cabdrul Pharma‘ Healthcare and launched its as Sales & Administration Medical Communications I was born in a modest Guja- Manager in 1994, handling Division. During my three- rati family, as the first girl twin states of Rajasthan and year stint, I donned multiple child, my journey com- Madhya Pradesh. While read- roles as a Mentor, Guide, and menced as the eldest amongst ing the pulse of the market, I Team Leader and conceived a four siblings, three of which constantly mapped stake- plethora of campaigns in- belong to the fairer sex. holders‘ response and expec- volving various media for Early on, fate dealt a cruel tations to various promotion- Domestic and Multinational blow in form of my father‘s al initiatives to analyze the Organizations and Institu- Chhaya Sankath demise. Being the eldest in need gaps. tions in Healthcare across the Head, Medcom; Wolters Kluwer the family, it was expected My interest in medical com- country. from me to contribute to the munication grew stronger and family‘s financial resources. I have now moved into Medi- UNABLE TO I returned to Mumbai, where cal Publishing, as Head - Thus after graduating from Bombay College of Pharma- I joined IJCP Publications as Medical Communications PURSUE a Business Manager, in 1996. with an MNC – Wolters cy, plans for higher education The six years in medical Kluwer, the largest medical EDUCATION AFTER had to be shelved. Neverthe- communications at IJCP ena- communications conglomer- less, I had a firm belief with- bled me to acquire invaluable ate globally. B. PHARM, I in me that ―Graduation is knowledge about how good only a concept. In real life content given at the right Finally I would like to share a NEVERTHELESS famous quote of Anatole one graduates everyday. It is time helped in creating a process that will go on until awareness amongst doctors France with upcoming BELIEVED THAT youngsters, “To accomplish the last day of our lives.‖ and patients, to promote great things, we must not “GRADUATION IS Drawing inspiration from two niche prescription brands. only act, but also dream; not famous quotes of Winston Brand Management was a only plan, but also believe”. ONLY A CONCEPT. Churchill: “Never, never, field that always intrigued ▌ never, never give up” and me. Thus I spent the follow- IN REAL LIFE ONE ―Success is the ability to go ing five years with Indegene Lifesystems Pvt. Ltd.— pio- Chhaya‘s success story clear- GRADUATES from one failure to another ly shows that the career of a with no loss of enthusiasm”, I neers in medico-marketing Medical Rep is an ideal EVERYDAY. IT IS A set-out for a career and my segment. This period was launching pad for a career in quest for success. I landed instrumental in honing my the healthcare sector. PROCESS THAT my first job as Medical Rep- skills in formulating and exe- resentative in 1992, with cuting, complex, comprehen- By publishing such success WILL GO ON ―Criticare Labs―. It was a sive strategies for Brand stories MedicinMan seeks to routine sales job. However building across product life- make MRs and FMs aware UNTIL THE LAST cycles. of the opportunities for ca- the two years of employment reer growth, for which they DAY OF OUR helped me create a strong It was now time for another network with various stake- beginning, to add Healthcare need to plan their careers LIVES. holders in the industry. Advertising to with my reper- carefully. ~ MM toire of medico-marketing Page 3
  • 4. MedicinMan —— Personal Growth Story —— From Grocery Store Salesman to RBM with an MNC I was always an obedient son Business started growing tre- ment and exposure transforms at home and very good stu- mendously because of my young professionals into dent at school. When I passed aggressive business tactics. achievers. In 2009, Boston 8th Standard, I was bitter and During this period my father Scientific decided to partner surprised to be sent to a vil- got his job back and I com- with an Indian Medical De- lage school almost 80 km pleted my Post Graduation. I vice Company; it came as a away from Lucknow. I was and my father decided to shock to me. I was upset, but I 11 years old that time, but close business, so that I could remembered what my father slowly I realized that some- focus on my studies and ca- always told me when I was thing bad had happened to my reer. I tried with various com- working with him in our shop Vishal Verma father‘s government job. petitive exams but I could not - “Never worry about things RBM, Stryker India This incident made me under- crack any. that are not in your control, stand how to live and adjust During my Post Graduation, I always focus on what you with limited resources. I start- befriended someone who was can control.” ed working in my uncle‘s working with an Indian phar- So though upset and angry, I ALWAYS BE shop and became financially maceutical company. He sug- decided to move to Stryker, PASSIONATE independent at the age of 11. gested me to try my luck in medical device company with After completing high school, this industry. market leadership in technolo- ABOUT YOUR gy and products. I still work I came back to Lucknow and My first interview was with WORK, NEVER came face-to-face with a Glaxo Pharmaceuticals. I was at Stryker; here I have learnt worsening financial situation selected and joined duty in finer things of handling a TAKE DECISIONS at home. I was 13 years old Gorakhpur, a small city in team, people management, when I started taking tuitions eastern U.P. It was a great product launches, marketing IN HASTE, CARE strategies & ethics of busi- along with my elder sister and learning experience for me as FOR YOUR started supporting my family a fresher. But soon I was ness. My journey of learning and the education of my bored as there wasn‘t any- is still on and when I look EXTERNAL AND younger sister. It wasn‘t thing new to learn and after back, I feel that I have pro- gressed a lot in my personal INTERNAL enough, but it was better than two years, I moved to Eli nothing. I could see the help- Lilly in 2001. It was great and professional life. But CUSTOMERS, lessness of my parents and learning experience at Lilly when I look forward then I their sacrifices for their chil- where I developed my soft can see that there is still so COMPETE WITH much to learn from the world dren. skills. I learnt how to convert YOURSELF aggression into assertiveness. around me. This was the time when I lost focus on studies and did poor- After five successful years I have followed certain thumb EVERY DAY, BE rules in my life and I want to ly in my 12th standard exams. with Eli Lilly, I decided to YOUR OWN My parents were shocked move to Medical Devices. I share them with you. Always with this - they had a lot of was lucky to start working be passionate about your CRITIC AND hope for me since I was their with Boston Scientific, a lead- work, never take decisions only son. My father decided er in Interventional Cardiolo- in haste, care for your exter- ALWAYS BE nal and internal customers, to open a small grocery shop gy. Today whatever I have ETHICAL IN as his dreams were shattered achieved, a lot of credit goes compete with yourself every by my performance in 12th to my training and develop- day, be your own critic and WHATEVER YOU standard. I started working in ment in Boston Scientific. always be ethical in whatev- Under the guidance of my er you do.,▌ DO. that shop with my father and completed my graduation. exceptionally talented super- Write to Vishal Verma at: visors, I learnt how empower- vishalverma101@gmail.com Page 4
  • 5. MedicinMan How to Move from Field Sales to Product Management — Career Growth Focus — While the Hard Core Seller Product Managers who have goes on to becoming one of risen from the field have the the organisation‘s top achiev- distinct advantage of actually ers, Team-oriented Seller interacting and selling to the soon becomes a Front-line customers for many years. Manager, Marketing Orient- They have studied ‗Consumer ed Seller tries to explore ave- Behaviour‘ for a major part of nues to enter product manage- their selling years and have ment team (PMT). actually faced the competition at ground level. This experi- Quite often, during the course ence is so vital, that, in most of my field working with Mala Raj companies, it is a practice to MRs, I have come across the send PMTs to the field for at This article is aimed at Medi- Marketing Oriented Seller: least 2-6 months before being The ideal person MRs who make best use of cal Reps (MRs) and Front- the waiting time between calls given product management to move into PM line Managers (FMs) who role. want to become Product/ to ask and clarify many issues on how to shift from Selling Q3. Is a B.Sc adequate to is the “Market- Brand Managers. into Product Management. become a PM? Oriented Seller.” Medical Reps generally fall Here are a few questions Well, Yes & No. Yes, be- into one of 4 categories after a raised by them that will be cause, many winning brand He understands few years of field work: helpful to MRs and FMs who aspire to become Product strategies have been crafted the art and sci- 1. Hard Core Seller: Has by science graduates. The experienced good results with Managers: difference lies in how keen a ence behind each learner you are. Science grad- his efforts; is keen on continu- Q1. What does a Product Manager do? What is his uates, with some effort, will brand that he ing in selling more volumes in his territory & enjoying the main role? comfortably be able to under- stand the science behind sell- sells; attempts rewards. A product manager is respon- ing medicines too. This has to consultative & 2. Team-oriented Seller: sible for the profitable pro- be coupled with what is called Enjoys selling; has observed gress of his brand in the mar- as ‗MBWA‘: Management by participative sell- ket place over both short and and learnt a lot from his im- mediate manager; desires to long-term through effective Working Along. He learns the management tactics by work- ing; is a keen head a team of MRs.. Planning, Execution, Control ing alongside others in the participant in cy- & Training. For details PMT. 3. Marketing Oriented see:www.expresspharmaonline.co No, because, times have cle meetings; Seller: Understands the art m/20090531/pharmalife01.shtml and science behind each Q2. Can a Medical Repre- changed now. Candidates tries to under- with B.Pharm, M.B.A are brand that he sells; attempts consultative & participative sentative enter PMT? available in plenty. They are stand competi- already exposed not only to selling; is a keen participant Yes, most certainly he can. In Pharmacology and all other tors‟ strategies & in cycle meetings; tries to the 1980‘s, it was mostly understand competitors‘ strat- medical reps who moved into pharmacy subjects, but also thinks far beyond egies, thinks far beyond rou- PMT. There were not too important concepts of Man- tine doctor and chemist calls. many MBA institutes then agement, viz., Planning, Exe- routine doctor cution and Control. They 4. Confused Seller: Is in and a Bachelor‘s in any bio- know how to make presenta- and chemist calls. logical sciences was consid- the job because he has no- ered adequate for entry into tion, how to train, etc. Hence where else to go. PMT. they are preferred over plain graduates. (Cont. on Page 6...) Page 5
  • 6. MedicinMan How to Move from Field Sales to Product Management (Cont. from Page 5...) Management qualification knowledge of multiple disci- Q4. How can an MR with will definitely be an asset that plines, including Pharmacolo- just B.Sc. get entry into you must try and acquire at gy, Microbiology, Basics of PMT? the earliest. Medicine (Anatomy, Physiol- ogy, Systems of the body, First and foremost, if you Since, you are already em- Diseases and their treatment), really want something, you ployed, it will be a major de- Principles of Marketing Man- must do all that it takes to cision to quit and opt for a agement, Marketing Research Master‘s in Management / To move into reach there through your hon- est and sincere efforts. A B.Sc Business Administration. (Data Analysis & Interpreta- tion), Drug Policies and Pric- PMT, firstly cannot be changed into a B.Pharma. However nothing That has to be carefully evalu- ated by you, keeping all your ing policies of the country, Patent regulations governing knowledge of stops you from reading all about medicines, their actions, priorities in mind. While ‗Full -time‘ courses certainly do far drugs and many such areas. So be an ardent reader and multiple disci- pharmacology, com- keep abreast of industry hap- parative evaluation, penings. Secondly, you must plines is a must etc. Nothing stops have exposure of how to you from reading manage all resources allotted – be an ardent books on Brand Man- to you to meet the objectives agement, on Market- set for your role. Computer reader and ing Strategies, etc. literacy with mastery in Mi- Nothing prevents you crosoft Excel, Word, Power- keep abreast from keeping yourself Point, etc; is a prerequisite. abreast of the recent of industry happenings in your A good command of English is an absolute must. Many industry. It has never happenings. been as easy as it is among the field force fail on this criterion. Make sure you Secondly, you today, to have quick and easy access to improve your basic com- mand on English prior to must learn to ‗Reliable and Quality Information‘ in any field; better justice to the Manage- entry into PMT. Product Managers must have excellent ment curriculum, there are manage re- thanks to the internet revolu- tion. So, there is absolutely no many good ‗Executive Pro- oral and written communica- tion skills. grams / Post-Graduate Diplo- sources allotted need for anyone to remain stuck with that ‗Only B.Sc‘ mas‘ available for the em- Q7. How do we go about ployed candidates. making the switch from to meet your tag, which is not enough to get you into PMT unless you Likewise, an MBA in Phar- field sales to PMT? goals. Finally, are exceptionally creative and talented. ma/Healthcare Management Plan your moves in a system- is better for a career in Phar- atic and time-bound manner. computer liter- Q5. What course should one ma PMT than a general man- Put it on paper: ‗where you agement course. stand now, where do you wish acy and a pursue to improve the chances of entering PMT? Q6. What important skills/ to be and by when‘ and pin it up prominently in your room, good command ‗Full-time‘ or ‗Part-time‘ qualities must I have for being a PM? so that your goal always re- course? ‗Diploma‘ or a mains in sight. List the Quali- over English is ‗Masters‘? ‗General Manage- Knowledge is an important ties that a ‗Product Executive‘ ment‘ or ‗Pharma / Healthcare area where prospective PEs/ must have. Tick the Qualities a must. Management‘? If you are PMs are evaluated - that you already have & make keen on entering PMT then a (Cont. on Page 7...) Page 6
  • 7. MedicinMan How to Move from Field Sales to Product Management (...Cont. from Page 6) However, keep your eyes and Q10. Does our „FIELD — Career Growth Focus — ears alert to any openings in MAN‟ image come in the a time bound plan for acquir- PMT that meets your require- way of future promotions? ing those you do not have but ments of location, company must have. Once again, let me assure you, profile, emoluments, etc. that your future promotions In the meanwhile, continue to Q9. How do the other PMT will be based on your current do your job as a MR well. members accept field mem- performance and your poten- Simultaneously take a greater bers in their team? tial for the next position. Your interest in studying your cus- Once you have been selected being a ‗field man‘ will have tomers better (doctors & chem- for the post, rest assured that no bearing on the matter. ists), monitor your direct and you will be good for the job, indirect competitors very So in conclusion, if you want irrespective of whether you are to switch from being a MR or closely, keep a watch on new product launches in your terri- from the field or from a prem- Front-line Manager to Product To move from ier B School. tory, regularly share feedback Management, do Plan, Man- Make sure to use your key age, Think and Act according- selling to PM, with your Marketing Manager, collect and send competitors‘ strength of having actually ly. This is not an overnight sold the product and having jump. It is a strategic career plan your moves literatures to your PMT, volun- teer to undertake small market interacted with the customers. move. If you are certain, this is in a systematic Soon your colleagues will be where you want to be, go research activities in your terri- seeking your opinion on issues ahead and plunge into doing and time-bound tory, participate in all the cycle like, ‗Is their campaign practi- all that it takes to be there. meets, have scientific discus- cal, will the field force accept Wishing you all the best. ▌ manner. List the sions about your brand with doctors and offer to train new the idea, can it be implemented properly, etc; Mala Raj is a Pharma Market- Qualities that a MRs in your team during their ing Consultant with expertise in Brand Management and „Product Execu- induction. Training of Field force & PMT. She has over 25 years tive‟ must have. In due course of time, you will certainly stand apart a Medical experience in the Indian Phar- ma Industry and runs her own Tick the Quali- representative having potential to become a Product Manag- consultancy at Product Man- ties that you al- agement Support Services, er. Thane. ready have & Q8. Should we try to enter the PMT in our own compa- Mail Queries / Feedback at malaraj.pmss@gmail.com) make a plan for ny or in another company? The going may not always be acquiring those smooth. At times, you may Working in your own compa- ny‘s PMT gives you more fa- still feel a little inadequate in you do not have terms of making good presen- miliarity with the brands, as tations to the top management, but must have. you have sold all of them. You in terms of convincing your know the customer‘s percep- team about why more funds tions; you know the markets, must be allotted to your cam- the competitors, etc. So cer- paign ideas, etc. But with con- tainly, there is more comfort in certed efforts you can certainly the initial months as opposed overcome these doubts and to working in the PMT of a have a wonderful time working new organisation. as part of the marketing team. Page 7
  • 8. MedicinMan UCPMP Special UCPMP: Does Healthcare Need a Anna Hazare? (Cont. from Page 1) saving drugs, devices and The pharma market began to assembly line – feet-on-street The UPA govern- diagnostics are now obsessed deteriorate as more and more sans brains. ment‘s insensitivity with market share rather than players entered the market MedicinMan contacted atleast to people‘s frustra- patient care. with less and less useful 300 industry leaders for opin- tion with corrup- The healthcare industry in its drugs. The promotion of these ion on UCPMP. The approach tion, the rise of so- original avatar was not only me-too products needed nei- is wait and watch. UCPMP is cial activism and idealistic and patient oriented, ther science nor art and the rat yet to percolate down the the media‘s deft handling of but most MNCs and leading -race of numbers began to ranks; most MRs and Field popular imagination has done Indian companies were also corrode the professionalism of Managers are blissfully una- more for Anna Hazare‘s suc- people builders. pharma marketers. Commis- ware of the DoP guidelines cess than inherent merits of sion replaced Communication A career as a Medical Rep and go on with business as the Jan Lokpal bill itself. as the enabler of Rx. The meant an opportunity to real- usual booking tickets and growth was quick and heady If there is one place other than ize one‘s personal aspirations delivering gifts. like the extra strong Brandy a government office where and professional goals. The UCPMP when implemented that replaced Branding. the common man experiences fact that a large number of has the power only to ensure anguish, trauma and helpless- senior executives in Suddenly nobody was com- rational use of drugs, devices ness, it is the hospital, cloaked healthcare industry started plaining at the discovery of and diagnostics but also at- in secrecy and jargons, which tract talent to the industry. In intimidate the bravest. The many companies, MRs and industry – healthcare provider field managers are travel nexus puts profits before pa- agents and product managers tients when burdening pa- have become vendor manag- tients with unnecessary drugs, ers. This hardly requires talent devices and diagnostics. or competence and healthcare That the chief of the MCI was field sales profession has be- corrupt enough to be arrested come the last resort of unem- and locked up was shocking ployables. enough for most people. If the current CRM (Corrupt Rx Implementing UCPMP volun- Methods) practices of phar- their careers as MRs is a testi- these new efficacious promo- tarily is definitely the way ma, devices and other players mony to the sterling role tions that produced instant forward both in the interest of are made public like the Radia played by both MNC and results as doctors flew from patients and people working tapes, then healthcare industry ethical Indian companies like Bangkok to Dubai; all in the in the industry. However the will be in a similar predica- Sarabhai and Alembic, to name of CME. Old-timers government must play an ac- ment like that of the Congress name only a few; is proof of who resisted were replaced as tive role as many players in led UPA. its commitment to people trade unions also gave way to the market have neither the development. the new era of liberal eco- interest nor the inclination for Like the degeneration of the Pharma focused on inventing nomics. ethical promotions and people Congress party from a free- dom fighting movement to products that brought relief to The one-upmanship has development. Healthcare must that of a corrupt regime of patients for myriads of ail- reached its nadir as industry reinvent itself and become touts and middlemen, the ments, while at the same time employs people who neither committed to patient care and healthcare industry too has empowering its people to know science nor have the people development - market fallen into bad times. The grow as individuals and pro- heart to learn the art of rela- share will follow. ▌ once worthy inventors of Pen- fessionals. A rewarding life- tionship building. Attrition is Write to the Editor: icillin, vaccines and other live long career was a norm. sky-high but the approach is anupsoans@gmail.com Page 8
  • 9. UCPMP Special MedicinMan MedicinMan contacted industry leaders for their response to UCPMP. Here‘s what they said. The DoP The debate about product tising copy is created by peo- guide- claims by the Pharma Compa- ple who know very little lines are nies in India, are also irrele- about the molecule or its a wel- vant. If a molecule is new and place in therapy. come the medical profession is be- Coming to the underpaid hap- move ing misled by a company, less Medical Representative and the citing flawed trials, that who has to 'produce or per- UCPMP would constitute a criminal ish'. This MR is paid less than appears offence. Most of the mole- Industrial Casual Labourers Prabhakar Shetty fairly cules marketed in India have and is expected to be well Vikas Dandekar similar to the guidelines in the 30 to 50 or more brands and versed in Medicine !! Most US. There is however a world all knowledge about the mol- Doctors are visited by about "Broadly, I feel we have the of difference in the sce- 20-25 MRs in a day. If strongest provisions and stat- nario here. It is very rele- “I do not think that Pharmaceutical this UCPMP forbids utes in place but though cli- vant to countries where Companies are very keen to squan- samples and various chéd we have to go back to patented molecules are der their hard earned money on promo materials, I feel the enforcement part. Unless being introduced on a freebies. Let's face it, they are com- that the days of a few India strengthens its mecha- regular basis and com- pelled by the very noble profession 1000 companies are nisms to check violations and parisons with existing to shell out huge sums for all the numbered. ensure strictures, it will be therapies and brands are freebies.” The code will be effec- very tough to bring any men- an essential part of a tive when the Govt. tionable sanity to the idea of launch strategy and tactics. ecules are in the public do- reins in Trade Cartels and ethical marketing of pharma- The Govt. and Trade Associa- main. Hence, the question of also regulates the Medical ceutical brands. tions have already strangled misleading does not arise, Profession. Otherwise India is slated to be a $55 the Indian Pharma industry so unless the Doctor is an igno- UCPMP will turn out to be a billion market by the end of much that a large majority are ramus or a quack. 'ideal treatment' for the wrong the decade and we are al- gasping for breath. I do not The UCPMP will however disease. ▌ ready closing at $12 billion. think that Pharmaceutical usher in a new trend in Prod- Prabhakar Shetty is an There is enough to do here by Companies are very keen to uct Management where the industry veteran. He rose means of awareness and val- squander their hard earned wording of a claim or benefit from MR to Assoc. Director ue driven growth." ▌ money on freebies. Let's face will adhere to the letter and at Parke Davis. it, they are compelled by the spirit of a clinical trial or a He is currently a Director at Vikas Dandekar, India Bu- very noble profession to shell publication. Most companies Acumen MMC. reau Chief, Elsevier Business out huge sums for all the free- do not have a Medical Advi- Email: prshetty@gmail.com Intelligence bies. sor or Department and adver- Notable Comments on ―Appreciable and much needed initiative on the part ―Field representatives will be required to pull up their socks of the DoP. This should be widely publicized in me- and equip themselves with both product knowledge and skills. dia including TV. Norms regarding Medical Reps Since sampling will be controlled, this will have a positive should be reviewed periodically. An annual audit of impact on the bottom line of companies.‖ - Preeti Mohile, complaints will make certain concerns disappear.‖ R D Joshi, Secretary General OPPI (1984-2004) Co-Founder and MD, MediaMedicCommunications Pvt. Ltd. ―Seems unlikely that all companies will follow the guidelines... I think it be a great effort if all just read it !!‖ - Deepak Paliwal, Head-Marketing, AIOCD AWACS Page 9
  • 10. MedicinMan Love at Many Sights - Insights from Across the Border Seeing the title of this article, though you are the only per- son who can take care of you might be tempted to think them. of it as a matrimonial or a marriage proposal. However I avoid formal or traditional the title relates to my passion way of communication to and love for my profession grab attention. Instead, I make which is Pharma Marketing. them feel that I can help them when they need me. This in Abdul Basit Khan I was relocated by my compa- turn helps me to connect with ny PharmEvo to Sri Lanka Abdul is a Pakistani National working in Sri Lanka external customers emotional- from Pakistan in January I MENTOR AND ly. I apply the same rule to 2011 as a Product Manager. Thomas. J. Peter (American my internal customers, so COACH MY I was selected to turn around Author and consultant) said they share all their concerns our operations in Sri Lanka COLLEAGUES AND and was put in charge of ―The magic formula that with me. HELP THEM TAKE THEIR development and expansion successful businesses have I mentor and coach my col- of the market. discovered is to treat leagues and help them to for- JOB AS CHALLENGE customers like guests and get their problems and take It was my dream at the time AND OPPORTUNITY. employees like people.‖ their job as challenge and of completing my MBA to Likewise, I say ―I love my opportunity. Sometimes, I SOMETIMES, I MEET become a CEO in 12-15 customers‖. That starts when meet with their families, stay years‘ time and this assign- WITH THEIR FAMILIES, you remain with them like a at their homes and share my ment is a blessing as it takes family and treat them as prior- past so that they realize that I STAY AT THEIR HOMES me one step closer to my des- ity. tination. am not an alien or a spooky AND SHARE MY PAST. Whenever, I meet my custom- manager but their friend. I When I was leaving my office ers, I always wear a smile to always take their challenges in Pakistan for this assign- make them feel at ease. I de- on my shoulder and am ready ment, I was instructed by my MedicinMan has caught the liberately start my discussion to support them in achieving seniors to: 1. “Create net- imagination of Pharma pro- with any news topic or current their goals. works‖ by my Sr. M.M 2. “Be fessionals from all over the affairs and even with family I hate the word ―Boss‖ and a silent observer‖ by my world. This article from a touch points. This helps me to treat my people as family. I Director Marketing and 3. involve them in a way that I keep them motivated through Pakistani professional work- “Follow up‖ by my M.D. I want and receive insights infusion of internal healthy ing in Sri Lanka and writing was fortunate to have these about what they want and competition and giving con- for an Indian Magazine is a three persons to guide me – it need. tinuous encouraging enablers proof of that. is like attending school for being a future leader. I always try to Google their and rewards. Pharma professionals in interests and find personal This is all I do to keep my Now to lift the curtain on my interest in those things. Some- topic alive - ―Love at several South Africa are also inter- mysterious title, ―love at sev- times, I meet them only to sights‖. ▌ ested in reproducing eral sights‖. Briefly it relates provide an article / news MedicinMan in South Afri- to the way in which we treat Abdul Basit Khan is a Prod- item / magazine or discuss ca. our customers – meeting them uct Manager at PharmaEvo cultural / language and tradi- regularly and caring for them Ltd. in Sri Lanka. He is origi- tional differences and similar- MedicinMan welcomes as a family. nally from Pakistan. ities. contributions from Pharma James Stewart, an American The most important lesson professionals from all over actor, once said, ―Never treat Contact him at: which I give to my colleagues the world. ~ MM your customers as audience, abdul.basit@pharmevo.biz is to serve the doctors as always as partners‖. Page 10
  • 11. MedicinMan 60 Seconds for Patients and 16 Seconds for MRs Comments An article by Adi Narayan of India‘s 10 biggest pharmaceu- The pharmaceutical industry‘s Bloomberg on the plight of tical companies, Dr. Reddy‘s, influence in driving sales is Medical Reps waiting for Cipla, Pfizer and Glaxo -- facing resistance from the cardiologist P.L. Tiwari in bolstered their combined sales Medical Council of India in Bombay Hospital has become forces by more than 6,000. New Delhi. MCI -- the top a trending story on the Net. India has 92,000 brand names government body responsible The good doctor is inundated of registered pharmaceuticals. for setting ethical standards. with Medical Reps (MRs) and MCI is restricting sponsorship About 90 percent of prescrip- limits their visits to Friday of medical events, including tions are generics, which nights. He disposes of 30 paying for doctors‘ flights and K. Chandrasekharan companies seek to differenti- MRs in 8 minutes flat; that‘s accommodations. ate with unique names -- mak- 16 seconds of the good doc- The council is seeking a sys- To train MRs first of all the ing them branded generics. tor‘s valuable time per MR. tem requiring India‘s 800,000 trainer should have the fun- Prices of the brands can differ The good doctor however doctors to continue updating damental belief in communi- by as much as 75 percent for cation as a medium of reach- does not complain about be- 10 tablets, according to their knowledge and skills. ing the customer. ing inundated by 50 patients MIMS. For some doctors, sales pitch- every day. One wonders about es from pharmaceutical com- 20 seconds sometimes is When prescribing, Indian pretty long time to face a the quality of patient care in panies are their only source of doctors typically refer to customer when you have such situations given the seri- new medical information. brands rather than chemical nothing of substance to ousness of cardiac ailments. Biased information from the names. Chemists are prohibit- communicate. Usain Bolt This gains significance in the industry is influencing doc- ed from substituting one ge- covered 200 meters in light of a Times of India re- tor‘s decisions, said Pankaj neric for another, even if it‘s 19.19 seconds. When you port about MCI‘s proposal to Chaturvedi, a cancer surgeon cheaper, so MRs persuade train the MR ask him to sit make it obligatory for doctors at Mumbai‘s Tata Memorial doctors to think of their in front of you silent and to spend quality time with Hospital.‖ brands first. check how long it takes to patients. Both the Bloomberg cross just 10 seconds. There are at least 43 brands of In the light of the above, and TOI article can be read @ blood-pressure drug, olmesar- training and development of If you have information on www.medicinman.net tan, which is sold by Merck Pharma field sales profession- the customer and can classi- The highlights of the Bloom- als gains even more signifi- fy him as (1) Believer and berg article are: as Olmighty and by Glaxo as Benitec. cance. For example they now User (2) Believer but non- ―Pharmaceutical sales in India have to communicate like a user and (3) Non-Believer - According to McKinsey, there Non -User then your com- have increased at 14 percent 30 second advertisement jin- annually since 2005, stoked will be at least three Medical munication can be fine gle on TV. Their attire and Reps for every 10 doctors by tuned. Believe me when a by rising incomes and surging appearance becomes the first 2020. ―MRs are getting good communicator meets rates of CAD, diabetes and layer of communication and cancer. crowded out of the doctors‘ the doctor, the first surprise they need to develop resili- chambers,‖ especially in In- begins - nowadays good DTC is banned in India, ence in their attitude. In short, dia‘s largest cities. communicators are a rarity. so Pharma companies are a complete shift of mindset. trying to tap the $12 billion Growth in salaries has out- Hopefully these adverse times K. Chandrasekharan is a stripped productivity with will lead to pharma compa- Consultant—Pharmaceutical market through a sales force MRs at Ranbaxy, Cipla, Dr. nies taking genuine interest in and Life Sciences Operation of 100,000 that is predicted to Reddy‘s and Lupin generating at “Chase” Corporation. at least triple by 2020. (This the development of their field figure is suspect as a Business less revenue than they were force that will equip them This comment was made on two years ago, according to with skills to deal with Indian Pharma Connection World article in 2003 indicat- Edelweiss Securities report. changed market conditions. ▌ on Linked-in ed the number of MRs to be 300,000.) ~MM Page 11
  • 12. MedicinMan Differentiation Through Pharmacovigilance How Field Force can convert Problems into Rx Opportunities - Viraj Suvarna For the field force managing The company‘s clinical safety This experience improves adverse events (AEs) is an officer then connects with the credibility of the company in onerous task, fraught with the concerned doctor and thanks the eyes of the customer. prospect of irritating an al- him for honoring their report- Continuing safety data on a ready irate customer. This ing obligation and puts them product, if analyzed carefully, article empowers every field in touch with the product phy- can reveal a whole lot of in- sales person to use AEs into sician who then proceeds to formation which can help Rx opportunities. engage the reporting doctor in further the science around the a conversation that enables product. At times it can lead By looking at Pharmacovigi- the product physician to un- to a new indication and a lance beyond drug safety and derstand the circumstance of blockbuster product as hap- compliance, Medical Reps the case and gives an oppor- pened with Viagra and erec- can turn it to a point of cus- tunity for the doctor to under- tile dysfunction. Medical tomer engagement. Some- ONE NEED NOT thing that can be the differen- stand the reason behind the Reps could even conduct adverse event. Pharmacovigilance work- SHY AWAY FROM tiator and a core competence. The product physician can shops using real life examples REPORTING The spontaneous adverse provide data on similar events of the product which can lead event reporting system is a that may have occurred in to more Rx opportunities. ADVERSE EVENTS. mandatory requirement for India and across the globe. To conclude, one need not LEVERAGE ON companies interested in dis- This way the doctor under- shy away from reporting ad- charging their responsibility stands the event fully. It is verse events but instead lever- THE FACT THAT age on the fact that the sci- towards their patients as long possible that the adverse THE SCIENCE OF as their product is marketed. event may not have been ence of safety can be a source causally related to the drug. of continuing business. It is SAFETY CAN BE A When a doctor reports an ad- not that one drug is better The event could have been verse event, instead of getting SOURCE OF caused by a drug-drug inter- than another. It is about find- scared that the doctor may not ing out which patient re- action or perhaps the doctor CONTINUING prescribe the product ever sponds best to which drug. may not have used the prod- BUSINESS. IT IS again or worse still tell other uct as per the label. And which patient may not. doctors not to prescribe, NOT THAT ONE Medical Reps should empa- Thus the doctor learns to Continuing benefit to risk match the right patient to the assessment (BRA) helps put DRUG IS BETTER thize with doctors and inform right drug and how to use the the product in perspective and them about the company‘s gives the medical community THAN ANOTHER. safety department which con- product optimally, maximiz- ing the benefit and minimiz- a clearer picture of how to use IT IS ABOUT scientiously collects all such ing the risk. He is reassured of a product in as safe a manner information and feeds back as possible. After all, all of us FINDING OUT the analysis of the safety pro- the wealth of evidence on the product's safety and tolerabil- can be patients. Even doc- WHICH PATIENT file of the product in the real ity, both in randomized con- tors..▌ world. The Medical Rep must RESPONDS BEST trolled trials and in the real Viraj Suvarna is Medical Dir. then inform his immediate at Boehringer Ingelheim. world, and continues prescrib- TO WHICH DRUG. supervisor and the company‘s ing the product with greater Email:..viraj.suvarna@boehri medical department. nger-ingelheim.com confidence. Page 12
  • 13. MedicinMan Are You a Mazatec Manager? A SuperVision Series Insight According to legend, Many front-line managers If the head is good, then the Mazatec Indians who live in tend to operate like the whole fish is good. Mexico do not share anything Mazatec Indians; they believe Many sales teams are led by as they believe that even that if they encourage, share incompetent people at the top. greeting someone with good and develop their colleagues, They feel threatened by com- wishes involves giving away they will lose their position. petent people. So they always something from their personal This insecurity is often at the hire someone they can easily fortune. root of underdeveloped/poor manage; someone they be- quality MRs in terms of Mazatec Indians do not make lieve knows less than them. knowledge, skills and attitude. any efforts to help ease the As a result the company at- burden of their fellowmen. How to overcome this insecu- tracts only poor quality peo- They do not even like to have rity and develop team mem- ple who naturally perform a second child because they bers to facilitate great perfor- less than their leader. believe that they will have to mance? Leadership is like a Avail a Special Discount of SuperVision for the SuperWiser love the first child lesser. fish. The rot begins in the Front-line Manager is a first-of- up to 45 % on bulk purchase Mazatec Indians are a dwin- head. Experienced fish eaters its-kind Learning and Develop- of SuperVision for the dling tribe toady with only check the head of the fish for ment tool crafted to address the SuperWiser Front-line freshness before buying it. development needs of Pharma around 18,000 surviving. Manager. Front-line Sales Managers. Mail: anupsoans@gmail.com Anonymous Letter to the Editor Call: +91 934 2232 949 Dear Anup Soans, glad The scenario today is that systems followed earlier or you still support the classical somebody who comes even implementing their diktats approach of clean (ethical!) when the going is great dis- by working first hand. ―Run demand generation. cards existing practices, even after a huge segment!‖ It is Believe me, it is not just the junks great products as soon huge, because everybody is quality of foot soldiers, the rot as possible, and attempts to into it! What you get out of it comes down from the top! replace those with his/her is a fragment! There are too When I entered the field, all historical baggage, with- many guys fighting for a my superiors were hard core out even assessing wheth- share of a 'Copy!' field people. They were not er the changes would blend In these circumstances, train- perfect, but they did have an with operations, resulting in ing of course must morph to excellent grasp of the subject, multiple obstacles, and the dance to the tune of this boss. a good idea of what was ex- decline thereafter is attributed 'Get sales, get sales, get sales! pected of them, and a clear to the non-cooperation of the Don't spend time even on idea of how to go about field and inability to imple- prospecting for the it. Most of them ascended ment best practices from right customer, or from the ranks. Those who across the spectrum - spec- Avail a Special Discount of waste time came in at higher levels did trum meaning the earlier en- on learning about up to 45 % on bulk purchase not overrule meth- vironment that the new guy what you of HardKnocks for the ods arbitrarily, but familiar- comes from. Naturally attri- are promoting! Do GreenHorn. ized themselves with opera- tion multiplies manifold. what you are told! Mail: anupsoans@gmail.com tions, and only after discuss- I would like to mention that Written by a veter- ing with core managers, did Call: +91 934 2232 949 these new heads do not ever an pharma sales attempt to change anything experience the working of the professional. they felt needed changes. Page 13
  • 14. MedicinMan E-reporting or Sales Force Automation? “Many a Choosing the SFA product Secondary sales data, HR SFA needs to wrong then becomes a tactical initia- systems step was tive mostly driven by fear. Has Built in Control indica- dynamically taken by Enter e-reporting. A stripped tors standing link sales force still”. down version of SFA provid- ed as a cheap alternative. Low Instantly propagates data into reports for meaningfully strategy and Indian Pharma- cost turns out to be the USP. The typical e-reporting tool decision making Needs to align with Pharma operational ac- Rajesh Rangarajan ceutical Industry is has a bunch of daily call entry screens, sample management sales process tions. A typical one of the fastest growing and some reports. At best, the In essence SFA needs to dy- namically link sales force sectors at 14% growth rate. information from this system output of an Despite such buoyant growth will help understand activity strategy and operational ac- as well as increased penetra- efficiency of MRs. But the tions. A typical output of an SFA should tion of Internet, Indian SFA should highlight the cause and effect highlight the Pharma has shown re- sistance to embrace tech- variables i.e. which cause and ef- nology to enhance sales & marketing effectiveness. action of yours has yielded what kind of fect variables On the other hand compe- results. Using this information, the abil- tition is fierce given the i.e. which ac- fact that there is minimal ity to forecast sales numbers is of para- difference between brands. tion of yours The company with better rela- one question that should loom mount importance. in front of the Pharma compa- If your goal is to manage by has yielded tionship with doctors and bet- ter activity efficiency have a nies is that ―Do these features objectives, Pharma SFA help us achieve business pri- what kind of notional edge in the market place. orities‖? should be a perfect ally in automating all processes and results. Using With redefined business prior- I believe that business leaders look for comprehensive solu- data collection and deliver meaningful reports for deci- ities, changing market scenar- this infor- io and pressure from competi- tions to address business pri- sion making. orities. Given this, let‘s at- Do not fall for cheap me-too mation, the tion, companies look for a quick fix solution. There is a tempt to define what an SFA alternatives of e reporting should be. ability to fore- widespread talk of Pharma SFA being the panacea for all Sales Force Automation: A tools sold under the garb of an SFA. The cost of undoing and cast sales num- business problems. Some tool that: redoing this work could be of monstrous proportions. Make companies jump into the Records all events in the bers is of par- bandwagon without proper sales process a smart buy. understanding or research. Records Pertinent data driv- SFA should be Easy to buy, amount im- The reasons to look at an SFA en by those events Easy to Use. portance. product are evident. Pressure from competition, no proper Automate the process of data collection Rajesh Rangarajan is Partner and Chief Marketing Officer IT unit within the company at SwaaS Systems. Integrates with other rele- and no defined budgets. Email: rajesh@swaas.net vant systems like Primary, Page 14
  • 15. MedicinMan Proud to be a Sales Professional ! Though I work as a Training Customer differently & he  He meets a Conservative Manager today, I still have learns the nuances of handling Customer… he gains a the heart of a Sales Person. I different people. Never Give up Attitude worked in the field for 15 Every day, he wakes up with  He persists long enough years and I always felt proud a Challenge and subcon- to convince a Custom- to be a Sales Professional. sciously, he has programmed er… he develops Com- A Sales Job teaches one the his mind to perceive munication Skills Art of Living. A Sales Profes- ―Challenge‖ as ―Opportunity sional will always have an in Disguise‖. Experientially,  He travels and stays in edge over Rest of the World, he learns how to convert a different markets… he RM Saravanan as the Sales Job provides Ho- Problem into an Opportunity. becomes adaptable Training Manager listic Development & Multi- A Sales Professional who has Chiron Panacea A Sales Professional gains ple Intelligence. a winning attitude and works from every experience: A Sales Professional deals on self-development will MedicinMan Invites  He meets a Friendly Cus- achieve Success in all walks with outside world on a con- tomer… he learns Rela- Contributions of life. ▌ sistent basis. To be Success- tionship Building ~ ful, he has to deal with every MedicinMan will chroni- Sales : A Stepping Stone to Success in Life - Atish Mukherjee cle the achievements of people who began their I have always considered to make the patient communi- they have never been a hurdle career in pharma and Medical Representatives to be ty understand the benefits of to me. allied field sales like the knowledgeable front-line the product is a challenge in In conclusion, a Medical medical devices and warriors of the medical fra- itself. Rep‟s job makes a person grew to positions of emi- ternity, delivering the best to Secondly, seeking coopera- confident enough to endure the hardships of today‟s nence. This is to moti- the patient. Because of this tion from the medical fraterni- attitude, I have always been corporate world. It should vate the current crop of ty to receive very personal engrossed in my work. information on who can use be a part of professional MRs and other field such a sophisticated lifesaving curriculum of those who see sales people as well as As a Rep, one is constantly themselves as future lead- drug is another challenge. But to market the pharma facing challenges. ers. ▌ - overcoming them gave me industry to attract tal- Launching a product which self-confidence to face more Atish is Manager, eProbe ent. involves lots of care and pains challenges in such a way that Research Contributions, contacts, and success stories are Sales: An Education for Success in all Aspects in Life welcome. First of all, a sales person is a his monthly stress manage- I salute to every such profes- Joshua Soans fearless person. He learns ment class. His demanding sional. He (or she) is not only how to overcome obstacles customers teach him to care playing a pivotal part in mov- Executive Editor and come out as a winner. He for people and their needs. ing the economy but also joshuasoans@gmail.com learns tenacity. He cultivates He learns so many life les- close to becoming an ideal a never give up attitude and sons on the job and if he ap- human being. ▌ patience. He sees every cus- plies that in daily life he is Amruta Bhavthankar tomer as a teacher. The boss‘ approaching towards becom- Exec. HR, Chiron Panacea pressurizing every month is ing a near perfect individual. bamruta@gmail.com Page 15