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By Pastor Glenn Pease 
1. PETER-A DARING DISCIPLE Based on Matt. 14:22-36 
2. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA Based on Matt. 27:55-66 
4. JOHN THE GREATEST Based on MARK 1:1-8 
5. MATTHEW THE TAX COLLECTOR Based on Mark 2:13-16 
6. SIMON OF CYRENE Based on Mark 15:15-26 
7. SIMON THE ZEALOT Based on Luke 6:12-16 
8. JOHN-SON OF THUNDER Based on Luke 9:46-56 
9. DEFECTIVE DISCIPLES Based on Luke 9:46-50 
10. APOSTOLIC INTOLERANCE Based on Luke 9:49-50 
11. ANDREW THE ORDINARY Based on John 1:35-42 
12. PHILIP Based on John 1:43-46 
13. THE SON OF LIGHTNING Based on John 13:1-10 
14. PILATE'S PERPLEXING PROBLEM Based on John 18:28-40 
15. THOMAS THE DOUBTER Based on John 20:19-31 
1. PETER-A DARING DISCIPLE Based on Matt. 14:22-36 
Back in 1959 Ford Motor Company admitted they made a big 
mistake in making the Edsel. It cost 250 million to bring it to market, 
and they lost 200 million during the 2 and 1/2 years they produced it. 
It was the number one lemon in the history of the U. S. auto industry. 
But smart owners turned their lemons into lemonade. They formed 
an Edsel owners club in all 50 states; they published a quality 
magazine and had annual conventions, and they made their Edsels 
collectors cars worth much more than they were new. 
The point is, mistakes can be costly, but they can also be 
profitable. The whole idea involved in Rom. 8:28 that God works in 
all things for the good of those who love him is this very point. God
will even work with us in our mistakes to make them profitable and 
learning experiences. This means we do not need to fear failure so 
much that we refuse to take a chance and do what is of some risk. 
Our very failure could be the stepping stone to success. This is not 
some kind of mystical religious principle, but it is the wisdom of very 
practical minded men. Years ago a writer interviewed IBM 
president Thomas J. Wadson, and this is what he said: 
"It's not exactly my line," Watson said, "But would you like me 
to give you a formula for writing success? It's quite simple, really. 
Double your rate of failure." "You're making a common mistake. 
You're thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. 
Failure is a teacher-a harsh one perhaps, but the best. You say you 
have a desk full of rejected manuscripts? That's great! Everyone of 
those manuscripts was rejected for a reason. Have you pulled them 
to pieces looking for that reason? "You can be discouraged by 
failure-or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. 
Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you'll find 
success. On the far side of failure." 
There are numerous illustrations of this in the secular world, and 
there are volumes that deal with the subject. But the best illustration 
of this in the New Testament is the life of Peter. We have more 
recorded mistakes and blunders of Peter than all the rest of the 12 
put together. He was the master of mistakes, and yet Jesus chose him 
to be the leader of the 12. There is no list of the Apostles where Peter 
is not first. Is there any connection between all of his mistakes and 
his being the number one man in leadership? Yes there is, and the 
mistake we want to examine is a prime example. 
Peter was the only man Jesus ever rebuked for lacking the faith 
needed to stay on top of water. Why would Jesus make this man he 
had to rebuke more than all the others the leader of the others? He
did so because Peter was the only one of the 12 willing to take the 
chance. Yes, he sank while all the rest were safely in the boat. But 
that is because he was the only one willing to take the chance of 
leaping out of the boat. The risk taker fails more because they do 
more. You can criticize Peter and be justified in doing so, for Jesus 
rebuked him for his little faith that led him to doubt and then sink. 
Peter did fail here, and needed to be rescued, but look at the whole 
The only reason Peter failed is because he took a chance, and he 
was the only one who did. We focus on his failure and neglect the fact 
that Peter was the only man besides Jesus whoever succeeded in 
walking on water. His faith weakened in the storm, but the text tells 
us clearly in verse 29, "Then Peter got down out of the boat and 
walked on the water to Jesus." Peter was the greatest success in the 
world at walking on water. That took tremendous faith. But what we 
see here is that faith can be very flimsy, and confidence can collapse 
very rapidly in a fearful situation. 
Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, said at a press 
conference in July of 1970, "I particularly remember the elation of 
finding out that we indeed weren't going to sink into the surface, and 
we could continue with all the other planned activities." These were 
among the coolest men on the planet, and yet they had their fears as 
they set foot on the moon. How much more so for Peter who set foot 
on the lake where there was no mystery about it? He knew that 
sinking in water was inevitable. Had the water been as still and calm 
as glass it still would have been a fearful step out of that boat. But in 
a raging storm it would seem to be an act of folly to even attempt it. 
But Peter risked doing the impossible with Jesus, and he did it. 
Peter was rebuked, for Jesus wanted him to go all the way and 
experience total victory by his faith, but he failed and began to sink.
Jesus was not disgusted with Peter. Yes, he got a F in completion, but 
he got an A for effort. He was the only one who took the test. The 
rest sat like bumps on a log, and they did not fail, but they also never 
had a chance to succeed. Peter did what none of the others ever did, 
he walked on water. Jesus chose him to be the leader because he was 
willing to take a chance. His very failure was a mark in his favor, for 
only those who try can fail. 
We don't want to give a false impression that the rest of the 12 
were of no value because they did not rise up and leap over the side of 
the boat. They are no less chosen of Christ, but they are less exalted. 
Peter is made number one because he had a courage that the others 
lacked. Not all Christians are risk takers, and it is not sinful that they 
are not. Jesus did not need 12 men leaping into the lake. He only 
needed one risk taker of that degree, for he only needed one head 
man. We are not trying to put anybody down, but only striving to see 
what it was about Peter that made him the one Jesus chose to be the 
leader of the 12. What we see is that Peter was more willing to fail 
and take chances for Christ. His failures were not good, but they 
represent a quality of character that Jesus was looking for in a 
leader. He was ready to risk losing for the sake of winning. 
We can't all be Peter, just as none of the other disciples could be. 
They were often chicken compared to him. But all Christians can 
learn from Peter's example to move in the direction of boldness and 
risk taking. In one sense this whole incident was much ado about 
nothing. Who cares about walking on water? It is one of the most 
useless miracles in all the Bible. Jesus never did it again, and nobody 
else was ever challenged to do it again. It healed nobody and helped 
nobody. In terms of benefit, you can place this miracles on the 
bottom of the pile. Who could feel the loss if it never would have 
happened? Obviously a miracle of so little worth must have great 
value in terms of education.
This whole scene was deliberately set up by Jesus to teach a 
lesson. He sent them out into the lake in a boat alone. This time he 
was not going to be sleeping in the boat when the storm hit. This was 
a whole new lesson for them to see how they would cope alone, and 
how their faith would respond with him absent. He was not going to 
be at their side in the flesh forever, and they needed to develop a faith 
that went beyond sight. They had just seen Jesus feed 5000 with 5 
loaves and 2 fish. You would think their faith would never fail again 
after that, but Jesus sends them off to face contrary winds and put 
their faith to the test. 
Peter is being tested here especially, and we see him come through 
with both and A and a F, but with an overall stamp of approval that 
made him the key leader. He got a A for daring and a F for doubting, 
but as we shall see, even his failure was an asset that Jesus 
appreciated. If we could learn to fail like Peter, we will please our 
Lord and be used to build his kingdom. Let's look at his success and 
failure, or his daring and doubting. 
Peter dared to do what the others never dreamed of doing. Safety 
first was their motto. But Peter was an impulsive risk taker, and his 
impulse in this very unusual setting was to step out onto the water. 
"Lord if its you tell me to come to you on the water." Peter is saying, 
"dare me to come Lord", and Jesus responds, "I dare you to come." 
Jesus knew Peter was the kind of man who could not refuse a dare. If 
you challenged him to do the unusual and impossible, you better be 
prepared to deal with the consequences, for he will be going for it. 
Such a personality trait can quickly turn you into a fool, but it can 
also make you a hero. It has to be kept under control, and Peter had 
his problems doing that. Peter dared to do foolish things also, and
was like a teenager being dared to play chicken in a car, or being 
dared to go over 100 miles per hour. People who can't say no to a 
dare are often at the mercy of the most foolish and dangerous whims. 
It is one of those virtue-vice type traits. If you can be daring, 
however, and respond to a dare to do what is good, noble, and heroic, 
then you have a very positive virtue. 
Studies show that people can be dared into doing what is best for 
them. George Warren Kroll was a weakling who was dared to 
become the healthiest boy in his class, and the blood flowed through 
his body responding to the challenge, and he began to build his body 
until it was the strongest in his class. Harry Wonda was about to quit 
his job as a salesman when his sales manager challenged him. "I dare 
you to go out and sell more today than you ever have." 
It was like a call to battle, and he went out with a determination to do 
just that, and he did. He needed the dare to bring out the daring 
spirit that was in him. 
Jesus knew Peter had a daring spirit, and that is why he challenged 
him to do the daring act of walking on water. Jesus was doing to 
Peter what Ulysses did to Achilles. He provided an opportunity to 
reveal his true nature. When the Greeks were besieging Troy the 
oracle came saying they would never take the city until Achilles came 
to the front. But the mother of Achilles fearing his death had him 
hidden away disguised as a girl in the court of Diomedes. Crafty old 
Ulysses disguised himself as a peddler and entered the home of 
Diomedes where he spread out a glittering array of trinkets before 
the eager eyes of the girls. As if by chance there was also a sword laid 
among them. Suddenly, a trumpet blast sounded at the gate, which 
Ulysses had prearranged to give the impression of an attack. One of 
the girls with flushing cheeks and kindly eyes sprang forward and 
gripped the sword and flashed it in the air, and stood forth every inch 
a warrior. Ulysses presented a challenge and a dare, and he found his
man. Achilles went with him and Troy fell. 
Jesus needed a brave leader to defeat the kingdom of darkness, 
and by this dare to come to him on the water Jesus also found his man 
in Peter the daring disciple. But we have to face the reality that Peter 
did not stay on top of the water very long, and so we have to look at- 
We love Peter better because he sank. Paul probably would have 
walked all the way to Jesus and made us all feel hopelessly 
inadequate. But Peter, the Rock, sank because his daring faith 
turned to doubting fear, and we see ourselves in Peter, for he is more 
like us. Paul was more of a intellectual, and he probably would not 
have tried it after he gave it some thought. He was smart enough to 
know it wouldn't work, but Peter was not that smart. 
We get our courage up at times and feel determined to take a new 
path. We say with Peter, "Lord bid me come to you on the water." 
We pray for Jesus to guide us to new heights and bold adventures for 
him. "Lord help me take the leap of faith; to get out of the boat of 
complacency and non-productive habits. Help me be bold for you." 
Then, like Peter, we soon recognize we are not very good at walking 
on water. We are out of our element, and are like a fish trying to 
walk on the beach. We see the reality of our inadequacy, and the 
waves begin to pound our sand castle of faith, and it dissolves before 
our eyes. All we see is the impossibility of maintaining our 
commitment, and we cry out as Peter did, "Lord save me!" Our 
determination leads us into deep water, and we are worse off now 
than if we would have just stayed in the boat. 
We are just like Peter. Even his best intentions often ended in a 
failure because fear and doubt overwhelmed his faith and daring.
Why then did Jesus choose Peter to be the leader of the 12, when he 
had the same weaknesses that they had, and that we all have? The 
reason is obvious, for Jesus is teaching us all through Peter that it is 
better to try and fail then never to try at all. It is better to fail in a 
cause that will one day succeed than to succeed in a cause that will 
one day fail. That statement comes from another Peter who was 
Peter Marshall. 
Jesus chose Peter because Peter was willing to take a chance and 
do something rather than nothing. You can set in the boat and 
succeed at being a setter, or you can leap out of the boat and fail to be 
a walker on water, but Jesus says that he chooses the one who fails in 
trying, rather than the one who succeeds in not trying. Jesus is saying 
to go ahead and fail in trying to do what he calls you to do. Take a 
chance, for I prefer a rock that tries to walk on water and sinks, over 
a bump in a boat that will take no risks. 
Jesus never asked Peter to do this again, or anyone else. He never 
again walked on water. It is not anyone's goal in life to walk on 
water. It is not in God's plan at all, and so it is obvious this one time 
event was to teach us this lesson. Failure in trying is superior to 
success in not trying. Don't let your doubts and fears stop you from 
trying to do something exciting for Christ. Even the world's greatest 
daredevils have to fight with fear and doubt. Steve Brodie at age 23 
leaped off the Brooklyn Bridge in 1886. He plunged a 120 feet into 
the East River. He was on the front page of the New York Times the 
next morning. He was arrested, but the judge didn't know what to do 
with him, for nobody had ever done this and lived to tell about it. It 
was against the law to kill yourself this way, but there was no law 
dealing with someone who jumped and lived. He was released and 
became quite famous as a daredevil. 
He decided to go over Niagara Falls in a rubber suit. This also
was against the law, so he got up at 5:30 in the morning and paddled 
out to the middle of the river above Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian 
side. He went over, and again he lived to tell about it. But like Peter, 
the power of the water all about him raised his doubt level to near 
panic. He reported afterward that he would have given anything to 
back out, but once he was in the current there was no return. He 
tried hard to get to shore, but when he saw it was impossible he felt he 
was going to die, and so cried out in prayer just as Peter did to be 
spared. By the time he came to the brink of the falls the fear was so 
great he went unconscious. That was his answer to prayer, for he was 
spared the experience of the fall, and the next thing he knew he was 
on the water's edge. 
The point is, the most brave and bold and courageous can be filled 
with fear, and his faith can fail. Fear of failure is no excuse, for all 
men fear failure at some point. Fear of not trying should be the fear 
that motivates us. We are not called to walk on water or go over 
Niagara, or a thousand other stunts that have no value for the 
kingdom of God. But we are called to get out of the boat which 
represents the church, and join Jesus on the stormy sea which 
represents the lost world. That is the kind of person Jesus is looking 
for, and that is why he used Peter to be the first man to lead a Gentile 
into the church. Peter ld Cornelius to Christ before Paul the Apostle 
and the Gentiles were involved in ministry. The whole first part of 
the book of Acts revolves around Peter. Why? Because he was a 
man willing to change. 
Stepping out of the boat onto a stormy sea is what we all do if we 
take seriously the call to evangelism. It can lead to so much failure. 
We risk offending people all the time. We risk losing friendships. We 
risk getting a reputation as a fanatic. It is a high risk area to step 
into, but it is better to fail in trying than to succeed in staying safe. 
Studies show that only about 10 per cent of Christians ever respond
to the challenge of evangelism, the question is, are you one of that 10 
per cent? We can't all be like Peter, but we can all move in the 
direction of being a more daring disciple. The unknown poet gives the 
challenge to us all. 
"In this vast universe 
There is but one supreme truth- 
That God is our friend! 
By that truth meaning is given 
To the remote stars, the numberless centuries, 
The long and heroic struggle of mankind.... 
O my Soul, dare to trust this truth! 
Dare to rest in God's kindly arms, 
Dare to look confidently into His face, 
Then launch thyself into life unafraid! 
Knowing thou art within thy Father's house, 
That thou art surrounded by His love, 
Thou wilt become master of fear, 
Lord of life, conqueror even of death!" 
2. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA Based on Matt. 27:55-66 
The danger of making a hero out of a man who does a great thing 
after a long time of doing nothing is that you give the impression that 
there was nothing lost by doing it that way. A man lives a life of sin, 
or of indifference to God's will, and suddenly he sees the light and is 
wondrously converted. If he has been a well known sinner, or a 
famous unbeliever, there is a tendency to make a great deal of it, and 
make such a person an example. But there is often a failure to point 
out what a great lost was suffered by his delayed decision. Some have
pointed out that it is of no credit to Paul that God had to beat him 
down and blind him before he submitted to Christ. 
Joseph of Arimathea became a hero by his last minute change 
from cowardice to courage. But we want to point out something of 
the loss he suffered by not making his decision earlier. We want to 
look at 2 aspects of his experience and see the loss which he suffered, 
and the love which he showed. 
What is said here will not be taken as statements out of the text, 
but as inferences from other passages of the Bible. First he suffered 
loss because his discontent came to late for the greatest good. When 
he stood before the cross he became thoroughly discontent with his 
superficial secret discipleship. But this discontent should have 
characterized his life from the start as a believer. Discontent is an 
essential factor for effective Christian growth. 
But didn't Paul say I have learned to be content in whatever state 
I am. Yes, but Paul was speaking of being content with much or little, 
with hard bed, in danger, or soft one in the home of a friend. He was 
talking about being content with whatever life brought in his service 
for Christ, whether it be good or bad. But when it came to the 
spiritual, Paul was not content. Paul was as near perfect as we can 
imagine, yet called himself chief of sinners, and cried out, "Oh 
wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of 
death." Paul was constantly pushing onward and upward trying to 
apprehend that for which God had apprehended him. He was never 
content to stop and be satisfied with where he was in his spiritual 
If there is no discontent, there will be no drive to move ahead.
Contentment with one's spiritual life is a curse. It has been one of the 
greatest curses in the history of the church, and was such also in 
Judaism. Dead orthodoxy is the fruit of contentment. The Pharisees 
were content with their system of salvation by works. That is why 
they despise Jesus and wanted to kill Him. That is why the 
established church has killed so many who were excited about doing 
the will of God. Men like to get everything all wrapped up in a creed 
and call that Christianity. This was the case with the state churches 
of Europe. They were perfectly content to let the people live for the 
devil just as long as they memorize the creed. But God raised up men 
who would not be content with that kind of Christianity. 
We need to be careful in our use of words like liberal. Remember 
that the men who were the fathers of what we now call orthodoxy 
were once the liberals. They were the discontented liberals who could 
not stand dead orthodoxy, and so they rebelled. There needs to be 
constant reformation, for the orthodox has a tendency to settle back 
into contentment. It is only as we are constantly discontent that we 
can keep orthodoxy alive. Whenever a Christian is content he is in 
danger of backsliding, but a discontented Christian grows. We need 
to distinguish, however, between discontent and discouragement. 
Discouragement drags down, but discontent pushes us on. 
I have said all this as background to explain what Joseph missed 
by experiencing his discontent so late. If he had felt this all along, 
there is no telling what he may have accomplished among the leaders 
of Israel, and especially among those other secret disciples. If only 
they had a leader who was discontent enough to speak out and 
organize them. This is what Joseph lost-the honor of organizing a 
band of disciples among the elite, and thereby winning many more to 
St. Augustine was one who lived long in sin before he came to
Christ. Once he said, "All too late have I loved thee." This was 
Joseph's experience as well. What he did was great, but it was too 
late for the greatest glory. Mary of Bethany demonstrates for us that 
when we love it ought to be shown. While Jesus sat at the table she 
came an anointed Him with expensive perfumes. Judas rebuked her, 
but Jesus praised her and said that what she had done would be 
spoken as a memorial for her wherever the Gospel is preached. She 
gave her gift and showed her love while Jesus was alive. Joseph 
waited until He was dead, and when it was too late for Jesus to 
appreciate it. 
The contrast is between those who send flowers to the living, and 
those who only send them to the dead. Edgar Dewitt Jones told of a 
man who had to leave his invalid mother to work in the city. Every 
week he sent flowers home. Some felt this was a waste, for she had 
flowers all over the house. But the mother eagerly awaited them each 
week. They were concrete expressions of his love, and they made her 
happy all her days until she died. The Judas mind says it is such a 
waste, and the Joseph mind says why not wait until she dies. But the 
Mary mind says express your love now and never put it off, and she 
was the only one whom Jesus praised, for her philosophy is the only 
one that acts when the greatest glory can be gained. An unknown 
poet maybe too hard on Joseph, but here are some lines he has 
Strange quite man, what impulse in your breast 
Involved your kindness to the Master whom 
You had not dared to join? He wanted rest 
Within your heart, but found it in your tomb. 
Did you not dare to love Him, He who sought 
To give you life, nor asked for recompense? 
What pity that in finding Him you brought 
Your laggard love in death's cold cerements!
Hate has had its hour, and now love steps in to close the day. 
Maybe Joseph was late with his love, but it was of great significance 
when it came. It is of interest to note the similarities of the burial of 
Christ with His birth. 
1. When He was born the rich came to worship. When He was 
buried it was in the tomb of a rich man. 
2. When He was born the main characters were Mary and Joseph. 
When He was buried the main characters were Mary Magdalene and 
Joseph of Arimathea. 
3. Joseph would be the first to touch the baby at birth, and Joseph 
was the last to touch the body in burial. 
4. In birth He had a borrowed cradle, and in dead a borrowed grave. 
Jesus did own things, for He was a carpenter and had to have 
tools. But He was greatly dependant upon others in His ministry. He 
preached from a borrowed boat; He rode on a borrowed colt; He ate 
the Last Supper in a borrowed room, and was buried in a borrowed 
tomb. He had nothing lasting on earth, for He laid up all His treasure 
in heaven. The only thing He had of permanent value was His life and 
He gave that for us. 
In comparing His birth and burial Wordworth said, "One Joseph 
was appointed by God to be the guardian of His body in the virgin 
womb, and another Joseph was the guardian of His body in the virgin 
tomb, and each man is called a just man in Holy Scripture." A poet 
has put it, 
How life and death in Thee agree; 
Thou hadst a virgin womb and tomb, 
And Joseph did betroth them both.
Some critics go too far in their criticism of Joseph and say that he 
only took Jesus down from the cross because he was concerned about 
obedience to the Jewish law, which said in Deut. 21:22-23, "When a 
man who has committed a crime deserving of death, is executed and 
you hang him on a tree, his body must not be permitted to remain on 
the tree over night; you must bury him on the same day." (Berkley). 
This is going too far, for if that was his only concern, why did not take 
care of the two thieves as well? Not only that, if he was worried 
about the law he would not be there defiling himself by touching a 
dead body on the night of the Passover Feast. He was a rich man and 
could have hired someone to do it. The fact that he and Nicodemus 
were there, and cut themselves off from the feast by defilement, is 
proof enough of their real love. 
John tells us that while Joseph was getting permission to take the 
body of Christ Nicodemus went to buy a 100 pound weight of spices. 
It is of interest again the myrr should be used, which was one of the 
gifts the wise men brought at His birth. When they came to take 
down the body of Jesus and prepare it for burial the women who had 
been there watching followed them, and Mary Magdalene was among 
them. They, no doubt, wondered what was happening, for they did 
not know these two men were disciples of Jesus. They had been secret 
disciples. It must have been a pleasant surprise for them to see these 
two take the body to a beautiful garden tomb and prepare it for 
decent burial. They would have done it themselves, but they could 
never have gotten permission to take the body. Here was the amazing 
providence of God in having a man of wealth and position ready just 
when he was needed. 
In taking Jesus to His new tomb Joseph was fulfilling the prophecy 
of Isa. 53:9, which said, "Men made His grave with the criminals, and 
He was with the rich in His death." The tomb of Joseph must have 
been in a beautiful garden with many plants and flowers. Man began
in the Garden of Eden with perfect life, but soon he turned it into 
death. Jesus now lays in the garden of Joseph dead, but will soon turn 
it into life. The beauty of the location was symbolic of the joy and 
glory of the Easter message. 
It is more than guess work that makes us visualize the beauty of 
Joseph's garden. If you recall, Mary Magdalene on the first Easter 
morning saw a figure nearby when she was weeping because her Lord 
was gone. It says that she supposed him to be the gardener. It is 
highly unlikely she would think any such thing unless this garden was 
a beautiful estate calling for a great deal of care. Joseph was a rich 
man, and no doubt did have a gardener to keep this place neat and 
beautiful, and so it was perfectly natural for Mary to think that is 
who she saw. 
Thanks to the love of Joseph, Jesus received the burial of a king 
and fulfilled several prophecies. One of them was that the body of 
Jesus was not to see corruption. Thanks to the new tomb where none 
had been laid, and to the spices that Nicodemus bought, his body did 
not see corruption. The Christian is to regard the body with respect 
and car, but not to worship it. Some say just throw it away as 
worthless, and others say honor it as an idol. These extremes are both 
wrong. The body is to be loved and respected, but whatever happens 
to the body does not make a difference in terms of the resurrection. 
Jesus had a decent burial, but the thief on the cross was likely thrown 
into a ditch somewhere, but his spirit went to paradise with Jesus just 
the same. Whatever be the grave of a saint it is a resurrection field. 
Joseph was late in his expression of love, and because of that he 
suffered loss, but he illustrates the truth of the saying that it is better 
late than never. Joseph will always be remembered for the love 
which he finally showed that did play an important role in the respect 
given to the body of Christ.
COWARD Based on Mark 15:37-47 
A fireman who was half dead from exhaustion and smoke 
inhalation, with face dirty and uniform covered with grime, staggers 
past the crowd and is almost deafened by their shouts and cheers for 
him. He has just come from a burning building where, at the risk of 
his life, he climbed to the third story and rescued a trapped child. 
The crowd watched breathlessly as he walked along the ledge of the 
building with his precious burden, and finally managed to get back to 
the ladder and down to safety. The crowd cheered this man more 
now than they ever thought of doing on the day of the firemen's 
parade. He marched by then in his freshly cleaned uniform with all 
the buttons shined. It is obvious why. Even though he was more 
presentable marching in a parade, that was only a superficial duty of 
a fireman, but now they had just witnessed his sacrificial duty. He 
had risked his life, and the awful appearance which he now exhibited 
was the result of his willingness to perform the hardest, highest, and 
most sacrificial duty of a fireman. This called for cheers and praise. 
We would think people mad if they thought more of him all spic 
and span marching in the parade than they thought of him now. Yet, 
it is just this very thing that happened in the last week of the life of 
Christ. On Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem the crowds 
cheered him and honored Him like a king. A few days later when He 
hung on the cross they mocked Him. This was as foolish as mocking 
the fireman for saving the child. Couldn't they see that the triumphal 
entry was only the parade, but the cross was the real victory? Here 
was the king on His throne doing the real and sacrificial duty He 
came into the world to do. It was on the cross that He was at His 
best. He came to give His life a ransom for many, and now as he
fulfills this greatest and most sacrificial duty of all time, the cheering 
crowds have become the cruel crowds. They were blind, and they 
missed the meaning of it all. 
What was obvious in the case of the fireman is just the opposite 
here, but we want to consider the happy fact that not everyone missed 
it. The Bible tells us of several who were deeply moved by the death 
of Christ. We have the Roman Centurion, Joseph of Arimathea, and 
Nicodemus. We want to focus on Joseph, for he was the first 
Christian man we know of who was so moved by the cross that he 
made an all out commitment of his life. We want to consider his 
experience in two stages. 
Simon of Cyrene, the penitent thief, and the Roman Centurion, all 
found Christ at the cross, and they could sing as a trio, "At the cross, 
at the cross, where I first saw the light." This was not the case with 
Joseph of Arimathea. Matthew and John both tell us that he was 
already a disciple of Christ, but John adds, "But secretly for fear of 
the Jews." It was not at the cross where Joseph first saw the light, 
but it was there that the light penetrated deep into his heart, and 
compelled him to come out into the light of open commitment. 
Where was Joseph before the cross? Why don't we hear of him 
until now? It was because Joseph was one of those men who wanted 
to eat his cake and have it too. He and Nicodemus were both 
members of the Sanhedrin, the highest ruling body among the Jews. 
Most of the followers of Jesus were from the common people. His 
chosen disciples were mostly uneducated fishermen. You certainly 
would not expect a man of his standing to come out in an open 
declaration of his belief in Christ. Just about everyone in his circle of 
high society was opposed to this Galilean upstart who taught with
more authority than they did. 
It was too risky to operate in the open, and so Joseph decided he 
would be a secret disciple. He, no doubt, had all kinds of good 
reasons why this would be best, such as, I'll be more influence in this 
position of power; I'll be able to be a silent witness among the elite, 
the up and outers. John tells us the real reason: He was just plain 
scared. Nothing is so hard as going against the group. 
Joseph was not alone. There were others who were afraid to risk 
their position and reputation by making an open stand. In John 
12:42-43 we read, "Nevertheless, many even of the leaders believed in 
Him but, due to the Pharisees, failed to confess it so they might not be 
put out of the synagogue, for they preferred men's esteem to divine 
approval." Jesus had good cause for saying, "He who denies Me 
before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in 
The fear of what others think is a powerful force in controlling our 
conduct. A group of boys from good American families broke over 
300 windows in a new school building. A famous psychologist was 
called in to interview each boy separately, and he found that not one 
approved of the conduct of the group. Each thought that they were 
the only one who didn't want to do it, but no one was willing to voice 
his opinion. They were all afraid of what the others would think. All 
it would have taken is for one with enough sense to call the whole plan 
a stupid idea. He would have been a welcome leader, and could have 
prevented the whole thing, but they were all secret disciples of what 
they knew to be right. A secret disciple is about as useless as a 
rubber crutch. 
Nicodemus and Joseph both made weak attempts to do something 
for Jesus. Nicodemus on one occasion said to the Sanhedrin, "Does
our law condemn a man without a trial?" Luke tells us Joseph did 
not consent to the decision to condemn Jesus. He didn't consent, but 
he didn't fight it either. He was neutral, but to be neutral and silent 
in the presence of sin is to condone the sin. Someone said, "All it 
takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing." If he would 
have risen to the defense of Jesus along with Nicodemus, and other 
leaders who believed, they could have prevented all the injustice and 
cruelty Jesus had to suffer, but he remained a secret disciple and a 
cowardly Christian. 
Secret discipleship is a sad development in the life of many a 
believer. The idea of being a silent witness with your life, without 
speaking up for Christ, is being shattered these days. It is a fine idea, 
but it just doesn't work as a major method. Luke tells us that Joseph 
was a good and righteous man, but that did not do a thing for Christ 
as long as he was a silent and secret disciple. To be a silent witness is 
the hard way, and it leads to all sorts of complications. The man who 
comes right out and lets others know where he stands finds it much 
easier to live an effective Christian life. Once you make your stand 
the world expects you to be Christian in your conduct, but until they 
know they assume you are like them. 
The secret disciple has to constantly make excuses for why he does 
not live like the world. When asked to go to a night club, he has to 
say he is tired, or has other plans. When asked to play golf on Sunday 
morning, he has to explain that his wife wants him to go to church, or 
that he would rather play on Saturday. He has to laugh at their dirty 
jokes or they will get suspicious. When are we going to learn that the 
best defense is our offense? The world shrinks in weakness before the 
man or woman who takes a solid stand for Christ, and for what is 
right. Even the conscience of the unbeliever is on our side. No one 
ever took a fort by hiding in the woods. You have to attack to take it. 
Like a mighty army moves the church of God; the gates of hell cannot
stop it. Secret disciples like Joseph are of no help in the battle. 
Maybe they are not helping the enemy hold up the gate, but neither 
are they doing anything to beat it down. That is why it is a delight to 
see what happened to Joseph at the cross. 
What a sudden change came over Joseph. When Jesus was popular 
and the crowds cheered him, he was cowardly, but now when it 
appears that there is nothing but defeat and utter ruin of all the 
Lord's plans, he becomes courageous. When Jesus was performing 
miracles, healing the blind, and raising the dead, he was afraid to 
come out into the open. But now when all his disciples have fled, and 
he is a picture of complete helplessness and weakness, he boldly goes 
to Pilate and asks for the body of Christ, and thereby proclaims to 
the world that he is a follower of this man. 
This took more courage then we realize. The Roman practice was 
to dishonor the bodies of criminals who were crucified. They would 
let the dogs and birds consume them, or burn them, or throw them in 
a ditch. For Joseph to go and request the body of Jesus for decent 
burial was as much as saying, "I think you crucified an innocent man. 
You did wrong to kill him." It was fortunate for him that Pilate felt 
guilty, and was glad to grant his wish as another act to ease his 
conscience. Eusebius, the ancient church historian, tells us that when 
the Presbyter Pamphylius of Cesarea was sentenced to martyrdom in 
309 A. D., his young slave Porphyrius requested that he might be 
allowed to bury the body. The judge was infuriated and condemned 
him to be tortured at the stake. 
Joseph not only risked his life because of Pilate, but because of the 
Sanhedrin. What would they do when they heard what he had done to 
the one they had so despised? At best he would be cursed and
ostracized from office. What was it that caused Joseph to do now 
what he could never do before? I cannot doubt that it was what he 
saw and heard beneath the cross. If the cross does not bring a man 
out of his cowardly concealment, nothing will. We see in Joseph the 
first evidence of the power of the cross. There was a power there 
that did what even his perfect life could not do. The cross is not only 
the power that brings sinners to conversion, it is the power that 
brings saints to commitment. 
As Joseph stood beneath the cross of Jesus, and saw the love that 
He exhibited there, in spite of the hate and mockery against Him, his 
conscience must have burned within him. His shame must have been 
almost unbearable when Jesus said, "Father forgive them for they 
know not what they do." He must have examined Himself and said, 
"That is right! I don't know what I am doing. I have been playing it 
safe, and look what He suffers. I've been worried about my position, 
power, and possessions. My pride has been my master." He saw 
what folly he was practicing in the light of the cross. Even the Roman 
Centurion, who did not have the knowledge he did, could see the love 
of God at the cross. 
Joseph could not longer hide his love for this one whose love never 
failed or faltered, even on the cross. 
"For me, I yield, I yield-I can hold out no more. 
I come by dying love compelled, and own Him conqueror." 
Joseph could have sung from actual experience, 
"When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory 
My richest gain I count but loss and poor contempt on all my pride."
Our text tells us that Joseph was looking for the kingdom of God. 
Could it be that even the penitent thief played a part in Joseph's 
sudden commitment? This thief said to Jesus, "Remember me when 
you come into your kingdom," and Jesus said, "This day thou shalt be 
with Me in paradise." This was certainly a challenge to Joseph. Here 
was a thief who saw in Jesus a king. He believed that Jesus had a 
kingdom, and that he could be a part of it, and Jesus assured him he 
would be. Joseph must have wondered at his own folly. He was 
looking for the kingdom, and here was the king before his very eyes. 
He had been counting the cost of coming out in the open for Christ, 
and he thought it was too high a price to pay, but now he begins to 
consider the cost of remaining silent, and he came to the conclusion 
that he would count all else as loss that he might win Christ. He 
threw all fear to the wind, and made an open stand. Jesus said, "It is 
finished," and Joseph said in his heart, "Amen, and so is my secret 
discipleship finished." 
The death of Jesus did something in Joseph just the opposite of 
what it did to the disciples of Jesus. They took it as the final blow, 
and they slunk away in defeat to weep in despair. Joseph, in contrast, 
came out of hiding, threw off his mask, and boldly said, "I love this 
man enough to give him my tomb for burial." He took a stand as 
shocking to all who knew him as it would be to us if a member of the 
Supreme Court gave his burial plot to one that the court had just 
condemned to death. If you think that would make headlines, what 
about the story of Joseph? It would spread like wildfire through the 
land of Israel. He would be branded for life. Tradition says he was 
removed from the Sanhedrin for his action. How would we feel if the 
Supreme Court judge who gave his plot, gave it to one who was 
condemned as a traitor of our country? That is how the leaders of 
Israel looked at Jesus, and at Joseph who gave him a place of burial." 
It took the crisis of the cross to change his cowardice into courage.
Sometimes it takes a crisis to bring out a man's true faith. Foxe, in 
his book of martyrs, tells of Christians who trembled in fear as they 
sat in prison thinking of being burned at the stake, but when the time 
came they faced it bravely. Some Christians are like Peter who was 
courageous when all was calm, but who turned weak in the hour of 
crisis. Others are like Joseph who was cowardly, but who became 
courageous in the hour of crisis. 
Joseph was the first in a long line of men of God who were 
compelled to risk all in complete commitment due to a crisis 
situation. Savonarola was preaching the Word of God with such 
boldness to the Italians that the corrupt church tried to stop him by 
advancing him to the position of Cardinal. When the messenger of 
Rome arrived with the offer of the Cardinal's purple, Savonarola 
asked him to come to his next sermon and receive his reply. In that 
lenten sermon of 1496 he said, "I desire neither hats nor mitres, be 
they great or small. I desire naught save that which thou hast given 
to thy saints; it is death; a crimson hat, a hat of blood I desire." That 
is what he got, for he chose the cross rather than compromise, and to 
be a coward. 
Before the great anti-Christian outbreak in China, an official who 
was a secret believer was ordered to send a message to an inland 
governor telling him to kill all Christian missionaries. This was his 
hour of crisis, and, as it was with Joseph, it led him to open 
commitment. He sent instructions to the governor to protect the 
Christians, and in so doing he risked all that his life offered him, and 
that is what it cost, for he was soon put to death. It is costly to be 
committed to Christ. But Jesus did not call us to raise roses, pick 
posies, cultivate carnations, but to carry the cross. The Christian life 
is not a cinch, but a challenge that calls for courage. As the hymn 
Ye that are men now serve Him, 
Against unnumbered foes: 
Your courage rise with danger, 
And strength to strength oppose. 
Leaders of any cause know that there must be a challenge in their 
cause if it is going to succeed. Napoleon once built a battery in such 
an exposed position that his artillery officers said he would never find 
men to man it. Napoleon was wise. He set a placard by it which read, 
"The Battery Of Men Without Fear." He never lacked men to man 
that battery. 
If we read between the lines on the placard over the cross, we see 
written there, "Jesus Christ the King of the Jews-those who would 
follow Him must be willing to risk everything. Joseph of Arimethea 
accepted that challenge, and made the most important decision of his 
life-the decisions to end his secret discipleship of cowardice, and 
become an open witness whatever the cost. 
As we consider the cross before our communion service, we too 
must face its challenge. We cannot remain neutral before the cross of 
Christ, and we ought not to want to, for every man's heart cries out 
with George Eliot who said, "I don't want to be a bit of driftwood on 
the current of things." We want our lives to count, and if they count 
for Christ, they count for eternity. A decision for him gives direction 
to life; gives determination to make life useful, and gives a destination 
for our life worth striving for. Everyone of us stand at the cross of 
crisis, and it is the hour of decision: Will we be cowards, or will be 
4. JOHN THE GREATEST Based on MARK 1:1-8
It takes all kinds to make a world is an old cliché, and like many 
old clichés there is a lot of truth to it. God so made our physical 
world that it just won't work without differences. Issac Asimov 
points out that energy can only be turned into work when you find it 
in greater concentration in one place, and in lesser concentration in 
another. If the world was flat and the sun shone on all of it at the 
same time, all parts of the earth would be at the same temperature, 
and you could get no work out of it. But if it is round, and so one side 
is dark when the other is light, and it is the reality of these opposites 
that makes the sun so powerful a source of energy for work. 
God follows the same laws in the building of His kingdom on earth. 
He does not want everybody to be the same. In fact, He wants people 
who are opposites: Not just in sex, but in personality, life-style, and 
in there gifts and goals. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the 
contrast we see between Jesus and His forerunner John The Baptist. 
They were as unlike each other as a wedding and a funeral, or joy and 
solemnity. Do not reject or look down on Christians who are 
different. The world is full of Christians who are strange to us, but 
they are just what God wants. We are all strange to someone else, 
but God loves the variety. 
The paradox is Jesus and John were so much alike in their 
preaching of the kingdom that they were mistaken for each other. 
People thought John may be the Messiah, and he had to deny it. 
Jesus was taken to be John the Baptist because He was so powerful. 
People thought he was John come back to life. In Matt. 14:1-2 we 
read, "At that time Herod the Tetrarch heard about the fame of 
Jesus; and he said to his servants, this is John the Baptist, he has been 
raised from the dead, that is why these powers are at work in him." 
Later on Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do men say that the Son Of 
Man is?" And in Matt. 16:14 we read this response, "And they said, 
some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or
one of the prophets." 
This gives us an insight into the powerful impact John the Baptist 
had on Israel in the few short years of his ministry. All the other 
prophets people thought of were Old Testament prophets. John was 
the only contemporary that was put in that class of people whom 
Jesus might have been, for He was the only man of God like him who 
had been seen in Israel for centuries. They could easily imagine that 
he was the Messiah. So John was taken for Jesus, and Jesus for John, 
because they were both such powerful personalities for God. But they 
were still very much opposites in their personal lives. 
John was a hermit who spent a good share of his life in the desert 
living the life of an ascetic. This is the point of Mark 1:6 where his 
dress and his diet are described. There is not much point in details 
like this being preserved unless they have some significance. What do 
we care what John wore and ate? Unless there is something valuable 
to learn by the contrast with the life-style of the Master, whose way 
he was preparing, there would be no point in it. His camel hair 
clothing was the clothing of a wilderness nomad, and his diet of locust 
and wild honey were the products of the wilderness. If we saw John 
today, we would no doubt point him to a mission, for he would give us 
the impression that he was not exactly living high off the hog. He was 
an uncut diamond, rough and unpolished. 
Jesus said, "Why did you go out into the wilderness, to see a man 
clothed in soft raiment?" Jesus went on the say you would go to 
king's houses if all you were interested in was soft and expensive 
clothing. No, he said, you went out to see a prophet, and more than 
prophet. He is the one who was to prepare the way for Messiah. And 
then Jesus makes this amazing statement: The greatest compliment 
he ever paid to anyone in Matt. 11:11, "Truly, I say to you, among 
those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the
Who was the greatest man in history? It all depends on who you 
ask. But if you had asked Jesus that question in His day on earth, He 
would say it was this strange forerunner of his, John the Baptist. Any 
survey among Christians with this question would bring in votes for 
Abraham, Moses, David, and other great personalities of the Old 
Testament. Few would choose this wild looking man, darken from 
years in the desert sun, and unshaven, for he was a Nazarite. He was 
too radically different to appeal to us. It is true he had low overhead 
for his ministry, the locust and wild honey were free. Bees were 
everywhere making honey in the crevices of the rocks. 
Some might even consider it a delicacy to eat honey coated locust. He 
was getting his protein and carbohydrates with no preservatives 
But, all kidding aside, John the Baptist was performing a ministry 
to thousands of people, and he started one of the biggest revivals in all 
the history of Israel, and he never took an offering of which we have 
any record. John was not called to be a fund raiser, or to build a 
church, or a school for prophets. He was called to prepare the way 
for the Messiah, and he did it without money. He had the lowest 
overhead of any ministry on record. Can you imagine what it would 
cost to get John's results today? The point is, there was no credibility 
gap when he preached to others to live the simple life style, and to 
give to the poor. Many who preach this live like kings and drive the 
most expensive cars, but John lived what he preached. 
John is one of the few people in history, in or out of the Bible, who 
demonstrated you can live a life sold out to God, and give up all that 
the world treasures, and still be successful. When John's birth was 
announced to his father the angel said in Luke 1:15, "He will be great 
before the Lord." He was destined to be great. His birth is the only
one described in detail in the New Testament, except that of Jesus. 
Most of the world, in most cultures, at most times, would not consider 
John as being very successful, let alone great. He had nothing of the 
status symbols of materialism. Yet he was powerful in his poverty, 
and we learn from John that the only resource one really needs to be 
great, as far as God is concerned, is the Holy Spirit. John is the only 
person in the Bible who was surrounded by the Holy Spirit from his 
conception. We know this was true of Jesus also, but it is only 
recorded of John. In Luke 1:15 we read of John, "..he will be filled 
with the Holy Spirit even from his mothers womb." This is never said 
of any other person. In Luke 1:41 we read of his mother, "And 
Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Here is the most unique 
family in all of history. No wonder John was in the eyes of Jesus the 
greatest man in history. 
It is of interest to note that John was the first person to recognize 
that Jesus came into the world to give His life as a sacrifice. He saw 
Jesus coming toward him and he said, "Behold the Lamb of God who 
takes away the sin of the world." Some of his disciples followed Jesus 
because of this, but it was a long time before they saw in Jesus what 
John did. John was so special and unique, but there are few sermons 
about him, and this may be legitimate because he said, "I must 
decrease and He must increase." His job was to point the way to 
Jesus, and not focus on himself, but we can't escape the facts. There 
are more words in the New Testament about John the Baptist than 
there are in 33 of the 66 books of the Bible. He is the first preacher of 
the New Testament. He did not preach the law, but the New 
Testament kingdom coming with the Messiah. 
He was the first man in history called the Baptist. For decades it 
was thought that John picked up the idea of baptism from the Jewish 
practice of baptizing Gentiles. It was supposed that the Jews 
baptized them when the came into the Jewish faith. Modern studies,
however, reveal that this came after John and not before. There is no 
reference to this practice in the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, 
Philo, or Josephus, or any record that would indicate that it came 
before John. Even the liberal scholar Rudolf Bultmann writes, "No 
certain testimony to the practice of proselyte baptism is found before 
the end of the first century." What this means is that all the evidence 
points to John as the first Baptist in history, and the founder of the 
very idea of Baptism. He also baptized more people than anyone we 
know of in history. Note verse 5 of our text: "And there went out to 
him all the country of Judea, and all the people of Jerusalem, and 
they were baptized by him in the river Jordan." 
The use of "all" is hyperbole. It is deliberate exaggeration to 
convey the point that it was a major movement touching everybody 
from both the city and the country. People of all walks of life were 
caught up in the revival, and were being baptized. A quarter of a 
century later Paul, in Acts 19, found a group of John's disciples way 
off in Ephesus. Jesus even tells us the Jewish leaders were positively 
excited about the John's ministry for awhile. He says in John 5:35, 
"He was a burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice 
for awhile in his light." Even some of the Scribes and Pharisees were 
baptized by John. There was no revival like this before in history. It 
was the preparation for the Messiah, and John was doing the job well. 
John had the privilege of baptizing not only the most people in 
history, but he got to baptize the Messiah Himself. He resisted 
because he felt unworthy, but Jesus did not resist, but gladly let his 
body be immersed by John, who in his eyes was the greatest. John 
was a man that Jesus looked up to and admired. The other two 
persons of the trinity concurred, for it was at that point where John 
baptized Jesus that the trinity, for the first time in history, was 
manifested in all three persons at the same time: Jesus in the flesh,
the Holy Spirit coming down as a dove, and the Father speaking, 
"This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." John was the 
only man in history permitted to witness such a marvel and mystery 
revealed. Many of the Old Testament saints had visions, but none 
were ever let in on the full reality of the trinity. 
John was very special in God's plan for sending His Son into the 
world. We think of him as sort of a minor character. So what if he 
opened the door for Christ. Anyone could have done that, we think. 
But we are wrong to so think. It took a very special and unusual man 
to fill this role. If we go back to the last two verses of the Old 
Testament, we read these words, which were the last official words 
God spoke to Israel: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet 
before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. And He will 
turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children 
to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse." The 
Old Testament ends with this promise of the coming of the prophet 
Elijah. Elijah was caught up into heaven without dying. His history 
was not completed on earth, for God intended to send him back into 
history. Can you come back into history after you have gone to 
heaven? It is highly improbable, but not impossible if God chooses to 
use you in this way. Elijah was one God so chose to use. 
Now, how serious did the Jews take their hope of seeing the 
prophet Elijah? Very serious, for the Rabbis taught that Elijah 
would appear if Israel would repent for one day. This expectation of 
the coming of Elijah was an important part of the Jewish hope. We 
already read of how some people thought Jesus was the prophet 
Elijah. Now we come to the beginning of the New Testament, and 
what do we discover? A prophet called John the Baptist who is so 
much like Elijah. In fact, the angel that announced the birth of John 
said to his father in Luke 1:17, "He will go before him in the spirit 
and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the
children....." This sounds like John was the fulfillment of the Old 
Testament hope of the coming of Elijah. 
They wore the same hairy wilderness clothing. They both spoke 
out against wickedness in high places. They both drew great crowds 
and spoke the word of God. One begins to wonder if John was the 
fulfillment of the last promise of the Old Testament. Well, we do not 
need to depend upon circumstantial evidence for we have a clear 
word from Jesus. In the very context where Jesus calls him the 
greatest man born of woman Jesus says in Matt. 11:13-14, "And all 
the prophets and the law prophesied until John and if you are willing 
to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come." The one who is to come to 
prepare the way for Messiah has come, and he is none other than 
John the Baptist. 
No wonder there was a great revival. He was the great hope of 
Israel, and next to the Messiah the most important man in Jewish 
hopes. He was second only to Jesus himself, and that is what Jesus 
said, and this makes John all the more amazing. He was a man of 
great power and influence, and he could have resented being pushed 
into the background when Jesus came onto the scene. But John did 
not have any personal ambitions. He lived only to do the will of God, 
and said he must increase and I must decrease. It takes a great man 
to do this and nobody did it better than John. 
It is of no small interest for singles to take note that the Messiah 
and his great forerunner were both single. This eliminates forever 
the idea that the single life can never be as great as the married life. 
Here was a single at the top, greater than all the famous married men 
of the Old Testament. John never married, never had children, never 
lived what most of us would call a normal life. Without having all the 
facts about this man we have a tendency to feel sorry for him. He 
died young leaving no heirs, and he missed out on most of the
pleasures we take for granted as part of the good life. Yet Jesus says 
he was the greatest. If we are going to evaluate life as Jesus did we 
will have to resist all of our cultural conditioning as to what success is, 
and see that it does not consist in the abundance of possessions, but in 
the commitment we have to be obedient to God's call. 
Most of us would have no interest in living the life of John the 
Baptist. It has little that is appealing, and much that is appalling. 
Fortunately, God does not call many to live such a life. Even his own 
Son the Lord Jesus was not called to live like John. Jesus was not 
anti-social like John. He was seen at weddings and banquets, and He 
enjoyed the life and laughter of social life. He wore better clothes, 
and ate better food, and grew up in a society where He interacted 
with people. He was not a loner like John. 
God does not call all of us to be alike. Some have a radical 
different role to play in God's plan. But the beauty is we do not hear 
John even once trying to get a single follower to join him in his 
wilderness nomad life-style. He never condemned another for not 
giving up lamb and bread, and joining him in his locust and honey 
lunch. John was different, and he knew it, and he accepted it without 
trying to impose it on others as if God called all people to be like him. 
John took up the moral issue of Herod's immoral marriage to 
Herodius, and paid the price of his life for this courageous stand. You 
will observe, however, that neither Jesus nor any of His followers 
took up the same cause. When John was beheaded the issue was 
dropped, and Jesus never spoke a word about it. Why? Because this 
was not his calling. Nor was it the calling of other Christian leaders. 
Not once do we hear John from his prison cell, where he spent 
possibly up to a year, crying out and cursing the people of God for 
not joining and standing with him against Herod's evil. This was his
calling to take such a stand, and not even Jesus felt that same call. 
This same thing is true today. I get mail constantly urging to take 
stands on all sorts of issues. Nobody can get involved in fighting all 
the evils of the world. You have to select what is relevant to you, and 
let others response to what is relevant to them. This is not only how it 
has to be, it is how it is meant to be, and we see it in John and Jesus. 
On some issues they were as one, but on others they had a different 
perspective. Not only about Herod, but about fasting and other issues 
of the law as well as life-style issues. 
Jesus said John is the greatest, but He did not conform to who 
John was and what he did. He did His own thing and what He was 
called to do. John was John and Jesus was Jesus, and their 
differences were not bad for the kingdom of God, but were a part of 
the plan for the kingdom of God. We are not necessarily called to be 
like this greatest man ever born of woman. We are not necessarily 
called to do what he did nor live like him. We are called to be 
obedient like him. Jesus did not think of John as the greatest because 
of his life-style or his approach to people, but because he was a man 
sold out to do God's will regardless of any loss or gain to himself. 
There not many of us like that, and nobody was like that in the Old 
Testament to the same degree as John. 
We all have mixed motives and self-centeredness, and few if any 
can match the commitment of John. He will always be next to Jesus 
as the greatest of men. Paul and Peter were used to do great things 
too, but John was never a persecutor or blasphemer like Paul, and 
never denied his Lord like Peter. There is no escaping the facts: 
John with all of his differences was the closest to being the perfect 
man because of his ideal spirit. John was filled with the spirit from 
his birth.
The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was this man and his 
ministry. It is of interest to go to the book of Acts where they are 
selecting a disciple to take the place of Judas. Listen to the 
requirements this man had to fulfill. Acts 1:21-22 says, "So one of the 
men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus 
went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John until 
the day when He was taken up from us." Notice that the beginning 
point for a Christian disciple was not the public ministry of Jesus, but 
the baptism of John. This is where the New Testament begins. 
Everything else before this was Old Testament. The Old Testament 
ends with the promise of the prophet Elijah, and the New Testament 
begins with Johns fulfillment of that promise. The disciples of Jesus 
were first of all disciples of John. 
Calvin in his Institutes writes, "It is very certain that the ministry 
of John was precisely the same as that which afterwards was 
committed to the apostles......the sameness of their doctrine shows 
their baptism to have been the same....If any difference be sought for 
in the Word of God, the only difference that will be found is, that 
John baptized in the name of Him who was to come, the apostles in 
the name of Him who had already manifested Himself." 
John did not just baptize Jesus, and that was the end of their 
relationship. On the contrary Jesus began His ministry and became 
quite popular, and the source, not only of His select 12, but of many 
others of His disciples was from John the Baptist. In John 10:40-42 
we read of how Jesus had to flee from the wrath of Jews in Jerusalem, 
and it says, "He went away again across the Jordan to the place 
where John at first baptized, and there He remained. And many 
came to Him and they said, John did no sign, but everything that 
John said about this man was true. And many believed in Him 
there." When the leaders and the masses were turning on Jesus he 
was still gaining crowds of followers from the ministry of John the
They were partners in the work of the kingdom, and not in two 
different camps, as some give the impression. Jesus made it clear 
that though He and John had different approaches, they were on the 
same team. He said to the rebellious Jews who would not repent in 
Matt. 11:18-19, "For John came neither eating nor drinking and they 
say, he has a demon; the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and 
they say behold a wine bibber and a glutton." Jesus is saying they 
could have been a part of the kingdom of God had they responded to 
either approach, for both preached repentance for the kingdom of 
God is at hand. They rejected both because they did not want to 
repent, and when that is the case, people find fault with the messenger 
regardless of his method. John and Jesus were baptizing people at 
the same time, and they were not two different kinds of baptism. 
Jesus did not baptize, but His disciples did, and they were doing just 
what John was doing: Bringing Jews back to God in repentance. 
They were not in competition with their old master, but were 
following him who prepared the way. 
Dr. Merrill C. Tenny wrote that John's preaching, "Laid the 
foundation of all practical Christian theology." Augustus Strong, one 
of the greatest theologians of this century wrote, "John's baptism was 
essentially Christian baptism, although the full significance of it was 
not understood until after Jesus' death and resurrection." 
George E. Hicks writes, "It is to the Baptist we are indebted for 
practically all the major articles of the Christian faith. Not only so, 
but the actual terms used by him have constituted the seed bed of all 
subsequent thought." 
John was the first to teach the deity of Christ; the first to teach of 
the baptism of the Spirit; the first to teach baptism by immersion.
John taught a host of doctrines that are vital to the Christian faith 
such as, the sovereignty of God, the kingdom of heaven, the need for 
repentance and confession, the inevitability of judgment and 
individual responsibility. He taught by example, loyalty unto death, 
and a humility that is unsurpassed. We can't begin to look at all that 
he taught, but Jesus taught us to look at him as a hero, and a great 
example to follow. We can learn a lot from a focus on this man that 
Jesus called the greatest. 
Someone said, you never could take your money with you, but 
some can remember when the government would let you keep 
some while you were still here. It is hard for many to believe that 
our country was founded partly to avoid taxation. As bad as taxes 
are, however, only two classes of people ever complain-men and 
women. Taxes are nothing new, however. The Romans had just 
about every tax we do today, and they were heavy. Rome needed 
taxes because she built the best road system the world had ever 
seen. Some of the roads built in New Testament times are still in 
use today. Trade was booming because of the road system. 
Soldiers patrolled the roads to protect travellers from bandits. 
To maintain this system and highway patrol protection, plus build 
government buildings, town halls, baths and stadiums, there was a 
need for many taxes. 
They taxed one tenth of crops of grain, one fifth of produce of 
wine, oil, and fruit, plus they had an income tax of one percent. 
On top of this, they had a poll tax for men 14 to 65 and women 12
to 65. This was one denarius a year, which was the wages of an 
average man for one day. Then, of course, there were the import-export 
taxes, the road taxes, the harbor taxes, and the tax for the 
use of the market place. Custom officers were stationed 
everywhere to collect these taxes, and they had the power to be 
very unjust. It is known that some levied taxes so high the trader 
could not pay, and so the tax collector would loan him the money 
for his tax at a high interest rate. It was literal highway robbery. 
This tax burden and the abused power of the tax collector has 
survived into the modern day. Charles Brown, the dean of Yale 
Divinity School, went to Palestine years ago when it was under 
Turkish control. He talked to a farmer in Jericho who told him he 
was required to place his harvested crop of wheat in ten stacks. 
He made them as even as possible because the tax collector had 
the right to come and select one of the ten for the state. To get the 
tax collector to come and make his selection he had to give the 
collector another of the ten stacks for his personal fee. Then to 
get a paper signed permitting him to thresh his crop he had to 
give another stack in final payment. 
This same kind of oppression was going on in New Testament 
days, and the Jews despised it, and everyone connected with it. 
The Jews were not opposed to taxes, but, as a theocracy, they felt 
only a God appointed man had the right to collect taxes. They did 
not mind supporting their government, but the objected to the 
support of a foreign government. Those who cooperated with the 
Romans were considered traitors to Israel. They were so hated 
that their money was not accepted in the temple. Their word was 
of no value in court, and they were listed by the Jews along with 
harlots and murderers. Even the Romans themselves did not 
respect the tax collector. Cicero said that it was a trade 
unbecoming to a gentleman, and it was vulgar. Lucian listed them
with a adulterous, informers, and money-lenders. All in all it was 
a class of people highly unlikely to contribute anyone to a 
religious movement, and yet Jesus chose one of these tax collectors 
to be one of His 12 select men. 
Matthew the publican was chosen long before the only Pharisee 
Jesus ever chose as an Apostle, which was Paul. Matthew, or Levi 
as he is called, also had potential which no one else would have 
ever tried to discover, but Jesus not only discovered it, He 
developed an used it. When Matthew left his tax booth he took his 
pen with him, and was used of God to record words of Jesus which 
we would otherwise not have, and be much the poorer. The 
Sermon on the Mount being just one of the major examples. 
In 1844 a New Testament scholar visited the monestery of St. 
Catherine on Mt. Sinai. While there he saw some papers in a 
basket. His eye detected Greek characters which turned out to be 
the famous manuscript of the Bible called Codex Sinaiticus. It 
was a copy that dated back to the 4th century. To the monks 
there it was just an old Bible of no value, but to the scholar it was 
a priceless discovery. So it was with Matthew the publican. To his 
own people he was a worthless Jew; a disgrace to his nation, and 
of no value at all, but to Jesus he was so precious that he chose him 
to be one of the foundation stones of the New Israel-the Church. 
Jesus did not select His 12 according to any standard of social 
acceptance of His day. He chose men of any class or position who 
had depth of character and commitment. In His selection of 
Matthew we noticed that He chose a man who was successful and 
wealthy. We know this because he had a house and was able to 
throw a big party in it for Jesus and His disciples, plus a large 
number of old friends who were publicans and sinners. The 
Scripture stresses how big this affair was. It was probably the
largest social event Jesus ever attended, and the news of it spread 
so that the Scribes and Pharisees complained of his eating with tax 
collectors and sinners. In Luke 5:29 we read, "Levi made him a 
great feast in his house, and there was a large company of tax 
collectors and others sitting at table with them." 
Matthew was obviously a leader among his class of despised 
people, and he was well liked if they would all come to his party. 
The point we want to notice again is that Jesus did not call a dozen 
loafers to be His key men. He called men who had already 
demonstrated their ability in the secular world. Matthew had 
achieved success in his profession, as did Peter, Andrew, James 
and John in the fishing business. As far as we know everyone of 
the 12 were in middle and upper middle class of the society of that 
day. Often we like to emphasize that Jesus took a bunch of poor 
nobodies and turned them into dynamic leaders. He can and has 
done it, but when He chose men for the foundation of His church 
He chose the best He could find. We are not being honest with the 
facts of Scripture if we do not recognize that the men Jesus chose 
were sharp men in their field. 
Another factor that is common in the selections Jesus made is 
the way He chose sets of brothers. Peter and Andrew were 
brothers; James and John were brothers, and now we come to 
Matthew who also had a brother who was one of 12. In Mark 2:14 
we read, "As he passed on he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting 
at the tax office, and he said to him, follow me, and he rose and 
followed Him." Mark gives us the same quick picture of a call to 
discipleship without any detail as to the background just as he did 
in the call of the fisherman. We know, however, from John's 
Gospel that a great deal of background took place beforehand. 
We can be confident that this was true with Matthew as well. We 
don't know the story of that background, but Jesus must have had
frequent contact with Matthew and his family, for Matthew is 
called the son of Alphaeus, and the other Apostle named James is 
in Matthew , Mark, Luke, and Acts, always listed as James the son 
of Alphaeus. 
This is no doubt to distinguish him from James the son of 
Zebedee and brother of John. It also links Matthew and this 
James together as another set of brothers. It is not impossible it is 
only a coincidence that they both had fathers of the same name, 
but the pattern of Jesus makes it probable that Jesus got into that 
family and won both boys to Himself, just as He did with other 
families. Jesus seemed to specialize in brothers. The result was 
that He had a close knit group from the start. He had a natural 
loyalty to build on from the beginning. What a joy this must have 
been to Alphaeus the father of Matthew. Remember, Matthew 
was a despised outcast by the establishment, and the majority of 
respected citizens. Matthew had sold his patriotism down the 
drain because he wanted to make money at any cost. 
Matthew represents the millions who long to make a fortune, 
and are willing to forsake all other values to do it. Matthew was 
money hungry, and the path he took cut him off from his people, 
and alienated him from the institutions of Israel's faith. Matthew 
said the religion of Israel irrelevant, but making money and 
friends in the world, and getting somewhere is all that counts. 
Yet, though he made his decision, and was doing quite well, he was 
not satisfied. You can just imagine Matthew at that big feast 
giving his testimony. There can be no doubt that he did so, for he 
was leaving his old life to follow Jesus, and he wanted to tell his old 
gang why. He had gained all he could ask for in terms of wealth, 
success, and fame among his class of people. Yet, he was empty. 
The story of Matthew is repeated in lives everyday.
Boswell said to Johnson as they went through the mansion of 
Lord Scarsdale, "One would think the proprietor of all this must 
be happy." "No sir," replied Johnson, "All this excludes but one 
evil-poverty." That is the only evil Matthew escaped, and it cost 
him more than it was worth, and he knew it, and Jesus knew that 
he knew it. Jesus knew that sometimes your best potential is in 
people outside the institution of the church. Sometimes a rebel is 
so valuable just because he has broken away, and found the world 
so empty, and is hungry to find his way back into the real 
experience of commitment. Matthew was not in the pig pen like 
the Prodigal, but he was just as empty and hungry. 
Matthew was a rebel who had fulfilled his dream in the world, 
and who realized it was not satisfying. He calls himself the 
publican, however, in his Gospel, because he rejoices that he is a 
trophy of grace. He had quite a testimony in his giving up success 
in the world to follow Jesus. Matthew's Gospel reveals clearly the 
authors personal experience. Matthew is the only one who 
records the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great 
price. These so fit him that he could never forget them. The story 
of a man hunting for something, and then finally finding it in 
Christ, describes Matthew perfectly. 
It is also in Matthew that we find such text as, "You cannot 
serve God and mammon." That was the decision he had to make. 
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be 
added unto you," is only in Matthew. How it fits him. Or, "What 
is a man profited, if he gain the whole world and lose his own 
soul." That is the very thing Matthew almost did. How it must 
have poured out of him as he wrote for others to read the words of 
Christ which had been so relevant to his own life. There are 
many more that reveal the author was very conscious of the 
dangers of the love of money.
Matthew became a zealous Bible reader, for his Gospel has 65 
quotes from the Old Testament. It is the first Gospel, and it 
bridges the gap between the Old Testament and the New 
Testament. Tradition says that for 15 years Matthew preached to 
the Jews. He is the most Jewish of the Gospel writers, and aims at 
Jewish conversions. Matthew forsook Israel to get rich, but Jesus 
called him to forsake his riches to be a missionary to Israel. He 
had already learned to be hated by the Jews for being a money 
hungry collaborator with Rome, so he had no problem in 
adjusting to be hated for being an Apostle of Christ. All the hate 
and ridicule he faced in his old life prepared him to be a bold 
witness for Jesus. 
It is interesting how little things can reveal a factor in a man's 
character. Matthew was a humble man, and one who, no doubt, 
felt inferior to the other Apostles who had never deserted Israel as 
he had. In Mark and Luke the Apostles are listed with Matthew 
and Thomas, in that order. But in Matthew's Gospel it is Thomas 
and then Matthew. This is an incidental witness to the author's 
humility. You need to know the author of the part of the Bible you 
are studying, for this gives you the perspective from which you are 
seeing his revelation. 
Traditions vary as to where and how Matthew died. Some say 
in a Arabia, and others in Ethiopia. Some say he died by the 
sword, but the Greek church uses fire as a symbol of Matthew, 
because they believe he died a martyr by burning. All we know 
for sure is that this ex-tax-collector became a profitable servant of 
Christ; teaching us to never underestimate the potential of any 
worldly person for the kingdom of God. When ever you see an 
ambitious, materialistic, money hungry man, remember Matthew, 
and do not despise him, but pray and labor for his conversion. 
Like Matthew, he can become as zealous for the Master as he
formerly was for money. 
6. SIMON OF CYRENE Based on Mark 15:15-26 
This text focuses on a man who was forced to become famous. 
Millions of people through the ages have labored and fought to get 
their names in the record of history, but Simon of Cyrene was 
pushed into the pages of history. Except for one incident in his life 
he would never have been known, but because of that one 
experience, he is known the world over wherever the Gospel of 
Jesus is known. There is very little said about Simon in the Bible. 
In fact, just about everything we know about him is found in Mark 
15:21, and in one verse in each of the Gospels of Matthew and 
Luke which are parallels of this one. 
One might suspect that there is hardly enough information to 
preach on for ten minutes, but this is not the case, for the Bible 
has a unique way of saying a great deal in just a few words. A 
high school student was assigned to write a five hundred word 
theme, and he chose to write on the universe, its origin, nature, 
and destiny. Even the Bible does not attempt to condense to that 
degree, but it does not waste words. The story of creation is told 
in two chapters. The great 23rd Psalm is just a little over a 
hundred words. The famous Sermon on the Mount is in three 
chapters, and the last words of Christ on the cross, though few in 
quantity, have been of such quality as to give birth to literally tons 
of literature. The Bible is the key example of the truth that one 
does not need to be wordy to be wise, nor voluminous to be 
valuable. I trust we see this as we consider what we can know 
about Simon from this one verse. First of all-
He was from Cyrene, one of the two largest towns of Libya in 
North Africa, of over 100,000 people. It was a city in which a 
great many Jews lived, and many of them would travel all the way 
to Jerusalem for Passover and Pentecost. In the list of places in 
Acts 2 of which the people were from, you will find Cyrene listed. 
Simon was either a Jew or a proselyte, that is a pagan who was 
converted to Judaism, and who was a very pious believer, for he 
was willing to travel over a thousand miles to Jerusalem to 
worship in the temple. 
But what he was doing when he was suddenly, in a moment, 
made to change the whole direction of his life, was simply passing 
by. He knew nothing of all that had gone on in the city that night. 
Jesus had been going through the agonies of Gethsemane, and the 
trial, and had endured the cruel mockings and beatings of the mob 
and soldiers. Simon had no doubt been sleeping. He had a long 
day planned, and was up early in the morning, as were all 
Orthodox Jews, saying their prayers. He was dressed, cleaned, 
and almost into the city before 9 in the morning. If he had been 
three minutes earlier or later, or had gone a different way, we 
never would have heard of him, but in the providence of God 
Simon was to have an experience that morning that changed his 
whole life. This brings us to the second thing we know about 
As Simon came near the city gate he saw a crowd coming out of 
the city. They were shouting and mocking at three men who were
bearing crosses. One of them was having a difficult time, and it 
was obvious he was holding up the procession. The soldiers who 
were anxious to get this business over ordered Simon to bear his 
cross. The Roman soldiers had a right to compel a civilian to help 
them. When Jesus said, "If anyone compel you to go a mile, go 
with him two miles," He was referring to this practice. 
Why the soldiers picked Simon is not known. We know that 
Jesus had been up all night, and had taken a beating that was 
known to have killed other men. Therefore, it is quite likely that 
the traditional viewpoint is true-that Jesus stumbled and fell 
beneath the load. Many feel that Simon must have shown 
sympathy for this one who had been so cruelly treated, and 
possibly even stepped forward to help Him up. The soldier in 
charge, seeing a chance to speed things up, says, "Alright helpful, 
you carry the cross," and forced him to do so. Simon was likely 
the only one in the crowd not mocking Jesus, and so he was a 
likely one to choose. 
I find it easy to believe another idea held by many, that Jesus 
looked on Simon with a look of love that drew out his compassion. 
Jesus had a power in His eyes to move men. Just hours before He 
moved another Simon, called Peter, to tears of repentance by a 
mere glance. It is likely then that Simon was moved by a force 
within before he was compel from without. The poet put it- 
Thou must have looked on Simon, 
Turn Lord, and look on me, 
Till I shall see and follow, 
And bear Thy cross for Thee. 
Because of an act of sympathy and compassion he found 
himself going in the opposite direction and bearing a cursed cross.
What a way to start the Passover season. He was on his way to 
church, and he winds up in a prossession to a crucifixion. Just to 
touch the cross would defile him, so his day was ruined. What a 
miserable way to meet the Master. He was on his way to worship 
God, and was interrupted by having to help Christ get to the cross 
to redeem the world. Not a bad days work! He, of course, did not 
realize what was taking place. He came a thousand miles to do 
something significant, and all he did was help save the world. 
Simon did not rebel at this sudden turn of events. It had to be a 
disappointment, but it was one of the greatest acts of love in 
history. Like Cornelius, Lydia, and others who were honestly 
seeking to know the will of God, he had, no doubt, prayed that 
very morning, "Lord teach me thy will and draw me closer to you 
this day." He had come a long way seeking a deeper knowledge of 
God, but he believed compassion and not cruelty was the will of 
God, so he submitted to the shame of bearing the cross. 
He was compelled to bear it, but he chose to submit. The fact 
that nothing more is said indicates that Simon gave no trouble, but 
bore the cross without a struggle. If only we could, like Simon, 
choose to bear what we are compelled to bear. If only we could 
see the blessings and burdens that we bear for Jesus. 
Circumstances compel us to bear burdens, but we can choose to 
submit or rebel. This principle holds true for all of life. For 
example: Young people are compelled to go to school. This is a 
burden that many would not choose if it was left to them. But 
since we are compelled to go, we have two choices. We can rebel 
and fight the system, and quit as soon as possible, or we can take it 
as a challenge, and choose to submit to the burden, and in so doing 
the burden will become a blessing. We cannot determine what life 
brings to us, but we can determine what we bring to life, and if we 
choose to do what we are compelled to do, we can change burdens
into blessings. The third thing we know about Simon is- 
It is also certain, that though the cross kept Simon from church 
that morning, it brought him to Christ. We believe he found it to 
be true that the way of the cross leads home, and that his 
frustration led to faith; his embarrassment led to enlistment; his 
compassion led to commitment, and his sympathy led to salvation. 
There are several reasons for believing this to be the case. In the 
first place, it fits into a pattern which is amazing if true. If Simon 
was a convert just before the cross, and the Roman Centurion was 
a convert just after the death of Christ on the cross, then together 
with the thief on the cross, we have three converts at the cross 
representing the descendants of each of the three sons of Noah, 
Sham, Ham, and Japeth. This would be a concrete illustration of 
the universality of the cross, and that Jesus did indeed die for all 
There is more to go on, however, for our verse says that Simon 
was the father of Alexander and Rufus. Why would Mark, who 
wrote his Gospel for the Romans, say that he was the father of 
these two men unless it was because the Romans knew these two 
men? There would be no point in giving these names unless they 
were well known among the Roman Christians. Nor would these 
names be known if Simon just disappeared in the crowd after 
reaching Golgotha. The others Gospels do not mention the names 
of these two sons. This means that the sons of Simon were well 
known Christians in Rome, and this is confirmed by Paul in his 
letter to the Romans where he says in 16:13, "Greet Rufus, 
eminent in the Lord, also his mother and mine." Where did this 
outstanding Christian family come from? Paul had not been to
Rome when he wrote his letter, so he must have met them before 
they moved to Rome. 
If we put all these facts together and see that, not the Ethiopian 
Eunuch, but Simon of Cyrene was the first convert from Africa, 
and he went back to his home and won his family to Christ. From 
there they likely moved to Antioch, for in Acts 13:1 we read of 
prophets and teachers there, two of which were Simon and Lucius 
of Cyrene. It was here in Antioch where the followers of Jesus 
were first called Christians. Who knows how much he who bore 
the cross of Christ had to do with that. He was the first convert at 
the cross, and became a leader where believers were first called 
Christians. It would be here that Paul would get to know the 
family, and later be able to speak of them when they moved to 
There is much we do not know, but these things that we do 
know teach us to see that though Simon was compelled to bear the 
cross for a while by the soldiers, he chose to bear it the rest of his 
life for the Savior. That brings us to the final thing we can know 
about Simon. 
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable. 
The story of Simon, though minor in length, teaches us a lesson of 
major importance. It teaches us what cross-bearing really is. 
Men have been more concerned about making up legends about 
the cross than they have been in learning what it means to bear it. 
Legend takes us way back to the garden of Eden. Adam was 
dying, and so his eldest son Seth ran to the gate of the garden, and 
begged the angel for fruit from the tree of life. The angel told him
that Adam would be dead when he returned, but that he should 
bury him with seeds from the fruit of the tree of life in his mouth. 
A great tree grew from these seeds, which Noah cut down for the 
king post in his ark, which saved him and his family. Centuries 
later Hiram, king of Tyre, brought it down from the mountains to 
build the temple of Solomon. It was not used, however, but laid in 
a trench by the wall. Nehemiah used it when he rebuilt the temple, 
but when Herod rebuilt it again this tree was again laying beside 
the wall. 
In the haste of the day of the trial of Jesus no one made a cross, 
and so this post by the temple wall was used. The early Christians 
cared nothing about the actual cross on which Christ died, but 
only the meaning of it, and so for several centuries there is a 
break in the legend. But when the church became corrupted 
because of paganism, it again revived the legend. The cross was 
found it was claimed, and was being sold in small pieces as 
charms. This is where we get the idea of knocking on wood. It has 
been estimated that enough pieces of the cross have been sold to 
build a fleet of ships. Today the cross has become, to many 
people, nothing more than a piece of jewelry. We bear golden 
crosses around our neck or on our lapel as decorations. There is 
nothing wrong with the cross as a symbol like this, but there is 
something wrong with our thinking about it. The experience of 
Simon teaches us to think of the cross as an identification with 
Christ, and not merely a decoration. 
When Simon bore the cross of Christ he became identified with 
Christ, and bore the same reproach that he did. Jesus said, "Take 
up your cross daily and follow me." That means to be identified 
openly with Jesus, and if people would mock Christ they will mock 
you. That is why it is not as easy to talk about Jesus as it is about 
the weather or politics. It is embarrassing and difficult to be
identified with Christ in some circles. I am sure Simon was 
ashamed as he picked up the cross and heard the laughter and 
mocking of the crowd. 
Bearing the cross is not the same kind of suffering one goes 
through because of some injury or weakness in the body. That is a 
thorn and not a cross. The cross is only taken up when we are so 
identified with Christ that people will feel and act toward us as 
they do toward Him. If a person loves Jesus, he will also love you. 
If a person despises Jesus he will also despise you. This means 
that Christ expects us everyday to be so identified with Him that it 
costs us to be a Christian. It is easy to be a Christian if we do not 
bear the cross. 
Ray Jordon tells of being in a group in Jerusalem that wanted 
to follow the path that Jesus took on His way to the cross. It was 
hot that day and he noticed that the leader had an umbrella over 
his head to protect him from the discomfort of the blazing sun. It 
struck him as to the amazing contrast between this and the real 
incident. They wanted to follow the path of Christ, but did not 
want any discomfort in doing so. It is understandable, for there 
would be no profit in being miserable as they followed the path. 
But when this philosophy passes over into the spiritual realm, it is 
tragic. We want to follow Jesus, but we do not want it to cost 
anything. It should be that we experience some discomfort 
because of our identification with Christ. 
Leslie Weatherhead had an Indian Christian tell of what it cost 
to follow Christ, and it put him to shame when he considered how 
little he had identified himself with the cross of Christ in such a 
way that it cost. This Indian friend heard the call of Christ in a 
Methodist church in Madras. He came from a Brahmin family 
and his father was the head of the community. When his father
heard of his decision for Christ he blazed with anger. He tied him 
to a pillar in the courtyard of his home. He stripped the turban 
from his head, a mark of indignity in the East, lashed his back 
with whips till blood ran, and let him stand in the hot sun for 
They even poured the contents of the sewage bin over his head. 
They put two large scars on his face with red hot irons. His own 
mother died of shock before him, and finally his sister cut him 
loose, and he escaped to the hills. He eventually became a 
chaplain in the army. Many have suffered the same thing for 
crimes, but when it is suffered because one is identified with 
Christ, that is cross-bearing. The story of Simon is recorded for 
the purpose of challenging each of us to take up the cross and be 
identified with Jesus whatever the cost. 
7. SIMON THE ZEALOT Based on Luke 6:12-16 
We want to look at an Apostle of whom we would know 
nothing if the New Testament did not tell us of his political 
affiliation before he became a believer. If a man was called Simon 
the Democrat or Simon the Republican, you would not be able to 
draw many conclusions about him because these terms are too 
general. But if he was called Simon the Communist you would be 
able to say much more about him, for they have a more specific 
philosophy. So it is with the name Simon the Zealot. The Zealots 
were a political party in Israel with a very clear cut philosophy, 
and a program to carry it out. 
Since the New Testament tells us nothing of Simon but the fact 
that he was a member of this party, everything we can learn about
him must come as inferences from what we know of the party. 
Simon the Zealot is as obscure as Simon Peter is famous. We 
know nothing about the Apostle Peter's political background, but 
that is all we know of Simon the Zealot. The Zealots were radical 
and fanatical nationalists who mixed their religion and politics 
into one of the most potent mixtures history has ever seen. 
The land of Palestine was a country under Roman rule. None 
of the Jews liked it, but some hated it, and they wanted to fight 
this master that had them in its grip. Herod the Great was able to 
keep the volcano of their wrath from erupting by skilled 
diplomacy and sheer power of personality. But when he died in 4 
B. C. and the territory was divided between his three sons, things 
began to get hot. In 7 A. D. a leader rose up in Galilee where the 
blaze was hottest. Judas the Galilean led an insurrection. They 
stormed the palace and broke into the arsenal, and embarked on a 
revolution as armed rebels. 
Judas and his men were no match for the power of Rome, 
however, and he was crushed. In Acts 5:37 Gamaliel tells us of his 
fate. "Judas the Galilean arose in the days of the census and drew 
away some of the people after him; he also perished, and all who 
followed him were scattered." Judas did not get far, but he 
started something which gave rise to the party called the Zealots. 
These fanatical nationalists loved their country more than life 
itself, and they hated Rome with all the hatred the human heart 
can possess. Such passion of love and hate when mixed lead to 
zeal bordering on madness. Nothing was permitted to stand in 
their way. Murder was not only permitted, it was promoted. 
They became known as the assassins. The name Sicarii came from 
the Sica, the little curved sword which they carried below their 
robes, and which they plunged into their enemies at every possible 
Men in the life of jesus
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Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
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Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus
Men in the life of jesus

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Men in the life of jesus

  • 1. MEN IN THE LIFE OF JESUS By Pastor Glenn Pease 1. PETER-A DARING DISCIPLE Based on Matt. 14:22-36 2. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA Based on Matt. 27:55-66 3. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA THE CORAGEOUS COWARD Based on Mark 15:37-47 4. JOHN THE GREATEST Based on MARK 1:1-8 5. MATTHEW THE TAX COLLECTOR Based on Mark 2:13-16 6. SIMON OF CYRENE Based on Mark 15:15-26 7. SIMON THE ZEALOT Based on Luke 6:12-16 8. JOHN-SON OF THUNDER Based on Luke 9:46-56 9. DEFECTIVE DISCIPLES Based on Luke 9:46-50 10. APOSTOLIC INTOLERANCE Based on Luke 9:49-50 11. ANDREW THE ORDINARY Based on John 1:35-42 12. PHILIP Based on John 1:43-46 13. THE SON OF LIGHTNING Based on John 13:1-10 14. PILATE'S PERPLEXING PROBLEM Based on John 18:28-40 15. THOMAS THE DOUBTER Based on John 20:19-31 1. PETER-A DARING DISCIPLE Based on Matt. 14:22-36 Back in 1959 Ford Motor Company admitted they made a big mistake in making the Edsel. It cost 250 million to bring it to market, and they lost 200 million during the 2 and 1/2 years they produced it. It was the number one lemon in the history of the U. S. auto industry. But smart owners turned their lemons into lemonade. They formed an Edsel owners club in all 50 states; they published a quality magazine and had annual conventions, and they made their Edsels collectors cars worth much more than they were new. The point is, mistakes can be costly, but they can also be profitable. The whole idea involved in Rom. 8:28 that God works in all things for the good of those who love him is this very point. God
  • 2. will even work with us in our mistakes to make them profitable and learning experiences. This means we do not need to fear failure so much that we refuse to take a chance and do what is of some risk. Our very failure could be the stepping stone to success. This is not some kind of mystical religious principle, but it is the wisdom of very practical minded men. Years ago a writer interviewed IBM president Thomas J. Wadson, and this is what he said: "It's not exactly my line," Watson said, "But would you like me to give you a formula for writing success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure." "You're making a common mistake. You're thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. Failure is a teacher-a harsh one perhaps, but the best. You say you have a desk full of rejected manuscripts? That's great! Everyone of those manuscripts was rejected for a reason. Have you pulled them to pieces looking for that reason? "You can be discouraged by failure-or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you'll find success. On the far side of failure." There are numerous illustrations of this in the secular world, and there are volumes that deal with the subject. But the best illustration of this in the New Testament is the life of Peter. We have more recorded mistakes and blunders of Peter than all the rest of the 12 put together. He was the master of mistakes, and yet Jesus chose him to be the leader of the 12. There is no list of the Apostles where Peter is not first. Is there any connection between all of his mistakes and his being the number one man in leadership? Yes there is, and the mistake we want to examine is a prime example. Peter was the only man Jesus ever rebuked for lacking the faith needed to stay on top of water. Why would Jesus make this man he had to rebuke more than all the others the leader of the others? He
  • 3. did so because Peter was the only one of the 12 willing to take the chance. Yes, he sank while all the rest were safely in the boat. But that is because he was the only one willing to take the chance of leaping out of the boat. The risk taker fails more because they do more. You can criticize Peter and be justified in doing so, for Jesus rebuked him for his little faith that led him to doubt and then sink. Peter did fail here, and needed to be rescued, but look at the whole picture. The only reason Peter failed is because he took a chance, and he was the only one who did. We focus on his failure and neglect the fact that Peter was the only man besides Jesus whoever succeeded in walking on water. His faith weakened in the storm, but the text tells us clearly in verse 29, "Then Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus." Peter was the greatest success in the world at walking on water. That took tremendous faith. But what we see here is that faith can be very flimsy, and confidence can collapse very rapidly in a fearful situation. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, said at a press conference in July of 1970, "I particularly remember the elation of finding out that we indeed weren't going to sink into the surface, and we could continue with all the other planned activities." These were among the coolest men on the planet, and yet they had their fears as they set foot on the moon. How much more so for Peter who set foot on the lake where there was no mystery about it? He knew that sinking in water was inevitable. Had the water been as still and calm as glass it still would have been a fearful step out of that boat. But in a raging storm it would seem to be an act of folly to even attempt it. But Peter risked doing the impossible with Jesus, and he did it. Peter was rebuked, for Jesus wanted him to go all the way and experience total victory by his faith, but he failed and began to sink.
  • 4. Jesus was not disgusted with Peter. Yes, he got a F in completion, but he got an A for effort. He was the only one who took the test. The rest sat like bumps on a log, and they did not fail, but they also never had a chance to succeed. Peter did what none of the others ever did, he walked on water. Jesus chose him to be the leader because he was willing to take a chance. His very failure was a mark in his favor, for only those who try can fail. We don't want to give a false impression that the rest of the 12 were of no value because they did not rise up and leap over the side of the boat. They are no less chosen of Christ, but they are less exalted. Peter is made number one because he had a courage that the others lacked. Not all Christians are risk takers, and it is not sinful that they are not. Jesus did not need 12 men leaping into the lake. He only needed one risk taker of that degree, for he only needed one head man. We are not trying to put anybody down, but only striving to see what it was about Peter that made him the one Jesus chose to be the leader of the 12. What we see is that Peter was more willing to fail and take chances for Christ. His failures were not good, but they represent a quality of character that Jesus was looking for in a leader. He was ready to risk losing for the sake of winning. We can't all be Peter, just as none of the other disciples could be. They were often chicken compared to him. But all Christians can learn from Peter's example to move in the direction of boldness and risk taking. In one sense this whole incident was much ado about nothing. Who cares about walking on water? It is one of the most useless miracles in all the Bible. Jesus never did it again, and nobody else was ever challenged to do it again. It healed nobody and helped nobody. In terms of benefit, you can place this miracles on the bottom of the pile. Who could feel the loss if it never would have happened? Obviously a miracle of so little worth must have great value in terms of education.
  • 5. This whole scene was deliberately set up by Jesus to teach a lesson. He sent them out into the lake in a boat alone. This time he was not going to be sleeping in the boat when the storm hit. This was a whole new lesson for them to see how they would cope alone, and how their faith would respond with him absent. He was not going to be at their side in the flesh forever, and they needed to develop a faith that went beyond sight. They had just seen Jesus feed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish. You would think their faith would never fail again after that, but Jesus sends them off to face contrary winds and put their faith to the test. Peter is being tested here especially, and we see him come through with both and A and a F, but with an overall stamp of approval that made him the key leader. He got a A for daring and a F for doubting, but as we shall see, even his failure was an asset that Jesus appreciated. If we could learn to fail like Peter, we will please our Lord and be used to build his kingdom. Let's look at his success and failure, or his daring and doubting. I. HIS DARING. Peter dared to do what the others never dreamed of doing. Safety first was their motto. But Peter was an impulsive risk taker, and his impulse in this very unusual setting was to step out onto the water. "Lord if its you tell me to come to you on the water." Peter is saying, "dare me to come Lord", and Jesus responds, "I dare you to come." Jesus knew Peter was the kind of man who could not refuse a dare. If you challenged him to do the unusual and impossible, you better be prepared to deal with the consequences, for he will be going for it. Such a personality trait can quickly turn you into a fool, but it can also make you a hero. It has to be kept under control, and Peter had his problems doing that. Peter dared to do foolish things also, and
  • 6. was like a teenager being dared to play chicken in a car, or being dared to go over 100 miles per hour. People who can't say no to a dare are often at the mercy of the most foolish and dangerous whims. It is one of those virtue-vice type traits. If you can be daring, however, and respond to a dare to do what is good, noble, and heroic, then you have a very positive virtue. Studies show that people can be dared into doing what is best for them. George Warren Kroll was a weakling who was dared to become the healthiest boy in his class, and the blood flowed through his body responding to the challenge, and he began to build his body until it was the strongest in his class. Harry Wonda was about to quit his job as a salesman when his sales manager challenged him. "I dare you to go out and sell more today than you ever have." It was like a call to battle, and he went out with a determination to do just that, and he did. He needed the dare to bring out the daring spirit that was in him. Jesus knew Peter had a daring spirit, and that is why he challenged him to do the daring act of walking on water. Jesus was doing to Peter what Ulysses did to Achilles. He provided an opportunity to reveal his true nature. When the Greeks were besieging Troy the oracle came saying they would never take the city until Achilles came to the front. But the mother of Achilles fearing his death had him hidden away disguised as a girl in the court of Diomedes. Crafty old Ulysses disguised himself as a peddler and entered the home of Diomedes where he spread out a glittering array of trinkets before the eager eyes of the girls. As if by chance there was also a sword laid among them. Suddenly, a trumpet blast sounded at the gate, which Ulysses had prearranged to give the impression of an attack. One of the girls with flushing cheeks and kindly eyes sprang forward and gripped the sword and flashed it in the air, and stood forth every inch a warrior. Ulysses presented a challenge and a dare, and he found his
  • 7. man. Achilles went with him and Troy fell. Jesus needed a brave leader to defeat the kingdom of darkness, and by this dare to come to him on the water Jesus also found his man in Peter the daring disciple. But we have to face the reality that Peter did not stay on top of the water very long, and so we have to look at- II. HIS DOUBTING. We love Peter better because he sank. Paul probably would have walked all the way to Jesus and made us all feel hopelessly inadequate. But Peter, the Rock, sank because his daring faith turned to doubting fear, and we see ourselves in Peter, for he is more like us. Paul was more of a intellectual, and he probably would not have tried it after he gave it some thought. He was smart enough to know it wouldn't work, but Peter was not that smart. We get our courage up at times and feel determined to take a new path. We say with Peter, "Lord bid me come to you on the water." We pray for Jesus to guide us to new heights and bold adventures for him. "Lord help me take the leap of faith; to get out of the boat of complacency and non-productive habits. Help me be bold for you." Then, like Peter, we soon recognize we are not very good at walking on water. We are out of our element, and are like a fish trying to walk on the beach. We see the reality of our inadequacy, and the waves begin to pound our sand castle of faith, and it dissolves before our eyes. All we see is the impossibility of maintaining our commitment, and we cry out as Peter did, "Lord save me!" Our determination leads us into deep water, and we are worse off now than if we would have just stayed in the boat. We are just like Peter. Even his best intentions often ended in a failure because fear and doubt overwhelmed his faith and daring.
  • 8. Why then did Jesus choose Peter to be the leader of the 12, when he had the same weaknesses that they had, and that we all have? The reason is obvious, for Jesus is teaching us all through Peter that it is better to try and fail then never to try at all. It is better to fail in a cause that will one day succeed than to succeed in a cause that will one day fail. That statement comes from another Peter who was Peter Marshall. Jesus chose Peter because Peter was willing to take a chance and do something rather than nothing. You can set in the boat and succeed at being a setter, or you can leap out of the boat and fail to be a walker on water, but Jesus says that he chooses the one who fails in trying, rather than the one who succeeds in not trying. Jesus is saying to go ahead and fail in trying to do what he calls you to do. Take a chance, for I prefer a rock that tries to walk on water and sinks, over a bump in a boat that will take no risks. Jesus never asked Peter to do this again, or anyone else. He never again walked on water. It is not anyone's goal in life to walk on water. It is not in God's plan at all, and so it is obvious this one time event was to teach us this lesson. Failure in trying is superior to success in not trying. Don't let your doubts and fears stop you from trying to do something exciting for Christ. Even the world's greatest daredevils have to fight with fear and doubt. Steve Brodie at age 23 leaped off the Brooklyn Bridge in 1886. He plunged a 120 feet into the East River. He was on the front page of the New York Times the next morning. He was arrested, but the judge didn't know what to do with him, for nobody had ever done this and lived to tell about it. It was against the law to kill yourself this way, but there was no law dealing with someone who jumped and lived. He was released and became quite famous as a daredevil. He decided to go over Niagara Falls in a rubber suit. This also
  • 9. was against the law, so he got up at 5:30 in the morning and paddled out to the middle of the river above Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side. He went over, and again he lived to tell about it. But like Peter, the power of the water all about him raised his doubt level to near panic. He reported afterward that he would have given anything to back out, but once he was in the current there was no return. He tried hard to get to shore, but when he saw it was impossible he felt he was going to die, and so cried out in prayer just as Peter did to be spared. By the time he came to the brink of the falls the fear was so great he went unconscious. That was his answer to prayer, for he was spared the experience of the fall, and the next thing he knew he was on the water's edge. The point is, the most brave and bold and courageous can be filled with fear, and his faith can fail. Fear of failure is no excuse, for all men fear failure at some point. Fear of not trying should be the fear that motivates us. We are not called to walk on water or go over Niagara, or a thousand other stunts that have no value for the kingdom of God. But we are called to get out of the boat which represents the church, and join Jesus on the stormy sea which represents the lost world. That is the kind of person Jesus is looking for, and that is why he used Peter to be the first man to lead a Gentile into the church. Peter ld Cornelius to Christ before Paul the Apostle and the Gentiles were involved in ministry. The whole first part of the book of Acts revolves around Peter. Why? Because he was a man willing to change. Stepping out of the boat onto a stormy sea is what we all do if we take seriously the call to evangelism. It can lead to so much failure. We risk offending people all the time. We risk losing friendships. We risk getting a reputation as a fanatic. It is a high risk area to step into, but it is better to fail in trying than to succeed in staying safe. Studies show that only about 10 per cent of Christians ever respond
  • 10. to the challenge of evangelism, the question is, are you one of that 10 per cent? We can't all be like Peter, but we can all move in the direction of being a more daring disciple. The unknown poet gives the challenge to us all. "In this vast universe There is but one supreme truth- That God is our friend! By that truth meaning is given To the remote stars, the numberless centuries, The long and heroic struggle of mankind.... O my Soul, dare to trust this truth! Dare to rest in God's kindly arms, Dare to look confidently into His face, Then launch thyself into life unafraid! Knowing thou art within thy Father's house, That thou art surrounded by His love, Thou wilt become master of fear, Lord of life, conqueror even of death!" 2. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA Based on Matt. 27:55-66 The danger of making a hero out of a man who does a great thing after a long time of doing nothing is that you give the impression that there was nothing lost by doing it that way. A man lives a life of sin, or of indifference to God's will, and suddenly he sees the light and is wondrously converted. If he has been a well known sinner, or a famous unbeliever, there is a tendency to make a great deal of it, and make such a person an example. But there is often a failure to point out what a great lost was suffered by his delayed decision. Some have
  • 11. pointed out that it is of no credit to Paul that God had to beat him down and blind him before he submitted to Christ. Joseph of Arimathea became a hero by his last minute change from cowardice to courage. But we want to point out something of the loss he suffered by not making his decision earlier. We want to look at 2 aspects of his experience and see the loss which he suffered, and the love which he showed. I. THE LOST WHICH HE SUFFERED. What is said here will not be taken as statements out of the text, but as inferences from other passages of the Bible. First he suffered loss because his discontent came to late for the greatest good. When he stood before the cross he became thoroughly discontent with his superficial secret discipleship. But this discontent should have characterized his life from the start as a believer. Discontent is an essential factor for effective Christian growth. But didn't Paul say I have learned to be content in whatever state I am. Yes, but Paul was speaking of being content with much or little, with hard bed, in danger, or soft one in the home of a friend. He was talking about being content with whatever life brought in his service for Christ, whether it be good or bad. But when it came to the spiritual, Paul was not content. Paul was as near perfect as we can imagine, yet called himself chief of sinners, and cried out, "Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death." Paul was constantly pushing onward and upward trying to apprehend that for which God had apprehended him. He was never content to stop and be satisfied with where he was in his spiritual growth. If there is no discontent, there will be no drive to move ahead.
  • 12. Contentment with one's spiritual life is a curse. It has been one of the greatest curses in the history of the church, and was such also in Judaism. Dead orthodoxy is the fruit of contentment. The Pharisees were content with their system of salvation by works. That is why they despise Jesus and wanted to kill Him. That is why the established church has killed so many who were excited about doing the will of God. Men like to get everything all wrapped up in a creed and call that Christianity. This was the case with the state churches of Europe. They were perfectly content to let the people live for the devil just as long as they memorize the creed. But God raised up men who would not be content with that kind of Christianity. We need to be careful in our use of words like liberal. Remember that the men who were the fathers of what we now call orthodoxy were once the liberals. They were the discontented liberals who could not stand dead orthodoxy, and so they rebelled. There needs to be constant reformation, for the orthodox has a tendency to settle back into contentment. It is only as we are constantly discontent that we can keep orthodoxy alive. Whenever a Christian is content he is in danger of backsliding, but a discontented Christian grows. We need to distinguish, however, between discontent and discouragement. Discouragement drags down, but discontent pushes us on. I have said all this as background to explain what Joseph missed by experiencing his discontent so late. If he had felt this all along, there is no telling what he may have accomplished among the leaders of Israel, and especially among those other secret disciples. If only they had a leader who was discontent enough to speak out and organize them. This is what Joseph lost-the honor of organizing a band of disciples among the elite, and thereby winning many more to Christ. St. Augustine was one who lived long in sin before he came to
  • 13. Christ. Once he said, "All too late have I loved thee." This was Joseph's experience as well. What he did was great, but it was too late for the greatest glory. Mary of Bethany demonstrates for us that when we love it ought to be shown. While Jesus sat at the table she came an anointed Him with expensive perfumes. Judas rebuked her, but Jesus praised her and said that what she had done would be spoken as a memorial for her wherever the Gospel is preached. She gave her gift and showed her love while Jesus was alive. Joseph waited until He was dead, and when it was too late for Jesus to appreciate it. The contrast is between those who send flowers to the living, and those who only send them to the dead. Edgar Dewitt Jones told of a man who had to leave his invalid mother to work in the city. Every week he sent flowers home. Some felt this was a waste, for she had flowers all over the house. But the mother eagerly awaited them each week. They were concrete expressions of his love, and they made her happy all her days until she died. The Judas mind says it is such a waste, and the Joseph mind says why not wait until she dies. But the Mary mind says express your love now and never put it off, and she was the only one whom Jesus praised, for her philosophy is the only one that acts when the greatest glory can be gained. An unknown poet maybe too hard on Joseph, but here are some lines he has written: Strange quite man, what impulse in your breast Involved your kindness to the Master whom You had not dared to join? He wanted rest Within your heart, but found it in your tomb. Did you not dare to love Him, He who sought To give you life, nor asked for recompense? What pity that in finding Him you brought Your laggard love in death's cold cerements!
  • 14. II. THE LOVE WHICH HE SUFFERED. Hate has had its hour, and now love steps in to close the day. Maybe Joseph was late with his love, but it was of great significance when it came. It is of interest to note the similarities of the burial of Christ with His birth. 1. When He was born the rich came to worship. When He was buried it was in the tomb of a rich man. 2. When He was born the main characters were Mary and Joseph. When He was buried the main characters were Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea. 3. Joseph would be the first to touch the baby at birth, and Joseph was the last to touch the body in burial. 4. In birth He had a borrowed cradle, and in dead a borrowed grave. Jesus did own things, for He was a carpenter and had to have tools. But He was greatly dependant upon others in His ministry. He preached from a borrowed boat; He rode on a borrowed colt; He ate the Last Supper in a borrowed room, and was buried in a borrowed tomb. He had nothing lasting on earth, for He laid up all His treasure in heaven. The only thing He had of permanent value was His life and He gave that for us. In comparing His birth and burial Wordworth said, "One Joseph was appointed by God to be the guardian of His body in the virgin womb, and another Joseph was the guardian of His body in the virgin tomb, and each man is called a just man in Holy Scripture." A poet has put it, How life and death in Thee agree; Thou hadst a virgin womb and tomb, And Joseph did betroth them both.
  • 15. Some critics go too far in their criticism of Joseph and say that he only took Jesus down from the cross because he was concerned about obedience to the Jewish law, which said in Deut. 21:22-23, "When a man who has committed a crime deserving of death, is executed and you hang him on a tree, his body must not be permitted to remain on the tree over night; you must bury him on the same day." (Berkley). This is going too far, for if that was his only concern, why did not take care of the two thieves as well? Not only that, if he was worried about the law he would not be there defiling himself by touching a dead body on the night of the Passover Feast. He was a rich man and could have hired someone to do it. The fact that he and Nicodemus were there, and cut themselves off from the feast by defilement, is proof enough of their real love. John tells us that while Joseph was getting permission to take the body of Christ Nicodemus went to buy a 100 pound weight of spices. It is of interest again the myrr should be used, which was one of the gifts the wise men brought at His birth. When they came to take down the body of Jesus and prepare it for burial the women who had been there watching followed them, and Mary Magdalene was among them. They, no doubt, wondered what was happening, for they did not know these two men were disciples of Jesus. They had been secret disciples. It must have been a pleasant surprise for them to see these two take the body to a beautiful garden tomb and prepare it for decent burial. They would have done it themselves, but they could never have gotten permission to take the body. Here was the amazing providence of God in having a man of wealth and position ready just when he was needed. In taking Jesus to His new tomb Joseph was fulfilling the prophecy of Isa. 53:9, which said, "Men made His grave with the criminals, and He was with the rich in His death." The tomb of Joseph must have been in a beautiful garden with many plants and flowers. Man began
  • 16. in the Garden of Eden with perfect life, but soon he turned it into death. Jesus now lays in the garden of Joseph dead, but will soon turn it into life. The beauty of the location was symbolic of the joy and glory of the Easter message. It is more than guess work that makes us visualize the beauty of Joseph's garden. If you recall, Mary Magdalene on the first Easter morning saw a figure nearby when she was weeping because her Lord was gone. It says that she supposed him to be the gardener. It is highly unlikely she would think any such thing unless this garden was a beautiful estate calling for a great deal of care. Joseph was a rich man, and no doubt did have a gardener to keep this place neat and beautiful, and so it was perfectly natural for Mary to think that is who she saw. Thanks to the love of Joseph, Jesus received the burial of a king and fulfilled several prophecies. One of them was that the body of Jesus was not to see corruption. Thanks to the new tomb where none had been laid, and to the spices that Nicodemus bought, his body did not see corruption. The Christian is to regard the body with respect and car, but not to worship it. Some say just throw it away as worthless, and others say honor it as an idol. These extremes are both wrong. The body is to be loved and respected, but whatever happens to the body does not make a difference in terms of the resurrection. Jesus had a decent burial, but the thief on the cross was likely thrown into a ditch somewhere, but his spirit went to paradise with Jesus just the same. Whatever be the grave of a saint it is a resurrection field. Joseph was late in his expression of love, and because of that he suffered loss, but he illustrates the truth of the saying that it is better late than never. Joseph will always be remembered for the love which he finally showed that did play an important role in the respect given to the body of Christ.
  • 17. 3. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA THE CORAGEOUS COWARD Based on Mark 15:37-47 A fireman who was half dead from exhaustion and smoke inhalation, with face dirty and uniform covered with grime, staggers past the crowd and is almost deafened by their shouts and cheers for him. He has just come from a burning building where, at the risk of his life, he climbed to the third story and rescued a trapped child. The crowd watched breathlessly as he walked along the ledge of the building with his precious burden, and finally managed to get back to the ladder and down to safety. The crowd cheered this man more now than they ever thought of doing on the day of the firemen's parade. He marched by then in his freshly cleaned uniform with all the buttons shined. It is obvious why. Even though he was more presentable marching in a parade, that was only a superficial duty of a fireman, but now they had just witnessed his sacrificial duty. He had risked his life, and the awful appearance which he now exhibited was the result of his willingness to perform the hardest, highest, and most sacrificial duty of a fireman. This called for cheers and praise. We would think people mad if they thought more of him all spic and span marching in the parade than they thought of him now. Yet, it is just this very thing that happened in the last week of the life of Christ. On Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem the crowds cheered him and honored Him like a king. A few days later when He hung on the cross they mocked Him. This was as foolish as mocking the fireman for saving the child. Couldn't they see that the triumphal entry was only the parade, but the cross was the real victory? Here was the king on His throne doing the real and sacrificial duty He came into the world to do. It was on the cross that He was at His best. He came to give His life a ransom for many, and now as he
  • 18. fulfills this greatest and most sacrificial duty of all time, the cheering crowds have become the cruel crowds. They were blind, and they missed the meaning of it all. What was obvious in the case of the fireman is just the opposite here, but we want to consider the happy fact that not everyone missed it. The Bible tells us of several who were deeply moved by the death of Christ. We have the Roman Centurion, Joseph of Arimathea, and Nicodemus. We want to focus on Joseph, for he was the first Christian man we know of who was so moved by the cross that he made an all out commitment of his life. We want to consider his experience in two stages. I. HIS COWARDICE BEFORE THE CROSS. v. 43 Simon of Cyrene, the penitent thief, and the Roman Centurion, all found Christ at the cross, and they could sing as a trio, "At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light." This was not the case with Joseph of Arimathea. Matthew and John both tell us that he was already a disciple of Christ, but John adds, "But secretly for fear of the Jews." It was not at the cross where Joseph first saw the light, but it was there that the light penetrated deep into his heart, and compelled him to come out into the light of open commitment. Where was Joseph before the cross? Why don't we hear of him until now? It was because Joseph was one of those men who wanted to eat his cake and have it too. He and Nicodemus were both members of the Sanhedrin, the highest ruling body among the Jews. Most of the followers of Jesus were from the common people. His chosen disciples were mostly uneducated fishermen. You certainly would not expect a man of his standing to come out in an open declaration of his belief in Christ. Just about everyone in his circle of high society was opposed to this Galilean upstart who taught with
  • 19. more authority than they did. It was too risky to operate in the open, and so Joseph decided he would be a secret disciple. He, no doubt, had all kinds of good reasons why this would be best, such as, I'll be more influence in this position of power; I'll be able to be a silent witness among the elite, the up and outers. John tells us the real reason: He was just plain scared. Nothing is so hard as going against the group. Joseph was not alone. There were others who were afraid to risk their position and reputation by making an open stand. In John 12:42-43 we read, "Nevertheless, many even of the leaders believed in Him but, due to the Pharisees, failed to confess it so they might not be put out of the synagogue, for they preferred men's esteem to divine approval." Jesus had good cause for saying, "He who denies Me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." The fear of what others think is a powerful force in controlling our conduct. A group of boys from good American families broke over 300 windows in a new school building. A famous psychologist was called in to interview each boy separately, and he found that not one approved of the conduct of the group. Each thought that they were the only one who didn't want to do it, but no one was willing to voice his opinion. They were all afraid of what the others would think. All it would have taken is for one with enough sense to call the whole plan a stupid idea. He would have been a welcome leader, and could have prevented the whole thing, but they were all secret disciples of what they knew to be right. A secret disciple is about as useless as a rubber crutch. Nicodemus and Joseph both made weak attempts to do something for Jesus. Nicodemus on one occasion said to the Sanhedrin, "Does
  • 20. our law condemn a man without a trial?" Luke tells us Joseph did not consent to the decision to condemn Jesus. He didn't consent, but he didn't fight it either. He was neutral, but to be neutral and silent in the presence of sin is to condone the sin. Someone said, "All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing." If he would have risen to the defense of Jesus along with Nicodemus, and other leaders who believed, they could have prevented all the injustice and cruelty Jesus had to suffer, but he remained a secret disciple and a cowardly Christian. Secret discipleship is a sad development in the life of many a believer. The idea of being a silent witness with your life, without speaking up for Christ, is being shattered these days. It is a fine idea, but it just doesn't work as a major method. Luke tells us that Joseph was a good and righteous man, but that did not do a thing for Christ as long as he was a silent and secret disciple. To be a silent witness is the hard way, and it leads to all sorts of complications. The man who comes right out and lets others know where he stands finds it much easier to live an effective Christian life. Once you make your stand the world expects you to be Christian in your conduct, but until they know they assume you are like them. The secret disciple has to constantly make excuses for why he does not live like the world. When asked to go to a night club, he has to say he is tired, or has other plans. When asked to play golf on Sunday morning, he has to explain that his wife wants him to go to church, or that he would rather play on Saturday. He has to laugh at their dirty jokes or they will get suspicious. When are we going to learn that the best defense is our offense? The world shrinks in weakness before the man or woman who takes a solid stand for Christ, and for what is right. Even the conscience of the unbeliever is on our side. No one ever took a fort by hiding in the woods. You have to attack to take it. Like a mighty army moves the church of God; the gates of hell cannot
  • 21. stop it. Secret disciples like Joseph are of no help in the battle. Maybe they are not helping the enemy hold up the gate, but neither are they doing anything to beat it down. That is why it is a delight to see what happened to Joseph at the cross. II. HIS COMMITTMENT BENEATH THE CROSS. v. 43 What a sudden change came over Joseph. When Jesus was popular and the crowds cheered him, he was cowardly, but now when it appears that there is nothing but defeat and utter ruin of all the Lord's plans, he becomes courageous. When Jesus was performing miracles, healing the blind, and raising the dead, he was afraid to come out into the open. But now when all his disciples have fled, and he is a picture of complete helplessness and weakness, he boldly goes to Pilate and asks for the body of Christ, and thereby proclaims to the world that he is a follower of this man. This took more courage then we realize. The Roman practice was to dishonor the bodies of criminals who were crucified. They would let the dogs and birds consume them, or burn them, or throw them in a ditch. For Joseph to go and request the body of Jesus for decent burial was as much as saying, "I think you crucified an innocent man. You did wrong to kill him." It was fortunate for him that Pilate felt guilty, and was glad to grant his wish as another act to ease his conscience. Eusebius, the ancient church historian, tells us that when the Presbyter Pamphylius of Cesarea was sentenced to martyrdom in 309 A. D., his young slave Porphyrius requested that he might be allowed to bury the body. The judge was infuriated and condemned him to be tortured at the stake. Joseph not only risked his life because of Pilate, but because of the Sanhedrin. What would they do when they heard what he had done to the one they had so despised? At best he would be cursed and
  • 22. ostracized from office. What was it that caused Joseph to do now what he could never do before? I cannot doubt that it was what he saw and heard beneath the cross. If the cross does not bring a man out of his cowardly concealment, nothing will. We see in Joseph the first evidence of the power of the cross. There was a power there that did what even his perfect life could not do. The cross is not only the power that brings sinners to conversion, it is the power that brings saints to commitment. As Joseph stood beneath the cross of Jesus, and saw the love that He exhibited there, in spite of the hate and mockery against Him, his conscience must have burned within him. His shame must have been almost unbearable when Jesus said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." He must have examined Himself and said, "That is right! I don't know what I am doing. I have been playing it safe, and look what He suffers. I've been worried about my position, power, and possessions. My pride has been my master." He saw what folly he was practicing in the light of the cross. Even the Roman Centurion, who did not have the knowledge he did, could see the love of God at the cross. Joseph could not longer hide his love for this one whose love never failed or faltered, even on the cross. "For me, I yield, I yield-I can hold out no more. I come by dying love compelled, and own Him conqueror." Joseph could have sung from actual experience, "When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss and poor contempt on all my pride."
  • 23. Our text tells us that Joseph was looking for the kingdom of God. Could it be that even the penitent thief played a part in Joseph's sudden commitment? This thief said to Jesus, "Remember me when you come into your kingdom," and Jesus said, "This day thou shalt be with Me in paradise." This was certainly a challenge to Joseph. Here was a thief who saw in Jesus a king. He believed that Jesus had a kingdom, and that he could be a part of it, and Jesus assured him he would be. Joseph must have wondered at his own folly. He was looking for the kingdom, and here was the king before his very eyes. He had been counting the cost of coming out in the open for Christ, and he thought it was too high a price to pay, but now he begins to consider the cost of remaining silent, and he came to the conclusion that he would count all else as loss that he might win Christ. He threw all fear to the wind, and made an open stand. Jesus said, "It is finished," and Joseph said in his heart, "Amen, and so is my secret discipleship finished." The death of Jesus did something in Joseph just the opposite of what it did to the disciples of Jesus. They took it as the final blow, and they slunk away in defeat to weep in despair. Joseph, in contrast, came out of hiding, threw off his mask, and boldly said, "I love this man enough to give him my tomb for burial." He took a stand as shocking to all who knew him as it would be to us if a member of the Supreme Court gave his burial plot to one that the court had just condemned to death. If you think that would make headlines, what about the story of Joseph? It would spread like wildfire through the land of Israel. He would be branded for life. Tradition says he was removed from the Sanhedrin for his action. How would we feel if the Supreme Court judge who gave his plot, gave it to one who was condemned as a traitor of our country? That is how the leaders of Israel looked at Jesus, and at Joseph who gave him a place of burial." It took the crisis of the cross to change his cowardice into courage.
  • 24. Sometimes it takes a crisis to bring out a man's true faith. Foxe, in his book of martyrs, tells of Christians who trembled in fear as they sat in prison thinking of being burned at the stake, but when the time came they faced it bravely. Some Christians are like Peter who was courageous when all was calm, but who turned weak in the hour of crisis. Others are like Joseph who was cowardly, but who became courageous in the hour of crisis. Joseph was the first in a long line of men of God who were compelled to risk all in complete commitment due to a crisis situation. Savonarola was preaching the Word of God with such boldness to the Italians that the corrupt church tried to stop him by advancing him to the position of Cardinal. When the messenger of Rome arrived with the offer of the Cardinal's purple, Savonarola asked him to come to his next sermon and receive his reply. In that lenten sermon of 1496 he said, "I desire neither hats nor mitres, be they great or small. I desire naught save that which thou hast given to thy saints; it is death; a crimson hat, a hat of blood I desire." That is what he got, for he chose the cross rather than compromise, and to be a coward. Before the great anti-Christian outbreak in China, an official who was a secret believer was ordered to send a message to an inland governor telling him to kill all Christian missionaries. This was his hour of crisis, and, as it was with Joseph, it led him to open commitment. He sent instructions to the governor to protect the Christians, and in so doing he risked all that his life offered him, and that is what it cost, for he was soon put to death. It is costly to be committed to Christ. But Jesus did not call us to raise roses, pick posies, cultivate carnations, but to carry the cross. The Christian life is not a cinch, but a challenge that calls for courage. As the hymn says,
  • 25. Ye that are men now serve Him, Against unnumbered foes: Your courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. Leaders of any cause know that there must be a challenge in their cause if it is going to succeed. Napoleon once built a battery in such an exposed position that his artillery officers said he would never find men to man it. Napoleon was wise. He set a placard by it which read, "The Battery Of Men Without Fear." He never lacked men to man that battery. If we read between the lines on the placard over the cross, we see written there, "Jesus Christ the King of the Jews-those who would follow Him must be willing to risk everything. Joseph of Arimethea accepted that challenge, and made the most important decision of his life-the decisions to end his secret discipleship of cowardice, and become an open witness whatever the cost. As we consider the cross before our communion service, we too must face its challenge. We cannot remain neutral before the cross of Christ, and we ought not to want to, for every man's heart cries out with George Eliot who said, "I don't want to be a bit of driftwood on the current of things." We want our lives to count, and if they count for Christ, they count for eternity. A decision for him gives direction to life; gives determination to make life useful, and gives a destination for our life worth striving for. Everyone of us stand at the cross of crisis, and it is the hour of decision: Will we be cowards, or will be courageous? 4. JOHN THE GREATEST Based on MARK 1:1-8
  • 26. It takes all kinds to make a world is an old cliché, and like many old clichés there is a lot of truth to it. God so made our physical world that it just won't work without differences. Issac Asimov points out that energy can only be turned into work when you find it in greater concentration in one place, and in lesser concentration in another. If the world was flat and the sun shone on all of it at the same time, all parts of the earth would be at the same temperature, and you could get no work out of it. But if it is round, and so one side is dark when the other is light, and it is the reality of these opposites that makes the sun so powerful a source of energy for work. God follows the same laws in the building of His kingdom on earth. He does not want everybody to be the same. In fact, He wants people who are opposites: Not just in sex, but in personality, life-style, and in there gifts and goals. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the contrast we see between Jesus and His forerunner John The Baptist. They were as unlike each other as a wedding and a funeral, or joy and solemnity. Do not reject or look down on Christians who are different. The world is full of Christians who are strange to us, but they are just what God wants. We are all strange to someone else, but God loves the variety. The paradox is Jesus and John were so much alike in their preaching of the kingdom that they were mistaken for each other. People thought John may be the Messiah, and he had to deny it. Jesus was taken to be John the Baptist because He was so powerful. People thought he was John come back to life. In Matt. 14:1-2 we read, "At that time Herod the Tetrarch heard about the fame of Jesus; and he said to his servants, this is John the Baptist, he has been raised from the dead, that is why these powers are at work in him." Later on Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do men say that the Son Of Man is?" And in Matt. 16:14 we read this response, "And they said, some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or
  • 27. one of the prophets." This gives us an insight into the powerful impact John the Baptist had on Israel in the few short years of his ministry. All the other prophets people thought of were Old Testament prophets. John was the only contemporary that was put in that class of people whom Jesus might have been, for He was the only man of God like him who had been seen in Israel for centuries. They could easily imagine that he was the Messiah. So John was taken for Jesus, and Jesus for John, because they were both such powerful personalities for God. But they were still very much opposites in their personal lives. John was a hermit who spent a good share of his life in the desert living the life of an ascetic. This is the point of Mark 1:6 where his dress and his diet are described. There is not much point in details like this being preserved unless they have some significance. What do we care what John wore and ate? Unless there is something valuable to learn by the contrast with the life-style of the Master, whose way he was preparing, there would be no point in it. His camel hair clothing was the clothing of a wilderness nomad, and his diet of locust and wild honey were the products of the wilderness. If we saw John today, we would no doubt point him to a mission, for he would give us the impression that he was not exactly living high off the hog. He was an uncut diamond, rough and unpolished. Jesus said, "Why did you go out into the wilderness, to see a man clothed in soft raiment?" Jesus went on the say you would go to king's houses if all you were interested in was soft and expensive clothing. No, he said, you went out to see a prophet, and more than prophet. He is the one who was to prepare the way for Messiah. And then Jesus makes this amazing statement: The greatest compliment he ever paid to anyone in Matt. 11:11, "Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the
  • 28. Baptist." Who was the greatest man in history? It all depends on who you ask. But if you had asked Jesus that question in His day on earth, He would say it was this strange forerunner of his, John the Baptist. Any survey among Christians with this question would bring in votes for Abraham, Moses, David, and other great personalities of the Old Testament. Few would choose this wild looking man, darken from years in the desert sun, and unshaven, for he was a Nazarite. He was too radically different to appeal to us. It is true he had low overhead for his ministry, the locust and wild honey were free. Bees were everywhere making honey in the crevices of the rocks. Some might even consider it a delicacy to eat honey coated locust. He was getting his protein and carbohydrates with no preservatives added. But, all kidding aside, John the Baptist was performing a ministry to thousands of people, and he started one of the biggest revivals in all the history of Israel, and he never took an offering of which we have any record. John was not called to be a fund raiser, or to build a church, or a school for prophets. He was called to prepare the way for the Messiah, and he did it without money. He had the lowest overhead of any ministry on record. Can you imagine what it would cost to get John's results today? The point is, there was no credibility gap when he preached to others to live the simple life style, and to give to the poor. Many who preach this live like kings and drive the most expensive cars, but John lived what he preached. John is one of the few people in history, in or out of the Bible, who demonstrated you can live a life sold out to God, and give up all that the world treasures, and still be successful. When John's birth was announced to his father the angel said in Luke 1:15, "He will be great before the Lord." He was destined to be great. His birth is the only
  • 29. one described in detail in the New Testament, except that of Jesus. Most of the world, in most cultures, at most times, would not consider John as being very successful, let alone great. He had nothing of the status symbols of materialism. Yet he was powerful in his poverty, and we learn from John that the only resource one really needs to be great, as far as God is concerned, is the Holy Spirit. John is the only person in the Bible who was surrounded by the Holy Spirit from his conception. We know this was true of Jesus also, but it is only recorded of John. In Luke 1:15 we read of John, "..he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mothers womb." This is never said of any other person. In Luke 1:41 we read of his mother, "And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Here is the most unique family in all of history. No wonder John was in the eyes of Jesus the greatest man in history. It is of interest to note that John was the first person to recognize that Jesus came into the world to give His life as a sacrifice. He saw Jesus coming toward him and he said, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." Some of his disciples followed Jesus because of this, but it was a long time before they saw in Jesus what John did. John was so special and unique, but there are few sermons about him, and this may be legitimate because he said, "I must decrease and He must increase." His job was to point the way to Jesus, and not focus on himself, but we can't escape the facts. There are more words in the New Testament about John the Baptist than there are in 33 of the 66 books of the Bible. He is the first preacher of the New Testament. He did not preach the law, but the New Testament kingdom coming with the Messiah. He was the first man in history called the Baptist. For decades it was thought that John picked up the idea of baptism from the Jewish practice of baptizing Gentiles. It was supposed that the Jews baptized them when the came into the Jewish faith. Modern studies,
  • 30. however, reveal that this came after John and not before. There is no reference to this practice in the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, Philo, or Josephus, or any record that would indicate that it came before John. Even the liberal scholar Rudolf Bultmann writes, "No certain testimony to the practice of proselyte baptism is found before the end of the first century." What this means is that all the evidence points to John as the first Baptist in history, and the founder of the very idea of Baptism. He also baptized more people than anyone we know of in history. Note verse 5 of our text: "And there went out to him all the country of Judea, and all the people of Jerusalem, and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan." The use of "all" is hyperbole. It is deliberate exaggeration to convey the point that it was a major movement touching everybody from both the city and the country. People of all walks of life were caught up in the revival, and were being baptized. A quarter of a century later Paul, in Acts 19, found a group of John's disciples way off in Ephesus. Jesus even tells us the Jewish leaders were positively excited about the John's ministry for awhile. He says in John 5:35, "He was a burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for awhile in his light." Even some of the Scribes and Pharisees were baptized by John. There was no revival like this before in history. It was the preparation for the Messiah, and John was doing the job well. John had the privilege of baptizing not only the most people in history, but he got to baptize the Messiah Himself. He resisted because he felt unworthy, but Jesus did not resist, but gladly let his body be immersed by John, who in his eyes was the greatest. John was a man that Jesus looked up to and admired. The other two persons of the trinity concurred, for it was at that point where John baptized Jesus that the trinity, for the first time in history, was manifested in all three persons at the same time: Jesus in the flesh,
  • 31. the Holy Spirit coming down as a dove, and the Father speaking, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." John was the only man in history permitted to witness such a marvel and mystery revealed. Many of the Old Testament saints had visions, but none were ever let in on the full reality of the trinity. John was very special in God's plan for sending His Son into the world. We think of him as sort of a minor character. So what if he opened the door for Christ. Anyone could have done that, we think. But we are wrong to so think. It took a very special and unusual man to fill this role. If we go back to the last two verses of the Old Testament, we read these words, which were the last official words God spoke to Israel: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. And He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse." The Old Testament ends with this promise of the coming of the prophet Elijah. Elijah was caught up into heaven without dying. His history was not completed on earth, for God intended to send him back into history. Can you come back into history after you have gone to heaven? It is highly improbable, but not impossible if God chooses to use you in this way. Elijah was one God so chose to use. Now, how serious did the Jews take their hope of seeing the prophet Elijah? Very serious, for the Rabbis taught that Elijah would appear if Israel would repent for one day. This expectation of the coming of Elijah was an important part of the Jewish hope. We already read of how some people thought Jesus was the prophet Elijah. Now we come to the beginning of the New Testament, and what do we discover? A prophet called John the Baptist who is so much like Elijah. In fact, the angel that announced the birth of John said to his father in Luke 1:17, "He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the
  • 32. children....." This sounds like John was the fulfillment of the Old Testament hope of the coming of Elijah. They wore the same hairy wilderness clothing. They both spoke out against wickedness in high places. They both drew great crowds and spoke the word of God. One begins to wonder if John was the fulfillment of the last promise of the Old Testament. Well, we do not need to depend upon circumstantial evidence for we have a clear word from Jesus. In the very context where Jesus calls him the greatest man born of woman Jesus says in Matt. 11:13-14, "And all the prophets and the law prophesied until John and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come." The one who is to come to prepare the way for Messiah has come, and he is none other than John the Baptist. No wonder there was a great revival. He was the great hope of Israel, and next to the Messiah the most important man in Jewish hopes. He was second only to Jesus himself, and that is what Jesus said, and this makes John all the more amazing. He was a man of great power and influence, and he could have resented being pushed into the background when Jesus came onto the scene. But John did not have any personal ambitions. He lived only to do the will of God, and said he must increase and I must decrease. It takes a great man to do this and nobody did it better than John. It is of no small interest for singles to take note that the Messiah and his great forerunner were both single. This eliminates forever the idea that the single life can never be as great as the married life. Here was a single at the top, greater than all the famous married men of the Old Testament. John never married, never had children, never lived what most of us would call a normal life. Without having all the facts about this man we have a tendency to feel sorry for him. He died young leaving no heirs, and he missed out on most of the
  • 33. pleasures we take for granted as part of the good life. Yet Jesus says he was the greatest. If we are going to evaluate life as Jesus did we will have to resist all of our cultural conditioning as to what success is, and see that it does not consist in the abundance of possessions, but in the commitment we have to be obedient to God's call. Most of us would have no interest in living the life of John the Baptist. It has little that is appealing, and much that is appalling. Fortunately, God does not call many to live such a life. Even his own Son the Lord Jesus was not called to live like John. Jesus was not anti-social like John. He was seen at weddings and banquets, and He enjoyed the life and laughter of social life. He wore better clothes, and ate better food, and grew up in a society where He interacted with people. He was not a loner like John. God does not call all of us to be alike. Some have a radical different role to play in God's plan. But the beauty is we do not hear John even once trying to get a single follower to join him in his wilderness nomad life-style. He never condemned another for not giving up lamb and bread, and joining him in his locust and honey lunch. John was different, and he knew it, and he accepted it without trying to impose it on others as if God called all people to be like him. John took up the moral issue of Herod's immoral marriage to Herodius, and paid the price of his life for this courageous stand. You will observe, however, that neither Jesus nor any of His followers took up the same cause. When John was beheaded the issue was dropped, and Jesus never spoke a word about it. Why? Because this was not his calling. Nor was it the calling of other Christian leaders. Not once do we hear John from his prison cell, where he spent possibly up to a year, crying out and cursing the people of God for not joining and standing with him against Herod's evil. This was his
  • 34. calling to take such a stand, and not even Jesus felt that same call. This same thing is true today. I get mail constantly urging to take stands on all sorts of issues. Nobody can get involved in fighting all the evils of the world. You have to select what is relevant to you, and let others response to what is relevant to them. This is not only how it has to be, it is how it is meant to be, and we see it in John and Jesus. On some issues they were as one, but on others they had a different perspective. Not only about Herod, but about fasting and other issues of the law as well as life-style issues. Jesus said John is the greatest, but He did not conform to who John was and what he did. He did His own thing and what He was called to do. John was John and Jesus was Jesus, and their differences were not bad for the kingdom of God, but were a part of the plan for the kingdom of God. We are not necessarily called to be like this greatest man ever born of woman. We are not necessarily called to do what he did nor live like him. We are called to be obedient like him. Jesus did not think of John as the greatest because of his life-style or his approach to people, but because he was a man sold out to do God's will regardless of any loss or gain to himself. There not many of us like that, and nobody was like that in the Old Testament to the same degree as John. We all have mixed motives and self-centeredness, and few if any can match the commitment of John. He will always be next to Jesus as the greatest of men. Paul and Peter were used to do great things too, but John was never a persecutor or blasphemer like Paul, and never denied his Lord like Peter. There is no escaping the facts: John with all of his differences was the closest to being the perfect man because of his ideal spirit. John was filled with the spirit from his birth.
  • 35. The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was this man and his ministry. It is of interest to go to the book of Acts where they are selecting a disciple to take the place of Judas. Listen to the requirements this man had to fulfill. Acts 1:21-22 says, "So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John until the day when He was taken up from us." Notice that the beginning point for a Christian disciple was not the public ministry of Jesus, but the baptism of John. This is where the New Testament begins. Everything else before this was Old Testament. The Old Testament ends with the promise of the prophet Elijah, and the New Testament begins with Johns fulfillment of that promise. The disciples of Jesus were first of all disciples of John. Calvin in his Institutes writes, "It is very certain that the ministry of John was precisely the same as that which afterwards was committed to the apostles......the sameness of their doctrine shows their baptism to have been the same....If any difference be sought for in the Word of God, the only difference that will be found is, that John baptized in the name of Him who was to come, the apostles in the name of Him who had already manifested Himself." John did not just baptize Jesus, and that was the end of their relationship. On the contrary Jesus began His ministry and became quite popular, and the source, not only of His select 12, but of many others of His disciples was from John the Baptist. In John 10:40-42 we read of how Jesus had to flee from the wrath of Jews in Jerusalem, and it says, "He went away again across the Jordan to the place where John at first baptized, and there He remained. And many came to Him and they said, John did no sign, but everything that John said about this man was true. And many believed in Him there." When the leaders and the masses were turning on Jesus he was still gaining crowds of followers from the ministry of John the
  • 36. Baptist. They were partners in the work of the kingdom, and not in two different camps, as some give the impression. Jesus made it clear that though He and John had different approaches, they were on the same team. He said to the rebellious Jews who would not repent in Matt. 11:18-19, "For John came neither eating nor drinking and they say, he has a demon; the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say behold a wine bibber and a glutton." Jesus is saying they could have been a part of the kingdom of God had they responded to either approach, for both preached repentance for the kingdom of God is at hand. They rejected both because they did not want to repent, and when that is the case, people find fault with the messenger regardless of his method. John and Jesus were baptizing people at the same time, and they were not two different kinds of baptism. Jesus did not baptize, but His disciples did, and they were doing just what John was doing: Bringing Jews back to God in repentance. They were not in competition with their old master, but were following him who prepared the way. Dr. Merrill C. Tenny wrote that John's preaching, "Laid the foundation of all practical Christian theology." Augustus Strong, one of the greatest theologians of this century wrote, "John's baptism was essentially Christian baptism, although the full significance of it was not understood until after Jesus' death and resurrection." George E. Hicks writes, "It is to the Baptist we are indebted for practically all the major articles of the Christian faith. Not only so, but the actual terms used by him have constituted the seed bed of all subsequent thought." John was the first to teach the deity of Christ; the first to teach of the baptism of the Spirit; the first to teach baptism by immersion.
  • 37. John taught a host of doctrines that are vital to the Christian faith such as, the sovereignty of God, the kingdom of heaven, the need for repentance and confession, the inevitability of judgment and individual responsibility. He taught by example, loyalty unto death, and a humility that is unsurpassed. We can't begin to look at all that he taught, but Jesus taught us to look at him as a hero, and a great example to follow. We can learn a lot from a focus on this man that Jesus called the greatest. 5. MATTHEW THE TAX COLLECTOR Based on Mark 2:13-16 Someone said, you never could take your money with you, but some can remember when the government would let you keep some while you were still here. It is hard for many to believe that our country was founded partly to avoid taxation. As bad as taxes are, however, only two classes of people ever complain-men and women. Taxes are nothing new, however. The Romans had just about every tax we do today, and they were heavy. Rome needed taxes because she built the best road system the world had ever seen. Some of the roads built in New Testament times are still in use today. Trade was booming because of the road system. Soldiers patrolled the roads to protect travellers from bandits. To maintain this system and highway patrol protection, plus build government buildings, town halls, baths and stadiums, there was a need for many taxes. They taxed one tenth of crops of grain, one fifth of produce of wine, oil, and fruit, plus they had an income tax of one percent. On top of this, they had a poll tax for men 14 to 65 and women 12
  • 38. to 65. This was one denarius a year, which was the wages of an average man for one day. Then, of course, there were the import-export taxes, the road taxes, the harbor taxes, and the tax for the use of the market place. Custom officers were stationed everywhere to collect these taxes, and they had the power to be very unjust. It is known that some levied taxes so high the trader could not pay, and so the tax collector would loan him the money for his tax at a high interest rate. It was literal highway robbery. This tax burden and the abused power of the tax collector has survived into the modern day. Charles Brown, the dean of Yale Divinity School, went to Palestine years ago when it was under Turkish control. He talked to a farmer in Jericho who told him he was required to place his harvested crop of wheat in ten stacks. He made them as even as possible because the tax collector had the right to come and select one of the ten for the state. To get the tax collector to come and make his selection he had to give the collector another of the ten stacks for his personal fee. Then to get a paper signed permitting him to thresh his crop he had to give another stack in final payment. This same kind of oppression was going on in New Testament days, and the Jews despised it, and everyone connected with it. The Jews were not opposed to taxes, but, as a theocracy, they felt only a God appointed man had the right to collect taxes. They did not mind supporting their government, but the objected to the support of a foreign government. Those who cooperated with the Romans were considered traitors to Israel. They were so hated that their money was not accepted in the temple. Their word was of no value in court, and they were listed by the Jews along with harlots and murderers. Even the Romans themselves did not respect the tax collector. Cicero said that it was a trade unbecoming to a gentleman, and it was vulgar. Lucian listed them
  • 39. with a adulterous, informers, and money-lenders. All in all it was a class of people highly unlikely to contribute anyone to a religious movement, and yet Jesus chose one of these tax collectors to be one of His 12 select men. Matthew the publican was chosen long before the only Pharisee Jesus ever chose as an Apostle, which was Paul. Matthew, or Levi as he is called, also had potential which no one else would have ever tried to discover, but Jesus not only discovered it, He developed an used it. When Matthew left his tax booth he took his pen with him, and was used of God to record words of Jesus which we would otherwise not have, and be much the poorer. The Sermon on the Mount being just one of the major examples. In 1844 a New Testament scholar visited the monestery of St. Catherine on Mt. Sinai. While there he saw some papers in a basket. His eye detected Greek characters which turned out to be the famous manuscript of the Bible called Codex Sinaiticus. It was a copy that dated back to the 4th century. To the monks there it was just an old Bible of no value, but to the scholar it was a priceless discovery. So it was with Matthew the publican. To his own people he was a worthless Jew; a disgrace to his nation, and of no value at all, but to Jesus he was so precious that he chose him to be one of the foundation stones of the New Israel-the Church. Jesus did not select His 12 according to any standard of social acceptance of His day. He chose men of any class or position who had depth of character and commitment. In His selection of Matthew we noticed that He chose a man who was successful and wealthy. We know this because he had a house and was able to throw a big party in it for Jesus and His disciples, plus a large number of old friends who were publicans and sinners. The Scripture stresses how big this affair was. It was probably the
  • 40. largest social event Jesus ever attended, and the news of it spread so that the Scribes and Pharisees complained of his eating with tax collectors and sinners. In Luke 5:29 we read, "Levi made him a great feast in his house, and there was a large company of tax collectors and others sitting at table with them." Matthew was obviously a leader among his class of despised people, and he was well liked if they would all come to his party. The point we want to notice again is that Jesus did not call a dozen loafers to be His key men. He called men who had already demonstrated their ability in the secular world. Matthew had achieved success in his profession, as did Peter, Andrew, James and John in the fishing business. As far as we know everyone of the 12 were in middle and upper middle class of the society of that day. Often we like to emphasize that Jesus took a bunch of poor nobodies and turned them into dynamic leaders. He can and has done it, but when He chose men for the foundation of His church He chose the best He could find. We are not being honest with the facts of Scripture if we do not recognize that the men Jesus chose were sharp men in their field. Another factor that is common in the selections Jesus made is the way He chose sets of brothers. Peter and Andrew were brothers; James and John were brothers, and now we come to Matthew who also had a brother who was one of 12. In Mark 2:14 we read, "As he passed on he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office, and he said to him, follow me, and he rose and followed Him." Mark gives us the same quick picture of a call to discipleship without any detail as to the background just as he did in the call of the fisherman. We know, however, from John's Gospel that a great deal of background took place beforehand. We can be confident that this was true with Matthew as well. We don't know the story of that background, but Jesus must have had
  • 41. frequent contact with Matthew and his family, for Matthew is called the son of Alphaeus, and the other Apostle named James is in Matthew , Mark, Luke, and Acts, always listed as James the son of Alphaeus. This is no doubt to distinguish him from James the son of Zebedee and brother of John. It also links Matthew and this James together as another set of brothers. It is not impossible it is only a coincidence that they both had fathers of the same name, but the pattern of Jesus makes it probable that Jesus got into that family and won both boys to Himself, just as He did with other families. Jesus seemed to specialize in brothers. The result was that He had a close knit group from the start. He had a natural loyalty to build on from the beginning. What a joy this must have been to Alphaeus the father of Matthew. Remember, Matthew was a despised outcast by the establishment, and the majority of respected citizens. Matthew had sold his patriotism down the drain because he wanted to make money at any cost. Matthew represents the millions who long to make a fortune, and are willing to forsake all other values to do it. Matthew was money hungry, and the path he took cut him off from his people, and alienated him from the institutions of Israel's faith. Matthew said the religion of Israel irrelevant, but making money and friends in the world, and getting somewhere is all that counts. Yet, though he made his decision, and was doing quite well, he was not satisfied. You can just imagine Matthew at that big feast giving his testimony. There can be no doubt that he did so, for he was leaving his old life to follow Jesus, and he wanted to tell his old gang why. He had gained all he could ask for in terms of wealth, success, and fame among his class of people. Yet, he was empty. The story of Matthew is repeated in lives everyday.
  • 42. Boswell said to Johnson as they went through the mansion of Lord Scarsdale, "One would think the proprietor of all this must be happy." "No sir," replied Johnson, "All this excludes but one evil-poverty." That is the only evil Matthew escaped, and it cost him more than it was worth, and he knew it, and Jesus knew that he knew it. Jesus knew that sometimes your best potential is in people outside the institution of the church. Sometimes a rebel is so valuable just because he has broken away, and found the world so empty, and is hungry to find his way back into the real experience of commitment. Matthew was not in the pig pen like the Prodigal, but he was just as empty and hungry. Matthew was a rebel who had fulfilled his dream in the world, and who realized it was not satisfying. He calls himself the publican, however, in his Gospel, because he rejoices that he is a trophy of grace. He had quite a testimony in his giving up success in the world to follow Jesus. Matthew's Gospel reveals clearly the authors personal experience. Matthew is the only one who records the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price. These so fit him that he could never forget them. The story of a man hunting for something, and then finally finding it in Christ, describes Matthew perfectly. It is also in Matthew that we find such text as, "You cannot serve God and mammon." That was the decision he had to make. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you," is only in Matthew. How it fits him. Or, "What is a man profited, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul." That is the very thing Matthew almost did. How it must have poured out of him as he wrote for others to read the words of Christ which had been so relevant to his own life. There are many more that reveal the author was very conscious of the dangers of the love of money.
  • 43. Matthew became a zealous Bible reader, for his Gospel has 65 quotes from the Old Testament. It is the first Gospel, and it bridges the gap between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Tradition says that for 15 years Matthew preached to the Jews. He is the most Jewish of the Gospel writers, and aims at Jewish conversions. Matthew forsook Israel to get rich, but Jesus called him to forsake his riches to be a missionary to Israel. He had already learned to be hated by the Jews for being a money hungry collaborator with Rome, so he had no problem in adjusting to be hated for being an Apostle of Christ. All the hate and ridicule he faced in his old life prepared him to be a bold witness for Jesus. It is interesting how little things can reveal a factor in a man's character. Matthew was a humble man, and one who, no doubt, felt inferior to the other Apostles who had never deserted Israel as he had. In Mark and Luke the Apostles are listed with Matthew and Thomas, in that order. But in Matthew's Gospel it is Thomas and then Matthew. This is an incidental witness to the author's humility. You need to know the author of the part of the Bible you are studying, for this gives you the perspective from which you are seeing his revelation. Traditions vary as to where and how Matthew died. Some say in a Arabia, and others in Ethiopia. Some say he died by the sword, but the Greek church uses fire as a symbol of Matthew, because they believe he died a martyr by burning. All we know for sure is that this ex-tax-collector became a profitable servant of Christ; teaching us to never underestimate the potential of any worldly person for the kingdom of God. When ever you see an ambitious, materialistic, money hungry man, remember Matthew, and do not despise him, but pray and labor for his conversion. Like Matthew, he can become as zealous for the Master as he
  • 44. formerly was for money. 6. SIMON OF CYRENE Based on Mark 15:15-26 This text focuses on a man who was forced to become famous. Millions of people through the ages have labored and fought to get their names in the record of history, but Simon of Cyrene was pushed into the pages of history. Except for one incident in his life he would never have been known, but because of that one experience, he is known the world over wherever the Gospel of Jesus is known. There is very little said about Simon in the Bible. In fact, just about everything we know about him is found in Mark 15:21, and in one verse in each of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke which are parallels of this one. One might suspect that there is hardly enough information to preach on for ten minutes, but this is not the case, for the Bible has a unique way of saying a great deal in just a few words. A high school student was assigned to write a five hundred word theme, and he chose to write on the universe, its origin, nature, and destiny. Even the Bible does not attempt to condense to that degree, but it does not waste words. The story of creation is told in two chapters. The great 23rd Psalm is just a little over a hundred words. The famous Sermon on the Mount is in three chapters, and the last words of Christ on the cross, though few in quantity, have been of such quality as to give birth to literally tons of literature. The Bible is the key example of the truth that one does not need to be wordy to be wise, nor voluminous to be valuable. I trust we see this as we consider what we can know about Simon from this one verse. First of all-
  • 45. I. WE KNOW WHERE HE WAS FROM AND WHAT HE WAS DOING. He was from Cyrene, one of the two largest towns of Libya in North Africa, of over 100,000 people. It was a city in which a great many Jews lived, and many of them would travel all the way to Jerusalem for Passover and Pentecost. In the list of places in Acts 2 of which the people were from, you will find Cyrene listed. Simon was either a Jew or a proselyte, that is a pagan who was converted to Judaism, and who was a very pious believer, for he was willing to travel over a thousand miles to Jerusalem to worship in the temple. But what he was doing when he was suddenly, in a moment, made to change the whole direction of his life, was simply passing by. He knew nothing of all that had gone on in the city that night. Jesus had been going through the agonies of Gethsemane, and the trial, and had endured the cruel mockings and beatings of the mob and soldiers. Simon had no doubt been sleeping. He had a long day planned, and was up early in the morning, as were all Orthodox Jews, saying their prayers. He was dressed, cleaned, and almost into the city before 9 in the morning. If he had been three minutes earlier or later, or had gone a different way, we never would have heard of him, but in the providence of God Simon was to have an experience that morning that changed his whole life. This brings us to the second thing we know about Simon. II. WE KNOW HE WAS COMPELLED TO BEAR THE CROSS OF CHRIST. As Simon came near the city gate he saw a crowd coming out of the city. They were shouting and mocking at three men who were
  • 46. bearing crosses. One of them was having a difficult time, and it was obvious he was holding up the procession. The soldiers who were anxious to get this business over ordered Simon to bear his cross. The Roman soldiers had a right to compel a civilian to help them. When Jesus said, "If anyone compel you to go a mile, go with him two miles," He was referring to this practice. Why the soldiers picked Simon is not known. We know that Jesus had been up all night, and had taken a beating that was known to have killed other men. Therefore, it is quite likely that the traditional viewpoint is true-that Jesus stumbled and fell beneath the load. Many feel that Simon must have shown sympathy for this one who had been so cruelly treated, and possibly even stepped forward to help Him up. The soldier in charge, seeing a chance to speed things up, says, "Alright helpful, you carry the cross," and forced him to do so. Simon was likely the only one in the crowd not mocking Jesus, and so he was a likely one to choose. I find it easy to believe another idea held by many, that Jesus looked on Simon with a look of love that drew out his compassion. Jesus had a power in His eyes to move men. Just hours before He moved another Simon, called Peter, to tears of repentance by a mere glance. It is likely then that Simon was moved by a force within before he was compel from without. The poet put it- Thou must have looked on Simon, Turn Lord, and look on me, Till I shall see and follow, And bear Thy cross for Thee. Because of an act of sympathy and compassion he found himself going in the opposite direction and bearing a cursed cross.
  • 47. What a way to start the Passover season. He was on his way to church, and he winds up in a prossession to a crucifixion. Just to touch the cross would defile him, so his day was ruined. What a miserable way to meet the Master. He was on his way to worship God, and was interrupted by having to help Christ get to the cross to redeem the world. Not a bad days work! He, of course, did not realize what was taking place. He came a thousand miles to do something significant, and all he did was help save the world. Simon did not rebel at this sudden turn of events. It had to be a disappointment, but it was one of the greatest acts of love in history. Like Cornelius, Lydia, and others who were honestly seeking to know the will of God, he had, no doubt, prayed that very morning, "Lord teach me thy will and draw me closer to you this day." He had come a long way seeking a deeper knowledge of God, but he believed compassion and not cruelty was the will of God, so he submitted to the shame of bearing the cross. He was compelled to bear it, but he chose to submit. The fact that nothing more is said indicates that Simon gave no trouble, but bore the cross without a struggle. If only we could, like Simon, choose to bear what we are compelled to bear. If only we could see the blessings and burdens that we bear for Jesus. Circumstances compel us to bear burdens, but we can choose to submit or rebel. This principle holds true for all of life. For example: Young people are compelled to go to school. This is a burden that many would not choose if it was left to them. But since we are compelled to go, we have two choices. We can rebel and fight the system, and quit as soon as possible, or we can take it as a challenge, and choose to submit to the burden, and in so doing the burden will become a blessing. We cannot determine what life brings to us, but we can determine what we bring to life, and if we choose to do what we are compelled to do, we can change burdens
  • 48. into blessings. The third thing we know about Simon is- III. WE KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS BEARING THE CROSS. It is also certain, that though the cross kept Simon from church that morning, it brought him to Christ. We believe he found it to be true that the way of the cross leads home, and that his frustration led to faith; his embarrassment led to enlistment; his compassion led to commitment, and his sympathy led to salvation. There are several reasons for believing this to be the case. In the first place, it fits into a pattern which is amazing if true. If Simon was a convert just before the cross, and the Roman Centurion was a convert just after the death of Christ on the cross, then together with the thief on the cross, we have three converts at the cross representing the descendants of each of the three sons of Noah, Sham, Ham, and Japeth. This would be a concrete illustration of the universality of the cross, and that Jesus did indeed die for all men. There is more to go on, however, for our verse says that Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus. Why would Mark, who wrote his Gospel for the Romans, say that he was the father of these two men unless it was because the Romans knew these two men? There would be no point in giving these names unless they were well known among the Roman Christians. Nor would these names be known if Simon just disappeared in the crowd after reaching Golgotha. The others Gospels do not mention the names of these two sons. This means that the sons of Simon were well known Christians in Rome, and this is confirmed by Paul in his letter to the Romans where he says in 16:13, "Greet Rufus, eminent in the Lord, also his mother and mine." Where did this outstanding Christian family come from? Paul had not been to
  • 49. Rome when he wrote his letter, so he must have met them before they moved to Rome. If we put all these facts together and see that, not the Ethiopian Eunuch, but Simon of Cyrene was the first convert from Africa, and he went back to his home and won his family to Christ. From there they likely moved to Antioch, for in Acts 13:1 we read of prophets and teachers there, two of which were Simon and Lucius of Cyrene. It was here in Antioch where the followers of Jesus were first called Christians. Who knows how much he who bore the cross of Christ had to do with that. He was the first convert at the cross, and became a leader where believers were first called Christians. It would be here that Paul would get to know the family, and later be able to speak of them when they moved to Rome. There is much we do not know, but these things that we do know teach us to see that though Simon was compelled to bear the cross for a while by the soldiers, he chose to bear it the rest of his life for the Savior. That brings us to the final thing we can know about Simon. IV. WE KNOW HIS EXPERIENCE WAS RECORDED FOR A PURPOSE. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable. The story of Simon, though minor in length, teaches us a lesson of major importance. It teaches us what cross-bearing really is. Men have been more concerned about making up legends about the cross than they have been in learning what it means to bear it. Legend takes us way back to the garden of Eden. Adam was dying, and so his eldest son Seth ran to the gate of the garden, and begged the angel for fruit from the tree of life. The angel told him
  • 50. that Adam would be dead when he returned, but that he should bury him with seeds from the fruit of the tree of life in his mouth. A great tree grew from these seeds, which Noah cut down for the king post in his ark, which saved him and his family. Centuries later Hiram, king of Tyre, brought it down from the mountains to build the temple of Solomon. It was not used, however, but laid in a trench by the wall. Nehemiah used it when he rebuilt the temple, but when Herod rebuilt it again this tree was again laying beside the wall. In the haste of the day of the trial of Jesus no one made a cross, and so this post by the temple wall was used. The early Christians cared nothing about the actual cross on which Christ died, but only the meaning of it, and so for several centuries there is a break in the legend. But when the church became corrupted because of paganism, it again revived the legend. The cross was found it was claimed, and was being sold in small pieces as charms. This is where we get the idea of knocking on wood. It has been estimated that enough pieces of the cross have been sold to build a fleet of ships. Today the cross has become, to many people, nothing more than a piece of jewelry. We bear golden crosses around our neck or on our lapel as decorations. There is nothing wrong with the cross as a symbol like this, but there is something wrong with our thinking about it. The experience of Simon teaches us to think of the cross as an identification with Christ, and not merely a decoration. When Simon bore the cross of Christ he became identified with Christ, and bore the same reproach that he did. Jesus said, "Take up your cross daily and follow me." That means to be identified openly with Jesus, and if people would mock Christ they will mock you. That is why it is not as easy to talk about Jesus as it is about the weather or politics. It is embarrassing and difficult to be
  • 51. identified with Christ in some circles. I am sure Simon was ashamed as he picked up the cross and heard the laughter and mocking of the crowd. Bearing the cross is not the same kind of suffering one goes through because of some injury or weakness in the body. That is a thorn and not a cross. The cross is only taken up when we are so identified with Christ that people will feel and act toward us as they do toward Him. If a person loves Jesus, he will also love you. If a person despises Jesus he will also despise you. This means that Christ expects us everyday to be so identified with Him that it costs us to be a Christian. It is easy to be a Christian if we do not bear the cross. Ray Jordon tells of being in a group in Jerusalem that wanted to follow the path that Jesus took on His way to the cross. It was hot that day and he noticed that the leader had an umbrella over his head to protect him from the discomfort of the blazing sun. It struck him as to the amazing contrast between this and the real incident. They wanted to follow the path of Christ, but did not want any discomfort in doing so. It is understandable, for there would be no profit in being miserable as they followed the path. But when this philosophy passes over into the spiritual realm, it is tragic. We want to follow Jesus, but we do not want it to cost anything. It should be that we experience some discomfort because of our identification with Christ. Leslie Weatherhead had an Indian Christian tell of what it cost to follow Christ, and it put him to shame when he considered how little he had identified himself with the cross of Christ in such a way that it cost. This Indian friend heard the call of Christ in a Methodist church in Madras. He came from a Brahmin family and his father was the head of the community. When his father
  • 52. heard of his decision for Christ he blazed with anger. He tied him to a pillar in the courtyard of his home. He stripped the turban from his head, a mark of indignity in the East, lashed his back with whips till blood ran, and let him stand in the hot sun for hours. They even poured the contents of the sewage bin over his head. They put two large scars on his face with red hot irons. His own mother died of shock before him, and finally his sister cut him loose, and he escaped to the hills. He eventually became a chaplain in the army. Many have suffered the same thing for crimes, but when it is suffered because one is identified with Christ, that is cross-bearing. The story of Simon is recorded for the purpose of challenging each of us to take up the cross and be identified with Jesus whatever the cost. 7. SIMON THE ZEALOT Based on Luke 6:12-16 We want to look at an Apostle of whom we would know nothing if the New Testament did not tell us of his political affiliation before he became a believer. If a man was called Simon the Democrat or Simon the Republican, you would not be able to draw many conclusions about him because these terms are too general. But if he was called Simon the Communist you would be able to say much more about him, for they have a more specific philosophy. So it is with the name Simon the Zealot. The Zealots were a political party in Israel with a very clear cut philosophy, and a program to carry it out. Since the New Testament tells us nothing of Simon but the fact that he was a member of this party, everything we can learn about
  • 53. him must come as inferences from what we know of the party. Simon the Zealot is as obscure as Simon Peter is famous. We know nothing about the Apostle Peter's political background, but that is all we know of Simon the Zealot. The Zealots were radical and fanatical nationalists who mixed their religion and politics into one of the most potent mixtures history has ever seen. The land of Palestine was a country under Roman rule. None of the Jews liked it, but some hated it, and they wanted to fight this master that had them in its grip. Herod the Great was able to keep the volcano of their wrath from erupting by skilled diplomacy and sheer power of personality. But when he died in 4 B. C. and the territory was divided between his three sons, things began to get hot. In 7 A. D. a leader rose up in Galilee where the blaze was hottest. Judas the Galilean led an insurrection. They stormed the palace and broke into the arsenal, and embarked on a revolution as armed rebels. Judas and his men were no match for the power of Rome, however, and he was crushed. In Acts 5:37 Gamaliel tells us of his fate. "Judas the Galilean arose in the days of the census and drew away some of the people after him; he also perished, and all who followed him were scattered." Judas did not get far, but he started something which gave rise to the party called the Zealots. These fanatical nationalists loved their country more than life itself, and they hated Rome with all the hatred the human heart can possess. Such passion of love and hate when mixed lead to zeal bordering on madness. Nothing was permitted to stand in their way. Murder was not only permitted, it was promoted. They became known as the assassins. The name Sicarii came from the Sica, the little curved sword which they carried below their robes, and which they plunged into their enemies at every possible opportunity.