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Mental health
Mental health
 Mental health is defined as a state of well-
being in which every individual realizes his or
her own potential, can cope with the normal
stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution
to her or his community.
 1- Mental health is important because
Around 20% of the world's children and
adolescents have mental disorders or
 2- Mental and substance use disorders are
the leading cause of disability worldwide
 About 23% of all years lost because of
disability is caused by mental and substance
use disorders.
 3- About 800 000 people commit suicide
every year
 75% of suicides occur in low- and middle-
income countries. Mental disorders and
harmful use of alcohol contribute to many
suicides around the world.
 4- Mental disorders are important risk factors
for other diseases, as well as unintentional
and intentional injury
 Mental disorders increase the risk of getting
ill from other diseases such as HIV,
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and vice-
 There is a strong connection between the
mind and body. A 2012 study in Health
Services Research confirmed this
connection, mental distress impair physical
health (for example: sleeping disturbances
and impairing immune functions)
 5- Improved Productivity and Financial
 a study in the American Journal of
Psychiatry found that people suffering from a
serious mental illness earned at least 40
percent less than people in good mental
 6- Less Strain on the Family
 The children of people with mental illness
are at greater risk for abuse, neglect, and a
wide range of emotional and behavioral
issues. .
Your mental well-being affects your physical
health and productivity, so it’s not only a
personal matter, it also affect your surrounding
In order to improve
population health status
and reduce health
inequalities, it is
important to identify and
understand the main
factors that protect and
promote good health.
These factors are known
as the determinants of
Health is determined by a convergence of five
1. Human Biology
2. Individual life style
3. Social and community influence.
4. Living and working condition
5. General socioeconomic and cultural and
environmental conditions.
 It includes those aspects of health (both
mental and physical) which are determined
by the organic structure and physiological
functioning of the human body.
 Inheritance plays a part in determining
lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of
developing certain illnesses.
 The inheritance factors are can be:
 Race
 Sex
 Inherited Diseases
 Tobacco use
 Unhealthy diet
 Inadequate activity
 Alcohol and drug use
 The social and community factors that have
been shown in a variety of settings to have
the greatest influence on health are:
 Education
 Social cohesion
 social connectedness.
 Education has profound health effects.
 More education makes an individual more
aware of healthy and unhealthy choices and
makes it easier to make healthy choices.
 A low level of education is associated with poor
health status.
 Low education levels are linked with poor
health, more stress and lower self-confidence.
 People with strong family, cultural and
community bonds have better health than
people who are socially isolated.
 Housing
Overcrowding, damp and cold have direct effects on
physical and mental health. High housing costs leave
less money for other budget items essential to good
health including nutritious food, education, and access
to health services.
Work can influence health in many ways, including
through links both with health care insurance and with
physically hazardous exposures in the workplace.
 The main factor determining adequate income
is participation in continuous employment
 .As such, employment is an important
determinant of health.In addition to providing
income, employment enhances social status
and improves self-esteem, provides social
contact and a way of participating in community
life, and enhances opportunities for regular
activity, which all help to enhance individual
health and well-being.
 Income
 Poverty
 Ethnicity
 Culture
 Environment
 Income is the single most important determinant
of health.
 There is a persistent correlation between low
income and poor health.
 the low income leads to the highest rates of
illness and death.
 Adequate income is a prerequisite for many
other determinants of health, for example,
adequate housing, a nutritious diet and
educational opportunities.
 Poverty has long been recognized as an
important determinant of ill health.
 People who are poor have worse self-
reported health, higher rates of disability, and
higher rates of death, disease and injury.
 The Physical Environment :
 The quality of air.water safety.
 Food safety.
 Drugs and other chemicals products.
 Waste disposal.
 control of excessive noise.
 The radiation.
Health is determined by a convergence of five
1. Human Biology
2. Individual life style
3. Social and community influence.
4. Living and working condition
5. General socioeconomic and cultural and
environmental conditions.
Mental health
Mental health
 Mental health problems may be related to
excessive stress due to a particular situation or
series of events. As with cancer, diabetes and
heart disease, mental illnesses are often
physical as well as emotional and
 Mental illnesses may be caused by a reaction to
environmental stresses, genetic factors,
biochemical imbalances, or a combination of
these. With proper care and treatment many
individuals learn to cope or recover from a mental
illness or emotional disorder.
Mental health
 In Adults, Young Adults and Adolscents:
 Confused thinking
 Prolonged depression (sadness or irritability)
 Excessive fears, worries and anxieties
 Social withdrawal
 Strong feelings of anger
 Strange thoughts (delusions)
 Seeing or hearing things that aren't there
 Growing inability to cope with daily problems
and activities
 Suicidal thoughts
 Substance use
 Substance use
 Inability to cope with problems and daily activities
 Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits
 Changes in ability to manage responsibilities - at
home and/or at school
 Defiance of authority, truancy, theft, and/or
 Intense fear
 Prolonged negative mood, often accompanied by
poor appetite or thoughts of death
 Changes in school performance
 Poor grades despite strong efforts
 Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits
 Excessive worry or anxiety (i.e. refusing to
go to bed or school)
 Hyperactivity
 Persistent nightmares
 Persistent disobedience or aggression
 Fatigue
 Back pain
 Chest pain
 Digestive problems
 Dry mouth
 Headache
 Sweating
 Weight gain or loss
 Rapid heart rate
 Dizziness
Mental health
refers to a wide range of mental health conditions —
disorders that affect your mood,
thinking and behavior.
Examples of mental illness include:
depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating
disorders and addictive behaviors.
Mental health
rapid heartbeat sweating
15%, 10%.5
Mental health
Mental health
Mental health
most expensive behavioral
Mental health
 Depression causes feelings of
sadness and/or a loss of interest in
activities once enjoyed. It can lead
to a variety of emotional and
physical problems and can decrease
a person’s ability to function at work
and at home.
 Feeling sad or having a depressed mood
 Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once
 Changes in appetite — weight loss or gain
unrelated to dieting
 Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
 Loss of energy or increased fatigue
 Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g.,
hand-wringing or pacing) or slowed movements
and speech (actions observable by others)
 Feeling worthless or guilty
 Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making
 Thoughts of death or suicide
 Symptoms must last at least two weeks for a diagnosis of
 According to the World Health Organization, unipolar depression was the
third most important cause of disease burden worldwide in 2004. Unipolar
depression was in “eighth place in low-income countries, but at first place
in middle- and high-income countries.”1
 Significantly greater percentages of lifetime major depression have been
reported among women (11.7%) than men (5.6%).3
 Examining ethnic differences reveals lifetime percentages of depression of
6.52% among whites and 4.57% among blacks and 5.17% among
 Biochemistry: Differences in certain chemicals in the brain may
contribute to symptoms of depression.
 Genetics: Depression can run in families. For example, if one
identical twin has depression, the other has a 70 percent chance of
having the illness sometime in life.
 Personality: People with low self-esteem, who are easily
overwhelmed by stress, or who are generally pessimistic appear to
be more likely to experience depression.
 Personality: People with low self-esteem, who are easily
overwhelmed by stress, or who are generally pessimistic appear to
be more likely to experience depression.
 Environmental factors: Continuous exposure to violence, neglect,
abuse or poverty may make some people more vulnerable to
 or “talk therapy,” is
sometimes used alone
for treatment of mild
depression; for moderate
to severe depression,
psychotherapy is often
used in along with
 . Antidepressants may
produce some
improvement within the
first week or two of use.
Full benefits may not be
seen for two to three
months. .
Mental health
Mental health
Mental health
Mental health
Mental health
Mental health
Mental health
Mental health
Alzheimer's is not a normal
part of aging.
What is Alzheimer's ?
Alzheimer's is a disease that
attacks the brain. It is the most
common form of dementia.
 Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause
of death in the United States and is the fifth
leading cause among persons age 65 years
and older.
 Up to 5.3 million Americans currently have
Alzheimer’s disease.
 By 2050, the number is expected to more than
double due to the aging of the population.
1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life.
2. Challenges in planning or solving problems.
3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at
work or at leisure.
4. Confusion with time or place.
5. Trouble understanding visual images and
spatial relationships.
6. New problems with words in speaking or
7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to
retrace steps.
8. Decreased or poor judgment.
9. Withdrawal from work or social activities.
10. Changes in mood and personality.
 Alzheimer's disease typically progresses slowly in three
general stages:
 mild (early-stage)
 moderate (middle-stage)
 severe (late-stage)
 Since Alzheimer's affects people in different ways, each person will
experience symptoms - or progress through Alzheimer's stages -
 Age.
 Family history, and heredity.
 Other risk factor, such as: head injury, and heart-head
To prevent the occurrence of
mental disorder
WHO has established
department of mental health
and substance depends
 Mental disorder affect the functioning of the
individual resulting in emotional suffering and
diminished quality of life .
 Preventive strategies need to be
implemented at a specific periods before the
onset of mental disorder , in order to be
maximally effective
 _ primary
 ■ Universal prevention:
 targeting the general public or a whole population group.
 ■ Selective prevention:
 targeting individuals or subgroups of the population whose risk
of developing a mental disorder is significantly higher than that
of the rest of the population.
 ■ Indicated prevention:
 targeting persons at high-risk for mental disorders.
 _Secondary
 prevention refers to reduce the prevalence, i.e. all specific
WHO defines health promotion as “the
process of enabling people to increase
control over, and to improve their health”
 Strategies for mental health promotion are
related to improving the quality of life and
potential for health rather than amelioration
of symptoms and deficits.
 Enhancement of the capacity of individuals ,
family , groups or communities to strengthen
or support positive emotional
 This form of therapy seeks to identify and
help change potentially self-destructive or
unhealthy behaviors. It functions on the idea
that all behaviors are learned and that
unhealthy behaviors can be changed.
 The focus of treatment is often on current
problems and how to change
There are a number of different types of
behavioral therapy:
Mental health
Mental health
Mental health
Mental health
 People most commonly seek behavioral therapy to
 depression
 anxiety
 panic disorders
 It can also help treat conditions and disorders such
 eating disorders
 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
 bipolar disorder
 Treatment & care specific to the diagnosis &
needs of each individual.
Improvement of the mental health of individuals
is essential. This is all the more important
because mental disorders are responsible for a
high degree of burden due to illness. Owing to
this growing burden of mental disorders, it is
essential that effective preventive and
promotional measures be taken in mental
health to reduce the impact of mental disorders
on the individual and society.
Mental health
 To maintain good mental health, you
must establish a balance between
various aspects of your life. These
aspects are:
 Social
 Physical
 Mental
 Economic
 Spiritual
 Many factors influence an individual’s
mental health:
 Biological factors
 Personal factors
 Physical environment
 Social environment
 Economic environment
 Practice good lifestyle habits
 Maintain your social circle
 Reduce your stress level
 Maintain a positive work environment
Done by:
Zainab Abdullah.
Waad kareem.
Nada Naif.
Alaa Ali.
Shahad ahmed.
Mashail Rasheed.

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Mental health

  • 3.  Mental health is defined as a state of well- being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.
  • 4.  1- Mental health is important because Around 20% of the world's children and adolescents have mental disorders or problems
  • 5.  2- Mental and substance use disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide  About 23% of all years lost because of disability is caused by mental and substance use disorders.
  • 6.  3- About 800 000 people commit suicide every year  75% of suicides occur in low- and middle- income countries. Mental disorders and harmful use of alcohol contribute to many suicides around the world.
  • 7.  4- Mental disorders are important risk factors for other diseases, as well as unintentional and intentional injury  Mental disorders increase the risk of getting ill from other diseases such as HIV, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and vice- versa.
  • 8.  There is a strong connection between the mind and body. A 2012 study in Health Services Research confirmed this connection, mental distress impair physical health (for example: sleeping disturbances and impairing immune functions)
  • 9.  5- Improved Productivity and Financial Stability  a study in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that people suffering from a serious mental illness earned at least 40 percent less than people in good mental health.
  • 10.  6- Less Strain on the Family  The children of people with mental illness are at greater risk for abuse, neglect, and a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues. .
  • 11. Your mental well-being affects your physical health and productivity, so it’s not only a personal matter, it also affect your surrounding society.
  • 12. In order to improve population health status and reduce health inequalities, it is important to identify and understand the main factors that protect and promote good health. These factors are known as the determinants of health.
  • 13. Health is determined by a convergence of five levels: 1. Human Biology 2. Individual life style 3. Social and community influence. 4. Living and working condition 5. General socioeconomic and cultural and environmental conditions.
  • 14.  It includes those aspects of health (both mental and physical) which are determined by the organic structure and physiological functioning of the human body.
  • 15.  Inheritance plays a part in determining lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of developing certain illnesses.  The inheritance factors are can be:  Race  Sex  Inherited Diseases
  • 16.  Tobacco use  Unhealthy diet  Inadequate activity  Alcohol and drug use
  • 17.  The social and community factors that have been shown in a variety of settings to have the greatest influence on health are:  Education  Social cohesion  social connectedness.
  • 18.  Education has profound health effects.  More education makes an individual more aware of healthy and unhealthy choices and makes it easier to make healthy choices.  A low level of education is associated with poor health status.  Low education levels are linked with poor health, more stress and lower self-confidence.
  • 19.  People with strong family, cultural and community bonds have better health than people who are socially isolated.
  • 20.  Housing Overcrowding, damp and cold have direct effects on physical and mental health. High housing costs leave less money for other budget items essential to good health including nutritious food, education, and access to health services. work Work can influence health in many ways, including through links both with health care insurance and with physically hazardous exposures in the workplace.
  • 21.  The main factor determining adequate income is participation in continuous employment  .As such, employment is an important determinant of health.In addition to providing income, employment enhances social status and improves self-esteem, provides social contact and a way of participating in community life, and enhances opportunities for regular activity, which all help to enhance individual health and well-being.
  • 22.  Income  Poverty  Ethnicity  Culture  Environment
  • 23.  Income is the single most important determinant of health.  There is a persistent correlation between low income and poor health.  the low income leads to the highest rates of illness and death.  Adequate income is a prerequisite for many other determinants of health, for example, adequate housing, a nutritious diet and educational opportunities.
  • 24.  Poverty has long been recognized as an important determinant of ill health.  People who are poor have worse self- reported health, higher rates of disability, and higher rates of death, disease and injury.
  • 25.  The Physical Environment :  The quality of air.water safety.  Food safety.  Drugs and other chemicals products.  Waste disposal.  control of excessive noise.  The radiation.
  • 26. Health is determined by a convergence of five levels: 1. Human Biology 2. Individual life style 3. Social and community influence. 4. Living and working condition 5. General socioeconomic and cultural and environmental conditions.
  • 29.  Mental health problems may be related to excessive stress due to a particular situation or series of events. As with cancer, diabetes and heart disease, mental illnesses are often physical as well as emotional and psychological.  Mental illnesses may be caused by a reaction to environmental stresses, genetic factors, biochemical imbalances, or a combination of these. With proper care and treatment many individuals learn to cope or recover from a mental illness or emotional disorder.
  • 31.  In Adults, Young Adults and Adolscents:  Confused thinking  Prolonged depression (sadness or irritability)  Excessive fears, worries and anxieties  Social withdrawal  Strong feelings of anger  Strange thoughts (delusions)  Seeing or hearing things that aren't there (hallucinations)
  • 32.  Growing inability to cope with daily problems and activities  Suicidal thoughts  Substance use
  • 33.  Substance use  Inability to cope with problems and daily activities  Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits  Changes in ability to manage responsibilities - at home and/or at school  Defiance of authority, truancy, theft, and/or vandalism  Intense fear  Prolonged negative mood, often accompanied by poor appetite or thoughts of death
  • 34.  Changes in school performance  Poor grades despite strong efforts  Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits  Excessive worry or anxiety (i.e. refusing to go to bed or school)  Hyperactivity  Persistent nightmares  Persistent disobedience or aggression
  • 35.  Fatigue  Back pain  Chest pain  Digestive problems  Dry mouth  Headache  Sweating  Weight gain or loss  Rapid heart rate  Dizziness
  • 37. refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include: depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.
  • 49.  Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home.
  • 50.  Feeling sad or having a depressed mood  Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed  Changes in appetite — weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting  Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much  Loss of energy or increased fatigue
  • 51.  Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g., hand-wringing or pacing) or slowed movements and speech (actions observable by others)  Feeling worthless or guilty  Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions  Thoughts of death or suicide  Symptoms must last at least two weeks for a diagnosis of depression.
  • 52.  According to the World Health Organization, unipolar depression was the third most important cause of disease burden worldwide in 2004. Unipolar depression was in “eighth place in low-income countries, but at first place in middle- and high-income countries.”1  Significantly greater percentages of lifetime major depression have been reported among women (11.7%) than men (5.6%).3  Examining ethnic differences reveals lifetime percentages of depression of 6.52% among whites and 4.57% among blacks and 5.17% among Hispanics.4
  • 53.  Biochemistry: Differences in certain chemicals in the brain may contribute to symptoms of depression.  Genetics: Depression can run in families. For example, if one identical twin has depression, the other has a 70 percent chance of having the illness sometime in life.  Personality: People with low self-esteem, who are easily overwhelmed by stress, or who are generally pessimistic appear to be more likely to experience depression.
  • 54.  Personality: People with low self-esteem, who are easily overwhelmed by stress, or who are generally pessimistic appear to be more likely to experience depression.  Environmental factors: Continuous exposure to violence, neglect, abuse or poverty may make some people more vulnerable to depression.
  • 55.  PSYCOTHERAPY  or “talk therapy,” is sometimes used alone for treatment of mild depression; for moderate to severe depression, psychotherapy is often used in along with antidepressant medications.  MEDICATIONS (Anti- depressants)  . Antidepressants may produce some improvement within the first week or two of use. Full benefits may not be seen for two to three months. .
  • 64. Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging. What is Alzheimer's ? Alzheimer's is a disease that attacks the brain. It is the most common form of dementia.
  • 65.  Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and is the fifth leading cause among persons age 65 years and older.  Up to 5.3 million Americans currently have Alzheimer’s disease.  By 2050, the number is expected to more than double due to the aging of the population.
  • 66. 1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life. 2. Challenges in planning or solving problems. 3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure. 4. Confusion with time or place. 5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships.
  • 67. 6. New problems with words in speaking or writing. 7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps. 8. Decreased or poor judgment. 9. Withdrawal from work or social activities. 10. Changes in mood and personality.
  • 68.  Alzheimer's disease typically progresses slowly in three general stages:  mild (early-stage)  moderate (middle-stage)  severe (late-stage)  Since Alzheimer's affects people in different ways, each person will experience symptoms - or progress through Alzheimer's stages - differently.
  • 69.  Age.  Family history, and heredity.  Other risk factor, such as: head injury, and heart-head connection.
  • 70. To prevent the occurrence of mental disorder WHO has established department of mental health and substance depends
  • 71.  Mental disorder affect the functioning of the individual resulting in emotional suffering and diminished quality of life .
  • 72.  Preventive strategies need to be implemented at a specific periods before the onset of mental disorder , in order to be maximally effective
  • 73.  _ primary  ■ Universal prevention:  targeting the general public or a whole population group.  ■ Selective prevention:  targeting individuals or subgroups of the population whose risk of developing a mental disorder is significantly higher than that of the rest of the population.  ■ Indicated prevention:  targeting persons at high-risk for mental disorders.  _Secondary  prevention refers to reduce the prevalence, i.e. all specific treatment.
  • 74.  WHO defines health promotion as “the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health”  Strategies for mental health promotion are related to improving the quality of life and potential for health rather than amelioration of symptoms and deficits.
  • 75.  Enhancement of the capacity of individuals , family , groups or communities to strengthen or support positive emotional
  • 76.  This form of therapy seeks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors. It functions on the idea that all behaviors are learned and that unhealthy behaviors can be changed.  The focus of treatment is often on current problems and how to change
  • 77. There are a number of different types of behavioral therapy:
  • 82.  People most commonly seek behavioral therapy to treat:  depression  anxiety  panic disorders  It can also help treat conditions and disorders such as:  eating disorders  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  bipolar disorder
  • 83.  Treatment & care specific to the diagnosis & needs of each individual.
  • 84.  Improvement of the mental health of individuals is essential. This is all the more important because mental disorders are responsible for a high degree of burden due to illness. Owing to this growing burden of mental disorders, it is essential that effective preventive and promotional measures be taken in mental health to reduce the impact of mental disorders on the individual and society.
  • 86.  To maintain good mental health, you must establish a balance between various aspects of your life. These aspects are:  Social  Physical  Mental  Economic  Spiritual
  • 87.  Many factors influence an individual’s mental health:  Biological factors  Personal factors  Physical environment  Social environment  Economic environment
  • 88.  Practice good lifestyle habits  Maintain your social circle  Reduce your stress level  Maintain a positive work environment
  • 89. Done by: Zainab Abdullah. Waad kareem. Nada Naif. Alaa Ali. Shahad ahmed. Mashail Rasheed.