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Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas (This I Believe Nepali Series)
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
sd{lgi7x?sf] cfTdsYo
My Life My Belief
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
sd{lgi7x?sf] cfTdsYo
My Life My Belief
/fh]Gb| bfxfn
Rajendra Dahal
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
k|d'v pTkfbs÷;+of]hgM /fhg k/fh'nL
cg';Gwfg tyf n]vgM efg' af]lvd, cljgfzL kf}8]n
l/kf]l6{ªM t'nf rf}w/L, lbnLk g]kfn
efiff ;DkfbgM wd{/fh bfxfn
l8hfOg/M Okm]S6 l8hfOg xfp;
PG6]gf kmfp08]zg g]kfn
av'08f]n, nlntk'/
kmf]gM ±(&& ! %%@*)%(, %%$#(%&
kmofS;M ±(&& ! %%$%*%&
j]a;fO6M www.afn.org.np
d'b|0f jif{M k'; @)^^
d's'Gb af]u6L M hubLz l3ld/], /d]z kf08], eujfgbf; dfgGw/, k'ikf a:g]t, s0f{ zfSo,
8f= eujfg sf]O/fnf, /fd]Zj/ vgfn, 8f= z+s/dfg /fO{, lbgaGw' kf]v/]n, k|zfGt emf,
afns[i0f hf]zL, z/b k/fh'nL, pQd ;~h]n
dlgif kf}8]nM nlntfb]jL lag, ljho >Ljf:tj
e}/j cfËnfM t[Ktf du/
s'df/ cfn]M cDa/ u'?ª
ISBN : 978-9937-2-2003-3
©ĎPG6]gf kmfpG8]zg
bf];|f]] ;+:s/0f @)^^
of] k':ts o"P;PcfO8L g]kfnsf] ;xof]udf k|sfzg ePsf] xf] . o; ;+sngdf k|:t't ljrf/x¿ lglZrt
;do / ;Gbe{df ;Da4 JolQmx¿;Fu ul/Psf s'/fsfgLdf cfwfl/t 5g . pQm ljrf/ c;n lgotn] k|]l/t 5g .
tyflk, o;af6 s;}nfO{ s'g} cf3ft kg{ uPdf To;nfO{ ;+of]u dfq dflgg] 5 . k|:t't ljrf/x¿n] PG6]gf kmfp08]zg
g]kfn tyf cd]l/sL ;/sf/sf] ljrf/ / gLltnfO{ k|ltlalDjt gug{ ;S5g .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
Producer/Coordination: Rajan Parajuli
Research and Writing: Bhanu Bokhim and Avinashi Paudel
Reporting: Tula Chaudhary and Dilip Nepal
Copy Editor: Dharma Raj Dahal
Designer: Effect Design House
English Translation
Translated by: Devendra Dhungana
Edited by: Prof. Abhi Subedi
Antenna Foundation Nepal
Bakhundole, Lalitpur
Ph: +977 1 5528059, 5543957
Fax: +977 1 5545857
Email: mjmb@afn.org.np
Website: www.afn.org.np
Published year: March 2010
Printed in Nepal
This book was published under the assistance of USAID/Nepal
Mukunda Bogati: Jagadish Ghimire, Ramesh Pandey, Bhagwandas Manandhar,
Pushpa Basnet, Karna Shakya, Dr. Bhagwan Koirala, Rameshwor Khanal,
Dr. Shankar Man Rai, Dinbandhu Pokhrel, Prashant Jha, Balkrishna Joshi, Sharad
Parajuli and Uttam Sanjel
Manish Paudel: Lalita Devi Bin, Bijaya Kumar Shrivastav
Bhairav Angla: Tripta Thapa Magar
Kumar Ale: Ambar Gurung
ISBN: 978-9937-2-2003-3
© Antenna Foundation Nepal
Second Edition 2010
The opinions expressed in this book are based on conversations with the concerned persons in a
particular time and context. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the
U.S. Agency for International Development or Antenna Foundation Nepal.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
w/tLsf] dg xf] cfsfz
cFWof/f]d} vf]H5 pm k|sfz
;Defjgfsf] ToxL xf] cfef;
d]/f] ljZjf;
d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf;
cFWof/f]nfO{ pHofnf]sf] sndn] d]6"F
sfF8f klg km"n aG5 xfF;]/ x]¿F
;'Gb/ kf/f}+ of] ;+;f/
5b}{ d]/f] x[bo ;'jf;
d]/f] ljZjf;
d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf;
avt a]nf xf]; g s] ef] hlQs} k|lts"n
;ª3if{ ub}{ ;do kf5'{ d]/f] g} cg's"n
cfO/xf]; x/ Zjf;df
hLjgsf] g} dudu af;
d]/f] ljZjf;
d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf;
– b'uf{nfn >]i7, c;f]h, @)^%
d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf;
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
The sky is the heart of land
The sky seeks light in the dark
Such is the essence of possibilities
My Belief
My Life, My Belief!
Let me erase the dark with a pen of light
A thorn blossoms into a flower
Let us smile and see a beautiful world for us to create
Wonderful fragrance of the heart
Flowing everywhere
My Belief
My Life, My Belief!
No matter how challenging and tough the situation may be
I will fight and capture the time to overcome any obstacle
And so it makes the beauty of life
Spread out in every breath
My Belief
My Life, My Belief!
- Durgalal Shrestha , 2009
My Life My Belief
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
;Dkfbg Pp6f k|fljlws sd{ klg xf] . ;Dkfbg ubf{ l;Ëf] cfn]vnfO{ kl/R5]b
kl/R5]bdf, kl/R5]bnfO{ jfSo jfSodf, jfSonfO{ zAb zAbdf clg zAbnfO{
cIf/df 6'qmØfP/ x]l/g] x'Fbf slxn]sfxLF cfn]v / To;sf zAb Pj+ jfSodf cGtlg{lxt
dd{ cf]‰]ndf klg kg{ ;S5 . sltko cj:yfdf cfkm"n] ;Dkfbg u/]sf] cfn]vsf]
ljifoj:t' / To;sf] efj :d[ltk6ndf /fVg ;Dkfbsn] cfkm"nfO{ kf7sdf ¿kfGt/0f u/]/
k'gM k9g'kg]{ ;d]t x'G5 . t/ d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; sf] kf08'lnlkdf ;ªu|lxt
lgaGwx¿ ;Dkfbg ubf{sf] cg'ej eg] lgtfGt leGg /Xof] . k|foM ;a}h;f] lgaGwsf
zAb / jfSo s]nfpFbf s]nfpFb} ltgdf cGtlg{lxt dd{ / ;Gb]zx¿ dg–dl:tisnfO{
‰+s[t t'NofpFb} clj:d/0fLo eO;s]sf x'Gy] . æd rldnL x}g, rd]nL kf] /x]5'===Ù cIf/df
t hfb' kf] x'Fbf] /x]5Æ eGg] rd]nL jfO{afsf jfSox¿ cfkm}+df olt ;l6s / cy{k"0f{
lyP, ltgdf ;Dkfbg ug{] 7fpF g} lyPg . To:t}Ù eujfgbf;sf] afudtL clxn] Psbd}
kmf]xf]/ eP klg æd}n] ˆofFs]sf] kmf]xf]/ t ToxfF kmls{P/ cfpFb}g lg ÛÆ eGg] sygn]
PsfPs uLtfsf] …sd{0o]jf˜lwsf/]:t'===Ú :d/0f u/fO{ uDeL/ x'g afWo kf¥of] . o'jf
kl08t bLgaGw' kf]v/]nsf] ljgoL :jefj / cfˆgf lktfsf] lgd{d xTof ug]{x¿k|lt ;d]t
s?0ffefj hufpg] pgsf] c7f]6n] lstfadf kl9Psf dxf1fgL / ;Gt–dxfTdfsf cd/
jf0fL :d/0f u/fpF5 .
oL cfTdk/s lgaGwx¿ uDeL/ eP/ k9bf efj / dd{nfO{ jf:tf gu/L k|of]u ug]{
ul/Psf s}of}+ cd"t{ / c:ki6 sygx¿sf] klg cy{ v'n:t x'G5 . h:t}, zf/Ll/s
ckfËtf ePsf JolQmx¿nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ cfh …leGg ¿kdf ;anÚ (differentlyĎabled)
eGg] njhsf] k|of]u x'g yfn]sf] 5 . t/, cd]l/sfsf] 8]df]qm]l6s g];gn sld6Ln] ;g
!(*) sf] bzsdf ;'‰fPsf] of] njhn] xfd|f] ;Gbe{df s] cy{ af]S5 < b[li6 gePsf,
xftv'§f grNg], sfg g;''Gg] cyjf af]Ng ghfGg]x¿ s;/L ;an x'G5g < cf}krfl/s
tj/df …leGg ¿kdf ;anÚ n]Vg] jf af]Ng] xfdLdWo] g} clwsf+zsf] dgdf dflysf
k|Zg pl7/x]sf x'G5g . …ckfËÚ nfO{ …k"0f{ dfG5]Ú ;d]t gdfGg] ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts
kl/j]zdf x's]{–a9]sf xfdLx¿sf lglDt …ckfËtf ePsf JolQmÚx¿ s'g} kIfdf …;anÚ
x'g ;S5g eGg] gofF cjwf/0ff / oyfy{ cfTd;ft ug{ sl7g x'g' c:jfefljs klg
gxf]nf . t/ t[Ktf yfkfsf] hLjgsyf kl9;s]kl5 pgL ;fFRr} ;an /x]sf] s'/fdf låljwf
/xFb}g . pgsf b'j} v'§f 6]lsFb}gg, t/ hLjgsf] bf}8df pgL c¿hlQs} bf}l8g ;Ifd
5g . hGdFb} b[li6ljxLg lgd{nf 1jfnLn] Tjrf / sfgdfkm{t cfˆgf] ckfËtfnfO{ k/flht
ul/g . cfFvfn] wf]sf lbP klg pgn] :kz{ / cfjfhsf] dfWodaf6 ;f+;fl/stf a'l‰g
/ cg'ej ul/g . …aflx/L cfFvf gx'g]x¿ klg b]V5gÚ eGg] cfbz{ t/ cd"t{ sygsf]
dd{ lgd{nfsf] syf / cg'ejaf6 v'n:t x'G5 . clg t[Ktf cyjf lgd{nf h:tf ckfËtf
ePsf JolQmx¿ s;/L …leGg ¿kdf ;anÚ x'Fbf /x]5g eGg] klg 5n{Ë x'G5 .
;Dkfbssf] ljZjf;
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
ckfËtfsf] ;jfndf h:t} ljleGg k];f, ju{, cj:yf cflbsf af/]df g]kfnL ;dfhdf JofKt
k/Dk/fut wf/0ff / e|flGtx¿ ;RofP/ ;do;fk]If Pj+ j:t'lgi7 b[li6sf]0f agfpg klg
k|:t't lgaGwx¿ pkof]uL 5g . pbfx/0fsf lglDtÙ s'g} ljBfyL{n] …k'/]t w]/} bfgL klg
x'G5gÚ, …wgL / lj1x¿ w]/} sfd u5{gÚ clg …ul/asf afnaflnsfnfO{ /fd|f] lzIff lbP/
lx/f] aGg ;lsG5Ú eg]/ n]Vof] eg] pm hfFrdf km]n klg x'g ;S5 . lsgeg] oxfF tL
zAbsf] k|of]u xfd|f] k/Dk/fut a'‰fOeGbf ljkl/t cy{df ePsf] 5 . lzIfsn] To:tf]
n]Vg] ljBfyL{nfO{ OlËt u/]/ sIffdf eGg ;S5g– …k'/]t eg]sf] bfg ug]{ xf]Og, bfg
lng] xf]ÚÙ …wgL / w]/} k9]sf dfG5]n] >ldssf] h:tf] w]/} sfd ub}{ggÚÙ …l;g]dfdf d'Vo
kfq eP/ v]Ng] dfG5] lx/f] xf]Ú cflb cflb . t/, k+=bLgaGw' kf]v/]n, ko{6g Joj;foL
s0f{ zfSo, 8fS6/x¿ eujfg sf]O/fnf / zÍ/ /fO{, lzIff;]jL pQd ;~h]n cflbsf]
hLjgufyfn] dflysf zAbsf] k|of]udf lzIfs xf]Og ljBfyL{nfO{ rflxF ;xL ;fljt u5{g .
k|:t't lgaGwx¿sf] csf]{ ;'Gb/ kIf xf] of] .
lat]sf kGw| jif{nfO{ ;/;tL{ kms]{/ x]bf{Ù g]kfn d"ntM lx+;f, cl:y/tf, aGb, ljWj+;,
s'zf;g, b08xLgtf / g}/fZosf] e'ªu|f]df lklN;Fb} cfPsf] dfq b]lvG5 . s'g} klg kIf
/ If]qsf lqmofsnfk cfzf hufpg] vfnsf b]vf kb}{gg . ;a}lt/ gsf/fTds / aaf{bL
dfq b]Vg–;'Gg kfOG5 . o:t} kl/j]znfO{ cfwf/ agfP/ dflg;x¿ lg/k]If k|Zg klg
ug]{ u5{g, æca c¿ slt wflgPnf of] d'n's <Æ tyflkÙ d'n's / g]kfnL ;dfh ;du|df
k5fl8 kmls{Psf] 5}g, cufl8 g} al9/x]sf] 5 . w/f;foL ePsf] 5}g, v8f g} 5 .
s;/L t < d]/f] a'‰fOdf of] k|Zgsf] ;l6s / d"t{ hjfkm klg oxL ;ªu|xleq km]nf
k5{ . Ps cy{df lgaGwsf kfqx¿ g} To; k|Zgsf e/kbf{ hjfkm x'g . lg/Gt/sf]
lx+;fTds åGå / cl:y/tfsf sf/0f cjZo klg /fHo / o;sf ;+oGq, /fhgLlts zlQm
tyf cy{tGq, lzIff, :jf:Yo If]qsf cf}krfl/s kfqx¿ sdhf]/ / c:tJo:t ePsf
5g, t/, g]kfnL ;dfh tL lgsfo / kfqx¿df dfq lge{/ lyPg . To;}sf/0f g} of]
cufl8 al9/xg ;Sof] . o; ;ªu|xdf ;d]l6Psf h:tf c;ªVo kfqx¿ ;dfhdf clxn]
klg ljBdfg 5g / To:tf kfq /xFbf;Dd g]kfn / g]kfnL ;dfh o:tf lj£g–afwf /
x'08/Lx¿ ‰]Ng ;dy{ eO/xg] 5g .
o; k':tssf] gfd cg';f/ g}, oxfF h–h;sf syf ;ªu|lxt 5g, ltgsf] hLjg sfutfnL
k/]/ To:tf] ePsf] xf]Og, pgLx¿n] /fhLv';L, cfk"mnfO{ ljZjf; ePsf] sfd u/]sf x'g .
dnfO{ nfU5, pgLx¿sf] ljZjf; pgLx¿sf] dfq ljZjf; xf]Og . To;n] xfdLnfO{ klg
cfˆgf] ;dfhk|ltsf] ljZjf; alnof] agfpg d2t u5{ . o; ;Gbe{df d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f]
ljZjf; sf] k|sfzg Pp6f sf]z]9'Ëf ;fljt x'g]5 eGg] d]/f] ljZjf; 5 .
/fh]Gb| bfxfn
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
The technical aspect of editing usually requires chiseling an essay into
The experience of editing the self-reflections of the people documented in
Mero Jindagi Mero Biswas was entirely different though. Almost every word
and every sentence were so expressive that they invigorated my mind and
heart. “I learned I was Cha-me-li and not Cha-mi-li with a simple switch
of an ‘e’ for an ‘i’. I discovered words have magic in them.” Such pithy,
yet poignant expressions required little editing. When the older gentleman
Bhagwandas says, “I believe my work has not been futile. What could
be more meaningful than trying to keep the Bagmati clean?” This made
me recall one of the most popular maxims of the Hindu text, the Gita:
Do your duty in life without concern for the results or for personal gain.
Similarly, the determination of young Dinbandhu Pokhrel to understand
compassion and to kindle mercy in the hearts of those who assassinated
his father are clear words of wisdom.
The essays included in these pages are filled with powerful expressions
of humanity. These narrative essays are valuable because they also help
readers to overcome prejudices regarding gender, status, profession, and
ability. The term “differently abled,” which describes people living with
disabilities, is not widely used in Nepalese society, which has socio-cultural
biases against disabled people and may not even view them as full or equal
citizens. But you will have no doubt that Tripta Thapa Magar is indeed
capable of anything after reading her story. Her legs do not work, yet she
is as capable as any other in the race for a good life. Born blind, Nirmala
Gyawali defeated her disability through the world of touch and sound,
and perceived the beautiful world around her. Her experience proves that
those without eyesight also have sight, increasing our own understanding
of why those with physical disabilities are in fact “differently abled.”
In our present day education structure, a teacher is likely to give poor
marks to a student who writes on their exams, “pundits are magnanimous,”
“experts do hard work,” or “one becomes a hero by educating the poor
Editor's Belief
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
children.” However, the stories of the Hindu priest Dinbandhu Pokhrel,
tourism entrepreneur Karna Shakya, doctors Bhagwan Koirala and Shankar
Man Rai, and social worker Uttam Sanjel prove that a student who in
fact challenges existing social prejudices and beliefs by appreciating such
personalities will be the one passing the real exam of life and not the teacher.
This is another gem you will find hidden inside this book.
Nepal has suffered a lot in the past 15 years from violence, instability,
strikes, destruction, poor governance, impunity, and despair. Negativity
and destruction have reigned over the public psyche. People standing on
such unstable ground may ask, “How long will it take for Nepal to become
a failed state?” However, the country and Nepali society in general are
progressing and not regressing. We are not crumbling, but constructing
a new foundation.
How is that possible? It is my belief that you’ll find the answers in this
book. The people portrayed here are the true living answers. The violent
conflict and instability of one and a half decades nearly tore down the state,
the economy, the education and health sectors, and the people comprising
them. But Nepali society did not just rely on these sectors and the people.
That is why Nepal continues to move forward. Nepal and Nepali society
will continue to forge paths ahead, overcoming every hurdle as long as
such positive personalities breathe life in this society.
their goals by chance. Success came through their sheer determination
and conviction. It is my impression that the belief of these individuals
transcends beyond their selves and strengthens our entire society. It is my
conviction that the publication of My Life My Belief will spread the true
spirit of positive belief.
Rajendra Dahal
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
x/]s rf]s, uNnL / ;8sÙ lrofk;n / rf}tf/f clg x/]s ;d'bfo, 3/ / kl/jf/df
;a}lt/ ;a};Fu Pp6} ;femf s'/f e]l6G5– lg/fzf, lbSbf/L / cljZjf; Û b]zdf rn]sf]
!!jif]{ ;z:q åGåsf] ;dflKt;Fu} lgof]lht / 3f]lift xTof–lx+;fsf] qmd 6'6] klg g]kfnL
;dfhn] cem} jf:tljs cyf{t dfgl;s zflGt b]Vg / dx;'; ug{ kfPsf] 5}g . kqklqsf
xf]pmg of /]l8of]Ù l6eL, s'g} klg dfWodaf6 cfzf / ljZjf;sf] va/ ;'Gg, x]g{ / k9g
lj/n} dfq kfOG5– ;dsfnLg g]kfndf .
@)^$ ;fn ebf} !@ ut] Od]ndfkm{t k|fKt Pp6f 5f]6f] cfTdsYo k9g] df}sf k¥of] . Tof]
cfTdsYo Pp6L ue{jtL dlxnfn] pgL s:tf] JolQmnfO{ hGd lbg rfxlG5g eGg] af/]df
lyof] . Tof] 5f]6f] cfn]vn] dg 5f]Pkl5 ;|f]td} uP/ lj:t[t cWoog ug{ dg nfUof] . cd]l/
sfsf] k|Voft g]zgn klAns /]l8of] g]6js{df lb; cfO{ ljlne sfo{qmddf k|;fl/t cfn]v
/x]5 Tof] . Tolta]n} nfUof], g]kfndf klg To:t} Pp6f cleofg ;'? ug{ kfP slt uha
x'GYof] xf]nf, hxfF dflg;x¿n] of] rf}tkmL{ lg/fzfaf6 aflx/ lgl:sP/ cfzf / ljZjf;sf
s'/fx? af]Ng kfpmg Û
;Gbe{ / kl/l:yltn] s]xL ;dokl5 g} To:tf] cj;/ h'/fOlbof] . cd]l/sL /fhb"t GofG;L
kfj]nsf] OR5fdf o'P;PcfO{8L–g]kfn o:tf] cleofgsf nflu ;xof]u ug{ tof/ eof] . clg
;'? eof], lg/fzfsf] aLrdf cfzf, cFWof/f]sf] aLrdf pHofnf] / cljZjf;sf] aLrdf ljZjf;
vf]Hg] PG6]gf kmfp08]g g]kfnsf] cleofg, d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; Û
cleofgdf sfd ub}{ hfFbf xfdLn] df}lns / b[9ljZjf; af]s]sf dfG5]x¿ e]6of}+ . @! jif{sf]
pd]/df sv/f lrg]sL rd]nL afO{jfsf] cIf/k|ltsf] ljZjf;, ^) jif{;Dd afudtL ;kmfO{df
nfu]sf eujfgbf; dfgGw/sf] nug, cljjflxt t/ bh{gf}+ aRrfsL …dfd'Ú ag]sL k'ikf a:
g]tsf] dft[Tj efj, Ps df]xf]/sf] hf]xf]af6 s/f]8f}+ ?k}ofF hDdf ug]{ v]d ;fksf]6fsf] ;xsf/L
cfGbf]ng clg c¿ y''k|} .
w]/} ufx|f] / r'gf}tLk"0f{ lyof], s;sf s:tf ljZjf;nfO{ of] sfo{qmddf ;d]6g] eg]/ . To;}n]
xfdL ;'?d} Pp6f ;fd"lxs ;xdltdf k'Uof}+, sfo{qmd d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; n] lg/Gt/
/ kl/is[t ljZjf; af]s]sf] JolSt h;n] cfkmgf nflu eGbf c?sf nflu s]xL u/]sf] 5,
ltgsf s'/f ;d]6g] 5 . o;n] To:tf JolStsf ;ª3if{ / ;kmntfsf jf:tljstfnfO{ ;s];Dd
aflx/ Nofpg] 5 h'g ;'lgPsf], x]l/Psf] / kl9Psf] 5}g . of] ;xdltnfO{ k|:t'ltsf ¿kdf
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
aflx/ NofOlbg tof/ x'g'eof] rlr{t 6]lnlehg k|:tf]tf ljhos'df/ kf08] . clg ofqf ;'?
eof] d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; sf] !* dªl;/ @)^% af6 .
d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; lb; cfO{ ljlne sfo{qmdsf] g]kfnL ;+:s/0f xf] . lb; cfO{ ljlne
cd]l/sf afx]s o'/f]k / blIf0f cd]l/sfsf ljleGg efiffdf :yfgLo ;+:s/0f lgl:s;s]sf 5g .
PlzofnL b]zx¿df of] klxnf] ;+:s/0f xf] . g]kfnL ;+:s/0fsf] kl/sNkgfnfO{ ;fsf/ kfg{
lg/Gt/ ;xof]u ug'{x'g] cd]l/sfsf k|ltli7t /]l8of]sdL{ tyf lb; cfO{ ljlne sf ;~rfns
h] Pln;g, sfo{qmds} lesL d]l/s / lb; cfO{ ljlne O+snfO{ wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' .
klxnf] r/0fdf k|sflzt÷k|;fl/t ePsf @^ hgf JolQmTjsf cg'ej, ef]ufO / ljZjf;nfO{
xfdLn] of] k':tsdf ;d]6]sf 5f}+ . t/ PG6]gf kmfp08]zg g]kfnsf] ;sf/fTds ljZjf; af]s]sf
rl/q vf]Hg] ofqf eg] /f]lsPsf] 5}g . g]kfnsf s'gf–s'gfdf pHofnf] 5g]{{ o:tf ljZjf;x¿nfO{
xfdL /]l8of], 6]lnlehg / k':tsdfkm{t tkfO{+x¿dfem Nofpg] k|of;df h'l6/xg] 5f}+ .
dw' cfrfo{
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
Introduc on
In Nepal, people in every intersection, coffee shop, home, and family
share the same frustrations and general feeling of mistrust. Though
the violence and killings have formally ceased with the end of the armed
conflict, Nepalese society has yet to experience real peace and the people
have yet to achieve real peace of mind. Newspapers, radios, and televisions
rarely bring any positive news to their listeners in contemporary Nepal.
On August 29, 2007, I happened to read an essay by a woman describing
what kind of child she would like to give birth to. I found the piece
interesting and wanted to know more about the essays and the radio
program on which it aired. I soon learned that it was a script for This I
Believe, National Public Radio’s famous program about the personal beliefs
of people from all walks of life. I began to imagine how wonderful it would
be to start a similar program in Nepal, to create a platform where people
could share their confidences and beliefs in an environment that is usually
characterized by frustration and negativity.
Coincidence and luck created such opportunity. Thanks to support from
the United States Agency for International Development in Nepal and
the enthusiasm of the former U.S. Ambassador to Nepal, Nancy J. Powell,
Antenna Foundation Nepal created the Mero Jindagi Mero Biswas television
program as a way to generate hope in the midst of despair.
We met people with bold and innovative mindsets in the course of our
initiative. Their inspiring stories unfolded before us. It was difficult to
determine whose beliefs we should include in the program. We reached a
unanimous decision that Mero Jindagi Mero Biswas would include stories of
those who have done work for others more than for themselves and who
have lived by their ideals. The program would bring forth the stories of
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
such personalities whose struggles and achievements were never heard,
watched, or read before. The renowned television personality Vijay Kumar
Pandey agreed to be our host. Thus, began the journey of Mero Jindagi Mero
Biswas on December 3, 2008.
Mero Jindagi Mero Biswas is the Nepali version of American radio show This
I Believe, which has been translated into many languages throughout Europe
and Latin America. Ours, however, is the first such edition among Asian
countries. I am thankful to Jay Allison, the renowned producer of This I
Believe, as well as to Viki Merrick, senior editor for the program, and to the
organization This I Believe, Inc.
We have incorporated the real life experiences and beliefs of 26 individuals
in this book. However, the search for personalities with positive thinking
does not end here. We shall strive to bring you more stories of individuals
who glow like candles, spreading light through programs on radio and
televisions and in books.
Madhu Acharya
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
ljifo ;"rL
!= :kz{, cfjfh / b[li6 @
lgd{nf 1jfnL
@= d]/f] tk:of *
eujfgbf; dfgGw/
#= lzIfssf] wd{ !$
/d]z kf08]
$= hLjg / k|ljlw @)
dxfjL/ k'g
%= jf:tljs d'lQm @^
blz/fd rf}w/L
^= la/fdLsf] ljZjf; #@
8f= eujfg sf]O/fnf
&= ;kmntfsf] /x:oM nugzLntf #*
afns[i0f hf]zL
*= ;Lkn] ;xh agfpF5 lhGbuL $$
nlntfb]jL lag
(= hLjgsf] pmhf{ ;|f]t %)
cDa/ u'?ª
!)= dg'ifTj cyf{t s?0ffefj %^
bLgaGw' kf]v/]n
!!= af]Nbf Gofo kfOFbf]/x]5 Û ^@
/fd/tLb]jL /fd
!@= df6f]df 5 ch;| zlQm ^*
dbg /fO{
!#= leGgtf hflu/ / lhDd]jf/Lsf] &$
/fd]Zj/ vgfn
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 1
lgd{nf 1jfnL
u'NdL, b/af/ b]j:yfgsL @% jifL{o lgd{nf 1jfnL hGd}b]lv
b[li6ljxLg x'g . pgL :kz{ / cfjfhdfkm{t ;+;f/nfO{ a'l‰5g
/ cg'ej ul5{g . cfjfh / :kz{s} e/df, a|]nlnlksf lstfa
a]u/ g} lgd{nfn] k|yd >]0fLdf P;Pn;L kf; ul/g . 5fqj[lQdf
cd]l/sfsf] sf]nf]/f8f] :6]6 o'lgel;{6Laf6 :gfts tx;Dd kl9g .
pgL clxn] cfk|jf;Lx¿sf nflu cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yf cfO{=cf]=Pd=
sf7df8f}+ sfof{nodf sfd ul5{g . lgd{nf b]Vg] cfFvf ePsfx¿
eGbf km/s t l5g t/ pgnfO{ ljZjf; 5, …pgL c¿ hlQ g}
;an l5g .Ú
Nirmala Gyawali of Durbar Devsthan in Gulmi was born
blind, but she understands the world through hearing and
touch.Shepassedherschoolgradua onexamina onsinthe
first division. She later won a scholarship to Colorado State
University in the United States, from where she graduated.
Today, she works for the International Organization for
Migration in Kathmandu. Though she is blind, Nirmala
believes she is “as capable as others.”
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;2
dcd]l/sfsf] sf]nf]/f8f] :6]6 o'lgel;{6Ldf :gfts txdf k9b}
lyPF . Pslbg Pp6f ;fyLn] lgwf/df uf]nL xfg]/ cfTdxTof
ug]{ k|of; u¥of] . efUojz pm d/]g . t/ afO; jif{sf] pd]/df
p;n] b[li6 u'dfof] . p;sf] cj:yf b]v]/ cfdf–af, ;fyL–;FuL ;a}
b'Mlvt x'Gy] . t/ Pslbg d;Fu e]6bf p;n] eGof] ælgd{nf, ;+;f/
cfFvf b]Vg] a]nfeGbf d}n] clxn] /fd|f] b]lv/x]sf] 5' .Æ p;sf] :j/df
crDdsf] cfTdljZjf; lyof] . Tof] s'/f ;'Gbf dnfO{ klxnf]kN6
cfkm" b[li6ljxLg ePsf]df ;Gtf]if nfUof] . ev{/} b[li6 u'dfPsf]
dflg;n] t ;+;f/ klxn]eGbf /fd|f] b]V5 eg] d t emg hGd}b]lv
b[li6ljxLg, d}n] ef]u]sf] ;+;f/ ‰g slt ;'Gb/ xf]nf <
d c;fwf/0f ¿kdf ;an 5' . of] d]/f] ljZjf; xf] . c¿n] x]/]/
ug]{ w]/} sfd d gx]/L u5'{ . c¿n] h:t} d ;+;f/ x]g{ ;lSbgF,
t/ pgLx¿sf] b[li6sf] ;+;f/nfO{ d cfjfh / :kz{af6 lrG5',
clg a'em5' klg . dfWod km/s eP klg b]Vg] / gb]Vg] b'j}n]
a'´g] ;+;f/ Pp6} 5 .
d]/f] ;+;f/ eg]s} cfjfh / :kz{ xf] . d}n] klxnf] kN6 cfdfnfO{
klg ToxL cfjfh / :kz{af6 lrg]F . cfdfn] dnfO{ ;'gfpFb} /
5'jfpFb} eGg'x'GYof], æhLjgdf cfPsf] cj;/ tf]/Lsf] bfgf hqf] eP
klg g5f]8]; ÛÆ u'NdLdf 3/ glhs} :s"n lyof] . d;Fu}sf ;fyLx¿
ljBfno hfGy] . df:6/n] k9fPsf] cfjfh 3/;Dd} ;'lgGYof], d]/f
sfgdf 7f]lsGYof] . d sfgnfO{ ToxL cfjfh cfPlt/ ;f]´ofpFy]F /
df:6/n] pRrf/0f u/]sf cfjfhx¿ Wofgk"j{s ;'Gy]F . ljBfnoaf6
cfPsf] cfjfhaf6} d}n] sv/f l;s]F .
rf/ sIff;Dd d}n] b[li6ljxLg ;fyLx¿;Fu} k9]F . kfFr sIffb]lv
d}n] ljBfno km]/]F . gofF :s"nsf ^)) ljBfyL{dWo] d PSnL
b[li6ljxLg lyPF . ;fyLx¿n] n]Vg] zAb / d}n] n]Vg] zAbsf] cy{
Pp6} x'GYof] . t/ n]Vg] tl/sf eg] km/s . ;fyLx¿ sndn]
n]Vy], d lkgn] . pgLx¿ cIf/ b]v]/ lrGy], d 5fd]/ . pgLx¿sf]
h:t} d]/f klg /ËLg /x/ / ;kgf lyP . t/ d /ªx¿ 5'6ofpg
;lSbgy]F . nIo of}6}, af6f] of}6} lyof] . t/ xfd|f] ofqf ug{]
z}nL km/s lyof] .
æd]/f cfFvfn] b]Vg
;St}gg . To;}u/L
s;}sf] v'§fn] sfd
gunf{, s;}n] sfg
g;'Gnfg . t/ d;Fu
cfTdljZjf;L dg
/ ljj]sL dl:tis
5 . ToxL dg /
dl:tisnfO{ d :kz{
/ cfjfhn] lgb{]zg
lbG5' . d]/f ;kgfx¿
oxL cfjfh / :kz{sf]
;xfotfn] k"/f x'g]5g .
lsgls d c;fwf/0f
¿kdf ;an 5' .Æ
:kz{, cfjfh / b[li6
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 3
hfFrdf ha lj1fg, ul0ft clg n]vf ljifodf lrq agfP/ lbg'kg]{
k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ n]Vg sl7g eof], Tolta]nf dnfO{ nfUof] d}n]
lxF8]sf] af6f] b[li6o'Qmx¿sf nflu dfq agfOPsf] xf] . ljBfnodf
d}n] 5fd]/ k9g] lstfax¿ klg kof{Kt lyPgg . ;fyLx¿ kf6Ldf
n]v]sf s'/f x]/]/ a'´y], t/ d}n] ;'Gg dfq ;Sy]F . t/ ;'g]kl5sf]
a'emfO eg] Pp6} x'GYof] . P;=Pn=;L=sf] k/LIffdf lrq x]/]/ n]Vg'kg]{
w]/} k|Zg cfP . b]Vg g;Sg] ePsfn] %^ gDa/ hltsf] k|Zg
d}n] 5f8g' k¥of] . t}klg d k|yd >]0fLdf kf; ePF . To;n] d]/f]
c;fwf/0f ;antfdflysf] ljZjf; cem alnof] agfof] .
d]/f cfFvfn] b]Vg ;St}gg . To;}u/L s;}sf] v'§fn] sfd gunf{,
s;}n] sfg g;'Gnfg . t/ d]/f nflu oL cË eg]sf t dfq
dfWod x'g . lrGg], a'emg] / ug]{ t dgdl:tisn] g} xf] . d;Fu
cfTdljZjf;L dg / ljj]sL dl:tis 5 . ToxL dg / dl:tisnfO{
d :kz{ / cfjfhn] lgb{]zg lbG5' . cem w]/} k/ k'Ug] / s]xL
ug{] ;kgf 5g d;Fu . d]/f ;kgfx¿ oxL cfjfh / :kz{sf]
;xfotfn] k"/f x'g]5g . lsgls d c;fwf/0f ¿kdf ;an 5' .
/, To;df dnfO{ k"/f ljZjf; 5 .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;4
Iwas studying at Colorado State University when one
day a friend attempted to commit suicide by firing a
gun through his temple. Luckily, he did not die, but he
lost his eyesight at the age of 22. Everyone, including
his parents and friends, was shocked by the tragedy.
Later, he told me, “Nirmala, I see the world much
better than I did when I had my eyes.” He had a
strong confidence in his voice. His observation gave
me tremendous insight. If a man who had recently lost
his sight sees the world better than before, then why
couldn’t someone like me, who was born blind, suddenly
realize that the world was much more beautiful?
It is my conviction that I can do what other people
with eyesight can do. I cannot literally see the world
like others, but I can perceive their visual world through
sound and touch, and understand it naturally. In that
way, the world for those with or without eyesight is
the same.
In my world, sound and touch are the key to
understanding everything and everyone, including my
mother, whom I got to know from these two senses.
My mother always told me, “Don’t miss the slightest
opportunity in your life, even if it is the size of a mustard
seed, to touch and feel it.” There was a school near my
house in Gulmi. My friends used to attend this school
while I had to stay home. When the classes would begin,
the wind carried the teacher's voice to my ears! I focused
my attention towards the direction of the sound and
carefully listened to each word the teacher uttered. I
learned my first letters this way.
My Beau ful World of
Sound and Touch
"I cannot literally
see the world like
others, but I can
perceive their visual
world through
sound and touch,
and understand it
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 5
Later, I studied with other blind children up to grade
four. Then, I changed schools in fifth grade. I was the
only blind student among the 600 pupils. My friends
wrote with pens and I wrote with a pin. I also had
colorful dreams and wishes like them, but I could not
differentiate the types of colors. Gradually, it became
difficult for me to answer science and math questions
that were designed for the other students. There were
not enough books in the school that I could read in
Braille. I soon felt that this form of teaching was only
meant for those with eyesight. Exam questions were
asked on the basis of pictures and in my final school
exam, I could not attempt many of the questions.
Nevertheless, I passed my exams and felt confident
in my abilities.
For me, my eyes are not the ultimate tool for
understanding and enjoying life. It is the soul and the
mind that perceive and understand the world around
me. I have a dream to travel far and achieve something
meaningful. I know my dreams will be fulfilled through
sound and touch.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;6
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 7
eujfgbf; dfgGw/
sf7df8f}+, cf]daxfnsf *% jifL{o eujfgbf; dfgGw/nfO{ afUdtL
gbL k|b"lift x'g yfn]sf] lrGtfn] ^) jif{cl3 g} ;tfO;s]sf] lyof] .
To;} eP/ pgn] jfudtL ;kmf ug'{nfO{ Tolta]n}b]lv cfkmgf] b}lgsL
agfP . afUdtL vf]nfdf c8lsPsf kmf]xf]/ ;ªsng ug]{ / aufpg]
sfo{ pgn] cfkmgf] z/L/n] ;fy lbFbf;Dd ul//x] . cfh afUdtL
clt g} kmf]xf]/ eO;s]sf] eP klg eujfgbf; cfkmgf] kl/>d Joy{
ePsf] 7fGb}gg . pgL eG5g, æsd;]sd d}n] x6fPsf] kmf]xf]/ t
ToxfF 5}g lg ÛÆ
Sixty years ago, Bhagwandas Manandhar started to worry
about pollu on in the Bagma River. Since then, the 85-
year-old of Kathmandu has made it a regular rou ne to
clean up the sacred river. He has collected the garbage
obstruc ng the water and tried to get the river flowing
smoothly again. The Bagma is s ll polluted today, but
Bhagwandas does not think his effort has gone in vain
because the garbage he removed is not there any longer.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;8
dafUdtLsf] :jR5tfdf ljZjf; u5'{ . afUdtL / d]/f] ;flGgWotf
aof;L jif{ k'/fgf] xf] . afUdtLnfO{ d}n] Tolta]nfb]lv lrg]sf]
x'F– hlta]nf d}n] d]/f] 3/nfO{ 3/ / cfdfnfO{ cfdf eg]/ lrg]F .
afn] dnfO{ tft] ub}{ nu]/ afUdtL;Fu dLt nufOlbg'eof] .
To;a]nfb]lv g} d}n] afUdtLnfO{ ;kmf ug{ / dfof ug{ l;s]F .
;fg}b]lv g'xfpg, k"hf ug{, v]Ng / 8'Ng hfg] u/]sf] afUdtLnfO{
d}n] @))^ ;fnb]lv lgoldt ¿kdf ;kmf ug{ yfn]sf] x'F . Tolta]nf
afUdtL kmf]xf]/ t lyPg t}klg ToxfF k"hf ug{, >f4 ug{ cfpg]x¿n]
5f8]sf km"nkftL, 6k/L h:tf lrhlahx¿ d kfgLdf aufOlbGy]F .
d w]/}h;f] cf]daxfn rf]ssf] xfd|f] 3/af6 ;ft} ldg]6df k'lug]
afUdtL / lji0f'dtLsf] bf]efg, 6]s", krnL3f6lt/ ;kmf uy]{+ .
;kmf ubf{ub}{ slxn] rf]ef/ t slxn] a'ªdtL, u'Xo]Zj/L;Dd
klg k'Uy]F . slxn]b]lv d afUdtL ;kmf ub}{ 3G6f}+ latfpg nfu]F
To;sf] kQ} ePg .
d afUdtLsf] Tof] zlQmdf ljZjf; u5'{ h;n] sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf]
;EotfnfO{ hGdfof], l;+rg u¥of] / kmnfof] km'nfof] . gbLsf] wd{
aUg' xf] . oxL gbLn] hGdfPsf] ;Eotfsf] Pp6f s0f x'F d To;}n]
d]/f] wd{ of] gbLnfO{ lgjf{w / csn'lift aUg lbg' xf] . d]/f nflu
afUdtL uËfhL x'g, cfdf x'g . log}sf] ue{af6 cfPsf xfdLnfO{
cGttf]uTjf log}sf] ue{df ldNg' 5 . afUdtL d]/f nflu Pp6f
3/ xf] . lbglbg} cfˆgf] 3/ a9fg'{ d]/f] st{Jo xf] .
clt h?/L sfd k/]sf lbgafx]s ;f7L jif{b]lv ;fgf] Hofan af]s]/
d ;w}F afUdtL cfOk'Ug] u/]sf] 5' . s}n] t ev{/} cfPsf] h:tf]
nfu] klg cf7 bz 3G6f lalt;s]sf] x'GYof] . ;kmf ug{ yfn]kl5
ef]s–Kof; of ysfO klg nfUb}gYof] . Ps vfnsf] cnf}lss
zlQm / hfFu/ cfpFYof] .
6G6nfk'/] 3fd xf]; of d';nwf/] jiff{, gbLdf s'lk|Psf] d]/f] 9f8
b]v]/ gf}nf dfG5]x¿ eG7fGy], æof] a"9f] afUdtLdf l;Ssf vf]Hb}5
of afn'jfdf ;'g vf]Hb}5 .Æ t/ d afUdtLdf ;To vf]Hby]F .
d]/f] tk:of
æd]/f] ;f7L jif{sf]
kl/>dsf afah'b
klg afUdtL hh{/
/ hL0f{ ag]sf] 5 .
t/ klgÙ dnfO{ d]/f]
sfd lg/y{s nfUb}g
lsgeg] sDtLdf klg
d}n] aufPsf] kmf]xf]/
kms]{/ cfPsf] 5}g
/ slxNo} cfpFb}g .
au]sf] kfgL a? em/L
ag]/ kms]{nf, aufPsf]
kmf]xf]/ kms+{b}g .
of]eGbf 7"nf] ;fy{s
sfd c¿ s] x'g
;S5 <Æ
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 9
d]/f nflu afUdtLsf] :jR5 / :jtGq axfj g} ;To lyof] . ToxL
;To g} d]/f] ljZjf; xf] . /, ToxL ljZjf; g} d]/f] sd{ .
afUdtLn] sf7df8f}+ vfN8fnfO{ :jR5 hnn] l;+lrt ul/g, t/
sf7df8f}+jf;Ln] afUdtLnfO{ dn, d"q / kmf]xf]/sf] ef/L af]sfOlbP .
jiff{tsf yf]kf ;d'b|df lanfP ‰}+ cfh d]/f] ;f7L jif{sf] kl/>dsf
afah'b klg afUdtL hh{/ / hL0f{ ag]sf] 5 . t/ klgÙ dnfO{
d]/f] sfd lg/y{s nfUb}g lsgeg] sDtLdf klg d}n] aufPsf]
kmf]xf]/ kms]{/ cfPsf] 5}g / slxNo} cfpFb}g . au]sf] kfgL a?
‰/L ag]/ kms]{nf, aufPsf] kmf]xf]/ kms+{b}g . of]eGbf 7"nf] ;fy{s
sfd c¿ s] x'g ;S5 <
;don] afUdtLnfO{ wldNofpFb} nUof], d klg rfpl/Fb} uPF .
;don] afUdtLsf] au/nfO{ ;fF3'¥ofpFb} nUof], d]/f xf8 klg
lvOFb} uP . b'O{ jif{cl3;Dd t lgoldt cfpFy]F t/ cr]n cln
sd cfpF5' . afUdtL ;'Sbf] 5, d klg c:tfpFbf] 5' . t}klg d
eujfgbf;leqsf] afUdtLbf; c‰} klg p:t} lgZrn 5, afn]
tft] u/fpFb} NofPsf] ;dosf] h:tf] . d]/f] nflu afUdtL pxL 5Ù
;'Gb/, ;kmf . kmf]xf]/ kmf]xf]/ xf] / afUdtL afUdtL xf] . afUdtL
cfkm" kmf]xf]/ x}g .
afUdtL ;kmf ug]{ sfd d}n]] lghL cfgGbsf nflu u/]F . cfgGbeGbf
7"nf] tna of k'/:sf/ c¿ s]xL 5}g . afUdtLnfO{ v';L kfg]{
sf]l;; u/]/ d}n] dgnfO{ v';L kf/]F . of] d]/f] lgtfGt JolQmut
OR5f / tk:of xf] . o;df d}n] g s;}sf] ;fy vf]h]sf] 5'
g s'g} >]o . d]/f cfˆg} ;Gtfgn] klg slxNo} afUdtL cfP/
oxfF ;kmf u/]gg, ub}{gg . afUdtLsf] gfddf s;}sf] klg Ps
k};f vfPsf] 5}g d}n] . Pp6f ;fdfGo g]jf/ Jofkf/L kl/jf/sf]
5f]/f], k9]–n]v]sf] 5}g, To;}n] klg afUdtL d]/f] nflu 7"nf7"nf
b:tfj]h of kl/of]hgf ag]g . cl3 g} eg]F d]/f nflu afUdtL
b}lgsL aGof], tk:of aGof] . afUdtL d]/f] wd{ xf], d]/f] sd{ xf]
/ oxL g} d]/f] lhGbuL, d]/f] ljZjf; . /Ù d yfs]sf] 5}g, d]/f]
ljZjf; 8u]sf] 5}g .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;10
Bagma , My Life
It has been more than 80 years since I developed
my intimate relationship with the Bagmati River.
I have known the river from the time when I began
to understand that the house where I was living was
called my ‘home’ and the caring woman there was my
‘mother’. My father took me for walks along the Bagmati
River banks when I was very young. Ever since then, an
inseparable knot was tied between me and this river.
I started cleaning the Bagmati in 1950, whenever I went
to take a bath, offer puja, play or simply pass by. In
those days, the Bagmati was not dirty at all. And yet, I
formed the habit of making sure the river carried away
all the debris left by people who made their rituals by
the riverside. I used to stroll along the confluence of the
Bagmati and the Bishnumati at Dovan, Teku Pachalali.
It was just seven minutes away from my home at Om
Bahal. There I did my own ritual – cleaning the river.
I walked along the river banks cleaning the litter as far
as the gorge of Chovar and further down south along
the isolated river banks of Bungmati.
I believe in the power of the Bagmati, which gave rise
to an amazing civilization in the Kathmandu valley. I
consider myself a small character in this process and
my dharma is to make sure that the Bagmati flows
uninterrupted. She is for me the Mother Ganges. The
Bagmati is my home and I clean her just the way I clean
my house. It is part of my duty.
When people saw me collecting rubbish, they made
lots of comments, such as, “This man is desperate for
the coins and gold offered to the dead at the riverside
funeral pyres.” In truth, I was searching for faith in the
"For me, the
Bagmati remains
the same – clean
and beautiful. The
dirt is dirt, while
the Bagmati is still
the Bagmati. The
Bagmati in itself is
not dirty. It is the
people themselves
who are dirty."
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 11
river Bagmati. To me, the smooth and uninterrupted
flow of the Bagmati is a pure faith. This faith is my
conviction, my karma.
The Bagmati once irrigated the Kathmandu valley with
pure water. Now, city dwellers dump sewage and dirt
on her. The Bagmati is steadily being destroyed and 60
years of my efforts could disappear just like that. Yet, I
believe my work has not been futile. What could be more
meaningful than trying to keep the Bagmati clean?
As time flowed by, the Bagmati continued to be polluted
and I, too, got my wrinkles. The Bagmati is drying out
and I am in my last days. For me, the Bagmati River is
as pristine as ever, just as it was when I was a toddler
amused by the river as I walked along its banks holding
hands with my father. For me, the Bagmati remains the
same – clean and beautiful. The dirt is dirt, while the
Bagmati is still the Bagmati. The Bagmati in itself is not
dirty. It is the people themselves who are dirty.
My Bagmati cleaning effort is a personal hobby. In this
process, satisfaction is the greatest of all rewards. I have
not sought any credit for my work. I have not taken a
single penny in the name of cleaning the Bagmati. I was
born in a small, simple Newari family in old Kathmandu.
I am not a highly educated expert and I never saw the
Bagmati River as a way to bring lucrative projects to
make money or build a career. For me, the Bagmati
simply became my way of life, my commitment, my
dharma, and my karma. This is my eternal duty, my
life, my faith. I am not tired and my faith is as firm as
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;12
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 13
/d]z kf08]
Pp6f Odfgbf/ lzIfssf ¿kdf /d]z kf08]n] em08} $) jif{ k|fWofkg
u/] . cfkmgf] sn]hsf ljBfyL{n] jfl0fHo / Joj:yfkg zf:qsf
ljifodf hlxn] / hxfF k|Zg u/] klg hjfkm lbg' t/ …6o';gÚ
gk9fpg'nfO{ …kf08] ;/Ún] cfkmgf] wd{ dfg] . k|fWofkgsf] clwsf+z
;do sf7df8f}+sf] zªs/b]j SofDk;df latfPsf ;dosf kSsf
kf08] ;]jf cjlwe/ slxNo} sIffdf uon ePgg . pgsf] ljZjf;
xf], …k9g rfxg] ljBfyL{nfO{ v';L kfg'{ g} lzIfssf] wd{ xf] .Ú
Ramesh Pandey taught business and management to
university students for nearly 40 years. Over that me, Mr.
consideredithisdharmatoansweranyques on,anywhere
for his students, and he refrained from charging money
for private lessons. He rarely missed a class in his teaching
in Kathmandu. He believes a good teacher has to fulfill the
quest of students who are eager to learn.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;14
lhGbuLsf #* lxpFb–avf{ d}n] lzIf0f k]zfdf latfPF . of]
k]zfdf s;}sf] rfs/L ug'{kb}{g, s;};Fu ;D‰f}tf ug'{kb}{g,
To;}n] d}n] of] k]zf /f]h]F . of] k]zfn] dnfO{ ;w}+ :jtGq /xg lbof] .
Pp6f lzIfssf ¿kdf d}n] slxNo} klg :jljj]s / cGt/fTdfsf]
cfjfhnfO{ a]jf:tf ug{ / ;Tosf] ;fy 5f]8g' k/]g .
lq–rGb| sn]h, g]kfn sd;{ SofDk;, zÍ/b]jb]lv lnP/ sf7df8f}+
ljZjljBfnosf] Pp6f ;]d]:6/ / xfn sn]h ckm cKnfO8
lahg];;Dd cfOk'Ubf d}n] @)÷@@ xhf/ ljBfyL{nfO{ k9fPF x'Fnf .
d]/f ljBfyL{sf nflu d slxn] cleefjs ag]+, slxn] ;fyL,
slxn] kyk|bz{s t slxn] lg/LIfs ag]+ . oL ;a} e"ldsfdf d}n]
;w}+ clwstd / sdhf]/ ljBfyL{sf nflu n8]sf] 5', ;Sg] hlt
Gofo ug]{ k|of; u/]sf] 5' . d]/f] sIff lng cfpg] ljBfyL{x¿nfO{
d}n] slxNo} 5'§} 6o';g k9fOgF . pgLx¿sf nflu d @$;} 3G6f
pknAw x'Gy]+Ù 6]lnkmf]gdf, af6f]df, lrofk;ndf . dnfO{ hxfF e]6]/
ePklg ljBfyL{n] cfˆgf k|Zg / ;d:of /fVg ;Sy] .
d]/f] hLjgdf cefjx¿ gePsf xf]Ogg . sl7gfO{ cjZo lyof] .
t/ >LdtLsf] / d]/f] Odfgbf/ sdfOn] xfdLnfO{ Jojxf/ wfGg
k'u]s} lyof] . cfˆgf] ljZjf; a]r]/ d}n] ljBfyL{x¿dfly cGofo ug{
rflxgF . 6o';g k9fpglt/ nfUbf 6f9f–6f9faf6 cfP/ SofDk;sf]
sf]7fdf, a]Grdf, 8]:sdf, e'O{+df, ´ofndf a;]/ / pleP/} klg
d]/f] sIff lng rfxg] ljBfyL{dfly d}n] Gofo ug{ ;Sb}gy]+ . cf;
/ qf;n] dfG5]nfO{ ;D‰f}tf ug{, ‰"7 af]Ng / ‰'Sg afWo kf5{ .
cf; / qf; /fv]sf] eP d klg /lhi6«f/, /]S6/ h:tf kbdf
k'¥ofOGy]+ xf]nf t/ dnfO{ slxNo} Tof] rfx ePg . ljBfyL{x¿sf]
;kmntfnfO{ g} d}n] cfˆgf] ;kmntf / pgLx¿sf] c;kmntf cfˆgf]
c;kmntf dfGb} ‰08} rf/bzs latfPF .
d]/f] z}lIfs hLjgsf] krxQ/ k|ltzteGbf a9L lx:;f zÍ/b]j
SofDk;df laTof] . d]/f] sIff w]/}h;f] laxfgL ;qsf] klxnf] lkl/o8
x'GYof] . k|foMh;f] ;jf ^ ah] z'? x'g] d]/f] sIffdf ;jf ^ 7Ls
;jf ^ ah] g} aHYof], g Ps ldg]6 l56f], g Ps ldg]6 l9nf] .
d]/f] nflu ;a}eGbf 7"nf] s'/f d]/f] sIff g} x'GYof] . dnfO{ slxNo}
lzIfssf] wd{
;kmntfnfO{ g} d}n]
cfkmgf] ;kmntf /
pgLx¿sf] c;kmntf
cfkmgf] c;kmntf
dfGb} em08} rf/bzs
latfPF . #* jif{
k9fpFbf k9fO ePsf
avtdf d'l:snn] #*
lbg sIffdf cg'kl:yt
ePF x'Fnf– cfFvfsf]
ck/]zg of c¿
s'g} cfsl:dstfsf
sf/0f .Æ
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 15
x'/L, kfgLn] sIffdf k'Ug 5]s]g . $^ ;fnsf] cfGbf]ngdf r}t @$
ut]b]lv sˆo'{ nfUof] . @# ut]sf lbg aflx/ uf]nL rln/xFbf leq
d sIff lnO/x]sf] lyPF . #* jif{ k9fpFbf k9fO ePsf avtdf
d'l:snn] #* lbg sIffdf cg'kl:yt ePF x'Fnf– cfFvfsf] ck/]zg
of c¿ s'g} cfsl:dstfsf sf/0f . @)^@ ;fndf cfFvfdf
df]ltoflaGb'sf] ck/]zg u/]sf] avt tLg lbg labfdf a;]+ . Tolt
w]/} ;do nuftf/ labfdf klxnf slxNo} a;]sf] lyOgF, kl5 klg
al;gF . ;fob sIffk|ltsf] cf;lQm / cg'zf;g r]tgfn] To:tf]
eof] xf]nf . cg'zf;gsf] 3]/fn] lhGbuLnfO{ Pp6f cfsf/ lbG5,
lglZrttf lbG5 / uj{ ug]{ cfwf/ lbG5 . cg'zf;gdf r'lsof]
eg] hLjgsf cGo kIfdf klg r'lsG5 .
d]/f] k]zfut / kfl/jfl/s d"NodfGotf Pscfk;df af´bf w]/}
cK7]/f If0fx¿ klg cfPsf 5g . @(÷#) ;fnlt/sf] s'/f xf],
d]/L cfˆg} lbbL ue{jtL x'g'x'GYof] . pxfFn] aL=sd=sf] hfFr lbg'kg]{
lyof] . k|Zgkq d}n] g} ;]6 u/]sf] lyPF . t/, d}n] ælbbL, oL
oL k|Zgx¿ dxŒjk"0f{ 5g, tof/L u/Æ eGg ;lsgF . pxfF km]n
x''g'eof] . oxL 36gf km]l/ d]/L 5f]/Lsf] s];df klg bf]xf]l/of] .
pgL klg km]n eOg, d}n] g} ;]6 u/]sf] k|Zgkqdf . h;/L d]/f
ljBfyL{x¿ c;kmn x'Fbf d]/f] dg b'V5, To;/L g} d]/L lbbL /
5f]/L km]n x'Fbf klg d]/f] dg b'Vof] . t/ klg k]zfsf] g}ltstf;Fu
;D‰f}tf ug{ d]/f] ljj]sn] lbFb} lbPg .
/fd|f] ug]{ ljBfyL{sf] plrt d"NofÍg xf]; / olb s;}n] g/fd|f]
u/]sf] 5 eg] p;n] sDtLdf klg cfˆgf] d]xgt cg';f/sf] kmn
kfcf]; eGg] d]/f] ;w}Fsf] Wo]o /Xof] . d]/f] oxL Wo]o ;fy{s x'g]
jftfj/0f gePsfn] @)^$ ;fnsf] df3 dlxgfdf hflu/cjlw
;lsg b'O{ jif{ afFsL x'Fbfx'Fb} d}n] zÍ/b]j SofDk;af6 :j]lR5s
cjsfz lnPF . d]/f] nflu a'9];sfnsf] cfly{s ;xf/f k]G;g eGbf
7"nf] lyof] d]/f] lhGbuLsf] ljZjf;, d]/f ljBfyL{k|ltsf] Gofo .
Pp6f lzIfs ePkl5 k"/f ug'{kg]{ ljBfyL{k|ltsf] Gofosf] bfloTj
k"/f u/]/ d}n] d]/f] lhGbuL ;fy{s agfPsf] 5' . To;df dnfO{
uj{ 5 . d ;Gt'i6 5' .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;16
My Dharma: Enlighten Students
"For my students, I
was always available
over the telephone,
on the streets, and
at the local tea
shops, ready to help
anywhere, anytime."
Ispent 38 summers and winters of my life teaching.
The job does not require compromise and gives you
total independence. I never had to falter from the truth,
my conscience, and the calls of my inner soul.
I taught about 20,000 students at various campuses. I
was a guardian, a friend, and a guide to my students.
I never thought of inviting my students for expensive
private classes to earn extra cash. Instead, I maintained
my regular schedule to give them the best education
inside the classroom. For my students, I was always
available over the telephone, on the streets, and at the
local tea shops, ready to help anywhere, anytime.
Life was definitely hard financially, but the earnings my
wife and I honestly made were enough for a living. I did
not want to do injustice to students who would have
traveled a long way to attend my lectures and to those
who stood outside the window, sat on the floor, benches
or desks of the classroom. I spent nearly four decades
sharing the successes and failures of students as if they
were my own achievements and weaknesses.
More than 75 percent of my teaching career was spent
at the Shanker Dev Campus. I normally gave the first
lecture at 6:15 a.m. sharp. Rain or storm never deterred
me from giving classes. During the popular democracy
movement of 1990, I remember vividly a particular day
– the 5th
of April. I was giving a class when we heard
gunfire outside. It was so turbulent that from the next
day on a serious curfew was imposed in the city. But on
April 5th
, my students stayed in the class and I continued
my lecture as the political process took place outside.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 17
In my 38-year career I was absent only for 38 days, in
part due to health issues and other urgent circumstances.
Tiredness or uneasiness were no excuse for me to miss
my classes. I believe discipline nurtures life and gives
reason to be proud of it. If we fail in discipline, then
we fail in life. I believe my life has been meaningful
because of discipline.
Difficulties did come when my professional decorum
and family relations collided. In 1974 my pregnant sister
was sitting for a Bachelor of Commerce examination.
I had written the exam questions, but my integrity
would not allow me to say, “Sister, these questions are
important, learn them well.” She flunked the exam. My
daughter also failed an exam that I had written. When
my sister and my daughter flunked the exams, I was
hurt in the same way as when my students failed. But
my conscience never allowed me to compromise the
integrity of my profession.
My objective has always been to reward honesty and
diligence. When my surroundings started to conflict
with my principles, I opted for voluntary retirement
from the Shanker Dev Campus, even though I still had
two more years to work. More valuable than attaining a
pension was my conviction in a truthful life and justice
for my students. I have made my life meaningful, doing
justice for them. I knew that. This is what I take pride
in and which makes me deeply content.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;18
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 19
dxfjL/ k'g
;g @))& df /dg Dofuf;];] k'/:sf/ kfPsf] ;dfrf/;Fu} dxfjL/
k'gsf] gfd cfd g]kfnLdfem :yflkt eof] . lah'nL, ;8s /
6]lnkmf]g ;'ljwf gk'u]sf g]kfnsf kxf8L lhNnfx¿df OG6/g]6
k|ljlw k'¥ofpg u/]sf] of]ubfgsf nflu pgnfO{ ;f] k'/:sf/ k|fKt
ePsf] lyof] . cr]n DofUbLsf s]xL ls;fg cfkmgf] uf]?b]lv
ds};Ddsf] lj1fkg / Jofkfl/s sf/f]af/ OG6/g]6dfkm{t u5{g .
%$ jifL{o k'g k|ljlwn] hLjg lgjf{x ug{ ;lhnf] kf5{ eGg] s'/fdf
ljZjf; /fV5g .
Mahabir Pun became a household name in Nepal a er he
won the pres gious Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2007. He
was rewarded for his efforts to link the remote mountain
districts, which have no electricity, roads or telephones,
with wireless Internet service. Today, farmers in Myagdi
make business deals for their livestock and crops using the
Internet. The 54-year-old Mahabir believes technology
eases life.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;20
hLjg / k|ljlw
dTo:tf] k|ljlwdf ljZjf; u5'{ h;n] xfd|f b}lgs lqmofsnfknfO{
;xh / lhGbuLnfO{ ;lhnf] af6f]tkm{ 8f]¥ofpF5 . k|ljlw
hLjgsf nflu x'g'k5{ . DofUbLsf] gfËL ufpFdf k/LIf0f ul/Psf]
a]tf/] k|ljlwaf6 b'u{d ufpFx¿df OG6/g]6 k'¥ofpg] k|of;sf] ;kmntfn]
d]/f] ljZjf;nfO{ ;fy{s / lhGbuLnfO{ ;kmn agfPsf] 5 .
;'vL / ;'lzlIft lhGbuLsf] vf]hLdf lszf]/ a]nfsf] s'g} Pslbg
r6Ss 5f]8]/ lxF8]sf] ufpFdf jiff}{+kl5 lzIff, ;Lk / cfTdljZjf;
af]s]/ kms{+bf d Ps}l5g ‰l:sPsf] lyPF . Toqf] ;dosf] cGt/fndf
klg ;+;f/df cfPsf] kl/jt{gsf] Hofb} ldlxg c+z dfq d]/f]
ufpF;Dd cfOk'u]sf] lyof] . d k9]sf] :s"n c‰} dfWolds x'g;s]sf]
lyPg . ufpF 5f8g]x¿sf] nsf]{ p:t} lyof] . h;/L d ;fg} 5Fbf
kNnf] 8fF8fkfl/ s] xf]nf, s'g ;+;f/ xf]nf eg]/ ud vfGy]F,
ufpFsf s]6fs]6Lsf cfFvfdf d}n] ToxL pT;'stf b]v]F . ljzfn
kxf8 hxfFsf] ToxLF lyP . af6f], aQL, lah'nL, 6]lnkmf]g h:tf
s'g} klg ;'ljwf k'Ug ;s]sf lyPgg . kxf8L lhGbuL eg]sf]
vfnL kxf8x¿;Fusf] n8fOF xf] ls h:tf] nfUYof] .
cd]l/sg l8u|L xftdf lnP/ ufpF l5/]sf] d}n] ufpFnfO{ g} sd{ynf]
agfP/ tL r'gf}tLsf kxf8x¿;Fu h'Wg] lg0f{o lnPF . z'?df
ufpFsf] ljBfnonfO{ dfWolds agfP/ ufpFdf cyf]{kfh{gsf nflu
ljsNksf] vf]hL ub}{ hfFbf Pp6f ;d:of 68sf/f] b]lvof] . Tof]
;d:of lyof] ufpFufpFaLr ;~rf/sf] cefj . Ps ufpFsf] af]nL
csf]{ ufpF;Dd k'Ug t tL kxf8n] 5]Sy] eg], aflx/L ;+;f/;Fusf]
;DaGw t c;Dej g} lyof] . d cfkm}+ klg x/]s dlxgf ;ft–;ft
3G6fsf] ofqf to u/]/ kf]v/f cfOk'Uy]F, Od]n r]s ug{ . k|s[ltsf
kx/]bf/ ljzfn kxf8x¿;Fu hf]/L vf]Hg] ;fdYo{ d;Fu lyPg,
To;}n] kxf8nfO{ ;lhn} gf£g ;Sg] k|ljlw d}n] vf]Hg'k¥of] . ToxL
vf]hLsf qmddf a]tf/] k|ljlwnfO{ k|of]u u/]/ ufpF3/df OG6/g]6
Nofpg] sfdsf] k/LIf0f ul/of] . s}of}+ ;d:ofsf afah'b klg d}n]
;Defjgfsf l‰Nsfx¿ b]v]F . r'gf}tLnfO{ d}n] xfF;L xfF;L Joxf]/]F .
bf}8w"k u/]/ ;fwg;|f]t h'6fPF . cflv/df k/LIf0f ;kmn eof] .
d]/f] k|of; / ;a}sf] ;xof]un] a]tf/] k|ljlwaf6 s]xL ufpFx¿
æk|s[ltsf kx/]bf/
ljzfn kxf8x?;Fu
hf]/L vf]Hg]
;fdYo{ d;Fu lyPg,
To;}n] kxf8nfO{ ;lhn}
gfWg ;Sg] k|ljlw d}n]
vf]Hg'k¥of] . ToxL
vf]hLsf qmddf a]tf/]
k|ljlwnfO{ k|of]u
u/]/ ufpF3/df OG6/g]6
Nofpg] sfdsf] k/LIf0f
ul/of] . cfh d]/f]
ufpFaf6 Ps sn kmf]g
of Pp6f lr7L Pp6f
cf}+nfsf] lyrfOd} 6'Ëf]df
k'U5gÙ klxn] em}+
;ft– ;ft 306fsf]
ofqf to ug'{kb}{g .Æ
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 21
OG6/g]6df hf]l8P . kl/0ffdM cfh d]/f] ufpFaf6 Ps sn kmf]g
of Pp6f lr7L Pp6f cf}+nfsf] lyrfOd} 6'Ëf]df k'U5gÙ klxn] ‰}+
;ft–;ft 306fsf] ofqf to ug'{kb}{g . k|ljlwsf] of] j/bfgsf
sf/0f cfh xfd|f] u|fdL0f kxf8L lhGbuL ;lhnf]tkm{sf] ofqfdf
nlDs/x]sf] 5 . /, oxL nDsfO g} d]/f] ljZjf;sf] cfsf/, b[Zo
/ km]xl/:t xf] .
dnfO{ nfU5, x/]s dfG5] cfˆgf] lhGbuL cfˆgf] lx;fan] afFR5 .
afFRgsf nflu s;}n] s] u5{, s;}n] s] u5{, s'/f olQ xf] h;n]
h] u5{ To;df p;sf] dg / lbdfu b'j} v';L x'g'k5{ . /, d
h] ul//x]sf] 5' d]/f] cfTd;Gt'li6sf nflu g} ul//x]sf] 5' .
b]Vg]nfO{ d]/f] lhGbuL cgf}7f] nfUg ;S5 . kl/jf/ lrtjg /
kf]v/fdfÙ cfkm"rflxF ufpFufpFdf 3'ld/xg] g k};f sdfPF, g s'g}
kb . t/ of] a]tf/] OG6/g]6 k|ljlwn] ufpFufpFdf ;~rf/, lzIff
/ :jf:Yosf] If]qdf hlt of]ubfg lbO/x]sf] 5, ;fob To;n] d]/f]
cgf}7f] lhGbuLsf] ;fy{stf ‰NsfpF5 . of] k|ljlwnfO{ g]kfnsf] x/]s
ufpFdf k'¥ofpg] d]/f] nIo 5 . d}n] k|ljlwdfly ljZjf; olQs}
ul//x]sf] 5}g . Tof] k|ljlwn] ufpFx¿nfO{ ;fFRr} d2t u/]sf] 5 .
ToxfFsf dflg;sf]] b}lgs hLjg lxhf]eGbf a9L ;xh ePsf] 5 .
To;}n] d of] tf//lxt k|ljlwdf ljZjf; u5'{, h;n] hLjgnfO{
;xh / ;/n agfpg ;Sg] ;fdYo{ /fv]sf] 5 .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;22
Ibelieve that technology eases our life and gives us
many conveniences. Technology should be ‘life
friendly.’ My success with providing Internet services
to remote villages through wireless technology inspired
this belief and made my life meaningful.
When I returned to my village many years after attaining
an education, skills, and self-confidence, I was for some
time in complete shock. While the rest of the world was
rising with waves of changes, my little village remained
the same. The village school I attended still staggered
as a lower secondary school and was not a high school.
The number of people abandoning their homes was
which had stood for thousands of years, there was
no road, no electricity, and no telephones. But I still
saw a sparkle of curiosity and wonder in the eyes of
the children – the same curiosity I used to have when
I was a boy and wondered what existed beyond the
Having returned to the village with an American college
degree, I decided to confront these mountains of
challenges. I chose my own village as my workplace, my
laboratory of social engineering. I helped to change the
village school into a high school. Then I tackled the lack
of communicationbetweenthevillages.Highmountains
stood like hurdles between every village, blocking any
kind of swift communication. Contact with the outside
world was almost impossible. I myself had to travel six
hours to Pokhara to check my e-mails!
I did not have the strength to challenge the mountains,
My Technology: My Belief
"High mountains
stood like hurdles
between every
village, blocking
any kind of swift
Contact with the
outside world was
almost impossible.
I myself had to
travel six hours to
Pokhara to check
my e-mails!"
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 23
those citadels of nature. Instead, I had to search for a
technology that would transcend these mountains easily.
In my search for this technology, I conducted a test
transmission to bring the Internet to my village through
wireless technology.
I saw sparks of hope despite numerous challenges. I
struggled to muster some financial resources. Finally, the
test transmission was successful and eventually several
neighboring villages were also connected to the Internet
by wireless technology. Soon, telephone calls or sending
messages became possible with just a click of the finger
tips. Gone were the days of traveling to Pokhara to send
a message. Thanks to the advancement in technology,
life in these rural mountains is much easier. This remains
the yardstick by which to measure my belief.
I believe everyone lives by their own standards. But
whatever one does should come from deep within the
heart and mind. What I am doing is for my own inner
self-satisfaction. People may find my life strange. My
family lives in the towns of Chitwan and Pokhara,
whereas I roam around the remote mountain villages.
I have neither earned big money nor acquired any
prominent social position, but the contribution that
education, and health is testimony to the meaningfulness
of my life. My goal is to extend this technology to
every village in Nepal. I believe this technology will give
direct benefits to villagers. I believe this technology has
eased life and created space for growth through swift
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;24
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 25
blz/fd rf}w/L
@)%& ;fn ;fpg @ ut] dWo tyf ;'b"/klZrdsf ;a} sd}ofx¿
sfg'gtM aGwg d'Qm t eP, t/ ul/aLsf] b'irqmaf6 yf]/}n] dfq d'lQm
lng ;s] . s}nfnL, d'lQmgu/sf blz/fd rf}w/L To:tf yf]/} d'Qm
sd}ofdWo]df k5{g h;n] cfkm" / cfkmgf] kl/jf/nfO{ ufF;, af; /
skf;sf] hf]xf] u/L ljkGgtfsf] aGwgaf6 ;d]t d'Qm kfg{ ;s]sf
5g . d'Qm x'g]ljlQs} pgn] z'? u/]sf] ;fgf] bf]sfgsf] cfDbfgLdf
cfkmgf] hfFu/, ;Lk / pBdzLntf yk]/ pgL c¿eGbf cufl8 a9g
;s]sf x'g . pgL >d / hfFu/df a9L ljZjf; u5{g .
of poverty with the proclama on of their freedom from
bonded labor on July 17, 2000. Dashiram Chaudhary of
Muk nagar in Kailali is one of the few who successfully
He has augmented the small earnings from his shop by
adding his enthusiasm, skills, and entrepreneurship to his
work. In doing so, has been able to provide employment
for others as well.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;26
dcj;/sf] ;xL pkof]udf ljZjf; u5'{ . t/ cj;/sf] vf]hL
g} d]/f] hLjgsf] klxnf] r'gf}tL lyof] . d]/f afh]÷a/fh'b]lv
a'af;Dd dflnssf] 3/df sd}of lyP . xfd|f] cfˆgf] eGg] s]xL
lyPg . a:g], vfg] ;a} dflnss} 3/df x'GYof] . dflnssf
5f]/f5f]/Lx¿ :s"n hfGy] . dnfO{ klg pgLx¿ ‰}+ ljBfno hfg
dg nfUYof] . t/ d b}lgs uf]7fnf] hfg'kYof]{ . /flt ca]/;Dd
clg laxfg rfF8} p7]/ sfd} ug'{kYof{] . /fd|f] nufpg], dL7f] vfg]
/ v]Ng] /x/ klg x'GYof] g}, t/ kfOFb}gYof] .
x'ls{+b} hfFbf cfˆgf lktfk'vf{sf] cfh{g;Fu lbSbf/L k}bf x'g yfNof] .
d d'lQmsf] af6f] vf]Hg yfn]F . sf]/f kl/>d au]sf] kfgL h:t}
xf] . d]/f lktfk'vf{n] To:t} >d ub{} cfPsf lyP . pgLx¿sf]
hLjg ;w}F k/fwLg lyof] .
Pslbg a'af;Fu k9g] s'/f ubf{ eGg'eof], æufF;, af; c¿sf]
xftdf ePsf] dfG5]n] s;/L k9g] <Æ a'afsf] of] egfO sf6g]
cfwf/ d;Fu lyPg . t}klg d Psdlxg] ;fIf/tf sIffdf egf{
ePF . To;n] yf]/} eP klg d]/f] 1fgsf] rIf' vf]lnlbof] . cfˆgf]
gfd n]Vg / ;fdfGo lx;fa ug{ ;Sg] ePF . clg yfxf eof],
a'afx¿ lsg ldlxg]t dfq ug'{x'G5 < pxfFx¿nfO{ >dsf] d"No /
pkof]lutf g} yfxf lyPg . kl/>dsf] d"No yfxf gkfpg] dfG5]sf]
hLjgdf ;d[l4 s;/L k|j]z u/f]; <
d'lQmsf] sfdgf ubf{ub{} efu]/ ef/t k;]+ . aflx/L ;+;f/ a'´g
To;n] c¿ a9L ;3fof] . t/ ;d:ofaf6 d'Qm x'g km]l/ klg
;lsPg . ljjfx u/]kl5 ;;'/fnLn] vfPsf] !% xhf/ C0f ltg{
d km]l/ sd}of a;]F . oxL a]nf /ftlaxfg u/]/ s]xL 5'§} cfo;|f]t
agfpg] sfd klg u/]F . b'O{ jif{df C0f r'Qmf eof] . To;kl5
pxL dflnssf] hUuf clwofF sdfpg yfn]F . oxL qmddf @)%&
;fpg @ ut] t sd}of k|yfsf] cGTo eof] . d'Qm sd}ofn]
;/sf/af6 ;xof]u kfpg] eP . t/ d]/f] …sd}ofÚ x}l;ot afFsL
lyPg . of] s'/f dflns;Fu u/]F . pgn] d sd}of xf] egL sfuh
agfOlbP . To;kl5 clwofF v]tLsf] qmd klg 6'6of] . ;/sf/n]
jf:tljs d'lQm
æd @)%& ;fnsf]
;/sf/sf] sd}of
d'lQmsf] 3f]if0ffn] ubf{
dfq cfkm" d'Qm ePsf]
7flGbgF . ;/sf/sf]
3f]if0ff / cfly{s
;xof]u t dnfO{ of}6f
cj;/ dfq lyof] .
d]/f] vf; d'lQm t
;/sf/ / ;dfhn]
pknAw u/fOlbPsf]
Tof] cj;/sf] ;xL
pkof]uaf6 ;Dej
ePsf] xf] .Æ
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 27
3/ agfpg !) xhf/ / Ps ;+:yfn] k;n vf]Ng ;ft xhf/
;xof]u u¥of] . oxL k;nnfO{ cfwf/ agfP/ :jtGq hLjgsf]
gofF ofqf z'? u/]F .
k;nkl5 6fon agfpg] Joj;fo yfn]F . ldlxg]t / nugzLntfn]
dnfO{ gfkmf dfq lbnfPg, c‰ b[9 eP/ sfd ug]{ xf};nf klg
ylklbof] . d cj;/ / kfPsf] 1fg ldnfP/ ldlxg]t ub{} /x]+ .
sfdsf] ;Ddfg ePkl5 cfkm"nfO{ ljZjf; ug{]sf] sdL gx'g]
/x]5 . Ps ;+:yfsf] ljZjf; / ;xof]udf l;d]G6sf] l/ª agfpg]
sfd z'? u/]+ . ;ft nfvsf] 7]Ssfdf c9fO{ nfv gfkmf eof] .
g;f]r]sf] pGglt Û To;kl5 t d c¿ s]xLnfO{ sfd lbg ;Sg]
ePF . /, ToxL qmd cfh;Dd lg/Gt/ 5 .
cfh d cfkm}Fdf w]/} km/s kfpF5' . lxhf] d cfkm}F xlnof, cfh
c¿nfO{ sfd lbPsf] 5' . lxhf] d sfdsf] h~hL/n] afFlwPsf]
dfG5] . cfh sfd d]/f] xftdf 5 . lxhf] s]xL ug{ rfx]/ klg
;Sb}gy]F . cfh c¿af6 ;d]t s]xL u/fpg ;S5' .
d @)%& ;fnsf] ;/sf/sf] sd}of d'lQmsf] 3f]if0ff cyjf
To;kZrft lbOPsf] /sdn] ubf{ dfq cfkm" d'Qm ePsf] 7flGbgF .
d t cfkm"leqaf6} d'lQm vf]lh/x]sf] lyPF . ;/sf/sf] 3f]if0ff /
cfly{s ;xof]u t dnfO{ of}6f cj;/ dfq lyof] . d]/f] vf; d'lQm
t ;/sf/ / ;dfhn] pknAw u/fOlbPsf] Tof] cj;/sf] ;xL
pkof]uaf6 ;Dej ePsf] xf] . To;}n], eg]sf] x'F– …d cj;/sf]
;b'kof]udf ljZjf; u5'{Ú eg]/ . d]/f] lhGbuL / ljZjf; klg
oxL xf] .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;28
Ibelieve in making the most of every opportunity.
Sadly, the first serious challenge in my life was that I
had to struggle for opportunity. I was born in a family
of bonded laborers where generations of our family
had served the landlord for two square meals a day.
When I saw the landlord's children attend school, I also
wanted to go and learn like them. But my fate wouldn’t
allow that. The green pasture was my classroom and
cattle herds were my companions. I worked from dawn
to dusk. I could only dream about delicacies, such as
meat or wearing new clothes.
As I grew up, I began to hate my ancestral bondage and
sought liberation. Generations of toil and sweat had
drained down through time like a river, only to make
us more dependent. One day, when I told my father
about my wish for education, he asked how that was
possible when survival itself was a battle of life and
death. I did not have the answer. However, I joined a
month-long literacy class in the village. The literacy class
opened my eyes to knowledge and wisdom. Afterwards,
I could write my name and do simple calculations
My longing for freedom made me run away from my
home to India. Those hard years in India taught me
many things, but my problems were still the same.
I returned to my village and worked as a Kamaiya or
bonded labor to pay back the loan of 15,000 rupees
that I had incurred during my marriage. I cleared the
loan in two years. I continued working for the same
landlord, this time not as a bonded laborer but under
a contract scheme.
Make the Most of Every
"I made the most
of the opportunities
that came by.
Once your skill is
recognized, there
won’t be any lack of
trust in you."
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 29
The government abolished the Kamaiya system on
July 17, 2000. All of the newly freed bonded laborers
were supposed to get financial assistance from the
government. I did not fit into that category as I was
technically no longer a Kamaiya. But upon my request,
my former landlord vouched that I was one of his men.
I stopped working on other farms after receiving some
seed money for rehabilitation. I then started a small
shop. I have no words to describe the joy of being the
master of that little shop.
After some time I started making tiles, which returned
a good profit. I made the most of the opportunities
that came by. Once your skill is recognized, there won’t
be any lack of trust in you. I started manufacturing
cement rings and in one of the contracts I made a
profit of more than 250,000 rupees. The profit was
astounding! I counted the money again and again. With
that experience, I was in a position to hire others to
work for me.
I strongly believe that I did not become liberated solely
because the Kamaiya system was abolished and I received
utilizing the opportunities provided by the government
and the society in the best way possible. That’s why I
believe in making the most of every opportunity. That’s
what my life and belief are all about.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;30
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 31
8f= eujfg sf]O/fnf
kfNkfsf] u|fdL0f kl/j]zaf6 p7]/ Pl;of–cd]l/sfsf pTs[i6 d]l8sn
o'lgel;{6Lx¿af6 cAan bhf{sf] l8u|L k|fKt u/L lrlsT;s ag]sf
8f= eujfg sf]O/fnf clxn] g]kfns} ;a}eGbf sxlnPsf d'6' ;h{g
x'g . pgn] zxLb uËfnfn /fli6«o x[bo s]Gb|df cf7 jif{ sfo{sf/L
lgb]{zssf] lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ubf{ g]kfndf d'6'sf] zNolqmof;lxt
;a} vfnsf] pkrf/ ;Dej 5 eGg] ljZjf; :yflkt ul/lbP .
d[b'efifL / nhfn' :jefjsf 8f= sf]O/fnf k]zfk|ltsf] k|lta4tf /
lg/Gt/sf] k|of;nfO{ ;kmntfsf] cfwf/ 7fG5g .
BhagwanKoiralabecameadoctora erpassinghismedical
exams with flying colors from top universi es in Asia and
America. Today, he is the most renowned heart surgeon
in Nepal. When he served for eight years as Executive
Director of Shaheed Gangalal Na onal Heart Center, he
proved that heart surgery and other sophis cated medical
treatments are possible in Nepal. Polite and shy by nature,
Dr. Koirala considers commitment and endless effort in
one’s profession to be the bedrock of success.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;32
d@)%* ;fndf uËfnfn x[bo/f]u s]Gb|df lgb{]zssf] ¿kdf
k|j]z u/]F . of] 7fpFdf klxn] 5fnfh'Qf sf/vfgf lyof] .
d cfpFbf;Dd klg oxfF 5fnf sf/vfgfsf] cjz]if / uGw
lanfO;s]sf] lyPg . c:ktfnnfO{ /fd|f] agfpg w]/} s'/f ug'{
cfjZos lyof] .
ToxL a]nf d}n] c7f]6 u/]FM æof] c:ktfn c¿eGbf leGg agfpF5' .
To;lglDt d cfˆgf] sfddf /dfpF5' / ;w}F sl6a4 eP/
nflu/xG5' .Æ cfˆgf] k]zf;Fu /dfpg ;s] k]zfk|ltsf] ?lr,
nufj, ldlxg]t a95 . k]zfk|lt pTs6 rfxgf knfpF5 . pTs6
rfxgf;lxt u/]sf] sfdsf] kl/0ffd ct'ngLo klg x'G5 . d of]
k]zfdf ;fFRr} /dfPsf] 5' .
ddf o:tf] ljrf/ / ljZjf; w]/}kl5 knfPsf] xf] . cd]l/sfsf]
Pp6f k|lzIf0faf6 kms{g] If0fdf ToxfFsf lzIfsx¿n] …g]kfndf uP/
s] u5{; ÛÚ eg]/ ;f]w] . d}n] eg]F, æyf 5}g, t/ d hfG5' .Æ x'g
klg g]kfn kmls{P/ s] ug]{ eGg]af/] d]/f] lbdfun] s]xL ;f]r]s}
lyPg . t}klg cfˆg} b]zdf s]xL u5{' eg]/ cfPF . Tof] a]nf
d;Fu æhxfF h] 5, ToxfF To;}nfO{ cfwf/ agfP/ sfd ug'{k5{Æ
eGg] ljrf/ dfq lyof] .
d uËfnfndf k|j]z u/]s} ;fn …cf]kg x6{ ;h{/LÚsf] ;'?cft
eof] . cj:yf sl7g lyof] . cfh ;DeFmbf klg cfª l;l/Ë x'G5 .
kof{Kt pks/0f lyPgg . lsGgsf nflu cfjZos /sd lyPg .
t/ d}n] xf/ dflggF . ;xsdL{x¿nfO{ ;d]6]/ lbg–lbgsf] sfo{qmd
agfPF . cfjZos lgod agfP/ cfk"mn] kfng u/]F / u/fPF .
c:ktfnsf] pGgltnfO{ ;Dk"0f{ sd{rf/Lsf] uGtJosf] ¿kdf :yflkt
u/fPF . Pskl5 csf]{ ub}{ cfpg] ;d:ofn] cj/f]w k'¥ofpg] x'g ls
eGg] 8/ klg obfsbf nfUYof] . t/ sfd ub{} hfFbf yfxf eof]M
;d:of t sfdk|lt Odfgbf/ gx'g]nfO{ kf] 7"nf] afwf aGbf]/x]5 Û
cfk"mn] tgdg lbP/ sfd u/], ;fy lbg]x¿ s}of}F lg:sFbf /x]5g Û
Ps hgf pBf]ukltn] c:ktfnsf] ljsf;sf nflu Ps s/f]8;Dd
rGbf lbP . slt u[lx0fLn] cfˆgf] 3/vr{af6 /sd arfP/ klg
la/fdLsf] ljZjf;
æPp6f d'6'/f]uL
cfpF5 / …d]/f] hLjg
tkfO{+sf] xftdf 5Ú
eG5 . cToGt k|uf9
cf:yf / ljZjf;
k}bf ePkl5 g} s;}n]
cfkmgf] hLjg c¿
s;}sf xftdf ;'lDkg
;S5 . xhf/f}+sf] o:t}
ljZjf;, e/f];f /
dfof kfPsf] ;DemFbf
d]/f] 5ftL rf}8f
x'G5 .Æ
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 33
rGbf lbPsf 5g . eGbf of] s'/f ;fdfGo nfU5 . t/ o;sf]
dxŒjnfO{ d leqL txdf cg'ej u5'{ . To:tf] rGbfs} sf/0f s}of}F
ul/a / s'gfsfKrfsf dflg;n] d'6'/f]usf] pkrf/ kfpg ;s]sf
5g . o;nfO{ d cfˆgf] k]zfk|ltsf] Odfgbf/L / sl6a4tfsf]
kl/0ffd 7fG5' .
d'6'sf] zNolqmof Û hLjg / d[To'aLr v]ln/xg'kg{] sfd xf] of] .
o:tf] ;D‰Fbf klxn] 8/ nfUYof] . t/ cfhsn zNolqmof Pp6f
cfjZostf ag]sf] 5 . cfˆgf] k]zfk|lt d olt cEo:t eO;s]sf]
5' lsÙ s'g} lbg c:ktfndf dxŒjk"0f{ sfd gu/L 3/ kms{+bf
vNnf] nfU5 . oxL c:ktfndf d}n] clxn];Dd d'6' / /QmgnLsf]
;d]t u/]/ ;ft xhf/ hgfsf] zNolqmof ul/;s]sf] 5' . (^
k|ltzt zNolqmof ;kmn ePsf 5g .
s;} s;}n] oqf] ldlxg]t u/]/ s] kfO; eg]/ ;f]Wg] / 3f]Rg] klg
u5{g . o;df oxL kfPF eg]/ eGg dnfO{ ufx|f] x'G5 . Pp6f
d'6'/f]uL cfpF5 / æd]/f] hLjg tkfO{+sf] xftdf 5Æ eG5 . cfˆgf]
hLjg c¿ s;}sf] xftdf ;'Dkg] s'/f cfkm}Fdf ;fgf] xf]Og . cToGt
k|uf9 cf:yf / ljZjf; k}bf ePkl5 g} s;}n] cfˆgf] hLjg c¿
s;}sf xftdf ;'lDkg ;S5 . xhf/f}Fsf] o:t} ljZjf;, e/f];f /
dfof kfPsf] ;D‰Fbf d]/f] 5ftL rf}8f x'G5 . la/fdLsf] ljZjf;
/ dfof g} d]/f] ldlxg]tsf] pknlAw xf] .
of] g} xf] d]/f] lhGbuL / d]/f] ljZjf; .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;34
Ijoined the Shaheed Gangalal National Heart Center
in 2001. Earlier, the building was a leather factory.
Remnants of the leather factory could still be seen and
felt there. A lot had to be done to develop the building
as a hospital. I made a promise to myself: “I shall make
this hospital different from others, and I will enjoy my
work and serve with a sense of commitment.” It is my
impression that work becomes a joy when one shows
full interest, a sense of commitment, and puts total
passion into it. I really enjoy my profession.
Such thinking came to me later in life. Before returning
from my medical training in the United States, the
teachers there had asked me, “What will you do in
Nepal?” I replied, “I don’t know, but I will go.” Actually,
I did not even have a faint idea of what I was going to do
in Nepal. But I returned home with the determination
that I would do something worthwhile.
We started the Shaheed Gangalal National Heart
Center the very next year. It was difficult. Even today
I feel perturbed by those memories. We did not have
enough resources or funds to buy equipment, but I did
not lose hope. I prepared the daily schedule with my
colleagues. I formulated necessary rules, enforced them,
and adhered to them myself. I established the idea that
the advancement of the hospital should be the goal of
every staff member.
I have learned during the course of my work that
problems often arise when one is not sincere about
his or her work. I have always put my heart and soul
Commitment, Con nuity,
and Success
"Imagine, a heart
patient comes to me
and says, “Doctor!
My life is in your
hands.” To offer
one’s life to the
hands of somebody
else is in itself
not an ordinary
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 35
into my work. Many people are there to help you if you
are committed to your work. One industrialist donated
10 million rupees for the hospital’s development. Many
housewives have saved on their household expenses and
donated that money to the heart center. Such donations
are used to provide treatment to patients from poor
families and remote areas. I consider this the result of
my sincerity and commitment to my profession.
Heart surgery is a matter of life and death. In the
beginning,Iwasscaredattheverythoughtof it.Butthese
days, performing heart surgery has become a necessity.
I have become so familiar with this work that I would
feel unhappy if I returned home without doing some
worthy job at the hospital. I have performed surgeries
on 7,000 individuals in this hospital alone. Ninety-six
percent of the surgeries have been successful.
Some people sarcastically ask me what I have achieved
after all this hard work. It is difficult to answer their
questions. Imagine, a heart patient comes to me and
says, “Doctor! My life is in your hands.” To offer one’s
life to the hands of somebody else is in itself not an
ordinary matter. A person can make this type of offering
only when there is a deep trust and confidence in the
other person. My own heart swells with pride when I
recall how many people have given me their trust and
confidence. The trust and love that the patients have
given to me is the result of my efforts. This is my life,
my belief.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;36
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 37
afns[i0f hf]zL
afns[i0f hf]zL @)@( ;fndf sf7df8f}+df hGd], ot} x's]{ /
P;Pn;L kf; klg u/] . To;kl5 pgn] cf7 jif{ cd]l/sf a;]/
k9] . ;g !((% df g]kfn kmls{P/ pgn] c¿sf] eGbf leGg
Joj;fo /f]h] . Tof] Joj;fo lyof]– ljb]zaf6 g]kfndf pkxf/
k7fpg ;3fpg] OG6/g]6 lahg]z . afns[i0fn] :yfkgf u/]sf]
7d]n 86 sd gfds sDkgL cfh ljb]zdf a;]sf g]kfnLsf lglDt
g]kfndf /x]sf cfkmGtnfO{ pkxf/ k7fpg] Pp6f e/kbf]{ dfWod
alg;s]sf] 5 . hf]zLsf] ljrf/df gofF k|of]un] k'/fgf] sfddf klg
gofFkg ylklbG5 .
Born in 1973 in Kathmandu, Bal Krishna Joshi studied
for four years in the U.S. a er passing his school leaving
certificate or graduation examinations. He returned to
Nepal in 1995 and chose a profession different from most
others in Nepal – online business. Balkrishna established
www.thamel.com, and it has become a reliable way for
Nepaleseexpatriatestohavegi sdeliveredtotheirfamilies
old jobs more effec ve.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;38
d}n] To:tf] gofF s]xL u/]sf] 5}g . ;a}n] u/]s} sfd u/]sf]
x'F . j:t'sf] k|of]u ubf{ c¿n] eGbf km/s tl/sf ckgfPsf]
dfq xF'' . g]kfndf OG6/g]6sf] k|j]z;Fu} Rof6 u/]/ /dfOnf] ug{]
;+:s[lt df}nfpFb} lyof] . t/ d}n] Rof6sf] ;§f OG6/g]6af6 Joj;fo
ug{] ;f]r agfPF . d x/bd gofF–gofF tl/sfsf] vf]hLdf x'G5' .
lxhf]sf] k|ljlw jf tl/sf cfh k'/fgf] eO;s]sf] x'G5 .
cd]l/sfaf6 ;f9] rf/ jif{sf] cWoog k"/f u/]/ kms{]kl5 Pp6f
sDkgLdf ;]N;d]gsf] ¿kdf sfd u/]F . oxfFsf slt ;fyLefOx¿
g]kfndf s]xL xF'b}g eg]/ lg/fzf kf]Vy] . dnfO{ eg] gofF tl/sfn]
sfd ubf{ s]xL x'G5 eGg] nflu/xGYof] . oxL ;f]r ;fyL;Fu
ldn]/ …;fkmÚ v]nsf] nflu /sd p7fpg] …g];gn nf]§f] 8f]g]zg
k|f]u|fdÚ gfds OG6/g]6df cfwfl/t sfo{qmd tof/ kf/]F . of] sfd
r'gf}tLk"0f{ lyof] . sltn] o:tf] s'/f g]kfndf sfd nfUb}g eg]/
;DemfP klg . t/, cfTdljZjf;sf ;fy u/]sf] sfd klxnf] jif{d}
;kmn eof] . lglZrt sfg"gL k|fjwfg gx'Fbf To;nfO{ lg/Gt/tf
lbg eg] ;lsgF . t}klg Tof] sfd ubf{ lrg]sf /fd|f sDKo'6/
Ol~hlgo/ / lj1 o'jfx¿sf] ;Lk k|of]u x'g]u/L OG6/g]6sf] csf{]
gofF pkof]lutf vf]Hg yfn]F .
ToxL gofF vf]hsf] Jofjxfl/s pkh lyof] thamel.com sf]
;'?cft . g]kfn cfpg rfxg] ljb]zL ko{6s / g]kfnsf 6«fen
Ph]G;LnfO{ cfk;df e]§fOlbg] dfWod aGof] thamel.com . of]
sfd s]xL ;do /fd|/L g} rNof] . t/ lj:tf/} 6«fen Ph]G;Lx¿n]
cfkmF} j]a;fO6 vf]Ng yfn]kl5 d]/f] Joj;fo cf]‰]ndf kb{} uof] .
cfh sf7df8f}+ / cGo zx/x¿df pknAw OG6/g]6sf] ;'ljwfnfO{
clwsf+z dflg;x¿n] /dfOnf] / ;fdfGo va/ cfbfgk|bfg ug{d}
;Lldt u/]sf 5g . t/ oxL OG6/g]6nfO{ ljb]lzPsf g]kfnLx¿n]
g]kfnsf cfkmGtnfO{ pkxf/ k7fpg] dfWod agfPsf 5g .
thamel.com df /flvPsf pkxf/sf cfO6d x]/]/ ljb]zaf6
g]kfndf vl/b u5{g / xfdL To;nfO{ 3/ 3/df k'¥ofOlbG5f}+ . of]
;kmn klg ePsf] 5 . cfdfsf] d'v x]g{] lbgdf xf]6n ¥ofl8;gsf]
cfwfeGbf a9L s]s thamel.com n] vl/b u/]/ ljb]lzPsf
;kmntfsf] /x:oM nugzLntf
æslt ;fyLefOx¿
g]kfndf s]xL xF'b}g
eg]/ lg/fzf kf]Vy] .
dnfO{ eg] gofF
tl/sfn] sfd ubf{
s]xL x'G5 eGg]
nflu/xGYof] . d
;w}+ gkm:6fO/x]sf]
sfddf km:6fpg]
tl/sf vf]lh/x]sf]
x'G5' . gofF tl/sfn]
u/] k'/fgf] sfd /
lrhnfO{ klg gofF
prfOdf k'¥ofpg
;lsG5 .Æ
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 39
g]kfnLsf gfddf w]/}sf 3/–3/df k'¥ofof] . ljb]zdf a:g] g]kfnLn]
cfdfsf] nflu olt w]/} sf];]nL thamel.com dfkm{t vl/b
u5{g eGg] d}n] sNkgf klg u/]sf] lyOgF . t/, gofF tl/sfn]
slxn]sfxLF g;f]r]sf] ;kmntf NofpFbf] /x]5 .
gofF sfd ;w}+ ;kmn x'G5 g} eGg] 5}g . d}n] klg w]/} c;kmntfx¿
;fdgf u/]sf] 5' . t/ lg/Gt/ k|of; / cfzfjfbL ;f]rn] o;df
Jofj;flos ;kmntf t xfl;n ePsf] 5 g}, ;Fu} JolQmsf efjgf
/ ;+j]bgfsf] jfxs klg x'gk'u]sf] 5 . cd]l/sfdf /x]sf Ps
JolQmn] thamel.com dfkm{t cf]d c:ktfndf /x]sL la/fdL
cfdfnfO{ Pp6f v]nf}gf -6]•L ljo/_ k7fP . Tof] v]nf}gf kfpFbf tL
a"9Lcfdf clt v';L eOg . ;fob pgnfO{ Tof] v]nf}gf ;'D;'DofpFbf
cfˆg} 5f]/f] ;'D;'DofPsf] cfgGb k|fKt eof] . v]nf}gf ;'D;'DofPsf]
kfFr ldg]6d} pgn] ;bfsf] nflu cfFvf lrlDng .
sfd ubf{ slxn]sfxL+ ;d:of cfpF5g . gofF tl/sfn] z'? ul/Psf
sfddf t ‰g plQs} r'gf}tL Û t/ ul/aL x6fpg ;xof]u u/]sf]
egL ljZj a+}saf6 …6f]gL h]O6gÚ k'/:sf/ kfPkl5 d c‰
gofF–gofF tl/sf k|of]u ug{ pT;flxt ePsf] 5' . ufpF–ufpFdf
OG6/g]6 k'¥ofP/ ljb]zL ko{6ssf] nflu cfkt kbf{ cfly{s
;xof]u ug{] tl/sf ckgfpFb}5' . of] s'g} gofF k|ljlw / gofF
sfd x}g . dfq d}n] k|of]u ug{] tl/sf gofF xf] . w]/}n] oxfF
w]/} sfd km:6fpFb}gg eG5g . t/, d ;w}+ gkm:6fO/x]sf] sfddf
km:6fpg] tl/sf vf]lh/x]sf] x'G5' . gofF tl/sfn] u/] k'/fgf] sfd
/ lrhnfO{ klg gofF prfOdf k'¥ofpg ;lsG5 . of] d]/f] cg'ej
xf] / ljZjf; klg .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;40
Ihave done nothing new really, but I have adopted a
different approach to doing business. When the cyber
culture became widespread, chatting online was very
popular. But I thought of doing business through the
Internet rather than simply chatting with my friends. I
am always testing innovative ideas.
After completing four years of study in the U.S., I came
back to Nepal and joined the Chaudhary Group as a
sales manager. Some of my friends were pessimistic,
saying nothing new or bright works in Nepal. But I
always believe that working with a new approach makes
the difference. It was this belief that inspired me to
take the lead and develop the national lotto donation
program to collect funds for the 1999 South Asian
Federation Games. The job was very challenging. Some
people commented that such ideas would not work in
Nepal, but any job done with confidence is likely to
be successful.
I could not, however, continue with this business due
to the lack of e-business laws in Nepal. I started to
search for a new business venture that would use my
cyber skills to create a new generation of business.
My efforts created www.thamel.com, an electronic
bridge to connect foreign tourists with Nepalese travel
agencies. The business went well for some time, but
travel agencies soon started their own websites and my
business slowed down.
I had to come up with a new approach. From my time
in the U.S., I remembered that Nepali expatriates living
abroad used the same Internet to send souvenirs to
their loves ones at home. Now, they browse for gifts
New Ideas for an Old Job
"I thought of doing
business through the
Internet rather than
simply chatting with
my friends. I am
always in search of
innovative ideas."
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 41
and souvenirs posted on www.thamel.com and purchase
them online, and we deliver them to addresses in Nepal.
One Mother’s Day, www.thamel.com purchased more
than fifty percent of all the cakes at the Hotel Radisson
and delivered them on behalf of expatriate Nepali
Once, a Nepali expatriate in the U.S. sent a teddy bear
to his ailing mother who was undergoing treatment at
Om Hospital. His old mother was extremely happy to
get the teddy bear. Caressing the doll perhaps gave her
the feeling of caressing her son. Within five minutes,
she passed away while hugging the doll in her arms.
I had never imagined so many expatriates would buy
gifts through www.thamel.com. The innovative idea has
paid off well. It is not necessary for a new venture to
always succeed. I have also had several failures, but
perseverance and positive thinking lead to success.
More challenges arise in new ventures. I have been more
encouraged to use innovative approaches after winning
the Tony Zeitoun Award for poverty reduction, which is
sponsored by the World Bank. I am now experimenting
with ways to provide financial assistance to foreign
tourists during emergencies and also to help villages
connect to the Internet. All I am trying to do is use
new approaches. Many complain that new professions
don’t grow in Nepal, but I am always seeking ways to
add life to stagnant business sectors. New approaches
can create new openings to the same old culture. This
is my experience, my belief.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;42
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 43
nlntfb]jL lag
cToGt ljkGg kl/jf/df af/fsf] O6ofxLdf hlGdPsL #^ jifL{o
nlntfb]jL lagn] klxnf]] kGw| jif{ c¿sf] v]tdf sfd u/]/ latfOg .
To;/L lbgel/ sfd ubf{ pgn] tLg lsnf] wfg Hofnfsf] ¿kdf
kfpFlyg . t/ pgn] Ps lbg l;Gsf agfpg] tflnd lng] cj;/
kfOg . clg ToxL tflndaf6 l;s]sf] ;Lkn] pgsf] hLjg
ablnlbof] . clxn] pgL dlxgfsf] ?=!) xhf/;Dd sdfpg ;Sg]
ePsL 5g . nlntfsf] ljrf/df ;Lkn] g} hLjgdf ;Defjgfsf]
9f]sf vf]lnlbFbf] /x]5 .
Born into a very poor family 36 years ago, Lalita Devi Bin
spent her first 15 years working in other people’s fields. All
she received as the day’s wage was three kilograms of rice.
One day she had the opportunity to learn how to make
smallbamboos cksforincenseandthatli lebitoftraining
month. She believes new skills open new avenues in life.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;44
d;Lkdf ljZjf; u5'{ . lsgls ;Lkn] ;kgf b]Vg] cfwf/ /
gofF /x/x¿ lbG5 . ;Lkn] cfTdlge{/tf;Fu} :jtGqtf klg
lbG5 . ;Lk l;Sg'cufl8 d]/f s'g} ;kgfx¿ lyPgg . g s]xL ug{
;Sg] cj:yf lyof], g t cfF6 . lyof] t s]jn ul/aL dfq}, Tof]
klg lj/f;tsf] ¿kdf . ul/a kl/jf/af6 ul/a kl/jf/d} ljjfx
u/]/ cfpFbf ;DklQsf] gfpFdf yf]/} hUuf / To;df afF;sf s]xL
‰fª lyP . Tof] a]nf dnfO{ c¿sf]df sfd ug{{ hfg nfh nfUYof] .
t/ ef]sf] k]6n] w]/} lbg 3/leq nhfP/ al;/xg lbPg . d
sfd ug{ hfg yfn]F . >Ldfg O{+6f ˆofS6«Ldf sfd ug'{x'GYof] . d
tLg lsnf] wfgsf] nflu lbgel/ ;fx"sf] v]tdf kl;gf r'xfpFy]+ .
of] ;d:of 5f]/f5f]/L ePkl5 ‰g a9b} uof] . Tof] a]nf nfUYof],
ul/aLsf] ;d:ofn] o;/L g} lhGbuLe/ lslr/xG5 .
#! jif{ o;/L g} lat]kl5 hLjgdf of}6f gofF df]8 cfof] . uf]kLrGb
7fs'/n] xfdLnfO{ afF;sf] l;Gsf agfpg] tflnd lbg] of]hgf NofP .
d ;w}F ;fx"sf]df sfd ug{] dfG5] . afFsL pd]/ klg o;/L g}
sfd u/]/ vfg] afx]s c¿ s'g} ;f]rfO dgdf lyPg . oqf] kl;gf
aufpFbf t s]xL x'Fb}g eg] afF;sf] l;Gsf lr/]/ s] x'G5 < dnfO{
ljZjf; nfu]g . t/ uf]kLrGb k6s k6s cfP . xfd|f] cfˆg}
hUufdf ePsf] afF;sf] gofF lsl;dn] pkof]u u/] hLjg wfGg
;lhnf] x'g] atfP . gkTofO{ gkTofO{sg pxfFsf] s/df gofF sfd
u/] h:tf] ug{ yfn]F . t/ ha sfd ug{ yfn]F, ta nfUof] ;Lkn]
;fFRr} b}lgs hLjgnfO{ ;lhnf] agfpFbf] /x]5 .
d}n] kfPsf] tflndn] afF;af6 cu/aQLnfO{ rflxg] l;Gsf agfpg
dfq l;sfPg, pknAw ;|f]t;fwgnfO{ gofF 9Ën] k|of]u u/]/ cfˆgf]
lbgrof{ abNg] df}sf klg lbof] . tLg lsnf] wfgsf] nflu rsf{]
3fddf vl6g] afWotfaf6 d'lQm t ldNof] g}, plQ g} ;do sfd
ubf{ tLg lsnf] wfgsf] ;§f rfdn} lsGg ;Sg] k};f, Tof] klg 3/d}
a;L a;L sdfpg yfn]F . k};f arfP/ c¿ sfd klg ug{ ;Sg]
ePF . cfh dnufot c¿ kRrL; hgf l5d]sLx¿ oxL ;Lkaf6
cfocfh{g u/L u'hf/f rnfO/x]sf 5f}F . of] sfd ug]{ l5d]sLnfO{
;xof]u ug{] lhDd]jf/L klg d]/f] sfFwdf cfPsf] 5 . l;Gsfsf]
;Lkn] ;xh agfp“5 lhGbuL
æ;Lkdf hLjgnfO{
;/ntf lbg]
zlQm x'G5 .
yf]/} yf]/} u/]/
la:tf/} w]/}
kl/jt{g lbg] u'0f
x'G5 . ;Lkdf
cfTdlge{/ agfpg]
zlQm x'G5 . of] g}
d]/f] hLjgsf]
ljZjf; xf]Ù d]/f]
ef]ufO xf] .Æ
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 45
nflu cfjZos afF; vf]Hg] . cfkm" / l5d]sLx¿n] agfPsf l;Gsf
ahf/df nu]/ a]Rg] . cfPsf] /sd pgLx¿nfO{ a'‰fOlbg] .
x'g t w]/}sf] cfFvfdf of] sfd s]xL klg xf]Og . t/ t/fO{sf]
6G6nfk'/ 3fddf kl;gf k'5g klg gkfO{ sfd ug'{kg{] dnfO{,
:jtGqtfk"j{s of] sfd ug{ kfpg' 7"nf] pknlAw ePsf] / of]
;a} oxL l;Gsf lrg{] ;Lkn] lbPsf] xf] .
cfh oxL ;Lkn] cfo;|f]t lbnfPsf sf/0f Pp6L lhDd]jf/ cleefjs
klg aGg ;s]sL 5' . kfFr hgf 5f]/f5f]/Lsf] nQfsk8f, vfgf /
k9fO o;af6} wflgPsf] 5 . klxn]s} cj:yf ePÙ d h:t} logLx¿n]
klg s'g} ;fx"sf] v]taf/Ldf sfd ug'{kYof]{ . :s"n t sNkgf
eGbf 6f9fsf] s'/f x'GYof] . t/ of] l;Gsf lrg{] ;Lks} sf/0f d
5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ pHofnf] eljiolt/ 8f]¥ofpg ;kmn ePsL 5' .
lxhf], e}+;L kfn]/ b"w a]Rbf, laxfg !) b]lv kfFr ah];Dd v]tdf
sfd ubf{ klg cefj g} cefj x'GYof] . 3fdkfgL t k/ 5f]8f}F,
la/fdL xF'bf klg cf/fd ldNb}gYof] . t/ cfh xftdf ;Lk ePkl5
sfd ul//xFbf klg cf/fd} x'G5 . s'g} klg ;Lksf] s'/f klxn]
cgf}7f] nfUg ;S5 . Tof] ;Lksf] kl/0ffd gu0o jf ;fgf] nfUg
;S5 . t/ ToxL ;Lkdf hLjgnfO{ ;/ntf lbg] zlQm x'G5 . yf]/}
yf]/} u/]/ lj:tf/} w]/} kl/jt{g lbg] u'0f x'G5 . ;Lkdf dfG5]nfO{
cfTdlge{/ agfpg] zlQm x'G5 . of] g} d]/f] hLjgsf] ljZjf;
xf]Ù d]/f] ef]ufO xf] .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;46
Ibelieve in learning new skills because they give me the
basis to dream. Skills also make one self-reliant and
independent. I did not have any dreams before I learned
how to make incense sticks from bamboo. Neither was
I in a position to do anything nor did I have the courage
to do so. All I had was plenty of poverty.
Born into a poor family, I was married to a poor man
who owned only a little land and a few bamboo plants. A
hungry stomach gives you little choice. I started working
on a landlord’s farm under the scorching sun for a
meager salary of three kilograms of rice per day. My
husband worked in a brick factory, but our poverty
deepened after we had children.
After spending 31 years this way, I reached a turning
point in my life. Gopichandra Thakur came to the village
with a program to train us how to make small incense
sticks from bamboo. I had been working for the master
for so many years, and was doubtful that life would
be better with these small sticks. But Gopichandra
visited us regularly. He convinced us that life would
improve if we utilized our locally available resources.
Half-heartedly, I started learning the new skill and soon
realized it was a great help.
I learned how to make small bamboo sticks for incense
as an income-generating device. Now, I do not have to
work any longer in the hot sun for the whole day to earn
just three kilograms of rice. I saved some money to do
other activities as well. Today, 24 other neighbors and
I are making our living through this skill. Moreover, I
have the added responsibility of looking for bamboo
and marketing the product for the group.
New Skills Ease Life
"Any skill may
appear normal and
its output common,
but the potential of
the same skill to
make life easier for
some people has great
significance. Skills
have the power to
make people self-
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 47
This is not a big deal in the eyes of many people. But for
me, who had no choice but to work in the field in the
hot terai, it is a significant achievement. It is the result of
learning this new skill to produce small incense sticks.
This new skill has helped me to become a responsible
guardian. I am getting resources to make a living and
educate my five children. Had I not known this skill, I
would still have been working for the landlord for an
uncounted number of hours. Sending my children to
school would have been a distant dream.
Making the two ends meet had not been possible earlier
when I worked for the landlord. Rain or shine, I could
never rest, even if I were sick. But today I have my
new work that makes me content. Any skill may appear
normal and its output common, but the potential of
the same skill to make life easier for some people has
great significance. Skills have the power to make people
self-reliant. This is my experience and my belief.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;48
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 49
Ambar Gurung is a towering musician in Nepal. Born
to a Lahure (Army) family in Darjeeling, India, in 1937,
Ambar has had a keen interest in music since early in his
life. Ambar took to music with the encouragement of his
He is equally busy composing music today, and his music
invigorates the souls of Nepalese living in different parts
of the world.
cDa/ u'?ª
cDa/ u'?ª g]kfnsf chDa/ ;ËLtsf/ dflgG5g . lj=;+= !(($
df Pp6f nfx'/] kl/jf/df bfhL{lnªdf hlGdPsf cDa/nfO{ ;fg}b]lv
;ËLtdf 7"nf] ;f]v lyof] . a'afeGbf cfdfsf] xf};nfdf ;ËLt
If]qdf cufl8 a9]sf cDa/ @)@% ;fnlt/ g]kfn l5/] / g]kfn
k|1f–k|lti7fgdf /x]/ tL; jif{;Dd ;ËLtsf] ;fwgf u/] . pgL cfh
klg plQs} ;lqmo 5g / pgsf sfnhoL uLtx¿n] ljZjsf s'gf–
s'gfdf a;]sf g]kfnLx¿sf] dgnfO{ em+s[t t'NofO/x]sf 5g .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;50
ljåfgx¿ eGg] u5{gÙ h'g} klg ljifodf ;kmntf xfl;n ug]{
k|yd v'6lsnf] ;sf/fTds ;f]rfO xf] . ;fg} pd]/b]lv
d]/f] hLjg ;ª3if{sf] d}bfgdf lyof] . To;a]nf dnfO{ ;sf/fTds
tyf gsf/fTds ;f]r s'g r/Lsf] gfd xf] yfxf lyPg . t/ …x'g
;Sb}gÚ cyjf …ug{ ;lSbgFÚ eGg] vfnsf] ;f]r eg] ddf slxNo}
klg cfPg . cfh;Dd klg d}n] o;nfO{ s]nfpg ;s]sf] 5}g ls
s;/L ddf ;sf/fTds ljrf/ lglxt eof] Û
d]/f] ;fËLlts hLjg o:t} ;sf/fTds ljrf/af6 k|]l/t ePsf]
5 . To;a]nf g ;ËLtsf u'?x¿ lyP, g ;ËLt :s"n, g t
;ËLtsf kf7ok':ts g} . To;dfly, w]/}sf 3/df h:t} d]/f] 3/df
klg ;ËLt k|ltalGwt lyof] . To;tfsf ;ËLt l;s]kl5 dfG5]
a/flnG5 eGg] wf/0ff k|an lyof] . t/ To:tf] kl/l:yltaf6 klg
d ljrlnt eOgF .
:j/lnlk cyjf gf]6]zg x]/]/ c¿n] ;ËLt ahfPsf] b]Vbf d
cfZro{rlst x'Gy]F . nfUYof], …d cfkm" klg Ps lbg To;/L g}
ahfpg ;Sg] x'g]5' .Ú ;ËLtk|ltsf] o:tf] cvl08t k|]d / ;ÍNkn]
ubf{ g} d kl5 uP/ w]]/}nfO{ ;ËLt lzIff lbg ;dy{ ePF . d}n]
cxdsf] s'/f u/]sf] xf]Og . ;ËLt ljwf ckf/ / c;Lldt 5 .
clxn] klg d ;ËLt l;ls/x]sf] 5' . To;f] t ;ËLt dfq lsg
/ < s'g} klg 1fgsf] ljwf ckl/ldt / ;LdfxLg g} x'G5 . d}n]
olt dfq eGg vf]h]sf] x''F, ;sf/fTdstf g} OR5fzlQmsf] To:tf]
aLh xf] h;n] sfnfGt/df ;kmntfsf] ;'ulGwt k"mn / /l;nf]
kmn kmnfpg ;S5 . l;h{gzLntf cyjf …lqmPl6le6LÚsf] nflu
rflxg] pmhf{ sNkgfzLntf xf] . gsf/fTds ljrf/af6 u|l;t
JolQmn] sNkgf ug{ ;Sb}g cyjf ub}{g .
s'/f ;g @))% sf] gf]e]Da/sf] xf], bfhL{lnª uPsf] a]nf xfdLnfO{
w]/} jif{cl3 6g{a'ndf k9fpg] u'? sfzLgfy zdf{;Fu e]6 eof] .
u'?;Fu w]/} b'Mv–;'vsf s'/fx¿ eP . u'?n] eGg'ef], æltdLn]
xfdLnfO{ w]/} uf}/jflGjt agfPsf 5f} cDa/ Û cfh ltd|f] sqf]
gfd 5 x]/ t, g]kfnL ;dfhdf .Æ
hLjgsf] pmhf{ ;|f]t
æ;ª3if{sf lbgdf
cyjf cfk"mn] b'Mv
kfO/x]sf] a]nfdf
dnfO{ klg obfsbf
gsf/fTds ljrf/x?
xf]Ogg, t/ d}n]
To:tf ljrf/nfO{
k|>o lbFb} lbOgF .
lsgeg] …s]xL u/]/
dfq d5'{Ú eGg]
Pp6f b[9;ªsNk
dleq lyof] .Æ
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 51
d}n] rflxF Tolta]nf cfˆg} s'/f u/]+5', ægfd dfq} 5 ;/,
gfdcg';f/sf] bfd 5}g .Æ
d]/f] 7f8f] hjfkm u'?nfO{ lrQ a'‰]g5 . pxfFn] t'?Gt} eGg'eof],
ægfdeGbf 7"nf] bfd xf] / cDa/ < ltdLx¿nfO{ k9fpFbf d]/f]
xfnt Psbd} g/fd|f] lyof] . n'ufdf sf]6;Dd lyPg . dg k/]sf]
s'/f vfg ;lsFb}gYof] . clxn] dlxgfdf !$÷!% xhf/ k]G;g
cfpF5 . ;fgf] 3/ 5, 5f]/f5f]/L ;a} sdfpF5g . clxn] /fd|f]
vfg]s'/f lsGg ;S5' t/ krfpg ;lSbgF . of] pd]/df /fd|f] n'uf
nufP/ lxF8] gSsn kf/]sf] eg]/ lvNnL p8fpnfg eGg] 8/ .
t/ ltdLn] cfˆgf] gfd cfsfz h:t} ljzfn / cd/ t'NofPsf
5f}+ . s] Tof] pknlAw 7"n} xf]Og / <Æ
sfzLgfy u'?sf s'/f ;'g]/ d]/f cfFvfaf6 cfF;' ‰/], u'?sf] klg .
w]/} jif{kl5 u'?af6 ;sf/fTds ;f]rsf] csf]{ lzIff kfPF .
;ª3if{sf lbgdf cyjf cfk"mn] b'Mv kfO/x]sf] a]nfdf dnfO{ klg
obfsbf gsf/fTds ljrf/x¿ gcfPsf xf]Ogg, t/ d}n] To:tf
ljrf/nfO{ k|>o lbFb} lbOgF . lsgeg] …s]xL u/]/ dfq d5'{Ú eGg]
Pp6f b[9;ÍNk dleq lyof] . s''g ;+of]un] xf], eGg ;lSbgF
t/ To:tf] a]nf dnfO{ :j]6 df6]{g, 8]n sfg]{uL, leg;]G6 kLn
cflbsf pQd s[ltx¿ k9g] ;'of]u ldNof] . tL ;a} n]vsx¿
;sf/fTdstfdf ljZjf; dfq ub}{gy], ;sf/fTds kIfsf …P8ef]s]6Ú
/ k|rf/s ;d]t lyP . To;}af6 dnfO{ yfxf eof] d}n] u/]sf]
;ª3if{ w]/} w]/} nfdf] l;F9Lsf] klxnf] v'6lsnf] dfq xf] . /,
hLjg?kL l;F9L hlt;'s} nfdf] / psfnf] eP klg, ;sf/fTds
lrGtg / ljrf/ af]s]/ lxF8g]n] ;xh} plSng, kf/ ug{ ;S5,
lsgeg] To;lglDt rflxg] pmhf{ ;sf/fTds ljrf/af6 lg/Gt/
lgM;[t eO/x]sf] x'G5 . of] d]/f] ef]ufOhGo cg'ej dfq geO{
hLjg–ljZjf; klg xf] .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;52
The wise say the first step to excel in any field is to
think positively. My life was a struggle when I was
young, and I did not have the least idea of what either
positive or negative thinking was. I did not exactly have
negative feelings that things were unattainable, but I
cannot say exactly when positive thinking took root in
me. Somewhere along the way, it did and it changed my
life. A person with a negative attitude cannot create.
When I was young, my musical journey began with
positive thinking. There weren’t music gurus or schools
or books in those times. Music was a forbidden fruit in
many homes. There was a misconception that music
would spoil children. However, I was not put off by
these ideas.
I remember being surprised at seeing others play music
simply by looking at notations on paper. I wished that
one day I would also be able to do a similar thing. As
a result of my resolve and unflinching commitment to
music, I learned how to read and play music. In fact, I
have been able to give music lessons to so many people.
I am not being proud in saying this. The realm of music
is infinite and transcends all boundaries. Imagination is
indispensable for creativity.
In 2005, I met my old music teacher, Kashinath Sharma.
We had a long talk about life’s ups and downs. My
teacher began by saying, “Ambar you have made us so
proud. You have such a great name in Nepali society!”
I took it lightly and made a quick remark, “There is
only a name, but not much money!” My teacher was
unhappy with this attitude. He instantly replied, “Is
money more important than your reputation, Ambar?
"The realm of
music is infinite
and transcends
all boundaries.
Imagination is
indispensable for
creativity. "
Source of Energy
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 53
When I was your teacher, earning a living was tough.
I couldn’t imagine buying a new coat. Today I receive
15,000 rupees in pension. I have a small house, all my
children can make their own living. I can now afford
to have good food and buy the clothes I like. And even
though I can now buy the choicest of food, I cannot
digest it properly. But your fame has touched the zenith.
Is that not an achievement?”
The moving words brought tears to my eyes and those
of my teacher, too. Many years down the road, I had
received a poignant dose of positive thinking from
Kashinath sir, my teacher.
By the grace of opportunity, I happened to read the
writings of authors like Dale Carnegie, Swet Marden,
and Norman Vincent Peale. The writers not only
believed in positive thinking, but they also advocated
positive thinking. I learned that my struggle was the first
tier of the ladder. Anyone with positive thinking is able
to climb this eternal staircase of life because positive
thinking creates that energy to persevere. This is the
realization of my life, my belief.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;54
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 55
bLgaGw' kf]v/]n
o'jf kl08t bLgaGw' kf]v/]nn] efujt jfrgdfkm{t af6f], s'nf],
k'n, c:ktfn, ljBfno cflb ;fdflhs ;+/rgfx¿ lgdf{0fsf] lglDt
s]xL ca{ ?k}ofF ;ªsng ul/lbO;s]sf 5g . pgn] jfrg ug]{
k'/f0fsf syfx¿df bfgjL/sf] dfq k|z+;f x'G5 . t/ bLgaGw'sf]
jfssnfn] wgL–ul/a ;a}nfO{ …bfgLÚdf ¿kfGt/0f ul/lbG5 . cfkmgf
afa'sf] xTofsf] lhDd]jf/L :jLsf/]sf] kf6L{sf lglDt;d]t pgn]
s/f]8f}+ p7fOlbPsf 5g . bLgaGw' dflg;nfO{ c;n aGg k|]l/t
ug{] s?0ffefjdf ljZjf; u5{g .
Dinbandhu Pokhrel is a Hindu priest who has generated
billions of rupees to construct roads, canals, bridges,
hospitals, schools, and other public infrastructure projects
by reciting the Bhagawat, ancient Hindu stories about
Lord Krishna. Benefactors are always eulogized in the
stories of Puranas, or religious Hindu texts, that he recites.
Dinbandhu’s oratory skills encourage the rich and the poor
alike to become benefactors for community projects. He
even generated millions of rupees for the poli cal party
that admitted killing his father. Dinbandhu believes in
affec on and mo va ng people to become noble.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;56
xfd|f] kfFr k':tfn] kl08TofOFsf] sfd ub{} cfPsf] xf] . a'afn]
;Lldt JolQmsf] 3/df x'g] o1, ;KtfxnfO{ cfd ;d'bfodf
k'¥ofpg'eof] . @)^@ ;fndf a'6jnsf] dxfo1df k|jrg lbg] qmdd}
crfgs a'afsf] xTof eof] . Tolta]nf d xtf; ePF .
kl08TofOF xfd|f] kl/jf/sf] /Llt ePsf]n] cfdf / xh'/a'afn] dnfO{
a'afs} af6f]df nfUg] ;Nnfx lbg'eof] . sltn] rflxF a'afs} xfnt
x'G5 eg]/ gnfUg] ;Nnfx klg lbP . dxfo1af6 ljBfno, SofDk;,
c:ktfn lgdf{0fsf] nflu k};f p7fOlbg] h:tf] c;n sfd ubf{ub{}
a'af laTg'ePsf] lyof] . of] s'/f ;D‰]kl5 dleq ;'if'Kt cj:yfdf
/x]sf] s?0ffefj hfu[t eP/ cfof] .
s?0ff x/]s JolQmleq ;'if''Kt cj:yfdf /xg] elQmefj xf] . d
s?0ffsf] zlQmdf ljZjf; u5'{ . oxL efjgf c¿leq klg hufpg
vf]H5' . s?0ffefj d d]/f] a'afsf] xTof/fleq klg vf]H5' . p;nfO{
;ba'l4 cfcf]; Û pmleq s?0ff hfu[t eP/ c¿sf] lxt x'g] sfd
u/f]; Û h;/L ljZjljBfno lgdf{0fsf] nflu ;'v{]tsf df]tLk|;fb
eGg] Ps JolQmn] ?=%^ nfv / cfkm"n] agfPsf] ljZjljBfnodf
w]/}n] lzIffsf] pHofnf] b]Vg] cj;/ kfpF5g eg]/ ;'v{]tjf;Ln]
!))! lj3f hldg;lxt #@ s/f]8sf] ;DklQ bfg u/] .
s?0ff cfWoflTdstfsf] leqL kf6f] xf] . o;n] cfkm"leqsf] h8tf
/ kmf]xf]/nfO{ kmfN5 . s?0ffn] Ps JolQmsf] x}g l;Ëf] ;dfhsf]
pTyfg ;f]R5 . oxL pTyfgsf] lglDt eg]/ n]vgfy gu/kflnsfsf
bDktLn] cfkm" / cfˆgf] lktfk'vf{n] sdfPsf] ;DklQ bfg u/] .
s?0ffefjs} sf/0f ag]kfsf] r08]Zj/ o1df Ps a"9Lcfdfn]
cfˆgf] d'Gb|L ;d]t bfg ul/g . pgL;Fu uxgf To} dfq ePsf]n]
bfg gug{ d}n] cg'/f]w u/]F . oxL sf/0fn] pgsf] 3/‰u8f klg
eof] t/ s?0ffefjn] ubf{ pgn] c¿sf] ;xof]usf] nflu cfˆgf]
d'Gb|L bfg ug'{d} hLjgsf] ;Gt'li6 b]lvg .
oxL s?0ff xf], h;sf] sf/0f sf7df8fF} h:tf] ;DklQ sdfpg
xf]8afhL rNg] 7fpFdf klg kf/;dl0f a/fnn] ?=%@ nfv bfg lbP .
s'n]Zj/sf] Ps dfWolds ljBfnodf gofF ejg ag]/ ljBfyL{n]
dg'ifTj cyf{t s?0ffefj
æd]/f] p2]Zo t
s?0ff hufP/
…;j{hg lxtfoÚ
JolQmx?nfO{ bfg
ug{ clek|]l/t ug'{
xf] . o;s} kl/0ffd
xf], g]kfnuGhsf]
;Ktfxdf d'l:nd
;d'bfon] ?=@)
nfv / dfu]/
u'hf/f rnfpg] s'g}
levf/Ln] ?=!@))
bfg ug'{ .Æ
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 57
;xh ¿kdf k9g kfpg' g} pgsf] ;'v aGof] . a'6jnsf afns[i0f
bfxfnnfO{ ?=#) nfv bfg ubf{ ;fdfGo ‰}F nfUof] .
dxfo1df d}n] efujt k9bf lxGb" wd{sf] k|rf/ u/]sf] h:tf]
klg b]lvG5 . t/ of] wd{ljz]ifsf] k|rf/ x}g . d]/f] p2]Zo t
dflg;leqsf] s?0ff hufP/ …;j{hg lxtfoÚ JolQmx¿nfO{ bfg
ug{ clek|]l/t ug'{ xf] . o;s} kl/0ffd xf], g]]kfnuGhsf] ;Ktfxdf
d'l:nd ;d'bfon] ?=@) nfv / dfu]/ u'hf/f rnfpg] s'g} levf/Ln]
?=!@)) bfg ug'{ .
g]kfnsf #) eGbf a9L lhNnfdf u/]/ (@ j6f dxfo1 ul/;s]sf]
5' . tL o1x¿dfkm{t ljleGg 7fpFdf ef}lts k"jf{wf/ tyf ljsf;
lgdf{0fsf] nflu ‰08} ?=@ ca{ p7]sf] 5 . o;/L p7]sf] /sddf
d]/f] JolQmut nf]e /xFb}g . ohdfgx¿n] :j]R5fn] lbPsf] /sd
dfq} lnG5' . csf{] o1 ug{nfO{ d afFRg] cfwf/ oxL g} xf] . d}n]
d]/f] ;d"xnfO{ klg tna lbg'k5{ . x'g t sltn] s'/f klg sf65g
/] Û t/ pgLx¿;Fu d]/f] s'g} u'gf;f] 5}g . a?, pgLx¿leq klg
/fd|f] ;f]rsf] ljsf; xf]; eGg] sfdgf u5'{ .
s?0ffn] dgleqsf] To:tf] zlQmnfO{ phfu/ u5{ h;n] s'g} klg
8/–qf;;Fu ljrlnt geO{ c;n sfddf nflu/xg] k|]/0ff lbG5 .
oxL s?0ffs} sf/0f d a'afsf] b]xfGtkl5 klg pxfFs} kblrGxdf
lxF8g ;s]sf] 5' . d}n] u/]sf o1sf sf/0f ljleGg 7fpFdf ljBfno,
SofDk;, af6f] / k'n ag]sf 5g . ljZjljBfno / c:ktfn
lgdf{0f x'g] qmddf 5g . To;sf] lglDt d]/f] o1dfkm{t w]/}n] bfg
u/] . t/, bfg d]/f] o1df p7] klg Tof] pgLx¿sf] s?0ffefjsf]
b]g xf] . o1 / k|jrg t pgLx¿ / d]/f] s?0ffaLrsf] ;]t' dfq
xf] . h'g s?0ff hf]l8P/ ;dfh / dfgjlxtsf] sfd eO/x]sf]
5 . ToxL s?0ff hufpg' d]/f] sd{ xf], d]/f] wd{ klg xf] . oxL
g} d]/f] lhGbuL xf], oxL g} d]/f] ljZjf; xf] .
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;58
Our family has been in the priesthood for five
generations. My father popularized religious
ceremonies like Yagya and the week-long Saptaha in
larger communities. My father, however, was killed
while giving a religious discourse in 2005. After that, I
was numb with fear.
When I decided to take up my father’s profession as a
priest, I was warned that I would face a similar fate. My
father had died while engaging in the noble cause of
collecting proceeds from religious functions for schools,
colleges, hospitals, and other development efforts. I
was overwhelmed with compassion when I realized this
noble cause.
Compassion is a subtle, yet divine feeling within
individuals. I believe in the power of love and I try to
evoke this feeling in others. I even look for compassion
when thinking of my father’s assassins. I wish they will
have the wisdom to do good to others, like Moti Prasad
of Surkhet who donated more than five million rupees
and the people of Surkhet who donated enough land
and 320 million rupees to build a public university.
Compassion is an essence of spiritualism that makes
people think of the well-being of society rather than
just of an individual. This type of feeling inspired one
couple of Lekhnath Municipality to donate all their
property. An elderly woman donated her earring, the
only ornament she had. I asked her not to donate it.
Despite resistance from her family, she saw the richness
of life in donating to charity.
In Kathmandu, where people compete to earn more,
Compassion is Within All
"My objective
is to encourage
people to donate for
philanthropy. The
Muslim community
in Nepalgunj donated
two million rupees and
a beggar even donated
1,200 rupees for the
public good."
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 59
Parasmani Baral donated five million rupees to see
high school students studying in a new building in
Kuleswor, Kathmandu. Similarly, Balkrishna Dahal
of Butwal donated three million rupees to build a
new school.
It may appear that I am preaching the Hindu religion
when I recite the Bhagawat Gita. It's not like that.
My objective is to encourage people to donate for
philanthropy. The Muslim community in Nepalgunj
donated two million rupees and a beggar even donated
1,200 rupees for the public good. I have already
districts. Nearly two billion rupees have been collected
through these Yagyas for infrastructure development.
I don’t have a personal interest in these proceeds. I
only accept the amount given to me voluntarily which
helps me organize another Yagya. I also am able to give
a salary to those who regularly assist me in making
the Yagyas.
Compassion evokes in me the feeling to work for
the public good without fear. I have been able to live
up to my father's dreams because of compassion.
Schools, colleges, roads, and bridges have been built
due to my Yagyas. A university and hospital are under
construction. The donations provided in Yagyas are
purely acts of compassion. The Yagyas and prayers I
give are vehicles of compassion between the people
and me. It is my duty to inspire compassion in my
listeners for the well-being of society and human kind.
This is my belief, my conviction.
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;60
d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 61
/fd/tLb]jL /fd
Ramrati Devi Ram and others like her could never
imagine standing in front of the village landlords and
supposed superiors. Dalits or so-called untouchables like
her would only work in the fields of landlords and it was
these landlords who fixed their wages. Despite being an
unle ered Dalit woman, Ramra Devi Ram took the lead
in rebelling against such inhumane behavior. Today, she is
a member of Nepal’s Cons tuent Assembly. She believes
inthepowerofexpression,whichservesasthefounda on
for jus ce and equality.
ufpFdf hldgbf/ clg 7"nf hftsf elgg]x¿sf] cufl8 pgLx¿
pleg' klg x'Fb}gYof] . blntx¿ hldgbf/x¿sf] v]tdf sfd ug{
t hfg'kYof]{ t/ Hofnf pgLx¿n] g} tf]Sy] . o:tf] c;Eo /
cdfgjLo Jojxf/ lj?4 cfjfh p7fpg cu|;/ eOg l;/xfsL
Ps ckl7t blnt dlxnf /fd/tLb]jL /fd . /fd/tLb]jL /fd clxn]
;+ljwfg;efdf ;ef;b 5g . pgL af]nLsf] zlQmdf ljZjf; ul5{g
h;n] ;dfgtf clg Gofosf] hu v8f u5{ .
Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas (This I Believe Nepali Series)
Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas (This I Believe Nepali Series)
Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas (This I Believe Nepali Series)
Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas (This I Believe Nepali Series)
Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas (This I Believe Nepali Series)
Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas (This I Believe Nepali Series)
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Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas (This I Believe Nepali Series)
Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas (This I Believe Nepali Series)
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  • 3. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF
  • 4. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF sd{lgi7x?sf] cfTdsYo My Life My Belief PersonalĎReflectionsĎofĎCommittedĎNepalis ;Dkfbs /fh]Gb| bfxfn Editor Rajendra Dahal
  • 5. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF k|d'v pTkfbs÷;+of]hgM /fhg k/fh'nL cg';Gwfg tyf n]vgM efg' af]lvd, cljgfzL kf}8]n l/kf]l6{ªM t'nf rf}w/L, lbnLk g]kfn efiff ;DkfbgM wd{/fh bfxfn l8hfOg/M Okm]S6 l8hfOg xfp; k|sfzs PG6]gf kmfp08]zg g]kfn av'08f]n, nlntk'/ kmf]gM ±(&& ! %%@*)%(, %%$#(%& kmofS;M ±(&& ! %%$%*%& Od]nMĎmjmb@afn.org.np j]a;fO6M www.afn.org.np d'b|0f jif{M k'; @)^^ kmf]6f] d's'Gb af]u6L M hubLz l3ld/], /d]z kf08], eujfgbf; dfgGw/, k'ikf a:g]t, s0f{ zfSo, 8f= eujfg sf]O/fnf, /fd]Zj/ vgfn, 8f= z+s/dfg /fO{, lbgaGw' kf]v/]n, k|zfGt emf, afns[i0f hf]zL, z/b k/fh'nL, pQd ;~h]n dlgif kf}8]nM nlntfb]jL lag, ljho >Ljf:tj e}/j cfËnfM t[Ktf du/ s'df/ cfn]M cDa/ u'?ª ISBN : 978-9937-2-2003-3 ©ĎPG6]gf kmfpG8]zg bf];|f]] ;+:s/0f @)^^ of] k':ts o"P;PcfO8L g]kfnsf] ;xof]udf k|sfzg ePsf] xf] . o; ;+sngdf k|:t't ljrf/x¿ lglZrt ;do / ;Gbe{df ;Da4 JolQmx¿;Fu ul/Psf s'/fsfgLdf cfwfl/t 5g . pQm ljrf/ c;n lgotn] k|]l/t 5g . tyflk, o;af6 s;}nfO{ s'g} cf3ft kg{ uPdf To;nfO{ ;+of]u dfq dflgg] 5 . k|:t't ljrf/x¿n] PG6]gf kmfp08]zg g]kfn tyf cd]l/sL ;/sf/sf] ljrf/ / gLltnfO{ k|ltlalDjt gug{ ;S5g .
  • 6. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF Producer/Coordination: Rajan Parajuli Research and Writing: Bhanu Bokhim and Avinashi Paudel Reporting: Tula Chaudhary and Dilip Nepal Copy Editor: Dharma Raj Dahal Designer: Effect Design House English Translation Translated by: Devendra Dhungana Edited by: Prof. Abhi Subedi Publisher Antenna Foundation Nepal Bakhundole, Lalitpur Ph: +977 1 5528059, 5543957 Fax: +977 1 5545857 Email: mjmb@afn.org.np Website: www.afn.org.np Published year: March 2010 Printed in Nepal This book was published under the assistance of USAID/Nepal Photos Mukunda Bogati: Jagadish Ghimire, Ramesh Pandey, Bhagwandas Manandhar, Pushpa Basnet, Karna Shakya, Dr. Bhagwan Koirala, Rameshwor Khanal, Dr. Shankar Man Rai, Dinbandhu Pokhrel, Prashant Jha, Balkrishna Joshi, Sharad Parajuli and Uttam Sanjel Manish Paudel: Lalita Devi Bin, Bijaya Kumar Shrivastav Bhairav Angla: Tripta Thapa Magar Kumar Ale: Ambar Gurung ISBN: 978-9937-2-2003-3 © Antenna Foundation Nepal Second Edition 2010 Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this book are based on conversations with the concerned persons in a particular time and context. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agency for International Development or Antenna Foundation Nepal.
  • 7. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF w/tLsf] dg xf] cfsfz cFWof/f]d} vf]H5 pm k|sfz ;Defjgfsf] ToxL xf] cfef; d]/f] ljZjf; d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; cFWof/f]nfO{ pHofnf]sf] sndn] d]6"F sfF8f klg km"n aG5 xfF;]/ x]¿F ;'Gb/ kf/f}+ of] ;+;f/ 5b}{ d]/f] x[bo ;'jf; d]/f] ljZjf; d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; avt a]nf xf]; g s] ef] hlQs} k|lts"n ;ª3if{ ub}{ ;do kf5'{ d]/f] g} cg's"n cfO/xf]; x/ Zjf;df hLjgsf] g} dudu af; d]/f] ljZjf; d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; – b'uf{nfn >]i7, c;f]h, @)^% d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; vi
  • 8. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF The sky is the heart of land The sky seeks light in the dark Such is the essence of possibilities My Belief My Life, My Belief! Let me erase the dark with a pen of light A thorn blossoms into a flower Let us smile and see a beautiful world for us to create Wonderful fragrance of the heart Flowing everywhere My Belief My Life, My Belief! No matter how challenging and tough the situation may be I will fight and capture the time to overcome any obstacle And so it makes the beauty of life Spread out in every breath My Belief My Life, My Belief! - Durgalal Shrestha , 2009 My Life My Belief vii
  • 9. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF ;Dkfbg Pp6f k|fljlws sd{ klg xf] . ;Dkfbg ubf{ l;Ëf] cfn]vnfO{ kl/R5]b kl/R5]bdf, kl/R5]bnfO{ jfSo jfSodf, jfSonfO{ zAb zAbdf clg zAbnfO{ cIf/df 6'qmØfP/ x]l/g] x'Fbf slxn]sfxLF cfn]v / To;sf zAb Pj+ jfSodf cGtlg{lxt dd{ cf]‰]ndf klg kg{ ;S5 . sltko cj:yfdf cfkm"n] ;Dkfbg u/]sf] cfn]vsf] ljifoj:t' / To;sf] efj :d[ltk6ndf /fVg ;Dkfbsn] cfkm"nfO{ kf7sdf ¿kfGt/0f u/]/ k'gM k9g'kg]{ ;d]t x'G5 . t/ d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; sf] kf08'lnlkdf ;ªu|lxt lgaGwx¿ ;Dkfbg ubf{sf] cg'ej eg] lgtfGt leGg /Xof] . k|foM ;a}h;f] lgaGwsf zAb / jfSo s]nfpFbf s]nfpFb} ltgdf cGtlg{lxt dd{ / ;Gb]zx¿ dg–dl:tisnfO{ ‰+s[t t'NofpFb} clj:d/0fLo eO;s]sf x'Gy] . æd rldnL x}g, rd]nL kf] /x]5'===Ù cIf/df t hfb' kf] x'Fbf] /x]5Æ eGg] rd]nL jfO{afsf jfSox¿ cfkm}+df olt ;l6s / cy{k"0f{ lyP, ltgdf ;Dkfbg ug{] 7fpF g} lyPg . To:t}Ù eujfgbf;sf] afudtL clxn] Psbd} kmf]xf]/ eP klg æd}n] ˆofFs]sf] kmf]xf]/ t ToxfF kmls{P/ cfpFb}g lg ÛÆ eGg] sygn] PsfPs uLtfsf] …sd{0o]jf˜lwsf/]:t'===Ú :d/0f u/fO{ uDeL/ x'g afWo kf¥of] . o'jf kl08t bLgaGw' kf]v/]nsf] ljgoL :jefj / cfˆgf lktfsf] lgd{d xTof ug]{x¿k|lt ;d]t s?0ffefj hufpg] pgsf] c7f]6n] lstfadf kl9Psf dxf1fgL / ;Gt–dxfTdfsf cd/ jf0fL :d/0f u/fpF5 . oL cfTdk/s lgaGwx¿ uDeL/ eP/ k9bf efj / dd{nfO{ jf:tf gu/L k|of]u ug]{ ul/Psf s}of}+ cd"t{ / c:ki6 sygx¿sf] klg cy{ v'n:t x'G5 . h:t}, zf/Ll/s ckfËtf ePsf JolQmx¿nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ cfh …leGg ¿kdf ;anÚ (differentlyĎabled) eGg] njhsf] k|of]u x'g yfn]sf] 5 . t/, cd]l/sfsf] 8]df]qm]l6s g];gn sld6Ln] ;g !(*) sf] bzsdf ;'‰fPsf] of] njhn] xfd|f] ;Gbe{df s] cy{ af]S5 < b[li6 gePsf, xftv'§f grNg], sfg g;''Gg] cyjf af]Ng ghfGg]x¿ s;/L ;an x'G5g < cf}krfl/s tj/df …leGg ¿kdf ;anÚ n]Vg] jf af]Ng] xfdLdWo] g} clwsf+zsf] dgdf dflysf k|Zg pl7/x]sf x'G5g . …ckfËÚ nfO{ …k"0f{ dfG5]Ú ;d]t gdfGg] ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts kl/j]zdf x's]{–a9]sf xfdLx¿sf lglDt …ckfËtf ePsf JolQmÚx¿ s'g} kIfdf …;anÚ x'g ;S5g eGg] gofF cjwf/0ff / oyfy{ cfTd;ft ug{ sl7g x'g' c:jfefljs klg gxf]nf . t/ t[Ktf yfkfsf] hLjgsyf kl9;s]kl5 pgL ;fFRr} ;an /x]sf] s'/fdf låljwf /xFb}g . pgsf b'j} v'§f 6]lsFb}gg, t/ hLjgsf] bf}8df pgL c¿hlQs} bf}l8g ;Ifd 5g . hGdFb} b[li6ljxLg lgd{nf 1jfnLn] Tjrf / sfgdfkm{t cfˆgf] ckfËtfnfO{ k/flht ul/g . cfFvfn] wf]sf lbP klg pgn] :kz{ / cfjfhsf] dfWodaf6 ;f+;fl/stf a'l‰g / cg'ej ul/g . …aflx/L cfFvf gx'g]x¿ klg b]V5gÚ eGg] cfbz{ t/ cd"t{ sygsf] dd{ lgd{nfsf] syf / cg'ejaf6 v'n:t x'G5 . clg t[Ktf cyjf lgd{nf h:tf ckfËtf ePsf JolQmx¿ s;/L …leGg ¿kdf ;anÚ x'Fbf /x]5g eGg] klg 5n{Ë x'G5 . ;Dkfbssf] ljZjf;
  • 10. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF ix ckfËtfsf] ;jfndf h:t} ljleGg k];f, ju{, cj:yf cflbsf af/]df g]kfnL ;dfhdf JofKt k/Dk/fut wf/0ff / e|flGtx¿ ;RofP/ ;do;fk]If Pj+ j:t'lgi7 b[li6sf]0f agfpg klg k|:t't lgaGwx¿ pkof]uL 5g . pbfx/0fsf lglDtÙ s'g} ljBfyL{n] …k'/]t w]/} bfgL klg x'G5gÚ, …wgL / lj1x¿ w]/} sfd u5{gÚ clg …ul/asf afnaflnsfnfO{ /fd|f] lzIff lbP/ lx/f] aGg ;lsG5Ú eg]/ n]Vof] eg] pm hfFrdf km]n klg x'g ;S5 . lsgeg] oxfF tL zAbsf] k|of]u xfd|f] k/Dk/fut a'‰fOeGbf ljkl/t cy{df ePsf] 5 . lzIfsn] To:tf] n]Vg] ljBfyL{nfO{ OlËt u/]/ sIffdf eGg ;S5g– …k'/]t eg]sf] bfg ug]{ xf]Og, bfg lng] xf]ÚÙ …wgL / w]/} k9]sf dfG5]n] >ldssf] h:tf] w]/} sfd ub}{ggÚÙ …l;g]dfdf d'Vo kfq eP/ v]Ng] dfG5] lx/f] xf]Ú cflb cflb . t/, k+=bLgaGw' kf]v/]n, ko{6g Joj;foL s0f{ zfSo, 8fS6/x¿ eujfg sf]O/fnf / zÍ/ /fO{, lzIff;]jL pQd ;~h]n cflbsf] hLjgufyfn] dflysf zAbsf] k|of]udf lzIfs xf]Og ljBfyL{nfO{ rflxF ;xL ;fljt u5{g . k|:t't lgaGwx¿sf] csf]{ ;'Gb/ kIf xf] of] . lat]sf kGw| jif{nfO{ ;/;tL{ kms]{/ x]bf{Ù g]kfn d"ntM lx+;f, cl:y/tf, aGb, ljWj+;, s'zf;g, b08xLgtf / g}/fZosf] e'ªu|f]df lklN;Fb} cfPsf] dfq b]lvG5 . s'g} klg kIf / If]qsf lqmofsnfk cfzf hufpg] vfnsf b]vf kb}{gg . ;a}lt/ gsf/fTds / aaf{bL dfq b]Vg–;'Gg kfOG5 . o:t} kl/j]znfO{ cfwf/ agfP/ dflg;x¿ lg/k]If k|Zg klg ug]{ u5{g, æca c¿ slt wflgPnf of] d'n's <Æ tyflkÙ d'n's / g]kfnL ;dfh ;du|df k5fl8 kmls{Psf] 5}g, cufl8 g} al9/x]sf] 5 . w/f;foL ePsf] 5}g, v8f g} 5 . s;/L t < d]/f] a'‰fOdf of] k|Zgsf] ;l6s / d"t{ hjfkm klg oxL ;ªu|xleq km]nf k5{ . Ps cy{df lgaGwsf kfqx¿ g} To; k|Zgsf e/kbf{ hjfkm x'g . lg/Gt/sf] lx+;fTds åGå / cl:y/tfsf sf/0f cjZo klg /fHo / o;sf ;+oGq, /fhgLlts zlQm tyf cy{tGq, lzIff, :jf:Yo If]qsf cf}krfl/s kfqx¿ sdhf]/ / c:tJo:t ePsf 5g, t/, g]kfnL ;dfh tL lgsfo / kfqx¿df dfq lge{/ lyPg . To;}sf/0f g} of] cufl8 al9/xg ;Sof] . o; ;ªu|xdf ;d]l6Psf h:tf c;ªVo kfqx¿ ;dfhdf clxn] klg ljBdfg 5g / To:tf kfq /xFbf;Dd g]kfn / g]kfnL ;dfh o:tf lj£g–afwf / x'08/Lx¿ ‰]Ng ;dy{ eO/xg] 5g . o; k':tssf] gfd cg';f/ g}, oxfF h–h;sf syf ;ªu|lxt 5g, ltgsf] hLjg sfutfnL k/]/ To:tf] ePsf] xf]Og, pgLx¿n] /fhLv';L, cfk"mnfO{ ljZjf; ePsf] sfd u/]sf x'g . dnfO{ nfU5, pgLx¿sf] ljZjf; pgLx¿sf] dfq ljZjf; xf]Og . To;n] xfdLnfO{ klg cfˆgf] ;dfhk|ltsf] ljZjf; alnof] agfpg d2t u5{ . o; ;Gbe{df d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; sf] k|sfzg Pp6f sf]z]9'Ëf ;fljt x'g]5 eGg] d]/f] ljZjf; 5 . /fh]Gb| bfxfn
  • 11. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF The technical aspect of editing usually requires chiseling an essay into paragraphs,theparagraphsintosentences,andthesentencesintowords. The experience of editing the self-reflections of the people documented in Mero Jindagi Mero Biswas was entirely different though. Almost every word and every sentence were so expressive that they invigorated my mind and heart. “I learned I was Cha-me-li and not Cha-mi-li with a simple switch of an ‘e’ for an ‘i’. I discovered words have magic in them.” Such pithy, yet poignant expressions required little editing. When the older gentleman Bhagwandas says, “I believe my work has not been futile. What could be more meaningful than trying to keep the Bagmati clean?” This made me recall one of the most popular maxims of the Hindu text, the Gita: Do your duty in life without concern for the results or for personal gain. Similarly, the determination of young Dinbandhu Pokhrel to understand compassion and to kindle mercy in the hearts of those who assassinated his father are clear words of wisdom. The essays included in these pages are filled with powerful expressions of humanity. These narrative essays are valuable because they also help readers to overcome prejudices regarding gender, status, profession, and ability. The term “differently abled,” which describes people living with disabilities, is not widely used in Nepalese society, which has socio-cultural biases against disabled people and may not even view them as full or equal citizens. But you will have no doubt that Tripta Thapa Magar is indeed capable of anything after reading her story. Her legs do not work, yet she is as capable as any other in the race for a good life. Born blind, Nirmala Gyawali defeated her disability through the world of touch and sound, and perceived the beautiful world around her. Her experience proves that those without eyesight also have sight, increasing our own understanding of why those with physical disabilities are in fact “differently abled.” In our present day education structure, a teacher is likely to give poor marks to a student who writes on their exams, “pundits are magnanimous,” “experts do hard work,” or “one becomes a hero by educating the poor Editor's Belief
  • 12. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF children.” However, the stories of the Hindu priest Dinbandhu Pokhrel, tourism entrepreneur Karna Shakya, doctors Bhagwan Koirala and Shankar Man Rai, and social worker Uttam Sanjel prove that a student who in fact challenges existing social prejudices and beliefs by appreciating such personalities will be the one passing the real exam of life and not the teacher. This is another gem you will find hidden inside this book. Nepal has suffered a lot in the past 15 years from violence, instability, strikes, destruction, poor governance, impunity, and despair. Negativity and destruction have reigned over the public psyche. People standing on such unstable ground may ask, “How long will it take for Nepal to become a failed state?” However, the country and Nepali society in general are progressing and not regressing. We are not crumbling, but constructing a new foundation. How is that possible? It is my belief that you’ll find the answers in this book. The people portrayed here are the true living answers. The violent conflict and instability of one and a half decades nearly tore down the state, the economy, the education and health sectors, and the people comprising them. But Nepali society did not just rely on these sectors and the people. That is why Nepal continues to move forward. Nepal and Nepali society will continue to forge paths ahead, overcoming every hurdle as long as such positive personalities breathe life in this society. Thebookistruetoitsnameandtheindividualspresentedheredidnotachieve their goals by chance. Success came through their sheer determination and conviction. It is my impression that the belief of these individuals transcends beyond their selves and strengthens our entire society. It is my conviction that the publication of My Life My Belief will spread the true spirit of positive belief. Rajendra Dahal xi
  • 13. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF x/]s rf]s, uNnL / ;8sÙ lrofk;n / rf}tf/f clg x/]s ;d'bfo, 3/ / kl/jf/df ;a}lt/ ;a};Fu Pp6} ;femf s'/f e]l6G5– lg/fzf, lbSbf/L / cljZjf; Û b]zdf rn]sf] !!jif]{ ;z:q åGåsf] ;dflKt;Fu} lgof]lht / 3f]lift xTof–lx+;fsf] qmd 6'6] klg g]kfnL ;dfhn] cem} jf:tljs cyf{t dfgl;s zflGt b]Vg / dx;'; ug{ kfPsf] 5}g . kqklqsf xf]pmg of /]l8of]Ù l6eL, s'g} klg dfWodaf6 cfzf / ljZjf;sf] va/ ;'Gg, x]g{ / k9g lj/n} dfq kfOG5– ;dsfnLg g]kfndf . @)^$ ;fn ebf} !@ ut] Od]ndfkm{t k|fKt Pp6f 5f]6f] cfTdsYo k9g] df}sf k¥of] . Tof] cfTdsYo Pp6L ue{jtL dlxnfn] pgL s:tf] JolQmnfO{ hGd lbg rfxlG5g eGg] af/]df lyof] . Tof] 5f]6f] cfn]vn] dg 5f]Pkl5 ;|f]td} uP/ lj:t[t cWoog ug{ dg nfUof] . cd]l/ sfsf] k|Voft g]zgn klAns /]l8of] g]6js{df lb; cfO{ ljlne sfo{qmddf k|;fl/t cfn]v /x]5 Tof] . Tolta]n} nfUof], g]kfndf klg To:t} Pp6f cleofg ;'? ug{ kfP slt uha x'GYof] xf]nf, hxfF dflg;x¿n] of] rf}tkmL{ lg/fzfaf6 aflx/ lgl:sP/ cfzf / ljZjf;sf s'/fx? af]Ng kfpmg Û ;Gbe{ / kl/l:yltn] s]xL ;dokl5 g} To:tf] cj;/ h'/fOlbof] . cd]l/sL /fhb"t GofG;L kfj]nsf] OR5fdf o'P;PcfO{8L–g]kfn o:tf] cleofgsf nflu ;xof]u ug{ tof/ eof] . clg ;'? eof], lg/fzfsf] aLrdf cfzf, cFWof/f]sf] aLrdf pHofnf] / cljZjf;sf] aLrdf ljZjf; vf]Hg] PG6]gf kmfp08]g g]kfnsf] cleofg, d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; Û cleofgdf sfd ub}{ hfFbf xfdLn] df}lns / b[9ljZjf; af]s]sf dfG5]x¿ e]6of}+ . @! jif{sf] pd]/df sv/f lrg]sL rd]nL afO{jfsf] cIf/k|ltsf] ljZjf;, ^) jif{;Dd afudtL ;kmfO{df nfu]sf eujfgbf; dfgGw/sf] nug, cljjflxt t/ bh{gf}+ aRrfsL …dfd'Ú ag]sL k'ikf a: g]tsf] dft[Tj efj, Ps df]xf]/sf] hf]xf]af6 s/f]8f}+ ?k}ofF hDdf ug]{ v]d ;fksf]6fsf] ;xsf/L cfGbf]ng clg c¿ y''k|} . w]/} ufx|f] / r'gf}tLk"0f{ lyof], s;sf s:tf ljZjf;nfO{ of] sfo{qmddf ;d]6g] eg]/ . To;}n] xfdL ;'?d} Pp6f ;fd"lxs ;xdltdf k'Uof}+, sfo{qmd d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; n] lg/Gt/ / kl/is[t ljZjf; af]s]sf] JolSt h;n] cfkmgf nflu eGbf c?sf nflu s]xL u/]sf] 5, ltgsf s'/f ;d]6g] 5 . o;n] To:tf JolStsf ;ª3if{ / ;kmntfsf jf:tljstfnfO{ ;s];Dd aflx/ Nofpg] 5 h'g ;'lgPsf], x]l/Psf] / kl9Psf] 5}g . of] ;xdltnfO{ k|:t'ltsf ¿kdf kl/ro
  • 14. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF aflx/ NofOlbg tof/ x'g'eof] rlr{t 6]lnlehg k|:tf]tf ljhos'df/ kf08] . clg ofqf ;'? eof] d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; sf] !* dªl;/ @)^% af6 . d]/f] lhGbuL d]/f] ljZjf; lb; cfO{ ljlne sfo{qmdsf] g]kfnL ;+:s/0f xf] . lb; cfO{ ljlne cd]l/sf afx]s o'/f]k / blIf0f cd]l/sfsf ljleGg efiffdf :yfgLo ;+:s/0f lgl:s;s]sf 5g . PlzofnL b]zx¿df of] klxnf] ;+:s/0f xf] . g]kfnL ;+:s/0fsf] kl/sNkgfnfO{ ;fsf/ kfg{ lg/Gt/ ;xof]u ug'{x'g] cd]l/sfsf k|ltli7t /]l8of]sdL{ tyf lb; cfO{ ljlne sf ;~rfns h] Pln;g, sfo{qmds} lesL d]l/s / lb; cfO{ ljlne O+snfO{ wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' . klxnf] r/0fdf k|sflzt÷k|;fl/t ePsf @^ hgf JolQmTjsf cg'ej, ef]ufO / ljZjf;nfO{ xfdLn] of] k':tsdf ;d]6]sf 5f}+ . t/ PG6]gf kmfp08]zg g]kfnsf] ;sf/fTds ljZjf; af]s]sf rl/q vf]Hg] ofqf eg] /f]lsPsf] 5}g . g]kfnsf s'gf–s'gfdf pHofnf] 5g]{{ o:tf ljZjf;x¿nfO{ xfdL /]l8of], 6]lnlehg / k':tsdfkm{t tkfO{+x¿dfem Nofpg] k|of;df h'l6/xg] 5f}+ . dw' cfrfo{ xiii
  • 15. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF Introduc on In Nepal, people in every intersection, coffee shop, home, and family share the same frustrations and general feeling of mistrust. Though the violence and killings have formally ceased with the end of the armed conflict, Nepalese society has yet to experience real peace and the people have yet to achieve real peace of mind. Newspapers, radios, and televisions rarely bring any positive news to their listeners in contemporary Nepal. On August 29, 2007, I happened to read an essay by a woman describing what kind of child she would like to give birth to. I found the piece interesting and wanted to know more about the essays and the radio program on which it aired. I soon learned that it was a script for This I Believe, National Public Radio’s famous program about the personal beliefs of people from all walks of life. I began to imagine how wonderful it would be to start a similar program in Nepal, to create a platform where people could share their confidences and beliefs in an environment that is usually characterized by frustration and negativity. Coincidence and luck created such opportunity. Thanks to support from the United States Agency for International Development in Nepal and the enthusiasm of the former U.S. Ambassador to Nepal, Nancy J. Powell, Antenna Foundation Nepal created the Mero Jindagi Mero Biswas television program as a way to generate hope in the midst of despair. We met people with bold and innovative mindsets in the course of our initiative. Their inspiring stories unfolded before us. It was difficult to determine whose beliefs we should include in the program. We reached a unanimous decision that Mero Jindagi Mero Biswas would include stories of those who have done work for others more than for themselves and who have lived by their ideals. The program would bring forth the stories of vi
  • 16. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF such personalities whose struggles and achievements were never heard, watched, or read before. The renowned television personality Vijay Kumar Pandey agreed to be our host. Thus, began the journey of Mero Jindagi Mero Biswas on December 3, 2008. Mero Jindagi Mero Biswas is the Nepali version of American radio show This I Believe, which has been translated into many languages throughout Europe and Latin America. Ours, however, is the first such edition among Asian countries. I am thankful to Jay Allison, the renowned producer of This I Believe, as well as to Viki Merrick, senior editor for the program, and to the organization This I Believe, Inc. We have incorporated the real life experiences and beliefs of 26 individuals in this book. However, the search for personalities with positive thinking does not end here. We shall strive to bring you more stories of individuals who glow like candles, spreading light through programs on radio and televisions and in books. Madhu Acharya xv
  • 17. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF ljifo ;"rL != :kz{, cfjfh / b[li6 @ lgd{nf 1jfnL @= d]/f] tk:of * eujfgbf; dfgGw/ #= lzIfssf] wd{ !$ /d]z kf08] $= hLjg / k|ljlw @) dxfjL/ k'g %= jf:tljs d'lQm @^ blz/fd rf}w/L ^= la/fdLsf] ljZjf; #@ 8f= eujfg sf]O/fnf &= ;kmntfsf] /x:oM nugzLntf #* afns[i0f hf]zL *= ;Lkn] ;xh agfpF5 lhGbuL $$ nlntfb]jL lag (= hLjgsf] pmhf{ ;|f]t %) cDa/ u'?ª !)= dg'ifTj cyf{t s?0ffefj %^ bLgaGw' kf]v/]n !!= af]Nbf Gofo kfOFbf]/x]5 Û ^@ /fd/tLb]jL /fd !@= df6f]df 5 ch;| zlQm ^* dbg /fO{ !#= leGgtf hflu/ / lhDd]jf/Lsf] &$ /fd]Zj/ vgfn
  • 18. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; MY LIFE : MY BELIEF
  • 19. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 1 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 1 lgd{nf 1jfnL NIRMALA GYAWALI u'NdL, b/af/ b]j:yfgsL @% jifL{o lgd{nf 1jfnL hGd}b]lv b[li6ljxLg x'g . pgL :kz{ / cfjfhdfkm{t ;+;f/nfO{ a'l‰5g / cg'ej ul5{g . cfjfh / :kz{s} e/df, a|]nlnlksf lstfa a]u/ g} lgd{nfn] k|yd >]0fLdf P;Pn;L kf; ul/g . 5fqj[lQdf cd]l/sfsf] sf]nf]/f8f] :6]6 o'lgel;{6Laf6 :gfts tx;Dd kl9g . pgL clxn] cfk|jf;Lx¿sf nflu cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yf cfO{=cf]=Pd= sf7df8f}+ sfof{nodf sfd ul5{g . lgd{nf b]Vg] cfFvf ePsfx¿ eGbf km/s t l5g t/ pgnfO{ ljZjf; 5, …pgL c¿ hlQ g} ;an l5g .Ú Nirmala Gyawali of Durbar Devsthan in Gulmi was born blind, but she understands the world through hearing and touch.Shepassedherschoolgradua onexamina onsinthe first division. She later won a scholarship to Colorado State University in the United States, from where she graduated. Today, she works for the International Organization for Migration in Kathmandu. Though she is blind, Nirmala believes she is “as capable as others.”
  • 20. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;2 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF2 dcd]l/sfsf] sf]nf]/f8f] :6]6 o'lgel;{6Ldf :gfts txdf k9b} lyPF . Pslbg Pp6f ;fyLn] lgwf/df uf]nL xfg]/ cfTdxTof ug]{ k|of; u¥of] . efUojz pm d/]g . t/ afO; jif{sf] pd]/df p;n] b[li6 u'dfof] . p;sf] cj:yf b]v]/ cfdf–af, ;fyL–;FuL ;a} b'Mlvt x'Gy] . t/ Pslbg d;Fu e]6bf p;n] eGof] ælgd{nf, ;+;f/ cfFvf b]Vg] a]nfeGbf d}n] clxn] /fd|f] b]lv/x]sf] 5' .Æ p;sf] :j/df crDdsf] cfTdljZjf; lyof] . Tof] s'/f ;'Gbf dnfO{ klxnf]kN6 cfkm" b[li6ljxLg ePsf]df ;Gtf]if nfUof] . ev{/} b[li6 u'dfPsf] dflg;n] t ;+;f/ klxn]eGbf /fd|f] b]V5 eg] d t emg hGd}b]lv b[li6ljxLg, d}n] ef]u]sf] ;+;f/ ‰g slt ;'Gb/ xf]nf < d c;fwf/0f ¿kdf ;an 5' . of] d]/f] ljZjf; xf] . c¿n] x]/]/ ug]{ w]/} sfd d gx]/L u5'{ . c¿n] h:t} d ;+;f/ x]g{ ;lSbgF, t/ pgLx¿sf] b[li6sf] ;+;f/nfO{ d cfjfh / :kz{af6 lrG5', clg a'em5' klg . dfWod km/s eP klg b]Vg] / gb]Vg] b'j}n] a'´g] ;+;f/ Pp6} 5 . d]/f] ;+;f/ eg]s} cfjfh / :kz{ xf] . d}n] klxnf] kN6 cfdfnfO{ klg ToxL cfjfh / :kz{af6 lrg]F . cfdfn] dnfO{ ;'gfpFb} / 5'jfpFb} eGg'x'GYof], æhLjgdf cfPsf] cj;/ tf]/Lsf] bfgf hqf] eP klg g5f]8]; ÛÆ u'NdLdf 3/ glhs} :s"n lyof] . d;Fu}sf ;fyLx¿ ljBfno hfGy] . df:6/n] k9fPsf] cfjfh 3/;Dd} ;'lgGYof], d]/f sfgdf 7f]lsGYof] . d sfgnfO{ ToxL cfjfh cfPlt/ ;f]´ofpFy]F / df:6/n] pRrf/0f u/]sf cfjfhx¿ Wofgk"j{s ;'Gy]F . ljBfnoaf6 cfPsf] cfjfhaf6} d}n] sv/f l;s]F . rf/ sIff;Dd d}n] b[li6ljxLg ;fyLx¿;Fu} k9]F . kfFr sIffb]lv d}n] ljBfno km]/]F . gofF :s"nsf ^)) ljBfyL{dWo] d PSnL b[li6ljxLg lyPF . ;fyLx¿n] n]Vg] zAb / d}n] n]Vg] zAbsf] cy{ Pp6} x'GYof] . t/ n]Vg] tl/sf eg] km/s . ;fyLx¿ sndn] n]Vy], d lkgn] . pgLx¿ cIf/ b]v]/ lrGy], d 5fd]/ . pgLx¿sf] h:t} d]/f klg /ËLg /x/ / ;kgf lyP . t/ d /ªx¿ 5'6ofpg ;lSbgy]F . nIo of}6}, af6f] of}6} lyof] . t/ xfd|f] ofqf ug{] z}nL km/s lyof] . æd]/f cfFvfn] b]Vg ;St}gg . To;}u/L s;}sf] v'§fn] sfd gunf{, s;}n] sfg g;'Gnfg . t/ d;Fu cfTdljZjf;L dg / ljj]sL dl:tis 5 . ToxL dg / dl:tisnfO{ d :kz{ / cfjfhn] lgb{]zg lbG5' . d]/f ;kgfx¿ oxL cfjfh / :kz{sf] ;xfotfn] k"/f x'g]5g . lsgls d c;fwf/0f ¿kdf ;an 5' .Æ :kz{, cfjfh / b[li6
  • 21. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 3 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 3 hfFrdf ha lj1fg, ul0ft clg n]vf ljifodf lrq agfP/ lbg'kg]{ k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ n]Vg sl7g eof], Tolta]nf dnfO{ nfUof] d}n] lxF8]sf] af6f] b[li6o'Qmx¿sf nflu dfq agfOPsf] xf] . ljBfnodf d}n] 5fd]/ k9g] lstfax¿ klg kof{Kt lyPgg . ;fyLx¿ kf6Ldf n]v]sf s'/f x]/]/ a'´y], t/ d}n] ;'Gg dfq ;Sy]F . t/ ;'g]kl5sf] a'emfO eg] Pp6} x'GYof] . P;=Pn=;L=sf] k/LIffdf lrq x]/]/ n]Vg'kg]{ w]/} k|Zg cfP . b]Vg g;Sg] ePsfn] %^ gDa/ hltsf] k|Zg d}n] 5f8g' k¥of] . t}klg d k|yd >]0fLdf kf; ePF . To;n] d]/f] c;fwf/0f ;antfdflysf] ljZjf; cem alnof] agfof] . d]/f cfFvfn] b]Vg ;St}gg . To;}u/L s;}sf] v'§fn] sfd gunf{, s;}n] sfg g;'Gnfg . t/ d]/f nflu oL cË eg]sf t dfq dfWod x'g . lrGg], a'emg] / ug]{ t dgdl:tisn] g} xf] . d;Fu cfTdljZjf;L dg / ljj]sL dl:tis 5 . ToxL dg / dl:tisnfO{ d :kz{ / cfjfhn] lgb{]zg lbG5' . cem w]/} k/ k'Ug] / s]xL ug{] ;kgf 5g d;Fu . d]/f ;kgfx¿ oxL cfjfh / :kz{sf] ;xfotfn] k"/f x'g]5g . lsgls d c;fwf/0f ¿kdf ;an 5' . /, To;df dnfO{ k"/f ljZjf; 5 .
  • 22. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;4 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF4 Iwas studying at Colorado State University when one day a friend attempted to commit suicide by firing a gun through his temple. Luckily, he did not die, but he lost his eyesight at the age of 22. Everyone, including his parents and friends, was shocked by the tragedy. Later, he told me, “Nirmala, I see the world much better than I did when I had my eyes.” He had a strong confidence in his voice. His observation gave me tremendous insight. If a man who had recently lost his sight sees the world better than before, then why couldn’t someone like me, who was born blind, suddenly realize that the world was much more beautiful? It is my conviction that I can do what other people with eyesight can do. I cannot literally see the world like others, but I can perceive their visual world through sound and touch, and understand it naturally. In that way, the world for those with or without eyesight is the same. In my world, sound and touch are the key to understanding everything and everyone, including my mother, whom I got to know from these two senses. My mother always told me, “Don’t miss the slightest opportunity in your life, even if it is the size of a mustard seed, to touch and feel it.” There was a school near my house in Gulmi. My friends used to attend this school while I had to stay home. When the classes would begin, the wind carried the teacher's voice to my ears! I focused my attention towards the direction of the sound and carefully listened to each word the teacher uttered. I learned my first letters this way. My Beau ful World of Sound and Touch "I cannot literally see the world like others, but I can perceive their visual world through sound and touch, and understand it naturally."
  • 23. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 5 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 5 Later, I studied with other blind children up to grade four. Then, I changed schools in fifth grade. I was the only blind student among the 600 pupils. My friends wrote with pens and I wrote with a pin. I also had colorful dreams and wishes like them, but I could not differentiate the types of colors. Gradually, it became difficult for me to answer science and math questions that were designed for the other students. There were not enough books in the school that I could read in Braille. I soon felt that this form of teaching was only meant for those with eyesight. Exam questions were asked on the basis of pictures and in my final school exam, I could not attempt many of the questions. Nevertheless, I passed my exams and felt confident in my abilities. For me, my eyes are not the ultimate tool for understanding and enjoying life. It is the soul and the mind that perceive and understand the world around me. I have a dream to travel far and achieve something meaningful. I know my dreams will be fulfilled through sound and touch.
  • 24. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;6 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF6
  • 25. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 7 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 7 eujfgbf; dfgGw/ BHAGWANDAS MANANDHAR sf7df8f}+, cf]daxfnsf *% jifL{o eujfgbf; dfgGw/nfO{ afUdtL gbL k|b"lift x'g yfn]sf] lrGtfn] ^) jif{cl3 g} ;tfO;s]sf] lyof] . To;} eP/ pgn] jfudtL ;kmf ug'{nfO{ Tolta]n}b]lv cfkmgf] b}lgsL agfP . afUdtL vf]nfdf c8lsPsf kmf]xf]/ ;ªsng ug]{ / aufpg] sfo{ pgn] cfkmgf] z/L/n] ;fy lbFbf;Dd ul//x] . cfh afUdtL clt g} kmf]xf]/ eO;s]sf] eP klg eujfgbf; cfkmgf] kl/>d Joy{ ePsf] 7fGb}gg . pgL eG5g, æsd;]sd d}n] x6fPsf] kmf]xf]/ t ToxfF 5}g lg ÛÆ Sixty years ago, Bhagwandas Manandhar started to worry about pollu on in the Bagma River. Since then, the 85- year-old of Kathmandu has made it a regular rou ne to clean up the sacred river. He has collected the garbage obstruc ng the water and tried to get the river flowing smoothly again. The Bagma is s ll polluted today, but Bhagwandas does not think his effort has gone in vain because the garbage he removed is not there any longer.
  • 26. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;8 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF8 dafUdtLsf] :jR5tfdf ljZjf; u5'{ . afUdtL / d]/f] ;flGgWotf aof;L jif{ k'/fgf] xf] . afUdtLnfO{ d}n] Tolta]nfb]lv lrg]sf] x'F– hlta]nf d}n] d]/f] 3/nfO{ 3/ / cfdfnfO{ cfdf eg]/ lrg]F . afn] dnfO{ tft] ub}{ nu]/ afUdtL;Fu dLt nufOlbg'eof] . To;a]nfb]lv g} d}n] afUdtLnfO{ ;kmf ug{ / dfof ug{ l;s]F . ;fg}b]lv g'xfpg, k"hf ug{, v]Ng / 8'Ng hfg] u/]sf] afUdtLnfO{ d}n] @))^ ;fnb]lv lgoldt ¿kdf ;kmf ug{ yfn]sf] x'F . Tolta]nf afUdtL kmf]xf]/ t lyPg t}klg ToxfF k"hf ug{, >f4 ug{ cfpg]x¿n] 5f8]sf km"nkftL, 6k/L h:tf lrhlahx¿ d kfgLdf aufOlbGy]F . d w]/}h;f] cf]daxfn rf]ssf] xfd|f] 3/af6 ;ft} ldg]6df k'lug] afUdtL / lji0f'dtLsf] bf]efg, 6]s", krnL3f6lt/ ;kmf uy]{+ . ;kmf ubf{ub}{ slxn] rf]ef/ t slxn] a'ªdtL, u'Xo]Zj/L;Dd klg k'Uy]F . slxn]b]lv d afUdtL ;kmf ub}{ 3G6f}+ latfpg nfu]F To;sf] kQ} ePg . d afUdtLsf] Tof] zlQmdf ljZjf; u5'{ h;n] sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf] ;EotfnfO{ hGdfof], l;+rg u¥of] / kmnfof] km'nfof] . gbLsf] wd{ aUg' xf] . oxL gbLn] hGdfPsf] ;Eotfsf] Pp6f s0f x'F d To;}n] d]/f] wd{ of] gbLnfO{ lgjf{w / csn'lift aUg lbg' xf] . d]/f nflu afUdtL uËfhL x'g, cfdf x'g . log}sf] ue{af6 cfPsf xfdLnfO{ cGttf]uTjf log}sf] ue{df ldNg' 5 . afUdtL d]/f nflu Pp6f 3/ xf] . lbglbg} cfˆgf] 3/ a9fg'{ d]/f] st{Jo xf] . clt h?/L sfd k/]sf lbgafx]s ;f7L jif{b]lv ;fgf] Hofan af]s]/ d ;w}F afUdtL cfOk'Ug] u/]sf] 5' . s}n] t ev{/} cfPsf] h:tf] nfu] klg cf7 bz 3G6f lalt;s]sf] x'GYof] . ;kmf ug{ yfn]kl5 ef]s–Kof; of ysfO klg nfUb}gYof] . Ps vfnsf] cnf}lss zlQm / hfFu/ cfpFYof] . 6G6nfk'/] 3fd xf]; of d';nwf/] jiff{, gbLdf s'lk|Psf] d]/f] 9f8 b]v]/ gf}nf dfG5]x¿ eG7fGy], æof] a"9f] afUdtLdf l;Ssf vf]Hb}5 of afn'jfdf ;'g vf]Hb}5 .Æ t/ d afUdtLdf ;To vf]Hby]F . d]/f] tk:of æd]/f] ;f7L jif{sf] kl/>dsf afah'b klg afUdtL hh{/ / hL0f{ ag]sf] 5 . t/ klgÙ dnfO{ d]/f] sfd lg/y{s nfUb}g lsgeg] sDtLdf klg d}n] aufPsf] kmf]xf]/ kms]{/ cfPsf] 5}g / slxNo} cfpFb}g . au]sf] kfgL a? em/L ag]/ kms]{nf, aufPsf] kmf]xf]/ kms+{b}g . of]eGbf 7"nf] ;fy{s sfd c¿ s] x'g ;S5 <Æ
  • 27. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 9 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 9 d]/f nflu afUdtLsf] :jR5 / :jtGq axfj g} ;To lyof] . ToxL ;To g} d]/f] ljZjf; xf] . /, ToxL ljZjf; g} d]/f] sd{ . afUdtLn] sf7df8f}+ vfN8fnfO{ :jR5 hnn] l;+lrt ul/g, t/ sf7df8f}+jf;Ln] afUdtLnfO{ dn, d"q / kmf]xf]/sf] ef/L af]sfOlbP . jiff{tsf yf]kf ;d'b|df lanfP ‰}+ cfh d]/f] ;f7L jif{sf] kl/>dsf afah'b klg afUdtL hh{/ / hL0f{ ag]sf] 5 . t/ klgÙ dnfO{ d]/f] sfd lg/y{s nfUb}g lsgeg] sDtLdf klg d}n] aufPsf] kmf]xf]/ kms]{/ cfPsf] 5}g / slxNo} cfpFb}g . au]sf] kfgL a? ‰/L ag]/ kms]{nf, aufPsf] kmf]xf]/ kms+{b}g . of]eGbf 7"nf] ;fy{s sfd c¿ s] x'g ;S5 < ;don] afUdtLnfO{ wldNofpFb} nUof], d klg rfpl/Fb} uPF . ;don] afUdtLsf] au/nfO{ ;fF3'¥ofpFb} nUof], d]/f xf8 klg lvOFb} uP . b'O{ jif{cl3;Dd t lgoldt cfpFy]F t/ cr]n cln sd cfpF5' . afUdtL ;'Sbf] 5, d klg c:tfpFbf] 5' . t}klg d eujfgbf;leqsf] afUdtLbf; c‰} klg p:t} lgZrn 5, afn] tft] u/fpFb} NofPsf] ;dosf] h:tf] . d]/f] nflu afUdtL pxL 5Ù ;'Gb/, ;kmf . kmf]xf]/ kmf]xf]/ xf] / afUdtL afUdtL xf] . afUdtL cfkm" kmf]xf]/ x}g . afUdtL ;kmf ug]{ sfd d}n]] lghL cfgGbsf nflu u/]F . cfgGbeGbf 7"nf] tna of k'/:sf/ c¿ s]xL 5}g . afUdtLnfO{ v';L kfg]{ sf]l;; u/]/ d}n] dgnfO{ v';L kf/]F . of] d]/f] lgtfGt JolQmut OR5f / tk:of xf] . o;df d}n] g s;}sf] ;fy vf]h]sf] 5' g s'g} >]o . d]/f cfˆg} ;Gtfgn] klg slxNo} afUdtL cfP/ oxfF ;kmf u/]gg, ub}{gg . afUdtLsf] gfddf s;}sf] klg Ps k};f vfPsf] 5}g d}n] . Pp6f ;fdfGo g]jf/ Jofkf/L kl/jf/sf] 5f]/f], k9]–n]v]sf] 5}g, To;}n] klg afUdtL d]/f] nflu 7"nf7"nf b:tfj]h of kl/of]hgf ag]g . cl3 g} eg]F d]/f nflu afUdtL b}lgsL aGof], tk:of aGof] . afUdtL d]/f] wd{ xf], d]/f] sd{ xf] / oxL g} d]/f] lhGbuL, d]/f] ljZjf; . /Ù d yfs]sf] 5}g, d]/f] ljZjf; 8u]sf] 5}g .
  • 28. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;10 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF10 Bagma , My Life It has been more than 80 years since I developed my intimate relationship with the Bagmati River. I have known the river from the time when I began to understand that the house where I was living was called my ‘home’ and the caring woman there was my ‘mother’. My father took me for walks along the Bagmati River banks when I was very young. Ever since then, an inseparable knot was tied between me and this river. I started cleaning the Bagmati in 1950, whenever I went to take a bath, offer puja, play or simply pass by. In those days, the Bagmati was not dirty at all. And yet, I formed the habit of making sure the river carried away all the debris left by people who made their rituals by the riverside. I used to stroll along the confluence of the Bagmati and the Bishnumati at Dovan, Teku Pachalali. It was just seven minutes away from my home at Om Bahal. There I did my own ritual – cleaning the river. I walked along the river banks cleaning the litter as far as the gorge of Chovar and further down south along the isolated river banks of Bungmati. I believe in the power of the Bagmati, which gave rise to an amazing civilization in the Kathmandu valley. I consider myself a small character in this process and my dharma is to make sure that the Bagmati flows uninterrupted. She is for me the Mother Ganges. The Bagmati is my home and I clean her just the way I clean my house. It is part of my duty. When people saw me collecting rubbish, they made lots of comments, such as, “This man is desperate for the coins and gold offered to the dead at the riverside funeral pyres.” In truth, I was searching for faith in the "For me, the Bagmati remains the same – clean and beautiful. The dirt is dirt, while the Bagmati is still the Bagmati. The Bagmati in itself is not dirty. It is the people themselves who are dirty."
  • 29. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 11 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 11 river Bagmati. To me, the smooth and uninterrupted flow of the Bagmati is a pure faith. This faith is my conviction, my karma. The Bagmati once irrigated the Kathmandu valley with pure water. Now, city dwellers dump sewage and dirt on her. The Bagmati is steadily being destroyed and 60 years of my efforts could disappear just like that. Yet, I believe my work has not been futile. What could be more meaningful than trying to keep the Bagmati clean? As time flowed by, the Bagmati continued to be polluted and I, too, got my wrinkles. The Bagmati is drying out and I am in my last days. For me, the Bagmati River is as pristine as ever, just as it was when I was a toddler amused by the river as I walked along its banks holding hands with my father. For me, the Bagmati remains the same – clean and beautiful. The dirt is dirt, while the Bagmati is still the Bagmati. The Bagmati in itself is not dirty. It is the people themselves who are dirty. My Bagmati cleaning effort is a personal hobby. In this process, satisfaction is the greatest of all rewards. I have not sought any credit for my work. I have not taken a single penny in the name of cleaning the Bagmati. I was born in a small, simple Newari family in old Kathmandu. I am not a highly educated expert and I never saw the Bagmati River as a way to bring lucrative projects to make money or build a career. For me, the Bagmati simply became my way of life, my commitment, my dharma, and my karma. This is my eternal duty, my life, my faith. I am not tired and my faith is as firm as ever.
  • 30. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;12 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF12
  • 31. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 13 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 13 RAMESH PANDEY /d]z kf08] Pp6f Odfgbf/ lzIfssf ¿kdf /d]z kf08]n] em08} $) jif{ k|fWofkg u/] . cfkmgf] sn]hsf ljBfyL{n] jfl0fHo / Joj:yfkg zf:qsf ljifodf hlxn] / hxfF k|Zg u/] klg hjfkm lbg' t/ …6o';gÚ gk9fpg'nfO{ …kf08] ;/Ún] cfkmgf] wd{ dfg] . k|fWofkgsf] clwsf+z ;do sf7df8f}+sf] zªs/b]j SofDk;df latfPsf ;dosf kSsf kf08] ;]jf cjlwe/ slxNo} sIffdf uon ePgg . pgsf] ljZjf; xf], …k9g rfxg] ljBfyL{nfO{ v';L kfg'{ g} lzIfssf] wd{ xf] .Ú Ramesh Pandey taught business and management to university students for nearly 40 years. Over that me, Mr. Pandeyestablishedhimselfasanidealteacher.‘Pandeysir’ consideredithisdharmatoansweranyques on,anywhere for his students, and he refrained from charging money for private lessons. He rarely missed a class in his teaching career,mostofwhichwasspentattheShankerDevCampus in Kathmandu. He believes a good teacher has to fulfill the quest of students who are eager to learn.
  • 32. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;14 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF14 lhGbuLsf #* lxpFb–avf{ d}n] lzIf0f k]zfdf latfPF . of] k]zfdf s;}sf] rfs/L ug'{kb}{g, s;};Fu ;D‰f}tf ug'{kb}{g, To;}n] d}n] of] k]zf /f]h]F . of] k]zfn] dnfO{ ;w}+ :jtGq /xg lbof] . Pp6f lzIfssf ¿kdf d}n] slxNo} klg :jljj]s / cGt/fTdfsf] cfjfhnfO{ a]jf:tf ug{ / ;Tosf] ;fy 5f]8g' k/]g . lq–rGb| sn]h, g]kfn sd;{ SofDk;, zÍ/b]jb]lv lnP/ sf7df8f}+ ljZjljBfnosf] Pp6f ;]d]:6/ / xfn sn]h ckm cKnfO8 lahg];;Dd cfOk'Ubf d}n] @)÷@@ xhf/ ljBfyL{nfO{ k9fPF x'Fnf . d]/f ljBfyL{sf nflu d slxn] cleefjs ag]+, slxn] ;fyL, slxn] kyk|bz{s t slxn] lg/LIfs ag]+ . oL ;a} e"ldsfdf d}n] ;w}+ clwstd / sdhf]/ ljBfyL{sf nflu n8]sf] 5', ;Sg] hlt Gofo ug]{ k|of; u/]sf] 5' . d]/f] sIff lng cfpg] ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ d}n] slxNo} 5'§} 6o';g k9fOgF . pgLx¿sf nflu d @$;} 3G6f pknAw x'Gy]+Ù 6]lnkmf]gdf, af6f]df, lrofk;ndf . dnfO{ hxfF e]6]/ ePklg ljBfyL{n] cfˆgf k|Zg / ;d:of /fVg ;Sy] . d]/f] hLjgdf cefjx¿ gePsf xf]Ogg . sl7gfO{ cjZo lyof] . t/ >LdtLsf] / d]/f] Odfgbf/ sdfOn] xfdLnfO{ Jojxf/ wfGg k'u]s} lyof] . cfˆgf] ljZjf; a]r]/ d}n] ljBfyL{x¿dfly cGofo ug{ rflxgF . 6o';g k9fpglt/ nfUbf 6f9f–6f9faf6 cfP/ SofDk;sf] sf]7fdf, a]Grdf, 8]:sdf, e'O{+df, ´ofndf a;]/ / pleP/} klg d]/f] sIff lng rfxg] ljBfyL{dfly d}n] Gofo ug{ ;Sb}gy]+ . cf; / qf;n] dfG5]nfO{ ;D‰f}tf ug{, ‰"7 af]Ng / ‰'Sg afWo kf5{ . cf; / qf; /fv]sf] eP d klg /lhi6«f/, /]S6/ h:tf kbdf k'¥ofOGy]+ xf]nf t/ dnfO{ slxNo} Tof] rfx ePg . ljBfyL{x¿sf] ;kmntfnfO{ g} d}n] cfˆgf] ;kmntf / pgLx¿sf] c;kmntf cfˆgf] c;kmntf dfGb} ‰08} rf/bzs latfPF . d]/f] z}lIfs hLjgsf] krxQ/ k|ltzteGbf a9L lx:;f zÍ/b]j SofDk;df laTof] . d]/f] sIff w]/}h;f] laxfgL ;qsf] klxnf] lkl/o8 x'GYof] . k|foMh;f] ;jf ^ ah] z'? x'g] d]/f] sIffdf ;jf ^ 7Ls ;jf ^ ah] g} aHYof], g Ps ldg]6 l56f], g Ps ldg]6 l9nf] . d]/f] nflu ;a}eGbf 7"nf] s'/f d]/f] sIff g} x'GYof] . dnfO{ slxNo} lzIfssf] wd{ æljBfyL{x¿sf] ;kmntfnfO{ g} d}n] cfkmgf] ;kmntf / pgLx¿sf] c;kmntf cfkmgf] c;kmntf dfGb} em08} rf/bzs latfPF . #* jif{ k9fpFbf k9fO ePsf avtdf d'l:snn] #* lbg sIffdf cg'kl:yt ePF x'Fnf– cfFvfsf] ck/]zg of c¿ s'g} cfsl:dstfsf sf/0f .Æ
  • 33. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 15 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 15 x'/L, kfgLn] sIffdf k'Ug 5]s]g . $^ ;fnsf] cfGbf]ngdf r}t @$ ut]b]lv sˆo'{ nfUof] . @# ut]sf lbg aflx/ uf]nL rln/xFbf leq d sIff lnO/x]sf] lyPF . #* jif{ k9fpFbf k9fO ePsf avtdf d'l:snn] #* lbg sIffdf cg'kl:yt ePF x'Fnf– cfFvfsf] ck/]zg of c¿ s'g} cfsl:dstfsf sf/0f . @)^@ ;fndf cfFvfdf df]ltoflaGb'sf] ck/]zg u/]sf] avt tLg lbg labfdf a;]+ . Tolt w]/} ;do nuftf/ labfdf klxnf slxNo} a;]sf] lyOgF, kl5 klg al;gF . ;fob sIffk|ltsf] cf;lQm / cg'zf;g r]tgfn] To:tf] eof] xf]nf . cg'zf;gsf] 3]/fn] lhGbuLnfO{ Pp6f cfsf/ lbG5, lglZrttf lbG5 / uj{ ug]{ cfwf/ lbG5 . cg'zf;gdf r'lsof] eg] hLjgsf cGo kIfdf klg r'lsG5 . d]/f] k]zfut / kfl/jfl/s d"NodfGotf Pscfk;df af´bf w]/} cK7]/f If0fx¿ klg cfPsf 5g . @(÷#) ;fnlt/sf] s'/f xf], d]/L cfˆg} lbbL ue{jtL x'g'x'GYof] . pxfFn] aL=sd=sf] hfFr lbg'kg]{ lyof] . k|Zgkq d}n] g} ;]6 u/]sf] lyPF . t/, d}n] ælbbL, oL oL k|Zgx¿ dxŒjk"0f{ 5g, tof/L u/Æ eGg ;lsgF . pxfF km]n x''g'eof] . oxL 36gf km]l/ d]/L 5f]/Lsf] s];df klg bf]xf]l/of] . pgL klg km]n eOg, d}n] g} ;]6 u/]sf] k|Zgkqdf . h;/L d]/f ljBfyL{x¿ c;kmn x'Fbf d]/f] dg b'V5, To;/L g} d]/L lbbL / 5f]/L km]n x'Fbf klg d]/f] dg b'Vof] . t/ klg k]zfsf] g}ltstf;Fu ;D‰f}tf ug{ d]/f] ljj]sn] lbFb} lbPg . /fd|f] ug]{ ljBfyL{sf] plrt d"NofÍg xf]; / olb s;}n] g/fd|f] u/]sf] 5 eg] p;n] sDtLdf klg cfˆgf] d]xgt cg';f/sf] kmn kfcf]; eGg] d]/f] ;w}Fsf] Wo]o /Xof] . d]/f] oxL Wo]o ;fy{s x'g] jftfj/0f gePsfn] @)^$ ;fnsf] df3 dlxgfdf hflu/cjlw ;lsg b'O{ jif{ afFsL x'Fbfx'Fb} d}n] zÍ/b]j SofDk;af6 :j]lR5s cjsfz lnPF . d]/f] nflu a'9];sfnsf] cfly{s ;xf/f k]G;g eGbf 7"nf] lyof] d]/f] lhGbuLsf] ljZjf;, d]/f ljBfyL{k|ltsf] Gofo . Pp6f lzIfs ePkl5 k"/f ug'{kg]{ ljBfyL{k|ltsf] Gofosf] bfloTj k"/f u/]/ d}n] d]/f] lhGbuL ;fy{s agfPsf] 5' . To;df dnfO{ uj{ 5 . d ;Gt'i6 5' .
  • 34. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;16 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF16 My Dharma: Enlighten Students "For my students, I was always available over the telephone, on the streets, and at the local tea shops, ready to help anywhere, anytime." Ispent 38 summers and winters of my life teaching. The job does not require compromise and gives you total independence. I never had to falter from the truth, my conscience, and the calls of my inner soul. I taught about 20,000 students at various campuses. I was a guardian, a friend, and a guide to my students. I never thought of inviting my students for expensive private classes to earn extra cash. Instead, I maintained my regular schedule to give them the best education inside the classroom. For my students, I was always available over the telephone, on the streets, and at the local tea shops, ready to help anywhere, anytime. Life was definitely hard financially, but the earnings my wife and I honestly made were enough for a living. I did not want to do injustice to students who would have traveled a long way to attend my lectures and to those who stood outside the window, sat on the floor, benches or desks of the classroom. I spent nearly four decades sharing the successes and failures of students as if they were my own achievements and weaknesses. More than 75 percent of my teaching career was spent at the Shanker Dev Campus. I normally gave the first lecture at 6:15 a.m. sharp. Rain or storm never deterred me from giving classes. During the popular democracy movement of 1990, I remember vividly a particular day – the 5th of April. I was giving a class when we heard gunfire outside. It was so turbulent that from the next day on a serious curfew was imposed in the city. But on April 5th , my students stayed in the class and I continued my lecture as the political process took place outside.
  • 35. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 17 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 17 In my 38-year career I was absent only for 38 days, in part due to health issues and other urgent circumstances. Tiredness or uneasiness were no excuse for me to miss my classes. I believe discipline nurtures life and gives reason to be proud of it. If we fail in discipline, then we fail in life. I believe my life has been meaningful because of discipline. Difficulties did come when my professional decorum and family relations collided. In 1974 my pregnant sister was sitting for a Bachelor of Commerce examination. I had written the exam questions, but my integrity would not allow me to say, “Sister, these questions are important, learn them well.” She flunked the exam. My daughter also failed an exam that I had written. When my sister and my daughter flunked the exams, I was hurt in the same way as when my students failed. But my conscience never allowed me to compromise the integrity of my profession. My objective has always been to reward honesty and diligence. When my surroundings started to conflict with my principles, I opted for voluntary retirement from the Shanker Dev Campus, even though I still had two more years to work. More valuable than attaining a pension was my conviction in a truthful life and justice for my students. I have made my life meaningful, doing justice for them. I knew that. This is what I take pride in and which makes me deeply content.
  • 36. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;18 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF18
  • 37. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 19 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 19 dxfjL/ k'g ;g @))& df /dg Dofuf;];] k'/:sf/ kfPsf] ;dfrf/;Fu} dxfjL/ k'gsf] gfd cfd g]kfnLdfem :yflkt eof] . lah'nL, ;8s / 6]lnkmf]g ;'ljwf gk'u]sf g]kfnsf kxf8L lhNnfx¿df OG6/g]6 k|ljlw k'¥ofpg u/]sf] of]ubfgsf nflu pgnfO{ ;f] k'/:sf/ k|fKt ePsf] lyof] . cr]n DofUbLsf s]xL ls;fg cfkmgf] uf]?b]lv ds};Ddsf] lj1fkg / Jofkfl/s sf/f]af/ OG6/g]6dfkm{t u5{g . %$ jifL{o k'g k|ljlwn] hLjg lgjf{x ug{ ;lhnf] kf5{ eGg] s'/fdf ljZjf; /fV5g . MAHABIR PUN Mahabir Pun became a household name in Nepal a er he won the pres gious Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2007. He was rewarded for his efforts to link the remote mountain districts, which have no electricity, roads or telephones, with wireless Internet service. Today, farmers in Myagdi make business deals for their livestock and crops using the Internet. The 54-year-old Mahabir believes technology eases life.
  • 38. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;20 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF20 hLjg / k|ljlw dTo:tf] k|ljlwdf ljZjf; u5'{ h;n] xfd|f b}lgs lqmofsnfknfO{ ;xh / lhGbuLnfO{ ;lhnf] af6f]tkm{ 8f]¥ofpF5 . k|ljlw hLjgsf nflu x'g'k5{ . DofUbLsf] gfËL ufpFdf k/LIf0f ul/Psf] a]tf/] k|ljlwaf6 b'u{d ufpFx¿df OG6/g]6 k'¥ofpg] k|of;sf] ;kmntfn] d]/f] ljZjf;nfO{ ;fy{s / lhGbuLnfO{ ;kmn agfPsf] 5 . ;'vL / ;'lzlIft lhGbuLsf] vf]hLdf lszf]/ a]nfsf] s'g} Pslbg r6Ss 5f]8]/ lxF8]sf] ufpFdf jiff}{+kl5 lzIff, ;Lk / cfTdljZjf; af]s]/ kms{+bf d Ps}l5g ‰l:sPsf] lyPF . Toqf] ;dosf] cGt/fndf klg ;+;f/df cfPsf] kl/jt{gsf] Hofb} ldlxg c+z dfq d]/f] ufpF;Dd cfOk'u]sf] lyof] . d k9]sf] :s"n c‰} dfWolds x'g;s]sf] lyPg . ufpF 5f8g]x¿sf] nsf]{ p:t} lyof] . h;/L d ;fg} 5Fbf kNnf] 8fF8fkfl/ s] xf]nf, s'g ;+;f/ xf]nf eg]/ ud vfGy]F, ufpFsf s]6fs]6Lsf cfFvfdf d}n] ToxL pT;'stf b]v]F . ljzfn kxf8 hxfFsf] ToxLF lyP . af6f], aQL, lah'nL, 6]lnkmf]g h:tf s'g} klg ;'ljwf k'Ug ;s]sf lyPgg . kxf8L lhGbuL eg]sf] vfnL kxf8x¿;Fusf] n8fOF xf] ls h:tf] nfUYof] . cd]l/sg l8u|L xftdf lnP/ ufpF l5/]sf] d}n] ufpFnfO{ g} sd{ynf] agfP/ tL r'gf}tLsf kxf8x¿;Fu h'Wg] lg0f{o lnPF . z'?df ufpFsf] ljBfnonfO{ dfWolds agfP/ ufpFdf cyf]{kfh{gsf nflu ljsNksf] vf]hL ub}{ hfFbf Pp6f ;d:of 68sf/f] b]lvof] . Tof] ;d:of lyof] ufpFufpFaLr ;~rf/sf] cefj . Ps ufpFsf] af]nL csf]{ ufpF;Dd k'Ug t tL kxf8n] 5]Sy] eg], aflx/L ;+;f/;Fusf] ;DaGw t c;Dej g} lyof] . d cfkm}+ klg x/]s dlxgf ;ft–;ft 3G6fsf] ofqf to u/]/ kf]v/f cfOk'Uy]F, Od]n r]s ug{ . k|s[ltsf kx/]bf/ ljzfn kxf8x¿;Fu hf]/L vf]Hg] ;fdYo{ d;Fu lyPg, To;}n] kxf8nfO{ ;lhn} gf£g ;Sg] k|ljlw d}n] vf]Hg'k¥of] . ToxL vf]hLsf qmddf a]tf/] k|ljlwnfO{ k|of]u u/]/ ufpF3/df OG6/g]6 Nofpg] sfdsf] k/LIf0f ul/of] . s}of}+ ;d:ofsf afah'b klg d}n] ;Defjgfsf l‰Nsfx¿ b]v]F . r'gf}tLnfO{ d}n] xfF;L xfF;L Joxf]/]F . bf}8w"k u/]/ ;fwg;|f]t h'6fPF . cflv/df k/LIf0f ;kmn eof] . d]/f] k|of; / ;a}sf] ;xof]un] a]tf/] k|ljlwaf6 s]xL ufpFx¿ æk|s[ltsf kx/]bf/ ljzfn kxf8x?;Fu hf]/L vf]Hg] ;fdYo{ d;Fu lyPg, To;}n] kxf8nfO{ ;lhn} gfWg ;Sg] k|ljlw d}n] vf]Hg'k¥of] . ToxL vf]hLsf qmddf a]tf/] k|ljlwnfO{ k|of]u u/]/ ufpF3/df OG6/g]6 Nofpg] sfdsf] k/LIf0f ul/of] . cfh d]/f] ufpFaf6 Ps sn kmf]g of Pp6f lr7L Pp6f cf}+nfsf] lyrfOd} 6'Ëf]df k'U5gÙ klxn] em}+ ;ft– ;ft 306fsf] ofqf to ug'{kb}{g .Æ
  • 39. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 21 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 21 OG6/g]6df hf]l8P . kl/0ffdM cfh d]/f] ufpFaf6 Ps sn kmf]g of Pp6f lr7L Pp6f cf}+nfsf] lyrfOd} 6'Ëf]df k'U5gÙ klxn] ‰}+ ;ft–;ft 306fsf] ofqf to ug'{kb}{g . k|ljlwsf] of] j/bfgsf sf/0f cfh xfd|f] u|fdL0f kxf8L lhGbuL ;lhnf]tkm{sf] ofqfdf nlDs/x]sf] 5 . /, oxL nDsfO g} d]/f] ljZjf;sf] cfsf/, b[Zo / km]xl/:t xf] . dnfO{ nfU5, x/]s dfG5] cfˆgf] lhGbuL cfˆgf] lx;fan] afFR5 . afFRgsf nflu s;}n] s] u5{, s;}n] s] u5{, s'/f olQ xf] h;n] h] u5{ To;df p;sf] dg / lbdfu b'j} v';L x'g'k5{ . /, d h] ul//x]sf] 5' d]/f] cfTd;Gt'li6sf nflu g} ul//x]sf] 5' . b]Vg]nfO{ d]/f] lhGbuL cgf}7f] nfUg ;S5 . kl/jf/ lrtjg / kf]v/fdfÙ cfkm"rflxF ufpFufpFdf 3'ld/xg] g k};f sdfPF, g s'g} kb . t/ of] a]tf/] OG6/g]6 k|ljlwn] ufpFufpFdf ;~rf/, lzIff / :jf:Yosf] If]qdf hlt of]ubfg lbO/x]sf] 5, ;fob To;n] d]/f] cgf}7f] lhGbuLsf] ;fy{stf ‰NsfpF5 . of] k|ljlwnfO{ g]kfnsf] x/]s ufpFdf k'¥ofpg] d]/f] nIo 5 . d}n] k|ljlwdfly ljZjf; olQs} ul//x]sf] 5}g . Tof] k|ljlwn] ufpFx¿nfO{ ;fFRr} d2t u/]sf] 5 . ToxfFsf dflg;sf]] b}lgs hLjg lxhf]eGbf a9L ;xh ePsf] 5 . To;}n] d of] tf//lxt k|ljlwdf ljZjf; u5'{, h;n] hLjgnfO{ ;xh / ;/n agfpg ;Sg] ;fdYo{ /fv]sf] 5 .
  • 40. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;22 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF22 Ibelieve that technology eases our life and gives us many conveniences. Technology should be ‘life friendly.’ My success with providing Internet services to remote villages through wireless technology inspired this belief and made my life meaningful. When I returned to my village many years after attaining an education, skills, and self-confidence, I was for some time in complete shock. While the rest of the world was rising with waves of changes, my little village remained the same. The village school I attended still staggered as a lower secondary school and was not a high school. The number of people abandoning their homes was increasing. Theworldlandscapewaschanging,butinmymountains, which had stood for thousands of years, there was no road, no electricity, and no telephones. But I still saw a sparkle of curiosity and wonder in the eyes of the children – the same curiosity I used to have when I was a boy and wondered what existed beyond the mountains. Having returned to the village with an American college degree, I decided to confront these mountains of challenges. I chose my own village as my workplace, my laboratory of social engineering. I helped to change the village school into a high school. Then I tackled the lack of communicationbetweenthevillages.Highmountains stood like hurdles between every village, blocking any kind of swift communication. Contact with the outside world was almost impossible. I myself had to travel six hours to Pokhara to check my e-mails! I did not have the strength to challenge the mountains, My Technology: My Belief "High mountains stood like hurdles between every village, blocking any kind of swift communication. Contact with the outside world was almost impossible. I myself had to travel six hours to Pokhara to check my e-mails!"
  • 41. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 23 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 23 those citadels of nature. Instead, I had to search for a technology that would transcend these mountains easily. In my search for this technology, I conducted a test transmission to bring the Internet to my village through wireless technology. I saw sparks of hope despite numerous challenges. I struggled to muster some financial resources. Finally, the test transmission was successful and eventually several neighboring villages were also connected to the Internet by wireless technology. Soon, telephone calls or sending messages became possible with just a click of the finger tips. Gone were the days of traveling to Pokhara to send a message. Thanks to the advancement in technology, life in these rural mountains is much easier. This remains the yardstick by which to measure my belief. I believe everyone lives by their own standards. But whatever one does should come from deep within the heart and mind. What I am doing is for my own inner self-satisfaction. People may find my life strange. My family lives in the towns of Chitwan and Pokhara, whereas I roam around the remote mountain villages. I have neither earned big money nor acquired any prominent social position, but the contribution that wirelessInternettechnologyhasmadetocommunication, education, and health is testimony to the meaningfulness of my life. My goal is to extend this technology to every village in Nepal. I believe this technology will give direct benefits to villagers. I believe this technology has eased life and created space for growth through swift communication.
  • 42. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;24 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF24
  • 43. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 25 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 25 blz/fd rf}w/L DASHIRAM CHAUDHARY @)%& ;fn ;fpg @ ut] dWo tyf ;'b"/klZrdsf ;a} sd}ofx¿ sfg'gtM aGwg d'Qm t eP, t/ ul/aLsf] b'irqmaf6 yf]/}n] dfq d'lQm lng ;s] . s}nfnL, d'lQmgu/sf blz/fd rf}w/L To:tf yf]/} d'Qm sd}ofdWo]df k5{g h;n] cfkm" / cfkmgf] kl/jf/nfO{ ufF;, af; / skf;sf] hf]xf] u/L ljkGgtfsf] aGwgaf6 ;d]t d'Qm kfg{ ;s]sf 5g . d'Qm x'g]ljlQs} pgn] z'? u/]sf] ;fgf] bf]sfgsf] cfDbfgLdf cfkmgf] hfFu/, ;Lk / pBdzLntf yk]/ pgL c¿eGbf cufl8 a9g ;s]sf x'g . pgL >d / hfFu/df a9L ljZjf; u5{g . Onlyafewbondedlaborersescapedfromtheviciouscycle of poverty with the proclama on of their freedom from bonded labor on July 17, 2000. Dashiram Chaudhary of Muk nagar in Kailali is one of the few who successfully relievedhimselfandhisfamilyfromtheshacklesofpoverty. He has augmented the small earnings from his shop by adding his enthusiasm, skills, and entrepreneurship to his work. In doing so, has been able to provide employment for others as well.
  • 44. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;26 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF26 dcj;/sf] ;xL pkof]udf ljZjf; u5'{ . t/ cj;/sf] vf]hL g} d]/f] hLjgsf] klxnf] r'gf}tL lyof] . d]/f afh]÷a/fh'b]lv a'af;Dd dflnssf] 3/df sd}of lyP . xfd|f] cfˆgf] eGg] s]xL lyPg . a:g], vfg] ;a} dflnss} 3/df x'GYof] . dflnssf 5f]/f5f]/Lx¿ :s"n hfGy] . dnfO{ klg pgLx¿ ‰}+ ljBfno hfg dg nfUYof] . t/ d b}lgs uf]7fnf] hfg'kYof]{ . /flt ca]/;Dd clg laxfg rfF8} p7]/ sfd} ug'{kYof{] . /fd|f] nufpg], dL7f] vfg] / v]Ng] /x/ klg x'GYof] g}, t/ kfOFb}gYof] . x'ls{+b} hfFbf cfˆgf lktfk'vf{sf] cfh{g;Fu lbSbf/L k}bf x'g yfNof] . d d'lQmsf] af6f] vf]Hg yfn]F . sf]/f kl/>d au]sf] kfgL h:t} xf] . d]/f lktfk'vf{n] To:t} >d ub{} cfPsf lyP . pgLx¿sf] hLjg ;w}F k/fwLg lyof] . Pslbg a'af;Fu k9g] s'/f ubf{ eGg'eof], æufF;, af; c¿sf] xftdf ePsf] dfG5]n] s;/L k9g] <Æ a'afsf] of] egfO sf6g] cfwf/ d;Fu lyPg . t}klg d Psdlxg] ;fIf/tf sIffdf egf{ ePF . To;n] yf]/} eP klg d]/f] 1fgsf] rIf' vf]lnlbof] . cfˆgf] gfd n]Vg / ;fdfGo lx;fa ug{ ;Sg] ePF . clg yfxf eof], a'afx¿ lsg ldlxg]t dfq ug'{x'G5 < pxfFx¿nfO{ >dsf] d"No / pkof]lutf g} yfxf lyPg . kl/>dsf] d"No yfxf gkfpg] dfG5]sf] hLjgdf ;d[l4 s;/L k|j]z u/f]; < d'lQmsf] sfdgf ubf{ub{} efu]/ ef/t k;]+ . aflx/L ;+;f/ a'´g To;n] c¿ a9L ;3fof] . t/ ;d:ofaf6 d'Qm x'g km]l/ klg ;lsPg . ljjfx u/]kl5 ;;'/fnLn] vfPsf] !% xhf/ C0f ltg{ d km]l/ sd}of a;]F . oxL a]nf /ftlaxfg u/]/ s]xL 5'§} cfo;|f]t agfpg] sfd klg u/]F . b'O{ jif{df C0f r'Qmf eof] . To;kl5 pxL dflnssf] hUuf clwofF sdfpg yfn]F . oxL qmddf @)%& ;fpg @ ut] t sd}of k|yfsf] cGTo eof] . d'Qm sd}ofn] ;/sf/af6 ;xof]u kfpg] eP . t/ d]/f] …sd}ofÚ x}l;ot afFsL lyPg . of] s'/f dflns;Fu u/]F . pgn] d sd}of xf] egL sfuh agfOlbP . To;kl5 clwofF v]tLsf] qmd klg 6'6of] . ;/sf/n] jf:tljs d'lQm æd @)%& ;fnsf] ;/sf/sf] sd}of d'lQmsf] 3f]if0ffn] ubf{ dfq cfkm" d'Qm ePsf] 7flGbgF . ;/sf/sf] 3f]if0ff / cfly{s ;xof]u t dnfO{ of}6f cj;/ dfq lyof] . d]/f] vf; d'lQm t ;/sf/ / ;dfhn] pknAw u/fOlbPsf] Tof] cj;/sf] ;xL pkof]uaf6 ;Dej ePsf] xf] .Æ
  • 45. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 27 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 27 3/ agfpg !) xhf/ / Ps ;+:yfn] k;n vf]Ng ;ft xhf/ ;xof]u u¥of] . oxL k;nnfO{ cfwf/ agfP/ :jtGq hLjgsf] gofF ofqf z'? u/]F . k;nkl5 6fon agfpg] Joj;fo yfn]F . ldlxg]t / nugzLntfn] dnfO{ gfkmf dfq lbnfPg, c‰ b[9 eP/ sfd ug]{ xf};nf klg ylklbof] . d cj;/ / kfPsf] 1fg ldnfP/ ldlxg]t ub{} /x]+ . sfdsf] ;Ddfg ePkl5 cfkm"nfO{ ljZjf; ug{]sf] sdL gx'g] /x]5 . Ps ;+:yfsf] ljZjf; / ;xof]udf l;d]G6sf] l/ª agfpg] sfd z'? u/]+ . ;ft nfvsf] 7]Ssfdf c9fO{ nfv gfkmf eof] . g;f]r]sf] pGglt Û To;kl5 t d c¿ s]xLnfO{ sfd lbg ;Sg] ePF . /, ToxL qmd cfh;Dd lg/Gt/ 5 . cfh d cfkm}Fdf w]/} km/s kfpF5' . lxhf] d cfkm}F xlnof, cfh c¿nfO{ sfd lbPsf] 5' . lxhf] d sfdsf] h~hL/n] afFlwPsf] dfG5] . cfh sfd d]/f] xftdf 5 . lxhf] s]xL ug{ rfx]/ klg ;Sb}gy]F . cfh c¿af6 ;d]t s]xL u/fpg ;S5' . d @)%& ;fnsf] ;/sf/sf] sd}of d'lQmsf] 3f]if0ff cyjf To;kZrft lbOPsf] /sdn] ubf{ dfq cfkm" d'Qm ePsf] 7flGbgF . d t cfkm"leqaf6} d'lQm vf]lh/x]sf] lyPF . ;/sf/sf] 3f]if0ff / cfly{s ;xof]u t dnfO{ of}6f cj;/ dfq lyof] . d]/f] vf; d'lQm t ;/sf/ / ;dfhn] pknAw u/fOlbPsf] Tof] cj;/sf] ;xL pkof]uaf6 ;Dej ePsf] xf] . To;}n], eg]sf] x'F– …d cj;/sf] ;b'kof]udf ljZjf; u5'{Ú eg]/ . d]/f] lhGbuL / ljZjf; klg oxL xf] .
  • 46. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;28 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF28 Ibelieve in making the most of every opportunity. Sadly, the first serious challenge in my life was that I had to struggle for opportunity. I was born in a family of bonded laborers where generations of our family had served the landlord for two square meals a day. When I saw the landlord's children attend school, I also wanted to go and learn like them. But my fate wouldn’t allow that. The green pasture was my classroom and cattle herds were my companions. I worked from dawn to dusk. I could only dream about delicacies, such as meat or wearing new clothes. As I grew up, I began to hate my ancestral bondage and sought liberation. Generations of toil and sweat had drained down through time like a river, only to make us more dependent. One day, when I told my father about my wish for education, he asked how that was possible when survival itself was a battle of life and death. I did not have the answer. However, I joined a month-long literacy class in the village. The literacy class opened my eyes to knowledge and wisdom. Afterwards, I could write my name and do simple calculations confidently. My longing for freedom made me run away from my home to India. Those hard years in India taught me many things, but my problems were still the same. I returned to my village and worked as a Kamaiya or bonded labor to pay back the loan of 15,000 rupees that I had incurred during my marriage. I cleared the loan in two years. I continued working for the same landlord, this time not as a bonded laborer but under a contract scheme. Make the Most of Every Opportunity "I made the most of the opportunities that came by. Once your skill is recognized, there won’t be any lack of trust in you."
  • 47. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 29 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 29 The government abolished the Kamaiya system on July 17, 2000. All of the newly freed bonded laborers were supposed to get financial assistance from the government. I did not fit into that category as I was technically no longer a Kamaiya. But upon my request, my former landlord vouched that I was one of his men. I stopped working on other farms after receiving some seed money for rehabilitation. I then started a small shop. I have no words to describe the joy of being the master of that little shop. After some time I started making tiles, which returned a good profit. I made the most of the opportunities that came by. Once your skill is recognized, there won’t be any lack of trust in you. I started manufacturing cement rings and in one of the contracts I made a profit of more than 250,000 rupees. The profit was astounding! I counted the money again and again. With that experience, I was in a position to hire others to work for me. I strongly believe that I did not become liberated solely because the Kamaiya system was abolished and I received somefinancialhelp.Rather,myliberationwaspossibleby utilizing the opportunities provided by the government and the society in the best way possible. That’s why I believe in making the most of every opportunity. That’s what my life and belief are all about.
  • 48. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;30 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF30
  • 49. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 31 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 31 8f= eujfg sf]O/fnf kfNkfsf] u|fdL0f kl/j]zaf6 p7]/ Pl;of–cd]l/sfsf pTs[i6 d]l8sn o'lgel;{6Lx¿af6 cAan bhf{sf] l8u|L k|fKt u/L lrlsT;s ag]sf 8f= eujfg sf]O/fnf clxn] g]kfns} ;a}eGbf sxlnPsf d'6' ;h{g x'g . pgn] zxLb uËfnfn /fli6«o x[bo s]Gb|df cf7 jif{ sfo{sf/L lgb]{zssf] lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ubf{ g]kfndf d'6'sf] zNolqmof;lxt ;a} vfnsf] pkrf/ ;Dej 5 eGg] ljZjf; :yflkt ul/lbP . d[b'efifL / nhfn' :jefjsf 8f= sf]O/fnf k]zfk|ltsf] k|lta4tf / lg/Gt/sf] k|of;nfO{ ;kmntfsf] cfwf/ 7fG5g . DR. BHAGWAN KOIRALA BhagwanKoiralabecameadoctora erpassinghismedical exams with flying colors from top universi es in Asia and America. Today, he is the most renowned heart surgeon in Nepal. When he served for eight years as Executive Director of Shaheed Gangalal Na onal Heart Center, he proved that heart surgery and other sophis cated medical treatments are possible in Nepal. Polite and shy by nature, Dr. Koirala considers commitment and endless effort in one’s profession to be the bedrock of success.
  • 50. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;32 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF32 d@)%* ;fndf uËfnfn x[bo/f]u s]Gb|df lgb{]zssf] ¿kdf k|j]z u/]F . of] 7fpFdf klxn] 5fnfh'Qf sf/vfgf lyof] . d cfpFbf;Dd klg oxfF 5fnf sf/vfgfsf] cjz]if / uGw lanfO;s]sf] lyPg . c:ktfnnfO{ /fd|f] agfpg w]/} s'/f ug'{ cfjZos lyof] . ToxL a]nf d}n] c7f]6 u/]FM æof] c:ktfn c¿eGbf leGg agfpF5' . To;lglDt d cfˆgf] sfddf /dfpF5' / ;w}F sl6a4 eP/ nflu/xG5' .Æ cfˆgf] k]zf;Fu /dfpg ;s] k]zfk|ltsf] ?lr, nufj, ldlxg]t a95 . k]zfk|lt pTs6 rfxgf knfpF5 . pTs6 rfxgf;lxt u/]sf] sfdsf] kl/0ffd ct'ngLo klg x'G5 . d of] k]zfdf ;fFRr} /dfPsf] 5' . ddf o:tf] ljrf/ / ljZjf; w]/}kl5 knfPsf] xf] . cd]l/sfsf] Pp6f k|lzIf0faf6 kms{g] If0fdf ToxfFsf lzIfsx¿n] …g]kfndf uP/ s] u5{; ÛÚ eg]/ ;f]w] . d}n] eg]F, æyf 5}g, t/ d hfG5' .Æ x'g klg g]kfn kmls{P/ s] ug]{ eGg]af/] d]/f] lbdfun] s]xL ;f]r]s} lyPg . t}klg cfˆg} b]zdf s]xL u5{' eg]/ cfPF . Tof] a]nf d;Fu æhxfF h] 5, ToxfF To;}nfO{ cfwf/ agfP/ sfd ug'{k5{Æ eGg] ljrf/ dfq lyof] . d uËfnfndf k|j]z u/]s} ;fn …cf]kg x6{ ;h{/LÚsf] ;'?cft eof] . cj:yf sl7g lyof] . cfh ;DeFmbf klg cfª l;l/Ë x'G5 . kof{Kt pks/0f lyPgg . lsGgsf nflu cfjZos /sd lyPg . t/ d}n] xf/ dflggF . ;xsdL{x¿nfO{ ;d]6]/ lbg–lbgsf] sfo{qmd agfPF . cfjZos lgod agfP/ cfk"mn] kfng u/]F / u/fPF . c:ktfnsf] pGgltnfO{ ;Dk"0f{ sd{rf/Lsf] uGtJosf] ¿kdf :yflkt u/fPF . Pskl5 csf]{ ub}{ cfpg] ;d:ofn] cj/f]w k'¥ofpg] x'g ls eGg] 8/ klg obfsbf nfUYof] . t/ sfd ub{} hfFbf yfxf eof]M ;d:of t sfdk|lt Odfgbf/ gx'g]nfO{ kf] 7"nf] afwf aGbf]/x]5 Û cfk"mn] tgdg lbP/ sfd u/], ;fy lbg]x¿ s}of}F lg:sFbf /x]5g Û Ps hgf pBf]ukltn] c:ktfnsf] ljsf;sf nflu Ps s/f]8;Dd rGbf lbP . slt u[lx0fLn] cfˆgf] 3/vr{af6 /sd arfP/ klg la/fdLsf] ljZjf; æPp6f d'6'/f]uL cfpF5 / …d]/f] hLjg tkfO{+sf] xftdf 5Ú eG5 . cToGt k|uf9 cf:yf / ljZjf; k}bf ePkl5 g} s;}n] cfkmgf] hLjg c¿ s;}sf xftdf ;'lDkg ;S5 . xhf/f}+sf] o:t} ljZjf;, e/f];f / dfof kfPsf] ;DemFbf d]/f] 5ftL rf}8f x'G5 .Æ
  • 51. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 33 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 33 rGbf lbPsf 5g . eGbf of] s'/f ;fdfGo nfU5 . t/ o;sf] dxŒjnfO{ d leqL txdf cg'ej u5'{ . To:tf] rGbfs} sf/0f s}of}F ul/a / s'gfsfKrfsf dflg;n] d'6'/f]usf] pkrf/ kfpg ;s]sf 5g . o;nfO{ d cfˆgf] k]zfk|ltsf] Odfgbf/L / sl6a4tfsf] kl/0ffd 7fG5' . d'6'sf] zNolqmof Û hLjg / d[To'aLr v]ln/xg'kg{] sfd xf] of] . o:tf] ;D‰Fbf klxn] 8/ nfUYof] . t/ cfhsn zNolqmof Pp6f cfjZostf ag]sf] 5 . cfˆgf] k]zfk|lt d olt cEo:t eO;s]sf] 5' lsÙ s'g} lbg c:ktfndf dxŒjk"0f{ sfd gu/L 3/ kms{+bf vNnf] nfU5 . oxL c:ktfndf d}n] clxn];Dd d'6' / /QmgnLsf] ;d]t u/]/ ;ft xhf/ hgfsf] zNolqmof ul/;s]sf] 5' . (^ k|ltzt zNolqmof ;kmn ePsf 5g . s;} s;}n] oqf] ldlxg]t u/]/ s] kfO; eg]/ ;f]Wg] / 3f]Rg] klg u5{g . o;df oxL kfPF eg]/ eGg dnfO{ ufx|f] x'G5 . Pp6f d'6'/f]uL cfpF5 / æd]/f] hLjg tkfO{+sf] xftdf 5Æ eG5 . cfˆgf] hLjg c¿ s;}sf] xftdf ;'Dkg] s'/f cfkm}Fdf ;fgf] xf]Og . cToGt k|uf9 cf:yf / ljZjf; k}bf ePkl5 g} s;}n] cfˆgf] hLjg c¿ s;}sf xftdf ;'lDkg ;S5 . xhf/f}Fsf] o:t} ljZjf;, e/f];f / dfof kfPsf] ;D‰Fbf d]/f] 5ftL rf}8f x'G5 . la/fdLsf] ljZjf; / dfof g} d]/f] ldlxg]tsf] pknlAw xf] . of] g} xf] d]/f] lhGbuL / d]/f] ljZjf; .
  • 52. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;34 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF34 Ijoined the Shaheed Gangalal National Heart Center in 2001. Earlier, the building was a leather factory. Remnants of the leather factory could still be seen and felt there. A lot had to be done to develop the building as a hospital. I made a promise to myself: “I shall make this hospital different from others, and I will enjoy my work and serve with a sense of commitment.” It is my impression that work becomes a joy when one shows full interest, a sense of commitment, and puts total passion into it. I really enjoy my profession. Such thinking came to me later in life. Before returning from my medical training in the United States, the teachers there had asked me, “What will you do in Nepal?” I replied, “I don’t know, but I will go.” Actually, I did not even have a faint idea of what I was going to do in Nepal. But I returned home with the determination that I would do something worthwhile. We started the Shaheed Gangalal National Heart Center the very next year. It was difficult. Even today I feel perturbed by those memories. We did not have enough resources or funds to buy equipment, but I did not lose hope. I prepared the daily schedule with my colleagues. I formulated necessary rules, enforced them, and adhered to them myself. I established the idea that the advancement of the hospital should be the goal of every staff member. I have learned during the course of my work that problems often arise when one is not sincere about his or her work. I have always put my heart and soul Commitment, Con nuity, and Success "Imagine, a heart patient comes to me and says, “Doctor! My life is in your hands.” To offer one’s life to the hands of somebody else is in itself not an ordinary matter."
  • 53. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 35 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 35 into my work. Many people are there to help you if you are committed to your work. One industrialist donated 10 million rupees for the hospital’s development. Many housewives have saved on their household expenses and donated that money to the heart center. Such donations are used to provide treatment to patients from poor families and remote areas. I consider this the result of my sincerity and commitment to my profession. Heart surgery is a matter of life and death. In the beginning,Iwasscaredattheverythoughtof it.Butthese days, performing heart surgery has become a necessity. I have become so familiar with this work that I would feel unhappy if I returned home without doing some worthy job at the hospital. I have performed surgeries on 7,000 individuals in this hospital alone. Ninety-six percent of the surgeries have been successful. Some people sarcastically ask me what I have achieved after all this hard work. It is difficult to answer their questions. Imagine, a heart patient comes to me and says, “Doctor! My life is in your hands.” To offer one’s life to the hands of somebody else is in itself not an ordinary matter. A person can make this type of offering only when there is a deep trust and confidence in the other person. My own heart swells with pride when I recall how many people have given me their trust and confidence. The trust and love that the patients have given to me is the result of my efforts. This is my life, my belief.
  • 54. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;36 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF36
  • 55. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 37 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 37 afns[i0f hf]zL BAL KRISHNA JOSHI afns[i0f hf]zL @)@( ;fndf sf7df8f}+df hGd], ot} x's]{ / P;Pn;L kf; klg u/] . To;kl5 pgn] cf7 jif{ cd]l/sf a;]/ k9] . ;g !((% df g]kfn kmls{P/ pgn] c¿sf] eGbf leGg Joj;fo /f]h] . Tof] Joj;fo lyof]– ljb]zaf6 g]kfndf pkxf/ k7fpg ;3fpg] OG6/g]6 lahg]z . afns[i0fn] :yfkgf u/]sf] 7d]n 86 sd gfds sDkgL cfh ljb]zdf a;]sf g]kfnLsf lglDt g]kfndf /x]sf cfkmGtnfO{ pkxf/ k7fpg] Pp6f e/kbf]{ dfWod alg;s]sf] 5 . hf]zLsf] ljrf/df gofF k|of]un] k'/fgf] sfddf klg gofFkg ylklbG5 . Born in 1973 in Kathmandu, Bal Krishna Joshi studied for four years in the U.S. a er passing his school leaving certificate or graduation examinations. He returned to Nepal in 1995 and chose a profession different from most others in Nepal – online business. Balkrishna established www.thamel.com, and it has become a reliable way for Nepaleseexpatriatestohavegi sdeliveredtotheirfamilies andlovedonesinNepal.Joshibelievesnewideascanmake old jobs more effec ve.
  • 56. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;38 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF38 d}n] To:tf] gofF s]xL u/]sf] 5}g . ;a}n] u/]s} sfd u/]sf] x'F . j:t'sf] k|of]u ubf{ c¿n] eGbf km/s tl/sf ckgfPsf] dfq xF'' . g]kfndf OG6/g]6sf] k|j]z;Fu} Rof6 u/]/ /dfOnf] ug{] ;+:s[lt df}nfpFb} lyof] . t/ d}n] Rof6sf] ;§f OG6/g]6af6 Joj;fo ug{] ;f]r agfPF . d x/bd gofF–gofF tl/sfsf] vf]hLdf x'G5' . lxhf]sf] k|ljlw jf tl/sf cfh k'/fgf] eO;s]sf] x'G5 . cd]l/sfaf6 ;f9] rf/ jif{sf] cWoog k"/f u/]/ kms{]kl5 Pp6f sDkgLdf ;]N;d]gsf] ¿kdf sfd u/]F . oxfFsf slt ;fyLefOx¿ g]kfndf s]xL xF'b}g eg]/ lg/fzf kf]Vy] . dnfO{ eg] gofF tl/sfn] sfd ubf{ s]xL x'G5 eGg] nflu/xGYof] . oxL ;f]r ;fyL;Fu ldn]/ …;fkmÚ v]nsf] nflu /sd p7fpg] …g];gn nf]§f] 8f]g]zg k|f]u|fdÚ gfds OG6/g]6df cfwfl/t sfo{qmd tof/ kf/]F . of] sfd r'gf}tLk"0f{ lyof] . sltn] o:tf] s'/f g]kfndf sfd nfUb}g eg]/ ;DemfP klg . t/, cfTdljZjf;sf ;fy u/]sf] sfd klxnf] jif{d} ;kmn eof] . lglZrt sfg"gL k|fjwfg gx'Fbf To;nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg eg] ;lsgF . t}klg Tof] sfd ubf{ lrg]sf /fd|f sDKo'6/ Ol~hlgo/ / lj1 o'jfx¿sf] ;Lk k|of]u x'g]u/L OG6/g]6sf] csf{] gofF pkof]lutf vf]Hg yfn]F . ToxL gofF vf]hsf] Jofjxfl/s pkh lyof] thamel.com sf] ;'?cft . g]kfn cfpg rfxg] ljb]zL ko{6s / g]kfnsf 6«fen Ph]G;LnfO{ cfk;df e]§fOlbg] dfWod aGof] thamel.com . of] sfd s]xL ;do /fd|/L g} rNof] . t/ lj:tf/} 6«fen Ph]G;Lx¿n] cfkmF} j]a;fO6 vf]Ng yfn]kl5 d]/f] Joj;fo cf]‰]ndf kb{} uof] . cfh sf7df8f}+ / cGo zx/x¿df pknAw OG6/g]6sf] ;'ljwfnfO{ clwsf+z dflg;x¿n] /dfOnf] / ;fdfGo va/ cfbfgk|bfg ug{d} ;Lldt u/]sf 5g . t/ oxL OG6/g]6nfO{ ljb]lzPsf g]kfnLx¿n] g]kfnsf cfkmGtnfO{ pkxf/ k7fpg] dfWod agfPsf 5g . thamel.com df /flvPsf pkxf/sf cfO6d x]/]/ ljb]zaf6 g]kfndf vl/b u5{g / xfdL To;nfO{ 3/ 3/df k'¥ofOlbG5f}+ . of] ;kmn klg ePsf] 5 . cfdfsf] d'v x]g{] lbgdf xf]6n ¥ofl8;gsf] cfwfeGbf a9L s]s thamel.com n] vl/b u/]/ ljb]lzPsf ;kmntfsf] /x:oM nugzLntf æslt ;fyLefOx¿ g]kfndf s]xL xF'b}g eg]/ lg/fzf kf]Vy] . dnfO{ eg] gofF tl/sfn] sfd ubf{ s]xL x'G5 eGg] nflu/xGYof] . d ;w}+ gkm:6fO/x]sf] sfddf km:6fpg] tl/sf vf]lh/x]sf] x'G5' . gofF tl/sfn] u/] k'/fgf] sfd / lrhnfO{ klg gofF prfOdf k'¥ofpg ;lsG5 .Æ
  • 57. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 39 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 39 g]kfnLsf gfddf w]/}sf 3/–3/df k'¥ofof] . ljb]zdf a:g] g]kfnLn] cfdfsf] nflu olt w]/} sf];]nL thamel.com dfkm{t vl/b u5{g eGg] d}n] sNkgf klg u/]sf] lyOgF . t/, gofF tl/sfn] slxn]sfxLF g;f]r]sf] ;kmntf NofpFbf] /x]5 . gofF sfd ;w}+ ;kmn x'G5 g} eGg] 5}g . d}n] klg w]/} c;kmntfx¿ ;fdgf u/]sf] 5' . t/ lg/Gt/ k|of; / cfzfjfbL ;f]rn] o;df Jofj;flos ;kmntf t xfl;n ePsf] 5 g}, ;Fu} JolQmsf efjgf / ;+j]bgfsf] jfxs klg x'gk'u]sf] 5 . cd]l/sfdf /x]sf Ps JolQmn] thamel.com dfkm{t cf]d c:ktfndf /x]sL la/fdL cfdfnfO{ Pp6f v]nf}gf -6]•L ljo/_ k7fP . Tof] v]nf}gf kfpFbf tL a"9Lcfdf clt v';L eOg . ;fob pgnfO{ Tof] v]nf}gf ;'D;'DofpFbf cfˆg} 5f]/f] ;'D;'DofPsf] cfgGb k|fKt eof] . v]nf}gf ;'D;'DofPsf] kfFr ldg]6d} pgn] ;bfsf] nflu cfFvf lrlDng . sfd ubf{ slxn]sfxL+ ;d:of cfpF5g . gofF tl/sfn] z'? ul/Psf sfddf t ‰g plQs} r'gf}tL Û t/ ul/aL x6fpg ;xof]u u/]sf] egL ljZj a+}saf6 …6f]gL h]O6gÚ k'/:sf/ kfPkl5 d c‰ gofF–gofF tl/sf k|of]u ug{ pT;flxt ePsf] 5' . ufpF–ufpFdf OG6/g]6 k'¥ofP/ ljb]zL ko{6ssf] nflu cfkt kbf{ cfly{s ;xof]u ug{] tl/sf ckgfpFb}5' . of] s'g} gofF k|ljlw / gofF sfd x}g . dfq d}n] k|of]u ug{] tl/sf gofF xf] . w]/}n] oxfF w]/} sfd km:6fpFb}gg eG5g . t/, d ;w}+ gkm:6fO/x]sf] sfddf km:6fpg] tl/sf vf]lh/x]sf] x'G5' . gofF tl/sfn] u/] k'/fgf] sfd / lrhnfO{ klg gofF prfOdf k'¥ofpg ;lsG5 . of] d]/f] cg'ej xf] / ljZjf; klg .
  • 58. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;40 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF40 Ihave done nothing new really, but I have adopted a different approach to doing business. When the cyber culture became widespread, chatting online was very popular. But I thought of doing business through the Internet rather than simply chatting with my friends. I am always testing innovative ideas. After completing four years of study in the U.S., I came back to Nepal and joined the Chaudhary Group as a sales manager. Some of my friends were pessimistic, saying nothing new or bright works in Nepal. But I always believe that working with a new approach makes the difference. It was this belief that inspired me to take the lead and develop the national lotto donation program to collect funds for the 1999 South Asian Federation Games. The job was very challenging. Some people commented that such ideas would not work in Nepal, but any job done with confidence is likely to be successful. I could not, however, continue with this business due to the lack of e-business laws in Nepal. I started to search for a new business venture that would use my cyber skills to create a new generation of business. My efforts created www.thamel.com, an electronic bridge to connect foreign tourists with Nepalese travel agencies. The business went well for some time, but travel agencies soon started their own websites and my business slowed down. I had to come up with a new approach. From my time in the U.S., I remembered that Nepali expatriates living abroad used the same Internet to send souvenirs to their loves ones at home. Now, they browse for gifts New Ideas for an Old Job "I thought of doing business through the Internet rather than simply chatting with my friends. I am always in search of innovative ideas."
  • 59. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 41 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 41 and souvenirs posted on www.thamel.com and purchase them online, and we deliver them to addresses in Nepal. One Mother’s Day, www.thamel.com purchased more than fifty percent of all the cakes at the Hotel Radisson and delivered them on behalf of expatriate Nepali clients. Once, a Nepali expatriate in the U.S. sent a teddy bear to his ailing mother who was undergoing treatment at Om Hospital. His old mother was extremely happy to get the teddy bear. Caressing the doll perhaps gave her the feeling of caressing her son. Within five minutes, she passed away while hugging the doll in her arms. I had never imagined so many expatriates would buy gifts through www.thamel.com. The innovative idea has paid off well. It is not necessary for a new venture to always succeed. I have also had several failures, but perseverance and positive thinking lead to success. More challenges arise in new ventures. I have been more encouraged to use innovative approaches after winning the Tony Zeitoun Award for poverty reduction, which is sponsored by the World Bank. I am now experimenting with ways to provide financial assistance to foreign tourists during emergencies and also to help villages connect to the Internet. All I am trying to do is use new approaches. Many complain that new professions don’t grow in Nepal, but I am always seeking ways to add life to stagnant business sectors. New approaches can create new openings to the same old culture. This is my experience, my belief.
  • 60. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;42 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF42
  • 61. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 43 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 43 nlntfb]jL lag LALITA DEVI BIN cToGt ljkGg kl/jf/df af/fsf] O6ofxLdf hlGdPsL #^ jifL{o nlntfb]jL lagn] klxnf]] kGw| jif{ c¿sf] v]tdf sfd u/]/ latfOg . To;/L lbgel/ sfd ubf{ pgn] tLg lsnf] wfg Hofnfsf] ¿kdf kfpFlyg . t/ pgn] Ps lbg l;Gsf agfpg] tflnd lng] cj;/ kfOg . clg ToxL tflndaf6 l;s]sf] ;Lkn] pgsf] hLjg ablnlbof] . clxn] pgL dlxgfsf] ?=!) xhf/;Dd sdfpg ;Sg] ePsL 5g . nlntfsf] ljrf/df ;Lkn] g} hLjgdf ;Defjgfsf] 9f]sf vf]lnlbFbf] /x]5 . Born into a very poor family 36 years ago, Lalita Devi Bin spent her first 15 years working in other people’s fields. All she received as the day’s wage was three kilograms of rice. One day she had the opportunity to learn how to make smallbamboos cksforincenseandthatli lebitoftraining changedherlife.Todayshe’searningupto10,000rupeesa month. She believes new skills open new avenues in life.
  • 62. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;44 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF44 d;Lkdf ljZjf; u5'{ . lsgls ;Lkn] ;kgf b]Vg] cfwf/ / gofF /x/x¿ lbG5 . ;Lkn] cfTdlge{/tf;Fu} :jtGqtf klg lbG5 . ;Lk l;Sg'cufl8 d]/f s'g} ;kgfx¿ lyPgg . g s]xL ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf lyof], g t cfF6 . lyof] t s]jn ul/aL dfq}, Tof] klg lj/f;tsf] ¿kdf . ul/a kl/jf/af6 ul/a kl/jf/d} ljjfx u/]/ cfpFbf ;DklQsf] gfpFdf yf]/} hUuf / To;df afF;sf s]xL ‰fª lyP . Tof] a]nf dnfO{ c¿sf]df sfd ug{{ hfg nfh nfUYof] . t/ ef]sf] k]6n] w]/} lbg 3/leq nhfP/ al;/xg lbPg . d sfd ug{ hfg yfn]F . >Ldfg O{+6f ˆofS6«Ldf sfd ug'{x'GYof] . d tLg lsnf] wfgsf] nflu lbgel/ ;fx"sf] v]tdf kl;gf r'xfpFy]+ . of] ;d:of 5f]/f5f]/L ePkl5 ‰g a9b} uof] . Tof] a]nf nfUYof], ul/aLsf] ;d:ofn] o;/L g} lhGbuLe/ lslr/xG5 . #! jif{ o;/L g} lat]kl5 hLjgdf of}6f gofF df]8 cfof] . uf]kLrGb 7fs'/n] xfdLnfO{ afF;sf] l;Gsf agfpg] tflnd lbg] of]hgf NofP . d ;w}F ;fx"sf]df sfd ug{] dfG5] . afFsL pd]/ klg o;/L g} sfd u/]/ vfg] afx]s c¿ s'g} ;f]rfO dgdf lyPg . oqf] kl;gf aufpFbf t s]xL x'Fb}g eg] afF;sf] l;Gsf lr/]/ s] x'G5 < dnfO{ ljZjf; nfu]g . t/ uf]kLrGb k6s k6s cfP . xfd|f] cfˆg} hUufdf ePsf] afF;sf] gofF lsl;dn] pkof]u u/] hLjg wfGg ;lhnf] x'g] atfP . gkTofO{ gkTofO{sg pxfFsf] s/df gofF sfd u/] h:tf] ug{ yfn]F . t/ ha sfd ug{ yfn]F, ta nfUof] ;Lkn] ;fFRr} b}lgs hLjgnfO{ ;lhnf] agfpFbf] /x]5 . d}n] kfPsf] tflndn] afF;af6 cu/aQLnfO{ rflxg] l;Gsf agfpg dfq l;sfPg, pknAw ;|f]t;fwgnfO{ gofF 9Ën] k|of]u u/]/ cfˆgf] lbgrof{ abNg] df}sf klg lbof] . tLg lsnf] wfgsf] nflu rsf{] 3fddf vl6g] afWotfaf6 d'lQm t ldNof] g}, plQ g} ;do sfd ubf{ tLg lsnf] wfgsf] ;§f rfdn} lsGg ;Sg] k};f, Tof] klg 3/d} a;L a;L sdfpg yfn]F . k};f arfP/ c¿ sfd klg ug{ ;Sg] ePF . cfh dnufot c¿ kRrL; hgf l5d]sLx¿ oxL ;Lkaf6 cfocfh{g u/L u'hf/f rnfO/x]sf 5f}F . of] sfd ug]{ l5d]sLnfO{ ;xof]u ug{] lhDd]jf/L klg d]/f] sfFwdf cfPsf] 5 . l;Gsfsf] ;Lkn] ;xh agfp“5 lhGbuL æ;Lkdf hLjgnfO{ ;/ntf lbg] zlQm x'G5 . yf]/} yf]/} u/]/ la:tf/} w]/} kl/jt{g lbg] u'0f x'G5 . ;Lkdf dfG5]nfO{ cfTdlge{/ agfpg] zlQm x'G5 . of] g} d]/f] hLjgsf] ljZjf; xf]Ù d]/f] ef]ufO xf] .Æ
  • 63. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 45 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 45 nflu cfjZos afF; vf]Hg] . cfkm" / l5d]sLx¿n] agfPsf l;Gsf ahf/df nu]/ a]Rg] . cfPsf] /sd pgLx¿nfO{ a'‰fOlbg] . x'g t w]/}sf] cfFvfdf of] sfd s]xL klg xf]Og . t/ t/fO{sf] 6G6nfk'/ 3fddf kl;gf k'5g klg gkfO{ sfd ug'{kg{] dnfO{, :jtGqtfk"j{s of] sfd ug{ kfpg' 7"nf] pknlAw ePsf] / of] ;a} oxL l;Gsf lrg{] ;Lkn] lbPsf] xf] . cfh oxL ;Lkn] cfo;|f]t lbnfPsf sf/0f Pp6L lhDd]jf/ cleefjs klg aGg ;s]sL 5' . kfFr hgf 5f]/f5f]/Lsf] nQfsk8f, vfgf / k9fO o;af6} wflgPsf] 5 . klxn]s} cj:yf ePÙ d h:t} logLx¿n] klg s'g} ;fx"sf] v]taf/Ldf sfd ug'{kYof]{ . :s"n t sNkgf eGbf 6f9fsf] s'/f x'GYof] . t/ of] l;Gsf lrg{] ;Lks} sf/0f d 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ pHofnf] eljiolt/ 8f]¥ofpg ;kmn ePsL 5' . lxhf], e}+;L kfn]/ b"w a]Rbf, laxfg !) b]lv kfFr ah];Dd v]tdf sfd ubf{ klg cefj g} cefj x'GYof] . 3fdkfgL t k/ 5f]8f}F, la/fdL xF'bf klg cf/fd ldNb}gYof] . t/ cfh xftdf ;Lk ePkl5 sfd ul//xFbf klg cf/fd} x'G5 . s'g} klg ;Lksf] s'/f klxn] cgf}7f] nfUg ;S5 . Tof] ;Lksf] kl/0ffd gu0o jf ;fgf] nfUg ;S5 . t/ ToxL ;Lkdf hLjgnfO{ ;/ntf lbg] zlQm x'G5 . yf]/} yf]/} u/]/ lj:tf/} w]/} kl/jt{g lbg] u'0f x'G5 . ;Lkdf dfG5]nfO{ cfTdlge{/ agfpg] zlQm x'G5 . of] g} d]/f] hLjgsf] ljZjf; xf]Ù d]/f] ef]ufO xf] .
  • 64. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;46 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF46 Ibelieve in learning new skills because they give me the basis to dream. Skills also make one self-reliant and independent. I did not have any dreams before I learned how to make incense sticks from bamboo. Neither was I in a position to do anything nor did I have the courage to do so. All I had was plenty of poverty. Born into a poor family, I was married to a poor man who owned only a little land and a few bamboo plants. A hungry stomach gives you little choice. I started working on a landlord’s farm under the scorching sun for a meager salary of three kilograms of rice per day. My husband worked in a brick factory, but our poverty deepened after we had children. After spending 31 years this way, I reached a turning point in my life. Gopichandra Thakur came to the village with a program to train us how to make small incense sticks from bamboo. I had been working for the master for so many years, and was doubtful that life would be better with these small sticks. But Gopichandra visited us regularly. He convinced us that life would improve if we utilized our locally available resources. Half-heartedly, I started learning the new skill and soon realized it was a great help. I learned how to make small bamboo sticks for incense as an income-generating device. Now, I do not have to work any longer in the hot sun for the whole day to earn just three kilograms of rice. I saved some money to do other activities as well. Today, 24 other neighbors and I are making our living through this skill. Moreover, I have the added responsibility of looking for bamboo and marketing the product for the group. New Skills Ease Life "Any skill may appear normal and its output common, but the potential of the same skill to make life easier for some people has great significance. Skills have the power to make people self- reliant."
  • 65. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 47 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 47 This is not a big deal in the eyes of many people. But for me, who had no choice but to work in the field in the hot terai, it is a significant achievement. It is the result of learning this new skill to produce small incense sticks. This new skill has helped me to become a responsible guardian. I am getting resources to make a living and educate my five children. Had I not known this skill, I would still have been working for the landlord for an uncounted number of hours. Sending my children to school would have been a distant dream. Making the two ends meet had not been possible earlier when I worked for the landlord. Rain or shine, I could never rest, even if I were sick. But today I have my new work that makes me content. Any skill may appear normal and its output common, but the potential of the same skill to make life easier for some people has great significance. Skills have the power to make people self-reliant. This is my experience and my belief.
  • 66. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;48 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF48
  • 67. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 49 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 49 Ambar Gurung is a towering musician in Nepal. Born to a Lahure (Army) family in Darjeeling, India, in 1937, Ambar has had a keen interest in music since early in his life. Ambar took to music with the encouragement of his mother.HefirstenteredNepalaround1968andcomposed musicfor30yearsasastaffmemberattheNepalAcademy. He is equally busy composing music today, and his music invigorates the souls of Nepalese living in different parts of the world. AMBAR GURUNG cDa/ u'?ª cDa/ u'?ª g]kfnsf chDa/ ;ËLtsf/ dflgG5g . lj=;+= !(($ df Pp6f nfx'/] kl/jf/df bfhL{lnªdf hlGdPsf cDa/nfO{ ;fg}b]lv ;ËLtdf 7"nf] ;f]v lyof] . a'afeGbf cfdfsf] xf};nfdf ;ËLt If]qdf cufl8 a9]sf cDa/ @)@% ;fnlt/ g]kfn l5/] / g]kfn k|1f–k|lti7fgdf /x]/ tL; jif{;Dd ;ËLtsf] ;fwgf u/] . pgL cfh klg plQs} ;lqmo 5g / pgsf sfnhoL uLtx¿n] ljZjsf s'gf– s'gfdf a;]sf g]kfnLx¿sf] dgnfO{ em+s[t t'NofO/x]sf 5g .
  • 68. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;50 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF50 ljåfgx¿ eGg] u5{gÙ h'g} klg ljifodf ;kmntf xfl;n ug]{ k|yd v'6lsnf] ;sf/fTds ;f]rfO xf] . ;fg} pd]/b]lv d]/f] hLjg ;ª3if{sf] d}bfgdf lyof] . To;a]nf dnfO{ ;sf/fTds tyf gsf/fTds ;f]r s'g r/Lsf] gfd xf] yfxf lyPg . t/ …x'g ;Sb}gÚ cyjf …ug{ ;lSbgFÚ eGg] vfnsf] ;f]r eg] ddf slxNo} klg cfPg . cfh;Dd klg d}n] o;nfO{ s]nfpg ;s]sf] 5}g ls s;/L ddf ;sf/fTds ljrf/ lglxt eof] Û d]/f] ;fËLlts hLjg o:t} ;sf/fTds ljrf/af6 k|]l/t ePsf] 5 . To;a]nf g ;ËLtsf u'?x¿ lyP, g ;ËLt :s"n, g t ;ËLtsf kf7ok':ts g} . To;dfly, w]/}sf 3/df h:t} d]/f] 3/df klg ;ËLt k|ltalGwt lyof] . To;tfsf ;ËLt l;s]kl5 dfG5] a/flnG5 eGg] wf/0ff k|an lyof] . t/ To:tf] kl/l:yltaf6 klg d ljrlnt eOgF . :j/lnlk cyjf gf]6]zg x]/]/ c¿n] ;ËLt ahfPsf] b]Vbf d cfZro{rlst x'Gy]F . nfUYof], …d cfkm" klg Ps lbg To;/L g} ahfpg ;Sg] x'g]5' .Ú ;ËLtk|ltsf] o:tf] cvl08t k|]d / ;ÍNkn] ubf{ g} d kl5 uP/ w]]/}nfO{ ;ËLt lzIff lbg ;dy{ ePF . d}n] cxdsf] s'/f u/]sf] xf]Og . ;ËLt ljwf ckf/ / c;Lldt 5 . clxn] klg d ;ËLt l;ls/x]sf] 5' . To;f] t ;ËLt dfq lsg / < s'g} klg 1fgsf] ljwf ckl/ldt / ;LdfxLg g} x'G5 . d}n] olt dfq eGg vf]h]sf] x''F, ;sf/fTdstf g} OR5fzlQmsf] To:tf] aLh xf] h;n] sfnfGt/df ;kmntfsf] ;'ulGwt k"mn / /l;nf] kmn kmnfpg ;S5 . l;h{gzLntf cyjf …lqmPl6le6LÚsf] nflu rflxg] pmhf{ sNkgfzLntf xf] . gsf/fTds ljrf/af6 u|l;t JolQmn] sNkgf ug{ ;Sb}g cyjf ub}{g . s'/f ;g @))% sf] gf]e]Da/sf] xf], bfhL{lnª uPsf] a]nf xfdLnfO{ w]/} jif{cl3 6g{a'ndf k9fpg] u'? sfzLgfy zdf{;Fu e]6 eof] . u'?;Fu w]/} b'Mv–;'vsf s'/fx¿ eP . u'?n] eGg'ef], æltdLn] xfdLnfO{ w]/} uf}/jflGjt agfPsf 5f} cDa/ Û cfh ltd|f] sqf] gfd 5 x]/ t, g]kfnL ;dfhdf .Æ hLjgsf] pmhf{ ;|f]t æ;ª3if{sf lbgdf cyjf cfk"mn] b'Mv kfO/x]sf] a]nfdf dnfO{ klg obfsbf gsf/fTds ljrf/x? gcfPsf xf]Ogg, t/ d}n] To:tf ljrf/nfO{ k|>o lbFb} lbOgF . lsgeg] …s]xL u/]/ dfq d5'{Ú eGg] Pp6f b[9;ªsNk dleq lyof] .Æ
  • 69. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 51 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 51 d}n] rflxF Tolta]nf cfˆg} s'/f u/]+5', ægfd dfq} 5 ;/, gfdcg';f/sf] bfd 5}g .Æ d]/f] 7f8f] hjfkm u'?nfO{ lrQ a'‰]g5 . pxfFn] t'?Gt} eGg'eof], ægfdeGbf 7"nf] bfd xf] / cDa/ < ltdLx¿nfO{ k9fpFbf d]/f] xfnt Psbd} g/fd|f] lyof] . n'ufdf sf]6;Dd lyPg . dg k/]sf] s'/f vfg ;lsFb}gYof] . clxn] dlxgfdf !$÷!% xhf/ k]G;g cfpF5 . ;fgf] 3/ 5, 5f]/f5f]/L ;a} sdfpF5g . clxn] /fd|f] vfg]s'/f lsGg ;S5' t/ krfpg ;lSbgF . of] pd]/df /fd|f] n'uf nufP/ lxF8] gSsn kf/]sf] eg]/ lvNnL p8fpnfg eGg] 8/ . t/ ltdLn] cfˆgf] gfd cfsfz h:t} ljzfn / cd/ t'NofPsf 5f}+ . s] Tof] pknlAw 7"n} xf]Og / <Æ sfzLgfy u'?sf s'/f ;'g]/ d]/f cfFvfaf6 cfF;' ‰/], u'?sf] klg . w]/} jif{kl5 u'?af6 ;sf/fTds ;f]rsf] csf]{ lzIff kfPF . ;ª3if{sf lbgdf cyjf cfk"mn] b'Mv kfO/x]sf] a]nfdf dnfO{ klg obfsbf gsf/fTds ljrf/x¿ gcfPsf xf]Ogg, t/ d}n] To:tf ljrf/nfO{ k|>o lbFb} lbOgF . lsgeg] …s]xL u/]/ dfq d5'{Ú eGg] Pp6f b[9;ÍNk dleq lyof] . s''g ;+of]un] xf], eGg ;lSbgF t/ To:tf] a]nf dnfO{ :j]6 df6]{g, 8]n sfg]{uL, leg;]G6 kLn cflbsf pQd s[ltx¿ k9g] ;'of]u ldNof] . tL ;a} n]vsx¿ ;sf/fTdstfdf ljZjf; dfq ub}{gy], ;sf/fTds kIfsf …P8ef]s]6Ú / k|rf/s ;d]t lyP . To;}af6 dnfO{ yfxf eof] d}n] u/]sf] ;ª3if{ w]/} w]/} nfdf] l;F9Lsf] klxnf] v'6lsnf] dfq xf] . /, hLjg?kL l;F9L hlt;'s} nfdf] / psfnf] eP klg, ;sf/fTds lrGtg / ljrf/ af]s]/ lxF8g]n] ;xh} plSng, kf/ ug{ ;S5, lsgeg] To;lglDt rflxg] pmhf{ ;sf/fTds ljrf/af6 lg/Gt/ lgM;[t eO/x]sf] x'G5 . of] d]/f] ef]ufOhGo cg'ej dfq geO{ hLjg–ljZjf; klg xf] .
  • 70. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;52 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF52 The wise say the first step to excel in any field is to think positively. My life was a struggle when I was young, and I did not have the least idea of what either positive or negative thinking was. I did not exactly have negative feelings that things were unattainable, but I cannot say exactly when positive thinking took root in me. Somewhere along the way, it did and it changed my life. A person with a negative attitude cannot create. When I was young, my musical journey began with positive thinking. There weren’t music gurus or schools or books in those times. Music was a forbidden fruit in many homes. There was a misconception that music would spoil children. However, I was not put off by these ideas. I remember being surprised at seeing others play music simply by looking at notations on paper. I wished that one day I would also be able to do a similar thing. As a result of my resolve and unflinching commitment to music, I learned how to read and play music. In fact, I have been able to give music lessons to so many people. I am not being proud in saying this. The realm of music is infinite and transcends all boundaries. Imagination is indispensable for creativity. In 2005, I met my old music teacher, Kashinath Sharma. We had a long talk about life’s ups and downs. My teacher began by saying, “Ambar you have made us so proud. You have such a great name in Nepali society!” I took it lightly and made a quick remark, “There is only a name, but not much money!” My teacher was unhappy with this attitude. He instantly replied, “Is money more important than your reputation, Ambar? "The realm of music is infinite and transcends all boundaries. Imagination is indispensable for creativity. " Source of Energy
  • 71. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 53 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 53 When I was your teacher, earning a living was tough. I couldn’t imagine buying a new coat. Today I receive 15,000 rupees in pension. I have a small house, all my children can make their own living. I can now afford to have good food and buy the clothes I like. And even though I can now buy the choicest of food, I cannot digest it properly. But your fame has touched the zenith. Is that not an achievement?” The moving words brought tears to my eyes and those of my teacher, too. Many years down the road, I had received a poignant dose of positive thinking from Kashinath sir, my teacher. By the grace of opportunity, I happened to read the writings of authors like Dale Carnegie, Swet Marden, and Norman Vincent Peale. The writers not only believed in positive thinking, but they also advocated positive thinking. I learned that my struggle was the first tier of the ladder. Anyone with positive thinking is able to climb this eternal staircase of life because positive thinking creates that energy to persevere. This is the realization of my life, my belief.
  • 72. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;54 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF54
  • 73. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 55 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 55 bLgaGw' kf]v/]n DINBANDHUPOKHREL o'jf kl08t bLgaGw' kf]v/]nn] efujt jfrgdfkm{t af6f], s'nf], k'n, c:ktfn, ljBfno cflb ;fdflhs ;+/rgfx¿ lgdf{0fsf] lglDt s]xL ca{ ?k}ofF ;ªsng ul/lbO;s]sf 5g . pgn] jfrg ug]{ k'/f0fsf syfx¿df bfgjL/sf] dfq k|z+;f x'G5 . t/ bLgaGw'sf] jfssnfn] wgL–ul/a ;a}nfO{ …bfgLÚdf ¿kfGt/0f ul/lbG5 . cfkmgf afa'sf] xTofsf] lhDd]jf/L :jLsf/]sf] kf6L{sf lglDt;d]t pgn] s/f]8f}+ p7fOlbPsf 5g . bLgaGw' dflg;nfO{ c;n aGg k|]l/t ug{] s?0ffefjdf ljZjf; u5{g . Dinbandhu Pokhrel is a Hindu priest who has generated billions of rupees to construct roads, canals, bridges, hospitals, schools, and other public infrastructure projects by reciting the Bhagawat, ancient Hindu stories about Lord Krishna. Benefactors are always eulogized in the stories of Puranas, or religious Hindu texts, that he recites. Dinbandhu’s oratory skills encourage the rich and the poor alike to become benefactors for community projects. He even generated millions of rupees for the poli cal party that admitted killing his father. Dinbandhu believes in affec on and mo va ng people to become noble.
  • 74. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;56 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF56 xfd|f] kfFr k':tfn] kl08TofOFsf] sfd ub{} cfPsf] xf] . a'afn] ;Lldt JolQmsf] 3/df x'g] o1, ;KtfxnfO{ cfd ;d'bfodf k'¥ofpg'eof] . @)^@ ;fndf a'6jnsf] dxfo1df k|jrg lbg] qmdd} crfgs a'afsf] xTof eof] . Tolta]nf d xtf; ePF . kl08TofOF xfd|f] kl/jf/sf] /Llt ePsf]n] cfdf / xh'/a'afn] dnfO{ a'afs} af6f]df nfUg] ;Nnfx lbg'eof] . sltn] rflxF a'afs} xfnt x'G5 eg]/ gnfUg] ;Nnfx klg lbP . dxfo1af6 ljBfno, SofDk;, c:ktfn lgdf{0fsf] nflu k};f p7fOlbg] h:tf] c;n sfd ubf{ub{} a'af laTg'ePsf] lyof] . of] s'/f ;D‰]kl5 dleq ;'if'Kt cj:yfdf /x]sf] s?0ffefj hfu[t eP/ cfof] . s?0ff x/]s JolQmleq ;'if''Kt cj:yfdf /xg] elQmefj xf] . d s?0ffsf] zlQmdf ljZjf; u5'{ . oxL efjgf c¿leq klg hufpg vf]H5' . s?0ffefj d d]/f] a'afsf] xTof/fleq klg vf]H5' . p;nfO{ ;ba'l4 cfcf]; Û pmleq s?0ff hfu[t eP/ c¿sf] lxt x'g] sfd u/f]; Û h;/L ljZjljBfno lgdf{0fsf] nflu ;'v{]tsf df]tLk|;fb eGg] Ps JolQmn] ?=%^ nfv / cfkm"n] agfPsf] ljZjljBfnodf w]/}n] lzIffsf] pHofnf] b]Vg] cj;/ kfpF5g eg]/ ;'v{]tjf;Ln] !))! lj3f hldg;lxt #@ s/f]8sf] ;DklQ bfg u/] . s?0ff cfWoflTdstfsf] leqL kf6f] xf] . o;n] cfkm"leqsf] h8tf / kmf]xf]/nfO{ kmfN5 . s?0ffn] Ps JolQmsf] x}g l;Ëf] ;dfhsf] pTyfg ;f]R5 . oxL pTyfgsf] lglDt eg]/ n]vgfy gu/kflnsfsf bDktLn] cfkm" / cfˆgf] lktfk'vf{n] sdfPsf] ;DklQ bfg u/] . s?0ffefjs} sf/0f ag]kfsf] r08]Zj/ o1df Ps a"9Lcfdfn] cfˆgf] d'Gb|L ;d]t bfg ul/g . pgL;Fu uxgf To} dfq ePsf]n] bfg gug{ d}n] cg'/f]w u/]F . oxL sf/0fn] pgsf] 3/‰u8f klg eof] t/ s?0ffefjn] ubf{ pgn] c¿sf] ;xof]usf] nflu cfˆgf] d'Gb|L bfg ug'{d} hLjgsf] ;Gt'li6 b]lvg . oxL s?0ff xf], h;sf] sf/0f sf7df8fF} h:tf] ;DklQ sdfpg xf]8afhL rNg] 7fpFdf klg kf/;dl0f a/fnn] ?=%@ nfv bfg lbP . s'n]Zj/sf] Ps dfWolds ljBfnodf gofF ejg ag]/ ljBfyL{n] dg'ifTj cyf{t s?0ffefj æd]/f] p2]Zo t dflg;leqsf] s?0ff hufP/ …;j{hg lxtfoÚ JolQmx?nfO{ bfg ug{ clek|]l/t ug'{ xf] . o;s} kl/0ffd xf], g]kfnuGhsf] ;Ktfxdf d'l:nd ;d'bfon] ?=@) nfv / dfu]/ u'hf/f rnfpg] s'g} levf/Ln] ?=!@)) bfg ug'{ .Æ
  • 75. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 57 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 57 ;xh ¿kdf k9g kfpg' g} pgsf] ;'v aGof] . a'6jnsf afns[i0f bfxfnnfO{ ?=#) nfv bfg ubf{ ;fdfGo ‰}F nfUof] . dxfo1df d}n] efujt k9bf lxGb" wd{sf] k|rf/ u/]sf] h:tf] klg b]lvG5 . t/ of] wd{ljz]ifsf] k|rf/ x}g . d]/f] p2]Zo t dflg;leqsf] s?0ff hufP/ …;j{hg lxtfoÚ JolQmx¿nfO{ bfg ug{ clek|]l/t ug'{ xf] . o;s} kl/0ffd xf], g]]kfnuGhsf] ;Ktfxdf d'l:nd ;d'bfon] ?=@) nfv / dfu]/ u'hf/f rnfpg] s'g} levf/Ln] ?=!@)) bfg ug'{ . g]kfnsf #) eGbf a9L lhNnfdf u/]/ (@ j6f dxfo1 ul/;s]sf] 5' . tL o1x¿dfkm{t ljleGg 7fpFdf ef}lts k"jf{wf/ tyf ljsf; lgdf{0fsf] nflu ‰08} ?=@ ca{ p7]sf] 5 . o;/L p7]sf] /sddf d]/f] JolQmut nf]e /xFb}g . ohdfgx¿n] :j]R5fn] lbPsf] /sd dfq} lnG5' . csf{] o1 ug{nfO{ d afFRg] cfwf/ oxL g} xf] . d}n] d]/f] ;d"xnfO{ klg tna lbg'k5{ . x'g t sltn] s'/f klg sf65g /] Û t/ pgLx¿;Fu d]/f] s'g} u'gf;f] 5}g . a?, pgLx¿leq klg /fd|f] ;f]rsf] ljsf; xf]; eGg] sfdgf u5'{ . s?0ffn] dgleqsf] To:tf] zlQmnfO{ phfu/ u5{ h;n] s'g} klg 8/–qf;;Fu ljrlnt geO{ c;n sfddf nflu/xg] k|]/0ff lbG5 . oxL s?0ffs} sf/0f d a'afsf] b]xfGtkl5 klg pxfFs} kblrGxdf lxF8g ;s]sf] 5' . d}n] u/]sf o1sf sf/0f ljleGg 7fpFdf ljBfno, SofDk;, af6f] / k'n ag]sf 5g . ljZjljBfno / c:ktfn lgdf{0f x'g] qmddf 5g . To;sf] lglDt d]/f] o1dfkm{t w]/}n] bfg u/] . t/, bfg d]/f] o1df p7] klg Tof] pgLx¿sf] s?0ffefjsf] b]g xf] . o1 / k|jrg t pgLx¿ / d]/f] s?0ffaLrsf] ;]t' dfq xf] . h'g s?0ff hf]l8P/ ;dfh / dfgjlxtsf] sfd eO/x]sf] 5 . ToxL s?0ff hufpg' d]/f] sd{ xf], d]/f] wd{ klg xf] . oxL g} d]/f] lhGbuL xf], oxL g} d]/f] ljZjf; xf] .
  • 76. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;58 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF58 Our family has been in the priesthood for five generations. My father popularized religious ceremonies like Yagya and the week-long Saptaha in larger communities. My father, however, was killed while giving a religious discourse in 2005. After that, I was numb with fear. When I decided to take up my father’s profession as a priest, I was warned that I would face a similar fate. My father had died while engaging in the noble cause of collecting proceeds from religious functions for schools, colleges, hospitals, and other development efforts. I was overwhelmed with compassion when I realized this noble cause. Compassion is a subtle, yet divine feeling within individuals. I believe in the power of love and I try to evoke this feeling in others. I even look for compassion when thinking of my father’s assassins. I wish they will have the wisdom to do good to others, like Moti Prasad of Surkhet who donated more than five million rupees and the people of Surkhet who donated enough land and 320 million rupees to build a public university. Compassion is an essence of spiritualism that makes people think of the well-being of society rather than just of an individual. This type of feeling inspired one couple of Lekhnath Municipality to donate all their property. An elderly woman donated her earring, the only ornament she had. I asked her not to donate it. Despite resistance from her family, she saw the richness of life in donating to charity. In Kathmandu, where people compete to earn more, Compassion is Within All "My objective is to encourage people to donate for philanthropy. The Muslim community in Nepalgunj donated two million rupees and a beggar even donated 1,200 rupees for the public good."
  • 77. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 59 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 59 Parasmani Baral donated five million rupees to see high school students studying in a new building in Kuleswor, Kathmandu. Similarly, Balkrishna Dahal of Butwal donated three million rupees to build a new school. It may appear that I am preaching the Hindu religion when I recite the Bhagawat Gita. It's not like that. My objective is to encourage people to donate for philanthropy. The Muslim community in Nepalgunj donated two million rupees and a beggar even donated 1,200 rupees for the public good. I have already organized92holyfireofferingsorMahayagyasinover30 districts. Nearly two billion rupees have been collected through these Yagyas for infrastructure development. I don’t have a personal interest in these proceeds. I only accept the amount given to me voluntarily which helps me organize another Yagya. I also am able to give a salary to those who regularly assist me in making the Yagyas. Compassion evokes in me the feeling to work for the public good without fear. I have been able to live up to my father's dreams because of compassion. Schools, colleges, roads, and bridges have been built due to my Yagyas. A university and hospital are under construction. The donations provided in Yagyas are purely acts of compassion. The Yagyas and prayers I give are vehicles of compassion between the people and me. It is my duty to inspire compassion in my listeners for the well-being of society and human kind. This is my belief, my conviction.
  • 78. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf;60 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF60
  • 79. d]/f] lhGbuL M d]/f] ljZjf; 61 MY LIFE : MY BELIEF 61 /fd/tLb]jL /fd RAMRATI DEVI RAM Ramrati Devi Ram and others like her could never imagine standing in front of the village landlords and supposed superiors. Dalits or so-called untouchables like her would only work in the fields of landlords and it was these landlords who fixed their wages. Despite being an unle ered Dalit woman, Ramra Devi Ram took the lead in rebelling against such inhumane behavior. Today, she is a member of Nepal’s Cons tuent Assembly. She believes inthepowerofexpression,whichservesasthefounda on for jus ce and equality. ufpFdf hldgbf/ clg 7"nf hftsf elgg]x¿sf] cufl8 pgLx¿ pleg' klg x'Fb}gYof] . blntx¿ hldgbf/x¿sf] v]tdf sfd ug{ t hfg'kYof]{ t/ Hofnf pgLx¿n] g} tf]Sy] . o:tf] c;Eo / cdfgjLo Jojxf/ lj?4 cfjfh p7fpg cu|;/ eOg l;/xfsL Ps ckl7t blnt dlxnf /fd/tLb]jL /fd . /fd/tLb]jL /fd clxn] ;+ljwfg;efdf ;ef;b 5g . pgL af]nLsf] zlQmdf ljZjf; ul5{g h;n] ;dfgtf clg Gofosf] hu v8f u5{ .