This document discusses framing in media and how social media has changed citizen-produced and traditional media interactions. It provides examples of how black newspapers framed stories differently than mainstream outlets. Additionally, it overviews a study that analyzed how candidates used social media like Twitter, Facebook, blogs and videos during the 2011-2012 presidential primaries to disseminate information without traditional media gatekeepers.
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Negativity and Framing of the 2012 Presidential Primaries
1. An Analysis of Negativity
in the 2011-12 Presidential Primaries
Mia Moody-Ramirez, Ph.D. & Joseph Brown, Ph.D.,
Aundrea Payne, Madeline Lloyd and Lyzette Garza,
3. The Art of Framing
How do you all define framing?
4. The making of a frame…
Within the framing body of work, history has shown that socioeconomic status, race and
education can make a difference in how reporters frame certain issues.
Why is this of significance?
6. Good Frames, Bad Frames
Unemotional ice queen Caring, friendly, nice
7. Same Story, Different Lens
Former Chicago defender executive director Roland Martin provides an illustration of framing
differences in black and mainstream newspapers in an August 16, 2005, article:
You would have read this one line at the end of their Aug. 9 news briefs: died: John H. Johnson, 87,
publisher of Ebony and Jet magazines, in Chicago. The man [Johnson] spent 60 years building a
business from $500 to $500 million, donated personally and through his companies more than $100
million and all he could merit in the one national newspaper dedicated to business is one funky line?
Yet, if you read the Chicago Defender, you would have read 16 separate stories, columns, editorials,
and seen countless pictorials celebrating his life. Same story. Different set of eyes. Different mission.
Different result. In the words of the founders of the first black newspaper, Freedom’s Journal, we
must plead our own cause (p. 3).
What type of framing does this exemplify?
8. Media Outlets
Versus Citizen
User Generated Content
14. Social Media
Social media have taken on a new importance in
political campaigns.
Platforms such as Twitter allow politicians to
disseminate information without a gatekeeper
15. Web sites & E-Mails
07-08 Presidential Primaries created a contest to find out who could come up with the best photo
illustrations of Hillary Clinton.
23. Study Overview
The next three speakers will explore how
candidates utilized social media during the
2011-12 Presidential Primaries
URSA Grant
24. Methods
Using a content analysis, researchers
looked at Twitter, Facebook,
advertisements and blogs.
They identified key themes emphasized in
the selected sample.