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Michael Chorost
Early this April, when researchers at Washington University in St. Louis reported that a woman with
a host of electrodes temporarily positioned over the speech center of her brain was able to move a
computer cursor on a screen simply by thinking but not pronouncing certain sounds, it seemed like
the Singularity–the long–standing science fiction dream of melding man and machine to create a
better species–might have arrived. At Brown University around the same time, scientists
successfully tested a different kind of brain–computer interface (BCI) called BrainGate, which
allowed a paralyzed woman to move a cursor, again just by thinking. Meanwhile, at USC, a team of
biomedical engineers announced that they had successfully used carbon nanotubes to build a
functioning synapse–the junction at which signals pass from one nerve cell to another–which
marked the first step in their long march to construct a synthetic brain. On the same campus, Dr.
Theodore Berger, who has been on his own path to make a neural prosthetic ... Show more content
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The result, after a lifetime of first being hard of hearing and then shut in complete auditory solitude,
as he recounted in his memoir, Rebuilt: How Becoming Part Computer Made Me More Human
(2005), was dramatic and life–changing. As his new, oddly jejune book, World Wide Mind: The
Coming Integration of Humanity, Machines, and the Internet, makes clear, he is now a cheerleader
for the rest of us getting kitted out with our own, truly personal, in–brain computers. In Chorost's
ideal world, which he lays out with the unequivocal zeal of a convert, we will all be connected
directly to the Internet via a neural implant, so that the Internet "would become seamlessly part of
us, as natural and simple to use as our own
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Michael Chorost
Designing The Unadventurous Gaming Process
The project entitles "BrainARC" is a Game Application that can be played by any person. This
Game Application will be catchy for all the age groups above seven years. Objective of this
application is to automate the unadventurous gaming process. It helps in finding solutions to the
manual unadventurous gaming process. The application analyses the problem of dealing with the
great deal of manual work. It will be handling the situations related to human brain and to ease up
the user's mental and physical stress.
The main aim of the project is to increasing the efficiency of the management process of the brain
and to better maintain various skills of the player and to articulate. It involves transforming the
already existed manually operated conventional gaming to the electronic application, so that it can
be accessed easily. Manual and conventional gaming devices must be preserved and conserved for
longer use and then must be cultivate properly to have the visibility as that of the new one, as after a
prolong period its gets diminished, and may not provide same thrill though maintained for future
requirement. But whenever it comes to the electronic giddy, it provides us with an enhanced quality
of graphics and controls that ecstasies the participant every time it gets into it.
This Game Application will assist the concerned participants in maintaining their records and
searching proper matching of their difficulty levels only at mouse click. Manually find out
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Michael Chorost
Different Types Of Cloud Storage : Information And Drives
USB PENDRIVE USB Pen Drives are often used for the same purposes as the floppy disks or CDs
were used. This means they are used for storage, data back–up and transfer of computer files from
one computer to another one. 2GB TO 256GB
SD/ MICRO SD MEMORY CARD Micro SD is a type of removable flash memory card used for
storing information, data, and etc. This type is mainly used in Mobile Phones, Tablets and Cameras.
2GB TO 256GB MAGNETIC TAPE STORAGE Magnetic tape data storage is a system for storing
digital information on it through digital recording. This was used in the olden days to store data.
This used mainly to store songs and track recording and etc. 160GB
CLOUD STORAGE Cloud ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
100 to 1000 MBPS
Device/ Component Image Description
Board A motherboard is one of the most essential parts of a computer system. It is sometimes called
the mobo, mainboard, main circuit board and etc. for short. It holds together different types of
computer parts, the central processing unit, memory and connectors for input and output devices.
CPU Socket A CPU (Central processing Unit) socket is a connection that allows a computer
processor to be connected to a motherboard. It is the brain of computer where most calculations take
place and it is one of the most important component of the computer.
Dim Slots DIMM slots are (Dual In–line Memory Module) slots.
They are mainly used to keep hold of the RAM (Random Access Memory) modules on the
PCI Slots
PCI stands for (Peripheral Component Interconnect). It is referred as a computer bus and mainly
comes in 32bit or 64bit variant. This is used by the computer to connect PCI video card, network
cards, sound cards, tv tuners and etc.
PCI–E Slots
PCI Express stands for (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express).It are mainly used over the old
PCI Slots as its very high speed serial computer expansion bus. They come in different sizes:
PCI Express x1: 18 pins (25 mm)
PCI Express x4: 32 pins (39 mm)
PCI Express x8: 49 pins (56 mm)
PCI Express x16: 82 pins (89 mm)
PATA/IDE Ports PATA stands for Parallel ATA. It is an
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Michael Chorost
Wireless Communication And Control System
A Brain–Computer Interface is a communication and control system in which human mind can be
translated to the external world without the help of the normal output pathways of muscles and
nerves. Each time we do something or think about doing something, our brain generates distinct
signals. These signals corresponding to an activity, has a pattern. Finding this pattern is a
challenging job and is the main task of any Brain–Computer Interface. A BCI acquires these signals
from the brain of a user in the form of Electroencephalography (EEG). Then after pre processing,
feature extraction and classification, it translates these signals into meaningful commands or
instructions to drive a device or application. Electroencephalography is used to record electrical
fields that represent the brain signals and are generated due to the local brain function.
Most of the applications today are only used in computers and just focus on the realization of
direction strategies. To meet the potential increasing user's needs and explore interacting processes
with people's mental states, we design an application that maps signals from the human brain and
performs operations like calling, messaging, gaming and photography. The brain signals are mapped
and stored to create different commands using a series of refined signal processing procedures.
These commands are declared and defined to perform the above mentioned operations like calling,
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Michael Chorost
Emotiv System Essay
Emotiv System Min
Company Background
When Tan Le and Nam Do sold their company and earned a large of money in 2003, they decided to
take a new challenge about processing brain signals. Then, together with Allan Snyder, a physicist
and Neil Weste, a chip designer, they founded Emotiv Systems Inc.. The company built a R&D
lab to develop a workable system about brain signals process. Finally, the team had a breakthrough–
successfully developed basic technology called EPOC, which can detect 30 mental states and
process brain signals into software algorithms.
Now, The company wants to launch this new kind technology into market. However, there are many
issues need to be decided, such as: 1. To launch as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The following is the comparison for seeking cooperation with different console makers. Console
maker | Group of consumer | Issues | Nintendo Wii | Casual gamers | 1.Lacking in computational
power.2.Planing to focus on improving existing technology rather than trying a new one. | Sony PS3
| Mix of hard–core games | Harm for cooperation:1.Sony company was highly divisive with PS3
hardware and software.2.Sony Europe was willing to cooperate with Emotiv, but it needed to dumb
down EPOC just for releasing a simple version.Benefit for cooperation:1.Sony PS3 is less
competitive than Wii for less complex controllers and needs a new technology.2.Sony Europe group
has autonomy to decide whether to cooperate with Emotiv. | Microsoft Xbox 360 | Hard–core
gamers | 1.Not include a high–definition DVD in console2.Taking a policy of "wait–and–
see".3.Wanna others to prove the concepts first |
According the comparison above, we can conclude Sony is the best choice if Emotiv manages to
convince one of the console makers in time for a fall 2008 debut. And the demand of new product
needs to focus on hard–core gamers. Then, the marketing strategy is the key to best facilitate rapid
adoption. Product | With the platform of Sony PS3 and EPOC system | Price | Using Penetration
pricing to capture market share | Place | Retail channel including Sony and Best Buy, e–tailers,
company | Promotion | Bundling with PS3, Selling CDs
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Michael Chorost
BCI Stereotypes
Use of BCI in making ANIMATED Movies
Brain Computer Interface:
Brain computer Interface is connection between brain and computer or other external devices. It
enables to do external activities such as control of cursor or moving artificial hand. (wikipedia)
 How nerves work
Brain is the center of nervous system, like a micro processor in computer.
Spinal cord is connected with nerves as gates are connected with wires in the computer. Nerves
carry signals to coordinate different parts of bodies. Central nervous system consist of brain and
spinal cord it includes cranial nerves( it works in such a way that they connect your sense organ to
your brain) and central nerves (it works in such a way that it connects areas within spinal cord and
brain) Neurons transmit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Medical applications :
Health care centers can use brain signals for prevention, detection, diagnosis and restoration. BCI
system can detect abnormal brain structure or brain damage if someone drinks alcohol or smokes.
BCI technology gives paralyzed people a way to communicate with outer world. BCI technology
does not depend on muscle control.
BCI Subtypes:
Active BCI:
An active BCI is a BCI that controls direct thought such as imaging to move your limbs and you
directly control and manipulate something with that such as application.
Reactive BCI:
A reactive BCI is BCI which derives its output from brain activity that arises in reaction to external
stimulation. For example if you focus on a flickering light then the Brain Computer Interface
analyses this input.
So you are dependent on the things happening in the environment.
Passive BCI:
Passive BCI is a BCI which derives its output from arbitrary brain activity without the purpose of
voluntary control .It picks up any process that your brain generate while you are doing something
like driving a car or relaxing. It can pick up your work load or your
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Michael Chorost
Sensing And Manipulation Through Touch
Abstract: Haptics refers to sensing and manipulation through touch. Haptic Interface helps in
exploring part of the environment and achieving tactile identification of objects, positions and
orientations. Haptic device gives people a sense of touch with computer generated environments, so
that when real/virtual objects are touched, they seem real and tangible. Now days we focused on the
involvement of haptics in solving challenging problems in the streams of mechanical design,
actuators and real time system. This paper presents a description of study on haptic virtual
environments, haptic interfaces, haptic working procedure and different applications like touch–
based surgical simulation which is not only made to improve realism of virtual environments, but
also to provide important information through the sense of touch.
The word Haptic is derived from the Greek word "haptesthai". Haptic technology or haptics is
tactile feedback that takes advantage of user's sense of touch by applying forces, vibration and
motion to the user [1]. The definition of haptics includes all aspects of information acquisition and
object manipulation through touch by humans, machines, or a combination of the both and the
environments can be real, virtual or tele–operated. Now a days the term "haptic interface" has been
used by researchers to describe devices that measure the motion and stimulate the sensory
capabilities of our hands. There is a long history in the
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Michael Chorost
Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Brain-Computer Interface...
A Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) often called Brain–Machine Interface (BMI), Mind–Machine
Interface (MMI) or Direct Neural Interface (DNI) is a computer–based system that connects the
brain to an external device. The aim of Brain–Computer Interfaces is to export the user's intention to
the world through a connected device using his thoughts. Nowadays BCIs are mostly used to repair
or restore sensory–motor or cognitive functions after injuries or disorders such as the locked–in
syndrome. The field of BCI research has been focused on neuroprosthetics applications (Anupama,
Cauvery and Lingaraju, 2012). The most widespread reported neuroprosthetics nowadays is the
cochlear implant, with over 324'200 users worldwide as of December 2012 (Nidcd.nih.gov, ... Show
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On the more theoretical part, there is also research to find better algorithms to decode and analyse
the brain signals. Also translation is being researched as to be transposed to all or most
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Michael Chorost
The First Task Of Either A Writer Or A Critical Book Reviewer
The first task of either a writer or a critical book reviewer is to imagine the audience for whom the
work is intended. For us at Interface, that is those interested in the impact of the Internet.
Some works, however, like the one under review, defy easy classification, perhaps because they fail
to target an appropriate audience or to speak consistently to it. This might be a sign of a weak book,
not actually suitable for anybody; too much of its content may miss the mark. Both a reader's time
and resources are, after all, limited. Our usual approach to such a work would be to simply ignore it.
IBrain, by Dr. Gary Small and Gigi Vorgan, comes close to being such a book. But this is a book that
many readers will want to like; it deals with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But despite the significance of the topic, this book has some serious flaws. It gropes for a consistent
analysis, and seems not to be aimed at any one audience. It focuses, very loosely, upon two groups
at either end of the scale of Internet users–savvy "digital natives" and wary
"digital immigrants." The work attempts to unite these two audiences and to speak to both of them
by arguing that each are facing a similar problem, however different its consequences may be to
either group.
The modern brain, the authors argue, is forced by increasing use of digital materials into a process
they choose to describe as "evolutionary." It is this latter argument that makes the work most
interesting, however much we may question the pragmatic utility of some of the authors' suggested
solutions, delivered rather repetitively and at sometimes tiresome length.
Part of the problem with the book's unclear focus is that Small and Gorgon often concatenate the
television generation and the digital natives in a rather facile manner, by suggesting that television
has many of the same negative consequences as does computer use, particularly isolating its rapt
audience from wider social engagement. [1]
The book has two core arguments to make, one about each generation. Digital Natives, the authors
feel, lack social skills because of their isolation from direct human contact, that is, person–to–person
contact. This deprives them of the
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Michael Chorost
The Effects Of Video Games On Physical Health
Excess playing time
International studies have shown that between seven and eleven per cent of gamers show some
symptoms associated with addiction. Some teens are heavy users of online role–playing games
(RPGs) such as World of Warcraft and multiplayer games such as Call of Duty in which they
interact with other players in real time. These teens will often neglect schoolwork and other aspects
of their daily lives when they become immersed in these games. The American Medical Association
has identified "video game overuse" as 'behaviour'.
World of Warcraft, one of the most popular online games, is played by more than ten million
devotees around the world; in general, online gamers spend more than 20 hours a week playing. The
potential negative effects on physical health are another concern relating to excessive video game
playing. If a child spends long periods of time playing video games, it may come at the expense of
more active pastimes. http://mediasmarts.ca/video–games/concerns–about–video–games Cost of
Video games are a fun hobby, but no one ever said it was an inexpensive one. For example a brand
new console such as the PS4 or an Xbox One will cost you around £300–400 standalone with
absolutely no games. Factoring in the price of games this will usually cost about £40–50 easily for
new releases. And if that wasn't enough PC gamers have an even harder time when it comes to
building their machine as a moderate gaming rig will cost the average user around
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Michael Chorost
Argumentative Essay On Microwaves
Name: Lai Ming Hin
Title: Brainwaves prevent carjacking and drunk driving
You might not own a car, but in case you do, would you afraid of thieves stealing your car when
you're not nearby? Here this technology might help you out of trouble. A Japanese engineer called
Isao Nakanishi developed an always–on biometric security system for cars [1]. This system can
detect your personal statuses. If it ensures you will drive normally, it is just normal, you can start the
engine. However, if it detects that you are not in a nice driving mode, like you are intoxicated or
might fall asleep, or simply if the driver isn't you, the engine cuts out due to safety concern.
From the International Journal of Vehicle Design, a researcher at the Department of ... Show more
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Drivers' personal statuses decide whether they are suitable to drive, and carjackers no longer
succeed in car hijackings. Yet this technology isn't mature. The whole machine with electrode that
drivers need to wear on his dome is unpleasant. It also comes to my concern that if the user really
wants to drive under intoxication, would they just throw away the brainwave detector? This is about
self–conscious. Whether to make this mandatory to all drivers or not is a question.
There are still lots of problem researchers need to solve and improve on. But the whole idea of
preventing drivers' safety is absolutely positive and right. Maybe the researchers can create a tiny
implant which is put into drivers' brains that could force the drivers to use it all the time in the
future, to achieve its aim of truly preventing drivers from accidents. Imagine how it looks like later,
when you get to the car, it is already opened, and automatically closed when you leave them. Not
only for cars, maybe they will also spread this technology on all the human devices like smartphone
and computer.
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Michael Chorost
The Lateral Sclerosis ( Als ) Is A Neurodegenerative...
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes loss of motor
neurons and progressive weakness including loss of speech(Wijesekera & Leigh, 2009). Its onset
typically occurs in the sixth decade of life but rare instances can happen earlier. It can begin as
bulbar onset which affects the voice, breathing and speech patterns or limb onset which can begin in
the arms or legs (Wijesekera & Leigh, 2009). Roughly 90% of cases of ALS are sporadic and not
linked to familial history of the disease(Wijesekera & Leigh, 2009). Once ALS starts it almost
always progresses, eventually taking away the ability to walk, dress, write, speak, swallow, and
breathe and shortening the life span. There is no treatment or cure for ALS, however there are a few
drugs which have been able to slow the progression of the disease in some patients. As a result
affected individuals become "locked in" and unable to communicate. These patients can benefit
greatly from the use of a brain computer interface (BCI)(Birbaumer, 2006; Coyle, Ward, Markham,
& McDarby, 2004).
BCI can help individuals communicate without relying on muscular control, which is critical for
clinical populations of neuromuscular disease patients, such ALS (Wolpaw, 2002). The use of BCI
can enable communication and increase quality of life but to date the effects of mental fatigue have
been ignored. However, the current state of BCI technology and overall usability is not advanced
enough to replace more
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Michael Chorost
Brain Computer Interfaces Essay
The methods for interaction between humans and computers has greatly evolved over the years,
providing alternative human computer interfaces using haptic perception, voice recognition and gaze
control. One of these most recent developments of the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is the
Brain Computer Interface (BCI), which represents a system that allows humans to interact directly
with computers and other devices and thus with their surrounding using their brain activity. The
increase of the number of applications has increased the need for interfaces for these applications.
BCI is one of these interfaces that made possible the detection of different brain signals and the
translation of user's intentions into real actions. This report addresses the different steps required for
the collection of these signal and their correct interpretation into real commands such as:
preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. The report continues with discussion of the
various applications of the BCI devices, including description of some the commercial devices and
their characteristics and concludes with an overview of the trends and challenges of BCI. BCI
Devices Concepts, type of devices, advantages and disadvantages Brain Computer ... Show more
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The BCIs have many applications and has seen progress in several different fields such as the
medical domain – helping people with disabilities to interact with different devices and increasing
their quality of life or for treatment of neurological disorders; social domain – for social interactions
and capturing feelings and emotions and achieving personal well–being; entertainment –providing
new ways for users to interact and to have control in a virtual
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Michael Chorost
Smart Hci Helping People With Disabilities Essay
Smart HCI–Helping People With Disabilities
Technology has reached an age where it is able to interact with human eye movements, gestures and
even speeches, resulting in the human computer interaction era. The central nervous system in the
human body that controls the bodily movements and allows us to interact with the computers is
referred to as the motor system. However, even with these technological advancements the world is
experiencing, the human body is far from safe. Every day, thousands of people are suffering from
paralysis; which takes away their ability to move and communicate.
This paper aims to discuss a new branch in human computer interaction known as brain computer
interaction to conclude on the most appropriate method, be it the non–invasive
electroencephalography technique or the invasive electrocorticigram technique, to heal paralysis.
The reasoning behind the decision will be based on two experiments that are both used to measure
whether the brain can read imaginary and real signals as well as identify the origin of these signals.
These experiments both show a high rate of success yet it can be concluded that the invasive
electrocorticigram technique is better due to a higher percentage of accuracy and a smaller
percentage of possible errors.
Keywords: brain computer interaction; brain machine interface; invasive; non–invasive;
electrocorticigram; electroencephalography.
Human computer interaction has changed
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Michael Chorost
Communication Technology Research Project : How It Works,...
Morgan Lucas
September 29, 2014
Survey of Mass Communication
Dr. Paul Jacoway
Fall 2014
Communication Technology Research Project Technology today is constantly growing and
expanding into forms that we could never imagine, or we could but we just didn't think it was
possible. In any of the movies about the future we see amazing technology being put to use. I don't
know about you, but personally I always think to myself how far fetched it all seems. The new
communication technology I chose really overwhelmed me at first. I couldn't believe all the
different ways it could be used for all different types of people and the lengths it could reach. The
technology that I decided to write my paper on is called Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCI). I will
discuss what exactly BCI is, how it works, and its application in today's world. Brain–computer
interface is a technology that has been around for a while, however the technology has really taken
off in recent years. The thing that makes this technology so dynamic is the fact that it can be useful
to the everyday person in some applications and in other applications it can change the way people
live. That means that the demographic of the targeted market is extremely diverse. Brain–computer
interface is a direct link between the human brain and an external device, specifically computers.
BCI can be used to aid, expand, or repair cognitive or sensory motor skills. What this means is, BCI
can be applied in more of an entertainment sense
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Michael Chorost
Modern Robotic Arms
Mind–melding as between the machines and animal is not something never heard of. The
researchers have tried to attempt it since as early as the beginning of 1970s. Some studies in the past
within interfaces of brain–machine have enabled the monkeys to gain control of the robotic arms as
well as the people who were paralyzed to control the cursors over the screen. Even then the
researchers could not know it at all if the humans would be able to control the robotic arms for
performing finer and complex tasks like having the capability to maneuver in 3 dimensions and also
grasping any small thing without moving or else knocking it down.
It is from many years that the scientists predicted that the connection of brain and computer would
permit the people with any injuries of spinal cord and the brain to live lives independently, without
help from their folks or those around. This is something that has kept the hope of such paralyzed
people alive from a long time but with minimum results.
A robotic arm that is thought–powered is the innovation which could put independence in reach for
the disabled patients. They could think of leading their lives without constantly looking for someone
to run their tasks for them. In a study lately, 2 people who had around total paralysis of the body
could reach for and get hold of little foam balls as well as a coffee thermos, by using only the signal
of their brains for directing the motion. Conclusion
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Michael Chorost
Artificial Intelligence Vs. Ai
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE or AI is a machine or a computer that learns from the surroundings
and the mistakes it has committed in the past and then uses its logical processing system to evolve
into an improved machine or a computer. Artificial Intelligence can be broadly classified into two
categories namely; I. Specialized AI. II. General AI. I. Specialized AI: The computers, sophisticated
machineries, automated systems for specific tasks are specialized AIs. Specialized AI is developed
to serve a specific purpose for the assistance of humans. Such systems are programmed only to
perform application tasks. Example: Automatic brake systems in a car, motion sensor based
automatic toilet flush, autopilot in an airplane and so on. II. General AI: The types of AI that are still
unknown to the human race or those which are just on paper as a futuristic idea come under general
AI. The technology that is known to us but is in its initial phases and undergoing development also
comes under this category. Example: The AI machines we often see in movies. Further more AI can
be categorized as; I. Embodied AI & II. Disembodied AI. I. Embodied AI: The AI technology that
interacts or relates with the physical entities and interacts with the physical world that human beings
interact wit is termed as Embodied AI systems. For example robots, who perfectly represent the
category in terms of its physical relation and interaction with our world (human world & matter).
The system developed by
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Michael Chorost
Historical Evaluation of Computer
➢ What is a computer? Why it is also known as a data processor?
A device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high–speed
mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes
information is known to be a computer.
A computer is an electronic device which manipulates or transforms data. It accepts data, stores
data, process data according to a set of instructions, and also retrieve the data when required. Hence
it is known as a data processor.
➢ What is data processing? Differentiate between data and information. Which is more useful to the
people and why?
A series of operations on data by a computer in order to retrieve or transform or classify ... Show
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4. Diligence: Unlike human beings a computer is free from tiredness and lack of concentration. It
can continuously work for hours without creating any error and without grumbling. And a computer
will also all the processes with same speed and same accuracy.
5. Versatility: Versatility is one of the most wonderful things about the computer. One moment it is
preparing the results of an examination the next moment its working with picture. Briefly a
computer can perform almost any task if the task can be analyzed as binary logical instance.
6. Power of remembering: As a human being acquires new knowledge the brain subconsciously
selects what it feels to be important and worth retaining in its memory. This is not the case with a
computer. A computer can store any data and information as long as the user wants and can recall
them anytime to reprocess because of its memory compatibility. Even after several years user can
use the saved data as he saved means it remains unchanged.
7. No I.Q.: A computer is not a magical device. It possesses no intelligence of its own. Its IQ is zero
at least until today. It must have to be told what to do. A user can only tell a computer what to do. A
computer can not take its own decision.
8. No feelings: Computers are devoid of emotions. They have no feeling and no instincts because
they are machines. It doesn't get
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Michael Chorost
Brain-Computer and Brain-Machine Interfaces Applied to the...
Over the years, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), or brain–machine interfaces (BMIs), have
advanced into a technology that can be regularly be applied to the medical field. BCIs have been
used for rehabilitative purposes, such as patients suffering from loss of speech and motor functions.
Every year, approximately 795,000 people suffer a stroke. Out of these people, 600,000 of these are
first attacks and 185,000 are recurrent attacks [9]. Stroke patients often suffer from paralysis and
loss of speech. The use of BCIs can be highly beneficial to these patients, as well as to patients
suffering from other diseases and traumatic injuries that result in loss of speech and motor function.
Besides this, BCIs can also be useful in other areas of the medical field besides rehabilitative
purposes. This technology, which was once only seen science–fiction books and movies, is now
becoming a realistic approach to treating patients. A BCI allows control of computers with the
regulation of the patient's brain activity alone. There are invasive BCIs that are primarily used in
animal models where electrodes are implanted into the brain tissue, and noninvasive BCIs that use
EEG recordings in humans. Much research has been done on using BCIs for stroke patients who
suffer from paralysis and loss of motor function. The goal is to use BCIs to help these patients
recover communication and motor function again. Over the years, much research has been
conducted on patients who cannot communicate
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Michael Chorost
Neural Technology : Brain Computer Interface
Neural technology is a field of engineering that specializes in taking information that is present in
the brain and translating it to a medium that can be understood by a wide range of people. One of
the ways this is done is with systems that take information directly from the brain and enable control
over a computerized system. These are referred to as brain computer interfaces, also known as BCIs.
Brain–computer interface (BCI) technology decodes neural signals in real time to control external
devices (Rouse). With many varying potential applications, it is possible to see BCIs applied to
many aspects of everyday life. This could include– but is not limited to– limb replacement,
advanced computer systems, and brain monitoring.
For each of the different uses a brain–to–computer interface has there is a different system
developed. One of the forms of Brain–Computer Interfaces is a neural interface. "Neural interface
(NI) systems offer a novel approach to restore lost function and to diagnose or manage nervous
system disorders" (Donoghue). They can either be directly in contact with the brain tissue or located
in remote areas (Donoghue). "We have previously shown that people with long–standing tetraplegia
can use a neural interface system to move and click a computer cursor and to control physical
devices" (Hochberg). Many engineers and scientists in the field of neural technology and using these
interface systems to allow people, people who have lost the ability to move
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Michael Chorost
Kenneth Maples Practice Session
Kenneth Maples took part in a practice session, and then afterwards, the actual test session in which
there was a screen that displayed a cube in the center of it. In the practice session, the participant
was to think of certain thoughts to make the cube on the screen move in certain ways. According to
Maples, he was to associate those certain thoughts with certain movements. For example, to make
the cube stay still in the center of the screen, Maples thought of a brick wall. "They just asked you to
think of the same thing during the practice session and the test session so that [the movements]
matched. Whatever you were thinking of to make the cube do in the practice session, think of the
same thing in the test session," Maples explained (Maples 1.) ... Show more content on
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He also expounded upon the test session, saying "the first test was to clear your mind so the cube
stayed exactly where it was. I just thought of a brick wall. Then you move the cube to the side, and
then back to the center. But you don't have to clear your mind to get it back to the center; you just
have to think about the same thing. I was just able to think about my original thought about the brick
wall and the cube moved back" (Maples 1.) Maples took part in a non–invasive brain–computer
interface, meaning that he was connected by sensors that were externally attached to his head. He
described this type of interface by telling about "a dozen or so little sensors" that "would light up
green if they were making connection." Maples, a bald man, joked about how he "was a really good
candidate" since "not having any hair helped because it made it connect real well." He said that his
doctors were amazed since they had never seen the sensors light up so quickly (Maples
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Michael Chorost
What Is A Brain Computer Interface?
Tejaswi Palacharla
University of Houston
What is a Brain Computer Interface?
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a communication channel between a brain and the computer. The
BCI system transforms specific 'thoughts', into control signals. These are then converted to a
computer readable form where the output is shown on the computer. This computer follows the
instructions or thoughts given by the brain when a patient mentally visualizes the cursor reaching
the target. The electrode is implanted in the human brain and the brain activity is interpreted by
computer software. Then the computer software displays the activity on the monitored screen. This
technology is mostly used for people with disabilities.
The reason why a BCI works is all because of the way our brain functions. Our brain is filled with
neurons. The neurons are at work when we move, think, feel or remember something. The work is
completed by small electrical signals that zip from neuron to neuron as fast as 250mph. Now
scientists can detect the signals, interpret them and make them to direct a device.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method used in measuring the electrical activity of the brain.
A few examples of Brain Computer Interface for the disabled people are
"Bionic device is used for the people to restore a sense of vision to people with retinitis pigmentosa
and age related macular degeneration."( Bionic eye Australia,
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Michael Chorost
Essay On Traumatic Brain Injury
In the 21st century we have entered an era where there has been human and machine interfaces.We
envision that the human brain takes in data and running the data to unknown process to tell us are
action or well beings. In order for our brain to process information , it must be stored. There are
multiple memory of the brain including sensory, working, and long term. Once the memory is stored
then the information has to be retrieved. The sensors can use that information either transfer the
information to device to see the information or progress of the brains wellbeing. With the use of
sensor we can see the progress of our U.S. militants when they perform the task to the detect the
enemy, researcher have the advantages of solving the solution of traumatic brain disorder or ( TBI)
with the sensors connected on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the military, Traumatic Brain Injuries are most likely caused by the improvised explosives device
or (IED). The issue about head injuries is that people who have it done realize how serious the injury
is. "BAE system developed the Headbourne Energy Analysis and Diagnostic System or (HEADS)
helmet back in 2008." The quote explains how they develop a device to detect brain injuries because
has been an issue that soldiers have been facing for a very long time. The sensor which is the now
changed to Generation II HEADS due to the remodeling in April 2011, located inside the soldier's
helmet to indicate the when it receives a massive force enough to cause a traumatic brain disorder.
With the HEADS smart sensors it can help medical professionals perform their task in providing the
valuable diagnostic tool to that utilizes radio frequency technology. The sensors is lightweight, small
and can be secured inside the combats helmet. It is designed that way to frequently collect critical
information or data, potentially
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Michael Chorost
Brain Computer Interfaces
Brain–computer interfaces, or BCIs, are a developing technology that enable computers to interact
directly with the brain for various purposes. They have various current applications, including
prosthetic limbs, sight and hearing implants, diagnosis of medical conditions, and research into brain
activity (Abdulkader, S 2015). In the future, more advanced forms may provide dramatic changes to
communication, entertainment, exchange of knowledge and learning, and other aspects of society
(Lance, B Kerick, S Ries, A Oie, K and McDowell, K 2012; Urban, T 2017). However, present day
forms can involve invasive and risky surgery, and future forms will likely create social imbalances,
and may provide opportunity for hacking and dangerously powerful ... Show more content on
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Many prosthetic limbs detect the movement of still–existing muscles, and use this to information to
trigger various actions (Abdulkader, S 2015). However, this is very different from normal control of
the missing limb, and so requires a large amount of training (Abdulkader, S 2015). BCIs can provide
an interface closer to the normal use of the limb, though as brain activity differs between users and
different emotional states, significant training time is still required before the user can produce a
certain signal reliably (Abdulkader, S 2015; Krauledat, M Tangermann, M Blankertz, B and Müller,
K 2008). However, research is being done into how this training time can be reduced, including
through systems that can adapt to the variations in brain activity between users and sessions
(Krauledat, M Tangermann, M Blankertz, B and Müller, K 2008).
There are some concerns about whether it is ethical to perform surgery for invasive BCIs at all
(Wilson, R n.d.). In doing so, we would be interfering with nature, and "playing God" (Wilson, R
n.d.). However, an important ethical framework, utilitarianism, denotes that the right action is that
which produces the greatest good for the most people, and given that this surgery is intended to help
the patient, it is ethical to perform (so long as the risks are not too great) (Wilson, R n.d.). In some
cases, however, patients may themselves object to the surgery on these grounds. This would make
proceeding unethical, as doing so
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Michael Chorost
The Pros And Cons Of Paralyzed Monkeys
Paralyzed monkeys have been able to walk again using a brain implant that transmits signals
wirelessly to stimulators in their legs, researchers reported Wednesday.
It's another step forward in a field that has helped people and monkeys alike to control robotic arms
and hands using brain implants. But this is the first time an implant has helped a primate walk.It's
years away from being used in people, but the implant worked without months or even weeks of
training, the team reported in the journal Nature.
"The primate was able to walk immediately once the brain–spine interface was activated. No
physiotherapy or training was necessary," Erwan Bezard of Bordeaux University, who led the tests
in the monkeys, said in a statement.
The animals had two implants – one in the brain and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A real injury might completely sever the spinal cord, or crush it in a way that would make recovery
harder, they noted.
But this kind of technology tends to move quickly from monkeys to people, said Dr. Andrew
Jackson of Britain's Newcastle University.
"The pace at which neural interfaces are being translated from initial experiments in monkeys to
human trials has been rapid," Jackson, who was not involved in the research, wrote in a
"For the first time, I can imagine a completely paralyzed patient able to move their legs through this
brain–spine interface," said Dr. Jocelyne Bloch of the Lausanne University Hospital, the
neurosurgeon who installed the brain and spinal cord implants.
The device was developed by the BrainGate collaboration, which includes the Department of
Veterans Affairs, Brown University, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and
the German Aerospace Center. It was made by medical device company Medtronic.
"With the system turned on, the animals in our study had nearly normal locomotion," said David
Borton, assistant professor of engineering at
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Michael Chorost
Computers And The World Of Computing
The world of computing affects more around us each day, with technologies being developed to
offer all sorts of solutions. Consider how vast its effects are: wireless signals and cables carrying
data everywhere; how many use the internet; and now how many have smartphones in our pockets.
These are all computer systems we use, but how many of us understand how it all actually works?
Microsoft's Bill Gates once said "I think it 's fair to say that personal computers have become the
most empowering tool we 've ever created. They 're tools of communication, they 're tools of
creativity, and they can be shaped by their user" and I agree, computers have become powerful tools
to many of us. Offering adaptability to create and share all sorts of ... Show more content on
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Code acted as commands and directed the computer through tasks. This required understanding of
computer language, how data was laid out inside the machine, and knowing individual stages of a
task. These basic interfaces meant a more capable user was required to make computers function,
and the education reflected this, teaching computer science.
Boston University's department of Computer Science (2003) describes "Computer Science is the
systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical
processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage,
communication of, and access to information". This is the knowledge of how a computer thinks and
what it needs to overcome a problem. A solution requires the manipulation of data, using the
computer as a tool, and most importantly human development to make it possible. The department
go onto say "they study the very nature of computing to determine which problems are (or are not)
computable". They need to know how it works to understand the capabilities of what is or not
Turple's thoughts of recent education were "now the goal is to teach students how to use computer
applications, on the premise that if they can work with the computer, they can forget what's inside
and still be masters of the technology." (Turple 1997, p.76). This refers to
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Michael Chorost
The Future Of Neuroscience : From Sci Fi
The future of neuroscience: from sci–fi to reality
Billions of football fans around the world were amazed in the summer of 2014, when 29 years old
Brazilian Juliano Pinto [1], who was paralyzed from waist down, was able to kick a football to
ceremonially open the World Cup. Pinto made the kick while wearing a robotic exoskeleton
controlled by his brain. The high–tech demonstration was orchestrated by Duke University
neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis, as part of the Walk Again Project [2], to develop and implement a
brain–machine interface to allow severely paralyzed patients to regain mobility. The sight of such
futuristic technology straight out of the Iron Man movie becoming a reality is simply exhilarating.
The human brain has often been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We are now entering the golden age of neuroscience.
Current efforts
So how are we beginning to understand the way the brain works? The same way we begin to
understand a city: by making maps. The invention of the MRI machine and other high tech scans
and tests, such as functional MRI, two–photon imaging and multi–electrode recording has allowed
scientists to observe and record the activities in specific areas of the brain, and even probe the nature
of thoughts itself. It is now possible to see how neurons respond when an animal is learning
something and forming new circuits. Targeted genetic manipulations of receptors that scientists
believe are important in learning and memory are also providing a great deal of information. In an
interview [5], Rick Huganir, Chair of the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience,
explained: "Learning creates new circuits in the brain by sculpting connections between neurons–
making new connections, strengthening some connections, weakening or removing others." His
team found that strength of connections could be manipulated by the addition or removal of
receptors from a synapse. When the mechanism for adding receptors is knocked out, memory
retention in mice was found to be impaired. They become forgetful; they can't retain memories for
very long.
Allen Institute for Brain Science, a Seattle–based independent, nonprofit medical research
organization dedicated to
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Michael Chorost
The Future Of Brain Implants
The Future of Brain Implants
Current and future technology
Over the last twenty years, scientists have been developing brain implants to help people suffering
from Alzheimer 's disease, dementia, stroke and/or brain injuries to restore their ability to create
long–term memories. Current technology is becoming more invasive both in terms of
interconnections within the physical body and our mental dependence. According to a researcher
Ellen M. McGee, Long Island University, "The future development of brain implants will give us
the ability to manipulate external reality, the physical world, and ourselves." With today's
technologies, the line between living organisms and machines is getting very blurry. This issue
could potentially affect ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Enhanced smell will intensify our ability to distinguish scents, and an amplified sense of touch will
enable us to discern environmental stimuli such us changes in barometric pressure."
In 2013, at Duke University School of Medicine, scientists implanted brain chips into rats' barrel
cortex to teach them "see" infrared light that they normally cannot see. Neuroscientist Miguel
Nicolelis and Eric Thomson made an experiment where they implanted four clusters of sensors into
the barrel cortexes of the rats that were responsible for their senses. Those clusters converted
infrared light into an electrical signal that stimulated rats to go to one of the four feeding stations.
Rats would go the feeding station where the infrared light was on and press the button on the
feeding station to receive the reward. "In an older, single sensor version of the experiment, it took
the rats one month to adapt. With four sensors, it took them just three days" (Coghlan). What
interesting was that rats' original senses stayed the same without changes, plus they learned to use
their new sense of seeing infrared light. Later, scientists want to teach rats see the ultraviolet light,
microwaves, radio waves, and X–rays. A reporter for New Scientist Andy Coghlan stated, "It seems
that nature
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Michael Chorost
Operating System And The Computer System Essay
Introduction: An operating system is a vital component of the computer system. The common and
simple devices like refrigerators and microwave ovens does not have an operating system. The
complex systems which handle several components, functions and processes usually have an
operating system. The operating system is like the brain of a human being, the brain is an essential
organ in the body of human being which sends signals and helps functioning of the human body.
Our intelligence, attitude, emotions and senses defines our presence, all these are possible because
of our brain. In similar manner, "Operating System" (OS) is the power behind a computer system. In
other words, operating system is brain of the computer and processor is the heart of the computer. A
computer is the concatenation of several hardware parts. The operating system manages computer
hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs and other application
software. Application programs or software usually require an operating system to function. For
basic hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system acts
as an intermediary between application software and the computer hardware, although the hardware
is directly accessed and executed by application code or software directly, the hardware will
frequently make a system call to an OS function or be interrupted by it. In simple terms, operating
systems track the activities of hardware and
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Michael Chorost
Neural Prosthetics And Its Effects
The full function of our bodies is taken for granted by so many people in this day and age, and
arguably in every age. Only people still in the innocence of youth are often, the only ones who are
truly able to access the full intended function. As we get older we begin to lose a plethora of our
abilities; through old age, an injury, or whatever the case may be, we all slowly deteriorate. With
modern science we are now able to regain some of what we had lost or have never hard, through
neural prosthetics. In this essay, I will be dissecting and explaining what exactly neural prosthetics
are while delving into its past, its current present applications while making comparisons to other
similar technologies, and its future and potential ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Only very recently have we been able to believe that it could be possible, let alone make any real
advancement in this field, long before type of research became a real academic field. The first neural
prosthesis developed was in 1957. That very first prosthesis was the cochlear implant; which is now
widely used today with hundreds of thousands of people currently fitted with it. This development
was the first of its kind and has since lead the way for other creations such as the internal pacemaker
in 1958, the first motor prosthesis in 1961, the first auditory brainstem implant in 1977, and the
peripheral nerve bridge implanted into the spinal cord of a rat in 1981.All of these are only a few of
the incredible advances made in quite a close amount of time. All of these advancements are
relatively new compared to the field of medicine, which has been practiced for centuries. These
breakthroughs lead to much more effort going into neural prosthetics, propelling even more progress
in this field to bleed out and help other disciplines such as brain computer interface and vice versa.
This has lead some patients that are paraplegics, being able to walk once again with the aid, and in
1988 an implant in the lumbar anterior root was developed to help promote standing in them. All
this has accumulated in FDA approving many more applications for aids now not only
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Michael Chorost
Brain Computer Interface
1. Introduction:
Modifying the human body or enhancing our cognitive abilities using technology has been a long–
time dream for many people. An increasing amount of research tries to link the human brain with
machines allowing humans to control their environment through their thoughts.
Research on BCIs began in the 1970s, but it wasn't until the mid–1990s that the first working
experimental implants in humans appeared. Following years of animal experimentation, early
working implants in humans now exist, designed to restore damaged hearing, sight and movement.
The common thread throughout the research is the remarkable cortical plasticity of the brain, which
often adapts to BCIs, treating prostheses controlled by implants as natural ... Show more content on
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He was able to send the following e–mail message: "I am a neuroscientist who (sic) couldn't work
without BCI. I am writing this with my EEG courtesy of the Wadsworth Center Brain–Computer
Interface Research Program."
EEG Pattern Recognition
This project aims to improve performance of NASA missions by developing brain–computer
interface (BCI) technologies for augmented human–system interaction. BCI technologies will add
completely new modes of interaction, which operate in parallel with keyboards, speech, or other
manual controls, thereby increasing the bandwidth of human–system interaction. The research will
extend recent feasibility demonstrations of electromyographic (EMG) methods for neurocontrol to
the domain of electroencephalographic (EEG) methods of neurocontrol. These methods will bypass
muscle activity and draw control signals directly from the human brain. BCI technologies will
provide powerful and intuitive modes of interaction with 2–D and 3–D data, particularly for
visualization and searching in complex data structures, such as geographical maps, satellite images,
and terrain databases.
3. Model train control via brain interface machine:
Hitachi has successfully tested a brain–machine interface that allows users to turn power switches
on and off with their mind. Relying on optical topography, a neuroimaging technique that uses near–
infrared light to map
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Michael Chorost
From Toys to Practicality: Brain Computer Interface...
From Toys to Practicality: Brain Computer Interface Technology
The idea of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology is the subject of high interest for many
people and families of the person experiencing considerable physical impairments, such as those
with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This knowledge is recognized by several monitors, such
as BCI, Brain–Machine Interface (BMI), neuro–brain transmission and Direct Brain Interface (DBI).
Conventional computer input and assistive technology devices depend on the small though steadfast
muscle movements, which patients lose during the progress of the disease. BCIs identify tiny
changes in the brain signals to offer a control path for devices which does not rely on the movement
of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Hay (2012), "Michael Brody, a psychiatrist who teaches at the University of Maryland,
cautions that mind–controlled games are useful only if they move beyond the novelty stage and
become a standard part of patients' mental health regimens" (para. 15).
3D Virtual Reality and Gaming Environment
Far past science–fiction truisms and image of an individual linked to cyber through direct cerebral
implants similar to The Matrix, BCIs can also provide a new way of playing videogames of
interaction with the 3D Virtual environment (VEs). Just in the most recent days have research
groups been trying to link BCIs and the virtual worlds. Nonetheless, several impressive prototypes
currently exist that allow users to navigate in the virtual sight or manipulate various virtual objects
exclusively by use of the cerebral functioning, recorded on the scalp through
electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes. For now, technologies of virtual reality (VR) offer
situations that allow improvements on BCI learning, in addition to the study of, brain reactions and
the neural processes involved (McGrath, 2011). Videogame's and VR technologies can be strong
BCI companions. Studies have demonstrated that BCIs offer suitable interface devices for
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Michael Chorost
Essay On Brain Controlled Car
A Paper Presentation on
Submitted on the event of Zeitgeist'09 At UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING JNTU,
KAKINADA Presented by: Y.H.H.S .AYYAPPA.S SREEKANTH.GELAM ... Show more content
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Once the driver enters the ramp, the flip actuates the ramp to be lifted horizontally. Then robotic
arms assist the driver to his seat. As soon as the driver is seated the EEG (electroencephalogram)
helmet, attached to the top of the seat, is lowered and suitably placed on the driver's head. A wide
screen of the computer is placed at an angle aesthetically suitable to the driver. Each program can be
controlled either directly by a mouse or by a shortcut. For starting the car, the start button is clicked.
Accordingly the computer switches ON the circuit from the battery to the A.C.Series Induction
The biocontrol system integrates signals from various other systems and compares them with
originals in the database. It comprises of the following systems:
 Brain–computer interface
 Automatic security system
 Automatic navigation system
Now let us discuss each system in detail.
Brain–computer interfaces will increase acceptance by offering customized, intelligent help and
training, especially for the non–expert user. Development of such a flexible interface paradigm
raises several challenges in the areas of machine perception and automatic explanation. The teams
doing research in this field have developed a single–position, brain–controlled switch that responds
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Michael Chorost
Brain Computer Interface, Vs. Chip Technological Benefits
Brain, Brain Computer Interface, V–chip, and V–chip Technological Benefits
In the movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, Dr. Vosknocker implants a v–chip into
Cartman's head. The doctor then tells Cartman to say "horsefucker" in which, when Cartman
complies, he is shocked. In response to the pain, he unconsciously cries out "Goddamnit" in which
he is shocked as well. (Parker, Stone, Brady, 1999) In order to follow the movie's v–chip, we would
have to place the v–chip in two places. The real life v–chip would have to be placed in the right
basal ganglia as well as the broca's area in the left hemisphere. The Broca's Area is in charge of
articulation so if someone were to cuss consciously, then the v–chip would send a shock. The right
basal ganglia is in charge of the automatic speech, therefore if someone were to cuss unconsciously,
the v–chip would send a shock. The role of the basal ganglia is necessary for automatic speech. It
lies embedded beneath the cerebral cortex, playing a role in selecting the relevant motor actions by
restricting actions one would not want to perform. (Bergen, 2016) There would need to be a list of
words that would be downloaded into the chip, that are banned, consequently shocking the person if
the words are used.
The way the V–chip would work is the chip would go into the brain, specifically near the right basal
ganglia and the Broca's area in the left hemisphere. The V–chip would have to have an external
power source which would be
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Michael Chorost
The Veldt Technology Analysis
In the world there are many different and developing types of technology that can offer many
benefits, but at the same time cause many problems. Technology comes in many shapes and sizes
and does many different things. Whether it's a house that can do everything for its inhabitants , or a
device that can make the paralyzed walk again, society is moving forward in the world of
technology although it may be controversial.
In "The Veldt" there was technology called Happy–Life Home that did anything and everything for
the user (Bradbury,). From cleaning the entire house, to cutting the user's food own food and tying
their shoes for them(Bradbury,). With this came many advantages like the convenience of never
having to perform maintenance/upkeep ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Yes, it could make a paralyzed man walk and give the blind back one of their senses, but the surgery
needed to put the BCI under the skull and onto the brain is highly, HIGHLY invasive (James,). If
one single incision is out of place less than one centimeter out from where it was supposed to go, the
brain could become permanently damaged (James,). Another ethical issue of this is that it has the
ability to read the most inner and deepest thoughts that one has ever conceived and alter them in
unimaginable ways (Regalado). In the technological world many advances are being made that are
benefiting the world now, and in the long run. There may be problems that come along with it, but
the good may outweigh the bad. In "The Veldt" their was technology was a house that did
everything, and in the real world there is a controversial piece of technology developing called the
Brain Computer Interface that gives hope to millions of people. Both pieces of technology are closer
to becoming a reality than anyone may
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Michael Chorost
Color And Its Effect On The Human Eye
Colour When designing GUIs you need to be conscious of the colours. Microsoft office uses grey as
the main colour, blue for the title bar, highlighting, drop down lists and some text. Many uses feel
grey is dull and boring colour to use, however if the colour bright red or black was used it would be
uncomfortable eyes. Trichromatic System and luminance (Red, Green, Blue) Trichromatic system
uses a combination of three colours that are the basis of 3D vision, which are red, blue and green.
The human eye has a trichromatic system. The three colours of the trichromatic are detected by three
different types of cells on the retina of the eye, these are known as receptors. There has been much
work on developing the theory of this system into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Proximity is the way we view things which are close together as a group or look closer than they
actually are. Continuity is taking more of an interest in a straight smooth lines rather than rigid and
rapidly changing lines. Symmetry is when a shape or object is repeated on both sides to make it a
mirror image. We see symmetrical shapes easily than unsymmetrical shapes. Similarity is objects
and shapes placed together as they look similar, where as dissimilar objects are likely to be viewed
individually. There are also laws that relate to common groupings. Fate is when we see objects that
move together as a group. Region is when objects are enclosed together somehow as a group. And
connected is when we see objects connected by continuous lines. Objects GUI is built using a
number of separate objects. Each object is used in a clear order. So images are layered. It is
important that images appear in order and overlay the first image, or else an interface may look as
an incomplete object to the user. If images are positioned behind or in front of text, then the whole
interface will not be able to be seen. Therefore GUI should appear in front of text on the desktop and
not behind existing images on the desktop. Furthermore if the positioning of the objects has not been
precisely arranged then the GUI or parts of the GUI may not appear behind the main screen. This
leads to the user not being able to access the full range of commands. Another thing is the
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Michael Chorost
CMOS Essay / 1
CMOS The CMOS (complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) is the word which is normally
used to describe the small amounts of the memory which is on the computers motherboard and it
stores the BIOS settings. Also some of the BIOS settings include the systems time and date as well
as hardware settings.
Back Panel Port Used for/ Description Image
PS/2 The PS/2 port is a 6–pin mini–DIN connector that is used for connecting some keyboards and
mice to the computer system.
USB A USB (universal serial bus) is a mini storage device that is portable and you can store your
data on it and use it when it is connected to a computer/laptop.
Ethernet An Ethernet is a wire that connects numbers of computers to a network area and it avoids ...
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Also the DDR uses the falling and the rising edges of the clock signal.
Hard Drive A hard drive is a data storage device that uses magnetic storage to store and retrieve data
when connected.
PATA/IDE/Master/ PATA (parallel advanced technology attachment) is a standard interface for the
connection of storage devices.
SATA Hard Drive SATA (serial advanced technology attachment) is an interface that is used to
connect ATA hard drives to the motherboard of the computer. Also they use small and thin cables,
which means there is better airflow in the computer.
CD–ROM (capacity) CD–ROM (compact disc–read only memory) is an optical disc that contains
audio or software data and they are read only. A CD–ROM usually stores 650MB of data.
DVD–ROM (capacity) DVD–ROM (digital versatile disc–read only memory) is read only and they
are mostly used for storing large amounts of software applications.
Blu–Ray (capacity) A Blu–ray is an optical disc that is designed to display HD videos and store
large amounts of data.
Graphics Card A graphics card is a card that connects to the motherboard of a computer system and
it outputs images. A graphics card is also known as a video card.
VGA VGA (video graphics array) is a cable that is used to connect an analog PC monitor to a
DVI A DVI (digital visual interface) is a cable that is used to connect a video source. For example
computer monitor or a video display controller to a display device.
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Michael Chorost
Human Computer Interaction
2. Introduction Today, computerized mechanism and ICT (information and communication
technology) have a significant impact on human life process. What was on the top of the Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs is now performing a vital role in each human life. Due to the swift growth in the
technology industry and hardware and software development computerized systems and machines
are used on an everyday basis by almost everyone, even people from different fields which are not
related to computing. Major sectors such as aviation, healthcare, banking and education adopted
computer technology to improve productivity and efficiency. Interaction between human and
machine occurs in user interface and the communication mode between user and a computer ...
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 5    The three mile island nuclear power plant disaster – In March 1979, Pennsylvania,
USA , One of the most discussed issues in the early eighties, caused by poor interface design. It
could have been prevented if the control panel had been designed to provide required information to
the user (Preece.J, 1994). In 1990, Indian Airline 605, airbus 320 crashed and killed 98 people. Later
reported: it caused by poor understanding between machine and pilots (Lee, 1992 in Preece.J, 1994).
In July, 1998, Indian Ocean, Iran air flight 655 shot down by US missiles, killing 290 passengers
and cabin crew. Later investigators credited "the incident to the poor design of the Aegis (an
onboard computer in the warship) user interface" (McConnell.S in Wikipedia). 6 5. Conclusions
From the above situations and catastrophes, it can be concluded that the human factor research and
the study of HCI principals must be carried out by designers in the interface design processes to
build a highly interactive system. In the future world, which is going to be controlled by the robots
and machines, poor interaction and interface design may cause more disasters and uncontrollable
situations to human beings. So the designers must study the human factors and environmental
changes of the system usage, not only for
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Michael Chorost
Development Of Brain Interfacing Devices
For years scientific studies have aided the development of brain interfacing devices. Brain
interfacing has been used with computers, animals, and other human beings. Harvard and
researchers Pais–Vieira and Miguel were both successful in creating a brain interfacing device that
could control the movements of lab rates. Scientist have managed to create devices that can
manipulate the thoughts and movements of other human beings. Brain interfacing is when scientist
use computers to communicate and manipulate other living things. One common brain interfacing
method is the brain–computer interface (BCI). The BCI is a device that uses communication and
control panels to connect to a machine. The BCI does not depend on the brains regular ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another type of brain interfacing is invasive brain interfacing. Invasive brain interfacing is when a
machine or chip is inserted inside the subject. Invasive brain interfacing can be dangerous so
researches are trying to find more non–invasive brain interfacing techniques.
Researchers Pais–Vieira and Miguel along with Seung–Schik Yoo's group at Harvard University
were both successful in creating a system that connects the brains of two living things. Pais–Vieira
and Miguel created a brain interfacing system that connected the brains of two rats [7]. They
performed this experiment hoping it will show them how information is transferred between
biological organisms. The first rat was named the "encoder" rat. The encoder rat's job was to
perform a series of task that required it to make multiple choices. The cortical activity if the encoder
rat was sent to the cortical areas of the second rat which they named the "decoder" rat. They
connected the brains of the two rats using a process called intrcontical micro stimulation.
Eventually, the decoder rat began to perform the same behavioral action as the encoder rat. This
experiment was very beneficial in the understanding of brain interfacing between biological
organisms. Additionally, this experiment helped in the understanding of brain to brain interfacing.
Two points were created based off the data the
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  • 12. BCI Stereotypes Use of BCI in making ANIMATED Movies Brain Computer Interface: Brain computer Interface is connection between brain and computer or other external devices. It enables to do external activities such as control of cursor or moving artificial hand. (wikipedia)  How nerves work Brain is the center of nervous system, like a micro processor in computer. Spinal cord is connected with nerves as gates are connected with wires in the computer. Nerves carry signals to coordinate different parts of bodies. Central nervous system consist of brain and spinal cord it includes cranial nerves( it works in such a way that they connect your sense organ to your brain) and central nerves (it works in such a way that it connects areas within spinal cord and brain) Neurons transmit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (N.Abdulkader) Medical applications : Health care centers can use brain signals for prevention, detection, diagnosis and restoration. BCI system can detect abnormal brain structure or brain damage if someone drinks alcohol or smokes. BCI technology gives paralyzed people a way to communicate with outer world. BCI technology does not depend on muscle control. BCI Subtypes: Active BCI: An active BCI is a BCI that controls direct thought such as imaging to move your limbs and you directly control and manipulate something with that such as application. Reactive BCI: A reactive BCI is BCI which derives its output from brain activity that arises in reaction to external stimulation. For example if you focus on a flickering light then the Brain Computer Interface analyses this input. So you are dependent on the things happening in the environment. Passive BCI: Passive BCI is a BCI which derives its output from arbitrary brain activity without the purpose of voluntary control .It picks up any process that your brain generate while you are doing something like driving a car or relaxing. It can pick up your work load or your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 18. The First Task Of Either A Writer Or A Critical Book Reviewer The first task of either a writer or a critical book reviewer is to imagine the audience for whom the work is intended. For us at Interface, that is those interested in the impact of the Internet. Some works, however, like the one under review, defy easy classification, perhaps because they fail to target an appropriate audience or to speak consistently to it. This might be a sign of a weak book, not actually suitable for anybody; too much of its content may miss the mark. Both a reader's time and resources are, after all, limited. Our usual approach to such a work would be to simply ignore it. IBrain, by Dr. Gary Small and Gigi Vorgan, comes close to being such a book. But this is a book that many readers will want to like; it deals with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But despite the significance of the topic, this book has some serious flaws. It gropes for a consistent analysis, and seems not to be aimed at any one audience. It focuses, very loosely, upon two groups at either end of the scale of Internet users–savvy "digital natives" and wary "digital immigrants." The work attempts to unite these two audiences and to speak to both of them by arguing that each are facing a similar problem, however different its consequences may be to either group. The modern brain, the authors argue, is forced by increasing use of digital materials into a process they choose to describe as "evolutionary." It is this latter argument that makes the work most interesting, however much we may question the pragmatic utility of some of the authors' suggested solutions, delivered rather repetitively and at sometimes tiresome length. Part of the problem with the book's unclear focus is that Small and Gorgon often concatenate the television generation and the digital natives in a rather facile manner, by suggesting that television has many of the same negative consequences as does computer use, particularly isolating its rapt audience from wider social engagement. [1] The book has two core arguments to make, one about each generation. Digital Natives, the authors feel, lack social skills because of their isolation from direct human contact, that is, person–to–person contact. This deprives them of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 22. Argumentative Essay On Microwaves Name: Lai Ming Hin Title: Brainwaves prevent carjacking and drunk driving You might not own a car, but in case you do, would you afraid of thieves stealing your car when you're not nearby? Here this technology might help you out of trouble. A Japanese engineer called Isao Nakanishi developed an always–on biometric security system for cars [1]. This system can detect your personal statuses. If it ensures you will drive normally, it is just normal, you can start the engine. However, if it detects that you are not in a nice driving mode, like you are intoxicated or might fall asleep, or simply if the driver isn't you, the engine cuts out due to safety concern. From the International Journal of Vehicle Design, a researcher at the Department of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Drivers' personal statuses decide whether they are suitable to drive, and carjackers no longer succeed in car hijackings. Yet this technology isn't mature. The whole machine with electrode that drivers need to wear on his dome is unpleasant. It also comes to my concern that if the user really wants to drive under intoxication, would they just throw away the brainwave detector? This is about self–conscious. Whether to make this mandatory to all drivers or not is a question. There are still lots of problem researchers need to solve and improve on. But the whole idea of preventing drivers' safety is absolutely positive and right. Maybe the researchers can create a tiny implant which is put into drivers' brains that could force the drivers to use it all the time in the future, to achieve its aim of truly preventing drivers from accidents. Imagine how it looks like later, when you get to the car, it is already opened, and automatically closed when you leave them. Not only for cars, maybe they will also spread this technology on all the human devices like smartphone and computer. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Lateral Sclerosis ( Als ) Is A Neurodegenerative... Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes loss of motor neurons and progressive weakness including loss of speech(Wijesekera & Leigh, 2009). Its onset typically occurs in the sixth decade of life but rare instances can happen earlier. It can begin as bulbar onset which affects the voice, breathing and speech patterns or limb onset which can begin in the arms or legs (Wijesekera & Leigh, 2009). Roughly 90% of cases of ALS are sporadic and not linked to familial history of the disease(Wijesekera & Leigh, 2009). Once ALS starts it almost always progresses, eventually taking away the ability to walk, dress, write, speak, swallow, and breathe and shortening the life span. There is no treatment or cure for ALS, however there are a few drugs which have been able to slow the progression of the disease in some patients. As a result affected individuals become "locked in" and unable to communicate. These patients can benefit greatly from the use of a brain computer interface (BCI)(Birbaumer, 2006; Coyle, Ward, Markham, & McDarby, 2004). BCI can help individuals communicate without relying on muscular control, which is critical for clinical populations of neuromuscular disease patients, such ALS (Wolpaw, 2002). The use of BCI can enable communication and increase quality of life but to date the effects of mental fatigue have been ignored. However, the current state of BCI technology and overall usability is not advanced enough to replace more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Brain Computer Interfaces Essay The methods for interaction between humans and computers has greatly evolved over the years, providing alternative human computer interfaces using haptic perception, voice recognition and gaze control. One of these most recent developments of the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is the Brain Computer Interface (BCI), which represents a system that allows humans to interact directly with computers and other devices and thus with their surrounding using their brain activity. The increase of the number of applications has increased the need for interfaces for these applications. BCI is one of these interfaces that made possible the detection of different brain signals and the translation of user's intentions into real actions. This report addresses the different steps required for the collection of these signal and their correct interpretation into real commands such as: preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. The report continues with discussion of the various applications of the BCI devices, including description of some the commercial devices and their characteristics and concludes with an overview of the trends and challenges of BCI. BCI Devices Concepts, type of devices, advantages and disadvantages Brain Computer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The BCIs have many applications and has seen progress in several different fields such as the medical domain – helping people with disabilities to interact with different devices and increasing their quality of life or for treatment of neurological disorders; social domain – for social interactions and capturing feelings and emotions and achieving personal well–being; entertainment –providing new ways for users to interact and to have control in a virtual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Smart Hci Helping People With Disabilities Essay Smart HCI–Helping People With Disabilities Abstract Technology has reached an age where it is able to interact with human eye movements, gestures and even speeches, resulting in the human computer interaction era. The central nervous system in the human body that controls the bodily movements and allows us to interact with the computers is referred to as the motor system. However, even with these technological advancements the world is experiencing, the human body is far from safe. Every day, thousands of people are suffering from paralysis; which takes away their ability to move and communicate. This paper aims to discuss a new branch in human computer interaction known as brain computer interaction to conclude on the most appropriate method, be it the non–invasive electroencephalography technique or the invasive electrocorticigram technique, to heal paralysis. The reasoning behind the decision will be based on two experiments that are both used to measure whether the brain can read imaginary and real signals as well as identify the origin of these signals. These experiments both show a high rate of success yet it can be concluded that the invasive electrocorticigram technique is better due to a higher percentage of accuracy and a smaller percentage of possible errors. Keywords: brain computer interaction; brain machine interface; invasive; non–invasive; electrocorticigram; electroencephalography. I. INTRODUCTION Human computer interaction has changed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Communication Technology Research Project : How It Works,... Morgan Lucas September 29, 2014 Survey of Mass Communication Dr. Paul Jacoway Fall 2014 Communication Technology Research Project Technology today is constantly growing and expanding into forms that we could never imagine, or we could but we just didn't think it was possible. In any of the movies about the future we see amazing technology being put to use. I don't know about you, but personally I always think to myself how far fetched it all seems. The new communication technology I chose really overwhelmed me at first. I couldn't believe all the different ways it could be used for all different types of people and the lengths it could reach. The technology that I decided to write my paper on is called Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCI). I will discuss what exactly BCI is, how it works, and its application in today's world. Brain–computer interface is a technology that has been around for a while, however the technology has really taken off in recent years. The thing that makes this technology so dynamic is the fact that it can be useful to the everyday person in some applications and in other applications it can change the way people live. That means that the demographic of the targeted market is extremely diverse. Brain–computer interface is a direct link between the human brain and an external device, specifically computers. BCI can be used to aid, expand, or repair cognitive or sensory motor skills. What this means is, BCI can be applied in more of an entertainment sense ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Modern Robotic Arms INTRODUCTION Mind–melding as between the machines and animal is not something never heard of. The researchers have tried to attempt it since as early as the beginning of 1970s. Some studies in the past within interfaces of brain–machine have enabled the monkeys to gain control of the robotic arms as well as the people who were paralyzed to control the cursors over the screen. Even then the researchers could not know it at all if the humans would be able to control the robotic arms for performing finer and complex tasks like having the capability to maneuver in 3 dimensions and also grasping any small thing without moving or else knocking it down. It is from many years that the scientists predicted that the connection of brain and computer would permit the people with any injuries of spinal cord and the brain to live lives independently, without help from their folks or those around. This is something that has kept the hope of such paralyzed people alive from a long time but with minimum results. THE IDEA OF ROBOTIC ARM A robotic arm that is thought–powered is the innovation which could put independence in reach for the disabled patients. They could think of leading their lives without constantly looking for someone to run their tasks for them. In a study lately, 2 people who had around total paralysis of the body could reach for and get hold of little foam balls as well as a coffee thermos, by using only the signal of their brains for directing the motion. Conclusion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Artificial Intelligence Vs. Ai ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE or AI is a machine or a computer that learns from the surroundings and the mistakes it has committed in the past and then uses its logical processing system to evolve into an improved machine or a computer. Artificial Intelligence can be broadly classified into two categories namely; I. Specialized AI. II. General AI. I. Specialized AI: The computers, sophisticated machineries, automated systems for specific tasks are specialized AIs. Specialized AI is developed to serve a specific purpose for the assistance of humans. Such systems are programmed only to perform application tasks. Example: Automatic brake systems in a car, motion sensor based automatic toilet flush, autopilot in an airplane and so on. II. General AI: The types of AI that are still unknown to the human race or those which are just on paper as a futuristic idea come under general AI. The technology that is known to us but is in its initial phases and undergoing development also comes under this category. Example: The AI machines we often see in movies. Further more AI can be categorized as; I. Embodied AI & II. Disembodied AI. I. Embodied AI: The AI technology that interacts or relates with the physical entities and interacts with the physical world that human beings interact wit is termed as Embodied AI systems. For example robots, who perfectly represent the category in terms of its physical relation and interaction with our world (human world & matter). The system developed by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Historical Evaluation of Computer ➢ What is a computer? Why it is also known as a data processor? A device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high–speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information is known to be a computer. A computer is an electronic device which manipulates or transforms data. It accepts data, stores data, process data according to a set of instructions, and also retrieve the data when required. Hence it is known as a data processor. ➢ What is data processing? Differentiate between data and information. Which is more useful to the people and why? A series of operations on data by a computer in order to retrieve or transform or classify ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4. Diligence: Unlike human beings a computer is free from tiredness and lack of concentration. It can continuously work for hours without creating any error and without grumbling. And a computer will also all the processes with same speed and same accuracy. 5. Versatility: Versatility is one of the most wonderful things about the computer. One moment it is preparing the results of an examination the next moment its working with picture. Briefly a computer can perform almost any task if the task can be analyzed as binary logical instance. 6. Power of remembering: As a human being acquires new knowledge the brain subconsciously selects what it feels to be important and worth retaining in its memory. This is not the case with a computer. A computer can store any data and information as long as the user wants and can recall them anytime to reprocess because of its memory compatibility. Even after several years user can use the saved data as he saved means it remains unchanged. 7. No I.Q.: A computer is not a magical device. It possesses no intelligence of its own. Its IQ is zero at least until today. It must have to be told what to do. A user can only tell a computer what to do. A computer can not take its own decision. 8. No feelings: Computers are devoid of emotions. They have no feeling and no instincts because they are machines. It doesn't get
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  • 39. Brain-Computer and Brain-Machine Interfaces Applied to the... Over the years, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), or brain–machine interfaces (BMIs), have advanced into a technology that can be regularly be applied to the medical field. BCIs have been used for rehabilitative purposes, such as patients suffering from loss of speech and motor functions. Every year, approximately 795,000 people suffer a stroke. Out of these people, 600,000 of these are first attacks and 185,000 are recurrent attacks [9]. Stroke patients often suffer from paralysis and loss of speech. The use of BCIs can be highly beneficial to these patients, as well as to patients suffering from other diseases and traumatic injuries that result in loss of speech and motor function. Besides this, BCIs can also be useful in other areas of the medical field besides rehabilitative purposes. This technology, which was once only seen science–fiction books and movies, is now becoming a realistic approach to treating patients. A BCI allows control of computers with the regulation of the patient's brain activity alone. There are invasive BCIs that are primarily used in animal models where electrodes are implanted into the brain tissue, and noninvasive BCIs that use EEG recordings in humans. Much research has been done on using BCIs for stroke patients who suffer from paralysis and loss of motor function. The goal is to use BCIs to help these patients recover communication and motor function again. Over the years, much research has been conducted on patients who cannot communicate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Neural Technology : Brain Computer Interface Neural technology is a field of engineering that specializes in taking information that is present in the brain and translating it to a medium that can be understood by a wide range of people. One of the ways this is done is with systems that take information directly from the brain and enable control over a computerized system. These are referred to as brain computer interfaces, also known as BCIs. Brain–computer interface (BCI) technology decodes neural signals in real time to control external devices (Rouse). With many varying potential applications, it is possible to see BCIs applied to many aspects of everyday life. This could include– but is not limited to– limb replacement, advanced computer systems, and brain monitoring. For each of the different uses a brain–to–computer interface has there is a different system developed. One of the forms of Brain–Computer Interfaces is a neural interface. "Neural interface (NI) systems offer a novel approach to restore lost function and to diagnose or manage nervous system disorders" (Donoghue). They can either be directly in contact with the brain tissue or located in remote areas (Donoghue). "We have previously shown that people with long–standing tetraplegia can use a neural interface system to move and click a computer cursor and to control physical devices" (Hochberg). Many engineers and scientists in the field of neural technology and using these interface systems to allow people, people who have lost the ability to move ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Kenneth Maples Practice Session Kenneth Maples took part in a practice session, and then afterwards, the actual test session in which there was a screen that displayed a cube in the center of it. In the practice session, the participant was to think of certain thoughts to make the cube on the screen move in certain ways. According to Maples, he was to associate those certain thoughts with certain movements. For example, to make the cube stay still in the center of the screen, Maples thought of a brick wall. "They just asked you to think of the same thing during the practice session and the test session so that [the movements] matched. Whatever you were thinking of to make the cube do in the practice session, think of the same thing in the test session," Maples explained (Maples 1.) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He also expounded upon the test session, saying "the first test was to clear your mind so the cube stayed exactly where it was. I just thought of a brick wall. Then you move the cube to the side, and then back to the center. But you don't have to clear your mind to get it back to the center; you just have to think about the same thing. I was just able to think about my original thought about the brick wall and the cube moved back" (Maples 1.) Maples took part in a non–invasive brain–computer interface, meaning that he was connected by sensors that were externally attached to his head. He described this type of interface by telling about "a dozen or so little sensors" that "would light up green if they were making connection." Maples, a bald man, joked about how he "was a really good candidate" since "not having any hair helped because it made it connect real well." He said that his doctors were amazed since they had never seen the sensors light up so quickly (Maples ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. What Is A Brain Computer Interface? BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE Tejaswi Palacharla University of Houston ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION What is a Brain Computer Interface? Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a communication channel between a brain and the computer. The BCI system transforms specific 'thoughts', into control signals. These are then converted to a computer readable form where the output is shown on the computer. This computer follows the instructions or thoughts given by the brain when a patient mentally visualizes the cursor reaching the target. The electrode is implanted in the human brain and the brain activity is interpreted by computer software. Then the computer software displays the activity on the monitored screen. This technology is mostly used for people with disabilities. The reason why a BCI works is all because of the way our brain functions. Our brain is filled with neurons. The neurons are at work when we move, think, feel or remember something. The work is completed by small electrical signals that zip from neuron to neuron as fast as 250mph. Now scientists can detect the signals, interpret them and make them to direct a device. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method used in measuring the electrical activity of the brain. A few examples of Brain Computer Interface for the disabled people are "Bionic device is used for the people to restore a sense of vision to people with retinitis pigmentosa and age related macular degeneration."( Bionic eye Australia, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Essay On Traumatic Brain Injury In the 21st century we have entered an era where there has been human and machine interfaces.We envision that the human brain takes in data and running the data to unknown process to tell us are action or well beings. In order for our brain to process information , it must be stored. There are multiple memory of the brain including sensory, working, and long term. Once the memory is stored then the information has to be retrieved. The sensors can use that information either transfer the information to device to see the information or progress of the brains wellbeing. With the use of sensor we can see the progress of our U.S. militants when they perform the task to the detect the enemy, researcher have the advantages of solving the solution of traumatic brain disorder or ( TBI) with the sensors connected on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the military, Traumatic Brain Injuries are most likely caused by the improvised explosives device or (IED). The issue about head injuries is that people who have it done realize how serious the injury is. "BAE system developed the Headbourne Energy Analysis and Diagnostic System or (HEADS) helmet back in 2008." The quote explains how they develop a device to detect brain injuries because has been an issue that soldiers have been facing for a very long time. The sensor which is the now changed to Generation II HEADS due to the remodeling in April 2011, located inside the soldier's helmet to indicate the when it receives a massive force enough to cause a traumatic brain disorder. With the HEADS smart sensors it can help medical professionals perform their task in providing the valuable diagnostic tool to that utilizes radio frequency technology. The sensors is lightweight, small and can be secured inside the combats helmet. It is designed that way to frequently collect critical information or data, potentially ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Brain Computer Interfaces Brain–computer interfaces, or BCIs, are a developing technology that enable computers to interact directly with the brain for various purposes. They have various current applications, including prosthetic limbs, sight and hearing implants, diagnosis of medical conditions, and research into brain activity (Abdulkader, S 2015). In the future, more advanced forms may provide dramatic changes to communication, entertainment, exchange of knowledge and learning, and other aspects of society (Lance, B Kerick, S Ries, A Oie, K and McDowell, K 2012; Urban, T 2017). However, present day forms can involve invasive and risky surgery, and future forms will likely create social imbalances, and may provide opportunity for hacking and dangerously powerful ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many prosthetic limbs detect the movement of still–existing muscles, and use this to information to trigger various actions (Abdulkader, S 2015). However, this is very different from normal control of the missing limb, and so requires a large amount of training (Abdulkader, S 2015). BCIs can provide an interface closer to the normal use of the limb, though as brain activity differs between users and different emotional states, significant training time is still required before the user can produce a certain signal reliably (Abdulkader, S 2015; Krauledat, M Tangermann, M Blankertz, B and Müller, K 2008). However, research is being done into how this training time can be reduced, including through systems that can adapt to the variations in brain activity between users and sessions (Krauledat, M Tangermann, M Blankertz, B and Müller, K 2008). There are some concerns about whether it is ethical to perform surgery for invasive BCIs at all (Wilson, R n.d.). In doing so, we would be interfering with nature, and "playing God" (Wilson, R n.d.). However, an important ethical framework, utilitarianism, denotes that the right action is that which produces the greatest good for the most people, and given that this surgery is intended to help the patient, it is ethical to perform (so long as the risks are not too great) (Wilson, R n.d.). In some cases, however, patients may themselves object to the surgery on these grounds. This would make proceeding unethical, as doing so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Pros And Cons Of Paralyzed Monkeys Paralyzed monkeys have been able to walk again using a brain implant that transmits signals wirelessly to stimulators in their legs, researchers reported Wednesday. It's another step forward in a field that has helped people and monkeys alike to control robotic arms and hands using brain implants. But this is the first time an implant has helped a primate walk.It's years away from being used in people, but the implant worked without months or even weeks of training, the team reported in the journal Nature. "The primate was able to walk immediately once the brain–spine interface was activated. No physiotherapy or training was necessary," Erwan Bezard of Bordeaux University, who led the tests in the monkeys, said in a statement. The animals had two implants – one in the brain and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A real injury might completely sever the spinal cord, or crush it in a way that would make recovery harder, they noted. But this kind of technology tends to move quickly from monkeys to people, said Dr. Andrew Jackson of Britain's Newcastle University. "The pace at which neural interfaces are being translated from initial experiments in monkeys to human trials has been rapid," Jackson, who was not involved in the research, wrote in a commentary. "For the first time, I can imagine a completely paralyzed patient able to move their legs through this brain–spine interface," said Dr. Jocelyne Bloch of the Lausanne University Hospital, the neurosurgeon who installed the brain and spinal cord implants. The device was developed by the BrainGate collaboration, which includes the Department of Veterans Affairs, Brown University, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and the German Aerospace Center. It was made by medical device company Medtronic. "With the system turned on, the animals in our study had nearly normal locomotion," said David Borton, assistant professor of engineering at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Computers And The World Of Computing The world of computing affects more around us each day, with technologies being developed to offer all sorts of solutions. Consider how vast its effects are: wireless signals and cables carrying data everywhere; how many use the internet; and now how many have smartphones in our pockets. These are all computer systems we use, but how many of us understand how it all actually works? Microsoft's Bill Gates once said "I think it 's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we 've ever created. They 're tools of communication, they 're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user" and I agree, computers have become powerful tools to many of us. Offering adaptability to create and share all sorts of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Code acted as commands and directed the computer through tasks. This required understanding of computer language, how data was laid out inside the machine, and knowing individual stages of a task. These basic interfaces meant a more capable user was required to make computers function, and the education reflected this, teaching computer science. Boston University's department of Computer Science (2003) describes "Computer Science is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information". This is the knowledge of how a computer thinks and what it needs to overcome a problem. A solution requires the manipulation of data, using the computer as a tool, and most importantly human development to make it possible. The department go onto say "they study the very nature of computing to determine which problems are (or are not) computable". They need to know how it works to understand the capabilities of what is or not possible. Turple's thoughts of recent education were "now the goal is to teach students how to use computer applications, on the premise that if they can work with the computer, they can forget what's inside and still be masters of the technology." (Turple 1997, p.76). This refers to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. The Future Of Neuroscience : From Sci Fi The future of neuroscience: from sci–fi to reality Billions of football fans around the world were amazed in the summer of 2014, when 29 years old Brazilian Juliano Pinto [1], who was paralyzed from waist down, was able to kick a football to ceremonially open the World Cup. Pinto made the kick while wearing a robotic exoskeleton controlled by his brain. The high–tech demonstration was orchestrated by Duke University neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis, as part of the Walk Again Project [2], to develop and implement a brain–machine interface to allow severely paralyzed patients to regain mobility. The sight of such futuristic technology straight out of the Iron Man movie becoming a reality is simply exhilarating. The human brain has often been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We are now entering the golden age of neuroscience. Current efforts So how are we beginning to understand the way the brain works? The same way we begin to understand a city: by making maps. The invention of the MRI machine and other high tech scans and tests, such as functional MRI, two–photon imaging and multi–electrode recording has allowed scientists to observe and record the activities in specific areas of the brain, and even probe the nature of thoughts itself. It is now possible to see how neurons respond when an animal is learning something and forming new circuits. Targeted genetic manipulations of receptors that scientists believe are important in learning and memory are also providing a great deal of information. In an interview [5], Rick Huganir, Chair of the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience, explained: "Learning creates new circuits in the brain by sculpting connections between neurons– making new connections, strengthening some connections, weakening or removing others." His team found that strength of connections could be manipulated by the addition or removal of receptors from a synapse. When the mechanism for adding receptors is knocked out, memory retention in mice was found to be impaired. They become forgetful; they can't retain memories for very long. Allen Institute for Brain Science, a Seattle–based independent, nonprofit medical research organization dedicated to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. The Future Of Brain Implants The Future of Brain Implants Current and future technology Over the last twenty years, scientists have been developing brain implants to help people suffering from Alzheimer 's disease, dementia, stroke and/or brain injuries to restore their ability to create long–term memories. Current technology is becoming more invasive both in terms of interconnections within the physical body and our mental dependence. According to a researcher Ellen M. McGee, Long Island University, "The future development of brain implants will give us the ability to manipulate external reality, the physical world, and ourselves." With today's technologies, the line between living organisms and machines is getting very blurry. This issue could potentially affect ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Enhanced smell will intensify our ability to distinguish scents, and an amplified sense of touch will enable us to discern environmental stimuli such us changes in barometric pressure." In 2013, at Duke University School of Medicine, scientists implanted brain chips into rats' barrel cortex to teach them "see" infrared light that they normally cannot see. Neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis and Eric Thomson made an experiment where they implanted four clusters of sensors into the barrel cortexes of the rats that were responsible for their senses. Those clusters converted infrared light into an electrical signal that stimulated rats to go to one of the four feeding stations. Rats would go the feeding station where the infrared light was on and press the button on the feeding station to receive the reward. "In an older, single sensor version of the experiment, it took the rats one month to adapt. With four sensors, it took them just three days" (Coghlan). What interesting was that rats' original senses stayed the same without changes, plus they learned to use their new sense of seeing infrared light. Later, scientists want to teach rats see the ultraviolet light, microwaves, radio waves, and X–rays. A reporter for New Scientist Andy Coghlan stated, "It seems that nature ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. Operating System And The Computer System Essay Introduction: An operating system is a vital component of the computer system. The common and simple devices like refrigerators and microwave ovens does not have an operating system. The complex systems which handle several components, functions and processes usually have an operating system. The operating system is like the brain of a human being, the brain is an essential organ in the body of human being which sends signals and helps functioning of the human body. Our intelligence, attitude, emotions and senses defines our presence, all these are possible because of our brain. In similar manner, "Operating System" (OS) is the power behind a computer system. In other words, operating system is brain of the computer and processor is the heart of the computer. A computer is the concatenation of several hardware parts. The operating system manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs and other application software. Application programs or software usually require an operating system to function. For basic hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system acts as an intermediary between application software and the computer hardware, although the hardware is directly accessed and executed by application code or software directly, the hardware will frequently make a system call to an OS function or be interrupted by it. In simple terms, operating systems track the activities of hardware and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Neural Prosthetics And Its Effects The full function of our bodies is taken for granted by so many people in this day and age, and arguably in every age. Only people still in the innocence of youth are often, the only ones who are truly able to access the full intended function. As we get older we begin to lose a plethora of our abilities; through old age, an injury, or whatever the case may be, we all slowly deteriorate. With modern science we are now able to regain some of what we had lost or have never hard, through neural prosthetics. In this essay, I will be dissecting and explaining what exactly neural prosthetics are while delving into its past, its current present applications while making comparisons to other similar technologies, and its future and potential ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Only very recently have we been able to believe that it could be possible, let alone make any real advancement in this field, long before type of research became a real academic field. The first neural prosthesis developed was in 1957. That very first prosthesis was the cochlear implant; which is now widely used today with hundreds of thousands of people currently fitted with it. This development was the first of its kind and has since lead the way for other creations such as the internal pacemaker in 1958, the first motor prosthesis in 1961, the first auditory brainstem implant in 1977, and the peripheral nerve bridge implanted into the spinal cord of a rat in 1981.All of these are only a few of the incredible advances made in quite a close amount of time. All of these advancements are relatively new compared to the field of medicine, which has been practiced for centuries. These breakthroughs lead to much more effort going into neural prosthetics, propelling even more progress in this field to bleed out and help other disciplines such as brain computer interface and vice versa. This has lead some patients that are paraplegics, being able to walk once again with the aid, and in 1988 an implant in the lumbar anterior root was developed to help promote standing in them. All this has accumulated in FDA approving many more applications for aids now not only ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 63. Brain Computer Interface 1. Introduction: Modifying the human body or enhancing our cognitive abilities using technology has been a long– time dream for many people. An increasing amount of research tries to link the human brain with machines allowing humans to control their environment through their thoughts. Research on BCIs began in the 1970s, but it wasn't until the mid–1990s that the first working experimental implants in humans appeared. Following years of animal experimentation, early working implants in humans now exist, designed to restore damaged hearing, sight and movement. The common thread throughout the research is the remarkable cortical plasticity of the brain, which often adapts to BCIs, treating prostheses controlled by implants as natural ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was able to send the following e–mail message: "I am a neuroscientist who (sic) couldn't work without BCI. I am writing this with my EEG courtesy of the Wadsworth Center Brain–Computer Interface Research Program." EEG Pattern Recognition This project aims to improve performance of NASA missions by developing brain–computer interface (BCI) technologies for augmented human–system interaction. BCI technologies will add completely new modes of interaction, which operate in parallel with keyboards, speech, or other manual controls, thereby increasing the bandwidth of human–system interaction. The research will extend recent feasibility demonstrations of electromyographic (EMG) methods for neurocontrol to the domain of electroencephalographic (EEG) methods of neurocontrol. These methods will bypass muscle activity and draw control signals directly from the human brain. BCI technologies will provide powerful and intuitive modes of interaction with 2–D and 3–D data, particularly for visualization and searching in complex data structures, such as geographical maps, satellite images, and terrain databases. 3. Model train control via brain interface machine: Hitachi has successfully tested a brain–machine interface that allows users to turn power switches on and off with their mind. Relying on optical topography, a neuroimaging technique that uses near– infrared light to map ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. From Toys to Practicality: Brain Computer Interface... From Toys to Practicality: Brain Computer Interface Technology The idea of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology is the subject of high interest for many people and families of the person experiencing considerable physical impairments, such as those with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This knowledge is recognized by several monitors, such as BCI, Brain–Machine Interface (BMI), neuro–brain transmission and Direct Brain Interface (DBI). Conventional computer input and assistive technology devices depend on the small though steadfast muscle movements, which patients lose during the progress of the disease. BCIs identify tiny changes in the brain signals to offer a control path for devices which does not rely on the movement of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Hay (2012), "Michael Brody, a psychiatrist who teaches at the University of Maryland, cautions that mind–controlled games are useful only if they move beyond the novelty stage and become a standard part of patients' mental health regimens" (para. 15). 3D Virtual Reality and Gaming Environment Far past science–fiction truisms and image of an individual linked to cyber through direct cerebral implants similar to The Matrix, BCIs can also provide a new way of playing videogames of interaction with the 3D Virtual environment (VEs). Just in the most recent days have research groups been trying to link BCIs and the virtual worlds. Nonetheless, several impressive prototypes currently exist that allow users to navigate in the virtual sight or manipulate various virtual objects exclusively by use of the cerebral functioning, recorded on the scalp through electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes. For now, technologies of virtual reality (VR) offer situations that allow improvements on BCI learning, in addition to the study of, brain reactions and the neural processes involved (McGrath, 2011). Videogame's and VR technologies can be strong BCI companions. Studies have demonstrated that BCIs offer suitable interface devices for videogame ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. Essay On Brain Controlled Car A Paper Presentation on BRAIN CONTROLLED CAR FOR DISABLED USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Submitted on the event of Zeitgeist'09 At UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING JNTU, KAKINADA Presented by: Y.H.H.S .AYYAPPA.S SREEKANTH.GELAM ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once the driver enters the ramp, the flip actuates the ramp to be lifted horizontally. Then robotic arms assist the driver to his seat. As soon as the driver is seated the EEG (electroencephalogram) helmet, attached to the top of the seat, is lowered and suitably placed on the driver's head. A wide screen of the computer is placed at an angle aesthetically suitable to the driver. Each program can be controlled either directly by a mouse or by a shortcut. For starting the car, the start button is clicked. Accordingly the computer switches ON the circuit from the battery to the A.C.Series Induction motors. 3.BIOCONTROL SYSTEM The biocontrol system integrates signals from various other systems and compares them with originals in the database. It comprises of the following systems:  Brain–computer interface  Automatic security system  Automatic navigation system Now let us discuss each system in detail. 3.1.BRAIN – COMPUTER INTERFACE Brain–computer interfaces will increase acceptance by offering customized, intelligent help and training, especially for the non–expert user. Development of such a flexible interface paradigm raises several challenges in the areas of machine perception and automatic explanation. The teams doing research in this field have developed a single–position, brain–controlled switch that responds to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. Brain Computer Interface, Vs. Chip Technological Benefits Brain, Brain Computer Interface, V–chip, and V–chip Technological Benefits In the movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, Dr. Vosknocker implants a v–chip into Cartman's head. The doctor then tells Cartman to say "horsefucker" in which, when Cartman complies, he is shocked. In response to the pain, he unconsciously cries out "Goddamnit" in which he is shocked as well. (Parker, Stone, Brady, 1999) In order to follow the movie's v–chip, we would have to place the v–chip in two places. The real life v–chip would have to be placed in the right basal ganglia as well as the broca's area in the left hemisphere. The Broca's Area is in charge of articulation so if someone were to cuss consciously, then the v–chip would send a shock. The right basal ganglia is in charge of the automatic speech, therefore if someone were to cuss unconsciously, the v–chip would send a shock. The role of the basal ganglia is necessary for automatic speech. It lies embedded beneath the cerebral cortex, playing a role in selecting the relevant motor actions by restricting actions one would not want to perform. (Bergen, 2016) There would need to be a list of words that would be downloaded into the chip, that are banned, consequently shocking the person if the words are used. The way the V–chip would work is the chip would go into the brain, specifically near the right basal ganglia and the Broca's area in the left hemisphere. The V–chip would have to have an external power source which would be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 71. The Veldt Technology Analysis In the world there are many different and developing types of technology that can offer many benefits, but at the same time cause many problems. Technology comes in many shapes and sizes and does many different things. Whether it's a house that can do everything for its inhabitants , or a device that can make the paralyzed walk again, society is moving forward in the world of technology although it may be controversial. In "The Veldt" there was technology called Happy–Life Home that did anything and everything for the user (Bradbury,). From cleaning the entire house, to cutting the user's food own food and tying their shoes for them(Bradbury,). With this came many advantages like the convenience of never having to perform maintenance/upkeep ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Yes, it could make a paralyzed man walk and give the blind back one of their senses, but the surgery needed to put the BCI under the skull and onto the brain is highly, HIGHLY invasive (James,). If one single incision is out of place less than one centimeter out from where it was supposed to go, the brain could become permanently damaged (James,). Another ethical issue of this is that it has the ability to read the most inner and deepest thoughts that one has ever conceived and alter them in unimaginable ways (Regalado). In the technological world many advances are being made that are benefiting the world now, and in the long run. There may be problems that come along with it, but the good may outweigh the bad. In "The Veldt" their was technology was a house that did everything, and in the real world there is a controversial piece of technology developing called the Brain Computer Interface that gives hope to millions of people. Both pieces of technology are closer to becoming a reality than anyone may ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 73. Color And Its Effect On The Human Eye Colour When designing GUIs you need to be conscious of the colours. Microsoft office uses grey as the main colour, blue for the title bar, highlighting, drop down lists and some text. Many uses feel grey is dull and boring colour to use, however if the colour bright red or black was used it would be uncomfortable eyes. Trichromatic System and luminance (Red, Green, Blue) Trichromatic system uses a combination of three colours that are the basis of 3D vision, which are red, blue and green. The human eye has a trichromatic system. The three colours of the trichromatic are detected by three different types of cells on the retina of the eye, these are known as receptors. There has been much work on developing the theory of this system into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Proximity is the way we view things which are close together as a group or look closer than they actually are. Continuity is taking more of an interest in a straight smooth lines rather than rigid and rapidly changing lines. Symmetry is when a shape or object is repeated on both sides to make it a mirror image. We see symmetrical shapes easily than unsymmetrical shapes. Similarity is objects and shapes placed together as they look similar, where as dissimilar objects are likely to be viewed individually. There are also laws that relate to common groupings. Fate is when we see objects that move together as a group. Region is when objects are enclosed together somehow as a group. And connected is when we see objects connected by continuous lines. Objects GUI is built using a number of separate objects. Each object is used in a clear order. So images are layered. It is important that images appear in order and overlay the first image, or else an interface may look as an incomplete object to the user. If images are positioned behind or in front of text, then the whole interface will not be able to be seen. Therefore GUI should appear in front of text on the desktop and not behind existing images on the desktop. Furthermore if the positioning of the objects has not been precisely arranged then the GUI or parts of the GUI may not appear behind the main screen. This leads to the user not being able to access the full range of commands. Another thing is the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 75. CMOS Essay / 1 CMOS The CMOS (complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) is the word which is normally used to describe the small amounts of the memory which is on the computers motherboard and it stores the BIOS settings. Also some of the BIOS settings include the systems time and date as well as hardware settings. Back Panel Port Used for/ Description Image PS/2 The PS/2 port is a 6–pin mini–DIN connector that is used for connecting some keyboards and mice to the computer system. USB A USB (universal serial bus) is a mini storage device that is portable and you can store your data on it and use it when it is connected to a computer/laptop. Ethernet An Ethernet is a wire that connects numbers of computers to a network area and it avoids ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also the DDR uses the falling and the rising edges of the clock signal. Hard Drive A hard drive is a data storage device that uses magnetic storage to store and retrieve data when connected. PATA/IDE/Master/ PATA (parallel advanced technology attachment) is a standard interface for the connection of storage devices. SATA Hard Drive SATA (serial advanced technology attachment) is an interface that is used to connect ATA hard drives to the motherboard of the computer. Also they use small and thin cables, which means there is better airflow in the computer. CD–ROM (capacity) CD–ROM (compact disc–read only memory) is an optical disc that contains audio or software data and they are read only. A CD–ROM usually stores 650MB of data. DVD–ROM (capacity) DVD–ROM (digital versatile disc–read only memory) is read only and they are mostly used for storing large amounts of software applications. Blu–Ray (capacity) A Blu–ray is an optical disc that is designed to display HD videos and store large amounts of data. Graphics Card A graphics card is a card that connects to the motherboard of a computer system and it outputs images. A graphics card is also known as a video card. VGA VGA (video graphics array) is a cable that is used to connect an analog PC monitor to a PC/laptop. DVI A DVI (digital visual interface) is a cable that is used to connect a video source. For example computer monitor or a video display controller to a display device. HDMI HDMI (high
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  • 78. Human Computer Interaction 2. Introduction Today, computerized mechanism and ICT (information and communication technology) have a significant impact on human life process. What was on the top of the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is now performing a vital role in each human life. Due to the swift growth in the technology industry and hardware and software development computerized systems and machines are used on an everyday basis by almost everyone, even people from different fields which are not related to computing. Major sectors such as aviation, healthcare, banking and education adopted computer technology to improve productivity and efficiency. Interaction between human and machine occurs in user interface and the communication mode between user and a computer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...  5    The three mile island nuclear power plant disaster – In March 1979, Pennsylvania, USA , One of the most discussed issues in the early eighties, caused by poor interface design. It could have been prevented if the control panel had been designed to provide required information to the user (Preece.J, 1994). In 1990, Indian Airline 605, airbus 320 crashed and killed 98 people. Later reported: it caused by poor understanding between machine and pilots (Lee, 1992 in Preece.J, 1994). In July, 1998, Indian Ocean, Iran air flight 655 shot down by US missiles, killing 290 passengers and cabin crew. Later investigators credited "the incident to the poor design of the Aegis (an onboard computer in the warship) user interface" (McConnell.S in Wikipedia). 6 5. Conclusions From the above situations and catastrophes, it can be concluded that the human factor research and the study of HCI principals must be carried out by designers in the interface design processes to build a highly interactive system. In the future world, which is going to be controlled by the robots and machines, poor interaction and interface design may cause more disasters and uncontrollable situations to human beings. So the designers must study the human factors and environmental changes of the system usage, not only for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 80. Development Of Brain Interfacing Devices For years scientific studies have aided the development of brain interfacing devices. Brain interfacing has been used with computers, animals, and other human beings. Harvard and researchers Pais–Vieira and Miguel were both successful in creating a brain interfacing device that could control the movements of lab rates. Scientist have managed to create devices that can manipulate the thoughts and movements of other human beings. Brain interfacing is when scientist use computers to communicate and manipulate other living things. One common brain interfacing method is the brain–computer interface (BCI). The BCI is a device that uses communication and control panels to connect to a machine. The BCI does not depend on the brains regular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another type of brain interfacing is invasive brain interfacing. Invasive brain interfacing is when a machine or chip is inserted inside the subject. Invasive brain interfacing can be dangerous so researches are trying to find more non–invasive brain interfacing techniques. Researchers Pais–Vieira and Miguel along with Seung–Schik Yoo's group at Harvard University were both successful in creating a system that connects the brains of two living things. Pais–Vieira and Miguel created a brain interfacing system that connected the brains of two rats [7]. They performed this experiment hoping it will show them how information is transferred between biological organisms. The first rat was named the "encoder" rat. The encoder rat's job was to perform a series of task that required it to make multiple choices. The cortical activity if the encoder rat was sent to the cortical areas of the second rat which they named the "decoder" rat. They connected the brains of the two rats using a process called intrcontical micro stimulation. Eventually, the decoder rat began to perform the same behavioral action as the encoder rat. This experiment was very beneficial in the understanding of brain interfacing between biological organisms. Additionally, this experiment helped in the understanding of brain to brain interfacing. Two points were created based off the data the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...