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.Mickey And Minnie Stationary | Writing Paper .Mickey And Minnie Stationary | Writing Paper
Role Of America In Foreign Affairs
Essentially, America s best option is to participate in foreign affairs around the world. America has
already been established as a major world power due to having the most powerful military.
Globalization results in ever growing connections between different countries, including the U.S.
Furthermore, politics have also become nearly entirely global, placing America in the role of
leadership due to its influence on other countries. How much the U.S. engages in foreign issues is
relative to the security and relationships of the U.S. From history, we can deduce that isolationism and
completely retracting from foreign affairs is not a good option. When America recedes from
involvement in foreign countries, people in countries will eventually
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Argumentative Essay On Space Exploration
Imagine living in the lost city of Atlantis where everyone is living underwater and their is a sufficient
supply of exquisite food and fresh drinkable water. Though this may seem impossible and only found
in fictional worlds such as the DC Comics universe, science can now make this possible. Even though
space exploration has been the main objective of many scientist and groups, colonizing and exploring
the vasts oceans should become the main objective for many various reasons. By defining the
necessity for pursuing ocean exploration and colonization as a more realistic than present space
exploration, by refuting those who claim space exploration should take precedence, by presenting
compelling evidence, expert opinions, and strong arguments , all will be persuaded that exploration
and colonization of the ocean is imperative, realistic, and should take priority over space exploration.
Colonizing the oceans would be surprisingly beneficial to humans because it would help decrease the
population in highly populated countries, such as China who has an AQI (Air Quality Index) of 300+.
This means that it is very hazardous to go outside (project). In order to decrease the pollution in ...
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According to Taylor Casti of Mashsable.com , Space has been the clear leader for a long time. $17.8
billion dollars is going toward space exploration in 2013, compared to the $5 billion dollars that goes
toward oceanic exploration. This discrepancy has led to skewed results: While 500 individuals have
been sent into space, only three have visited the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench . In
terms of discovery and experimentation, this large discrepancy in 2013 caused ocean exploration to be
behind. As Mark Strauss says, No matter where we live, we can go outside on a clear night, look up
into the sky, and wonder about what s out there
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What Is The Theme Of Alienation In Brave New World
It is not uncommon for someone to experience being cut off from their home ; you are cut off when
you go to college, the military, move, study abroad, etc. However, in these situations people tend to
adapt, but imagine going somewhere where everything is different; the way people eat, socialize,
sleep, have relationships, everything changes. Some people could say this is similar to moving into
another country where the culture and language is different. In situations where everything you ve
come accustomed to changes, you can feel like you don t belong. However, immersing yourself in a
completely different lifestyle can also be enlightening. For John leaving his home meant everything
was changing, but because his exile, he is not only alienated but enriched with completely different
outlooks on life. In the novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley uses imagery to develop John s
experience and to show that exile brings both alienation and enlightenment in order to illustrate the
theme of happiness is not worth individualism.
Alex Huxley contrasts John s home and the Ford society in order to show that exile can bring
alienation. Prior to John being cut off from his home, two members of the Ford society visit. Huxley
uses imagery to contrast John s birthplace to the part of society that follows the Ford way. When
Lenina and Bernard visit the reservation where John was born, Alex Huxley says The place was queer,
so was the music, so were the clothes and the goitres and the skin
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Combo Washer Dryer Essay
Assignment 2
Problem 1(Enhancing, Augmenting and Transforming Devices)
Enhancing Device: Nebulizer Machine
Asthma patients feel difficult to breathe. Nebulizer Machine is an enhancing device which helps the
Asthma patients breathe easily. The machine effectively sends the medicine to the lungs better than the
inhalers when the patients require a higher level of oxygen.
Augmenting Device: Combo Washer Dryer
Combo Washer Dryer is an automated machine where it is a combination in a single container of a
washing machine and a clothes dryer. In the Combo Washer Dryer, the container has a washer and
dryer which allow the clothes to be washed and dried at once. Combo Washer Dryer is an augmented
device which reduces the activity
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Immanuel Kant s Toward Perpetual Peace
War is natural, human beings can not get enough war. This was stated by Immanuel Kant in one of his
famous essays Toward Perpetual Peace a philosophical sketch . Immanuel Kant was a philosopher
who was credited for effecting the combination of empiricist philosophy which dominated Great
Britain and the rationalist philosophy that had dominated the European continent. Kant introduced a
new way of thinking about the relation of the human mind to the dispassionate world and also
established a powerful method of moral reasoning. Kant s essay Toward Perpetual Peace was
published in 1795 and the target audience was politicians.
Immanuel Kant was a German Philosopher during the Enlightenment era in which he wrote his social
and political philosophy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The purposes of the UN charter is to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly
relations among nations, to achieve international co operation, and to be a centre for harmonizing the
actions of nations. The UN charter also provides an outline like Kant s essay for the nations to use
when there is a crisis. Kant s essay and the UN charter are very similar but there are some differences
also. The UN charter states In order to enable the United Nations to take urgent military measures,
Members shall hold immediately available national air force contingents for combined international
enforcement action. The strength and degree of readiness of these contingents and plans for their
combined action shall be determined within the limits laid down in the special agreement or
agreements referred to in Article 43, by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff
Committee. while in Kant s essay he states Standing Armies Shall in Time Be Totally Abolished . The
UN charter is mostly focused on maintaining peace within the member nations and to prevent future
world wars. While Kant s essay is about achieving peace and having states change the way they lead
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Asian-American´s Suicide
According to research, California State Fullerton professor Eliza Noh states that Asian American
women of the age 15 to 24 have the highest rates of suicide than any other racial, ethnic, or gender
group. The model minority pressure socially produced pressure internalized by families of some Asian
American children to be high achievers at school and professionally plays a large factor to the issue,
especially since girls, who are more affected by it than boys, are expected to become the perfect
mother, daughter, wife and get only A s in school and choose the right type of job, (Cruz 1). Noh adds
on, saying that Asian American women have a tendency to ignore or deny stress, depression and other
mental health problems which can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There s a cultural practice of dealing with distress and feelings on your own before burdening others
with them, clinical psychologist and Palo Alto University assistant professor Joyce Chu explains. By
the time [Asian American women] seek professional help, the severity of their mental health problems
are much higher than compared to every other group, (Mu 1). Within my household, feelings of deep
sorrow and despair have never been discussed between the members of my family. It is important to
keep up the appearance that there is nothing out of place so, even though I sometimes confide in my
friends, the act of confessing my sadness is kept to a minimal because of how unusual it feels. Losing
face is a well known concept among other Asian culture: Unlike individualistic cultures, shame and
honor go far beyond the indi¬vidual, and reflect directly upon ones family, nation, or other group, and
so is taken very seriously. Maintaining good face is a kind of measurement of how well one has
maintained faith to traditional values, and ones social standing among others. It serves as a strong
control mechanism which reinforces all other Asian values. (Hu 1) This is likely one of the main
reasons why many Asian American women do not seek psychological help, because it is not only
embedded in them to keep up the appearance of happiness and good health, but the shame that comes
with it
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In The Man Who Killed the Deer by Frank Waters, the speaker talks about how Martiniano, the man
who killed the deer, is disconnected from his tribe and is in search of a religion. After coming in
contact with a member of the peyote church, he decides he wants to try it. He finds the visions and
hallucinations reassuring for a while, but after the authorities invade one of the ceremonies, he no
longer wants to be associated with peyote and the trouble it is bringing his tribe. Peyote and the
ritualistic uses have a long history, and it has been used within a number of Native American tribes in
the United States since the mid 1800 s to the early 1900 s. Peyote is a cactus, and the most common
species is known as Lophophora williamsii. This ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These peyote rituals later became associated with the Native American Church (NAC). There are
various divisions of the NAC, with each chapter having specific officers or personnel dedicated to
carrying out the ritualistic processes. The most prominent position is the Road Chief, whom of which
is responsible for leading the main elements of the meeting as well as directing participants down the
peyote road, or a way of living life well. Other positions within the church include Fire Man, Cedar
Man, and Earth Mother. While each chapter is different, most of them adopt similar ceremonial
elements, which include: the avoidance of alcohol, devotion to family and general moral living
(Majchrzak). During the ceremonies, the Road Chief administers the peyote, which are in the form of
mescal buttons. While the peyote is administered, music will often be sung in the background. The use
of feathers, rattles, bone whistles, and drumming are also a common element of the peyote
ceremonies. The ceremonies usually begin on Saturday evenings at 8:00 p.m. and end on Sunday
mornings, commencing with a communal breakfast. It is believed that the consumption of peyote
allows for communion with the gods and the deceased, as well as offering participants a sense of
guidance, power and healing
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Middle Class
A blue collar worker that makes 25 thousand dollars a year is put in the same socioeconomic class as
an engineer making 200 thousand dollars based on the Pew Research Center s Calculation of middle
class. The definition of middle class lumps those making four times the median United States income
with those living paycheck to paycheck and feeling like they live more impoverished than anything
leading to a confusion in identity. Is the lower middle supposed to feel proud and content with their
situation considering they are categorized with engineers, doctors, and lawyers, or are they to feel
impoverished because if they took a 5 thousand dollar pay cut, they would be below the poverty line?
The gap between the lower middle and the upper middle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Joe Carter in What Exactly Does argues that the term middle class is too broad of a classification of a
socioeconomic class. Carter uses income facts of the middle class ranging from 40,000 to 250,000
dollars a year from the Pew research center to demonstrate the income inequality in the middle class.
Carter argues that the wide ranging middle class makes it difficult to make policies that help the lower
middle without also helping the upper middle because they are grouped in the same classification of
socioeconomic status. When policies like the 529 bill created by Obama in order to help the middle
class attend college, they help the upper middle class which already lives comfortably according to
Carter, increasing the economic gap. In a different take on carter s ideologies, the authors Janny Scott
and David Leonhardt describe class lines as blurry because people live lavishly beyond their class, but
still firm barriers because the gaps of lifespan, health, and style of life between classes still continues
to grow. Carter argues these lines exist between the lower middle and the upper middle because of the
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Philosophy of Nursing
Philosophy of Nursing
Alicia Hanford
Elms College
Philosophy of Nursing I remember at a young age telling my mother that I wanted to be a nurse just
like her, she told me to choose a different path. Her response surprised me but did not stop me from
pursuing my dream. I am passionate about being a nurse and what that role means. With recent
frustrations with others in this profession I finally understood why my mother told me to choose a
different path. I have always believed that being a nurse is an honor, that we are the voice of not only
our patients but the communities they come from. When you continually work by those who do not
share those beliefs and values it can break you. A nurse that truly cares and understands how ... Show
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For me that is what health is and my definition of health in that way guides me in how I can care for
my patients. I know that not all patients can be cured of illness so it important for me to provide my
patient with the care and tools to live their life to their highest quality.
There is a reason that nurses are required to report abuse, we are the voices for those who cannot
speak, and we are our community s advocates. I feel it our duty as nurses to educate communities on
health promotion and prevention. It is our duty as nurses to educate the government on what is
affecting our communities and advocate for improvements. Nursing is providing hope, it is initiating
change, and it is lifestyle; not a job.
I feel that being a nurse gives me the opportunity to be involved in as many aspects of nursing as I can
and to make a difference in as many ways possible. I am not entirely sure where I want my nursing
career to take me but I do know I want to change things. I have only been a nurse for eleven years but
in that time I have seen a dramatic change in the morale of our nurses and the confidence that our
community has in us. With healthcare reform and continuing economic decline I see this to be only
getting worse. I feel that it our responsibility as nurses to remember where we came from. How it was
in the beginning for nurses and what nurses as a group were able to accomplish together. We have
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The History Of Hip-Hop
Hip hop began in the streets of New York City 44 years ago to be exact. Hip hop has gone though a lot
of changes up until now. From what I have learned from watching a documentary on Netflix is that hip
hop consists of: rap, graffiti, break dancing, and disc jockey. In this paper I will do my best to fully
explain how rap became what it is today. The way it emerged in 1970 s.
There are honestly only two ways I can start off by telling you about what I have learned about where
hip hop came from which no doubt it was DJ Kool Herc but even by telling you that before that the
sound that was really popular in New York was disco. This was very shortly before Herc. Late 60 s
early 70 s disco was hot, it s like it had exploded. It s where everyone ... Show more content on
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He would just shout out stuff on the mic. It wasn t anything to interesting at first just him saying stuff
like people that were there or even other random stuff but he got better. The party s didn t stop they
just kept getting more people to come out for the fun. That wasn t his only job he was also selling
nickel bags of cannabis he said. There wasn t anyone one the mic while they playing the music like
they were doing. That s where some of the first rap s were being born at these parties. They didn t
know that s what it would be called but yes it happened. The first rap was There is not a man that can t
be thrown A horse that can t be rode A bull that can t be stopped There is not a disco that I Coke La
Rock can t rock . Not a lot of people were there to see them do these things but they were the
founders. That seed was planted and people started wanting to do the things they
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Duct Pressure Testing Essay
Duct Pressure Testing in Martinsburg, WV, and the Surrounding Areas If you have never heard of duct
pressure testing, you re not alone. Many homeowners are unaware of this practice and the important
role it serves in keeping your air ducts functional. This is a diagnostic procedure to measure the air
tightness of the air ducts in your home. It can be done in a home that is already inhabited, as well as in
a newly built structure. If you are unsure as to whether the ducts in your home should be pressure
tested, consult TI Dawson Heating AC. We provide duct pressure testing to residents in the
Martinsburg, WV area. Why Duct Pressure Testing Is Necessary Should you have pressure testing
done on your ductwork? Only an expert should help you make that decision. If you suspect that your
ducts are leaking, then testing them is generally a good idea. Duct leaks in your home can make it
unhealthy and uncomfortable. If the return ducts are leaky, they can draw pollutants into the home
from a variety of places, such as your basement, attic, garage, or crawl space. If the supply ducts were
not installed properly, they could cause back drafting in fireplaces and wood stoves. Back drafting is
dangerous, and it can also occur in water heaters and naturally vented oil and gas furnaces. Leaking ...
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Sealing the leaks in your system s return ducts will stop pollutants from entering the home from
different locations. What kinds of pollutants might enter your home through leaky ducts? From the
attic, you might be exposed to dust and insulation fibers. The crawl space could expose your
household to dust, pesticides, mildew, mold, moisture, insulation fibers, and even radon gas. The
basement could contain carbon monoxide, mold, mildew, dust, and fumes from chemicals and all of
these things might make their way into your home through leaky ducts. You could also inhale
chemical fumes, carbon monoxide, car exhaust, and dust from the
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Siddhartha Analysis Paper
Time does not exist; love is eternal; death brings peace. Siddhartha illustrates each of these themes in
the novel, Siddhartha. Throughout his life, Siddhartha is very independent. For example, Siddhartha
demonstrates self determination when he leaves his overbearing father to begin the life of the Samanas
(Hesse 10). There, he escapes from the physical world to soon realize that enlightenment cannot come
from ignoring the world around him. He decides to follow the Buddha and learn his teachings;
however, he is unsuccessful. As Siddhartha goes through his unaccompanied journey towards
Enlightenment, he comes to realize that he must let his loved ones go and that each man must find the
way by himself (Malthaner 3). Foolishly, he falls ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After his experiences, Siddhartha comprehends that he is not capable of individualistic love and
decides to abandon Kamala. Later, he meets her again, but now she is not alone. While Kamala takes a
journey with her son to visit the dying Buddha, she gets bitten by a poisonous snake and perishes. He
loses Kamala s love but hopes to gain the love of his son. Unfortunately, he never does. Siddhartha
treats his son with consideration and respect although he realizes the boy has been spoiled by a
wealthy lifestyle. He unsuccessfully tries to win over the love of his son, but his love is not mutual.
Young Siddhartha soon runs away towards the village to continue his life without his controlling
father. Although Siddhartha understands that he must let him go, his love for his son is overwhelming;
he cannot bear to let the boy go. After speaking with Vasudeva, the Ferryman, and learning from the
river, Siddhartha learns to accept the loss of love. Now, Siddhartha has gained wisdom and
understanding of love universal love. Enlightenment cannot exist without love, for love is the most
important thing in the world (Hesse 147). Through Kamala and his son he has learned that one must
love the world, not despise it (Hesse 147). At first, love is portrayed as an immoral feeling and thought
of as an obstacle in his journey to reach Nirvana. Later, Siddhartha learns that one must love to
prosper and that love is what keeps the world alive. In conclusion,
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Towards A Phenomenology Of Dwelling Summary
In Towards a Phenomenology of Dwelling, Lisa Guenther puts forth thought on dwelling, and doing
so responsibly. She brings up the idea of a person s daimon, which I like to think of as a person s
conscious. It tells you the possible things that you can do, both good and bad, but ultimately, only you
can decide what you will do. The visual of an angel and the devil sitting upon either shoulder comes to
my mind. Others are more aware of your daimon than you are, and this is because there are parts of
yourself that you do not see. Whether this be physical, like your habits, tendencies, and body language
or not visible like your desires, most of the time, others are more aware of this than you are. Desires
influence every decision that you make,
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Science of Stars Paper
Science of Stars Paper
Diana L. Mieltowski
September 27, 2010
Robert Austin
Science of Stars Paper
In this paper I will explain how astronomers determine the composition, temperature, speed, and
rotation rate of distant objects using various methods. I will explain the properties of stars. I will also
summarize the complete lifecycle of the Sun and determine where the Sun is currently in its lifecycle.
Measurement of Distant Objects
Light is a type of energy. Light behaves like a wave because it acts as a disturbance in the magnetic
and electric field of space. Light can behave as a particle, because it sends all its energy to one place.
A particle of light is called a photon. Photons can be absorbed into objects, bounce ... Show more
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Properties of Stars
Many physical properties of stars can be found by using a little bit of light. One property of a star is
luminosity. Luminosity is the quantity of energy created in a star and then released as electromagnetic
radiation. The brightness of a star is a blend of luminosity and distance of a star and can also depend
on the quantity of energy absorbed in the direction of a star. Another property of a star is distance.
Astronomers use parallax to establish the distance to an object. As Earth travels around the Sun, they
monitor neighboring stars from various positions. They are then able to measure how much the star
seems to move to establish the distance to the star.
Another property of a star is temperature. By measuring the temperature of a star, scientists are able to
tell how hot the star is. They use color to measure the temperature of stars. The red ones are the
coolest (3,500 K), the yellow ones are warmer (5,000 to 7,000 K), the white ones are warmer still
(9,000 to 15,000 K), and the blue ones are the hottest (20,000 to 50,000 K).
Life Cycle of the Sun
The life cycle of the Sun starts like all stars with a cloud of dust and gas made up of mostly hydrogen.
If the cloud cools, it will shrink because of the gravitational pull between the particles
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PLOT OF INTO THE WILD (FILM) The film is presented in a nonlinear narrative, jumping back and
forth between McCandless s time spent in Alaskan wilderness and his two year travels leading up to
his journey to Alaska. The plot summary here is told in a more chronological order. In May 1992,
Christopher McCandless (Emile Hirsch) arrives in a remote area just north of the Denali National Park
and Preserve in Alaska and sets up a campsite in an abandoned bus. At first, McCandless is content
with the isolation, the beauty of nature around him, and the thrill of living off the land. He hunts wild
animals with a .22 caliber rifle, reads books, and keeps a diary of his thoughts as he prepares for
himself a new life in the wild. Two years ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
McCandless then travels to the Colorado River and, though told by park rangers that he may not kayak
down the river without a license, ignores their warnings and paddles downriver until he eventually
arrives in Mexico. There, his kayak is lost in a dust storm and he crosses back into the United States
on foot. Unable to hitchhike, he starts traveling on freight trains to Los Angeles, California. Not long
after arriving, however, he starts feeling corrupted by modern civilization and decides to leave. Later,
McCandless is forced to switch his traveling method back to hitchhiking after he is beaten by the
railroad police. In December 1991, McCandless arrives at Slab City in the Imperial Valley region of
California, and encounters Jan and Rainey again. There, he meets Tracy Tatro (Kristen Stewart), a
teenage girl who shows interest in McCandless, but he rejects her because she is underage. After the
holidays, McCandless decides to continue heading for Alaska, much to everyone s sadness. While
camping near Salton City, California, McCandless encounters Ron Franz (Hal Holbrook), a retired
man who recounts the story of the loss of his family in a car accident while he was serving in the
United States Army. He now occupies his time in a workshop as an amateur leather worker. Franz
teaches McCandless the craft of leatherwork, resulting in the making of a belt that details McCandless
travels. After spending several months with Franz,
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“Academic Stress, Achievement Motivation, and Academic...
The main aim of the present study was to explore the relative contribution of academic stress,
achievement motivation and academic achievement among adjustment of high school students. It was
hypothesized that adjustment will be significantly predicted on the basis of academic stress,
achievement motivation and academic achievement. 160 students of Sangli and Kolhapur district were
selected by random sampling method. Multiple regressions were done to analyze the collective data.
The findings of the study revealed that academic stress and adjustment is negatively related with each
other, while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Educational adjustments are very important for academic achievement. Ramanna Sood (1992) found
significant relationship between achievement motivation and adjustment. According to Good (1993)
academic achievement means knowledge attained or skills developed in the school subject, usually
designated by test scores or by marks assigned by teachers or by both. Best (1977) pointed out that
academic grades assigned by teachers or scores on standardized achievement test is operational
definition of academic achievement. According to George and Ravindran (2005) many factors
contribute to academic achievement. The major ones are intelligence, adjustments, motivation,
academic stress, level of aspirations and time perception etc. In present study academic achievement is
being studied with the adjustment, achievement motivation and academic stress.
Aim of the study The main aim of the present study is that there is possibility of prediction of
adjustment of high school students on the basis of academic stress, achievement motivation and
academic achievement.
Objectives of the study 1) To measure the academic stress, achievement motivation and adjustment of
high school students and find out whether the difference between male female, urban rural and high
and low achievers is significant or not. 2) To study the strength of association
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Representative Heuristic And Representative Bias Definition
Representativeness Bias or Representativeness Heuristic is a shortcut in trying to associate present
people or events to past experience. It is the probability that event A is connected to event B because
they share common physical characteristics. We observe a person or object and if it shares similar
qualities from another object we are familiar with, then we assume that the object is a part of that
category. I used Legally Blonde because it is a great example of how Elle (Reese Witherspoon) was
underestimated. Elle is a blonde sorority girl, from California, and has a lot of money. She always has
the best clothes, friends, and dates. Based upon, her physical attributes, people categorize her as being
unintelligent, and unable to complete
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Reasoning for Keeping Physical Education in the Curriculum
Dear Mr Vaughan
I am writing in accordance to the letter you sent out about abolishing Physical Education from your
school s curriculum. I wish to express my reasoning and justifications for Physical Education to be
My main issue is with your statement that PE should be abolished because it has little educational
significance. I could not disagree more, it has more significance, as it doesn t go in pursuit of
knowledge per say, it aims to achieve: An improvement in perceptual knowledge of everyday
surroundings, this helps to give students a greater ability to respond to situations in appropriate way; It
also helps the students to focus, if they are in a game situation, they will focus on what they re doing
in order to respond ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They will learn how to compete with themselves and others. This, alongside a degree of self
improvement can be powerful life skills that could prove very useful in their future careers. Other
skills that PE can offer an assistance with are: team building and leadership skills that will also
provoke the awareness of the people around you and make the students alert to how the peers around
them work and give them guidance and support on how to improve or overcome some problems or
obstacles they may encounter, be this within PE, other lessons, and everyday life.
I feel strongly about the inclusion of PE as it can completely change the attitudes of students for a
more positive point of view on many subjects. It has many more positive implications on students than
it does negatives, your students will have a break from the typical classroom environment and get a
break from just sitting in class and having to swallow a large intake of information which, can be
difficult for some students. Learning becomes practical and more student oriented which can involve
those students who learn in: kinaesthetic, auditory, and visual ways. The students who find sitting and
having to read and make notes difficult have ample opportunity to excel in Physical Education, as they
have a chance to learn in their preferred way and gain self esteem and confidence to try more
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Amontillado Montresor Revenge
In the small hours of a cold December night, in 1916, Rasputin was driven to the palace of the Czar s
cousin Prince Yusupov; for what he thought was a secret tryst with a beautiful woman. Together, the
Prince and Rasputin descended the steps to the basement of the palace. It had been specially converted
into a small dining room, a private place to attempt to murder. While the Prince s co conspirators
waited upstairs, Yusupov passed a plate of rich sweet cream cakes to Rasputin. Each cake held enough
cyanide to kill a man. To guarantee success, the wine was also laced with cyanide. The plan seemed
foolproof. Though Rasputin ate the cream cakes and became rather drunk from the wine, the poison
seems to have no effect. Stunned, the conspirators ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A piece of dramatic irony that we are given is that we know Fortunato is going to be killed,
unfortunately Fortunato does not know this. Fortunato s name is even ironic. Fortunato means the
fortunate one in Italian. (Campbell) In the story it is clear he wasn t so fortunate. Fortunato adds to the
irony of his name by wearing the costume of a court jester. While Fortunato plays in jest, Montresor
sets out to fool him, with murderous results. The bells on Fortunato s jester costume plays with the
irony of the story. Roger Platizky writes, To a significant degree, Poe s fear of live burial had a
cultural counterpart. Kennedy and others have shown that premature burial was a preoccupation in
eighteenth and nineteenth century America and Europe largely because death was more often in the
hands of the medical community and funerals had become secularized.(n2) In an attempt to keep
living entombments from occurring, coffins and vaults especially for the wealthier classes were
equipped with special springs and sounding devices to give the person mistakenly buried alive a
chance to be rescued (Crichton 326 28). One of the most pragmatic of these devices, which involved
the placing of bells on the limbs of the recently dead, was exhibited at Brooklyn s Greenwood
Cemetery in 1845, just a year before Poe published his short story. Mr. Eisenbrandt s life preserving
coffin boasted a death defying
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Multidimensional Data Model
Data warehouses and OLAP tools are based on a multidimensional data model. This model views data
in the form of a data cube.
What is a data cube?
A data cube allows data to be modeled and viewed in multiple dimensions. It is defined by dimensions
and facts.
In general terms, dimensions are the perspectives or entities with respect to which an organization
wants to keep records. Each dimension may have a table associated with it, called a dimension table,
which further describes the dimension.
Facts are numerical measures. The fact table contains the names of the facts, or measures, as well as
keys to each of the related dimension tables.
2 D representation, the sales ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fact constellation:
Sophisticated applications may require multiple fact tables to share dimension tables. This kind of
schema can be viewed as a collection of stars, and hence is called a galaxy schema or a fact
Fact constellation schema of a data warehouse for sales and shipping
This schema species two fact tables, sales and shipping. The sales table definition is identical to that of
the star schema. A fact constellation schema allows dimension tables to be shared between fact tables.
In data warehousing, there is a distinction between a data warehouse and a data mart. A data
warehouse collects information about subjects that span the entire organization, such as customers,
items, sales, assets, and personnel, and thus its scope is enterprise wide. For data warehouses, the fact
constellation schema are commonly used since it can model multiple, interrelated subjects.
A data mart, on the other hand, is a department subset of the data warehouse that focuses on selected
subjects, and thus its scope is department wide. For data marts, the star or snowflake schemas are
popular since each are geared towards modeling single subjects.
Examples for defining star, snowflake, and fact constellation schemas
In DMQL, The following are the syntax to define the Star, Snowflake, and Fact constellation
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Gifted Hands Reflection
The portrayal of Dr. Ben Carson s life in Gifted Hands was truly inspirational and motivational.
Through the depiction of his life, we realize that a person can still thrive despite encountering
numerous adversaries. In the first part of the film, the audience saw a younger Ben, a kid who was hot
tempered and quite gullible, so far from who he is now. As a child, Ben was easily influenced and
pressured by his friends he succumbed to peer pressure as any adolescents would. Those specific
attributes were manifested when Ben had had enough of his classmates bullying and it became more
evident when he became friends with a reckless and corrupt boy from his new school. Although Ben
possesses the aforementioned negative traits, we also discovered some outstanding traits of his. Gifted
Hands depicted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ben Carson was truly an exceptional and an accomplished person; however, the audience came to
know that he hasn t always been like that. Ben came from a broken family since his father broke all
contact and left him when he was still young; thus, he lived with his mother and his older brother.
Besides the fact that he comes from a broken family, he is also a man of color. At that certain part of
history, it is common to belittle and discriminate people belonging to the black ethnicity, which makes
Ben s life tougher and more arduous. In addition to the aforementioned issues Ben faced, we learned
that he was having a difficult time reading which explains his unsatisfactory grades and a little later it
was also revealed that his mother also has a learning disability since she also can t read. Since the said
obstacles greatly affected his view of himself and his personality, he had a fairly low self concept. Due
to the incessant bullying and teasing of his classmates, he was quite ashamed of himself and he
believed that he was not enough that he was not destined to be someone outstanding and
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Case Study Of Glaxosmithkline Company
GlaxoSmithKline company, formed when Glaxo merged with SmithKline in 2000. The purpose of the
merger intensifying efforts in research and development of excellence for the development of drugs
and treatment. GSK since integration become a leader in innovation and development of
pharmaceutical and distribution companies, where the company has secured drugs AIDS in developing
countries at reduced prices, also has provided treatments for other diseases at an affordable price for
people in the poorest countries of the world.
It has several products branching out to several of the most important disciplines, are prescription
medicines and vaccines products, consumer healthcare products (such as Pain Relief
(Voltaren),Respiratory(Thearaflu),Oral ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Usually includes basic knowledge, experience or ability in a particular area or a specific skill, allows a
business to reach large segments of the markets, which cannot be reached by other competitors. The
core capabilities are a pivotal factor to determine the manner in which they operate companies or
employees determined core capabilities in three key criteria: Cannot competitors imitate core
competencies of the company easily, can be reused company s core competencies are widely used in
many products and markets. (Espinoza, et al, 2010)
For example, the core competence of the company Toyota Motor high quality at the best price. And
therefore provide customer value for money they pay. This can be attributed to the quality and
innovation in production. Toyota s latest revolution in car production. Where it followed a cost
leadership strategy to improve the quality of its products. Toyota has worked tirelessly to create this
distinctive competence over the years. So that other cars companies has not been able to do what you
do. This led to obtain a competitive advantage that gave a rare Toyota brand in the market. (Gupta,
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A Summary OfFrindle By Andrew Clements
Frindle by Andrew Clements illustrated by Brian Selznick
Nick Allen is a child full of ideas who decides to replace the word pen with the word frindle after his
teacher has told him that words are formed by the people making them, therefore he must try it out for
himself and gets six of his friends to commit to using the word frindle instead of pen.
Nick and his friends made a big show about using the new word every time they needed to say pen,
however Mrs. Granger, the fifth grade, language arts teacher was not in favor of the use of the word
and asked them not to use it. That was not going to stop the group. So, the punishment for using the
word was writing sentences in afterschool detention. The word caught on all over school ... Show
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The white envelope included the note that was from way back in the beginning of the conflict when he
put his name on it. It said she knew or was rooting for it to become a word, moreover congratulating
him for making it in the dictionary. She also apologized for trying to hold him back and now could see
the benefit of the event happening in her classroom. Inside the white envelope also came a box with
Mrs. Granger s favorite fountain pen, it had a small note attached saying frindle on it. Then he did
something special, he gave Mrs. Granger a gold pen with this inscription This object belongs to Mrs.
Lorelei Granger, and she may call it any name she chooses With love from Nicholas Allen The event
of the story is factual in that it could happen and it is also social in the way that Nick was able to get
the word started. Getting his friends together and agree to use the word frindle instead of pen
continually. The author permits freedom by giving the children something to act on that doesn t harm
anyone. It also allows for an older person or one in authority to have the freedom to express the need
for respect, yet still show support for the act of progress. The author has demonstrated the dynamics of
the classroom between child and teacher showing the struggles of a student who enjoys trying out new
ideas. The only thing controversial is Nick s use of his new word in class which led to his teacher
feeling disrespected after
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Research Paper On Kitchen Hutch
Title: Kitchen Hutch The Ultimate Space Saver for the Dining Room or the Kitchen
Description The kitchen hutch is one of the best pieces of furniture for people who want to showcase
the expensive dinnerware and kitchen utensils that they possess.
Kitchen entertainment and gatherings have become the latest trend in the use of homes and to do so a
good amount of kitchen space is needed. Nowadays the top priorities for homeowners include
organizational structure, freedom and the convenience of moving about in the kitchen. The present day
society is a streamlining society where people have this desire of creating wonderful dinner services
and enjoying the company of the guests. This is the main reasons why the kitchen designs of the
modern times are found incorporating modern innovations for accommodating the dual purpose of
entertaining and cooking: the need for space and organization. The kitchen hutch is one of the greatest
solutions to the problem of organization and space in the kitchen. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This is due to the fact that they are available in a variety of styles and colors along with artistic
designs making them perfect for the kitchens of the modern times. Style coordination is not a big deal
with the modern kitchen hutches available in the market. You can easily get hold of a kitchen hutch
that will serve as a very beautiful addition to the kitchen or the dining room décor. However, there is
only one drawback of using the hutch and that is the fact that the conventional designs of hutches are
no more available. Kitchen hutches not only add practicality to a dining space or a kitchen but they
also add a kind of decorative touch to these spaces. They possess this ability of catching the eyes of
the onlookers because of the fact that they are made of attractive materials along with decorative
accents and appealing
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Essay on Nursing Coat of Arms
Nursing is a profession whose focus is not only to care for the physical aspects of an illness but also to
integrate the psychological, spiritual, and social aspects of the client s life into their care. The values
of the nursing profession are based upon the teachings of Florence Nightingale; a pioneer of the
nursing profession. Nursing is not only based on scientific knowledge and evidence based practice,
but also on a foundation of moral values that help provide the client with the most humane care
possible. A Coat of Arms is the integration of a variety of symbols that illustrate the values of a family,
person, or in this case; a profession. A Coat of Arms is not only used to symbolize values, but is
perceived as a sign of honour and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This value is represented in our coat of arms as the outline of a brain. This symbol was chosen
because regardless of how different our knowledge base is or how extensive it is, it will always remain
within our minds. Critical thinking is the ability to solve a problem by looking at its evidence, asking
questions, analyzing answers, and being open minded about the possible outcomes or causes of the
problem. Critical thinking allows the nurse to effectively solve any problem that arises with a patient
no matter how complex the problem may be. Critical thinking is illustrated in our Coat of Arms as a
puzzle and a question mark, where the puzzle represents the complexity of the problem that has been
attained or is being approached and the question mark depicts the ability to ask questions and to use
knowledge to solve the problem. Next our Coat of Arms illustrates the figure of a lion. The lion was
chosen to represent the value of leadership, which is immensely important to the nursing profession.
Leadership is achieved in the nursing profession through education of both the nurse and client, and
the ability to influence not only the client but also the community as a whole. Leadership also means
that the nurse is able to support others in their quest to recovery of health, maintenance of health,
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The Importance Of Professionalism Expected Of A Senior...
On 11/13/XX, I provided you with an outline of what I expected in this overview document because I
had previously explained what I expected several times and you hadn t delivered it. As you know, I
have wanted to review this document with Tim for over a month and it is delaying the approval of the
hardware portion of the LAN. The review meeting that was held today with Ren, Hall, and Kerry was
a waste of our time. And, it was obvious that you had made only minor corrections to his document,
since we met yesterday afternoon to review what you had at that time. Note, I don t consider your
coming to me 30 minutes prior to our 2:00 meeting asking me about my comments yesterday so that
you hastily throw something more into the document I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sue said that there are many tasks involved in the LAN implementation and estimated that they could
take several weeks to complete. At that time, I directed Sue to meet with you and get you started on
some of these tasks. She agreed and assured me she would make time for you today. At the conclusion
of our 9:00 a.m. meeting, I asked you to see Sue to obtain your new tasks. I also asked whether you
had any questions to which you responded no. At 5:00 p.m. this evening, I stopped by to ask Sue for
an update on the tasks that she had assigned to you. To my dismay, you had not made any attempt to
meet with Sue to receive your new tasks. Immediately, I asked Sue whether she had been available.
She said she had been in her office most of the day and thought you were going to stop by. Peter,
surely you could have contacted her, especially since she assured me she would make time for you. I
know you were here today, I don t know what you were doing, but clearly you did not do what you
were assigned. Now, first thing Tuesday, Feb. 23, I want you to provide me with a written explanation
of why you did not do what you were assigned. Then, I want you to meet with Sue to obtain your new
tasks. cc: Jane Han Chris Jones Document 4 Date: February 22, XXXX To: Peter Gill From: Tim Seitz
Regarding: Written Warning Effective immediately your responsibilities are changed. Because of your
inability to satisfactorily perform the duties required of a Technology
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Research Paper On Deep Sea Jellies
The ocean covers 71 percent of the Earth s surface, making the deep ocean one of the most expansive
habits. Although the ocean is extremely large, it is largely undiscovered; there has been more people
that have traveled to the moon than have gone to the depths of the ocean. Depth and light are inversely
related, so the deeper in the ocean one goes the less light is able to reach to that point. Organisms that
have called the depths of the ocean their home have adapted to the extreme conditions in quite
peculiar ways. Because red light is the first frequency of light filtered out by the depth of water, deep
sea jellies have evolved bodies that produce red light that effectively makes them appear black
because there is no red light to reflect.
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Analysis Of The Movie The Night Of Angelina
The very next day Angelina was back to her oh happy go lucky self. Everyone was glad especially
Demitrius. Class went as usual, but this time Angelina and Demitrius didn t sit next to each other in
Greek class. Both him and her didn t want to repeat the incident that happened the other day. He
wanted to remain close to her, but not that close. Today was a half day, so the bell rings dismissing the
student for their weekend break. The Five friends gathered around each others cars.
What you got planned for the weekend, Angelina? Lucinda? Thomas had asked them. While they were
talking, the snake like creature crept up on Maya s shoulders again. But this time it was unseen and
Its time, master. It hisses into her ear, she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Back at the High School parking lot, every one stares at each other with perplex expressions. All
except Maya, her expression was blank, and flat. The wind starts howl, as if a tornado or a hurricane
was getting closer. Than out of nowhere in the middle of the sky appeared a creature, not of this world.
The alien, you could say, looked somewhat human, but with a mixture of a squid and a angel fish.
Come to me, Maya! He says The time for us to rule over all now! I am free!
As if on cue Maya, slowly raised her head. She no longer had her beautiful brown face any more. But
instead her face looked half human and half alien. Her eyes gleamed a red looking color.
Yes, Pharaoh Jayaven. Than she slowly rises into the air and than disappeared right along with the
What just happened? Thomas had asked with a even steal confusion look on his face.
I know what just happened. Well I think. Demitrius says, while placing his index finger on to his chin
The Earth started to rumble again and the wind had died down a little bit.
What s happening, Demitrius, tell us. Lucinda said while she was walking towards him. He was
leaned up against Thoma s car.
Priest, told me that before humans had in habited the Earth, there was evil and ruthless creature sealed
within it s core. He was an evil space demon. But that was all he
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Merit Based Pay
Edmond Holmes, Great Britain s chief academic inspector, defined education in the era of merit based
pay as the teacher involved in laying thin films of information on the surface of the child s mind, and
then, after a brief interval, in skimming these off in order to satisfy himself that they have been duly
laid (Nelson, 2001). Holmes referred to this type of recall as being the equivalent of food which its
recipient has not been allowed to digest .
In 1918, 48 percent of U.S. public school districts described their payment systems as merit based. But
merit was subjective: White men were paid more than minorities and women, a disparity that
eventually fueled a movement toward a uniform pay scale. Two years after women won the vote, the
first uniform pay plans appeared in Denver, Colorado, and Des Moines, Iowa. By the 1950s, only 4
percent of U.S. school districts described themselves as merit based (Murnane Cohen, 1986; Protsik,
1996). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the early 1980s, when A Nation at Risk warned citizens with the prospect of a rising tide of
mediocrity threatening to overwhelm U.S. schools, President Reagan reestablished trials with
performance based pay, with equally negative effects. Some schools experimented through the late
1980s with inducement programs based on merit, administration by aims, and career ladder or
differentiated staffing tactics. Few such trials had run smoothly for long. Another set of experiments
emerged in the 1990s, wherein most were also based on career ladders, teacher expertise and
knowledge, or differentiated
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John Updike s The A P
The A P
Have you ever forgotten to pick up snacks or drinks from the grocery store before you went to the
beach? Well, nearly everyone has, maybe even the Kardashian s. I am going to write about the story A
P adding in secondary sources because I personally had a similar experience to what the girls went
through in this story and I want to compare my feeling to the way others may feel about this short
story. A P is a short story by author John Updike about three girls walking into the A P with bathing
suits on, supposedly forgetting to pick up something that is necessary for them to hang out at the
beach. Upon walking in the store, the girls find everything great until the manager causes a big scene
between them because they are not fully ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Updike was born to his mother Linda Grace Hoyer and father Wesley Russell Updike. Updike first
wife was named Mary Entwistle Pennington whom he separated from in 1974 due to an affair. Then
he married his second wife Martha Bernhard in 1977. Altogether Updike had four children, two boys
and two girls. After Governor Mifflin Senior High School Updike started his studies at Harvard
University to obtain a degree in English graduating as a Summa cum laude in 1954. When Updike was
twenty two he published his first story titled Friends from Philadelphia, in the New Yorker in 1954 and
that marked the beginning of his writing career. Altogether John Updike wrote many books but his top
ten that the public loved were: Rabbit Angstrom: A Tetralogy, Olinger Stories: A Selection, Of the
Farm, The Maples Stories, The Witches of Eastwick, In the Beauty of the Lilies, Hub Fans Bid Kid
Adieu: John Updike on Ted Williams, Hugging the Shore: Essays and Criticism, Self Consciousness:
Memoirs, Endpoint and Other Poems. However, in the book After the Fall: American Literature since
9/11 Herman says, Commentator have by and large not liked Updike s penultimate novel very much.
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Passover Through Storytelling
Storytelling is a common theme in the human experience. Almost all civilizations have a tradition of
storytelling whether it be folk tales used to teach lessons or stories used to remember the past.
Storytelling is important to Judaism as it is used to recount Jewish history and to teach new
generations about the past to create a better future. Oral tradition and the Torah are used to help
discuss the past. In fact, the Torah itself is storytelling in written form used to preserve history and
traditions. Jewish communities also use storytelling to discuss and debate the past and how it affects
life today. For example, the meanings and rules illustrated in the Torah are often discussed to
determine how they relate to current issues. To do this, the older generations use storytelling and the
Torah to teach the new generations about the history of the Jewish people. Stories are used to explain
the world and to teach people morals and lessons so they can pass them onto their children. This plays
a role in Jewish history and traditions, including Passover. Storytelling is a significant part of the
significance and celebration of Passover. Storytelling is important to the meaning and celebration of
Passover. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Passover is based on the story in Exodus. The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt then Moses led them
out of Egypt after the last plague. The night before, Jewish people rapidly prepared to leave. They
sacrificed a lamb and put blood on their doors to protect them. They also made unleavened bread
because they did not have time for it to rise. Moses led them safely out of Egypt, where they were
freed from slavery and developed their new identity as a nation. Passover is centered around the story
of Exodus. Thus, Passover celebrates the liberation of the Israelites and the birth of their independent
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of GIS Division
The Main Aim is to modernize the GIS division to improve and increase the efficiency of the
department in the following ways: a. Data Sharing: GIS Data can be shared through the web/Intranet
directly. It will provide a timely and clear picture of the existing/proposed scenarios to the relevant
decision makers with click of mouse via web. Multiple users working from Remote locations: It will
allow users to work from remote locations. Field Users: It will allow field users to update GIS or
attribute information directly from the field. Data Storage in Central Database: Data Access and
storage in Centralized Database will help with better management of the data. o user friendly tools to
utilize this data and make it useful
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Salisbury Cathedral
Constructed from 1220 to 1258, Salisbury Cathedral is a prime example of early English Gothic or
High Gothic architecture and is arguably one of the most important cathedrals in all of England.
Located in Salisbury of Wiltshire, England, the cathedral was constructed due to the move of the
bishopric from Old Sarum Cathedral to Salisbury, under the tenure of Bishop Richard Poore. Because
the majority of the cathedral was built in only 38 years, the building exemplifies a single architectural
style and although the spire, chapter house and cloisters were built at a later date, they still seamlessly
match the English Gothic architecture of the original structure. Directly adjacent to the Avon River,
the Salisbury, like all Christian cathedrals, is positioned so that the ... Show more content on
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Walking from downtown Salisbury, one finds him or herself approaching the cathedral from the
northeast at an oblique angle. Although there is one sidewalk that approaches the façade straight on,
all other paths lead to the building at some sort of oblique angle, giving the building a sense of
plasticity or three dimensionality. This concept of plasticity and approaching the building at and angle
dates back to the Greeks, and causes the viewer to think more about the form and scale of the building
than if they were to approach the structure from a 90 degree angle. In contrast, if one were to approach
the cathedral from the west, he or she will notice the planar west façade and its horizontality, which
clearly resembles the screen type façade seen at Wells Cathedral. In both Salisbury and Wells
Cathedrals, the west facades
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The central point of this article is to discuss the...
The central point of this article is to discuss the relationships between the colonizers and colonized in
culture and imperialism. Because the links between these two things (culture and imperialism) raise
important questions about how, power and knowledge works in colonial societies. In some ways this
article even looks into race relations and why they are the way they are today. Arguing that, British
indirect rule effectively resulted in racial segregation (Bush 225). We can see that racism can be linked
to a cultural problem that still effects the race relations that we have today. The study of the
indifference the British and French had when they colonized can be used to explain many aspects of
racial relations and I am sure many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This example definitely is applicable to the colonization of Hong Kong. Hong Kong was colonized
after the Opium War era and soon grew to become a huge center for commerce and a key connection
point from the east to the west. This idea is exemplified by Hong Kong because the area was lacking
in economic and technology before the British came along. However I wish the author would have
given an example of the statement that: cultural power may be defined as the will to dominate and not
be dominated, to impose change whilst remaining unchanged. Because from my observations of Hong
Kong perhaps each culture wanted to impose their ideas onto one another but what actually happened
was a nice combination of both Chinese culture and British culture effecting one another to create
something new. Like many places in Asia there is a large American/English influence but in Hong
Kong it is definitely greater because of the fact that English is commonly spoken there. The author s
argument is strong however I felt it necessary to provide my own examples because Bush lacks those
cohesive examples to make her points stronger and better supported. I do not see any problems with
her argument however it would have been nice if it provided greater historical context. Even though it
would have made this piece a lot longer it would have been nice for her to go into those details so that
the reader could understand exactly what she meant about the examples she
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  • 3. Argumentative Essay On Space Exploration Imagine living in the lost city of Atlantis where everyone is living underwater and their is a sufficient supply of exquisite food and fresh drinkable water. Though this may seem impossible and only found in fictional worlds such as the DC Comics universe, science can now make this possible. Even though space exploration has been the main objective of many scientist and groups, colonizing and exploring the vasts oceans should become the main objective for many various reasons. By defining the necessity for pursuing ocean exploration and colonization as a more realistic than present space exploration, by refuting those who claim space exploration should take precedence, by presenting compelling evidence, expert opinions, and strong arguments , all will be persuaded that exploration and colonization of the ocean is imperative, realistic, and should take priority over space exploration. Colonizing the oceans would be surprisingly beneficial to humans because it would help decrease the population in highly populated countries, such as China who has an AQI (Air Quality Index) of 300+. This means that it is very hazardous to go outside (project). In order to decrease the pollution in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Taylor Casti of Mashsable.com , Space has been the clear leader for a long time. $17.8 billion dollars is going toward space exploration in 2013, compared to the $5 billion dollars that goes toward oceanic exploration. This discrepancy has led to skewed results: While 500 individuals have been sent into space, only three have visited the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench . In terms of discovery and experimentation, this large discrepancy in 2013 caused ocean exploration to be behind. As Mark Strauss says, No matter where we live, we can go outside on a clear night, look up into the sky, and wonder about what s out there ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. What Is The Theme Of Alienation In Brave New World It is not uncommon for someone to experience being cut off from their home ; you are cut off when you go to college, the military, move, study abroad, etc. However, in these situations people tend to adapt, but imagine going somewhere where everything is different; the way people eat, socialize, sleep, have relationships, everything changes. Some people could say this is similar to moving into another country where the culture and language is different. In situations where everything you ve come accustomed to changes, you can feel like you don t belong. However, immersing yourself in a completely different lifestyle can also be enlightening. For John leaving his home meant everything was changing, but because his exile, he is not only alienated but enriched with completely different outlooks on life. In the novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley uses imagery to develop John s experience and to show that exile brings both alienation and enlightenment in order to illustrate the theme of happiness is not worth individualism. Alex Huxley contrasts John s home and the Ford society in order to show that exile can bring alienation. Prior to John being cut off from his home, two members of the Ford society visit. Huxley uses imagery to contrast John s birthplace to the part of society that follows the Ford way. When Lenina and Bernard visit the reservation where John was born, Alex Huxley says The place was queer, so was the music, so were the clothes and the goitres and the skin ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Combo Washer Dryer Essay Assignment 2 Problem 1(Enhancing, Augmenting and Transforming Devices) Enhancing Device: Nebulizer Machine Asthma patients feel difficult to breathe. Nebulizer Machine is an enhancing device which helps the Asthma patients breathe easily. The machine effectively sends the medicine to the lungs better than the inhalers when the patients require a higher level of oxygen. Augmenting Device: Combo Washer Dryer Combo Washer Dryer is an automated machine where it is a combination in a single container of a washing machine and a clothes dryer. In the Combo Washer Dryer, the container has a washer and dryer which allow the clothes to be washed and dried at once. Combo Washer Dryer is an augmented device which reduces the activity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Immanuel Kant s Toward Perpetual Peace War is natural, human beings can not get enough war. This was stated by Immanuel Kant in one of his famous essays Toward Perpetual Peace a philosophical sketch . Immanuel Kant was a philosopher who was credited for effecting the combination of empiricist philosophy which dominated Great Britain and the rationalist philosophy that had dominated the European continent. Kant introduced a new way of thinking about the relation of the human mind to the dispassionate world and also established a powerful method of moral reasoning. Kant s essay Toward Perpetual Peace was published in 1795 and the target audience was politicians. Immanuel Kant was a German Philosopher during the Enlightenment era in which he wrote his social and political philosophy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The purposes of the UN charter is to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to achieve international co operation, and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. The UN charter also provides an outline like Kant s essay for the nations to use when there is a crisis. Kant s essay and the UN charter are very similar but there are some differences also. The UN charter states In order to enable the United Nations to take urgent military measures, Members shall hold immediately available national air force contingents for combined international enforcement action. The strength and degree of readiness of these contingents and plans for their combined action shall be determined within the limits laid down in the special agreement or agreements referred to in Article 43, by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee. while in Kant s essay he states Standing Armies Shall in Time Be Totally Abolished . The UN charter is mostly focused on maintaining peace within the member nations and to prevent future world wars. While Kant s essay is about achieving peace and having states change the way they lead their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Asian-American´s Suicide According to research, California State Fullerton professor Eliza Noh states that Asian American women of the age 15 to 24 have the highest rates of suicide than any other racial, ethnic, or gender group. The model minority pressure socially produced pressure internalized by families of some Asian American children to be high achievers at school and professionally plays a large factor to the issue, especially since girls, who are more affected by it than boys, are expected to become the perfect mother, daughter, wife and get only A s in school and choose the right type of job, (Cruz 1). Noh adds on, saying that Asian American women have a tendency to ignore or deny stress, depression and other mental health problems which can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There s a cultural practice of dealing with distress and feelings on your own before burdening others with them, clinical psychologist and Palo Alto University assistant professor Joyce Chu explains. By the time [Asian American women] seek professional help, the severity of their mental health problems are much higher than compared to every other group, (Mu 1). Within my household, feelings of deep sorrow and despair have never been discussed between the members of my family. It is important to keep up the appearance that there is nothing out of place so, even though I sometimes confide in my friends, the act of confessing my sadness is kept to a minimal because of how unusual it feels. Losing face is a well known concept among other Asian culture: Unlike individualistic cultures, shame and honor go far beyond the indi¬vidual, and reflect directly upon ones family, nation, or other group, and so is taken very seriously. Maintaining good face is a kind of measurement of how well one has maintained faith to traditional values, and ones social standing among others. It serves as a strong control mechanism which reinforces all other Asian values. (Hu 1) This is likely one of the main reasons why many Asian American women do not seek psychological help, because it is not only embedded in them to keep up the appearance of happiness and good health, but the shame that comes with it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Peyote In The Man Who Killed the Deer by Frank Waters, the speaker talks about how Martiniano, the man who killed the deer, is disconnected from his tribe and is in search of a religion. After coming in contact with a member of the peyote church, he decides he wants to try it. He finds the visions and hallucinations reassuring for a while, but after the authorities invade one of the ceremonies, he no longer wants to be associated with peyote and the trouble it is bringing his tribe. Peyote and the ritualistic uses have a long history, and it has been used within a number of Native American tribes in the United States since the mid 1800 s to the early 1900 s. Peyote is a cactus, and the most common species is known as Lophophora williamsii. This ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These peyote rituals later became associated with the Native American Church (NAC). There are various divisions of the NAC, with each chapter having specific officers or personnel dedicated to carrying out the ritualistic processes. The most prominent position is the Road Chief, whom of which is responsible for leading the main elements of the meeting as well as directing participants down the peyote road, or a way of living life well. Other positions within the church include Fire Man, Cedar Man, and Earth Mother. While each chapter is different, most of them adopt similar ceremonial elements, which include: the avoidance of alcohol, devotion to family and general moral living (Majchrzak). During the ceremonies, the Road Chief administers the peyote, which are in the form of mescal buttons. While the peyote is administered, music will often be sung in the background. The use of feathers, rattles, bone whistles, and drumming are also a common element of the peyote ceremonies. The ceremonies usually begin on Saturday evenings at 8:00 p.m. and end on Sunday mornings, commencing with a communal breakfast. It is believed that the consumption of peyote allows for communion with the gods and the deceased, as well as offering participants a sense of guidance, power and healing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Middle Class A blue collar worker that makes 25 thousand dollars a year is put in the same socioeconomic class as an engineer making 200 thousand dollars based on the Pew Research Center s Calculation of middle class. The definition of middle class lumps those making four times the median United States income with those living paycheck to paycheck and feeling like they live more impoverished than anything leading to a confusion in identity. Is the lower middle supposed to feel proud and content with their situation considering they are categorized with engineers, doctors, and lawyers, or are they to feel impoverished because if they took a 5 thousand dollar pay cut, they would be below the poverty line? The gap between the lower middle and the upper middle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Joe Carter in What Exactly Does argues that the term middle class is too broad of a classification of a socioeconomic class. Carter uses income facts of the middle class ranging from 40,000 to 250,000 dollars a year from the Pew research center to demonstrate the income inequality in the middle class. Carter argues that the wide ranging middle class makes it difficult to make policies that help the lower middle without also helping the upper middle because they are grouped in the same classification of socioeconomic status. When policies like the 529 bill created by Obama in order to help the middle class attend college, they help the upper middle class which already lives comfortably according to Carter, increasing the economic gap. In a different take on carter s ideologies, the authors Janny Scott and David Leonhardt describe class lines as blurry because people live lavishly beyond their class, but still firm barriers because the gaps of lifespan, health, and style of life between classes still continues to grow. Carter argues these lines exist between the lower middle and the upper middle because of the large ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Philosophy of Nursing Philosophy of Nursing Alicia Hanford Elms College Philosophy of Nursing I remember at a young age telling my mother that I wanted to be a nurse just like her, she told me to choose a different path. Her response surprised me but did not stop me from pursuing my dream. I am passionate about being a nurse and what that role means. With recent frustrations with others in this profession I finally understood why my mother told me to choose a different path. I have always believed that being a nurse is an honor, that we are the voice of not only our patients but the communities they come from. When you continually work by those who do not share those beliefs and values it can break you. A nurse that truly cares and understands how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For me that is what health is and my definition of health in that way guides me in how I can care for my patients. I know that not all patients can be cured of illness so it important for me to provide my patient with the care and tools to live their life to their highest quality. Nursing There is a reason that nurses are required to report abuse, we are the voices for those who cannot speak, and we are our community s advocates. I feel it our duty as nurses to educate communities on health promotion and prevention. It is our duty as nurses to educate the government on what is affecting our communities and advocate for improvements. Nursing is providing hope, it is initiating change, and it is lifestyle; not a job. Conclusion I feel that being a nurse gives me the opportunity to be involved in as many aspects of nursing as I can and to make a difference in as many ways possible. I am not entirely sure where I want my nursing career to take me but I do know I want to change things. I have only been a nurse for eleven years but in that time I have seen a dramatic change in the morale of our nurses and the confidence that our community has in us. With healthcare reform and continuing economic decline I see this to be only getting worse. I feel that it our responsibility as nurses to remember where we came from. How it was in the beginning for nurses and what nurses as a group were able to accomplish together. We have forgotten ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The History Of Hip-Hop Hip hop began in the streets of New York City 44 years ago to be exact. Hip hop has gone though a lot of changes up until now. From what I have learned from watching a documentary on Netflix is that hip hop consists of: rap, graffiti, break dancing, and disc jockey. In this paper I will do my best to fully explain how rap became what it is today. The way it emerged in 1970 s. There are honestly only two ways I can start off by telling you about what I have learned about where hip hop came from which no doubt it was DJ Kool Herc but even by telling you that before that the sound that was really popular in New York was disco. This was very shortly before Herc. Late 60 s early 70 s disco was hot, it s like it had exploded. It s where everyone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He would just shout out stuff on the mic. It wasn t anything to interesting at first just him saying stuff like people that were there or even other random stuff but he got better. The party s didn t stop they just kept getting more people to come out for the fun. That wasn t his only job he was also selling nickel bags of cannabis he said. There wasn t anyone one the mic while they playing the music like they were doing. That s where some of the first rap s were being born at these parties. They didn t know that s what it would be called but yes it happened. The first rap was There is not a man that can t be thrown A horse that can t be rode A bull that can t be stopped There is not a disco that I Coke La Rock can t rock . Not a lot of people were there to see them do these things but they were the founders. That seed was planted and people started wanting to do the things they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Duct Pressure Testing Essay Duct Pressure Testing in Martinsburg, WV, and the Surrounding Areas If you have never heard of duct pressure testing, you re not alone. Many homeowners are unaware of this practice and the important role it serves in keeping your air ducts functional. This is a diagnostic procedure to measure the air tightness of the air ducts in your home. It can be done in a home that is already inhabited, as well as in a newly built structure. If you are unsure as to whether the ducts in your home should be pressure tested, consult TI Dawson Heating AC. We provide duct pressure testing to residents in the Martinsburg, WV area. Why Duct Pressure Testing Is Necessary Should you have pressure testing done on your ductwork? Only an expert should help you make that decision. If you suspect that your ducts are leaking, then testing them is generally a good idea. Duct leaks in your home can make it unhealthy and uncomfortable. If the return ducts are leaky, they can draw pollutants into the home from a variety of places, such as your basement, attic, garage, or crawl space. If the supply ducts were not installed properly, they could cause back drafting in fireplaces and wood stoves. Back drafting is dangerous, and it can also occur in water heaters and naturally vented oil and gas furnaces. Leaking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sealing the leaks in your system s return ducts will stop pollutants from entering the home from different locations. What kinds of pollutants might enter your home through leaky ducts? From the attic, you might be exposed to dust and insulation fibers. The crawl space could expose your household to dust, pesticides, mildew, mold, moisture, insulation fibers, and even radon gas. The basement could contain carbon monoxide, mold, mildew, dust, and fumes from chemicals and all of these things might make their way into your home through leaky ducts. You could also inhale chemical fumes, carbon monoxide, car exhaust, and dust from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Siddhartha Analysis Paper Time does not exist; love is eternal; death brings peace. Siddhartha illustrates each of these themes in the novel, Siddhartha. Throughout his life, Siddhartha is very independent. For example, Siddhartha demonstrates self determination when he leaves his overbearing father to begin the life of the Samanas (Hesse 10). There, he escapes from the physical world to soon realize that enlightenment cannot come from ignoring the world around him. He decides to follow the Buddha and learn his teachings; however, he is unsuccessful. As Siddhartha goes through his unaccompanied journey towards Enlightenment, he comes to realize that he must let his loved ones go and that each man must find the way by himself (Malthaner 3). Foolishly, he falls ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After his experiences, Siddhartha comprehends that he is not capable of individualistic love and decides to abandon Kamala. Later, he meets her again, but now she is not alone. While Kamala takes a journey with her son to visit the dying Buddha, she gets bitten by a poisonous snake and perishes. He loses Kamala s love but hopes to gain the love of his son. Unfortunately, he never does. Siddhartha treats his son with consideration and respect although he realizes the boy has been spoiled by a wealthy lifestyle. He unsuccessfully tries to win over the love of his son, but his love is not mutual. Young Siddhartha soon runs away towards the village to continue his life without his controlling father. Although Siddhartha understands that he must let him go, his love for his son is overwhelming; he cannot bear to let the boy go. After speaking with Vasudeva, the Ferryman, and learning from the river, Siddhartha learns to accept the loss of love. Now, Siddhartha has gained wisdom and understanding of love universal love. Enlightenment cannot exist without love, for love is the most important thing in the world (Hesse 147). Through Kamala and his son he has learned that one must love the world, not despise it (Hesse 147). At first, love is portrayed as an immoral feeling and thought of as an obstacle in his journey to reach Nirvana. Later, Siddhartha learns that one must love to prosper and that love is what keeps the world alive. In conclusion, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Towards A Phenomenology Of Dwelling Summary In Towards a Phenomenology of Dwelling, Lisa Guenther puts forth thought on dwelling, and doing so responsibly. She brings up the idea of a person s daimon, which I like to think of as a person s conscious. It tells you the possible things that you can do, both good and bad, but ultimately, only you can decide what you will do. The visual of an angel and the devil sitting upon either shoulder comes to my mind. Others are more aware of your daimon than you are, and this is because there are parts of yourself that you do not see. Whether this be physical, like your habits, tendencies, and body language or not visible like your desires, most of the time, others are more aware of this than you are. Desires influence every decision that you make, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Science of Stars Paper Science of Stars Paper Diana L. Mieltowski SCI/151 September 27, 2010 Robert Austin Science of Stars Paper In this paper I will explain how astronomers determine the composition, temperature, speed, and rotation rate of distant objects using various methods. I will explain the properties of stars. I will also summarize the complete lifecycle of the Sun and determine where the Sun is currently in its lifecycle. Measurement of Distant Objects Light is a type of energy. Light behaves like a wave because it acts as a disturbance in the magnetic and electric field of space. Light can behave as a particle, because it sends all its energy to one place. A particle of light is called a photon. Photons can be absorbed into objects, bounce ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Properties of Stars Many physical properties of stars can be found by using a little bit of light. One property of a star is luminosity. Luminosity is the quantity of energy created in a star and then released as electromagnetic radiation. The brightness of a star is a blend of luminosity and distance of a star and can also depend on the quantity of energy absorbed in the direction of a star. Another property of a star is distance. Astronomers use parallax to establish the distance to an object. As Earth travels around the Sun, they monitor neighboring stars from various positions. They are then able to measure how much the star seems to move to establish the distance to the star. Another property of a star is temperature. By measuring the temperature of a star, scientists are able to tell how hot the star is. They use color to measure the temperature of stars. The red ones are the coolest (3,500 K), the yellow ones are warmer (5,000 to 7,000 K), the white ones are warmer still (9,000 to 15,000 K), and the blue ones are the hottest (20,000 to 50,000 K). Life Cycle of the Sun The life cycle of the Sun starts like all stars with a cloud of dust and gas made up of mostly hydrogen. If the cloud cools, it will shrink because of the gravitational pull between the particles ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Plot PLOT OF INTO THE WILD (FILM) The film is presented in a nonlinear narrative, jumping back and forth between McCandless s time spent in Alaskan wilderness and his two year travels leading up to his journey to Alaska. The plot summary here is told in a more chronological order. In May 1992, Christopher McCandless (Emile Hirsch) arrives in a remote area just north of the Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska and sets up a campsite in an abandoned bus. At first, McCandless is content with the isolation, the beauty of nature around him, and the thrill of living off the land. He hunts wild animals with a .22 caliber rifle, reads books, and keeps a diary of his thoughts as he prepares for himself a new life in the wild. Two years ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... McCandless then travels to the Colorado River and, though told by park rangers that he may not kayak down the river without a license, ignores their warnings and paddles downriver until he eventually arrives in Mexico. There, his kayak is lost in a dust storm and he crosses back into the United States on foot. Unable to hitchhike, he starts traveling on freight trains to Los Angeles, California. Not long after arriving, however, he starts feeling corrupted by modern civilization and decides to leave. Later, McCandless is forced to switch his traveling method back to hitchhiking after he is beaten by the railroad police. In December 1991, McCandless arrives at Slab City in the Imperial Valley region of California, and encounters Jan and Rainey again. There, he meets Tracy Tatro (Kristen Stewart), a teenage girl who shows interest in McCandless, but he rejects her because she is underage. After the holidays, McCandless decides to continue heading for Alaska, much to everyone s sadness. While camping near Salton City, California, McCandless encounters Ron Franz (Hal Holbrook), a retired man who recounts the story of the loss of his family in a car accident while he was serving in the United States Army. He now occupies his time in a workshop as an amateur leather worker. Franz teaches McCandless the craft of leatherwork, resulting in the making of a belt that details McCandless travels. After spending several months with Franz, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. “Academic Stress, Achievement Motivation, and Academic... ACADEMIC STRESS, ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION, AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AS PREDICTORS OF ADJUSTMENT AMONG HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS. ABSTRACT The main aim of the present study was to explore the relative contribution of academic stress, achievement motivation and academic achievement among adjustment of high school students. It was hypothesized that adjustment will be significantly predicted on the basis of academic stress, achievement motivation and academic achievement. 160 students of Sangli and Kolhapur district were selected by random sampling method. Multiple regressions were done to analyze the collective data. The findings of the study revealed that academic stress and adjustment is negatively related with each other, while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Educational adjustments are very important for academic achievement. Ramanna Sood (1992) found significant relationship between achievement motivation and adjustment. According to Good (1993) academic achievement means knowledge attained or skills developed in the school subject, usually designated by test scores or by marks assigned by teachers or by both. Best (1977) pointed out that academic grades assigned by teachers or scores on standardized achievement test is operational definition of academic achievement. According to George and Ravindran (2005) many factors contribute to academic achievement. The major ones are intelligence, adjustments, motivation, academic stress, level of aspirations and time perception etc. In present study academic achievement is being studied with the adjustment, achievement motivation and academic stress. Methodology Aim of the study The main aim of the present study is that there is possibility of prediction of adjustment of high school students on the basis of academic stress, achievement motivation and academic achievement. Objectives of the study 1) To measure the academic stress, achievement motivation and adjustment of high school students and find out whether the difference between male female, urban rural and high and low achievers is significant or not. 2) To study the strength of association ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Representative Heuristic And Representative Bias Definition Representativeness Bias or Representativeness Heuristic is a shortcut in trying to associate present people or events to past experience. It is the probability that event A is connected to event B because they share common physical characteristics. We observe a person or object and if it shares similar qualities from another object we are familiar with, then we assume that the object is a part of that category. I used Legally Blonde because it is a great example of how Elle (Reese Witherspoon) was underestimated. Elle is a blonde sorority girl, from California, and has a lot of money. She always has the best clothes, friends, and dates. Based upon, her physical attributes, people categorize her as being unintelligent, and unable to complete ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Reasoning for Keeping Physical Education in the Curriculum Dear Mr Vaughan I am writing in accordance to the letter you sent out about abolishing Physical Education from your school s curriculum. I wish to express my reasoning and justifications for Physical Education to be included. My main issue is with your statement that PE should be abolished because it has little educational significance. I could not disagree more, it has more significance, as it doesn t go in pursuit of knowledge per say, it aims to achieve: An improvement in perceptual knowledge of everyday surroundings, this helps to give students a greater ability to respond to situations in appropriate way; It also helps the students to focus, if they are in a game situation, they will focus on what they re doing in order to respond ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They will learn how to compete with themselves and others. This, alongside a degree of self improvement can be powerful life skills that could prove very useful in their future careers. Other skills that PE can offer an assistance with are: team building and leadership skills that will also provoke the awareness of the people around you and make the students alert to how the peers around them work and give them guidance and support on how to improve or overcome some problems or obstacles they may encounter, be this within PE, other lessons, and everyday life. I feel strongly about the inclusion of PE as it can completely change the attitudes of students for a more positive point of view on many subjects. It has many more positive implications on students than it does negatives, your students will have a break from the typical classroom environment and get a break from just sitting in class and having to swallow a large intake of information which, can be difficult for some students. Learning becomes practical and more student oriented which can involve those students who learn in: kinaesthetic, auditory, and visual ways. The students who find sitting and having to read and make notes difficult have ample opportunity to excel in Physical Education, as they have a chance to learn in their preferred way and gain self esteem and confidence to try more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Amontillado Montresor Revenge In the small hours of a cold December night, in 1916, Rasputin was driven to the palace of the Czar s cousin Prince Yusupov; for what he thought was a secret tryst with a beautiful woman. Together, the Prince and Rasputin descended the steps to the basement of the palace. It had been specially converted into a small dining room, a private place to attempt to murder. While the Prince s co conspirators waited upstairs, Yusupov passed a plate of rich sweet cream cakes to Rasputin. Each cake held enough cyanide to kill a man. To guarantee success, the wine was also laced with cyanide. The plan seemed foolproof. Though Rasputin ate the cream cakes and became rather drunk from the wine, the poison seems to have no effect. Stunned, the conspirators ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A piece of dramatic irony that we are given is that we know Fortunato is going to be killed, unfortunately Fortunato does not know this. Fortunato s name is even ironic. Fortunato means the fortunate one in Italian. (Campbell) In the story it is clear he wasn t so fortunate. Fortunato adds to the irony of his name by wearing the costume of a court jester. While Fortunato plays in jest, Montresor sets out to fool him, with murderous results. The bells on Fortunato s jester costume plays with the irony of the story. Roger Platizky writes, To a significant degree, Poe s fear of live burial had a cultural counterpart. Kennedy and others have shown that premature burial was a preoccupation in eighteenth and nineteenth century America and Europe largely because death was more often in the hands of the medical community and funerals had become secularized.(n2) In an attempt to keep living entombments from occurring, coffins and vaults especially for the wealthier classes were equipped with special springs and sounding devices to give the person mistakenly buried alive a chance to be rescued (Crichton 326 28). One of the most pragmatic of these devices, which involved the placing of bells on the limbs of the recently dead, was exhibited at Brooklyn s Greenwood Cemetery in 1845, just a year before Poe published his short story. Mr. Eisenbrandt s life preserving coffin boasted a death defying ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Multidimensional Data Model A MULTIDIMENSIONAL DATA MODEL Data warehouses and OLAP tools are based on a multidimensional data model. This model views data in the form of a data cube. FROM TABLES TO DATA CUBES What is a data cube? A data cube allows data to be modeled and viewed in multiple dimensions. It is defined by dimensions and facts. In general terms, dimensions are the perspectives or entities with respect to which an organization wants to keep records. Each dimension may have a table associated with it, called a dimension table, which further describes the dimension. Facts are numerical measures. The fact table contains the names of the facts, or measures, as well as keys to each of the related dimension tables. Example: 2 D representation, the sales ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fact constellation: Sophisticated applications may require multiple fact tables to share dimension tables. This kind of schema can be viewed as a collection of stars, and hence is called a galaxy schema or a fact constellation. Fact constellation schema of a data warehouse for sales and shipping This schema species two fact tables, sales and shipping. The sales table definition is identical to that of the star schema. A fact constellation schema allows dimension tables to be shared between fact tables. In data warehousing, there is a distinction between a data warehouse and a data mart. A data warehouse collects information about subjects that span the entire organization, such as customers, items, sales, assets, and personnel, and thus its scope is enterprise wide. For data warehouses, the fact constellation schema are commonly used since it can model multiple, interrelated subjects. A data mart, on the other hand, is a department subset of the data warehouse that focuses on selected subjects, and thus its scope is department wide. For data marts, the star or snowflake schemas are popular since each are geared towards modeling single subjects. Examples for defining star, snowflake, and fact constellation schemas In DMQL, The following are the syntax to define the Star, Snowflake, and Fact constellation Schemas: MEASURES: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Gifted Hands Reflection The portrayal of Dr. Ben Carson s life in Gifted Hands was truly inspirational and motivational. Through the depiction of his life, we realize that a person can still thrive despite encountering numerous adversaries. In the first part of the film, the audience saw a younger Ben, a kid who was hot tempered and quite gullible, so far from who he is now. As a child, Ben was easily influenced and pressured by his friends he succumbed to peer pressure as any adolescents would. Those specific attributes were manifested when Ben had had enough of his classmates bullying and it became more evident when he became friends with a reckless and corrupt boy from his new school. Although Ben possesses the aforementioned negative traits, we also discovered some outstanding traits of his. Gifted Hands depicted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ben Carson was truly an exceptional and an accomplished person; however, the audience came to know that he hasn t always been like that. Ben came from a broken family since his father broke all contact and left him when he was still young; thus, he lived with his mother and his older brother. Besides the fact that he comes from a broken family, he is also a man of color. At that certain part of history, it is common to belittle and discriminate people belonging to the black ethnicity, which makes Ben s life tougher and more arduous. In addition to the aforementioned issues Ben faced, we learned that he was having a difficult time reading which explains his unsatisfactory grades and a little later it was also revealed that his mother also has a learning disability since she also can t read. Since the said obstacles greatly affected his view of himself and his personality, he had a fairly low self concept. Due to the incessant bullying and teasing of his classmates, he was quite ashamed of himself and he believed that he was not enough that he was not destined to be someone outstanding and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Case Study Of Glaxosmithkline Company PART 1. GlaxoSmithKline company, formed when Glaxo merged with SmithKline in 2000. The purpose of the merger intensifying efforts in research and development of excellence for the development of drugs and treatment. GSK since integration become a leader in innovation and development of pharmaceutical and distribution companies, where the company has secured drugs AIDS in developing countries at reduced prices, also has provided treatments for other diseases at an affordable price for people in the poorest countries of the world. It has several products branching out to several of the most important disciplines, are prescription medicines and vaccines products, consumer healthcare products (such as Pain Relief (Voltaren),Respiratory(Thearaflu),Oral ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Usually includes basic knowledge, experience or ability in a particular area or a specific skill, allows a business to reach large segments of the markets, which cannot be reached by other competitors. The core capabilities are a pivotal factor to determine the manner in which they operate companies or employees determined core capabilities in three key criteria: Cannot competitors imitate core competencies of the company easily, can be reused company s core competencies are widely used in many products and markets. (Espinoza, et al, 2010) For example, the core competence of the company Toyota Motor high quality at the best price. And therefore provide customer value for money they pay. This can be attributed to the quality and innovation in production. Toyota s latest revolution in car production. Where it followed a cost leadership strategy to improve the quality of its products. Toyota has worked tirelessly to create this distinctive competence over the years. So that other cars companies has not been able to do what you do. This led to obtain a competitive advantage that gave a rare Toyota brand in the market. (Gupta, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. A Summary OfFrindle By Andrew Clements Frindle by Andrew Clements illustrated by Brian Selznick Nick Allen is a child full of ideas who decides to replace the word pen with the word frindle after his teacher has told him that words are formed by the people making them, therefore he must try it out for himself and gets six of his friends to commit to using the word frindle instead of pen. Nick and his friends made a big show about using the new word every time they needed to say pen, however Mrs. Granger, the fifth grade, language arts teacher was not in favor of the use of the word and asked them not to use it. That was not going to stop the group. So, the punishment for using the word was writing sentences in afterschool detention. The word caught on all over school ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The white envelope included the note that was from way back in the beginning of the conflict when he put his name on it. It said she knew or was rooting for it to become a word, moreover congratulating him for making it in the dictionary. She also apologized for trying to hold him back and now could see the benefit of the event happening in her classroom. Inside the white envelope also came a box with Mrs. Granger s favorite fountain pen, it had a small note attached saying frindle on it. Then he did something special, he gave Mrs. Granger a gold pen with this inscription This object belongs to Mrs. Lorelei Granger, and she may call it any name she chooses With love from Nicholas Allen The event of the story is factual in that it could happen and it is also social in the way that Nick was able to get the word started. Getting his friends together and agree to use the word frindle instead of pen continually. The author permits freedom by giving the children something to act on that doesn t harm anyone. It also allows for an older person or one in authority to have the freedom to express the need for respect, yet still show support for the act of progress. The author has demonstrated the dynamics of the classroom between child and teacher showing the struggles of a student who enjoys trying out new ideas. The only thing controversial is Nick s use of his new word in class which led to his teacher feeling disrespected after ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Research Paper On Kitchen Hutch Title: Kitchen Hutch The Ultimate Space Saver for the Dining Room or the Kitchen Description The kitchen hutch is one of the best pieces of furniture for people who want to showcase the expensive dinnerware and kitchen utensils that they possess. Kitchen entertainment and gatherings have become the latest trend in the use of homes and to do so a good amount of kitchen space is needed. Nowadays the top priorities for homeowners include organizational structure, freedom and the convenience of moving about in the kitchen. The present day society is a streamlining society where people have this desire of creating wonderful dinner services and enjoying the company of the guests. This is the main reasons why the kitchen designs of the modern times are found incorporating modern innovations for accommodating the dual purpose of entertaining and cooking: the need for space and organization. The kitchen hutch is one of the greatest solutions to the problem of organization and space in the kitchen. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is due to the fact that they are available in a variety of styles and colors along with artistic designs making them perfect for the kitchens of the modern times. Style coordination is not a big deal with the modern kitchen hutches available in the market. You can easily get hold of a kitchen hutch that will serve as a very beautiful addition to the kitchen or the dining room décor. However, there is only one drawback of using the hutch and that is the fact that the conventional designs of hutches are no more available. Kitchen hutches not only add practicality to a dining space or a kitchen but they also add a kind of decorative touch to these spaces. They possess this ability of catching the eyes of the onlookers because of the fact that they are made of attractive materials along with decorative accents and appealing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay on Nursing Coat of Arms Nursing is a profession whose focus is not only to care for the physical aspects of an illness but also to integrate the psychological, spiritual, and social aspects of the client s life into their care. The values of the nursing profession are based upon the teachings of Florence Nightingale; a pioneer of the nursing profession. Nursing is not only based on scientific knowledge and evidence based practice, but also on a foundation of moral values that help provide the client with the most humane care possible. A Coat of Arms is the integration of a variety of symbols that illustrate the values of a family, person, or in this case; a profession. A Coat of Arms is not only used to symbolize values, but is perceived as a sign of honour and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This value is represented in our coat of arms as the outline of a brain. This symbol was chosen because regardless of how different our knowledge base is or how extensive it is, it will always remain within our minds. Critical thinking is the ability to solve a problem by looking at its evidence, asking questions, analyzing answers, and being open minded about the possible outcomes or causes of the problem. Critical thinking allows the nurse to effectively solve any problem that arises with a patient no matter how complex the problem may be. Critical thinking is illustrated in our Coat of Arms as a puzzle and a question mark, where the puzzle represents the complexity of the problem that has been attained or is being approached and the question mark depicts the ability to ask questions and to use knowledge to solve the problem. Next our Coat of Arms illustrates the figure of a lion. The lion was chosen to represent the value of leadership, which is immensely important to the nursing profession. Leadership is achieved in the nursing profession through education of both the nurse and client, and the ability to influence not only the client but also the community as a whole. Leadership also means that the nurse is able to support others in their quest to recovery of health, maintenance of health, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Importance Of Professionalism Expected Of A Senior... On 11/13/XX, I provided you with an outline of what I expected in this overview document because I had previously explained what I expected several times and you hadn t delivered it. As you know, I have wanted to review this document with Tim for over a month and it is delaying the approval of the hardware portion of the LAN. The review meeting that was held today with Ren, Hall, and Kerry was a waste of our time. And, it was obvious that you had made only minor corrections to his document, since we met yesterday afternoon to review what you had at that time. Note, I don t consider your coming to me 30 minutes prior to our 2:00 meeting asking me about my comments yesterday so that you hastily throw something more into the document I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sue said that there are many tasks involved in the LAN implementation and estimated that they could take several weeks to complete. At that time, I directed Sue to meet with you and get you started on some of these tasks. She agreed and assured me she would make time for you today. At the conclusion of our 9:00 a.m. meeting, I asked you to see Sue to obtain your new tasks. I also asked whether you had any questions to which you responded no. At 5:00 p.m. this evening, I stopped by to ask Sue for an update on the tasks that she had assigned to you. To my dismay, you had not made any attempt to meet with Sue to receive your new tasks. Immediately, I asked Sue whether she had been available. She said she had been in her office most of the day and thought you were going to stop by. Peter, surely you could have contacted her, especially since she assured me she would make time for you. I know you were here today, I don t know what you were doing, but clearly you did not do what you were assigned. Now, first thing Tuesday, Feb. 23, I want you to provide me with a written explanation of why you did not do what you were assigned. Then, I want you to meet with Sue to obtain your new tasks. cc: Jane Han Chris Jones Document 4 Date: February 22, XXXX To: Peter Gill From: Tim Seitz Regarding: Written Warning Effective immediately your responsibilities are changed. Because of your inability to satisfactorily perform the duties required of a Technology ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Research Paper On Deep Sea Jellies The ocean covers 71 percent of the Earth s surface, making the deep ocean one of the most expansive habits. Although the ocean is extremely large, it is largely undiscovered; there has been more people that have traveled to the moon than have gone to the depths of the ocean. Depth and light are inversely related, so the deeper in the ocean one goes the less light is able to reach to that point. Organisms that have called the depths of the ocean their home have adapted to the extreme conditions in quite peculiar ways. Because red light is the first frequency of light filtered out by the depth of water, deep sea jellies have evolved bodies that produce red light that effectively makes them appear black because there is no red light to reflect. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Analysis Of The Movie The Night Of Angelina The very next day Angelina was back to her oh happy go lucky self. Everyone was glad especially Demitrius. Class went as usual, but this time Angelina and Demitrius didn t sit next to each other in Greek class. Both him and her didn t want to repeat the incident that happened the other day. He wanted to remain close to her, but not that close. Today was a half day, so the bell rings dismissing the student for their weekend break. The Five friends gathered around each others cars. What you got planned for the weekend, Angelina? Lucinda? Thomas had asked them. While they were talking, the snake like creature crept up on Maya s shoulders again. But this time it was unseen and unnoticed. Its time, master. It hisses into her ear, she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back at the High School parking lot, every one stares at each other with perplex expressions. All except Maya, her expression was blank, and flat. The wind starts howl, as if a tornado or a hurricane was getting closer. Than out of nowhere in the middle of the sky appeared a creature, not of this world. The alien, you could say, looked somewhat human, but with a mixture of a squid and a angel fish. Come to me, Maya! He says The time for us to rule over all now! I am free! As if on cue Maya, slowly raised her head. She no longer had her beautiful brown face any more. But instead her face looked half human and half alien. Her eyes gleamed a red looking color. Yes, Pharaoh Jayaven. Than she slowly rises into the air and than disappeared right along with the creature. What just happened? Thomas had asked with a even steal confusion look on his face. I know what just happened. Well I think. Demitrius says, while placing his index finger on to his chin The Earth started to rumble again and the wind had died down a little bit. What s happening, Demitrius, tell us. Lucinda said while she was walking towards him. He was leaned up against Thoma s car. Priest, told me that before humans had in habited the Earth, there was evil and ruthless creature sealed within it s core. He was an evil space demon. But that was all he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Merit Based Pay Edmond Holmes, Great Britain s chief academic inspector, defined education in the era of merit based pay as the teacher involved in laying thin films of information on the surface of the child s mind, and then, after a brief interval, in skimming these off in order to satisfy himself that they have been duly laid (Nelson, 2001). Holmes referred to this type of recall as being the equivalent of food which its recipient has not been allowed to digest . In 1918, 48 percent of U.S. public school districts described their payment systems as merit based. But merit was subjective: White men were paid more than minorities and women, a disparity that eventually fueled a movement toward a uniform pay scale. Two years after women won the vote, the first uniform pay plans appeared in Denver, Colorado, and Des Moines, Iowa. By the 1950s, only 4 percent of U.S. school districts described themselves as merit based (Murnane Cohen, 1986; Protsik, 1996). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the early 1980s, when A Nation at Risk warned citizens with the prospect of a rising tide of mediocrity threatening to overwhelm U.S. schools, President Reagan reestablished trials with performance based pay, with equally negative effects. Some schools experimented through the late 1980s with inducement programs based on merit, administration by aims, and career ladder or differentiated staffing tactics. Few such trials had run smoothly for long. Another set of experiments emerged in the 1990s, wherein most were also based on career ladders, teacher expertise and knowledge, or differentiated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. John Updike s The A P The A P Have you ever forgotten to pick up snacks or drinks from the grocery store before you went to the beach? Well, nearly everyone has, maybe even the Kardashian s. I am going to write about the story A P adding in secondary sources because I personally had a similar experience to what the girls went through in this story and I want to compare my feeling to the way others may feel about this short story. A P is a short story by author John Updike about three girls walking into the A P with bathing suits on, supposedly forgetting to pick up something that is necessary for them to hang out at the beach. Upon walking in the store, the girls find everything great until the manager causes a big scene between them because they are not fully ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Updike was born to his mother Linda Grace Hoyer and father Wesley Russell Updike. Updike first wife was named Mary Entwistle Pennington whom he separated from in 1974 due to an affair. Then he married his second wife Martha Bernhard in 1977. Altogether Updike had four children, two boys and two girls. After Governor Mifflin Senior High School Updike started his studies at Harvard University to obtain a degree in English graduating as a Summa cum laude in 1954. When Updike was twenty two he published his first story titled Friends from Philadelphia, in the New Yorker in 1954 and that marked the beginning of his writing career. Altogether John Updike wrote many books but his top ten that the public loved were: Rabbit Angstrom: A Tetralogy, Olinger Stories: A Selection, Of the Farm, The Maples Stories, The Witches of Eastwick, In the Beauty of the Lilies, Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu: John Updike on Ted Williams, Hugging the Shore: Essays and Criticism, Self Consciousness: Memoirs, Endpoint and Other Poems. However, in the book After the Fall: American Literature since 9/11 Herman says, Commentator have by and large not liked Updike s penultimate novel very much. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Passover Through Storytelling Storytelling is a common theme in the human experience. Almost all civilizations have a tradition of storytelling whether it be folk tales used to teach lessons or stories used to remember the past. Storytelling is important to Judaism as it is used to recount Jewish history and to teach new generations about the past to create a better future. Oral tradition and the Torah are used to help discuss the past. In fact, the Torah itself is storytelling in written form used to preserve history and traditions. Jewish communities also use storytelling to discuss and debate the past and how it affects life today. For example, the meanings and rules illustrated in the Torah are often discussed to determine how they relate to current issues. To do this, the older generations use storytelling and the Torah to teach the new generations about the history of the Jewish people. Stories are used to explain the world and to teach people morals and lessons so they can pass them onto their children. This plays a role in Jewish history and traditions, including Passover. Storytelling is a significant part of the significance and celebration of Passover. Storytelling is important to the meaning and celebration of Passover. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Passover is based on the story in Exodus. The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt then Moses led them out of Egypt after the last plague. The night before, Jewish people rapidly prepared to leave. They sacrificed a lamb and put blood on their doors to protect them. They also made unleavened bread because they did not have time for it to rise. Moses led them safely out of Egypt, where they were freed from slavery and developed their new identity as a nation. Passover is centered around the story of Exodus. Thus, Passover celebrates the liberation of the Israelites and the birth of their independent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Advantages And Disadvantages Of GIS Division The Main Aim is to modernize the GIS division to improve and increase the efficiency of the department in the following ways: a. Data Sharing: GIS Data can be shared through the web/Intranet directly. It will provide a timely and clear picture of the existing/proposed scenarios to the relevant decision makers with click of mouse via web. Multiple users working from Remote locations: It will allow users to work from remote locations. Field Users: It will allow field users to update GIS or attribute information directly from the field. Data Storage in Central Database: Data Access and storage in Centralized Database will help with better management of the data. o user friendly tools to utilize this data and make it useful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Salisbury Cathedral Constructed from 1220 to 1258, Salisbury Cathedral is a prime example of early English Gothic or High Gothic architecture and is arguably one of the most important cathedrals in all of England. Located in Salisbury of Wiltshire, England, the cathedral was constructed due to the move of the bishopric from Old Sarum Cathedral to Salisbury, under the tenure of Bishop Richard Poore. Because the majority of the cathedral was built in only 38 years, the building exemplifies a single architectural style and although the spire, chapter house and cloisters were built at a later date, they still seamlessly match the English Gothic architecture of the original structure. Directly adjacent to the Avon River, the Salisbury, like all Christian cathedrals, is positioned so that the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Walking from downtown Salisbury, one finds him or herself approaching the cathedral from the northeast at an oblique angle. Although there is one sidewalk that approaches the façade straight on, all other paths lead to the building at some sort of oblique angle, giving the building a sense of plasticity or three dimensionality. This concept of plasticity and approaching the building at and angle dates back to the Greeks, and causes the viewer to think more about the form and scale of the building than if they were to approach the structure from a 90 degree angle. In contrast, if one were to approach the cathedral from the west, he or she will notice the planar west façade and its horizontality, which clearly resembles the screen type façade seen at Wells Cathedral. In both Salisbury and Wells Cathedrals, the west facades ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The central point of this article is to discuss the... The central point of this article is to discuss the relationships between the colonizers and colonized in culture and imperialism. Because the links between these two things (culture and imperialism) raise important questions about how, power and knowledge works in colonial societies. In some ways this article even looks into race relations and why they are the way they are today. Arguing that, British indirect rule effectively resulted in racial segregation (Bush 225). We can see that racism can be linked to a cultural problem that still effects the race relations that we have today. The study of the indifference the British and French had when they colonized can be used to explain many aspects of racial relations and I am sure many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This example definitely is applicable to the colonization of Hong Kong. Hong Kong was colonized after the Opium War era and soon grew to become a huge center for commerce and a key connection point from the east to the west. This idea is exemplified by Hong Kong because the area was lacking in economic and technology before the British came along. However I wish the author would have given an example of the statement that: cultural power may be defined as the will to dominate and not be dominated, to impose change whilst remaining unchanged. Because from my observations of Hong Kong perhaps each culture wanted to impose their ideas onto one another but what actually happened was a nice combination of both Chinese culture and British culture effecting one another to create something new. Like many places in Asia there is a large American/English influence but in Hong Kong it is definitely greater because of the fact that English is commonly spoken there. The author s argument is strong however I felt it necessary to provide my own examples because Bush lacks those cohesive examples to make her points stronger and better supported. I do not see any problems with her argument however it would have been nice if it provided greater historical context. Even though it would have made this piece a lot longer it would have been nice for her to go into those details so that the reader could understand exactly what she meant about the examples she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...