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Micro Control
Attacking uC Applications
Don A. Bailey
whois donb?
What’s this uC thing all about?
• Single integrated computer
• Processor, volatile, non-volatile storage
▫ All In One
• Can drive many peripherals
• Easily programmable
• Field update/upgrade capability
• Personalization (EEPROM)
No, really… Why do I care?
• Your car
• Implanted medical devices
▫ WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network)
• Crops monitoring (hydro/aero/enviro-ponics)
• Infrastructure monitoring (SCADA, etc)
• “Smart Dust”
• Access controls (RFID, biometrics, etc)
Now with More Networking!
• Bluetooth
• 802.11
• 802.15.4
• Some tamper resistance
• Hardware security
• From a software point of view?
▫ Crypto support
▫ …?
OODA Loop?
• Field upgrades are rare
▫ But getting more common
▫ ST M24LR64 Dual EEPROM (Leet!!)
• Most firmware is legacy code
• Spot updates for new functionality / peripherals
• Mostly written in C, C++, and/or ASM
Why wouldn’t you PWN an uC?
Prior work?
• Travis Goodspeed
▫ GoodFET, neighbor!
• Josh Wright
▫ Killerbee!
Picking on Atmel AVR8
Lots of uC out there, but…
• Popular with hackers and engineers
• Free toolchain (gcc based)
• Free IDE (AVR Studio 4)
• No Soldering necessary
• Relatively cheap dev tools
▫ AVRISP mkII (~30 USD)
(good deals from Arrow Electronics)
Micro control idsecconf2010
Let’s Talk Hardware
Typically included in AVR8
• Flash
• Peripheral support (USART, SPI, I2C, TWI, etc)
Micro control idsecconf2010
That’s right, it’s Harvard
• Separate Data and Code lines
• Code always retrieved from Flash
• Data always retrieved from SRAM
• Flash can be written in software
▫ Typically Boot Loader Support
▫ Fuses determine this
▫ Some AVR8 don‟t support this
• Attack data, not instructions
• Return-to-whatever (ROP :-P)
• Easier! Less data to inject (typically)
• Takes longer
• That‟s what GoodFET is for
▫ Snatch one Smart Dust sensor
▫ GoodFET
▫ Analyze code
▫ Build ROP strategy
▫ Own 100 more remotely
Let’s Talk Software
Typical AVR8 Stuff?
• Interrupts
• Atomic Execution (sort of ;-)
• Stack
• 32 8-bit registers
• 8/16/32/64-bit integer support
• Access to I/O mem
What doesn’t AVR8 have?
• Security boundaries
• Contexts (multiple stacks)
• Concurrency
• Segmentation/Paging
• No atomic instructions (cmpxchg?)
• Native 32/64-bit integer support
• Exceptions
▫ Where‟s the Page Fault, yo?!
Let’s Talk Program Flow
Typical programmatic flow
• Reset
• Init
• Main
• somefunc
On startup
• AVR sets PC to OxOO in Flash
• OxOO = Reset Vector
• JMP to init in crtO
• Init does stuff…
• Call main
• Do stuff…
• Call somefunc
• Do more stuff…
From RESET -> main()
Micro control idsecconf2010
crt0 Copy of .rodata
Micro control idsecconf2010
Stack Dump After Call to main()
Micro control idsecconf2010
Function Call
Micro control idsecconf2010
Frame Setup/Teardown
Micro control idsecconf2010
Four Main Points Demonstrated…
• Function conventions are typical
▫ Optimization may minimize this
• Code Layout
• Data Layout
• Atomic Code Sections
Code Layout in Flash
• Interrupt Vectors at OxOO
• RESET Vector at OxOO
• Main Application Code
• Data (???)
• Boot Loader Section
▫ Can write to Flash (if Fuses allow) for field
Data Layout in SRAM
• Registers at OxOO
• I/O Memory at Ox2O
• Extended I/O Memory
• Data (copied from Flash) at Ox1OO
• Heap
• Stack
• ??? ;-)
• CLI used
• SREG can be accessed via SRAM (I/O memory)
• 1 CPU Cycle to write to SREG
• Flow:
▫ Save a copy of SREG
▫ Clear Interrupt Bit in SREG
▫ Perform uninterrupted action
 Write to low byte of SP
 Write to SREG (old state with interrupt bit set)
 Write to high byte of SP
Now, Let’s Have Some Real Fun
Entropy? What entropy?
• Randomness is very weak
• Crypto hurt as a result
• Pools can be accumulated
▫ “True Random Number Generator On an Atmel
uC” – IEEE Paper
• 8 Random Bits using RC oscillator
▫ Per second!!!
Race Conditions
• No semblance of context switching
▫ TinyOS/Contiki simulate it
• Critical Sections secured through CLI
• Attack these sections
▫ Overwrite SREG; enable Interrupts
• Use Interrupts to cause unexpected behavior
Return Value Checks
• Snprintf returning <=O or >= sizeof buf?
• Logic Issue
• Always a problem
memcpy and Friends
• Latest avr-libc
• Don‟t test for negative size values
• No option to “secure” with CLI
▫ Interruptable
▫ Oops…Where‟d my SP go?! ;-)
Buffer Overflows
• Easy as pie
• Instruction address in mem is /2
• Return Oriented Programming
▫ Get those Registers set up correctly!
• Force a jump to the Boot Loader
• Instant Flash update (simulate field update)
• Can be triggered remotely
• AVR doesn‟t know the difference between you
and developer
Frame Pointer Overwrite
• Standard FP overwrite
• Point stack to attacker controlled data
• Next frame has the RET
• FP saved LSB first
• Obvious target
• Often used
• Makes up for lack of exceptions
• Saves entire program state
• Overwrite all registers
• Overwrite PC
Integer Overflows
• Work as expected
• 8-bit registers
• 16-bit native instructions
• Easy to wrap OxFFFF
Integer Promotion
• Normal integer promotion
• Unsigned -> Signed = No Sign Extension
• Signed -> Signed = Sign Extension
• Stop using „char‟ for everything ;-)
• Lots of 8-bit networking protocols
▫ 8-bit size fields
▫ Promoted to int during packet ingestion
▫ Oops!!
Heap Overflows
• Heap Struct consists of { size, Next* }
• Next* points to the next free heap chunk
• Adjacent chunks are combined
• No function pointers 
• Easily mangle data
• Next* doesn‟t have to point to Heap 
• Heap data isn‟t zeroed on free()
• Easy way to create pseudo stack frames
• ROP Helper!
Double Free
• Latest avr-libc free() doesn‟t check
• Any address can be used (except NULL)
• Free() will happily overwrite first 2 bytes with
▫ Next*
• Add it to the free list ;-)
• Can stealthily force malloc() to return
• Write direct to Registers, I/O memory, etc
• ROP Helper!!
“Segment” Collision
• Heap is allocated slightly under stack
• Stack is dynamic!!!
• BSS is adjacent to Heap
• .rodata isn‟t Read Only! Adjacent to BSS
• One big happy family!
Uninitialized Variables
• Allocate a large Heap chunk
• Spray with OxAABB
• Stack decends into Heap
• Bewm!
• Example code at:
▫ http://pa-ri.sc/uC/dangle.tar.bz2
Format Strings
• Current avr-libc has no %n support
• No fun 
• But, kind of reasonable
NULL Pointer Dereferences
• There are no privilege rings, but still useful
• Functions like malloc() still return NULL
• (void*)OxOO points to Registers in SRAM
• NULL deref is a very good thing
• Like free() bug, instant access to Regs, I/O Mem
• On the flip side…
▫ ??? ;-)
Beyond Memory
• Deref beyond physical memory addresses?
• Example: ATmega644P
▫ 4096 bytes SRAM
▫ Total 4196 addressable bytes
 With registers, I/O memory
• Ox1OFF should be highest addressible address
Micro control idsecconf2010
Micro control idsecconf2010
Micro control idsecconf2010
There is no Page Fault on AVR8
• Memory faults cannot occur
• For program safety, don‟t RESET
• Read AND Write support
• Just wrap addresses back to (void*)OxOO
• Overwriting past end of PHYSMEM = start of
• i.e. Ox11OO = OxO1OO
• How convenient ;-)
Example code?
• See the memdump application
▫ Runs on any AVR8 with USART
▫ http://pa-ri.sc/uC/memdump.tar.bz2
• Code tested on 10 different uCs in the AVR
▫ ATtiny
▫ ATmega
We Pack and Deliver like UPS Trucks
• Ripe environment for application vulnerabilities
• Little protection schemes
▫ Except solid auditing and a tight SDLC
• Lots of legacy code in the field
• Lots of important devices
Special thanks…
• Jim Geovedi
• Y3dips
• Kendi Demonic
• Abdul Azis
• Dhillon Kannabhiran
• iSEC Partners
• Nick DePetrillo
• Mike Kershaw
• Travis Goodspeed
• Josh Wright
Terima kasih!

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Micro control idsecconf2010

  • 1. Micro Control Attacking uC Applications Don A. Bailey (donb@isecpartners.com)
  • 3. What’s this uC thing all about? • Single integrated computer • Processor, volatile, non-volatile storage ▫ All In One • Can drive many peripherals • Easily programmable • Field update/upgrade capability • Personalization (EEPROM)
  • 4. No, really… Why do I care? • Your car • Implanted medical devices ▫ WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network) • Crops monitoring (hydro/aero/enviro-ponics) • Infrastructure monitoring (SCADA, etc) • “Smart Dust” • Access controls (RFID, biometrics, etc)
  • 5. Now with More Networking! • Bluetooth • USB • 802.11 • 802.15.4 • RFID • DECT • GSM
  • 6. Security? • Some tamper resistance • Hardware security • From a software point of view? ▫ Crypto support ▫ …?
  • 7. OODA Loop? • Field upgrades are rare ▫ But getting more common ▫ ST M24LR64 Dual EEPROM (Leet!!) • Most firmware is legacy code • Spot updates for new functionality / peripherals • Mostly written in C, C++, and/or ASM
  • 8. Why wouldn’t you PWN an uC?
  • 9. Prior work? • Travis Goodspeed ▫ GoodFET, neighbor! • Josh Wright ▫ Killerbee!
  • 11. Lots of uC out there, but… • Popular with hackers and engineers • Free toolchain (gcc based) • Free IDE (AVR Studio 4) • No Soldering necessary • Relatively cheap dev tools ▫ AVRISP mkII (~30 USD) ▫ AVR JTAGICE mkII (good deals from Arrow Electronics)
  • 14. Typically included in AVR8 • ALU • Flash • SRAM • EEPROM • Peripheral support (USART, SPI, I2C, TWI, etc)
  • 16. That’s right, it’s Harvard • Separate Data and Code lines • Code always retrieved from Flash • Data always retrieved from SRAM • Flash can be written in software ▫ Typically Boot Loader Support ▫ Fuses determine this ▫ Some AVR8 don‟t support this
  • 17. Point? • Attack data, not instructions • Return-to-whatever (ROP :-P) • Easier! Less data to inject (typically) • Takes longer • That‟s what GoodFET is for ▫ Snatch one Smart Dust sensor ▫ GoodFET ▫ Analyze code ▫ Build ROP strategy ▫ Own 100 more remotely
  • 19. Typical AVR8 Stuff? • Interrupts • Atomic Execution (sort of ;-) • Stack • 32 8-bit registers • LSB • 8/16/32/64-bit integer support • Access to I/O mem • RISC
  • 20. What doesn’t AVR8 have? • Security boundaries • Contexts (multiple stacks) • Concurrency • Segmentation/Paging • No atomic instructions (cmpxchg?) • Native 32/64-bit integer support • Exceptions ▫ Where‟s the Page Fault, yo?!
  • 22. Typical programmatic flow • Reset • Init • Main • somefunc
  • 23. On startup • AVR sets PC to OxOO in Flash • OxOO = Reset Vector • JMP to init in crtO • Init does stuff… • Call main • Do stuff… • Call somefunc • Do more stuff…
  • 24. From RESET -> main()
  • 26. crt0 Copy of .rodata
  • 28. Stack Dump After Call to main()
  • 34. Four Main Points Demonstrated… • Function conventions are typical ▫ Optimization may minimize this • Code Layout • Data Layout • Atomic Code Sections
  • 35. Code Layout in Flash • Interrupt Vectors at OxOO • RESET Vector at OxOO • Main Application Code • Data (???) • Boot Loader Section ▫ Can write to Flash (if Fuses allow) for field updates
  • 36. Data Layout in SRAM • Registers at OxOO • I/O Memory at Ox2O • Extended I/O Memory • Data (copied from Flash) at Ox1OO • BSS • Heap • Stack • ??? ;-)
  • 37. Atomicity • CLI used • SREG can be accessed via SRAM (I/O memory) • 1 CPU Cycle to write to SREG • Flow: ▫ Save a copy of SREG ▫ Clear Interrupt Bit in SREG ▫ Perform uninterrupted action  Write to low byte of SP  Write to SREG (old state with interrupt bit set)  Write to high byte of SP
  • 38. Now, Let’s Have Some Real Fun
  • 39. Entropy? What entropy? • Randomness is very weak • Crypto hurt as a result • Pools can be accumulated ▫ “True Random Number Generator On an Atmel uC” – IEEE Paper • 8 Random Bits using RC oscillator ▫ Per second!!!
  • 40. Race Conditions • No semblance of context switching ▫ TinyOS/Contiki simulate it • Critical Sections secured through CLI • Attack these sections ▫ Overwrite SREG; enable Interrupts • Use Interrupts to cause unexpected behavior
  • 41. Return Value Checks • Snprintf returning <=O or >= sizeof buf? • Logic Issue • Always a problem
  • 42. memcpy and Friends • Latest avr-libc • Don‟t test for negative size values • No option to “secure” with CLI ▫ Interruptable ▫ Oops…Where‟d my SP go?! ;-)
  • 43. Buffer Overflows • Easy as pie • Instruction address in mem is /2 • Return Oriented Programming ▫ Get those Registers set up correctly! • Force a jump to the Boot Loader • Instant Flash update (simulate field update) • Can be triggered remotely • AVR doesn‟t know the difference between you and developer
  • 44. Frame Pointer Overwrite • Standard FP overwrite • Point stack to attacker controlled data • Next frame has the RET • FP saved LSB first
  • 45. Setjmp • Obvious target • Often used • Makes up for lack of exceptions • Saves entire program state • Overwrite all registers • Overwrite PC
  • 46. Integer Overflows • Work as expected • 8-bit registers • 16-bit native instructions • Easy to wrap OxFFFF
  • 47. Integer Promotion • Normal integer promotion • Unsigned -> Signed = No Sign Extension • Signed -> Signed = Sign Extension • Stop using „char‟ for everything ;-) • Lots of 8-bit networking protocols ▫ 8-bit size fields ▫ Promoted to int during packet ingestion ▫ Oops!!
  • 48. Heap Overflows • Heap Struct consists of { size, Next* } • Next* points to the next free heap chunk • Adjacent chunks are combined • No function pointers  • Easily mangle data • Next* doesn‟t have to point to Heap  • Heap data isn‟t zeroed on free() • Easy way to create pseudo stack frames • ROP Helper!
  • 49. Double Free • Latest avr-libc free() doesn‟t check • Any address can be used (except NULL) • Free() will happily overwrite first 2 bytes with ▫ Next* • Add it to the free list ;-) • Can stealthily force malloc() to return (void*)OxOO • Write direct to Registers, I/O memory, etc • ROP Helper!!
  • 50. “Segment” Collision • Heap is allocated slightly under stack • Stack is dynamic!!! • BSS is adjacent to Heap • .rodata isn‟t Read Only! Adjacent to BSS • One big happy family!
  • 51. Uninitialized Variables • Allocate a large Heap chunk • Spray with OxAABB • Stack decends into Heap • Bewm! • Example code at: ▫ http://pa-ri.sc/uC/dangle.tar.bz2
  • 52. Format Strings • Current avr-libc has no %n support • No fun  • But, kind of reasonable
  • 53. NULL Pointer Dereferences • There are no privilege rings, but still useful • Functions like malloc() still return NULL • (void*)OxOO points to Registers in SRAM • NULL deref is a very good thing • Like free() bug, instant access to Regs, I/O Mem • On the flip side… ▫ ??? ;-)
  • 54. Beyond Memory • Deref beyond physical memory addresses? • Example: ATmega644P ▫ 4096 bytes SRAM ▫ Total 4196 addressable bytes  With registers, I/O memory • Ox1OFF should be highest addressible address
  • 58. There is no Page Fault on AVR8 • Memory faults cannot occur • For program safety, don‟t RESET • Read AND Write support • Just wrap addresses back to (void*)OxOO • Overwriting past end of PHYSMEM = start of PHYSMEM • i.e. Ox11OO = OxO1OO • How convenient ;-) • Overwrite EVERYTHING ANYWHERE
  • 59. Example code? • See the memdump application ▫ Runs on any AVR8 with USART ▫ http://pa-ri.sc/uC/memdump.tar.bz2 • Code tested on 10 different uCs in the AVR family ▫ ATtiny ▫ ATmega
  • 60. We Pack and Deliver like UPS Trucks
  • 61. Summary? • Ripe environment for application vulnerabilities • Little protection schemes ▫ Except solid auditing and a tight SDLC • Lots of legacy code in the field • Lots of important devices
  • 62. Special thanks… • Jim Geovedi • Y3dips • Kendi Demonic • Abdul Azis • Dhillon Kannabhiran • iSEC Partners • Nick DePetrillo • Mike Kershaw • Travis Goodspeed • Josh Wright