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“ Food spoilage is a metabolic process that causes foods
to be undesirable or unacceptable for human
consumption due to changes in sensory characteristics.”
Food spoilage refers to undesirable changes occurring in
food due to the influence of air, heat, light, moisture,
which foster the growth of microorganisms. Foods take
different period of time to lose their natural form though


Basic Types of Food Spoilage
1. Appearance: when a food “looks bad,” what is this referring to?
a. Microbial growth
i. Mycelia or colonies visible on surface
ii. Development of cloudiness in liquids
b. Changes in food color due to heme or chlorophyll breakdown
i. Colony pigments, growth of mycelia, etc.
2. Textural changes (feel)
a. Slime formation
i. Due primarily to surface accumulation of microbial cells
ii. Also be a manifestation of tissue degradation
b. Tissue softening due to enzymatic degradation (e.g. Soft rot in
3. Changes in taste and odor
a. Development of:
i. Nitrogenous compounds (ammonia, amines, etc.)
ii. Sulfides
iii. Organic acids


Causes of the spoilage of food
Food spoilage can be the result of:
1. Natural decay
i. Enzymatic degradation
ii. Moisture loss
2. Contamination by micro-organisms


1. Natural decay in food
This comes about as a result of moisture loss and the action of
1. Moisture loss
● Moisture loss mostly occurs in fruit and vegetables which contain
large amounts of water.
● Fruits and vegetables continue to respire after harvesting and
therefore lose water through their leaves and skin. Such water could
be replaced from the soil through the roots when not harvested. The
water retains the structures of the cells of the plants and makes
them look fresh.
● After harvesting, there is no way that the lost water can be replaced
so the vegetable or fruit shrinks in size, becomes limp and its skin
becomes wrinkled and leathery.
● Moisture loss occurs in other foods like meat, fish, cheese, due to
evaporation of water from the surface.


2. Enzyme action in the food
● Food spoilage can also come about through the action of enzymes
presents in the food.
● Enzymes are chemicals which are present in all food. They speed
up chemical changes that result in loss of flavor, color and texture.
● As enzymes are mainly composed of protein, they are sensitive to
heat. They are active in temperatures found in a kitchen on a warm
sunny day. They can remain very slightly active at very low
temperatures such as those found in the freezer. This is why there is
a limit to the time food can be stored in a freezer.
● The activity of these enzymes stops when they are heated above
● Heat treatment by blanching (i.e. pouring boiling water on the food)
is recommended. Some enzymes remain inactive until the food is
harvested or slaughtered.
● Once activated, such enzymes speed up the process of decay by
breaking down the tissues and components of the food in the
various ways such as oxidation, browning and ripening.


1. Oxidation
When Oxidation occurs (i.e. when food comes into contact
with oxygen) the enzymes cause the destruction of certain
nutrients e.g. vitamin c, thiamine and carotene.
1. Browning
Enzymes again cause browning in certain foods the moment
they are exposed to air. When you cut or bruise food such
as apple or yam, the exposed surface will discolor and turn
brownish due to the activity of enzymes.
1. Ripening
Enzymes are involved in the process that causes ripening in
certain foods such as fruits and vegetables. Unripe bananas
for example contain starch which is gradually converted to
sugars, until the banana becomes very sweet, and its skin
color changes from green to yellow. Eventually, the skin
color changes to dark brown and it is no longer fit to be


2. Food spoilage by microorganisms
● The main micro-organisms responsible for the contamination of food
are prokaryotes (bacteria), single-celled organisms lacking defined
nuclei and other organelles, and eukaryotes, single-celled (yeasts)
and multicellular (molds) organisms with nuclei and other organelles.
● They are capable of multiplying very rapidly in the correct moisture,
food and temperature conditions.
● Spoilage microbes are often common inhabitants of soil, water, or
the intestinal tracts of animals and may be dispersed through the air
and water and by the activities of small animals, particularly insects.


1. Yeasts
● Yeasts are a subset of a large group of organisms called fungi
that also includes molds and mushrooms.
● They are generally single-celled organisms that are adapted
for life in specialized, usually liquid, environments and, unlike
some molds and mushrooms, do not produce toxic secondary
● Yeasts can grow with or without oxygen (facultative) and are
well known for their beneficial fermentations that produce
bread and alcoholic drinks.
● They often colonize foods with a high sugar or salt content and
contribute to spoilage of maple syrup, pickles, and sauerkraut.
● Fruits and juices with a low pH are another target, and there
are some yeasts that grow on the surfaces of meat and


There are four main groups of spoilage yeasts:
1. Zygosaccharomyces and related genera tolerate high sugar
and high salt concentrations and are the usual spoilage
organisms in foods such as honey, dried fruit, jams and soy
sauce. They usually grow slowly, producing off-odors and flavors
and carbon dioxide that may cause food containers to swell and
2. Debaryomyces hansenii can grow at salt concentrations as high
as 24%, accounting for its frequent isolation from salt brines used
for cured meats, cheeses, and olives. This group also includes
the most important spoilage organisms in salad dressings.
3. Candida and related genera are a heterogeneous group of
yeasts, some of which also cause human infections. They are
involved in spoilage of fruits, some vegetables and dairy products
4. Dekkera/Brettanomyces are principally involved in spoilage of
fermented foods, including alcoholic beverages and some dairy
products. They can produce volatile phenolic compounds
responsible for off-flavors


2. Molds
● Molds are filamentous fungi that do not produce large
fruiting bodies like mushrooms.
● Molds are very important for recycling dead plant and
animal remains in nature but also attack a wide variety of
foods and other materials useful to humans.
● They are well adapted for growth on and through solid
substrates, generally produce airborne spores, and require
oxygen for their metabolic processes.
● Most molds grow at a pH range of 3 to 8 and some can
grow at very low water activity levels (0.7–0.8) on dried
● Spores can tolerate harsh environmental conditions but
most are sensitive to heat treatment.


Spoilage molds can be categorized into three main groups:
1. Penicillium mold cause visible rots on citrus, pear, and apple
fruits and cause enormous losses in these crops. They also
spoil other fruits and vegetables, including cereals. Some
species can attack refrigerated and processed foods such as
jams and margarine.
2. A related genus, Byssochlamys, is the most important
organism causing spoilage of pasteurized juices because of
the high heat resistance of its spores.
3. Aspergillus and related molds generally grow faster and are
more resistant to high temperatures and low water activity than
Penicillium spp. and tend to dominate spoilage in warmer
climates. Many aspergilla produce mycotoxins: aflatoxins,
ochratoxin, territrems, cyclopiazonic acid. Aspergilli spoil a
wide variety of food and nonfood items (paper, leather, etc.)
but are probably best known for spoilage of grains, dried
beans, peanuts, tree nuts, and some spices


3. Bacteria
● Psychro-tolerant spore formers produce gas and sickly odors in chilled
meats and brine-cured hams (Clostridium spp.) while others produce off-
odors and gas in vacuum-packed, chilled foods and milk (Bacillus spp.)
● Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of Gram-positive bacteria, cause
greening of meat and gas formation in cheeses (blowing), pickles (bloater
damage), and canned or packaged meat and vegetables. Off-flavors
described as mousy, cheesy, malty, acidic, buttery or liver-like may be
detected in wine, meats, milk, or juices spoiled by these bacteria. LAB may
also produce large amounts of an exopolysaccharide that causes slime on
meats and ropy spoilage in some beverages.
● Pseudomonas and related genera are aerobic, gram-negative soil
bacteria, some of which can degrade a wide variety of unusual compounds.
Some species grow at refrigeration temperatures (psychrophilic) while other
are adapted for growth at warmer, ambient temperatures.
● Four species of Pseudomonas, Shewanella putrefaciens, and
Xanthomonas campestris are the main food spoilage organisms in
this group. Some strains are adapted for growth at cold temperatures and
spoil these foods in the refrigerator.


● Other bacteria are associated with spoilage of chilled, high
protein foods such as meat, fish, and dairy products. They may
not be the predominant spoilage organisms but contribute to the
breakdown of food components and may produce off-odors.
● Spoilage of canned pasteurized brined mung bean sprouts,
acidified with citric acid to pH 4.0-4.5, was found to be caused by
acid tolerant Clostridium spp.
● Erwinia carotovora is the most common spoilage bacterium and
has been detected in virtually every kind of vegetable. It can even
grow at refrigeration temperatures. Bacterial spoilage first causes
■ Softening of tissues as pectins are degraded and the
whole vegetable may eventually degenerate into a slimy
■ Starches and sugars are metabolized next and unpleasant
odors and flavors develop along with lactic acid and


Spoilage of fruits and vegetables
● The main sources of microorganisms in vegetables are soil, water, air, and other
environmental sources, and can include some plant pathogens.
● Fresh vegetables are fairly rich in carbohydrates (5% or more), low in proteins
(about 1 to 2%), and, except for tomatoes, have high pH. Microorganisms
grow more rapidly in damaged or cut vegetables
● The presence of air, high humidity, and higher temperature during storage increases
the chances of spoilage.
● The common spoilage defects are caused by molds belonging to genera
Penicillium, Phytophthora, Alternaria, Botrytis, and Aspergillus.
● Among the bacterial genera, species from Pseudomonas, Erwinia, Bacillus, and
Clostridium are important.
● Microbial vegetable spoilage is generally described by the common term rot, along
with the changes in the appearance, such as black rot, gray rot, pink rot, soft rot,
stem-end rot.
● Fruits juices generally have relatively high levels of sugar and a low pH and this
favors growth of yeasts, molds and some acid-tolerant bacteria.
● Spoilage may be manifested as surface pellicles or fibrous mats of molds,
cloudiness, and off-flavors. Lack of oxygen in bottled and canned drinks limits mold
growth. Saccharomyces and Zygosaccharomyces are resistant to thermal
processing and are found in some spoiled juices.
● Alicyclobacillus spp., an acidophilic and thermophilic spore-forming bacteria, has emerged
as an important spoilage microbe, causing a smoky taint and other off-flavors in pasteurized


Spoilage of dairy products:
● Milk is an excellent medium for growth for a variety of bacteria.
● Spoilage bacteria may originate on the farm from the environment or
milking equipment or in processing plants from equipment, employees, or
the air.
● LAB are usually the predominant microbes in raw milk and proliferate if
milk is not cooled adequately. When populations reach about 106 cfu/ml,
off-flavors develop in milk due to production of lactic acid and other
● Refrigeration suppresses growth of LAB and within one day psychrophilic
bacteria grow and can eventually produce rancid odors through the action
of lipases and bitter peptides from protease action.
● Clostridium sporogenes has been found in spoiled processed cheese,
where it produces gas holes and off-flavors.
● Yeasts and molds are the main spoilage organisms found in cultured
milks (yogurt, sour cream and buttermilk) because the higher acidity in
these products inhibits many bacteria.
● Pseudomonas, yeasts and molds can spoil butter and “light” butters.
Since the light butters have higher moisture content than butter, they can
support more microbial growth.
● Cream may become rancid when populations of Pseudomonas and
Enterobacter proliferate.


Spoilage of Meat and Meat Products:
1. Whole Meats: Several genera of molds grow on the surface of meat and
can cause spoilage, but cannot grow on meat stored below 5 C. Usually,
fresh cut meats in the refrigerator at high humidity undergo bacterial
spoilage by Gram negative aerobes like Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and
Moraxella spp. Meat spoilage is characterized by the appearance of off
odors and slime. The slime is due to the accumulation of bacterial cells
2. Ground Meats: It has greater surface area which gives microbes better
access to the food and also traps air to favor the growth of gram-negative,
aerobic bacteria like Pseudomonas spp. and every handling or processing
(storage utensils, cutting knives, grinders) step can contribute additional
contamination to the final product.
3. Processed meats (hot dogs, sausage and luncheon meats): These
products are composed of a variety of blended ingredients, any of which
can contribute microorganisms to the food. Yeasts and bacteria are the
most common causes of spoilage, which is usually manifest in 3 ways:
a. Slimy spoilage- caused by the buildup of cells of yeasts, lactobacilli,
Enterococci or Brochothrix thermosphacta.
b. Sour spoilage- Results from lactic acid bacteria
c. Greening due to H2O2 or H2S production- Because greening
indicates more extensive product breakdown

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Microbes, Man and Environment (Food spoilage) .pptx

  • 1. FOOD SPOILAGE “ Food spoilage is a metabolic process that causes foods to be undesirable or unacceptable for human consumption due to changes in sensory characteristics.” Food spoilage refers to undesirable changes occurring in food due to the influence of air, heat, light, moisture, which foster the growth of microorganisms. Foods take different period of time to lose their natural form though spoilage.
  • 2. Basic Types of Food Spoilage 1. Appearance: when a food “looks bad,” what is this referring to? a. Microbial growth i. Mycelia or colonies visible on surface ii. Development of cloudiness in liquids b. Changes in food color due to heme or chlorophyll breakdown i. Colony pigments, growth of mycelia, etc. 2. Textural changes (feel) a. Slime formation i. Due primarily to surface accumulation of microbial cells ii. Also be a manifestation of tissue degradation b. Tissue softening due to enzymatic degradation (e.g. Soft rot in veggies) 3. Changes in taste and odor a. Development of: i. Nitrogenous compounds (ammonia, amines, etc.) ii. Sulfides iii. Organic acids
  • 3. Causes of the spoilage of food Food spoilage can be the result of: 1. Natural decay i. Enzymatic degradation ii. Moisture loss 2. Contamination by micro-organisms
  • 4. 1. Natural decay in food This comes about as a result of moisture loss and the action of enzymes. 1. Moisture loss ● Moisture loss mostly occurs in fruit and vegetables which contain large amounts of water. ● Fruits and vegetables continue to respire after harvesting and therefore lose water through their leaves and skin. Such water could be replaced from the soil through the roots when not harvested. The water retains the structures of the cells of the plants and makes them look fresh. ● After harvesting, there is no way that the lost water can be replaced so the vegetable or fruit shrinks in size, becomes limp and its skin becomes wrinkled and leathery. ● Moisture loss occurs in other foods like meat, fish, cheese, due to evaporation of water from the surface.
  • 5. 2. Enzyme action in the food ● Food spoilage can also come about through the action of enzymes presents in the food. ● Enzymes are chemicals which are present in all food. They speed up chemical changes that result in loss of flavor, color and texture. ● As enzymes are mainly composed of protein, they are sensitive to heat. They are active in temperatures found in a kitchen on a warm sunny day. They can remain very slightly active at very low temperatures such as those found in the freezer. This is why there is a limit to the time food can be stored in a freezer. ● The activity of these enzymes stops when they are heated above 70C. ● Heat treatment by blanching (i.e. pouring boiling water on the food) is recommended. Some enzymes remain inactive until the food is harvested or slaughtered. ● Once activated, such enzymes speed up the process of decay by breaking down the tissues and components of the food in the various ways such as oxidation, browning and ripening.
  • 6. 1. Oxidation When Oxidation occurs (i.e. when food comes into contact with oxygen) the enzymes cause the destruction of certain nutrients e.g. vitamin c, thiamine and carotene. 1. Browning Enzymes again cause browning in certain foods the moment they are exposed to air. When you cut or bruise food such as apple or yam, the exposed surface will discolor and turn brownish due to the activity of enzymes. 1. Ripening Enzymes are involved in the process that causes ripening in certain foods such as fruits and vegetables. Unripe bananas for example contain starch which is gradually converted to sugars, until the banana becomes very sweet, and its skin color changes from green to yellow. Eventually, the skin color changes to dark brown and it is no longer fit to be consumed.
  • 7. 2. Food spoilage by microorganisms ● The main micro-organisms responsible for the contamination of food are prokaryotes (bacteria), single-celled organisms lacking defined nuclei and other organelles, and eukaryotes, single-celled (yeasts) and multicellular (molds) organisms with nuclei and other organelles. ● They are capable of multiplying very rapidly in the correct moisture, food and temperature conditions. ● Spoilage microbes are often common inhabitants of soil, water, or the intestinal tracts of animals and may be dispersed through the air and water and by the activities of small animals, particularly insects.
  • 8. 1. Yeasts ● Yeasts are a subset of a large group of organisms called fungi that also includes molds and mushrooms. ● They are generally single-celled organisms that are adapted for life in specialized, usually liquid, environments and, unlike some molds and mushrooms, do not produce toxic secondary metabolites. ● Yeasts can grow with or without oxygen (facultative) and are well known for their beneficial fermentations that produce bread and alcoholic drinks. ● They often colonize foods with a high sugar or salt content and contribute to spoilage of maple syrup, pickles, and sauerkraut. ● Fruits and juices with a low pH are another target, and there are some yeasts that grow on the surfaces of meat and cheese.
  • 9. There are four main groups of spoilage yeasts: 1. Zygosaccharomyces and related genera tolerate high sugar and high salt concentrations and are the usual spoilage organisms in foods such as honey, dried fruit, jams and soy sauce. They usually grow slowly, producing off-odors and flavors and carbon dioxide that may cause food containers to swell and burst. 2. Debaryomyces hansenii can grow at salt concentrations as high as 24%, accounting for its frequent isolation from salt brines used for cured meats, cheeses, and olives. This group also includes the most important spoilage organisms in salad dressings. 3. Candida and related genera are a heterogeneous group of yeasts, some of which also cause human infections. They are involved in spoilage of fruits, some vegetables and dairy products 4. Dekkera/Brettanomyces are principally involved in spoilage of fermented foods, including alcoholic beverages and some dairy products. They can produce volatile phenolic compounds responsible for off-flavors
  • 10. 2. Molds ● Molds are filamentous fungi that do not produce large fruiting bodies like mushrooms. ● Molds are very important for recycling dead plant and animal remains in nature but also attack a wide variety of foods and other materials useful to humans. ● They are well adapted for growth on and through solid substrates, generally produce airborne spores, and require oxygen for their metabolic processes. ● Most molds grow at a pH range of 3 to 8 and some can grow at very low water activity levels (0.7–0.8) on dried foods. ● Spores can tolerate harsh environmental conditions but most are sensitive to heat treatment.
  • 11. Spoilage molds can be categorized into three main groups: 1. Penicillium mold cause visible rots on citrus, pear, and apple fruits and cause enormous losses in these crops. They also spoil other fruits and vegetables, including cereals. Some species can attack refrigerated and processed foods such as jams and margarine. 2. A related genus, Byssochlamys, is the most important organism causing spoilage of pasteurized juices because of the high heat resistance of its spores. 3. Aspergillus and related molds generally grow faster and are more resistant to high temperatures and low water activity than Penicillium spp. and tend to dominate spoilage in warmer climates. Many aspergilla produce mycotoxins: aflatoxins, ochratoxin, territrems, cyclopiazonic acid. Aspergilli spoil a wide variety of food and nonfood items (paper, leather, etc.) but are probably best known for spoilage of grains, dried beans, peanuts, tree nuts, and some spices
  • 12. 3. Bacteria ● Psychro-tolerant spore formers produce gas and sickly odors in chilled meats and brine-cured hams (Clostridium spp.) while others produce off- odors and gas in vacuum-packed, chilled foods and milk (Bacillus spp.) ● Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of Gram-positive bacteria, cause greening of meat and gas formation in cheeses (blowing), pickles (bloater damage), and canned or packaged meat and vegetables. Off-flavors described as mousy, cheesy, malty, acidic, buttery or liver-like may be detected in wine, meats, milk, or juices spoiled by these bacteria. LAB may also produce large amounts of an exopolysaccharide that causes slime on meats and ropy spoilage in some beverages. ● Pseudomonas and related genera are aerobic, gram-negative soil bacteria, some of which can degrade a wide variety of unusual compounds. Some species grow at refrigeration temperatures (psychrophilic) while other are adapted for growth at warmer, ambient temperatures. ● Four species of Pseudomonas, Shewanella putrefaciens, and Xanthomonas campestris are the main food spoilage organisms in this group. Some strains are adapted for growth at cold temperatures and spoil these foods in the refrigerator.
  • 13. ● Other bacteria are associated with spoilage of chilled, high protein foods such as meat, fish, and dairy products. They may not be the predominant spoilage organisms but contribute to the breakdown of food components and may produce off-odors. ● Spoilage of canned pasteurized brined mung bean sprouts, acidified with citric acid to pH 4.0-4.5, was found to be caused by acid tolerant Clostridium spp. ● Erwinia carotovora is the most common spoilage bacterium and has been detected in virtually every kind of vegetable. It can even grow at refrigeration temperatures. Bacterial spoilage first causes ■ Softening of tissues as pectins are degraded and the whole vegetable may eventually degenerate into a slimy mass. ■ Starches and sugars are metabolized next and unpleasant odors and flavors develop along with lactic acid and ethanol.
  • 14. Spoilage of fruits and vegetables ● The main sources of microorganisms in vegetables are soil, water, air, and other environmental sources, and can include some plant pathogens. ● Fresh vegetables are fairly rich in carbohydrates (5% or more), low in proteins (about 1 to 2%), and, except for tomatoes, have high pH. Microorganisms grow more rapidly in damaged or cut vegetables ● The presence of air, high humidity, and higher temperature during storage increases the chances of spoilage. ● The common spoilage defects are caused by molds belonging to genera Penicillium, Phytophthora, Alternaria, Botrytis, and Aspergillus. ● Among the bacterial genera, species from Pseudomonas, Erwinia, Bacillus, and Clostridium are important. ● Microbial vegetable spoilage is generally described by the common term rot, along with the changes in the appearance, such as black rot, gray rot, pink rot, soft rot, stem-end rot. ● Fruits juices generally have relatively high levels of sugar and a low pH and this favors growth of yeasts, molds and some acid-tolerant bacteria. ● Spoilage may be manifested as surface pellicles or fibrous mats of molds, cloudiness, and off-flavors. Lack of oxygen in bottled and canned drinks limits mold growth. Saccharomyces and Zygosaccharomyces are resistant to thermal processing and are found in some spoiled juices. ● Alicyclobacillus spp., an acidophilic and thermophilic spore-forming bacteria, has emerged as an important spoilage microbe, causing a smoky taint and other off-flavors in pasteurized juices.
  • 15. Spoilage of dairy products: ● Milk is an excellent medium for growth for a variety of bacteria. ● Spoilage bacteria may originate on the farm from the environment or milking equipment or in processing plants from equipment, employees, or the air. ● LAB are usually the predominant microbes in raw milk and proliferate if milk is not cooled adequately. When populations reach about 106 cfu/ml, off-flavors develop in milk due to production of lactic acid and other compounds. ● Refrigeration suppresses growth of LAB and within one day psychrophilic bacteria grow and can eventually produce rancid odors through the action of lipases and bitter peptides from protease action. ● Clostridium sporogenes has been found in spoiled processed cheese, where it produces gas holes and off-flavors. ● Yeasts and molds are the main spoilage organisms found in cultured milks (yogurt, sour cream and buttermilk) because the higher acidity in these products inhibits many bacteria. ● Pseudomonas, yeasts and molds can spoil butter and “light” butters. Since the light butters have higher moisture content than butter, they can support more microbial growth. ● Cream may become rancid when populations of Pseudomonas and Enterobacter proliferate.
  • 16. Spoilage of Meat and Meat Products: 1. Whole Meats: Several genera of molds grow on the surface of meat and can cause spoilage, but cannot grow on meat stored below 5 C. Usually, fresh cut meats in the refrigerator at high humidity undergo bacterial spoilage by Gram negative aerobes like Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Moraxella spp. Meat spoilage is characterized by the appearance of off odors and slime. The slime is due to the accumulation of bacterial cells 2. Ground Meats: It has greater surface area which gives microbes better access to the food and also traps air to favor the growth of gram-negative, aerobic bacteria like Pseudomonas spp. and every handling or processing (storage utensils, cutting knives, grinders) step can contribute additional contamination to the final product. 3. Processed meats (hot dogs, sausage and luncheon meats): These products are composed of a variety of blended ingredients, any of which can contribute microorganisms to the food. Yeasts and bacteria are the most common causes of spoilage, which is usually manifest in 3 ways: a. Slimy spoilage- caused by the buildup of cells of yeasts, lactobacilli, Enterococci or Brochothrix thermosphacta. b. Sour spoilage- Results from lactic acid bacteria c. Greening due to H2O2 or H2S production- Because greening indicates more extensive product breakdown